sensational e-commerce ideas to increase conversions

Post on 23-Feb-2017






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Sensational E-Commerce Ideas to Increase Conversions

Are you looking for ways to increase traffic and sales for your online store? Do you feel your attempts at increasing sales are not fetching desired results? While your business has a featured online presence and you have created a brilliant e-commerce store using high-end web technologies, it is still facing difficulty in grabbing customers’ attention. It seems something is missing, but what? A recent research has shown that 53 percent of businesses spend less than 5 percent of their total marketing budget on conversion optimization and 35 percent of them report a conversion rate of less than one percent. We are afraid that you aren’t one of them. But, if this is the case, then it’s high

time you take a strong initiative towards conversion optimization.    

Bill Gates wasn’t kidding when he said, “If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of the business.” You may very well understand the prominence of your business’ digital presence in this modern era and develop a great online store using cutting edge e-commerce application development solutions, but you often ignore the importance of conversion optimization.  

The next big question is “what should be average conversion ratio for your site?” There are several factors that affect your online site’s conversion ratio, so it is very difficult to have oranges to oranges comparison between different sites. The major contributor to conversion ratio is the quality of the traffic.

Here are a few ideas to increase your e-commerce site’s conversion-

Quality Product Images- Did you know visuals are processed 50,000X faster in the brain than text? So, do you understand the importance of incorporating nice images to sell a product online? Adding some quality images of the product you are selling is key to boost e-commerce conversion. People want to see what they are getting- so showcasing a product from different angles, and giving

zooming options is the best way to compel your online visitors to frequent buyers.  

A Great Copy- While the professional e-commerce application development services may not focus on product descriptions, it actually matters a lot and cannot be ignored. Your product copy plays a major role in selling products online. You do not communicate with your customer directly and cannot tell the product description to them but your customer really wants to know about the product. And, a great product is all what you need to convince them this is the product they were looking for. More importantly, experts suggest to create a copy which gives detailed information about the product and no hype needed.

Reduce Abandoned Carts- Shopping cart abandonment is widespread and is rapidly increasing. It means the loss of a customer who is going through the check-out process of an online store. According to Baymard Institute, “67.45% of shopping carts are abandoned before they’re completed.” If we look at these figures, it clearly implies that your sales are one-third of what they potentially maybe. High price, shipping charges, slow site are the major causes that lead to shopping cart abandonment and you lose your customer in just one second.  A professional e-commerce cart development company suggests follow up as the most effective way to reduce abandoned carts. So, craft a good email that will entice your buyer and they return to their cart.

Create Effective Videos- Having high-quality images of a product are essential, but you cannot ignore the importance of videos in this digital era when everything indicates that video is the future. And, it is important to go with the trend. So, if you are not doing videos yet, ask your e-commerce application development service to incorporate quality appealing videos and observe what difference it makes.

Customization is the New Key- One of the hottest trends that is becoming a key contributor to e-commerce conversion is ability to customize. Do you know people just love to customize stuff? Not only it is fun, but the ability to customize the product the way you want creates a feeling of ownership. However, if your site loads too slowly, then customizing can become headache and your customer loses interest. Hiring a trustworthy e-commerce maintenance and support service is the best solution to ensure your site functions optimally and your customers are able to customize their products efficiently and checkout as happy buyers from your e-commerce store.

Omit Shipping Charges Today- An E-tailing group study indicated free shipping is the most effective way to convert online visitors to buyers. In yet another study, it was revealed that 93 percent of respondents believe free shipping on orders is the best motivating factor to encourage them buy

more products. And, high shipping charges are considered to be the #1 reason why customers were not happy with their online shopping experience. Yes, people want free shipping and whatever the reason be- a free shipping offer that saves $5.99 is more appealing to a customer than a discount that cuts the price by $10. So, if your e-commerce store is charging shipping rates, then it’s high time you get in touch with your e-commerce maintenance and support and omit those charges.

Product Reviews Can Make a Big Difference- Believe it or not, but product reviews hold a high importance in today’s competitive market. A recent research has revealed that nearly 60 percent of online shoppers consider online reviews prior to making an online purchase. Well, seeing the figures you cannot underrate the power of online reviews. So, start gathering and showcasing reviews on your site. Even professional e-commerce application development services recommend putting online reviews of a product as they believe that those product reviews enhance sales to a great extent.Integrating the above mentioned tips in your e-commerce website will help convert your online visitors to buyers, thus boosting sales and increasing the conversion ratio. If you are still not convinced and need more information, it is always a good idea to get in touch with a professional e-commerce development application service provider as they will guide you better on how to incorporate these strategies and how they will benefit your online business.

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