sunny side up

Post on 31-Jul-2016






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mainly on education. Indonesia-based. trial design & content


Sunday 1

5 6 7 8

12 14 15

19 20 21 22

26 27 28 29

Monday Tuesday Wednesday


Harlah Pancasila

KKM Inau-guration


UIN Malang

Drugs Awareness



Children’s Day

Happy Birthday

Ir. Soekarno!

1st election after ORBA

Telaga Said oil

mines first dug




Indonesia Raya

got its own set

of rules


9 10 11

16 17


23 24 25


Friday! Saturday Wednesday Thursday 3 4


Harlah Pancasila

Ballpoint got patented in Argentina!

HBD Cicik!


Children’s Day Harlah Launching Prodi

Kedokteran UIN


Einstein published

Quantum Physics

in “Annalen” with-

out experiment

A French physi-

cist found

ozone in the


Telaga Said oil

mines first dug

Edwin Land pat-ented Polaroid

Editor in Chief


Head Redactional

Redactional Staff




Rico Supriyadi

Jamilatul Husniah

Silviya Dwi Arista

Lia Fatra Senorita K.

Dahlia El Hiyaroh

Moch. Ainul Cholidian

Kuni Isna Ariesta

Intan Primalita

Hanin Arlisa

Agis Maolana Patoni

Cicik Norma Kholida

Alfiatul Hasanah

M. Ismail Akbar

Nur Afifah

Dini Puji Rahayu

Fira Ilmiyatus Saadah

Umi Nahdiyah

Endah Asmaul Husna

Talqas Syarofa

SSU staffs

the sunny side up w e all love

4 5


















Fira Ilmiyatus & Dini P Rahayu

Rico Supriyadi

Lia Fatra

Dahlia El Hiyaroh

Kuni Isna

Intan Primalita

Dahlia El Hiyaroh

Kuni Isna

Dini P Rahayu

Cicik Norma

Endah Asmaul Husna

M. Ismail Akbar

Lia Fatra

Agis Maolana

Contents Intan Primalita

Hanin Arlisa

Alfiatul Hasanah

Moh Ainul Cholidian

Cicik Norma

Lia Fatra

M. Ismail Akbar

Alfiatul Hasanah

Jamilatul Husniah

Nur Afifah

Silviya Dwi Arista

Nur Afifah

Talqas Syarofa

Fira Ilmiyatus Sa‘adah

Cicik Norma
















Assalamu‘alaikum wr. wb

Praise only to Allah and peace and salutations to the

Prophet Muhammad.

International class program of Islamic education in

2014 was a group of teenagers who want to deepen

their religious knowledge of Islam by using English

in daily life.

Class consists of 19 students (4 men and 15 women)

have acquired some of the achievements that first

winner of fashion and talent of Islamic education in

2016 and first winner of presentation essay of Islamic

education in 2016. In addition, the grade-point

average in this class is relatively high and equal,

means there is no significant gap in grade-point

average. It means that all students get grade-point

average above 3.75.

As a teenager, this class also often does things they

should not do. Such papers late even forgot to take,

the manufacture of paper suddenly, late for class,

and so forth.

But that's the color of life, remain in our hearts pray

that someday we can make our parents happy,

become useful to the nation and religion. Aamiin.

Ed’s note

4 5



6 7

Education Education according to UU no. 20 year 2003 is the concious ef

-fort and system to create learning process in order to

stimulate the learner actively and develop their potencial to

have strength of religious spiritual, self control, personality,

good behaviour, also skill. According to that, education being

important with the greath goal. Like: create human

intelligence, intellect, qualified, independence, modern,

competent, to raise standar and prestige of our country. That

way, in the contex of National Development, Education must

seeing as human investment that have multi-dimensional

perspective like social perspective, cultural, economy, and

political perspective.

In the social perspective, education will create human

intelligence that have an important point in the social

transformation process. Education being determinant to push

vertical and horizontal mobility in the society to establish new

social construction. That new social construction consist of

social inteligent to strengthen the social cohesion to unify

family, community, social organization, an also a country. That

way, education is important in the society becouse it support

the society to integrate each others.

In the cultural perspective, education important because it

teach about values, sosialization it, and create wor ethos in the

society. Education also being instrument to create nation

personality and srengthen nation identity. Even now education

being more important in the cultural perspective becouse of

globalization that bring many culture which is inapropriate

and different with our culture. In this context, education can

be strategic way to build collective conscience to strengthen

society in respect diversity of culture, religion, race, etc.

In the economic perspective, education is an effort to prepare

human invesment mainstay as a economic development

activator. That way, education must create many graduate that

have knowledge, master ing technology, having skill and good

technique. Education also create an profesiional enterpreneur

as a great pillar to raise nation economy.

In the political perspective, education as a strategic oart in the

process of regeneration of power. Education as a factory to

create the leader in the future with the values of Pancasila and

UUD 1945. Education also can seeing the history of Indonesia,

also get the future with thw grwath analysis and critical.

From the previous perspective, we know that education is an

im-portant thing that need to get attention and development

in se-veral times. This kind of development can be reach by

many way like development of curriculum, development by

schools, deve-lopment of technology and method,

development of books, and many others. In the end, Every

singgle one of citizen must realize and doing their best effort

to support the education.

6 7

gym it.

6 9


Have you heard of brain gym? Brain Gym

is a system that uses simple movements

to stimulate brain function. That is, it uses

quick, easy-to-do developmental

movements to wake up the brain without

stress or injury. Children naturally explore

these movements as they grow and

mature. However, under tension, children

learn to rely too much on one cerebral

hemisphere of the brain alone, instead of

two sides together, placing unnecessary

and stressful demands upon the whole

physiology. Brain Gym was created by Dr.

Paul E Dennison, an educator from the

United States.


In nature, the brain's neural pathways &

connections are developed through

movement. Brain Gym works by

promoting speci-fic movement

experiences which assist in facilitating

optimal achievement of mental potential.

All acts of speech, learning, vision &

coordination are learned through a

complex repertoire of movement. Brain

Gym through its specific movement

exercises program promotes the efficient

communication amongst these many

nerve cells & functional centres located

throughout the brain's sensory motor

system. Learning problems arise when

communication between these centres,

for example, when the eyes & ears are

blocked. Brain Gym exercises stimulate

the flow of information within the brain

& sensory system freeing the innate

ability to learn & function at top

efficiency. Brain Gym method which is a

method through 26 basic movements to

stimulate and balance all parts of the

brain, left brain–right, up-down and front


“Brain Gym works by

promoting specific movement

experiences which assist in

facilitating optimal

achievement of mental



Movements have been classified according

to the areas of the brain. This method has

been developed for more than 25 years

focused on learning. Many children with

learning disorders and dyslexia can be

overcame. Brain Gym method is not only

beneficial to children with special needs or

learning disabilities, it also can be tried on

every child who needs optimalization in

their brain works. Especially early middle

age to learn about the environment

through the senses and what he learned

will stimulate an in-crease in the number of

nerve. Brain Gym movements can be

applied to children of all ages, even as a

baby. However, the move-ment should still

be adjusted with the motor development

of children at certain ages.


By doing routine Brain Gym movements,

children will undoubtedly benefit. Among

other things, it enhances the increasing

concentration, stamina, confidence, relieve

stress, improve concentration, ability to

control emotions, develop the ability to

sing, music, and logic. In addition, it can

help the child to optimize the perception

of inform-ation received through the

senses and im-prove the per-formance of

all parts of the brain to be integrated. Brain

Gym can open an exit in the brain that are

blocked in order to function optimally.


6 9


Do you know what is CBT? CBT is a system that is

currently used in the world of education

concerning to testing method. Still warm once

our ears hear the words of CBT (Computer Based

Test) or in another language we call national

exam-based computer. Indeed in the history of

the computer including the greatest invention to

date is growing rapidly. Indeed the CBT itself is

already applied in Indonesia since the year 2015

on the basis of breakthrough of the Minister of

education and culture, Anies Baswedan with

goals by implementing the CBT will get test

results and can be accountable valid. But looking

at the portrait that is in Indonesia will CBT actu-

ally needed to be applied in the national exam.


First look, we know that with held CBT course

requires the name of the computer. We know

Indonesia is not all schools have complete

facilities. And not all schools are labeled ―public‖.

Many school-based private and automatically

they must independently without the

Reviewing Computer Based Test Do we really cut it as they say we do?

10 11

As for the other reasons that support that States

unpreparedness Indonesia for organizing the exam

-based CBT. That is the possibility of a leak on a

matter. This can not be denied again. Starting from

the performance of national examination from year

to year there is always leakage on the matter. If

with the CBT will further facilitate them just as

much as they can find it through the link on the


Considering this, viewed wishes or ideals of Government by follow-

ing the technological developments of the world,

as well as the younger generation of Indonesia

which resulted in gold is indeed a sublime goal

and should be supported and rebuilt. However,

they also need to fix in advance the existing educa-

tion system in Indonesia. If you want the existence

of more advanced education then the Government

should pay attention to the entire element sup-

ports. As the level of facilities. If you want the com-

puter-based test of the existence of the then Gov-

ernment must meet it. In addition they should also

pay attention to the problems that arise in the

world of education Indonesia first. And it needed a

process that is not easy. This is where the commu-

nity as Indonesia concerned with the education of

his country should give full support as long as the

Government is trying. For the sake of the realiza-

tion of the ideals of Indonesia.

help of the Government. Sometimes it is just that

the country is not necessarily the lancer in the

disbursement of funds for the fulfillment of the

needs of the school. We just look at the corners

of the school they have a very sad condition

compared with schools that have already ad-

vanced as in large cities. If applied CBT felt less



Furthermore, with the home CBT felt more practi-

cal, but there's a side of its shortcomings. Such

students are not able to open a new tab if that is

done then the exam questions is not accessible.

In addition the exam by CBT takes a long time. As

for other things to support the existence of such

a power of CBT Exam this must be really well-

conditioned center. Besides the increasingly so-

phisticated media did not cover the possibility for

them to conduct a fraud such as the existence of

a hack. This could just be they learned earlier

over the internet and it is possible for persons-

persons who are not responsible can thwart the

existence of this kind of Exam.

“ needs a process

that is not easy. This is where the

communities of Indonesia who are

concerned with the education of its

country should give full support; as

long as the government is


10 11


Longlife Learning Epitome Dr. Mokhamad Yahya, M.A

Pasuruan, 14 Juni 1975

Jl.Candi VI C Gg.Puskesmas no.7 Karang Besuki Malang


Bachelor of Physics, UNAIR

Bachelor of Tafsir, UINSA

Master of Sociology, University of the Philippines

Doctor of Sociology, Mongol University

Post Doctoral Frankfurt University

Why do you choose to be a teacher and not a scientist?

Because I love teaching, sharing idea. That‘s my passion in life. Scientist does

advantageous works for people but their job requires them to interact with labs

and still objects, and it does not interest me. Meanwhile being a lecturer, it is

clear, we interact with human being, more interesting and we can see immediate

effects. I feel more appreciated as a human so I love teaching more.

What inspires you to teach?

Religion, mainly. Because the best person is the one who learn and the one who

teach. It is in a hadith, but the way I see it, it caters to a wider area; every activity

related to these processes (teaching and learning) is noble and I want to

dedicate my life to these. Secondly, teaching is a relatively clean job while the

others are rather corruption-reluctant. . And the choice to teach, in my opinion, is

a choice that keeps me from doing bad things because I know I might be unable

to resist the temptations.

What should be renovated from our current education?

Method is of course one of them, it has to be reconstructed continuously

because we are facing different students with different eras, and every era has

certain uniqueness. So if we do decide to apply old methods to new students, it

must be inevitably incompatible. For example, it might have been effective to

punish and reward students, using sticks, but now it does not work anymore

because we face different society, different object. Fun learning is now

considered interesting. I think this is what lack from us, that teacher does not

constantly renew their materials.

“Do not stop learning.

The best way to learn is to teach.”


From an early age, quality characters

need to be established and nurtured.

Early childhood is a critical period for the

establishment of a person's cha-racter.

Failure planting code on a child from an

early age will lead to the in-ception of

the personal problems in adulthood later.

First, give moral education to the young-

er generation is a strategic effort to build

a nation that is qualified. A nation that

quality is largely determined by the

quality of the younger generation. If the

morale of young people is bad, then the

quality of the nation is also bad.

Second, if at an early age a child is not

given character education, nurturing and

stimulation, it will affect the struct-ure of

brain development. Because an early age

is the age where all what is earned by the

child will be very easily absorbed and

developed by children. Because when this

age children absorb and receive

information quickly, so that what is given

to children will he absorb well and will be

put into practice in life, if character

education is not given to the child,

obviously will be seen a differ-ence

between children who are given

educational character with good and not

at all.

Third, character education is an active

effort to establish good habit, so nature

of children was etched since childhood.

Character education can doing by pa-

rents in family environment, because

family environment is one of important

place to give character education for

childrens. If education for the formation

of these characters are not done early, it

is concerned that later on when grown

people will be less well and have a ne-

gative character.

In conclusion, character education is very

important for children and should be

started in these children at an early age.

So, that later when they‘ve grown to be a

man who has a good norm and doing

positive activities for himself and others.

We Reap Just What We’ve Sown An essay on why

early education of

character is


14 15

Recently, the movement Ayo Mondok are well-

echoed again. To the extent that became trend-

ing topic in our social media today. National

movement Ayo Mondok has been launched and

some Goverment Region Rabithah Ma'ahid Isla-

miyah Nahdlatul Ulama (RMINU) in the building

of PBNU. This movement is to re-open our his-

torical memories that boarding schools is one of

embryo education in Indonesia, and that of

boarding schools was born the heroes for the

independence and development of Indonesia.

Lets we see what they said..

Menag Lukman Hakim says the primacy of man

ever lived in dorms at boarding schools.

"Generally the graduates that cottage: mode-

rate, tolerant Islamic doctrine with a diversity of

views, and love of the homeland.‖

In addition kiai sepuh Mustofa Bisri Twitter, "first

person, he lived his intention ' simple ': to

eliminate ignorance. Whereas science is grow-

ing, people are increasingly feeling stupid. In

addition young activists NU Akhmad Sahl says if

you want to get the validity in the mastery of

Islamic sciences (tafaqquh fid din) boarding

school is a place that fit. "So characteristic of

science in boarding school consists of two main

aspects: the pursuit of knowledge, proficiency

and berkah.

Not unexpectedly turns out the people around

us give a thumb up to "mondok or nyantri".

From here it is clear that boarding schools is a

good container to put the children detained at

the moment. First, regardless of the status of the

lodge start from the bottom to the top can

enter the cottage all is viewed the same. Second,

he lived with an awful lot of science they will get

especially in the field of religion which it was a

fortress of the behavior. In add-ition they will

also be taught many skills such as in the event

of muhadoroh there they plays a major role.

We must be aware of the old age of the Earth

and the State of the world are getting global-

ized with the sophistication of the technology.

So, guys the best solution of all is to hype up

the movement. There are no words of regret if

ever tried some pesantren lives. Want to know

the sensation. Ayo, Mondok!

Opting Boarding

Schools In

A report on Ayo

Mondok movement

and reasons why

boarding schools

should not be

opted out

14 15

Set Your Table! By Dini Puji Rahayu

16 17

1. Desk Calendar

The first thing you should put is a desk

calendar. Although it is being replaced

with a calendar on the phone, a desk

calendar still has an important function.

Desk calendar will allow you to see the

date without having to fiddle with mo-

bile phones. In addition, the desk calen-

dar also serves as an attractive garnish.

2. To Do List Frame

To Do List Frame is not less important.

By putting your to do list notes at a

desk, you will easily remember and

monitor the activities and what tasks

you must do in the hours, days, or this

week. Make a frame or background with

a pattern that you like so much moti-

vate you to complete the task.


Place stationery

To facilitate you record something, it

helps you provide stationery on the

study desk. Points stationery is also

important to keep the stationary not

cluttered. To be sure, the neatness of

your study table will remain intact.

4. Bookshelf

Provide space to put books and college

assignments at a desk. Need not be

large, which is important to accommo-

date the necessary documents in order

to remain safe and tidy. By putting im-

portant documents are centralized in

one place makes it easy to find it faster.

5. Decoration

Ornament become no less important

than the four items above. That's

because the decoration is very influ-

ential on the psychological needs and

your mood in learning. Put a small

ornamental plants like cacti for re-

laxation when your eyes are tired.

Place the ornaments cartoon or a

character that you like. What is im-

portant, post photographs of loved

ones in your study table. Indirectly,

decorations that you put your learn-

ing will make the spirit rise.

6. Food and soft drinks

So that your learning easier and more

efficient, try to provide food and soft

drinks. Choose healthy snacks like

chips spinach contain anti-oxidants

that slow the aging of the brain and

nervous system, as well as almonds

and walnuts contain omega-3 fats

that serve as nutrients to nourish the

brain. While the drinks that you can

choose to accompany study is made

of chocolate and tea. Two drinks that

can make you feel quite relaxed so as

to avoid the stress.

That's the stuff that should be on the

table that might help your study to

be more productive.

Good luck!

Keeping neatness and arrangement of items on the desks is one

powerful way to enhance the spirit of learning for you as an

active student. No need to overdo it, the important thing is your

study desk look neat, harmonious and comfortable. One way is

to put some items as needed. So, here's Sunny Side Up will try

to share cool tips about any objects that should exist in your

study table.

Stay tune!

“A tranquility of mind can be reached by consciously conduct our

surroundings to be an active agent for pacifying our nerves. That’s

why being neat is bigger than the fuss of keeping stuff in place.

Being neat brings peace.”

16 17


Me Out!

3 pages guide to

survive student


18 19

#1 Fighting


Yawn! Yawn! The yawn monsters are every-

where, hounding you non-stop whenever you

are in class. It seems like somebody sprayed

some kind of sleeping potions in classrooms,

because every time you are in one, you can‘t

help but yawn..yawn...and yawn……..

Take a seat in the front row.

You are going to be the most "visible" and

forced to pay attention to the lesson.


Ask a friend at your side to pinch you till you

stay awake.

Ask your friend to make you shocked.

It can make sense of drowsiness gone.

Do not lean.

Sitting up straight and not lean can make your

focus maintained.


if drowsiness force you to sleep, opponents

immediately with a massage in the eyelids.


collect your concentration to digest the lec-

ture material inhale deeply 3 times

Eucalyptus Oil.

applying eucalyptus oil on the eyelids also

effective change his sad eyes come alive.

Candy Mint.

before college, always provide a candy mint to

eat when you're sleepy in class.


If drowsiness is still yet to be corrected, then

go to the bathroom for ablution

18 19

#2 Facing

Mr. Strict

Now that became obstacles for students is no

longer a task many baseball completed finished

like episode film on television, but it is also a

lecturer at the killer. When they do the

scheduling of courses they always avoid the

name of lecturer killer and they scramble seeking

class lecturers enjaoy and invisible baseball killer.

Because according to them it was their killer as

professors met with a Zombie as if will take them.

When in the selected classes get a lecturer said

his friends killer wow ... it feels like a Professor

meet again test the thesis. When entering the

class first met with professors that, surely the

heart feels palpitations not like when riding a

roller coaster, the mind was gone anywhere. It is

extremely torturing a student to feel such a thing

isn't it? Well how do I confront or eliminate the

sense of fear like that? Let me learn friends in

class so relaxed, comfortable and quiet. There are

a few tips that friends could use:

Find out more about him.

Do you know that he raises cute cats? Do you

know that he has a back pain which is why he can

not smile? We don‘t, do we?

Often smile and say hi.

The healing of smiling always goes both ways.

Do approach him kindly.

With the best of intentions, even the hardest

person to crack will feel sincerity because human

are built to.

Enter in the eyes of his course diligently.

Dealing with rampart lecturer does not mean the

end of the world. every time the taste of lazy at

the moment go to classes with her arrive, remind

yourself so that they cannot give up.

Do not spit everything, filter.

Critique or comment from her spicy could be

makes you hurt. But, be strong yourself and make

his words as motivation.

Be aware that you do not "suffer" alone.

You have friends of compatriots who could be

invited to share their complaints over their fate

and a burden.

As a student, we should be able to receive the

diverse characters of the rigors.

20 21

#3 Conquering


Write note cards on index cards.

Write main ideas on your index cards. Put in

some fun facts, interactive questions, and

other interactive activities on the cards to

share with the class.


In most presentations, it is pretty obvious

who has practiced and who hasn't. Work on

what you're going to say and how you're

going to say it.

Do your research.

You don't have to become an expert, or read

every book or website ever written about

your topic, but you should be able to answer

any questions your teacher or classmates

might give you.

Smile at your audience.

Be happy; you're about to teach your entire

class something they didn't know before.

Feel confident about your presentation.

It's your job to make sure everyone under-

stands what you're trying to tell them.

Make eye contact.

Have the goal of looking at every person in

the classroom at least once. That way, every-

one will feel like you've engaged with them.

Be sure to have inflection in your voice.

Be animated about your topic. Talk about it

as if it was the most interesting thing in the


Use hand motions.

Move your hands along as you talk, using

them to emphasize points and keep the audi-

ence interested

Have a good conclusion.

Make it exciting by introducing a final statis-

tic, or come up with something creative to do

at the end, maybe Tell a story, maybe one

with a personal note or Ask a provocative


Walk back to your seat with a smile.

Know that you just aced your report and that

you just did something that many people

would never be able to do.

20 21

Did You


try it

A BioBlitz is an event that focuses on finding and

identifying as many species as possible in a specific area

over a short period of time. At a BioBlitz, scientists, families, students, teachers, and other

community members work together to get an overall count of

the plants, animals, fungi, and other organisms that live in a

place. Do you want to participate?

Research finds that kids who enjoy family meals have larger vocabularies, better manners, healthier diets, and higher self

-esteem. This is why we should hang out more frequently with family,

especially for supper.

If you are bad in handwriting, you more likely to be

intelligent people.

Research has found that more intelligent people tend to think

faster, and as a result their handwriting is more sloppy. So don‘t

ever feel bad when you are bad in something, you might be

good at something else you don‘t know about.

When you have hiccup, you can simply cure it by digesting

your saliva with your mouth open.

To know that your brain in good condition, you can stand

with one feet in the air while you close your eyes.

The more unstable you are, the more your brain is in weak

condition; which means you are more likely to have a stroke.

Don‘t sleep late and drink enough water.

You can have a better reward than itikaf in Masjid Nabawi

for 1 month just by taking care of your brother in need and

make them content or happy.

You can simply help them when they‘re in bad condition of

wealth, health, or life. this is the beauty of Islam. Happy helping

others ^_^

22 33


sometimes when we talk about education in

Indonesia, we complain about the changes of

curriculum right?

But, do we really know about the curriculum


And why does curriculum always change

many times in indonesia?

Do you know how many times the curriculum

in Indonesia changes?

So many question that will be answered


Curriculum is the plan of education to used in the process of

learning and raise the goal of education. Curriculum make the

goal of education real, although there are evaluation over and

over. Curriculum also make the process of education easy and

appropriate with the student need.

Curriculum always changing becouse of new human and social

need. Curriculum is dinamis and always changing becouse there

are new ideas and so many innovation by human being. That way,

if there any changing, there also any innovation that make a

something new and better over and over.

And, you must know that Indonesia have innovated many times

in education becouse of the changing ofcurriculum. Indonesia

have changes eleven times. Since 1947 until now. There are the


In 1947 (Rentjana Pelajaran 1947)

In 1952 (Rentjana Pelajaran Terurai 1952)

Kurikulum 1964

Kurikulum 1968

Kurikulum 1975

Kurikulum 1984

Kurikulum 1994

Suplemen Kurikulum 1999

Kurikulum 2004 (KBK)

Kurikulum 2006 (KTSP)

Kurikulum 2013

So, the fact is Indonesia has so many changes in curriculum. That

way, Indonesia already innovated many times in Education. We

must proud to be Indonesian. J

Tracking Our Curriculum

22 33

The 5 Catches: Underrated University Scholarships

1. Full scholarships from the Government of Turkey for

students S1 to S3

Turkiye Burslari scholarship is provided by the Government

of Turkey to foreign students who wish to continue their

education in the country, good for the rank of S1, S2, or S3.

The opening of these scholarships usually lasts between

March of each year. These scholarships are full, meaning

that all tuition and accommodation during the study, un-

derwritten by the Government of Turkey. This schol-

arship also includes nearly the entire course of

study, from the natural sciences, the Humani-

ties program up religiously. Strategy in order

to get a scholarship in Turkey is to select the

exact non-majors who have the ration of seats

more than the exact education (such as engi-

neering, pharmacy, and medicine).

2. Study of the United States Institute (SUSI)

Is the scholarship that's right for you, who are interested in

the field of journalism, religious harmony, until the life of

American society. SUSI is a scholarship for graduate stu-

dents from outside the U.S. to learn more about American

society, both from the culture, the values of the society, as

well as its socio-politic institution. The candidates will be

given the opportunity to learn in a period of about 6 weeks.

These scholarships are usually opened in June of each year.

The facilities were obtained for this scholarship program is

the cost of transportation from the home country to Amer-

ica, lodging, meals, transport for health insurance as well as

attend the program. Programs offered on its own include:

Contemporary American Literature, Journalism and Media,

Religious Pluralism in the United States, U.S. Culture and

Society, U.S. Foreign Policy, and U.S. Political Thought.

3. Scholarship of the Eagle Foundation specifically for

the students of Indonesia who want to continue their

studies To Harvard University

Indonesia Harvard Program is actually the new program.

Her age has not even five years old. However, the pro-

gram is ambitious: he was about to send you the best

sons and daughters of Indonesia to learn more about

public policy and Government. The science that already

they can at Harvard is expected to be utilized

for the Betterment of the country. If ac-

cepted in this program, you will receive

the status as a research fellow.

4. Scholarships from Qatar University,

Special for you who wish to continue

their Study to the Middle East

Every year, the Qatar University provides

scholarship quota of 400 seats for the interna-

tional community as well as the citizens of Qatar. The

study took place at Qatar University options courses taken

are appropriate. In addition to the tuition fees incurred,

the University campus also provides facilities in the form

of boarding, transportation, up to the annual tickets if you

want to return to the country of origin.

5. Scholarship in South Korea, special for you who are

interested in the world of science and technology

Many offer a choice of scholarships in the field of science

and technology, starting from short course to the level of

the Master.

Aspire to college

out of state certainly

expected by some people

who want to explore the

world so wide.

5 Scholarships to pres-

tigious foreign univer-

sities rarely known by

many people.

26 27

26 27


Why veiling? Veil or hijab is one thing that has been ordered

by Allah and His Messenger. As the Shari'a

which has consequences far into the future,

regarding happiness and good life in this world

and hereafter. So, the question of the hijab is

not just a question of custom or fashion. Hijab

is a universal fashion to be worn by a woman

who has pledged his faith. So, not matter

whether they are a Muslim Arab, Indonesia,

Europe or China, because the obligation to

wearing hijab is common to all Muslim of

women in the world.

Such as one of the word of Allah in the Qur'an

and the law is clear: "... And let them put her veil

cloth to his chest ..." [QS. An-Nuur 24:31]. While

one of hadith said: "Praise 'Aisha r.a. Said:

"When the verse (and let them cover" khimar "

it to their chest ...) then the women immediately

took a dress or clothes, then ripping off its side

and use it as a veil." (HR. Bukhari).

According to the statement, the hijab as a form

of obedience to Allah and His Messenger, show

off genitalia and bodily beauty is a form of

immorality which incurred the wrath of Allah

and His Messenger, Allah commands hijab to

reduce a wide range of fitnah (damage), not the

hijab and showing off jewelry will invite defa-

mation for men.

Veil or hijab for Shari'ah is the clothing that

must be used to cover the nakedness of a

woman so clear legal advice that the hijab is a

very clear and obligatory for every Muslim


28 29

Memorize Al Qur’an easily Before I explain interesting about tips for easier

memorization of the Qur'an, firstly, I will give lay

out what we should fully understand the basic

principles of memorizing the Qur'an in order to

memorize the Qur'an does not saturate and not

a burden. One of which is:

1. Pray to Allah for make easy to memorize the


2. Intention yourself to memorize the Qur'an

only for Allah

3. Knowing fadhilah so you loved the Qur'an

4. Have the target (time or duration)

5. Can became good work (amal) with a fea-

tured charity in society

So, here are the steps to memorize the Qur'an

quickly and easily:

1. not replaceable of Mushaf

2. One paragraph or a line repeat again in the

20 times

3. If the verse is long, it can be divided into

several fragments, each fragment which are in

the back as much as 20 times

4. Continue in muraja‘ah (repeating of memo-

rize) by listening murattal and improve his

reading with some of recitation.

The books is the source of


Have more quality

Create the good thinking of

a child Increase the modern thing-

king of a child

More quickly and easily

The internet have many


More funny The right of content is clear

Help a child to increase

their innovation

The books have a nice art

it can be a dilemma of a child, beacuse everyone has their

own virtue. The parent must control their child. And from a

child, they can combine between the book and internet.

Dilemma of a child

books web

28 29

THE 90’s

CHARM You guys have to try to watch 90‘s and 80‘s movies, why?

I give you a reason, well… I love to watch 90‘s and 80‘s movies, I know it‘s a

little bit old and lame but the way I see it, it tells a really good story though,

and you don‘t have to wait till it become a blu-ray like new movies in theatre

right? and personally when I watch it, it makes me wonder, are these people

still alive today or are they already dead and I get the feeling like ‖ooh man,

this movie was created just like my birth years, it‘s 20 years ago…awesome.‖

Usually 90‘s and 80‘s movies are quite long in the duration time, up to 2 hours,

not like movie nowadays just around 1 and a half hour.

a League of Their Own (1992)

one of my favorite movie of all time, it‘s pretty recommended to you if you like

comedy-drama. It starts when the old sister Dottie and the younger sister Kit,

play a baseball and Kit always envy to Dottie cause Dottie better than her, until

a manager come to Dottie, offering Dottie to play in the big league…sstt I don‘t

want to give you spoiler about this movie, its better to you to watch it yourself,

hehe mark this word, ‖no high ones, I like the high ones, mule, nag‖ and ‖You

promised the cow you‘d write?‖

Primal Fears (1996)

if you like twist ended movie, this movie quite worth to watch, it tells about a

murder who kill a preacher and the suspect still being judged and…once again i

am not gonna tell you any synopsis here, but the end of this movie shock me

up a little you know, I am not expecting the end to be like that, but I think

that‘s the reason of twist ended movie anyway, unexpected ending...worth to

watch...mark this word, ‖the illusion of truth.‖

Stand by Me (1986)

If you like an adventure movie, this movie can fit in your movies list, it tells

about friendship who went on a journey about to search an stranger death kid,

but it more likely to tell about friendship though, and I think the journey when

really awesome and not boring to watch, they learn to know each other on that

journey, and many good quotes in this movie that maybe fit with your teenage

life, mark this word, ‖Am I weird? yeah, but so what? Everybody‘s weird.‖

THE 90’s


32 33

32 33

Couch & Chill Couch & Chill

Taare Zameen Par

Taare Zameen Par movie tells the story of a child's 3rd grade level ele-

mentary school, his name is Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi who has diffi-

culty learning, considered stupid and naughty. On the other hand,

Ishaan's father, Nandkishore Awasthi, is a successful executive who

expects his children to excel. His mother, housewife Maya Awasthi, is

frustrated by her inability to educate her son. Ishaan's elder brother,

Yohaan, is an exemplary scholar and athlete. Which Ishaan is frequently

reminded of. When Ishaan getting in trouble at school and his parents

reached the end of their rope, it was quickly decided to send Ishaan to

go to a boarding school.

After arriving at a new school, Ishaan is disappointed to discover that

things are not the same as a lot of them home; He's still a mismatch,

but now he doesn't even have parents to talk. Then, newly arrived art

teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh arrived at the boarding school Ishaan's

looking to teach in there. So, most of the students responded to the

new teacher freethinking them with great enthusiasm--all except for

Ishaan. At the end of school, Ishaan no longer under average. He was

able to compete with her friends.

Dead Poets Society

Dead Poets Society is a 1989 American film production which tells the

story of a teacher of English languages in the United Kingdom special

school boys in the 1950s who inspires his students to always make

changes in their lives and they are interested in poetry. This movie tell

about seven boys has just entered at the Academy of Welton. This

school is a boarding school of reciprocity: Tradition, honor, discipline,

and achievements.

The entire film is a process of awareness, where the disciples to see that

the authority of institutions (such as schools) can be and always strives

to be referring, but only ourselves who can find out who we are.

Free thinking like this becomes a problem when Neil, a student study-

ing drama, who decided instead Faculty of medicine because that is

suggested his parents. Neil eventually committed to suicide in his fa-

ther's work space after his first drama appearance in school because

fails fun parents.

So, the movie is very good. It contains a lot of life lessons. It is one of

the best films and this film became a mandatory film screened at United

Kingdom high school class in North America.

B-Side golds B-Side golds

The Smiths - There is A Light

That Will Never Go Out

Fleet Macwood - Landslide

Foxes - Warrior

Banda Neira - Sampai Jadi Debu

2NE1 - Happy

fun. - We Are Young

Adele - Turning Tables

Jason Mraz - A Beautiful Mess

Akdong Musician - Time and

Fallen Leaves

Coldplay - The Scientist

God, tell us the reason

Youth is wasted on the young

It’s hunting season

And the lambs are on the run

Searching for meaning

Are we all lost stars?

Tryin’ to light up the dark

Adam Levine - Lost Stars

Just take one step at a time

There’s no need to rush

It’s like learning to fly

Or fallin in love

Jordin Sparks - One Step at

a Time

I’ve been so worn out,

Getting back to the same place

all over again

And if I believe You

Would that make it stop?

The 1975 - If I Believe You

She told me

Son, sometimes

It may seem dark

But the absence of the light

Is a necessary part

Just know wherever you go

You can always come back home

J. Mraz - 93 Million Miles

Let’s Learn Language


36 57


36 57



The pursuit of education has

always been a process to

discover— both inward and

outward. International Class

Program apparently is created for

such reason; to help challenged

students uncover Islamic Religion

(as well as themselves) in a much

more amplified environment.

In International Class Program,

students are selected periodically

which then remain closed to

addition ‗til the end of study. The

class is then nurtured with foreign

languages as its main to use daily,

which reflects the faculty‘s goal to

make it somewhat ‗global‘.

Behind the zine


Sunny Side Up is the place where

people re-think and talk about

breakfast musings with a tinge of

lightness and familiarity—as in

morning stories.

Through SSU, we want people to

find their personal favorite without

much ad hassles.

Learn, re-imagine.

Behind the zine

Epilogue: Why do we become


40 41

There was this class I attended as a schoolgirl

that left me with a big lump even years after it

ended. It was an economics class, I recall. I was

slaughtered to bits in public because I appar-

ently was ‗too quiet‘, which somehow trans-

lated into ‗having unhealthy grudge toward

the teacher‘. It was absurd and unfair, but I can

not say anything because 1) students don‘t

talk back and 2) I did not know why I was quiet.

I can still feel the uncomfortable churn every

time I think about it.

Yet, at the same time, I do have a fair share of

inspiring classes in which I look back into

timely. Classes where I was genuinely touched,

or the ones where its events affect my deci-

sions to this day. Like that one time when I

listened to a heartwarming ocean stories in

high school biology class. Or that time when

we made handcrafted 7m high balloon (like,

real balloon) fly in physics.

A lot.

All these memories just made me, you know,

wonder. I have been into different classrooms

my whole life, meeting different people with

different circumstances in it one after another.

I remember that saying in Susan Cain‘s Quiet

where she quoted someone else, ―There are

people who walk, there are people who run,

and there are people who stop, but indeed the

world needs every single one of them to func-

tion.‖ I wonder if Cain met enough people and

enough events to agree with such statement,

because, if it is true that the world needs run-

ner (good teacher) and stiller (bad teacher),

why on earth would the world need a teacher

who shows disgust to her own students?

As I learn more and more about education, the

more I realize how much our words matter in

classrooms. Every single one. So does our ges-

tures, our reactions, even our thoughts because

it eventually always shows. Bad thoughts, espe-

cially, are really destructive, moreso the ones

we bring into teachings where real kids are

involved. There is no positive power in it at all.

How dangerous it is if we do not carefully craft

our lessons and we end up nicking a cognitive/

spiritual/psychological area the wrong way? We

will be the one who ruin it for the pupils. Of

course we do not have to be all unicorn about

things. We just have to be extra kind with


I believe, with well-meaning intentions, we all

have different reason to take this role over

many others in the world. Teaching maybe is

naturally a passion for some, or it can also be a

medium for them to deliver something to the

universe, or anything. I don‘t know. What I

know is, in fact, we hold a big first-hand influ-

ence in constructing a whole generation. We

also work with delicate children, who are devel-

oping and prone to damage.

What I am trying to say is, I strongly think our

intentions are crucial when delivering lessons to

students. If, in some twisted way, we fail to

personify decency, please know that we have to

try our hardest to alter bad thoughts while in

class—because if not, before we know it, it will

take form into some kind of destructive energy.

We do not want to be someone that causes

damage to a developing human being. Believe

me, we don‘t.

40 41



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to Our mothers, whose texts overflow with love despite distance.

Our fathers, whose supports were ceaseless.

Our teachers, whose words helped us grow to be who we are now.

Our friends, whose companionship oozing with warmth in this pur-

suit far miles away from home.

And to our dear lecturer, partner, mentor in learning English,

Ms. Fajariah, whose endless guidance brought us to places we‘ve

never imagined to be in.

This magazine is dedicated to those who were there for us in hard

times, tirelessly. This is a proof of what we said you have made us

to be.

Thank you.



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