the crobie contagion i

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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UCSD biquarterly newsletter. Issue 01. Updated 06/18/15.


Ci rc l e K i s a commun i ty ser v ic e organ iza t i on tha t not on ly st r ives to ser ve i ts communi ty , bu t to a lso help i ts members grow and become leaders wh i le a l so prov id ing a fu l f i l l ing co l l ege expe r ience.

The Crobie Contagion Updated 06.05.15 Issue 01



Table of Contents

Welcomes…………………………………………...………...……..03 Articles………………………………………………...………...….05 • A Sleepless DCON, Volunteering at the Matsuri Festival, Reality Changers,

Get Swole, Kiwanis One Day, Paradise EOTY Banquet, Waterfalls & Refills, Kuncocshun, STC

Member Spotlights…………………….……………...……………....09 Honorable Mentions……………………………………….….…..….10 Confessions, MD&E…………………………...…………….……..….11 Calendar of Upcoming Events……………….…………………………12 Contact………………………..………………...…….….….…..…..13

Circle K Pledge I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster

compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and

to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!



Welcome to s pr ing quarter ev eryon e ! I hop e you all had a

great f i rst we ek of sc hool ! I'd like to thank all of you for coming out to the events we had this week and being so supportive. If you didn't see on Facebook, I want to challenge you all to this: invite and bring out one (three if you're feeling up to it) new friend to Circle K. I'll have a personal gift for all of you who

do! Much love and see y'all real soon! :)

LTG ’s welcome: Zach manlap id

He llo UCS D! My name i s Zach Manlap id and I am your 20 15-2016

Parad i se L ie utenant Gov ern or! I'm currently a Second Year Sociology Major with a Music Minor who loves anything nerdy or related to a musical. If you ever catch me at a meeting, don't feel weird about saying hi! We've got a full year so I hope I get the chance to meet every one of you!

Letter From the Editor: Erica Kao

H i every one ! H o p e y ’a ll ar e hav ing a great quarte r and a rad t i me i n C i r cle K ! Thanks for reading my first newsletter! If you think it’s ugly I apologize please cut me some slack I’m pretty lame at this stuff. But I can’t believe that the first quarter of my term is already over like where did the time go!? To my graduating seniors/members- I’M GOING TO MISS Y’ALL SO MUCH PLEASE DON’T LEAVE. Please hang out with us before you all graduate and disappear…. L To my grand-predecessor + predecessor- Thanks so much for helping me out during my transition. It’s been tough but I know I can make it through with both of your help!



A SLEEPLESS DCON… Joren Libunao This was my 3rd DCON so far, and this definitely was the craziest of the three I've been to. I went through such a roller coaster of emotions I can’t even begin to think about how I made it through all of that. I was one of the few people that were there as early as Friday morning, because I wanted to attend the final District Board Meeting (seeing as I was from the area, it wasn’t that big of a hassle). After the meeting, it was pretty much rest time until I had to start my shift for awards tabling, and from that point on I was all dressed up because I was a candidate for Paradise LTG, even though it was really hot outside. My District Awards Committee friends got mad at me for not telling them I was running, which was actually pretty hilarious to see unfold, even though I was the victim of their yelling. Opening Session was a bit of a blur, but perhaps the most memorable part was divisional roll call, when all of Paradise got up and we did the Haka. The best part was that I was holding a derpy picture of Gerald at the same time. Caucusing later that night was the most intense thing I had gone through. Public speaking was never my strongpoint, so speaking to all of these Circle K members without getting nervous was really difficult. Surprisingly, I came out alive and my caucusing committee (Jessica Gutierrez from SDSU and Andrew Thai from our club) both said I did really well during my speech and questions. We stayed up that night talking about all the candidates. The second day of DCON was obviously much more jam packed. All I remember was morning caucusing and buying breakfast from Jake Wong, past SDSU President. After, I went to the public speaking workshop hosted by Jennifer Que from OCC to learn more about how to publicly speak better. Following that I hosted a VPS workshop along with a few other current and previous VPS’s. It was finally lunch after that, where we celebrated MRP recipients, learned more about Go West and the Kiwanis Family House, and sang along to Shake It Off by Taylor Swift with the whole district. After lunch was over, it was finally time for House of Delegates. The moment that Josh, Victoria, and I had been waiting for months to come. Victoria got to celebrate early and got the position of District Treasurer (congratulations by the way). Josh and I waited along with Zach Manlapid from Palomar for Paradise LTG to be announced, and as we waited, we got more nervous as we watched other divisions get announced. When the time finally came, we hugged each other in a circle, desperately waiting for the name of our next LTG. I kid you not, those were some of the slowest seconds of my life that I’ve ever lived. I felt like I was hugging them for a really long time. The name was announced—“Zach Manlapid”—and I could hear Zach reacting with strong, heavy breathing from the shock and excitement of the announcement. Josh and I hugged him even harder as we stood there, letting the moment sink in. Awards Night was next, which was the biggest moment of my committee’s term. We sat together as a committee, separated from our home clubs and divisions, to enjoy the night we’ve been planning for weeks. We watched as club after club, officer after officer ran up to receive their awards, and when someone from Paradise got an award, I cheered as loud as I could, even if I stuck out like a sore thumb, not even within 5 tables from Paradise members. The night ended with Jennifer Que giving closing thoughts, and it was one of the most heartwarming things to see her react to everything finally ending for her. Our committee hugged it out afterwards, congratulating her on a term finally finished. After Awards Night were the talent show and the alternate activities. Our school rushed up to get a good, front-row seat and watched all the amazing acts perform in front of the district. Afterwards, we enjoyed the dance and alternate activities. I personally worked the scrapbooks room and then also bought a t-shirt from UC Davis (which won Club’s Choice at FTC) because I thought it looked really cool. After the day was pretty much over, our club met up for our traditional club reflection that took place every “Saturday night” (actually Sunday morning), and while I’m not supposed to say what happened, I’ll basically say it went until 6:00am. I was so ready to knock out, but I couldn’t because I was one of the few that had to be up early for the closing session rehearsal. I decided, “It’s DCON. Might as well stay up and suffer. I’ll get to sleep when I come back to UCSD.” Did I regret it? A little bit. Was it worth? Debatable. But it was a fun experience nonetheless, and it was good that I was awake that early, because that following morning was the most stressful thing I’ve had to deal with this whole year while on the District Awards Committee. Running back and forth, finalizing awards for clubs to pick-up, and getting scripts and what not ready for closing session. At the same time, I was enjoying the final moments of the convention, watching the old board get retired and the new board get installed, listening to Byron’s speech and Tae’s speech, and saying goodbye to friends both new and old. My absolute favorite moment was announcing that Paradise had won Divisional Excellence, and getting to do the Haka with Gerald on-stage. It was perhaps one of the most thrilling things I had ever done while in Circle K. The convention ended with tears shed, goodbye pictures taken, and hopes instilled for the new Circle K year.


Volunteering at the Matsuri Festival

Brian Tan A couple of weeks ago was the NSU’s and JSA’s Matsuri festival, a Japanese cultural festival with game booths, performances, and food stalls that prepared authentic Japanese dishes such as yakisoba, takoyaki, amazake, and a lot more! My personal favorite was the taiyaki, a Japanese fish-shaped cake, which was prepared by placing some sort of filling – most often red bean paste, but spam and even mochi were used – on top of some batter that was placed onto a fish-shaped mold and pressed until it reaches a golden brown color. The performances were fascinating to watch, with performances from a cappella groups such as Acamazing, dance groups such as Finesse, and recreational clubs like the kendo, wushu, and iaido clubs.

I was a volunteer at the okonomiyaki stall, which I found to be fairly difficult to run since the okonomiyaki stall was very popular, maintaining lines of about forty or fifty customers! Each plate of okonomiyaki, a Japanese-style pancake grilled with cabbages, took a painfully long time to prepare since each batch required about twenty to thirty minutes on the grill. Then, each pancake was topped off with otafuku sauce, Japanese mayonnaise, fish flakes, seaweed sprinkles, and green onion slices. One of the volunteers entertained customers by creating these elaborate spider web and snowflake-like designs with the Japanese mayonnaise. Some customers chose to wait even longer for her artistically crafted okonomiyaki. Although things got a bit hectic later on in the evening, I enjoyed volunteering at the Matsuri festival. There was also a cool little bonus at the end of the day: tons and tons of extra free food!

Real ity Changers tuan pham

I first fell in love with Reality Changers (RC) four years ago. At RC, we mentor first-

generation students from low-socioeconomic areas. Whenever it is advertised, a lot of the tutoring aspect is mentioned. While it is true

we support their academic life, what gets glossed over is we serve as role models,

fostering the development of teenagers not much younger than ourselves. I have seen students struggle, astoundingly raise their

GPAs from 1.7 to 3.8, and go on to graduate and become leaders in their college

community. You form bonds with your students and are able to see the fruits of

your service blossom before your eyes. It is because of this why I love RC so much and

will continue to attend until the day I graduate. The free dinner being my only well

balanced meal of the week helps too.

Get swole. x Cindy Sou The Friday Crossfit Social was definitely hard and definitely worth it. I hadn’t been able to fit working out into my schedule this quarter because of classes so this was exactly what I needed. I was able to hit almost everything in an hour. Crossfit is definitely a challenge that pushes me to my limit and then makes me keep going. I learned the proper way to do squats along with some other exercises I don’t know the names to. I would absolutely recommend going to the workout socials because you not only get to learn new exercises, but also you get to bond with other people through how much you guys are dying on the inside. Huge shout out to Mike and Justin for leading the workouts!


//V incent L im For Kiwanis One Day, we vo lunteered w i th the San

D iegui to R iver Park Rangers in Escondido .

Together wi th at tendees f rom Ca l State San

Marcos , Palomar, and Universi ty Ci ty High Schoo l,

UCSD CKI he lped a park ranger maintain the h ik ing

tra i l . Whi le doing th is , some o f the loca ls who

o ften used the tra i l verba l l y t hanked us , which i s

always a great fee l ing (knowing tha t we are do ing

someth ing that people real l y apprec ia te) .

Some th ings we d id were cutt ing branches so they

d idn't b lock the path, c lear ing weeds and

unwanted plants on the trai l , and hang ing out w ith

o ther members of our Kiwanis Famil y ! What can be

bette r than doing serv ice together?

Nothing else beats early morning service right?

On April 12, 2015 UCSD Circle K members along with other

Circle Ks and Key Clubs in San Diego had the opportunity to

all gather together to volunteer in one service event, Kiwanis

One Day. We all worked together to try to clean up a trail

and remove any bushes or weeds that have grown onto the

trail path. It was a very warm day, but the trail was quiet and

peaceful, except for the bikers and joggers that would come


Everyone had the chance to catch up with other Circle K

members from Palomar, San Marcos and meet a Key

Clubber from University City High School. It was a great and

fun event to attend in that we had the opportunity to really

do something that we can see results. Before we started,

there were many weeds and plants that were growing into

the trial from the sides, but afterwards, the trail looked clean

and nice for everyone to enjoy. Overall, everyone had a

great time and it was very fun to see everyone again!

//Edward To



Every year, clubs and divisions gather to have their end of the year banquet to celebrate a year of service, fellowship, and leadership. This year, Paradise's end of the year banquet was held at the lovely house of our regional advisor, Patty Rider. We had the great opportunity to bond with the other San Diego schools such as SDSU, Palomar, and San Marcos.We all had a great time starting off by chilling out and socializing in the amazing pool. The pool had WATERFALLS and they had a very nice jacuzzi too. Everyone had a chance to mingle with each other and meet new people from other schools as well as catch up with old friends. We then got served a nice dinner consisting of Tri-tip along with other sides that people brought for the potluck. After the dinner our new Lieutenant Governor (LTG), Zach Manlapid, hosted his very first divisional council meeting (DCM). It went pretty well overall for his first one and he did bring back some old things that were forgotten such as saying the Circle K pledge before the DCM started and such. Afterwards, the official banquet started and Gerald Biando, our outgoing LTG gave his farewell speech as well as giving away some awards. Zach came up to the stage again and gave us his incoming welcome speech afterwards. Overall, it was a great and fun event to attend! It was very nice seeing old friends and hanging out with them as well as swimming in the pool and jacuzzi.

Waterfalls & Ref ills x Joren Libunao

The La Jolla Half Marathon is an annual event that our Kiwanians host to raise about $280,000 for various charities and causes that they donate to throughout the year. I've been to all of them so far, and this year was a little more stressful in that we ran out of cups earlier than previous years. Towards the end we were mostly just giving out waterfalls and refills to people who needed it, and almost empty water jugs to those that didn't mind running with them. But the lack of cups freaked us out towards the middle to end, because we were struggling to get them out but the runners just wouldn't stop coming. We didn't get more cups until pretty much at the end when we didn't need them anymore. Otherwise, it was fun complaining about how early it was and handing out water to runners as they passed by. Next year is my last year of Circle K, and therefore potentially my last La Jolla Half Marathon. And I've been thinking about running... but only if I can get over my laziness. We'll see in about a year.


Kuncocshun x Edward To Each year, Sixth college hosts a music festival for all UCSD students called Kuncocshun. This festival is a concoction of

many things: live music, booths advertising student organizations, free food, and fun activities. UCSD Circle K had the

opportunity to volunteer at this event and also participate in it too. We had the opportunity of volunteering at the art

booth handing out mini canvases for people to paint on and stamping their stamp cards after they finish their mini art

pieces. Afterwards, members were assigned to the check in table to scan ID's for attendees and tell them how the event

worked. Although there were only 5 members who

volunteered, we all had a good time and helped the

organizers out immensely. We also got some free food too!

Spr ing Tra in ing Conference

x Edward To

Every Spring, Circle K members from all over the district gather together to participate in the Spring Training Conference! It was held on the lovely campus of Orange Coast College (OCC) and many of the Circle K members located in Southern California had the opportunity to attend. The whole event exemplified Circle K's three tenets: service, leadership, and fellowship. The main focus though, was leadership. Many of our members had the opportunity to attend and participate in the workshops that were hosted to train them to become better leaders or better people. Whether it was a workshop about being a good board member or a workshop about relationships, everyone learned something new. Everyone grew a little as a leader or a person while there. Along with leadership, everyone had the opportunity to meet new people from different schools across southern California. They mingled during lunch, did weird and fun activities together such as the Haka zumba during icebreakers, and more! Overall, everyone enjoyed their times during Spring Training Conference and left having met someone new or learned something new!


Member Spotl ight

J osh V i l laf lor

He len wang

Mi ke Mull en

J ef f rey y en

J oren L i bu


YEAR: 3rd COLLEGE: Sixth MAJOR: Electrical Engineering FAM: Knight Furies HOMETOWN: Palmdale, CA

YEAR: 3rd COLLEGE: Sixth MAJOR: Management Science FAM: Hoodratz HOMETOWN: West Hills, CA

YEAR: 1st COLLEGE: Marshall MAJOR: Physics [Going for CS] FAM: Big Bad Wolves HOMETOWN: San Francisco

YEAR: 4th COLLEGE: Warren MAJOR: Computer Engineering FAM: Knight Furies HOMETOWN: Staten Island, NY

YEAR: 1st COLLEGE: Marshall MAJOR: Earth Science [Considering nanoengineering] FAM: Big Bad Wolves HOMETOWN: Changzhou, China



Scr ipt Wr it er : Jaime Estepa Stage Crew: Melody Azani Performers: Michael Lindarto, Izi Reyes, Edwin Quiñanola, Josh Villaflor, Larry Zhang, Jen Keli Bautista, Jazlene Mallari

K P: P CC 2015

D I STR ICT COMMI TTEE MEMB ERS 2015 DCON Commit tee : Melanie Leng (Honor’s Reception), Alvin Vo (Registration), Bella Nguyen (SAA) F inance & Fund ra is ing : Victoria Ortiz (FiFun Chair) K iwani s Fami ly Commi t tee: Vincent Lim (Paradise Liaison) MD&E Commit tee : Nam Nguyen (Committee Member) Serv i ce Commi t tee: Joren Libunao (DSSS Workshops)





"You can' t stop the fucboi " - Andrew Thai 2k15

I just wanna shr ink mysel f and then cur l up into Michae l L indarto's d imp les <3

I hear Joseph's secre t ingred ient for a l l h is food i s a spr i t z o f feb reeze. . . .

Mini GBM Workshops x Christine Vo This quarter, Incrediboard implemented biweekly mini workshops during GBM to educate members about topics beyond Circle K! These workshops are presented by the members for the members about various programs, educational topics, leadership skills, and more. For our first mini workshop, we invited Lynn Ko and Steven Nguyen, two past board members, to talk about Alternative Breaks, a program that provides opportunities for students to volunteer with community-based nonprofits around the world during spring and summer breaks. We also had our historian, Vivian Dinh, present our second mini workshop on Charity Navigator, a website that evaluates the reliability of a charity by giving ratings based on certain criteria. We hope to continue these mini workshops again in fall quarter, and if you are interested in presenting a workshop about any topic that you are interested in, please feel free to contact me at!


Calendar 6/14


6/16 6/17 6/18 6/19 6/20



6/23 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27…



7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25



7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1



8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29



- La Jol la F est ival of th e Arts


WHEN: June 24 – 27, 2015 WHERE: Indianapolis, Indiana WHAT: Circle K’s biggest event of the year where clubs from the US, Canada, and Caribbean will come together. This year’s ICON will be both a convention AND a large-scale service project, so be sure to come on out! WHY: To make new friends, elect your ’15-’16 International Board, listen to amazing speakers, and to celebrate 100 years of Kiwanis. TELL ME MORE: SIGN ME UP! !! Register on-site for $425

- fur bal l gala







Christine Vo MD&E

AZ DeGuzman Member Relations

Vincent Lim Kiwanis Family

Vivian Dinh Historian

Erica Kao Public Relations

Joseph Le President

Emilie Shen VP of Administration

Esther Wang Secretary

Thong Pham Treasurer

Bella Nguyen Social

Adrian Cruz Spirit

Sabrina Lim Fundraising

Steven Bulosan Service

Bradley Ventayen VP of Service

Incredi-board Contact

Soc ia l Media

@UCSD Circle K



Brian Tan Technology

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