structure & interpretation of computer programs xiao ben charrow

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Structure & Interpretation of Computer ProgramsXiao Xiao

Ben Charrow

电脑程序的结构和编译 萧潇陈斌

Who We Are

Xiao XiaoMIT, Junior, Majoring in Computer Science

Ben CharrowMIT, Senior, Majoring in Computer Science

What We Want to Cover

The "Scheme" programming languageData Abstraction / 数据抽象Iterative and recursive processes / 重复和递归进程

Data structures / 数据结构Basic algorithms / 算法

Our Bible / 我们的圣经

电脑程序的 结构和编译

SICP (sick-pea)

Wizard Book /巫师书


Language features Simple (syntax /语法 & specification /规格 ) Prefix notation /前缀表示法 Interpreted / 解释器 Tail-recursive /尾递归 Weakly typed /弱类型 Functional


The Scheme specification is 50 pages long

The Java specification is 684 pages long

Scheme is designed to be as simple and small as possible

Interpreters / 解释器

Characteristics Each line of code is only examined at runtime

/ 运行时间 Works on all computer architectures /计算机体系结构

Easy to fix problems Slower than compiled / 编译器 code

Scheme Keywords

• Keywords: Words that have a 'special meaning' to the scheme interpreter

• They are what allow you to make programs

Prefix Notation / 前缀表示法

The function (函数 ) always comes before its arguments

(+ 3 4) (- 5 3) (* 5 4)

7 2 20

Keyword Example: define

(define x y) Makes the value of x the value of y Does not work if y does not have a value

(define x 3)x3

Combining Ideas

(define x 12)

(define x 5)(define y x)(* x y)25

15 (+ x 3)

Defining ProceduresWant to define a function that squares

its argument Call the function 'square' Call the argument 'arg'

How do we write it in scheme?

Defining Procedures (cont.)

(define (square arg)

(* arg arg))

(square 4)


Weakly Typed

Unlike C++ and Java, scheme does not worry about types! Don't need to declare variables as 'int' or 'char' Makes generalizing code easier Be careful what you pass!

(define (add arg1 arg2)

(+ arg1 arg2))

(add 'a 'b)

Another Keyword: cond

cond Similar to the 'if' statement in C++ or Java If predicate is #t / true, then it evaluates the

statement If predicate is #f / false, then it moves on

(define (sign? arg)

(cond ((> 0 arg) ’negative)

((< 0 arg) ’positive)

(else 'zero)))

Recursion (next lecture)

A 'recursive procedure' calls itself

Factorial(n) = n! If n > 0, Factorial(n) = n*Factorial(n-1) otherwise factorial(n) = 1 Factorial is a recursive procedure

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