st. viateur's college journanl, 1887-11-19

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Vol. V, No. 9



----- ------

VOL. V BOmtBON1UIB GROVE. 111. 8ATURDAY, Nor. 19, 1887. No g.



Attention! 'flw Pantaarnpll, nrnamf'ntal PPncil TABI.I<:T;

Wll.f. PJ.ltA:-I"R YOlT: ask for th~m at your • tntlmlPry &ore kept. nt the GOLLJ<:OK BOOK TO!\ E.

Till' Pantagmph & .. t. J. T. RO. ~K\". i\la.nager.




E YfiRELY ~ "'E"T




PO T , Wl1rDOW , DOOR ,


Kankakee, Ill.

Opp. Ill Central R R. Depot.

T. K. EAGLE. L U:tv!LEER..

A large and complete as ortrnent Jfnps, sh01ring latest Dis- of Lumber, L'lth, Shingles, P osts. coveries and JJoundaries, Qmcise Des- , h, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings criptive Te-xt fui-t/L twifarm. Topical alwllys on hand. Arrrwgemeut, uperb mul ApproJ.n·ia.te :Filling !luge orrlcrs for Dirncntion

IllustratiOIJS. Lumber n Svecinlty. Ia}> . • -TnE lAP ARE WnoLLY Yards, on East A venue, Knnkakec.

KW, ah{l present. with the gr~nteRt ..:1 v d • th C t Rt t accuraev, the re nits of the lata.~t mves- Ill. , 2nu. .1. ar 1 or · onr " ree · tlga.tim1. · and . e plorationl<. 'l;'bey have nod at Momence, between C. & L. I . OOP!l draw11 nftet· long and pntwnt study nnd Rivet·. Addre s, nnd oomp:lriSton of the be!lt authorities. lltatistlcnl, deiiCl'iptive and cartographic-a!. .J. K. RAGLE, KANKAKEE, ILL.

'l'hr nnrnoll on afl t.he mnps are collrct~ ------------- ----- ----- - -­ed in an nlphabt>ticnlly ananged index. in which is indicnted, not only the map. but the prwise place on the map in which e~b name can be founil. · '!'his "Reacly Reference Index" contain nearly 10,000 names of cities nnd towns fo'lln<l on the mapl'.

Text.-A huge. clt.>ar and 1.1i!'Unct stife of type is used.

By the u~e of two :;.izeR of type, 11 longer and a shorter l10111'!!e are indicated.

MATHR:MATICAI- and Pll\SH"AJ. HEOORA· PRY 3ft' tnlly tl'l'lltE'd In the ftrst chapters.

Ul'ftlt ~re 1~ giTI'l\ to tllf' expianat.ion of the CMJ!'Il!IS OF . 41'URAL PH.BNOH&lfA.

Al\hm!gfl puhlt~<bNi onlv l'I"Ct'ntfy thev havt' lK'ell \'ery larorably J"ll('t'IVf'd In Cat.nolie Ji1 tlfu~ tinM , e~re an<l aN> now In satlstact~Jty IW! tn t. Vlateur•s College.

For ctreulars abd tams address - , .o., Pn li her Cl QliATIA IIW TDRl



{ Fi,-st Y ard North of Catat Street, } Opposite Johnson's Grain Huuse.

---- - ----

Hard Coal Di re~t from Breaker at


Hard W od Wagon ~k a .Jpe~ialty.



A. F. M LLOR PrOJ)'r






@iO SaiD FOR Exi'LAKATORY CIRCULAR ~ 139 and 141 Monroe Street, CH ICAGO.


DR. fi . fn.J?UD~Oij. DENTIST.



Kankakr.e Illinois.


Gold and Silversmiths.


Religious, Craduating & Reward


Of Choice Designs and Fine



Send for Catalogues.


n.u: fi21. PROVTTJ!CNCM. R ! .

11 4 ::iT. Vlfo.TEUH'ti COLLEGE JOURNAL.



5. 15 P. tvi . . . . .. Passenger ..... ... . 8. ~H A 1\1 J.toom~ 5 au(l 11,

11.40A M .. .. ...... . Freight .... .. . .. ... ll.~OAM 45 U SHU Sl'ltlm1', eJliCAGO, IU.

GEN \£I{ A L BLA Cl(SM l'I'H. MAUHlNl:::JT.

A 11 ki n<ls of farmer's i mvle­nl.ents, repaired a1Hl sa.tisfac­tion gTtarantee<l.

S. Tetreault. Bourl.>onm•is · <Trove.

Something Interesting Jr yon luwe Re hool llool<s wh ich you do · ~ot

care to k eep, I will t.a l<e them iu exdl fLn g;e lor uool~; yo u m:ty neecl. l'l e\nse se11d m e :1 li st o f t hose yo u wottld like to exchange or sell. Al so sen<llor list I luwe. to sel l. Orde rs ~oli eitecl for chea p School Books, a n(\ for 111iscell a neous l~ool<~. Seml yo ur 01'(\ e!.'S to ~C. M. BAHNES,

75 :tnd 77 Wa lHISlt Ave., Cl!i e>tg:o, 111.


REAL ESTATE, LOANS And Collecti ons.

.t\OTAit'l PUBI.l.C. COUltTST. , S J,CO~D S'J'O ltl' NOS. 11 ~ti1Ll l ;)

]{ ANKAKEE, ILL. -·---------·--------

CHAS. E. VOSS. Photographer.

37 Court Srcet,

KAN K .i.UCflJJ!J, I U,.


t;alt anti Fresh, SmokGcl Meats, S:tusnge, Po u lLry, ELl ~ .

i\Iarket, No1~ th Sicll-l Comt SLrec t. , K :ll1knkee. Il l.

J. A. LANCLAIS. HnnkSeller , S latio ll el· a ud \~V lll c i\ l l' l"t' l tollll·.

ITi til.. ,)os.· plo ~trel't . St. ltod1. ((J u e l >~cJ l 'ropl'iPt.or oJ t he (:. t~ h.) l n a.t t' <l Frl'll('ll (' la.:;:-- i.t·s

h~r R. JtOB'El\.T, and also o f "A Nl'.\V C olli'Se o[ 1 :a n:tdian P ennwnsll ip '' in 91\oH. (Fnmch aull E n(rl is ll ) $ 10.!)0 a gross-uf >~La t)t: Jilaiu e Dainte ., with 1'11\\Sie, 18<> , !J a il hOII II <l , .iJ;Q.O(l '!JI rl z.- of ·' 1:e P:woiss ien Note," JSc•, fnll cloth: .~10 . 80 iiJ dz; ll<tlf llonml $12.00 'tf1 rlz.

}ft~s a lw;.~y~ on ha.ud . a 1~cl a.~ t!tp l ow1~s 1 , prii ~P H, all kua\s ot 1' r eneh a .. nd l· .. llglts h class t<: a.J guud:-:.

Depot of t.ll e Cc•leJyrat e<l " GOLDEN CHOSS " F ine Cut. E stai.Jii s hed 18:i6. '

S. ALPINE R, M;ttnd';}ct.ure r or FI NE CI GAHR and cl c•akr in

i:i 1no l<ing ;wei C1J e wi11g Tol.J<Lcc·o~ a.l l Kinc\s ot Smol,ers' Arti cles .· No. 22 East Ave. Ka.nkal((W, [ll.

JOS. ST. J_JOUIS. Choicest. Groceries' of all kincls, with fuJI sati ~fac ti on g uaranteed, may be barl in my store. G ive m e a trinl.

H.omcmber No. l.l5 Conrt St .. , KAN. K A KIH<: Ill.

DRAZY & SON. Genern.l B L1 0ksm ith,

Repairs of l\1aehines, "\Vagons, Plows, anrl Horse shoeing .

All work dome on sho rt Notice anrl g naranteerl.

Near the R.i ver. Kankakee, Ill.

MUSIC FREE! Send 15 cents

For lllailing·, a.nd , i11 retu r11 , l'ecc ive

$3 ' Worth of Music.

Comprising from t> to 8 piPces, the latest o f om pul.Jlictttion s, for t )l c; pnrpose of introdnction. ~Address: K unkel Bros., Gl2 Oli ve Stree t ,



CJl , w ~

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t:J ;.--..( ffQ ~ ru ~ s bl

h ~ c:

J:::j Cf,

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m (") ~ t:rJ · r+ ?'

l • -. : k:J c ~

' = ~

~ ~ ~ N. BARSALOUX ..

No. 200, 202,


CHICAGO. We have lately bought an immen~e lot of

Chan1ber Sets the wh.ole stock of a ~a.n u.ti"tctu 1. ·e,

40 cts. OH the Dollar. ---------··~-------

We can sell yo u th e most bcf\\l tif nl sd

in th e city for


$60.00. If you wi :oh t o make a preseu L Lv a

fri end , come and see us, we will g ive you the best opportnnity yon may ever be offered ; we ha vc a te w hpnl"lre cl s left, and they go rapidly.

------- .. ·-----1 f you me in the city , come and

see onr large stock o f

Parlor Sets!' JYI:ag-nificent 1\·LiiT<)rs

20x72!' Glass

$ .27.00.

. Wndor ~Hrtlws, __ in g reat I'H.r iet ies;

13 (_) 0 C A :S E ~ , Ort"ice Dosh:s,

C H .\.lHt), CJA H. PE'J'S,

Ln UN lH:::<,

Sofas, &.~&





CUSTOlVI CLOTHING. They Guarantee l'rice. Qua lity of Workn~<tn sl!ip

I ;:nrl .Sll.ti~~action to a ll F<t;oring th,c~m .'~i~h their J ,<.t JOlld·l!e . . . .... . ... .. . .. CALL AN tJS LL l iS.








HARVEY LEGHIS ..• .... • .. •.•• . ...•. .... ..•. '88. l'AUL .WIL TACH .. • .. •.. . .•. •...• .•..... • .. '89 . ( ]HAS. H. llALL .. . . . . .. ....... . ... . . .. ..... '89.

lOne year - -TERM . Six months - -

Pa.yn.ble in ad vance.

For <\li\'E~rtis i ng, se<' la~t page.

$1.50. $0.75.

All students of the College :Lrc invited to send coutribut.ioiJs nmtter fHr the ,JOURNAL.

young but e..'LI·~est a!:d labor-lov ing m embers. The . J ooHNAL will always be most happy to publi h the bS­

Sfl.}'S and doings of tl.te society.

.. * *

COMMUNICAT IONS t•f personal interes t from pres­ent and former studei1ts will be received th :wkful ly by the Staff.

.. * *

V\' E RESPECTFULLY a nd earnes lly invite our friends an~ a ll l overs of dramati c art., to witness the presentation of P izza.r ro a t t he :\.reade O pera House in K ttnlmkee Ly the Thespian Assoeiation of tlli!:1 College. Tl.te co llege band and orcl.te~tra will play during t he performauce. We wi~h our dramatic boys a brillaut

All comrnunicatious slwuld he a<ltlressed "~t . Yiateur's College j S UCeC~S • • Journal ," 13ourhonnais Ciron•. J<anka.!,c<"' Co., I ll. J

~~~~~~~~~==~~~==~~~~~~ I


WI<~ REXI<:W: om invitation t.o all to nssist at our cc lchra.tiou of St Cflcilia's D:L_v wllieh, we promise, wi ll repay your com in g. Tbe music for tlw mass of tlte day is hy G-onnorl-anct thi:; is sufficient gunr:mtee that it will be exc~llent. A Q ·uwtet will ren rler an ·'0 Snl ntnris" by Ro sini, the "ery rehe:trs;tl of whieh is like sounds from lw:welt.

* * * THI~ l'HOGI<AMM E f<Jr the 22t~<1. will be entire ly

musical. There will be ai rs by tlH~ hanct, airs by t lt e Orehestra (we're always tempterl to spe ll the On ·h es~ra

with a big 0 an(l we snc<'nmh) - tbere wi ll IJe songs by onec;, twos, turees, an fl fours-chorn$e'l-solos on Yiolin, guitar, cla.rionct, flute, piano and other insLrurneuts.

* .. * REV. F. ~ . PB:RRY, oE the Holy Nnme Cathedral,

Chicago, hns beeu invited by the comm ittee on arrnnge­ments to give the eulogy on St. Cecilia.

* * * THg 00~ TRIBUTIO'NS handed us by the young

gentlemen of St. Pntrick's Literary association are glad­ly and thankfully n.cqcpted by the Rtaff. We congratu­ln.te f.h !l()('iety upon the very creditah lA work of it!!

* * * WITH KNOWLEDGE comes the des ire of knowl­

edge. His only when one has begun to wake up to the elevating, the heavenly te ncteney of science w an t hat he conceives for it a deep anct earnest love ... The philo gropes a while in the uninteresting mnzes of doubt, Lben perchance sees a distaut my of li g ht, a Goc1- se nt guide. lie f,Jl!ows it and arrives at the full rad_iancy of tl.e sn n ot truth :w(t t here find s the so lu tions of some g >·cat questions which move the humnn mind. The more be discover~ t.he more he searc lJcs. Man ha.s natura lly a.n nns:1tiable nppetite lo k now, a nd in thiE does he Jll[l.nifest his natural aptitude to be God- like. The artis t, from t ho moment he percei V03 t.he g r;tn<leur, the rea l worth , the excellency of his art, grasps it with bis whole !:1ou l, be­('Omes enamoured of it and m<tkes but one with it. The musician t hi nks, dreams, speaks n.nrl a~:t.s music, a nd so does the painter dwell on ly in the realms of hi s own lofty ideals. But befvre one has yet been ahlc to cou­cei VB a hig-h idea of tlle su1 eriority of lmowleuge over other possibilities be will surely enough Le influenced by his own material environments and be ch:Lincd to earth ancl things earthly. To traverse, the n the firHt

· stages o£ ignorance, the cleep- ta!:gled density of child ­hood's ignorance and of childhood's apathy to learn, is tbe most Lrying anrl difficult of p:tsses to the citadel o~ lwowleclgfl.

• I iO

ll G F l'. VJAT .l£Uh '.:; COLLEGE JOU H.NAL.


T l1 is i ~ n. sc lf-glot·i i'y ing ~ ge ; a ud ye t ,, ot unreasonably so; fo r , as far as me re worldl y interest a nd eom C0 r ts a re concerned, we ca t~ bu<tSt of g rea t impro ve ments o ver ou r more s im ple a url nn ~;o plli st icate tl a ncesto rs.

A ll t!J e useful a.n s l1a v e bee n Ll".l ll g lt t to a d egree o f pe rfecti on neve r cl renJTIC\1 of, e ve n iu t lwir wildes t re v. cri es. Co10rn erl:e, na.v igatiun a 1Hl shi p-l•uiilling ha vr made wo ntlcrful s tr id es: ucw ar.c1 1':11· more po werful agenc ies fo r w:<r 's dread pur pose tll e l:t s l 11 10 rc cl es truc ti ve tha n its pr e1l ecessor , a re chi ly bm ug \11; to li g ht .; ~ h.e in­v ention of steam has alunst des troy ed the di sta nce between tl1e a nti pocl es, co r11wc ted the m o::: t di sta nt re­g ions, a nd ~ ubser v <'lS t o · o ur comfurt IJy h y i11 g at our d oors t he p rodu cts oJ eo un tr ies alm os t unknown a few ce:: tmi es ago. S till ·we nre no t sati s fi ed. \Vc t'orgct th e laLors a nd ccmq uesLs of the pas t., :<nd bend our e ne rg ies 10 g reater nnd mo re mftg- ni li rent cli swo veri es. W e a re not content thaL we ha ve r eel need so many of nat nrc's for ces und er some d eg1·ee of su hj ection; i t is not c noHg h tha t the mig hty ocea n hns beco me our serv a nt ; tha t electri c ity places us in nl1n os t per~ona l contac t w ith places ancl peoples far di s tant., t ha t the st eam e ngin e carries us witll sec mity and co mfort and wo:Jrl crful ce­l erity acro~s contineuts, wbi c l1 form erly co uld not IJe traversed witltuu t g reat fa.ti g ue, cbnger, a ncl consump­t ion of tim e : all Lhi s is not s ufficient. We must s t ill g o 1orwarcl : " pmg ress" is o nr, our wa tcbworrl. W e mLJSt progress in every thing: in sc ieuee, in <ll't, legi<- . lation and e ven in reJ igion .

The Age b oas t.s of its life, its ac~ i v i ty , its e nt e rpri ~e ,

advancement il.nrl cliscoveri e:;, b u t cl oes no t its self-&lor­ifi cu ti on go too f'r. r ? Does it. no t con s ic1 r r i: sc· lf too ex­clus iv ely nnJ forge t too lllLH.: h the l:1b ors a nc'i nchi eve . meut s o f utlw r ngE·s , wh ich m r. de it s < u cu s m~ d )JJ Os per­ity poss ibl e?. Is t he re not :l. re ligiuus instit u t.iou whi ch puts a nobler nnd more exa ltecl es ti1 n:--.te upon lire than does t he: f' pirit of Lhe· present n[,e') F <lr whc1t is the end of life? lt is til e purs t1it r•f hnppiness. !11 wbn.t does t hi s consis t? N o t , sure ly , in t.hfl pursn it of aud acq 11 is i Lion oi' wealth , ~o fl eeting a.n rl uncert:tin, an <l whicll only the [,tvnrecl fe w eve r ob tai:1. Nvt in se nsn:1l pl eas ure~ ,

which are eve r accom p:tniecl witll we:<riness nnd di sgu st, not in aet ion, for it soon pa lls Lipon n ~. NC; , no : lite is something more t han thit: . Li f'e is kno wiE> rl ge ; lite is al't.ion ; life is e njoy ment: bnt it is kno w! e rlge withont a clo ud, power with o nt we: '.kllt'SS, and e nj >,)'111('nt ex­em pt frotn suffering. Dut can knowl edge so clear ancl perfect, power so immen se, or e11joym ent so g reat be

· oh tain ecl in th i ~ life ? Are t!Jey ~JOt ratl, er sougbt a fter th:<n possessed.

Ask thos<" who ha1·c penetmtcd lk cpes t into the se-

CrPts of nat ut'e ::tncl they will te ll y ou tha t wh~tt they

ha ve gmspecl on ly with in fin i te pai n~ leaves their d e­sires unsatisfi ed. Onr power shows ra ther our weakness than s tre ngth. Only with grea t cl iffic ul ty can we ~ones t fr o m lht~ en rt lt a little food fo r our s usLena nce. Our phy ­sica l power is fa r inferio r to inanv of tb e brute creati on. O ur politi c:d ins ti t utions nre s~ weak that a simple l>renth ·ef>m s sometim es capabl e to d estroy them. Our heroes lmve do ne a ll th at mnn cn11 rlo, ancl ye t how fnr were the ir t:<~n qu ,.,s ts from sa tio(ying t heir wishes . 1-I ::~ p­

pines~, how fe w nre the favored ones who g msp it ? ho w g reaG is th e num bcr o f those wh nm it escr~ p es whe n ;dm ost wi thin tlt ? ir reach ? bo w ma ny does it r ntire ly ig nore ? Du t ,1 et th ese d esires, s i: ;ce tll ey a, e i m ph11 te (l in us by

th e A uthor of na ture, must ob ta in th eir Hl:COnl pli sllln e llt. Will t hi s bl essed clny :;hine on thi s or t he other :o ide of the g ra ve ? The Ca tholi c c hurch a ns wers tkt t o nly in the fu ture liCe wi ll o ui· cl es ires receiv e th e ir per fe ct ion; tktt th en on ly wi 11 be fulfil led the word s o f the n. post le : t l1 e ey e hath not seen, the ear hath not heard nor it , -ente red intothe mincl of man to eo nce iv e th e j oys whidt G ocl ha Lb in store for th ose wl1u serve him . But !.>ecause the he:nt c:mn o t accompli s l1 a ll i ts cl e:; ires in thi s !if!·, b eca n:;e it cannot a tta in pr rfi>c t iln ppi IH•f'!" ll r r (:\ rl nrs

iG fiJ llo w thil. t it loses a ll iu tercs t in nJlltHlan e :dt.Lirs ? Cer tainly no t.

'fet t l1i " is wb:<t ma uy a t the pre<5ent cl ay do not hesitate to affirm . Catholic ity th ey s1y is inimicnl to soc ia l p rog.res~, incnp :1.b le of grc.1t e nte r]'rises, foru s life less cham cters, strMgcrs to tb e ·interes ts of th is world. Bnt is no t thi s judgeme nt v ery pn.r t ia l ? Do. t l! ey not c ircum ocribe the limits of the ir observ:tti 0 11 wi thin t oo sma ll a radius. Tnke those characters who have il­l lt strated tb e church by the ir .c;an c. tity. vVhat . rlays arc the irs? Of them it. can be truly s:~icl that th ey Jivccl mu ch in a sho rt time. Tl1ey know ful ly th a t life's mo­ments:Lre prec ious gifto,givenonly to SPizc t he tr·~~ S tires

oi Div ine mnnificence . Tr1e,v know th il. t a cl ay of reckonin g is no t f1r dista nt, wh en eve:·y idl e worrl will Qe weighed in the balance, nnd even a Ctl p of coJcl W<tter will receive its r ewarn.

They know th at no prayers ascend higher towarcls he:tven tha n those of the orphan, th e afliictecl n. ncl nn­f~ n·t11n:1tc ; a ncl .th;tt th ey can ha ve no mort'\ powerful fri ends in th e ce les ti al conrt. thnn th e 1111bappy who m they lw.v e con soled or the ignora1;t whom the y bavc instrn c teu into jns(ice. His care is not to lose "a mo­ment; for tim e is w ort lt as mueh to him as befl.ven which is its recompense. E ve ry ac t is peform ecl with the ut­most :tttenti on; for he works for eterni ty. H e is filled with a p:<ss ion for work~ useful tv !Jis ne ighbor; for he knows that G od co nsiders that as d o ne for himself which is uncl ertake n for our IJrethren.l:iee a Vincent d e Pau l, not only as the a cl vi see o f hi s king , or as the almviJ e:· o f the



sentiment; it is a fl ash of thnt f.1.ith which in these . 1•ecklc~s mlnmturers often becnmectimmed by the more material luster of gnlr'l anr'l brilli:mt conquests.

H e can b:trei ly be bra11rlerl wit b the epithet amririous, thi:mg!t this well befi t~ mn.1y of hi true ad herents, golcl­seekin<t SpanbrrlR. He tliecl penni !es;;, In tbi respect he is d one no injustice in •. herid~w.

As there :s seldom a hero wi thout n L.ei'Oine, so in the drama m~ rncet with a certa in E'vir~t who follo ws the fortunes and misfurtnne.s of p:znrro. he doe.s not to 1Hl.Ve been lt ,-ery canoniz·tble chamcter, ami critics say that Sheridnn;s introcluction of such nn im­per onntion r~ther impairs a work wuich i otherwise calcubted for happy dramatic effects. It nppears tl!at the stern Pizarro had nn incli nr,t.ion toward the fair sex anfl t hat he was ah;o in h i'l id lr·. honrs, m ueh gi \'en t.o ~a·uliling. Ne\·ert.ueless, as s:\ys Rollrbneher, be was :111

accomplished hero-with (he g rcnt •lPfeets and the su­perior qunlities of oth~r heroes. Of heroc. like him ho­meric Greece woulrl havP. peopled ber Olympu~.

Upon the whole, if we judge him from the men.snre <.. r his success, (which nown.dnys is the recognized crite­:;on of a man\ worth) we must ad mit that he acheivecl a gnlat <l eal an•l t.hat he <l ied in tlw full enj oyment of what he had must coveted. Certain it is, at a ll events, that a l'rzarro, n great P izano, hm; ex isted - not n fictitious c 1mracter -bu t one who really waike<l the earth, nud, like nil great mr·u, left hi s foo lprin ts in the sands.


.Friday, tbe -±th inst., was tbe fe:t~t of St. Charles Bor­romeo, and the patronal day of the R:~v. Charles Pe­borde, D. D., Professnr of Tbevlogy a.nd Philosophy and Director uf the semi'nary department. On t.l!e eve of the 4th. the merul>ers of the two (•.lasses cn llecl on their esteemed Prof. and in the midst of u is surprise, deliver­ed an address whieh contaiued the expressions of their hearty congratulation, and of thei r sincere thanks for the good he had nchievcct in their behalf. After the Addres::, one of tlte members prest'nteJ him, in the name of both classes, a beautiful stole as a seusiblc to­ken of t.beir regard.

The Rev. Gentleman responded, greatly moved, by assuring them tha t. if any thing brought him a sense of true pleasure, it was the thought that, whatever little be could do might further their advancement in science and virtue. Tbis was the a im of a ll his laburs, and he loved to see that his efforts were not barren. H e d welt on the pwgress which the both classes were making in tbe deep a.nd mazy windings of Theology and Philoso­phy; and this be looked ou as a pledge of their futurt~

I ..

ex cellence. H e conclurled hy thanking one and :lll for their k ind remembrance 0f him, and i n ret mu fin· Lheir we!l-wishc.::, remarked, t.l!Jt ho wi~hed them the s;1111e-11. hun cl red-fol<'l. Afl.E'r having gr:mted :1 holiday for bot h cln&>ei', the cigars were passed. arquml, nrHl t.he remain­ing portion of the evening IY::lS ~pent in gencrn.l con ve r-ation. The address dt'li vererl the Rev. Prokssor by the ~cminarin.os was ,,s fol!tll'l'i' : Rev. Profes or an<l rlenr D irector.

'Vlleu in lookiPg back over the last t.1r0 yea r,-, in re-' calling the memory of the events whic~ fii!Nl. up that lapse of o ur eminary course, nnd in pausi ng o'er the good we've done ;1ud the opportuniti es we grasped not, ever an,! anon the vi ion of one who ha:< lignrcd eon­sp icnousiy and reverently in the sm:11l circle of onr quiet and stud ions life, intru(ks itself pl cas::1nL!y on the notice of our memory aud calls !or rusting recogni cioll . N eerl. I say whom thnt figure represents, or ueecl I add th:1.t l!c has recei vcrl n more than passing rem em un:nec? Our presence here thi~ evening hns a.Irea.dy prevented me. Your Reverence has imm ediately divined tl!e ob ­ject or our assembling o.round you to-dny on thP. happy ret·· m of th is Feast of your Patron Saint. But Chere is · so :l l C·~hing beyond this that seeks expression, on this most fi tting occasion, and it is the manifestation of a filial regard and deep admiration which we have ever f•:lt for you in your twofold capacity as our - Director anrl Pr· >fes~or. vVe have, time and time again caught from your li ps tl!ose principles of our ecclesial"ticallife that secre t. of spiritual progress, which gives the key tu sanctity and generates saints. You h!:tve been solicitous, a nd in this you vividly recnll to us the hfe of the Saint, whose name yon be:tr m preserving di::;cipline in our Ul id st , and in these efforts which are the otfspri ng ot your unti ring zeal, we would wish t.o aesure you, that yo u have, on our part, na ught but the ~i ncerest desire of succ·e~s. But whnt is onr gratitude when we turn to the VI'Prk of our min<~ which you hnve so sedu lously superintended !lnd governed ? \Vhat onr n.dmiration, w!Jen we ha"e listeued to the high encom ium s which you have repea tedly lavished on the cloctrinu of t he •'Angel of the Sehool"" ~md what o m· heartfelt th::ll d;:~ ,

for having impar ted to us a few sparks of your g low ing enth usiasm for the study of his snperhuman works? In all these endeavors, a bnrden has involved upon you whieh we are fully nwnre, can be gauged by nor.e but yourself. But if tbe slight need of a gratit ude we can not fully ex11ress, can do anghL to alle viate that burflen, can cause one r:.y of cheering sunslline to pi erce the dull atmospl! ere of daily recuring cares nod re~pou si­

bilit.ies thrre be the knowledge that thnt ray shall ever shine.

These y our Roverence, a re some of Llle express ionsof a beartfcl correl>pondonce with your designs in our re-_

. .. ~ • I !::>


<ran\ witb which we havo wi:;lwd, on Ll1is U\:e:Lsion to ~resent yon: nml though "uu t of the nUlllllhn ce of the heart the llWilt·h .. peakcth ," ycl m:wy <>l' til' 11 uu lesL ut tcrau uc.:. uf tlle henrL seck in ,·a i11 J\n· t•xpres" iun at the portals ot' th H lip:; ;Ui d l'd l b:tck aguin inlu LlH' qLti?t

of tl1ei t· un f:dlwmal>lu tlecp, !; <) th i11k ul' u::; , we hnvc s:ll<l

hut ltLLle, we li ·••l 11111el1.

- l>izarro ?

Tlw ~L'lUi n :~ri : u1s ul' ~t. Vi:clcur',; Culll'gc, FuasL ur St. Charles Ul>l'l'() llWO,

N <> V. 4~h 1887 A. D.


- Yes Piz~ Lrro ngnin! - More Peruvians wanted!

• · ' l ' ];-. I\.~. ,, .l.'lt l~ iznno, - The Thcsptans go uO ~. ~ " L

\Vudnes<ly Evening ~ 'ov. )!::lrcl. s~wee~;s. _ Cecili:tns Tuesday ni ght, Nov. 22n<t -"A New olfiee for S[tlll," is the cry or his 111H JI ,Y

supporters. _ _ The boy whose nam · appe:lre<l in the Sf'. Lou£:;

Ca-tholic JVol'ld ns winning the "mule rncc" on St. Via­leur's Day, is now looking for the r orrespon<lent wl10 wrote the notice. There will be ' ' blooLl" 'tis app rehended.

_ "Blind Horse stor ies are l'urnisl!eri. on application ." Prof .. J. D. one door north of Iufinunry.

_ B. hns engaged a guide to escort him to the Do rmiton- every night, "o be will mnke no such mistake as he "eommitted not long ago when he got in the wrOllO' room ancl was o·o ing to bed ·when be was

"" b discoveretl hy the owner and shown the door.

_ Brotl1er Collin !', late of the Novitiate, is now stationer\ at the Holy Name Selwol in Chicngo.

_ T!.lrongh the kindness and solicitnrlc or Fatuer Dooling every bed in the dormitory will be furni:;hcd with a set of spring'S and hne !Jair matr6SS.

- The "four o'clock" wa.ll;;s li<\\'e uecn n~sum e<l,

much to the s:ttisf:tc t ion o l ni l th e st11d cnts. _ It is now arr:tnged so tbaL tile la rge Le i! on t!Je

top of the col lege · ring·s every hour ancl is used to call the bovs in from recreation.

_ lfat ller Riehard S:Hlli cr ol'l\Iarsha.ll l\lie i.J , and He v. Thoma~ Kearney of ChicagP, pa i<l us :t sho rt vi sit on Tuesday, Nov .• 8th. The Military companies gave an exhibit.iou dri ll for tbeir benefit. After the dril l they

displayed their s:.tisfaction by "treating" Lbe three different compani es . Thanks.

_ Our genial Prefect, l\Jr McSorley, wlH, was und er the weather for a few days, is up again n,nd tending his

duties. _ Since our last issue we nvte the following new

arrivals among the seniors; J. M cCam brd ge of Morris, f!l., J. Pallissar<l (Jf St. A!m, IlL, and .J. Gallet, St. Au 2-ustine. Tll.

- Uumpanies A, B ~1 nd C arc every day ttchieving wonth·rs of milita ry manoeuvring these :fine days~stwll woun<>rs t hat it mHkes even U:nro l's heart aclw tb:.t I.Jc is noL in the nlllks. ,

- Urolher Kllhn, who tinishecl hi s nov itiale a. l'ew weeks ngo, is now tcachiug French in til e col lege.

- Mr. Theotlore Theruux is Lhc btest arrival in t!J e SeUlirwry.

-Brother Lrtuzon now makes IJis bearlquarters nt Father Bcaulloin's :tnd directs the choir at the parif;h •dn1 rch.

-Brother O'C<tllHhan,_ late of the Holy Nome l:iehuol, Uh icngo, surcceds B·ot!J er JJencler ns Prefect oJ' the Junior Department.

-Thank:giving Eve the Tlle"pians will prcseut at the Arca<~eOper~d-Iouse in Kankakee, thei r latest s uC<;e~<s,

Pizarro. - For the lnst three weeks artists bave been at work

on elegant costumes <'tn<l no doubt t lte ece;Jic etfeets as we ll as tbc nrtisLic renclitio1t of the whole wi ll bE\ of :t high ord er. Music Lw.s been rehe~trsed and everything i 11 fact, presages a grand prescntatinn. .

- Mr Johu Kelley will hereafter h:we cbare,e of Luc Uhnpcl ns he I.Jas been lately arpointed Sacri&tan .

- Tbc six miuims who saw {it they sl1 ou l<l go tv Ch i0ngo to sec tbe A:1arcbists hang, got t lwre, but on rJCcuunt of very press illg bu siness here tl1ey wcw ob­I igcd to return before the execution.

- Pwf. J.P. Dore is at present organizing an elocn­tionary recital to be g iven in tb e fi rsL week of Decem­ber. His programme wi ll be a bout as fo llows; AdJres" on "Eloeution'' by M . S . :-;~; ind un; F . Lesage antl J. Con­don wil l appecr in the "Qunrrel scene between Brutus ami Cassius"; W. Pre1~dergast wil l speak " Tlle Curf:ew"; T. Normoyle will gi"e' ·Hat:n le t's Speech to the Pl:iy ers''; L. •·T ile G reenrooun t:1 in Justi0e''; D. Hieou , ''Panh:ts ius." A COliJiC recitntion Ly D. l\lu N :llnnrn , and <t d ia.l ogu.; will com pl eLc the elucu Lionary part. There will iJe music by Prof Edgar Bourget ancl ~

songs by t he G lee Clu b. Juc1g ing from the men u we hsve renson to await a r eli shable e iJtcrtainm ent.

_ \Ve expect t hE J unior classC'S wil l 110t ·remai n in the lurcb, but will come forward with a show not infe­rior t o that which the seni ors propose g iving.

_ A ud the minims ! are they' on ly to be seen, never

heard? - Tbe Ceci lians are preparing a rare tre:lt for music­

lovers. T he grand SiH'ead will take place T eusclay evening, Nov. 22n<l. Do not fail to come, all who tancy musical amusement.

- Bro. ChRmpl1gne, who bas soj ourned with F. Chouinard C. S. V. i t: Mauteno, is to embark shortly fot· New York. Bon Voyage!


~~-· ~- ~ ,, c ~-.),·~· . f,"


- Lord Joseph Byron was sRen settino- his latest poer:p to violin music, in the Recreation. Hall 1ast week. -A "Bud" is a most promissing thing. From it we

expect the sweet-scented flower , which will soon devel ­op iiJto a most delicious fruit, or the blushing rose which wm captivate its admirers by the beaut~: of its tints and t-he innocence-like spleudor of its wl~iteoess.

- On Wedn(1 day the b:md played a funeral warch in the church at the mortuary services of l\Ir. Ferron, an old member of the French Colony of Bourbonnais· Mr. Ferron bad been utfering ot a long an(1 slow sicl!:­ness which O'ave him time to prepare for his voyage to


the DI:'Xt world.


As we c~nnot repeat a goorl adYiee too often we quote a few lines form an editorial in the Xotre Dmnc Scholashc, which only adds strength to the already ur­gent call we macte some t ime ag.J to the sLu(1ents, regard­j.,u society mern bership :

~' \Ve h~pe e,·ery stl1(1ellt re:-tli:;:es the neccsi'ity or at le'lst the dnLy of joining one of our litl'lrary or dramatic S\>eieties of ~be University. Be2ides ibc enjoyment to he l1nd in attenc1ing the society meetings, and the pleasure u[ occasionally ~)eing ftble to vary the tediousness of the sturlv-ball, the societies prepare st.ude1~ts in a great measnre.for public life. In the society is reg-ained a good knowletlge of parliament..·u·y law. In an:earing before his fellow-stutlonts in debaLe or declamatwn, es· say or oration, the speaker obtains ~el f.control ancl the conrage rcqnisit<J to face n.u audicnee. After leaving colleue we are often placed in thos<~ positions where it is ne~e'!sary to make It few remn.rks in pnulic, and cannot be sncce$sl'nlly done without some previous training which is best procnrcd in a good literary or dramatic association."

* * * To the lover of autumnal~entimcnts, a passage like the

followino- from Dicken's poetic prose is a comfort: "It w:s small tyranny for a re8pect:tble winrl to go

wreaking its vengeance on such poor creatures as the fallen leaves, bnt this wiml happening to come up with a great heap of them jnst after venting its humrlllr on the insulte<'l Dragon, did so disperse and scatter them that they fieci a.w11y, pell-mell, some there, rolling over each 0ther, whirling round and round upon their thin

edues takhw frantic flio-hts into the air, and playing all 0 ' 0 0 • • ~

manner of extt·aordinary gambols 1n the extrem1ty ot their distress. Nor wns this enongh for its malicious fury: for, not content with driving them abroad, it charged sm~ll parties and bunted them into the wheel­WTights saw-pit, and below the plnnks ~triLl timucrs in

the yard, and, scattering- the sawdust in t.he: ::tir, it look­ed for them underueatl;, and wllen it did meet with any, whew! how i.t druve them on :lJH1 followed at their beds.

"The second leaves otlly flew the fhst er for aJl thi::, -am1 a gictdy chase it was : for the~r got int<l n nfrf·quent­ed plaees, where there wns no (•ntlet and wlwre }llere pursuer kept them eddying round and ronnd at his pleasure; and they crept under tbe eaves of houses, and dung ~ightly ~o the sides of hay-rick:-, like bats; and tore in at open chamber windows, rtnd cowered close to !ledges; and, in short, went anywhere for safe­ty ."

* ~- * Thanks to the tender care a.1Hl constant attention ot'

our florist P . Granger, the study ball bas lbe cheery look of a veritable summer garden . Tllere clings about this studious precinct an air so br ight, so i!witing, so clean, so comfort:tble, with a milt1 perfume floating like a gentle spirit all arouurl, that o ne exclaims, as he n.l­most enviously views the lucky students : ''YVha.t an Eden!'' Ever and anon one of tbese fortunate science­seekers raise1i his eyes from a captivating book, or may­hap le ts them clown from a far home-reverie and fair forms as if of living s,pi r its br·~:~.tlling gladness meet his gn~c. They flit about in playful ramifyings or cluster. together upon the window sills in cheerful_ chat as it awaiting a sun ray; nnn the sun come;; from beneath ,wt.nmn's grey clom1s and laughs as tllongll 'twere spring. Really the stuc1y- hall is a gem.

* * * We brtve noticed with pleasure ;u some 8 or 10 of our weekly exchanges well writ.ten accounts of the cel­cbrn tion of St. Yi:tteur's Day here. Scarcely Clllllr1 a h . tter way of pra.eticing their pens be found for the rhJ~orica.l stnrlent,.:, who, we hear, appreciate tllc sport· 'Ve shall watch tor Lhe ir interesting notes in the future .

* ·:10 *

Readers, ye of the reac1ing room espc( ·ially, remem-ber the practice of wi;;e rnen to read with penci l ancl note-book in lwnr1 ... Do not clevour; but masticate, digest, assimilate, r~ntl yon will grow intellectually strong, antl aulc knights in the arena of letter~>.

SPORTIVE. "Go cnt your shinnies." Foot-B1tll and shinny are now all the rag,~. 'Vho says tbat "Profs" can't play "Ilurlcy" The hand ball allies arc crowcler1, the foot-ball is kept

rollirw and tbe shinnies arc in active service, but the 0 .

diamond is deserted. Tt.ble No. 4 challenges any other table in the !louse

to play hand-ball or foot-hall. at anv appointed time. on


:111Y des imblr: g'l'ollJHls ~nd !•11· :~ti.)' :c :nvt tlll ()[' ·'c l t.!.~ <:rts . "

Aclclress J. Prc·mcler. C0111 Ion Ser. S in ce tlw fool IJ:dl game lnst Tucsdn.r, eornlnt t ll iC~ ­

t ions f'rom nl l Lhe lencl inp; team:; in t lw co nn t ry

been ponri·'g in, nsking for t il e re!e:1se of our g rea t

''H.alf D:1ek," P<tnl \Vilst:1c h. Up lo t.he time of writi ng

all offer~ h~we been re fused and it i ~; pretty we ll f'.eitled

::hat. this ce' p lr1ye r wi ll coutinuc to weru· om "eolors" fur tlw J'('St of Llie 5enso:1 .

Last Tnesd::Jy' LIVt> or Lhe best games o f' fuo L·lmll1.hat

h:tve ever been witnessed on Lh e eollegu g r ouncls, were

phyecl br.t . wL~e n the boys :1nd ''Profs,'' fo r a costly ~md

very much n ppree in te cl prize,--:·t bushel of n pp Irs . .. Tbe

first o· hsted n half honr a nd cnclcd in favo r Of th e

boys~But the secu!Hl gnmc tlie P ro!i; slnrtecl in to win .

Every one w<Js ( Jll his :uet tle. Fi:·s t t he ball was neur

one g·oal, then near the other. Dutli si(lesfonght va l innt:

ly, and at the end of one hom a goa I was scored bt· tlte

"Profs." For t!Je P r ofest;ors, Messrs. Dc• re, S uliiva.n nn cl O'Bri en cl id t he moRt e1Iec t ivc work, nne'! on the si<le of tlw boys, D orsey, Baker nucl Knise ly per fo rm ed t he

heavy kicking. It wns a g:<mc tb:.t ench pbqer ca.t: wel l

tf'.ke pri cle in, a.s every incliv i(\ ual made two, tf not

m o re, pretty plays.

"It a ll depencls on you s~~m ."

"Kick h im in the face~" "Now yo n gc>t him !" were

t he frequent exclamat ions of Du d e, dur iug game

Tuescl:lv. Checker~, dom iuoes and d ice help to make pl easant

the evenings which we a rc ol.Jl igerl to spend in-doo rs. T he gy rnn:lsillm is not as ex t ersive ly courted ns in

formc:. r times l• uL ::;till 'Yl~ have s<nn c goocl pe r f'onuers

who g ive a very crcclita ble c:xli i!Jiti o n for those who

are interested in the exe rcises.

Tbnrsrby tlte boys anrl the " Prot:;'' were t he contes~

t ants in three spirit·~d games of "shi nny." T he crack

team of the "Profs '' proved too m n ch for tbe !)oys,

wh o were cl efb.ted in three strnig hL g:tmes . Tbc pb.y ing

ol' Messr~ . Dorc and S nll i van ent irely l.>:d1ied Lil c IY>.)'o

l\Ir. Lyn ch and B'ro. Rynn arc al so .;l ed i ted with SO!Il8

excellent pl:l ys. Tbe Bill iard C lnb are no w in f1Jll rUi lll ing ord er fbr

the wiu ter sea~o n ancl em tn·ac;e SllllJe very excel lent

"c•.te manipulrttor~." Mess rs, 1\feCn.mlJI'idge and Ilemerlin

h •arl. the list in the Seni o r C lub , and Maste rs D. Ricon

a nd G . lle:·dy hni(l sinlil:1r posicious in the J unior

C lub. Joseph McG:l vick is •; tii l tl1e champion at checkers.

C harley K nisrly an cl 'Vill Conw:ly shnk e the "ivory c nbes" with most lu ck.

''Little' ' Harry D onnelly anrl Willie St:1ffvrd seem to be the best perform ers on the rings.

T he best '·f'hi uny weiltlcrs" in tl:e boys team are J. Dorscv, IT. LcsaQ:e n.n(1 A. Frnr.e r.

SOCIETY DOINGS. Read and .S ig u !

SL. Patrick's increa,r~s steadil y .

,JoH futy~; he'l l ge t there j11s t the same.

Mon~. A. ,T. Fn;zer "l'o r certa in good r ea.suus ' no

longer casts h is votes in the same b~tL with l1 8.

T he re·1.ding room presents n, right c l1 ee ry appenrencc

t lli s !id l, with i1s large ll ghL w inr'lowr;, nn<l lo ng Lal.Jle

s toeked wit lt a ll the choke literatu re e ur re11t.

vVe m :ty co11g1·a.t u late omselv es on ng in out· 1ni dst Messrs. \;1/. Pre ndergast., YiuNama.rn., C<~J I(I oll,

a nrl otber decla imers. T here wi ll certainly be no l n~.· k

of goocl eloc u tion to fill our rooms.

Mr. S;1 indon is 0 11e of tltr; must obliging a nrl compe­

tent JilmH ians tb; tt e ver held the keys. He is ready <LL

any m oment to nttenrl to o ur c;l.l ls.

The exercisPs so feu· li<tve lJeelt l>oth inter esti11g'

ai1Ll instruelivc. Tbe meml.JPrs S<\C ill to have tuei r owu

progress ancl the ::;oe ie ty s' g.;ocl camestly at heart.

A1n0n0' t he newly enr ol led nnmP~ , nre Messrs. L. 0 •

Grandchamp, lVI. l\l urry, F. Cleary, G . Dounelly, l\1.

Lenart.z, D . l\1cN'amam, M. O'Biero, L. Falloy, V. La­mnne nul J. O'Connor.

T he offkers fur the e ns uin g year :1rc :

l\Ioclerntor , Hev. E. L. tti 1•a rd. C. S.·V. President, Hnrvey Legris.

V icc-Pn,s icl ent, Chn.rl es B~t.ll.

Secre tary, Paul Wilslach.

'l'reasmer, J os. MeGa v ick.

Librarian, 2<un ue l Sain(lon.

Se rgeant-at-arms, J us1 in Rico u.

Tl1e following will l.Je Lhe progmJili i1C I:Jl' \ Ved nes­

rl ay eve ning Nov. 30Lh., Mr M u ray , "'l'!Je O ri g in ol'thc

En Q; lish L:cnguage ;'' Mr. George Do nn elly, "A biogra­

ph i~al sk e tch of Alexander H. Stevens;'' Mr. William

P rendergast., a drc l<tnmtion ; ancl l\ir. C. H . B:dl, "The

Tr 11 e Sonree of G()vcrJ lDlP- IJLa l Autltfl l'ity."

T lw lllCJidJers propose giving~~ . public st~:wee thi s !'all. of which t he 11ev. DirecLor, P re fe c t or studies , Prot: of

. Theology and several of t.Ll c P rofessors w ill I.Je in vited.

Let us mnke i t esti 11 g . For Nov. t he 16t h. the tollowiug su bj ects were on the

soc iety t::~pis; "Tbe N:tt ional B ird t he Engle o r the Tur­key" by l\11'. Daniel McNamara; "Mili tary Drills thei r

pro and con by Mr. Francis C ieary ;" " \\There in is our

o·overumcnt Imperfect?" by .Mr. Thomas Normoy le; b

aucl a reacling, comic or serio us, by Mr. Jas. Condo n.


Q 11 artenria.ster Sainu ou with his al>le corps of a~s is­tants keeps things looking br ight in the a rm ory.

From the prese nt outlook t here will be many first

class compet itors for the Pri ze Drill ; t1 nd apropos of



l ll



tho · Cecilia had told Valerian that he had entrusted herself to the guardianship c.f an a.ngt>l, and that he mu t respect her vows lest perhaps the anger of Go~ sboulo be arou ed against him. Impt>lled by a natural curiosit.y ~he a, ked th!\t he miaht , ee the angel, Cecilia replied: "When thou halt be baptized and become a chri !ian then thou halt ee." Im mediately he went to Pope Urban, was in tructed and bapt.izerl, and as be was hastening back1 he.hcarrl sweet mu ' iC and saw an angel btallding near "bi beloved Cecilia with two crowns made oi fresh fragrant, ro e such as perhaps bloom

. only in paratlise . .At once he knelt beside Cecilia, aud the angel crowned them both, saying to Valerian : ' ·Because thou hast listened to Cecilia and hast respected ber holy engagements, wha~oever thou shalt wish wit! be granted." Valerisn answered: "I have a brother whom I love as my own soul, grant that his eyes may be t•pened to the troth." This request was p'easing t.o Gorl, and when Tiburtius entered soon aftPr anrl perceiv-erl the fragrance of the roseH he was surprised, !or it was not the tim\\ of fl owers. Then Cecilia told him of their (nith nnd he too wa con verted. They then nltogether g:we them eh·es up to religious practices nnrl did much good to t}1e poor and to the persecuted chri ti~ns .

However t~ey were soon :ljtprehended by one of the Prefects of Alexan,lcr SllYCnts, the Roman Emperor, ~nd they w.-re made to suffer the most excruciating tortur('S that tne b astly cruelty of these inhuman monsters coult l tli vise.

Imngine if you · can, a frail virgin brought up from infancy in all tbe luxury :l!ld indoleuce that her rich . pnrents coulrl afford; imagine her, 110 fitted by nature anrt by circumstances to enjoy the most exquisite de­tights that a pleasure-giving world c:lltld bestow; be­hold her gifted with beauty, yout.b, accomplishments, adorned with the very fi >wer of Christian virtue. now {acing a certain and most painful death! Wllat must. be her fortitude ! How candid beL' cou11tenance in the presence oftortures 1 How hP.wenly h .~ r heroism in tbe trial!

·while she was left in custorly of he r guards she sang so sweetly that many of them, swayed by her heavenly strnin~ ttorl moved · to pity, offered her her freedom, while others became Christians. But she well knew the

·glory that awaiterl her b~yond, andshl:' patiently awaited dea.~b which at last c.1me anrl freed her angelic soul from its. mortal pri ·>n.

A St. Catherine is honored by philosophers because by her close logic Md eloquent arguments she confuted and conv*'tt('d her keepers, so, t. Cecilia is the adopted patron or musicians ~cause by her heavenly chants an« sweet music she subdued the harrlened hearts of bet pa.W\n gul\f\ts and won them over to Christ. She is

for th i rea on generally represented play ing upon an organ or urrounded with mu ical instrument of various kind~ . Her feast i kept Nov. 22nd. and i always the occa ion of much mu ~ical merriment in colleges and in genera l wherever her divine a rt i practiced.


. ·we see from notices in our regulal' exchange that the I nde.x of .... Tiagm i . till alive and arroad; but, we are orry to say, it bas not. been our portion to meet our old friend from the Fall thi term yet. As our paper is regularly sent to the I nde.x we hope the man­agers of our esteemed contemporary will see that their slleet reaches us in the futu re. W e are not ready to be­leive that the Inde.:c is uncourteous.

The Cape Girardeau 1Y essage devotes all its exchange chat to its kin the Niagm·a I nde.x. We admire the cour­age of the Message man- for he und ertakes a task­herculean, superhuman. Nothing but homicide (if slay­ing the index be homicide) can effect the end of the "Old hornet's" sting. We read with a g:ea.t d eal of pleasure the page <·n "Governmental Authority' '- Be it to the credit of t he \\-riter if we ::.ay that the article reminds us of the solid thinking of Dr. Br0wnson on the same subject. The essay "Ambition'' has vim and is very readable. Scarcely in any other journal do. we find that the curt locals must coot tin " heaps'' of provincial esprit, and nre consequently to be tasted only by Cnp­ists them&elves.

The Crescent ascends higer towards perfection hoth in the material orrler and in the lit!l.rary .... We find it in this issue using its influence to excell in the students a laudable interest for athletic sports. W e find str~wn over its pages-tasty composition and spicy bit.s of everything.

The dignified Stmrtlwwre Plwmix once more has sought our wildernesses. \Ve surround it with a ll the intHrest that a careful editerl p[l.per deserves. The Plue­ni.r. is ever true to its old-time standard of excellence butb as to it.s bodily mak~-up and its intellectual menu.

The Sunbeam, an old fav.Jrite of our preclecessors, re,·isits our august sanctum. ·welcome, you tiny ray of light, welcome l

'Ve cannot~ for "'ant of space, give a worthy notice of the many other excellent papers wllich have of late ac­cnmu lated on -our fairly creaking table. "\Ve could at best give a very pas!'ing and unsatisfactory notice. 'V e feast ourselves upon them all-they all are full of liter­rary delicacies for which we are thankful to general college writers who evince a great deal of good taste in the publishing of such creditable representatives of their re.Qpective colleg-es.


~ ~ATllOL lU NOT ES.

l t is n lw ly :\.nd wlt olesume o ug llt. t o l>' '"Y fo r Ute \l e:ul , tll:tt tl1ey m:cy be loosed fwm si 1: s.

In res ponse to t lw d es ire ot' Lhc P ien :1ry Co un oil o f

Balt imo re, Un.t lw ! ic school huu»c ;~rc Lei 11 g bni It 0 11 e very

sid e wlli t; \l ri i tt m wy c . tse~> t lw b H:1. u t ift tl s t:ttc

scLool s, A 1\ CW ch nre ll , un rle t' tlHl ji'1.trp n ·tge or Nu l'. re D .tmc,

wa~ htcly d ecl:c;t led am id g rc:tt so h:J !I] Jd ti es in Cll i ppcwa

F;~ ll s , vV i S('(!IJ~ i J1 .

T he peo t•lc o f l\'hr~h : dl , Mi ch igan , rec e n ';ly g:tv e

n m '>:>t aff ;c t-io :1·t te pt O >f o f th oil· es l.c e m fo e t he ir pa,s ­

tor , Rev. P. A. B. tnrt, S. T. L , by g i vi11 g him a g ,·tw .d l' \' "

eep tiun o n hi s t~ r!· i ,,,d fr o m H•.>:nc. Pt·o tost;Ln ts aud C:tt lt­

u li cs were as ' >Il l! on th:lt tl '' Y· • 0 1te of the g ra nd est C hris ti :t n t em ples iii th e vVe-·t

a nd ass ured ly t he (i ,t es t. Cath o li c ch urc h in tiH~ ~n a te of

1\lic!Jiaa n w :1s d ndieat c tl t lt c othe r chy in D etroit n nd er

the pn~ronagc ot S t. A nne. The Fre il c l: Catlwli cs of tha t

c ity h :Ld look ed fo rwa rd w ith rt1 1Xi ety to tha t happy

d ny whi ch w as t o bi os,; t he ir ardu :.> L!.:l "1orks o f sacrifi ce.

· Tw<• hun c1t·ec1 nntl s ix ty - 11 ve y o ung- men , be lo ng ing

to goot'l F re 11 eh f:1.m i lies, em l>:c rk ecl at C:tl:ti s un th e 4th.

of October fo r Engb n cl , t u cunti nnc th e ir studi es rtt

Can terbury und er t lw J e:; td F<L:he 1·s ex pe ll ed by th e

G overnm e nt of t he Fre i\ c lt lte i.> ubli c. Tltcre we re rl:i ys

when th e Eng li sb y o ung men cam e to Fra nce, at Do un.y

fur i nstan cc. \ \ Th:1.t n ch :cnge ! A t C ui cngo, o ~ tolJe r 28, IU. R e v. 1\l:luri ce Fran c is

n~rke , l:tt.c p:lStor or J ,,}i e t , was C:J n.O' CU':tlcd Bi sh(lp of

Cl! ey ettn e, \Vy on1ing- T erri tory , l•y Arc hl.>i s l:op li'ceh;m

in the Catlt edr:tl or Lh e Ht.>ly N :Lill e. B isho p Ireland, of ·

St P a n 1, pr<?.: t.d.terl th e se r111 0 n; m:tny pri es t.s w~re pres­

e1 1t a t the irni:Osi ng ceremony. MgT. Pe r~ i co v•n LS roya lly ente rl:tin ccl ;;,nd fC;lSt crl by

the Faculty o l' St .. P< Lt ri ek's c, JiJ r:>ge>, .\bynoot!t , W!I C!l

the d is tingui ;:; hcd p ,·e l:tte 1nid l1i s v i ~ it lo t hat I110St n·­

nu wn ed ln sti t: u t iou u f' Calhu lic ll'ei:Lncl, the A lma Ma­

ter o.f t he Iri sh ~lngy , and th e hope of Lhe f'n Lu r" o ! Erin. A Tilc0 log ie:1 l di , pt! t:<Lio u w o k pl one ev en

ing in pr e>senee o t Lit e slu tl en :s :wcl of hi .,; Exce ll en<'.Y wh o rl eel ar ec1 !timsE H highly pleased willt t he t;d e nt:;

di s pl:ty ed in the contes t . The first C' l ·~ c o L1 publi c school bui ldi ng b eing rent­

ed hr. pnwchial scl1 o~ ·l !t :1s jnst ocenre rl nt J',·Ialrlen,

_M,1ss. The Board of A lder mc ,, of tlt :-1t city has lensed

the unoceupi e(1 roorns .in t he pnhlic-scltoo l bnilrling· nt

t i.Je nomim l r ental o f 820 per n1onth for· p:trnch ial sehool

pnrposes. The lc:tse contains an · ngreem ent thM t he

rooms sh:tll be vacat ecl npon notiee when neede cl by

th e eity . ( U!d Tim es) Tlle wi ll of the la te M:i chae i Corri g an , Chic:1g0, b::ts

l.>ec n nclmiltc\l t o probntc. co urt-. The <lcc e::~sed left real

es1.a1·.c wo rtil $280,000 ~nd personnJ property worth $2'5, 000. Th e will conta ins a b eqnest of l<•11d· worth abqut

$50,000 t o b e divicl erl equ{tliy between the Li t tl e S i.:;t e rs

o f th e poor and St. V in ce :1 t 's F mt t1(llings' H o m €', o f

C hi cngn. S uol1 cl eerls cl o hon or to the c i ty .

Th e Rev . J"hn P. F ,trrelly, D. D ., who for s ix yc.a rs p :-t.s t has oflk iat tel i 11 til e cn.t-herlra.l in N aPh vi li e , . enne­

sce, ed fut· H.o me a few \'l ays ngo whe re lte will a,.:;­

Sllllle t lt e imp0rtant office of 8 eel'e tnry ··ot tlle AJJlericnn

Hiera rchy. Ou llim will devolve th,e r1uLies of COn (1.UC-t­

ing the correspon dence between tlte Americ:tn Bi sltops

:liJ \ l the P ropn.gnndn. Fathe e Pan·<:dily w:-ts lHJrn in

M e> mphi s, edu cat e> d at G eorge to wn , Md. , anJ. comp;Ict.­

ed hi s studi es in th e Am erica n Cu ll ege a.t Rome.

A mee titt g o f t.he promin ent Catbolic r cf:i de nts or

th e \'\T<"s t S id e, C hi c:1go, was he ld for tlte !>u'rpo>c of

fur tl! e ring n. rr n. n ge m<~ nt$ fut' th e cr:> lebra ti o n of the fif­ti e th nnnivet'Sn. ry of pri es thoo d of Fathe r· Dnm cn, S. J . o n the n st. of ~"'ov cmbcr. 1\'lr. Wil li lttn .J. Onn hfl.JJ W l'l S

made chairman of the me E> ti ug ; it w:~ s deeirlecl t o huild

a fine hos pit:tl of $50,000 as a monument to h e lmown

as "The F<Lther Da rn e n Fre ..: H >Spit:d. " $~,000 were i'llb . .;cri bed o n the spo t a nd a commitLee was nppoin•cd t o

scc nre the other $1-5,000, Th e qu estion regardi t1g tll0 propri e ty or lu.wi ng a

C:.tlt o li c Co ngTes:; of Eng lish- s peaking 0:1t ho li cs l'rom ~. 1 1

p:trts of th e worltl is 2gain ngita tecl a;HI c-.ou ttn euted

upon IJy the Ca th o lic press in g e neral. Cnnli'na. l Ma11~ ning has l, een co ns ulte cl of late <• D the mailer at,d g rt:Jt.

hopes e titcrtnincd concerning 1he good r esults

wl1i eh wo nk!. b e :tecornp li :; hccl by s uch :c st.c~p. The

world is C"vC I.' rc:t·l y to mi:sjtt!l ge ancl tni :Or e pres<:: nt Catl11-

lie;ity , Lut it is in Lhc d oing .; of' such n.sse mbli es uftlte

el ite ol' tile C hn rc il tlt:tt lle r gmnrl doctr in es nnrl nub 'c

purposes ~hinc conspi cuous t.o the very Ligots 'rho op­

pose her. The Pres id ent llf the U ni t<etl SLa.tts h:ts i ~s u e d :1. pro­

c l:unntion ap [>oint iilg th e :l·4Lit . ol" Nove,nilCI' as tl w 1\:~ ­

tiOIIRI Tl!:t1 1ksgiving cl:ty, u11 whic 't ·<dl :1re c ·1 1l e d to

dt:tnk God for the bless ings of t !,<:> pnsL y e::t r. ln t.bese

d :1ys, when so mnny ru !c: r.-; fotgct tiJ c ir Crt•atn r, it is

rcfreslli11g to read Llt e pions SC IJ LiJn e tl b uf Lite President

of our you t;g anrl Frosperous cuu.11try. Su cb doi ng::l

nev cr f:ti l to be rew:trd ed.

Rt. n e v. N. 1\l:ttz W:lS eor:secmteJ epnrljntor Bishop

of Denv er , Co loraclo, un Oct. 28. The Vicariate a.postoli c

is now a see and thus Ri sl.wp l\'J:nchebmPf is bonore rl

for hi s unti r in g zeal in tbe ·mission::try works of Co lor~ ­<ln.

RiP,"ht Rev. Thom:ts l36:J!!Cum, B!shop-elect of Vn­

coln, Nebrnskn, will be consccrn.terl in St. Louis, 1\:io., 0;1 Nov. 30, the fl)rty-sixt.h anniversnry of the episco_

pal QOnsecrat ion of his consecr'ator, th e Mo~;t Re1·. Peter

Richanl Kenrick, D: D.

, I

,, '

ST. \' 1 .\TI.;[iH'~ COLLI<:(;!<; .JOUl!NAL. 127


Ttr:.: ( ' cn . LJ·: r.~: :db rd s ex • e lent f~ciliti es for study, :mct the ncquircmcnt of :1. tho rough kno~Y l c(lgc of 1\lODI•: IC\ LA NG U Af~ ES, l\lATI-TEl\IATICS, CLASSICS, l\IUSIC, SCIEKCE, Pll I LOtiO PH Y., an<i TllEOLOG Y. i\[, ,~t. c.:ll'(~l'ul nttCllt iun i,; pnid to tile lnl :' iness trnining o f young men, and. a thorough prnctical

knoll'lt·tlg(' of BOOK-!{EEI'I:'\G '' ''" CO~i.:\ 1 f·:I~CIAL LA\\' i:; illlpartccl uy ~ l;illed Profe~:;o r :;. TilP ''':>'t nut,illl i'S :illcl 1\IPSt. : ljljli 'll \ ' t•d sy:'t.Cll\ of tc ·i(,; liing nrc adopted in all g rade:; vr Lite College. SLll dcnts

lll: lj' l'lll.\" 1' nt ::ny tilll(' . T•'l'lll :l lld t.uilitlll will ll('g in witlt dale or CilLI':llH..:C. T<•nn,.: I'• ·r ''"'!nl :111d Lllit.i" ' ' ;i;<!l lil.l)() per :Utlllll\1. (; , t::lo;,;u,::;, :Lll(l :wy de, ir c;d i ,Jti,rlll:LLivtl \·Viii l1e c: tre:·ully gi 1·ctt 0 11 ~t.ppliu : i(·. i on t.o t he Dirc:ctot·.



Dealer in Foreign and Domestic


c~ H. ERZINGERS Is the place t o get choice Ice-Cream, Fruits, Nuts, Candi es, Oysters, C ignrs and Tobn.cco. The lnrgest Jce-Crenm anrl Confectionery P arlors in the city.

Cor. Court St. & East Ave. JC~NK A K EE, ILL.



Dearborn A venlle, 1st. Door Sou th of Comt. St.


PETER W ALZEM, Grower of

PUI-tE ALTAR WINE. Warsaw, Hancock Co., Ill.

REFERENCES. Rt. Rev. Jos. MELCHOR, •Bishop of Green Bay Rt. Rev. M. Eink, BishOl) o[ Leavworth.

l~ ~<:v. i\L .J. i\I A l{S!Ll~, C. S. V.

SL. Vi :tt eur 's Co ll eg<', Bo11rbonnni:; GrO\'C, Ka nkakee Co., Ill.


~'> ~$ c~httb~nt<} STATIONERY,

Boob:s. N e~!S, Music, BASE-J3A LJ.S a.n cl BA1'S, FISHING TA CK LE.






BRAYTO~ & CHRISTIAN DF:At.F.HS in Men's, ·women's, M isses' a nd children's tine medium l::iboes: also <~11 sizes >m<i grades of Boots. Speci<tl inducements for


Two dovrs north of Post office. Kankakee, Ill.

KERI{ BRO'S, IIARDW ARE, STOVES, IRON. STEB:L, TINWARE, NAI LS, Etc., J ou work done in any part of the County Cor. Conrt St. and Schuy ler A venue.



H ,u·dware, Stoves and Tinwcwe, IRON, NAILS and W AGO~ STOCK.

No 13 EAST A VENUE, KANKAKEE, ILL. Jobbing Done to Order.


292 J"'a rrabee St. Chicag-o, III.


Will be in Bourbonnais on t he 1st of each Mouth.


Wholesa le Paper Dealers. A fuilline of Cards and Wedding good s

kept eonstantly on hand. Nos. HI~ & 185 Monroe S t.reet,

Chicago, Ill. FRED ZlPP.

The oldest Boot & Sho>l House in the. City, Customers will <tlways have good

No. 17 Gonrtt>treet, l<>ltll<<tkee, Ill.

Impediments of a.\1 ki nds on -~ gricultural Implement.s can be r emoved at JOI::iEPH BEAULIEU 'S :macksmitll' s t>hop. Also Tools of different make or sha pe, coarse or fine work, Buggies, Wagons , Ploughs, etc., etc., may be repaired at very low ligures at the new Shop on GRA ND ST. Bourbomm is Grove, IlL

Horse shoeing a ~ pecially .


----------- ·----------.T. .J. SCHUBERT

P H OPlUE'fOlt 01" 'l'HE

German, French and American Pharmacy. Cor . East. Ave. &; :Mercluw t ~t .. KAN l\ Atu~ r:, Ill.

K e<:ps const:Lntly nu IHLnd fL full line of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS ETC, ETC.

Also ;Llinc li ne of Toil0t A rti el<lS of. <•11 khltls , FitH~ Cigars and Tol>(),cco.

t..W""~c A LL A ND SJ<: r~ l\1 t•J • .J~"l

------ ----· ·---- -----·-----Those in neerl of eho iec Cnnfcc ti o nel·i es

Can ned goods, a.!\ ld nll s of tcruits , F ish a nd Oysll' r ; wil l <lowell :Ht<..l S<ll'<:' lliOUey t>Y calliugon

T. O'GORMAN. East Avenue,


-------- ·------ ·-----~---~---·--

~T 0 tiN G. 1CNECliT~

Merchant Tailor,

READY-MA DE Clot .hing·

H <LtS :md Caps. - GenVs u nderwc•ar.

Trunks, Valises, Furnish ing Gootl s.

Wilson Bros' F iue ~ltirts

~0'1. 2 AND 4 COURT STRI~ET.

J{anka]cee, I ll.


A(; t;NTS VOl~

'l'he New llmnc Sewiug· J)'Iachiue. ALS O J)JM I.t•;J: S JN


27 COU RT ST., KANKAKEE. lLLI NOi". --- --------- ------

<'.WOLFE. BarlJP>' Siwp.

Unrlc~ r Umll<Lclt 's Jlamess ~:\ Lure, 1\ a:tkal\t' c·, Ul. First Class \Vorl< "lt <I.>'<Lill l :l'd.

Students especi::'\ty inv itt·<l.

HAND-~'lAllE Pu re W:<x'l '<t!Hllus Jl l'l' Ill. -!5 elF. Mou lded IV <ex (:~~n<llPs , " " ;JB ds . ~te<tr i c W-c.x , " " 20 cts . ~pectal l'rices to parties lJnyiug in la.rge !Jll: ~nt i -

With two la.rge clasps <t> Fancy Edge $9.w ::>eut free to a.ny p:1rt of U . iS. on receipt of price:

GRAHAM & SONS, Importers of Church Goods; JolJIJ e rs in :School

Books <tncl Catholic Booksell er s. 11 3 S. Des plaines ~t. Cor . .Monroe . Chica.go , nt.

Corresponflence sollicite<l.


C'oNI.t tu WATLON oF NoTnm D AME. Tlti s Inst itution ~ ltord s evP-ry <1clvantage fo

Young L :<di r.s cles irou~ of obtrtining 11 snlid <tnc lln L~lled ~duuat ion . For J)<trticula)·s apply to

Ni oth er Superic)r , Notre D<'me Acad em y,

• Bourbonmt i s Grovet K:tnkakce:Cio., .11.

~CHOO L HOO l(S. LEGA L B LA N J <~. F R A N K E. B E .L L A 1\I Y.

D F. A J, J1;tt l N

STATIONERY. Boolrs, News, I\'lwdc,

)V~tll-Pap er, Window Shades. KA~KAKEE, ILL.



i:ltov!'s, Iron. l\:Li ls a nd Vv:tgon wonfl sto<: lc Tinwnrc nnd Tin work ofnll kinds.

No a Court Str eet, KANKAKEE, lLL.

C. P. TOWNSEND. East Ave, 1 d oor so 11 th of K11 etctl> 's Block.


A CARD. T o nll whom it may ('O!W(' rn.

Having adopted the One Pri<;e System to n,ll my Pntrons, I will g ive a furth er discoun t of 10 Per cent to all Clergymen, Pr(>fcssors a)l(l Stu­dents of Bourhonn:tis Co llege. Crdl at tlw Philacl el]>ltia On e Prke Cloth­ing Hnll No rLll W. Cor. of Co urt St. a.nd Enst Ave. Kankn.kee, Ill.

M . Roln·beimer, Prop.


G l'OGlJI'll:S ,

Dry Go<>ils,

Y:tnkcc ~oiion s.



Publishers, Manufacturers of Church Goods Regalia Just


"Com pendium Sacrre Litnrgi c::-e"

By RP.V. Innocent Wnppelhorst 0. S. F.

Canonical Procedure in Discitllinary and Criminal Cases ada,pte!l by Rev. S. (!. ~Iessincr D. n.

178 lVI oNROJ·: 8T. CmC :\ r~o h.LJ NOJ S.

K urrasch and ,Stag a, Propdetoxs of

The Old BeauclHtmr> & Babel.) PRESCRIPTION DR'UC Sl'ORE,

Where l cn1 c<~H li Nd t h e La rge'st <wsot.t_ mont of Hair <tnd To.o1;ll Brn s! T o ile t - article~ Perfumm·y, Scm p ·, Spouges and all vr~ri.eti es of Druggist Su11<lries.

All sllo uld give them a call, No.5. COUltT 81'. · TF.Lm•!FJONE. No. 1,0.

A. Ehrich EAST COURT S'l'RI<:E'f

·KANKAKEE. Dealer in ..:hoi eest Grocerici' , oboke::; t

brands ofiFJour. Keeps on ha.ncl eo n.- tauLly a large ass t h m eJJt of Feed uucl Produce.

Please call ;wcl see m e before g·oing­any place else.

H. l. Crawford & Co., WHOLESALE & RETAIL

GROCF~RS No. 36 Court Stt·eet.


Knnl< nkrt• ::>r.o ue :MHI LinHJ C'ompnny. TNC01WORATED F E ll. 23 rd. JRG7.

Proprietors oJ the Cel e.lJrated l{ anl\<lkee fhLt. Lime sto nrs f~ l'>~>Tic-·s .

F1eslt ·wuu<l IJurne<l Lim e a.] vmys on haud.



'J'o HENN~:JlEilRY & O'llltiEN. !!17 \Vaha!'ollt Ave111.1<~ Ch icag·o III.

A l :~r-ge <L>Hl well s t> leckd ~loc i< ol' Cathol ic J:'ray tJr <Lil li Htan<.lanl Bool\s, Vesttnents, Church Gooch rtud all llliugs us tmlly k ept in a First C>ttllolic Rook :Store , which h e will sell at a g reat r educti on .

GOLD MEDAL, P~RIS, 18'78. i H'w OelebraUd Numbera, l

303--404-110-604-332, '· and lif.8 otiuJr 8f;yWi may be had of all dealers

___ 'tll.r(11J{!lwut tM 'IDorlrf:

, Joseph G.illott & Sons, Nnv Vol'!.: . ; (.,~~-- .............. .:..... .............. ...;

The ''JOURNAL'' is a first cl:tss me<linm for " ADVERTISING." Spe­cial attention to the printing of

BUSINESS CARDS~ BILL I-IEADS~ ETC. ~~terms reasona.ble.~

The STUDENTS, Ed-ito1·s-Pmp.

top related