tallinna tervishoiu kõrgkooli töötajate ja üliõpilaste ... · 3 kauba, tõnu, urbla, anne,...

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Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli töötajate ja üliõpilaste tööde BIBLIOGRAAFIA 2008, I poolaasta :


A. Õppejõudude bibliograafia............................................................................................ 2

Raamatud ja monograafiad.................................................................................................... 2

Artiklid .................................................................................................................................. 2

Suulised ettekanded ............................................................................................................... 3

Posterettekanded.................................................................................................................... 4

Ettekannete teesid .................................................................................................................. 8

B. Meie kohta ..................................................................................................................... 13

C. Üliõpilaste bibliograafia ............................................................................................... 14

Artiklid ................................................................................................................................ 14

Suulised ettekanded ............................................................................................................. 14

Posterettekanded.................................................................................................................. 16

Ettekannete teesid ................................................................................................................ 18


A. Õppejõudude bibliograafia

Raamatud ja monograafiad

Kotkas, Ene. Vene keele õppematerjal õenduse õppetooli üliõpilastele. - Tallinn : Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, 2008. - 47 lk. Kundla, Malle. EKG algkursus õdedele : Õppematerjal [koostamine on alguse saanud ESF programmi projektist "E-õppe arendamine ja juurutamine rakenduskõrgkoolides ja kutsekoolides"]. - Tallinn : Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, 2008. - 62 lk. Väljaots, Marin. Ladina keele harjutusvara farmaatsia eriala üliõpilastele. - Tallinn : Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, 2008. - 42 lk. Magustajad suhkru asemel : Õppematerjal on valminud rahvusvahelise projekti TEMPUS CD JEP-25227-2004 "Health Promotion and Nurses Quidance Skills" raames / Koostajad Riina Shor, Tiina Juhansoo, Mare Tupits, Kristiina Šor. - Tallinn : Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, 2008. - 40 lk. Õppepraktika dokumendimapp / Koostajad Elina Reva, Ulvi Kõrgemaa, Marika Asberg. – Tallinn : Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, 2008. – 130 lk. Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008 : Book of Abstracts / Koostaja Alar Sepp. - Tallinn : Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, 2008. - 84 lk. Мокс, Мильви. Лабораторная диагностика сахарного диабета. Углеводы. Метаболизм углеводов. Учебный материал [ Rahvusvaheline projekt TEMPUS CD JEP-25227-2004 Health Promotion and Nurses Quidance Skills" raames]. - Tallinn: Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool, 2008. - 39 lk.


Ernits, Ülle. Kas haridus saab olla tupiktee? // Postimees, 2008, 01.aprill Juhansoo, Tiina. [Tervitusartikkel TEMPUS programmi raames toimuvale rahvusvahelisele konverentsile „Health Promotion and nurses guidance skills” Nižni Novgorodis 4.-5.märtsil 2008] // Вестник НГМА № 3 (119), 2008, март Juhansoo, Tiina, Tupits, Mare. Development of Nursing in Estonia // Terveyden edistäminen ja sairanhoitajien ohjaustaidot = Health Promotion and Nurses` Guidance Skills [TEMPUS programm]. - Pirkanmaan ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja A: Tutkimukset ja selvitykset. Nro 12, Tampere, 2008, lk. 34 - 38


Kauba, Tõnu, Urbla, Anne, Pihl, Toomas. Ortodontiliste raviaparaatide traadi tõmbetugevus // Lege Artis, 5(73), 2008, mai, lk. 25 – 26 Arula, Heleri, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas, Mõttus, Meeme. Akrüülplaatproteesides kasutatava külm- ja kuumpolümeriseeruva Meliodent akrüüli mehaanilised omadused // Hammas, 2008, 1-2, lk. 25 - 27 Kõrve, Ave. Muretsetakse retseptide pärast : Kommentaar artiklile [Mari Kodres. Ämmaemandate erapraksiste luba sünnib visalt] // Eesti Päevaleht, 2008, 05.märts Nool, Irma. Mis on kutsehaigus ja kutsehaigete õigused // Töötervishoid ja –ohutus. Eesti Majanduse Teataja kaasaanne, Tallinn, 2008, lk. 17 - 21 Tupits, Mare, Maser, Mai. Lapsed on muutunud tõredamaks // Meditsiiniuudised nr. 11(130), 2008, 27.mai, lk. 21 Uibu, Jaak. Cicero ja Cato Vanema sõnumid Eesti eakale // Terviseleht 5 (691), 2008, 8. veebruar, lk. 4 ja 6 Uibu, Jaak. Eesti tulevikuvanker ja talulapse koht selles // Maaleht 9(1075), 2008, 15.mai Uibu, Jaak. Tervisesuundumustest ja töökasvatusest – talulapsest // Õpetajate Leht , 2008, 13.juuni, lk. 6 Vetštomova, Tatjana, Sahar, Veera. Probleemõppe meetod õenduses // Meditsiiniuudised 24(123), 2008, 29.jaanuar, lk. 3

Suulised ettekanded

Ehasalu, Anne, Juhansoo, Tiina, Kravets, Merike. Active Ageging in Estonia [suuline ettekanne] // International Conference „Health Ageing – Active Ageing II”. Programme of the Conference and Abstracts, 17-18 April 2008, Jurmala, Latvia, lk. 18

Ehasalu, Anne, Juhansoo, Tiina, Kravets, Merike, Eve Epner. SAGE valorisation. In Estonia – what next // Projekti SAGE koosolek, 3.-4.märtsil.2008, Larnaka, Küpros.

Juhansoo, Tiina, Kuusemäe, Katrin, Põllumaa, Siiri, Vahtramäe, Anne. Health and social care teatchers against violence, HEVI 2008-2010 // Leonard da Vinci programmi

ettevalmistav koosolek, 10.January 2008, Bukarest, Rumeenia

Alas, Annika, Hõrrak, Eha. Report (Supporting of Child Before and After Cochlear Implantation) [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 15

Lilienberg, Karin. Complementary care - Self control techniques. // Interdisciplinary Programme on Palliative and end-of-life Care (IPPE). Intensive course, Workshop 19th January, 2008, Brugge, Belgium.


Lilienberg, Karin. Changing environments and attitudes towards employment of marginalized groups. // European perspective on social inclusion of persons with disabilities - Inclusive employment. Intensive course, 26th March, 2008, Rousse, Bulgaria.

Lilienberg, Karin. ERASMUS intensive projects in occupational therapy [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Lipand, Andrus. Miks meie riigi alkoholipoliitika ei suuda vähendada alkoholist tulenevat tervise- ja majanduskahju? // MTÜAlkoholivaba Eesti aastakonverents 16. mail 2008 Tallinnas

Nool, Irma. Work-related risks, health complaints and safety measures of the workers in operating theatres [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Parts, Laine. Nutrition of the adolescents in Estonia – challenges and opportunities // Promotion and well-being of children and adolescents, Summer School 2008, 13.mail 2008, The South Karelia University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Care and Social Services, Lappeenranta, Soome

Sepp, Alar. Physician Studies in Estonia in 1995, 2000, 2005 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Vanatoa, Mare. Project: Counselling Patients with Psychological Problems During Pregnancy [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 76

Õismaa, A. The Professional Identity of a Lecturer [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Шор, Рийна. Детский диабет в Эстонии. – Прогресс здравоохранения и

терапевтическое обучение пациентов – роль медицинских сестер. Международная

конференция в рамках проекта Темпус «Улучение здоровья и навыки

консультирования медицинских сестер», 4-5 марта 2008, Нижний Новгород, Россия Юхансоо, Тийна, Тупитс, Марэ. Обучение студентов Таллиннской Высшей школы Здравоохранения о терапевтическом обучении пациентов // Прогресс

здравоохранения и терапевтическое обучение пациентов – роль медицинских

сестер. Международная конференция в рамках проекта Темпус «Улучение здоровья

и навыки консультирования медицинских сестер», 4-5 марта 2008, Нижний Новгород, Россия


Aare, Merit, Agafonova, Elena, Bergmann, Minna-Mai, Burova, Oksana, Elvet, Inge, Jassinover, Alina, Kester, Maria, Kitsemets, Triin, Kotkas, Marja-Liis, Kuusk, Lili, Kuusk, Kerda, Lehtla, Riin, Loori, Katri-Liis, Nagornaja, Darja, Pärgma, Epp, Ränk, Jaanika,


Sinikas, Agne, Snezkova, Olga, Solovjova, Riin, Taremaa, Aet, Tilk, Kaie, Väli, Kairit, Kõrve, Ave. Poster: The First Year of Learning Midwifery [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Aljama, Kaidy, Friimel, Gerlin, Kaldoja, Kai, Kokk, Liina, Korikova, Darja, Kunder, Nele, Mooses, Marju, Orav, Jaanika, Pard, Kairi, Ristol, Kaisa, Rodenberg, Riin, Sokk, Janne, Sepp, Alar, Javed, Pille, Lipand, Andrus. Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research and History of Tallinn Health College [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Arula, Heleri, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Meliodent Heat- and Cold Curing Denture Base Materials [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Arumäe, Ave, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Self- and Light Curing Denture Base Materials [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Asberg, Marika. Evaluation of Learning Environment and Mentorship in Clinical Practical Training among Nursing Students in Estonian Health Colleges [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Ehasalu, Anne, Juhansoo, Tiina, Kravets, Merike. Active Ageging in Estonia [suuline ettekanne] // International Conference „Health Ageing – Active Ageing II”. Programme of the Conference and Abstracts, 17-18 April 2008, Jurmala, Latvia, lk. 18

Ehasalu, Anne, Juhansoo, Tiina, Kravets, Merike. SAGE-Project: Pathway to Health in Late Life [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Epner, Eve, Riisenberg, Gunnar. LLP/Erasmus Mobility: Study Visit to Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Ernits, Ülle, Moks, Milvi, Kadastik, Reine, Kotkas, Ene. Prevention of Occupational Diseases Caused by Physical Overload in Estonia [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Gubanova, Julia, Modebadze, Jelena, Koltsanova, Riina, Pajula, Riina, Väljaots, Urve, Melts, Kristi, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Electroneuromyomyography [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Juhansoo, Tiina, Epner, Eve, Kivisild, Ülle, Nool, Irma. Continuation of Student Mobility within Social and Health Care Sectors’ Training and Testing of ETM II-Pilot Projects’ Final Products [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational


Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Juhansoo, Tiina, Richardson, Eileen, Koskinen, Liisa, Aarts, Clara. Cooperation Between Europe and Canada Inequalities in Access [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Juhansoo, Tiina, Tupits, Mare, Shor, Riina. Health Promotion and Nurses Guidance Skills – New Elective Course in the Framework of the Tempus Programme in Tallinn Health College [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Kauba, Tõnu. How many HIV-Positive Cases after Year 2008? HIV-Prevention and Peer Education [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Kiil, Tiina, Tooren, Krista, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Ergonomic Survey of the Chemistry Laboratory of the Chair of Pharmacy [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Kopti, Marina. Alexander Technique [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Margna, Udo. Medically Active Substances of Herbal Drugs – Public Knowledge VS Reality [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Müürsepp, Eda, Tamm, Tiina. Status and Professional Practice of Psychiatric Nurses in the Institutions of Estonia Serving People with Special Physical Needs Round-The Clock [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Nõgene, Merike, Kundla, Malle, Lilienberg, Karin. Bronchial Asthma Overview and Occupational Therapy Approach [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Ovir, Anna-Liisa, Kasemets, Minni-Triin, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Activity of a Midwife in Laboratory Work [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Parts, Laine. Nutritional Habits in Estonia in Recent Years [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Pletnjova, Olesja, Remezova, Laima, Mitrohhina, Jekaterina, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Laboratorial Work Ordinance in the North Estonia Medical Centre [poster] // Research and


Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Ruuben, Lilian. Professional Standard for Pharmacists [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Sepp, Alar, Virjo, Irma, Mattila, Kari. Job Satisfaction of Estonian Junior Physicians [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Sepp, Siret, Kauba, Tõnu. Comparison of Dental Resins “Orthocryl” and “Biocryl” while Making Orthodontic Appliances [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Siimenson, Siiri, Heinmets, Hanna-Stiina, Pais, Sandra, Küüts, Ulla, Uke, Ave, Lilienberg, Karin, Vardja, Hanna-Maria. Occupational Therapy Students in Interdisciplinary Programme on Palliative and End-Of-Life Care [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008

Skribtsenko, Diana, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Blood Proteins [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Suursaar, Sandra, Šafranovski, Britta, Toom, Tuuli, Kauba, Tõnu. History of Dental Technology in 19.-20. Centuries [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Tupits, Mare. The Experiences of School Nurses of School Violence, Risk Factors and Violence Prevention [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Tõnts, Magnus, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Zirconium Oxide and CoCr Metal Alloy [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Urbla, Anne, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. Breaking of Orthodontic Wire: An Experimental Study [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Vahtre, Mari, Nurk, Merlin, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Chemical Hazards [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Varinauskas, Darius, Pietaryte, Reda, Kauba, Tõnu. A Brief Overview of Kaunas College and Dental Technology Studies in Kaunas College [poster] // Research and Development


in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Ettekannete teesid

Aare, Merit, Agafonova, Elena, Bergmann, Minna-Mai, Burova, Oksana, Elvet, Inge, Jassinover, Alina, Kester, Maria, Kitsemets, Triin, Kotkas, Marja-Liis, Kuusk, Lili, Kuusk, Kerda, Lehtla, Riin, Loori, Katri-Liis, Nagornaja, Darja, Pärgma, Epp, Ränk, Jaanika, Sinikas, Agne, Snezkova, Olga, Solovjova, Riin, Taremaa, Aet, Tilk, Kaie, Väli, Kairit, Kõrve, Ave. Poster: The First Year of Learning Midwifery [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 14

Alas, Annika, Hõrrak, Eha. Report (Supporting of Child Before and After Cochlear Implantation) [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 15

Aljama, Kaidy, Friimel, Gerlin, Kaldoja, Kai, Kokk, Liina, Korikova, Darja, Kunder, Nele, Mooses, Marju, Orav, Jaanika, Pard, Kairi, Ristol, Kaisa, Rodenberg, Riin, Sokk, Janne, Sepp, Alar, Javed, Pille, Lipand, Andrus. Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research and History of Tallinn Health College [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 16

Arula, Heleri, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Meliodent Heat- and Cold Curing Denture Base Materials [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 17

Arumäe, Ave, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Self- and Light Curing Denture Base Materials [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 18

Asberg, Marika. Evaluation of Learning Environment and Mentorship in Clinical Practical Training among Nursing Students in Estonian Health Colleges [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 19

Ehasalu, Anne, Juhansoo, Tiina, Kravets, Merike. Active Ageging in Estonia [suuline ettekanne] // International Conference „Health Ageing – Active Ageing II”. Programme of the Conference and Abstracts, 17-18 April 2008, Jurmala, Latvia, lk. 18

Ehasalu, Anne, Juhansoo, Tiina, Kravets, Merike. SAGE-Project: Pathway to Health in Late Life [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 20

Epner, Eve, Riisenberg, Gunnar. LLP/Erasmus Mobility: Study Visit to Helsinki Polytechnic Stadia [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational


Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 21

Ernits, Ülle, Moks, Milvi, Kadastik, Reine, Kotkas, Ene. Prevention of Occupational Diseases Caused by Physical Overload in Estonia [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 22

Forõs, Viktoria, Gladkaja, Alesja, Ivahenko, Jekaterina, Müürsepp, Eda, Rannula, Kateriina. Subject’s Understanding Means Third Year Students Creative Thinking and Self-Creativity in Lessons [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 24

Gubanova, Julia, Modebadze, Jelena, Koltsanova, Riina, Pajula, Riina, Väljaots, Urve, Melts, Kristi, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Electroneuromyomyography [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 25

Juhansoo, Tiina, Epner, Eve, Kivisild, Ülle, Nool, Irma. Continuation of Student Mobility within Social and Health Care Sectors’ Training and Testing of ETM II-Pilot Projects’ Final Products [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 27

Juhansoo, Tiina, Richardson, Eileen, Koskinen, Liisa, Aarts, Clara. Cooperation Between Europe and Canada Inequalities in Access [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 28

Juhansoo, Tiina, Tupits, Mare, Shor, Riina. Health Promotion and Nurses Guidance Skills – New Elective Course in the Framework of the Tempus Programme in Tallinn Health College [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 29

Kalajärv, Jane, Sepp, Alar. Health Services in Petseri County in the Years 1920-1925 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008, lk. 30

Kauba, Tõnu. How many HIV-Positive Cases after Year 2008? HIV-Prevention and Peer Education [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 31

Kaur, René, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas, Mõttus, Meeme. Comparison of the CAD/CAM Systems Used in Manufacturing of Zirconium Based Prosthesis [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 32

Kiil, Tiina, Tooren, Krista, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Ergonomic Survey of the Chemistry Laboratory of the Chair of Pharmacy [poster] // Research and Development in


Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 33

Kopti, Marina. Alexander Technique [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 35

Lilienberg, Karin. Erasmus Intensive Projects in Occupational Therapy [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 40

Margna, Udo. Medically Active Substances of Herbal Drugs – Public Knowledge VS Reality [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 41

Männiste, Pirgit, Kauba, Tõnu. The Comparison on Dental Materials DC-Zircon and DC-Titan [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 44

Müürsepp, Eda, Tamm, Tiina. Status and Professional Practice of Psychiatric Nurses in the Institutions of Estonia Serving People with Special Physical Needs Round-The Clock [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 45

Nool, Irma. Work-Related Risks, Health Complaints and Safety Measures of the Workers in Operating Theatres [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 46

Nõgene, Merike, Kundla, Malle, Lilienberg, Karin. Bronchial Asthma Overview and Occupational Therapy Approach [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 47

Oganjan, Kristina, Sepp, Alar. Healthcare in Harju County from 1922 to 1926 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 48

Ovir, Anna-Liisa, Kasemets, Minni-Triin, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Activity of a Midwife in Laboratory Work [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 49

Paist, Aivar, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Heat- and Light Curing Denture Base Materials [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 51


Parts, Laine. Nutritional Habits in Estonia in Recent Years [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 52

Perlin, Saskia, Kaasik-Aaslav, Urve. Tallinn Medical School /Tallinn Health College Midwifery Main Education Speciality 2002-2007 Graduated Competency Indicators I [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 53

Pletnjova, Olesja, Remezova, Laima, Mitrohhina, Jekaterina, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Laboratorial Work Ordinance in the North Estonia Medical Centre [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 54

Posmatš, Panainti, Petruštšak, Jaroslav, Muromskaja, Anna, Müürsepp, Eda, Rannula, Katariina. Subject’s Understanding Means First Year Students Creative Thinking and Self-Creativity in Lessons [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 55

Põldla, Liina, Sepp, Alar. Leprosy in Estonia in 1890-1940 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 57

Pähn, Maris, Uusküla, Jaak, Õun, Meelike, Altküla, Kadri, Jõgibert, Ave, Tamme, Vootele, Kotkas, Ene. Eyeglass Lenses Upgrade [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 58

Robas, Katre, Nool, Irma. Shift-Work and Night Work Effects of Shift Lengths on Health and Quality of Work Among Nurses [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 61

Romandi, Mariliis, Lilienberg, Karin. Occupational Therapy in Social Field [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 62

Roosileht, Velly, Kaasik-Aaslav, Urve. Tallinn Medical School [suuline ettekanne] /Tallinn Health College Midwifery Main Education Speciality 2002-2007 Graduated Competency Indicators II // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 63

Ruuben, Lilian. Professional Standard for Pharmacists [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 64

Sepp, Alar, Virjo, Irma, Mattila, Kari. Job Satisfaction of Estonian Junior Physicians [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 65


Sepp, Alar, Virjo, I., Mattila, Kari. Physician Studies in Estonia in 1995, 2000, 2005 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 66

Sepp, Siret, Kauba, Tõnu. Comparison of Dental Resins “Orthocryl” and “Biocryl” while Making Orthodontic Appliances [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 67

Siimenson, Siiri, Heinmets, Hanna-Stiina, Pais, Sandra, Küüts, Ulla, Uke, Ave, Lilienberg, Karin, Vardja, Hanna-Maria. Occupational Therapy Students in Interdisciplinary Programme on Palliative and End-Of-Life Care [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008, lk. 68

Skribtsenko, Diana, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Blood Proteins [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 69

Suursaar, Sandra, Šafranovski, Britta, Toom, Tuuli, Kauba, Tõnu. History of Dental Technology in 19.-20. Centuries [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 70

Tupits, Mare. The Experiences of School Nurses of School Violence, Risk Factors and Violence Prevention [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 71

Tõnts, Magnus, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Zirconium Oxide and CoCr Metal Alloy [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 72

Urbla, Anne, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. Breaking of Orthodontic Wire: an Experimental Study [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 73

Vahtre, Mari, Nurk, Merlin, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Chemical Hazards [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 75

Vanatoa, Mare. Project: Counselling Patients with Psychological Problems During Pregnancy [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 76

Varinauskas, Darius, Pietaryte, Reda, Kauba, Tõnu. A Brief Overview of Kaunas College and Dental Technology Studies in Kaunas College [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 77


Õismaa, A. The Professional Identity of a Lecturer [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 74

B. Meie kohta Freimann, Merle. CARE projekt jõudis lõpusirgele : [Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli, Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla ja Tööturuameti koostööprojekt hooldajate koolitamisel] // Regionaalhaigla Kuukiri, 3(64), 2008, märts Kalberg, Signe. Õendus eeldab üksteisemõistmist ja tugineb heale meeskonnatööle : LTKH uus õendusjuht Aivi Kabur peab ülioluliseks pingevaba õhkkonda [õppimine Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkoolis] // Eesti Päevaleht, 08.aprill 2008 Narusk, Agne. Õpingute toetamine aitab leida noori töötajaid : Õenduse õppijate stipendiumiprogramm on LTKH värbamispoliitika üks osa [stipendiaadid Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkoolist] // Eesti Päevaleht, 08.aprill 2008 Palatu, Regina. Eakate hooldusele õenduserialade killustamine kaasa ei aita [õenduseriala õpetamise suunad Tartu ja Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkoolis] // Meditsiiniuudised. Õdede veerg, 2008, 29.aprill, lk. 34

Viitkar, Kersti. Õdede spetsialiseerumine on käivitunud // Eesti Õde, 2008, 2, lk. 12-13

European Success Stories : Silver Erasmus project Tallinn Health College (EE) [Hõbemedal Euroopa elukestva õppe programmi Erasmus projektis osalemisel] // European Lifelong Learning Awards for quality in mobility in 2008 : Presentatsioon of 15 awarded European projects and 10 nominated projects from Slovenia presenting succes stories in mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme. – [Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008]

The silver winner for Erasmus, Tallinn Health College (Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool), Tallinn, Estonia // Quality in Mobility within the Lifelong Learning Programme : Conference Report. – Ljubljana, Slovenia, 12–13 June 2008, lk. 6

История развития и результаты : [международный проект Темпус «Улучшение здоровья и навыки консультирования медицинских сестер»] // Вестник НГМА № 3 (119). – 2008, март


C. Üliõpilaste bibliograafia


Puusild, Maarika. Õendus ja kiirabi // Eesti Õde, 2008, 2, lk. 11-12

Носкова, Вера. Стажировка в Таллинне : [külalisüliõpilased] // Вестник НГМА № 3 (119). - март 2008 Suulised ettekanded

Alas, Annika, Hõrrak, Eha. Report (Supporting of Child Before and After Cochlear Implantation) [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Friimel, Gerlin, Kunder, Nele, Rodenberg. Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research and History of Tallinn Health College [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Arula, Heleri. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Meliodent Heat- and Cold Curing Denture Base Materials [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Arumäe, Ave. A Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Self- and Light Curing Denture Base Materials [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Kalajärv, Jane. Health Services in Petseri County in the Years 1920-1925 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Kaur, René. Comparison of the CAD/CAM Systems Used in Manufacturing of Zirconium Based Prosthesis [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Kurik, Livia, Künnapuu, Piia. Nutritional challenges among youth in Estonia // Promotion and well-being of children and adolescents, Summer School 2008, 13.05.2008, The South Karelia University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Care and Social Services, Lappeenranta, Soome

Paist, Aivar. A comparison of strength properties of heat- and light curing denture base materials [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008


Perlin, Saskia. Tallinn Medical School /Tallinn Health College midwifery main education speciality 2002-2007 graduated competency indicators I [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Posmatš, Panainti, Petruštšak, Jaroslav, Muromskaja, Anna, Forõs, Viktoria, Gladkaja, Alesja, Ivahenko, Jekaterina. Subject’s understanding means first and third year students creative thinking and self-creativity in lessons [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Põldla, Liina. Leprosy in Estonia in 1890-1940 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Pähn, Maris, Uusküla, Jaak, Õun, Meelike, Altküla, Kadri, Jõgibert, Ave. Eyeglass Lenses Upgrade [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Robas, Katre. Shift-work and night work effects of shift lengths on health and quality of work among nurses [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Romandi, Mari-Liis. Occupational therapy in social field [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Roosileht, Velly. Tallinn Medical School /Tallinn Health College midwifery main education speciality 2002-2007 graduated competency indicators II [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme - Tallinn, 2008

Sepp, Siret. Comparison of dental resins “Orthocryl” and “Biocryl” while making orthodontic appliances [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Suursaar, Sandra, Šafranovski, Britta, Toom, Tuuli. History of dental technology in 19.-20.centuries [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Tõnts, Magnus. A comparison of strength properties of Zirconium Oxide and CoCR Metal alloy [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008

Urbla, Anne. Breaking of orthodontic wire: an experimental study [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Programme. - Tallinn, 2008



Aare, Merit, Agafonova, Elena, Bergmann, Minna-Mai, Burova, Oksana, Elvet, Inge, Jassinover, Alina, Kester, Maria, Kitsemets, Triin, Kotkas, Marja-Liis, Kuusk, Lili, Kuusk, Kerda, Lehtla, Riin, Loori, Katri-Liis, Nagornaja, Darja, Pärgma, Epp, Ränk, Jaanika, Sinikas, Agne, Snezkova, Olga, Solovjova, Riin, Taremaa, Aet, Tilk, Kaie, Väli, Kairit, Kõrve, Ave. Poster: The First Year of Learning Midwifery [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Aljama, Kaidy, Friimel, Gerlin, Kaldoja, Kai, Kokk, Liina, Korikova, Darja, Kunder, Nele, Mooses, Marju, Orav, Jaanika, Pard, Kairi, Ristol, Kaisa, Rodenberg, Riin, Sokk, Janne, Sepp, Alar, Javed, Pille, Lipand, Andrus. Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research and History of Tallinn Health College [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Arula, Heleri, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Meliodent Heat- and Cold Curing Denture Base Materials [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Arumäe, Ave, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Self- and Light Curing Denture Base Materials [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Gubanova, Julia, Modebadze, Jelena, Koltsanova, Riina, Pajula, Riina, Väljaots, Urve, Melts, Kristi, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Electroneuromyomyography [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Kaur, René, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas, Mõttus, Meeme. Comparison of the CAD/CAM Systems Used in Manufacturing of Zirconium Based Prosthesis [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Kiil, Tiina, Tooren, Krista, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Ergonomic Survey of the Chemistry Laboratory of the Chair of Pharmacy [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Männiste, Pirgit, Kauba, Tõnu. The Comparison on Dental Materials DC-Zircon and DC-Titan [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Nõgene, Merike, Kundla, Malle, Lilienberg, Karin. Bronchial Asthma Overview and Occupational Therapy Approach [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008


Oganjan, Kristina, Sepp, Alar. Healthcare in Harju County from 1922 to 1926 [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Ovir, Anna-Liisa, Kasemets, Minni-Triin, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Activity of a Midwife in Laboratory Work [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Paarasma, Anneli. Oral Non-Narcotic Over-the-Counter Painkillers [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Paist, Aivar, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Heat- and Light Curing Denture Base Materials [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Pletnjova, Olesja, Remezova, Laima, Mitrohhina, Jekaterina, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Laboratorial Work Ordinance in the North Estonia Medical Centre [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Pototskaya, Nina. Preparations Containing Mineral Substances in the Pharmacies of Estonia [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Sepp, Siret, Kauba, Tõnu. Comparison of Dental Resins “Orthocryl” and “Biocryl” while Making Orthodontic Appliances [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Siimenson, Siiri, Heinmets, Hanna-Stiina, Pais, Sandra, Küüts, Ulla, Uke, Ave, Lilienberg, Karin, Vardja, Hanna-Maria. Occupational Therapy Students in Interdisciplinary Programme on Palliative and End-Of-Life Care [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008

Skribtsenko, Diana, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Blood Proteins [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008

Suursaar, Sandra, Šafranovski, Britta, Toom, Tuuli, Kauba, Tõnu. History of Dental Technology in 19.-20. Centuries [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Tõnts, Magnus, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Zirconium Oxide and CoCr Metal Alloy [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Urbla, Anne, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. Breaking of Orthodontic Wire: an Experimental Study [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of


Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Vahtre, Mari, Nurk, Merlin, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Chemical Hazards [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008

Ettekannete teesid

Aare, Merit, Agafonova, Elena, Bergmann, Minna-Mai, Burova, Oksana, Elvet, Inge, Jassinover, Alina, Kester, Maria, Kitsemets, Triin, Kotkas, Marja-Liis, Kuusk, Lili, Kuusk, Kerda, Lehtla, Riin, Loori, Katri-Liis, Nagornaja, Darja, Pärgma, Epp, Ränk, Jaanika, Sinikas, Agne, Snezkova, Olga, Solovjova, Riin, Taremaa, Aet, Tilk, Kaie, Väli, Kairit, Kõrve, Ave. Poster: The First Year of Learning Midwifery [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 14

Alas, Annika, Hõrrak, Eha. Report (Supporting of Child Before and After Cochlear Implantation) [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 15

Aljama, Kaidy, Friimel, Gerlin, Kaldoja, Kai, Kokk, Liina, Korikova, Darja, Kunder, Nele, Mooses, Marju, Orav, Jaanika, Pard, Kairi, Ristol, Kaisa, Rodenberg, Riin, Sokk, Janne, Sepp, Alar, Javed, Pille, Lipand, Andrus. Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research and History of Tallinn Health College [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 16

Arula, Heleri, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Meliodent Heat- and Cold Curing Denture Base Materials [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 17

Arumäe, Ave, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Self- and Light Curing Denture Base Materials [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 18

Forõs, Viktoria, Gladkaja, Alesja, Ivahenko, Jekaterina, Müürsepp, Eda, Rannula, Kateriina. Subject’s Understanding Means Third Year Students Creative Thinking and Self-Creativity in Lessons [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 24

Gubanova, Julia, Modebadze, Jelena, Koltsanova, Riina, Pajula, Riina, Väljaots, Urve, Melts, Kristi, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Electroneuromyomyography [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The


International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 25

Kalajärv, Jane, Sepp, Alar. Health Services in Petseri County in the Years 1920-1925 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 30

Kaur, René, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas, Mõttus, Meeme. Comparison of the CAD/CAM Systems Used in Manufacturing of Zirconium Based Prosthesis [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 32

Kiil, Tiina, Tooren, Krista, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Ergonomic Survey of the Chemistry Laboratory of the Chair of Pharmacy [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 33

Männiste, Pirgit, Kauba, Tõnu. The Comparison on Dental Materials DC-Zircon and DC-Titan [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 44

Nõgene, Merike, Kundla, Malle, Lilienberg, Karin. Bronchial Asthma Overview and Occupational Therapy Approach [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 47

Oganjan, Kristina, Sepp, Alar. Healthcare in Harju County from 1922 to 1926 [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 48

Ovir, Anna-Liisa, Kasemets, Minni-Triin, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Activity of a Midwife in Laboratory Work [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 49

Paarasma, Anneli. Oral Non-Narcotic Over-the-Counter Painkillers [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 50

Paist, Aivar, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Heat- and Light Curing Denture Base Materials [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008, lk. 51

Perlin, Saskia, Kaasik-Aaslav, Urve. Tallinn Medical School /Tallinn Health College Midwifery Main Education Speciality 2002-2007 Graduated Competency Indicators I [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 53

Pletnjova, Olesja, Remezova, Laima, Mitrohhina, Jekaterina, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Laboratorial Work Ordinance in the North Estonia Medical Centre [poster] //


Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 54

Posmatš, Panainti, Petruštšak, Jaroslav, Muromskaja, Anna, Müürsepp, Eda, Rannula, Kateriina. Subject’s Understanding Means First Year Students Creative Thinking and Self-Creativity in Lessons [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 55

Pototskaya, Nina. Preparations Containing Mineral Substances in the Pharmacies of Estonia [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 56

Põldla, Liina, Sepp, Alar. Leprosy in Estonia in 1890-1940 [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 57

Pähn, Maris, Uusküla, Jaak, Õun, Meelike, Altküla, Kadri, Jõgibert, Ave, Tamme, Vootele, Kotkas, Ene. Eyeglass Lenses Upgrade [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 58

Robas, Katre, Nool, Irma. Shift-Work and Night Work Effects of Shift Lengths on Health and Quality of Work Among Nurses [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 61

Romandi, Mariliis, Lilienberg, Karin. Occupational Therapy in Social Field [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008, lk. 62

Roosileht, Velly, Kaasik-Aaslav, Urve. Tallinn Medical School /Tallinn Health College Midwifery Main Education Speciality 2002-2007 Graduated Competency Indicators II [suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 63

Sepp, Siret, Kauba, Tõnu. Comparison of Dental Resins “Orthocryl” and “Biocryl” while Making Orthodontic Appliances [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 67

Siimenson, Siiri, Heinmets, Hanna-Stiina, Pais, Sandra, Küüts, Ulla, Uke, Ave, Lilienberg, Karin, Vardja, Hanna-Maria. Occupational Therapy Students in Interdisciplinary Programme on Palliative and End-Of-Life Care [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008, lk. 68


Skribtsenko, Diana, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Blood Proteins [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. Tallinn, 2008, lk. 69

Suursaar, Sandra, Šafranovski, Britta, Toom, Tuuli, Kauba, Tõnu. History of Dental Technology in 19.-20. Centuries [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 70

Tõnts, Magnus, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. A Comparison of Strength Properties of Zirconium Oxide and CoCr Metal Alloy [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 72

Urbla, Anne, Kauba, Tõnu, Pihl, Toomas. Breaking of Orthodontic Wire: an Experimental Study [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 73

Vahtre, Mari, Nurk, Merlin, Moks, Milvi, Kotkas, Ene. Chemical Hazards [poster] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 75

Varinauskas, Darius, Pietaryte, Reda, Kauba, Tõnu. A Brief Overview of Kaunas College and Dental Technology Studies in Kaunas College [poster ja suuline ettekanne] // Research and Development in Higher Educational Institutions. Book of Abstracts. The International Week Conference of Tallinn Health College 12-16 May 2008. - Tallinn, 2008, lk. 77

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