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Post on 02-Jan-2020






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Научноистраживачки резултати запослених на

Природно-математичком факултету у Нишу,

остварени у периоду 2013-2016. године

Департман за географију (научни резултати у периоду 2013-2016.) Autori Naziv naučnog rada Časopis, volumen, godina, strane Kategorizacija rezultata, prema kriterijumima MPNTR

Naučna oblast

1 Radivojevic A, Pavlovic Mila., Milovanovic M, Stričevic Lj, Bratic M.


Journal of Family History, vol. 41 br. 2, str. 165-175, (2016):

M22 Geo nauke

2 Nataša M. Martić-Bursać, Branislav L. Bursać, Vladan D. Ducić, Aleksandar R. Radivojević, Nenad Lj. Živković, Radomir D. Ivanović, Mrđan M. Đokić, Ljiljana S. Stričević, Milena J. Gocić


Thermal Science (2016), M22 Geonauke

3 Radivojević A., Milovanović M., Bratić M., Stričević Lj. , Milić D. J.,


Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije / Journal of the Antropological Society of Serbia, vol. 49, str. 1-9, doi: 10.5937/gads1449001R

M52 Geonauke

4 Zlatkovic K. Б., Bogosavljevic S.С., Radivojevic R A., Pavlovic A. M.,

Traditional use of the native medicinal plant resource of Mt. Rtanj (Eastern Serbia): Ethnobotanical evaluation and comparison,

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Vol 151, 1 (2014), pp. 704–713.

M21A Geo nauke

5 Radovanović Milan M., Pavlović Tomislav A.M., Stanojević Gorica B., Milanović Miško M., Pavlović Mila A., Radivojević Aleksandar R.,


Thermal Science (2014), pp. 36-36,

M22 Geonauke

6 Radivojević Aleksandar R., Martić-Bursać Nataša M., Gocić Milena J., Filipović Ivan M., Pavlović Mila A., Radovanović Milan M., Stričević Ljiljana S., Punišić Milan R.,

Statistical analysis of temperature regime change on the example of Sokobanja basin in eastern Serbia,

Thermal Science (2015), M22 Geonauke

7 A Aeksandar R. Radivojević, Tomislav M. Pavlović, Dragana D. Milosavljević, Amelija V. Djordjević, Mila A. Pavlović, Ivan M. Filipović, Lana S. Pantić and Milan R. Punišić,


Thermal Science (2015), M22 Geo nauke

8 D. M. Djordjević, A. R. Radivojević, M. A. Pavlović, M. G. Djordjević, M. N. Stanković, I. M. Filipović, S. I. Filipović,

Preliminary geochemical investigation of karst barré from eastern Serbia Sokobanja basin,

Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 46, Number 4 (pp. 771 – 776) 2014

M23 Geo nauke

9 Dragana D. Milosavljević, Tomislav M. Pavlović, Aleksandar R. Radivojević, Mila A. Pavlović, Ivan M. Filipović, Milan M. Radovanović and Danica S. Pirsl,


SYLWAN., 158, 6 (2014), pp. 298-321. ISSN 0039-7660;

M23 Geo nauke

10 Selim Sacirovic, Ivan Filipovic, Mila Pavlovic,Vidoje Stefanovic, Vukasin Susic, Aleksandar Radivojevic,

Theoretical analysis of natural and anthropogenic values of Novi Pazar area,

TTEM, Vol 8, No3, pp.1324-1333(2013),

M23 Geo nauke

11 Pavlović T., Milosavljević D., Radonjić I., Pantić L.,Radivojević A., Pavlović M

Possibility of electricitygeneration using PV solar plants in Serbia,

Renewable andSustainable Energy Reviews 20 (2013) 201-218. (2013):

M21A Geo nauke

12 RadovanovićM., Milovanović B.,Pavlović M., Radivojević A.,Stevandević M.,

The Connection between the Solar WindCharged Particles and the Tornado - Case Analysis,

NuclearTechnology & Radiation Protection, Vol 28, No.1, pp.52-59(2013)

M22 Geo nauke

13 Ranko Dragović, Milan Đorđević,Nataša Martić-Bursać, Snežana Dragović,Ljiljana Janković-Mandić, Aleksandar Radivojevićand Ivan Filipović

Groundwater in Serbia: Resources, EnvironmentalImpacts and Sustainable Management

Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. † New York, 2015

M41 Geo nauke

14 Dordevic D., Stankovic M., Dordevic M., Krstic N., Pavlovic M., Radivojevic A., Filipovic I. (2013):,


STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LVII, 4,2012 (p. 39-54) characterization-bituminous-limestone-maganik-mountain-montenegro

M23 Geo nauke

15 Filipovic I, Valjarevic A., Djordjevic M., Pavlovic M, Radivojevic A., Bratic M, Dimitrijevic Lj

Cartographic method and validity of computer aided cartographic generalization of river flows,


M23 Geo nauke

16 M. Pavlović, I. Filipović, A. Radivojević, F. Krstić (2013):

Razvojni programi revitalizacije sela u Sokobanjskoj kotlini,

Zbornik radova Geografskog društva Republike Srpske, Banja Luka. pp. 201-211., ISBN 99955-719-9-3

M51 Geo nauke

17 Ranko Dragović, Boško Gajić, Snežana Dragović, Miodrag Đorđević, Milan Đorđević, Nevena Mihailović, Antonije Onjia

Assessment of the impact of geographical factors on the spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils around the steel production facility in Smederevo (Serbia)

JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, Vol. 84, 2014, p 550–562

M21 Geo nauke

18 Ljiljana Stričević, Ivan Filipović, Aleksandar Radivojević, Nataša Martić Bursać

Quality analysis of surface waters of Rasina district by using the Water Quality Index method,

Serbian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 1. (2015), pp. 1-10.

M52 Гео науке

19 Радивојевић А., Стричевић Љ, Филиповић И.

Демографски развој руралног простора Централне Србије – основне демографске одлике,

Научна монографија Развојни потенцијали и ограничења ревитализације руралног простора Централне Србије, Географски факултет, Универзитет у Београду, 2015, 151 - 197

М42 Гео науке

20 Dragović, S., Ćujić, M., Petrović, J., Dragović, R., Đorđević, M., Janković-Mandić, Lj.

Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution Using Mosses: Recent Developments and Future Prospects

Moss: Classification, Development and Growth and Functional Role in Ecosystems, J. Mohamed (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 171-197. ISBN 978-1-63117-397-4


M13 Geografija

21 Dragović, R., Đorđević, M., Martić-Bursać, N., Dragović, S., Janković-Mandić, Lj., Radivojević, A., Filipović, I.

Groundwater in Serbia: Resources, Environmental Impacts and Sustainable Management

NOVA Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-63321-759-1


M13 Geografija

22 Dragovic, S., Petrovic, J., Dragovic, R., Ðorđević, M., Đokić, M., Gajić, B.

The Influence of Edaphic Factors on Spatial and Vertical Distribution of Radionuclides in Soil

Radionuclides in the Environment: Influence of chemical speciation and plant uptake on radionuclide migration, Eds. Walther, Clemens, Gupta, Dharmendra K., pp. 61-80, ISBN: 978-3-319-22170-0


M13 Geografija

23 Dragović, S., Janković-Mandić, Lj., Dragović, R., Đorđević, M., Đokić, M., Kovačević, J.

Lithogenic radionuclides in surface soils of Serbia: Spatial distribution and relation to geological formations

Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 142, p. 4-10, ISSN: 0375-6742, doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2013.07.01

M21 Geografija



24 Dragović, R., Gajić, B., Dragović, S., Đorđević, M., Đorđević, M., Mihailović, N., Onjia, A.

Assessment of the impact of geographical factors on the spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils around the steel production facility in Smederevo (Serbia)

Journal of Cleaner Production. vol. 84, str. 550-562, ISSN: 0959-6526, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.03.060


M21 Geografija

25 Ćujić, M., Dragović, S., Đorđević, M., Dragović, R., Gajić, B., Miljanić, Š.

Radionuclides in the soil around the largest coal fired power plant in Serbia: radiological hazard, relationship with soil characteristics and spatial distribution

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, ISSN: 0944-1344 (Print) 1614-7499 (Online), DOI: 10.1007/s11356-014-3888-2


M21 Geografija

26 Petrović, J., Dragović S., Dragović, R., Djordjevic, M., Djokić, M., Ćujić, M.

Spatial and vertical distribution of Cs-137 in soils in the erosive area of southeastern Serbia (Pcinja and South Morava River Basins)

JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS, vol. 16, br. 4, str. 1168-1175, ISSN: 1439-0108 (Print) 1614-7480 (Online), DOI: 10.1007/s11368-015-1192-5


M21 Geografija

27 Ćujić, M., Dragović, S., Đorđević, M., Dragović, R., Gajić, B.

Environmental assessment of heavy metals around the largest coal fired power plant in Serbia

CATENA, (2016), vol. 139 br. , str. 44-52, ISSN: 0341-8162, doi:10.1016/j.catena.2015.12.001


M21 Geografija

28 Momčilović, М., Kovačević, Ј., Tanić, М., Đorđević, M., Bačić, G., Dragović S.

Distribution of natural radionuclides in surface soils in the vicinity of abandoned uranium mines in Serbia

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 185, Issue 2, pp 1319-1329, ISSN: 0167-6369 (Print) 1573-2959

M22 Geografija

(Online), doi: 10.1007/s10661-012-2634-9


29 Petrović, J., Dragović, S., Dragović, R., Đorđević, M., Đokić, M., Zlatković, B., Walling, D.

Using 137Cs measurements to estimate soil erosion rates in the Pcinja and South Morava River Basins, southeastern Serbia

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity Volumes 158–159, July 2016, Pages 71–80, ISSN: 0265-931X, doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2016.04.001


M22 Geografija

30 Petrović, J., Ćujić, M., Dordevic, M., Dragović R., Gajić, B., Miljanić, S., Dragović, S.

Spatial distribution and vertical migration of 137Cs in soils of Belgrade (Serbia) 25 years after the Chernobyl accident

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, The Royal Society of Chemistry (2013), vol. 15, Issue 6, 1279-1289, ISSN: 2050-7887 (Print) 2050-7895 (Online), doi: 10.1039/C3EM00084B


M23 Geografija

31 Janković-Mandić, Lj., Dragović, R., Đorđević, M., Đolić, M., Onjia, A., Dragović, S., Bačić, G.

Prostorna varijabilnost 137Cs u zemljištu Beograda (Srbija)

Hemijska industrija, 68/4, 449-455.UDK 546.36:539.166:504.5(497.11Beograd) ISSN: 0367-598X (Print) 2217-7426 (Online), doi:10.2298/HEMIND130124069J


M23 Geografija

32 Harrie, L., Stigmar, H., Djordjevic, M.

Analytical Estimation of Map Readability ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information; 4(2): 418-446, ISSN 2220-9964, doi:10.3390/ijgi4020418

M23 Geografija


33 Dragović, R., Stričević, Lj., Nikolić, M., Đorđević, M., Šušić, V.

Dilemmas in Tourism Development of Dragačevo: Mass Tourism or Ecotourism

Belgrade International Tourism Conference - BITCO 2014, Thematic Tourism in a Global Environment: Advantages, Challenges and Future Developments (249-261). College of Tourism, Belgrade. ISBN 978-86-82371-66-3


М33 Geografija

34 Ćujić, M., Petrović, J., Đorđević, M., Dragović, R., Dragović, S.

The Radiological Hazard due to Naturally Occurring Radionuclides in Soil around Thermoelectric Power Plant

Second International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research RAD2014, Niš, Serbia May 27-30. 2014. pp. 87-90 ISBN 978-86-6125-101-6 Ed. Goran Ristić


М33 Geografija

35 Janković-Mandić, Lj., Dragović, S., Đorđević, M., Đokić, M., Dragović, R.

Radium-226 Activity Concentrations in Well and Spring Waters in Serbia - Spatial Distribution and Relation to Geological Formations

Second International Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Various Fields of Research RAD2014, Niš, Serbia May 27-30. 2014. pp. 123-126 ISBN 978-86-6125-101-6 Ed. Goran Ristić


М33 Geografija

36 Petrović, J., Đorđević, M., Đokić, M., Dragović, R., Nikolić, M., Ćujić, M., Dragović, S.

Vertical distribution of 137Cs in the undisturbed soil profiles in the basin of Pčinja River, Southeastern Serbia

12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, September 22-26, 2014, ISBN 978-86-82475-30-9 Proceedings

М33 Geografija


37 Ćujić, M., Dragović, S., Đorđević, M., Dragović, R., Gajić, B.

Environmental assessment of heavy metals around the largest coal fired power plant in Serbia

16th European Meeting of Environmental Chemistry, November 30-December 3, 2015, ISBN 978-88-941168-0-9 Book of Abstracts, 110.


М34 Geografija

38 Dragović, R., Đorđević, M., Đorđević, M., Gajić, B., Đolić, M., Janković-Mandić, Lj., Dragović, S., Mihailović, N.

Regresiona i geostatistička analiza uticaja geografskih faktora na prostornu distribuciju teških metala u zemljištu industrijske zone Smederevo

Ecologica 74, UDC 519.233.5.504.75. ISSN 0354-3285, 326-331


М51 Geografija

39 Јанковић–Мандић, Љ., Петровић, Ј., Ћујић, М., Драговић, Р., Ђорђевић, М., Николић, М., Драговић, С.

Садржај 137 Cs у земљишту Београда и процена јачине дозе од овог радионуклида

Ecologica 76, UDC:502.7, ISSN 0354-3285, 800-804


М51 Geografija

40 Драговић Р., Јанковић-Мандић Љ., Ђорђевић М., Ђокић М., Стефановић В., Михаиловић Н., Драговић С., Гајић Б.

Стање и заштита земљишта у околини индустријске зоне Смедерево

Зборник радова – Књига 2. Планска и нормативна заштита простора и животне средине. Седми научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем. Асоцијација просторних планера Србије и Универзитет у Београду – Географски факултет. Палић ISBN 978-86-6283-005-0


М63 Geografija

Департман за физику (научни резултати у периоду 2013-2016.) Autori Naziv naučnog rada Časopis, volumen, godina, strane Kategorizacija rezultata, prema kriterijumima MPNTR

Naučna oblast

1 D. R. Dimitrijević Fizikalizam i njegova ograničenja u eri globalizacije

Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa Nauka i globalizacija, Filozofski fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Knjiga 8, tom 3, 319-332, Pale 2014.

M14 Fizika

2 D. R. Dimitrijević Causal Closure of Physics and the Formulation of Physicalism

Facta Universitatis – Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, Vol.13, No. 1, 2015, pp. 1-12.

M51 Fizika

3 Vesna Manić, Dragoslav Nikezić, Dragana Krstić and Goran Manić

Assessment of indoor absorbed gamma dose rate from natural radionuclides in concrete by the method of build-up factors

Radiation Protection Dosimetry 162 (4) (2014)

M22 Radijaciona fizika

4 Goran Manić, Vesna Manić, Dragoslav Nikezić, Dragana Krstić

The dose of gamma radiation from building materials and soil

Nukleonika 60 (4) (2015) 951-958 M23 Radijaciona fizika

5 M.K. Radović, Č.A. Maluckov, J.P. Karamarković, S.A. Rančev and S.D.Mitić

“Breakdown voltage distributions in Ne filled diode at 1.33 mbar with corona appearance in pre-breakdown regime”,

Brasilian Journal of Physics, Vol. 43, Iss. 3 (2013), pp.145-151

M23 Fizika jonizovanih gasova

6 Č.A. Maluckov, M.K. Radović, S.A. Rančev, G.S.Ristić and J.P. Karamarković

The Electrical Breakdown Time Delay Distributions in “GE 155/500” gas diode (starter)

Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 65, No. 4, (2013), pp. 1373–83

M22 Fizika jonizovanih gasova

7 B. Maluckov, V. Tasić, S. Alagić, S. Mladenović, J. Pejković, M. K. Radović, Č. Maluckov

Measurement of Extremely Low Frequent Magnetic Induction in Residential Buildings

International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 8, No 3 (2014) pp.583–590

M23 Fizika jonizovanih gasova

8 M.K. Radović, Č.A. Maluckov, J.P. Karamarković, S.A. Rančev and S.D.Mitić

Convolution based Distributions in neon at 1.33 mbar with Corona model of Breakdown Voltage appearence, in pre-brealdown Regime

Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 66, No. 2, (2014), pp. 472–480

M22 Fizika jonizovanih gasova

9 Č.A. Maluckov, M.K. Radović, D. Radivojecić

Experimental investigations of time delay distributions inside a commercial gas tube

IEEE trans. of dielectrics and electr. Insulators, Vol.22, Iss.2, (2015), pp. 752-759

M22 Fizika jonizovanih gasova

10 L.S. Pantić, T.M. Pavlović, D.D. Milosavljević, D.Lj. Mirjanić, I.S. Radonjić, M.K. Radović

Electrical Energy Generation with Differently Oriented PV Modules as Façade Elements

Thermal Science, Vol. 20, (4), (2016) pp. 1377-1386

M23 Solarna energetika

11 Č.A. Maluckov, S.A. Rančev and M.K. Radović

Applying the different statistical tests in analysis of electrical breakdown mechanisms in nitrogen filled gas diode

Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.18, Iss.10, (2016) pp. 978-986

M23 Fizika jonizovanih gasova

12 L.S. Pantić, T.M. Pavlović, D.D. Milosavljević, I.S. Radonjić, M.K. Radović, G. Sazhko

The assessment of different models to predict solar module temperature, output power and efficiency for Nis, Serbia

Energy, 109 (2016) pp. 38-48 M21A Solarna energetika

13 Prijić, A.; Vračar, L.; Pavlović, Z.; Kostić, L.; Prijić, Z.

The Effect of Flat Panel Reflectors on Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting in Wireless Sensor Nodes under Low Illumination Levels

Sensors Journal, IEEE, Vol. 15, Issue:12 (2015) 7105 – 7111.DOI:10.1109/JSEN.2015.2470548

M21 fizika

14 Zoran T. Pavlović, Ljiljana T. Kostić

Variation of reflected radiation from all reflectors of a flat plate solar collector during a year

Energy, Vol. 80 (2015) 75-84. DOI:10.1016/

M21 fizika

15 Ljiljana T. Kostić, Zoran T. Pavlović

The effect of the four flat plate reflectors on the light energy harvesting system characteristics

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, Vol. 13, No 3 (2015) 171-180.DOI: 10.2298/FUPCT1503171K

M51 fizika

16 Z.T. Pavlović,Lj.T. Kostić

Рефлектовано сунчево зрачење са равних

Zbornik radova XII Кongresa fizičara Srbije, Društvo fizičara Srbije,

M63 fizika

рефлектора соларног колектора

Beograd, (2013) 432-435.

17 P. Antici, L. Gremillet, T. Grismayer, P. Mora, P. Audebert, M. Borghesi, C. A. Cecchetti, A. Mančić and J. Fuchs

Modeling target bulk heating resulting from ultra-intense short pulse laser irradiation of solid density targets

Phys. Plasmas 20, 123116 (2013) M22 fizika

18 S. N. Chen, A.P. L. Robinson, P. Antici, E. Brambrink, E, d'Humieres, S. Gaillard, T. Grismayer, A. Mančić, P. Mora, L. Romagnani, P. Audebert, H. Pepin and J. Fuchs

Passive tailoring of laser-accelerated ionbeam cut-off energy by using double foil assembly

Phys. Plasamas 21, 023119 (2014) M22 fizika

19 S. Kuzmanović, A. Mančić, M. Stojanović Krasić

Effect of a geometric defect on light propagation through a composite linear photonic lattice

Facta Universitatis, Series Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 13, 163 (2015)

M51 fizika

20 T. Pavlović, D. Milosavljević, D. Mirjanić, L. Pantić, I. Radonjić, D. Piršl

Assessments and perspectives of PV solar power engineering in the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina),

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.18 (2013), pp.119-133

M (21) Solarna energetika

21 T. Pavlović, D. Milosavljević, I. Radonjić, L. Pantić, A. Radivojević, M. Pavlović,

Possibility of electricity generation using PV solar plants in Serbia

Renewable and Sustainable energy Reviews, Vol. 20 (2013), pp. 201-218

M (21) Solarna energetika

22 Lana S. Pantić, Tomislav M. Pavlović and Dragana D. Milosavljević

A practical field study of performances of solar modules at various positions in Serbia

Thermal Science, Vol. 19 (2015), Issue suppl. 2, pp. 511-523

M22 Solarna energetika

23 Aleksandar Radivojević, Tomislav M. Pavlović, Dragana D. Milosavljević, Amelija Djordjević, Mila Pavlović, Ivan Filipović, Lana S. Pantić, Milan Radovanović

Influence of climate and air pollution on solar energy development in Serbia

Thermal Science, Vol. 19 (2015), Issue suppl. 2, pp. S311-S322

M22 Solarna energetika

24 Lana S. Pantić, Tomislav Electrical energy generation Thermal Science, 2015 M22 Solarna energetika

M. Pavlović, Dragana D. Milosavljević, Dragoljub Lj. Mirjanić, Ivana S. Radonjić, Miodrag K. Radović

with differently oriented PV modules as façade elements

25 I. S. Radonjić, T. M. Pavlović, D. Lj. Mirjanić, M. K. Radović, D. D. Milosavljević, L. S. Pantić

Investigation of the impact of atmospheric pollutants on solar module energy efficiency

Thermal Science, 2016 online first M22 Solarna energetika

26 Dragoljub Mirjanić, Siniša Maksimović, Darko Divnić, Tomislav Pavlović, Lana Pantić, Dragana Milosavljević

Investigation of energy efficiency of polycrystalline silicon solar modules in relation to their geographical orientation and tilt angle

Contemporary Materials (Renewable energy sources), VI−2 (2015), pp 87-94

M51 Solarna energetika

27 T. Pavlović, L. Pantić, D. Mirjanić, D. Milosavljević, D. Piršl

Energy efficiency of differentlly orieneted solar modules in Serbia

Proceedings of Scientific Conference UNITECH 2014, Gabrovo, 2014, 329-335

M33 Solarna energetika

28 D. Milosavljević, T. Pavlović, D. Mirjanić, L. Pantić, D. Piršl

Solar energy in Serbia and Republic of Srpska

Proceedings of International Conference, Energy efficient equipment and technology in housing and communal services, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, 2014, 109-114.

M33 Solarna energetika

29 Ivana S. Radonjić, Tomislav M. Pavlović, Dragoljub Lj. Mirjanić, Miodrag K. Radović

Investigation of solar module energy efficiency depending on their surface soiling degree

Proceedings of Scientific Conference UNITECH 2016, Gabrovo, 2016, I-147-I-151.

M33 Solarna energetika

30 L. S. Pantić, T. M. Pavlović D. D. Milosavljević, D. Lj. Mirjanić, D. S. Piršl

Physical characteristics of geographically differently oriented solar modules in Niš (Republic of Serbia)

Proceedings of International Conference, Energy efficient equipment and technology in housing and communal services, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, 2014, 103-108.

M33 Solarna energetika

31 Ivana Radonjić, Tomislav Pavlović, Dragana Milosavljević, Dragoljub Mirjanić, Lana Pantić, Danica Piršl,

Influence of Different Types of Dust on PV Modules Energy Efficiency

Proceedings of 1st Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy “eNergetics 2015”, Research and Development Center “ALFATEC”, Niš, Serbia, pp. 94-99,

M33 Solarna energetika

2015.32 L. Pantić, T. Pavlović Determination of physical

characteristics of horizontally positioned solar module in real climate conditions in Nis, Serbia

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 2016, in press

M51 Solarna energetika

33 Dragoljub Mirjanić, Siniša Maksimović, Darko Divnić, Tomislav Pavlović, Lana Pantić, Dragana Milosavljević

Investigation of energy efficiency of polycrystalline silicon solar modules in relation to their geographical orientation and tilt angle

Contemporary Materials (Renewable energy sources), VI−2 (2015), pp 87-94

M51 Solarna energetika

34 T. M. Pavlović, D. D. Milosavljević, D. Lj. Mirjanić, L. S. Pantić

Proučavanje energetske efikasnosti solarnih elektrana od 2kW na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu u Nišu i Akademiji nauka i umjetnosti Republike Srpske u Banjoj Luci

Zbornik radova XII Kongresa fizičara Srbije, Društvo fizičara Srbije, Beograd, 2013, str. 436-439.

M63 Solarna energetika

35 T. M. Pavlović, L. S. Pantić, D. Lj. Mirjanić, D. D. Milosavljević

Proučavanje energetske efikasnosti solarnih modula od monokristalnog silicijuma u zavisnosti od njihove geografske orijentacije i ugla nagiba

Zbornik radova XII Kongresa fizičara Srbije, Društvo fizičara Srbije, Beograd, 2013, str. 440-443

M63 Solarna energetika

36 Bojana M. Zlatković, Biljana Samardžić

Vibrations modeling and simulation using stochastic bondsim elements

Applied mechanics and materials, vol. 430 (2013), pp. 158-164

M24 Matematika, računarske nauke i mehanika

37 Bojana Zlatković, Biljana Samardžić

Određivanje korelacije između verovatnoće stabilnosti i pouzdanosti kod diskretnih sistema


M53 Matematika, računarske nauke i mehanika

38 Biljana Samardžić, Bojana Zlatković

Chaos modelling and simulation of cascade connected nonlinear electrical systems using MATLAB/Bondsim

International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol.7, Nos.1/2,2015, pp. 47-54

M51 Računarske nauke i elektronika

39 Bojana M. Zlatković, Biljana Samardžić

A new approach for the system time without failures determining using Petri nets

Safety Engineering, Scientific Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2015), pp. 85–90, Faculty of Occupational Safety, University of Nis, doi:

M53 Matematika, računarske nauke i elektronika

10.7562/SE2015.5.02.0340 Bojana M. Zlatković, Biljana

SamardžićBondsim modeling and simulation of chaos in cascade connected nonlinear electrical systems

XLVIII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Proceedings of Papers, Volume 2, 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia, pp. 797-800

M33 Matematika, računarske nauke i elektronika

41 Biljana Samardžić, Bojana Zlatković

Simulation of bifurcation and escape – time diagrams of cascade – connected nonlinear systems using MATLAB

YUINFO 2013, Kopaonik, Serbia, pp. 617-622

M63 Matematika, računarske nauke i mehanika

42 Bojana M. Zlatković, Biljana Samardžić

Izračunavanje vremena otkaza nesavršenih sistema

Unapređenje sistema zaštite na radu, 13. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem, Tara, 2016, pp. 219 – 227

M63 Primenjena matematika

43 Biljana Samardžić, Bojana Zlatković

Analysis of spatial chaos appearance in cascade connected nonlinear electrical circuits

Chaos, Solitons and Fractals: the interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex Phenomena, Article accepted for publication, DOI 10.1016/j.chaos.2016.12.003

M22 Primenjena matematika, računarske nauke i elektronika

44 Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić

Boundary-corrected four-body continuum-intermediate-state method: Single-electron capture from heliumlike atomic systems by fast nuclei

Phys. Rev. A , 91, 2015, 062705-1-062705-20.

M21 fizika

45 Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić

Theoretical state-selective and total cross sections for electroncapture from helium atoms by fully stripped ions

Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 102, 2015, 6-41.

M22 fizika

46 Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić

Electron correlations in single-electron capture into any state of fast projectiles from heliumlike atomic systems

Phys. Rev. A , 88, 2013, 052706-1-052706-15.

M21 fizika

47 Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić

State-Selective and Total Single-Capture Cross

Few-Body Systems, 54, 2013, 1889-1900.

M22 fizika

Sections for Fast Collisions of Multiply Charged Ions with Helium Atoms

48 Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević, Dževad Belkić

Mutual neutralization in H+

−H− collisions by electron capture

EPL, 103, 2013, 23001-p1-23001-p6. M21 fizika

49 Dževad Belkić , Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević

Four-Body Theories for Transfer Ionization in Fast Ion-Atom Collisions

Advances in Quantum Chemistry, 65, 2013, 339-362.

M22 fizika

50 Dževad Belkić , Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević

Critical Assessment of Theoretical Methods for

Collisions with He at Intermediate and High Impact Energies

Fast Ion-Atom and Ion-Molecule Collisions, str. 189 - 230, (2012) iz serije Interdisciplinary Research on Particle Collisions and Quantitative Spectroscopy, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

M13 fizika

51 Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević

Projectile angular distribution in single electron capture from helium by protons

28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 29- September 02, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, (2016) 79-83.

M33 fizika

52 Nenad Milojević, Ivan Mančev

Thomas peak in fast H+-He collisions

28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 29- September 02, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, (2016) 83-87.

M33 fizika

53 Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević

Neutralizacija jona H- u sudarima sa protonima

XII Kongres fizičara Srbije, 28. april-02. maj, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija, (2013) 300-303.

M63 fizika

54 Ivan Mančev, Nenad Milojević

Single Electron Capture in p- Li+ Collisions

27th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases Contributed Papers, 26-29 Avgust 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, (2014) 98-102.

M33 fizika

55 Lazar Radenković, Ljubiša Nešić

Učenička predubeđenja u oblasti klasične relativnosti

Zbornik radova sa simpozijuma “Položaj fizike u srednjim školama u regionu” 69-76 (2015)

Metodika nastave fizike

56 Lazar Radenković, Ljubiša Razvoj konceptualnog testa Nastava fizike 1, 98-107 (2015) Metodika nastave fizike

Nešić za oblast Galilejeve relativnosti – probno testiranje

57 Ljubiša Nešić, Lazar Radenković

Časopis Nastava fizike i njegov značaj za metodiku nastave fizike

Nastava fizike 3, 193-201 (2016) Metodika nastave fizike

58 Ljubiša Nešić, Lazar Radenković, Miloš Jonić

Trenje – od složene nauke do časa fizike

Nastava fizike 3, 203-212 (2016) Metodika nastave fizike

59 G. S. Djordjevic, Lj. Nesic and D. Radovancevic

Two-oscillator Kantovski-Sachs model of the Schwarzschild black hole interior.

General Relativity and Gravitation Vol. 48, No. 8, 1-20 (2016)

M22 Fizika

60 G. S. Djordjevic, Lj. Nesic and D. Radovancevic,

Signature Change in p-Adic and Noncommutative FRW Cosmology.

Int. J. Mod. Phys. A  Vol. 29, No. 27, 1450155 [16 pages] (2014)

M22 Fizika

61 Dimitrijević, D. D., Djordjević, G. S., Milošević, M. and Nešić, Lj.

DBI-Type Tachyons for Inverse cosh Potential.

Facta Universitatis - Series Physics. Chemistry and Technology, Vol 12, No.2, Special Issue, 117-137. (2014)

М51 Fizika

62 Đorđević, G. S., Nešić, Lj. and Radovančević, D.

A New Look at the Milne Universe and Its Ground State Wave Function.

Romanian Journal of Physics, Vol 58, No. 5-6, 560-572, (2013)

М23 Fizika

63 Нешић, Љ. Поглавља методике наставе физике

Природно-математички факултет у Нишу, 2015 (ISBN 978-86-6275-038-9)

M42 Fizika

64 G. S. Đorđević, Lj. Nešić i D. Radovančević

Modeli dva nekuplovana oscilatora u kosmologiji,

Zbornik radova sa XII Kongresa fizičara Srbije (28. april-2. maj 2013, Vrnjačka Banja), 204 (2013)

М63 Fizika

65 Lj. Stevanović, N. Filipović, V. Pavlović

Optical properties of spherical quantum dot with on-center hydrogen impurity in magnetic field

Optical and Quantum Electronics (2016) 48:231 1–7

М23 Fizika

66 Lj. Stevanović, N. Filipović, V. Pavlović

Optical properties of spherical quantum dot with on-center hydrogen impurity in magnetic field

Photonica 2015, Belgrade, 2015, Book of Abstracts, pp. 67

M34 Fizika

67 N. Filipović, V. Pavlović, Lj. Stevanović

Effect of magnetic field on structural properties of confined hydrogen atom

SPIG 2016, Belgrade, 2016, Contributed papers, 28–31

M33 Fizika

68 J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Quantum Structures. A View LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, M12 Fizika

Arsenijevic, M. Dugić of the Quantum World Saarbrucken, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-43118-0, 2013

69 M. Arsenijević, J. Jeknić-Dugić, D. Todorović, M. Dugić

Entanglement Relativity in the Foundations of The Open Quantum Systems Theory

Chapter 2 in: New Research on Quantum Entanglement, Ed. Lori Watson, 2015, Nova Science Publishers, USA, pp. 99-116,  ISBN: 978-1-63482-888-8.

M13 Fizika

70 R. E. Kastner, J. Jeknić-Dugić, G. Jaroszkiewicz

Quantum structures: an introduction

Introductory chapter in Quantum Structural Studies. Classical Emergence from the Quantum Level, Edited by: Ruth E. Kastner, Jasmina Jeknić-Dugić, George Jaroszkiewicz, World Scientific, Singapore, 2017, 1-20, ISBN: 978-1-78634-140-2

M13 Fizika

71 M. Arsenijević, J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Dugić

A top-down versus a bottom-up hidden-variables description of the Stern-Gerlach experiment

Chapter 15 in Quantum Structural Studies. Classical Emergence from the Quantum Level, Edited by: Ruth E. Kastner, Jasmina Jeknić-Dugić, George Jaroszkiewicz, World Scientific, Singapore, 2017, 469-484, ISBN: 978-1-78634-140-2.

M13 Fizika

72 M. Arsenijević, J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Dugić

Asymptotic dynamics of the alternate degrees of freedom for a two-mode system: an analytically solvable model

Chinese Physics B 22 (2013) 020302 M22 Fizika

73 M. Dugić, M. Arsenijević, J. Jeknić-Dugić

Quantum Correlations Relativity for Continuous Variable Systems

SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 56 (2013) 732-736

M22 Fizika

74 J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Dugić, A. Francom

Quantum Structures of a Model-Universe: An Inconsistency with Everett Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

International Journal of Theoretical Physics 53, (2014) 169-180

M22 Fizika

75 D. Raković, M. Dugić, J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Plavšić, S. Jaćimovski, J.Šetrajčić




BioMed Research International Volume 2014, Article ID 580491, 9 pages

M21 Fizika/Bioinformatika

76 J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Arsenijević, M. Dugić

A local-time-induced unique pointer basis

Poceedings od the Royal Society A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 470 (2014) 20140283

M21 Fizika

77 J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Arsenijević, M. Dugić

Dynamical emergence of Markovianity in Local Time Scheme

Poceedings od the Royal Society A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 472 (2016) 20160041

M21 Fizika

78 H. Kitada, J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Arsenijević, M. Dugić

A minimalist approach to conceptualization of time in quantum theory

Physics Letters A 380 (2016) 3970-3976

M22 Fizika

79 Raković , M. Dugić , J. Jeknić-Dugić , M. Plavšić, S. Jaćimovski , J. Šetrajčić


YUCOMAT, 2-6 September 2013, Herceg Novi, p42

M34 Fizika/Bioinformatika

80 J. Jeknić-Dugić On Individuality in Quantum Theory

Facta Universitatis 13 (2015) 29-38 M52 Fizika

81 J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Dugić, A. Francom, M. Arsenijević

Quantum Structures of the Hydrogen Atom

Open Access Library Journal 1 (2014) e501

M53 Fizika

82 J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Arsenijević, M. Dugić

Quantum Structures in Foundations and Applications of Quantum Theory

The Second National Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems, June 16-17, 2014, Niš, Serbia, pp.53-54

M64 Fizika/Kvantna informatika

83 M. Dugić, J. Jeknić-Dugić Quantum Information: Fundamentals and Prospects

The Fourth National Conference on Information Theory and Complex Systems, October 27-28, 2016, MI SANU Beograd, Serbia, in press

M64 Fizika/Kvantna informatika

84 A. P. Jovanović, M. N. Stankov, V. Lj. Marković and S. N. Stamenković

The validity of the one-dimensional fluid model of electrical breakdown in synthetic air at low pressure

Europhys. Lett. 104 (2013) 65001 М21 fizika

85 S. N. Stamenković, V. Lj. Marković, S. R. Gocić and A. P. Jovanović

Influence of different cathode surfaces on the breakdown time delay in neon DC glow discharge

Vacuum 89 (2013) 62 M22 fizika

86 В. Љ. Марковић, А. П. Јовановић, Б. Ч. Поповић, С. Н. Стаменковић и М. Н.

Генерализована статистика иницијалних електрона код електричних пробојних

Зборник радова XII Конгреса физичара Србије, 28. април-02. мај,

M63 fizika

Станков процеса Врњачка Бања, Србија, (2013) 341-344

87 С.Н. Стаменковић, В. Љ. Марковић, А. П. Јовановић, М. Н. Станков

Нестационарна експоненцијална расподела пробојних напона и времена кашњења у аргону

Зборник радова XII Конгреса физичара Србије, 28. април-02. мај, Врњачка Бања, Србија, (2013) 341-344

М63 fizika

88 А. П. Јовановић, Б.Ч. Поповић, В. Љ. Марковић, С. Н. Стаменковић и М. Н. Станков

Статистичка карактеризација времена кашњења електричних пробоја у ваздуху

Зборник радова XII Конгреса физичара Србије, 28. април-02. мај, Врњачка Бања, Србија, (2013) 333-336

М63 fizika

89 М. Н. Станков, М. Д. Петковић, В. Љ. Марковић, С. Н. Стаменковић и А. П. Јовановић

Једнодимензионални флуидни модел успостављања пражњења у аргону

Зборник радова XII Конгреса физичара Србије, 28. април-02. мај, Врњачка Бања, Србија, (2013) 355-358

М63 fizika

90 A. P. Jovanović, B. Č. Popović, V. Lj. Marković, S. N. Stamenković and M. N. Stankov

Mixture distributions for the statistical time delay in synthetic air at low pressure

Eur. Phys. J: Appl. Phys. 67 (2014) 20801

М23 fizika

91 M. N. Stankov, M. D. Petković, V. Lj. Marković, S.

N. Stamenković and A. P. Jovanović

Numerical modelling of DC argon glow discharge at low pressure without and with Ar

(P-3(2)) metastable state

Rom. J. Phys. 59 (2014) 328 М23 fizika

92 A. P. Jovanović Electrical breakdown in air: new experiments and

statistical and numerical models

J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 565 (2014) 012015

М31 fizika

93 M. N. Stankov Measurements and models of transient and stationary

regimes of glow discharge in argon

J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 565 (2014) 012016

М31 fizika

94 V. Lj. Marković, A. P. Jovanović, S. N.

Stamenković, M. N. Stankov and B. Č. Popović

Memory effect and time correlations in air and argon

DC brekdown delay

The 27th Summer School and International Symposium on the

Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 26 – 29, 2014,

Belgrade, Serbia, (2014) 351-354

М33 fizika

95 S. N. Stamenković, V. Lj. Nonstationary statistical time The 27th Summer School and М33 fizika

Marković, A. P. Jovanović and M. N. Stankov,

delay distributions in argon International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed

Papers, August 26 – 29, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, (2014) 355-358

96 A. P. Jovanović, B. Č. Popović, V. Lj. Marković, S. N. Stamenković and M. N.


Formative time delay of electrical breakdown in air

The 27th Summer School and International Symposium on the

Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 26 – 29, 2014,

Belgrade, Serbia, (2014) 343-346

М33 fizika

97 M. N. Stankov, M. D. Petković, V. Lj. Marković, S.

N. Stamenković and A. P. Jovanović

Two dimensional glow discharge modelling in argon The 27th Summer School and

International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 26 – 29, 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, (2014) 347-350

М33 fizika

98 V. Lj. Marković, B. Č. Popović, A. P. Jovanović, S. N. Stamenković and M. N.


Memory effect and time correlations in breakdown

initiation of DC glow discharge in argon and

synthetic air

Europhys. Lett. 109 (2015) 15002 М21 fizika

99 A. P. Jovanović, V. Lj. Marković, S. N.

Stamenković and M. N. Stankov

The glow discharge inception and post-discharge relaxation of charged and neutral active

particles in synthetic air at low pressure

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 465204

М21 fizika

100 M. N. Stankov, M. D. Petković, V. Lj. Marković, S.

N. Stamenković and A. P. Jovanović

The Applicability of Fluid Model to Electrical

Breakdown and Glow Discharge Modeling in


Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 (2015) 025101 М23 fizika

101 M. N. Stankov, A. P. Jovanović, V. Lj. Marković

and S. N. Stamenković

Two-dimensional fluid modeling of dc glow

discharge in argon at low pressure

Facta Universitatis Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 13

(2015) 153

М51 fizika

102 A. P. Jovanović, V. Lj. Marković, S. N.

Stamenković, M. N. Stankov and B. Č Popović

Distributions of the Formative Time Delay in

Argon and Synthetic Air at Low Pressure

IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,

Vol.23, Issue5,pp.2641-2648,October2016

М22 fizika

103 M. N. Stankov, A. P. Conversion of an atomic to a Chin Phys. B 25 (2016) 015204 М22 fizika

Jovanović, V. Lj. Marković and S. N. Stamenković

molecular argon ion and low pressure argon relaxation

104 V.Lj. Marković, A. P. Jovanović, M. N. Stankov

and S. N. Stamenković

Surface Recombination of Nitrogen Atoms on Teflon in

Afterglow Studied by the Electrical Breakdown Time


The 28th Summer School and International Symposium on the

Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 29 – September 02,

2016, Belgrade, Serbia, (2016) 304-307

М33 fizika

105 S. N. Stamenković, V. Lj. Marković, A. P. Jovanović

and M. N. Stankov

The Field Assisted Electron Emission in Neon DC Glow


The 28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 29 – September 02, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, (2016) 320-323

M33 fizika

106 A. P. Jovanović, M. N. Stankov, V.Lj. Marković and

S. N. Stamenković

The Influence of Pressure on the Post-Discharge

Relaxation in Synthetic Air with Teflon Walls

The 28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 29 – September 02, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, (2016) 292-295

M33 fizika

107 M. N. Stankov, A. P. Jovanović, V. Lj. Marković

and S. N. Stamenković

Spectroscopic Investigation, Photographic Imaging and

Numerical Modeling of Glow Discharge in Argon

The 28th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Contributed Papers, August 29 – September 02, 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, (2016) 324-327

M33 fizika

108 Gocic Sasa R,Skoro Nikola,Maric Dragana G,Petrovic Zoran Lj

Influence of the cathode surface conditions on V-A

characteristics in low-pressure nitrogen discharge


M21A fizika

109 Petrovic Zoran Lj,Sivos Jelena,Savic Marija B,Skoro

Nikola,Radmilovic-Radjenovic Marija

D,Malovic Gordana N,Gocic

New phenomenology of gas breakdown in DC and RF




Sasa R,Maric Dragana G 514 (2014)110 Lana S. Pantić, Tomislav M.

Pavlović and Dragana D. Milosavljević

A practical field study of performances of solar modules at various positions in Serbia

Thermal Science, Vol. 19 (2015), Issue suppl. 2, pp. 511-523

M (22) fizika

111 Tomislav M. Pavlović, Yiannis Tripanagnostopoulos, Dragoljub Lj. Mirjanić, Dragana D. Milosavljević,

SOLAR ENERGY in Serbia, Greece and the Republic of Srpska

Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, 2015

M11 fizika

112 Tomislav M. Pavlović, Dragana D. Milosavljevic, Dragoljub Lj. Mirjanić

Renewable Sources of Energy

Academy of sciences and arts of the Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka, 2013

M41 fizika

113 J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Arsenijević, M. Dugić

Quantum Structures. A View of the Quantum World

LAP, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-43118-0, 2013

M41 Fizika

Департман за хемију (научни резултати у периоду 2013-2016.) Autori Naziv naučnog rada Časopis, volumen, godina, strane Kategorizacija rezultata, prema kriterijumi

Naučna oblast



A. Zarubica, M. Vasic, M.D. Antonijevic, M. Randjelovic, M. Momcilovic, J. Krstic, J. Nedeljkovic

Design and photocatalytic ability of ordered mesoporous TiO2 thin films

MATER. RES. BULL. 57 (2014) 146-151

M21 Hemija


I. Vukoje, T. Tomašević-Ilić, A. Zarubica, S. Dimitrijević, M. Budimir, M. Vranješ, Z. Šaponjić, J. Nedeljković

Silver film on nanocrystalline TiO2 support: Photocatalytic and antimicrobial ability

MATER. RES. BULL. 60 (2014) 824-829

M21 Hemija


M. Randjelovic, M. Purenovic, B. Matovic, A. Zarubica, M. Momcilovic, J. Purenovic

Structural, textural and adsorption characteristics of bentonite-based composite

MICRO. MESOP. MATER. 195 (2014) 67-74

M21 Hemija


M.Z. Momcilovic, M.S. Randjelovic, A.R. Zarubica, A.E. Onjia, M.J. Kokunesoski, B.Z. Matovic,

SBA-15 templated mesoporous carbons for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid removal


M21 Hemija


Mina M. Medić, Marija Vasić, Aleksandra R. Zarubica, Lidija V. Trandafilović, Goran Dražić, Miroslav D. Dramićanin, Jovan M. Nedeljković

Enhanced photoredox chemistry in surface-modified Mg2TiO4 nano-powders with bidentate benzene derivatives

RSC Advances 6 (2016) 94780–94786 M21 Hemija


Marija Prekajski, Aleksandra Zarubica, Biljana Babić, Bojan Jokić, Jelena Pantić, Jelena Luković, Branko Matović

Synthesis and characterization of Cr3+ doped TiO2 nanometric powders

Ceramics International 42 (2016) 1862–1869

M21 Hemija


Biljana Babic, Aleksandra Zarubica, Tamara Minovic Arsic, Jelena Pantic, Bojan Jokic, Nadica Abazovic, Branko Matovic

Iron doped anatase for application in photocatalysis

Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 2991–2996

M21a Hemija


J. Zagorac, D. Zagorac, A. Zarubica, J.C. Schön, K. Djuric, B. Matovic

Prediction of possible CaMnO3 modifications using an ab initio minimization data-mining approach

ACTA CRYST. B 70 (2014) 809-819 M22 Hemija


Marija B. Vasić, Marjan S. Randjelović, Milan Z. Momčilović, Branko Z. Matović, Aleksandra R. Zarubica

Degradation of crystal violet over heterogeneous TiO2-based catalysts: The effect of process parameters

Processing and Application of Ceramics 10 (3) (2016) 189-198

M22 Hemija


M. Ranđelović, M. Momčilović, M. Purenović, A. Zarubica, A. Bojić

The acid–base, morphological and structural properties of new biosorbent obtained by oxidative hydrothermal treatment of peat

Environ Earth Sci 75 (2016) 764DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5242-0

M22 Hemija


Svetlana Dmitrovic, Bojan Jokic, Marija Prekajski, Jelena Pantic Danica Zmejkoski, Aleksandra Zarubica, Branko Matovic

Synthesis and characterization of spider silk calcite composite

Processing and Application of Ceramics 10 (1) (2016) 37–40

M22 Hemija


R.D. Micic, M.D. Tomic, M.Dj. Simikic, A.R. Zarubica

Biodiesel from rapeseed variety “Banacanka” using KOH catalyst

HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, 67 (4) (2013) 629-637

M23 Hemija


S. Randjelovic, D. Kostic, A. Zarubica, S. Mitic, M. Mitic

The correlation of metal content in medicinal plants and their water extracts

HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, 67 (4) (2013) 585-591

M23 Hemija


A. Zarubica, M. Randjelović, M. Momčilović, N. Stojković, M. Vasić, N. Radulović

The balance between acidity and tetragonal phase fraction in the favorable catalytic act of modified zirconia towards isomerized n-hexane(s)


M23 Hemija


D.V. Bojic, M.S. Randjelovic, A.R. Zarubica, J.Z. Mitrovic, M.D. Radovic, M.M. Purenovic, A.Lj. Bojic

Comparison of new biosorbents based on chemically modified Lagenaria vulgaris shell

DESALINATION and WATER TREATMENT, 51 (34-36) (2013) 6871-6881

M23 Hemija


A. R. Zarubica, M.S. Randjelovic, M.Z. Momcilovic, N.S. Radulovic, P.S. Putanov

N-hydrocarbons conversions over metal-modified solid acid catalysts


M23 Hemija


R.B. Ljupkovic, R.D. Micic, M.D. Tomic, A.Lj. Bojic, M.M. Purenovic, A.R. Zarubica

Reduction of Emission of Nitrogen and Carbon Oxides of Different Oxidation States by Using Biodiesel Produced over CaO Catalyst

OXIDATION COMMUNICATIONS 36 (4) (2013) 1232-1247

M23 Hemija


Lj.N. Anđelković, M.M. Purenović, M.S.Ranđelović, D.B. Milićević, A.R. Zarubica, M.P. Mitić, S. Tomović

Synergy of hydromechanical and hydrochemical parameters in formation of solid deposits in geothermal and other waters


M23 Hemija


J. Zagorac, A. Zarubica, A. Radosavljevic-Mihajlovic, D. Zagorac, B. Matovic

Structural study of nanosized yttrium-doped CaMnO3 perovskites

BULL. MATER. SCI. 37 (2014) 407-416 M23 Hemija

20. R. Ljupkovic, R. Mićić, M. Significance of the structural properties of HEM. IND. 68 (4) (2014) 399-412 M23 Hemija

20 Tomić, N. Radulović, A. Bojić, A. Zarubica

CaO catalyst in the production of biodiesel: An effect of the reduction of greenhouse gases emission


Nikola Stojkovic, M. Stojkovic, M. Marinkovic, G. Chopra, D. Kostic, A. Zarubica

Polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of Anthemis Cretica L. (asteraceae)

OXID. COMM. 37 (1) (2014) 237-246 M23 Hemija


M. Momcilovic, M. Randjelovic, A. Onjia, A. Zarubica, B. Babic, B. Matovic

Study on the efficient removal of Clopyralid from water using resorcinol-formaldehyde carbon cryogel

J. SERB. CHEM. SOC. 79 (4) (2014) 481-494

M23 Hemija


Milica Petrović, Miljana Radović, Miloš Kostić, Jelena Mitrović, Danijela Bojić, Aleksandra Zarubica, Aleksandar Bojić

A novel biosorbent Lagenaria vulgaris shell - ZrO2 for the removal of textile dye from water

WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH 87 (7) (2015) 635-643

M23 Hemija


A.R. Zarubica, D. Milićević, A. Lj. Bojić, R.B. Ljupković, M. Trajković, N.I. Stojković, M.M. Marinković

Solid base – catalyzed transesterification of sunflower oil: An essential oxidation state/composition of CaO based catalyst and optimisation of selected process parameters

OXID. COMM. 38 (1) (2015) 183-200 M23 Hemija


A. Zarubica Modified nanostructured titania based thin films in photocatalysis: kinetic and mechanistic approach


M23 Hemija


Sofija M. Rančić, Snežana D. Nikolić-Mandić, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić, Snežana M. Đorić-Veljković, Aleksandra R. Zarubica, Predrag Lj. Janković

Application of the reaction system methylene blue b-(NH4)2S2O8 for the kinetic spectrophotometric determination of palladium in citric buffer media

HEM. IND. (accepted), 2016 OnLine-First (00):80-80, DOI:10.2298/HEMIND140821080R

M23 Hemija


Milos Marinkovic, Nikola Stojkovic, Marija Vasic, Radomir Ljupkovic, Tijana Stamenkovic, Marjan Randjelovic, Aleksandra Zarubica

KI/Al2O3 as heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel preparation: K+ key factor for catalyst efficiency

Oxidation communications 39 (3A) (2016) 2606-2617

M23 Hemija


Milos M. Marinkovic, Nikola I. Stojkovic, Marija B. Vasic, Radomir B. Ljupkovic, Sofija M. Rancic, Boban R. Spalovic, Aleksandra R.

Synthesis of biodiesel from sunflower oil over potassium loaded alumina as heterogeneous catalyst: the effect of process parameters


M23 Hemija


Vasic Marija B., Randjelovic Marjan S., Mitrovic Jelena Z., Stojkovic Nikola I., Matovic Branko Z., Zarubica Aleksandra R.

Decolorization of crystal violet over TiO2 and TiO2 doped with zirconia photocatalysts


M23 Hemija


Marjan S. Ranđelović, Milovan M. Purenović, Aleksandra R. Zarubica, Miloš M. Kostić, Radomir B. Ljupković, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić

Dobijanje biosorbenata hemijsko-termickom modifikacijom treseta i primena u preciscavanju voda

Zbornik radova Tehnološkog fakulteta u Leskovcu, 20 (2011), 44–51, ISSN 0352-6542, UDK 622.331:541.183:628.161.2

M52 Hemija


Dragana Z. Marković, Aleksandra R. Zarubica, Goran S. Nikolić

Novi eko-kompoziti za imobilizaciju biosorbenata – tehnološki procesi i testiranja

SAVREMENE TEHNOLOGIJE 3 (2) (2014) 116-134

M52 Hemija

32. Aleksandra Zarubica Surface properties and memory effect – key factors in determining the catalytic efficiency of sulfated zirconia

ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 4 (1) (2015) 16-25.

M52 Hemija

33. T. Stamenkovic, M. Petrovic, T. Andjelkovic, A. Zarubica

Pesticidi - Fotoliza i fotokataliza HEMIJSKI PREGLED 54 (3) (2013) 66-74

M53 Hemija

34. Zarubica Aleksandra R., Randjelović Marjan S., Stojković Nikola I., Vasić Marija B., Marinković Miloš M.

Photocatalytic decomposition of selected organic dye with TiO2 and M-modified TiO2 catalysts

SOE DAAD Annual Meeting, From molecules to Functionalized Materials, Cluj-Napoca, October 2013

M32 Hemija

35. A. Zarubica, Radosav Mićić, Aleksandar Bojić, Marjan Randjelović, Milan Momčilović, Radomir Ljupković

Biofuel from rapeseed oil by using homogeneous catalysis

International Science Conference, Reporting for Sustainability, 7th – 10th May, 2013, Bečići, Montenegro, 149 – 153

M33 Hemija

36. A. Zarubica, M. Vasic, M. Marinkovic, N. Stojkovic, J. Nedeljkovic

Photocatalytic decolorisation of selected organic dyes by mesoporous TiO2 thin films

12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, 22-26 September 2014, C-16-P, 280-283

M33 Hemija

37. Marinković, Miloš M., Stojković, Nikola I., Vasić, Marija B., Randjelović, Marjan S., Zarubica, Aleksandra R.

The influence of various reaction parameters over alumina as support with base promoter on the activity in the transesterification reaction of sunflower oil

SOE DAAD Annual Meeting, From molecules to Functionalized Materials, October 2013, Cluj-Napoca, (CD ROM)

M34 Hemija

38. Stojković, Nikola I., Vasić, Marija B., Marinković, Miloš M., Randjelović, Marjan S., Zarubica, Aleksandra R.

Influence of different parameters on the activity of sulfated zirconia catalyst in the reaction of transesterification of sunflower oil

SOE DAAD Annual Meeting, From molecules to Functionalized Materials, October 2013, Cluj-Napoca, (CD ROM)

M34 Hemija

39. M. Randjelovic, M. Purenovic, J. Purenovic, A. Zarubica, M. Momcilovic, B. Matovic

Influence of microalloying elements on the surface acidic-base and structural characteristics of ceramics obtained by sintering of aluminosilicate based composite particles

2nd Conference of the Serbian Ceramic Society, 5-7 June, 2013, Belgrade, P-28, 76

M34 Hemija

40. J. Zagorac, D. Zagorac, A. Zarubica, B. Matovic

Investigation of possible tilt systems in CaMnO3 perovskite using an ab initio approach

2nd Conference of the Serbian Ceramic Society, 5-7 June, 2013, Belgrade, P-49, 93

M34 Hemija

41. B. Babic, A. Zarubica, T. Minovic Arsic, J. Pantic, B. Jokic, N. Abazovic, B. Matovic

Synthesis, characterization and application of nanostructured iron-doped titania

3rd Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 15-17 June, 2015, Belgrade, P-6, 81

M34 Hemija

42. S. Dmitrovic, A. Zarubica, B. Matovic

Spider silk based materials 3rd Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 15-17 June, 2015, Belgrade, P-32, 103

M34 Hemija

43. J. Zagorac, A. Zarubica, D. Zagorac, M. Rosic, B. Matovic

Doping effect on coordination number in CaMnO3 perovskites

3rd Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 15-17 June, 2015, Belgrade, P-59, 128

M34 Hemija

44. Vasić, Marija B., Stojković, Nikola I., Marinković, Miloš M., Randjelović, Marjan S., Radulović, Niko S., Zarubica, Aleksandra R.

Process parameters affecting TiO2 photo-catalytic activity

6th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection, EnviroChem, May 21-24, 2013, Vršac, Serbia, 344-345, ISBN: 978-86-7132-052-8

M63 Hemija

45. Nikola Stojkovic, Marko Andjelkovic, Aleksandra Radovanovic, Aleksandra Zarubica, Blaga Radovanovic

Energetic potential of grape by-products EnviroChem, June 9-12, 2015, Palic, Serbia, 366-367

M63 Hemija

46. Nikola Stojkovic, Marko Andjelkovic, Vladimir Radovanovic, Ana Milenkovic Andjelkovic, Blaga Radovanovic, Aleksandra Zarubica

The use of grape waste for obtaining antioxidant and antimicrobial agents

EnviroChem, June 9-12, 2015, Palic, Serbia, 368-369

M63 Hemija

47. Nikola Stojkovic, Marija Vasic, Milos Marinkovic, Aleksandra Radovanovic,

Photocatalytic decolourisation of selected dyes by TiO2 thin films

EnviroChem, June 9-12, 2015, Palic, Serbia, Appendix, 3-4

M63 Hemija

Aleksandra Zarubica, Blaga Radovanovic

48. E. T. Peceva-Marinkovic, Z. M. Grahovac, S. S. Mitic, A. N. Pavlovic, A. S. Miletic, I.D.R. Misic

Development and validation of kinetic spectrophotometric method for herbicide bromacile determination in baby juice samples

Oxidation Communications 37(4), 975–

984 2014.

M23 Hemija

49. Jovana N. Veljković, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jelena M. Brcanović, Snežana S. Mitić, Snežana B. Tošić, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinković, Milan N. Mitić

Differentiation of black, green, herbal and fruit bagged teas based on multi-element analysis using inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

Chemical papers 70 (4) 488–494 (2016) M23 Hemija

50. Ivana Rašić Mišić, Gordana Miletić, Snežana Mitić, Milan Mitić, Emilija Pecev-Marinković

A simple method for the ampicilin determination in pharmaceuticalsn and human urine

Chem. Pharm. Bull., 61(9), 913-919, 2013

M22 Hemija

51. Milena Nikolic, Aleksandra Pavlovic, Snezana Mitic, Snezana Tosic, Emilija Pecev Marinkovic, Miodrag Đorđevic and Ruzica Micic

Optimization and validation of an inductively coupled atomic emission spectrometry method for macro- and trace element determination in berry fruit samples

Analytical Methods, 8, 4844-4852,2016 M22 Hemija

52. Snežana B. Tošić, Snežana S. Mitić, Dragan S. Velimirović, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinković

Elemental composition of edible nuts: fast optimimization and validation procedure of an ICP-OES method

Journal of Science,Food and Agriculture, 95(11), 2271-2278,2015

M21 Hemija

53. Ivana Rasic Misic, Emilija Pecev-Marinkovic

Lead-a preanalytical/analytical variable in clinical chemistry

Facta universitatis, Series Physics, Chemistry, Technology Vol 12, issue 1, 2014, 73-86

M52 Hemija

54. Ana S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Milan B. Stojković,

Kinetic spectrophotometric determination od 2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid based on its inhibitory effect the oxidation of sulfanilic acid by hydrogen peroxide

Advanced Technologies, 4(1), 78-83, 2015

M52 Hemija

55. Ana S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Ivana D Rašić Mišić

Development and validation of kinetic and HPLC method for herbicide atrazine determination

24th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, 52, September 11-14, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

M34 Hemija

56. Ana S. Miletic, Emilija T. Kinetic-spectrophotometric method for 24th Congress of Chemists and M34 Hemija

Pecev-Marinkovic, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snezana B. Tosic, Ivana D Rašić Mišić

herbicide dicamba determination Technologists of Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, 51, September 11-14, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

57. Milena Nikolić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Milan Mitić, Emilija Pecev-Marinković, Ružica Micić

Quantitation of antocyanins in strawberries 24th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, 96, September 11-14, 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

M34 Hemija

58. Ana S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović

Development of Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Co(II) ions in the system para-nitrophenol-hydrogen peroxide

23nd Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, 49, October 8-11, 2014, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia

M34 Hemija

59. Ana S. Miletic, Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Aleksandra Pavlović, Ivana Rašić Mišić, Milan Mitić

Determination of p-nitrophenol by kinetic method of analysis in water

7th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection, Book of Abstracts, 245-246, Jun 9-12, 2015, Palić, Serbia.

M34 Hemija

60. Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Ana S. Miletic,

Development of kinetic-spectrophotometric method for determination herbicide bromacil

6th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection, Book of Abstracts, 330-331, May 21-24, 2013, Vršac, Serbia.

M34 Hemija

61. Emilija T. Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora M. Grahovac, Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Ana S. Miletic

Razvoj i validacija kinetičko-spektrofotometrijske metode za određivanje insekticida diflubenzurona

Zbornik radova, 210-214, banja Luka, 2013.

M34 Hemija

62. Ana Miletic, Emilija Pecev-Marinkovic, Zora Grahovac, Snežana Mitić, Aleksandra Pavlović

Тhe development and validation of kinetic-spectrophotometric method and HPLC method for herbicide 2,4-D detrmination

Book of apstract, 105, 11th Symposium „Novel Technologies and Economic Development“, Book of Abstract, 105, Leskovac, 23 i 24. October, 2015.

M64 Hemija

63. Emilija Pecev-Marinkovic, Ana Miletic, Zora Grahovac, Snežana Mitić, Aleksandra Pavlović, Ivana Rašić Mišić

Kinetic-spectrophotometric method for herbicide bromfenoxim determination in baby fruit juices

11th Symposium „Novel Technologies and Economic Development“,Book of Abstract, 87, Leskovac, 23 i 24. October, 2015.

M64 Hemija

64. Milena Ivanović, Aleksandra Pavlović, Milan Mitić, Emilija Pecev-Marinković, Jovana Krstić, Jelena Mrmošanin

Determination of total and industrial anthocyanins in raspberries grown in South Serbia

XXI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji, Zbornik radova, Vol 21(23), 263, Čačak, Mart 11-12, 2016.

M64 Hemija

65. M. Stanković, N. Krstić, I. Slipper, J. Mitrović, M. Radović, D. Bojić, A. Bojić

Chemically modified Lagenaria Vulgaris as an biosorbent for the removal Cu(II) from water.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 66(2) (2013) 227-236

M21 Hemija

66. Maja N Stanković, Nenad S Krstić, Jelena Z Mitrović, Slobodan M Najdanović, Milica M Petrović, Danijela V Bojić, Vladimir D Dimitrijević, Aleksandar L Bojić

Biosorption of copper (II) ions by methyl-sulfonated Lagenaria vulgaris shell: kinetic, thermodynamic and desorption studies

40(3), (2016) 2126-2134 M21 Hemija

67. R.S. Nikolić, N.S. Krstić, G.M. Nikolić, G.M. Kocić, M.D. Cakić, D.H. Anđelković

Molecular mechanisms of beneficial effects of lipoic acid in copper intoxicated rats assessment by FTIR and ESI-MS

Polyhedron, 80, (2014) 223-227 M22 Hemija

68. R.S. Nikolić, J.M. Jovanović, N.S. Krstić, G.M. Kocić, T.P. Cvetković, N. Radosavljević-Stevanović

Monitoring the toxic effects of Pb, Cd and Cu on hematological parameters of Wistar rats and potential protective role of lipoic acid and glutathione.

Toxicology and Industrial Health, 31(3), (2015), 239-246

M22 Hemija

69. N.S. Krstić, R.S. Nikolić, M.N. Stanković, N.G. Nikolić, N.V. Radosavljević-Stevanović

Coordination compounds of M(II) biometal ions (Cu, Zn, Co, Mn) with anti-inflammatory drugs of the acid types as ligands - A Review

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 14 (2), (2015) 337-349

M23 Hemija

70. R.S. Nikolić, G.M. Kocić, D.A. Kostic, G.M. Nikolić, J.M. Jovanović, N.S. Krstić

A study of the protective role of lipoic acid in the case of acute heavy metal intoxication (Cd, Pb, Cu) through the activity of the DNase in the liver and kidneys

Oxidation Communication, 37(4) (2014) 1103-1110.

M23 Hemija

71. R.S. Nikolić, N.V. Radosavljević-Stevanović, T.D. Anđelković, M.N. Stanković, N.S. Krstić

The migration of some biometal ions in the system mineral tissue of teeth-soil and teeth-water mediums

Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 79(11) (2014) 1395-1404

M23 Hemija

72. R.S. Nikolić, D.A. Kostić, N.S. Krstić, A. Trajković, N. Stojanović

A multidisciplinary approach to teaching metals as part of the elementary school curriculum in Serbia

New Educational review,36(2) (2014) 95-103

M23 Hemija

73. Ј.M. Jovanović, R.S. Nikolić, G.M. Kocić, N.S. Krstić, M.M. Krsmanović

Glutathione protects liver and kidney tissue from cadmium- and lead-provoked lipid peroxidation

Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 78(2) (2013) 197-207

M23 Hemija

74. S.M. Stamenković, T.Lj. Mitrović, V.J. Cvetković, N.S. Krstić, R.M. Baošić, M.S: Marković, N.D. Nikolić, V.Lj. Marković, M.V. Cvijan

Biological Indication of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Areas of Donje Vlase and Cerje (Southeastern Serbia) Using Epiphytic Lichens.

Archives of Biological Sciences, 65(1) (2013) 151-159

M23 Hemija

75. M. Nešić, N. Krstić, R. Nikolić

Bakar u živom svetu Hemijski pregled, 56(1) (2015 ) 17-22 M53 Hemija

76. N. Krstić, R. Nikolić, M. Krstić

Biološki značaj mangana Hemijski pregled, 55(6) (2014) 154-157 M53 Hemija

77. 18. D. Milojković, N. Krstić, R. Nikolić

Biološki značaj kalcijuma Hemijski pregled, 55(3) (2014) 63-68 M53M53


78. NS Krstić, RS Nikolić Biološki značaj magnezijuma Hemijski pregled 56(4) (2015) M53 Hemija79. VD Dimitrijević, NS Krstić,

MN Stanković, I Arsić, RS Nikolić

Biometal and heavy metal content in the soil-nettle (Urtica dioica L.): System from different localities in Serbia

Advanced Technologies 5 (1), (2016) 17-22

M53 Hemija

80. MN Stanković, RS Nikolić, DM Đorđević, NS Krstić, MG Đorđević, JM Jovanović

The application of micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in biomedical sciences: The investigation of biological mineral tissues and histopathological materials

Advanced Technologies 4 (2), (2015) 53-59

M53 Hemija

81. M. N. Stanković, N. S. Krstić, V. D. Dimitrijević, R. S. Nikolić and A. Lj. Bojić

Adsorption of copper into sulfonated Lagenaria vulgaris shell – Preliminary study

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade – Serbia, September 26–30 (2016).

M33 Hemija

82. V. D. Dimitrijević, N. S. Krstić, M. N. Stanković, R. S. Nikolić, D. M. Đorđević and A. Lj. Bojić

The preliminary biosorption investigation of copper ion by urtica dioica l. biomass material

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade – Serbia, September 26–30 (2016).

M33 Hemija

83. Vladimir D. Dimitrijević, Nenad S. Krstić, Ružica S. Nikolić, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić, Jelena Z. Mitrović,

Biomass Urtica dioica L.-material as a potential biosorbent for heavy metal ions.

IV Međunarodni kongres "Inženjerstvo, ekologija i materijali u procesnoj industriji", Jahorina 4-6. mart 2015, 849-854.

M33 Hemija

84. N.S. Krstić, R.S. Nikolić, M.N. Stanković, M.G. Nikolić

Spectroscopic characterization of the products of interaction of lactic acid and M(II) biometal ions: Cu and Co.

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade – Serbia, September 22–26 (2014) 156-159.

M33 Hemija

85. M. Stanković, A. Mitić, N. Krstić, D. Đorđević, R. Nikolić, A. Bojić

Preparation of cellulose acetate-montmorillonite composites for waste water treatment

Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade – Serbia, September 22–26 (2014) 937-940.

M33 Hemija

86. N. Krstić, R. Nikolić, I. Kostić, N. Nikolić

Ibuprofen and M(II) d-metals: Cu, Co, Cd microquantities interaction analysis

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 50 Suppl. 1, 55-56, PP040 (2013)

M33 Hemija

87. R. Nikolić, N. Krstić, V. Dimitrijević, I. Arsić, J. Jovanović, M. Nikolić,

Essential biometals (Fe, Zn, Mg, Mn, K) in the tea mixtures for the treatment of nutritional anemia in the Balkan Peninsula (Serbia).

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 50 Suppl. 1, 23-24, PP007 (2013)

M33 Hemija

88. R. Nikolić, T. Anđelković, N. Krstić, A. Trajković, N. Stojanović, S. Mišić,

Multidisciplinary approach to teaching chemistry in elementary school.

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Develepment, 4-5 October 2013, Uzice, Serbia, 4-1 – 4-2

M33 Hemija

89. J.M. Jovanović, R.S. Nikolić, G.M. Kocić, N.S. Krstić, M.M. Krsmanović, G.V. Sredojević-Dugalić,

Monitoring the effect of chronic copper intoxication through indicators of lipid peroxidation in tissues of internal organs.

Proceedings of the 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 16-19 October,2013, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia, 401-404.

M33 Hemija

90. M.N. Stanković, N.S. Krstić, J.Z. Mitrović, M.D. Radović, M.M. Kostić, R.S. Nikolić, A.Lj. Bojić,

New method of chemical modification of Laganaria vulgaris biosorbent for improvement of sorption capacity.

Proceedings of the 3nd International Congress Engineering, Ecology and Materials in the Processing Industry, Jahorina March 04 to 06, 2013. Bosnia and Herzegovina, 124-127.

M33 Hemija

91. R. Nikolić, N. Krstić, V. Dimitrijević, I. Arsić, G. Nikolić,

Comparative determination of toxic metals in plant species Thymus serpyllumm at different locations in the vicinity of Niš.

6. simpozijum Hemija i zaštita životne sredine – EnviroChem2013, Vršac 21 - 24. maj 2013, 336-337.

M33 Hemija

92. Lj. Rundić, D.M. Đorđević, M.N. Stanković, M.G.

Lower Miocene terrestrial sediments from the Vrdnik formation near Beočin (Fruška

The 5th International workshop on the Neogene from the central and south-

M33 Hemija

Đorđević, N.S. Krstić, Gora Mt., Serbia) – A preliminary geochemical data.

eastern Europe, 16-20 May, 2013, Varna, Bulgaria. 53-54.

93. M. Kostić, J. Mitrović, M. Radović, R. Ljupković, N. Krstić, D. Bojić, A. Bojić,

Biosorption of Pb(II) ions using xantated Lagenaria vulgaris shell.

Proceedings of the International science conference Reporting for Sustainability, 7th – 10th May, 2013, Bečići, Montenegro.

M33 Hemija

94. Kocic Gordana M, Pavlovic Radmila M, Nikolic Goran M, Veljkovic Andrej R, Panseri S Chiesa LM, Andjelkovic Tatjana D, Jevtovic-Stoimenov, Tatjana M Sokolovic, Dusan T Cvetkovic, Tatjana P Stojanovic, Svetlana R Kocic H, Nikolic Ruzica S

Effect of commercial or depurinized milk on rat liver growth-regulatory kinases, nuclear factor-kappa B, and endonuclease in experimental hyperuricemia: Comparison with allopurinol therapy

JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, (2014), vol. 97 br. 7, str. 4029-4042

M21a Hemija

95. Mitic Zarko J Najman Stevo J Cakic Milorad D Ajdukovic Zorica R Ignjatovic Nenad L Nikolic Ruzica S Nikolic Goran M Stojanovic Sanja T Vukelic Marija Dj Trajanovic Miroslav D

Spectroscopic characterization of bone tissue of experimental animals after glucocorticoid treatment and recovery period

JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, (2014), vol. 1074 br. , str. 315-320

M23 Hemija

96. Kostic Ivana S Andjelkovic Tatjana D Nikolic Ruzica S Cvetkovic Tatjana P Pavlovic Dusica D Bojic Aleksandar Lj

Comparative study of binding strengths of heavy metals with humic acid

HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, (2013), vol. 67 br. 5, str. 773-779

M23 Hemija

97. Andjelkovic Darko H Nikolic Ruzica S Markovic Dejan Z Andjelkovic Tatjana D Kocic Gordana M Todorovic Zoran B Bojic Aleksandar Lj

A study of chromium interaction with O-donor humic-like ligands using electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry

JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, (2013), vol. 78 br. 1, str. 137-154

M23 Hemija

98. Slavoljub C. Živanović, Ružica S. Nikolić, Goran M. Nikolić

The Influence of Mg(II) and Ca(II) Ions on Rutin Autoxidation in Weakly Alkaline Aqueous Solutions

Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis. Volume 33, Issue 3, Pages 163–171, ISSN (Online) 2217-2521, DOI:, October 2016

M53 ? Hemija

99. Djordjevic Dragan M  Radivojevic Aleksandar R  Pavlovic Mila A  Djordjevic Milos G  Stankovic Maja N  Filipovic Ivan M Filipovic SI 

Preliminary geochemical investigation of karst barre from eastern Serbia Sokobanja basin

BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), vol. 46 br. 4, str. 771-776

M23 Hemija

100. Miric Mladen  Djordjevic Dragan M  Djordjevic Milos G 

Thermodynamic Properties of Environmental Gold Solders for Use in Goldsmithing

REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE, (2015), vol. 60 br. 4, str. 349-355

M23 Hemija

101. Miladinovic Dragoljub L  Ilic Budimir S  Nikolic Dejan M  Markovic Marija S  Nikolic Nikola D  Miladinovic Ljiljana C Miladinovic Marija D 

Volatile constituents of Euphrasia stricta CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS, (2014), vol. 49 br. 6, str. 1146-1147

M23 Hemija

102. Miladinovic Dragoljub L  Ilic Budimir S  Najman Stevo J  Cvetkovic Olga G  Sajnovic Aleksandra M  Miladinovic Marija D  Nikolic Nikola D 

Antioxidative responses to seasonal changes and chemiluminescence assay of Astragalus onobrychis leaves extract

CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, (2013), vol. 11 br. 2, str. 123-132

M23 Hemija

103. M.N. Stanković, V.D. Dimitrijević, S.B. Tošić, M. Cvetković, R.S. Nikolić, D.M. Djordjević

Chemical characterization of electrode waste remaining after hot dip galvanization

IV International Congress “Engineering, environment and materials in processing industry”, 04-06. mart 2015, Jahorina, Bosnian and Hercegovina, p. 587-590

M33 Hemija

104. Zlatkovic, Dragan; Radulovic, Niko S.

Reduction of Biginelli compounds by LiAlH4: a rapid access to molecular diversity

RSC Advances, 2016,DOI: 10.1039/C6RA24535H

M-21 Hemija

105. Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Radulovic, Niko S.

The essential oil of Achillea ageratifolia (Sm.) Boiss. subsp. serbica (Nyman) Heimerl (Asteraceae) revisited: the stereochemical nomenclature issues, structural elucidation and synthesis of (new) sabinyl esters

Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 2016,DOI: 10.1002/ffj.3338

M-21 Hemija

106. Radulovic, Niko S.; Nesic, Milan S.

Diverse acetals from stoichiometric amounts of aldehydes and alcohols under very mild conditions: a new twist to PPh3-CCl4 reagent combination

RSC Advances, 6(95), 2016, 93068-93080. M-21 Hemija

107. Radulovic, Niko S.; Structural revision of aristol: a fresh look at RSC Advances, 6(73), 2016, 69067-69082. M-21 Hemija

Djordjevic, Miljana R.; Blagojevic, Polina D.

the oxidative coupling of thymol under iodination conditions

108. Radulovic, Niko S.; Filipovic, Sonja I.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.; Djordjevic, Miljana R.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Mitic, Katarina V.; Jevtovic-Stoimenov, Tatjana M.; Randjelovic, Vladimir N.

Immunomodulatory pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the liverwort Porella cordaeana (Porellaceae): the "new old" furanopinguisanol and its oxidation product exert mutually different effects on rat splenocytes

RSC Advances, 6(48), 2016, 41847-41860. M-21 Hemija

109. Radulovic, Niko S.; Dordevic, Miljana R.; Dekic, Milan S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.

Chemical composition of the essential oil and diethyl ether extract of Trinia glauca (L.) Dumort. (Apiaceae) and the chemotaxonomic significance of 5-O-methylvisamminol

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 13(4), 2016, 403-415.

M-22 Hemija

110. Vukicevic, Dusan R.; Stevanovic, Dragana D.; Gencic, Marija S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Radulovic, Niko S.

Essential oil constituents and alkanes of Cephalaria ambrosioides Roem. & Schult. (family Caprifoliaceae, subfamily Dipsacaceae) and (chemo)taxonomic discernment of the subfamilies Dipsacaceae and Morinaceae

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 13(2), 2016, 198-209.

M-22 Hemija

111. Glisic, Biljana Dj.; Hoffmann, Marcin; Warzajtis, Beata; Gencic, Marija S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Rychlewska, Urszula; Djuran, Milos I.

Selectivity of the complexation reactions of four regioisomeric methylcamphorquinoxaline ligands with gold(III): X-ray, NMR and DFT investigations

Polyhedron, 105, 2016, 137-149. M-22 Hemija

112. Stojanović, Nikola M.; Radulović, Niko S. Randjelović, Pavle J.; Laketić, Darko

Antinociceptive Properties of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Other Hypericum Species

Natural Product Communications, 11(11), 2016, 1741-47.

M-23 Hemija

113. Radojević, Ivana; Vasić, Sava M.; Dekić, Milan S.; Radulović, Niko S.; Đelić, Gorica T.; Đurđević, Jelena S.; Čomić, Ljiljana R.

Antimicrobial and antibiofilm effects of extracts from, Trapa natans L., evaluation of total phenolic flavonoid contents, and GC-MS analysis

Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 73(6), 2016, 1565-74.

M-23 Hemija,Farmakologi

ja i farmacija

114. Ilic Ivan R; Djordjevic Seven-year survey of classical and Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the M-23 Onkologija

Nebojsa P; Randjelovic Pavle J; Stojanovic Nikola M; Radulovic Niko S; Ilic Ratko S

pleomorphic invasive lobular breast carcinomas in women from southeastern Serbia: Differences in clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features

Balkan Union of Oncology, 21(5), 2016, 1113-1120

115. Ilic Ivan R; Ilic Ratko S; Stojanovic Nikola M; Mihajlovic Marina N; Randjelovic Pavle J; Radulovic Niko S

Evaluation of pathological parameters and morphometric data of desmoplastic lobular breast carcinoma

Indian journal of pathology & microbiology, 59(4), 2016, 463-468

M-23 Patologija

116. Stojanovic Predrag; Stojanovic Nikola; Stojanovic-Radic Zorica; Arsic Arsenijevic Valentina; Otasevic Suzana; Randjelovic Pavle; Radulovic Niko S

Surveillance and characterization of Candida bloodstream infections in a Serbian tertiary care hospital

Journal of infection in developing countries, 10(6), 2016, 643-56

M-23 Infektivne bolesti

117. Radulovic, Niko S.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Stojkovic, Milan B.; Blagojevic, Polina D.

New volatile sulfur-containing compounds from wild garlic (Allium ursinum L., Liliaceae)

Food Research International, 78, 2015, 1-10.

M-21 Hemija,Nauka i

tehnologija hrane

118. Dekic, Milan S.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Randelovic, Vladimir N.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.; Veljkovic, Bojana P.

Essential Oils and Diethyl Ether Extracts of Serbian Xeranthemum cylindraceum and X. annum: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial Activity, and Chemotaxonomic Implications

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 12(9), 2015, 1378-1397.

M-22 Hemija

119. Pinheiro, Mariana Martins Gomes; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Abdul-Wahab, Ikarastika Rahayu; Boylan, Fabio; Fernandes, Patricia Dias

Anti-inflammatory activity of Choisya ternata Kunth essential oil, ternanthranin, and its two synthetic analogs (methyl and propyl N-methylanthranilates)

PLoS One, 10(3), 2015, e0121063/1-e0121063/21.

M-21 Hemija,Multidisciplinarne nauke

120. Gencic, Marija S.; Radulovic, Niko S.

Lanthanide-induced shift reagents enable the structural elucidation of natural products in inseparable complex mixtures - the case of elemenal from Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae)

RSC Advances, 5(89), 2015, 72670-72682. M-21 Hemija

121. Blagojevic, Polina D.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Skropeta, Danielle

(Chemotaxonomic) implications of postharvest/storage-induced changes in plant volatile profiles: the case of Artemisia absinthium L. essential oil

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 12(8), 2015, 1237-1255.

M-22 Hemija

122. Radulovic, Niko S.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Ilic, Ivan R.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Stojkovic, Milan B.; Ilic, Mirjana

Effect of two esters of N-methylanthranilic acid from Rutaceae species on impaired kidney morphology and function in rats caused by CCl4

Life Sciences, 135, 2015, 110-117. M-22 Hemija,Farmakologi

ja i farmacija

123. Miltojevic, Ana B.; Radulovic, Niko S.

Structural elucidation of thermolysis products of methyl N-methyl-N-nitrosoanthranilate

RSC Advances, 5(66), 2015, 53569-53585. M-21 Hemija

124. Radulovic, Niko S.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica; Stojanovic, Predrag; Stojanovic, Nikola; Dekic, Vidoslav; Dekic, Biljana

A small library of 4-(alkylamino)-3-nitrocoumarin derivatives with potent antimicrobial activity against gastrointestinal pathogens

Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 80(3), 2015, 315-327.

M-23 Hemija

125. Pejovic, Anka; Danneels, Barbara; Desmet, Tom; Cham, Ba Thi; Nguyen, Tuyen Van; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.; D'Hooghe, Matthias

Synthesis and Antimicrobial/Cytotoxic Assessment of Ferrocenyl Oxazinanes, Oxazinan-2-ones, and Tetrahydropyrimidin-2-ones

Synlett, 26(9), 2015, 1195-1200. M-22 Hemija

126. Radulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Dekic, Milan S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.

Toxic essential oils. Part IV: The essential oil of Achillea falcata L. as a source of biologically/pharmacologically active trans-sabinyl esters

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 80, 2015, 114-129.

M-21 Hemija,Toksikologij


127. Radulovic, Niko S.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Cakic, Nevenka D.; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Zivanovic, Ana V.

Aboriginal bush foods: A major phloroglucinol from Crimson Bottlebrush flowers (Callistemon citrinus, Myrtaceae) displays strong antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity

Food Research International, 77(Part_2), 2015, 280-289.

M-21 Hemija,Nauka i

tehnologija hrane

128. Minic, Aleksandra; Stevanovic, Dragana; Damljanovic, Ivan; Pejovic, Anka; Vukicevic, Mirjana; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.

Synthesis of ferrocene-containing six-membered cyclic ureas via α-ferrocenyl carbocations

RSC Advances, 5(32), 2015, 24915-24919. M-21 Hemija

129. Stevanovic, Dragana; Ferrier rearrangement promoted by an Carbohydrate Research, 407, 2015, 111- M-22 Hemija

Pejovic, Anka; Damljanovic, Ivan; Minic, Aleksandra; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Vukicevic, Mirjana; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.

electrochemically generated zirconium catalyst


130. Ilic-Tomic, Tatjana; Gencic, Marija S.; Zivkovic, Milena Z.; Vasiljevic, Branka; Djokic, Lidija; Nikodinovic-Runic, Jasmina; Radulovic, Niko S.

Structural diversity and possible functional roles of free fatty acids of the novel soil isolate Streptomyces sp. NP10

Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99(11), 2015, 4815-4833.

M-21 Hemija,Biotehnolog

ija i primenjena mikrobiolog


131. Glisic, Biljana Dj.; Warzajtis, Beata; Radulovic, Niko S.; Rychlewska, Urszula; Djuran, Milos I.

Gold(III) complexes with phenazine and quinoxaline: The role of molecular symmetry in intra- and intermolecular interactions

Polyhedron, 87, 2015, 208-214. M-22 Hemija

132. Bugarcic, Zorica M.; Divac, Vera M.; Kostic, Marina D.; Jankovic, Nenad Z.; Heinemann, Frank W.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.

Synthesis, crystal and solution structures and antimicrobial screening of palladium(II) complexes with 2-(phenylselanylmethyl)oxolane and 2-(phenylselanylmethyl)oxane as ligands

Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 143, 2015, 9-19.

M-21 Hemija

133. Stanojevic, Ljiljana P.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Djokic, Tatjana M.; Stankovic, Biljana M.; Ilic, Dusica P.; Cakic, Milorad D.; Nikolic, Vesna D.

The yield, composition and hydrodistillation kinetics of the essential oil of dill seeds (Anethi fructus) obtained by different hydrodistillation techniques

Industrial Crops and Products, 65, 2015, 429-436.

M-21a Hemija,Agronomija

134. Mitrovic, T. L.; Stamenkovic, S. M.; Cvetkovic, V. J.; Radulovic, N. S.; Mladenovic, M. Z.; Stankovic, M. S.; Topuzovic, M. D.; Radojevic, I. D.; Stefanovic, O. D.; Vasic, S.

Contribution to the knowledge of the chemical composition and biological activity of the lichens Cladonia foliacea Huds. (Wild.) and Hypogymnia physodes (L.)

Oxidation Communications, 38(4A), 2015, 2016-2032.

M-23 Hemija

M.; Čomić, L.; Šeklić, D.; Obradović, A.; Marković, S.

135. Mihajilov-Krstev, Tatjana M.; Denic, Marija S.; Zlatkovic, Bojan K.; Stankov-Jovanovic, Vesna P.; Mitic, Violeta D.; Stojanovic, Gordana S.; Radulovic, Niko S.

Inferring the origin of rare fruit distillates from compositional data using multivariate statistical analyses and the identification of new flavour constituents

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95(6), 2015, 1217-1235.

M-21 Hemija

136. Topuzovic, Marina D; Radojevic, Ivana D; Vasic, Sava M; Comic, Ljiljana R; Dekic, Milan S; Radulovic, Niko S; Licina, Braho Z

Phytomedical investigation of Najas minor All. in the view of the chemical constituents

EXCLI journal, 14, 2015, 496-503 M-22 Hemija,Biologija

137. Miltojevic, Ana; Radulovic, Niko S.

Complete assignment of 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra of anthranilic acid and its hydroxy derivatives and salicylic acid and its amino derivatives

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 13(2), 2015, 121-32

M-51 Hemija

138. Pejovic, Anka; Denic, Marija S.; Stevanovic, Dragana; Damljanovic, Ivan; Vukicevic, Mirjana; Kostova, Kalina; Tavlinova-Kirilova, Maya; Randjelovic, Pavle; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Blagojević, Polina; D'hooghe, Matthias; Radulović, Niko S.; Vukićević, Rastko D.

Discovery of anxiolytic 2-ferrocenyl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones exerting GABAA receptor interaction via the benzodiazepine-binding site

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 83, 2014, 57-73.

M-21 Hemija

139. Warzajtis, Beata; Glisic, Biljana Dj.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Rychlewska, Urszula; Djuran, Milos I.

Gold(III) complexes with monodentate coordinated diazines: An evidence for strong electron-withdrawing effect of Au(III) ion

Polyhedron, 79, 2014, 221-228. M-22 Hemija

140. Radulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.

Synthesis of small libraries of natural products: New esters of long-chain alcohols from the essential oil of Scandix pecten-veneris L. (Apiaceae)

Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 29(4), 2014, 255-266.

M-21 Hemija

141. Sosic-Jurjevic, Branka; Filipovic, Branko; Wirth, Eva Katrin; Zivanovic, Jasmina; Radulovic, Niko; Jankovic, Snezana; Milosevic, Verica; Kohrle, Josef

Soy isoflavones interfere with thyroid hormone homeostasis in orchidectomized middle-aged rats

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 278(2), 2014, 124-134.

M-21 Hemija,Farmakologi

ja i farmacija

142. Radulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan; Dekic, Milan; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica

Further antibacterial Geranium macrorrhizum L. metabolites and synthesis of epoxygermacrones

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 11(4), 2014, 542-550.

M-22 Hemija

143. Radulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.; Mitic, Katarina V.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.

Synthesis, spectral characterization, cytotoxicity and enzyme-inhibiting activity of new ferrocene-indole hybrids

Polyhedron, 80, 2014, 134-141. M-22 Hemija

144. Radulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.; Ilic-Tomic, Tatjana; Senerovic, Lidija; Nikodinovic-Runic, Jasmina

Cytotoxic effect of Reseda lutea L.: A case of forgotten remedy

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 153(1), 2014, 125-132.

M-21a Hemija

145. Pinheiro, Mariana Martins Gomes; Radulovic, Niko S.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Boylan, Fabio; Dias Fernandes, Patricia

Antinociceptive esters of N-methylanthranilic acid: Mechanism of action in heat-mediated pain

European Journal of Pharmacology, 727, 2014, 106-114.

M-22 Hemija,Farmakologi

ja i farmacija

146. Radulovic, Niko S.; Đordevic, Miljana R.

Chemical Composition of the Tuber Essential Oil from Helianthus tuberosus L. (Asteraceae)

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 11(3), 2014, 427-437.

M-22 Hemija

147. Radulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Stevanovic, Dragana; Vukicevic, Rastko D.

Synthesis, characterization, and antimicrobial evaluation of a small library of ferrocene-containing acetoacetates and phenyl analogs: the discovery of a potent anticandidal agent

Molecular Diversity, 18(3), 2014, 497-510. M-21 Hemija

148. Warzajtis, Beata; Rychlewska, Urszula; Radanovic, Dusanka D.; Stanojevic, Ivana M.; Draskovic, Nenad S.;

Carboxylato-bridged polymeric complexes of chromium(III) with the hexadentate (±)-1,3-pentanediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate ligand carrying different counter ions. Stereospecific6formation and crystal

Polyhedron, 67, 2014, 270-278. M-22 Hemija

Radulovic, Niko S.; Djuran, Milos I.

structures of Na[Cr(1,3-pndta)]*H2O, K[Cr(1,3-pndta)]*H2O and Ca[Cr(1,3-pndta)]2*4H2O

149. Mitrovic Tatjana; Stamenkovic Slavisa; Cvetkovic Vladimir; Radulovic Niko; Mladenovic Marko; Stankovic Milan; Topuzovic Marina; Radojevic Ivana; Stefanovic Olgica; Vasic Sava; Comic Ljiljana

Platismatia glaucia and Pseudevernia furfuracea lichens as sources of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antibiofilm agents

EXCLI journal, 13, 2014, 938-53 M-22 Hemija,Biologija

150. Kramar Ana; Ilic-Tomic Tatjana; Petkovic Milos; Radulovic Niko; Kostic Mirjana; Jocic Dragan; Nikodinovic-Runic Jasmina

Crude bacterial extracts of two new Streptomyces sp. isolates as bio-colorants for textile dyeing

World journal of microbiology & biotechnology, 30(8), 2014, 2231-40

M-22 Hemija,Biotehnolog

ija i primenjena mikrobiolog

ija151. Radulovic, Niko S.;

Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Blagojevic, Polina D.

(Un)targeted metabolomics in Asteraceae: probing the applicability of essential oil profiles of Senecio L. (Senecioneae) taxa in chemotaxonomy

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 11(9), 2014, 1330-1353.

M-22 Hemija

152. Damljanovic, Ivan; Stevanovic, Dragana; Pejovic, Anka; Ilic, Danijela; Zivkovic, Marija; Jovanovic, Jovana; Vukicevic, Mirjana; Bogdanovic, Goran A.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.

The palladium(II) complex of N,N-diethyl-1-ferrocenyl-3-thiabutanamine: synthesis, solution and solid state structure and catalytic activity in Suzuki-Miyaura reaction

RSC Advances, 4(82), 2014, 43792-43799. M-21 Hemija

153. Radulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.

n-Octyl esters of long-chain fatty acids are not anthropogenic pollution markers

Environmental Chemistry Letters, 12(2), 2014, 303-312.

M-21 Hemija

154. Dekic, Biljana; Samarzija-Jovanovic, Suzana; Jovanovic, Vojislav; Dekic, Vidoslav; Radulovic, Niko; Simonovic, Ranko; Marinovic-Cincovic,

Influence of the aryl substituent identity in 4-arylamino-3-nitrocoumarins on their thermal behavior

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 115(2), 2014, 1619-1626.

M-22 Hemija

Milena155. Radulovic, Niko S.; Denic,

Marija S.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.

Synthesis of small combinatorial libraries of natural products: identification and quantification of new long-chain 3-methyl-2-alkanones from the root essential oil of Inula helenium L. (Asteraceae)

Phytochemical Analysis, 25(1), 2014, 75-80.

M-21 Hemija

156. Radulovic, Niko S.; Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.; Ilic-Tomic, Tatjana; Senerovic, Lidija; Nikodinovic-Runic, Jasmina

Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.)

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 62, 2013, 554-565.

M-21a Hemija,Toksikologij


157. Radulovic, Niko S.; Zlatkovic, Dragan B.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Novakovic, Sladana B.; Akhlaghi, Hashem

Chemistry of spices: bornyl 4-methoxybenzoate from Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss. (Apiaceae) induces hyperalgesia in mice

Food & Function, 4(12), 2013, 1751-1758. M-21 Hemija,Biohemija i molekularna


158. Radulovic, Niko S.; Dekic, Milan S.

Volatiles of Geranium purpureum Vill. and Geranium phaeum L.: Chemotaxonomy of Balkan Geranium and Erodium species (Geraniaceae)

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 10(11), 2013, 2042-2052.

M-22 Hemija

159. Zarubica, A.; Randjelovic, M.; Momcilovic, M.; Radulovic, N.; Putanov, P.

n-Hydrocarbons conversions over metal-modified solid acid catalysts

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 87(13), 2013, 2166-2175.

M-23 Hemija

160. Radulovic, Niko S.; Jovanovic, Ivan; Ilic, Ivan R.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Miltojevic, Ana B.

Methyl and isopropyl N-methylanthranilates attenuate diclofenac- and ethanol-induced gastric lesions in rats

Life Sciences, 93(22), 2013, 840-846. M-22 Hemija,Farmakologi

ja i farmacija

161. Radulovic, Niko S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.

The Last Decade of Antinociceptive Alkaloids: Structure, Synthesis, Mechanism of Action and Prospect

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 13(17), 2013, 2134-2170.

M-21a Hemija

162. Radulovic, Niko S.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.;

Effects of Methyl and Isopropyl N-methylanthranilates from Choisya ternata Kunth (Rutaceae) on Experimental Anxiety and Depression in Mice

Phytotherapy Research, 27(9), 2013, 1334-1338.

M-22 Hemija

Boylan, Fabio163. Radulovic, Niko S.;

Mladenovic, Marko Z.; Blagojevic, Polina D.

A low level chemotaxonomic analysis of the plant family Apiaceae: the case of Scandix balansae Reut. ex Boiss. (Tribe Scandiceae)

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 10(7), 2013, 1202-1219.

M-22 Hemija

164. Radulovic, Niko S.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Stojanovic-Radic, Zorica Z.; Ilic, Ivan R.; Djordjevic, Vidosava B.

Toxic essential oils. Part II: Chemical, toxicological, pharmacological and microbiological profiles of Artemisia annua L. volatiles

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 58, 2013, 37-49.

M-21a Hemija,Toksikologij


165. Radulovic, Niko S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.

Average mass scan of the total ion chromatograms: A new gas chromatography-mass spectrometry derived variable for fast and reliable multivariate statistical treatment of essential oil compositional data

Journal of Chromatography A, 1301, 2013, 190-199.

M-21a Hemija

166. Stevanovic, Dragana; Pejovic, Anka; Damljanovic, Ivan S.; Vukicevic, Mirjana D.; Dobrikov, Georgi; Dimitrov, Vladimir; Denic, Marija S.; Radulovic, Niko S.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.

Electrochemical Phenylselenoetherification as a Key Step in the Synthesis of (±)-Curcumene Ether

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 96(6), 2013, 1103-1110.

M-22 Hemija

167. Zarubica, A.; Randjelovic, M.; Momcilovic, M.; Stojkovic, N.; Vasic, M.; Radulovic, N.

The balance between acidity and tetragonal phase fraction in the favorable catalytic act of modified zirconia towards isomerized n-hexane(s)

Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications, 7(1-2), 2013, 62-69.

M-23 Hemija,Multidisciplinarna nauka

o materijalima

168. Radulovic, Niko S.; Blagojevic, Polina D.; Miltojevic, Ana B.

α-Linalool-a marker compound of forged/synthetic sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) essential oils

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93(13), 2013, 3292-3303.

M-21 Hemija

169. Radulovic, Niko S.; Denic, Marija S.

Essential Oils from the Roots of Echinops bannaticus Rochel ex Schrad. and Echinops sphaerocephalus L. (Asteraceae): Chemotaxonomic and Biosynthetic Aspects

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 10(4), 2013, 658-676.

M-22 Hemija

170. Radulovic, N. S.; Blagojevic, P. D.;

Antimicrobial plant metabolites: structural diversity and mechanism of action

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 20(7), 2013, 932-952.

M-21a Hemija

Stojanovic-Radic, Z. Z.; Stojanovic, N. M.

171. Radulovic, Niko S.; Miltojevic, Ana B.; Vukicevic, Rastko D.

Simple and efficient one-pot solvent-free synthesis of N-methyl imines of aromatic aldehydes

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 16(3), 2013, 257-270.

M-22 Hemija

172. Denić, Marko; Sunarić, S. M.; Kesić, Lj. G.; Minić, I. Z.; Obradović, R. R.; Denić, Marija; Petrović, M. S.

RP-HPLC assay of doxycycline in human saliva and gingival crevicular fluid in patients with chronic periodontal disease

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 78-79, 2013, 170-5.

M-21 Hemija

173. Denic, Marija; Blagojevic, Polina; Radulovic, Niko

Synthetic approaches to coniine and other 2-alkyl piperidines

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 1-26.

M-51 Hemija

174. Stojanovic, Igor; Radulovic, Niko; Cvetkovic, Vladimir; Mitrovic, Tatjana; Stamenkovic, Slavisa

Antimicrobial activity of methanol extracts of four parmeliaceae lichen species

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 45-53.

M-51 Hemija

175. Blagojevic, Polina D.; Radulovic, Niko S.

Multivariate statistical treatment of plant extract compositional data: average mass scan of the total ion chromatogram (AMS) approach

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 85-99.

M-51 Hemija

176. Dekic, Vidoslav; Dekic, Biljana; Radulovic, Niko

1H and 13C NMR spectral assignments of an amino acid-coumarin hybrid

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 101-107.

M-51 Hemija

177. Radulovic, Niko S.; Randjelovic, Pavle J.; Stojanovic, Nikola M.; Ilic, Ivan R.; Miltojevic, Ana B.

Influence of methyl and isopropyl N-methyl antranilates on carbon tetrachloride-induced changes in rat liver morphology and function

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 11(1), 2013, 67-73.

M-51 Hemija

178. Mitic Zorica S, Zlatkovic Bojan K, Jovanovic Snezana C, Stojanovic Gordana S, Marin Petar D

Geographically Related Variation in Epicuticular Wax Traits of Pinus nigra Populations from Southern Carpathians and Central Balkans - Taxonomic Considerations

CHEMISTRY AND BIODIVERSITY (2016) 13 (7): 931-942

M22 Hemija

179. Nikolic Nada C, Stojanovic Jelena S, Mitrovic Jelena, Lazic Miodrag L, Karabegovic Ivana T, Stojanovic Gordana S

The antioxidant activity and the composition of free and bound phenolic acids in dough of wheat flour enriched by Boletus edulis after mixing and thermal processing


M22 Hemija

180. Djordjevic Aleksandra S, Jovanovic Olga P, Zlatkovic Bojan K, Stojanovic Gordana S

Chemical Composition of Ballotamacedonica Vandas and Ballotanigra L. ssp foetida (Vis.) Hayek Essential Oils - The Chemotaxonomic Approach

CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY (2016) 13 (6):782-788

M22 Hemija

181. Slađana Č. Alagić, Vesna P. Stankov Jovanović, Violeta D. Mitić, Jelena S. Cvetković, Goran M. Petrović, Gordana S. Stojanović

Bioaccumulation of HMW PAHs in the roots of wild blackberry from the Bor region (Serbia): phytoremediation and biomonitoring aspects


M21a Hemija

182. Jovanović, S. Č., Zlatković, B. K., Stojanović, G. S.

Chemotaxonomic approach to the Sedum species from central Balkan Peninsula based on distribution of triterpenoids in their cuticular waxes

CHEMISTRY AND BIODIVERSITY(2016): 13(4): 459–465

M22 Hemija

183. Jelena Stamenković, Goran Petrović, Gordana Stojanović, Aleksandra Đorđević, Bojan Zlatković

Chaerophyllum aureum L. Volatiles: Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity

RECORDS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS(2016) 10(2): 245-250


184. Violeta Mitic, Vesna StankovJovanovic, Marija Ilic, Olga Jovanovic, Aleksandra Djordjevic, GordanaStojanovic

Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter essential oil-chemical composition, multivariate analysis and antimicrobial activity


M22 Hemija

185. Cvetkovic Jelena S Mitic Violeta D Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Dimitrijevic Marija V Petrovic Goran M Nikolic-Mandic Snezana D Stojanovic Gordana S

Optimization of the QuEChERS extraction procedure for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

ANALYTICAL METHODS, (2016) 8(7): 1711-1720

M22 Hemija

186. Tosic Snezana B, Mitic Snezana S, Velimirovic Dragan S, Stojanovic Gordana S, Pavlovic Aleksandra N, Pecev-Marinkovic Emilija T

Elemental composition of edible nuts: fast optimization and validation procedure of an ICP-OES method


M21 Hemija

187. Randjelovic Sasa S, Kostic Danijela A, Arsic Biljana B, Mitic Snezana S, Rasic Ivana D, Mitic Milan N,

Chemometric Analysis of Grapes. Analysis of Grapes

OPEN CHEMISTRY (2015) 13 (1):675-682

M22 Hemija

Dimitrijevic Danica S, Stojanovic Gordana S

188. Jovanovic Snezana C, Zlatkovic Bojan K, Stojanovic Gordana S

Distribution and Variability of n-Alkanes in Epicuticular Waxes of Sedum Species from the Central Balkan Peninsula: Chemotaxonomic Importance

CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY (2015) 12 (5):767-780

M22 Hemija

189. Dimitrijevic Marija V, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Cvetkovic Jelena S, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Stojanovic Gordana S, Mitic Violeta D

Screening of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiradical activities of twelve selected Serbian wild mushrooms

ANALYTICAL METHODS (2015) 7 (10):4181-4191

M22 Hemija

190. Paunovic Dusan D, Mitic Snezana S, Stojanovic Gordana S, Mitic Milan N, Stojanovic Branka T, Stojkovic Milan B

Kinetics of the Solid-Liquid Extraction Process of Phenolic Antioxidants and Antioxidant Capacity from Hop (Humulus lupulus L.)


M22 Hemija

191. Ilic Marija D, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Mitic Violeta D, Jovanovic Olga P, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Markovic Marija S, Stojanovic Gordana S

Comparison of chemical composition and biological activities of Seseli rigidum fruit essential oils from Serbia

OPEN CHEMISTRY(2015) 13 (1):42-51

M22 Hemija

192. Stojanovic Gordana S, Jovanovic Snezana C, Zlatkovic Bojan K

Distribution and Taxonomic Significance of Secondary Metabolites Occurring in the Methanol Extracts of the Stonecrops (Sedum L., Crassulaceae) from the Central Balkan Peninsula


M22 Hemija

193. Stamenkovic Jelena G, Stojanovic Gordana S, Radojkovic Ivana R, Petrovic Goran M, Zlatkovic Bojan K

Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Chaerophyllum temulum (Apiaceae)


M22 Hemija

194. Jovanovic Snezana C, Jovanovic Olga P, Petrovic Goran M, Stojanovic Gordana S

Endemic Balkan Parsnip Pastinaca hirsuta: the Chemical Profile of Essential Oils, Headspace Volatiles and Extracts


M22 Hemija

195. Mitic Violeta D, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P,

Chemical Composition of the Essential oil of Laserpitium latifolium from Serbia


M22 Hemija

Djordjevic Aleksandra S, Ilic Marija D, Simonovic Strahinja R, Stojanovic Gordana S

(2015) 10 (4):649-651

196. Jovanovic Olga P Zlatkovic Bojan K Jovanovic Snezana C Petrovic Goran Stojanovic Gordana S

Composition of Peucedanum longifolium Waldst. & Kit. essential oil and volatiles obtained by headspace


M23 Hemija

197. Kostic Danijela A Dimitrijevic Danica S Stojanovic Gordana S Palic Ivan R Djordjevic Aleksandra S Ickovski Jovana D

Xanthine Oxidase: Isolation, Assays of Activity, and Inhibition

JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY (2015), Article ID 294858, 8 pages

M23 Hemija

198. Stojanovic Gordana S Jovanovic Snezana C Zlatkovic Bojan K Djordjevic Aleksandra S Petrovic Goran M Jovanovic Olga P Stankov- Jovanovic Vesna P Mitic Violeta D

Hylotelephium Spectabile (Boreau) H. Ohba x Telephium (L.) H. Ohba Leaf and Flower Extracts: Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity

RECORDS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS,(2014), 8 (3): 272-276

M22 Hemija

199. Nikolic Nada C Lazic Miodrag L Karabegovic Ivana T Stojanovic Gordana S Todorovic Zoran B

A Characterization of Content, Composition and Scavenging Capacity of Phenolic Compounds in Parsnip Roots of Various Weight


M22 Hemija

200. Golubovic Tatjana D Palic Radosav M Kitic Dusanka V Stojanovic Gordana S Zlatkovic Bojan K Ristic Mihailo S Pavlovic Dragana R

Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanol Extracts of Some Acinos Miller Species


M22 Hemija

201. Stojanovic Gordana S Stankovic Miroslava Stojanovic Igor Z Palic Ivan R Milovanovic Vesna Rancic Sofija M

Clastogenic Effect of Atranorin, Evernic acid, and Usnic Acid on Human Lymphocytes


M22 Hemija

202. Simonovic Strahinja R Chemical Composition of Angelica pancicii NATURAL PRODUCT M22 Hemija

Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Mitic Violeta D Ilic Marija D Petrovic Goran M Stojanovic Gordana S

Essential Oil Determined by Liquid and Headspace GC-MS Techniques

COMMUNICATIONS(2014), 9 ( 2): 271-272

203. Stojanovic Gordana S Jovanovic Olga P Petrovic Goran M Mitic Violeta D Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P Jovanovic Snezana C

Composition of Headspace Volatiles and Essential Oils of Three Thymus Species

NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), 9 (11): 1609-1612

M22 Hemija

204. Velickovic Jasmina M Kostic Danijela A Stojanovic Gordana S Mitic Snezana S Mitic Milan N Randjelovic Sasa S Djordjevic Aleksandra S,

Phenolic composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the extracts from Prunus spinosa L. fruit

HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA,(2014), 68 (3): 297-303

M23 Hemija

205. Grujic Slavica M Stojanovic Gordana S Mitic Violeta D Stankov- Jovanovic Vesna P Dzamic Ana M Alimpic Ana Z Marin Petar D,

Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Melittis Melissophyllum L. Extracts

ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, (2014), 66 ( 4): 1401-1410

M23 Hemija

206. Dimitrijevic Danica S Kostic Danijela A Stojanovic Gordana S Mitic Snezana S Mitic Milan N Djordjevic Aleksandra S,

Phenolic composition, antioxidant activity, mineral content and antimicrobial activity of fresh fruit extracts of Morus alba L.


M23 Hemija

207. Mitic Violeta D Stankov- Jovanovic Vesna P Ilic Marija D Vasiljevic Perica J Zabar Andrea Lj Stojanovic Gordana S,

The antioxidant, hemolytic and cholinesterase inhibition properties of Galium verum L. and Tragopogon pratensis subsp pratensis


M23 Hemija

208. Stojanovic Jelena S Lazic Miodrag L Stojanovic Gordana S Nikolic Nada C,

Composition and Radical Scavenging Capacity of Phenolic Compounds in Wheat-Chickpea Dough


M22 Hemija

209. Djordjevic Aleksandra S Palic Ivan R Stojanovic Gordana S Ristic Novica R Palic Radosav M,

Chemical Profile of Satureja Kitaibelii Wierzb. Ex Heuff. Essential Oils: Composition of Satureja Kitaibelii Essential Oils


M22 Hemija

210. Randjelovic Sasa S Kostic Metals content of soil, leaves and wild fruit CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF M22 Hemija

Danijela A Stojanovic Gordana S Mitic Snezana S Mitic Milan N Arsic Biljana B Pavlovic Aleksandra N,

from Serbia CHEMISTRY, (2014), 12 (11): 1144-1151

211. Dimitrijevic Danica S Kostic Danijela A Stojanovic Gordana S Jovanovic Snezana C Kocic Gordana M,

Superoxide Dismutase: Isolation Methods and Activity Determinations. a Review

OXIDATION COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), 37 (3): 755-773

M23 Hemija

212. Djordjevic Aleksandra S Lazarevic Jelena S Smelcerovic Andrija A Stojanovic Gordana S,

The case of Hypericum rochelii Griseb. & Schenk and Hypericum umbellatum A. Kern. essential oils: Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity


M21 Hemija

213. Pavlovic Voja, Stojanovic Igor, Jadranin Milka, Vajs Vlatka, Djordjević Iris, Smelcerovic Andrija, Stojanovic Gordana,

Effect of four lichen acids isolated from Hypogymnia physodes on viability of rat thymocytes


M21 Hemija

214. S. Lazarević, Aleksandra S. Ðorđević, Dušanka V. Kitić, Bojan K. Zlatković and Gordana S. Stojanović

Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis. (Lamiaceae).

CHEMISTRY AND BIODIVERSITY (2013) 10(7): 1335–1349.

M22 Hemija

215. Stojanović, M. Stanković, O. Jovanović, G. Petrović, A. Šmelcerović, G. Stojanović,

Effect of Hypogymnia physodes extracts and their depsidones on micronucleus distribution in human lymphocytes,


M22 Hemija

216. Smelcerovic Andrija A Djordjevic Aleksandra S Lazarevic Jelena S Stojanovic Gordana S,

Recent Advances in Analysis of Essential Oils


M22 Hemija

217. Jovana N.Veljković, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Snežana S. Mitić, Snežana B. Tošić, Gordana S. Stojanović, Biljana M. Kaličanin, Dalibor M. Stanković, Milan D. Stojković, Milan N. Mitić, Jelena M. Brcanović

Evaluation of individual phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of herbal and fruit tea infusions consumed in Serbia: spectrophotometrical and electrochemical approaches


M23 Hemija

218. Danijela A Kostić, Danica S Dimitrijević, Snežana S Mitić, Milan N Mitić, Gordana S Stojanović, Ana V Živanović,

Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of Morus nigra L. (Moraceae) Fruit Extract from Southeast Serbia


M23 Hemija

219. G. Stojanović, A. Đorđević, A. Šmelcerović,

Do other Hypericum Species have medical potential as St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)?

CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, (2013), 20(18):2273-2295

M21a Hemija

220. Olga P. Jovanović, Bojan K. Zlatković, Strahinja R. Simonović, Aleksandra S. Đorđević, Ivan R. Palić, Gordana S. Stojanović

Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oils isolated from leaves and fruits of Peucedanum austriacum (Jacq.) W.D.J. Koch


M23 Hemija

221. Sunarić Slavica M.,  Petković Milica,  Denić Marko S.,  Mitić Snežana S.,  Pavlović Aleksandra N. 

Determination of Ibuprofen in Combined Dosage Forms and Cream by Direct Uv Spectrophotometry After Solid-Phase Extricaaction

Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica, 70, 2013, 403-411

M23 Hemija

222. Milenović Dragan M.,  Milošević Snežana P.,  Djurić Svetlana Lj.,  Nasković Danijela C ., Mitić Snežana S.

Development and validation of an HPLC method for the determination of verapamil residues in supports of cleaning procedure

Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 68, 2013, 545-551

M23 Hemija

223. Milan N. Mitić, Mirjana V. Obradović, Snežana S. Mitić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jovana Lj. Pavlović, Branka T. Stojanović

Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Phenolic Profile of Selected Serbian Red Fruit Wines

Revista de Chemie, 64, 2013, 68-73 M23 Hemija

224. Veljković Jovana N.,  Pavlović Aleksandra N.,  Mitić Snežana S.,  Tošić Snežana B.,  Stojanović Gordana S.,  Kaličanin Biljana M.,  Stanković Dalibor M.,  Stojković Milan B.,  Mitić Milan N.,  Brcanović Jelena M. 

Evaluation of individual phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of black, green, herbal and fruit tea infusions consumed in Serbia: spectrophotometrical and electrochemical approaches

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 52, 2013, 12-24

M23 Hemija

225. Laketić T.J.,  Pavlović Aleksandra N.,  Savić

Occurrence of Arsenic in Water in Semberija: Connection with Factors

Oxidation Communications, 36, 2013, 820-830

M23 Hemija

M.J.,  Mitić Snežana S.,  Tošić Snežana B.,  Djordjević M.S.,  Mitić Milan N. 

Affecting Arsenic Mobility

226. Kostić Danijela A.,  Veličković Jasmina M.,  Mitić Snežana S.,  Mitić Milan N.,  Randjelović Saša S.,  Arsić Biljana B.,  Pavlović Aleksandra N. 

Correlation Among Phenolic, Toxic Metals and Antioxidant Activity of the Extracts of Plant Species from Southeast Serbia

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 27, 2013, 169-178

M23 Hemija

227. Mitić Snežana S.,  Pavlović Aleksandra N.,  Tošić Snežana B.,  Stojanović Branka T.,  Mitić Milan N.,  Stojković Milan B. 

Elemental Composition of Various Apple Cultivars Grown in Serbia

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 25, 2013, 6027-6032

M23 Hemija

228. Ranđelović S. S., Kostić D. A., Zarubica A. R., Mitić S. S., Mitić M. N.

The correlation of metal content in medicinal plants and water their extracts.

Hemijska industrija, 67, 2013, 585-591 M23 Hemija

229. Mitić S.S., Branka T. Stojanović, B.T., Pavlović A.N., Mitić M.N., Stojković M.B.

The Phenol Content, Antioxidant Activity and Metal Composition of the Serbian Vineyard Peach

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 58, 2013, 533-541

M23 Hemija

230. Mitić S.S., Stojanović B.T., Stojković M.B., Mitić M.N., Pavlović, J.Lj.

Total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of different apple cultivars

Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 45, 2013, 326-331

M23 Hemija

231. Velimirović D. S., Mitić S. S., Tošić S. B., Kaličanin B. M., Pavlović A. N., Mitić M. N.

Levels of Major and Minor Elements in Some Commercial Fruit Juices Available in Serbia

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 12, 2013, 805-811

M23 Hemija

232. Mitić S.S., Paunović D.Đ., Pavlović A.N., Tošić S.B., Stojković M.B., Mitić M.N.

Phenolic Profiles and Antioxidant Capacity of Marketed Beers in Serbia

Inernational Journal of Food Properties, 17, 2014, 908-922

M22 Hemija

233. Paunović D.Đ., Mitić S.S., Pavlović A.N., Kostić D.A., Mitić, M.N., Stojanović B.T.

Multielement Determination and Characterisation of Beers Consumed in Serbia

Oxidation Communications, 33, 2014, 605-618

M23 Hemija

234. Pecev‐Marinković E.T., Grahovac Z.M., Mitić S.S.,

Determination of Herbicide Difenzoquat Methyl Sulfate in Citruses and Baby Juices

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, M23 Hemija

Pavlović A.N., Rašić-Mišić I.D., Mitić M.N.

by Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Method and HPLC Method

61, 2014, 671-678

235. Micić R.J., Mitić S.S., Pavlović A.N., Kostić D.A., Mitić, M.N.

Application of tartrazine for sensitive and selective kinetic determination of Cu(II) traces

Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 69, 2014, 1147-1152

M23 Hemija

236. Pavlović Aleksandra N., Laketić Tamara J.,  Mitić Snežana S.,  Savić Milenko J.,  Tošić Snežana B.,  Djordjević Miodrag S. 

Multielement determination using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry for metal characterization of water from artesian wells in Semberija region: Multivariate analysis of data

Hemijska industrija 68, 2014, 247-256 M23 Hemija

237. Lalić Jelena,  Denić Marko S.,  Sunarić Slavica M.,  Kocić Gordana M.,  Trutić Nataša V.,  Mitić Snežana S.,  Jovanović Tatjana V. 

Assessment of thiamine content in some dairy products and rice milk.

Cyta-Journal of Food, 12, 2014, 203-209 M23 Hemija

238. Veličković, J. M., Dimitrijević, D. S., Kostić, D. A., Mitić, S. S., Mitić, M. M.

Total phenol, flavonoid and heavy metal content and antioxidant activity of solvent extracts of Origanum vulgare L.

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 12, 2014, 47-54

M51 Hemija

239. Veljković, J.N., Brcanović, J.М., Pavlović, A.N., Mitić, S.S., Kaličanin, B.M., Mitić, M.N

Bagged Aronia melanocapra rea: Phenolic profile and antioxidant activity

Accta facultatis medicae Naissensis, 31, 2014, 245-252

M52 Hemija

240. Paunović, D. Đ., Mitić, S. S., Kostić, D. A., Mitić, M. N., Stojanović, B. T., Pavlović, J. L.

Kinetics ant thermodynamics of the solid-liquid extraction process of total polyphenols from barley

Advanced technologies, 3, 2014, 58-63 M52 Hemija

241. Veličković, J. M., Dimitrijević, D. S., Mitić, S. S., Mitić, M. N., Kostić, D. A.

The determination of the phenolic composition, antioxidative activity of Calendula officinalis L.

Advanced technologies, 3, 2014, 46-51 M52 Hemija

242. Stojanović, B. T., Mitić, S. S., Mitić, M. N., Paunović, D. Đ., Arsić, B. B., Stojanović, G. S.

The multielement analysis of the apple peel using ICP-OES method

Advanced technologies, 3, 2014, 96-104 M52 Hemija

243. Pavlović, A.N., Mitić, SS., Tošić, S.B., Micić, R.J., Rašić, I.D., Mitić, M.N.,

The determination of salicylic acid in wines using a ligand-exchanges reaction

Advanced Technologies, 3, 2014, 11-15 M52 Hemija

Miljković, V244. Micić R.J., Mitić S.S.,

Arsić B.B., Jokić A.B., Mitić M.N., Kostić D.A., Pavlović A.N., Cekerevac M.I., Nikolić-Bujanović Lj.N., Spalević, Ž.

Statistical characteristics of selected elements in vegetables from Kosovo

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 187(6):article: 389. DOI:10.1007/s10661-015-4606-3, 2015

M22 Hemija

245. Micić R.J., Simonović R.M., Mitić S.S., Kostić D.A., Mitić M.N., Simonović S.R., Pavlović J.

Development and Use of the Kinetic Method for Determination of Trace Amounts of Vanadium(V) in Water Samples From Objects of the Enviroment

Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology, 37, 2015, 166-171

M23 Hemija

246. Pavlović A. N., Brcanović J. M., Veljković J. N., Mitić S. S., Tošić S. B., Kaličanin B. M.,Velimirović D.S.

Characterization of commercially available products of aronia according to their metal content.

Fruits, 70, 2015, 385-393 M21 Hemija

247. Mišić-Rašić I., Miletić G. Ž., Mitić S. S., Kostić D. A., Djordjević A. S.

Kinetic-spectrophotometric determination of neomycin

Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 70, 2015, 234-239

M23 Hemija

248. Randjelović Saša S.,  Kostić Danijela A.,  Arsić Biljana B.,  Mitić Snežana S.,  Rašic Ivana D.,  Mitić Milan N.,  Dimitrijević Danica S.,  Stojanović Gordana S 

Chemometric Analysis of Grapes. Analysis of Grapes

Open Chemistry, 13, 2015, 675-682, M23 Hemija

249. Mrmošanin, J.M., Pavlović, A.N., Veljković, J.N., Mitić, S.S., Tošić, S.B., Mitić, M.N.

The effect of storage temperature and thermal processing on catechins, procyanidins and total flavonoid stability in commercially available cocoa powers

Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 13, 2015, 39-49.

M51 Hemija

250. Veličković Jasmina M.,  Ilić Slavica B.,  Mitić Snežana S.,  Mitić Milan N.,  Kostić Danijela A. 

Comparative Analysis of Phenolic and Mineral Composition of Hawthorn and Blackthorn from Southeast Serbia

Oxidation Communications, 39, 2016, 2280-2290

M23 Hemija

251. S. Stojiljkovic, M. Stamenkovic, D. Kostic, M. Miljkovic, I. Savic, I. Savic, V. Miljkovic, B.

The Influence of Organic Modification on the Structural and Adsorptive Properties of Bentonite Clay and Its Application for the Removal of Lead,

Science of Sintering, 45 (2013) 363-367 M22 Material science, ceramics

Arsic, 252. Vojkan Miljkovic, Biljana

Kalicanin, Danijela Kostic, Gordana Kocic, Zoran Bojanic ,

Development and Application of Kinetic spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Metronidazole,

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research March 2014; 13 (3): 417-422

M23 Pharmacology & Pharmacy

253. Stanisa Stojiljkovic, Milena Miljkovic, Danijela A. Kostic, Biljana Arsic, Ivana Savic, Ivan Savic

The influence of the addition of polymer on physico-chemical properties of bentonite suspensions

Science of sintering, 46, 2014, 65-73 M22 Material science, ceramics

254. Milan N. Mitić*, Danijela A. Kostić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Danica S. Dimitrijevic, Jovana Veljkovic, ,

Effects of solvent extraction system on concentration and antioxidant activity of strawberry phenolics

Agro food industry high teach, 25(5), 2014, 24-29,

M 23 Food science and technology



Oxidation Communications 37, No 4, (2014),1074–1082

M23 Chemistry multidisciplinary

256. G. Miletic , S. S. Mitic , D. A. Kostic , A. S. Djordjevic

Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Determination of Neomycin ,

Журнал Аналитической Химии, том 70, № 2, 2015, с. 210–215

M23 Chemistry analytical

257. G. Miletic , S. S. Mitic , D. A. Kostic , A. S. Djordjevic

Kinetic-Spectrophotometric Determination of Neomycin ,

Журнал Аналитической Химии, том 70, № 2, 2015, с. 210–215

M23 Chemistry analytical

258. Rakić Violeta P., Ota Ajda M., Skrt Mihaela A., Miljković Milena N., Kostić Danijela A., Sokolović Dušan T., Poklar-Ulrih Nataša E.

Investigation of fluorescence properties of cyanidin and cyanidin 3-o-β-glucopyranoside

HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, (2015), vol. 69 br. 2, str. 155-163

M23 Engineering, chemistry

259. Stojiljkovic Stanisa T , Stamenkovic Miodrag  ,Kostic Danijela A,  Miljkovic Milena

Investigations of the Changes in the Bentonite Structure Caused by the Different Treatments,

SCIENCE OF SINTERING, vol. 47 br. 1, (2015), str. 51-59,

M22 Material science, ceramics

N,  Arsic Biljana B,  Savic Ivan ,M  Savic Ivana M 

260. Mitić Milan N., Kostić Danijela A., Pavlović Aleksandra N., Micić Ružica J., Stojanović Branka T., Paunović Dušan Đ., Dimitrijević Danica S.

Antioxidant activity and polyphenol profile of Vranac red wines from Balkan region

Hemijska Industrija, (2016), vol. 70 br. 3, str. 265-275

M23 Engineering, chemistry

261. Mitic Milan N , Kostic Danijela A , Dimitrijevic Danica S,  Stojanovic Branka T , Paunovic Dusan D.,   Krstic Milos S ,

Determination of monomeric anthocyanins in red wines based on their degradation with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of Cu(II) (Article),

AGRO FOOD INDUSTRY HI-TECH, (2015), vol. 26 br. 2, 57-60

M 23 Food science and technology

262. Mitic Milan N  Kostic Danijela A  Pavlovic Aleksandra N  Micic Ruzica J  Stojanovic Branka T  Paunovic Dusan Dj   Dimitrijevic Danica S  

Antioxidant activity and polyphenol profile of Vranac red wines from Balkan region

Hemijska Industrija, (2016), vol. 70 br. 3, str. 265-275

M23 Engineering,chemical

263. Arsic Biljana B  Kostic Danijela A  Randjelovic Sasa S  Radovanovic Blaga C  Sunaric Slavica M  Ilic Slavica B 

Chemometric Analysis of Selected Medicinal Plants from Serbia ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL

LETTERS, (2016), vol. 21 br. 1, str. 11115-11125

M23 Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology

264. Aleksandra Ðorđević, Jelena Lazarević, Goran Petrović, Bojan Zlatković, Slavica Solujić

Chemical and Biological Evaluation of Hypericum maculatum Crantz Essential Oil

Chemistry and Biodiversity, 11(1), 140-149, 2014

M22 Hemija

265. I. Stojanović, S. Najman, O. Jovanović, G. Petrović, J. Najdanović, P. Vasiljević, A. Šmelcerović

Effects of Depsidones from Hypogymnia physodes on HeLa Cell Viability and Grrowth

Folia Biologica-Prague, 60, 89-94, 2014 M23 Hemija

266. Ana Alimpić, Dejan Pljevljakušić, Katarina Savikin, Aleksandar Knežević, Milena Ćurčić, Dragan Veličković, Tatjana Stević, Goran Petrović, Vlado Matevski, Jelena Vukojević, Snežana

Composition and Biological Effects of Salvia ringens (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil and Extracts

Industrial Crops and Products, 76, 702-709, 2015

M21 Hemija

Marković, Petar D. Marin, Sonja Duletić-Laušević

267. Biljana M. Kaličanin, Dragan S. Velimirović, and Aleksandra N. Pavlović

Teeth–Saliva Migration of Fluoride Ions and Health Implications

Fluorine: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, Chapter 11, 186-199, 2015.

PM14 Hemija

268. Snežana Tošić, Slađana Alagić, Mile Dimitrijević, Aleksandra Pavlović, Maja Nujkić

Plant parts of the apple tree (Malus spp.) as possible indicators of heavy metal pollution

AMBIO: A journal of the human environment, 45(4), 501-512, 2016.

M21 Hemija

269. Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana S. Šebula, Snežana B. Tošić, Aleksandra N. Pavlović, Jelena V. Petrović

Bioaccumulation of Arsenic and Cadmium in Birch and Lime from the Bor Region

Arch. Environ. Con. Tox., 65(4), 671-682, 2013.

M22 Hemija

270. Slađana Alagić, Snežana Tošić & Aleksandra Pavlović

Nickel content in deciduous trees near copper mining and smelting complex bor (East Serbia)

Carpath. J. Earth Env., 9(4), 191–199, 2014.

M23 Hemija

271. Mitic D. Violeta, Vesna P. Stankov-Jovanovic, Snezana B. Tosic, Aleksandra N. Pavlovic, Jelena S. Cvetkovic, Marija V. Dimitrijevic, Snezana D. Nikolic-Mandic

Chemometric approach to evaluate heavy metals’ content in Daucus Carota from different localities in Serbia

Hem. Ind., 69(6), 643-650, 2015. M23 Hemija

272. Kocic G., Pavlovic R., Nikolic G., Veljkovic A., Panseri S., Chiesa L.M., Andjelkovic T., Jevtovic Stoimenov T., Sokolovic D., Cvetkovic T., Stojanovic S., Kocic H., Nikolic R.

Effect of commercial or depurinized milk on rat liver growth-regulatory kinases, nuclear factor-kappa B, and endonuclease in experimental hyperuricemia: Comparison with allopurinol therapy

Journal of Dairy Science, 97 (7) (2014) 4029-4042.

M21 Хемија

273. Ružica S. Nikolić, Nenad Molecular mechanisms of beneficial effects Polyhedron (2014) 80, p.223-227 M22 Хемија

S. Krstić, Goran M. Nikolić, Gordana M. Kocić, Milorad D. Cakić, Darko H. Anđelković

of lipoic acid in copper intoxicated rats assessment by FTIR and ESI-MS

274. Ivana Kostić, Tatjana Anđelković, Ružica Nikolić, Tatjana Cvetković, Dušica Pavlović, Aleksandar Bojić

Comparative study of binding strengths of heavy metals with humic acid

Hem. Ind. 67(5) (2013) 773-779. M23 Хемија

275. Kostić Ivana S., Anđelković Tatjana D., Anđelković Darko H., Cvetković Tatjana P., Pavlović Dušica D.

Determination of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in plastic medical devices

Hem. Ind. 70(2) (2016) 159-164. M23 Хемија

276. Ivana Kostić, Tatjana Anđelković, Darko Anđelković, Ružica Nikolić, Aleksandar Bojić, Tatjana Cvetković, Goran Nikolić

Interaction of cobalt(II), nickel(II) and zinc(II) with humic-like ligands studied by ESI-MS and ion-exchange method

J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 81 (3) (2016) 255–270.

M23 Хемија

277. I. Kostić, T. Anđelković, D. Anđelković, A. Bojić, T. Cvetković, D. Pavlović

Quantification of DEHP into PVC components of intravenous infusion containers and peritoneal dialysis set before and after UV-A treatment

Bulg. Chem. Commun., 2, 49 pp. xx-xx (2017) (in press)

M23 Хемија

278. Jelena B. Zvezdanović, Sanja M. Petrović, Dejan Z. Marković, Tatjana D. Anđelković, Darko H. Anđelković

Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry combined with the ultra high performance liquid chromatography in the analysis of in vitro formation of chlorophyll complexes with copper and zinc

J. Serb. Chem. Soc. (2014) 79(6) p.689 – 706

M23 Хемија

279. Jelena Z. Mitrović, Miljana D. Radović, Tatjana D. Anđelković, Danijela V. Bojić, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić

Identification of intermediates and ecotoxicity assessment during the UV/H2O2 oxidation of azo dye Reactive Orange 16

Journal of Environmental Science And Health, Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering 49 (5) (2014) 491-502.

M23 Хемија

280. The migration of some biometal ions in the system mineral tissue of teeth-soil and teeth-water mediums

J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 79 (11) (2014) 1395–1404.

M23 Хемија

281. Evaluation of a method for phthalate extraction from milk related to the milk dilution ratio

J. Serb. Chem. Soc.(2014) 80(8) p.983 – 996

M23 Хемија

282. Ibuprofen and M(II) d-metals: Cu, Co, Cd European Journal of Pharmaceutical M33 Хемија

microquantities interaction analysis Sciences, 50 Suppl. 1, 55-56, PP040 (2013)

283. DEHP leaching from medical devices used for peritoneal dialysis determined by GC-MS

12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2014, Beograd, 2014. Proceedings p. 1153-1156.

M33 Хемија

284. UV-A radiation influence on DEHP level in PVC medical devices

13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2016, Beograd, 2016. Proceedings p. 499-502.

M33 Хемија

285. DnBP extraction optimization in GC-MS determination

13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2016, Beograd, 2016. Proceedings p. 889-892.

M33 Хемија

286. Milk fat content influence on phthalate determination

13th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2016, Beograd, 2016. Proceedings p. 893-896.

M33 Хемија

287. Tatjana D. Anđelković, Darko H. Anđelković, Zoran S. Nikolić

The Impact of E-learning in Chemistry Education

6th International Conference on e-Learning – "E-LEARNING" Belgrade, Metropolitan University, 2015, Proceedings p.116 – 120

M33 Хемија

288. Ivana S. Kostić, Tatjana D. Anđelković, Darko H. Anđelković, Tatjana P. Cvetković, Dušica D. Pavlović, Milena D. Ivanović, Danica S. Milojković

Interaction between oxidative stress inducers: cobalt (II) and salicylic acid

7th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – "EnviroChem" Palić, 09 – 12.06.2015, Book of Abstracts p.260 – 261

M34 Хемија

289. Danica S. Milojković, Darko H. Anđelković, Gordana M. Kocić, Ivana S. Kostić, Milena D. Ivanović

Effect of Temperature on the Migration of Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate from Polyvinyl Chloride Dialysis Bags to Model Solutions

7th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – "EnviroChem" Palić, 09 – 12.06.2015, Book of Abstracts p.214 – 215

M34 Хемија

290. Milena D. Ivanović, Tatjana D. Anđelković,

Optimisation of Chloramphenicol Extraction from Water

7th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – "EnviroChem"

M34 Хемија

Darko H. Anđelković, Tatjana P. Cvetković, Danica S. Milojković, Ivana S. Kostić

Palić, 09 – 12.06.2015, Book of Abstracts p.239 – 240

291. Tatjana D. Anđelković, Gordana M. Kocić, Darko H. Anđelković, Ivana S. Kostić, Danica S. Milojković

The Signal Response Linearity in Phthalates Determination Using ESI-MS Method with the Loop Injection Technique

Advanced Technologies 4(1) (2015) 42–48.

M52 Хемија

292. Т. Stamenković, M. Petrović, T. Anđelković, A. Zarubica

Pesticidi – fotoliza i fotokataliza Hemijski pregled, 54 (3) (2013), 66-74. M53 Хемија

293. Tatjana Anđelković, Darko Anđelković, Ivana Kostić, Tatjana Cvetković, Dušica Pavlović, Aleksandar Bojić

Migration of phthalates from low density polyethylene infusion bottles into physiological saline solutions

51st meeting of Serbian Chemical Society, Nis, 5–7 June, Serbia, 2014, Proceedings p. 74-77.

M63 Хемија

294. Danica S. Milojković, Darko H. Anđelković, Tatjana D. Anđelković, Ružica S. Nikolić, Gordana M. Kocić, Natali R. Stojiljković

Determination of di-n-butyl phthalate and di-n-octyl phthalate in water samples by GC/MS

51. Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society (2014, Niš (Serbia), Proceedings p.78 – 81

M63 Хемија

295. Ivana Kostic, Tatjana Andjelkovic, Ruzica Nikolic, Danica Milojkovic, Aleksandar Bojic, Darko Andjelkovic

The interaction of Zn(II) ion with humic acid and humic-model ligands

10th symposium ”Novel technologies and economic development”, Leskovac, Serbia, 22–23 October, 2013, Book of Abstracts, 110.

M64 Хемија

296. T. Anđelković, D. Anđelković, R. Nikolić, D. Milojković, I. Kostić, T. Cvetković, G. Kocić

ESI-MS Investigation of Interaction between Chromium(III) and Benzoic, Salicylic and Phthalic Acids as oxidative stress markers

6th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – EnviroChem, Vršac, Serbia, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 192-193.

M64 Хемија

297. T. Anđelković, D. Anđelković, I. Kostić, R. Nikolić, D. Milojković, T. Cvetković, D. Pavlović

Investigation of interaction of lead(II) with salicylic acid as oxidative stress compound by ESI-MS

6th Symposium Chemistry and Environmental Protection – EnviroChem, Vršac, Serbia, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 194-195.

M64 Хемија

298. Darko Anđelković, Tatjana Anđelković, Ivana Kostić, Tatjana Cvetković, Dušica Pavlović

Electrospray ionization – the mass spectrometry investigation of the interaction between Pb(II) and benzoic acid as oxidative stress inducers

11th symposium ”Novel technologies and economic development”, Leskovac, Serbia, 22–24 October, 2015, Proceedings, 147-151.

M64 Хемија

299. Ivana Kostić, Tatjana The determination of the Pb-humate 11th symposium ”Novel technologies and M64 Хемија

Anđelković, Darko Anđelković, Tatjana Cvetković, Dušica Pavlović

complex stability constant by Schubert’s method using a nonionic sorbent

economic development”, Leskovac, Serbia, 22–24 October, 2015, Proceedings, 152-156.

300. M. Jukič, A. Đorđević, J. Lazarević, M. Gobec, A. Šmelcerović, M. Anderluh

Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of some 2-amino-5-alkylidene-thiazol-4-ones

Molecular Diversity, 17(4), 773-780, 2013. M21 Hemija

301. M. Jukič, A. Đorđević, J. Lazarević, M. Gobec, A. Šmelcerović, M. Anderluh

Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of some 2-amino-5-alkylidene-thiazol-4-ones

Molecular Diversity, 17(4), 773-780, 2013. M21 Hemija

302. A. Šmelcerović, F. Miljković, A. Kolarević, J. Lazarević, A. Đorđević, G. Kocić, M. Anderluh

An overview of recent dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitors: Linking their structure and physico-chemical properties with SAR, pharmacokinetics and toxicity

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 15(23), 2342-2372, 2015.

M21 Hemija

303. D. Yancheva, E. Cherneva, M. Quick, B. Mikhova, B. Shivachev, R. Nikolova, A. Đorđević, M. Untergehrer, G. Juergenliemk, B. Kraus, A. Šmelcerović

Synthesis, crystal structure and biological activity screening of novel N-(alpha-bromoacyl)-alpha-amino esters containing valyl moiety

Acta Chimica Slovenica, 62(3), 689-699, 2015.

M23 Hemija

304. V. Savić, S. Savić, V. Nikolić, Lj. Nikolić, S. Najman, J. Lazarević, A. Đorđević

The identification and quantification of bioactive compounds from the aqueous extract of comfrey root by UHPLC–DAD–HESI–MS method and its microbial activity

Hemijska Industrija, 69(1) 1-8, 2015. M23 Hemija

305. A. Đorđević Chemical composition of Hypericum perforatum L. essential oil,

Advanced Technologies, 4(1), 2015. M52 Hemija

306. V. Stankov-Jovanović, S. Simonović, M. Ilić, M. Marković, V. Mitić, A. Đorđević, S. Nikolić-Mandić

Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Seseli pallasii Besser. (syn Seseli varium Trev.) essential oils 

Records of Natural Products, 10(3), 277-, 2016.

M23 Hemija

307. Ɖ. Glišin, G. Petrović, B. Arsić

Organska sinteza: principi, koncepti, retroanaliza, sintoni

Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Niš, 2013 M31 Hemija

308. A. Radovanović, B. Jovančičević, B. Arsić, B. Radovanović, Lj. Gojković Bukarica

Application of non –supervised pattern recognition techniques to classify cabernet Sauvignon wines from Balkan based on individual phenolic compounds.

Journal Food Composition and Analysis, 49 (2016) 42-48.

M21 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

309. M. Anđelković, B. Phenolic Compounds and Bioactivity of Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 70/3 M21 Chemistry,

Radovanović, Milenković-Andjelković, V.  Radovanović

Healthy and Infected Grapevine Leaf Extracts from Red Varieties Merlot and Vranac (Vitis vinifera L).

(2015) 317-323 Multidisciplinary

310. I. Savić, V.  Nikolić, I. Savić-Gajić, Lj.  Nikolić, B. Radovanović, J. Mladenović (2015).  

Investigation of properties and structural characterization of the quercetin inclusion complex with (2-hydroxypropyl)-beta-cyclodextrin.

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 82/3-4 (2015) 383-394

M22 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

311. M. Andjelković, A. Milenković-Andjelković, B. Radovanovič, A. Radovanović

Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Phenols From Seeds of Grape Pomace

Acta Chimica Slovenica 61/4 (2014) 858-865.

M22 Chemistry

312. A. S. Milenkovic Anđelković, M. Z. Andjelković, A. N. Radovanović, B. C. Radovanović,V. Randjelović

Phenol composition, radical scavenging activity and antimicrobial activity of berry leaf extracts,

Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 48/1 (2016) 27– 32.

M23 Chemistry

313. J. Mladenović, A. Radovanović, R. Pavlović, B. Radovanović, J. Zdravković, G. Acamović Djoković

Cytotoxicity, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Dausus carota L., Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and Capsicum annum L

Bulgarian Chemical Communication, 47/1 (2015) 38-44.

M23 Chemistry,

314. A. Milenković-Andjelković, M. Andjelković, A. Radovanović, B. Radovanović, V. Nikolić

Phenol composition, DPPH radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity of cornelian cherry (Corrnus mas) fruit and leaf extracts

Hemijska industrija, 69/4 (2015) 331/337 M23 Multidisciplinary

315. A. Radovanović, B. Jovančičević, B. Radovanović, T. Mihajilov-Krstev

Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Selected Vranac Wines Against Six Gram-Positive and Six Gram-Negative Bacterial Strains

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13/5 9 (2014), 819-824

M23 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

316. B. Radovanović, A. Milenković-Andjelković, A. Radovanović, M. Anjelković

Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Polyphenol Extracts from Wild Berry Fruits Grown in Southeast Serbia

Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 12/5 (2013), 813-819

M23 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

317. M. Andjelković, B. Radovanović, A. Radovanović, A. Milenković-Anjelković

Change in polyphenolic content and and antioxidant activity of Vranac red grape cultivar during grape ripening,

South African of Enology and Viticulture 34/2 (2013) 147-155.

M23 Multidisciplinary

318. J. Mladenović, B. Cytotoxicity and biological activity of Oxidation Communications, 37/1 (2014) M23 Chemistry

Radovanović, R. Pavlović, G. Acamović Djoković

natural compounds of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill


319. B. Radovanović, J. Mladenović, A. Radovanović, R. Pavlović, V. Nikolić

Composition, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Properties of Allium porrum L. (Serbia) Extracts

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 3(9(2015)) , 564-569

M24 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

320. V. Radovanović, B. Radovanović, S. Djekić

Management of value added by-products from winery industry

The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Vol 2 (2013) 691-695.

M24 Multidisciplinary

321. A.Milenkovic Andjelković, B. Radovanovic, M. Andjelkovic, A. Radovanovic, V. Nikolić

The anthocyanin content and bioactivity of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) and wild blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) fruit extracts from the vlasina region

Advanced technologies 4 (2) (2016) 26-31 M52 Multidisciplinary

322. V. Radovanović, B. Radovanović, D. Stefanović

Influence of selective removal of grapevine leaves on quality of red wine.

Journal on Processing and Energy Agriculture19/4 (2015) 215-218.

M52 Multidisciplinary

323. J. Zvezdanović, D. Marković, S. Veljović Jovanović, B. Radovanović

UV-induced oxygen free radicals production in spinach thylakoids,

Advanced technologies (Serbia), 2(1) (2013) 45-50.

M52 Multidisciplinary

324. Stankovic Nemanja S, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Zlatkovic Bojan K, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Mitic Violeta D, Jovic Jovana L, Comic Ljiljana Kocic, Branislava D, Bernstein Nirit

Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Traditional Medicinal Plants from the Balkan Peninsula

NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, vol. 78, (2016), br. str. 21-28

M21 Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

325. Mitic Violeta D , Ilic Marija D , Dimitrijevic Marija V, Cvetkovic Jelena S, Ciric Slobodan, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P

Chemometric characterization of peach, nectarine and plum cultivars according to fruit phenolic content and antioxidant activity

Fruits, vol. 71, (2016), br. Str. 57-66 M21 Horticulture

326. Mitic Violeta, Stankov Jovanovic Vesna. Dimitrijevic Marija, Cvetkovic Jelena, Simonovic Strahinja, Nikolic Mandic Snezana

Chemometric analysis of antioxidant activity and anthocyanin content ofselected wild and cultivated small fruit from Serbia

Fruits, vol. 69, (2014), br. str. 413-422 M21 Horticulture

327. Violeta D. Mitic, Vesna P. Stankov Jovanovic, Marija D. Ilic, Snezana D. NikolicMandic

Impact of wildfire on soil characteristics and some metal content in selected plants species of Geraniaceae family

Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 73, (2015), br. str. 4581-4594

M22 Environmental Sciences

328. Dimitrijevic Marija V,  Stankov-JovanovicVesna P,  Cvetkovic Jelena S,  Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Stojanovic Gordana S,  Mitic Violeta D

Screening of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiradical activities of twelve selected Serbian wild mushrooms

Analytical Methods, vol. 7, (2015), str. 4181-4191

M22 Chemistry, Analytical

329. Marija V. Dimitrijevic, Violeta D. Mitic, Jelena S. Cvetkovic, Vesna P. Stankov-Jovanovic, Jelena J. Mutic, Snezana D. Nikolic Mandic,

Update on element content profiles in eleven wild edible mushrooms from family Boletaceae

European Food And Research Technology, vol. 242, (2016), br.str. 1-10

M22 Food Science and Technology

330. Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Simonovic Strahinja R, Ilic Marija D, Markovic Marija S, Mitic Violeta D,Djordjevic Aleksandra S, Nikolic-Mandic Snezana D

Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Seseli pallasii Besser. (syn Seseli varium Trev.) Essential Oils.

Records of Natural Products, vol. 10, (2016), br.str. 277-287

M22 Chemistry (applied, medicinal), Plant Sciences

331. V.D. Mitić, V.P. Stankov Jovanović, M.D. Ilić, S.Č. Jovanović, S.D. Nikolić-Mandić

Uticaj požara na sadržaj teških metala u biljkama i zemljištu

Zaštita materijala (materials protection, vol. 54, (2013), br.str. 75-82

M24 Engineering chemical

332. Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M, Radnovic Dragan V, Kitic Dusanka V, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Mitic Violeta D, Stojanovic-Radic Zorica Z, Zlatkovic Bojan K

Chemical composition, antimicrobial, antioxidative and anticholinesterase activity of Satureja Montana L. sspmontanaessential oil

Central European Journal of Biology, vol. 9, (2014) br.str. 668-677

M23 Biology

333. Ljiljana Jelenković, Vesna Stankov Jovanović, Ivan Palić, Violeta Mitić and Milanka Radulović

In Vitro Screening of α-Amylase Inhibition by Selected Terpenes from Essential Oils

Tropical Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 13, (2014), br. str. 1421-1428

M23 Pharmacology and Pharmacy

334. Grujic Slavica M, Stojanovic Gordana S, Mitic Violeta D, Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Dzamic Ana M, Alimpic Ana Z . Marin Petar D

Evaluation of antioxidant activity of Melittis melissophyllum L. extracts

Archives of Biological Sciences, vol. 66, (2014), br. str. 1401-1410

M23 Biology

335. Mitic V,  Stankov-Jovanovic V,  Cvetkovic J,  Dimitrijevic M,  Ilic M,  Nikolic-Mandic S ,

Application of multivariate statistical approach to identify element sources in parsley (Petroselinum crispum),

Toxicological And Environmental Chemistry, (2015), vol. 97 br. 6, str. 754-765

M23 Environmental sciences, Technology

336. Cvetkovic Jelena S,  Mitic Violeta D,  Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P, Dimitrijevic Marija V,  Nikolic-Mandic Snezana D

Elemental Composition of Wild Edible Mushrooms from Serbia

Analytical Letters, vol. 48, 2015), br. str. 2107-2121

M23 Chemistry, Analytical

337. Tosic Svetlana M,  Stojicic Dragana D,  Stankov-JovanovicVesna P,  Mitic Violeta D,  Mihajilov-KrstevTatjana

Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Micropropagated and Native Micromeria pulegium (Lamiaceae) Extracts

Oxidation Communications, vol. 38, (2015), br.str. 55-66

M23 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

M ,Zlatkovic Bojan K

338. J. S. Cvetkovic, M. V. Dimitrijevic, V. P. Stankov-Jovanovic, V. D. Mitic,

Analiza policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika u hrani I uzorcima Iz životne sredine

Hemijski pregled, vol. 54, (2013), br.str.13-16

M53 Chemistry multidisciplinary

339. М. V. Dimitrijevic, J. S. Cvetkovic, V. P. Stankov-Jovanovic, V. D. Mitic,

In vitro metode određivanja antioksidativnih obina u uzorcima hrane

Hemijski pregled, vol. 55, (2014), br.str. 7-12.

M53 Chemistry multidisciplinary

340. Marija Ilić, Vesna Stankov Jovanović, Violeta Mitić, Marija Dimitrijević, Jelena Cvetković, Snežana Tošić

Toxic Metals Content And Safe Use Of Seseli Pallasii Herb

Safety Engineering, vol. 6, (2016), br.str. 1-5

M53 уређење, заштитa и коришћење вода, земљишта и ваздуха

341. Marija Ilić, Snežana Jovanović, Strahinja Simonović, Violeta Mitić, Vesna Stankov-Jovanović,Snežana Nikolić-Mandić

Antioxidant characteristics of the plant extracts from traffic polluted and unpolluted areas

“15th Frühjahrssymposium”, Berlin, Germany, (Mart 2013)

M63 Хемија

342. Marija V. Dimitrijević, Jelena S. Cvetković, Marija D. Ilić, Strahinja R. Simonović, Vesna P. Stankov-Jovanović, Violeta D. Mitić, Snežana D. Nikolić-Mandić,

Content of As, Cd, Pb and Sn in parsley (Petroselium crispum) from different districts in Serbia

Congress of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation, Sarajevo Octobar 10th-12th, 2014,  PP-AEC-19 Bulletin of the Chemists and Technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina special issue page 45 Print ISSN: 0367-4444 Online ISSN: 2232-726

M63 Хемија

343. Ljiljana Jelenković, Ivan Palić, Violeta Mitić, MarijaIlić, Strahinja Simonović, Vesna Stankov Jovanović

Screening of Amylase Inhibition by Selected Essential Oils Components as Potential Agents in Diabetes Prevention

Book of abstracts 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southestern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Vlasina Lake, (2013): 82

M64 Хемија

344. Ljiljana Jelenković, Ivan Palić, VioletaMitić, MarijaIlić, StrahinjaSimonović, Vesna Stankov Jovanović

Influence of Selected Terpenes on Diagnostically Significant Enzymes,

Book of abstracts 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southestern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Vlasina Lake, (2013): 98

M64 Хемија

345. M. Dimitrijević, J. Cvetković, V. Mitić, M.

Marković, M. Ilić, V. StankovJovanović,

Antioksidativne osobine nekih biljnih vrsta sa požarišta na planini Vidlič.

10th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring

regions, Vlasina, Book of Abstract, 2010, 93.

M64 Хемија

346. Kostic V Dj,Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P,Sekulic Tanja M,Takaci Djurdjica B

Visualization of problem solving related to the quantitative composition of solutions in the dynamic GeoGebra environment

CHEMISTRY EDUCATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, (2016), vol. 17, br. 1, str. 120-138

M21 Education, Scientific Disciplines

347. Stankovic Nemanja S, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana M,Zlatkovic Bojan K,Matejic Jelena S,Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P,Kocic Branislava D,Comic Ljiljana R

Comparative Study of Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Essential Oils of Selected Aromatic Plants from Balkan Peninsula

PLANTA MEDICA, vol. 82, br. 7, str. 650-661, 2016.

M21 Chemistry, Medicinal

348. M. Ranđelović, M. Momčilović, B. Matović, B. Babić, J. Barek

Cyclic voltammetry as a tool for model testing of catalytic Pt- and Ag-doped carbon microspheres

Journal of electroanalytical chemistry 757 (2015) 176–182

M21 hemija

349. J. Purenovic, M. Randjelovic, B. Matovic, M. Purenovic

Application of Minkowski layer for intergranular fractal surfaces of multiphase active microalloyed and alloyed aluminium-silicate ceramics

Applied surface science, 332 (2015) 440-455

M21 hemija

350. M. Momcilovic, M. Randjelovic, M. Purenovic, J. Djordjevic,  A. Onjia, B. Matovic

Morpho-structural, adsorption and electrochemical characteristics of serpentinite

Separation and purification technology, 163 (2016) 72-78

M21 hemija

351. J. Purenović, V.V. Mitić, Lj. Kocić, V. Pavlović, M. Ranđelović, M. Purenović

Intergranular area microalloyed aluminium-silicate ceramics fractal analysis

Science of sintering, 45 (1), (2013) 117-126

M23 hemija

352. M. Momčilović, M. Ranđelović, M. Purenović, A. Onjia, B. Babić, B. Matović

Synthesis and characterization of resorcinol formaldehyde carbon cryogel as efficient sorbent for imidacloprid removal

Desalination and water treatment, 52 (37-39) (2014) 7306-7316.

M23 hemija

353. Rakic Violeta P Miljkovic Influence of Ph Value on Hue Angle and NANO, BIO AND GREEN - M33 Hemija

Vojkan M Snajder Marko Miljkovic Milena N Poklar-Ulrih Natasa

Visible Absorption Maxima of Cyanidin 3-O-Beta-Glucopyranoside in Aqueous Solution


354. Milena Miljković N.,Vojkan Miljković M., Violeta Rakić, Marija Petrović

The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and 2in1

III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.III International Congres “Food Technology, Quality and Safety” Novi Sad, Serbia 25-27.10.2016. 321-325.

M33 Hemija

355. Milena Miljković N.,Vojkan Miljković M., Violeta Rakić,Marija Petrović

III International Congress“Food Technology, Quality and Safety“ Novi Sad Serbia 25-27.10.2016.The conten exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and 2in1The content exploration of some food additives in different samples of instant coffee 3in1 and 2in1

III International Congres “Food Technology, Quality and Safety” Novi Sad , Serbia 25-27.10.2016. 139

M34 Hemija

356. Vojkan Miljkovic M, Goran Nikolic, Ljubisa Nikolic, Jelena

Antioxidant activity of dry methanol extracts of fruits of black (Morus nigra L.) and white

34th Balkan Medical Week Congress,

M34 Hemija

Zvezdanovic, Novica Bojanic, Milena Miljkovic N.Vojkan Miljković M.,Goran Nikolić,Ljubiša Nikolić,Jelena Zvezdanović,Novica Bojanić,Milena Miljković N.

mulberry (Morus alba L.) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the estimation of their application as antioxidant agents.Antioxidant activity of dry methanol extracts of fruits of black (Morus nigra L.) and white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the estimation of their application as antioxidant agents.Antioxidant activity of dry methanol extracts of fruits of black (Morus nigra L.) and white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the estimation of their application as antioxidant agents.Antioxidant activity of dry methanol extracts of fruits of black (Morus nigra L.) and white mulberry (Morus alba L.) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) and the estimation of their application as antioxidant agents

Bucharest Romania, 7-8 October 2016.34th Balkan Medical Week Congress, Bucharest Romania, 7-8 October 2016. A68

357. M. Miljković, V. Paunović, V. Miljković, M. Djokić

The qualitative analysis ofdyes in the picture „Lunar phases” by the author Peđa Milosavljević

Zbornikizvoda radova, , XI Simpozijum „Savremenetehnologije i privredni razvoj”, 23-24. Oktobar 2015., p. 119

M34 Hemija

358. Naziri, E., Mitić, M.N., Tsimidou, M.Z

Contribution of tocopherols and squalene to the oxidative stability of cold-pressed pumkin seed oil (Cucurbita pepo L.)

European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 118 (6), 2016, 898-905

M21 Hemija

359. Miloš Kostić, Jelena Mitrović, Miljana Radović, Miloš Ðorđević, Milica Petovic, Danijela Bojić, Aleksandar Bojić

Effects of power of ultrasound on removal of Cu(II) ions by xanthated Lagenaria vulgaris shell

Ecological Engineering, 2016, 90, 82-86 M21 Hemija

360. Milica M. Petrović, Ian J. Slipper, Milan D. Antonijević, Goran S. Nikolić, Jelena Z. Mitrović, Danijela V.

Characterization of the Bi2O3 coat based anode prepared by galvanostatic electrodeposition and its use for the electrochemical degradation of Reactive Orange 4

Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2015, 50, 282-287

M21 Hemija

Bojić, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić361. Milica M. Petrović, Jelena

Z. Mitrović, Milan D. Antonijević, Branko Matović, Danijela V. Bojić, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić

Synthesis and characterization of new Ti-Bi2O3 anode and its use for reactive dye degradation

Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 158, 31-37

M21 Hemija

362. Milenković D., Bojić A., Veljković V.

Ultrasound-assisted adsorption of 4-dodecylbenzene sulfonate from aqueous solutions by corn cob activated carbon

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013, 20(3), 955–962

M21 Hemija

363. Danijela Bojic, Milan Momcilovic, Dragan Milenkovic, Nena Velinov, Jelena Mitrovic, Predrag Bankovic, Goran Nikolic

Characterisation of a low cost Lagenaria Vulgaris based Carbon for ranitidine removal from aqueous solutions

Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2016 M22 Hemija

364. Miloš Kostić, Miljana Radović, Jelena Mitrović, Milan Antonijević, Danijela Bojić, Milica Petrović, Aleksandar Bojić

Using xanthated Lagenaria vulgaris shell biosorbent for removal of Pb(II) ions from wastewater,

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2014, 11 (2), 565–578.

M22 Hemija

365. Milos M. Kostic, Ian Slipper, Milan Antonijevic, Jelena Mitrovic, Miljana Radovic, Danijela Bojic, Aleksandar Bojic

Preparation and characterization of xhanthated Lagenaria vulgaris shell biosorbent

Oxidation Communications, 2015, 4A, 2173-2188

M23 Hemija

366. Danijela V. Bojić, Goran S. Nikolić, Jelena Z. Mitrović, Miljana D. Radović, Milica M. Petrović, Dragana Z. Marković, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić

Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies of Ni(II) ions sorption on sulfuric acid treated Lagenaria vulgaris shell

Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2016, 22(3):235-247

M23 Hemija

367. Radović Miljana D., Mitrović Jelena Z., Kostić Miloš M., Bojić Danijela V., Petrović Milica M., Najdanović Slobodan M., Bojić Aleksandar Lj.

Comparison of ultraviolet radiation/hydrogen peroxide, fenton and photo-fenton processes for the decolorization of reactive dyes

Hemijska industrija, 2015, 69 (6) 657–665 M23 Hemija

368. Milica Petrović, Miljana Radović, Miloš Kostić,

A novel biosorbent Lagenaria vulgaris shell - ZrO2 for the removal of textile dye from

Water Environment Research, 2015, 87(7), 635-643

M23 Hemija

Jelena Mitrović, Danijela Bojić, Aleksandra Zarubica, Aleksandar Bojić


369. Miljana D Radović, Jelena Z Mitrović, Danijela V Bojić, Milan D Antonijević, Miloš M Kostić, Rada M Baošić, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić

Effects of system parameters and inorganic salts on the photodecolourisation of textile dye Reactive Blue 19 by UV/H2O2 process

Water SA,2014, 40(3) 571 M23 Hemija

370. Milica Petrovic, Jelena Mitrović, Miljana Radović, Miloš Kostić, Aleksandar Bojić

Preparation and Characterization of Stainless Steel/Bi2O3 Anode and Its Dyes Degradation Ability

The Canadian journal of chemical engineering, 2014, 92(6), 1000-1007

M23 Hemija

371. Petrović M., Mitrović J., Radović M., Bojić D., Kostić M., Ljupković R., Bojić A.

Synthesis of bismuth (III) oxide films based anodes for electrochemical degradation of reactive blue 19 and crystal violet

Hemijska industrija, 2014, 68(5), 585-595 M23 Hemija

372. Milenkovic Dragan D, Milosavljevic Milutin M, Marinkovic Aleksandar D, Djokic Veljko R, Mitrovic Jelena Z, Bojic Aleksandar Lj

Removal of copper(II) ion from aqueous solution by high-porosity activated carbon

Water SA, 2013, 39 (4), 515-52. M23 Hemija

373. Miloš M. Kostić, Miljana D. Radović, Jelena Z. Mitrović, Danijela V. Bojić, Dragan D. Milenković, Aleksandar Lj. Bojić

Application of new biosorbent based on chemicaly modified Lagenaria vulgaris shell for the removal of copper(II) from aqueous solutions: effects of operational parameters

Hemijska industrija, 2013, 67(4), 559-567 M23 Hemija

374. Rančić S., Nikolić-Mandić S., Bojić A.

Analytical application of the reaction system phenyl fluorone-hydrogen peroxide for the kinetic determination of cobalt and tin traces by spectrophotometry in ammonia buffer media

Hemijska industrija, 2013, 67 (6) 989–997 M23 Hemija

375. Kostić I., Anđelković T., Nikolić R., Cvetković T., Pavlović D., Bojić A.

Comparative study of binding strengths of heavy metals with humic acid

Hemijska industrija,2013, 67(5):773-779 M23 Hemija

376. Rančić S., Nikolić-Mandić S., Bojić A.

Analytical application of the reaction system methylene blue B-K2S2O8 for the spectrophotometric kinetic determination of

Hemijska industrija, 2013, 67(6):989-997 M23 Hemija

silver in citric buffer media377. Marković D.Z., Bojić

D.V., Bojić A.Lj., Nikolić G.S.

The biosorption potential of waste biomass young fruit walnuts for lead ions: Kinetic and equilibrium study

Hemijska industrija, 2015, 69(3) M23 Hemija

378. G. L. Filipovic, S. B. Tosic, P. N. Janosevic, Z. R. Ajdukovic, M. L. , Janosevic,

Determination of Nickel Contents in the Saliva of Patients with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances

Oxidation Communications, 37(3), 2014, 846-853

M23 Хемија

379. Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana B. Tošić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Milan M. Antonijević, Maja M. Nujkić

Assessment of the quality of polluted areas based on the content of heavy metals in different organs of the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cv Tamjanika,

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(9), 2015,7155-7175

M21 Хемија

380. M. D. Dimitrijević, M. M. Nujkić, S. Č. Alagić, S. M. Milić, S. B. Tošić

Heavy metal contamination of topsoil and parts of peach-tree growing at different distances from a smelting complex

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,  13(2), 2016, 615-630

M22 Хемија

381. M. M. Nujkić, M. M. Dimitrijević, S. Č. Alagić, S. B. Tošić and J. V. Petrović

Impact of metallurgical activities on the content of trace elements in the spatial soil and plant parts of Rubus fruticosus L.

Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 18(3), 2016, 350-360

M22 Хемија

382. Slađana Č. Alagić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Snežana B. Tošić, Snežana M. Milić, Maja M. Nujkić

Sadržaj gvožđa u plodovima jabuka i kupina koji prirodno rastu u neposrednoj blizini topionice bakra u Boru

Ecologica, 22(79), 2015, 503-507 M51 Хемија

383. Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana B. Tošić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Maja M. Nujkić

Iron content in the fruits of the grapevines and peach trees growing near the mining and smelting complex Bor, east Serbia

Facta Universitatis,13(2), 2015, 99-107. M51 Хемија

384. Slađana Č. Alagić, Snežana B. Tošić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Jelena V. Petrović, Dragana V. Medić

The characterization of heavy metals in the grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cultivar Rkatsiteli and wild blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) from East Serbia by ICP-OES and BAFs.

Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2016.1225082

M23 Хемија

385. Kaličanin B, Velimirović D, Tošić S, Arsić I

Micronutrients in grains and grain products and their importance to human health

6. Međunarodni kongres "Ekologija, zdravlje, rad, sport", Zbornik radova 530-536, Banja Luka, 2013

M33 Хемија

386. Mile Dimitrijević, Slađana Alagić, Snežana Tošić, Maja Nujkić

Heavy metal distribution in the topsoil from different locations near copper smelter in Bor (East Serbia)

46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy-IOC 2014,Bor, Serbia, Proceedings 273-276.

M33 Хемија

387. Nevena D. Pavlović, Snežana B. Tošić

Determination of elements content in baby food using ICP-OES spectrophotometry

51st Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society and 2nd Conference of the Young Chemists of Serbia, Book of Abstract, Niš, jun 2014, HA P 03.

M64 Хемија

388. Slađana Č. Alagić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Snežana B. Tošić, Snežana M. Milić, Maja M. Nujkić

Sadržaj gvožđa u plodovima jabuka i kupina koje prirodno rastu u neposrednoj blizini topionice bakra u Boru

Životna sredina i adaptacija privrede na klimatske promene, Belgrade, 22-24.4.2015., Book of Abstracts, 185

M34 Хемија

389. Slađana Alagić, Snežana Tošić, Mile Dimitrijević, Maja Nujkić, Tanja Petrović

Ratio of copper concentrations between plant parts of the grapevine and peach tree as possible indication of copper pollution

The 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor and Mininig and Metallurgy Institute Bor, September 28-October 01, 2016, Bor (Serbia), Proceedings, 100-103.

M33 Хемија

390. Slađana Alagić, Mile Dimitrijević, Snežana Tošić, Maja Nujkić, Dragana Medić

Copper uptake by the grapevine and peach tree from the Bor region: a comparison

The 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor and Mininig and Metallurgy Institute Bor, September 28-October 01, 2016, Bor (Serbia), Proceedings, 96-99.

M33 Хемија

391. Slađana Č. Alagić, Dragana V. Medić, Mile D. Dimitrijević, Snežana B. Tošić, Maja M. Nujkić

Phytoremediation potential of the grapevine in regard to lithium Zaštita materijala, LVII, broj 3, 371-377,

Beograd 2016.

M24 Хемија

392. Marjan Ranđelović, Aleksandra Zarubica, Milovan Purenović

New Composite Materials in the Technology for Drinking Water Purification from Ionic and Colloidal Pollutants

Composites and their applications, In: Ning Hu, Editor, Intechopen, Rijeka 295-322, ISBN: 978-953-51-0706-4

2012 Hemija

393. Ružica S. Nikolić, Jasmina M. Jovanović, Gordana M. Kocić and Nenad S. Krstić

Glutathione and Lipoic Acid Benefit Effects on Liver, Kidney, Brain and Pancreatic Tissue from Cd-, Pb- and Cu- Provoked Lipid Peroxidation Monitoring via MDA Content among Wistar Rats

Nova Science Publishers New York

2015 Hemija

394. Biljana Arsić, Danica Dimitrijević, Danijela Kostić,

Mineral and vitamin fortification, Chapter in book Nutraceuticals

Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 2016 hemija

395. V. Miljkovic, B. Arsic, G. Interactions of metronidazole with other Die Pharmazie, 2014, 69, 571-577 M23 Farmacija i

Nikolic, Lj. Nikolic, B. Kalicanin, V. Savic

medicines: a brief review farmakologija

396. V. M. Miljkovic, G. S. Nikolic, Lj. B. Nikolic, B. B. Arsic

Morus species through centuries in pharmacy and as food

Advanced Technologies, 2014, 3 (2), 111-115

M52 Hemija i srodne discipline

397. B. Arsic, A. Awan, R. Brennan, J. Aguilar, R. Ledder, A. J. McBain, A. C. Regan, J. Barber

Theoretical and experimental investigation on clarithromycin, erythromycin A and azithromycin and descladinosyl derivatives of clarithromycin and azithromycin with 3-O-substitution as anti-bacterial agents

MedChemComm, 2014, 5(9), 1347-1354 M22 Medicinska hemija

398. Biljana Arsic, Jelena Djordjevic, Tatjana Trtic-Petrovic

Kompjuterske (konformaciona i doking) analize ciljanih pesticida/Computational (conformational and docking) analyses of targeted pesticides

Treca konferencija mladih hemicara Srbije/Third Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, 24th October 2015, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, 92

M34 Hemija

399. Biljana Arsic, Richard Bryce, Jill Barber

Anti-malarial activity of macrolide antibiotics: In silico study on the apicoplast ribosomal exit tunnel of Plasmodium falciparum

Joliot-Curie Conference 2015, 16th-17th September 2015, Cambridge, United Kingdom, P11

M34 Hemija

400. Mladen Miric, Milos Djordjevic, Biljana Arsic, Dragan Djordjevic, Sasa Marjanovic, Svetlana Ivanov

Application of principal component analysis in the investigation of Au alloys without Ag

The 48th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 28th September-1st October 2016, Bor, Republic of Serbia, 81-84

M33 Metalurgija

401. P. K. Bhadra, A. Hassanzadeh, B. Arsic, D. G. Allison, G. A. Morris, J. Barber

Enhancement of the properties of a drug by mono-deuteriation: reduction of acid-catalysed formation of a gut-motilide enol ether from 8-deuterio-erythromycin B

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016, 14, 6289-6296

M21 Organska hemija

402. Biljana Arsic New opportunities for macrolide antibiotics 2nd Anglo-Croatian Medicinal Symposium on Macrocycles: medicinal chemistry and beyond-the-rule-of-five, 17th-18th October 2016, Zagreb, Croatia, 9

Medicinska hemija

Департман за рачунарске науке (научне публикације у периоду 2013-2016.) Autori Naziv naučnog rada Časopis, volumen, godina, strane Kategorizacija Naučna oblast

rezultata, prema kriterijumima MPNTR

1 Vladimir Stojanović, Predrag Kozić, Marko Petković

Dynamic instability of vibrations of a moving mass on infinity beam suspension system

International Journal of Solids and Structures, to appear

M21 Mehanika

2 Vladimir Stojanović, Marko Petković

Nonlinear dynamic analysis of damaged Reddy-Bickford beams supported on an elastic Pasternak foundation

Journal of Sound and Vibration, to appear M21 Mehanika

3 Radica Bojičić, Marko Petković

Orthogonal polynomials approach to the Hankel transform of sequences based on Motzkin numbers

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, DOI: 10.1007/s40840-015-0249-3

M21 Matematika

4 Jelena Stefanović-Marinović, Marko Petković, Ivan Stanimirović

An Application of ELECTRE Method to the Planetary Gear Trains Optimization

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 29:2 (2015), 647-654

M23 Masinstvo

5 Marjan Stankov, Marko Petković, Vidosav Marković, Suzana Stamenković, Aleksandar Jovanović

The Applicability of Fluid Model to Electrical Breakdown and Glow Discharge Modeling in Argon

Chinese Physics Letters 32:2 (2015), 025101

M23 Fizika

6 Zoran Perić, Marko Petković

Two-dimensional radial mu-law companding quantizer for Laplacian source

Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (European Transactions on Telecommunications) 26:4 (2015), 559-567

M22 Računarske nauke / Telekomunikacije

7 Marko Petković, Predrag Bakić, Andrew Maidment, David Pokrajac

Asymptotic number of Z3 Δ cells covering ∁(1) surface on uniform grid and complexity of recursive-partitioning simulation of septal tissue regions

Applied Mathematics and Computation 252:1 (2015), 263–272

M21 Računarske nauke

8 Marko Petković, Miodrag Petković

Hyper-power methods for the computation of outer inverses

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 278 (2015)

M21 Računarske nauke / Matematika

9 Marko Petković Generalized Schultz iterative methods for the computation of outer inverses

Computers & Mathematics with Applications 67:10 (2014), 1837–1847

M21a Računarske nauke / Matematika

10 Marko Petković, Two improvements of the iterative Journal of Computational and Applied M21 Računarske nauke /

Predrag Stanimirović method for computing Moore-Penrose inverse based on Penrose equations

Mathematics 267 (2014), 61–71 Matematika

11 Zoran Perić, Marko Petković, Jelena Nikolić

Optimization of Multiple Region Quantizer for Laplacian Source

Digital Signal Processing 27 (2014), 150–158

M21 Računarske nauke / Telekomunikacije

12 Ali R. Soheili, Fazlollah Soleymani, Marko Petković

On the computation of weighted Moore-Penrose inverse using a high-order matrix method

Computers & Mathematics with Applications 66:11 (2013), 2344-2351

M21a Računarske nauke / Matematika

13 Zoran Perić, Milan Dinčić, Marko Petković

The general design of asymptotic unrestricted polar quantizers with square cells

Digital Signal Processing 23:5 (2013), 1731–1737

M21 Računarske nauke / Telekomunikacije

14 Anwar Ja'afar Mohamad Jawad, Marko Petković, Anjan Biswas

Soliton solutions to a few coupled nonlinear wave equations by tanh method

Iranian Journal of Science & Technology (Transaction A) 37:A2 (2013), 109-115

M23 Matematika

15 Marko Petković, Predrag Stanimirović

Block recursive computation of generalized inverses

Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 26 (2013), 394–405

M22 Računarske nauke / Matematika

16 Milan Dinčić, Zoran Perić, Marko Petković, Dragan Denić

Design of Product Polar Quantizers for A/D Conversion of Measurement Signals with Gaussian Distribution

Measurement 46:8 (2013), 2441–2446 M21 Računarske nauke / Telekomunikacije / Merenja

17 Vladimir Stojanović, Marko Petković

Moment Lyapunov exponents and stochastic stability of a three-dimensional system on elastic foundation using a perturbation approach

Journal of Applied Mechanics (Transactions of the ASME / American Society of Mechanical Engineers) 80:5 (2013), 051009

M22 Mehanika

18 Predrag Stanimirović, Marko Petković

Gauss-Jordan elimination method for computing outer inverses

Applied Mathematics and Computation 219:9 (2013), 4667–4679

M21 Računarske nauke / Matematika

19 Anwar Ja'afar Mohamad Jawad, Marko Petković, Petra Laketa, Anjan Biswas

Dynamics of the shallow water waves with Boussinesq equation

Scientia Iranica (Transaction B) 20:1 (2013), 179–184

M23 Matematika

20 Zoran Perić, Jelena Nikolić, Aleksandar Mosić, Marko Petković

Design of Fixed and Adaptive Companding Quantizer with Variable-Length Codeword for Memoryless Gaussian Source

Informatica 24:1 (2013), 71–86 M21 Računarske nauke / Telekomunikacije

21 Radica Bojičić, Marko Petković, Paul Barry

The Hankel transform of aerated sequences

Integral Transforms and Special Functions 24:9 (2013), 685–699

M21 Matematika

22 Aleksandar Trokicić Approximate spectral learning using Nystrom method,

Facta Universitatis,Series: Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 31 No 2 (2016) 569-578

M51 Computer science

23 Mančev D.,Todorović B.

A primal sub-gradient method for structured classification with the averaged sum loss,

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, (2014), Vol. 24(4), 917-930

M21 Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Control Systems, Applied Mathematics

24 Mančev D.,Todorović B.

k-best max-margin approaches for sequence labeling,

Computer Science and Information Systems,(2015), vol. 12(2), 465-486

M23 Computer Science, Information Systems, Software Engineering

25 Mančev D. A sequential dual method for the structured ramp loss minimization,

Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics, (2015) vol.30 (1),13–27

M51 Computer Science, Mathematics

26 Milošević Dj., Simić V., Stojković M., Čerba D., Mančev D., Petrović A., Paunović M.,

Spatio-temporal pattern of the Chironomidae community: toward the use of non-biting midges in bioassessment programs,

Aquatic Ecology (2013), vol. 47:1, 37-55 М22 Ecology, Limnology, Marine and Freshwater Biology

27 Stojkovic M., Simic V., Milosevic Đ., Mancev D., Penczak T.

Visualization of fish community distribution patterns using the self-organizing map: a case study of the Great Morava River system (Serbia)

Ecological Modelling (2013), vol. 248, 20-29

M22 Ecology

28 Mančev D.,Todorović B.

Structured classification with the averaged sum loss

Tinkos (2016), ISBN: 978-86-80593-49-4 M64 Computer Science, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence

29 I. Stanimirović Computing A(2)T,S Inverses of

Hermitian Matrices via LDL* Decomposition for a Square Matrix A

Linear and Multilinear Algebra 63:8 (2015), 1553-1567.

M21 Mathematics, Applied

30 M. Tasić, I. Stanimirović

Symbolic computation of Moore-Penrose inverse using the LDL* decomposition of the polynomial matrix

Filomat 27:8 (2013), 1393–1403 M21 Mathematics, Applied

31 M. Luković, V. Luković, I. Belca, B.

LED-based Vis-NIR spectrally tunable light source - the

Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications (2016) 12:19

M22 Computer Science

Kasalica, I. Stanimirović, M. Vicic

optimization algorithm

32 J. Stefanović-Marinović, M. Petković, I. Stanimirović

Application of the ELECTRE Method to Planetary Gear Train Optimization

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 29 (2) (2015), 647-654.

M22 Computer Science

33 I. Stanimirović Successive computation of some efficient locations of the Weber problem with barriers

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 42 (2013), 193-211.

M51 Mathematics, Applied

34 M. Tasić, I. Stanimirović

Simplifications of rational matrices by using UML

Facta Universitatis (Niš) Ser. Math. Inform. 28, No. 1 (2013), 75-86.

M51 Computer Science

35 Ivan Stanković, Ivana Micić, Zorana Jančić

Computation of the greatest regular equivalence

Filomat, 10.2298/FIL1601179S (2016). M20 Рачунарске науке

36 I. Micić, Z. Jančić, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić

Determinization of fuzzy automata by means of the degrees of language inclusion

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23 (2015), 

M20 Рачунарске науке

37 Z. Jančić, I. Micić, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić

Further improvements of determinization methods for fuzzy finite automata

Fuzzy sets and systems (2015) M20 Рачунарске науке

38 I. Jančić Weak bisimulation for fuzzy automata, 

Fuzzy sets and systems (2013) M20 Рачунарске науке

39 M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, M. Bašić, I. Jančić

Computation of the greatest simulations and bisimulations between fuzzy automata

Fuzzy sets and systems (2013) M20 Рачунарске науке

40 Ivana Micić, Zorana Jančić, Nada Damljanović

Fuzzy timed  automata ATA2016, Čačak, Srbija (2016). M30 Рачунарске науке

41 Ivana Micić, Zorana Jančić, Jelena Ignjatović

Reachability of fuzzy timed automata

IDS 2016, Dubai, UEA  M30 Рачунарске науке

42 I. Micić, Z. Jančić, I. Stanković

Regular fuzzy equivalences and regular fuzzy           quasi-orders,, 

IFSA-EUSFLAT 2015 (2015). M30 Рачунарске науке

43 M. Bašić Which weighted circulant networks state have perfect transfer?

Information Sciences, Volume 257, (2014) 193-209

M21a Računarske nauke, informacioni sistemi

44 M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, M. Bašić, I. Jančić

Nondeterministic automata: equvivalence, bisimulation, uniform relation

Information Sciences, Volume 261, (2014) 185-218

M21a Računarske nauke, informacioni sistemi

45 M. Bašić Characterization of quantum circulant networks having perfect

Quantum Information Processing, 12 (2013), 345-364

M21a Matematička fizika

state transfer46 M. Bašić, A. Ilić Polynomials of unitary Cayley

graphsFilomat Vol. 29, No. 9, (2015) M22 Matematika

47 M. Bašić Perfect state transfer between non-antipodal vertices in integral circulant graphs

Ars Combinatora, CXXII (2015), pp 65-78. M23 Matematika

48 Danijela Milošević, Selver Pepić, Muzafer Saračević, Milan B. Tasić

Weighted Moore–Penrose generalized matrix inverse: MySQL vs. Cassandra database storage system

Sādhanā, 41, 2016, 837--846 M23 Engineering, Multidisciplinary

49 Krtolica, P., Stanimirović, P.S.,Tasić, M., Pepić, S

Triangulation of convex polygon with storage support

FACTA Univ., Ser. Math. Inform.,28:1,2013,75--86

Рачунарске науке

50 A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović

Reduction of fuzzy automata by means of fuzzy-quasi orders

Information Sciences 275 (2014), 168-198 M21 COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS

51 A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović

Different models of fuzzy automata with fuzzy states

Facta Universitatis, Series Mathematics and Informatics 30 (2015), 235–253


52 Branimir Todorovic, Miomir Stankovic and Claudio Moraga

Derivative Free Training of Recurrent Neural Networks - A Comparison of Algorithms and Architectures.

In NCTA 2014 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, part of IJCCI 2014, Rome, Italy, 22 - 24 October, 2014. 2014, 76–84.

Computational Intelligence

53 Branimir Todorovic, Miomir Stankovic and Claudio Moraga

Recurrent Neural Networks Training Using Derivative Free Nonlinear Bayesian Filters

In book: Computational Intelligence, pp.383-410, January 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-26393-9_23

Computational Intelligence

54 Branimir Todorovic, Claudio Moraga and Miomir Stankovic

Sequential Bayesian Estimation of Recurrent Neural Networks

In book: Claudio Moraga: A Passion for Multi-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, pp.173-199, October 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-48317-7_11

Computational Intelligence

55 Miroslav Ćirić, Jelena Ignjatović, Ivan

Regular fuzzy equivalences on multi-mode multi-relational fuzzy

IFSA-EUSFLAT, 2015 M30 Računarske nauke

Stanković networks56 Jelena Ignjatović,

Miroslav Ćirić, Ivan Stanković

Bisimulations in fuzzy social network analysis

IFSA-EUSFLAT, 2015 M30 Računarske nauke

57 S. Miljković, M. Miladinović, P. Stanimirović, D. Đorđević

Scalar correction method for finding least-squares solutions on Hilbert spaces and its applications

Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2013), 9639-9651

M21 Applied Mathematics

58 S. Miljković, M. Miladinović, P. Stanimirović, Y. Wei

Gradient methods for computing the Drazin-inverse solution

J. Comput. Appl. Math. 253 (2013), 255-263

M21 Applied Mathematics

59 P. Stanimirović, M. Miladinović, I. Stojanović, S. Miljković

Application of the partitioning method to specific Toeplitz matrices

Int J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 23 (2013), 809-821

M21 Applied Mathematics

60 M. Miladinović, S. Miljković, P.S. Stanimirović

Minimal properties of the Drazin-inverse solution of a matrix equation

Filomat 28 (2014), 383-395 M22 Applied Mathematics

61 A. Buades, J.L. Lisani, M. Miladinović

Patch-Based Video Denoising With Optical Flow Estimation

IEEE Trans. Image Process. 25 (2016), 2573-2586

M21a Computer Science

62 Aleksandar Ilić, Nikola Milosavljević

The weighted vertex PI index Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 3-4 (2013), 623-631

M21 Računarske nauke

63 Nikola Milosavljević, Dragan Stevanović

Detour Index of Hexagonal Chains MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 72 (2014) 137-152

M21 Računarske nauke

64 Eberhard Malkowsky, Faruk Özger,Vesna Veličković

Some Spaces Related to Cesaro Sequence Spaces and an Application to Crystallography

MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., vol 70, no. 3 (2013), 867-884.

M21 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

65 Eberhard Malkowsky, Vesna Veličković

The duals of certain matrix domains of factorable triangles and some related visualisations

Filomat, 27:5 (2013), 821 – 829 M21 Mathematics

66 Vesna Veličković, Eberhard Malkowsky

Visualization of neighbourhoods in some FK spaces

AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676 (2015), DOI:

M34 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

67 Vesna Veličković, Eberhard Malkowsky

Visualization of Wulff’s crystals AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676 (2015), DOI:

M34 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

68 Sonja Šumonja, Vesna Veličković, Tatjana Šubarević

Applying ITC in the teaching of mathematics in high schools

IMVI Open Mathematical Education Notes, 5(1) (2015), 31-46

M51 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

69 Velickovic Vesna, Malkowsky Eberhard, Ozger Faruk 

Visualization of the spaces W(u, v; l(p)) and their duals

AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759 (2016), DOI:,

M33 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications

70 P. Stanimirović, Predrag Krtolica, M. Saračević and S. Mašović

Decomposition of Catalan numbers and Convex Polygon Triangulations

International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 91:6 (2014), 1315-1328

M22 Računarske nauke

71 M. Saračević, P. Stanimirović, P. Krtolica and S. Mašović

Construction and Notation of Convex Polygon Triangulation Based on Ballot Problem

ROMJIST, 17:3 (2014), 237-251 M23 Računarske nauke

72 Z. Jančić, M. Ćirić Brzozowski type determinization for fuzzy automata

Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 249, 2014, 73–82 M21 Računarske nauke

73J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić

Automati i formalni jezici Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Niš, 2016 knjiga Računarske nauke

74 J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić Moore-Penrose equations in involutive residuated semigroups and involutive quantales

Filomat 30, 2016, prihvaćen za štampu M22 Matematika

75 J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, B. Šešelja, A. Tepavčević

Fuzzy relational inequalities and equations, fuzzy quasi-orders, closures and openings of fuzzy sets

Fuzzy Sets and Systems 260, 2015, 1-24 M21 Matematika

76 I. Brajevic, J. Ignjatovic

An enhanced firefly algorithm for mixed variable structural optimization problems

Facta Universitatis, Series: Mathematics and Informatics 30 (4), 2015, 401-417

M51 Računarske nauke

77 A. Stamenković, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović

Reduction of fuzzy automata by means of fuzzy quasi-orders

Information Sciences 275, 2014,168-198 M21 Računarske nauke

78 N. Damljanović, M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović

Bisimulations for weighted automata over an additively idempotent semiring

Theoretical Computer Science 534, 2014, 86-100

M23 Računarske nauke

79 J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić, V. Simović

Fuzzy relation equations and subsystems of fuzzy transition systems

Knowledge-Based Systems 38, 2013, 48-61 M21 Računarske nauke

80 M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović Fuzziness in Automata Theory: Why? How?

in: R. Seising, E. Trillas, C. Moraga, S. Termini (eds.), On Fuzziness, A Homage to Lotfi A. Zadeh, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Vol. 298, Berlin – New York, Springer, 2013, pp. 109–116.

M13 Računarske nauke

81 M. Ćirić, J. Ignjatović, I. Stanković

Regular fuzzy equivalences on multi-mode multi-relational fuzzy networks

in: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (IFSA-EUSFLAT 2015), Gijón, Asturias, Spain, Advances in Intelligent Systems Research Vol. 89, 2015, pp. 398-403.

M33 Računarske nauke

82 I. Stanković, J. Ignjatović, M. Ćirić

Boolean relation equations in data analysis

in: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2011), Subotica, Serbia, 2011, pp. 125-130.

M33 Računarske nauke

83 Wang, X.-Z., Ma, H., Stanimirović, P.S

Recurrent Neural Network for Computing the W-Weighted Drazin Inverse,

Appl. Math. Comput., Accepted. M21 Рачунарске науке

84Srivastava, S., Gupta, D.K., Singh, S., Stanimirović, P.S.,

A hyperpower iterative method for computing the generalized Drazin inverse of Banach algebra element,

Sadhana, Accepted. M23 Рачунарске науке

85 Stanimirović, P.S., Some identities involving sums of Lucas numbers, Jour. Pure Math.

31 (2014), 103–119. M52 Рачунарске науке

86 Stanimirović, P.S., Katsikis, V.N., Stojanović, I.,

Computing the Pseudoinverse of Specific Toeplitz Matrices Using Rank-One Updates,

Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2016 (2016), Article ID 9065438, 16 pages,

M21 Рачунарске науке

87 Stanimirović, P.S., Katsikis, V.N., Ma, H.,

Representations and properties of the W-Weighted Drazin inverse,

Linear and Multilinear Algebra, doi:10.1080/03081087.2016.1228810.

M22 Рачунарске науке

88 Wang, X.-Z., Wei, Y., Stanimirović, P.S.,

Complex Neural Network Models for Time-Varying Drazin Inverse,

Neural Computation 28 (2016), 2790–2824. M21 Рачунарске науке

89 Stanimirović, P.S., Živković, I., Wei, Y.,

Neural network approach to computing outer inverses based on

Linear Algebra Appl. 501 (2016), 344–362. M21 Рачунарске науке

the full rank representation,90 Živković, I.,

Stanimirović, P.S., Wei, Y.,

Recurrent neural network for computing outer inverse,

Neural Computation 28:5 (2016), 970–998. M21 Рачунарске науке

91 Xia, Y., Stanimirović, P.S., Zhang, S.,

Neural network for computing pseudoinverses and outer inverses of complex-valued matrices,

Appl. Math. Comput. 273 (2016), 1107-1121.

M21 Рачунарске науке

92 Soleymani, F., Stanimirović, P.S., Soleymani, F.,

Some matrix iterations for computing generalized inverses and balancing chemical equations,

Algorithms 8 (2015), 982-998. M51 Рачунарске науке

93 Stanimirović, P.S., Katsikis, V.N., Pappas, D.,

Computing {2,4} and {2,3}-inverses by using the Sherman-Morrison formula,

Appl. Math. Comput. 273 (2015), 584-603. M21 Рачунарске науке

94 Stanimirović, P.S., Soleymani, F., Haghani, F.K.,

Computing outer inverses by scaled matrix iterations,

J. Comput. Appl. Math. 296 (2016), 89-101. M21 Рачунарске науке

95 Soleymani, F., Stanimirović, P.S., Haghani, F.K.,

On hyperpower family of iterations for computing outer inverses possessing high efficiencies,

Linear Algebra Appl. 484 (2015), 477-495. M21 Рачунарске науке

96 Osinuga, I.A., Stanimirović, P.S., Kazakovtsev, L., Akinleye, S.A.,

A modeling framework on distance predicting functions for location models in continuous space,

Facta Universitatis, Series Mathematics and Informatics 30 (2015), 419-443.

M51 Рачунарске науке

97 Soleymani, F., Stanimirović, P.S., Stojanović, I.,

A Novel Iterative Method for Polar Decomposition and Matrix Sign Function,

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2015), Volume 2015, Art. ID 649423, 11 Pages.

M22 Рачунарске науке

98 Stanimirović, P.S., Živković, I., Wei, Y.,

Recurrent neural network approach based on the integral representation of the Drazin inverse,

Neural Computation 27 (2015), 2107-2131. M21 Рачунарске науке

99 Soleymani, F., Stanimirović, P.S., Torregrosa, J.R., Nik, H.S., Tohidi, E.,

Recent Theories and Applications in Approximation Theory, Article ID 598279, 2 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/598279.

The Scientific World Journal, Special Issue: Recent Theories and Applications in Approximation Theory, vol. 2015, Article ID 598279, 2 pages

M23 Рачунарске науке

100 Stanimirović, P.S., Milovanović, G.V., Petrović, M.J., Kontrec, N.,

Transformation of Accelerated Double Step Size Method for Unconstrained Optimization,

Math. Probl. Eng., vol. 2015, Article ID 283679, 8 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/283679.

M21 Рачунарске науке

101 Stanimirović, P.S., Stojanović, I., Pappas, D., Zdravev, Z.,

On removing blur in images using least squares solutions,

Filomat (2015), Accepted. M21 Рачунарске науке

102 Stanimirović, P.S., Stojanović, I., Pappas, D., Zdravev, Z., Katsikis, V.N.,

Application of the least squares solutions in image debluring,

Math. Probl. Eng., vol. 2015, Article ID 298689, 18 pages,

M21 Рачунарске науке

103 Stanimirović, P.S., Pappas, D., Katsikis, V.N., Cvetković, M.S.,

Outer inverse restricted by a linear system,

Linear and Multilinear Algebra 63 (2015), 2461-2493.

M22 Рачунарске науке

104 Stanimirović, P.S., Živković, I., Wei, Y.,

Recurrent Neural Network for Computing the Drazin Inverse,

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26(11) (2015), 2830-2843.

M21a Рачунарске науке

105 Stanimirović, P.S., Pappas, D., Katsikis, V.N.,

Minimization of Quadratic Forms and generalized Inverses,

In Advances in Linear Algebra Research (editor Ivan Kyrchei), Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-63463-565-3.

M14 Рачунарске науке

106 Kazakovtsev, L.A., Stanimirović, P.S.,

Algorithm for Weber problem with a metric based on the initial fare,

J. Appl. Math. & Informatics 33 (2015), 157-172.

M51 Рачунарске науке

107 Stanimirović, P.S., Pappas, D., Katsikis, V.N.,

Generalized inverse restricted by the normal Drazin equation,

Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 65 (2015), 893-913.

M22 Рачунарске науке

108 Saračević, M.H., Stanimirović, P.S., Krtolica, P.V., Mašović, S.H.,

Construction and Notation of Convex Polygon Triangulation based on Ballot Problem,

ROMJIST - Journal of Information Science and Technology 17 (2014), 237-251.

M23 Рачунарске науке

109 Petrović, M., Stanimirović, P.S.,

Representations and computations of {2,3~} and {2,4~}-inverses in indefinite inner product spaces,

Appl. Math. Comput., 254 (2015) 157–171. M21 Рачунарске науке

110 Kazakovtsev, L., Stanimirović, P.S.,Osinuga, I.A., Gudyma, M., Antamoshkin, A.,

Algorithms for Location Problems Based on Angular Distances,

Advances in Operations Research, 2014, Article ID 701267, 12 pages.

M24 Рачунарске науке

111 Ranđelović, A.S., Stanimirović, P.S.,

Application of block Cayley-Hamilton theorem to generalized inversion,

Facta Universitatis, Series Mathematics and Informatics 29 (2014), 289-312.

M51 Рачунарске науке

112 Soleymani, F., Shateyi, S. Stanimirović, P.S., Haghani, F.K.,

Approximating the matrix sign function using a novel iterative method,

Abstract and Applied Analysis, Article ID 105301, 9 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/105301.

M21 Рачунарске науке

113 Petrović, M., Stanimirović, P.S.,

Accelerated Double Direction Method For Solving Unconstrained Optimization Problems,

Math. Probl. Eng., vol. 2014, Article ID 965104, 8 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/965104.

M23 Рачунарске науке

114 Petković, M., Stanimirović, P.S.,

Two improvements of the iterative method for computing Moore-Penrose inverse based on Penrose equations,

J. Comput. Appl. Math. 267 (2014), 61-71. M21 Рачунарске науке

115 Saračević, M., Stanimirović, P., Mašović, S.,

Object-oriented analysis and design for one algorithm of computational geometry: Forward, reverse and round-trip engineering,

Journal of Information Technology and Applications 3 (2013), 96-106.

M51 Рачунарске науке

116 Stanimirović, P.S., Soleymani, F.,

A class of numerical algorithms for computing outer inverses,

J. Comput. Appl. Math. 263 (2014), 236-245.

M21 Рачунарске науке

117 Stanimirović, P.S., Pappas, D. Miljković, S.,

Minimization of quadratic forms using the Drazin-inverse solution,

Linear and Multilinear Algebra 62 (2014), 252-266.

M22 Рачунарске науке

118 Stanimirović, P.S., Stojanović, I., Chountasis, S., Pappas, D.,

Image Deblurring Process Based on Separable Restoration Methods,

Computational and Applied Mathematics 33 (2014), 301-323.

M23 Рачунарске науке

119 Stanimirović, P.S., Krtolica, P.V., Saračević, M., Mašović, S.,

Decomposition of Catalan numbers and Convex Polygon Triangulations,

International Journal of Computer Mathematics 91(6) (2014), 1315-1328.

M22 Рачунарске науке

120 Mašović, S., Saračević, M., Stanimirović, P.S.,

Alpha-Numeric notation for one Data Structure in Software Engineering,

Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 11(1) (2014), 193-204.

M23 Рачунарске науке

121 Soleymani, F., Stanimirović, P.S.,

A note on the stability of a pth order iteration for finding generalized inverses,

Applied Mathematics Letters 28 (2014), 77-81.

M21 Рачунарске науке

122 Soleymani, F., Stanimirović, P.S.,

A higher order iterative method for computing the Drazin inverse,

The Scientific World Journal 2013 (2013), Article ID 708647, 11 pages

M21 Рачунарске науке

123 Stanimirović, P.S., Application of Partitioning method International Journal of Applied M21 Рачунарске

Miladinović, M., Stojanović, I, Miljković, S.,

in Removal of Blur in Images, Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS) 23(4) (2013), 809-821.


124 Soleymani, F., Stanimirović, P.S., Ullah, M.Z.,

An accelerated iterative method for computing weighted Moore-Penrose inverse,

Appl. Math. Comput. 222 (2013), 365-371. M21 Рачунарске науке

125 Osinuga, I.A., Kazakovtsev, L.A., Stanimirović, P.S.,

Planar Weber location problem with French Metro metric,

Rev. Bull. Cal. Math. Soc. 21 (2013), 7-20. M52 Рачунарске науке

126 Stanimirović, P.S., Chountasis, S., Pappas, D, Stojanović, I.,

Removal of blur in images based on least squares solutions,

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 36 (2013), 2280-2296.

M22 Рачунарске науке

127 Saračević, M., Stanimirović, P.S., Mašović, S.,

Implementation of some algorithms in computer graphics in Java,

TTEM - Technics Technologies Education Management 8 (2013), 293-300.

M23 Рачунарске науке

Департман за математику (научни резултати у периоду 2013-2016.)

Autori Naziv naučnog rada Časopis, volumen, godina, strane Kategorizacija rezultata, prema kriterijumima MPNTR

Naučna oblast

1 Jasmina Đorđević, Svetlana Janković

On a class of backward stochastic Volterra integral equations

Applied Mathematics Letters, 26 (2013) , 1192-1197.

M21 Matematika

2 Jasmina Đorđević, Svetlana Janković

Backward stochastic Volterra integral equations with additive perturbations

Applied Mathematics and Computation, 265 (2015), 903-910.

M21 Matematika

3 Jasmina Đorđević On a class of backward doubly stochastic di erential equations with continuous ffcoe cientsffi

IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 81 (2016), 26-41.

M21 Matematika

4 Marija Milošević Almost sure exponential stability of solutions to highly nonlinear neutral stochastic differential equations with time-dependent delay and the Euler-Maruyama approximation

Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (2013) 887-899.

M21 Matematika

5 Marija Milošević On the approximations of solutions to stochastic differential delay equations with Poisson random measure via Taylor series

Filomat 27 (2013) 201-214. M21 Matematika

6 Marija Milošević Existence, uniqueness, almost sure polynomial stability of solution to a class of highly nonlinear pantograph stochastic differential equations and the Euler-Maruyama approximation

Applied Mathematics and Computation 237 (2014) 672-685.

M21 Matematika

7 Marija Milošević Implicit numerical methods for highly nonlinear neutral stochastic differential equations with time-dependent delay

Applied Mathematics and Computation 244 (2014) 741-760.

M21 Matematika

8 Marija Milošević Convergence and almost sure exponential stability of implicit numerical methods for a class of highly nonlinear neutral stochastic differential equations with constant delay

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 280 (2015) 248-264.

M21 Matematika

9 Marija Milošević The Euler–Maruyama approximation of solutions to stochastic differential equations with piecewise constantarguments

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 298 (2016) 1–12.

M21 Matematika

10 Marija Milošević An explicit analytic approximation of solutions for a class of neutral stochastic differential equations with time-dependent delay based on Taylor expansion

Applied Mathematics and Computation 274 (2016) 745–761.

M21 Matematika

11 Miljana JovanovićMarija Krstić

1. Analysis of non-autonomous stochastic Gompertz model with delay

Applied Mathematics and Computation 242 (2014) 101-108.

M21 Matematika

12 Miljana Jovanović 2. The influence of time-dependent delay on Applied Mathematical Modelling 39 M21 Matematika

Marija Krstić behavior of stochastic population model with the Allee effect

(2) (2015) 733-746.

13 Miljana Jovanović, Vasilova Maja

3. Dynamics of non-autonomous stochastic Gilpin-Ayala competition model with time-varying delays

Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219 (12) (2013) 6946-6964.

M21 Matematika

14 M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić, A. V. Miletić Ilić

A geometric time series model with dependent Bernoulli counting series

Journal of Time Series Analysis, 34 (4), 2013, 466–476

M22 Matematika

15 P. M. Popović, M. M. Ristić, A. S. Nastić

A geometric bivariate time series with different marginal parameters

Statistical Papers 57(3), 2016, 731–753

M22 Matematika

16 A. S. Nastić, P. N. Laketa, M. M. Ristić

Random environment integer-valued autoregressive process

Journal of Time Series Analysis 37(2), 2016, 267–287

M22 Matematika

17 A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, M. S. Djordjević

An INAR model with discrete Laplace marginal distributions

Brazillian Journal of Probability and Statistics 30(1), 2016, 107--126

M23 Matematika

18 A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, P. M. Popović

Estimation in a Bivariate Integer-Valued Autoregressive Process

Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 45(19), 2016, 5660-5678

M23 Matematika

19 A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, A. V. Miletić Ilić

A geometric time-series model with an alternative dependent Bernoulli counting series

Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 46(2), 2017, 770-785

M23 Matematika

20 A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić, A. D. Janjić

A mixed thinning based geometric INAR(1) model

Filomat, 2016, To Appear M22 Matematika

21 P. M. Popović, A. S. Nastić, M. M. Ristić

Residual analysis with bivariate INAR(1) models

Revstat - Statistical Journal, 2016, To Appear

M21 Matematika

22 D. S. Cvetković-Ilić i M. S. Djikić

Various solutions to reverse order law problems

Linear Multilinear Algebra, 64, 2016, 1207-1219

M22 Matematika

23 M. S. Djikić Extensions of the Fill-Fishkind formula and the infimum - parallel sum relation

Linear Multilinear Algebra, 64, 2016, 2335-2349

M22 Matematika

24 M. S. Djikić Properties of the star supremum for arbitrary Hilbert space operators

J. Math. Anal. Appl., 441, 2016, 446-461

M21 Matematika

25 M. S. Djikić i D. S. Djordjević

Coherent and precoherent elements in Rickart *-rings

Linear Algebra Appl., 509, 2016, 64-81

M21 Matematika

26 M. S. Djikić Operators with compatible ranges Filomat, prihvaćen za štampu M22 Matematika27 M. S. Djikić Lattice properties of the core partial order Banach J. Math. Anal., prihvaćen za

štampuM21 Matematika

28 Dijana Mosić, Nebojša Č. Dinčić

Reverse Order Law (ab)† = b† (a†abb†)†a† in Rings with Involution

Filomat, 28 (9) (2014), 1791–1815 M21 Математика

29 Nebojša Č. Dinčić Matrix splittings and generalized inverses Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 74 (3-4) (2009), 233-247.

M22 Математика

30 Nebojša Č. Dinčić Extending the Moore-Penrose inverse Filomat, 30:2 (2016), 419-428 M21 Математика31 Svetislav M. Miničić,

Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Geometric interpretation of the torsion tensor, curvature tensors and pseudotensors in generalized Finsler space (in Russian),

Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., No. 1 (2013), 31–40.

Differential geometry

32 Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Irena Hinterleitner, Marija Najdanović,

On equitorsion concircular tensors of generalized Riemannian spaces,

Filomat, Vol. 28, No. 3., (2014), 463-471.

M21 Differential geometry

33 Milica Cvetković, Milan Lj. Zlatanović,

New Cartan's tensors and pseudotensors in a generalized Finsler space,

Filomat, Vol. 28, No. 1., (2014), 107-117.

M21 Differential geometry

34 Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Irena Hinterleitner and Marija Najdanović,

Geodesic mapping onto Kahlerian space of the first kind,

Czech. Math. Journal, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 1113-1122, (2014).

M23 Differential geometry

35 Mića S. Stanković, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Nenad O. Vesić,

Basic equations of G-almost geodesic mappings of the second type,

Czech. Math. Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 787-799, (2015).

M23 Differential geometry

36 Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Svetislav M. Mincic, Ljubica S. Velimirovic,

On integrability conditions of derivation equations in a subspace of asymmetric affine connection space,

Filomat 29:10 (2015), 2421–2427.

M22 Differential geometry

37 Svetozar R. Rancic, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Nikola M. Velimirovic

Cutting Patterns of Membrane Structures, Filomat 29:3 (2015), 651–660. M22 Differential geometry

38 Mica S. Stankovic, Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Nenad O. Vesic

Some Properties of ET-Projective Tensors Obtained from Weyl Projective Tensor

Filomat 29:3 (2015), 573–584. M22 Differential geometry

39 Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Svetislav M. Minčić and Miloš Z.

Curvature tensors and pseudo tensors in a generalized Finsler space,

Petrović Facta Universitatis Series Mathematics and Informatics, .Vol. 30, No 5 (2015), 741–752.

Differential geometry

40 Marija S. Najdanovic, Milan Lj. Zlatanović and Irena Hinterleitner,

Conformal and geodesic mappings of generalized equidistant spaces,


M23 Differential geometry

41 Mica Stankovic, Svetislav Mincic and Milan Zlatanović,

Ricci Coefficients of Rotation of Generalized Finsler Spaces,

Miskolc Mathematical Notes, Vol. 16 (2015), No. 2, pp. 1025–1039.

M23 Differential geometry

42 Milan Lj. Zlatanović, Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Mica S. Stankovic,

Necessary and sufficient conditions for equitorsion geodesic mapping,

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 435, Issue 1, 1 March 2016, Pages 578–592.

M21 Differential geometry

43 Stefan Ivanov, Milan Lj. Zlatanović,


Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 33, Number 7, 075016, (2016).

M21 Differential geometry

44 Milan Zlatanovic, Svetislav Mincic, Vladislava Stankovic ,

New integrability conditions of derivation equations in a subspace of asymmetric affine connection space,

appear to Miskolc Mathematical Notes.

M23 Differential geometry

45 K.Takasi, J.Manojlović, J.Milošević

Intermediate solutions of secound order quasilinear ordinary differential equations in the framework of regular variation

Applied Mathematics and Computation , 219 (2013) 8178-8191

M21 Matematičke nauke

46 K.Takasi, J.Manojlović, J.Milošević

Intermediate solutions of fourth order quasilinear differential equations in the framework of regular variation

Applied Mathematics and Computation , 248 (2014) 246-272.

M21 Matematičke nauke

47 J. Milošević, J.V. Manojlović

Positive decreasing solutions of second order quasilinearordinary differential equations in the framework of regular variation

Filomat, 29:9 (2015), 1995-2010

M22 Matematičke nauke

47 J. Milošević, J.V. Manojlović

Asymptotic analysis of fourth order quasilinear differential equations in the framework of regular variation

Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 1415-1456

M22 Matematičke nauke

48 J. Milošević Asymptotic behavior of increasing positive solutions of second order quasilinear ordinary differential equations in the framework of regular variation

Advances in Difference Equations (2015) 2015:273

M22 Matematičke nauke

49 M. Cvetković, V. Rakočević Quasi-contraction of Perov type App. Math. Com., 237 (2014), 712-722.

M21 Matematika

50 M. Cvetković, V. Rakočević Exstensions of Perov theorem Carpathian J. Math., 31 (2015), 181-188.

M21 Matematika

51 M. Cvetković, V. Rakočević Fisher quasi-contraction of Perov type Nonlinear Convex. Anal., 16 (2015), 339-352.

M21 Matematika

52 M. Cvetković, V. Rakočević Common fixed point results for mappings of Perov type

Math. Nach., 288(2015) 1873-1890. M22 Matematika

53 M. Cvetković, V. Rakočević, , Billy E. Rhoades,

Fixed point theorems for contractive mappings of Perov type

Nonlinear Convex. Anal., 16 (2015), 2117-2127.

M21 Matematika

54 M. Cvetković, V. Rakočević Fixed point of mappings of Perov type for w-cone distance},

Bulletin T.CXLVII de l'Academie serbe des sciences et des arts -2015, Classe des Sciences mathematiques et naturelles Sciences mathematiques, 40 (2015), 57-71.

M51 Matematika

55 M. Cvetković, E. Karapinar, V. Rakočević

Some fixed point results on quasi-b-metric like spaces

J. Inequal. Appl., (2015), 2015:374 M21 Matematika

56 D. Ilić, M. Cvetković, Lj. Gajić, V. Rakočević

Fixed points of sequence of Ćirić generalized contractions of Perov type

Mediterr. J. Math. 13 (2016), 3921-3937.

M22 Matematika

57 P. S. Stanimirović, D. Pappas, V. N. Katsikis, M. Cvetković

Outer inverse restricted by a linear system Linear Multilinear Algebra, 63 (2015), 2461-2493.

M22 Matematika

58 Nenad O. Vesić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Mića S. Stanković

Some Invariants of Equitorsion Third Type Almost Geodesic Mappings Mediterranean Journal of

Mathematics, 13(6), (2016) 4581-4590.

M22 Matematika

59 Mića S. Stanković, Nenad O. Vesić

Some relations in non-symmetric affine connection spaces with regard to a special almost geodesic mappings of the third type

Filomat 29:9 (2015), 1941–1951 M22 Matematika

60 Mića S. Stanković Special equitorsion almost geodesic mappings of the third type of non-symmetric affine connection spaces

Applied Mathematics and Computation, 244 (2014) 695–701

M21 Matematika

61 Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Mića S. Stanković

Integrability conditions of derivational equations of a submanifold of a generalized Riemannian space

Applied Mathematics and Computation, 01(2014) 226:3–9

M21 Matematika

62 Svetislav M. Minčić, Ljubica S. Velimirović, Mića S. Stanković

On spaces with non-symmetric affine connection, containing subspaces without torsion

Applied Mathematics and Computation, 01(2013); 219(9): 4346–4353.

M21 Matematika

63 M. D. Cvetković On upper and lower generalized Drazin invertible operators

Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 7 (2015), 67-74.

M51 Математика

64 Miodrag S. Djordjević An extension on INAR models with discrete Laplace marginal distributions


M23 Matematika



M51 Matematika

66 Dragan Stanković, Vesna A survey study of critical success factors in JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND M21 Računarstvo

Nikolić, Miodrag Djordjević, Dac-Buu Cao

agile software projects in former Yugoslavia IT companies

SOFTWARE, , Vol. 86, 2013, p 1663-1678

67 Ana Savic, Vladimir Randelovic, Miodrag Dordevic, Vladimir Pesic 

Assemblages of Freshwater Snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Nisava River

Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, vol 68 2016, p235-242.

M23 Biologija , Ekologija

68 Miroljub Grozdanovic, Dobrivoje Marjanovic, Goran L Janackovic,and Miodrag Djordjevic

The impact of character/background colour combinations and exposition on character legibility and readability on video display units


M23 Inženjering

69 H. S. Bakouch, M. M. Ristić, E. Sandhya, S. Satheesh

Random products and product auto-regression

Filomat 27(7), 2013, 1197-1203 M21 Matematika

70 E. Krishna, K. K. Jose, T. Alice, M. M. Ristić

Marshall-Olkin Frechet Distribution Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 42 (22), 2013, 4091-4107

M23 Matematika

71 S. Nadarajah, B. V. Popović, M. M. Ristić

Compounding: An R package for computing continuous distributions obtained by compounding a continuous and a discrete distribution

Computational Statistics, 28 (3), 2013, 977-992

M23 Matematika

72 S. Nadarajah, K. Jayakumar, M. M. Ristić

A new family of lifetime models Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 83 (8), 2013, 1389-1404

M23 Matematika

73 B. V. Popović, S. Nadarajah, M. M. Ristić

A new non-linear AR(1) time series model having approximate beta marginals

Metrika, 76, 2013, 71-92 M23 Matematika

74 E. Krishna, K. K. Jose, M. M. Ristić

Applications of Marshall-Olkin Frechet distribution

Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 42(1), 2013, 76-89

M23 Matematika

75 M. M. Ristić, S. Nadarajah A new lifetime distribution Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84(1), 2014, 135-150

M23 Matematika

76 M. M. Ristić, B. V. Popović, S. Nadarajah

Libby and Novick's generalized beta exponential distribution

Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85(4), 2015, 740-761

M22 Matematika

77 M. M. Ristić, D. Kundu Marshall-Olkin generalized exponential distribution

METRON 73, 2015, 317-333 M51 Matematika

78 M. M. Ristić, C. H. Weiss, A. D. Janjić

A Binomial Integer-Valued ARCH Model International Journal of Biostatistics, 2015, To Appear, DOI: 10.1515/ijb-2015-0051

M22 Matematika

79 B. V. Popović, M. M. A Two-Parameter Distribution Obtained by Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics M22 Matematika

Ristić, G. M. Cordeiro Compounding the Generalized Exponential and Exponential Distributions

13(5), 2016, 2935–2949

80 B. V. Popović, M. M. Ristić, N. Balakrishna

A mixed stationary autoregressive model with exponential marginals

Statistical Papers, 2016, To Appear, DOI: 10.1007/s00362-016-0741-3

M22 Matematika

81 N. Balakrishnan, M. M. Ristić

Multivariate families of gamma-generated distributions with finite or infinite support above or below the diagonal

Journal of Multivariate Analysis 143, 2016, 194-207

M22 Matematika

82 M. M. Ristić, D. Kundu Generalized exponential geometric extreme distribution

Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 10(1), 2016, 179-201

M51 Matematika

83 Trajković Aleksandra,Manojlović V. Jelena

Asymptotic behavior of intermediate solutions of fourth-order nonlinear differential equations with regularly varying coefficients

Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol 2016 (2016), No. 129, pp. 1-32.

M22 Matematika

84 R.P. Agarwal,

J. V.Manojlović

On the existence and the asymptotic behavior of nonoscillatory solutions of  second order quasilinear difference equations,

Funkcialaj Ekvacioj 56 (2013), 81-


M22 Математика

85 T. Kusano, J.V. Manojlović Complete asymptotic analysis of positive solutions of odd order nonlinear differential equation

Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, Volume 53, No1 (2013), 40-62

M22 Математика

86 T. Kusano , J. Manojlović, T. Tanigawa

Existence and asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of fourth order quasilinear differential equations

Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics,

Volume 17, No. 3, (2013), 999-1030

M22 Математика

87 T. Kusano, J.V. Manojlović Precise asymptotic behavior of intermediate solutions of even order nonlinear differential equation in the framework of regular variation

Moscow Mathematical Journal, Vol.

13, No.4, (2013), 649–666 

M22 Математика

88 T. Kusano, J.V. Manojlović, V. Marić

Increasing solutions of Thomas–Fermi type differential equations—The superlinear case

Nonlinear Analysis & Theory

Methods and Applications, vol.108

(2014), pp. 114-127

M21A Математика

89 T. Kusano, J. V. Manojlović, J. Milošević

Intermediate solutions of fourth order quasilinear differential equations in the framework of regular variation

Applied Mathematics and

Computation 248 (2014) 246-272

M21 Математика

90 G.E. Chatzarakis, J. Manojlović, S. Pinelas, I.P. Stavroulakis,

Oscillation criteria of difference equations with several deviating argument

Yokohama Math. Jour., vol. 60

(2014), pp 13-31

M51 Математика

91 J.V. Manojlovic, T. Tanigawa

Regularly Varying Solutions Of Half-Linear Differential Equations With Retarded and Advanced Arguments

Mathematica Slovaca Vol 65 (2015)


M23 Математика

92 J. Milošević, J.V. Manojlović,

Positive decreasing solutions of second order quasilinear ordinary differential equations in the framework of regular variation

Filomat, 29:9 (2015), 1995-2010 M21 Математика

93 T. Kusano, J.V. Manojlović, and V. Marić

Complete asymptotic analysis of second-order differential equations of Thomas-Fermi type in the framework of regular variation

Sūrikaisekikenkyūsho Kōkyūroku,

No.1959, 2015.7, Qualitative theory of

ordinary differential equations in real

domains and its applications, pp 14--


M51 Математика

94 T. Kusano, J. V. Manojlović Precise asymptotic behavior of regularly varying solutions of second order half-linear differential equations

Electronic Journal of Qualitative

Theory of Differential Equations, No.

62 (2016), pp.1-24

M21 Математика

95  Dragan S. Djordjević, Milica Z. Kolundžija

Right and left Fredholm operator matrices Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, vol.50 (3) (2013) 1021-1027

M23 Matematika

96 Milica Z. Kolundžija (p,q)-outer generalized inverse of block matrices in Banach algebras

Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, vol.8 (1) (2014) 98-108

M21 Matematika

97 Milica Z. Kolundžija, Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Further Results on the Generalized Drazin Inverse of Block Matrices in Banach Algebras

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, vol.38 (2) (2015) 483-498

M22 Matematika

96 Milica Z. Kolundžija, Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Generalized Drazin inverse of certain block matrices in Banach algebras

Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, vol.41 (2) (2015) 529-542.

M23 Matematika

99 Dijana Mosić Reverse order law for the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse in C*-algebras

Aequat. Math. 85(3) (2013), 465-470 M21 Математика

100 Dijana Mosić Some results on the Drazin inverse of a modified matrix

Calcolo 50(4) (2013), 305-311 M21 Математика

101 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Reverse order laws in rings with involution Rocky Mountain J. Math. 44(4) (2014), 1301-1319

M23 Математика

102 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Mixed-type reverse order laws for generalized inverses in rings with involution

Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 82(3-4) (2013), 641-650

M23 Математика

103 Dijana Mosić Some representations for the generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in Banach algebras

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society. Ser. 2 37(4) (2014), 1137-1147

M21 Математика

104 Milica Z. Kolundžija,Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Further results on the generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in Banach algebras

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society. Ser. 2 38(2) (2015), 483–498

M21 Математика

105 Dijana Mosić Expressions for the generalized Drazin inverse of a block matrix in a Banach algebra

International Journal of Computer Mathematics 91 (3) (2014) 514-526

M23 Математика

106 Enrico Boasso, Dragan S. Djordjević, Dijana Mosić

Weighted Moore-Pernose inverse invertible and weighted EP Banach algebra elements

J. Korean Math. Soc. 50 (6) (2013), 1349-1367

M23 Математика

107 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Further results on the reverse order law for the group inverse in rings

Applied Math. Comput., 219 (19) (2013), 9971-9977

M21 Математика

108 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Several expressions for the generalized Drazin inverse of a block matrix in a Banach algebra

Applied Math. Comput., 220 (2013), 374-381

M21 Математика

109 Dijana Mosić More results on generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in Banach algebras

Linear Algebra and its Applications 439 (8) (2013), 2468-2478

M22 Математика

110 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Formulae for the generalized Drazin inverse of a block matrix in terms of Banachiewic-Schur forms

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 413(1) (2014), 114-120

M21 Математика

111 Dijana Mosić Group inverse and generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in a Banach algebra

Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 51(3) (2014), 765-771

M23 Математика

112 Dijana Mosić Characterizations of k-potent elements in rings

Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 194(4) (2015), 1157-1168

M21 Математика

113 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević, Gabriel Kantun-Montiel

Image-kernel (P,Q)-inverses in rings Electronic J. Linear 27 (2014), 272-283

M22 Математика

114 Dijana Mosić A note on Cline’s formula for the generalized Drazin inverse

Linear and Multilinear Algebra 63(6) (2015) 1106-1110

M22 Математика

115 Milica Z. Kolundžija, Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Generalized Drazin inverse of certain block matrices in Banach algebras

Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 41(3) (2015) 529-542

M23 Математика

116 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Inner image-kernel (p,q)-inverses in rings Applied Math. Comput., 239 (2014) 144-152

M21 Математика

117 Dijana Mosić The generalized Drazin inverse of a block matrix in a Banach algebra

Aequat. Math. 89(3) (2015), 849-855 M21 Математика

118 Dijana Mosić Reflexive-EP elements in rings Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society. Ser. 2 (to appear)

M21 Математика

119 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. The reverse order law $(ab)^\#=b^\dag(a^\ Revista de la Real Academia de M22 Математика

Djordjević dag abb^\dag)^\dag a^\dag$ in rings with involution

Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas 109(2) (2015) 257-265

120 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Weighted generalized Drazin inverse in rings Georgian Mathematical Journal 23 (4) (2016), 587-594

M23 Математика

121 Dijana Mosić, Nebojša Č. Dinčić

Reverse order law $(ab) ^\dag = b^\dag (a^\dag abb^\dag) ^\dag a^\dag$ in rings with involution

Filomat 28(9) (2014) 1791-1815 M21 Математика

122 Enrico Boasso, Dragan S. Djordjević, Dijana Mosić

Factorizations of weighted EP Banach space operators and Banach algebra elements

Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 9(3) (2015) 114-127.

M21 Математика

123 Dijana Mosić Reverse order laws for the generalized Drazin inverse in Banach algebras

J. Math. Anal. Appl. 429 (1) (2015) 461-477

M21 Математика

124 Dijana Mosić A note on the representations for the generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices

Acta Mathematica Scientia 35(6) (2015), 1483-1491

M22 Математика

125 Dragana Cvetković-Ilić, Dijana Mosić, Yimin Wei

Partial orders on $\B(\H)$ Linear Algebra Appl. 481 (2015) 115-130

M21 Математика

126 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Weighted partial isometries and weighted--EP elements in $C^*$-algebra

Applied Math. Comput. 265 (2015) 17–30

M21 Математика

127 Dijana Mosić Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra

Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society. Ser. 2 (2015). doi:10.1007/s40840-015-0143-z

M21 Математика

128 Dijana Mosić On deriving the generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in a Banach algebra

Quaestiones Mathematicae 39(4) (2016), 511-521

M21 Математика

129 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Weighted pre-orders involving the generalized Drazin inverse

Applied Math. Comput. 270 (2015), 496-504

M21 Математика

130 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Some additive results for the $Wg$-Drazin inverse of Banach space operators

Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 32(2) (2016), 215-223

M21 Математика

131 Dijana Mosić Factorizations of reflexive--EP elements in rings

Analele Stintifice Ale Universitatii Al. I. Cuza. Matematica (to appear)


132 Dijana Mosić Characterizations of the image-kernel $(p,q)$-inverses

Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2015). doi:10.1007/s40840-015-0242-x

M21 Математика

133 Dijana Mosić, Dragana Cvetković-Ilić

Some orders for operators on Hilbert space Applied Math. Comput. 275 (2016), 229-237

M21 Математика

134 Dijana Mosić Weighted binary relations for operators on Banach spaces

Aequat. Math. 90(4) (2016) 787-798 M21 Математика

135 Dijana Mosić Reverse order laws for the generalized strong Drazin inverses

Applied Math. Comput. 284 (2016), 37-46

M21 Математика

136 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Mixed-type reverse order laws for the group Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum M23 Математика

Djordjević inverses in rings with involution Hungarica 53(2) (2016)DOI: 10.1556/012.2016.53.2.1334

137 Dijana Mosić Representations for the generalized inverses of a modified operator

Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 68(6) (2016), 860-864

M23 Математика

138 Dijana Mosić On the Moore-Penrose inverse in rings with involution

Miskolc Mathematical Notes (to appear).

M23 Математика

139 Dijana Mosić, Honglin Zou, Jianlong Chen

The generalized Drazin inverse of the sum in a Banach algebra

Annals of Functional Analysis 8(1) (2017), 90-105

M22 Математика

140 Dijana Mosić Reverse order laws on the conditions of the commutativity up to a factor

Revista de La Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A.Matematicas (2016). doi:10.1007/s13398-016-0319-x

M22 Математика

141 Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

The gDMP inverse of Hilbert space operators Journal of Spectral Theory (to appear). M21 Математика

142 Jianlong Chen, Yuanyuan Ke, Dijana Mosić

The reverse order law of the $(b, c)$-inverse in semigroups

Acta Math. Hungar. (2016). doi:10.1007/s10474-016-0667-1

M23 Математика

143 Ljubica S. Velimirovic, Milica D. Cvetkovic, Marija S. Najdanovic, Nikola M. Velimirovic:

Variation of shape operator under infinitesimal bending of surface. 

Applied Mathematics and Computation 225: 480-486 (2013)

M21 Математика

144 LS Velimirović, MD Cvetković

Gaudi surfaces and curvature based functional variations

Applied Mathematics and Computation 228, 377-383(2014)

M21 Математика

145 SM Mincica, LS Velimirovica

Academician Mileva Prvanovic-the First Doctor of Geometrical Sciences in Serbia

Filomat 29 (3), 375-380(2015) M22 Математика

146 UC De, L Velimirović Spacetimes with Semisymmetric Energy-Momentum Tensor

International Journal of Theoretical Physics 54 (6), 1779-1783(2015)

M22 Математика

147 UC De, L Velimirović, S Mallick

On a type of spacetime International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 1750003

M23 Математика

148 Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović, Dragan S.

 Polynomially Riesz perturbations Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 408 (2013), 442-451.

M21 Matematika

Djordjević, Robin E. Harte149 Snežana Č. Živković-

Zlatanović, Dragan S. Djodjević, Robin E. Harte, Bhagwati  P. Duggal

On polynomially Riesz  operators Filomat, 28:1 (2014), 197-205. M21 Matematika

150 Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović, Miloš D. Cvetković,  Dragan S. Djodjević

 On closed upper and lower semi-Browder operators

Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 12 (2015), 1033-1045.

M22 Matematika

151 Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović, Robin E. Harte

Polynomially Riesz elements  Quaestiones Mathematicae, 38(4) (2015), 573-586.

M21 Matematika

152 Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović, Robin E. Harte

 Polynomially Riesz perturbations II Filomat, 29:9 (2015), 2125-2136. M21 Matematika

153 Dragan S. Djordjević, Robin E. Harte, Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović

 On simple permanence Quaestiones Mathematicae, 38(4) (2015), 515-528.

M21 Matematika

154 D. S. Djordjević, B. P. Duggal, S. Č. Živković-Zlatanović

Perturbations, quasinilpotentequivalence and communicating operators

 Mathematical Proceedingsof the Royal Irish Academy, 115A(1) (2015), 1-14.

M51 Matematika

155 B.P. Duggal, D.S. Djordjević, R.E. Harte, S.Č. Živković-Zlatanović

Polynomially meromorphic operators  Mathematical Proceedingsof the Royal Irish Academy, 116A(1) (2016), 71-86.

M51 Matematika

156 Miloš D. Cvetković, Enrico Boasso, Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović

Generalized B-Fredholm Banach algebra elements

Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 13 (5) (2016), 3729-3746.

M22 Matematika

157 Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović, Miloš D. Cvetković

Generalized Kato-Riesz decomposition and generalized Drazin-Riesz invertible operators

Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2016),

M22 Matematika

158 Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović

Some geometric characteristics and perturbations of semi-Fredholm operators

Filomat,30:11(2016),2869-2891. M22 Matematika

159 Miloš D. Cvetković, Snežana Č. Živković-Zlatanović

Generalized Kato decomposition and essential spectra

Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (2016), DOI: 10.1007/s11785-016-0626-4

M22 Matematika

160 Tatyana Micic, Dragoslav Gamma process model for timber-concrete Wood research, 61 (3): 2016, pp. 373- M23 Primenjena

Stojić, Miomir Stanković, Nikola Velimirović

composite beam deterioration prediction 384 matematika u inženjerstvu

161 Dragoslav Stojić, Nikola Velimirović, Radovan Cvetković

Probabilistic deterioration model for timber-concrete composite beam

Journal of Faculty of civil engineering, International conference Contemporary achievements in civil engineering 24. – 25. April 2014. Subotica, Serbia, pp 135-140, ISSN 0352 – 6852

M33 Primenjena matematika u inženjerstvu

162 Nemanja Marković, Dragoslav Stojić, Radovan Cvetković, Nikola Velimirović,

Crack detection in reinforce concrete beam elements with piezoelectric sensors

Journal of Faculty of civil engineering, International conference Contemporary achievements in civil engineering 24. – 25. April 2014. Subotica, Serbia, pp 123-128, ISSN 0352 – 6852

M33 Primenjena matematika u inženjerstvu

163 Mujahid Abbas, Dejan Ilić, Talat Nazir

Iterative Approximation of Fixed Points of Generalized Weak Presic Type k-Step Iterative Method for a Class of Operators

FILOMAT. 29:4, (2015), 713-724. M21 Matematika

164 Dejan Ilić, Mujahid Abbas, Talat Nazir

Iterative approximation of fixed points of Prešić operators on partial metric spaces

Mathematische Nachrichten, (2015) Vol. 288, Issue 14-15, 1634–1646.

M22 Matematika

165 Vladimir Pavlović, Dejan Ilić, Vladimir Rakočević

An extension of two fixed point theorems of Fisher to partial metric spaces

FILOMAT, 29:10 (2015), 2339–2345 M21 Matematika

166 Dejan Ilić, Vladimir Pavlović, Vladimir Rakočević

Three extensions of Ćirić quasicontraction on partial metric spaces

Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2013, 2013:303.

M21A Matematika

167 Dejan Ilić, Vladimir Pavlović, Vladimir Rakočević

Fixed points of mappings with a contractive iterate at a point in partial metric spaces

Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2013, 2013:335.

M21A Matematika

168 V. Pavlović, D.S. Cvetković-Ilić Completions of upper-triangular matrices to

Kato nonsingularity

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (2016) vol. 433:2, 1230-1242


169 V. Pavlović, D.S. Cvetković-Ilić

Applications of completions of operator matrices to reverse order law for {1}-inverses of operators on Hilbert spaces

Linear Algebra and its Applications (2015) 484, 219-236


170 V. Pavlović Remarks and comments on some recent Filomat (2015) 29:5, 1039-1041 Matematika

results171 Nebojša Č. Dinčić Matrix splittings and generalized inverses Publicationes Mathematicae

Debrecen, 74 (3-4) (2009), 233-247.M22 Математика

172 Nebojša Č. Dinčić Extending the Moore-Penrose inverse Filomat, 30:2 (2016), 419-428 M21 Математика173 Svetislav M. Minčić, Mića

S. Stanković, Ljubica S. Velimirović

Generalized Riemannian spaces and spaces of non-symmetric Affine Connection

University of Niš, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, 2013

M41 Matematika

174 Dragan Rakić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Space pre-order and minus partial order for operators on Banach spaces

Aequationes Mathematicae 85 (3) (2013), 429-448.

M22 Математика

175 Dragan S. Djordjević, Snežana Č. Živković Zlatanović, Robin E. Harte

Fredholm theory in irreducible C*-algebras Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 4:1

(2012), 39-44. 

M51 Математика

176 B. P. Duggal, D. S. Djordjević, Robin E. Harte

Consistent in invertibility operators and


Filomat 27 (5) (2013), 767-776.  М21 Математика

177 Nebojša Č. Dinčić, Dragan S. Djordjević 

Basic reverse order law and its equivalencies Aequationes Mathematicae 85 (3)

(2013), 505-517.

М21 Математика

178 Ivana M. Radojević, Dragan S. Djordjević 

Quasihyponormal and strongly hyponormal matrices in inner product spaces

Electronic. J. Linear Algebra  23 (2012), 1023-1039. 

М22 Математика

179 Milica Z. Kolundžija, Dijana Mosić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Further results on the generalized Drazin

inverse of block matrices in Banach algebras

Bull. Malaysian Math. Sci. Soc. 38 (2)

(2015), 483-498.

М21 Математика

180 Sladjana Miljković, Marko Miladinović, Predrag Stanimirović, Dragan S. Djordjević 

Scalar correction method for finding least-

squares solutions on Hilbert spaces and its


Appl. Math.Comput. 219 (18) (2013),


М21 Математика

181 Nebojša Č. Dinčić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Hartwig's triple reverse order law revisited

Linear Multilinear Algebra 62 (7) (2014), 918-924.  (Personal PDF) (Some citations)

М22 Математика

182 Nebojša Č. Dinčić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Identities concerning the reverse order law

for the Moore-Penrose inverse

Applied Math. Comput.  220 (1)

(2013), 439-445.  

М21 Математика

183 Janko Marovt, Dragan S. Star, left-star, and right-star partial orders in Linear Multilinear Algebra 63 (2) М22 Математика

Rakić, Dragan S. Djordjević Rickart *-rings (2015), 343-365. 

184 Sonja Radosavljević, Dragan S. Djordjević

On pairs of generalized and hypergeneralized

projections in a Hilbert space

Funct. Anal. Approx. Comput. 5 (2)

(2013), 67-75.

М51 Математика

185 Dragan Rakić, Nebojša Č. Dinčić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Core inverse and core partial order of Hilbert

space operators

Appl. Math. Comput. 244 (1) (2014), 283-302. 

М21 Математика

186 Dragan S. Rakić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Partial orders in rings based on generalized

inverses – unified theory

Linear Algebra Appl. 471 (2015),


М21 Математика

187 Dragan S. Rakić, Nebojša Č. Dinčić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Group, Moore-Penrose, core and dual core

inverse in rings with involution

Linear Algebra Appl. 463 (2014),


М21 Математика

188 Dragan S. Djordjević Reverse order law for the Moore-Penrose

inverse of closed-range adjointable operators

on Hilbert C*-modules

Matematički Bilten 38 (LXIV) no. 2 (2014), 5-11.

М53 Математика

189 Dragan S. Rakić, Dragan S. Djordjević

Star, sharp, core and dual core partial order

in rings with involution

Appl. Math. Comput. 259 (2015),


М21 Математика

190 Dragan S. Djordjević, Dragan S. Rakić and Janko Marovt:

Minus partial order in Rickart rings Publ. Math. Debrecen 87(3-4) (2015) 291-305.

М22 Математика

191 Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Dragan S. Djordjević

Solutions to some solvable modular operator


Funct. Anal. Appprox. Comput. 8 (1)

(2016), 7-13.

М51 Математика

192 Martin Ljubenović and

Dragan S. Djordjević

Linear preservers of weak majorization on

lp(I)+, when pϵ(1,∞)

Linear Algebra Appl. 497 (2016),


М21 Математика

193 Martin Ljubenović and

Dragan S. Djordjević

Linear preservers of weak majorization on

l1(I)+, when I is an infinite set

Linear Algebra Appl. 517 (2017),


М21 Математика

Департман за биологију и екологију (научни резултати у периоду 2013-2016.)

Р. Бр. Аутори Назив научног рада Часопис, волумен, година, стране Категоризација резултата

Научна област

1. Milosević Dj., Simic V., Stojković M., Čerba D., Mančev D., Petrović A., Paunović M.

Spatio-temporal pattern of the Chironomidae community: toward the use of non-biting midges in bioassessment programs

Aquatic Ecology (2013) 47:37-55 M22 Biologija

2. Stojković M., Simić V., Milošević Dj., Mančev D., Penczak T.

Visualization of fish community distribution patterns using the self-organizing map: A case study of the Great Morava River system (Serbia)

Ecological Modelling (2013), 248:20-29.

M22 Biologija

3. Zivic Ivana, Zivic Miroslav, Milosevic Djuradj, Bjelanovic Katarina, Stanojlovic Sanja, Daljevic Radoslav, Markovic Zoran

The effects of geothermal water inflow on longitudinal changes in benthic macroinvertebrate community composition of a temperate stream

Journal of thermal biology (2013), 38 (5): 255-263

M21 Biologija

4. Stojadinovic Dragana, Milosevic Djuradj, Crnobrnja-Isailovic Jelka

Righting time versus shell size and shape dimorphism in adult Hermann's tortoises: Field observations meet theoretical predictions

Animal biology (2013), 63 (4): 381-396 M23 Biologija

5. Zivic Ivana, Zivic Miroslav, Bjelanovic Katarina, Milosevic Djuradj,

Global warming effects on benthic macroinvertebrates: a model case study from a small geothermal stream

Hydrobiologia (2014), 732 (1): 147-159

M21 Biologija

Stanojlovic Sanja, Daljevic Radoslav, Markovic Zoran

6. Petrovic Ana, Simic Vladica, Milosevic Djuradj, Paunovic Momir, Sivec Ignac

Diversity and Distributional Patterns of Stoneflies (Insecta: Plecoptera) in the Aquatic Ecosystems of Serbia (Central Balkan Peninsula)

Acta Zoologica Bulgarica (2014), 66 (4): 517-526

M23 Biologija

7. Milošević Dj., Stojković M., Čerba D., Petrović A., Paunović M., Simić V. (2014).

Different aggregation approaches in the chironomid community and the threshold of acceptable information loss

Hydrobiologia (2014), 727:35-50. M21 Biologija

8. Stojković M., Milošević Dj., Simić S., Simić V.

Using a fish-based model to assess the ecological status of lotic systems in Serbia

Water Resources Management (2014), 28: 4615-4629.

M21 Biologija

9. Simić V., Simić S., Stojković Piperac M., Petrović A., Milošević Dj

Commercial fish species of inland waters: A model for sustainability assessment and management.

Science of the total environment (2014), 497-498: 642-650.

M21 Biologija

10. Petrović A., Milošević Dj., Paunović M., Simić S., Djordjević N., Stojković M., Simić V.

New data on distribution and ecology of mayflies larvae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of Serbia (Central part of Balkan Peninsula).

Turkish Journal of Zoology (2015), 39: 195-209.

M23 Biologija

11. Miloskovic Aleksandra, Dojcinovic Biljana, Kovacevic Simona, Radojkovic Natasa, Radenkovic Milena, Milosevic Djuradj, Simic Vladica

Spatial monitoring of heavy metals in the inland waters of Serbia: a multispecies approach based on commercial fish

Environmental science and pollution research, (2016), 23 (10): 9918-9933

M21 Biologija

12. Stojković Piperac M., Milošević Dj., Simić S., Simić V.

The utility of two marine community indices to assess the environmental degradation of lotic systems using fish communities

Science of the total environment (2016), 551–552: 1–8.

M21 Biologija

13. Simic Vladica, Simic Snezana, Paunovic Momir, Radojkovic Natasa, Petrovic Ana, Talevski Trajce, Milosevic Djuradj

The Alburnus benthopelagic fish species of the Western Balkan Peninsula: An assessment of their sustainable use

Science of the total environment (2016), 540: 410-417

M21 Biologija

14. Milosevic Djuradj, Cerba Artificial neural networks as an indicator Ecological indicators (2016), (2016), M21 Biologija

Dubravka, Szekeres Jozsef, Csanyi Bela, Tubic Bojana, Simic Vladica, Paunovic Momir

search engine: The visualization of natural and man-caused taxa variability


15. Jovanović B., Milošević Dj., Stojković Piperac M., Savić A.

In situ effects of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on community structure of freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates.

Environmental Pollution (2016), 213: 278–282

M21 Biologija

16. Stojković Piperac M., Milošević Dj., Simić V.

The application of the abundance/biomass comparison method on riverine fish assemblages: limits of use in lotic systems.

Biologica Nyssana (2015), 6:25-32. M52 Biologija

17. Vasov I. , Vulić I., Milošević Đ., Stojković Piperac M., Savić A.

Community composition of trichoptera (Caddisfly): how environmental factors affect community structure in lotic systems of urban area (City of Niš, Southeastern Serbia).

11. Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja. Vlasinsko jezero, 13-16. jun 2013. Knjiga apstrakta (str. 128-129.).

M34 Biologija

18. Rakić A., Aleksić B., Stojković Piperac M., Milošević Đ., Savić A.

Macroinvertebrate community structure and their utility in water quality assesment of lotic ecosystems in urban and suburban area (City of Niš, Southeastern Serbia).

11. Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja. Vlasinsko jezero, 13-16. jun 2013. Knjiga apstrakta (str. 128.).

M34 Biologija

19. Nikolić N., Ranđelović J., Milošević Đ., Stojković Piperac M., Savić A.

Qualitytive and quantitative composition of Ephemeroptera community in lotic systems of urban and suburban areas: the role of environmental factors (City of Niš, southeastern Serbia).

11. Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja. Vlasinsko jezero, 13-16. jun 2013. Knjiga apstrakta (str. 127.).

M34 Biologija

20. Milošević Dj, Stojković Piperac M., Čerba D., Paunović M., Simić V.

Defining chironomid pollution indicators using the best practicable aggregation of species method.

19th International Symposium on Chironomidae. České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 17-22 August 2014. Book of abstracts (p. 74).

M34 Biologija

21. Stojković Piperac M., Milošević D., Petrović A., Čerba D., Paunović M. & Simić V.

Can dipterans be used as a surrogate for rapid assessments of freshwater biodiversity?

The 8th Central European Dipterological Conference. Kežmarské Žľaby, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia, 28-30 September 2015. Book of abstracts (p. 38).

M34 Biologija

22. Milošević Dj., Stojković Piperac M., Petrović A., Čerba D., Paunović M. &

Concordance of Diptera taxa with different groups of freshwater biota in lotic system.

The 8th Central European Dipterological Conference. Kežmarské Žľaby, High Tatra Mountains,

M34 Biologija

Simić V. Slovakia, 28-30 September 2015. Book of abstracts (p. 29).

23. Stojković Piperac M., Milošević Dj., Čerba D., Petrović A., Paunović M. & Simić V.

How different taxonomic groups within macroinvertebrate community influence the strength of taxonomic distinctness index in lotic systems

2th Central European Symposium for Aquatic Macroinvertebrate research. Pecs, Hungary, 03-08. July 2016. Book of abstracts (p. 126).

M34 Biologija

24. Milošević Dj., Stojković Piperac M., Čerba D., Petrović A., Paunović M. & Simić V.

Macroinvertebrate taxonomic groups necessary for the reliable calculation of taxonomic distinctness index: potential metric for water and habitat quality assessment.

2th Central European Symposium for Aquatic Macroinvertebrate research. Pecs, Hungary, 03-08. July 2016. Book of abstracts (p. 79).

M34 Biologija

25. Branković S., Stojković Piperac M., Stamenković S.

Morphometric characteristics of barbel from Jerma river (southeastern Serbia).

11. Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih područja. Vlasinsko jezero, 13-16. jun 2013. Knjiga apstrakta (str. 67-68).

M34 Biologija


Zorica S. Mitić , Bojan K. Zlatković, Snežana Č. Jovanović, Gordana S. Stojanović, Petar D. Marin

Geographically related variation in epicuticular wax traits of Pinus nigra populations from Southern Carpathians and Central Balkans – taxonomic considerations

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 13, 2016, 1-12.

M22 Multidisciplinary


Bojan Zlatković, Zorica S. Mitić, Snežana Jovanović, Dmitar Lakušić, Branislava Lakušić, Jelena Rajković, Gordana Stojanović

Epidermal structures and composition of epicuticular waxes of Sedum album sensu lato (Crassulaceae) in Balkan Peninsula

Plant Biosystems, 2016,

M22 Plant Sciences


Zorica Šarac, Tanja Dodoš, Nemanja Rajčević, Srdjan Bojović, Petar D. Marin, Jelena M. Aleksić

Genetic patterns in Pinus nigra from the central Balkans inferred from plastid and mitochondrial data

Silva Fennica, 49, no. 5, 2015, article id 1415. 12 p.

M22 Forestry


Zorica Šarac, Jelena S. Matejić, Zorica Z. Stojanović-Radić, Jovana B. Veselinović, Ana M. Džamić, Srdjan Bojović, Petar D. Marin

Biological activity of Pinus nigra terpenes – evaluation of FtsZ inhibition by selected compounds as contribution to their antimicrobial activity

Computers in Biology and Medicine, 54, 2014, 72-78.

M22 Biology


Zorica Šarac, Srdjan Bojović, Biljana Nikolić, Vele

Chemotaxonomic significance of the terpene composition in natural populations

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 10, 2013, 1507-1520.

M22 Multidisciplinary

Tešević, Iris Đorđević, Petar D. Marin

of Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold from Serbia


Zorica Šarac, Jelena M. Aleksić, Tanja Dodoš, Nemanja Rajčević, Srdjan Bojović, Petar D. Marin

Cross-species amplification of nuclear EST-microsatellites developed for other Pinus species in Pinus nigra

Genetika, 47, 2015, 205-217. M23 Genetics & Heredity


Biljana Nikolić, Mihailo Ristić, Peđa Janačković, Jelica Novaković, Zorica Šarac, Nemanja Rajčević, Petar D. Marin

Essential oil composition of one-year-old Bosnian pine needles

International conference Reforestation Challenges, Proceedings, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, 282-287.

M33 Биологија


Zorica Šarac, Srdjan Bojović, Biljana Nikolić, Bojan K. Zlatković, Petar D. Marin

Application of canonical discriminant analysis in differentiation of natural populations of Pinus nigra in Serbia based on terpene composition

Biologica Nyssana, 5, 2014, 11-15. M53 Биологија

34. Stojičić, D., Tošić, S., Slavkovska, V., Zlatković, B., Budimir, S., Janošević, D., Uzelac, B.

Glandular trichomes and essential oil characteristics of in vitro propagated Micromeria pulegium (Rochel) Benth. (Lamiaceae)

PLANTA, 244(2); 393-404, (2016) M21 Biologija


Tosic, S., Stojicic, D., Stankov., Jovanovic, V., Mitic, V., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Zlatkovic, B.

Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of micropropagated and nativa Micromeria pulegium (Lamiaceae) extracts

Oxidation Communications, 38, No1, 55-66, (2015)

M23 Biologija


Tosic, S., Nikolić, S., Jovanović, M., Zlatković, B., Stojičić, D.

Micropropagation of Micromeria juliana (L.) Benth. ex Rchb. (Lamiaceae)

Biologica Nyssana, 6(1): 17-23, (2015) M53 Biologija


Tošić, S., Stojičić D., Janošević, D., Uzelac, B., Zlatković B., Budimir, S.

Micropropagation of Micromeria croatica 2nd International Conference on Plant Biology, 21th Symposium oh the serbian Plant Physiology Society, Petnica, (2015)

M34 Biologija


Tošić, S., Stojičić, D., Zlatković, B., Mitrović, T., Stamenković, S., Spasić, J., Šelmić, N.

Micropropagation of Micromeria pulegium.

11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring regions, Vlasina (2013)

M34 Biologija


B. Jovanović, V. Cvetković, T. Mitrović

Effects of human food grade titanium dioxide nanoparticle dietary exposure on Drosophila melanogaster survival, fecundity, pupation and expression of antioxidant gene

Chemosphere, 144, 43-49; 2016 M21 Biologija

40. N. Jovanović, V. Cvetković, The influence of ethyl acetate extract of 12th Symposium on the Flora of M34 Biologija

2. T. Mitrović, M. Mladenović, J. Arsić, M. Stanković, S. Stamenković

lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. on survival rate of Drosophila melanogaster

Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions. Kopaonik, Serbia, 16.6.-19.6., Book of Abstracts p. 125, Niš; 2016


S. Stamenković, S. Ristić, M. Marković, V. Cvetković, V. Novković, T. Mitrović

Monitoring of air quality at selected urban areas (Southern Serbia)

12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions. Kopaonik, Serbia, 16.6.-19.6., Book of Abstracts p. 64, Niš; 2016

M34 Biologija


M. Stanković, T. Mitrović, I. Matić, M. Topuzović, S. Stamenković

New values of Teucrium species: in vitro study of cytotoxic activities of secondary metabolites

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj – Napoca, 43 (1), 41-46; 2015

M23 Biologija


S. Najman, V. Cvetković, J. Najdanović, S. Stojanović, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, I. Vučković, D. Petrović

Ectopic osteogenic capacity of freshly isolated adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cells supported with platelet-rich plasma: A simulation of intraoperative procedure

Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 44(10), 1750-1760; 2016

M21 Biologija


J. Najdanović, V. Cvetković, S. Stojanović, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, M. Čakić-Milošević, J. Živković, S. Najman

Effects of bone tissue engineering triad components on vascularization process: comparative gene expression and histological evaluation in an ectopic bone-forming model

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 30(6), 1122-1131; 2016

M23 Biologija


N. Jovanović, V. Cvetković, T. Mitrović, M. Mladenović, J. Arsić, M. Stanković, S. Stamenković

The influence of ethyl acetate extract of lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. on survival rate of Drosophila melanogaster

12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions. Kopaonik, Serbia, 16.6.-19.6., Book of Abstracts p. 125, Niš; 2016

M34 Biologija


J. Živković, S. Stojanović, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, J. Najdanović, V. Cvetković, M. Čakić-Milošević, S. Najman

In vivo degradation of Bio-Oss® in implants loaded with macrophages treated with lipopolysaccharide

Serbian Ceramic Society Conference. Advanced Ceramics and Application V, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing. Serbia, 21.9.-23.9., Program and The Book of Abstracts, p. 47, Belgrade; 2016

M34 Biologija


V. Cvetković, S. Najman, J. Najdanović, S. Stojanović, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, M. Andrejev, J. Živković

Osteogenic potential of freshly isolated adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction cells and platelet-rich plasma loaded on bone mineral matrix in an ectopic bone-forming model

The Fifteenth Young Researchers' Conference - Materials Sciences and Engineering, 7. - 9. 12., Programme & The Book of Abstracts, p. 3, Belgrade; 2016

M34 Biologija


J. Najdanović, S. Najman, V. Cvetković, S. Stojanović, J. Živković, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, M. Čakić- Milošević

The impact of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in vitro induced into osteogenic cells on vascularization process in ectopic osteogenic implants.

The Fifteenth Young Researchers' Conference - Materials Sciences and Engineering, 7. - 9. 12., Programme & The Book of Abstracts, p. 2, Belgrade;

M34 Biologija


S.Najman, S.Stojanović, J. Živković, J. Najdanović, V. Cvetković, M. Vukelić-Nikolić

Triad in the concepts of bone tissue engineering

Mini-symposium “Biomechanics and Modelling of Biological Systems”, Mathematical Institute of SASA, Belgrade, Serbia, December 7, 2016

M32 Biologija


V. Cvetković, J. Najdanović, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, S. Stojanović, S. Najman

Osteogenic potential of in vitro osteo-induced adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells combined with platelet-rich plasma in an ectopic model

International Orthopaedics, 39(11), 2173-2180; 2015

M21 Biologija


J. Najdanović, V. Cvetković, S. Stojanović, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, M. Stanisavljević J. Živković, S. Najman

The influence of adipose-derived stem cells induced into endothelial cells on ectopic vasculogenesis and osteogenesis

Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 8(4), 577-590; 2015

M23 Biologija


S. Najman, D. Petrović, I. Vučković, J. Najdanović, V. Cvetković, S. Stojanović, J. Živković, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, S. Petrović, Ž. Mitić, M. Trajanović

From adipose tissue to the bone - our experimental studies

4th International Symposium on Adipobiology and Adipopharmacology (ISAA). Romania, 28.10.- 31.10., Romanian Journal of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Abstratcs of 4th International Symposium on Adipobiology and Adipopharmacology (ISAA), Vol. 22 (2015) / Supp. 2, pp. 38-39, Bucharest; 2015

M34 Biologija


S. Najman, Lj. Đorđević, P. Vasiljević, M. Ćirić, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, J. Živković, S. Stojanović, J. Najdanović, J. Rajković, V. Cvetković, M. Stanisavljević, I. Vučković, Z. Golubović, Z. Ajduković, D. Petrović, Ž. Mitić, S. Petrović, I. Golubović, D. Mihailović, M. Trajanović

Bone tissue engineering on experimental models

Serbian Ceramic Society Conference Advanced Ceramics and Application IV, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing. Serbia, 21.9-23.9., Program and The Book of Abstracts, pp. 86-87, Belgrade; 2015

M34 Biologija


T. Mihajilov-Krstev, B. Jovanović, J. Jović, B. Ilić, D. Miladinović, J. Matejić, J. Rajković, Lj. Djordjević, V. Cvetković, B. Zlatković

Antimicrobial, аntioxidative, and insect repellent effects of Artemisia absinthium essential oil

Planta Medica, 80(18), 1698-1705; 2014

M21 Biologija

55. J. Rajković, S. Najman, S. Early fracture healing in ovariectomized Thirteenth Young Researchers’ M34 Biologija

19 Stojanović, Lj. Đorđević, V. Cvetković, Z Ajduković.

rats femur helped with alfacalcidol and platelet-rich plasma on bio-oss carrier

Conference - Materials Science and Engineering. Serbia, 10.12.-12.12., Programme and The Book of Abstracts, p. 8, Belgrade; 2014


J. Najdanović, S. Najman, V. Cvetković, D. Tricković, J. Živanov-Čurlis, J. Zivković, M. Trajanović

The effect of endothelial supplements on endothelial cell differentiation of BALB/c mice adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal cells in vitro

EORS 2014, 22nd Annual Meeting. France, 2.7.-4.7., Conference programme, P2.5-Bone Regeneration & Tissue Engineering, p. 40, Nantes; 2014

M34 Biologija


J. Najdanović, V. Cvetković, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, J. Živković, S. Stojanović, S. Najman

Examination of in vitro neovasculogenic potential of mice adipose-derived stem cells

V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society. Serbia, 28.9.-2.10., Book of Abstracts, p. 94, Kladovo; 2014

M34 Biologija


V. Cvetković, J. Najdanović, M.Vukelić-Nikolić, M. Stanisavljević, J. Rajković, J. Živković, S. Stojanović, S. Najman

Gene expression pattern of some bone-related markers in in vitro osteoinduced adipose-derived stem cells isolated from Balb/c Mice

V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society. Serbia, 28.9.-2.10., Book of Abstracts, p. 105, Kladovo; 2014

M34 Biologija


V. Cvetković, S. Najman, J. Najdanović, M. Stanisavljević, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, S. Stojanović, J. Rajković

Histochemical analysis of in vivo osteogenic processes in constructs consisted of adipose-derived stem cells, platelet-rich plasma and bone mineral matrix

The 33rd Balkan Medical Week. Romania, 8.10.-11.10., Archives of the Balkan Medical Union. Vol. 49, Supplement I, A93, Bucharest; 2014

M34 Biologija


J. Najdanović, S. Najman, V. Cvetković, J. Živković, S. Stojanović, M. Stanisavljavić, M. Vukelić-Nikolić, J. Živanov-Čurlis

Neovasculogenic and osteogenic potential of adipose-derived stem cells implanted in combination with bone mineral matrix and platelet-rich plasma at ectopic site

The 33rd Balkan Medical Week. Romania, 8.10.-11.10., Archives of the Balkan Medical Union. Vol. 49, Supplement I, A111, Bucharest; 2014

M34 Biologija


V. Cvetković, S. Najman, J. Rajković, A. Žabar, P. Vasiljević, Lj. Djordjević, M. Trajanović

A comparison of the microarchitecture of lower limb long bones between some animal models and humans: a review

Veterinarni Medicina, 58(7), 339-351; 2013

M22 Biologija


J. Živković, S. Stojanović, J. Najdanović, D. Tričković-Vukić, M. Stanisavljavić, M. Vukelić, J.Rajković, V. Cvetković, J. Živanov-Čurlis, S. Najman

Procena produkcije slobodnih radikala kiseonika u peritonealnim makrofagima miša semikvantitativnim mikroskopskim NBT testom

Drugi kongres Život sa slobodnim radikalima: Hemija, Biologija, Medicina, Srbija, 28.9., Knjiga sažetaka, p. 62, Niš; 2013

M64 Biologija


Savić A., Ranđelović, V., Đorđević, M.,

The influence of environmental factors on the structure Caddisfly (Trichoptera)

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (2013) 409 (03),

M22 bioloske nauke

Karadžić, B., Đokić, M. & Krpo-Ćetković, J.

assemblage in the Nišava River (Central Balkan Peninsula).


Savić A. Ranđelović, V., Đorđević, M. & Pešić, V.

Ecological study of fresh water snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) assemblage in the Nišava River (Central Balkan Peninsula).

Acta Zoologica Bulgarica (2016)

M23 bioloske nauke


Savić, A., Dmitrović, D., & Pešić, V.

Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera assemblage of karst springs in relation to environmental factors: a case study in central Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Turkish Journal of Zoology (2016)doi:10.3906/zoo-1512-31

M23 bioloske nauke


Gligorović, B., Savić, A., Protić, Lj. & Pešić, V.

Ecological patterns of water bugs (Heteroptera) assemblages in karst springs: a case study in central Montenegro.

Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies (2016)Accepted

M23 bioloske nauke


Pešić, V., Dmitrović, D., Savić, A. & von Fumetti, S.

Studies on eucrenal-hypocrenal zonation of springs along the river mainstream: a case study of a karst canyon in Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Biologia (2016) 71, 809-817 M23 bioloske nauke


Dmitrović, D., Savić, A. & Pešić, V.

Discharge, substrate type and a temperature as a factors affecting the gastropod assemblages in springs in North-Western Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Archives of Biological Sciences (2016)68 (3), 613-621. 

M23 bioloske nauke


Vukašinović-Pešić, V., Blagojević, N., Vukanović, S., Savić, A. & Pešić, V

Heavy metal concentrations in different tissues of the snail Viviparus mamillatus (Küster, 1852) from lacustrine and riverine environments in Montenegro.

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (2016)

M23 bioloske nauke


Rajković J, Stojanović S, Đorđević Lj, Cvetković T, Najman S.

Locally applied cholecalciferol and alfacalcidol act differently on healing of femur defects filled with bone mineral matrix and platelet-rich plasma in ovariectomized rats.

Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 2015; 29(5): 963-969.

M23 Biologija


Đorđević Ljubiša, Najman Stevo, Vasiljević Perica, Miljković Miroslav, Ignjatović Nenad, Uskoković Dragan, Plavšić Milenko.

Scanning electron microscopy analysis of changes of hydroxiapatite/poly-l-lactide with different molecular weight of PLLA after intraperitoneal implantation.

Acta Veterinaria 2016; 66(2): 234-244. M23 Biologija


Đorđević Ljubiša B, Vasiljević Perica J, Najman Stevo J.

Koncept i strategije u inženjeringu kostnog tkiva.

Glasnik Antropološkog društva Srbije 2015; 51: 35-46.

M52 Biologija


Nikola Stanković, Jelena Matejić, Nataša Joković, Jelena Rajković, Ljubiša Đorđević, Tatjana Mihajilov-Krstev.

Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Allium cepa L. dried scales extracts.

12th Symposium on Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Kopaonik Mt. Serbia June 16-19 2016, Book of abstracts, p.  133.

M34 Biologija


Jelena Rajković, Ljubiša Đorđević, Nataša Joković, Jelena Matejić, Nikola Stanković, Tatjana Mihajilov-Krstev, Bojan Zlatković.

Topical anti-inflammatory activity of essential oils of Petasites hybridus subsp. ochroleucus.

12th Symposium on Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Kopaonik Mt. Serbia June 16-19  2016, Book of abstracts, p. 132.

M34 Biologija


Vasiljević P, Aleksić M, Žabar A, Đorđević Lj, Vukelić M, Jokanović V, Najman S.

The effect of HAP-alginate composite on the differentiation of bone marrow cells.

Advanced Ceramics and Applications IV, Belgrade, Serbia, September 21-23, 2015, Program and the Book of abstracts, p. 75.

M34 Biologija


Ćirić Milan, Najman Stevo, Bojanić Vladmila, Bojanić Zoran, Cekić Snežana, nešić Milkica, Puškaš Nela, Branković Suzana, Veljković Milica, Gočmanac Marija, Djordjević Ljubiša.

Effect of simvastatin on mass of the femur and tibia of rats following neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate.

53rd congress of Anthropological Society of Serbia with international participation, Vranje, Serbia, June 04-07, 2014, Programme and Abstracts, p. 99.

M34 Biologija


Aleksić M, Žabar A, Rajković J, Vasiljević P, Đorđević Lj, Mitić Ž, Najman S.

Comparison of biocompatibility of three materials based on porous apatite.

The Fifteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2013, Herceg Novi, September 2-6, 2013, Programme and the book of Abstracts, p 139.

M34 Biologija


Rajković J, Šorgić D, Đorđević Lj, Joković N, Ilić B, Miladinović D, Stojanović N, Mihajilov-Krstev T.

Acute oral toxicity of Artemisia absinthium essential oil on female BALB/c mice.

11th Symposium of the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Vlasina Lake, September 13-16, 2013, Book of abstracts, p 76-77.

M34 Biologija


Aleksić M, Rajković J, Vasiljević P, Đorđević Lj, Miljković M, Najman S, Jokanović V.

Biocompatibility screening of biomaterial based on porous apatite with a film of alginate polymer.

Serbian Ceramic Society Conference. Advanced ceramics and application II, Belgrade, Serbia, September 30 – October 1, 2013, Program and the Book of Abstracts p 53.

M34 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D.

Morphological variation of Jovibarba heuffelii (Crassulaceae) in the central Balkan Peninsula - The impact of geological, orographical and bioclimatic factors on the differentiation of populations.

Phytotaxa, 203(3), 2015, 213-230. M22 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Spasić, M., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D.

Morphometric analysis of nectaries and their potential use in the taxonomy of the Jovibarba heuffelii complex (Crassulaceae).

Archive of Biological Sciences, 67(2), 2015, 511-524.

M23 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Kuzmanović, N., Walter, J., Lakušić, D., Ranđelović, V., Letz D. R.

Lectotypification of some names in the Jovibarba heuffelii group (Crassulaceae).

Phytotaxa 174 (4), 2014, 206-222. M22 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D.

The influence of orographical and bioclimatic factors on morphological variability of analyzed characters of Jovibarba heuffelii (Schott) A. Löve & D. Löve (Crassulaceae).

Biologica Nyssana, 6(1), 2015, 1-9. M53 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D.

Eco-morphological differentiation of populations of Jovibarba heuffelii (Scott) A. Love & D. Love (Crassulaceae).

11. Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne srbije i susednih regiona. Vlasinsko jezero. Srbija. Knjiga apstrakta, 2013, p. 33.

M34 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Spasić, M., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D.

Morphometric analysis of nectaries of Jovibarba heuffelii (Schott) A. Love & D. Love (Crassulaceae).

4. Hrvatski Botanički Simpozij s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. Split, Hrvatska. Knjiga sažetaka, 2013, 194-195.

M34 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D.

The influence of orographic and bioclimatic factors on morphological variability of analyzed population of Jovibarba heuffelii (Schott) A. Löve & D. Löve (Crassulaceae).

6 Balkan Botanical Congress, Rjeka, Croatia Book of abstracts, 2015, 92-93.

M34 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D.

Morphological differentiation of the South Serbian Bolboschoenus taxa.

12. Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne Srbije i susednih regiona. Kopaonik, Srbija. Knjiga apstrakta, 2016, 27-28.

M34 Biologija


Nikolić, D., Marković, M., Raca, I.,

Taxonomical analysis of herbarium specimens deposited in HMN (Herbarium

12. Simpozijum o flori jugoistočne srbije i susednih regiona. Kopaonik. Srbija. Knjiga

M34 Biologija

Ljubisavljević, I. Moesiacum Niš). apstrakta, 2016, 31.89.10

Maksimović, M., Nikolić, D., Jenačković, D., Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V.

Does differentiation between Typha species in terms of micromorphological characters exist?

5. Kongres of ecologist of the Republic of Macedonia, with International parcipitation. Ohrid, Macedonia. Abstract book, 2016, 84.

M34 Biologija


Dimitrijević M, Stanojević S, Kuštrimović N, Mitić K, Vujić V, Aleksić I, Radojević K, Leposavić G.

The influence of aging and estradiol to progesterone ratio on rat macrophage phenotypic profile and NO and TNF-α production.

Experimental Gerontology 2013, 48 (11): 1243-1254.

M21 Биологија


Radulović NS, Filipović SI, Zlatković DB, Đorđević MR, Stojanović NM, Randjelović PJ, Mitić KV, Jevtović-Stoimenov TM, Ranđelović VN.

Immunomodulatory pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the liverwort Porella cordaeana (Porellaceae): The “new old” furanopinguisanol and its oxidation product exert mutually different effects on rat splenocytes.

RSC Advances 2016, 6 (48): 41847-41860. M21 Hemija, multidisciplinarne nauke


Stanojević S, Dimitrijević M, Kuštrimović N, Mitić K, Vujić V, Leposavić G.

Adrenal hormone deprivation affects macrophage catecholamine metabolism and β2-adrenoceptor density, but not propranolol stimulation of tumour necrosis factor-α production.

Experimental Physiology 2013, 98 (3): 665-678.

M22 Fiziologija


Stanojević S, Kuštrimović N, Mitić K, Vujić V, Aleksić I, Dimitrijević M.

Peritoneal mast cell degranulation differently affected thioglycollate-induced macrophage phenotype and activity in Dark Agouti and Albino Oxford rats.

Life Sciences 2013, 93 (16): 564-572. M22 Фarmakologija i farmacija


Radulović NS, Zlatković DB, Mitić KV, Randjelović PJ, Stojanović NM.

Synthesis, spectral characterization, cytotoxicity and enzyme-inhibiting activity of new ferrocene-indole hybrids.

Polyhedron 2014, 80: 134-141. M22 Hemija, neorganska i nuklearna


Stanojević S, , Kuštrimović N, Mitić K,, Vujić V,

Role of mast cells and C-sensory fibers in concanavalin-A induced paw edema in two rat strains

Inflammation 2015, 38 (4): 1434-1449. M22 Imunologija

Dimitrijević M. 96.7.

Živković I, Rajnpreht I,, Minić R, Mitić K,, Aleksić I, Kadrić J, Petrušić V.

Characterization of Intor:Swiss albino mice adopted in the Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera -Torlak, Belgrade in the early twentieth century

Acta Veterinaria 2016, 66 (3): 279-293 M22 Veterinarske nauke


Kovačević-Jovanović V, Miletić T, Stanojević S,, Mitić K, Dimitrijević M.

Strain differences in the humoral immune response to commensal bacterial antigens in rats

Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 2013, 60 (3): 271-288.

M23 Imunologija


Kovačević-Jovanović V, Miletić T, Stanojević S,, Mitić K, Dimitrijević M.

Immune response to gut Escherichia coli and susceptibility to adjuvant arthritis in rats.

Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 2015, 62 (1): 1-19.

M23 Imunologija


Mitić K, Živković I, Muhandes L, Minić R, Petrušić V.

Optimization and validation of ELISA for pre-clinical trials of influenza vaccine.

Folia Biologica (Praha), 6, 2016. M23 Biologija


Stojanović NM, Blagojević PD, Randjelović PJ, Mitić KV, Miltojević AB, Radulović NS.

Polypharmacological properties of Choisya ternata Kunth essential oil constituents. Esters of N-methyl anthranilic acid- a new panacea?

45th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Istanbul, 07.09.-10.09.2014.

M32 Imunofarmakologija


Stojanović NM, Radulović NS, Randjelović PJ, Ilić IR, Miltojević AB, Mitić KV, Krstić V, Blagojević PD.

Effects of methyl and isopropil N-methylanthranilates from Choisya ternata Kunth (Ruthaceae) in rat models of different diseases.

2nd International Conference on Natural Product Utilization, Plovdiv, 14.10.-17.10.2015.

M32 Imunofarmakologija


Stojanović N, Radulović N, Filipović S, Zlatković D, Đorđević M, Randjelović P, Mitić K, Jevtović-

Immunomodulatory activity of pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the essential oil of the liverwort Porella cordaeana (Hub.) Moore (Porellaceae).

47th International Symposium on Essential Oils, Nica, 11.09.-14.09.2016.

M32 Imunofarmakologija

Stoimenov T, Ranđelović V.


Stanojević S, Dimitrijević M, Kuštrimović N, Mitić K, Pilipović I, Radojević K, Vujić V, Leposavić G.

Neuroendokrino/parakrino/autokrino modulatorno delovanje kateholamina na sekretornu aktivnost makrofaga: uticaj glukokortikoida.

Svetski dan imunologije- Imunski sistem i patološka stanja: mehanizmi i modulacija. SANU, Beograd, 23.04.2013.

M64 Neuroimunomodulacija


Lazarević, J., Stojičić, D., Keča, N.

Effects of temperature, pH and carbon and nitrogen sources on growth of in vitro cultures of ectomycorrhizal isolates from Pinus heldreichii forest

Forest Systems 25: Issue 1, e048 (2016) M 22 Biologija

105. Colic M, Dzopalic T, Tomic S, Rajkovic J, Rudolf R, Vukovic G, Marinkovic A, Uskokovic P.

Immunomodulatory effects of carbon nanotubes functionalized with a Toll-like receptor 7 agonist on human dendritic cells

Carbon 2014; 67: 273-287. M21 Биологија

106. Tomić S, Dokić J, Vasilijić S, Ogrinc N, Rudolf R, Pelicon P, Vučević D, Milosavljević P, Janković S, Anžel I, Rajković J, Rupnik MS, Friedrich B, Colić M

Size-Dependent Effects of Gold Nanoparticles Uptake on Maturation and Antitumor Functions of Human Dendritic Cells In Vitro

PLoS One 2014; 9(5): e96584. M21 Биологија

107. Ignjatovic N, Ajdukovic Z, Rajkovic J, Najman S, Mihailovic D, Uskokovic D

Enhanced Osteogenesis of Nanosized Cobalt-substituted Hydroxyapatite

Journal of Bionic Engineering 2015; 12(4): 604–612.

M21 Биологија

108. Zlatkovic B, Mitic Z, Jovanovic S, Lakusic D, Lakusic B, Rajkovic J,

Epidermal structures and composition of epicuticular waxes of Sedum album sensu lato (Crassulaceae) in Balkan Peninsula

Plant Biosystems 2016;

M22 Биологија

Stojanovic G 8971

109. Kostić M, Rajković J, Potić Floranović M, Dimov I, Pavlović D.

Multiple sclerosis and oxidative stress - a clinical perspective

Neurochemical Journal 2013; 7(1):76-86. M23 Биологија

110. Kostić M, Krunić N, Najman S , Nikolić Lj , Nikolić V, Rajković J, Petrović M, Igić M, Ignjatović A

Artificial saliva effect on toxic substances release from acrylic resins.

Vojnosanit Pregl 2015; 72(10): 899–905 M23 Биологија

111. Janić J, Mijović Ž, Mihailović D, Živković N, Rajković J, Najman S


Acta Medica Medianae 2016; 55(2):35-39 M52 Биологија

112. Joković N, Rajković J, Veljović K, Tolinački M, Topisirović Lj.

Screening of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Serbian kajmak for use in starter cultures.

Biologica Nyssana 2014; 5(1): 37-46 M53 Биологија

113. Rajković J, Joković N. Probiotic properties and safety assessment of lactic acid bacteria isolated from kajmak.

Biologica Nyssana 2015; 6(2): 27-35. M53 Биологија

114. Nikola Korunović, Jelena Rajković, Slađana Petrović, Stevo Najman, Dragan Mihailović.

Application of Computed Tomography in Diagnostics and Management of Osteoporosis.

6th International ICT Conference, Nish, Serbia, October 14-16, 2014, pp 141-146.

M33 Биологија

115. Stojanović S, Mitić Ž, Miljković M, Rajković J, Trajanović M, Najman S.

SEM-EDX Analysis of Bio-Oss® Granules After Incubation In Cell Culture Medium

Proceedings of the III Advanced Ceramics and Applications Conference, Chapter 18, W.E. Lee et al. (eds.) Atlantis Press and the author(s) 2016:259-264. doi: 10.2991/978-94-6239-157-4.

M33 Биологија

116. Rajković J, Cvetković T, Najman S, Boričić M, Ajduković Z, Krstić V, Trajanović M.

Biochemical parametars and CT scanner analysis as indicators of experimental model of postmenopusal osteoporosis induced by ovariectomy.

11thSymposium of the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Vlasina Lake, September 13-16, 2013, Book of abstracts, p 77-78.

M34 Биологија

117. Ajduković Z, Ignjatović N, Petrović N, Rajković J, Kenić-Marinković D, Najman S, Uskoković D.

Nanoparticles Ca/Co-HAp in the treatment of weakened bones jaw tegmenta.

The Fifteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2013, Herceg Novi, September 2-6, 2013, Programme and the book of Abstracts, p 147.

M34 Биологија

118. Matejić J, Stanković N, Fermentation of meadow honey with The International Conference on Natural M34 Биологија

Ćirić J, Kostić M, Rajković J, Stojanović-Radić Z, Mihajilov-Krstev T, Joković N.

probiotic bacteria. Products Utilization: From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf, Bansko, Bulgaria, November 3-6, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p 170.

119. Ajduković Z, Petrović N, Ignjatović N, Mihajilov-Krstev T, Rajković J, Kenic-Marinković D, Uskoković D.

Hemolytic, antimicrobial and histological analysis of nanocomposite biomaterials based on HAp and polymers.

Thirteenth Young Researchers' Conference - Materials Science and Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, December 10-12, 2014, Programme and The Book of Abstracts, p 5.

M34 Биологија

120. Stojanović S, Najman S, Miljković M, Mitić Ž, Rajković J, Trajanović M.

Analysis of the Surface of Bio-Oss® Particles after Incubation in Cell Culture Medium using Scanning Electron Microscopy.

The Third Serbian Ceramic Society Conference »Advanced Ceramics and Application III«, Belgrade, Serbia, September 29 – October 1, 2014, Proogramme and The book of abstract, p 127.

M34 Биологија

121. Ajduković Z, Ignjatović N, Petrović N, Rajković J, Kenić-Marinković D, Najman S, Mihailović D, Uskoković D.

Interaction of nanoparticles and biological fluids.

The Sixteenth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2014, Herceg Novi, September 1-5, 2014, Programme and The Book of Abstracts, p 113.

M34 Биологија

122. Stanković, N., Matejić, J., Joković, N., Rajković, J., Đorđević, Mihajilov-Krstev, T.

Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Allium cepa L. dried scales extracts

11th Symposium of the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Kopaonik, June 16-19, 2016, Book of abstracts, p 133.

M34 Биологија

123. Rajković, J., Đorđević, Lj., Joković, N., Matejić, J., Stanković, N., Zlatković, B., Mihajilov-Krstev, T.

Topical anti-inflammatory activity of essential oils of Petasites hybridus subsp. Ochroleucus

11th Symposium of the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Kopaonik, June 16-19, 2016, Book of abstracts, p 132.

M34 Биологија


Ristic Svetlana  Rankovic Branislav R  Kosanic Marijana M  Stanojkovic Tatjana P  Stamenkovic Slavisa M  Vasiljevic Perica J  Manojlovic Ivana  Manojlovic Nedeljko T

Phytochemical study and antioxidant, antimicrobial and anticancer activities of Melanelia subaurifera and Melanelia fuliginosa lichens

JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE, (2016), vol. 53 br. 6, str. 2804-2816

M21 Биологија


Bursac-Mitrovic Marija  Milovanovic

Effects of L-Ascorbic Acid and Alpha-Tocopherol on Biochemical Parameters of


M23 Биологија

Dragan R  Mitic Radoslav V  Jovanovic Danijela  Sovrlic Miroslav M  Vasiljevic Perica J  Tomovic Jovica  Manojlovic Nedeljko T 

Swimming-Induced Oxidative Stress in Serum of Guinea Pigs

MEDICINES, (2016), vol. 13 br. 4, str. 29-33


Cvetkovic Milena  Vasiljevic Perica J 

Handedness and Phenotypic Characteristics of the Head and Face

GENETIKA-BELGRADE, (2015), vol. 47 br. 2, str. 723-731

M23 Биологија


Sovrlic Miroslav M  Vasiljevic Perica J  Juskovic Marina Z  Maskovic Pavle Z  Manojlovic Nedeljko T 

Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Profiles of Extracts of Daphne alpina (Thymelaeaceae) L Leaf and Twig from Mt Kopaonik (Serbia)

TROPICAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH, (2015), vol. 14 br. 7, str. 1239-1248

M23 Биологија


Stojanovic Igor Z  Najman Stevo J  Jovanovic Olga P  Petrovic Goran M  Najdanovic Jelena G  Vasiljevic Perica J  Smelcerovic Andrija A 

Effects of Depsidones from Hypogymnia physodes on HeLa Cell Viability and Growth

FOLIA BIOLOGICA, (2014), vol. 60 br. 2, str. 89-94

M22 Биологија


Mitic Violeta D  Stankov-Jovanovic Vesna P  Ilic Marija D  Vasiljevic Perica J  Zabar Andrea Lj  Stojanovic Gordana S 

The antioxidant, hemolytic and cholinesterase inhibition properties of Galium verum L. and Tragopogon pratensis subsp pratensis

BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, (2014), vol. 46 br. 2, str. 269-276

M23 Биологија


Kosanic Marijana M  Rankovic Branislav R  Stanojkovic TatjanaP  Vasiljevic Perica J  Manojlovic Nedeljko T 

Biological Activities and Chemical Composition of Lichens from Serbia

EXCLI JOURNAL, (2014), vol. 13 br. , str. 1226-1238

M22 Биологија

131. Ignjatovic Nenad L  Ajdukovic Zorica R  Savic Vojin P  Najman Stevo J  Mihailovic Dragan S  Vasiljevic Perica J  Stojanovic Zoran S  Uskokovic Vuk  Uskokovic

Nanoparticles of cobalt-substituted hydroxyapatite in regeneration of mandibular osteoporotic bones


M21 Биологија

Dragan P 132.1

Tomović, G., Niketić, M., Lakušić, D., Ranđelović, V., Stevanović, V.

Balkan endemic plants in Central Serbia and Kosovo regions: distribution patterns, ecological characteristics and centres of diversity.

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176(2), 2014: 173-202.

M21 Биологија


Radulović, N. S., Filipović, S. I., Zlatković, D. B., Đorđević, M. R., Stojanović, N. M., Randjelović, P. J., Mitić, K.V., Jevtović-Stoimenov, T.M., Ranđelović, V. N.

Immunomodulatory pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the liverwort Porella cordaeana (Porellaceae): the “new old” furanopinguisanol and its oxidation product exert mutually different effects on rat splenocytes. 

RSC Advances, 6(48), 2016: 41847-41860. M21 Хемија


Vukojičić, S., Jakovljević, K., Matevski, V., Ranđelović, V., Niketić, M., Lakušić, D.

Distribution, Diversity and Conservation of Boreo-Montane Plant Species in the Central Part of the Balkan Peninsula and the Southern Part of the Pannonian Plain.

Folia Geobotanica 49(4), 2014: 487-505. M22 Биологија


Nikolić, D., Kuzmanović, N., Walter, J., Lakušić, D., Ranđelović, V., Letz, D. R.

Lectotypification of some names in the Jovibarba heuffelii group (Crasulaceae).

Phytotaxa 174(4), 2014: 206-222. M22 Биологија


Harpke, D., Carta, A., Tomović, G., Ranđelović, V., Ranđelović, N., Blattner, F. R., Peruzzi, L.

Phylogeny, karyotype evolution and taxonomy of Crocus series Verni (Iridaceae).

Plant Systematics and Evolution 301(1), 2015: 309-325.

M22 Биологија


Harpke, D., Peruzzi, L., Kerndorff, H., Karamplianis, Th., Constantinidis, Th., Ranđelović, V., Ranđelović, N., Jušković, M., Pasche, E., Blattner, F. R.

Phylogeny, geographic distribution and new taxonomic circumscription of the Crocus reticulatus species group (Iridaceae).

Turkish Journal of Botany 38(6), 2014: 1182-1198.

M22 Биологија


Dekić, M. S., Radulović, N. S.,

Essential Oils and Diethyl Ether Extracts of Serbian Xeranthemum cylindraceum and X.

Chemistry and Biodiversity 12(9), 2015: 1378-1397.

M22 Hemijske nauke,

Ranđelović, V. N., Stojanović-Radić, Z. Z., Veljković, B. P.

annum: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial Activity, and Chemotaxonomic Implications.

Biološke nauke


Nikolić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., Lakušić, D.

Morphological variation of Jovibarba heuffelii (Crassulaceae) in the central Balkan Peninsula—The impact of geological, orographical and bioclimatic factors on the differentiation of populations.

Phytotaxa 203(3), 2015: 213-230. M22 Biološke nauke


Jenačković, D. D., Zlatković, I. D.,Lakušić, D. V., Ranđelović, V. N.

Macrophytes as bioindicators of the physicochemical characteristics of wetlands in lowland and mountain regions of the central Balkan Peninsula.

Aquatic Botany, 134, 2016: 1-9 M22 Biološke nauke


Miljković, M., Ranđelović, V., Harpke, D.

A new species of Crocus (Iridaceae) from southern Albania (SW Balkan Peninsula). 

Phytotaxa, 265(1), 2016, 39-49. M22 Biološke nauke


Nikolić, D., Šinžar-Sekulić, J., Ranđelović, V., & Lakušić, D.

Morphological variation of Jovibarba heuffelii (Crassulaceae) in the central Balkan Peninsula—The impact of geological, orographical and bioclimatic factors on the differentiation of populations

Phytotaxa, 203(3), 2015, 213-230 M22 Biološke nauke


Matejić, J. S., Džamić, A, M., Ćirić, A. D., Krivošej, Z. Đ., Ranđelović, V. N., Marin, P. D.

Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of extracts of four Peucedanum L. species

Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 8(2), 2013: 655-665.

M23 Biološke nauke


Savić, A., Ranđelović, V., Đorđević, M., Karadžić, B., Đokić, M. Krpo-Ćetković, J.

The influence of environmental factors on the structure of caddisfly (Trichoptera) assemblage in the Nišava River (Central Balkan Peninsula).

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 409(3), 2013: 1-18.

M23 Biološke nauke


Matejić, J. S., Džamić, A. M., Mihajilov-Krstev, T. M., Ranđelović, V. N., Krivošej, Z. Đ., Marin, P.D.

Total phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of extracts from Tordylium maximum.

Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 3(1): 55-59

M23 Hemijske nauke


Matejić, J. S., Džamić, A. M., Mihajilov-Krstev, T. M., Ranđelović, V. N., Mileski, K. S., Marin,

Total phenolic and flavonoid contents and biological activities of Cachrys cristata DC. extracts.

Archives of Biological Sciences 66(3), 2014: 1117-1123.

M23 Biološke nauke

P. D.147.16

Crnobrnja-Isailović, J., Dinov, J., Isailović, O., Ranđelović, V.

Westernmost record of Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) in the Rhodope Massif, Serbia.

Herpetozoa 27(3-4), 2014: 162-165 M23 Biološke nauke


Miladinović, D.L., Ilić, B.S., Matejić, J.S., Randjelović, V.N., Nikolić, D.M.

Chemical composition of the essential oil of Geum coccineum.

Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 51 (4), 2015: 785-786

M23 Hemijske nauke


Lakušić, D., Ranđelović, V., & Di Pietro, R.

Nomenclature adjustments to neglected syntaxa of the tall-herb hygrophilous communities of the SE-Europe. 

Periodicum biologorum, 117(3), 2015, 383-397.

M23 Biološke nauke


Jenačković, D. D., Zlatković, I. D., Lakušić, D. V., & Ranđelović, V. N.

The assessment of seasonal variability in emergent macrophyte communities.

Biologia, 71(3), 2016: 287-297. M23 Biološke nauke


Matejic, J. S., Dzamic, A. M., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Ristic, M. S., Randelovic, V. N., Krivošej, Z. Ð., & Marin, P. D.

Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties of Essential Oil and Extracts from Heracleum sphondylium L. 

Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 19(4), 2016: 944-953.

M23 Hemijske nauke


Milenkovic-Andjelkovic, A. S., Andjelkovic, M. Z., Radovanovic, A. N., Radovanovic, B. C., & Randjelovic, V.

Phenol composition, radical scavenging activity and antimicrobial activity of berry leaf extracts. 

Bulgarian Chemical CommunicationS, 48(1), 2016: 27-32.

M23 Hemijske nauke


Matejić, J., Džamić, A., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Ranđelović, V., & Marin, P.

Antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of Opopanax hispidus (Apiaceae) extracts. .

Lekovite sirovine, 35, 2014: 141-150 M52 Биологија


Papović, O., Miljković, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V.

Analysis of the flora of Rogozna Mountain in Southwestern Serbia.

Biologica Nyssana 5(1), 2014: 17-30. M53 Биологија


Matejić, J. S., Džamić, A. M., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Ranđelović, V. N., Krivošej, Z. Đ., Marin, P. D.

Antimicrobial potential of essential oil from Pastinaca sativa L.

Biologica Nyssana 5(1), 2014: 31-35. M53 Биологија

156. Zlatković, B., Report on the new and insufficiently studied Biologica Nyssana 5(1), 2014: 63-69. M53 Биологија

26 Bogosavljević, S., Smiljković, N., Ranđelović, V.

taxa in the flora of Serbia.


Zlatković, I., Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Jenačković, D., Amidžić, L.

Taxonomical, phytogeographical and ecological analysis of the salt marsh flora of Central and Southern Serbia.

Biologica Nyssana 5(2), 2014: 91-102. M53 Биологија


Papović, O., Miljković, M., Ranđelović, N., Ranđelović, V.

Phytogeographical characteristics and endemism of the flora of Rogozna Mt. (SW Serbia).

Biologica Nyssana 5(2), 2014: 103-112. M53 Биологија


Carta, A., Harpke, D., Tomović, G., Ranđelović, V., Ranđelović, N., Blattner, N. R., Peruzzi, L.

Crocus serie Verni (Iridaceae) in Italia: novità tassonomiche.

Riunione scientifica del Gruppo per la Floristica, Società Botanica Italiana, Roma, Italia, 2013: 49-50.

M53 Биологија

160. 161.162. Parreño, M. A.,

Ivanović, A., Petrović, A., Žikić, V., Tomanović, Ž., Vorburger, C.

Wing shape as a taxonomic trait: Separating genetic variation from host-induced plasticity in aphid parasitoids

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016. DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12490

M21 Biologija

163. Petrović, A., Mitrović, M., Starý, P., Petrović-Obradović, O., Žikić, V., Tomanović, Ž., Vorburger, C.

Lysiphlebus orientalis (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a new invasive aphid parasitoid in Europe – evidence from molecular markers.

Bulletin of Entomological Research, 2013, 1: 1-7

M21 Biologija

164. Petrović, A., Mitrović, M., Ivanović, A., Žikić, V, Kavallieratos, N., G., Starý, P., Mi-trovski-Bogdanović, A., Tomanović, Ž. and Vorburger, C.

Genetic and morphological variation in sexual and asexual parasitoids of the genus Lysiphlebus –an apparent link between wing shape and reproductive mode

BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2015, 15(5) M21 Biologija

165. Mitrovski-Bogdanović, A., Tomanović, Ž., Mitrović, M., Petrović, A., Ivanović, A., Žikić, V., Starý, P. and Vorburger, C.

The Praon dorsale-yomenae complex s. str. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae): species discrimination using geometric morphometrics and molecular markers with description of a new species

Zoologischer Anzeiger, 2014, 253(4): 270-282.

M21 Biologija

166. Tomanović Ž., Kos, K., Petrović, A., Starý, P., Kavallieratos, N. G., Žikić, V., Jakše, J., Trdan, S., Ivanović, A.

The relationship between molecular variation and variation in the wing shape of three aphid parasitoid species: Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki, Aphidius rhopalosiphi De Stefani Perez and Aphidius avenaphis (Fitch) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae).

Zoologischer Anzeiger, 2013, 252(1): 41-47 M21 Biologija

167. Ilić Milošević, M., Petrović, A., Stanković, S. S., Čkrkić, J., Starý, P., Žikić, V., To-manović, T.

Taxonomic position and phylogenetic relationships of the genera and species Euaphidius and Remaudierea (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) analyzed using molecular markers and geometric morphometrics

Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2015, 108 1-11.

M22 Biologija

168. Stanković, S. S., Petrović, A., Ilić Milošević, M., Starý, P., Kavallieratos, N. G., Žikić, V., Tomanović, Ž.

Morphological and molecular characterization of the genus Adialytus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) based on the mtCOI barcoding gene and geometric morphometrics of forewings.

European Journal of Entomology, 2015, 112(1): 165-174.

M21 Biologija

169. Starý, P., Kavallieratos, N. G., Petrović, A., Žikić, V., Rakhshani, E., Tomanović, S., Tomanović, Ž., Havelka, J.

Interference of field evidence, morphology and DNA analyses of three related Lysiphlebus aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae).

Journal of Insect Science, 2014, 14: 171. M22 Biologija

170. Žikić, V., Achterberg, C. van, Stanković, S. S., Bila Dubaić, J. and Ćetković, A.

Review of the Gasteruptiidae (Hymenoptera: Evanoidea) from the territory of the former Yugoslavia, with three newly reported species.

Zootaxa, 2014, 3793(5): 573-586. M22 Biologija

171. Khajeh, N., Rakhshani, E., Peris-Felipo, F. J. and Žikić, V.

Contributions to the Opiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of Eastern Iran with updated checklist of Iranian species.

Zootaxa, 2014, 3784 (2): 131-147. M22 Biologija

172. Mitrovski-Bogdanović, A., Petrović, A., Mitrović, M., Ivanović, A., Žikić, V., Starý, P., Vorburger, C., Tomanović, Ž.

Identification of two cryptic species within the Praon abjectum group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) using molecular markers and geometric morphometrics.

Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2013, 106(2): 170-180.

M22 Biologija

173. Krizmanić, I., Urošević, A., Simović, A., Krstić,

Updated distribution of the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Archives of Biological Sciences, 2015, 67(3): 1043-1053

M23 Biologija

M., Jović, D., Ajtić, R., Anđelković, M., Slijepčević, M., Đorđević, S., Golubović, A., Žikić, V. and Džukić, G.

and its basic conservation issues in Serbia.

174. Žikić, V., Stanković, S. S., Hric, B., Mitroiu, M-D., Schwartz, M. and Tschorsnig. H-P.

First records of parasitoids Hymenoptera (Ichneumonidae and Pteromalidae) and Diptera (Tachinidae) of Heterogynis sondereggeri de Freina 2012 Lepidoptera (Heterogynidae).

Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 2015, 67(3): 385-388.

M23 Biologija

175. Žikić, V., Stanković, S. S., Ilić Milošević, M., Petrović-Obradović, O., Petrović, A., Starý, P., Tomanović, Ž.

First detection of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae) in Serbia; an introduced species invading Europe?

North-Western Journal of Zoology, 2015, 11(1): 97-101.

M23 Biologija

176. Starý, P., Rakhshani, E., Tomanović, Ž., Kavallieratos. N. G., Petrović, A., Žikić, V. and Havelka, J.

Aphid-parasitoid Associations on the Impatiens plants in Central Europe (Hemiptera, Aphididae; Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae).

Journal of Entomological Research Society, 2014, 16(3): 33-43.

M23 Biologija

177. Žikić, V., Lotfalizadeh, H., Sadeghi, S. Petrović, A., Janković, M. and Tomanović, Ž.

New record and new trophic associations of two leaf-miner parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae) from Iran.

Archives of Biological Sciences, 2014, 66 (4): 1591-1594.

M23 Biologija

178. Starý, P., Ehsan Rakhshani, E., Žikić, V., Kavallieratos, N. G. And Tomanović, Ž.

Altitudinal zonation of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) in the Neotropical region.

Entomological News, 2014, 124(2): 86-97. M23 Biologija

179. Bjelanović, K., Živić, I. , Petrović, A., Djordjević, A., Marković, Z. and Žikić, V.

Agriotypus armatus Curtis, 1832, a parasitoid of Silo pallipes Fabricius, 1781: the first record for the Balkan Peninsula.

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems,2014, 414(5): 1-9.

M23 Biologija

180. Živić, I., Bjelanović, K., Simić, V., Živić, M., Žikić, V., Marković, Z.

New records of Thremma anomalum (Trichoptera, Uenoidae) from southeastern Europe with notes on its ecology.

Entomological News, 2013, 123(3): 206-219. M23 Biologija

181. Žikić, V., Stanković S. S., Petrović, A., Ilić-

Parasitoid complex of Zygaena filipendulae L. (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae).

Archives of Biological Sciences, 2013, 65(3): 1027-1035.

M23 Biologija

Milošević, M. Kees van Achterberg

182. Milenković, M., Žikić, V., Stanković S. S., Marić, S.

First study of the guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859) occurring in natural thermal waters of Serbia.

Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2013, 30(1): 160–163.

M23 Biologija

183. Žikić, V., Stanković, S. S. Ilić, M., Kavallieratos, N. G.

Braconid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on poplars and aspen (Populus spp.) in Serbia and Montenegro.

North-Western Journal of Zoology, 2013, 9(2): 264-275.

M23 Biologija

184. Žikić, V., Petrović, A. Ćetković, A.,

Ensign wasps of Serbia and Montenegro (Hymenoptera: Evanioidea: Evaniidae). Acta Entomologica Serbica, 2016, 21(1): 113-


M53 Biologija

185. Žikić, V., Ilić Milošević, M., Lazarević, M., Stanković, S. S.

Plants and insects in interactions: multitrophic associations. Biologica Nyssana, 2016, 7(2):75-82 M53 Biologija

186. Stanković, S. S., Ilić Milošević, M., Žikić, V.

Potential candidates for biological control of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae in Serbia

Biologica Nyssana, 2015, 6(1): 49-54. M53 Biologija

187. Žikić, V., Lazarević, M., Stanković, S. S., Ilić Milošević, M.

New data on Microgastrinae in Serbia and Montenegro (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and their hosts.

Biologica Nyssana, 2015, 6(1): 41-48. M53 Biologija

188. Ilić Milošević, M., Lazarević, M., Petrović-Obradović, O., Žikić, V.

Tritrophic associations of Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae in Serbia

Biologica Nyssana, 2014, 5(2): 113-121 M53 Biologija

189. Žikić, V., Petrović, A., Ivanović, A.

Allometric shape changes indicate significant divergence in the wing shape between asexual and sexual lineages of Lysiphlebus fabarum (Marshall) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).

Acta Entomologica Serbica, 2014, 19(1/2): 53-62

M53 Biologija

190. Saša S. Stanković, S. S., Žikić, V., Hric, B., Tschorsnig, H-P.

Several records of Tachinidae (Diptera) reared from their hosts in Serbia and Montenegro.

Biologica Nyssana, 2014, 5(1): 71-73. M53 Biologija

191. Žikić, V., Achterberg, C. van, Tomanović, Ž., Stanković, S. S., Ilić Milošević, M., and Rakhshani, E.

Contributions to the Opiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of Serbia and Montenegro. Acta Entomologica Serbica, 2013, 18(1/2):


M53 Biologija

192. Radulovic Niko Antimicrobial Plant Metabolites: Structural Current Medicinal Chemistry, 20, 2013, M21

Blagojevic PolinaStojanovic-Radic Zorica Stojanovic Nikola

Diversity and Mechanism of Action 932-952PharmacologyChemistryMedicine

193. Radulovic Niko Randjelovic Pavle Stojanovic Nikola Blagojevic PolinaStojanovic-Radic ZoricaIlic IvanDjordjevic Vidosava

Toxic essential oils. Part II: Chemical, toxicological, pharmacological and microbiological profiles of Artemisia annua L. volatiles

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 58, 2013, 37-49

M21 Food science and technologyToxicology

194. Radulovic Niko Mladenovic Marko Blagojevic PolinaStojanovic-Radic ZoricaIlic-Tomic Tatjana Senerovic LidijaNikodinovic-Runic Jasmina

Toxic essential oils. Part III: Identification and biological activity of new allylmethoxyphenyl esters from a Chamomile species (Anthemis segetalis Ten.)

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 62, 2013, 554-565

M21 Food science and technologyToxicology

195. Radulovic Niko Zlatkovic DraganDekić MilanStojanovic-Radic Zorica

Further Antibacterial Geranium macrorrhizum L. Metabolites and Synthesis of Epoxygermacrones

Chemistry & Biodiversity, 11, 2014, 542-550

M22 ChemistryMultidisciplinary

196. Kostić Milan D., Veličković Ana V., Joković Nataša M., Stamenković Olivera Veljković S., Vlada B.

Optimization and kinetic modeling of esterification of the oil obtained from waste plum stones as a pretreatment step in biodiesel production

Waste Management, 48, 2016, p:619-629 M21 Environmental Sciences

197. Stamenković O.S., Veličković A. V., Kostić M.D., Joković N.M., Rajković K.M., Milić, P.S., Veljković V.B.

Optimization of KOH-catalyzed methanolysis of hempseed oil Energy Conversion and Management, 103,

2015, p:235–243

M21 Energy & Fuels

198. Kostić M.D., Joković The kinetics and thermodynamics of hempseed Industrial Crops and Products 52, 2014, M21 Agronomy

N.M., Stamenković O.S., Rajković K.M., Milić, P.S., Veljković V.B.

oil extraction by n-hexane, p:679– 686

199. Kostić M.D., Joković N.M., Stamenković O.S., Rajković K.M., Milić, P.S., Veljković V.B.,

Optimization of hempseed oil extraction by n-hexane, Industrial Crops and Products 48, 2013,

p:133– 143.

M21a Agronomy

200. Zlatković, B. К., Bogosavljević, S. S., Radivojević, A. R., Pavlović, M. A. (2014):

Traditional use of the native medicinal plant resource of Mt. Rtanj (Eastern Serbia): Ethnobotanical evaluation and comparison.

- Journal of Ethnopharmacology 151(1): 704-713.

M21 Plant Sciences

201. Mikić, A., Mihailović, V., Ćupina, B., Antanasović, S., Krstić, Ð., Zlatković, B., Ðorđević, V., Zorić, L., Taški-Ajduković, К., Nagl, N. (2013):

Ex situ evaluation of cultivation potential in wild populations of large-flowered vetch (Vicia grandiflora).

– Euphytica 193(1): 1-12. M21 Plant Sciences

202. Smýkal, P., Jovanović, Ž., Stanisavljević, N., Zlatković, B., Ćupina, B., Ðorđević, V., Mikić, A., Medović, A. (2014):

A comparative study of ancient DNA isolated from charred pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds from an Early Iron Age settlement in southeast Serbia: inference for pea domestication.

– Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 61(8): 1533-1544.

M21 Plant Sciences

203. Mikić, A., Smýkal, P., Kenicer, G., Vishnyakova, M., Sarukhanyan, N., Akopian, J.A., Vanyan, A., Gabrielyan, I., Smýkalová, I., Sherbakova, E., Zorić, L., Atlagić, J.,

Beauty will save the world, but will the world save beauty? The case of the highly endangered Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed.

– Planta 240(5): 1139-1146. M21 Plant Sciences

Zeremski-Škorić, T., Ćupina, B., Krstić, Đ., Jajić, I., Antanasović, S., Ðorđević, V., Mihailović, V., Ivanov, A., Ochatt, S., Toker, C., Zlatković, B., Ambrose, M. (2014):

204. Mihajilov-Krstev, T. M., Denić, M. S., Zlatković, B. К., Stankov-Jovanović, V. P., Mitić, V. D., Stojanović, G. S., Radulović, N. S. (2015):

Inferring the origin of rare fruit distillates from compositional data using multivariate statistical analyses and the identification of new flavour constituents.

– Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 95(6): 1217-1235.

M21 Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

205. Petrović, J., Dragović, S., Dragović, R., Đorđević, M., Đokić, M., Zlatković, B., Walling, D. (2016):

Using 137Cs measurements to estimate soil erosion rates in the Pčinja and South Morava River Basins, southeastern Serbia.

- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 158-159: 71-80.

M21 Environmental Sciences

206. Stanković, N., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Zlatković, B., Stankov-Jovanović, V., Mitić, V., Jović, J., Čomić, Lj., Kocić, B., Bernsteine, N. (2016):

Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Traditional Medicinal Plants from the Balkan Peninsula.

- NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 78: 21-28.

M21 Agriculture, Multidisciplinary

207. Stanković, N., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Zlatković, B., Matejić, J., Stankov Jovanović, V., Kocić, B., Čomić, Lj. (2016):

Comparative Study of Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Activities of Essential Oils of Selected Aromatic Plants from Balkan Peninsula.

- Planta Medica 82(7): 650-661. M21 Plant Sciences

208. Lazarević, J. S., Đorđević A. S., Kitić D. V., Zlatković B. К., Stojanović G. S.

Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Stachys officinalis (L.) Trevis. (Lamiaceae).

- Chemistry and Biodiversity 10(7): 1335-1349.

M22 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

(2013): 209. Đorđević, A. S.,

Lazarević, J. S., Petrović, G. M., Zlatković, B. Z., Solujić, S. R. (2014):

Chemical and Biological Evaluation of Hypericum maculatum Crantz Essential Oil.

- Chemistry and Biodiversity 11(1): 140-149.

M22 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

210. Stojanović, G., Jovanović, S., Zlatković, B., Đorđević, A., Petrović, G., Jovanović, O., Stankov-Jovanović, V., Mitić, V. (2014):

Hylotelephium Spectabile (Boreau) H. Ohba x telephium (L.) H.Ohba Leaf and Flower Extracts: Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity.

- Records of Natural Products 8(3): 272-276.

M22 Plant Sciences

211. Stojanović, G. S., Jovanović, S. Č., Zlatković, B. К. (2015):

Distribution and Taxonomic Significance of Secondary Metabolites Occurring in the Methanol Extracts of the Stonecrops (Sedum L., Crassulaceae) from the Central Balkan Peninsula.

- Natural Product Communications 10(6): 941-944.

M22 Chemistry, Medicinal

212. Stamenković, J. G., Stojanović, G. S., Radojković, I. R., Petrović, G. M., Zlatković, B. К. (2015):

Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil from Chaerophyllum temulum (Apiaceae).

- Natural Product Communications 10(8): 1439-1441.

M22 Chemistry, Medicinal

213. Jovanović, S. Č., Zlatković, B. К., Stojanović, G. S. (2015):

Distribution and Variability of n-Alkanes in Epicuticular Waxes of Sedum Species from the Central Balkan Peninsula: Chemotaxonomic Importance.

- Chemistry and Biodiversity 12(5): 767-780.

M22 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

214. Zlatković, B., Mitić, S. Z., Jovanović, S., Lakušić, D., Lakušić, B., Rajković, J.,Stojanović, G.:

Epidermal structures and composition of epicuticular waxes of Sedum album sensu lato (Crassulaceae) in Balkan Peninsula.

- Plant Biosystems - An InternationalJournal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2016.1218971

M22 Plant Sciences

215. Đorđević, A. S., Jovanović, O. P., Zlatković, B. K., Stojanović, G. S. (2016):

Chemical Composition of Ballota macedonica Vandas and Ballota nigra L. ssp. foetida (Vis.) Hayek Essential Oils – The Chemotaxonomic Approach.

- Chemistry and Biodiversity 13(6): 782-788.

M22 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

216. Mitić, Z. S., Geographically Related Variation in - Chemistry and Biodiversity 13(7): 931- M22 Chemistry,

Zlatković, B. K., Jovanović, S. Č., Stojanović, G. S., Marin, P. D. (2016):

Epicuticular Wax Traits of Pinus nigra Populations from Southern Carpathians and Central Balkans - Taxonomic Considerations.

942. Multidisciplinary

217. Karanović, D., Zorić, L., Zlatković, B., Boža, P., Luković, J. (2016):

Carpological and receptacular morpho-anatomical characters of Inula, Dittrichia, Limbarda and Pulicaria species (Compositae, Inuleae): Taxonomic implications.

-Flora 219: 48-61. M22 Plant Sciences

218. Stamenković, J. G., Petrović, G. M., Stojanović, G. S., Đorđević, A. S., Zlatković, B. K. (2016):

Chaerophyllum aureum L. Volatiles: Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity.

- Records of Natural Products 10(2): 245-250.

M22 Plant Sciences

219. Kostevski, I. R., Petrović, G. M., Stojanović, G. S., Stamenković, J. G., Zlatković, B. K. (2016):

Essential Oil Chemical Composition and Headspace Volatiles Profile of Achillea coarctata from Serbia.

- Natural Product Communications 11(4): 543-545.

M22 Chemistry, Medicinal

220. Jovanović, S. Č., Zlatković, B. K., Stojanović, G. S. (2016):

Chemotaxonomic Approach to the Central Balkan Sedum Species Based on Distribution of Triterpenoids in Their Epicuticular Waxes.

- Chemistry and Biodiversity 13(4): 459-465.

M22 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

221. Jovanović, O. P., Zlatković, B. К., Simonović, S. R., Đorđević, A. S., Palić, I. R., Stojanović, G. S. (2013):

Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oils isolated from leaves and fruits of Peucedanum austriacum (Jacq.) W.D.J. Koch.

- Journal of Essential Oil Research 25(2): 129-137.

M23 Chemistry, Applied

222. Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Zlatkovic, B., Stankov-Jovanovic, V., Ilic, M., Mitic, V., Stojanovic, G. (2013):

Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of almond-leafed pear (Pyrus spinosa Forssk.) fruits.

- Oxidation Communications 36(4): 1079-1089.

M23 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

223. Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Radnović, D., Kitić, D., Stankov Jovanović, V., Mitić, V., Stojanović-Radić,

Chemical composition, antimicrobial, antioxidative and anticholinesterase activity of Satureja montana L. ssp. montana essential oil.

- Central European Journal of Biology 9(7): 668-677.

M23 Биологија

Z., Zlatković, B. (2014):

224. Bukhari, S. M., Feuerherm, A. J., Boulfrad, F., Zlatković, B., Johansen, B., Simić, N. (2014):

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of Sclerochloa dura (Poaceae).

- Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 79(7): 779-791.

M23 Biology

225. Pavlović, D. R., Vukelić, M., Najman, S., Kostić, M., Zlatković, B., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Kitić, D. (2014):

Assessment of polyphenol content, in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial and toxic potentials of wild growing and cultured rue.

- Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 87: 175-181.

M23 Plant Sciences

226. Golubović, T. D., Palić, R. M., Kitić, D. V., Stojanović, G. S., Zlatković, B. К., Ristić, M. S., Pavlović, D. R. (2014):

Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Methanol Extracts of Some Acinos Miller Species.

- Natural Product Communications 9(5): 731-735.

M23 Chemistry, Medicinal

227. Aleksić, J. M., Banović, B., Miljuš-Đukić, J., Jovanović, Ž., Mikić, A., Ćupina, B., Zlatković, B., Anđelković, S., Spanu, I., Jelić, M., Maksimović, V. (2015):

A rapid and cost-effective procedure for delineation and utilization of genomic microsatellites for paralleled genotyping in Vicia faba.

- Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 51(1): 36-39.

M23 Plant Sciences

228. Kostić, M., Zlatković, B., Miladinović, B., Živanović, S., Mihajilov-Krstev, T., Pavlović, D., Kitić, D. (2015):

Rosmarinic Acid Levels, Phenolic Contents, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of the Extracts from Salvia verbenaca L. Obtained with Different Solvents and Procedures.

- Journal of Food Biochemistry 39(2): 199-208.

M23 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

229. Mikić, A., Zorić, L., Zlatković, B. (2015):

Origin of the binomial Linneaus nomenclature used to name some Old World legume species.

- Iheringia Serie Botanica 70(1): 173-176. M23 Plant Sciences

230. Slavkovska, V., Zlatković, B.,

Variations of essential oil characteristics of Clinopodium pulegium (Lamiaceae) depending

- Botanica Serbica 37(2): 97-104. М24 Биологија

Bräuchler, C., Stojanović, D., Tzakou, O., Couladis, M. (2013):

on phenological stage.

231. Mihailović, V., Mikić, A., Zlatković, B., Zorić, L., Ćupina, B., Krstić, Đ., Antanasović, S. (2011):

Preservation and sustainable utilisation of the wild legume flora in the mountainous regions of Serbia. Grassland farming and land management systems in mountainous regions.

- 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Austria, Gumpenstein, Proceedings, 571-573.

M33 Биологија

232. Ćupina, B., Mikić, A., Zorić, L., Krstić, Đ., Antanasović, S., Zlatković, B., Erić, P. (2012):

Ex situ evaluation of forage yield components and forage yields in wild opulations of French vetch (Vicia serratifolia Jacq.) from Serbia.

- 24th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Lublin, Poland, Grassland Science in Europe, Proceedings 17: 673-675.

M33 Биологија

233. Marković, M. S., Pavlović, D. V., Zlatković, B. К., Marković, A. I., Stankov-Jovanović, V. P., Gnjatović, I. S., Stamenković, S. M., Dimitrijević, D. S., Marković, V. Lj. (2012):

Succession of vegetation on burned dry grasslands and rocky terrains at Vidlič Mt. (Southeastern Serbia).

- 4th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedionia with International Participation, Abstract Book, Ohrid, Macedonia, 40.

M34 Биологија

234. Ćupina, B., Mikić, A., Zorić, L., Krstić, Đ., Antanasović, S., Zlatković, B., Erić, P. (2012):

Ex situ evaluation of forage yield components and forage yields in wild populations of French vetch (Vicia serratifolia Jacq.) from Serbia.

- 24th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Poland, Lublin, Book of Abstracts, 125.

M34 Биологија

235. Lazarević, J., Đorđević, A., Zlatković, B., Stojanović, G. (2012):

Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Juglans regia (Juglandaceae) flower volatiles.

- 32nd Balkan Medical WeeК. Serbia, Niš, Book of Abstracts, 273.

M34 Биологија

236. Lazarević, J., Đorđević, A., Zlatković, B., Stojanović, G. (2012):

Chemical analysis of Hypochaeris maculata ssp. pelivanovicii (Velen.) Hayek essential oil.

- 43rd International Symposium on Essential Oils (ISEO2012), Portugal, Lisbon, Book of Abstracts, 180.

M34 Биологија

237. Jovanović, O., Zlatković, B.,

Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils from leaves and

- 43rd International Symposium on Essential Oils (ISEO 2012), Portugal,

M34 Биологија

Simonović, S., Đorđević, A., Palić, I., Stojanović, G. (2012):

fruits of Peucedanum austriacum (Jacq.) W. D. J. Koch. from Serbia.

Lisbon, Book of Abstracts, 243.

238. Mikić, A., Ćupina B., Mihailović, V., Đorđević, M., Vasiljević, S., Zlatković, B., Anđelković, S., Zorić, L. (2012):

Wild and locally grown annual legumes of serbia have potential to serve as gene pools in developing novel cultivars.

- Biotechnology in Legume Breeding, Czech Republic, Šumperk, Book of Abstracts, 57.

M34 Биологија

239. Šegota, V., Alegro, A., Ozimec, S., Zlatković, B., Anačkov, G. (2012):

Overview of the ass. Typhetum laxmannii (Ubrizsy 1961) Nedelcu 1968 in South-East Europe.

- 21st Workshop European Vegetation Survey, Vienna, Austria, Abstracts, 138.

M34 Биологија

240. Aleksić, J., Banović, B., Mikić, A., Ćupina, B., Zlatković, B., Anđelković, S., Maksimović, V. (2013):

Preservation and molecular characterization of 13 central Balkan landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.).

- In: Mikić, A., Rubiales, D., Đorđević, V. (eds.). First Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, Novi Sad, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, 19.

M34 Биологија

241. Ćupina, B., Zlatković, B., Antanasović, S., Đorđević, V., Mikić, A. (2013):

A contribution of the project SEELEGUMES to the re-discovery of Pisum elatius subsp. elatius in Serbia and FYR of Macedonia.

- In: Mikić, A., Rubiales, D., Đorđević, V. (eds.). First Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, Novi Sad, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, 23.

M34 Биологија

242. Medović, A., Smýkal, P., Jovanović, Ž., Stanisavljević, N., Zlatković, B., Ćupina, B., Đorđević, V., Mikić, A. (2013):

A combined archaeobotanical and palaeogenetic analysis of charred pea (Pisum sativum) seeds from an Early Iron Age storage pit at the hill fort settlement Hissar, Leskovac, southeast Serbia.

- In: Mikić, A., Rubiales, D., Đorđević, V. (eds.). First Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, Novi Sad, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, 28.

M34 Биологија

243. Zlatković, B., Mikić, A., Đokić, M., Đorđević, V., Ćupina, B. (2013):

Native legumes in the flora of Pčinja valley (South Serbia) – species diversity and distribution pattern.

- In: Mikić, A., Rubiales, D., Đorđević, V. (eds.). First Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, Novi Sad, Serbia, Book of Abstracts, 45.

M34 Биологија

244. Kolundžija, B. S., Stanojković, T. P., Kundaković, T. D., Kolundžić, M. D., Couladis, M. M., Zlatković, B. К.,

Cytotoxic Activities of Clinopodium pulegium (Rochel) Bräuchler (Lamiaceae) Essential Oils.

- In: Georgiev, M. I. (ed.). International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf, Book of Abstracts, Bansko, Bulgaria, 197.

M34 Биологија

Slavkonska, V. N. (2013):

245. Stojanović, G., Jovanović, O., Jovanović, S., Zlatković, B., Petrović, G. (2013):

GC-MS Profile of Peucedanum longifolium Waldst. & Kit. Essential Oil and Volatiles Obtained by Head Space.

- In: Georgiev, M. I. (ed.). International Conference on Natural Products Utilization: from Plants to Pharmacy Shelf, Book of Abstracts, Bansko, Bulgaria, 199.

M34 Биологија

246. Tošić, S., Stojičić, D., Janošević, D., Uzelac, B., Zlatković, B., Budimir, S. (2015):

Micropropagation of Micromeria croatica. - 2nd International Conference on Plant Biology, 21st Symposium of the Serbian Plant Physiology Society and COST ACTION FA1106 QUALITYFRUIT Workshop, Book of Abstracts, Petnica, Serbia, 58.

M34 Биологија

247. Karanović, D., Zorić, L., Zlatković, B., Boža, P., Lazarević, J., Luković, J. (2015):

Morpho-anatomical features of fruit and receptacle of four genera of the tribe Inuleae (Compositae), with notes on their taxonomic significance.

- In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 77-78.

M34 Биологија

248. Novaković, J., Zlatković, B., Lakušić, D., Marin, P. D., Janaćković, P. (2015):

Morphological differentiation of Centaurea atropurpurea (Asteraceae) from Serbia.

- In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 93-94.

M34 Биологија

249. Šarac, Z., Zlatković, B., Jovanović, S., Stojanović, G., Bojović, S., Marin, P. (2015):

Are epicuticular waxes useful characters in differentiation of infraspecific taxa of Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold?

- In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 106.

M34 Биологија

250. Vestek, A., Zlatković, B., Anačkov, G. (2015):

Micromorphology of seeds of Prospero autumnale (L.) Speta s.l. (Hyacinthaceae) from Serbia, Montenegro and FYR Macedonia.

- In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 120.

M34 Биологија

251. Zlatković, B., Jušković, M., Vukojević, Đ., Petrović, N. (2015):

Morphological and anatomical differentiation of endemic Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss.: multivariate study.

- In: Bogdanović, S., Nejc, J. (eds.): 6th Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of abstracts, Rijeka Croatia, 125-126.

M34 Биологија

252. Zlatković, B., Jenačković, D., Milošević, Đ., Drndarević, M., Nikolić, M. (2016):

Abundance of Critically Endangered Stachys milanii (Lamiaceae) decline with increasing density of vegetation from native habitats.

- 2th International Symposium on Nature Conservation, Book of abstracts, Novi Sad, Serbia, 48.

M34 Биологија

253. Novaković, J., Distribution and variability of Centaurea - 12th Symposium on the Flora of M34 Биологија

Zlatković, B., Marin, P. D., Lakušić, D., Janaćković, P. (2016):

kotschyana Heuffel ex Koch from Central Balkans.

Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 24.

254. Zlatković, B., Nešić, M., Naelbandian, A., Šarac, Z. (2016):

Sedum L. (Crassulaceae, Sempervivoideae) in Serbia: species distribution and diversity centers.

- 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 58.

M34 Биологија

255. Stojanović, G., Jovanović, O., Zlatković, B., Jovanović, S., Zrnzević, I., Ilić, M. (2016):

GC-MS profile of volatiles obtained from fresh root of Peucedanum longifolium Waldst. & Kit.

- 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 88.

M34 Биологија

256. Stamenković, J., Kostevski, I., Petrović, G., Stojanović, G., Palić, I., Zlatković, B. (2016):

Chaerophyllum temulum: Differences between headspace volatile profiles of fresh and air dried plant.

- 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 109.

M34 Биологија

257. Conić, J., Žabar Popović, A., Nikolić, M., Jušković, M., Zlatković, B., Vasiljević, P. (2016):

Antihemolytic effects of water extract of Hypericum rumeliacum Boiss. on rat erythrocytes.

- 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 130-131.

M34 Биологија

258. Rajković, J., Đorđević, Lj., Joković, N., Matejić, J., Stanković, N., Zlatković, B., Mihajilov-Krstev, T. (2016):

Topical anti-inflammatory activity of essential oils of Petasites hybridus subsp. ochroleucus.

- 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Abstracts, Kopaonik, Serbia, 132.

M34 Биологија

259. Matejić, S.J., Džamić, A, Stojanivić-Radić, Z., Zlatković, B., Marin, G.P. (2015):

Antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Eryngium palmatum from Serbia.

- 2nd International Conference on Natural Products Utilization, Book of abstracts, Plovdiv Bulgaria, 220.

M34 Биологија

260. Ćupina, B., Zlatković, B., Smykal, P., Mikić, A., Jajić, I., Zeremski-Skorić, T., Medović, A. (2011):

In situ evaluation of a Pisum sativum subsp. elatius population from the valley of the river Pcinja in southeast Serbia.

- Pisum Genetics 43: 20-24. M51 Биологија

261. Jovanović, F., Vrsta Galanthus gracilis Čelak. - Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta 106: 101- M51 Биологија

Obratov-Petković, D., Zlatković, B. (2012):

(Amaryllidaceae) u flori Srbije. 112.

262. Smýkal, P., Medović, A., Jovanović, Ž., Stanisavljević, N., Zlatković, B., Ćupina, B., Đorđević, V., Mikić, A. (2014):

Molecular analysis of ancient DNA isolated from charred pea (Pisum sativum) seeds found at an Early Iron Age settlement in southeast Serbia.

- Legumes Perspectives 5: 9-10. M51 Биологија

263. Zlatković, B., Bogosavljević, S., Mikić, A., Ćupina, B. (2014):

Legumes diversity in the gorges of Carpathian-Balkan Mountain arc in Serbia.

- Legumes Perspectives 5: 11-13. M51 Биологија

264. Mikić, A., Ćupina, B., Zlatković, B., Smýkal, P., Antanasović, S., Đorđević, V., Medović, A., Krstić, Đ., Mihailović, V. (2014):

Collecting, characterisation and evaluation of ‘tall’ pea (Pisum sativum subsp. elatius) in southeastern Serbia

- Legumes Perspectives 5: 19-22. M51 Биологија

265. Bogosavljević, S. B., Zlatković, B. К. (2015):

Two alien species of Bidens (Compositae), new to the flora of Serbia.

- Phytologia Balcanica 21(2): 129-138. M51 Биологија

266. Zlatković, B., Bogosavljević, S. (2014):

Taxonomic and pharmacological valorization of the medicinal flora in Svrljiški Timok gorge (Eastern Serbia).

- Facta Universitatis: Series Medicine and Biology 16(2):76-86.

M52 Биологија

267. Zlatković, B., Nikolić, M., Drndarević, M., Jovanović, M., Niketić, M. (2014):

Revision of the genus Hypericum L. (Hypericaceae) in three herbarium collections from Serbia.

- Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade 7: 93-107.

M52 Биологија

268. Jotić, B., Miljković, M., Marković, M., Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V. (2013):

The vascular flora of the Tepoš plateau around Pirot city.

- Biologica Nyssana 4(1-2): 19-33. M52 Биологија

269. Šarac, Z., Bojović, S., Nikolić, B., Zlatković, B. К., Marin, P. D. (2014):

Application of canonical discriminant analysis in differentiation of natural populations of Pinus nigra in Serbia based on terpene composition.

- Biologica Nyssana 5(1): 11-15. M52 Биологија

270. Zlatković, B., Bogosavljević, S.,

Report on the new and insufficiently studied taxa in the flora of Serbia.

- Biologica Nyssana 5(1): 63-69. M52 Биологија

Smiljković, N., Ranđelović, V. (2014):

271. Dragović, R., Zlatković, B., Dragović, S., Petrović, J., Janković Mandić, Lj. (2014):

Accumulation of heavy metals in different parts of Russian thistle (Salsola tragus, Chenopodiaceae), a potential hyperaccumulator plant species.

- Biologica Nyssana 5(2): 83-90. M52 Биологија

272. Zlatković, I., Zlatković, B., Ranđelović, V., Jenačković, D., Amidžić, L. (2014):

Taxonomical, phytogeographical and ecological analysis of the salt marsh flora of Central and Southern Serbia.

- Biologica Nyssana 5(2): 91-102. M52 Биологија

273. Zlatković, B., Bogosavljević, S. (2014):

Report on the new floristic data from Serbia. - Biologica Nyssana 5(2): 123-129. M52 Биологија

274. Šegota, V., Alegro, A., Ozimec, S., Zlatković, B., Anačkov, G. (2013):

Typhetum laxmannii (Ubrizsy 1961) Nedelcu 1968 – its distribution and phytosociology in South-eastern Europe.

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 46-47.

M52 Биологија

275. Marković, M., Pavlović, D., Zlatković, B., Marković, A., Jotić, B., Stankov Jovanović, V., Gnjatović, I., Marković, V. (2013):

Flora and phytogeographical characteristics of Vidlič mountain (E. Serbia).

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 53.

M52 Биологија

276. Jotić, B., Ranđelović, V., Marković, M., Zlatković, B., Miljković, M., Marković, V. (2013):

The analysis of the flora of Tepoš plateau around Pirot.

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 54-55.

M52 Биологија

277. Jušković, M., Ranđelović, V., Zlatković, B., Stevanović, V. (2013):

Endemična i reliktna flora Šljivovičkog Visa u istočnoj Srbiji.

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 56-57.

M52 Биологија

278. Drndarević, M., Spatial distribution and abundance of Stachys - In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. M52 Биологија

Nikolić, M., Milošević, Đ., Jenačković, D., Zlatković, B. (2013):

milanii in Serbia: disturbed vs. referent habitats.

(eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 59.

279. Nedeljković, M., Tmušić, G., Obradov, D., Anačkov, G., Zlatković, B. (2013):

Genus Artemisia L. (Asteraceae; Anthemideae) in Serbia - form of distribution and diversity.

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 60.

M52 Биологија

280. Zlatković, B., Bogosavljević, S., Đokić, M., Lazarević, J., Kitić, D., Stevanović, B. (2013):

Ecological characteristics and diversity of medicinal flora of the Pčinja River valley in southeastern Serbia.

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 61.

M52 Биологија

281. Tošić, S., Stojičić, D., Zlatković, B., Mitrović, T., Stamenković, S., Spasić, J., Šelmić, N. (2013):

Micropropagation of Micromeria pulegium. - In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 77.

M52 Биологија

282. Jovanović, S., Đorđević, A., Zlatković, B., Petrović, G., Jovanović, O., Stankov-Jovanović, V., Mitić, V., Stojanović, G. (2013):

Phytochemical composition and antibacterial activity of the Hylotelephium spectabile (Boreau) H. Ohba x telephium (L.) H. Ohba leaf and flower extracts.

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 85-86.

M52 Биологија

283. Stanisavljević, D., Ristić, M., Đorđević, S., Veličković, D., Ranđelović, N., Zlatković, B. (2013):

The influence of the way of drying on the chemical composition of Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson herbal extracts.

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 91.

M52 Биологија

284. Jović, J., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Zlatković, B., Radnović, D., Matejić, J., Mihajilov-Krstev, T. (2013):

Antimicrobial activity of Absinthii herba essential oils.

- In: Ranđelović, V., Stojanović-Radić, Z. (eds.). 11th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts, Niš, 95-96.

M52 Биологија

285. Kostić, М., Zlatković, B., Miladinović, B., Pavlović, D.,

Antioksidativna aktivnost metanolnih ekstrakata biljne vrste Salvia verbenaca L.

- Drugi kongres Život sa slobodnim radikalima: hemija, biologija, medicina. Zbornik sažetaka, Niš, 72.

M52 Биологија

Milutinović, M., Petrović, M., B. Kitić, D. (2013):

286. Mikić, A., Medović, A., Jovanović, Ž., Stanisavljević, N., Zlatković, B. (2014):

Integrating palaeogenetics with archaeobotany and palaeolinguistics for broadening knowledge on annual legumes domestication.

- In: Vasiljević, B., Mladenović Drinić, S. (eds.). V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, Book of Abstracts, Kladovo, Serbia, 263.

M52 Биологија

287. Tomičić, M., Đorđević, V., Mikić, A., Zlatković, B., Antanasović, S. (2014):

Population divergence of a Pisum sativum L. subsp. elatius from the Pčinja valley.

- In: Vasiljević, B., Mladenović Drinić, S. (eds.). V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, Book of Abstracts, Kladovo, Serbia, 370.

M52 Биологија

288. Banović, B., Miljuš-Đukić, J., Jovanović, Ž., Mikić, A., Ćupina, B., Zlatković, B., Anđelković, S., Jelić, M., Maksimović, V., Aleksić, J. M. (2014):

Faba bean, a grain crop legume of the future. - In: Vasiljević, B., Mladenović Drinić, S. (eds.). V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, Book of Abstracts, Kladovo, Serbia, 376.

M52 Биологија

289. Sovrlić Miroslav M,  Vasiljević Perica J,  Jušković Marina Ž,  Mašković Pavle Z,  Manojlović Nedeljko T 

Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Profiles of Extracts of Daphne alpina (Thymelaeaceae) L. Leaf and Twig from Mt. Kopaonik (Serbia)

Tropical journal of pharmaceutical research,vol. 14 br. 7, (2015),str. 1239-1248

M23 Биологија

290. Manojlović N, Sovrlić M, Mašković P, Vasiljević P, Jušković M.

Phenolic and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity of Daphne blagayana growing in Serbia.

Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, Volume 15, No 1, (2014), str. 21-27

M52 Биологија

291. Landucci, F., Řezníčková, M., Šumberová, K., Chytrý, M., Aunina, L., Biţă-Nicolae, C., Bobrov, A., Borsukevych, L., Brisse, H., Čarni, A., Csiky, J., Cvijanović,

WetVegEurope: a database of aquatic and wetland vegetation of Europe

Phytocoenologia 45(1-2): 187-194, 2015. M22 Биологија

D., De Bie, E., De Ruffray, P., Dubyna, D., Dimopoulos, P., Dziuba, T., FitzPatrick, U., Font, X., Gigante, D., Golub, V., Hennekens, S., Hrivnák, R., Iemelianova, S., Jandt, U., Jenačković, D., Jansen, F., Kącki, Z., Lájer, K., Matulevičiutė, D., Mesterházy, A., Michalcová, D., Paal, J., Papastergiadou, E., Properzi, A., Radulović, S., Rodwell, J., Schaminée, J., Šilc, U., Sinkevičienė, Z., Stančić, Z., Stepanovich, J., Teteryuk, B., Tzonev, R., Venanzoni, R., Weekes, L., Willner, W.

292. Stamenković, S., Cvijan, M.

Determination of airpollution zones in Knjaževac (southeastern Serbia) by using epiphytic lichens

Biotechnology and Biotechnological equipment, (2014) 24: sup1, 278-283

M23 Biology

293. Mаrković, M., Ilić, B., Miladinović, D., Stamenković, S., Trajković, R., Stаnkov-Jovаnović, V., Djelić, G.

Activity of a catalase enzyme in plants from the burned areas of the Vidlič mountain beech forest

Oxidation Communications, (2015) 38(2): 860-868, Sofia, Bulgaria

M23 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

294. Ristić, S., Ranković, B., Kosanić, M., Stamenković, S.,

Biopharmaceutical potential of two Ramalina lichens and their metabolites

Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, (2016) 17(7): 651-658, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., Netherlands

M23 Biochemistry and Molecular


Stanojković, T., Sovrlić, M., Manojlović, N.

295. Ignjatović Nenad, Wu Vong, Ajduković Zorica, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Uskoković Violeta, Uskoković Dragana

Chitosan-PLGA polymer blends as coatings for hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and their effect on antimicrobial properties, osteoconductivity and regeneration of osseous tissues,

Material science & engineering C-materials for biological applications.2016: 60:357-364 IF 3,625

M21 Chemistry, Medicinal Pharmacology & Pharmacy Plant Sciences

296. Stanković Nemanja, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Zlatković Bojan, Stankov-Jovanović Vesna, Mitić Violeta, Jović Jovana, Čomić Ljiljana, Kocić Branislava, Bernstein Nirit

Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Traditional Medicinal Plants from the Balkan Peninsula.


M21 Multidisciplinary

297. Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Denić Marija, Zlatković Bojan, Stankov-Jovanović Vesna, Mitić Violeta, Stojanović Gordana, Radulović Niko

Inferring the origin of rare fruit distillates from compositional data using multivariate statistical analyses and the identification of new flavour constituents.

Journal of the science of food and agriculture. 2015;95:1217-35 IF 1.714

M21 Plant Sciences

298. Stankov-Jovanović Vesna, Ilić Marija, Mitić Violeta, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Simonović Strahinja, Nikolić-Mandić Snežana, Tabet Cole

Secondary metabolites of Seseli rigidum: Chemical composition plus antioxidant, antimicrobial and cholinesterase inhibition activity.

Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. 2015;111:78-90. M21, IF 2.979

M21 Pharmacology & PharmacyPlant Sciences

299. Miladinović Bojana, Kostić Milica, Savikin Katarina, Djordjević Boban, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana,

Chemical Profile and Antioxidative and Antimicrobial Activity of Juices and Extracts of 4 Black Currants Varieties (Ribes nigrum L.).

Journal of food science. 2014;79:C301-09 IF 1,696

M21 Multidisciplinary

Živanović Slavoljub, Kitić Dusanka

300. Dimitrijević Marija, Stankov-Jovanović Vesna, Cvetković Jelena, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Stojanović Gordana, Mitić Violeta

Screening of antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiradical activities of twelve selected Serbian wild mushrooms.

Analytical methods. 2015;7(10):4181-4191 IF1,821

M22 Biochemictry

301. Ajduković Zorica, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Ignjatović Nenad, Stojanović Zoran, Mladenović-Antić Snežana, Kocić Branislava, Najman Stevo, Petrović Nenad, Uskoković Dragan

In Vitro Evaluation of Nanoscale Hydroxyapatite-Based Bone Reconstructive Materials with Antimicrobial Properties.

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015;15:1–9 IF 1.556

M23 Multidisciplinary

302. Ilić Marija, Stankov Jovanović Vesna, Mitić Violeta, Jovanović Olga, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Marković Marija, Stojanović Gordana

Comparison of chemical composition and biological activities of Seseli rigidum fruit essential oils from Serbia.

Open chemistry. 2015;13(1):42-51 IF 1,33 M23 Biochemictry

303. Kostić Milica, Zlatković Bojan, Miladinović Bojana, Živanović Slavoljub, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Pavlović Dragana, Kitić Dušanka

Rosmarinic Acid Levels, Phenolic Contents, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of the Extracts from Salvia verbenaca L. Obtained with Different Solvents and Procedures.

Journal of food biochemistry. 2015;39: 199-208 IF 0,853

M23 Multidisciplinary

304. Veselinović Jovana, Veselinović Aleksandar, Nikolić Goran, Pesić Srdjan, Stojanović Dušica,

Antibacterial potential of selected 4-phenyl hydroxycoumarins: integrated in vitro and molecular docking studies.

Medicinal chemistry research. 2015;24(4):1626-1634 IF 1,402

M23 Pharmacology & Pharmacy

Matejić Jelena, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana

305. Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Radnović Dragan, Kitić Dusanka, Stankov-Jovanović Vesna, Mitić Violeta, Stojanović-Radić Zorica, Zlatković Bojan

Chemical composition, antimicrobial, antioxidative and anticholinesterase activity of Satureja montana L. ssp montana essential oil.

Central european journal of biology. 2014;9(7):668-677 IF 0,710

M23 Multidisciplinary

306. Matejić Jelena, Džamić Ana, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Ristić Mihajlo, Ranđelović, Vladimir, Krivošej Zoran, Marin Petar

Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of essential oil and extracts from Heracleum sphondylium L.

Journal of essential oil bearing plants. 2016:19(4):944-953 IF 0,620

M23 Pharmacology & Pharmacy

307. Miladinović Dragoljub, Ilić Budimir, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Jović Jovana, Marković Marija

In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Libanotis montana Essential Oil in Combination with Conventional Antibiotics.

Natural product communications. 2014;9(2):281-286 IF 0,906

M23 Biochemictry

308. Pavlović Dragana, Vukelić Marija, Najman Stevo, Kostić Milica, Zlatković Bojan, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Kitić Dusanka

Assessment of polyphenol content, in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial and toxic potentials of wild growing and cultured rue.

Journal of applied botany and food quality. 2014;87:175-181 IF 0,814

M23 Multidisciplinary

309. Matejić Jelena, Dzamić Ana, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Randjelović Vladimir, Mileski Ksenija, Marin Petar

Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents and Biological Activities of Cachrys cristata Dc. Extracts.

Archives of biological sciences. 2014;66(3):1117-1123 IF 0,718

M23 Multidisciplinary

310. Miladinović Dragoljub, Ilić

Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Geum rhodopeum.

Chemistry of natural compounds. 2014;50(5):926-928 IF 0,509

M23 Biochemictry

Budimir, Matejić Jelena, Randjelović Vladimir, Nikolić Dejan, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Mladenović Olga

311. Radovanović Aleksandra, Jovančićević Branimir, Radovanović Blaga, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana

Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Selected Vranac Wines Against Six Gram-Positive and Six Gram-Negative Bacterial Strains.

Tropical jornal of pharmaceutical research. 2014;13(5):819-824 IF 0,589

M23 Pharmacology & Pharmacy

312. Miladinović Dragoljub, Ilić Budimir, Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Nikolić Dejan, Cvetković Olga, Marković Marija, Miladinović Ljiljana

Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of Heracleum sibiricum.

Natural product communications. 2013;8(9):1309-1311 IF 0,906

M23 Biochemictry

313. Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana, Zlatković Bojan, Stankov-Jovanović Vesna, Ilić Marija, Mitić Violeta, Stojanović Gordana

Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Almond-Leafed Pear (Pyrus spinosa FORSSK.) Fruits.

Oxidation communications. 2013;36(4):1079-1089 IF 0,451

M23 Biochemictry

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