the church scroll august82013

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Salem First Christian Church Tel:503-363-9273 685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729


Happy Thursday,

Attached is the Church Scroll.

"In Christ we can come before God with freedom and without fear. We can do this through faith in Christ." Ephesians 3:12




”我们因信耶稣,就在他里面放胆无惧,笃信不疑地来到神面前。“以弗所书 3:12


The Church Scroll

Volume 71 #15 “Reaching Up and Reaching Out” August 8, 2013

The First Christian Church ~ Disciples of Christ ~ Salem, Oregon Church Services ~ 8:30 am, 9:30 am & 11:00 am ~ Sunday School ~ 9:45 & 11:00 am

What’s Inside Pastor’s Message pg. 2 Celebrating our Church Family pg. 3 Calendar pg. 4 Children’s Message pg. 5 Youth Message pg. 5 Volunteer Opportunities pg. 6 Quilt Raffle pg. 6 Check It Out! pg. 6 Housekeeping pg. 7

All ladies are invited to attend our Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF)

“Tea in the Garden” Saturday, August 10, at 10:30 am

Anna Russell’s home: 4653 19th Court S, Salem, OR 97302

This is our annual “kick-off” get-together before beginning our CWF Fall meet-ings. We encourage everyone to come and bring a friend. This is a wonderful chance to make new friends and see old acquaintances.

Transportation will be provided, leaving from the church at 10:15 am.

Pictorial Directory Photos Tuesday-Saturday, September 10-14

Tuesday, September 17

Start practicing your smile now and be part of our family album.

Sign up online at or on Sundays at the Information Center.

All-Church Picnic at Antique Powerland! Sunday, September 8, at 1:00 pm

Come join in all the fun of the day!

教堂书卷 第一基督教堂~基督使徒~俄勒冈州撒冷


71 卷 15 期 “达到和延伸” 2013 年 8 月 8 日


Bites of Bread from Bob In Journalism there is a phrase called “burying the lead,” In simple terms, it means failing to highlight the things that are most important and giving too much attention to items of lesser importance.

One famous incident of this was on Nov. 20, 1862. On that day, the banner headline was about a speech by Henry Ward Beecher. It read, “Henry Ward Beecher gives a great speech.” At the very bottom was a little note about the Gettys-burg Address. It read, “The President of the U.S. gave the following speech yesterday” and then printed the speech. Nobody has any recol-lection of what Beecher’s speech was and most could not tell you who he was (Beecher was a well-known minister, social reformer and abolitionist.), yet many

of us memorized the Gettysburg Address.

Too often we are guilty of “burying the lead” in our lives. We put things that are of less importance over things that are more important. We place things over relationships. We put temporary things over eternal things.

Jesus encouraged us to not “bury the lead” when he said, “But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given

to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

God Bless, Pastor Bob

“Burying the lead.““Burying the lead.““Burying the lead.““Burying the lead.“

Sunday Sermons at 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00 am

August 11– Pastor Bob Hanna “Dealing with Difficult People, Pt. 2” Matthew 4:1-30, Jesus dealt with more than his share of difficult people. One of his keys was really trying to understand the other person.

Zane Ridings will also be sharing in word and picture about his experience this summer in Guatemala.

Allison’s niece, Jaime VanCamp (We had a special fundraiser for her after she lost everything in the OK tornado.), will be with us and share a word of thanks. August 18– Pastor Bob Hanna “Dealing with Difficult People, Pt. 3” Exodus 17:1 - 4, Moses may have led the Israelites out of slavery, but they complained and almost re-moved him as their leader. How do we deal with those people who are quick to criticize?

Fall Sunday School Bible Study Schedule This year’s Fall Sunday School Bible Study will be on 1 Corinthians and will coordinate with the sermons. The study is not required of any class who does not wish to teach those lessons.

The Fall schedule starts September 8 and continues for 11 weeks. Joyce Frame is preparing the study. A meeting of prospective teachers will be on Sunday, August 25, at 1:00 pm in the Library.

Please be in prayer for God's direction for your inclusion in the group who will be teaching during the 11-week program and come to the meeting to receive materials and meet others wanting to teach during this study.

Fanny Crosby Music in Worship This Sunday, August 11, the 8:30 am and 11:00 am worship services will feature hymns written by Fanny Crosby. She was a 19th century poet and hymn writer credited with composing over 9000 gospel hymns in her lifetime.

Fanny, blind since childhood, wrote such familiar songs as "Blessed Assurance," "Praise Him, Praise Him," "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," "To God Be the Glory," and “Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross."

We hope you will join us in singing many of her most popular gospel hymns.

15 期 第 2 页

鲍勃灵修分享在新闻里,有一个说法叫做”舍本逐末“。简 主义者)。然而许多人记得哥德堡演讲。

单的术语意思是没有把最重要的事情强调, 往往我们为生命中“舍本逐末”内疚。我们

而是过多的注意次要的东西。 把许多不重要的事放到更重要的事之上,

关于这个有个著名的事件是 1862 年 11 月 我们把事情搞得超过关联的范围。我们把

20 日。这天醒目的头条是亨利·瓦德的演 末梢的事情搞得比永恒的事情重要。

讲。这样写道:“亨利·瓦德·碧驰做了重要 当耶稣说:“你们要先求他的国和他的义,

演讲。”在最底下是一个哥德堡演讲的 这些东西都要加给你们了。”

小注释。写道:“美国总统昨天做如下演 “舍本逐末” (马太福音 6:33)时,耶稣鼓

讲” 然后印出演讲稿。没有人能回忆出碧 鼓励我们不要“舍本逐末”。

驰的演讲,大部分人不能告诉你他是谁 神祝福

(碧驰是著名的牧师,社会改革家和废奴 鲍勃牧师

礼拜天布道 敬拜中的范尼·克柔斯比的音乐 8:30,9:30&11:00am 这个礼拜天 8 月 11 日,8:30am 和 11:00am

8 月 11 日—鲍勃·汉那牧师 的敬拜服侍将以范尼·克柔斯比的赞美诗歌

“处理困难的人 第 2 部分“ 为主。她是 19 世纪的诗人和赞美诗作者。

马太福音 4:1-25 耶稣处理非常不寻常难对 她的生命中创造了 9000 首福音赞美诗歌。

付的人的部分。他的关键之一是真正的努 范尼在小时候眼睛就看不见了,写了这么

力去理解别人。 多熟悉的歌曲“有福的确据”,“赞美他,赞

詹·瑞汀斯也将分享这个夏天他在危地马 美他””安稳在耶稣手中“”荣耀归于真神””近

拉经历的文字和图片。 主十架“。

艾里森的侄女詹米·范堪普(我们有一个特 我们希望你能来参加唱她许多有名的福音

殊的募捐在她龙卷风失去所有的东西之 赞美诗歌。

后),将和我们一起分享感谢的话。 秋季主日学查经日程8月 18日—鲍勃·汉那牧师 今年秋季主日学查经查哥林多前书并配合

”处理难对付的人 第 3部分“ 布道。学习对不希望这个课程的班不做要

出埃及记 17:1-4摩西已经领导以色列摆脱 求。秋季的日程9月 8日开始进行11周。

奴役,但他们却抱怨几乎把他从领导位置 乔伊斯·弗瑞姆正预备这个课程。老师的预

拿下。我们该如何处理这连珠炮批评别人 期会议将在 8月 25日 1:00pm在图书馆进

的人 行。请祈祷神的指引:为你参加那个教你

人祈祷,他将会在 11周的学习中教你并见



Celebrating our Church FamilyCelebrating our Church FamilyCelebrating our Church FamilyCelebrating our Church Family Birthdays


Tracy Jones 11 Alia McKenzie 11 Webb Terwilliger 11 Yvonne LaDuke 13 CJ Dyer 14 Madelyn Kephart 14 Joyce Knights 14 Betty Charnholm 18


Paul Specht 18 Troy Dalke 19 Jeff Leisman 22 Teri Garland 23 Patti Harris 23 Jean Cronemiller 24 Doug Johnson 24 Steve Rux 24

Thank You A big THANK YOU to the ladies who provided food for the reception following our aunt’s funeral. It was greatly appreciated and enjoyed.

Eileen Shinn and Laura Rolen

Condolences Neal, son-in-law to Norma Loquvam, passed away on July 19. Our sympathies and prayers go out to Norma and her family. Mary Matthews, the sister of Judy Erickson, passed away on July 23. Our prayers and sympathies go out to Judy and her family. The father-in-law to Jill (Hazelwood) Hendrick, recently passed away. Our sympathies and prayers go out to Jill and her family.

Come Celebrate Our Anniversary Bob & Virginia Krebs

55 years and still tracking Sunday, August 25

2:00-4:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Fun, Entertainment, Afternoon Buffet

For information call Virginia at 503 375-2821.

Congratulations to Caden Hammock At the conclusion of the 11:00 am worship on July 28, Caden came forward to make his declaration of faith. This came about as a result of his participation with Vacation Bible School.

Encouragement Cards During the April “Service Sunday” many people gathered in the Fellowship Hall to create ENCOUR-AGEMENT CARDS for the congregation to use to send to other members and friends of this church family.

Please stop in at the Information Center to select cards with an envelope and drop it in the mail to a person of the church family. The church is NOT providing postage for the mailing of the cards.

(While you are at the Information Center, visit with Penny Blackwell and Bev Dezotell securing YOUR VERY OWN appointment to have your picture taken for the 2013 Church Pictorial Directory.)

Way to Go Margi Wolski Margi’s custom-created purse won “fan favorite” in the newspaper’s Glamour Girls fabric craft contest. The full article and photo are on the church’s bulletin board on the main floor across from the drinking fountain.

Prayers For Carole Adams, recovering from carpal tunnel surgery Robbie Adams, kidney infection Kathy Cunha, neck and back pain Oliver (brother of Gary Danielson), colon cancer Lucille Gubser, back at Lancaster Village Catherine Hazelwood, at home Cliff Iken, severe pain from two pinched nerves Gary Lyons, new attendee, upcoming hip surgery Bob Pierce, Sweet Bye n Bye Care Center, health concerns Michael Russello (Carol’s husband), health concerns Sharon Weir, knee surgery on August 13 Keven Widener, pacemaker surgery on August 12 Roy Yung, Fircrest Assisted Living, McMinnville

Those attending grade school camp August 12-16: Ashlyn Bigham, Kennedy Bigham, Kylie Buckmas-ter, Daniel Dyer, Laurie Dyer, Maddy Endler, Peter Revello, Rebecca Revello

15 期 第 3 页

庆祝我们的教堂大家庭 生日 祈祷8 月 8 月 卡罗 · 亚当斯 ,从腕管手术中康复

翠西·琼斯 11 保罗·斯番古驰古特 18 罗比 · 亚当斯 ,肾感染

阿里亚·麦克肯泽 11 绰·达克 19 卡西 · 康哈 ,颈部和背部疼

威伯·古特瑞威灵格 11 杰夫·莱斯曼 22 奥列弗(嘎瑞·丹尼尔森的兄弟)结肠癌

雅沃尼·拉达克 13 泰瑞·嘎兰德 23 露西勒 · 古伯瑟 ,以前的兰卡斯古特村

CJ·迪耶 14 帕提·哈瑞斯 23 凯瑟琳 · 哈兹伍德 ,在家

梅德林·克法古特 14 基恩·科内米勒 24 克里夫 · 艾肯 ,两个神经非常疼

乔伊斯·奈兹 14 道格·约翰森 24 嘎瑞 · 莱恩斯 ,新参加的,就要做髋关节手术

贝蒂·查霍姆 18 斯蒂夫·如克斯 24 鲍勃 · 皮尔斯 ,甜蜜再见关怀中心,健康关怀

米切尔 · 如塞勒 (卡罗的丈夫),健康关怀

祝贺卡登·哈牟克 沙荣 · 威尔 ,8 月 13 日膝部手术

在 7 月 28 日 11:00am 敬拜总结的时候,卡登 开文 · 威德呢 ,8 月 12 日起搏器手术

来做信仰告白。这是他参加了假日圣经学校 若 · 云 ,迈克·米尼威尔的飞克瑞斯古特促进生命

的结果。 这些 8 月 12-16 日参加各年级夏令营 :


来庆祝鲍勃&弗吉尼亚·科伯斯 克马斯古特、但以理·迪耶、劳瑞·迪耶、马迪·恩

的结婚周年 德勒、彼得·瑞沃勒、瑞贝卡·瑞沃勒

55 年仍然留下足迹 感谢8 月 25 日礼拜天 非常感谢女士们为我们的姨姨的葬礼招待提供

2:00-4:00pm,友谊大厅 食物。这是非常值得欣赏和值得享受的。

有趣、娱乐、下午自助餐 爱林·施恩和劳若·若兰

更多信息联系弗吉尼亚 503 375-2821。 通向马吉·沃斯基之路

鼓励卡片 马吉的民间创造女用小提包在报纸上的魅力女

在 4 月“服侍礼拜天”许多人聚集在友谊大厅来 孩织物手工竞赛上赢得“粉丝喜爱”奖。全文和

创玛建鼓励卡片为玛会众使用发送给这个教堂的其 照片在穿过自动饮水机到主楼的教堂公告栏上。

他成员和朋友们。 哀悼请驻足在信息中心来选择带信封的卡片,作为 尼尔是诺马·卢夸瓦姆的女婿7月 19日去世。

信件发送出去给教堂大家庭的某人。教堂不提 我们的怜悯和祈祷给诺马和她的家庭。

供寄送的邮资。 玛丽亚·马苏斯是朱迪·伊瑞克森的姐姐7月 23

(当你在信息中心,和潘尼·布莱克威尔和贝夫·戴 日去世。我们的怜悯和祈祷给朱迪和她的家庭。

佐泰尔确保你自己为 2013 年教堂画报目录指定 吉尔(哈兹伍德)·韩垂克的公公最近去世。

的自己的照片安全。) 我们的怜悯和祈祷给朱尔和她的家庭。

Bob & Virginia Krebs’ 55th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, August 25 2:00-4:00 pm, Fellowship Hall See page 3 for more details. Rebuilders’ Potluck Lunch Tuesday, August 27 12:00 pm, Chapel This is a support group for any and all who are rebuilding from any life experiences. Looking Ahead

Regional Women’s Retreat October 4-5 Murray Hills Christian Church For ages from middle school to adult. For registration forms and more information go to:

Marriage Encounter Event November 15 - 17 Marriage Encounter is an intense weekend of working on marriage communication. The weekend is led by couples who offer models to follow and times for the couples to practice what they have learned. Decades later, couples who have gone through Marriage Encounter still use the skills learned at this weekend. If you would like more information, contact Bruce & Judy Gilbertson (503) 390-1292 or Pastor Bob & Julie Hanna.

Christian Women’s Fellow-ship “Tea in the Garden” Saturday, August 10 10:30 am, in Anna Russell’s garden. Special Coffee Hour Sunday, August 11 Cake is being provided by Alan & Kathy Brown. This will be their last Sunday at FCC before they move on to their next chapter in life. Outreach Meeting Sunday, August 11 12:30 pm, Cornerstone Rm Library Committee Mondays, August 12, 19, 26 10:00 am, Library Prayer Gathering Tuesdays, August 13, 20, 27 6:45 pm, Chapel Prayer Shawl Ministry Wednesday, August 14 1:00 pm, Parlor Pinochle Wednesday, August 14 6:30 pm, Chapel Book Club Thursday, August 15 1:00 pm, Library Craft Day Saturday, August 17 10:00 am-5:00 pm Fellowship Hall Plenty of tables for all crafters… including quilters. The fellowship is awesome and there is always laughter. Come and create!


Mark Your CalendarsMark Your CalendarsMark Your CalendarsMark Your Calendars Horseback Riding Activity Saturday, August 17 8:30 am, leave from the church Sign-up is full! Board Meeting Sunday, August 18 12:30 pm, Fellowship Hall Scroll Submissions All items need to be 100 words or fewer and due no later than Monday at 10:00 am– August 19 Email to- or drop off in Melissa’s box. Alzheimer's Spiritually Speaking Group Thursday, August 22 1:00 pm, Chapel Holy Land Party Thursday, August 22 7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall See page 6 for more details. Ambassadors’ Summer Get-Together Friday, August 23 5:30 pm, at Jim & Avis Kinkaid’s See page 6 for more details. Max Meek Hike Saturday, August 24 8:30 am, leave from the church See page 6 for more details. Fall Bible Study Teacher Meeting Sunday, August 25 1:00 pm, Library

15 期 第 4 页


基督教妇女友谊会 骑马活动 鲍勃&弗吉尼亚·科“ ” 花园里的茶 8 月 17 日星期六 博斯结婚 55 周年8 月 10 日星期六 8:30am 从教堂离开。 8 月 25 日礼拜天10:30am 安那· 罗素家 报名满额! 2:00-4:00pm,友谊大厅

的花园 委员会会议 详见第 3 页 特别咖啡时间 8 月 18 日 礼拜天 重建者家常午餐

8 月 11 日礼拜天 12:30pm, 友谊大厅 8 月 27 日星期二蛋糕由阿兰&卡西· 布朗提 书卷投稿 12:00pm 礼拜堂

供,这将是他们搬到生命 所有的稿件需要 100 字或 10 这是一个支持组为任何所 的下一章在第一基督教堂 字以内。不晚于 8 月 19 日星 有从任何生命经历中重建

的最后一个礼拜天。 期一 10:00am 。发 Email 到 者提供支持。 延伸会议 先睹为快

8 月 11 日礼拜天 或投递到美丽莎的邮箱里。 地区妇女退休12:30pm, 基石班房间 阿兹默灵里 10 月 4-5 日图书馆委员会 讲话组 默瑞山基督教堂8 月 12,19,26 日 8 月 22 日星期四 为所有年龄段从中学到成人。

星期一 1:00pm 礼拜堂 注册表格和更多信息去:10:00am 图书馆 圣地聚会

祈祷聚会 8 月 22 日星期四 婚姻邂逅活动8 月 13,20,27 日星期二 7:00pm, 友谊大厅 11 月 15-17 日6:45pm, 礼拜堂 详见第 6 页 婚姻邂逅是热情的周末

祈祷披肩组 大使班夏天的 在婚姻的社区做工。周末8 月 14 日星期三 相聚 是由夫妇领导,来提供模1:00pm, 会客室 8 月 23 日星期五 式让大家跟随有多次实践

皮诺驰 5:30pm,吉姆&阿维丝· 金凯 的他们学习的时间。几十8 月 14 日星期三 德家 详见 第 6 页 年后,许多通过婚姻邂逅6:30pm, 礼拜堂 马克斯米克远足 的夫妇仍然使用他们在这

图书俱乐部 8 月 24 日星期六 个周末学过的技巧。如果8 月 15 日星期四 8:30am 离开教堂 想了解更多信息,联系布1:00pm, 图书馆 详见第 6 页 如斯&朱迪·吉伯森(503)

手工日 秋季查经老师 390-1292 或鲍勃&朱丽·汉8 月 17 日星期六 会议 那牧师。10:00am—5:00pm 8 月 25 日礼拜天

友谊大厅 1:00pm, 图书馆充足的桌子为所有的手工者...包括拼布。友谊是令人敬畏的,总是有笑。来创造。


Children and YouthChildren and YouthChildren and YouthChildren and Youth A Little Light from Laurie We had a great Vacation Bible School this year with 40 children and about 35 volunteers. I am so hum-bled by the talent our volunteers shared with the chil-dren and appreciate every one very much!

One of the lessons during VBS talked about helping others. We decided to help our neighbors by spon-soring a backpack school supply drive. Our goal was to fill our “boat” with backpacks and school supplies. I am proud to say we filled that boat during VBS, but we aren’t done yet! If you would like to donate, please bring new school supplies to the church office. We will divide up the school supplies, based on need, among local families, schools and organizations.

Most stores have a generic school supply list, but you can also go online to and print a list. If you know of a family in need of school supplies, please let me know.

JYF Camp is upon us! If your child is signed up for camp, please feed them lunch and have them to the church by 1:00 on Monday, August 12. We will travel to Silverton to pick up fellow campers and then it’s SUTTLE LAKE OR BUST! Please send them with lunch money for the return trip home. You should have received a letter from the regional office with a list of what and what not to bring to camp. Please do not send any food or snacks. The children will be fed properly with regular snacks every day. Food in cabins attracts critters.

Campers love receiving mail. Please send mail to: (camper’s name), 29551 Suttle Lake Rd, Sisters OR 97759. Mark your mail “Disciple of Christ Camps.” Here are the JYF campers going: Kylie Buckmaster, Ashlyn and Kennedy Bigham, Daniel Dyer, and Maddy Endler. Counselors: Chris & Laurie Dyer, Rebecca and Peter Revello. SEND MAIL EARLY to make sure they get it.

Have a blessed week! Laurie

Ramblings from Riane It is with much excitement that I, Riane Towery, lead the youth for the months of August and September. Growing up in the Salem First Christian Church, it has become a second home to me with many people who have grown to be family. I was active in the youth group while in school and began helping lead the youth when I started college. I am looking for-ward to teaching the youth, challenging them, helping them grow in their faith and strengthen their personal relationship with God.

This past Sunday was my first lesson with the youth. We had a “Picnic with God.” During our picnic, we discussed the symbolism of typical picnic utensils and how they represented various ways to improve ourselves as individuals and followers of Christ. At the end of the lesson, based on the list they had com-prised from the meaning of each utensil, everyone chose one challenge to work on this week. They also individually chose a Bible verse that related to their specific challenge to help them.

River Rally is our next regional youth event for those in high school! It will be September 27-29 at Eugene First Christian Church. The cost is $100, which cov-ers the river trip, t-shirt, food and lodging for the weekend. For those who do not wish to raft down the McKenzie River, there is also hiking and hot springs. The cost for hikers is significantly lower. Please let me know ASAP if any high school age youth are interested in attending this regional event.

I am looking forward to the next couple weeks. Please keep the youth in your prayers as they con-tinue to learn more about Jesus Christ and what it means to walk with him.

Riane Towery Interim Youth Director

15 期 第 5 页


来自劳瑞的一点光 瑞尼漫谈今年我们有一个伟大的假日圣经学校,有 40 个 这是多么的令人激动,我瑞尼·托瑞能在 8

孩子和 35 个志愿者 。我感到谦卑:我们的志愿 月 9 月领导年轻人。我在撒冷第一基督教

者与孩子们分享并且每一个人都非常值得欣赏。 堂成长,这里成为我的第二个家和许多这

假日圣经学校其中的一个任务是谈帮助别人。我 里成长的人成为一家人。我在年轻人组是

们决定帮助我们的邻居主办一个背包学校供应推 活跃分子,可是在学校里帮助领导年轻人

进。我们的目标是用背包填充我们的“船”和学校 是在进大学以后。我盼望着教年轻人、挑

的供应。我骄傲的说假日圣经学校我们填充了这 战他们,帮助他们在信仰上成长并加强他

条船,但我们还没有做!如果你想捐献,请带新 们个人和上帝的关系。

的学校供应到教堂办公室。我们将分配学校供应 上个礼拜天是我和年轻人的第一课。我们

根据需要在地区的家庭、学校和组织间分配。 有一个“与神的野餐”。野餐时,我们讨论

大多数商店有一般的学校供应的列表,而你也 野餐器皿类型的象征,它们怎样代表不同

可以去网 方法改善我们自己作为个体和神的跟随者。

2012-13 并把列表打下来。如果你知道某个家庭需 在课程结束时,根据他们列出的他们所组

要学校供应,请让我知道。 成的每一个器皿的意义,每一个人选了一

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 个挑战在本周去做。他们也个人选择了经

JYF 营就在眼前!如果你的孩子已经报名,请给 文是关系他们特别的挑战来帮助他们。

他们吃中午饭并在 8 月 12 日星期一 1:00 把他们 河的集合是我们这些高中生在地区的下一

送到教堂。我们将去赛沃顿旅行并接跟随的营 个活动!将于 9 月 27-29 日在尤金第一基

员,然后去沙头湖或巴斯特!当给他们带上午 督教堂举行。成本是$100,包括了河里的旅

餐的钱以备旅行回家。你应该已经收到地区办公 行、t-shirt、食物和周末的借宿。不想乘竹

室的信列出到夏令营应该带和不该带的。请不要 筏在麦克肯泽河上行的,还有步行和温泉,

带任何食物和零食。孩子们能在每天有日常的零 步行的成本非常低。如果有高中年龄段的

食。食物放在小屋里招小动物。 年轻人有兴趣参加这一地区活动请尽快让

营员想收到信。请寄信到:(营员的名字), 29951 我知道。

Suttle Lake Rd, Sisters OR 97759。信上注明“基督 我盼望着下两周。请继续为年轻人祈祷,

使徒营”。给出 JYF 的营员:开利·巴克马斯特、 让他们继续学习更多的耶稣基督,和与他

阿西礼和肯尼迪·比格汉姆、但以理·迪耶和曼 同行的意义。

迪·恩德勒。顾问:克瑞斯&劳瑞·迪耶、瑞贝卡 瑞尼·托瑞

和彼得·瑞沃勒。早点写信以便他们能收到。 临时年轻人指导




Things to Know and DoThings to Know and DoThings to Know and DoThings to Know and Do

15th Annual Max Meek Hike Saturday, August 24 8:30 am, leave from the church

This year’s Max Meek Hike will be to Drift Creek Falls on the coastal side of the Cascade Mountains. It is a family-friendly, 3-mile, round-trip hike to Drift Creek Falls that includes crossing an awesome sus-pension bridge. Please call the church to sign-up or sign-up at the Information Center so we can arrange transportation. You will need to bring a sack lunch.

Check It Out! As the hot, sultry Dog Days of Summer are upon us, take time to find a shady place to enjoy a glass of lemonade and a good book. Fiction lovers may enjoy “Kaleidoscope Eyes” by Karen Ball, an intriguing story about Annie Justice and her dog, Kodi, who are pitted against a cunning adversary while searching for a lost girl. “Blind Hope” by Kim Meeder tells the true story of a girl who learns the transforming power of God’s love as she rescues and restores an abused blind dog. A devotional for dog lovers, “Four Paws from Heaven,” teaches trust, obedience and the joy of being in the Master’s presence. Find these “Paws-ible” Great Books on the back counter of your church Library.

Betty Charnholm, Librarian Ministry of the Books – For God’s Glory

Holy Land Party Thursday, August 22 7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall

We will gather to share stories and pictures of the recent Holy Land trip several people were able to experience this past June. We would like to offer an invitation to ANY and ALL who have ever gone on this adventure to come and re-live it with us

FCC Upcoming Host Duties Salem Interfaith Hospitality (SIHN) families will be hosted by FCC August 25-September 1. Volunteer opportunities to support this mission are:

• Prepare and provide the evening meal for families and volunteers

• Evening hosts to dine, socialize, assist with activi-ties with the SIHN families

• Cash donations to purchase food and supplies for the day center and FCC

• Prayer support to FCC volunteers and the families • Pick up mattresses from Trinity Covenant -

deliver to FCC • Set-up and take down

Please sign up at the Information Center or on our website– Thank you.

Quilt Raffle to Support Ecuador FEDICE in Honor of Victor Vaca Selling tickets on Sundays. Watch for the queen-size quilt to be on display. For tickets and information call Bev Ikeda, 503-339-7432.

$5 - 1 ticket / $10 - 3 tickets $15 - 6 tickets / $20 - 10 tickets

The raffle drawing will be September 22 at the 11:00 am worship.

Ambassadors’ Summer Get-Together Friday, August 23 5:30 pm at Jim & Avis Kinkaid's

CORN FEED Pot Luck. Bring a hot dish, salad or dessert, (singles bring one entree), table service and lawn chairs. Come early to play lawn games or visit.

Directions: East on Center St. (Center becomes Fruit-land Rd. at the S curve), left on 63rd, right on Cotton-wood St., left on second driveway on the left, then immediate left. 6515 Cottonwood St., 503-581-8679.

15 期 第 6 页

知道的事情和做圣地聚会 大使班夏天的聚会8 月 22 日星期四 8 月 23 日星期五

7:00pm,友谊大厅 5:30pm 在吉姆&阿维斯·金凯德家

我们将聚在一起分享故事和最近去圣地旅行 吃玉米幸运罐。带一道热菜、沙拉或甜点,

几个人能够在最近六月亲历的图片。我们想 (单身带一道主菜),桌子服侍和草地椅。

供应邀请给任何所有曾经参加这冒险的人再 早点来玩草地游戏或者参观。

次与我们一起经历。 方向:中央街东(中央变成水果地路在 S 拐

第一基督教堂主人的责任 弯处),在 63 号左拐,在棉木路右边,在第

撒冷不同信仰款待网络(SIHN)家庭将会做 2 个马路向左,就在左手 6515 Cottonwood St.,

主人在第一基督教堂 8 月 25 日到 9 月 1 日。 503-581-8679。

支持这次使命的志愿者的机会: 第 15 届马克斯米克远足● 准备和提供晚上的饭为家庭和志愿者 8 月 24 日星期六

● 晚上主人与 SIHN 家庭一起进餐、联谊 8:30am,从教堂离开

和辅助 活动。 今年的马克斯米克远足是在漂流溪瀑布卡斯

● 现金捐献购买为每天中心和第一基督 科特山的沿岸。这是家庭友好的 3 英里的往

教堂购买食物和供应。 返在漂流溪瀑布的远足,包括穿过令人敬畏的

● 祈祷支持第一基督教堂志愿者和家庭 吊桥。请给教堂打电话报名或者在信息中心报

● 从三一协议运床垫到第一基督教堂 名,以便我们能安排交通。你需要带一袋午餐。

● 安排和记录 拼布抽彩来支持厄瓜多尔

请在信息中心报名或者我们的网页上 FEDICE 荣耀维克多·瓦卡 。谢谢 礼拜天卖票。看好大尺寸的拼布展示。票和

看一看 信息给贝夫·艾克达打电话 503-339- 7432 。

当桑拿天的天气临到我们的时候,花时间找个 $5-- 1张票 /$10—3张票

阴凉的地方享受一杯柠檬水读一本好书。喜爱 $15—6张票/$20--10张票

小说的读者可以享受卡润·包写的《万花筒的眼 抽彩将在 9 月 22 日 11:00am 敬拜时进行。









贝蒂·查霍姆 图书管理员



HousekeepingHousekeepingHousekeepingHousekeeping Serving Sunday, August 11

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Irene Jones 11:00 am– Alan Brown, Dave Rehbehn, Irene Jones, Bud Pierce, Loyst Streeter

AUGUST DEACONS 8:30 am Service– Bob Adams, Dutch Sealy 9:30 am Service– Sally Dalke, Andy Eno 11:00 am Service– Penny Blackwell, Richard Adams, Jim Blackwell, Gary & Linda Danielson, Jack Gill, Bob Krebs, Murray McNeil, Ethan & Monique Ownby, Dennis & Dena Turner

SATURDAY FILL Colette Tennant

COMMUNION CLEAN UP Linda Jordan, Marilyn Ross,

Duane & Audrey Setness

COFFEE HOUR Dave & Debbi Rehbehn


Rebecca Revello, Gavin Watson

FLOWERS From Carol Miller in honor and remembrance

of her parents, Les & Opal Carson.

Serving Sunday, August 18

ELDERS 8:30 & 9:30 am– Virginia Krebs 11:00 am– Loyst Streeter, Kent Hazelwood, Dave Rehbehn, Kim Resch, Sharron Streeter

AUGUST DEACONS 8:30 am Service– Bob Adams, Dutch Sealy 9:30 am Service– Sally Dalke, Andy Eno 11:00 am Service– Penny Blackwell, Richard Adams, Jim Blackwell, Gary & Linda Danielson, Jack Gill, Bob Krebs, Murray McNeil, Ethan & Monique Ownby, Dennis & Dena Turner

SATURDAY FILL Margaret Cleveland


Judy Brown, Beth Manzo, Ferol Weyand


Richard & Carole Adams, Joan Behen

HOLY GROUNDS Rebecca Revello, Riane Towery


From Jeff & Barb Leisman, in celebration of Elton & Margaret Brutscher’s

70th wedding anniversary!

July 28, 2013

GIVING General– $4421.00

Building– $0

ATTENDANCE 8:30– 36/ 9:30– 77

11:00– 183 Sunday School– 94

N U M B 3 R S

July 21, 2013

GIVING General– $4415.42

Building– $0

ATTENDANCE 8:30– 32/ 9:30– 77

11:00– 189 Sunday School– 113

August 4, 2013

GIVING General– $13,786.14

Building– $0

ATTENDANCE 8:30– 42/ 9:30– 55

11:00– 173 Sunday School– 99

15 期 第 7 页

家务 8 月 11 日服侍礼拜天 8 月 18 日服侍礼拜天

长老 长老

8:30&9:30am—艾瑞尼·琼斯 8:30&9:30am-- 弗吉尼亚·科伯斯

11:00am—阿兰·布朗,达夫·瑞宾汉,艾瑞尼·琼 11:00am--劳斯特·斯垂特,肯特·哈兹伍德,

斯,巴德·皮尔斯,劳斯特·斯垂特 达夫·瑞宾汉,金·瑞斯驰,沙荣·斯垂特

8 月执事 8 月执事

8:30am 服侍—鲍勃·亚当斯,达驰·西利 8:30am 服侍--鲍勃·亚当斯,达驰·西利

9:30am 服侍—沙利·达克,安迪·以诺 9:30am 服侍--沙利·达克,安迪·以诺

11:00am 服侍—潘尼·布莱克威尔,理查德·亚当 11:00am 服侍--潘尼·布莱克威尔,里查

斯,吉姆·布莱克威尔,嘎瑞&琳达·丹尼尔森, 德·亚当斯,吉姆·布莱克威尔,嘎瑞&琳

杰克·吉尔,鲍勃·科伯斯,墨瑞·迈克奈尔,伊 达·丹尼尔森,杰克·吉尔,鲍勃·科伯斯,墨

山&莫尼克·奥白,丹尼斯&迪那·特纳 瑞·迈克奈尔,伊山&莫尼克·奥白,丹尼斯&

星期六填充 迪那·特纳

科莱特·田纳特 星期六填充

圣餐清扫 玛格丽特·克莱夫兰

琳达·乔丹,玛瑞丽恩·柔斯 圣餐清扫

端尼&奥椎·塞特尼斯 朱迪·布朗,白斯·芒佐,

咖啡时间 费罗·威扬德

达夫&戴比·瑞宾汉 咖啡时间

圣地 理查德&卡罗·亚当斯,乔·伯汉

瑞贝卡·瑞沃勒,嘎文·瓦特森 圣地

花 瑞贝卡·瑞沃勒,瑞尼·托瑞

来自卡罗·米勒为荣耀纪念她的父母莱斯&奥 花

帕·卡森 杰夫&巴伯·莱斯曼庆祝艾尔顿&玛格丽特·布

如特斯驰结婚 70 周年

数 2013 年 7 月 21 日 2013 年 7 月 28 日 2013 年 8 月 4 日

给 给 给

字 总数--$4415.42 总数--$4421.00 总数--$13,786.14

建筑物--$0 建筑物--$0 建筑物--$0

追 参加 参加 参加

8:30-32/9:30-77 8:30-36/9:30-77 8:30-42/9:30-55

凶 11:00—189 11:00—183 11:00--173

主日学—113 主日学—94 主日学--99

First Christian Church Periodical Postage 685 Marion Street NE Paid At: Salem OR 97301-3729 Salem OR Post Office

First Christian Church Phone: 503-363-9273

Fax: 503-378-0971

First Christian Staff

Senior Pastor Bob Hanna

Interim Youth Director Riane Towery

Children’s Ministries Director Laurie Dyer

Business Manager Allison Pfaff Secretary

Melissa Houston Keeper of the House

Mark Ridings Music Director

Judy Dyer Praise Team Leader

Billy Strehlow Nursery Coordinator

Teri Garland Handbell Choir Director

Christine Sinibaldi Organist

Marilyn Reischke Security

Terrance Jull, John Erickson Sound Engineer Loring Hermann Video Engineer

Ed Vawter

The Church Scroll UPSP 112-660 Published Semi-Monthly by the

First Christian Church 685 Marion Street NE

Salem OR 97301-3729 Periodical Postage

paid at Salem, Oregon POSTMASTER


685 Marion Street NE Salem OR 97301-3729

Special Coffee Hour Sunday, August 11

12:00 pm, Chapel

Cake is being provided by Alan & Kathy Brown. This will be their last Sunday

at FCC before they move on to their next chapter in life.

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