system unit njesia qendrore · kamera, webkamera , flashdisk, etj ... skema e komunikimit te...

Post on 23-Jun-2018






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Kompjuteri perbehet nga dy pjese kryesore:

Hardware: Are the physical parts of computer.

Jane pjeset fizike te kompjuterit

Software: Are the programs in computer.

Jane pjeset e paprekshme ne kompjuter

Hardware Hardware is everything you can touch and see Eshte gjithcka qe mund te preket dhe shikohet

Software Software is divided in four main parts

Software ndahet ne kater pjese kryesore:

Operating Systems (Sistemet Operative)

Application Programs (Aplikacionet)

Programming Languages (Gjuhet e Programimit)

Utility Programs (Programet Ndihmese)

Software Software are programs & applications

Jane programet dhe aplikacionet Part of computer that cannot be seen

Needed for computer to function

Designed to solve common or custom problems

Jane pjeset perberese te kompjuterit te cilat nuk mund te shikohen

I nevojiten kompjuterit per te funksionuar.

Jane te dizenjuara per te zgjidhur probleme te pergjithshme ose te veçanta


Hardware is divided in four main parts:

Hardware ndahet ne kater pjese kryesore:

Input Devices (Paisjet Hyrese)

Output Devices (Paisjet Dalese)

Storage Devices (Paisjet e Rregjistrimit)

System Unit (Njesia Qendrore)

The System Unit (Njesia Qendrore)

Te gjitha pjeset kryesore te kompjuterit jane te grupuara se bashku ne njesine qendrore.

Njesia qendrore permban pjeset si: Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Kartat e ndryshme, Hard Disk, etj…

Chassis (Kasa) The chassis is the metal and plastic box that contains the system

unit. Most people don't think that the chassis is an important part of the computer.

Chassis eshte nje kuti metalike ose plastike qe permban sistemin qendror. (Large Tower, Tower, Midi Tower, Desktop Case)

A PC with a desktop case A PC with a midi tower case Inside a tower case

Power Supply Furnizuesi i

ushqimit (Ushqyesi) eshte nje paisje elektrike e cila transformon burimin e energjise standarte (115 – 120 Volt AC ne SHBA ose 220 Volt AC ne Europe ne tension me te ulet (3.3 ose 5 deri ne 12 Volt DC)

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) UPS perdoret per te

siguruar nje burim energjine te vazhdueshem nese ikin dritat duke na mundesuar qe te ruajme informacionet tona dhe te fikim ne menyre te regullt komp.

Ai gjithashtu mbron komp. nga tensioni i ulet ose i larte, etj…

Mainboard The mainboard (also

called the motherboard, or system board) is the biggest board inside your system unit.

Mainboard eshte bordi me i madh brenda njesise qendrore.

Mainboard All the main

components of your computer connect to the mainboard.

Te gjitha pjeset kryesore te kompjuterit lidhen ne mainboard.

The ROM-BIOS (Read Only Memory-Basic Input Output

System) chip is a special microchip on your computer's mainboard. It contains software that allows your computer to work with your operating system.

ROM – BIOS (Memorje Vetem e Lexueshme – Sistemi baze i Hyrje Daljeve) eshte nje mikrocip i vecante ne mainboard-in e kompjuterit.

Ai permban Software qe lejon kompjuterin te punoje me Sistemin Operativ.

Buses Are data paths on the motherboard

that are used to exchange information and connect the CPU to the different parts of the mother board, such as the chips and cable connections.

Jane rruget e kalimit te informacionit ne mainboard, te cilat perdoren per kalimin e informacioneve dhe lidhin CPU-ne me pjeset e tjera te mainboard-it si cipet dhe kabllat e lidhjeve.

Expansion slots Are sockets on the

mainboard which allow you to extend the computer's features and capabilities.

Jane socket-e ne mainboard te cilat na lejojne te shtojme vecorite dhe mundesite e kompjuterit

Computer Ports Computer ports are used to input or output

information from our computer. Portat e kompjuterit perdoren per te futur ose nxjere

informacione nga njesia qendrore. Jane te vendosura ne pjesen e mbrapme te saj.

There are five main type of computer ports: Kemi pese lloje kryesore portash kompjuteri: Serial Ports – Portat Seriale Parallel Ports – Portat Paralele PS/2 Ports – Portat PS/2 USB Ports – Portat USB Graphic Ports - Portat Grafike

Serial ports – Portat Seriale Are sockets located at the back of your computer that allow you to

connect items such as modems to the computer. Serial ports are commonly labeled COM1 or COM2.

Na lejojne te lidhim me kompjuterin paisje si modem te jashtem. Ato jane te emeruara COM1 dhe COM2.

Parallel ports – Portat Paralele Are sockets located at the

back of your computer that enable you to connect items such as printers to the computer. Parallel ports are commonly labeled LPT1 and LPT2

Na lejojne te lidhim me kompjuterin paisje si printera. Ato jane te emeruara LPT1 dhe LPT2.

USB Ports – Portat USB USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports allow us to plug in devices

designed for the USB such as printers, scanners and cameras.

Portat USB na lejojne te lidhim me kompjuterin te gjitha paisjet qe kane nderfaqe USB si skanera, kamera, webkamera , flashdisk, etj…

Shpejtesite e Transmetimit te Portave USB

USB 1.0 Shpejtesia e Transmetimit 12 Mb/s

USB 2.0 Shpejtesia e Transmetimit 480 Mb/s

USB 3.0 Shpejtesia e Transmetimit 4.8 Gb/s

Detyre Shtepie Sa eshte shpejtesia e transmetimit te te

dhenave ne portat USB 1.0, USB 1.1, USB 2.0 dhe USB 3.0

Vitet e daljes ne treg te ketyre portave.

Search on

USB data rate transfer

PS/2 Ports - Portat PS/2 Are special ports that are specially designed to connect mouse and


Jane porta speciale te dizenjuara vecanerisht per te lidhur Mouse dhe Tastjeren

Portat Grafike Portat grafike

sherbejne per te lidhur monitorin ose projektorin me njesine qendrore.

Portat kryesore grafike jane:

VGA Port

S–Video (TV out)

DVI Port

ATA and SATA Interfaces, Nderfaqet ATA dhe SATA Both are interfaces to attach

Hard Disks, DC/DVD ROM etc…

ATA is used for old HDD while SATA is used for New One.

Jane nderfaqe qe na mundesojne te lidhim Harddisk, CD/DVD Rom etj… ne kompjuterin tone.

ATA eshte nderfaqja per HDD e vjeter ndersa SATA perdoret per HDD e rinj.

Internal Speaker Autoporlant i Brendshem. An internal speaker is connected to the

mainboard and allows the computer to sound error or warning beeps while it is starting up or running.

Autoporlanti i brendshem eshte i lidhur ne mainboard dhe mundeson kompjuterin per te treguar me ane te zhurmave te ndryshme gabimet e tij gjate ndezjes ose gjate punes.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) CPU-ja (Njesia Qendrore e

Perpunimit te Informacionit) eshte nje nga pjeset me te rendesishme te njesise qendrore.

Ai konsiderohet si truri i kompjuterit per shkak se perpunon te gjitha llogaritjet qe ben kompjuteri.

Shpejtesia e tij matet me gigahertz GHz dhe luan nje rol te rendesishem ne shpejtesine e kompjuterit.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) Pjeset kryesore te tij


CPU Cache

CU (Control Unit)

ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit):

Floating-Point Unit (FPU)


CPU (Central Processing Unit) Proçesoret ne varesi te

arkitektures ndahen ne:

32 Bit,

64 Bit

Ne varesi te pjeseve ndarese ndahen ne:

Single Core,

Multi Core

Llojet kryesore te proçesoreve jane:

Intel (Core i3, i5, i7, Centrino 2 vPro, Core 2 vPro, Xenon 7500)

AMD (Phenon, Althon, Opteron, Turion)

Via (Nano L, Nano U, etj…)

Memory (RAM) – Memorja (RAM) RAM (Memorja me

Akses te Rastesishem) eshte memorja e perkoshme e cila perdoret nga kompjuteri per te ruajtur aplikacionet dhe te dhenat qe jane duke u perdorur. Psh: Sistemi Operativ.

Memory (RAM) – Memorja (RAM) Kur punojme me nje dokument

apo dicka tjeter kompjuteri i ruan ato ne RAM dhe i kalon ne HardDisk kur regjistrojme punen tone.

Llojet kryesore te Ram-eve jane:

Static RAM (SRAM)

Dynamic RAM (DRAM) SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM):

DDR (Double Data Rate SDRAM DDR1, DDR2, DDR3)


Detyre Shtepie Si ndikon RAM dhe CPU ne shpejtesine e

pergjithshme te kompjuterit. Argumentojeni.

Cilat jane shpejtesite e punes se RAM-eve:




Expansion Cards – Kartat e Zgjerimit An expansion card (also

known as an add-on card, internal card, or interface adapter) is an electronic board added in a desktop computer to provide or expand features not offered by the motherboard.

Jane disa qarqe elektronike qe lidhen ne mainboard per te shtuar veçorite qe nuk na ofrohen nga mainboard-i.

Expansion Cards Kartat e Zgjerimit

Some Types of Expansion Cards

Video cards

Sound cards

Network cards

TV tuner cards


Disa nga kartat qe mund te vendosim jane:

Kartat Video

Kartat e Zerit

Kartat e Rrjetit

Kartat TV

Modem te brendshem Me kabell ose Wireless


Graphics Card – Karta Grafike Kompjuterat e sotem perdorin shume grafike dhe

sidomos Sistemet Operative me nderfaqe Grafike si Windows.

Karta Grafike mund te lidhet me Mainboard-in ne nje nga menyrat e meposhtme:

Onboard: Çipi dhe memorja e kartes grafike jane pjese e Mainboard.

PCI/PCI Express: Karta grafike vendoset ne sllotin (Nderfaqen) PCI.

AGP(Porta e Pershpejtuar Grafike): Karta grafike vendoset ne nje sllot te vecante te dizenjuar vecanerisht per te lidhur kartat grafike.

Daljet e kartave grafike Shumica e kartave grafike kane

dy porta per te lidhur monitore te ndryshem.

VGA Output: Eshte lidhja standarte per te lidhur monitoret me rezulicion te ulet.

DVI Output: Eshte nderfaqja e videos qe na mundeson cilesi shume te larte figure, kryesisht ne monitoret e sheshte ose projektoret.

Disa nga daljet e tjera (portat) jane:

S-Video (TV) Output:

ViVo Output:

FireWire (IEEE-1394) Output:

Sound Card A sound card converts digital sound signals to analog

sound signals and sends them to the speakers so that you can hear sounds.

Karta e Zerit konverton sinjalin e zerit dixhital ne sinjal zeri analog dhe e dergon ate ne bokse per ta degjuar.

Network Interface Card (NIC) Karta e Rrjetit A network interface card allows computers to communicate with each other

through cables. It converts digital signals to analog signals and sends these analog signals to other network interface cards in other computers. Those cards convert the analog signals back to digital signals. In this way, computers can communicate with each other.

Karta e Nderfaqes se Rrjetit (Karta e Rrjetit) lejon kompjuterat te komunikojne me njeri tjetrin nepermjet kabllave.

Shpejtesia e transmetimit te tyre varion nga 10 Mega Bit/Sekonde deri ne 1 Giga Bit /Sekonde

NIC -1 NIC -2

Dig. Analog Dig.

Converts Dig. to Analog Converts Analog to Dig.

Comp-1 Comp-2

Dig. Analog Dig.

Converts Analog to Dig. Converts Dig. to Analog

Computers Communication Scheme

Skema e Komunikimit te Kompjuterave

Network Cables

Modem (Modulator/Demodulator) A modem is a device that connects your computer to the telephone

system. A modem converts digital data on your computer into analog signals that can be sent over a telephone line. It also converts the analog signals that it receives into digital data.

Modemi eshte nje paisje qe lidh kompjuterin tone me kompjuterat e tjere duke perdorur rrejtin telefonik.

Lloji i Modemit Shpejtesia e Transmetimit

Dial-Up 56 Kbps

ISDN 64 Kbps

ADSL Nga 1.5 Mbps deri ne 9 Mbps

ADSL 2+ 24 Mbps


Dig. Analog Dig.

Converts Dig. to Analog Converts Analog to Dig.

Comp-1 Comp-2

Dig. Analog Dig.

Converts Analog to Dig. Converts Dig. to Analog

Computers Communication Scheme

Skema e Komunikimit te Kompjuterave

Telephone Lines

TV Card - Karta TV TV Cards usually have tow functions: 1-) TV decoding: Transfers the picture that is on the screen to a TV. 2-) TV tuning: Allow us to watch TV channels on the monitor so that our

computers becomes like a TV. Karta TV kryesisht kryejne dy funksione:

Transferon sinjalet e figures qe shkojne nga Monitori ne TV. Na mundeson te shikojme ne Monitor Kanalet TV, keshtu qe kompjuteri jone

luan rolin edhe te nje TV.

PC Card – Karta PC Is a small credit-card sized board that extends computer’s ability. For

example, by providing more memory, or working like modem.

Jane disa karta ne madhesine e kartave te kreditit qe na mundesojne te shtojme veçorite e laptopeve tone.

Detyre Shtepie What are the transmition speeds of different Ethernet

and telephone line cables?

What are transmition speeds of Wireless?

Sa jane shpejtesite e transmetimit te kabllave te ndryshem te network-ut dhe linjave telefonike?

Sa eshte shpejtesia e transmetimit ne lidhjet Wireless?

Shpjegime per Detyren e Shtepise Linjat telefonike:

Kabell me 2 0se 4 fije

Fiber Optike

Kabllat e network-ut (rrejtit te brendshem)

Cat e5 (10 deri ne 100 Mb per sekonde)

Cat e6


Wireless Local Area Network

Lidhjet satelitore

Ju faleminderit

per vemendjen e


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