starr newsletter vol 3

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Starr Newsletter Vol 3 (May2013)


ContentWhat’s InsideEnvironmental ProtectionAre Starrians green?Be Green, Take Action: Organic Consumption

Core ValueYour say!: Core valuePrevious discussions on Core Value

Current Affairs愛國愛港組織一覽

Cultural HighlightsJoint Hall Choir CompetitionJoint Hall Drama CompetitionJoint Hall Mass DanceRock on Pok

Sports HighlightsInterhall Sports Matches

Hall Functions HighlightsLate-comers GatheringFreshmen Gathering

Alumni Column施德堂的「黃金一代」


EDITORSChan Chun Him, Kenneth 211BChan Ka Lam, Gabi 1912AChow Lai Shun, Tommy 506BChui Hing Cheung, Ronald 2209BLee Pui Yin, Grace 407ALeung Lai Kwok, Yvonne 304BN.Valiyapan, Sundararaja 1310APang Ka Yee, Evelyn 1505BShiu Yo Yo 2009ATai Tze Tik, Keith 510ATsui Lee Ka, Vanessa 706BYeung Cheuk Hang 608B

DESIGNERSLai Tin Yan, Amy 1603BYeung Chee Wing, Janice 705A

Published in Hong Kong in 2013All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

Message from EditorDear Starrians,

As Starrians we have always tried to give our best in whatever we do. Thus, in this third issue of the Starr Newsletter, we have strived to give our best to enhance your reading experience.

The highlight of this issue is the Starr Hall Core Values. We have featured the efforts made by hallmates to establish Core Values that reflect the Starr Hall spirit and provide a greater insight on what it means to be a Starrian. We have also interviewed our fellow Starrians to get their opinion on the Core Values of the hall. We believe that giving you, Starrians, more information about how the hall Core Values is being developed will give a clearer picture of what is going on.

Finally, you will also get to read about the efforts of the Environmental Protection (EP) Team to promote a healthy living through the consumption of organic food.

Happy reading!

Environmental ProtectionAre Starrians green?A survey examining Starrians’ overall knowledge, awareness and attitude towards environmental changes and their possible solutions was conducted. Approximately 50 hallmates participated in the questionnaire, and answered questions regarding: 1. awareness of environmental changes such as global warming;2. support for environment-friendly campaigns;3. eco-friendly habits at home and in hall;4. support for organic products selling day; and5. thoughts on the event’s effectiveness in raising awareness for climate change.

Be Green, Take Action - Organic ConsumptionOrganic products, though relatively costlier, have many unique properties that are beneficial to both our health and the environment. Organic production emphasizes natural methods of productions and fertilisation, hence refraining from using chemical products that may release toxic gases or damage soils, water sources and natural habitats. Organic production does not use pesticides or other types of man-made chemicals in particular to accelerate plant growth. This not only eliminates the chances of damaging the natural food chain caused by the extinction of certain species, but is also better for the human body as foreign chemicals are potentially damaging our health. Overall, we should choose organic products over other products as the former favors the slowing down of climate change, the natural environment, and the responsible choice for our future generation.

Core ValueYour say!: Core ValueIan Yuen (14/F)I: IanR: Reporter

R: What do you think is core value?I: Literally, ‘core value’ is the value a group of people agree on, instead of a quality you can find in someone. For example, punctuality could be a core value when we commonly agree on.

R: Does it mean we shall look into universal values for our core values?I: It doesn’t have to be a universal value but it has to be something hall-mates can achieve. And through achieving it, the hall improves as a whole when the hall-mates acquire the quality.

R: Do you think Starr Hall needs a core value?I: Well, it’s hard to avoid imposing your own values on others when trying to set up the core values. Imagine we now propose a universally accepted one as our core value – we treasure our variety and diversity. Then there is no big difference from having no core values at all since everyone shall possess different values naturally.

R: What is the ideal core value to you?I: There is no such thing as an ideal core value. You need to make the choice and sacrifice. A clear and influential core value cannot get everybody to agree on, while a universally accepted one is usually not effective.

R: How will the core value affect you?I: I think the impact would differ from hall-mate to hall-mate. Someone would insist on what he/she believes in even if the hall promotes the opposite.

Janice Yeung (7/F)R: ReporterJ: Janice

R: What is core value?J: I think it’ s a belief that the entire hall commonly share, set it as a goal and try to achieve it. Regardless of what you do in the community, it shall be aligned with this goal.

R: Does a community have to have a core value?J: It depends on the nature of the community. A hall, in particular, should have one to pass on traditions or values. To become united, it is important to have a common goal. For some other organisations which do not particularly require unity and belonging does not necessarily need a core value

R: What is the ideal core value to you?

J: For Starr Hall, I think those require one to try his/her very best to give and take. For some very basic attitudes, e.g. ‘respect’, they are not core values. In fact it will be great if everyone really tries his very best to achieve things that they never could before, without any seniority system. It is difficult indeed.

R: What will the core value affect you?J: It really depends. We need a concrete core value. In my opinion, there are too many people in Starr Hall that a core value will easily act against one’s preset belief, so it is difficult to reach a consensus. Even if a core value is set, not everyone will be willing to act according to it.

Jennifer Chan (12/F)R: ReporterJ: Chanjen

R: What do you think is core value?J: I think core value should be what hallmates want the hall to be. It may differ from the vision or mission from SA. After all, what SA does is only being done by SA, but not the hallmates. So, the core value should be set by hallmates and shared by hallmates. R: Do you think Starr Hall needs a core value?J: It is hard to find something which everyone feel in the same way so I don’t think we need one. And the atmosphere of discussing hall issue in Starr Hall is not as keen as before. When I am year one, the image and situation of Starr Hall is a bit blur, so hallmates spend more time on discussing hall issues. Instead, hallmates now focus on micro issue and put more efforts in teams and floors, for instance, who is being ‘tappy’ or who is more ‘bot chun’, but not as macro as before. R: How will the core value affect you?J: The effect will be really small. Generally, I think Starrians are not that open-minded as they claimed. So there is a possibility that even though the core value is being passed in a general polling, Starrians may not agree it in the future, not to mention that not every Starrian agree with the core value. Therefore, the issue on core value should not be that ‘hardware’ but ‘software’, which means the discussion atmosphere on core value should be more excited which can be done in Orientation Camp by SA and currents.

Previous Discussion on Core ValueStarr Hall Development Committee (SHDC)’s Proposal of Core Value - SummaryCore values are officially recognized values that all hallmates are expected, share, respect and uphold in daily life, thereby uniting the hall.

Core values could be implemented in all official hall functions (such when introducing our hall to the external world or to freshmen), and could also be adopted as a recommended approach to hallmates’ everyday lives.

Starr Hall Development Committee was formed to encourage hallmates to take part in the discussion of the future development of Starr Hall, and their first task was to develop this proposal of core values for discussion and feedback from hallmates

Proposed values by SHDCProactiveness taking initiative to speak out and solve problems, actively seeking to be involved

Responsibility keeping one’s word, carrying out one’s chosen obligations, being punctual, admitting mistakes

Tolerance welcoming all with the same chances to embrace our values and be part of the community, regardless of background or other beliefs Summary of the two Core Value Forums I. Definition of Core Value• The characteristic which majority of Starrians share• Describes Starrians, then shapes Starr Hall• Something external as an image, but internally we have our interpretation• Core Value should not be changed, while vision is a result that can be reached one day• Core Value is what a group of Starrians can be to achieve our vision• What we commonly believe II. Three Core Values once proposed by the SHDC III. Alternative proposed: Innovative• When we think of something new, we can really make it real in Starr Hall• Starr Hall is where we can take action once we have the idea, so Starrians can try all the possibilities

IV. Development of Core Value and SHDC• Core Value should be promoted by SA and hallmates.

2001 Starr Hall is established. Only acting ex-cos were appointed to deal with hall affairs.

2004 The current hall Tee was designed and a line read “Starrian Dare to be different”. “Dare to be different” was once generally recognized as the symbolic characteristic of Starrians.

2005The 3rd cabinet, YO2D, created “Who Are We Cheer” to emphasize on the identity as a Starrian. The cheer has “Dare to be different” in it.


2008The discussion of core values of Starr Hall began. Hall-mates began to be aware of the need for a core value in Starr Hall.


2012Starr Hall Development Committee (SHDC) was established. The committee drafted a proposal on the core values. However, as it was in the summer when the proposal was out, no general meeting or polling was conducted to consult the hall-mates. The proposal now serves only as a reference.



The 1st official forum on core values was held on 24th February by the current cabinet, Caerus.

The 2nd forum was held on 22nd March.

SHDC’s Proposal of Core Value - Summary

Summary of the 1st Core Value forum

Summary of the 2ndCore Value forum

Current Affairs愛護香港力量 (簡稱「愛港力」) Caring Hong Kong Power

創辦: 2011年6月領導: 陳淨心、王智東綱領: (1) 打擊擾亂香港的「政棍」     (2) 反對暴力政治文化     (3) 維護香港的繁榮穩定     (4) 對香港有利的事作出行動上的支持功績: (1) 質疑《蘋果日報》有關建制派於區議會選舉中種票的報導(2) 支持國民教育、打擊學民思潮(3)《議事論事》-「我係咪建制派關你X事」(4) 2012年12月在維園工展會旁發動「撐CY大遊行」(5)公開質疑港台的立場和新聞自由的原則,認為港台應擁護政府而非批評政府


香港各區專上學生同盟 Hong Kong Tertiary Student Alliance (HKTSA)

主席兼創辦人:王耀瑩(2001年及2002年港大學生會落選會長)召集人:黃柏榮(2011、2012年港大學生會文化聯會會長)綱領:(1) 為袓國遙控大專學生會(2) 籌辦考察團,迎新營等積極為袓國輸入人材(3) 加強團結, 壯大力量, 取代學聯, 成為香港最大最有影響力的學生組織。(4) 培養學生愛國情懷,合資格者更可成為同盟旗下的職業學生。

功績: (1) 多次敗選港大學生會,但絕不放棄。其纍敗纍試精神實令人欽敬欽敬。 (2)在港大學生會的地位堅定無比,不受全民投票,評議會或任期所限,可謂無敵。(3)以創意十足的活動,包括「黑金聲明」,「周年大選」等為港大學生增添刺激及花生。金主: 學生自發組織、自己經營(我信架)評語: 香港各區專上學生同盟肩負起凝聚青年、弘揚壯志的使命, 未來潛力無限。成員於大專有突出的發展。以他們傑出的社交能力, 不久的將來定能達到「同盟會成員,就在你身邊」。


創辦年分:2012年領導人:林國安(協會副會長兼公司董事,江西井岡山市政協委員兼特聘香港委員,前民建聯成員)功績:拆走法輪功之橫額,積極介入反法輪功的運動綱領:以青年為本,關心、關愛青年的成長,為青年提供專業而多元的服務及活動,提升青年的社會責任,抵制不良侵襲,參與社會事務,關注青年權益,培養青年人才,促進香港繁榮安定金主:* 有指是中共政府的國務院 「防範和處理邪教問題辦公室」(中央610辦公室)和「中國反邪教協會」* 有傳與被香港媒體污衊為「黑道江湖」背景的愛國商人、英皇集團主席楊受成所控制的《新報》關係密切評語:力抗邪教,保土安民

211B 陳俊謙, 607B 黃子輝, 608B 楊卓衡, 1206B 陳樂怡


Joint Hall Drama CompetitionJoint Hall Drama Competition - Bunny the CEO is at-

tending a fund-raising show.

Cultural and Sports HighlightsCultural Highlights

After 2-month practices, the show and the ‘Dream’ finally comes to an end.

Sports HighlightsLadies’ Badminton Team

The Ladies’ Badminton Team shows their ef-fort in playing the inter-hall matches.

Ladies’ Softball Team With all the hardships they went through, Ladies’ Softball Team entered the inter-hall softball third fight!

Hockey TeamIt is not only about the hockey stick, ball and goal, but also the morning trainings we have been through!

Lacrosse TeamThe hot-blooded lacrosse men are strong and tough, fighting for their victory.

Men’s Tennis TeamCongratulations to the Tennis players for win-ning their games in the Third Fight!

Men’s Volleyball TeamThanks Men’s Volleyball players in bringing so much excite-ment to us in the inter-hall Competition.

Joint Hall Choir Competition Choir Team fabulously performed “the Sealed Lullaby” & “the Glorious Music”.

Joint Hall Mass DanceWith passion and power, mass dance team

danced under rain.

Rock on Pok Everybody rocked on “Pok” at Happy Park with Stargazer!

Ladies’ Basketball TeamIt was an utterly exciting match! Congratulations to Ladies’ Basketball Team in being 1st runner-up in interhall competition!

Hall Functions Highlights Thanks Michelle (3/F) and Toby (10/F)

for sharing with us their experience in their freshman year.

Starrian-12 Tung Nins spend nice time together in Freshmen Gathering.We learn As One Cheer

together in Late-comers’ Gathering.

ALUMNI COLUMN施德堂的「黃金一代」一年一度的聯舍文化比賽完滿結束,恭喜施德堂奪得總亞軍!







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