strokovna terminologija - angleščina...strokovna angleščina – učno gradivo ljudska univerza...

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Strokovna terminologija - Angleščina

Delovno gradivo – V1.0

Tomaž Hožič, 2010

Strokovna angleščina – Učno gradivo

Ljudska univerza Radovljica, Tomaž Hožič, 2010 2


Učno gradivo sledi učnemu načrtu Ministrstva za šolstvo in šport (MŠŠ) za predmet »Strokovna

angleščina« za izvedbo programa »Računalnikar«. Učno gradivo obravnava nekatera temeljna

področja računalništva in informatike, ergonomijo ter strojno in programsko opremo. Vsebina je z

namenom jezikovno kombinirana, naslovi in podnaslovi so v angleškem jeziku, uvodni stavki pa v

Slovenskem jeziku. Tako se dijak ob prebiranju besedila pripravi na pogoste menjave, saj je za

učinkovito (ustno) komunikacijo potrebno pridobiti sposobnost skorajda hipnega preklopa med


Gradivo je v pomoč predavatelju in dijaku, da se lahko slednji osebnostno razvija, podpira njegovo

samoiniciativnost, spodbuja ustvarjalnost in vedoželjnost, vpeljuje kritičnost ter natančnost in ne

nazadnje tehnično mišljenje ter vztrajnost.

Strokovna angleščina – Učno gradivo

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5

2. Translation tools ................................................................................................................. 6

3. Foundations of Computer and Information Science .......................................................... 7

3.1 Terminology ...................................................................................................................... 7

3.2 Translation examples ........................................................................................................ 8

3.3 Exercises ........................................................................................................................... 9

4. Ergonomics ....................................................................................................................... 11

4.1 Terminology .................................................................................................................... 11

4.2 Translation examples ...................................................................................................... 12

4.3 Exercises ......................................................................................................................... 13

5. Hardware .......................................................................................................................... 16

5.1 Terminology .................................................................................................................... 16

5.2 Translation examples ...................................................................................................... 18

5.3 Exercises ......................................................................................................................... 19

6. Hardware Components..................................................................................................... 21

6.1 Motherboard .................................................................................................................. 21

6.1.1 Terminology ............................................................................................................. 21

6.1.2 Translation examples ............................................................................................... 22

6.1.3 Exercises .................................................................................................................. 23

6.2 Memory module ............................................................................................................. 25

6.2.1 Terminology ............................................................................................................. 26

6.3.2 Translation examples ............................................................................................... 26

6.3.3 Exercises .................................................................................................................. 27

6.3 Hard disk ......................................................................................................................... 28

6.3.1 Terminology ............................................................................................................. 29

6.3.2 Translation examples ............................................................................................... 29

6.3.3 Exercises .................................................................................................................. 30

6.4 Vhodno-izhodne enote ................................................................................................... 31

6.4.1 Terminology ............................................................................................................. 32

6.4.2 Translation examples ............................................................................................... 32

6.4.3 Exercises .................................................................................................................. 33

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7. Software ............................................................................................................................ 34

7.1 Terminology .................................................................................................................... 34

7.2 Translation examples ...................................................................................................... 35

7.3 Exercises ......................................................................................................................... 36

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1. Introduction

Zgodovina računalništva in informatike je tesno povezana z Angleškim jezikom, saj je največji del

razvoja obeh ved potekal prav v ZDA. Sami začetki pa segajo predvsem v Evropo, v veliko Britanijo ter

Nemčijo tridesetih let prejšnjega stoletja. Po 2. svetovni vojni pa so ZDA prevzele vodilno vlogo.

Nekje v 80. letih je prišlo do večje konkurence azijskih proizvajalcev, ki so predvsem na Tajskem

proizvajali sestavne dele, takrat z IBM PC XT združljivih računalnikov. Danes je angleščina »uradni«

jezik računalništva in informatike, čeprav je bila v teh nekaj desetletjih že velika večina programske

opreme (operacijski sistemi, uporabniški programi) tudi lokalizirana.

Za uspešno učenje je nujno vsaj srednje dobro znanje angleške slovnice ter besednega zaklada. Dijak

se mora znati vsaj srednje dobro pisno in ustno izražati.

Ravno tako je potrebno vsaj osnovno znanje o najbolj pogosto uporabljenih pojmih oz. kraticah,

katere srečamo v vsakodnevnem življenju. Primeri takih pojmov so LAN, UMTS, GPRS, WiFi, WLAN,

Bluetooth, Install, Error message idr.

Bodoči računalnikar mora poznati in seveda razumeti pomen čim večjega števila pojmov, še posebno

tistih z njegovega področja dela. Pričakovati je, da se bo računalnikar osredotočil na eno ali nekaj

področij, ker bo le-tako lahko spremljal vse hitrejši razvoj in kakovostno opravljal delo. V zadovoljstvo

strank oz. uporabnikov in seveda v lastno zadovoljstvo.

Pri predmetu strokovna angleščina bo velik poudarek na samostojnem delu dijaka, kjer ga mentor oz.

predavatelj usmerja in mu po potrebi pomaga.

S pomočjo učnega gradiva bo dijak:

• spoznal orodja za pomoč pri prevajanju

• pridobil temeljna znanja o strokovnih izrazih

• spoznaval, razumel in uporabljal angleško strokovno terminologijo

• prevajal strokovne izraze in besedila iz slovenščine v angleščino ter obratno

• strokovne vsebine v tujem jeziku komuniciral pisno in ustno

Z izpolnjevanjem zgoraj naštetih nalog, bo dijak dosegel boljše komunikacijske sposobnosti in s tem

laže pridobival nova znanja ter se v angleščini bolj tekoče pisno in ustno sporazumeval.

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2. Translation tools

Pri vsakem prevajanju si seveda pomagamo s slovarji in enciklopedijami ter strokovnimi članki v

maternem in tujem jeziku. Seveda pa je povsem od nas odvisno, kako dobro in seveda smiselno

bomo uporabili predlagane stavčne oblike in prevode pojmov. Našteli bomo le nekaj najpogosteje

uporabljenih pripomočkov.

Spletni prevajalniki oz. slovarji:











Spletne enciklopedije:




Strokovna angleščina – Učno gradivo

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3. Foundations of Computer and Information Science

V tem poglavju bomo obravnavali temeljne vsebine in strokovne izraze s področja računalništva in


Computer science or computing science (sometimes abbreviated CS) is the study of the theoretical

foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation

and application in computer systems.[1][2][3][4] It is frequently described as the systematic study of

algorithmic processes that create, describe, and transform information.

Computer science has many sub-fields; some, such as computer graphics, emphasize the

computation of specific results, while others, such as computational complexity theory, study the

properties of computational problems. Still others focus on the challenges in implementing

computations. (Source: Wikipedia)

For example, programming language theory studies approaches to describe computations, while

computer programming applies specific programming languages to solve specific computational

problems, and human-computer interaction focuses on the challenges in making computers and

computations useful, usable, and universally accessible to people.

Informatics is the science of information, the practice of information processing, and the engineering

of information systems. Informatics studies the structure, algorithms, behavior, and interactions of

natural and artificial systems that store, process, access and communicate information.

It also develops its own conceptual and theoretical foundations and utilizes foundations developed in

other fields. Since the advent of computers, individuals and organizations increasingly process

information digitally. This has led to the study of informatics that has computational, cognitive and

social aspects, including study of the social impact of information technologies. (Source: Wikipedia)

3.1 Terminology

Bit (Binary Digit) – osnovna enota informacije (binarna števka)

Byte – bajt

KB (kilobyte) – kilobajt

MB (megabyte) – megabajt

GB (gigabyte) – gigabajt

TB (terabyte) – terabajt

Computer Science – Računalništvo oz. znanost o računalnikih

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Computer - računalnik

Computer System – Računalniški sistem

Informatics – Informatika

Hardware – Strojna oprema

Software – Programska oprema

Algorithem - algoritem

Programming language – programski jezik

Data – podatek

Information – Informacija

Information System – informacijski sistem

3.2 Translation examples

IBM trdi, da novi sistemi lahko ponudijo štirikrat večjo zmogljivost in štirikrat večjo sposobnost

virtualizacije strežnikov za enako ceno kot današnji sistemi in za manjši vložek kot pri konkurenci.

Osnova je nov procesor Power 7, ki zna poganjati 32 niti sočasno, deluje pa s takti med 3 in 4,14 GHz.


IBM claims, that the new systems can offer 4-times the capacity and 4-times the ability to virtualize

the servers for the same price as todays systems and for a lesser investment as competitors.

The base is the new Power 7 processor, which can run 32 threads simultaniously and operates at

frequencies between 3 and 4.14 GHz. (Vir:

Podjetje za računalniško varnost Webroot je na svetovnem spletu odkrilo nevarnega trojanskega

konja, ki s pridom izmika dostopna gesla iz spletnih brskalnikov. Tokrat gre za škodljivo programsko

kodo Trojan-PWS-Nslog (Nslog), ki je uperjena predvsem proti nič hudega slutečim uporabnikom

odprtokodnega spletnega brskalnika Mozilla Firefox.(Vir: )

Webroot, a computer sequrity company discovered on the web a dangerous trojan-horse which

steals saved passwords from web-browsers. This malicious programme-code is named Trojan-PWS-

Nslog (Nslog) which represents a threat to unaware users of the Mozilla Firefox open-source web-

browser. (Source: )

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3.3 Exercises

Translate the following terms into Slovene!

Accounting –

Cloud computing –

Application –

Application sharing –

Data warehouse –

E-learning –

Content Management System –

Learning Management System –

Chief Information Officer –

Helpdesk –

Incident –

Error report –

Instant Messaging –

User -

Translate the following terms into English!

Integracija –

Poslovni model –

IT projekt –

Informacijske tehnologije –

Socialna omrežja –

Izmenjava podatkov –

Proces –

Superračunalnik –

Tablični računalnik –

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Poslovna inteligenca –

Upravljanje odnosov s strankami –

Translate the following text into Slovene!

Scanning of paper books and making them available online to everyone is inevitable. Lib.Ru is a large decade-old grassroots Russian project with about 40000 copyrighted and public domain books. Project Gutenberg is a repository for public domain texts with 16000 books.

Full-body scan is a scan of the patient's entire body to support the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. It may also be known as a full-body CT scan if computed tomography (CAT) technology is used.(Vir: wikipedia) Bing will now detect if a user is logged into Facebook, and then may show a three- or four-line module within Web search results that will show the user's recommendations, including favorite restaurants and movies.(Vir:

Google TV uses the true Chrome Web browser with Flash 10.1 so most Web sites viewed on the Sony Internet TV's were accessible and looked just like they would on your home PC. There are currently only a handful of Google TV apps available (Vir.

Translate the following text into English!

Če nam je npr. za izvedbo IT-projekta zmanjkalo časa, potem zelo verjetno nismo uvedli vseh funkcionalnosti IT-sistema oziroma nismo dovolj dobro povezali zmožnosti IT sistema z zahtevami poslovanja. (Vir: Sistem, Revija Monitor)

Skozi e-izobraževanje pridobljeno znanje se v primerjavi s klasičnim učenjem evidentno ohranja dlje, hkrati pa je tak način pridobivanja znanja hitrejši, udobnejši in gospodarnejši. Po podatkih Gartner Group je stopnja ohranjanja pridobljenega znanja dvakrat višja kot pri klasičnem učenju. (Vir: Sistem, Revija Monitor)

Skrbniki IT-opreme so že na primeru iPhona spoznali, da niso vedno oni tisti, ki odločajo, kakšna tehnologija se bo v podjetju uporabljala, temveč da imajo čedalje več besede tudi uporabniki sami. Zakaj pa ne, če uporabljene rešitve prispevajo k hitrejšemu ali enostavnejšemu delu, le-to pa k večji produktivnosti zaposlenih?(Vir:

Gospodarska kriza je pokazala, da se moramo za zaslužek ukvarjati več s svojimi strankami in manj s špekulativni kapitalskimi naložbami. In ker so tudi naši kupci manj pripravljeni na naložbe v naše izdelke ali storitve, je še posebej pomembno negovati odnose s (pravimi) kupci. (Vir:

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4. Ergonomics

Zaradi vsakodnevne in večurne uporabe računalniške strojne in tudi programske opreme je potrebno

upoštevati dognanja ergonomije. Le tako bo uporabnik opremo lahko uporabljal dlje časa brez

opaznih bolečin ali kasnejših zdravstvenih posledic.

Ergonomics is the science of designing user interaction with equipment and workplaces to fit the

user. Proper ergonomic design is necessary to prevent repetitive strain injuries, which can develop

over time and can lead to long-term disability.[1]

The International Ergonomics Association defines ergonomics as follows:[2]

Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of

interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory,

principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system


Ergonomics is employed to fulfill the two goals of health and productivity. It is relevant in the design

of such things as safe furniture and easy-to-use interfaces to machines. (Source: Wikipedia)

4.1 Terminology

Ergonomics - ergonomija

Human-Computer Interaction – Interakcija (vmesnik/soodvisnost) človek - računalnik

Brain-Computer Interface – Interakcija (vmesnik/soodvisnost) človeški možgani – računalnik

Luminance – svetlost

Working Environment – (delovno) okolje

Job (activity) – delo (aktivnost)

Equipment – oprema

User's capabilities – uporabnikove sposobnosti oz. zmogljivosti

User's limitations – uporabnikove omejitve

Size – velikost

Shape – oblika

Weight – teža

Glossy – svetleč

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Reflective – odbojen oz. odbojno

Light – svetloba

Perception - zaznava

4.2 Translation examples

Na splošno je težnja, da vsak posamezni sestavni del računalnika (od procesorja, podpornih čipov,

preko matične plošče in razširitvenih kartic porabi čim manj energije. Predvsem pri procesorjih so že

dlje časa v uporabi razni prijemi varčevanja z energijo. Ne le zaradi same porabe, temveč predvsem

zaradi zanesljivosti delovanja in trajanja. Procesor je izjemno občutljiv mikroelektronski element,

katerega preveliko segrevanje lahko hitro privede do nestabilnega delovanja oz. do okvare. (Vir:

Informatika s tehniškim komuniciranjem, Tomaž Hožič, LU Radovljica, 2010)

The general trend is that each computer component (processor, chipset, motherboard, expansion

cards and other) uses as little energy as possible. Especially processors are using various power-

saving methods for quite some time. Not just for energy-saving purposes, but also for maintaining a

stable and long-lasting operation. The processor is a very sensitive microelectronic element who's

overheating can quicly result in non-stable operation and even failure or non-repairable damage.

(Source: Informatics and Technical Communication, Tomaž Hožič, People's University of Radovljica,


Dobro zasnovano in urejeno delovno okolje je velikega pomena, saj tako laže opravljamo delovne

naloge, se bolje počutimo, smo bolj učinkoviti, se manj ali kasneje utrudimo in ne čutimo nepotrebnih

bolečin v sklepih, mišicah, očeh ipd. (Vir: Informatika s tehniškim komuniciranjem, Tomaž Hožič, LU

Radovljica, 2010)

A well-designed and organized working environment is of great importance because this way we can

accomplish our tasks, feel better, are more efficient, are less tired, get tired not so fast, do not feel

muscle, eye limb or joints pains. (Source: Informatics and Technical Communication, Tomaž Hožič,

People's University of Radovljica, 2010).

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4.3 Exercises

Translate the following terms into Slovene!

Seating position –

Body weight –

Floor –

Armwrest –

Pain –

Backrest –

Peripherals –

Noise –

Application interface –

Aplication interface elements –

Translate the following terms into English!

Kot (naklon) – Ergonomsko pohištvo –

Ergonomska programska oprema –

Velikost pisave –

Gumbi –

Vnosno polje –

Radijski gumb –

Povratna informacija –

Air temperature –

Air humidity –

Nesvetleč –

Stabilno –

Les –

Dolžina –

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Širina –

Globina –

Pravi kot (90 stopinj) –

Translate the following text into Slovene!

To understand the best way to set up a computer workstation, it is helpful to understand the concept of neutral body positioning. This is a comfortable working posture in which your joints are naturally aligned. Working with the body in a neutral position reduces stress and strain on the muscles, tendons, and skeletal system and reduces your risk of developing a musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). The following are important considerations when attempting to maintain neutral body postures while working at the computer workstation:

• Hands, wrists, and forearms are straight, in-line and roughly parallel to the floor.

• Head is level, or bent slightly forward, forward facing, and balanced. Generally it is in-line with the torso.

• Shoulders are relaxed and upper arms hang normally at the side of the body.

• Elbows stay in close to the body and are bent between 90 and 120 degrees.

• Feet are fully supported by the floor or a footrest may be used if the desk height is not adjustable.

• Back is fully supported with appropriate lumbar support when sitting vertical or leaning back slightly.

• Thighs and hips are supported by a well-padded seat and generally parallel to the floor.

• Knees are about the same height as the hips with the feet slightly forward.

Regardless of how good your working posture is, working in the same posture or sitting still for prolonged periods is not healthy. You should change your working position frequently throughout the day in the following ways:

• Make small adjustments to your chair or backrest.

• Stretch your fingers, hands, arms, and torso.

• Stand up and walk around for a few minutes periodically.

These four reference postures are examples of body posture changes that all provide neutral

positioning for the body.

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Appropriately placing lighting and selecting the right level of illumination can enhance your ability to

see monitor images. For example, if lighting is excessive or causes glare on the monitor screen, you

may develop eyestrain or headaches, and may have to work in awkward postures to view the screen.

Ventilation and humidity levels in office work environments may affect user comfort and productivity.

Direct light sources (for example, windows, overhead lights) that cause reflected light to show up on

the monitor make images more difficult to see, resulting in eye strain and fatigue.

Clean the monitor frequently. A layer of dust can contribute to glare.

Use blinds or drapes on windows to help reduce glare. Note: vertical blinds work best for East/West

facing windows and horizontal blinds for North/South facing windows.

Reflected light from polished surfaces, such as a keyboards, may cause annoyance, discomfort, or loss

in visual performance and visibility.

To limit reflection from walls and work surfaces around the screen, paint them with a medium

colored, non-reflective paint. Arrange workstations and lighting to avoid reflected glare on the display

screen or surrounding surfaces.

Tilt down the monitor slightly to prevent it from reflecting overhead light.

Set the computer monitor for dark characters on a light background; they are less affected by

reflections than are light characters on a dark background. (Source: )

Translate the following text into English!

Če bo računalnik uporabljal le en uporabnik, potem je izbor primernega pohištva primerljivo

enostavno, če bo računalnik uporabljalo več uporabnikov, moramo upoštevati potrebe in želje

vsakega posameznika. Ko načrtujemo opremljanje delovnega prostora, moramo že predhodno

upoštevati ustrezno pohištvo in možne nastavitve. (Source: Informatics and Technical Communication,

Tomaž Hožič, People's University of Radovljica, 2010).

Zaslon, če je le mogoče, ne sme biti obrnjen proti oknu ali od okna, sicer so potrebni posebni ukrepi

proti bleščanju in zrcaljenju. Najboljša postavitev zaslona je pravokotno na okno. Nizi stropnih svetilk

morajo biti vzporedni s smerjo pogleda delavca na zaslon, zaslon sam pa mora biti nameščen in

nagnjen tako, da v njem ni videti zrcaljenja stropnih ali drugih svetilk. (Source: Informatics and

Technical Communication, Tomaž Hožič, People's University of Radovljica, 2010).

Hrupu se žal ne moremo povsem izogniti, še posebno ne v pisarni, kjer sta dva ali več delavcev. Hrup,

ki ga povzroča računalnik je največkrat povezan z ventilatorji (napajalnik, dodatni ventilatorji za

hlajenje zraka v ohišju, ventilator na hladilniku procesorja, ventilator hladilnika grafične kartice).

Sodobni računalniki proizvajajo malo tovrstnega hrupa, pred leti pa je lahko glasen ventilator precej

motil zbranost uporabnika in povzročal stres. (Source: Informatics and Technical Communication,

Tomaž Hožič, People's University of Radovljica, 2010).

Vgrajeni zvočniki prihranijo prostor na delovni mizi, vgrajeni USB vmesniki pa odpravljajo moteče

sklanjanje do računalnika pod mizo. Meniji za nastavljanje zaslona naj bodo pregledni in enostavno

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dosegljivi. Zaslon naj že v samodejni nastavitvi (Auto Settings) izbere optimalne nastavitve. Svetloba

in kontrast se naj enostavno nastavljata, seveda glede na potrebe delovnega okolja. Razmerje

svetlosti med znaki in ozadjem naj bo vsaj 1:4. Oddaljenost zaslona od oči naj ne bo manjša od 50 cm,

v praksi pri velikosti zaslona 19 palcev na razdalji iztegnjene roke, pri zaslonih z večjo diagonalo, pa

na ustrezno večji razdalji, da se približamo občutku razdalje zaslona diagonale 19 palcev. (Source:

Informatics and Technical Communication, Tomaž Hožič, People's University of Radovljica, 2010).

5. Hardware

Strojno opremo računalnika sestavljajo vsi materialni deli, kot so ohišje, matična plošča, procesor,

nabor čipov, razširitvene kartice, vhodne in izhodne naprave idr.

A personal computer is made up of multiple physical components of computer hardware, upon

which can be installed a system software called operating system and a multitude of software

applications to perform the operator's desired functions.

Though a PC comes in many different forms, a typical personal computer consists of a case or chassis

in a tower shape (desktop), containing components such as a motherboard. (Source: Wikipedia)

5.1 Terminology

PC (Personal Computer) – Osebni računalnik

Computer graphics – računalniška grafika

Motherboard/mainboard – matična oz. osnovna plošča

Chip – čip

Chip set – nabor čipov

Processor – procesor

ATA (Advanced Technology Attachement) - ATA

SATA (Serial ATA) – SATA

RAID (Redundad Array of Inexpensive Disks) – RAID polje, redundantno polje poceni diskov

Microprocessor – mikroprocesor

Power supply - napajalnik

Memory – pomnilnik

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ROM (Read-Only Memory) – bralni pomnilnik

PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory) – programabilni bralni pomnilnik

EPROM (Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory) – zbrisljivi in programabilni bralni


EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory) – električno zbrisljiv in

programabilni bralni pomnilnik

BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) – Osnovni vhodno-izhodni sistem

RAM (Random Access Memory) – delovni pomnilnik

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) – zaslon s tekočimi kristali

LED (Light Emmitting Diode) – svetleča dioda

OLED (Organic Light Emmitting Diode) – Organska svetleča dioda

Robotics – robotika

CD (Compact Disk) – CD oz. zgoščenka

DVD (Digital Video Disc) – DVD

BD (Blue-ray disc) – BD

SmartCard – pametna kartica

SSD (Solid State Disk) – SSD disk

Input device – vhodna naprava

Output device – izhodna naprava

Inch – palec

Settings - nastavitve

Keyboard – tipkovnica

Track - sled

Sector – sektor

Read/write head – bralno-pisalna glava

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5.2 Translation examples

Računalnik je sestavljen iz množice glavnih komponent, kot so mikroprocesor, matična plošča,

pomnilnik, razširitvene kartice, vmesniki ter ohišje. Če ga bo uporabljal človek, potrebujemo še

tipkovnico, miško in zaslon oz. bolje rečeno t.i. vhodno/izhodne naprave, preko katerih človek

komunicira z računalnikom in ga upravlja, po drugi strani pa preko njih dobiva povratne informacije.

Lahko pa je računalnik vgrajen v neko napravo in do njega pravzaprav nimamo neposrednega

dostopa. Te glavne komponente oz. sestavni deli računalnika so nadalje sestavljeni iz tranzistorjev,

kondenzatorjev, upornikov, kovinskih povezav idr. (Vir: Informatika s tehniškim komuniciranjem,

Tomaž Hožič, LU Radovljica, 2010)

A computer is assembled from a pool of main components as the processor, motherboard, memory,

expansion cards, interfaces and a chassis. If if will be used or operated by a human we need a

keyboard, mouse and monitor. In other words, we need some input and output devices which enable

the user to communicate with and operate the computer and on the other hand recieves feedback

informations from the computer. The computer can also be installed into another device and the

user has no direct access to it (sending commands and data and retrieving results from it). These

main computer components are assembled by using transistors, condensators, resistors and metal

connections or thin wires etc. (Source: Informatics and Technical Communication, Tomaž Hožič,

People's University of Radovljica, 2010).

Procesor ali centralno procesna enota (CPE) je osrednji del računalnika, ki obdeluje (procesira)

podatke ter nadzoruje in upravlja ostale enote. Mikroprocesor je procesor, ki je izveden v enem

samem čipu, to je integriranem elektronskem vezju izdelanem na silicijevi rezini. Danes to velja za

skoraj vse procesorje. Oznaka modela mikroprocesorja pove veliko o njegovi procesni zmogljivosti.

Z mikroprocesorjem torej lahko zgradimo računalnik. To pogosto tudi delamo, vendar velika večina

naprav v katere so vgrajeni mikroprocesorji, niso računalniki. Bolj natančno povedano, navzven ni

videti, da so te naprave računalniki. Lahko rečemo, da današnja razširjenost mikroprocesorjev ni

toliko posledica njihove uporabe v računalnikih, kot njihove uporabe v napravah, ki niti približno ne

ustrezajo našim predstavam o računalnikih (avtomobili, medicinska oprema, stroji, igrače, ure,

zabavna elektronika, gospodinjski aparati idr.). (Vir: Informatika s tehniškim komuniciranjem, Tomaž

Hožič, LU Radovljica, 2010)

The processor or central processing unit (CPU) is the main component of the computer which

processes data, controls and manages other devices or components. A microprocessor is a processor

build on a single chip, so to speak as an integrated circuit on a single slice of Silicon. This is true for

most of today's processors. The processor label tells us a lot of its processing capabilities. So, by using

a microprocessor we can build a computer. This is mostly the case, but the majority of devices using

microprocessors are not computers. More precisely, these devices do not look like a computer.

Today's wide-spread use of microprocessors is not the result of using them in computers, but a result

of using them in devices which do not look-alike computers (cars, medical equipment, machines,

toys, watches, comsumer electronics, home appliances etc.). (Source: Informatics and Technical

Communication, Tomaž Hožič, People's University of Radovljica, 2010).

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5.3 Exercises

Translate the following terms into Slovene!

Controller –

Microcontroller –

Analog/digital –

Clock –

Frequency –

Overclocking –

Direct Memory Access (DMA) –

Netbook PC –

Core –

Thread –

Microarhitecture –

Cache –

Virtual Memory –

Arithmetic-Logical Unit (ALE) -

Measuring instruments –

Network card –

Graphical Accelerator –

Dot size –

Refresh –

Size –

Monitor stand –

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Translate the following terms into English!

Strojna oprema –

Upravljati –

Vhodne enote –

Obdelovanje podatkov –

Pomnilne naprave –

Toplotni tiskalnik –

Nadziranje –

Kot gledanja –

Smerne tipke –

Funkcijske tipke –

Translate the following text into Slovene!

Processor Cooling Problems

Processors, like all electronic equipment, have a specified safe temperature range that represents their limits for normal operation. If the processor overheats, problems are usually the result. These problems can take many different forms, and can be extremely difficult to diagnose because they often appear to implicate other parts of the system. Since the processor is at the center of everything that happens in your PC, if it is malfunctioning then essentially "all bets are off".

The most common symptoms of an overheating processor are system crashes, lockups and random reboots. Of course other problems can cause this behavior as well. An overheating processor can also manifest itself through memory errors, application errors, disk problems, or a host of other things. A severely overheated processor can also be permanently damaged, although this happens rarely. See this section of the Troubleshooting Expert for more help if you are having system problems related to cooling.(Source: )

The expansion card (also expansion board, adapter card or accessory card) in computing is a printed circuit board that can be inserted into an expansion slot of a computer motherboard to add functionality to a computer system.

One edge of the expansion card holds the contacts (the edge connector) that fit exactly into the slot. They establish the electrical contact between the electronics (mostly integrated circuits) on the card and on the motherboard.(Source: Wikipedia)

The primary purpose of an expansion card is to provide or expand on features not offered by the motherboard. For example, the original IBM PC did not provide graphics or hard drive capability as the technology for providing that on the motherboard did not exist.

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Translate the following text into English!

Računalnik mora biti ugasnjen. Odstranimo stranico ohišja, da dosežemo prosto mesto za vgradnjo

DVD pogona. Pred posegom je nujno, da se razelektrimo. Zato se primemo recimo radiatorja ali druge

kovinske reči, ki je ozemljena. V nasprotnem lahko že najmanjši preskok iskre in s tem toka z naših rok

na elektronske elemente le te poškoduje oz. jih uniči.

Preverimo, ali in kje je še kakšno prosto mesto za novi pogon in ali je še na voljo kakšen priključek za

elektriko. Potrebujemo seveda tudi podatkovni kabel in odločiti se moramo, ali priklopimo pogon na

prvi ali drugi kanal na matični plošči. Predpostavimo, da je na prvem kanalu in s tem tudi na 40 žilnem

podatkovnem kablu priključen trdi disk in da je drugi kanal prost. Potem pogon seveda priključimo na

prost kanal.

Pogon vgradimo v prosto mesto, privijemo vijake, ki držijo pogon, priklopimo najprej podatkovni

kabel, zraven še avdio kabel in nazadnje napajalni kabel. Prižgemo računalnik in v BIOS-u preverimo,

če je pogon prepoznan. V nasprotnem sprožimo samodejno prepoznavo, zapustimo BIOS, ugasnemo

računalnik in ga ponovno prižgemo. To bi moralo zadoščati. Samo še privijemo stranico in postopek je

uspešno zaključen. (Vir: Informatika s tehniškim komuniciranjem, Tomaž Hožič, LU Radovljica, 2010)

6. Hardware Components

V nadaljevanju si bomo ogledali posamezne komponente oz. sestavne dele računalnikov.

6.1 Motherboard

A motherboard is the central printed circuit board (PCB) in many modern computers and holds many

of the crucial components of the system, while providing connectors for other peripherals. The

motherboard is sometimes alternatively known as the main board, system board, or, on Apple

computers, the logic board.[1] It is also sometimes casually shortened to mobo.[2] (Source. Wikipedia)

6.1.1 Terminology

Motherboard/mainboard – matična/osnovna plošča

BUS – Vodilo

Expansion slot – Razširitveno mesto

Expansion card – Razširitvena kartica

Chipset – Nabor čipov

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Main Memory – Glavni pomnilnik

Audio Subsystem – zvočni (pod)sistem

LAN Subsystem – omrežni (pod)sistem

Serial ATA support – podpora za Serial ATA

Configuration – konfiguracija, nastavitev

Sequrity – varnost, zaščita

FAN Speed Control – nadzor hitrosti ventilatorja

Hardware Monitoring – nadzor/spremljanje strojne opreme

Chassis Intrusion – vdor v ohišje

Power Management – upravljanje/nadzor nad porabo energije (elektrike)

Power Connectors – konektorji napajanja

Speaker – zvočnik

Voltage regulator – regulator napetosti

Installation Precautions – varnostni ukrepi pred vgradnjo (namestitvijo)

DIMM Memory module – DIMM pomnilniški modul

Connecting – povezati

BIOS (Basic Input Output System) – BIOS (Osnovni vhodno-izhodni sistem)

Updating the BIOS – posodobitev BIOS-a

BIOS Error Codes – BIOS kode o napakah

6.1.2 Translation examples

INTEL Core i7 je 64-bitni mikroprocesor, izdelan v t.i. 32-nm Nehalem mikroarhitekturi. Vsebuje 6

jeder (core) od katerih je vsako sposobno izvajati dve t.i. niti (thread), kar skupno znese 12 niti. Niti so

najmanjša enota procesiranja, katero lahko nek operacijski sistem upravlja. Vsako jedro si lahko

predstavljamo kot ločen procesor, znotraj katerega lahko tečeta dve niti oz. opravili hkrati. Omenjeni

procesor se obnaša kot 6 procesorjev, ker pa vsak lahko hkrati opravlja dve opravili, je rezultat tak,

kot če ni imeli 12 običajnih procesorjev, kjer vsak opravlja svoje opravilo. (Vir: Informatika s tehniškim

komuniciranjem, Tomaž Hožič, LU Radovljica, 2010)

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INTEL Core i7 is a 64-bit microprocessor manufactured in the so called 32-nm Nehalem Architecture.

It consists of 6 cores, each capable executing two threads, totally 12 threads. Threads represent the

minimum amount of processing being managed by the operating system. Each thread can be

imagined as a stand-alone processor which can simultanously execute two threads or tasks. The

mentioned processor acts like 6 processors each of them executing two tasks. The result is, that we

have one processor acting as 12 processors. (Source: Informatics and Technical Communication,

Tomaž Hožič, People's University of Radovljica, 2010).

The BIOS Setup program can be used to view and change the BIOS settings for the computer. The BIOS Setup program is accessed by pressing the <F2> key after the Power-On Self-Test (POST) memory test begins and before the operating system boot begins.

Boot Menu allows you to set the first boot device without entering BIOS Setup. In Boot Menu, use the up arrow key <h> or the down arrow key <i> to select the first boot device, then press <Enter> to accept. To exit Boot Menu, press <Esc>. The system will directly boot from the device configured in Boot Menu.

Note: The setting in Boot Menu is effective for one time only. After system restart, the device boot

order will still be based on BIOS.

BIOS nastavitveni program se lahko uporablja za pregled in spreminjanje BIOS nastavitev računalnika.

Po pričetku t.i. POST (Power-On-Self-Test) preverjanju pomnilnika in še pred nalaganjem

operacijskega sisitema dosežemo BIOS nastavitveni program s pritiskom na tipko <F2>.

Meni zagona dovoljuje nastavitev oz. izbiro zagonske naprave brez da bi vstopili v BIOS nastavitveni

program. V meniju zagona s pomočjo tipke gor <h> oz. dol <i> izberemo želeno zagonsko napravo.

Izbiro potrdimo s pritiskom na <Enter>. Za izhod iz menija zagona pritisnemo tipko <Esc>.

Sistem se bo potem zagnal z naprave, določene v meniju zagona. Opomba: Nastavitev v meniju

zagona je veljavna le enkrat. Po ponovnem zagonu računalnika bo vrstni red zagona prevzet iz

nastavitve BIOS-a.

6.1.3 Exercises

Translate the following terms into Slovene!

Main Menu –

Features –

Supervisor password –

Exit without saving –

PC Health Status –

Utility –

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Numeric Value –

Page down –

Unstable –

Memory Frequency –

Virtualization Technology –

CPU Fail Warning –

Translate the following terms into English!

Tehnično vprašanje –

Nevarne sestavine –

Elektronska oprema –

Ležišče oz. podnožje procesorja –

Avdio kabel –

Krmilnik naprave –

Ponastavitev –

Omogočeno –

Onemogočeno –

»Skakač« -

Translate the following text into Slovene!

If you install a Serial ATA device (such as a hard drive) in your computer, the autoconfiguration utility in the BIOS automatically detects and configures the device for your computer. You do not need to run the BIOS Setup program after installing a Serial ATA. The BIOS includes security features that restrict whether the BIOS Setup program can be accessed and who can boot the computer. A supervisor password and a user password can be set for the BIOS Setup and for booting the computer. Intel Precision Cooling Technology automatically adjusts processor fan speed based on the processor temperature and adjusts chassis fan speeds based on the internal system temperature.(Source: )

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Translate the following text into English!

Matična plošča (angl. motherboard, tudi mainboard) je osnovno tiskano vezje v osebnem računalniku (PC). Na matično ploščo se vstavijo oziroma se priključijo vse ostale sestavine: procesor, bralno pisalni pomnilnik (RAM), razširitvene kartice (npr.: grafična) in zunanji pomnilnik. Matična plošča vsebuje tudi priključke za mnoge vmesnike (npr.: miškin, tipkovničin, USB, zaporedni, tiskalniški ...).

Najpomembnejši sestavni del matične plošče je sistemski nabor, kateri povezuje ostale komponente med seboj. Sistemski nabor določa zmogljivosti matične plošče.

Naprave priključene na matično ploščo so povezane z vodili, ki so ali paralelna ali pa serijska. Trenutni

trendi se nagibajo v smer serijskih prenosov, le pri povezavi pomnilnika še vedno prevladujejo

paralelni prenosi, ki omogočajo veliko večje prenose podatkov kot serijski.(Vir: Wikipedija)

6.2 Memory module

Mnogokrat označen kot »spomin« in naj kar takoj popravimo napako. Spomin imajo le živa bitja,

naprave lahko le »pomnijo«, zato uporabljamo izraz pomnilniška vezja oz. pomnilniški čipi. Pomnilnik

je kot neke vrste »skladišče« iz katerega CPE jemlje ukaze in podatke, ter vanj shranjuje delne in

končne rezultate obdelav ter druge ukaze.

Memory module is a broad term used to refer to a series of dynamic random access memory

integrated circuits modules mounted on a printed circuit board and designed for use in personal

computers, workstations and servers.

It can be used to these specific types of memory module:

• Dual in-line package memory • TransFlash Memory Module • SIPP memory, Single In-line Pin Package memory • SIMM, a Single Inline Memory Module • DIMM, Dual Inline Memory Module

o Rambus memory modules are a subset of DIMMs, but are usually referred to as RIMMs

o SO-DIMM, Small outline DIMM, a smaller version of the DIMM, used in laptops

Distinguishing characteristics of computer memory modules include voltage, capacity, speed (i.e. bit rate), and form factor. (Source: Wikipedia)

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6.2.1 Terminology

ROM (Read-Only Memory) – bralni pomniknik

RAM (Random Access Memory) - delovno oz. glavni pomnilnik

DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) – pomnilnik DIMM

SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module) – pomnilnik SIMM

DDR RAM (Double Data Rate) – pomnilnik DDR

SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory) – pomnilnik SDRAM

Clock Signal – Signal ure, urin signal

Latency - zakasnitev

6.3.2 Translation examples

DDR3 memory provides a reduction in power consumption of 30% compared to DDR2 modules due to DDR3's 1.5 V supply voltage, compared to DDR2's 1.8 V. The 1.5 V supply voltage works well with the 90 nanometer fabrication technology used in the original DDR3 chips. Some manufacturers further propose using "dual-gate" transistors to reduce leakage of current.[1]

Ker je DDR3 modul napajan z napetostjo 1,5 V, porabi v primerjavi z modulom DDR2, ki je napajan z napetostjo 1,8 V, 30% manj energije. Napajalna napetost 1,5 V je povsem primerna za module DDR3, ki so izdelani v 90nm tehnologiji. Za zmanjšanje odtekanja el. toka, nekateri proizvajalci predlagajo uporabo t.i. dual-gate transistorjev.

According to JEDEC[2] the maximum recommended voltage is 1.575 volts and should be considered the absolute maximum when memory stability is the foremost consideration, such as in servers or other mission critical devices. In addition, JEDEC states that memory modules must withstand up to 1.975 volts before incurring permanent damage, although they are not required to function correctly at that level.(Source. Wikipedia)

Po navedbah JEDEC-a je največja priporočena napajalna napetost 1,575 volta. To vrednost se naj upošteva predvsem tedaj, ko je prva zahteva stabilnost delovanja pomnilnika, kot je to primer pri strežnikih in drugih na izpad kritičnih napravah.

Daily Tech - Pred tednom dni smo poročali o preboju na področju zakasnitev DDR3 pomnilnika (tj.

Kingston je izdal CL5 DDR3 modul), tokrat pa se rdeča nit novice nanaša na nov preboj na področju

frekvence delovanja DDR3 modulov in posledičnega povišanja pomnilniške prepustnosti. Pri podjetju

OCZ so včeraj oznanili, da so proizvedli DD3 pomnilnik (PC3-14400 DDR3), ki deluje pri 1800 MHz, kar

je 200 MHz več kot predhodno najhitrejši DDR3 moduli. Zakasnitve novega hitrostnega prvaka (CL8-8-

8) so kakopak nekoliko višje kot pri manj prepustnih modelih (med CL5 in CL7).

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Daily Tech – Last week we reported a breakthrough regarding DDR 3 memory latency and today's

news are about a breakthrough in the field of DDR3 memory frequency which results in higher

memory throughput. Yesterday OZC Company announced a production of a DDR3 module (PC3-

14400 DDR3), which operates at 1800 MHz, 200 MHz more than the formerly quickest DDR3

modules. The latency of the new speed-champion (CL8-8-8) is somehow higher as latency values for

slower models (between CL5 and CL7).

6.3.3 Exercises

Translate the following terms into Slovene!

Bandwith –


Clock Frequency –

Power Consumption –

High Density –

Refresh Time –

Translate the following terms into English!

Vmesni pomnilnik –

Statična elektrika –

Synchronous –

Elektronsko vezje –

Kapaciteta –

Število nožic –

Proizvajalec –

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Translate the following text into Slovene!

The primary benefit of DDR3 is the ability to run its I/O bus at four times the speed of the memory

cells it contains, thus enabling faster bus speeds and higher peak throughput than earlier memory

technologies. The DDR3 standard allows for chip capacities of 512 megabits to 8 gigabits, effectively

enabling a maximum memory module size of 16 gigabytes.

The DDR3 standard allows for chip capacities of 512 megabits to 8 gigabits, effectively enabling a

maximum memory module size of 16 gigabytes. DDR3 DIMMs have 240 pins, the same number as

DDR2, and are the same size, but are electrically incompatible and have a different key notch

location. (Source. )

Translate the following text into English!

Opis: DDR3 pomnilnik velikosti 1 GB, ki se ponaša s frekvenco delovanja 1066 MHz.Garancija: 60 mesecev, Proizvajalec: Kingston, kapaciteta: (1GB)1024, tip: DDR3, hitrost delovanja: 8500 MB/s, takt delovanja: 1066, število pinov: 240, namembnost: Osebni računalnik, napajalna napetost: 1,5 V, latence: 5-6-7-8-9-100

Ločimo dve vrsti RAM pomnilnikov: dinamični RAM (DRAM), ki za svoje delovanje potrebuje signal, ki

nekaj tisočkrat na sekundo osveži vsebino pomnilnika ter statični RAM (SRAM), ki ne potrebuje

osveževanja, zato omogoča hitrejši dostop do podatkov, vendar je dražji (uporaba v

predpomnilnikih). (Vir: Wikipedija)

6.3 Hard disk

Je med pomnilniškimi napravami največje in najcenejše skladišče za naše programe in podatke.

Trenutno se kupujejo trdi diski z magnetnimi ploščami skupne kapacitete od 500GB do 1TB na

vmesniku SATA. V prihodnje lahko pričakujemo padec cen diskov SSD, ki so precej hitrejši in nimajo

težav, ki so znane s področja trdih diskov z magnetnimi ploščami. Pogosto se uporabljajo tudi

prenosni trdi diski na vmesniku USB 2.0, kmalu na vmesniku USB 3.0.

A hard disk drive[2] (hard disk,[3] hard drive,[4] HDD) is a non-volatile storage device for digital data. It

features one or more rotating rigid platters on a motor-driven spindle within a metal case. Data is

encoded magnetically by read/write heads that float on a cushion of air above the platters.

Hard disk manufacturers quote disk capacity in SI-standard powers of 1000, wherein a terabyte is

1000 gigabytes and a gigabyte is 1000 megabytes. With file systems that report capacity in powers of

1024, available space appears somewhat less than advertised capacity. (Source: Wikipedia)

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6.3.1 Terminology

Head – Glava

Cylinder – Cilinder

Track – Sled

Sector – Sektor

Platters - Plošče

6.3.2 Translation examples

In modern drives, the small size of the magnetic regions creates the danger that their magnetic state

might be lost because of thermal effects. To counter this, the platters are coated with two parallel

magnetic layers, separated by a 3-atom-thick layer of the non-magnetic element ruthenium, and the

two layers are magnetized in opposite orientation, thus reinforcing each other.[10] Another technology

used to overcome thermal effects to allow greater recording densities is perpendicular recording, first

shipped in 2005,[11] and as of 2007 the technology was used in many HDDs.(Source: Wikipedia)

V sodobnih pogonih, zaradi majhne velikosti magnetnih področij, obstaja nevarnost, da se zaradi

vpliva toplotnih učinkov izgubi oz. spremeni stanje namagnetenosti. V izogib temu so plošče

prevlečene z dvema paralelnima magnetnima nanosoma, ločenima s plastjo nemagnetnega rutenija

debeline treh atomov, obe plasti pa sta namagneteni v nasprotnih smereh, da se ojačata ena drugo.

Druga tehnologija za premagovanje težav glede toplotnih učinkov in doseganje višje gostote zapisa je

t.i. pravokotno zapisovanje in diski s to tehnologijo so prvič prišli na trg leta 2005, dve lati kasneje ap

je bila uporabljena v mnogih trdih diskih.

Pred uporabo DMA krmilnika so naprave za vsak poseg v notranji pomnilnik posegale v procesor, da

jim je dodeli pravilen pomnilniški naslov. Ker se je lahko ta dodelitev pojavljala pogosto, je procesor

veliko časa porabil za dodelitev dostopa do pomnilnika namesto izvrševanja procesov. Naprave, ki

uporabljajo DMA svoje zahteve pošljejo krmilniku in ta namesto procesorja izračuna pomnilniški

naslov. Tako se razbremeni procesor za druga opravila. Prenos informacij iz diska na osnovno ploščo

je odvisen od povezave. Prva povezava je bila preko ATA kablov. ATA kabel ima 40 žil, podatki pa se

prenašajo vzporedno pri frekvenci od 33 do 133 MHz. Ker je hitrost še vedno bila zelo nizka, se je

uveljavil priključek SATA, ki ima 4 pine in 7 žil. Podatki se prenašajo zaporedno preko dveh kablov. Za

uporabnike s potrebo po velikih hitrostih prenosa podatkov, se je razvilo SCSI vodilo. Ker je protokol

prenosa informacij drugačen kot pri ATA in SATA vodilih, so SCSI diski tudi dražji. (Vir: Wikipedija)

Before the use of DMA controllers the devices requested for each memory access that the processor

assigned a memory address. Because these assignments could occur frequently the processor instead

of processing data wasted much of hid time for assigning memory addresses. Devices using DMA

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send their requests to the controller and the controller calculates the memory address. So, the

processor is relieved from this task and can handle other tasks. The transfer of data from hard disk to

mainboard depends of the connection type. The first used were ATA cables. ATA cables have 40 wires

and the data transfers parallel at frequencies from 33 to 133 MHz. Because the transfer-rates were

still low the SATA interface with 4 pins and 7 wires was introduced. Data is transfered over two

cables. The SCSI bus was developed for users who needed even higher transfer-rates. Because of the

fact that the data-transfer protocol differs from that of ATA and SATA buses, the SCSI disks are more

expensive than ATA or SATA disks.

6.3.3 Exercises

Translate the following terms into Slovene!

Data loss –

Data recovery –

Operating temperature –

Disk array –

Magnetic surface –

Translate the following terms into English!

Vmesnik –

Varnostna kopija –

Pvprečni čas med napakami –

Particija –

Logični pogon –

Zagonska particija –

Dodelitvena tabela –

Translate the following text into Slovene!

Most major hard disk and motherboard vendors now support S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis,

and Reporting Technology), which measures drive characteristics such as operating temperature,

spin-up time, data error rates, etc. Certain trends and sudden changes in these parameters are

thought to be associated with increased likelihood of drive failure and data loss.

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However, not all failures are predictable. Normal use eventually can lead to a breakdown in the

inherently fragile device, which makes it essential for the user to periodically back up the data onto a

separate storage device. Failure to do so can lead to the loss of data. While it may sometimes be

possible to recover lost information, it is normally an extremely costly procedure, and it is not

possible to guarantee success. (Source: Wikipedia)

Translate the following text into English!

Disk je sestavljen iz več okroglih kovinskih plošč prevlečenih z magnetno snovjo, ki se med delovanjem vrtijo. Nad diskom je bralno pisalna glava. To je navitje, ki lahko magneti površino diska (pisanje), ali ugotavlja smer namagnetenosti (branje).

Ker pred desetletji procesorji še niso dosegali velikih hitrosti, so diski pričeli uporabljati DMA (ang. Direct Memory Access) krmilnik, ki napravam priključenim nanj omogoča neposreden dostop do notranjega pomnilnika.

• Zmogljivost (kapaciteta) trdega diska se običajno meri v GigaByte (GB). Leta 2005 je kapaciteta dosegla 500 GB.

• Velikost trdega diska je največkrat 3,5", za prenosne računalnike pa 2,5". • Vmesnik. Najbolj znana sta ATA (PATA in SATA) ter SCSI. • Zanesljivost. Podatek MTBF nam pove koliko časa povprečno preteče med dvema napakama. • Danes se zmogljivost (kapaciteta) meri tudi v TeraByte (TB). 1 TB = 1000 GB.

(Vir: Wikipedija)

6.4 Vhodno-izhodne enote

Vhodno-izhodne enote potrebujemo zato, da lahko računalnik upravljamo in opazujemo rezultate

obdelav podatkov. Z vhodnimi enotami posredujemo računalniku podatke in ukaze, na izhodnih

napravah pa se nam prikazujejo rezultati obdelav. Poznamo tudi naprave, ki lahko delujejo tako kot

vhodne, kot tudi izhodne naprave.

In computing, input/output, or I/O, refers to the communication between an information processing

system (such as a computer), and the outside world possibly a human, or another information

processing system. Inputs are the signals or data received by the system, and outputs are the signals

or data sent from it. The term can also be used as part of an action; to "perform I/O" is to perform an

input or output operation. I/O devices are used by a person (or other system) to communicate with a

computer. For instance, a keyboard or a mouse may be an input device for a computer, while

monitors and printers are considered output devices for a computer. Devices for communication

between computers, such as modems and network cards, typically serve for both input and output.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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6.4.1 Terminology

Keyboard – tipkovnica

Mouse – miška

Network card – omrežna kartica

Monitor – Monitor

Optical Scanner – optični čitalec

Tablet – risalna tablica

Microphone – mikrofon

Measuring Instruments – merilni inštrumenti oz. naprave

Joystick – Igralna palica

6.4.2 Translation examples

An optical scanner is a device that can read text or illustrations printed on paper and translate the

information into a form the computer can use. A scanner works by digitizing an image -- dividing it

into a grid of boxes and representing each box with either a zero or a one, depending on whether the

box is filled in. (For color and gray scaling, the same principle applies, but each box is then

represented by up to 24 bits.)

Optični čitalec je naprava, ki lahko prebira besedila, na papir natisnjene slike oz. ilustracije in te

informacije pretvori v obliko razumljivo računalniku. Optični čitalec digitalizira podobe tako, da jih

razdeli s pomočjo mreže polj, pri katerem vsako polje predstavi kot bodisi z logično ničlo oz. enico, v

odvisnosti ali je polje prazno oz. zapolnjeno. (Pri barvnem in sivinskem skeniranju veljajo enaka

načela, vendar je tedaj vsako polje predstavljeno z do 24 biti).

Tipkovnica je poleg miške najpogostejša vhodna naprava. Večinoma se uporabljajo take s

standardnim razporedom alfanumeričnih tipk, ponekod pa se uporabljajo prilagojene tipkovnice, s

katerimi se lahko doseže večjo učinkovitost dela. Tovrstne tipkovnice so namenjene uporabi v

gostinstvu in industriji in imajo precej programabilnih funkcijskih tipk, kjer s pritiskom na le eno tipko

dosežemo določene učinke.

The keyboard and mouse are the most common input devices. Keyboards with a standard layout of

alphanumerical keys are mostly used, sometimes customized keyboards which enable a more

productive work. These keyboards which have many programmable function-keys and enable one-

click operated tasks, are mainly used in fields like gastronomy and industry.

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6.4.3 Exercises

Translate the following terms into Slovene!

Gray-scale –

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) –

Bit-depth –

Optical resolution –

Flatbed scanner –

LED technology –

Pen input –

Dimensions –

Accuracy –

Cable length –

Barcode scanner –

Scanner accessories –

Translate the following terms into English!

Hitrost tiskanja –

Ločljivost tiskanja –

Kapaciteta predala –

Povezljivost –

Toner –

Kartuša –

Translate the following text into Slovene!

HP recommends that the number of printed pages per month be within the stated range for

optimum device performance, based on factors including supplies replacement intervals and device

life over an extended warranty period. Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration,

software application, driver and document complexity.

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Translate the following text into English!

Canon PIXMA MP250 je zmogljiva večfunkcijska naprava z ločljivostjo 4800 x 1200 dpi ter mikro

šobami, ki zmorejo velikost barvne kapljice 2 pl. Naprava omogoča tiskanje, kopiranje in optično

branje. Canon MP250 iz družine PIXMA je večfunkcijska naprava za tiskanje, fotokopiranje in optično

branje, namenjena domači uporabi ali manjšim podjetjem. Nudi visokokakovostni tisk dokumentov in

grafičnih predlog, obenem pa nadaljuje tradicijo tiskalnikov PIXMA s hitrim tiskanjem fotografij

laboratorijske kakovosti. Naprava ima vgrajen ploski skener.

7. Software

Programska oprema (Software) je skupek računalniških programov t.j. zapisanih algoritmov za

določena opravila. Programsko opremo najpogosteje delimo na:

• sistemsko

• uporabniško (aplikativno)

Computer software, or just software, is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do. We can also say software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some purposes. Program software performs the function of the program it implements, either by directly providing instructions to the computer hardware or by serving as input to another piece of software. The term was coined to contrast to the old term hardware (meaning physical devices). In contrast to hardware, software is intangible, meaning it "cannot be touched".[1] Software is also sometimes used in a more narrow sense, meaning application software only. Sometimes the term includes data that has not traditionally been associated with computers, such as film, tapes, and records.[2] (Source: Wikipedia)

7.1 Terminology

Operating system – operacijski sistem

User application – uporabniška aplikacija

Program – program, aplikacija

Function – funkcija, zmožnost

Functionality – zmožnosti

Programming language – programski jezik

Device drivers – gonilniki naprav

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Software engineering – programsko inženirstvo

Web pages – spletne strani

Window – okno

Task bar – opravilna vrstica

Buttons – gumbi

Radio button – radijski gumb

Field – polje

Mouse pointer –

Menu –

Submenu –

Settings –

Frame –

7.2 Translation examples

Freeware je brezplačna programska oprema vendar avtor predpiše v kakšne namene se sme

uporabljati. Lahko je recimo prepovedano to programsko opremo prodajati naprej, jo spreminjati, z

njo pridobivati drugačno materialno korist idr. Ponavadi gre za preprostejše programe, ki pa kljub

temu lahko uporabniku predstavljajo precejšnjo korist ali zabavo.

Freeware is cost-free software but the author regulates in which purposes the software may be used.

For example, reselling the software is prohibited, or to alter it or to obtain other material advantages

by using it. This kind of software is frequently more simple than not and can be of great benefit or

pleasure for the user.

Shareware se ponavadi lahko uporablja nek določen čas brezplačno, po preteku pa avtor želi, da

uporabnik plača nek (manjši) znesek, v nasprotnem pa preneha program uporabljati. Lahko, da

program po preteku obdobja samodejno preneha z delovanjem, ponovna brezplačna namestitev pa je

neuspešna. Nekateri avtorji želijo namesto plačila kakšno razglednico iz domačega kraja uporabnika

ali kaj drugega.

Shareware may be cost-free used for a specified time period and after that we have to pay the

author a mostly not so high amount of money. Otherwise the user has to stop using the software. It

is possible, that after the specified period the program stops working and a reinstall does not

succeed. Some authors would rather like some postcards sent from the home-town of the user

instead of money.

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7.3 Exercises

Translate the following terms into Slovene!

Software development –

e-mail client –

Spreadsheet –

Text Editor –

Software licence –

Install –

Configuration –

Programming Tools –

Image Editing –

Translate the following terms into English!

Industrijska avtomatika –

Poslovna programska oprema -

Računalniške igre –

Računalniška grafika –

Izobraževalna programska oprema –

Simulacijska programska oprema –

Odločitvena programska orpema –

Brskalnik –

Algoritem –

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Translate the following text into Slovene!

Freeware (from "free" and "software") is computer software that is available for use at no cost or for

an optional fee.[1] Software referred to as freeware is almost always proprietary and closed source,

and thus not free software (free and open source software). Software that is commercial but not

available free of charge is occasionally referred to as payware or commercial software. (Source:


Shareware is usually offered either with certain features only available after the license is purchased,

or as a full version but for a limited trial period of time. Once the trial period has passed the program

may stop running until a license is purchased. Shareware is often offered without supports or

updates which only become available with the purchase of a license. The words "free trial" or "trial

version" are indicative of shareware. (Source: Wikipedia)

System software is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide and maintain a platform for running application software.[1][2]

A programming language is an artificial language designed to express computations that can be

performed by a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create

programs that control the behavior of a machine, to express algorithms precisely, or as a mode of

human communication.

A programming tool or software development tool is a program or application that software

developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications.

The term usually refers to relatively simple programs that can be combined together to accomplish a

task, much as one might use multiple hand tools to fix a physical object. (Source: Wikipedia)

Translate the following text into English!

Proizvajalci licenčne oz. plačljive programske opreme že dlje časa ponujajo možnost preizkusa

programske opreme. Ta je polno funkcionalna oz. uporabna in v ničemer ne zaostajo za zmožnostmi

»prave« programske opreme. Po preizkusnem obdobju, ki je določeno na največkrat 30, 60 ali celo 90

programska oprema preneha delovati. V tem času naj bi uporabnik lahko presodil, ali se mu splača

investirati v nakup programske opreme. Ponavadi gre za programsko opremo vredno nekaj deset ali

celo več tisoč evrov.

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