the boom: the evolution of writing in the marketing major

Post on 17-Mar-2016






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This Magazine is a helpful guide to writing in the marketing major at University of Denver


 Lorem  Ipsum   1  The  Boom:  The  Evolution  of  Writing  in  the  Marketing  Major.  

Jack  Kieckhefer  

Is  Marketing  the  right  fit  for  you?  

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“Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing”

Mike Volpe Chief Marketing officer Hubspot

This  work  is  licensed  under  the  Creative  Commons  Attribution-­‐NoDerivs  3.0  Unported  License.  To  view  a  copy  of  this  license,  visit­‐nd/3.0/.  

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Authors Note/Introduction: (Pg. 4)

Overview: Guidelines Tips and Summaries (Pg. 5)

Research Resources (Pgs. 6 & 7)

Top 10 Qualities that make a successful Marketer (Pg. 8)

The eight crucial parts of a Marketing Plan (Pg. 9)

Articles, Plans, and Ads: An Intro to Marketing Genre Theory (Pg. 10 - 20)

USP’s (Unique Selling Propositions) (Pg. 22)

The evolution of Marketing (Pg. 23)

The Project: An Alteration to Intro To Marketing Classes (Pg. 24 – 27)

Additional Information: transcripts and Summaries from primary research (Pg. 28 – 31)

Works Referenced (Pgs. 32 & 33)


Table  Of  Contents:  

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Authors Note

To  the  Reader,    

This  magazine  serves  as  a  guide  for  incoming  freshman  or  perspective  student  who  are  curious  about  becoming  a  marketing  major.  In  my  own  educational  path  I  have  never  known  what  exactly  I  wanted  to  do  and  what  it  may  entail.  My  hope  for  you  is  that  this  magazine  will  provide  clarity  and  insight  into  what  types  of  work  and  writing  a  marketing  major  will  do  in  college  and  in  his  or  her  post  college  career.  I  have  done  extensive  secondary  and  primary  research  on  these  topics  and  I  hope  you  will  find  this  information  useful  as  you  move  on  to  the  next  step  in  your  life.       This  magazine  includes  many  parts.  It  includes  many  small  blurbs,  summaries,  activities,  and  larger  essays  on  genres  in  the  marketing  field  as  well  as  a  proposal  for  a  change  in  the  marketing  program  within  the  Daniels  School  of  Business.    In  order  to  gather  all  the  information  to  create  these  sections  I  talked  with  Professor  Hartley  and  Senior  Ben  Reisler  along  with  the  countless  online  and  book  research  I  conducted.  Below  is  a  brief  summary  of  each  section  and  what  I  hope  you  will  get  out  of  it.    Field  Guide:  The  Field  guide  contains  the  smaller  pieces  of  the  magazine.  It  tis  designed  for  fun  and  relaxed  reading.  It  has  several  exercises  and  visual  aids  to  inform  you  about  everything  from  the  direction  marketing  is  going  in  to  how  to  create  a  Unique  Selling  Proposition  (Slogan)  and  the  essential  parts  of  a  marketing  plan.  Also,  you  will  find  a  checklist  of  characteristics  that  make  a  great  marketer.  Most  importantly  there  is  a  list  of  five  research  resources  that  will  tell  you  about  writing  in  the  marketing  major.  Through  all  of  these  small  pieces  I  hope  the  reader  will  take  away  many  small  snippets  of  what  marketing  really  is.    Genre  Investigation:  The  genre  investigation  is  the  largest  piece.  It  speaks  to  the  infinite  amount  genres  that  are  involved  in  marketing.  However,  the  bulk  of  the  essay  is  directed  towards  how  to  analyze  a  genre.  This  will  help  you  communicate  your  point  most  clearly  to  your  audience  in  any  situation.  In  this  section  there  are  three  examples  of  how  to  analyze  a  genre.  I  analyzed  online  articles  used  inside  the  classroom,  marketing  plans,  which  are  created  in  the  business-­‐to-­‐business  setting,  and  sports  photography  ads.  This  paper  and  these  examples  should  help  guide  you  in  your  writing  no  matter  what  field  of  study  you  choose.      Proposal  for  Change:  The  proposal  for  change  is  a  more  fun  piece  of  writing.  It  is  a  way  of  communicating  a  weakness  within  the  major  to  you,  the  reader.  For  this  piece  I  analyzed  how  the  earlier  intro  classes  do  not  involve  as  much  project  and  group  work  as  the  later  ones.  I  think  this  work  is  extremely  valuable  and  encourage  more  projects  in  earlier  classes  creating  more  consistency  throughout  the  program.         I  have  spent  countless  hours  on  this  magazine  and  hope  that  it  provides  you  with  some  clarity  and  a  greater  understanding  for  the  marketing  world.  I  have  really  enjoyed  my  business  education  so  far  and  am  thrilled  to  be  entering  the  world  of  marketing  in  the  near  future.  Thank  you  for  your  support  and  ENJOY!    Jack  Kieckhefer    

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This  informative  guide  presents  the  reader  with  helpful  tips,  summaries,  and  guidelines  of  marketing  and  writing  in  the  marketing  world.  Throughout  this  magazine  you  will  find  small  blurbs  and  exercises.  These  exercises  contain  everything  from  tips  in  writing  your  first  marketing  plan  to  how  to  write  a  catchy  headline.  

Also,  You  will  find  many  good  research  websites  to  guide  your  writing  and  a  blurb  of  the  evolution  of  the  marketing  world.  

Marketing  is  about  communicating  how  your  product  would  better  the  consumer’s  life.  Writing  provides  an  incredible  avenue  to  do  so.  The  challenge  with  writing  in  the  marketing  world  is  that  the  expectations  and  guidelines  are  ever  changing  as  technology  and  communication  evolves.  Even  basic  academic  writing  now  includes  social  media,  pictures,  links,  and  even  barcodes  that  direct  you  to  a  website.  Throughout  this  magazine  you  will  find  small  blurbs  and  exercises.  These  will  allow  you  a  snapshot  of  what  marketing  entails  and  give  you  some  tips  that  will  jumpstart  your  marketing  career.      

One of the most famous and Iconic marketing examples, Uncle Sam’s army recruitment ad.

Overview: Guidelines, Tips, and Summaries

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Research  Resources:  Sites  that  Will  Help  Jumpstart  You  on  Your  Knowledge  and  writing.  

Brown, Stephen. Writing Marketing: Literary Lessons from Academic Authorities.

• Writing Marketing , by Stephen Brown, focused on writing in the marketing world. In its approximately 200 pages it dives into great detail about how the art of marketing evolves around writing. Marketing is all about being able to convey why a person should buy your product in a persuasive manner. In this book, Stephen Brown analyzes writing by professional marketers and is able to point out what works and why the pieces are so successful. This book is extremely detailed and great for a person who is already studying marketing or working in the marketing world.

• This book is a great resource in my opinion. It takes the reader from the basics of how writing is used and why it is so important into the details of how to write a specific style of report like a white paper and the common downfalls that a person should avoid. The book also includes great examples that prove to be extremely helpful.

• The one downfall to this book is that it is long. If someone is looking for a quick short solution it may not be of much help to him or her.

 Hackley, Christopher E. Doing Research Projects in Marketing, Management and Consumer Research.

• Doing Research Projects in Marketing, Management and Consumer Research, is a guide not directed at writing in marketing itself, but a guide that encompasses everything from analyzing data and research and creating a sound argument out of your findings. A large part of marketing is communicating ones research and how to convey it to their audience, this book helps guide the reader to do exactly that. This book is perfect for first timers and experienced marketers who want to brush up on their skills.

• This book would be extremely helpful to people involved with market analysis. It would give them analytical tips as well as presentation tips.

• This book may be too dense for some readers and is gaged more towards upperclassman and even practicing professionals who are looking to hone in their marketing skills.


“Your Culture Is Your Brand” Tony Hsieh CEO

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The Purdue OWL: Professional, Technical Writing. (

• The  OWL  was  much  more  helpful  when  it  came  to  things  like  formatting  and  proper  tone.  This  database  covered  the  smaller  details  of  writing  in  a  professional  marketing  setting.  It  covered  everything  from  professional  emails  to  a  brief  summary  of  what  a  white  paper  is.

• I  would  recommend  using  the  OWL  for  formatting,  citation,  sentence  structure,  and  word  choice.  

• The  OWL  falls  short  of  expectations  if  one  is  looking  for  course  descriptions  and  examples  of  pieces  that  have  been  used  in  the  marketing  world.  


"Writing in Marketing." University Center for Writing-based Learning. (

• The  Condor,  looked  at  the  large  picture.  It  contained  various  writing  topics  used  in  class  as  well  as  course  descriptions.  The  database  also  contained  a  detailed  summary  of  White  Papers  (one  of  the  most  common  types  of  writing  in  marketing).    

• The condor also provides helpful links to other sites that contain examples. I would recommend the Condor to someone who is curious about marketing and wants an overview of what kinds of writing are most prominent in the field.

• The Condor may fall short on details about format and citation. However, the OWL is a great way to supplement these shortcomings.


"University of Denver Penrose Library /Penrose/Music."

• provides information about countless markets. It allows the reader to identify trends and other information about specific markets that may aid them in creating a quality-marketing plan. For example a student can find information on pet sales and demographics to information and statistics on chemical manufacturing

• This site will allow students access to multi-thousand dollar articles that are filled to the brim with information that will help them better understand the market environment they are studying.

• This site may be overwhelming to some students. Many of the documents are 50+ pages and may be too dense for quick research.


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Is  Marketing  Right  For  YOU?  

10 qualities that make a successful marketer: Check the Boxes that Apply to You!  

You  are  creative  and  set  goals.    

You  possess  confidence  in  your  product  and  ideas.    

You  understand  your  audience  and  the  culture  surrounding  the  product.    

You  understand  the  basics  of  marketing  and  what  it  entails.    

You  have  a  large  goal  and  don’t  micromanage  or  obsess  over  the  small  intricacies.    

You  are  flexible  and  welcoming  to  new  ideas.    

You  know  the  ins  and  outs  of  your  product  and  company.    

You  are  frugal  and  plan  according  to  your  budget.      

You  have  an  artistic  eye.    

You  are  a  people  person  and  love  to  communicate  with  others.        

Were You Born To Market?

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Why  Should  the  Consumer  Choose  You:  The  eight  Crucial  Parts  of  a  successful  Marketing  Plan.  

“People shop and Learn in a whole new way compared to just a few years ago, So Marketers need to adapt or risk extinction”

Brian  Halligan  Co-­‐Author  of  Inbound  Marketing  Chief  Executive  officer,  Hubspot  

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Articles, Plans, and Ads: An intro into Marketing Genre Theory


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Genre Theory

Most people hear the word genre and think of comedy

versus horror or country versus rap. However, when one looks

closely at genres and the specific classifications that each one

possesses, he or she will discover the many intricacies that go

into categorizing songs, movies or pieces writing. In the

marketing industry, there are countless genres - everything

from databases to professional reports and ad campaigns to

jingles. It is essential to understand how to analyze and identify

a genre in order to efficiently communicate with others. This

study of analyzing and identifying is called genre theory.

Genre theory is essentially the study of the “genetic” makeup

or traits of an individual genre.

The countless, ever-changing genres in marketing make

it is impossible to properly teach all the categories and sub-

categories making it crucial to learn genre awareness and how

to identify specific characteristics of genres when analyzing a

specific piece (Devitt, Writing 205). Genre theory is an

essential part of human’s daily lives. Humans constantly

analyze genres and paths of communication. This guide will

deliver a new method to genre theory and exemplify the

importance of different types of writing in the marketing



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Methods to Genre Investigation

In genre theory there are many details that one must be aware of. To properly identify a genre one must

look for the rhetorical situation, social action, context, discourse, uptake, ceremony and constraints. In order to

begin classifying or even understanding a specific genre, one must recognize the rhetorical situation. The

rhetorical situation is the environment in which one is presenting their piece. It requires the writer to identify his

or her audience and the context surrounding their writing. In return the author will be able to portray their

argument or message most effectively to the listener.

Every piece of writing is composed for a reason. This is referred to as the social action. In order to meet

the expectations of a genre, one must identify the social action they intend to fulfill. For example, the social

action of a marketing plan is to produce a summary and detailed proposal of a marketing strategy that a

company should use to market a specific product. Every single thing said, written, or even acted has a social

action. Identifying the social action is essentially identifying the purpose of the piece.

Now, one may be thinking, ‘wow that’s a lot to think about’; don’t worry though. The rhetorical

situation is broken into many small parts to simplify the process. Before and after the rhetorical situation is the

ceremony (Freadman). The ceremony involves everything that leads up to and winds down after the

presentation or act of writing. For example, if you were getting ready to sit down and write a marketing plan for

a new startup company, the process of situating yourself in the office with all the essential materials and

research is part of the ceremony. The ceremony will be different for all genres within marketing and may vary

by author. Various rhetorical situations have extremely different


During the ceremony, a writer and audience are constantly

looking at the context of the situation. Context is about understanding

the situation that surrounds the discussion or argument. In return, the

presenter will choose the discourse; how they want to connect with the

reader and what form/tone of communication conveys the argument

best. Additionally, uptake is a large part of the context. Uptake is

derived from the discourse. It is essentially how the reader or audience

takes in the information that the writer presents them with. For example,

if a writer’s discourse is sarcastic but the audience misses the sarcasm,

there is a large disconnect between the uptake and discourse. This disconnect can block the sale of an entire

product in the marketing world.


“When You Enchant People, Your Goal is not to make money from them or get them to do what you want, but to fill them with great delight” Guy Kawasaki Former Chief Evangelist, Apple Co-Founder of

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Constraints may play into discourse and uptake. A constraint is a rule in which the genre follows. For

example, Freadman says, “A medical consultation is not the same as a consultation with a lawyer; this is a

different of institution, but the ceremonial may be usefully described as similar”. This quotation is highlighting

the differences in two genres that have similar ceremonies, tones and audiences as well. However, in a

consultation with a lawyer, one would not discuss the other person’s health (unless it pertained to the case) and

in a consultation with a doctor one would not discuss their current legal struggles. Often times a subject and

audience will determine what constraints are on the genre. For example, you are not going to start an email to

your boss by saying “Wadup Bill” or even “Hey Bill.” You will say hi, hello or dear most likely. Often, these

small details of how we present our writing come automatically to us; however, when dissecting a piece of

writing it is essential to understand the smallest details in order to fully understand the rhetorical situation.

Marketing contains an unbelievable amount of genres and subgenres. The purpose of marketing is to

communicate a service or product to the customer and tell them why and how it will better their life. As a result,

all forms of communication are open to marketing professionals. In an academic setting, marketing students

often dissect textbooks and articles about marketing decisions from popular press. Marketing writing from

business to business (B2B) usually consists of many more genres, marketing plans, white papers, and common

communication i.g. Emails. However, the largest variety of genres is found in communication from business to

customer (B2C). Genres in B2C can include everything from jingles to white papers and even informative


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Genre: a form of writing with a specific structure and purpose developed to fulfill a unique role in communication Exigence: the reason for using a specific genre Discourse: the type of language and tone used towards your audience to convey your message. Social action: The purpose for the piece. What social role does it fulfill and information it provide. Constraints: are guidelines for a specific genre such as format. Antecedent: any prior background knowledge that facilitates the writing process Uptake: How your audience perceives the information.



Key Terms

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Articles: (In Class Reading)

Online marketing educational articles talk about current strategies that are successful and share marketing

advice with the reader. This creates an intriguing, yet informative read for the students. Students are focused on

their future, and hearing success stories is a way to not only teach them valuable lessons, but to jumpstart their

creative thought process. This causes a motivating and informational discourse, which triggers a creative

reaction or uptake from the reader. Teachers utilize these articles because they are centered on the most current

trends. These articles fulfill an informative social action as a result of their up-to-date information on the

markets and strategies in which professionals approach them. This is essential because these marketing

strategies and ideas are ever changing. In Marketing Strategies for the Future, by Barbara Schneck, She writes,

“Everyday, a new headline, book, TED talk, or

coffee shop conversation proves anew that

customers, products, markets, and marketing

approaches aren’t just undergoing change—they’ve

changed already”. This quotation supports the

importance of the social action that the article

delivers. Schneck comments on how the marketing

world is constantly playing a game of catch-up with

the unceasing change in technology. This increases

the value of the marketing tips from these

successful companies, who have figured a way to maintain a position ahead of the rapid growth of technology,

that are presented in these types of articles.

Marketing articles are often very similar in structure because they focus on very similar messages. However,

there are not many constraints. Most often these articles are based around the success of a company. For

example, in the article “The Secrets of 7 Successful Brands”, Paula Andruss discusses the intricacies in the

marketing plans of companies like Lululemon, Pinterest, and TED. The author will often include quotations

from the business owners or high-up employees.


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These quotes will cover consumer trends. A marketing employee of Warby Parker, a stylish eyeglass

retailer, states, “We’ve found that different aspects of our brand resonate with different communities”, he

writes, “Although you can’t be everything to all people, you can definitely be something to some people.” This

quotation epitomizes Parker’s marketing

plan and marketing philosophy as he

takes a niche market route. Often times

these quotations and the companies

themselves will be reinforced with

various sales statistics. The purpose of

this is to validate the message illustrated

to the student. These first accounts are

always intriguing and often discuss very

popular markets and topics like the use of

social networking. This engages a class

and in return the students are likely to trust the various advice and examples given.

These articles draw upon the changing statistics and common marketing practices. They are created to talk

about the changing trends and fulfill the social action of keeping the reader as up-to-date on marketing as

possible. Popular press articles can cover a variety of topics but follow the same formula of using examples and

statistics to keep their audience engaged and informed. Most commonly, authors do not stray far from this

platform because it successfully conveys their argument and is entertaining and engaging for the reader to read.

This genre provides tips to students and professionals on how to identify their target audience. It provides them

the statistical data outside of the countless rambling databases they need to make decisions. Marketing articles

are becoming increasingly popular in classrooms as a result of their intriguing messages and large accessibility.

 “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about” Benjamin Franklin

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Marketing Plan: (Business to Business)

A marketing plan is created to effectively communicate the marketing team’s proposal for advertising their

product. It is an in-depth strategy of how the company plans on growing or sustaining its customer base. In the

executive summary of a marketing plan for star software, it clearly states the social action; this social action is

the same for almost all marketing plans. The executive summary reads, “The plan focuses on the company’s

growth strategy, suggesting ways in which it can build on existing customer relationships, and on the

development of new products and/or services target to specific customer niches” (Executive Summary, Star

Software). This small section is essential to the functionality of

the paper. It provides an outline for what is to come and the

direction of the company, while directly showing the reader the

intended action of the paper. As a result of a well-formatted

marketing plan, like the star software example, a company can

make proper decisions and stick to a timeline, which allows

them to be most efficient. These plans are commonly assigned

in marketing classes because they command the student to look

at all the small details of marketing and not just the design of a

billboard. Marketing plans have been used for many years and are changing in small ways with the evolution of


When speaking to Professor Hartley, he predicted that marketing plans were going to be altered in the near

future. He felt they were going to take new electronic forms to increase the engagement of their reader because

‘old-fashioned’ marketing plans were becoming dismal to read. As a result of their traditional purpose, they

have begun to fall behind world of technology. Staying up-to-date with technology is marketing’s constant

battle. As technology has moved forward so have marketing plans. They now incorporate things like diagrams,

hyperlinks and even QR codes. Although the technology is ever changing within marketing plans, it does not

altering their basic skeleton.


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Most marketing plans often follow a very structured format and have many constraints. They often begin

with a summary and an analysis of the market, which surrounds the company’s product. This portion is essential

because a marketer cannot be successful if he or she does not understand the trends of the market they are

working within. Following that, an overview of the marketing idea for the product will be summarized. These

first two summaries are the most read parts of a marketing plan because they are designed to attract the reader.

After these summaries, the marketing team will present the details with a SWOT analysis (Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and details regarding strategy and objectives. One can identify these areas

because they will be filled with much more dense info and factual numbers regarding the target market. After,

there will often be a plan to sustain the marketing platform and a budget. All these parts should be in a

marketing plan however; the way in which they are illustrated is not a set structure. For example, in the Five

Year Marketing Plan – Blue Sky Clothing, the SWOT was in a diagram form while it was in paragraph form in


Although the formats of both marketing plans the formatting varied, they both stayed true to the basic

skeleton. The most notable of expectations was the formality of the writing. The writing includes many

statistics and data in order to provide reasoning

for their ideas. As a result, they can often feel

very dense. Also their audience is usually a boss

or someone who is higher up in the business. This

triggers a very formal discourse throughout the

paper. Unlike an article a marketing plan serves as

a proposal to the business. At times the tone can

even be classified as intense because of the high risk

involved in various types of marketing. A marketing

plan is one of the most professional genres in the

marketing field.

These plans are the outlines for many other genres. They outline how one will communicate to their target

consumer meaning it has countless options to outline. For example, it could help outline a TV ad campaign or a

budget plan to hire a man to flip and twist a sign outside of a restaurant. Marketing plans are the bases for all

marketing ventures. This being said, a marketing plan impacts all genres used in communication between

Businesses’ and consumers. Financial, visual, and audio decisions are based off of marketing plans.


Marketing  Plans  can  pitch  ideas  that  are  extremely  creative  and  outlandish  or  they  can  be  straightforward  and  basic.  They  are  used  for  


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Sports Photography Ads: (Business To Consumer)

In marketing, there are numerous approaches to advertising and promoting a product. For example, there are

photography ads. Photography ads contain many sub-genres, one of which is sports. Sports photography ads

often play on inspiration or emotions. They are created to make the

viewer attracted to the product the split second they see the image. For

instance, the Nike ad of the boy on the 10-meter high dive is supposed

to inspire a feeling of “if he can do it I can” and sub consciously human

beings than relate this feeling of invincibility with Nike. The same is

illustrated in the Adidas “take the gold” ad for the 2012 London

Olympics. This is one platform of sports ads while the other invokes

more of an emotional response to the image itself. All of these ads promote the product by stimulating the

viewers mind through vivid imagery. Photography ads have begun to be replaced by more and more TV ads, but

remain common throughout the web. The reason why photography ads have not been fully replaced is because

they are designed to do the same as a TV ad but in a second or two.

As a result of these ads being designed for a quick glance, they often

contain very few words. They are often bright or very strange in order to

catch the attention of the viewer or passer-by. Usually the ads capture one

person doing something remarkable or the capture a bizarre picture like

the one for Arena swim gear. Pictures like these captivate their audience

however, these commonalities are not guidelines in any way. In business

to customer marketing, the businesses do not have to follow any code or

tone. They are free to do anything to draw in customers and raise awareness for their product.

Picture ads started with billboards and posters, but have grown exponentially since the Internet boom in the

‘90s. Their goal has always been to catch the eye of a consumer and encourage the purchase of that product.

Unlike other picture ads, sports ads are surrounded by an inspirational or motivational context. They encourage

people to push themselves to progress at what they do whether it is a sport or not. This is what separates sports

photography ads from any other photography ad. They are based on the context and the ceremonies of doing

something great.


 Lorem  Ipsum   20  


Marketing has evolved tremendously since the technology boom in the ‘90s. Everyday people are coming

up with new innovative ads or simply bettering current forms of writing. According to Professor Hartley,

marketing is being taught more or less the same as it was however it is beginning to rapidly change in order to

incorporate the technology boom. Textbooks are now paired with online sites and classes on advertising are no

longer about billboards. These change are most visible in ads, marketing plans and marketing materials used in

the classroom.

By analyzing various genres and digging deep into the various genetic makeups of writing in the marketing

fields, one can see the importance of genre theory. In order to connect with one’s audience, he or she must

understand the various components, rhetorical situation, social action, context, ceremonies, discourse and

uptake. Being able to identify these not only allow one to categorize a specific piece of writing but allow a

person to achieve their goal whether its an ad, marketing plan, or dissection of an article most efficiently.

Marketing is constantly evolving and the traits of each genre are continuing to develop. Marketing is all about

selling one’s product to his or her targeted consumer. In order to do so, you need to best communicate that the

product will better their lives and bring them happiness. This is

not always an easy task and there are infinite ways of achieving

this. Identifying the many traits that create the genetic makeup

of a piece of writing in the marketing world will allow one to

successfully connect with his or her targeted consumers and

sell the product.

Marketing Ads Can be as creative as you want. Many ads use their creativity in order to convey a subtle message. For example, this Heinz Ketchup ad speaks to the freshness and healthy quality of their ketchup.

 Lorem  Ipsum   21  

“Marketing is the science of people – find the right person to improve their lives with

something” Ben Reisler Senior, University of Denver: Marketing Major  

 Lorem  Ipsum   22  

Headlines  are  what  catch  the  audience  for  a  specific  product.  They  are  designed  to  draw  the  reader  or  viewer  in  and  sell  them  on  why  the  product  will  make  their  life  better  with  in  one  or  two  sentences.  This  may  be  extremely  hard  and  requires  a  lot  of  research.  These  headlines  are  known  as  USPs  (unique  selling  propositions).    They  are  catchy  phrases  derived  from  factual  evidence.  As  a  result  they  do  not  only  sell  the  product  but  deliver  a  surprisingly  amount  of  information.    For  example,  TOMS  shoes:  “With  every  pair  you  purchase,  TOMS  will  give  a  pair  to  a  child  in  need.  One  for  One”.  This  does  not  only  tell  you  about  the  company  but  is  combined  with  their  slogan  to  create  a  catchy  but  informative  phrase  (USP).    Now  You  Try!  Below  is  your  information.  You  will  design  a  USP  for  the  Daniels  school  of  business  using  these  facts.  (You  don’t  have  to  use  all  of  them)    

• Ranked  72nd  best  business  schools  in  the  country  • Private  university  • Professors  who  care  about  the  success  of  their  students  • Students  who  want  to  achieve  greatness  • Nurturing  environment  focused  on  building  a  well-­‐rounded  individual.    • Located  a  mile  high  

     There  are  many  different  answers!  Here  is  one:  Located  a  mile  high,  Daniels  business  school  is  one  of  the  tops  of  its  kind  and  is  for  students  who  want  to  achieve  greatness.  Daniels,  Start  at  a  higher  place.    


USP (Unique Selling Propositions)

Some of the most iconic and famous Brand’s USP’s; They are short but from each one they tell you an informational fact about their company that can be elaborated on greatly.

 Lorem  Ipsum   23  

Too  some  people,  marketing  is  as  simple  as  posting  an  ad  on  a  billboard  or  on  television.  However,  the  methods  of  marketing  are  ever  changing  along  with  technology.    In  order  to  direct  people  towards  their  websites  barcodes  are  being  

implemented  into  T.V.  Commercials,  and  social  media  is  becoming  part  of  marketing  plans.  Everything  from  titles  and  headlines  to  the  location  of  ads  is  evolving.  For  example,  if  an  ad  is  targeting  an  audience  of  people  age  18-­‐25  it  will  be  placed  on  the  Internet  first.  The  Internet  is  replacing  television  for  this  generation.    

If  the  marketing  of  certain  products  does  not  adjust  as  quickly  as  social  media  itself  the  products  will  miss  there  target  audiences  and  suffer  severely.  It  is  these  

details  that  make  market  analysis  so  important.  One  cannot  successfully  market  their  product  without  understanding  the  needs  and  behavior  of  their  consumer.        


The Evolution Of Marketing: It Grows as Humans Grow

 Lorem  Ipsum   24  

The Project: An Alteration to Intro to Marketing Classes


 Lorem  Ipsum   25  

When speaking with professionals, who work in the business world, their most consistent advice has

been to put yourself out there and get experience as soon as possible. They often say something along the lines

of “you can only learn so much in the classroom and the lessons you will learn outside, in the business world,

are what will separate you from the rest of the pack.” I have heard this advice over and over from people in

charge of recruiting for large financial firms and small business’ alike. Intro To Marketing classes at DU and

at many other universities follow a very similar syllabus. It is a syllabus that touches on everything from

analyzing data to writing a marketing plan. It often is accompanied by classical essay assignments and a

couple midterms paired with a final. These assignments allow the student to memorize the terms and scenarios

but they don’t give the student practice on dealing with situations that are applicable to their potential future

jobs. As a Student progresses through the marketing major activities and assessments become more hands on.

One way DU can provide its students with an advantage over students from other schools is incorporating a

work like environment into its marketing education.

By introducing a project-type format to intro marketing classes it will benefit not only the students but

will benefit the teachers and the school. By using project based learning students will not only need the

material necessary, but teach them skills that are much

needed in their working environments post-college.

For example project teach students personal and social

responsibility, planning, critical thinking, and

creativity just to name a few. Essentially project based

learning will make the students more prepared for life

post college. In return this will make the marketing

program more well-regarded and in return make the

program more sought out among new applicants. It

will also result in companies having to spend less

money on training DU students and the initial quality of work will be much higher. These things will occur

because students will already have a greater sense for certain responsibilities, creativity, and the ability to be

self driven in the work place requiring less hands-on guidance from upper management. Most of all these

projects will allow students to exercise different uses of technology. This variety of skills will help marketing

students in vast array of genres and activities that occur.


Daniels College of Business Mission: Ethical Practice. Thought Leadership. Global Impact. The Daniels College of Business is dedicated to educating ethical business leaders, advancing the theory and practice of business and making a positive global impact.

 Lorem  Ipsum   26  

In marketing there are so many sub categories and genres. By implementing this project into the class

room curriculum teachers will able to touch on all sub categories. Students will start with the task of collecting

data and researching the market that a specific product is in. They will then proceed to write a fully

comprehensive marketing plan and then pitch it to the company. There pitch will be a possible area for class

presentations. From there, the student will be in charge of creating ads and selling the product to consumers and

companies via a variety of sales approaches.

This curriculum will not only give the student experience, but will in fact teach the material more

efficiently and in a more current fashion. Marketing has been constantly playing a game of catch-up with

technology ever since the technology boom of the 1990’s. The invention of social media and the Internet have

completely altered marketing in the past two decades. The greatest advantage to implementing the project is it

will cause students to explore all possible up-to-date avenues of advertising. This is something that is absent

from many textbooks causing marketing majors to be left behind.

Implementing this project into the curriculum is a relatively easy process. It provides just as many areas

for assessment and takes about equal effort from the teacher and student. However, persuading the teachers to

alter their course curriculum and do

research to provide students with

enough information in order to make

the project a success may be a

challenge. Teachers may argue that it is

unfeasible to create these intense

projects that will teach all the small

detailed aspects of beginning marketing

class. Creating projects like this is challenging especially when there is such a broad range of information that

needs to be covered and assessed. However, if the teachers create a quarter-long project similar to those of

business 1000 classes, they should be able to create a variety of small to medium exercises that accumulate into

one final product. These exercises will have various due dates throughout the term as well.


 Lorem  Ipsum   27  

Even though it may not always seem like it, Professors are constantly looking or new ways to engage

their students. Most often students simply complain about the current work instead of offering solutions. If a

group or committee of students were to write a

sophisticated well thought out proposal to the

marketing department that included a very detailed

step by step plan, I believe that the department would

have very little choice, but to accept the proposal. The

proposal should include a couple of mock projects as

well as some research backing your proposal. Often

times, listing the pros and cons of a change like this is

an excellent way to persuade your audience. A long

with a sophisticated plan, a large number of student’s

signatures, who were in favor of such an alteration to

the curriculum, would only solidify the argument.

Getting these signatures can be a challenging task

however, setting up time after or before your business classes to ask classmates to support you is a relatively

easy way to handle the process. Also setting up a table in the Driscoll Bridge or even the common area of the

Daniels Business School building will attract many students on a daily bases.

If intro to marketing classes are formatted around a project, students will not only gain knowledge about

marketing but also be gaining experience at the same time. It will be this unique experience that will allow the

student to grow and be more prepared as they enter more specific classes an eventually the business world. As a

result they will be “unique” and more qualified when speaking to a business recruiter who is looking for a

student who has knowledge that does not stem from normal class conversations.


This new curriculum will provide students with all the tools to complete the marketing puzzle and find

success post-college

 Lorem  Ipsum   28  

 Additional information:

Transcripts from Interview with Professor Hartley.

• Multiple audiences in marketing (new startup – audience is banks or venture capitalists versus existing company – audience is board members)

o Need to use common language • Advertising writing (creative writing –

audience is consumers) o Communicate points of difference

or create awareness • Professional journals – odd and very

different kind of writing o Much more sophisticated o Much more detail

• No similarities between three types of writing (internal, external, journals)

• Marketing plan, ad campaigns, • Journals about conceptual and empirical

research • Growing up in media era where its truly

multi-media • Internal writing and journals is still

writing based • Informal world of communication is way

ahead of formal world • READING

o Largely textbooks o Popular press

Digital versions o Contemporary books (chapters

from sway and outliers) o He wrote a textbook o Writing memos

• Marketing activites have to be a function of the audience

o Web page for 60 year old bankers wont see it


• Were currently seeing blending of the two o T.V. commercial with QR code or

website link o Vote or replay

• High-engagement shows • Blending for younger audience • In the middle of a transformation of the

way people communicate o TV was going away but they

blended it by engaging us with more than just TV

• Marketing news o Most common trade publication

• Practice makes his students better writers o He fears that not much people are

doing sophisticated writing in high school

o Go start your own web page • Need to be able to choose words carefully • Headlines and small adds (max. 50 words) • Kick starter (example of marketing

website) • Need to be able to pitch your product

through writing • Blogs create room for instant feedback

o Even brutal comments are great news

• More so analysis today than in the past o Allows for more accuracy o Better performance assessment

which allows people to allocate the most amount of resources to specific types of marketing

• So many mechanical parts that add into the easiness of marketing

o Translations  

 Lorem  Ipsum   29  

 Additional information:

Summary from Interview with Professor Hartley.

Interviewing  Professor  Hartley  gave  me  a  whole  new  view  of  the  marketing  world.  The  main  trend  

throughout  the  interview  was  technology  and  its  effect  on  writing  in  marketing.  As  a  result  of  the  constantly  

changing  forms  of  communication,  marketing  has  had  to  play  a  game  of  catch-­‐up  with  technology.  Instead  of  

talking  about  the  curriculum  and  the  major  itself  we  discussed  how  writing  and  research  in  the  major  has  been  

completely  altered  over  the  past  ten  to  twenty  years.    

Professor  Hartley  explained  numerous  examples  of  marketing  evolution.  He  mentioned  that  it  was  

changing  numerous  in-­‐class  materials  and  changing  the  assignments  themselves.  For  example,  he  had  just  

received  first-­‐draft  marketing  plans.  In  these  marketing  plans  he  explained  how  in  current  times  people  expect  

info  graphics  and  computer-­‐generated  charts.  This  is  only  one  of  his  many  examples  of  how  technology  is  

altering  the  marketing  world  currently.  Professor  Hartley  also  mentioned  that  the  changes  of  T.V.  and  

computers  are  altering  the  behaviors  of  the  consumers.  This  means  that  the  research  of  marketing  companies  

is  constantly  changing  and  finding  new  trends.  For  me  this  was  extremely  exciting  because  it  showed  the  

endless  evolution  and  innovation  that  will  take  place  in  marketing  for  years  to  come.    

The  most  fascinating  thing  I  found  in  my  interview  with  Professor  Hartley  is  that  he  felt  there  was  no  

“key”  to  writing.  It  is  a  skill  that  comes  from  practice.  Everyone  is  unique  and  that  it  takes  practice  to  hone  in  

your  strengths  and  better  your  weaknesses.  Overall,  My  interview  with  professor  Hartley  was  a  great  success.  

He  gave  excellent  insight  into  the  volatile  evolution  of  marketing.  It  is  a  field  that  is  constantly  adapting  to  ever  

changing  trends  of  human  kind.  


 Lorem  Ipsum   30  

 Additional information:

Transcripts from Interview with Ben Reisler

In class Writing and campaign projects: • Small writing

o Explaining problem that company is having

o Competitive audits – looking at all competition and what niche they own

• Creative process o Derived from small writing o Play around with Taglines and

USP (unique selling propositions) • campaigns for every class • branding classes

o elevator pitch – if you were to get in the elevator at the lobby with a big time CEO for 2 minutes how would you approach your conversation

• early classes involve a lot of sourcing o three pages on what the problem is

example • sometimes do a full campaign – teacher

will use a real client • have students correct problems within a

company o takes out research component

• project often include fixing a problem Current Careers:

• Last September worked at Cactus ad agency

• Currently interning with sterling-rice group

• Ton of emails • Every bit of writing is 100% internal for

intern • Write many presentations of one to two

sentence slides • Need to articulate things in a small

succinct way  

Audience in class room: • Mostly presentations in upper class

sections • Reflections are usually written for

professors • Writing-to-present in upper-level classes

Writing process in these classes • Classes with many small presentations • Sometimes classes have different groups

with different clients three very different projects

Research: • Research styles depend on the project • Always start with secondary research

o Use huge databases • Fathers day example

o Difference between dad and moms opinion

o These differences help form facts and story

• Form these stories and come up with products or promos for companies

Technology: • Internal writing is non-stop • Use word, PowerPoint, excel, keynote • Discussion guides for interviews • Full research – inspire client take them

out to take pictures (example) • Huge big screen of all their pictures

o Use this to find current trends Tests:

• Test are earlier in marketing classes o Often a formality o Creates a tough learning

environment as a result of the flipping between tests and presentations

o Tests lessen as you get older.    

 Lorem  Ipsum   31  

 Additional information:

Summary from Interview with Ben Reisler

Interviewing  with  Ben  Reisler  gave  me  an  amazing  amount  of  insight  into  the  marketing  major  at  

University  of  Denver.  We  talked  about  everything  from  projects  to  test  to  his  current  internships.  Unlike  

Professor  Hartley,  Ben  walked  me  through  the  progression  of  marketing  classes  at  DU  all  the  way  to  his  

current  internship.  

Intro  to  marketing  classes  are  based  around  the  fundamentals.  They  discuss  terms  and  common  

strategies.  These  class’  assessments  are  often  a  blend  of  tests  and  smaller  projects.  As  one  progresses  through  

the  marketing  curriculum  these  tests  often  phase  out  and  are  only  included  because  they  are  a  formality.  

These  projects  will  often  included  solving  a  marketing  problem  for  a  fictional  or  real  company.  If  it  is  a  real  

company  the  students  will  often  hear  the  CMO  (chief  marketing  officer)  speak  about  a  problem  within  their  

company  and  then  they  will  be  set  off  to  correct  it  in  any  way  possible.  They  will  then  present  it  back  to  the  

CMO  and  the  professor.  These  projects  are  formed  to  exercise  the  student’s  creativity.  However,  Ben  

mentioned  that  it  is  not  a  creativity  contest.  All  creative  ideas  need  to  be  backed  up  with  factual  evidence  as  

to  why  it  is  the  best  option.  This  is  what  the  teachers  look  for  most  as  they  grade  papers  and  projects  alike.    

Ben  and  I  proceeded  to  talk  about  his  current  internships.  He  currently  works  for  Sterling-­‐Rice  Group  a  

marketing  agency.  All  the  writing  he  does  there  is  internal  and  the  majority  is  emails.  However,  he  did  mention  

that  it  is  important  to  be  able  to  communicate  an  idea  in  a  short  succinct  way.  The  reason  for  this  is  almost  all  

ideas  and  projects  he  works  on  involve  presentations.  In  these  presentations  you  need  to  e  able  to  convey  

elaborate  research  findings  in  an  audience  friendly  format.      

Overall,  Ben  gave  great  insight  into  the  Marketing  curriculum  and  how  it  is  applicable  to  his  current  

works  situation.  He  feels  that  Daniels  Business  School  does  a  great  job  of  giving  you  a  brad  range  of  skills  that  

you  can  apply  to  your  future  in  marketing.    


 Lorem  Ipsum   32  

• "101 Fantastic Quotes About Marketing." Business Insider. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2013.

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 Lorem  Ipsum   33  

• "Welcome to the Purdue OWL." The Purdue OWL: Professional, Technical Writing. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 May 2013.

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• Professor  Steven  Hartley,  Marketing:  University  of  Denver;  Daniels  College  of  Business    

• Ben  Reisler,  Marketing  Major:  Daniels  College  of  Business,  University  of  Denver  Class  of  2013    

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• (Pg. 18 Old Spice Photo) "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like... Using Video to Raise Your Visibility." » ActionPodcast. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2013.

• (Pg. 15 photo) "B2B Marketing Articles." B2B Marketing Articles. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2013.

• (Pg. 8 “marketing Baby Photot) "Real Estate 101: Marketing Is Really What Business Is About." Real

Estate Investing RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2013.

• (Pg. 22 Photo) "Branding 101: How to Create a Brand." Lipstick Unpluggedcom RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2013.




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You have to be burning with 'An idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right.' If you're not passionate enough from the start, you'll never stick it out. Steve Jobs

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