
Post on 09-Apr-2017






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Romanian, Polish, Catalan and Turkish songs

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Traditional Romanian Music

Maria and Marie (Marie si Marioara)

By Maria Tanase

English Lyrics:

And I said green willow

Maria and Marie

Maria and Marie

Take a club and kill me now

Let it be a poplar club

Don’t take my soul with it

Romanian Lyrics:

Si-am zis verde salcioara

Marie si Marioara

Marie si Marioara

Ia un par de ma omoara

Parul sa fie de plop

Sa nu ma omori de tot

Marie si Marioara

Maria Tanase

25 of September 1913- 22 of June 1963

“The Queen of Romanian Music”

Ana lugojana Anna from Lugoj Cantec popular traditional Traditional folk song

Aşa joacă pe la noi... This is how we dance here…

Aşa joacă pe la noi This is how we dance here, Iac-aşa doi câte doi, Like this, two by two, Iacă, iac-aşa. Look, like this! Vezi, aşa se joacă fata, See, this is how you dance with a girl, Şi pe stânga şi pe dreapta You turn on the left, you turn on the right, Iacă, iac-aşa. Look, like this! Săi’ şi joacă, joacă fata vezi aşa Come on and dance, dance with the girl, look, like this, Şi cu una, două, două n-o lăsa. And don’t let her get away that easily, N-o lăsa, băiete, că-i voinică Don’t let her go, boy, for she’s a strong girl, Nici de joc şi nici de lucru n-are frică. She is not afraid to dance or to work. Că n-am venit la voi la şură, Ano, lugojano For I didn’t come to your hay stack, Anna from Lugoj, Să mă uit pe sub căciulă, Ano, lugojano To be upset, Anna from Lugoj, Ci-am venit să joc o fată, Ano, lugojano But I came to dance with a girl, Anna from Lugoj, Să mă pomeneasc-o dată, Ano, lugojano To remember me sometime, Anna from Lugoj, Ori de mamă, ori de tată, Ano, lugojano Or to mention my mother or my father, Anna from Lugoj. Ori de dracul câteodată, Ano, lugojano. Or sometimes the devil, Anna from Lugoj. Că sus e cerul de pământ Ano, lugojano For there’s a long way from earth to heaven, Anna from Lugoj, Fete ca la noi nu sunt, Ano, lugojano There are no girls like our girls, Anna from Lugoj, Ba mai sunt şi-n alte sate, Ano, lugojano But there are in other villages, Anna from Lugoj, Dar, zău, nu prea minunate, Ano, lugojano But , honestly, not so wonderful, Anna from Lugoj, Ba mai sunt şi pe la voi, Ano, lugojano But you also have beautiful girls, Anna from Lugoj, Dar nu prea cu buze moi, Ano lugojano. But they haven’t got very soft lips, Anna from Lugoj,

La la la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la la

Aşa joacă pe la noi This is how we dance here, Mai frumos decât la voi, More beautiful than you do, Mai frumos decât la voi, More beautiful than you do, Mai frumos decât la voi, More beautiful than you do, Iacă, iac-aşa! Look, like this!

Romanian Enghish Sanie cu zurgălăi,

Frumoși sunt căluții tăi,

Dar mai frumoși sunt ai mei,

Că le dau apă cu mei

Și zboară ca niște zmei,

Mai frumoasă-i mândra mea,

Diseară mă duc la ea,

Sanie cu zurgălăi.

De-o vrea mândra, de n-o vrea

Să-mi deschidă portița,

Diseară mă duc la ea,

Obosit cum oi putea,

Sanie cu zurgălăi,

Obosit și plin de apă,

Mă duc la ea că mi-e dragă,

Sanie cu zurgălăi.

Săniuță, du-mă iară

Unde-am fost și-alaltăseară,

Sanie cu zurgălăi,

Du-mă la mândruța mea

Să-i mai sărut gurița,

Sanie cu zurgălăi.

Că e dulce gurița,

Nu mă mai satur de ea,

Ca de vin dulce toamna

Și de somn primăvara,

Sanie cu zurgălăi,

Nu mă mai satur de ea,

Ca de vin dulce toamna,

Sanie cu zurgălăï.

Johnny is the boy for me-e

Always knew that he would be-e

But I never caught his eye

He would alway pass me by

Never had a glance for me

Though I loved him from the start

And I told my eager heart

Johnny is the boy for me

Johnny is the boy for me-e

Always knew that he would be-e

Though he doesn't know my name

I would play a waiting game

Knowing he would come to me

Ever since the world began

Woman always got a man

And Johnny is the boy for me

Johnny is the boy for me-e

Always knew that he would be-e

And one day he came my way

Having only this to say

Darling would you marry me

It was easy to decide

Yes my darling, I replied

Johnny, you're the boy for me

Johnny, you're the boy for me

CATALAN SONGBOOK: Traditional Catalan Songs



The song is about a war ship called “Català” that sailed to Cuba during the war of Independence. The

sailors of this ship were from a little coastal village in Costa Brava called Calella de Palafruguell.

The song is sad. It also refers to a popular drink of this area called “cremat” (rum, roasted coffee

beans, sugar and lemon peel).

Eric Bonilla

CATALAN SONGBOOK: Traditional Catalan Songs


It is a sad song , we usually sing it to say goodbye to somebody who has just passed away. The lyrics were

adapted into Catalan from the American folk song. Barça football team sang this song during the former

coach’s funeral, Tito Vilanova.


Write down friend Would you call him a man if he doesn't like the fair? Write down friend Would you call him gallant if he doesn't recieve salute? Write down friend Does it worth just for a 5 meter long fabric? Write down friend Would you call it life if it is spent in vain?

Write again to the board, grab your books and notebooks Mehmet the landowner with yellow wellingtons, Some day sure he'll pay his debt

Write down friend If you see a needy feed him with

kajmak and honey Write down friend

Dress up the poor with silk and shawl

Write down friend If you see an orphan wrap him

tight with your arms Write down friend

Nobody departs from this world with their belongings

Write again to the board, grab your books and notebooks, Mehmet the landowner with

yellow wellingtons, Some day sure he'll pay his debt

Write down friend Barış talks but does he learn a lesson from it Write down friend Does it remain if you write on the

water Write down friend

A world where right and wrong got mixed up

Write down friend You can't fill the empty, could

you fill the full?

Write again to the board, grab your books and notebooks, Mehmet the landowner with

yellow wellingtons, Some day sure he'll pay his debt


Takmış koluna elin adamını Beni orta yerimden çatlatıyor Ağzında sakızı şişirip şişirip

Arsız arsız patlatıyor

Belki de bu yüzden vuruldum Sahibin olamadım ya

Sığar mı erkekliğe seni şımarık Değişti mi bu dünya

Çekmiş kaşına gözüne sürme Dudaklar kıpkırmızı kırıtıyor

Bi de karşıma geçmiş utanması yok İnadıma inadıma sırıtıyor

Biz böyle mi gördük babamızdan Ele güne rezil olduk

Yeni adet gelmiş eski köye vah Dostlar mahvolduk

Seni gidi fındıkkıran

Yılanı deliğinden çıkaran Kaderim püsküllü belam Yakalarsam muck muck

Ocağına düştüm yavru Kucağına düştüm yavru Sıcağına düştüm yavru

El aman


Taking some other man by the arm She's tearing me in two

Blowing bubbles with her gum She bursts them impudently

Maybe that's why I've been ensnared by her Because I don't own her

Can my masculinity accept you spoilt thing? Has the world turned upside down ?

She's lined her eyes with mascara Her lips coquettishly bright red

Flaunting in front of me audaciously Grinning, merely to spite me

We weren't raised that way She's making us look like a fool

New customs have come to town Boys, we're lost

You vamp you You lure the snake from its place

My fate's crazy adventure If I get a hold of you (kiss kiss)

I've fallen in your furnace, baby I've fallen in your lap, baby

I've fallen for your warmth, baby Oh my!


Şu dünyadaki en mutlu kişi Mutluluk verendir Şu dünyadaki sevilen kişi Sevmeyi bilendir

Şu dünyadaki en güçlü kişi Güçlükten gelendir Şu dünyadaki en bilgin kişi Kendini bilendir

Bütün dünya buna inansa Bir inansa Hayat bayram olsa İnsanlar el ele tutuşsa Birlik olsa Uzansak sonsuza

Bütün dünya buna inansa Bir inansa Hayat bayram olsa İnsanlar el ele tutuşsa Birlik olsa Uzansak sonsuza

Şu dünyadaki en olgun kişi Acıya gülendir Şu dünyadaki en soylu kişi İnsafa gelendir

Şu dünyadaki en zengin kişi Gönül fethedendir Şu dünyadaki en üstün kişi İnsanı sevendir

Bütün dünya buna inansa Bir inansa Hayat bayram olsa İnsanlar el ele tutuşsa Birlik olsa Uzansak sonsuza

IF ONLY LIFE WOULD BE LIKE A FEAST the happiest person in this world is the one who gives happiness to others the loved person in this world is the one who knows how to love the strongest person in this world is the one who comes from hardship the wisest person in this world is the one who knows himself

if only the whole world would believe in that if only they would believe if only living would be like a feast if only all people would hold each other's hands if only they would get all together if only we all would reach out to eternity

if only the whole world would believe in that if only they would believe if only living would be like a feast if only all people would hold each other's hands if only they would get all together if only we all would reach out to eternity

the maturest person in this world is the one who can smile at pain the most noble person in this world is the one who shows mercy

the richest person in this world is the one who conquers hearts the most superior man in this world is the one who loves mankind.

if only the whole world would believe in that if only they would believe if only living would be like a feast if only all people would hold each other's hands if only they would get all together if only we all would reach out to eternity

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