
Post on 29-Apr-2017






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About Mehmet Uyar; Mehmet Uyar is the boss of the İpekyolu custom broker office. He was born in 1982 in İstanbul and is a graduate of Arifiye High School. He got his university education from Sakarya University’s Foreign Trade Department. While he was a student, he worked some social responsibility projects as voluntarily and he presided Communication Club at university. After working as a journalist for 2 years. He started his real career in 2005.Then he worked as a administrator for different custom broker offices between 2005-2012.After 2012,he set his own job. He is single and he speaks two different languages.


İpekyolu is a custom broker office which helps entrance and exit for custom products to companies. Also it works as a consulting office for international companies. Mehmet Uyar is a intrepid entrepreneur and his office is getting its corporate identity day by day.Therefore,I chose Mehmet Uyar and his office for my project.

About İpekyolu;

Some of interview questions with answers;

 Me: How did you start this job?Mehmet Uyar:Well,It was an idea which is mentioned in a friendly environment and the idea lead me to lanch this job.

Me:Why did you leave from your old job? Mehmet Uyar:I told you before.I was

working as a was a local newspaper and if you work for a local newspaper you have to make researches about regional people and their life constantly. Furthermore, if an event occurs this local area you must wise up about this situation immediately so I can say it was an amusing job but, although a lot of difficulties,the salary was so low and I didn’t satisfied with this job.

Me:Why did you chose ‘İpekyolu’ for the name of company?Mehmet Uyar:You know, hundred years ago İpekyolu was the important way and different cultures used this way for trade. This historical position affected me and I chose ‘İpekyolu’ for the name of company. Me: Did you have capital trouble before you started the job?Mehmet Uyar:Well,while I was starting the job, I had some problems with money. Before I started the job I received loan. 

Me:Do you satisfied with your job? Mehmet Uyar:I am glad with my job. Because I have

a good position and I have a good team. we can make effective collaborations with our members. Also ıt has a convincing salary.

  Me: What are the difficulties of your job? Mehmet Uyar:We are a team with our all members.

Although having a good business environment,sometimes some problems appear between our members.So I can say personnel management is the biggest difficulty of our work. Additionally fast answers and solving problems quickly are other difficult sides of our work.

Me:What are your plans for the future? Mehmet Uyar:I want to increase our share

market and then I want to work with more respectable and bigger companies.

  Me:I understood that you are busy because of

the hard business life.Can you spend your time with your family and friends?

Mehmet Uyar:You can see our company is getting bigger day by day, so we must work hard and we have to spend our all time with our business works.In fact,I face some difficulties to spend my time with my family and friends.

Me:What are the benefits of university with your job?

Mehmet Uyar:The knowledges which I got from the university education are the fundamental sources of my current job.Furthermore,university life taught me how to think analytically and it helps me dealing with problems.

  Me:What are your advises for university students? Mehmet Uyar:While studying at university they

should stay close to real sector for adapting to work life. Business life is not similar to university life,so if you want to be successful in future you should introduce the business life while studying.

Me:And the last one,What is your plan after being retired?

Mehmet Uyar:Well,it is so early to say something about retiring.I have some goals to be achieved and I believe myself.It is the most important point to be successful, so maybe we can talk about retiring ten years later.


I think this project was very benefical for me,and it was a big chance to see business life while I am a student. After the interview I saw that a university student should develop himself before starting the business life Also this project provided to improve my communication and research skills.While starting this project I felt a bit nervous because I have never done a project in English before, but after starting I see that it is not hard at all and benefits of project are seen clearly.Finally,I feel more confident about my language level now and I kindly thank you for assigning us this project.

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