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    本署檔號 OUR REF. : (31) in DH/CHEU/_2/HES/1-2 來函檔號 YOUR REF. : 電 話 TEL. : 2835 1866 圖文傳真 FAX. : 2591 6127 To All Primary Schools 14 February 2007 Dear Headmasters/Headmistresses,

    April 19 – ‘Fruit Day’ Fruit and Fun for Primary School Kids

    In the 2006/07 school year, the Department of Health (DH) has launched the

    “” Campaign to advocate healthy eating among primary school students. Recent studies indicate that taking enough fruit and vegetables is essential for health and can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart diseases, stroke and cancers. Therefore, we recommend children and adults to take at least two servings of fruit a day, and that students should consume one of these servings at school.

    In view of the inadequate fruit intake among students in Hong Kong, DH will in collaboration with key stakeholders organize a ‘Fruit Day’ on 19 April 2007. Its aim is to encourage home school cooperation and creation of a natural and supportive environment for primary school students and teachers to eat fruit together in a relaxed and fun-filled atmosphere, which in turn helps children develop a habit of eating fruits. All participating students will be issued a ‘Fruit Diary’ which contains educational stories, instructions for a reward scheme and a certificate of achievement. The use of the “Fruit Diary” aims to stimulate children’s interest in and foster their habit of daily fruit intake.

    We cordially invite your school to take part in this meaningful event through online registration at the website from 9 March 2007 to 18 April 2007 (Schools registering before 30 March 2007 will have relevant materials including Teachers’ Resource Kit and ‘Fruit Diary’ delivered to the school on time. Schools registering after this date will need to pick up the materials from this Department). A commendation trophy will be awarded to schools taking part actively in the ‘Fruit Day’ and its online photo call. A brief and two posters are attached for favour of posting. Should you need assistance, please feel free to contact Ms Sarah CHAN, Nursing Officer (DH), at 2835 1866.

    Let’s join hands to promote better health of our children!

    Yours faithfully,

    (Dr Regina CHING)

    for Director of Health Encl.: (1) One Event Brief on 4.19 ‘Fruit Day’ (2) Two 4.19 ‘Fruit Day’ posters

    香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府

    生 署 中 央 健 康 教 育 組 香港灣仔軒尼詩道 130 號

    修頓中心 7 樓




    7/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road,

    Wanchai, Hong Kong.

  • 1

    ‘’ Campaign Department of Health

    4.19 ‘Fruit Day’ Fruit and Fun for Primary School Kids

    Event Brief Organizers and Supporters The event is co-organized by the Department of Health, Education and Manpower Bureau, Radio Hong Kong, Hong Kong Education City, Committee on Home-School Co-operation, Hong Kong College of Cardiology and World Cancer Research Fund (Hong Kong) with the support from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and all Federations of Parent-Teacher Associations in Hong Kong. Background

    In recent years, extensive studies have shown the importance of fruit and vegetable intake to health and its capability to lower the risk of chronic diseases (such as heart diseases, stroke and certain kinds of cancer). In line with promotion of a balanced diet, we recommend children aged 6 to 12 to consume one to two servings of fruit every day for health improvement and disease prevention. Purpose The purpose of this event is to encourage primary school students and teachers to consume fruits together as a means to cultivate the habit of daily fruit intake. With the use of the “Fruit Diary” (an educational resource containing educational stories, instructions for a reward scheme and a certificate of achievement, made available to all participating students), we hope to stimulate children’s interest in and foster their habit of daily fruit intake. Programme Items and Schedule

    Items Date & Period Details

    (i) ‘Fruit Day’ 19 April 2007 Collective action - students and teachers eat fruit together

    (ii) Reward scheme 1-2 months after

    19 April 2007

    Make use of the ‘Fruit Diary’ to run a reward scheme for students to promote daily fruit intake.

    (iii) Uploading activity/photos

    19 April to 30 June 2007

    Schools may share exciting moments relating to the ‘Fruit Day’ activities by uploading messages/photos before 30 June 2007 for public browsing.

  • 2

    Registration and Participation Details Online Registration 1. Schools may register online ( between 9 March and 18 April

    2007 (Schools registering before 30 March 2007 will have relevant materials including Teachers’ Resource Kit and ‘Fruit Diary’ delivered to the school on time. Schools registering after this date will need to pick up the materials from this Department).

    2. Name and timeslot of proposed activity and estimated number of participants should

    be provided upon registration. Activity may be held during recess time (for half-day schools) or lunch break (for

    whole-day schools) subject to convenience of the schools Schools may organize related educational activities on that day

    3. List of participating schools and details of activities will be uploaded to the website

    for public viewing. 4. Once successfully registered, participating schools will receive the concerned

    materials (including a Teachers’ Resource Kit and ‘Fruit Diary’) from the organizer. Preparations by the school for the ‘Fruit Day’ 5. Display the ‘Fruit Day’ poster at school (Two copies will be provided by the organizer.

    Schools may call 2572 1476 for extra copies or make their own posters). 6. Issue a notice to parents to inform them of the school’s participation in the ‘Fruit Day’

    (please refer to ‘Notice to Parents’).

    7. Making fruits available For whole-day schools, ask the lunch supplier to provide fresh fruits. Issue a notice to parents and promote ‘Fruit Day’ to students. Remind parents to

    supply fruits on that day for their children’s consumption. Schools may prepare a small amount of fruits as reserve.

    8. During the school days in the month or two following the ‘Fruit Day’, make use of the

    ‘Fruit Diary’ to encourage students to maintain the habit of daily fruit intake, in order to foster a healthy habit. A log sheet on fruit intake is included in the ‘Fruit Diary’, on which schools may advise parents, teachers or student representatives to place stamps for recording purpose. Students who have collected 20 stamps or more will be eligible for a reward (e.g. a certificate presented by the school principal). Schools may also prepare their own prizes or design their own means of encouragement.

  • 3

    Commendation Trophies will be presented to participating schools with activity/photos uploaded to the website. Reference materials For Parents

    To parents: Fruit to children every day for health improvement Other related health education pamphlets – ‘Healthy Fruit Recipes’, ‘Enjoy Fruit

    and Vegetable Every Day, Two plus Three is the Way’ For Schoolchildren

    Fruit Diary

    For Schools Template of ‘Notice to Parents’ Suggested activities PowerPoint


    ‘Two plus Three’ website -

    Enquiries For enquiries about this event or registration via the internet, please contact Ms Sarah CHAN, Nursing Officer (DH), at 2835 1866 or .

  • To Parents :Feed chi ldren with fruit daily to improve their health

    衞生署Department of Health

    For more health information, please call the 24-hour health education hotline of the Department of Health 2833 0111 or visit the website of the Central Health Education Unit of the Department of Health :

    Eating the right amount of different kinds of food is certainly the key to balanced diet and optimal nutrition.

    In recent years, extensive studies found more essential the role of fruit and vegetables in healthy eating

    and their capability to decrease our risks of diseases such as heart diseases, stroke and certain cancers. We

    recommend one to two servings of fruit a day to children as part of a balanced diet to improve health and

    reduce risks of major diseases.

    • Dietary fi bre: It is an essential element to maintain good health.• Vitamins: Vary among fruit. Examples include vitamin A, folic acid, ribofl avin and vitamin C.• Minerals: Differ among fruit. These may include iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and zinc.• Water: The water content by weight is as high as 90 % in fruit such as watermelon.

    • Phytochemicals: Phytochemicals are substances that occur naturally in plants and are thought to improve health and reduce risks of diseases.

    One serving of fruit is approximately defi ned as:

    • 2 pieces of small-sized fruit (e.g. plum, kiwifruit)

    • 1 piece of medium-sized fruit (e.g. orange, apple, tangerine)

    • 1/2 piece of large-sized fruit (e.g. banana, grapefruit, star fruit)

    • half cup of cut-up fruit or berries (e.g. watermelon, cantaloupe, melon, cherries, and strawberries)

    • half cup of grapes and lychees

    • 1/4 cup of dried fruit without added sugar or salt (e.g. raisin, prune)

    • 3/4 cup (about 150 ml) of fresh fruit juice without added sugar (e.g. fresh orange juice with pulp)

    (One serving of fruit is about 80 grams. Children aged 6 to 12 should take at least 80 to 160 grams of fruit

    daily which is in line with the recommendation of the World Health Organization).

    Remark: 1 cup = 240 ml

    Try to choose a variety of fresh fruit to obtain different nutrients

    • Bring your kids shopping for their favorite fruit

    • Create fun-fi lled occasions to enjoy fruit with your kids

    • Buy a wide variety of fruit

    • Allow children’s participation in preparing fruit for bringing to school.

  • _______________________ (Name of School)

    (Date) Notice to Parents (Sample)

    4.19 ‘Fruit Day’ Fruit and Fun for Primary School Kids

    Dear Parents,

    Our school will join the ‘Fruit Day’ event organized by the Department of Health on 19 April 2007. All teachers and schoolchildren are to be encouraged to eat fruit together on that day at school in a relaxed and fun-filled atmosphere. The aim of the event is to nurture a healthy habit of eating fruit for schoolchildren through home-school cooperation. I now solicit your support in encouraging your child to participate this meaningful event.

    Please complete and return the reply slip to the class teacher by (date).

    Yours faithfully,

    (Name/Signature of School Head) __________________________________________________________________

    Reply Slip (Sample)

    4.19 ‘Fruit Day’ Fruit and Fun for Primary School Kids

    Dear Headmaster/Headmistress,

    My child ___________________(name of student) of class_______ *will/will not participate the 4.19 ‘Fruit Day’ event at school.

    My child will take *self-brought fruit/fruit supplied by school lunch supplier (for students who have ordered school lunch) on that day.

    Signature of Parent/Guardian:________________ Name of Parent/Guardian:________________

    Telephone(for emergency use):________________ * Please delete the inappropriate item

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