sina latina (trans)

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)



    Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro), Georgics, II, 120-1

    Virgil (70 B.C. 19 A.D.), Romes greatest poet, mentions the Sresas prod!ers o" sil# in a

    se!tion o" his dida!ti! poem the Georgics($%n &arming) 'here he tal#s aot the di""erent

    prod!ts o" di""erent regions. AlthoghSresdid !ertainl !ome to mean spe!i"i!all the

    Chinese, it is possile that in this and other !lassi!al athors the re"eren!e is to another

    people some'here along the *il# Road. +he Georgics'ere proal !ompleted in 9 B.C.,

    t'o ears a"ter Agstss de"eat o" Anthon and Cleopatra at A!tim ended the !i-il 'ars.

    quid nemora Aethiopum moll cnentia ln,

    what-of groves of-Aethiopianswith-soft being-white with-wool

    uelleraque ut folis dpectant tnuia Sres?

    and-fleeces how from-leaves- comb-off thin Seres

    Pomo!ius Mela I, "-11

    +he Roman geographer omponis /ela (died !. A.D.), orn in *pain, 'hi!h 'as then

    highl Romanised, proal plished hisDe Situ Orbis($%-er-ie' o" the 2orld) in 3

    A.D., as he re"ers to an imminent militar e4pedition to Britain, almost !ertainl the in-asion

    ordered that ear the 5mperor Cladis. 6is #no'ledge o" regions remote "rom the

    /editerranean 'as rdimentar and, li#e his !ontemporaries, he elie-ed that the Caspian

    *ea 'as lin#ed to the Ar!ti! %!ean.

    [! "ribus [Asiam! partibus tangit #ceanus, ita n#minibus ut locs differns, $#us ab oriente,

    "hree Asia out-of parts touches %cean thus b&-names as b&-places different 'awn from east

    merdi (ndicus, a septentri#ne Sc&thicus) ipsa ingent ac perpetufronte versa ad orientem

    from south (ndian from north Sc&thian itself with-huge and continuous front turned to east

    tantum ibi s in ltit*dinem effundit quantum +urope et Africa et quod inter ambs pelagus

    as-much there itself in breadth pours-out as +urope and Africa and which between both sea

    inmissum est) inde cum aliqutenus solida pr#cessit, e ill# #cean# quem (ndicum dimus,

    inserted is from-there when some-wa& uninterrupted has-advanced from that ocean which (ndian we-called

    rabicum mare et .ersicum, e Sc&thic# /aspium recipit0 et ideo qu1 recipit angustior, rursus

    Arabian sea and .ersian from Sc&thian /aspian receives and therefore where it-receives narrower again

    epanditur et fit tam l1ta quam fuerat) dein cum iam in suum fnem ali1rumque terr1rum

    is-epands and becomes as broad as it-had-been then when alread& in its end and-of-other lands

    c#nfnia dvenit, media nostrs aequoribus ecipitur, reliqua alter# corn* pergit ad 2lum,

    boundaries has-arrived in-centre b&-our waters is-received remainder at-one etremit& continues to 2ile

    alter# ad "anain) [34! #ra eius cum alve# 2l amnis rps descendit in pelagus, et di* scut

    at-another to 'on shore of-it with channel of-2ile river along-ban5s descends into sea and for-long as


  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    illud incdit, ita sua ltora porrigit0 dein fit venient obviam, et prmum s ingent ambit*

    it falls-in thus its coast etends then becomes to-it-coming meeting and first itself in-huge bend

    incurvat, post s ingent fronte ad 6ellsponticum frtum etendit0 ab e# iterum obliqua ad

    curves afterwards itself on-huge front to 'ardanelles strait etends from it again at-angle to

    7osphorum, iterum iterumque ad .onticum l1tus curva, aditum 8ae#tidos tr1nsvers# margine

    7osphorus again and-again to 7lac5-Sea coast curving entrance of-sea-of-A9ov with-traversed edge

    adtingit, ipsam gremi# ad "anain usque conplea fit rpa qu1 "anais est) [33! in e1 prm#s

    touches-on sea-itself in-its-bosom to 'on up-to having-embraced becomes ban5 where 'on is in it first

    hominum ab oriente accipimus (nd#s et Sras et Sc&th1s) Sres media ferme +#ae partis

    of-men from +ast we-encounter (ndians and Seres and sc&thians Seres middle roughl& of-eastern part

    incolunt, (nd et *!thae*ltima: ambo l1t patents neque in hoc tantum pelagus eff*s)

    inhabit (ndians and Sc&thians etremes both widel& etended and-not to this onl& sea spread-out

    spectant enim etiam merdiem (nd, #ramque (ndic maris, nisi quoad aest*s inhabit1bilemloo5-upon for also south (ndians and-shore of-(ndian sea, ecept so-fas-as heat uninhabitable

    efficiunt, di* continus gentibus occupant) spectant et septentri#nem Sc&thae, ac ltus

    render long with-continuous tribes the&-occup& loo5-upon also the- north Sc&thians and shore

    Sc&thicum, nisi unde frigoribus arcentur, usque ad /aspium sinum possident)

    Sc&thian ecept from-where b&-cold the&-are-5ept-awa& as-fas-as to /aspian gulf the&-possess

    Luca!,Pharsalia,#, 2$%-2"&

    /ar!s Annaes !ans (39 8 A.D.) is est #no'n "or his P'arsalia, an epi! poem on the!i-il 'ar et'een lis Caesar and ompe, 'hi!h ended the Roman Repli! and !lima4ed

    in Caesars -i!tor at the Battle o" harsals (: B.C.). !an 'as ordered the emperor

    ;ero to !ommit si!ide at the age o" e!ase o" his in-ol-ement in a !onspira! against


  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    course into sun-set in-a-bend is-twisted and sun-rise

    nunc Arabum populs, =ib&cs nunc aequus harns>,

    now of-Arabs to-peoples to-=ib&anm now partial sands

    tque uident prm, quaerunt tamen h quoque, Sres,

    and-&ou see first see5 however these also the-Seres

    Aethiopumque fers alin# gurgite camp#s,

    and-of-+thiopians &ou-stri5e with-alien stream fields

    et t terrrum nescit cui dbeat orbis)

    and &ou of-lands 5nows-not to-which it-owes world

    Pli! 'e *l+er, VI, 20

    >ais linis *e!nds (3 79 A.D.) 'as a militar o""i!er and all?rond s!holar, 'hose

    2aturalis 6istoriais a !ompendim o" in"ormation on geograph and man other s@e!ts.

    6is general !on!eption o" 5rasia is similar to /elas a generation e"ore t he pro-ides

    m!h more detail, in!lding a rather irre-erent a!!ont o" the prod!tion and

    !onmnsmption o" sil#. 6e died dring the erption o" Ves-is 'hi!h destroed ompeii and

    6er!lanem in Agst 79 B.C. and a detailed a!!ont o" his "inal hors has een le"t his

    nephe', lin the onger.

  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    for-women our labour of-unravelling threads and-again weaving such b&-multiple wor5 such from-distant

    orbe petitur ut in p*blic# mtr#na trluceat)

  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    (mmnsa caeli mchina immense machine of heaven

    !" numquam rotand# dfici#$ neve% in&%o#a#in' fai(s

    )*+, planta quisque proprium-(ane# each s-ecia(

    ./01 eund# m#tum c#nficit2 in&'oin' mo#ion com-(e#es

    3456 6inc omne quod coel# subset hence all which heaven is under

    789: ortum eitumque postulat; o%i'in an< en< %e=>i%es

    0?0@ ars cuncta deinde mchins a(( a%# #hen AB&machines

    CDCE observat atque supputat2 oAse%ves an< ca(c>(a#es

    FGHI +ur#pa n#bs hospitem J>%o-e #o&>s '>es#

    KL+M submsit isth*c incl&tum$ has&sen# f%omhe%e famo>s

    NOP sunt astra et h#rum calculusa%e s#a%s an< ca(c>(a#ion


    QRST statim reducta in integrum2 a#&once %ece< in#o a&


    VWXY It m*neris sc 2*minis as&ofB #h>s of&Zei#B

    [\]^ obltus haud unquam su$ fo%'e#f>(no# eve%his

    _`b dum debitum signs sacrs

    Uhi(e e #o&si'ns sac%e, 7oo5 of ites ;>, the7oo5 of /hanges ;x.> itself and the Spring and Autumn Annals ;>)

  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    e'is !old read quod continet tracttumat-last father most-esteemed has-come into hands cop& of Ami!i ;%ct> which contains tract

    tuum d clde illSric) ' illnti#ne quum ibi per mult#s ann#s vangelistae haud

    &ours about disaster that /hinese about that nation since there for man& &ears missionaries not

    inflciter lab#rvissent, equidem multasprbam: nunc omnia retr# fluere, ut scrbis,

    unsuccessful& had-wor5ed (-at-least man&-things hoped-for now all-things bac5wards to-flow as &ou-write

    manifestum est) +t mihi multa atr#cia mult d illr epistols ren*ntivrunt neque aberat

    clear is and to-me man& atrocities man&-people on that subQect in-letters have-reported nor was-absent

    ista miseria cogitti#nibus et precibus nostrs) 2eque tamen sine peccts nostrs vnit:that miser& from thoughts and pra&ers our and-not however without sins our it- happened

    n#s enim i*stitiam illam, c*ram illam pauperum, qus ;mendcissim> comm*nistae

    we for Qustice that care that of-poor which ;most falsel&> communists

    praeferunt dbuermus Qam ante multa saecula r vreffcisse) Sed long hoc

    advertise ;we> ought-to-have alread& before man& centuries reall& to-have-brought-about but far this

    aberat0 n#s occidentls /hrstum #re praedicvimus, facts 8ammon servitium tulimus)

    was-absent we westerners /hrist b&-mouth preached b&-deeds of-8ammon slaver& brought

    8agis culpbils n#s quam infidls: scientibus enim volunttem 'e et n#n facientibus

    more guilt& we than infidels to-those-5nowing for will of-god and not doing

    maQor poena) 2unc *nicum refugium in contriti#ne et #rti#ne) 'i* errvimus) (n legend#

    greater punishment now onl& refuge in contrition and pra&er long we-have-erred in reading

    +ur#pae historiam, seriem eitibilem bell#rum, avritiae, frtricdrum /hrstin#rum

    +uropeHs histor& succession destructive of-wars of-avarice of-fratricidal of-/hristians b&

    /hristins persec*ti#num, luuriae, gulae, superbiae, quis discerneret rrissima Sanct

    /hristians persecutions of-etravagance of-glutto& of-pride who would-detect rarest of-6ol&

    Sprit*s vestgia? Mrmus semper) Yal)

    Spirit traces) =et-us-pra& alwa&s farewell

  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    Io'a!!es Glisa3 - 456 Ma'ae7 8icci +69ue I6su:tis i! Imeri7 S6ric7;

    +his essa olish atinist lsa# 'as plished a "e' ears ago in t'o parts in

    the atin internet @ornal +phemeris(httpEE'''.al!ins.netEephemerisEhistoria.phpHidI3:

    and httpEE'''.al!ins.netEephemerisEhistoria.phpHidI3)

    Saecul# ZY( p)/h)n) Sricum (mperium 1 stirpe 8ing regb1tur, quae et potenti1 mlit1r et

    in-centur& 3Nth A)') /hinese +mpire b& d&nast& 8ing was ruled which both in-power militar& and

    cvil 8ongolic# iug# diect# di* valbat) +# tempore =usit1n aegre imperi #r1s infest1bant

    civil with- 8ongol &o5e overthrown long prospered at-that time .ortuguese badl& of-empire shores were-infesting

    et Sribus odi# erant ut praed#ns et fraudulent merc1t#rs) Orustr1 igitur spr1bat Oranciscus

    and to-/hinese for-hatred were as pirates and deceitful merchants in-vain therefore hoped Orancis

    Zavier , missi#n1rius apud 2ipp#nnss prosperus, eorum auili# s terram SricamZavier missionar& among Rapanese successful their b&-aid himself land /hinese



    Sed alis patribus (suts =usit1n potius commod# erant) /um enim =usit1nus qudam

    7ut for-other fathers Resuit .ortuguese rather for-advantage were when for .ortuguese a-certain

    illicita neg#ti1ns in port* /anton comprehnsus sit ac in cust#di1 tenrtur, patrs duo

    illegal-things transacting in port of-/anton arrested was and in custod& was-being-held fathers two

    (sutae 7arreto ac Goes pr# redempti#ne su1 agebant)"unc et pr#c*r1t#rem port*sResuit 7arreto and Goes for release their were-acting then also warden of-port

    cogn#vrunt et cupient h#rologium +ur#paeum dedrunt et curi#s# superi#rem scientiam

    the&-got-to-5now and to-him-desiring cloc5 +uropean the&-gave and to-curious-man superior 5nowledge

    rrum technic1rum ostendrunt)(lle ita amiciti1 vr1 cum ills coni*nctus est et perlibenter

    things technical the&-demonstrated he thus b&-freindship true with them Qoined was and ver&-willingl&

    ill#s in port* remanre permsit) 6 ali#s ordinis fr1trs advenre iussrunt et advenae

    them in port to-remain permitted the& other of-order brothers to-come ordered and the-foreigners

    amicitiam pr#c*r1t#ris urbis et magistratuum concili1vrunt su1 equst1 urb1nit1te,

    friendship of-warden of-cit& and of-magistrats won b&-their equisite politeness

    benignit1te et caerim#ni1rum perti1) 2am ill sequents (sutae et linguam et m#rs et

    5indness and of-rituals s5ill for the following Resuits both language and customs and

    instit*ta et rs gest1s Sric1s quam optim scvrunt) Schola enim in nsul1 =usit1n#rum

    institutions and things done /hinese as-well-as-possible 5new school for in island of-.ortuguese

    8acao instit*ta erat patre Yalignani m#lt#re, ubi haec omnia quam acc*r1tissim

    8acao set-up had-been with-father Yalignani as-founder where these all as-accuratelt&-as-possible

    perdidicerant antequam portum /anton intr1ssent)

    the&-had-learned before port of-/anton the&-had entered

  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    8r1bilis apud Sres scientiae amor et vener1ti# litter1rum, at et superbia propter

    etraordinar& among /hinese of-science love and veneration of-literature but also pride because-of

    antquissimum cultum cvilemTproprium) S imperium medi# orb terr1rum\ esse 1 barbars

    ver&-ancient culture civil their-own themselves empire for-middle orb of-lands to-be b& barbarians

    lmit1nes circumdatum crdidrunt) 61c d caus1 maim1 cum cautl1 (sutae rem suam ad

    bordering surrounded the&-believed this from cause greatest with caution Resuts proQect their for

    Sricum imperium convertendum incprunt) Yestibus Srics ind*ts ac s ips#s n#minibus

    /hinese empire being-converted the&-began with-clothes /hinese put-on and themselves b&-names

    Srics cl1mantibuss haud differre 1 Sribus nec lingu1 nec m#ribus vidr volurunt)

    /hinese calling themselves not to-differ from /hinese neither in-language nor in-customs to-seem the&-wanted

    8atthaeus icci ;>

    (n numer# sequentium fr1trum in port* /anton fuit et 8atthaeus icci ;3, qu olim

    (n number of-following brothers in port /antn was also 8atteo icci who once

    in /ollgi# #m1n# praecipu rbus astronomics ecelluerat) Sed pervnit prmum in

    in college oman especiall& in-things astonomicl had-ecelled but he-reached first into

    portum /anton veste mon1ch 7uddhic ind*t1, doctrn1 h1c ad tempus imb*tus ac nov#

    port /anton with-dress of-mon5 7uddist put-on with-doctrine this for time imbued and with-new

    n#mine sibi adhibt# =i 8a-teu) .rncipi# m#re ali#rum mon1ch#rum verat d#nec doctum

    name for-himself adopted =i 8a-teu in-beginning in-manner of-other mon5s he-had-lived until learned

    Srem quendam obviam sibi habuit qu#cum de coel# colloqu potuit) (llum scienti1 sua

    /hinese a-certain encountering to-himself had with-whom about heaven to-tal5 he-was-able him b&-5nowledge his

    eimi1 obstupefcit ita ut Sr ips suadret, ut vestem m*t1ret et doct vir Sric

    outstanding ama9ed so that the-/hinese him urgged that clothing he-might-change and of-learned man /hinese

    vestta fornsia vestret) 6#c per1ct# cubiculum suum m*t1vit in lab#r1t#rium quoddam:

    clothes court he-might-wear with-this done room his he-changed into laborator& a-sort-of

    Tulus c:

  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    ubque cart1s ge#graphic1s, pict*r1s, libr#s ac permulta instrumenta ad rem ph&sicam

    ever&where maps pictures boo5s and ver&-man& instruments for realit& ph&sical

    scr*tandam necess1ria disposuit ) O1ma celeriter dvulg1vit mraculum novum ac act*tum

    being-eamined necessar& he-arranged rumour quic5l& spread wonder new and instantl&

    domum optim1tibus ac doctissims Sribus implvit) 6c docuit perurb1niter scscitants

    house with-nobles and most-learned /hinese filled here taught ver&-politel& those-inquiring

    doctor =i rs +uropae1s mai#rs, prncipia scienti1rum nov1rum necn#n pict*r1s rligi#s1s et

    doctor =i things +uropean more-important principles of-sciences new and-also pictures religious and

    libr#s sacr#s haud occult1vit virs satis famili1ribus) 8o invit1vit eum pr#vinciae Kiang-si

    boo5s sacred not hid from-men enough familiar soon invited him of-province Kiangsi

    rgulus, ut et eum vseret) galiter eceptus est) At erat causa haud secrta invt1ti#nis

    governor that also him he-might-vist ro&all& received he-was but was reason not secret of-invitation

    hospitique) 8athmatica enim disp*t1ti# nstit*ta est rgul# iudice inter =i et optim#sand-hospitalit& mathematical for debate arranged was with-governor as-Qudge between =i and best

    mathmatic#s Sric#s pr#vinciae huius) .erfacile vcit e#s omns (suta pertissimus) "unc et

    mathematicions /hinese of-province this easil& defeated them all Resuit most-s5illed then also

    librum novum lingu1 snns +lementa mathmatica\ secundum +uclden composuit et

    boo5 new in-language /hinese +lements of-8athematics according-to +uclid he-composed and

    docuit doct#s vir#s de acoustics, astronomics, h#rologiis) (taque stup#re omns adfcit) Sed

    he-taught learned men about acoustics astronom& cloc5s and-so with ama9ement all he-affected but

    simul eposuit sollerter Srice vangelium ad inst1r dialog cuiusdam Sric philosoph etat-same-time he-set-out s5ilfull& in-/hinese gospel in form of-dialogue of-a-certain /hinese philosopher and

    sacerd#tis /hristi1n, ets mortem /hrist cruci1t* plrumque obumbr1vit) Genus enim mortis

    of-priest /hristian although death of-/hrist b&-crucifiion generall& he-concealed sort for of-death

    Sribus servle et nf1me vidr scvit) + pr#vinci1 Kiang-si iter fcit (suta =i 8a-teu in

    to-/hinese servile and disreputable to-seem he-5new from province Kiangsi Qourne& made Resuit =i 8a-teu into

    urbem imperilem ac partim scrtam .e5ing) 6c per quendam amcum (mper1t#r tunc

    cit& imperial and partl& secret .e5ing here through a-certain friend to-emperor then

    potentissim# ac nov#rum perc*ri#s# Shen-"sung ;3X@-3N h#rologium +ur#paeum d#n#

    most-powerful and about-new-things ver&-curious Shen-"sung cloc5 +uropean as-gift

    msit) /um autem h#rologium in cubicul# imper1t#ri# oper1r desvisset, iussit tristis

    he-sent when however cloc5 in bedroom imperial to-function had-ceased ordered sad

    imper1tor d#n1t#rem advenre, ut h#rologium mrum reficeret) +t id iter1tum est aliquotis)

    emperor giver to-come that cloc5 marvellous he-could repair and this repeated was several-times

    (ntere1 cum =i verteret rotulam h#rologi, c*ri#sit1tem et admr1ti#nem imper1t#ris ecit1vit

    meanwhile when =i was-turning wheel of-cloc5 curiosit& and admiration of-emperor he-roused

    observ1ti#nibus aliquot immnsam suam relictam scientiam ostendentibus) .raecipu sollertia

    b&-observations some immense his remaining 5nowledge displa&ing especiall& s5ill


  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    pingend et d rbus astronomics disserend imper1t#ris mentem et animum cpit) /um

    of-painting and of things astronomical of-discussing emperorHs mind and soul captured when

    disset mult# sapienti#rs vir#s hs in rbus sibi n#t#s esse, rog1tus est ab imper1t#re ut e#s

    he-had-said much wiser men these in subQects to-himself 5nown to-be as5ed was b& emperor that them

    in rgiam quam celerrim ascsceret) Apud imper1t#rem fidem erg1 s t1lem obtinuit, ut fli

    into palace as-quic5l&-as-possible he-should recruit with emperor trust towards himself such he-obtained that of-son

    imper1t#ris magister et paedag#gus factus sit) 'i* in aul1 cl1rbat virt*tibus sus mentis et

    of-emperor teacher and tutor made he-was for-long in court was-conspicuous b&-virtues his of-mind and

    anim ard#re vangeli9and haud neglct#) /um obret, trecenta f1na /hristi1na iam erant in

    of-spirit with-9eal of-evangeli9ing not neglected when he4died @44 churches /hristain alread& there-were in

    imperi# Sric# et sepulcrum stupendum impertor ipse ill aedificvit et m#re Sric# cultum

    empire /hinese and tomb ama9ing emperor himself for-him built and in-mannner /hinese cult

    mortu instituit administrs ad rtum servandum dsignts) (ntereet ali (sutae in aulof-deceased set-up with-administrators for rite maintaining appointed meanwhile alsoother Resuits in court

    impert#ria mult# valbant , magn# am#re reverentigravitte fl#rentes ac in rbus

    politics ,

    imperial much wee-strong with-great love respect importancce flousrishing and in things political

    n#nnumquam et prvts,dom*s rgiae adi*t#rs necessri et dlect)

    sometimes and private of-house ro&al helpers intimate and esteemed

    /apt* Snnsium regitur mundus lge qudam suprmac coelest "ao voct) Secundum


    of-/hinese is-ruled world b&-law a-certain supreme and celestial "ao called according-to

    lgem illam *niversam omnia nstit*ta p*blica ac prvata operantur aut operr dbent, nempe

    law that universal all institutions public and private operate or operate should clearl&

    perprosper et bon# omnium s homins quam acc*rtissim illam lgem sequantur et e#

    ver&-prosperousl& and for-good of-all if men as-accuratel&-as-possible that law follow and that-much

    peius qu# longius "ao dgrediantur) (nter officia imper1t#ria maim moment d*cbtur

    worse b&-which further from "ao deviate among duties imperial of-greatest importance was-considered

    c*ra calendri annlis nstituend et observand) ]uod34quand# fs et nefs, quibus dibus

    care of-calendar annual being-drawn-up and observed what when right and wrong on-which da&s

    quod faciendum aut omittendum fuerit indit calendrium singul1riter) /rdbtur sal*s

    what to-be-done or to-be-admitted was indicated calendar in-detail was-believed welfare

    t#tius (mperi populque e calendri# ill# ;libr admoniti#num pro popul#\> mends

    of-whole empire and-people on calendar that of-boo5 of-warnings for people from-errors

    p*r1t#33dpendere) .raesertim ann initium bene indc debuit) (llud calendrium a slect#

    purged todepend especiall& &earHs beginning well to-be-indicated had-to that calendar b& select

    et perdoct# "ribunl 8athmatic# semper comp#nbtur)


    "his ;and the second 9uo+ in the sentence> are probabl& errors for the interrogative pronoun 9ui+33"he verb 6>r7 is not given in classical or medieval =atin dictionaries but the identical (talian verbmeans JJpurgeH or Jpurif&H


  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    and highl&-learned board of-astronom& alwa&s was-composed

    A+amus Sc'all

    (lls anns ultims stirpis impert#riae 8ing mala in rgn# vidbantur multiplicr) Segets

    (n-those &ears last of-d&nast& imperial 8ing evils in 5ingdom seemed to-be-multiplied crops

    dmin*tae, dignitts in aulet per pr#vincis vnls et corruptae, apud septentri#nls

    diminished official-positions in court and through provinces for-sale and corrupted among northern

    barbar#s m#t*s signa calendri male c#nfect et ita lgis suprmae laesae dcbantur esse)

    barbarians disturbances signs of-calendar badl& drawn-up and thus of-law supreme violated were-said to-be

    (nterrogt (sutae hc de r respondrunt calendrium falsum apud Sres indc adhibrque

    questioned Resuits this about thing replied calendar false among /hinese to-be-published and-used

    et ita coelestiam c#nsonantiam haud observr)3, idcircc*ram calendri mendand obtinuit) Sed

    namel& Adam Schall for-that-reason care of-calendar being-corrected obtained but

    antequam illud calendrium mendr potuisset, clds ingents recpit (mperium Sricum

    before that calendar to-be-corrected had-been-able disasters hue received +mpire /hinese

    stirpe 8ing etinct) 7arbar enim incursi#nem cis illum nsignissimum 8*rum Sricum

    with Fd&nast& 8ng wiped-out barbarians for incusion within that most-famous Vall of-/hina


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    fcerant) (sutae fidliter fulsrunt impert#rem Shi-"sung in percul# versantem et magnam

    had-made Resuits faithfull& supported emperor Shi-"sung in danger manoevring and great

    vim torment#rum fulgurientium c#nfcrunt et Sres mlits docurunt quemadmodum ills

    force of-ballistic-weapons lightning-hurling manufactured and /hinese soldiers taught what-wa& them

    *terentur) 6s torments dvict sunt barbar, sed dfatigtum imperium rebelli#ns novae

    the&-should-use Vith-these weapons defeated were barbarians but ehausted empire rebellions new

    quassvrunt et rebells usque ad urbem .e5ing penetrrunt rgiamque epugnvrunt) It

    shoo5 and rebels right-up to cit& .e5ing penetrated and-palace stormed so-that

    e#s opprimeret, auilium gentis bellic#sae 8antsu ascvit *nus d*cum impert#ris)


    them he-might-suppress help of-people war-li5e 8anchu enlisted one of-generals of-emperor with-rebels

    epulss ill 8antsu ips praesidis terram Snnsium occupvrunt et rrum pott sunt

    epelled those 8anchus themselves with-garrisons land of-/hinese occupied and of-things too5 control

    duce et impert#re nov# Shun-"si ;sive Shun9hi>) Iltimus prnceps e stirpe 8ing ad

    with-leader and emperor new Shun-"si or Shun9hi last prince from line 8ing to

    merdiem trnsfuga bapti9atus ;n#men /onstantn e datum> obiit)

    south fugitive baptised name of-/onstantine to-him given died

    Imeraor a!g?i cum A+am7 Sc'all e asro!om:s

    (sutae locum in aulimpert#ria sub novs Snnsium domins non perdidrunt, nam et in

    Resuits place in court imperial under new of-/hinese lords not lost for also in


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    famili8antsuric"sing ;]ing> n#n omnia secundum "ao nstit*ta erant et scienti et

    famil& 8anchu "sing ;]ing> not aa-things accoduing-to "ao set-up had-been and for-5nowledge and

    sollerti(sutrum opus erat, ut nstituerentur) (mpertor iuvenis Shun-"si msit u#rem

    epertise of-Resuits need was so-that the&-might-be-set-up +mperor &oung Shun-"si lost wife

    amtam filiumque et 7uddhic monach veste ind*ts recpit in monastrium) Adamus

    beloved and-son and of-7uddhist mon5 with-clothing put-on himself too5 into monaster& Adam

    Schall tunc modertor "ribunlis 8athmatic factus est) At iuvencul# impert#re Kang-hi

    Schall then head of-7oarl of-Astronom& made was 7ut with-&oung emperor Kang-hi

    ;sve Kangi 3NN

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    attractive a d-noble who mil5 has-suc5ed of-bold lion woman and of-dear tender-little we-wish

    eam oculos columbae, quae caelum aspeerat, et #s conchae, quae alitur radiis aur#rae

    her e&es of-dove which heaven has-seen and face of-pearl which is-fed b&-ra&s of-dawn

    habre aette ducents l*ns n#n super et corporis magnit*dine viridem calamum trtici et

    to-have in-age )

    in-breadth as-sheaf of-dried corn to-be

    +t rligi#nem et fmam scientiae +ur#paeae ultretendrunt cum c*ram chartrum

    7oth religion and fame of-science of-+urope further the&-etended when care of-papers

    gographicrum adumbrandrum imperi habrent et itinera per vast#s tract*s terrrum

    geographical ;i)e) maps> being-s5etched-out of-empire the&-had and Qourne&s thrugh vast tracts of-lands

    Sricrum facerent) Sed et cum in rbus eterns novae turbti#ns in septentri#nibus/hinese the&-made but also when in affairs etrnal new disturbances in northern

    regi#nibus supervnissent auili# et commod# permagn# erant (sutae) usss enim

    regions had-occurred of-help nd of-advantage great were Resuits with-ussians for

    merct*ram pollicentibus aut latr#cinia et foedus cum barbars adversus Sres minantibus

    trade promising or raids and treat& with barbarians against /hinese threatening

    (suts interpretibus adi*t#ribusque propter m#rum lingurum et i*ris gentium n#titiam ann#

    Vith-Resuits interpretes and-helpers because-of of-customs of-languages and of-law of natons 5nowledge in-&ear

    3NT in oppid# 2artsinsc [;er!hins#! pacti# prma inter cvittem eternam ac Sres factaest)

    3NT in town 2erchins5 treat& first between state foreign and /hinese made was

    ^nsuper bis aegr#tum dol#re oppressum ac fere morit*rum impert#rem arte novmedend et

    (n-addition twice sic5 b&-pain oppressed and almost abot-to-die emperor with-art new of Ftreating and

    medic1ments ign#ts Sribus servvrunt) 6c tempestte et ob illa mrcul#sa\

    medicines un5nown to-/hinese the&-saved at-this time and because-of those miraculous

    medic1menta turba magna Srum oppugnvit (suts rogand# et accipiend# auilium et

    medicines crowd great of-/hinese besieged Resuits as5ing-for and receiving help and

    fidem /hristinam) Sequns impertor Uung /heng ;Uong9heng 3X n#n tam favit

    faith /hristian Oollowing emperor Uung /heng not so favoured

    (suts nec cupidittem rrum nat*rlium reperiendrum habuit ut pater eius) Suspect erant

    Resuits nor desire of-things natural being-discovered had as father his suspected had-been

    in principi# ill (sutae nunc nimis potents et rit*s e#rum haud adaptt Srics) 'hinc

    in beginning those Resuits now too powerful and rites of-them not adapted to-/hinese-ones "hen

    iussit collgium rtuum n#nn*lls ecclsis druere et Sres bapt9t#s in cust#di1 retinre)

    he-ordered college of-rites some churches to-demolish and /hinese baptised in custod& to-5eep

    Sed n#n di* saevitia impert#ris perd*rvit) /um iterum lgti# uss#rum supervnisset,


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    but not for-long harshness of-emperor lasted when again delegation of-ussians had-arrived

    poturunt s#lum (sutae colloquia et condici#ns percommods pact nov faciend efficere)

    were-able onl& Resuits negoiations and conditions suitable of-pact new being-made to-bring-about

    (taque ann# 3X@4 Kiachtae pacta facta sunt iterum (suts adiuvantibus et Sribus

    and-so in-&ear 3X@4 Kia5hta pacts made were again with-Resuits helping and /hinese

    gaudentibus)3@"sian =ung ;, ]ianlong 3X@N-3XN> imperante dnu# praecrium locum

    reQoicing with-]ianlong reigning again precarious place

    haburunt (sutae et /hristi1n Sres) Sed dnu# non di*, nam superbiam ac mrum

    had Resuits and /hristian /hinese but again not for-long for pride and strange

    imper1t#ris studium hort#rum ornand#rum scvrunt ac statim pr#tulrunt sollertiam suam et

    of-emperor enthusism of-gardens being-adorned the&-5new and at-once revealed epertise their and

    scientiam pinguend, aedificand et automatria inveniend et c#nficiend, ut cor rgis

    5nowledge of-fertilising of-building and automatons of-inventing and constructing so-that heart of-5ing

    caperent) %stentvrunt e)g) le#nem currentem a s c#nfectum, tigrin, fontem aquae per artem

    the-might-capture the&-displa&ed e)g) lion running b& themselves constructed tiger fountain of-water b& art

    alt salientem, mrum thetrum automatri l*dns cum h#rologio, m*sicet

    high leaping wonderful theatre atomaticall& pla&ing with cloc5 music and

    circumcurrentibus p*ps Snnsibus) (ta impert#ris benevolentiauctecclsias et cultum

    running-round dolls /hinese thus of-emperor with-5indness increased churches and worship

    /hristinum eercre ills licuit) It appret, (sutae omnibus mods probs et perac*ts

    /hristian to-eercise to-them was-permitted as it-appears Resuits b&-all means honest and ingenious

    rligi#nem /hristinam inter Sres dissminbant dissmintamque defendere c#nbantur)

    religion /histian among /hinese were-spreading and-when-spread to-defend were-tr&ing

    (ntere, pr# dolor, rbus in +ur#pvald m*tts perculum missi#n (sutrum n#n per

    8eanwhile for sorrow with-things in +urope greatl& changed danger to-mission of-Resuits not through

    impert#rum Sric#rum levittem et dicta, sed per nsidis apud Sanctam Sedem str*cts et

    of-emperors /hinese capriciousness and edicts but through plots at 6ol& See devised and

    propter potentirum +uropaerum simulttes ortum est et missi#nem tandem perdidit)

    because-of of-powers +uropean rivalries arisen has and mission at-last destro&ed

    'ominicn#rum Oranciscn#rumque ordins, praecipu a 6ispns fult, invidipropter

    of-'ominicans and-of-Oranciscans orders especiall& b& the-Spanish supported from-env& because-of

    prosperittem (sutrum lab#rbant) 8ult1s iact*r1s propri1s3Eapud Sres accprunt cum

    prosperit& of-Resuits were-suffering man& losses of-thir-own among /hinese the&-received when

    apert praedicants damnti#nem p1gn#rum impert#rum ac sapientium Sric#rum

    openl& them- predicting damnation of-pagan emperors and of-intellectuals /hineseindignti#ne portt

    Sres cohibuissent et epellissent) /eleriter causs gravs querend


    "he "reat& of Kia5hta was in fact signed in 3Xr:s rori:s

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    with-indignation carried-awa& /hinese had-restricted and epelled quic5l& reasons serious of-complaining

    adversus (suts repperrunt et Sed Sanctae praetulrunt) Acc*sbant enim (suts

    against Resuits the&-found and to-See 6ol& revealed the&-accused for Resuits

    pgn#rum superstiti#ns colere cum dis frls et fand#s in tribunl 8athmatic#

    of-pagans superstitions to-foster when da&s dangerous and auspicious in 7oard of-Astronom&l

    dfnrent0 e#s m#re Sric# capite opert# missam impi legere0 particips caerim#nirum erg1

    the&-defined them in-manner /hinese with-head covered mass impiousl& to-read participants of-ceremonies for

    mortu#s esse esque observr 1 /hristins iubere0 crucitum /hrist ante Sres occultre


    dead to-be and-these to-be-observed b& /histians to-order crucifiion of-/hrist before /hinese to-hide and-not

    crucs in ecclsis admittere) Adh*c vnit quod et +ur#paeae potentiae s immscurunt3lt)

    crosses into churches to-admit additionall& came fact-that also +uropean powers themselves got-involved in-dispute

    Orancogallia praedict#rs msit =usitns resistentibus ac novum epscopum .e5ininsemOrance preachers sent with-.ortuguese resisting and new archbishop of-.e5ing

    =usitnum dsignantibus) (llum epscopum archiepscop# in Goa obnoium facere in anim#

    .ortuguese appointing that bishop to-archbishop in Goa subQect to-ma5e in mind

    habuerant) 6ispn autem in pr#vincia merdi#nl adversus (suts Oranciscn#rum ac

    the&-had-had Spanish moreover in province southern against Resuits of-Oranciscans and

    'ominicn#rum c#nt*s porr# adiuvbant) #mae paprum inc#nstantia et eterrum

    'ominicans attempts moreover helped at-ome of-popes inconsistenc& and of-foreign

    potentirum ops gradtim adversus (suts rem vertrunt) /lmente Z( pontifice maim#dua

    powere assistance graduall& against Resuits thing turned with-/lement Z( pontiff supreme two

    brevia vulgta sunt ;3X4E et 3X3E>, quibus caerim#niae Sricae damntae et reiectae sunt)


    letters published were 3X4E and 3X3E in-which ceremonies /hinese condemned and reQected were when

    /hristin#rum amcus Kang-hi id didicisset, ita cnsuit:\ ]u# mod# potest papa rs i*dicre,

    of-/hristians friend Kang-i it had-learned thus he-opined b&-what means can pope thigs Qudge

    qus numquam vdit aut cogn#vit? ]uoad m attinet, numquam audrem m#res +uropae#s

    which never he-has-seen or has-5nown as-far-as me concerns never (-would-dare customs +uropaean

    i*dicre, qu#rum n*llam n#titiam habe#\;ibidem,p)@@) (nnocente autem Z(((, inimc#

    to-Qudge of-which no 5nowledge (-have in-same-place, p)@@< with-(nnocent moreover Z((( enem&

    societtis (esu, sedem Sanctam occupante duo dcrta promulgta sunt, ne nov#s monch#s


    of-societ& of-Qesus see hol& occup&ing two decrees promulgated were that-not new mon5s into

    terram Sricam mitterent (sutae nec apostoltum illc res*merent) +#dem tempore et

    land /hinese might-send Resuits nor missionar&-wor5 there might-resume at-same time also

    3Oor the original tetHs immi?eru!3

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    impertor Uung-/heng aegr /hristin#s adligvit) +t ita ambo debili#rem reddidrunt

    emperor Uung-/heng badl& /hristians impeded and thus both wea5er rendered

    /hristinismum Snnsem

    /hristianit& /hinese)

    Ann# autem 3XE< 7enedict# Z(Y pap1 bullam + qu# singulari providentia factum est\

    (n-&ear moreover 3XE< with-7enedict Z(Y pope bull from which singlar providence brought-about it-has

    dere adi*vrunt inimc (sutrum, quae confirmvit interdicti#ns omns ab ann# 3X4E

    to-issue helped enemies of-Resuits which confired prohibitions alll from &ear 3X4E

    dits et cogit (suts iusi*randum dare, n caerim#nis Srics adessent aut es tolerrent)

    issued and compelled Resuits oath to-give that-not rites /hinese the&-would-attend or them tolerate

    (ta vulnervrunt missi#nem (sutrum, quae rapid auct#ritte et missi#n1ris dplta est)thus the&-wounded mission of-Resuits which rapidl& in-authorit& and in-missionaries emptied was

    8o supressus est rtus /hristinus in pr#vincis aliquid /hristin9ts et s#l# in 8acao

    soon supressed was worship /hritians in provinces to-some-etent /hrisitani9ed and alone in 8acao

    /hristin lberttem rligi#nis colendae haburunt) Ann# tandem 3XX@ abolta est ipsa

    /hristians freedom of-religion being-followed had in-tear at-last 3XX@ abolished was itself

    Socits (su man* =usitn#rum, 6ispn#rum ac Orancogall#rum pontifice maim#


    Societ& of-Resus b&-hand of-.ortuguese of-Spanish and of-Orench with-pontiff supreme /lement

    Z(Y id per bullam 'ominus ac redemptor\ iubente volenteque)

    Z(Y this b& bull =ord and redeemer ordering and-willing

    +# tempore rirum inter ordins /hristin#rum et potentirum +ur#paerum pro


    at-that time of-quarrels between ran5s of-/hristians and-of powere +uropean for missions

    et sal*te animrum Snnsium ortae sunt gravs suspici#ns et pavor rligi#nis adventiciae

    and salvation of-souls /hinese arisen have grave suspicionns and fear of-religion alien

    apud Sres) .ostevcsim# saecul# apert nati#nlismum Snnsem c#nfitentes et in

    among /hinese later in-twentieth centur& openl& nationalism /hinese those- professing and against

    advens +ur#paes pugnants /hristinismum odi# haburunt ut dominti#nis +ur#paeae

    foreiners +uropen fighting /hristianit& for-hatred had as of-domination +uropean

    instrumentum) "le carmen e)g) cecinrunt Sres contr+ur#pae#s certants:

    instrument such song e)g) sang /inese against +uropeans struggling

    S#lus dcert# vincns aut vapulns 2*ll# mihi opus est ut lberum m reddam) 2#l#

    alone (-fight winning or being-beated of-none to-me need is so-that free m&self (-can-,ma5e (-donHt-want

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    *llum (sum /hristum cnsere S umquam pr# sal*te memor potuisse\

    an& Resus /hrist to-thin5 himsef ever for salvtion mine to-die to-have-been-able

    [Re combats seul et gagne ou perds Re nHai besoin de personne pour me rendre libre Re ne veu

    pas que nul Rsus /hrist pense ]uHil put Qamais mourir pour moi!

    Secundum A) 8alreau, J+pugnatoresH, [in:!;SrrStinTs, =uttiae 3EX,p)34>!3N

    5a) +pistolae

    quaedam (sutrum, qu prmum in Sns miss sunt, nuper sunt t&ps ec*sae:esit etters "romChina, 1:3?1:,ed) 8) 6oward ienstra ;8inneapoli, apud Acadmiae 8innesot#nae t&pographum,3TN>)

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    of-anthropolog& modern as-if foundations the&-laid)

    Yrum e1rum litter1rum, qu1s in Sns habitantes missi#nari composurunt, hoc est pec*li1re,

    (ndeed of-those letters which in /hina living missionaries composed this is peculiarit&

    quod n#n tantum Socit1tis (s* rect#ribus vrum etiam +ur#paes litter1ts *niverss

    that not onl& of-Societ& of-Resus for-governors indeed also for-+uropeans educated all

    dstin1tae sunt) ]uibus autem scripts missi#n1ri - du#s pariets, quod aiunt, d e1dem

    intended the&-were b&-which moreover writings missionaries two walls as the&-sa& from same

    fidli1 dealbants - cum d Snns lingu1, cult* de#rum, aedificis, rgimine, alisque

    buc5et white-washing both about /hinese language worship of-gods buildings government and-other-things

    eiusmod acc*r1tissime n1rr1vrunt, tum method#s su1s doctrnamque et theologiam

    of-this-5ind most-accuratel& the&-told then methods their and-doctrine and theolog&

    pr#pugn1re ns sunt, nempe popul suffr1gium benevolentiamque captants) Arduum enim

    to-fight-for strive the&-did clearl& of-people approval and-beneolence tr&ing-to-win hard for

    sustinbant bellum e1 fere tempest1te contr1 (1nsenistas imprms3T,qu# bell# n#n iam in

    the&-were-shouldering war at-same about time against Ransenists in-first-place in-which war not now in

    auls academics sed in p*blic# dmic1tum est - tl# adhibit# potissimum prl# t&pographic#)

    halls academic but in public fought it-was with-weapon used especiall& press printing

    (nter scrpta haec Snnsia, a (sutis dvulgta, gravissim sunt ponderis prmum Adam

    Among writings these /hinese b& Resuits published of-most-serious are importance first of-Adam

    Schall6istori!a ;SrrSti, de quhc agitur, deinde epistulae eae Gallic scrptae,

    Schall 6istorical 2arrative about which her is-discussed then letters those in Orench written

    n#mineettres di"iantes et !rieses de Chine, quae paul# post, hoc est ineunte saecul# 3T,

    b&-name etters 5di"ing and Crios "rom China which a-little later that is with-beginning centur& 3T

    annuvice in fasciculs collectae ltissime in +ur#pdvulgtae sunt) =iber Adam Schall

    b&-annual turn in volumes collected most-broadl& in +urope published were) 7oo5 of-Adam Schall

    atque +pistulae Aedificants illae, cum alis paucs scrpts, Snrum effigiem quandam sve

    and letters edif&ing those with other few writings of-/hina portrait a-certain or

    imginem hominum occidentlium mentibus impressrunt, di* haes*ram multumque in

    image of-people western in-minds impressed long-time going-to-stic5 and-much in

    disp*tti#nibus illus aettis, quae \(llustrti#\ nuncuptur, valit*ram) .hilosoph#s ill#s, qu

    disputes of-that age which J+nlightenmentH is-called going-to-be-effective philosophers those who

    sunt Yoltaire, 'iderot, 8ontesquieu, haec sdul# lgisse c#nstat)3

    3T(1nsenistae - qu nomen d*erant a /ornli# (1nseni# ;3T-3N@T>, (prns epscop# - saecul# 3X# inGallipraecipu fl#rurunt, acriterque in (suts tamquam h&pocrits, ambiti#s#s, .elaginos invectsunt)

    3Yirgile .inot,a Chine et la "ormation de lWesprit philosophiGe en &ran!e, 180?170;.arisis,

    apud Geuthner, 3@0 et 'avid 8organ, \Sources of+nlightenment: "he (deali9ing of /hina in the Resuitsettres di"iantesand Yoltaires *iX!le de oisM:

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    are Yoltaire 'iderot 8ontequieu these carefull& to-have-read it-is-5nown

    .r#positum est igitur in hc commentti#ne prmum6istori!ae ;SrrStinisquasi


    .roposed -it-is therefore in this essa& first of-6istorical 2arrative as-if overview

    paucs adumbrre, deinde duo themata paul# amplius n#dre) %stendam enim quam

    briefl& to-s5etch-out then two themes a-little more-full& to-flesh-out (-will-show for how

    efficciter Adamus Schall non s#lum linguam =atnam classicam, sed t#tum cultum illum

    effectivel& Adam Schall not onl& language =atin classical but whole-of culture that

    cum antquum tum enscentilem, in quem (sutae qu#dammod# successerant, ad

    both ancient and of-enaissance into which the-Resuits in-a-wa& had-become-heirs for-purpose-of

    imperium m#rsque Snnss dscrbend#s adhibuerit) 'einde n#nn*lla d themate ep#nam

    empire and-customs /hinnese being-described made-use-of then some things about theme (-will-set-out

    loc#rum claus#rum - e qu# themate integra nrrti#, ut crd#, estruitur)of-places closed b& which theme whole narrative as (-believe is-structured

    I 56 I6su::s i! S:!s Miss:s

    About Resuits into /hina sent

    2m# fere nescit missi#nri#s praesertim Socittis (su sus scrpts occultissimum

    2obod& almost is-unaware missionaries especiall& of-Societ& of-Resus b&-their writings most-secret

    imperium Snnse +ur#paes prmum patefcisse) Ante missi#ns (sutics condits, vi


    empire /hinese to-+uropeans first to-have-revealed before missions Resuit established scarcel& an&

    estiterat Snrum periegeticus praeter 8arcum .aulum illum ;vulgo 8arco .olo> - cuius

    had-eisted of-/hina traveller ecept 8arcus .aulus that in-vernaular 8arco .aulo whose

    relti#nem mult lectitrant

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    aulam imperilem)

  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)


    ips# imperat#re habita tam theologica quam levi#ra) 6aec omnia .ater Adamus praesns

    himself emperor held both theologicl and less-serious these all father Adam present

    participvit0 liber aliqutenus vtae eius nrrti# est)

    participated-in boo5 to-some-etent of-life of-him narration is

    Yrum alia in e# simul adumbr1tur nrrti#, mult# amplior, cuius pr#tag#nista est cultus ille

    indeed other in it at-same-time is-oulined narration much fuller whose protagonist is culture itself

    #mnus /hristi1nus h*m1nisticus, in qu# antqua 6ebr1ica sapientia cum recentissims artis

    oman /hristian humanist in which ancient 6ebrew wisom with most-recent of-art

    mchanicae invents *na cohaeret) 6aec amplior n1rr1ti# e h#c c#nstat, quod cultus cvilis

    mechnical inventions together is-fused this larger narrative of this consists that culture civic

    +ur#paeus cter#s omns cult*s - etiam vetustissim#s, tamquam Snnsem - paulatim, et f1t1l

    +uropean other all cultures even oldest such-as /hinese graduall& and fatal

    qu#dam impet*, n#n tam estinguere quam complre qu#dammod# ac perficere ostenditur)a-certain with-impact not so-much to-etingish as to-complete in-a-certain-wa& and to-perfect is-shown

    (taque haec .5nnsis missi#nis n1rr1ti# pars est illus pancosmiae et theologicae et

    and-so this of-7eiQing of-mission narrative part is of-that universal both theological and

    teleologicae ;ut ita dcam> n1rr1ti#nis, qu1 frt +ur#pae illus tempest1tis - i praecipu qu

    teleological that thus (-ma&-sa& narrative on-which rel&ing +uropeans of-that time those particularl& who

    quasi sprit* ef#rm1ti#nis /atholicae affl1ti sunt - generis h*m1n historiam intellegere et

    as-if b&-spirit of-eformation /atholic affected were of-race human histor& to-understand and

    interpet1r solebant)to-interpret were-accustomed

    II 5e Lai!iae Narraio!is

    About =atinit& of-narrative

    6abtis libr quasi c#nspectum) 2unc ostendere c#nbor quam efficciter Adamus Schall

    Uou-have of-boo5 as-if overview now to-show (-will-tr& how effectivel& Adam Schall

    =atinit1tem classicam *n1 cum cult* h*m1n# antqu# ad imperium m#rsque Snnss

    =atinit& classical together with culture humanist ancient for empire and-customs /hinese

    dscrbend#s adhibuerit)

    being-described emplo&ed

    /um equidem in hunc librum prmum in bibliothc1 qu1dam incid, e1 caus1 imprms

    when indeed upon this boo5 first in librar& a-certain (-came for-that reason primaril&

    g1vsus sum, quod put1bam m rs verbaque insolita atque e#tica in e# offns*rum) 61c sp

    reQoiced (-did because (-thought m&self things and-words unusual and eotic in it going-to-encunter b&-this hope

    statim dceptus sum) 2am est n1rr1ti# quasi dcolor0 id quod e omanticism tempest1te

    at-once deceived (-was for is narration as-if colourless that which from of-omanticism time

    \col#rem loc1lem\ voc1mus, huic rel1ti#n omnn# dest) Yi *llum vocbulum offenders

    colour local we-call to-this account altogether is-lac5ing scarcel& an& word &ou-would-encounter

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    quod non sit p*rae et antquae =atnit1tis0 *s*rpantur plrumque voc1bula antqua ac rs

    which not is of-pure and ancient =atinit& are-used generall& words ancient and things

    #m1nae, ad homins m#resque Snnss dpingend#s)

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    *n1qu1que gente et aet1te, cui n#scendae stude1mu *nicum proprium pec*li1re

    each people and age for-which being-learned-about we-ma&-stud& unique own peculiarit&

    quaerimus0 h*m1nistae quidem, idest temporis en1scenti1lis rudt, ad *nivers1lit1tem

    we-see5 humanists indeed that is of-time of-enaissance inellectuals towards universalism

    quandam tendbant, idque s#lum is sct* memor1t*que dignum vidb1tur, quod genus

    a-certain were-tending and-that onl& to-them of-5nowing and-of-relating worth& seemed which race

    h*m1num *nivers et gener1liter attingeret) .orr# ad facta gestaque h*m1na gener1liter,

    human universall& and in-general might-concern besides for facts and-deeds human in-general

    eprimenda h*mnists imprompt* erat mr id#neum instrumentum, sclicet serm# =atnus,

    being-epressed to-humanists at-hand was wonderfull& suitable instrument namel& language =atin

    quippe qu n#n unus patriae proprius esset, n#n *nius aet1tis, sed *niverslis et aeternus)

    in-that this not of-one fatherland own-propert& was not of-one era but universal and eternal

    Altera causa e ris ecclsiastics eoritur) Saevibat e#dem fere temp#re, qu# liber ditus

    a-second cause from quarrels ecclesiastical arises was-raging at-same roughl& time at-which boo5 published

    est, ria theologica \de caerimonis Snnsibus\ dicta)

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    III 56 T'emae Loc7rum laus7rum

    about theme of-places closed

    2unc d themate loc#rum claus#rum penetr1ti#nisque pauca ep#nam0 nam h#c themate, me1

    now about theme of-places closed and-of-penetration a-few-things (-will-epound for b&-this theme in--m&

    sententi1, t#ta libr n1rr1ti# velut suffulctur et ordin1tur)

    opinion whole of-boo5 narrative as-if is-supported and arranged

    Snae h#c libr# ante omnia tamquam locus clausus dpinguntur) .rmum, t#tum imperium

    /hina in-this boo5 above all as place closed is-depicted first whole empire

    Snnse eter#s peregrn#sque sub poen1 mortis ecl*dit, s#ls (suts ecepts) /ter

    /hinese foreigners and-strangers under penalt& of-death ecludes alone with-Resuits ecluded other

    missi#narii, Orancisc1n et 'ominic1n praesertim, *n1 cum merc1t#ribus in oppidis

    missionaries Oranciscans and 'ominicans especiall& together with merchants in towns

    ltor1libus quibusdam manre ac tabscere coguntur) 'einde urbs caput .5num ipsscoastal certain to-remain and waste-awa& are forced then cit& capital 7eiQing to-actual

    Snnsibus clauditur, nisi paucs) Accdit h*c pal1tium illud intr1 urbem situm, cuius m*r

    /hinese is-closed ecept to-a-few is-in-addition to-this palace that within cit& situated whose walls

    crass et \inepugn1bils\ ad unguem dscrbuntur) (bi sunt \latebrae regis,\ nam \t#ta apud

    thic5 and JimpregnableH in-great-detail are-described there is Jden of-the-5ingH for all among

    Snnss vener1ti# ab abdit# est)\ (ntra pal1tium dnique, in abditissim# loc#, dlitscunt

    the-/hinese veneration from being-hidden is within palace finall& in most-hidden place are-concealed

    n#bils muliers: \nec ipsae gred, nec quisquam alius ingred potest\ ill*c, nisi eunuch0noble women neither thmselves to-go-out nor an&one else to-enter is-able to-there ecept eunuchs

    nam in interi#rem rgiae partem \n#n licuit umquam alis, praeter muliers et eunuch#s,

    for into interior of-palace part not as-allowed at-am&-time for-others ecept-for women and eunuchs

    penetr1re)\ 6oc thema loc#rum claus#rum, praesertimque pal1ti#rum claus#rum, frequns est

    to-penetrate this theme of-places closed and-especiall& of-palaces closed frquent is

    in aet1tis 7aroccae f1buls scaenics0 succurrunt ment imprms (#annis acine, Gall,

    in of-age 7aroque pla&s occur to-mind especiall& of-Rean acine Orenchman

    tragoediae), etBa@aet ;.arisiis, 3NX - persaepe redimpressae)

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    Snicae singul1rit1s et difficult1s, quae missi#n1ribus impediment# est immns#)

    /hinese peculiarit& and dificult& which for-missinaries as-impediment is immense

    ]u#modo vr# 1 .atre Schall (sut1rum opera dpingitur? eperiuntur in libr# duo verba

    how indeed b& Or Schall of-Resuits tas5 is-depicted are-found in boo5 two words

    frequentissim: \penetr1re\ et \nsinu1re\0 eempl gr1ti1, \.atres se nsinu1vrunt,\

    most-frequentl& Jto-penetrateH and Jto-infiltrateH of-eample b&-wa& fathers themselves infiltrated

    \/hristi1na l in aul1 rgi1 nsinu1tur,\ \ad aulam penetr1vit\ .ater Adamus, (sutae

    /hristian law in court ro&al is-infiltrated to court penetrated Or Adam Resuits

    \allicibant anim#s\ imper1t#ris) (taque contr1 m*r#s tam lapide#s quam ment1ls, n#n fit

    were enticing the-mind of-the-emperor and-so against walls both of-stone and mental not is-made

    impetus e advers#, sed sinu#sus potius qudam m#tus) 'cam obiter voc1bulum quod est

    attac5 from the-front but circuitous rather a-certain movement (-should-sa& b&-the-wa& word which is

    \sinu#sus\ ad modum n1rrand, qui huius libr est proprius, sat id#neum esse)JcircuitousH to method of-narration which of-this boo5 is belonging enough suitable to-be

    Gradu1lis haec penetr1ti# et nsinu1ti# t#tum libr argumentum suppeditat) Yidmus prms

    gradual this penetration and infiltratin whole of-boo5 argument supplies we-see in-first

    capitibus 8attheum iccium usque ad .5num s#lum pervenre, in pal1tium accip0 deinde

    chapters 8atteo icci as-far-as to 7eiQing alone to-reach into palace to-be-receivd then

    .ater Adamus - in epsodis n#n sine arte dr1matic1 effic1c rel1ts - +ur#paeam scientiam

    Or Adam in episodes not without art dramatic effective related +uropaean science

    vener1tae et antquissimae doctrnae Snns praest1re et antecellere probat) Agitur hcrespected and mostancient teaching /hinese to-surpass and ecell proves is-discussion here

    imprms d s#lis eclpsibus praedcends) 'i enim qu#dam, purpur1ts omnibus ips#que

    principall& about of-sun eclipses being-predicted on-da& for a-certsin with-nobles all and-himself

    imper1t#re spectantibus, inter eclpsem .ater Adamus cum prm# mandarin# \speculam

    emperor loo5ing-on during eclipse Or Adam with first mandarin Jwatch-tower

    mathmaticam c#nscendit0 c#nstat s#lum novum ab +ur#paes tr1ditum calculum tam tempor

    astronomicalH ascends is-agreed onl& new b& +uropeans handed-over calculation both to-time

    quam puncts eclipticae eact respondisse,\ et antquam Snnsem rgulam *n1 h#r1 1 vr#

    and duration of-eclipse eactl& to-have-matched and ancient /hinese rule b&-one hour from true

    discrep1sse) %b hanc ali1sque caus1s .ater Adamus fidem et admr1ti#nem imper1t#ris

    to-have-deviated because-of this and-other reasons Or Adam trust and admiration of-emperor

    mertur0 vetust1tis cultus labefit et frangitur0 mandarin invidios, qui .atrem \thaumaturgum\

    merits of-th-old cult crumbles and is-bro5en mandarins Qealous who father JmagicianH

    et \magum\ vocant, nihil#minus illi obtemper1re coguntur, nempe qu#cum imper1tor cotdie

    and JsorcererH call nevertheless to-him to-defer are-forced clearl& with-whom emperor dail&

    colloqu1tur ac famili1riter *t1tur)

    spea5s and in-familiar-wa& has-dealings

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    +tiam in g&naecum, intimam pal1ti regi#nem, penetrant qu#dammodo (sutae - n#n ips,

    even into womensH-quarters intimate of-palace region penetrate in-a-wa& Resuits not themselves

    sed eun*ch, patrum vice fungentes, n#bilissim1s n#nn*ll1s fmin1s bapt9ant, quibus n#mina

    but eunuchs of-fathers in-place functioning noblest some women bapti9e to-whom names

    nova imp#nuntur, qu1lia sunt Agatha, "heod#ra) 6ae marts novam fidem ep#nunt0 integrae

    new are-assigned such-as are Agatha "heodora these to-husbands new faith epound whole

    aulicae familiae bapt9antur)

    courtier families are-bapti9ed

    Iltims tandem libr capitibus ipse impertor .atr Adam# nsam praebet, ut quid de n*mine

    in-last finall& of-boo5 chapters himself emperor to-Oather Adam opportunit& provides that what about power

    divn# cnseat, ep#nat) 6aec colloquia verb#tenus referuntur, quibus in ips# umbilic#

    divine he-thin5s he-can-eplain these conversatins verbatim are-reported b&-which in actual navel

    Snnsis imperi doctrna /hristina n*cle1tur) 'ubitat impertor, titubat) (n h#c rrumof-/hinese empire doctrine /hristian is-eplained doubts emperor hesitates in this of-things

    discrmine - ac libr catastroph - subit# corripitur impertor ign#t# morb#, paucs dibus

    csisis and of-boo5 clima suddenl& is-carried-off emperor b&-un5nown diesease in-a-few da&s



    /apitul# etrm# nrrantur f*nerlia singulque rt*s et caerim#nia - haec est libr quasi

    (n-chapter last are-narrated funeral and-individual rites and ceremonies this is of-boo5 as-if

    per#rti# - sed ultims libr pginis lector sentit nrrt#rem n#n iam inturi s#lum, sed plnclosing-part but in-final of-boo5 pages reader feels narrator not now to-observe on& but full&

    participre vtam et cultum Snnsem) Sn orbis cultusque ille artissim clausus, in quem

    to-share-in life and culture /hinese clearl& world and-culture that most-tightl& close into which

    .ater Adamus tot lab#ribus penetrverat, in .atrem ipsum quoque penetrsse vidtur, qui

    Or Adam so-man& with-labours had-penetrated into Oather himself aso to-have penetrted seems who

    qu#dammodo Snnsis factus est)

    (n-a-wa& /hinese become has

    =oc*tus sum de dubus rbus - =atnitte libr et Snnsis imperi claus*ra - n#n omnn#

    spo5en (-have about two things =atinit& of-boo5 and of-/hinese empire closing-off not altogether

    dverss, ut crdo) 2am *sus =atnittis h*mnisticae et quasi *niverslis, ad Sns


    separat as (-believe for use of-=atin humanist and as-if universal for /hina to-pepole

    +ur#paes interpretands - opera haec interprettva, ut ita dcam, ad illam Snarum

    +uropean being-intrpreted tas5 this interpretive that thus (-ma&-sa& to that of-/hina

    penetrti#nem, qu tot anim mentisque m*ri fract sunt ac triect, qu#dammod# attinet)

    penetration in-which so-man& of-soul and-of-mind barriers bro5en were and crossed-over in-a-wa& is-connected

    .atrs enim missi#nis .5nnsis imprms interpretum m*nere sunt funct) =ibr#s Snice


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    Oathers for of-mission of-7eiQung principall& of-intrpretors in-riole were involved boo5s in-/hinese

    ervrunt, quibus philosophia et theologia et nat*rlis scientia occidentlis Snnsibus

    the-produced in-which philosoph& and theolog& and natural science western to-/hinese

    ep#neretur0 libr#s =atn#s itidem didrunt, quibus m#res cultusque Snnsis prmum

    could-be-epounded boo5s =atin li5ewise the&-published in-which customs and-culture /hinese first

    +ur#paeis aperrtur) 'us lingus ad hoc propositum apts eistimvrunt: linguam


    to-+uropeans could-be-revealed two languages for this purpose suitable the&-considered language =atin

    h*mnisticam et linguam Snnsem mandarinicam) ]urum utraque vulg# ign#rbtur, et

    humanistic and language /hinese mandarin of-which each b& masses was-un5nown and

    propter antiquttem imm*t1bilis vidbtur) .orr# ambae linguae e*niverslitte praeditae

    because-of antiquit& immutable seemed besides both languages with-that universalit& endowed

    esse crdbantur, ut is adhibits licret manifestam reddere similit*dinem fundmentlem,to-be were-believed that b&-them used it-wasiallowed clear to-render similarit& fundamental

    quae inter +ur#pae#s et Snnss latret)

    which between +uropeans and /hinese la&-hidden

    ]u#s Snic .atrs iccius et Schall scrpsrunt, libr classic inter Sns facti sunt, di*que in

    which in-/hinese Oathers icci and Schall wrote boo5s classic among /hinese become have and-long in

    magnvenerti#ne habit0 qu#s =atn scrpsrunt, merentur saltem ut n#bs adh*c


    great veneration held which in-=atin the&-wrote deserve at-least that b& us still the&-be-read

    Massimo Scorso!e, ra!slaio! o/ 4See3i!g 'e Maser bu !o Meei!g;

    *!orsones atin -ersion o" these -erses a +ang dnast poet, ia Dao (779 :3 A.D.),

    'as one o" se-eral he plished in the

  • 8/10/2019 Sina Latina (Trans)



    (Chia Tao)

    AnachrTtam quemdam quaerit


    neque tamen invenit

    Pn*s subter, ab assecl1

    Dsertdominum j*re requrimus.

    Is vr#Procul hinc pater

    !erb1s jam medic1s ipse per ardua

    Terr1rum, atque virentia

    Collct*rus abit, n*bibus abditus

    "pisss,# inquit, et 1$re.

    %u#scdat... i#& mpenitus latet.#


    anach7r6ta, -ae m hermit terra, -ae ' land

    quisdam, quaedam, quiddam a certain vire, vir!re, viru" be

    reenquaer7, -ere, quaes:v:, quaes:tum see c#$$6ct>r>s, -a, -um

    oin to collect

    %:nus, ->s ' pine tree a&e7, a&:re, a&:v:o a*a+

    su&ter beneath n>&6s, n>&is' cloud

    d6sertum' (:n desert a&d7, a&dere, a&did:,


    i>s, i>ris n riht hide

    requ:r7, -ere, requis:v:, requis:tumas about s%issus, -a, -um


    is, ea, id he, she aDr, aDrism air

    v6r7 indeed s6c6+7, -ere, s6cess: depart

    rocul far ioE Aee&ah

    'i!c from here e!ius completel&

    'erba, -aef grass, herb lae7, la6re, lau: be hidden

    ise, isa, isum himself etc)

    ar+uus, -a, -um steep

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