tes kompetensi dasar

Post on 19-Oct-2015






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kompetensi dasar TKD


TES KOMPETENSI DASAR (TKD), terdiri dari 3 bagian yaitu Tes Wawasan Kebangsaan (TWK), Tes Intelejensia Umum (TIU), dan Tes Karakteristik Pribadi (TKP).

a) Tes Wawasan Kebangsaan (TWK) (50 Soal)

Tes ini berisi materi soal tentang 4 pilar Kebangsaaan Indonesia, yakni.

1) Pancasila (Contoh Soal)

2) UUD 1945 (Contoh Soal)

3) Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

4) NKRI, terdiri dari:a) Sistem Tata Negara Indonesia, baik pada Pemerintah Pusat maupun Pemerintah Daerah.(Contoh Soal)b)Sejarah Perjuangan Bangsa (Contoh Soal)c) Peranan Bangsa Indonesia dalam Tatanan Regional Maupun Global.d) Kemampuan Berbahasa Indonesia secara Baik dan Benar. (Contoh Soal)

NB: (Contoh Soal Gabungan TWK)

b) Tes Intelegensi Umum (TIU) (50 Soal)

Tes ini berisi materi soal yang berkaitan dengan:

1) Kemampuan Verbal

-Tes Sinonim (Persamaan Kata) (Contoh Soal)

-Tes Antonim (Lawan Kata) (Contoh Soal)

-Tes Padanan Hubungan Kata (Contoh Soal)

-Tes Pengelompokkan Kata

2) Kemampuan Numerik

-Tes Aritmetik (Hitungan) (Contoh Soal)

-Tes Seri Angka danTes Seri Huruf(Contoh Soal)

-Tes Logika Angka (Contoh Soal)

-Tes Angka dalam Cerita

3) Kemampuan Berpikir Logis dan Analisis

-Tes Logika Umum (Contoh Soal)

-Tes Analisis Pernyataan

-Tes Kesimpulan Silogisme

-Tes Logika Cerita

c) Tes Karakter Pribadi (TKP) (100 Soal)

Tes ini berisi materi soal yang berkaitan dengan:

1) Tes Integritas DiriContoh Soal:

Hampir semua pegawai di kantor instansi saya meminta uang tanda terima kasih atas pengurusan surat izin tertentu. Namun menurut peraturan kantor, hal itu tidaklah diperbolehkan, maka saya...

A.Ikut melakukannya karena bagaimana pun juga kawan-kawan kantor juga melakukannya

B.Melakukannya hanya jika terpaksa membutuhkan uang tambahan untuk keperluan keluarga, sebab gaji kantor memang kecil

C.Terkadang saja melakukan hal tersebut

D.Berusaha semampunya untuk tidak melakukannya

E.Tidak ingin melakukannya sama sekali

Atasan Anda melakukan rekayasa laporan keuangan kantor, maka Anda...

A.Dalam hati tidak menyetujui hal tersebut

B.Hal tersebut sering terjadi di kantor manapun

C.Mengingatkan dan melaporkan kepada yang berwenang

D.Tidak ingin terlibat dalam proses rekayasa tersebut

E.Hal semacam itu memang sudah menjadi tradisi yang tidak baik di Indonesia

2) Tes Semangat BerprestasiContoh Soal:

Atasan Anda menetapkan target tugas harus selesai padadeadlinetanggal 27 bulan ini, maka...

A.Saya akan selesaikan tepat pada tanggal 27

B.Kalau tugas lain menumpuk, saya akan minta izin untuk menyeleaikan barang satu atau dua hari sesudah deadline

C.Saya mencoba menyelesaikan tanggal 26 jika memungkinkan

D.Saya meminta tolong rekan lain agar tidak terlambatdeadline

E.Saya menegosiasikandeadlineyang ditetapkan atasan tersebut dengan baik-baik agar tidak terlalu memberatkan

Ketika gagal mencapai sesuatu yang saya inginkan, saya...

A.Mencari dengan seksama siapa yang turut bertanggung jawab terhadap kegagalan saya tersebut

B.Mengambil waktu untuk menenangkan diri

C.Bersedih hati

D.Melakukan introspeksi dan memperbaiki upaya

E.Meminta bantuan kepada lebih banyak orang

3) Tes Orientasi pada Pelayanan4) Tes Kemampuan BeradaptasiContoh Soal:

Di lingkungan kerja yang baru...

A.Saya perlu waktu untuk mengenal rekan-rekan kerja yang baru

B.Saya menunggu rekan kerja yang ingin berkenalan

C.Saya langsung mampu akrab dengan rekan kerja baru saya

D.Jika saya membutuhkan bantuan baru saya akan berkenalan

E.Jika ada yang ingin berkenalan tentunya saya senang sekali

Prediksi pengamat ekonomi bahwa bulan depan akan terjadi inflasi besar di Indonesia membuat saya...

A.Susah tidur

B.Depresi berat, karena inflasi berarti harga barang naik

C.Berhati-hati dan berhemat dalam membelanjakan uang

D.Yang akan terjadi, biarlah terjadi

E.Prediksi yang menyusahkan seperti itu tak perlu saya percayai

5) Tes Kemampuan Mengendalikan DiriContoh Soal:

Bila ada rekan kerja yang salah memanggil nama saya, maka saya...

A.Saya tersinggung, karena nama adalah kehormatan seseorang

B.Saya tidak tersinggung

C.Saya mengingatkan kekeliruannya dengan baik-baik

D.Saya mengingatkannya dengan tegas agar dia jera

E.Hal itu tak menjadi masalah bagi saya

Jika hal-hal kecil merusak rencana besar saya, maka...

A.Saya sangat sedih dan marah kenapa hal kecil mampu merusak rencana besar tersebut

B.Tentu saja saya marah

C.Saya melakukan evaluasi menyeluruh

D.Saya butuh waktu menenangkan diri

E.Saya marah kepada pihak lain yang juga ikut bertanggung jawab akan hal ini.

6) Tes Kemampuan Bekerja Mandiri dan Tuntas7) Tes Kemauan dan Kemampuan Belajar Berkelanjutan8)Tes Kemampuan Bekerja Sama dalam Kelompok9) TesKemampuan Menggerakkan dan Mengkoordinir Orang Lain10) Tes Orientasi kepada Orang LainContoh Soal:

Jika dalam suatu rapat, rekan kantor memiliki pendapat yang berbeda, padahal Anda-lah yang menjadi pemimpin rapat, maka:

A.Saya teguh mempertahankan pendapat saya

B.Beda pendapat bukanlah masalah serius

C.Saya pertimbangkan pendapat tersebut

D.Saya lihat dulu siapa dia

E.Menanyakannya mengapa dia berani berbeda pendapat dengan pemimpin rapat

Jika salah seorang bawahan saya melakukan tugas yang saya berikan kepadanya dengan sangat baik, maka saya...

A.Puas, namun tak perlu memuji karena hal itu akan membuatnya sombong

B.Tak akan memuji

C.Memuji setinggi langit agar dia juga senang kepada saya

D.Memuji secara proporsional

E.Berpura-pura tidak tahu akan keberhasilannya melakukan tugas

11) Tes Kreativitas dan InovasiContoh Soal:

Saya mengajukan suatu usulan kepada atasan saya, namun usulan tersebut menurut atasan saya kurang tepat. Sikap saya adalah

A.Merasa sangat kecewa

B.Mencari alternatif usulan lain yang lebih tepat

C.Kecewa, namun berusaha melupakan hal tersebut

D.Saya bersikeras mencari upaya pembenaran terhadap usulan tersebut agar dia mau menerimanya

E.Ditolak bukanlah sesuatu yang baru bagi saya

Ketika sedang melakukan presentasi, kancing baju Pak Benny, yang juga atasan Anda, terlepas satu buah di bagian perut. Hal ini sangat mengganggu jalannya presentasi. Namun, tampaknya tak ada yang berani memberitahu Pak Benny. Bagaimana sikap Anda?

A.Lebih baik saya diam karena yang lainpun juga diam saja

B.Saya menuliskan ke secarik kertas mengenai hal tersebut lalu saya serahkan kepada Pak Benny

C.Meskipun hal itu mengganggu jalannya presentasi namun saya tak mau ambil risiko dengan memberitahunya

D.Saya takut Pak Benny tersinggung, jadi tak ada alasan untuk saya memberitahunya

E.Saya berharap semoga Pak Benny sadar dengan sendirinya.

*Materi ini Insya Allah akan terus di-update dan diperbanyak contoh soal gratisnya.

Sumber:1. cpnsonline.com2. tesskalakematangan.com3. akhdian.wordpress.com

4. website lain-lain

PETUNJUK UMUM:1. Baca dengan teliti setiapsoalsebelum anda menjawabnya2. Dahulukan menjawab soal - soal yang anda anggap mudah.3. Bekerjalah dengan cermat4. Selamat Bekerja!

PETUNJUK KHUSUS:Silanglah salah satu huruf di depan jawab yang paling tepat!1. He told me a lot about the Philippines. He ..... there for a long time.A. Must have livedB. Might be livingC. Ought to have livedD. Should be livingKUNCI: A2. Your son will be operated on tomorrow morning. He ... have a good rest tonight' the doctor said.A. MightB. MayC. CanD. MustKUNCI: D

There are millions of plants and animals living in the sea. Most of the plants and animals living in the oceans are extremely small and float near the surface of the water in their thousands. They are food for huge numbers of small animals that also live near the surface. Together, they are all known as plankton.Many fish feed on this plankton, including one of the largest, the whale shark. Despite their great size, certain whales live entirely on plankton.The blue whale is the largest animal ever to live. It grows to a length of over 100 feet. The humpback whale is a smaller kind and has long flippers. It can jump right out the water. The Californian grey whale makes long migrations every year - it spends the summer feeding in the Arctic but swims south to he warmer waters off the coast of Mexico in the winter. The females give birth in the shallow, warm water there.Many of the fish in the sea may be eaten by other meat-eaters. Sharks, for example, area some of the fastest hunters, although not all of them eat other fish. Deep down in the oceans live many strange fish. It is so dark down there that many of these fish have "light" on them, which are used for attracting smaller fish for the larger ones to eat.Jellyfish are peculiar-looking creatures ranging in size from a fraction of an inch to 6 feet across. They don't really swim but drift in the currents of the open oceans. Although they contain a powerful sting, they are often eaten by turtles. Turtles are reptiles that spend most of their eggs on sandy beaches.3. ........ are food for huge numbers of small animals that also live near the surfaceA. Very small plants and animalsB. Big animalsC. The oceans mammalsD. The smallest animalE. Big plantsKUNCI: A

4. Paragraph three tells us about.A. the life of whalesB. the size of whalesC. the movement of writesD. Three kinds of whalesE. the migration of whalesKUNCI: D

5. The main information of the passage is that........Most plants are food for animalsthe colour of the largest whales is bluethe female whales give birth in the shallow and warm waterthe great size fish also eat planktonmillions of plants and animals live in the seaKUNCI: E

6. Which statement is True according to the text?A. The turtles eat jellyfishB. The turtles lay their eggs in the seabedC. The sharks possess a powerful sting.D. The Californian grey whales immigrate to the Arctic in winter.E. The humpback whale is the largest animal in the seaKUNCI: A

7. The word "despite" in paragraph two could be replaced by........A. ThereforeB. Referring toC. In spite ofD. ExceptE. Instead ofKUNCI: C

8. I... go to school now.A. am going toB. will toC. wouldD. may toE. mightKUNCI: A9. " When did you realize you had lost your purse"" When I... ,one to pay the conductor"A. Was needingB. Had neededC. Have needingD. Am needingKUNCI: B

10. Why didn't Did! wan to go home?'' His mother...... him for causing the car accident'A. would blameB. has blamedC. is blamingD. had blamedKUNCI: D

11. The way professor Mattis teaches English not only keeps the student' interest.......A. And also increases their motivationB. But also increasing their motivationC. And he also increases their motivationD. But also increases their motivationKUNCI: D

12. The increase in the sales of new cars ....... Expected to make traffic jams worse A. Is B. Are C. Be D. Being KUNCI: A

13. Little children are usually afraid of........ by their mother.A. LettB. To leaveC. LeavingD. Been leftKUNCI: C14. The thief......... into the room through this window because there are footprint near the door.A. Was to getB. My getC. Would rather getD. Must have gotKUNCI: D

15. Having given the prescription to the patient...A. The medicine was taken regularly by the patientB. The doctor told the patient to take the medicine regularlyC. The medicine had to be taken regularly by the patientD. The patient was told to take the medicine regularlyKUNCI: B

16. .......... A few million rupiahs, he went on a four to Europe.A. SavedB. Has savedC, He has savedD, Having savedKUNCI: D

17. The fact that he was put into prison for something that he had not done made his wife. . .A. CryB. To be cryingC. CriedD. To cryKUNCI: A

18. Andi, will you slose the windows, please. I'm busy right now'. I'm busy my self, but .........anyhow.A. Will close themB. Will have to close themC. Will have them closedD. Will ask you to close themKUNCI: C

19. We are going on a long trip, so we must...A. Have checked the carB. Have had the car checkedC. To have the car checkedD. Have the car checkedKUNCI: D

20. The company's new product was ........ advertised on TV.A. NationB. NationalC. NationallyD. NationalizeKUNCI: C

21. The original ........ manuscript to the play is on display in the museum.A. Written by handB. Writing handC. Hand writtenD. Hand writingKUNCI: D

22. The thief denied ... the jewelry although the police forced him it admit it.A. StealB. StealingC. To stealD. In stealingKUNCI: B

23. His shop was burn down .......... his car that was parked nearbyA. And either didB. Also wasC. But neither wasD. And so wasKUNCI: D

24. 'Who won the ford foundation scholarship?'. The high school student .... The city council had chosen as the beat student'.A. he whoB. whoseC. whomD. whichKUNCI: C

25. My brother needs two .... To help him run the store.A. MechanicsB. CarpentersC. InstructorsD. AssistantsKUNCI: D

26. ..... is not yet knowA. can he be involved in the trade of narcoticsB. he is involved in the trade of narcoticsC. whether he is involved in the trade of narcoticsD. when he is involved in the trade of narcoticsKUNCI: C

27. If he hadn't been promoted, he'd have quit his job. The underline words mean,...A. He kept his jobB. He would like to keep the jobC. He had to quit his jobD. He lost his jobKUNCI: A

28. 'She is one of the ten best dressed women in town. 'Really?....?A. does she always dress her self so fashionablyB. does she dress her self so always so fashionablyC. does she always so fashionably dress her selfD. does she so fashionably always dress her selfKUNCI: A

29. My uncle doesn't car much ..... he can send his children to college.A. HoweverB. AndC. ThereforeD. SoKUNCI: A

30. Which sentence is correctly punctuated?. He won an international awards for his...A. Excellent, interesting, well-written, scientific articleB. Excellent, interesting, well-written, scientific, articleC. Excellent interesting, well-written, scientific articleD. Excellent, interesting, well-written scientific articleKUNCI: D

31. Different interpretations on the same event by various newspaper ..... Readers confused and angry.A. To makeB. They makeC. MakeD. It makesKUNCI: C

32. You look so unhappy, Anton. What's the matter?'. 'My father.... His job.A. has just lostB. has been losingC. losingD. is losingKUNCI: A

33. The work .... Computers requires well trained personnel.A. involvedB. involveC. to be involveD. involvesKUNCI: D

34. Did I tell you about the girl... I met during the student demonstration last week?A. WhoB. WhoseC. WhomD. Of whichKUNCI: C

35. He asked me whether he... my car to go to the party.A. can borrowB. might borrowC. ought to borrrowD. may borrowKUNCI: B

36. What did AdI finally decided?''...... ....his master degree in AustraliaA. he can takeB. his takingC. takingD. to takeKUNCI: D

37. We were planning to open anew office in Surabaya,......... the economic crisis forced us to postpone itA, AndB. OrC. SoD. ButKUNCI:

38. I am still waiting .... For an interviewA. To be calledB. Be calledC. Be callingD. To callKUNCI: A

39. A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. There are nine planets in our solar system, and these nine planets travel around the sun. The names of the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Planets travel in orbits around the stars. All of the planets 01 the solar system revolve in elliptical orbits. In other words, their orbits are like large, flat circles. The time that it takes a planet to make one revolgtion around the sun is called a year. The Greeks were the first people to recognize and give names to some of the planets. Tile word planet comes from a Greek word meaning wanderer If a person wanders, this means that he goes from one place to another and does not have a home. The Greeks thought that planets "wandered" in the sky. However, modern scientists can predict the movement of the planets very accurately. What is the suitable title for this text?A. The StarsB. The OrbitsC. The GreeksD. The PlanetsE. The WanderersKUNCI: D

40. The planets in our solar system travel...A. Around the starsB. Around the circlesC. In one movementD From one position to anotherE. In elliptical orbitsKUNCI: E

41. As soon as the board of elections "officially declares" the list of candidates, we will give you a complete report. The words in quotation mean ...a. refuses b. deviates c. promulgatesd. instigates e. contemplateKUNCIAN :CPembahasan :Option (c) berarti mengumumkan dengan resmi,(a) menolak, (b) menyimpang, (d) menghasut dan (e) merenungkan.

42. I have no idea ....a. what does this word mean b. what this word meansc. what the meaning of this wordd. what kind of a meaning is this worde. what word does meanKUNCIAN : BPembahasan :Pola anak kalimat di belakang kata tanya adalah pola kalimat pernyataan biasa ( wh ... S V ... ) Jadi KUNCIannya adalah (b), Option (a) dan (d) adalah pola kalimat tanya, option (c) dan (e) pola yang salah.43. Gideon Webb is a man with the man of a child. Rised in rural South Carolina, his aunt could no longer keep him when she re-merries. Gideon is placed in the closest institution that can look after him a retirement home for the elderly.Which statement is correct based on text?a. Gideon is a child b. Gideon re-merriesc. Gideon lived with his auntd. Gideon stayed in a retirement homee. Gideon has a wifeKUNCI : CPembahasan :Gideon lived with his aunt. (Gideon dulu tinggal atau dirawat tantenya). Option (a) Gideon anak kecil, salah karena dia orang dewasa (aman). Option (b) tantenya yang akan menikah lagi. Option (d) Gideon dulu tinggal di rumah pensiun. Ia sekarang bukan dulu tinggal di rumah itu. Dan option (e) Gideon punya istri.44. The constitution guarantees that private homes will not be searched without a written "authorization". The word in quotation mean ...a. receipt b. warrant c. prescriptiond. accomplice e. descriptionKUNCIAN : BPembahasan :Option (b) berarti surat jaminan, (a) tanda terima, (c) resep dokter, (d) kaki tangan dan (e) penjelasan.45. Blue Bird started out with just 25 taxis, yet we have grown to include more than 8,000 employees responding to 5,000 orders daily 24-hours-a day, and serving two million passengers a month with 4,000 air conditioned vehicles.How many passengers go with Blue Bird in a years?a. 20,000 b. 17,000 c. 2,000,000d. 24,000,000 e. 25KUNCI : DPembahasan :Blue Bird melayani 2 juta penumpang per bulan berarti setahun 24 juta penumpang (a), (b), (c), (e) jelas salah.46. Here are the twenty one words that Sir William Osier read in the spring of 1871 -twenty-one words from Thomas Carlyle that helped him lead a life free from worry : "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand." The word,"dimly" has a similar meaning to ...a. brightly b. smartly c. faintlyd. easily e. happilyKUNCI: CPembahasan :Faintly berarti dengan tidak jelas, yang merupakan sinonim dari "dimly. Option (a) berarti dengan cerah, option (b) berarti dengan pandai, option (d) berarti dengan mudah dan option (e) berarti dengan gembira.47. The school year in Japan from April to March. Summer vacation last about six weeks. In addition to national holidays, school children also have two weeks off at New Year and two weeks break in the spring, between the old and new school year. How many weeks do students have holidays in a school year in Japan?a. six b. two c. eightd. ten e. twelveKUNCI : DPembahasan :Liburan siswa Jepang terdiri dari liburan musim panas 6 minggu, 2 minggu di awal tahun dan 2 minggu sebelum tahun pelajaran baru dimulai. Option (a), (b), (c) dan (e) jelas salah.48. "Make great efforts" for excellence. The words in quotation mean ...a. force b. strive c. enjoyd. envy e. challengeKUNCIAN : BPembahasan :Option (b) berarti berusaha dengan keras, (a) memaksa, (c) menikmati, (d) cemburu dan (e) menantang.

49. Tom : Hi, Bob, are you OK?Bob : Not bad. But i'm thinking of my father who is seriously ill now.Tom :a. i'm sorry to hear that d. well doneb. i'm sad to hear that e. good dayc. congratulationKUNCI : APembahasan :(a) untuk menyatakan simpati, (b) ungkapan yang kurang baku, (c) untuk menyatakan "selamat", demikian juga (d) dan (e) selamat berpisah.50. Bali Bird Park is fortunate to have been involved in captive breeding program of endangered species such as the Bali Starling found nowhere else on earth. Based on sentences above people can catch the Bali starling is a/ana. island b. flower c. statued. place e. animalKUNCI : EPembahasan :Animal berarti binatang, karena "starling" adalah jenis burung sedangkan option (a) berarti pulau, option (b) berarti bungs, option (c) berarti patung dan option (d) berarti tempat.51. The island that make up Japan stretch out for a distance of nearly 4,000 km. The point farthest north is at 450 north latitude and the southernmost point is at north latitude 200The word "nearly" has similar meaning to ...a. more than b. above c. least thand. over e. almostKUNCI : EPembahasan :"nearly' dan "almosY' adalah sinonim yang berarti "hampir".Option (a) berarti lebih dari, (b) berarti di atas, (c) berarti kurang dari dan (d) berarti di atas.

52. Amir : Have you heard that our badminton team won the competition? Hasan : Not yet ...a. of course b. sure c. congratulationsd. terrible e. what a pityKUNCIAN : CPembahasan :Option (c) merupakan ucapan selamat atas kemenangan tim bulutangkis. (a) dan (b) ungkapan yang berarti "tentu", (d) jelek sekali dan (e) kasihan.

53. If the insist upon being stubborn, we will have to settle this on court. "Stubborn" means.....a. generous b. indignant c. abjectd. gauche e. obstinate54. KUNCIAN : EPembahasan :"stubborn" berarti keras kepala yang bersinonim "obstinate". Option (a) baik hati, (b) marsh, (c) hina dan (d) kaku

55. You ... your visa extended before it expires.a. had better to get b. had to get betterc. had better get d. had better gote. have got betterKUNCIAN : CPembahasan :Option (c) pola Had better diikuti Verb 1. Option (a), (b), (d) dan (e) jelas salah.

55. The examination will begin "exactly" at eight-thirty. The word quoted means...a. briefly b. exceedingly c. consequentlyd. lately e. preciselyKUNCIAN : EPembahasan :Option (e) berarti dengan ringkas, (a) dengan tepat, (b) melebihi, (c) akibatnya dan (d) akhir- akhir ini.

56. City taxes are based on an estimate of the value of one's property. "Estimate" means....a. appraisal b. forecast c. diagnosisd. outline e. decreaseKUNCIAN : APembahasan :Option (a) berarti perkiraan/taksiran, (b) ramalan, (c) perkiraan penyakit, (d) garis besar dan (e) penurunan.

57. The man has been here .. 1990.a. after b. in c. ford. on e. sinceKUNCIAN : EPembahasan :option (e) kalimat the Present Perfect Tense diikuti tahun. Option (a) setelah, (b) pada (untuk The Past Tense), (c) selama dan (d) pada.

58. Professor Black had us ....... compositions every Friday.a. to write b. written c. writed. wrote e. writingKUNCIAN : CPembahasan :Option (c) pola kausatif/menyuruh (S have/has/had objet Verb 1), Option (a) To Verb 1, (b) Verb 3, (d) Verb 2 dan (e) Verb + ing.

59. If it .... rain tomorrow, we'll have to have a picnic.a. wouldn't b. doesn't c. didn'td. won't e. isn'tKUNCIAN : BPembahasan :Option (b) The Future Conditional Sentence (If S V1/v S.. , S will Verb 1) option (a) auxiliary Verb 2, (c) Auxiliary Verb 2 (d) Future Auxiliary dan (e) "it isn't rain" pola ini salah bentuk negatif dari "V+S" adalah "doesn't".

60. Professor Baker is a co-worker of ProfessorAyers."Co-worker" means ...a. constituent b. confident c. contenderd. colleague e. conquerorKUNCIAN : DPembahasan :Option (d) berarti teman sejawat, (a) berarti pemilih, (b) yakin / percaya diri, (c) pesaing dan (e) penakluk.PETUNJUK UMUM:1. Baca dengan teliti setiapsoalsebelum anda menjawabnya2. Dahulukan menjawab soal - soal yang anda anggap mudah.3. Bekerjalah dengan cermat4. Selamat Bekerja!

PETUNJUK KHUSUS:Silanglah salah satu huruf di depan jawab yang paling tepat!Untuk soal nomor 1-4 pilihlah kata yang merupakan pasangan paling sesuai untuk mengisi titik-titik01.SINGA:RUSA=ANTISEPTIK: A.obatB.penyakitC.hamaD.kumanKUNCI : DPENYELESAIAN :Singa membunuh rusa dan Antiseptik membunuh kuman02.MAKAN:LAPAR=LAMPU:A.padangB.terangC.pijarD.gelapKUNCI :DPENYELESAIAN :Lapar perlu makan seperti gelap perlu lampu03.MATA HARI:TERIK=BULAN:A.gulitaB.gerhanaC.cahayaD.benderangKUNCI : DPENYELESAIAN :Matahari bersinar terik dan bulan bersinar benderang.04.KEUNTUNGAN:PENJUALAN=KEMASYHURAN: A.pembelianB.keberanianC.penipuanD.jenderalKUNCI :BPENYELESAIAN :Keuntungan karena penjualan ; Kemasyuran karena keberanianUntuk soal nomor 5-7 pilihlah sepasang kata yang hubungannya sama atau dekat dengan pasangan kata yang dicetak miring05.BUGIL:PAKAIANA.gundul:hutanB.bulu:cabutC.botak:rambutD.mogok:mobilKUNCI :CPENYELESAIAN :Bugil tanpa pakaian dan botak tanpa rambut06.PESAWAT TERBANG:KABINA.laci:mejaB.gedung;eskalatorC.rumah:ruanganD.roda:kursiKUNCI :CPENYELESAIAN :Ruang pesawat yaitu kabin dan rumah beruangan07.MENDOBRAK:MASUKA.merampok:uangB.telepon:telegramC.mengaduk:semenD.menyela:bicaraKUNCI :DPENYELESAIAN :Mendobrak supaya bisa masuk dan menyela supaya dapat berbicaraUntuk soal nomor 8-15 pilihlah alternatif jawaban yang bermakna sama atau salingmendekati kata yang dicetak dengan huruf kapital08.BAHTERAA.pernikahanB.bahagiaC.sejahteraD.perahuKUNCI :DPENYELESAIAN :BAHTERA : Perahu09.TINPANGA.kesalB.ganjilC.anehD.takseimbangKUNCI :DPENYELESAIAN :TIMPANG : takseimbang10.HOMOGENA.udaraB.harmonisC.sepadanD.sejenisKUNCI :DPENYELESAIAN :HOMOGEN : sejenis11.SAPTAA.margaB.sumpahC.prasetyaD.bilanganKUNCI :DPENYELESAIAN :SAPTA : bilangan (7)12.KREASIA.kemampuanberfikirB.rencanaC.kepandaian menari

D.ciptaanKUNCI :DPENYELESAIAN :KREASI : ciptaan13.KONTRADIKSIA.penandatanganankontrakB.pertentanganC.perjanjianD.perdebatanKUNCI :BPENYELESAIAN :KONTRADIKSI : pertentangan14.KULMINASIA.tingkatan tertinggiB.tempat mendinginkan sesuatuC.keadaan emosi seseorangD.panas terik matahariKUNCI :APENYELESAIAN :KULMINASI : tingkatan tertinggi15.GRASIA.tempat menyimpan mobilB.tidak usah bayarC.pengampunan hukumD.alat memotong kayuKUNCI :CPENYELESAIAN :GRASI : pengampunan hukum

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