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    Language Clinic & Therapy

    Bagi sebagian besar calon peserta tes AcEPT, mengikuti tes AcEPT tak ubahnya seperti maju perang tanpa mengetahui medan perang yang sesungguhnya: Seperti apa lawan yang dihadapinya; bagaimana mengantisipasi kesulitan yang bakal muncul. Semuanya serba misterius. Sebagai calon peserta tes, Anda mestinya berharap dapat mempersiapkan diri sebaik-baiknya menghadapi tes AcEPT. Tapi karena akses untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang tes ini tak tersedia, Anda pun dipaksa untuk berada dalam kegelapan yang berkepanjangan, hingga Anda hadir di ruang tes. Setelah tes berlangsung, Anda baru tahu ternyata tes AcEPT seperti itu. Dan Anda pun terlambat mengantisipasi kesulitan tes.

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    Petunjuk Latihan Soal Listening Comprehension: Silakan download file mp3 latihan soal Listening Comprehension di www.kstbi.com Putar file mp3 Listening Comprehension melalui media player komputer Anda. Sediakan

    selembar kertas dan alat tulis untuk menjawab pertanyaannya, pilihan jawaban ada di contoh soal di bawah ini.

    Kalimat yang berwarna merah hanya dipergunakan untuk latihan soal saja. Dalam tes AcEPT yang sebenarnya, soal Listening Comprehension tidak ditulis, tapi akan diperdengarkan lewat suara rekaman narrator seperti pada file mp3 Listening AcEPT yang telah Anda download.

    --PART 1 LISTENING COMPREHENSION-- A. Numbers 1 10 test your ability to understand short statements in English. Each statement will be

    spoken just once. The statements you hear will not be written out for you. Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your booklet

    [Dalam tes AcEPT yang sebenarnya, soal Listening Comprehension tidak ditulis,

    tapi akan diperdengarkan lewat suara rekaman narator]

    --Contoh soal-- 1. The assignment is due the day after tomorrow. No extension will be given for this.

    A. Simon is doing his job well, and they mentioned this B. You must do the assignment the day after tomorrow. C. No sanction is given if you do the assignment the day after tomorrow. D. Its better for you to complete the task right away.

    2. AcEPT or Academic English Proficiency Test commonly falls either on the second or the fourth week each month.

    A. The Academic English Proficiency Test is scheduled neither on the second nor the fourth week each month.

    B. The Academic English Proficiency Test is scheduled twice a week. C. You may sit the Academic English Proficiency on the second week of this month D. The Academic English Proficiency Test will not be conducted this month.

  • Language Clinic & Therapy | www.kstbi.com

    B. In this part you will hear five short talks. After each talk, two questions will be asked based on the information given. Answer the questions following the talk, by choosing A, B, C, or D which best answers the questions. Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.

    --Contoh soal

    Can tree talk? Yes but not in words. Scientists have reason to believe that trees do communicate with each other. Not long ago, researchers learned some surprising things. First, a willow tree attacked in the woods by caterpillars changed the chemistry of its leaves and made them taste so awful that the caterpillars got disgusted and stopped eating them. Then, even more astonishing, the tree sent out special vapors an alarm signal stimulating its neighbors to change the chemistry of their own leaves and make them tasty.

    Communication, of course, doesnt need to be in words. We can talk to each other by a smile, frown, a shrug of our shoulder, a gesture with our hands. We know that birds signals flying in certain patterns that tell other bees where to find nectar for honey. So why shouldnt trees have ways of sending messages?

    11. What is the topic of the talk? A. The talking tree B. Communication C. Ways of sending messages D. Willow tree 12. How does a willow tree communicate its neighbors when it is attacked by caterpillars? A. It changed the chemistry of its leaves B. It made the leaves taste so awful C. It stopped eating them D. It sent out special vapors

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    A. For questions 1 15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each blank space in the text.

    --Contoh soal

    --------1------- they are an inexpensive supplier of vitamins, minerals, and high-quality protein, eggs also contain a high level of blood cholesterol, one of the major causes of heart disease. One egg yolk, in fact, contains a little more than two-thirds of the suggested daily cholesterol limit. This knowledge has caused egg sales to ------2----- in recent years, which ------3----- has brought about the development of several alternatives to eating regular eggs. One alternative is to eat substitute eggs. These egg substitutes are not ------4------- eggs, but they look -----5------ like eggs when they are cooked. 1. (A) Despite

    (B) Although (C) Since (D) Because

    2. (A) down

    (B) lose (C) plummit (D) fade

    3. (A) in turn

    (B) in order (C) in rank (D) in sequence

    4. (A) pure

    (B) really (C) serious (D) indeed

    5. (A) anyhow (B) anyway (C) somewhat (D) somehow

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    B. Choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D that best collocates (combines) with each of the underlined words or phrases in the following sentences.

    --Contoh soal

    1. Everybody was amazed at his ability to ----------- a speech.

    A. deliver B. present C. instruct D. craft

    2. You need ----------------- exercise to make yourself stay healthy. A. constant B. regular C. common D. usual

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    A. Sentence Completion For questions 1 15, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each of the following sentences.

    --Contoh soal

    1. No one in the world denies that imperialism was evil and ____ serious problems in many parts of the world. A. they had caused B. has caused C. it had caused D. they caused

    2. ------------------------ composed traditionally has been a subject of debate among scholars.

    A. How ballads were B. Were ballads how C. Ballads were how they D. How ballads that were

    3. Although Emily Dickinson is now a well-known American poet, only seven of her poems --------- while she was alive.

    A. publishing B. to publish C. have published D. were published

    4. The United States -------- more money on advertising than any other country in the world. A. spent B. spends C. spend D. is spent

    5. ---------- no conclusive evidence exists, many experts believe that the wheel was invented only

    once and then diffused to the rest of the world.

    A. Even B. But C. Although D. So

  • Language Clinic & Therapy | www.kstbi.com

    B. Cloze Test For questions 16 25, choose the word or phrase in A, B, C, or D which best completes each blank space in the text.

    --Contoh soal

    George Mendel, a monk who lived in Czechoslovakia in the nineteenth century, was the father of modern genetics. --------16--------- in plant breeding, he performed experiments with peas in the garden of the monastery where he lived. He wanted to find ---------17------ for the results of plant breeding; instead, he discovered some of the basic rules of genetics. In 1866 Mendel published an article, Experiments in Plant Hybrids, ----18------ he presented the rules ----19-------- today as Mendels Laws. In order to explain the unusual way in which his peas inherited certain characteristics, he talked about pairs of elements (now called genes) and antagonistic factors (now called alleles). Not only ---------------20--------------------- of pea characteristics, they also opened the door for modern research which genes, chromosomes, and DNA. Few scientists -----------21------------- Mendels hypothesis when his article was published. It was not until years later that the world recognized the importance of Mendels ideas. By that time the monk --------22---------- leader of his monastery and was -----------23------------ his experiments. Consequently, the father of genetics probably died ---------------24------------- how his work ------------25--------- the course of science.

    16. (A) interest (B) interesting (C) interested (D) be interesting

    17. (A) a mathematical formula

    (B) a mathematic formula (C) a formula mathematic (D) a formula mathematics

    18. (A) which

    (B) in which (C) that (D) to whom

    19. (A) know

    (B) knowing (C) to know (D) known

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    20. (A) did these elements and factors explain the inheritance (B) these elements and factors explained the inheritance (C) did these elements and factors explained the inheritance (D) these elements and factors explain the inheritance

    21. (A) were interested in (B) were interesting in (C) interested in (D) interesting in 22 (A) becomes

    (B) became (C) becoming (D) had become

    23 (A) very much busy to continue

    (B) so busy to continue (C) very busy to continue

    (D) too busy to continue 24 (A) without knew

    (B) without knowing (C) without known (D) without know

    25 (A) had changed

    (B) changing (C) changed (D) changes

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    C. Error Identification For questions 26 30, choose the word or phrase A, B, C, or D which is wrong.

    --Contoh soal

    26. The trumpet was an [A] important ceremonial instrument by [B] the fifteenth century and in the late seventeenth century become [C] standard in orchestras [D].

    27. Venus has long be considered [A] a mysterious planet because it [B] is shrouded in clouds that

    hide [C] the details of its underlying [D] surface.

    28. Some art historian have say [A] that too many [B] artists have tried only to imitate [C] previous [D] painting styles.

    29. Throughout [A] history, shoes have been worn [B] not only for [C] protection and [D] also for decoration.

    30. The construction [A] of sundials was considered [B] to be an acceptable [C] part of a students

    educator [D] as late as the seventeenth century.

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    Choose the best answer to each question based on the information which is stated or implied in the text.

    --Contoh soal Text 1

    One of only four orangutan sanctuaries in the world, Sepilok is about 25 km north of Sandakan. The center was established in 1964; it now covers 40 sq km and has become one of Sabahs top tourist attractions.

    The centre has doubtless suffered from its own success so many camera-clicking tourists are turned loose on the viewing platforms that the atmosphere can seem more like a circus than a sanctuary. More seriously, constant contact with humans has exposed the orang-utans to diseases, which can make rehabilitation to the wild all but impossible. Orangutans are the only species of great ape found outside Africa. A mature male is an impressive, not to mention hairy, creature with an armspan of 2.25 m, and can weigh up to 144 kg. It was once said that an orangutan could swing from tree to tree from one side of Borneo to the other without touching the ground. Sadly this is no longer case, and hunting and habitat destruction continue to take their toll. Orphaned and injured orangutans are bought to Sepilok to be rehabilitated to return to forest life, and so far the center has handled about 100, although only about 20 still return regularly to be fed. Its unlikely youll see anywhere near this number at feeding time three or four is more likely. Females that have returned to the wild often come back to the feeding platforms when theyre given birth, after which they go back to the forest. The orangutans are fed fruit, such as bananas, twice daily from a platform in the forest, about 10 minutes walk from the center. This feeding is just to supplement what they can find for themselves in the jungle if trees are fruiting, few apes will turn up. Young orangutans in particular are endlessly appealing, with ginger fur and intelligent eyes. Macaques may also join the feeding and photo frenzy its quite dim under the forest canopy and if youre taking photographs, youll need ASA 400 film.

    Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei, Lonely Planet, p 429-430.

    1. What does the passage mainly disccuss?

    (A) Sipiliok Orangutan Rehabilitation Center (B) Sabah tops tourist attraction (C) The species of great ape outside Afrika (D) The difficulty of caring orangutan

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    2. The writer uses the word circus to show that:

    (A) Sepilok Sanctuary is an attractive place for tourists to see a circus (B) The situation of the sanctuary is no longer conducive as a place of safety for orangutans (C) Orangutans show in Sepilok is of a great success (D) The circus attracts many camera-clicking tourists to the sanctuary

    3. Which one is true according to the passage?

    (A) Nowadays you can see orangutan swing from tree to tree without touching the ground (B) The length of orangutans arms is 2.25 meters (C) A mature orangutan is not hairy but impressive (D) Though they are not extinct, orangutans population decreases

    4. The last sentence of paragraph three may mean that

    (A) The habitat of orangutans is in danger because of the construction of highway (B) Hunting is no longer the case in the destruction of the habitat of orangutans (C) The number of dead orangutans is increasing, and this endangers the habitat (D) To go for hunting, one should pass the toll road

    5. The word orphaned in the opening of the third paragraph denotes that those orangutans

    (A) have no children (B) have no relatives (C) have no siblings (D) have no parents

    6. The world this in paragraph three refers to which of the following

    (A) Hunting (B) Habitat destruction (C) Toll (D) The fact that orangutans could swing from tree to tree

    7. The word it in the last sentence means

    (A) the feeding (B) photo frenzy (C) being under forest canopy (D) forest canopy

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    8. According to the passage, of the number handled by the center, approximately how many orangutans return to the forest?

    (A) 100 (B) 80 (C) 3-4 (D) 16-17

    9. The word platform as used in the text is closest in meaning to which of the following?

    (A) policy (B) ground (C) raised area (D) habitat

    10. Why do you need ASA 400 to take photograph under the forest canopy?

    (A) to catch an object in a place which lacks light (B) to avoid flash from other peoples shot (C) to catch a moving object which is unpredictable (D) to make an object looks dimmer

  • Language Clinic & Therapy | www.kstbi.com

    --PART V COMPOSING SKILLS In this section of the test, you are required to demonstrate your ability to paraphrase or recompose sentences and to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are four parts to this section, with special direction for each part.

    A. Numbers 1 10 contain complete and correct sentences. For each number, you are required to choose the most appropriate paraphrased sentence closest in meaning to the original one.

    --Contoh soal 1. Fredy has decided to quit her job. I have to turn in his room key.

    A. Fredy, who turned in his room key, has decided to quit his job. B. Fredy, whose room key I have to turn in, has decided to quit her job. C. Fredy, who had turned in his room key, decided to quit his job, D. Fredy, whose room key I have to turn it, he has decided to quit his job.

    2. Why was he so angry? Do you know? A. Do you know why was he so angry? B. Do you know why he was so angry. C. Do you know why he was so angry? D. Do you know why so angry he was?

    3. Although the building was comfortable, it was not chosen by our badminton club as the place for badminton training. A. The building was not chosen by our badminton club as it was uncomfortable. B. Now that the building was comfortable, the badminton club did not choose it as the place for

    our badminton training. C. Despite its comfort, the building was not chosen by the badminton club as the place for our

    badminton training. D. Despite its comfort, our badminton club did not choose the building as the place for our

    badminton training.

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    B. Numbers 11 20 contain incorrect sentences. The incorrect part of the sentence has been identified for you. You are required to find the correct option to replace the underlined part.

    --Contoh soal 11. Nutritionists considering goat milk to be rich, nourishing, and readily digested.

    (A) consider (B) is considered (C) are considered (D) to consider

    12. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than that

    which has the domestic marketer (A) the domestic marketer has (B) the domestic marketer does (C) those of the domestic marketer (D) that of domestic marketer

    13. Geraldine Farrar was one most glamorous operatic sopranos in the United States.

    (A) the most glamorous of the one (B) one of the most glamorous (C) one who was the most glamorous (D) the glamorous one most

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    C. Choose the most appropriate and correct sentence.

    --Contoh soal

    21 A. When Colombus reached the New World, corn was the most widely grown plant in the USA. B. Colombus reached the New World, corn was the most widely grown plant in the USA C. Colombus reached the New World corn was the most widely grown in the USA D. It is when Colombus reached the New World, corn was the most widely grown plant in the USA

    22 A. Cedar Rapids, is a city in east central Iowa, is the governmental seat of Linn County.

    B. Cedar Rapids, a city in east central Iowa, the governmental seat of Linn County. C. Cedar Rapids, is a city in east central Iowa, the governmental seat of Linn County. D. Cedar Rapids, a city in east central Iowa, is the governmental seat of Linn County.

    23 A. The Hopi people having occupied their desert homeland in northern Arizona for at least one thousand years.

    B. The Hopi people have occupied their desert homeland in northern Arizona for at least one thousand years

    C. The Hopi people who have occupied their desert homeland in northern Arizona for at least one thousand years

    D. The Hopi people have been occupied their desert homeland in northern Arizona for at least one thousand years

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    D. Numbers 31-36 contain jumbled sentences. One of the sentences has been underlined. You are required to choose the next sentence which logically follows the underlined one.

    --Contoh soal

    31 (1) An automated teller machine (ATM) is a convenient miniature bank.

    (2) In short, an ATM is a helpful machine which makes peoples life more efficient,

    (3) For example, a customer care use an ATM to deposit money and withdraw a limited amount of


    (4) It enables customers to do several banking transactions twenty-four hours a day.

    (5) In addition, a customer can transfer funds between accounts or get a cash advance on

    a credit card.

    A. 2

    B. 3

    C. 4

    D. 5

  • Language Clinic & Therapy | www.kstbi.com

    E. Numbers 37 40 contain jumbled sentences. You are required to identify the correct order to form a good paragraph.

    --Contoh soal

    37. (1) The energy that is released by a hurricane in one day exceeds the total energy consumed by human kind throughout the world.

    (2) These violent storms are often a hundred miles in diameter, and their winds can reach velocities of 75 miles per hour or more.

    (3) Hurricanes, which are also called cyclones, exert tremendous power.. (4) Furthermore, the strong winds and heavy rainfall that accompany them can

    completely destroy a small town in a couple of hours.

    A. 1 2 4 3

    B. 3 1 2 4

    C. 2 3 4 1

    D. 3 2 4 1

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    A 1. D 2. C

    B. 11. B 12. D


    A 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. C

    B. 1. A 2. B


    A 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C


    16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. A

    21. A C. 26. C 22. D 27. A 23. D 28. A 24. B 29. D 25. A 30. D


    1. A 6. D 2. B 7. C 3. D 8. B 4. C 9. C 5. D 10. A


    A 1. D 2. C 3. C

    B 11. A 12. C 13. B

    C 21. A 22. D 23. B

    D 31. C E 37. D

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    Yang Akan Anda Dapatkan di Kursus AcEPT Online

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    1. Kursus AcEPT Online yang ditawarkan Language Clinic & Therapy adalah untuk materi: Listening, Structure,

    Reading, Vocabulary, Composing Skills, dan Faktor-X (6 buah materi dan 2 buah software).

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    Elis Prasasti, SH. - S2 - Hukum - UGM - Yogyakarta

    Terima kasih, dengan ikut AcEPT On-Line ini, belajar dan tertib mengikuti petunjuk materi, skor saya di

    atas standar yang saya butuhkan dengan sekali tes pada tanggal 25 Mei 2011. Salam buat teman-

    teman... Terus semangat.

    Anbanathan - S2 - MM - UGM - Jakarta

    Saya mau ucapkan terima kasih, fasilitas online ini sudah bantu saya dalam menghadapi test MM di

    UGM. Saya telah lulus AcEPT dan tinggal test wawancara tgl 11 Agustus 2011.

    Yudhia Anovri - S1 - Arsitektur - UGM - Bekasi

    AcEPT online ini sangat membantu. Mudah-mudahan saya lulus masuk S2 arsitektur UGM Desember

    2011 ini.

    Wahyuningsih - S2 - Keperawatan - UGM - Yogyakarta

    Dengan belajar dan mengikuti petunjuk dari kstbi semoga ujian saya besok pagi lancar dan bisa lolos

    masuk program Pascasarjana UGM........Amin

    Wahyuningsih - S2 - Keperawatan - UGM - Yogyakarta

    Deg-degan nunggu hasil tes kemarin, namun dengan belajar dari kstbi sudah membuat saya percaya

    diri saat mengerjakan tes AcEPT. Semoga saja lulus dengan skor melebihi yang disyaratkan. Amin.

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    Wahyuningsih - S2 - Keperawatan - UGM - Yogyakarta

    Alhamdulillah saya sudah lolos seleksi akademik S-2 UGM dan tidak harus mengulang test AcEPT.

    Terima kasih KSTBI.

    Reny Husnawati - S2 - Mapro - UGM - Sambas

    Terima Kasih telah menyediakan fasilitas on line ini. Saya sangat terbantu untuk menghadapi tes AcEPT


    Prasetiyo - S1 - T. Industri - UGM - Bekasi

    Terima kasih KSTBI telah membantu saya dalam mempelajari AcEPT untuk ujian masuk saya di MM

    UGM. Saya sangat terbantu sekali dengan adanya software ini. Semoga saya bisa lulus ujian AcEPT

    dengan hasil yang memuaskan. Sekali lagi terima kasih Tim KSTBI. Amin.

    Fadil Ahmad Junaedi - S2 - IKM - UGM Ciamis

    Rekomendasi sekali untuk orang yang belum pernah mencoba dan akan memulai Test AcEPT. Akan

    terasa "gelap" bila ikut test tanpa kursus dulu. Saya sudah mengalami sendiri begitu sulitnya ikut Test

    AcEPT tanpa kursus. Rekomendasi juga bagi yang pernah mencoba Test AcEPT tapi belum berhasil.

    Semoga saya bisa ikut Test AcEPT bulan ini dan mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan.

    Nurul Hidayat - S3 - IF - UNSOED Purwokerto

    Alhamdulillah. Penjelasan sudah cukup baik dan lengkap.

    Isna Qadrijati - S3 - Ilmu Kedokteran - UGM Sukoharjo

    Materinya sangat membantu. Penjelasannya dalam tiap soal cukup jelas, sangat membantu sekali.

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    Evie Susan - S2 - Applied Economy - UGM Yogyakarta

    Bagi pemula atau seseorang yang baru pertama kali ikut atau belajar AcEPT, memang sulit. Tapi sebatas

    di sini, saya merasa materi cukup membantu dalam menghadapi berbagai kemungkinan yang keluar

    dalam Tes AcEPT.

    Gusmawan - S1 - FK - UGM Makassar

    Terima Kasih KSTBI. Materinya singkat, to the point, jelas, dan lumayan membantu menyegarkan

    kembali pengetahuan Grammar & Structure saya. Terima kasih.

    Rudy Suryo Handoyo - S2 - MPH - UGM Surakarta

    Belajar Online di tengah kesibukan pekerjaan. Saya seorang dokter, yang tidak mempunyai banyak

    waktu luang untuk mengikuti kursus resmi ataupun privat. Kursus online ini sangat membantu saya

    untuk dapat lebih memahami Listening Comprehension, dan melatih telinga saya untuk bisa menangkap

    arti pembicaraan dalam bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih.

    Afniawati - S1 - Sastra Inggris - UNDIP Semarang

    Sekarang saya paham cara memahami Listening Comprehension. Saya sendiri sudah berkecimpung di

    bidang bahasa Inggris, namun salah satu kelemahan saya adalah skill Listening Comprehension.

    Sekarang saya tahu apa kelemahan dan bagaimana cara mengatasi kelemahan itu.

    Masih banyak testimoni lainnya dari para peserta Kursus AcEPT Online yang

    belum dapat kami tampilkan

  • Language Clinic & Therapy | www.kstbi.com

    Dr. Bambang Supriyanto Kepala UPT Bahasa ITB

    Institut Teknologi Bandung

    Salah satu persyaratan penting dalam proses Seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa baru program S2 dan S3 di PTN terkemuka seperti UGM, ITB, UI, dll adalah tes kemampuan bahasa Inggris calon mahasiswa. Dalam kaitannya dengan tes masuk ini, UGM, ITB, dan UI telah mengembangkan tes bahasa Inggris versi masing-masing yang secara spesifik mengarah pada kemampuan bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan akademik.

    Di UGM calon mahasiswa harus mengikuti tes AcEPT atau Academic English Proficiency Test, yakni tes bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan akademik. Tes penguasaan bahasa Inggris model UGM ini sangat komprehensif dan tentu tidak mudah bagi calon mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris terbatas. Tes sejenis juga diadakan di ITB dan UI.

    Untuk menghadapi tes bahasa Inggris seperti AcEPT ini, dari pengalaman dan pengamatan kami, para calon mahasiswa S2/S3 tidak bisa hanya berdiam diri menunggu hari H. Tes ini sangat kompleks tapi terukur dan hanya bisa dikerjakan dengan baik oleh mereka yang memang telah memiliki persiapan yang memadai.

    Saya telah mempelajari beberapa Website yang menawarkan jasa Persiapan AcEPT. Dari beberapa website yang saya cermati, hanya satu yang logis dan bisa diandalkan, yakni kstbi.com Yang lainnya hanya akal-akalan saja yang jurstru bisa menjerumuskan calon mahasiswa. Sebaiknya janganlah percaya iklan yang muluk-muluk yang menjanjikan bisa lolos tes dalam waktu yang sesingkat-singkatnya. Dari berbagai sisi tinjau iklan demikian cenderung memanfaatkan kecemasan calon mahsiswa. Ikutilah pelatihan atau kursus yang jelas arahannya. Dan saya merekomendasikan kstbi.com sebagai sarana belajar yang sangat baik, terkonsep rapi, dan amat mudah untuk diikuti, termasuk untuk mereka yang kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya pas-pasan.

    Dr. Bambang Supriyanto

    Kepala UPT Bahasa ITB Institut Teknologi Bandung


  • Language Clinic & Therapy | www.kstbi.com

    Drs. Adi Sutrisno, M.A. Course Designer dan Trainer Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris untuk Tujuan Akademik

    Saya adalah seorang trainer pelatihan bahasa asing yang telah cukup lama berkecimpung di dunia pelatihan bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan akademik. Belakangan saya sering ditanya kiat-kiat yang bisa dipakai untuk menghadapi tes AcEPT. Menurut hemat saya, kiat-kiat untuk menghadapi tes bahasa Inggris akademik tidaklah rumit, namun janganlah kemudian kita menganggap enteng tes ini karena sesungguhnya tes AcEPT ini didesign dengan sangat matang oleh para perancangnya dan kemungkinan hanya dapat dikerjakan oleh mereka yang benar-benar siap mengikuti tes dengan persiapan yang memadai. Berhati-hatilah dangan banyaknya upaya tidak sehat dari pihak-pihak tertentu yang memanfaatkan kecemasan Anda. Biasanya pihak ini menawarkan solusi cepat dengan modus menawarkan jasa kepada Anda dengan embel-embel PASTI LULUS. Anda harus menggunakan akal sehat, penawaran ini amat tidak logis karena penguasaan bahasa memerlukan proses panjang dan kemampuan mengerjakan tes (test taking strategy) yang tidak gampang.

    Hemat saya, jika Anda hendak mengikuti tes ini ikutilah pelatihan yang memang dipersiapkan untuk itu. Di Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa UGM Anda akan dapat memperoleh persiapan yang memadai guna menghadapi tes AcEPT. Ingat bahwa tes ini dirancang sangat sistematis dan untuk menghadapinya diperlukan persiapan yang benar-benar memadai.

    Jika Anda tidak punya waktu yang memadai, cobalah manfaatkan website-website yang juga memberikan informasi berharga tentang AcEPT. Namun sekali lagi, berhati-hatilah, di website pun banyak iklan-iklan yang mengecoh, yang menjanjikan lulus dengan cepat dalam tempo yang sesingkat-singkatnya. Sebagai seorang course designer dan trainer pelatihan bahasa Inggris saya merekomendasikan kstbi.com sebagai salah satu website yang sangat bagus dan saya beri bintang empat (****).

    Drs. Adi Sutrisno, M.A. Course Designer dan Trainer Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris untuk Tujuan Akademik

    Di samping menulis berbagai artikel ilmiah dalam berbagai jurnal di perguruan tinggi Indonesia,

    Drs. Adi Sutrisno, M.A. juga menulis buku-buku pelatihan bahasa Inggris seperti:

    (1) Panduan Lengkap Persiapan TOEFL, Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.

    (2) Langkah-Langkah Taktis Mempersiapkan TOEFL, Adicita Karya Nusa, Yogyakarta.

    3) Intensive English for Flight Attendants, Bayu Media, Malang.

    (4) Improve Your Listening Skills, Risman Arif Studio.


  • Language Clinic & Therapy | www.kstbi.com

    Anda dan rekan-rekan yang akan mengisi testimoni berikutnya

    Salam sukses,

    Tim Language Clinic & Therapy



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