the oiiial puhliiaioミ of: western australia inc. septeマhe...2020/09/07  · septeマhe...

Post on 27-Jan-2021






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  • Ailiated ┘ith The MG Caヴ CluH ふUKぶ aミd マeマHeヴ of the

    Coミfedeヴaioミ of Austヴaliaミ Motoヴ Spoヴt

    SepteマHeヴ ヲヰヲヰ The OiIial PuHliIaioミ of: THE MG CAR CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA INC.

  • CluHヴooマs: ヱヱヰ Haヴd┞ Rd, BAYSWATER. Postal Addヴess: G.P.O. Bo┝ Βヰヴ Mouミt La┘le┞ ヶΓヲΓ WeHsite: ┘┘┘.マgII┘a.Ioマ ABN: ヴヶ ヶヲΓ ΑヵΒ ンンヰ

    Geミeヴal Meeiミgs held at the CluHヴooマs oミ the thiヴd Tuesda┞ of e┗eヴ┞ マoミth ふfello┘ship fヴoマ Α:ンヰ, foヴマal pヴoIeediミgs IoママeミIe at Β:ヰヰ p.マ.ぶ

    All マeマHeヴs aミd ┗isitoヴs aヴe ┘elIoマe.


    PRESIDENT Doug Bush ヰヴヵヲ ヵ1ヶ ンΓΒ dougマg┘a@マsミ.Ioマ VICE PRESIDENT Da┗id Haヴdie ヰヴヲ1 Β11 ヴヵヰ dhaヴdieヵ1@gマail.Ioマ SECRETARY Alle┞ MulIah┞ ヰヴヵΒ Βヲ1 ΒΒヲ aeマulIah┞@hotマail.Ioマ TREASURER Chヴis Haヴt ヰヴ1Β ヴΓΓ ンヲΒ Ihヴishaヴt@┘estミet.Ioマ.au CLUB CAPTAIN Aミミett Gusteヴsoミ ヰヴ1Α Γヵヲ 1ΓΑ ヴiIhgus@Higpoミd.Ioマ COMPETITION SEC Pete MIGヴath ヰヴヲΑ Αヵヰ 1ヰヵ peteマIgヴathΑヶ@hotマ SOCIAL CO-ORD Toミ┞ Foヴd ヰヴヰヰ ヲヰヲ ヴΑヴ toミ┞foヴd@┘estミet.Ioマ.au

    EDITORS Gヴahaマ aミd ヰヴヰ1 ンΑヵ ヶヴヴ マgII┘a.editoヴs@gマail.Ioマ Mo┞ヴa MitIhiミsoミ ヰヴヰヰ ヲヰヲ ヶΑΓ MEMBERSHIP SEC RiIhaヴd Gusteヴsoミ ヰヴヰΓ 1ヰヵ ΓヵΑ ヴiIhgus@Higpoミd.Ioマ SAFETY FAST CO-ORD Teヴヴ┞ Baミtoミ ΓヲΓ1 ΒΒΑΑ teヴ┘aミ@iiミet.ミ WEBMASTER Iaミ CaマpHell ΓヲΓン ヴ1Α1 hotdog1@iiミet.ミ ヰヴヰ1 ヴヵヰ ヵンヶ NON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Patヴoミs Johミ aミd Val Goff, Tiマ Haヴlaミd LiHヴaヴiaミs Saヴah Fヴ┞ ヰヴンヰ ヵヶヴ ヰヵΑ saヴah_fヴ┞ヰン@hotマail.Ioマ Cateヴiミg Cooヴdiミatoヴ Chヴistiミe Bush ヰヴヴΓ ヲヵヵ ヴ1ヲ dougマg┘a@マsミ.Ioマ Regalia Chヴis Haヴt ヰヴ1Β ヴΓΓ ンヲΒ Ihヴishaヴt@┘estミet.Ioマ.au Auditoヴ Peteヴ Maミミiミg ΓンΒン ΓヲヴΑ pマaミミiミgヴヵ@hotマail.Ioマ Caマs Delegate Toミ┞ Foヴd ヰヴヰヰ ヲヰヲ ヴΑヴ toミ┞foヴd@┘estミet.Ioマ.au Buildiミg MaiミteミaミIe Chヴis Haヴt ヰヴ1Β ヴΓΓ ンヲΒ Ihヴishaヴt@┘estミet.Ioマ.au CoミIessioミ Registヴaヴ RiIhaヴd Gusteヴsoミ ヰヴヰΓ 1ヰヵ ΓヵΑ ヴiIhgus@Higpoミd.Ioマ

    Southeヴミ Chapteヴ Cooヴdiミatoヴs Ted aミd RoH┞ミ Mulliミs ヰヴ1Γ Γヲヵ ヶンヲ ヴoH┞ミtedヰ1@hotマail.Ioマ

  • Coミteミts: Pヴesideミt’s Ne┘s………………….……….....….....ヴ - ヵ Mid┘eek …...Ruミ……..………………………………..ヶ - Α Motoヴkhaミa………...………..……......................Β - Γ Yoヴk Sho┘ Iミfo…………………...………………...ヱヰ - ヱヱ WaIk┞ RaIes………………………………………………...ヱヲ Muヴdeヴ Night Iミfo….……………………………...ヱヴ - ヱヵ Baミtoミ’s Big Bヴeakfast…………………………...ヱヶ - ヱΓ Futuヴe E┗eミts………..…….………………………...ヲヰ - ヲヱ Foヴ Sale oヴ Waミted…………………………...………….ヲン

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    Pヴesideミt’s PieIe

    Wiミteヴ is ミeaヴl┞ o┗eヴ iミ WA aミd ┘e aヴe aHle to go aHout ouヴ li┗es, マoヴe oヴ less as ミoヴマal, at least ┘ith ヴegaヴds to Heiミg aHle to dヴi┗e ouヴ MGげs aミ┞┘heヴe ┘ithiミ ouヴ ┗eヴ┞ laヴge State., ┘hiIh is マoヴe thaミ マaミ┞ otheヴ ┘oヴld┘ide MG CluH マeマHeヴs aヴe aHle to do. We aヴe all ┗eヴ┞ luIk┞ to He li┗iミg iミ WA.

    We eミjo┞ed a ┗eヴ┞ eミjo┞aHle ヶヰ-マile dヴi┗e iミ ouヴ MGA, ┘ith マaミ┞ otheヴ MGs oミ the BBB ヴuミ. It ┘as a dヴ┞ da┞ ┘ith a Iool staヴt oミ suHuヴHaミ ヴoads, ┘ith Ihalleミgiミg TB Ilues to He sol┗ed, Hefoヴe ┘e Iould IoミIeミtヴate oミ soマe lo┗el┞ Iouミtヴ┞ dヴi┗iミg ヴoads. The A ┘eミt ┘ell, ┘ith the lo┘eヴ OATげs suiiミg the eミgiミe & Iooliミg s┞steマ.

    MY TD o┗eヴhaul ┘oヴk has pヴoIeeded, slo┘l┞. As is usual ┘ith suIh tasks, oミe eミIouミteヴs uミfoヴeseeミ Ihalleミges oミ the ┘a┞. The latest oミe ┘as to disIo┗eヴ a daマaged けSIヴapeヴ Riミgげ oミ the ミuマHeヴ fouヴ pistoミ ┘heミ Ileaミiミg it Hefoヴe ヴe-asseマHl┞. Eas┞ I thought, get a ミe┘ set of +ヲヰ ヴiミgs aミd Ihaミge theマ all. Alas I Iould ミot iミd a set of the IoヴヴeIt ヴiミgs iミ WA, so a phoミe Iall to the UK aミd thus I a┘ait aミotheヴ DHL paヴIel. If ┞ou thiミk foヴ a マoマeミt, マaミ┞, if ミot マost of ouヴ MG マodels aヴe at least ヴヰ ┞eaヴs old, ┞et ┘e aヴe aHle to get ヴeplaIeマeミt paヴts foヴ マost iteマs ┘e ミeed. Iミ マ┞ Iase the TD eミgiミe is ヶΑ ┞eaヴs old aミd ┞et I ha┗e Heeミ aHle to get ミe┘ paヴts foヴ all the iミteヴミal Ioマpoミeミts that I ミeeded aミd shippiミg fヴoマ the UK usuall┞ [e┗eミ ミo┘] oミl┞ takes aHout Α da┞s. I ha┗e used マ┞ folda┘a┞ eミgiミe hoist foヴ the litiミg, aミd I aマ ┘illiミg to loaミ it to aミ┞ マeマHeヴ if the┞ ha┗e ミeed of oミe foヴ ┘oヴk oミ theiヴ o┘ミ MG.

    Mo┗iミg oミ to fuヴtheヴ iミfoヴマaioミ ヴe the MGCC Γヰth aミミi┗eヴsaヴ┞ WA ヴuミ oミ Suミda┞ 11th OItoHeヴ. We ┘ill He pigg┞HaIkiミg oミ the aミミual CMC けBヴoIk┘ell Ruミげ, that this ┞eaヴ ┘ill He fヴoマ the Motoヴ Museuマ iミ Whiteマaミ Paヴk to Yoヴk. Caヴs ┘ill asseマHle at the MM fヴoマ ヰΒ:ヰヰ oミ┘aヴds aミd ┘ill He allo┘ed to depaヴt fヴoマ 1ヰ:ヰヰ. A ヴoute sheet ┘ill He pヴo┗ided aミd the $1ヰ.ヰヰ peヴ Iaヴ eミtヴ┞ fee ┘ill iミIlude ミo-Ihaヴge eミtヴ┞ to the MM foヴ ヴuミ eミtヴaミt dヴi┗eヴs aミd all passeミgeヴs, pヴioヴ to the e┗eミt staヴt. I do hope that マaミ┞ マeマHeヴs ┘ill go aloミg ┘ith theiヴ MGげs aミd eミjo┞ the da┞ [ a good test ヴuミ foヴ the SFR the ミe┝t ┘eekeミd!]

    It is oミl┞ ン マoミths to the IluHげs AGM aミd thus the Coママitee ha┗e soマe ┘oヴk to do to eミsuヴe that it Iaミ take plaIe ┘ith マeマHeヴs ph┞siIall┞ pヴeseミt [if possiHle]. Has aミ┞Hod┞ tヴied the けSマaヴt Fヴee┘a┞げ iミ a IlassiI Iaヴ ┞et? The oミ-ヴaマp マeteヴiミg seeマs to He a Ihalleミge to get up to speed Hefoヴe ┞ou eミteヴ the fヴee┘a┞ iミside laミe.

  • Iミ this ediioミ of the OItagoミ ┘e ha┗e had se┗eヴal IoミtヴiHutoヴs ┘ho ha┗e takeミ photogヴaphs oヴ supplied aヴiIles that ┘eヴe used

    thヴoughout the マagaziミe.

    Johミ Weldoミ NiIholsoミ, Saヴah Fヴ┞, BヴuIe MILoughミe┞, Iaミ aミd Lis CaマpHell Teヴヴ┞ aミd Waミda Baミtoミ,

    If you ha┗e a story aHout your MG or had aミ ad┗eミture ┘ith it aミd ┘ish to share it, please seミt it iミ to us.

    Thaミk you M & G

    WelIoマe to Ne┘ MeマHeヴs

    Aミdヴe┘ & Pippa MuヴdoIh - Cヴeaマ/Buヴguミd┞ )B Magミete

    ReマeマHeヴ けSafet┞ Fastげ

    OItagoミal Regaヴds Doug Bush SepteマHeヴ ヲヰヲヰ

  • ClassiI Mid┘eek Ruミ Thursday ヱンth August

    With soマe IoミliIiミg ┘eatheヴ pヴediIioミs foヴ the da┞ aヴouミd ヲヵ die haヴd IlassiI Iaヴ o┘ミeヴs suヴfaIed aloミg side the Muミdaヴiミg Hotel foヴ a IlassiI ヴuミ, ミot kミo┘iミg if a sho┘eヴ oヴ t┘o ┘ould He oミ its ┘a┞. As マeマHeヴs gatheヴed aヴouミd foヴ a Ihat the マoヴミiミg Ihill sooミ suIIuマHed to the eaヴl┞ suミshiミe aミd the ┘aヴマiミg suミ Hヴought out マaミ┞ sマiliミg faIes sippiミg as the┞ sipped oミ theiヴ pipiミg hot Iofeeげs. Soマe Hヴa┗ed the Ihill┞ ┘eatheヴ ┘ith hoods do┘ミ aミd ┘iミteヴ hats aミd Ioats oミ, ┘hilst otheヴs pulled up theiヴ ヴespeIi┗e sot aミd haヴd tops hopiミg to take ad┗aミtage of theiヴ heaiミg faIiliies.

    Theヴe ┘eヴe soマe ┗eヴ┞ ミiIe ┗ehiIles oミ displa┞: A Iouple of Midgets, a ミuマHeヴ of lo┗el┞ Ausiミ Heale┞げs, a fe┘ Tヴiuマph Stags aミd a ミiIe TRヴ. A ヴaヴe Jeミseミ Heal┞, aミd a Cateヴhaマ ┘ith aミ 1ΒヰヰII Datsuミ eミgiミe. Lots of gヴeat lookiミg けBげs, aミd a ┗eヴ┞ iマpヴessi┗e TC, ┘hiIh H┞ the ┘a┞ had ミo pヴoHleマ siIkiミg ┘ith the ヴest of the Iaヴs.

    Aヴthuヴ WallaIe Ialled us all to aヴマs aミd pヴoIeeded to e┝plaiミ his さマud マapざ foヴ the マid┘eek ヴuミ, ふIげマ suヴe he kミe┘ ┘hat he ┘as talkiミg aHoutぶ.

    Headiミg of pヴoマptl┞ at 1ヰ:ンヰaマ it sooミ HeIaマe appaヴeミt to us Hヴa┗e souls ┘ith the tops do┘ミ that Αdegs feel like -ヲ degs ┘heミ tヴa┗elliミg at speed, Hut that ┘ould HeIoマe iミsigミiiIaミt as ┘e tuヴミed of Gヴeat Easteヴミ High┘a┞ to┘aヴds Gidgegaミミup.

    Dヴi┗iミg thヴough the Iouミtヴ┞side ┞ou Iould He foヴgi┗eミ if ┞ou felt that ┞ou ┘eヴe dヴi┗iミg oミ aミ Eミglish Iouミtヴ┞ ヴoad. The gヴass ┘as gヴeeミeヴ thaミ the TCげs paiミt┘oヴk, aミd the Iaミola ields shoミe like Hヴight ┞ello┘ Iaヴpets as faヴ as the e┞e Iould see. SuIh Heauiful Iouミtヴ┞side this iマe of ┞eaヴ.

    We sooミ aヴヴi┗ed iミ Tood┞a┞ stoppiミg Hヴiel┞ to Ioミ┗eヴse ┘ith ┗aヴious IlassiI Iaヴ o┘ミeヴs. Aヴthuヴ ┞et agaiミ Ialled us togetheヴ aミd distヴiHuted the seIoミd paヴt of the さマud マapざ iミdiIaiミg ouヴ ヴoute to ouヴ luミIhiマe desiミaioミ. It all looked stヴaight foヴ┘aヴd, so ふlike sheepぶ ┘e headed of to┘aヴds ouヴ desiミaioミ Ioミideミt that the さマud マapざ ┘ould ミot fail us................

  • Α

    But ┘e ┘eヴe ┘ヴoミg, just like sheep ヶ of us follo┘ed eaIh otheヴ to┘aヴds Noヴthaマ, e┗eミ though ┘e kミe┘ that ouヴ Desiミaioミ ┘as Chidlo┘ Ta┗eヴミ! The lead Iaヴ ヴealised his eヴヴoヴ aミd

    ケuiIkl┞ took a けUげ tuヴミ, eaIh oミe of us follo┘iミg hiマ like ┘ild ┘est hoヴse dヴa┘ミ ┘agoミs. BaIk iミ liミe ┘e sped of aloミg The Gヴeat Easteヴミ High┘a┞ uミil ouヴ Chidlo┘ tuヴミiミg poiミt. We all aヴヴi┗ed at the ta┗eヴミ iミ oミe pieIe aミd eミjo┞ed the good Ioマpaミ┞ aミd gヴeat food.

    The follo┘iミg マeマHeヴs ┘heヴe the ヴeIipieミts of the Mid┘eek Ruミ soIial pヴizes: BooH┞ Pヴize, foヴ geiミg the desiミaioミ ケuite ┘ヴoミg ふBullsHヴookぶ ┘eミt to RiIhaヴd Whitehead. ヲミd pヴize ┘eミt to Ma┝ Williaマs foヴ the IoヴヴeIt マileage - Ausiミ Heal┞

    1st pヴize ┘eミt to Johミ Ro┘e, foヴ the IoヴヴeIt マileage aミd the IoヴヴeIt desiミaioミ, also aミ Ausiミ Heal┞ o┘ミeヴ. A gヴeat Hig THANK YOU goes to Aヴthuヴ WallaIe foヴ oヴgaミisiミg the da┞.

    Johミ Wheldoミ NiIholsoミ

  • Β

    Noヴth Coogee Motoヴkhaミa Suミdayヱ6th August ヲヰヲヰ

    Theヴe ┘as a ┘eatheヴ ┘aヴミiミg put out foヴ Peヴth foヴ stoヴマs aミd hea┗┞ ヴaiミ as ┘e set of eaヴl┞ マoヴミiミg at iヴst light foヴ Noヴth Coogee. Oミ aヴヴi┗al to gヴeet us ┘ith a sマiliミg faIe ┘as the lo┗el┞, Ileヴk of Iouヴse aミd Ihief iマekeepeヴ, Aミミe Douglas. Co┗id pヴeIauioミs ┘eヴe ┘ell マaミaged aミd soIial distaミIiミg eミIouヴaged. The e┗eミt had Heeミ oヴgaミised He Aミd┞ Haマiltoミ fヴoマ the Tヴiuマph Spoヴts O┘ミeヴs AssoIiaioミ. The Motoヴkhaミa Iouヴse ┘as spヴead o┗eヴ the laヴge uミused Iaヴ paヴk iミ Gaヴstoミ Wa┞ aミd ┘as appヴo┝iマatel┞ 1.1kマs iミ leミgth. The Iouヴse Ioミsisted of staヴiミg iミ the けgaヴageげ ┘heヴe the e┗eヴ Hヴa┗e Da┗e R┞deヴ, ┘illiミg to staミd out iミ all ┘eatheヴs, ┘a┗ed his ヴatheヴ ┘et lag. The ヴoute ┘as set so ┞ou to dodge ┞ouヴ ┘a┞ aヴouミd the マaミ┞ Ioミes iミ a set pateヴミ, takiミg Iaヴe ミot to kミoIk theマ o┗eヴ, as that ┘ould add a ヵ seIoミd peミalt┞ to ┞ouヴ iミal iマe. The Iouヴse ┘as Ioマple┝ foヴ soマe ┘ho eミded up goiミg the ┘ヴoミg ┘a┞. 1Γ dヴi┗eヴs eミteヴed the e┗eミt of ┘hiIh 1Α took paヴt. Foヴ soマe it ┘as just as fuミ skiddiミg ヴouミd the Iouヴse side┘a┞s, faiヴl┞ assisted H┞ the ┘et suヴfaIe. The ┘eatheヴ ┘as マi┝ed ┘ith ┘iミd, ヴaiミ aミd alマost a gliママeヴ of suミ foヴ a fe┘ マiミutes. E┗eヴ┞oミe had ヴ iマed ヴuミs aミd a ヵth oミe ┘as foヴ fuミ ┘hiIh ┘as also iマed Hut didミげt Iouミt iミ the eミd ヴesult. The foヴマidaHle BヴuIe PolloIk iミ his ミa┗┞TRヴ, Doug さDiIkie Siマpsoミ iミ his マaヴooミ Spifiヴe put up a Ihalleミge foヴ ouヴsel┗es Peteヴ aミd Saヴah Fヴ┞ dヴi┗iミg the gヴeeミ MGB aloミg ┘ith BヴuIe YouミgHeヴg ┘ho ┘as dヴi┗iミg Hlue/puヴple MGB. Fiミミ Hollaミd aミd Bヴeミt Williaマs eミteヴtaiミed us ┘ith theiヴ aミiIs as the┞ shaヴed the dヴi┗iミg ┘ith theiヴ Heige To┞ota Coヴolla ┘hiIh had ミe┘ Yokohaマa t┞ヴes oミ foヴ the e┗eミt. Fastest of the da┞ ┘as Deミis Coミ┘a┞ iミ his Hlue SuHaヴu. BヴuIe YouミgHeヴg had a faHulous da┞ マaミagiミg the ┘hole Iouヴse iミ ヲミd geaヴ. Peteヴ ┘as the ケuiIkest of the MGBげs. The ┘eatheヴ didミげt daマpeミ aミ┞oミe spiヴits of fuミ aミd e┗eヴ┞oミe had a gヴeat マoヴミiミg, ┘e ┘eヴe glad to get hoマe to the ┘aヴマ iヴe aミd マug of hot tea though.

    Sarah Fry

    Naマe Caヴ Ruミ 1 Ruミ ヲ Ruミ ン Ruミ ヴ Total Ruミ Tiマes

    O┗eヴall PlaIiミg

    Peteヴ Fヴ┞

    Gヴeeミ MGB

    ヴ1.ヵン ヴヲ.1ヲ ヴヰ.ンΒ ヴヰ.ヶΒ 1ヶヴ.Α1 Αth

    BヴuIe YouミgHeヴg

    Blue MGB

    ヴヲ.ヶヰ ヴヰ.ヵヶ ヴヲ.Βヰ ヴヰ.ヴヶ 1ヶヶ.ヴヲ 1ヰth

    Saヴah Fヴ┞

    Gヴeeミ MGB

    ヴヴ.ンΒ ヴヲ.Α1 ヴン.ヲン ヴ1.ΓΓ 1Αヲ.ン1 1ヲth

  • Γ

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    WACKY RACES ┘ith Peteヴ MIGヴath

    August ┘as a stead┞ マoミth foヴ Ioマpeiioミ, as thiミgs gヴaduall┞ head HaIk to┘aヴds ミoヴマal. The TSOA Autokhaミa took plaIe oミ the 1ヶth at Coogee. A good tuヴミ out fヴoマ ouヴ IluH, ┘hiIh should ha┗e also iミIluded ┞ouヴs tヴul┞, Hut I o┗eヴslept ふpヴoHaHl┞ ミot a gヴeat idea to do a puH Iヴa┘l the ミight Hefoヴe!ぶ. AヴiIle else┘heヴe iミ this ediioミ of the OItagoミ. Rouミd ヲ of the State Motoヴkhaミa is due to take plaIe ateヴ suHマissioミ of this aヴiIle, oミ Suミda┞ ンヰth August, it looks like ┘eげll ha┗e i┗e マeマHeヴs takiミg paヴt iミIludiミg ┞ouヴs tヴul┞ ふthis iマe, I ┘oミげt o┗eヴsleep!ぶ. SepteマHeヴ has a litle マoヴe aIioミ: Fヴida┞ ヱヱth SepteマHeヴ – Rouミd 1ヰ of the TaヴマaI Spoヴtz PoiミtヲPoiミt seヴies Spヴiミt aミd Dヴitkhaミa, oヴgaミised H┞ the WA Spoヴiミg Caヴ CluH. All iミfo oミ the WASCC ┘eHsite. Satuヴda┞ ヱヲth SepteマHeヴ – Rouミd ン of the State Motoヴkhaミa Seヴies, oヴgaミised H┞ the Miミi Caヴ CluH of WA. Veミue ┞et to He Ioミiヴマed, likel┞ to He Tigeヴ Kaヴt CluH. Moヴe iミfo to follo┘. Tuesda┞ ヱヵth SepteマHeヴ – Jaguaヴ Hill CliマH at JaIkげs Hill, oヴgaミised H┞ the Jaguaヴ Caヴ CluH of WA. Iミfoヴマaioミ has alヴead┞ Heeミ eマailed out, Hut please let マe kミo┘ if ┞ou ヴeケuiヴe aミ┞ マoヴe iミfo. Wedミesda┞ ヱヶth SepteマHeヴ - Coマe & Tヴ┞ Da┞ at BaヴHagallo RaIe┘a┞, oヴgaミised H┞ the WASCC. Staヴiミg at Γaマ foヴ ミe┘ aミd ミo┗iIe Ioマpeiioミ dヴi┗eヴs. Iミfo oミ the WASCC ┘eHsite. Suミda┞ ヲヰth SepteマHeヴ – Mid┗ale Autokhaミa, oヴgaミised H┞ the Tヴiuマph Spoヴts O┘ミeヴs AssoIiaioミ. Takiミg paヴt at Mid┗ale Speed Doマe. Iミfo has alヴead┞ Heeミ eマailed out. This is a faミtasiI IiヴIuit, that Iげd highl┞ ヴeIoママeミd to e┗eヴ┞oミe to tヴ┞. Theヴeげs pleミt┞ マoヴe oppoヴtuミit┞ to take paヴt iミ fuヴtheヴ Ioマpeiioミ e┗eミts duヴiミg the ヴeマaiミdeヴ of the ┞eaヴ. Iミfo to He eマailed out peヴiodiIall┞ Iloseヴ to the iマe. Whilst takiミg paヴt iミ the ヴuミ duヴiミg Baミtoミげs Big Bヴeakfast last Suミda┞, I ┘as e┝tヴeマel┞ pleased ┘ith the peヴfoヴマaミIe of the MGF, the ミe┘ iマiミg Helt seeマs to ha┗e gi┗eミ heヴ sマootheヴ po┘eヴ output, ┘hiIh ┘as haミd┞ oミ the Heauiful aミd Ihalleミgiミg Beヴヴ┞ Road fヴoマ Gidgegaミミup HaIk to┘aヴds Bヴigadooミ. Iげマ hopiミg to get the Heミeit out oミ the IiヴIuit. Iげマ heaヴiミg ヴuマouヴs that the old Dヴi┗iミg Ceミtヴe ふe┝ RAC, DTEC, AHGぶ IiヴIuit has ヴe-opeミed at Peヴth Aiヴpoヴt. Iげマ sill lookiミg iミto this, Hut ┘ould He keeミ to get soマe e┝pヴessioミs of iミteヴest fヴoマ ouヴ マeマHeヴs aHout aヴヴaミgiミg soマe IiヴIuit iマe theヴe, should it He a┗ailaHle foヴ puHliI hiヴe. Please let マe kミo┘ if ┞ou ┘ould He iミteヴested iミ suppoヴiミg the MGCCWA Hookiミg the IiヴIuit foヴ a IluH e┗eミt. Let マe kミo┘ if ┞ou ミeed aミ┞ マoヴe iミfo oミ aミ┞ posted e┗eミt, oヴ e┗eミ Heteヴ if ┞ou aヴe a┘aヴe of oミe, ┘e マa┞ ミot ┞et kミo┘ aHout. Heヴeげs to a ヴapid aミd fuミ SepteマHeヴ

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    Tヴa┗el AssoIiates Kalaマuミda is a Houiケue tヴa┗el ageミI┞, ┘ith a foIus oミ uミIoマpヴoマisiミg Iustoマeヴ seヴ┗iIe. E┝peヴieミIe lies at the heaヴt of e┗eヴ┞thiミg ┘e do, ouヴ teaマ of ad┗iseヴs ha┗e o┗eヴ 1ヰヰ ┞eaヴs IoマHiミed e┝peヴieミIe. Dヴa┘iミg oミ those deIades of iミdustヴ┞ e┝peヴieミIe aミd a geミuiミe passioミ foヴ tヴa┗el, let theiヴ tヴa┗el ad┗iseヴs speIiall┞ Iヴat tailoヴed iiミeヴaヴies to peヴfeItl┞ it ┞ouヴ tヴa┗el st┞le aミd pヴefeヴeミIes.

    Just iマagiミe ┘heヴe theiヴ e┝peヴieミIe Iould take ┞ou. Theiヴ spaIious aミd st┞lish oiIe is the peヴfeIt plaIe to slo┘ thiミgs do┘ミ o┗eヴ a ヴela┝ed He┗eヴage aミd disIuss ┞ouヴ iミdi┗idual tヴa┗el ミeeds iミ a pヴi┗ate aミd uミiミteヴヴupted eミ┗iヴoミマeミt. The┞ ┘ill ┘oヴk ┘ith ┞ou to Iaヴefull┞ pヴepaヴe all of the aヴヴaミgeマeミts.

    Call ΓヲヵΑ ヱンΒΒ aミd let Tヴa┗el AssoIiates Kalaマuミda Hヴiミg ┞ouヴ ミe┝t dヴeaマ holida┞ to life. Tヴa┗el AssoIiates, ┘heミ E┝peヴieミIe Iouミts.

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    Johミ Hughes display ┗ehiIle





    At the iミ┗itaioミ of Judge WAYLON PAYNE, He at the QUINDANNING HOTEL ふiミ the litle WYOMING Teヴヴitoヴ┞ To┘ミ of ROADKILLぶ oミ Wedミesda┞ ヲンヴd

    SepteマHeヴ at ヵpマ ふミo lateヴ oヴ ヴisk the IoミseケueミIes!ぶ foヴ "The Good the Bad aミd the Guilt┞"!!!! Pleミt┞ of iマe to polish ┞ouヴ spuヴs, Ihaps aミd iヴeaヴマs foヴ aミ e┝Iiiミg aミd iミtヴiguiミg Muヴdeヴ M┞steヴ┞. Quiミdaミミiミg is ヴeミo┘ミed as THE ┘ild ┘est - "faミI┞ dヴess" is Ioマpulsoヴ┞ - Io┘Ho┞, Io┘giヴl, AマeヴiIaミ Iミdiaミ, salooミ giヴls oヴ マadaマ, ladies of the ミight oヴ foヴ the ヴole ┞ou'┗e Heeミ seleIted foヴ. NuマHeヴs aヴe stヴiItl┞ liマited aミd pヴioヴ Hookiミg ESSENTIAL aミd ONLY ┘ith Toミ┞ Foヴd. See "SoIial E┗eミts" oミ page ヲン oミ ho┘ to do the

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    46 Irvine Street Phone - 93718442 Maylands WA 6051 ACN 056 846 694

    Email - Web -

    Hookiミg. AミiIipated Iosiミg aヴouミd $1ヵヰ iミIludiミg diミミeヴ, ヴooマ plus a Ioミiミeミtal Hヴeakfast. ふpa┞ the Hotel oミ depaヴtuヴeぶ. Pヴe- diミミeヴ dヴiミks at Haヴ pヴiIes. You マa┞ tヴa┗el iミdi┗iduall┞ ふplease let us kミo┘ aミd a ヴoute マap ┘ill He pヴo┗ided oミ ヴeケuestぶ oヴ joiミ the ┘agoミ tヴaiミ, ┘hiIh ┘ill He saddliミg up aミd lea┗iミg Ye Olde Naヴヴogiミ Iミミ, Aヴマadale at ン.ヰヰpマ shaヴp to head south to Quiミdaミミiミg. It ┘ill He gヴeat fuミ aミd マost eミjo┞aHle ミight aミd hope ┞ou Iaミ Ioマe aミd joiミ us. RiIhaヴd ヴヰΓ 1ヰヵ ΓヵΑ, Aミミete ヰヴ1Α Γヵヲ 1ΓΑ oヴ ヴiIhgus@Higpoミd.Ioマ

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    BANTON’S BIG BREAKFAST Suミda┞ ヲンヴd August

    It ┘as a lo┗el┞ Hヴight マoヴミiミg ┘heミ ┘e マet at さspaヴヴo┘sざ at the Iaヴ IluH. Thiヴt┞ t┘o Iaヴs aミd theiヴ oIIupaミts ┘eヴe ヴead┞ foヴ the sIeミiI ヴuミ ┘hiIh Teヴヴ┞ aミd Waミda had plaミミed. Ateヴ a shoヴt Hヴieiミg ┘e ┘eヴe of aミd sooミ Ileaヴed suHuヴHia aミd hit Tood┞a┞ Road aミd theミ oミ thヴough Gidgegaミミup. We tuヴミed of the マaiミ ヴoad oミto Beヴヴ┞ Road ┘ith aマaziミg sIeミeヴ┞, lots of full daマs aミd ┗eヴ┞ gヴeeミ paddoIks. Theミ ateヴ マaミ┞

    difeヴeミt sIeミiI ヴoads takiミg us HaIk iミ a Westeヴl┞ diヴeIioミ ┘e Iaマe to the Bヴigadooミ aヴea aミd heaヴd マaミ┞ sIヴeaマs fヴoマ Iaヴs goiミg up aミd do┘ミ the さHig dippeヴざ ┘hiIh ┘as gヴeat fuミ.

  • Iaミ aミd I ┘eヴe also Ioミfヴoミted H┞ a ┗eヴ┞ Hig Kaミgaヴoo ┘ho ┘as suミミiミg hiマself iミ the マiddle of the ヴoad – I thiミk Teヴヴ┞ aヴヴaミged that as a speIial litle tヴeat. Fiミall┞ ┘e aヴヴi┗ed at Oako┗eヴ Gヴouミds aミd fouミd ouヴ ┘a┞ to the Big Bヴeakfast マaヴケuee. The Hヴeakfast ┘as ┗eヴ┞ geミeヴous aミd e┗eヴ┞oミe eミjo┞ed it. Teヴヴ┞ ヴead out the さミo aヴguマeミtざ aミs┘eヴs to the oHseヴ┗aioミ ケuesioミs aミd Pat & Aミd┞ Sha┘ ┘oミ the iヴst pヴize, follo┘ed Ilosel┞ H┞ Keヴヴeミ & Liミdsa┞ CaマpHell foヴ seIoミd. Thaミk ┞ou Waミda aミd Teヴヴ┞ foヴ aミotheヴ マeマoヴaHle Big Bヴeakfast マoヴミiミg.

    Lis CaマpHell

  • Eヴミie Lis Daミiel Saヴah

  • Alaミ Palマeヴ


    A BIG Thankyou TO ALL that ateミded the BBB aミd eミjo┞ed the Hoth the sIeミiI dヴi┗e aミd Hヴeakfast. Both Waミda aミd マ┞self do hope that the マoヴミiミg ┘as Hoth マeマoヴaHle aミd that ┞ou eミjo┞ed the Ioマpaミ┞ of otheヴ MGCC マeマHeヴs. Due to the loIaioミ of the e┗eミt マeマHeヴs fヴoマ the Southeヴミ Chapteヴ felt the addiioミal kiloマetヴes ┘ould pヴoHaHl┞ stヴetIh the Fヴieミdship aミd Fello┘ship to faヴ Hut ┘e Iaミ assuヴe EVERY マeマHeヴ ┘ho ateミds ミe┝t ┞eaヴs e┗eミt ┘ill He e┝tヴeマel┞ saisied ┘ith the Hoth the loIaioミ aミd the Hヴeakfast – YES the plaミミiミg aミd pヴepaヴaioミ has alヴead┞ IoママeミIed . We ┘eヴe spoiled iミ ヲヰ1Γ ┘ith the ┗eミue aミd the Iateヴiミg aミd ┘e Iaミ assuヴe ┞ou that ヲヰヲ1 ┘ill He eケuall┞ suIIessful. Be pヴepaヴed foヴ a Southeヴミl┞ Dヴi┗e iミ ヲヰヲ1. Coママeミts oミ the siマpliIit┞ of the ケuesioミs aミd aミs┘eヴs oミ the pヴe Hヴeakfast dヴi┗e ha┗e Heeミ Ioミsideヴed Hut ┘e Iaミ assuヴe ┞ou all that ヲヰヲ1 ┘ill He faヴ マoヴe Ioマple┝.

    A gヴeat efoヴt fヴoマ all at the MGCC of WA.

    Waミda & Teヴヴ┞ Baミtoミ

    AHo┗e: Biヴthda┞ Bo┞ RoH Hagaヴt┞, hope it ┘as a gヴeat da┞ foヴ ┞ou.

    Let: Wiミミeヴs aミd gヴiミミeヴs ┘ith theiヴ Hotles of ┘iミe, ヴatheヴ iiミg foヴ Keヴヴeミ aミd Liミdsa┞ ┘ho ha┗e just IeleHヴated theiヴ Weddiミg Aミミi┗eヴsaヴ┞. Coミgヴats gu┞s

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    Soマe people are just マad!

    SOCIAL EVENTS IN SEPTEMBER All CluH マeマHers are ┘elIoマe to pariIipate iミ these soIial e┗eミts. As they are listed oミ the CluH’s e┗eミts Ialeミdar, your IoミIessioミally registered Iar Iaミ He dri┗eミ to, froマ aミd duriミg eaIh e┗eミt.

    Spヴiミg CeleHヴaioミ Ruミ – Suミda┞ ヶth SepteマHeヴ

    To IeleHヴate the aヴヴi┗al of spヴiミg ┘eatheヴ, a Αヰkマ sIeミiI dヴi┗e is plaミミed to IoママeミIe iミ Guildfoヴd ふマeeiミg iミ the tヴaiミ staioミ ミoヴth Iaヴpaヴk at ヱヰaマ foヴ a 1ヰ:1ヵaマ staヴtぶ to the Aヴalueミ BotaミiI Paヴk iミ Role┞stoミe foヴ the Aヴalueミ Spヴiミgiマe Fesi┗al. EaIh spヴiミg Aヴalueミ puts oミ a dazzliミg displa┞ of lo┘eヴiミg tulip HulHs as ┘ell as aミ aHuミdaミIe of ミai┗e lo┘eヴs iミ a piItuヴesケue seiミg. Bヴiミg a piIミiI haマpeヴ aミd foldiミg Ihaiヴs oヴ Hu┞ luミIh fヴoマ the ┗aヴiet┞ of food outlets oミ site. Theヴe aヴe also BBQs. Adマissioミ to Aヴalueミ is $1ヰ peヴ adult ふ$Β IoミIessioミ duヴiミg the Spヴiミgiマe Fesi┗alぶ aミd is ┘ell ┘oヴth the pヴiIe. CoミtaIt is RiIhaヴd Gusteヴsoミ ふeマail ヴiIhgus@Higpoミd.Ioマ oヴ マoHile ヰヴヰΓ 1ヰヵ ΓヵΑぶ.

    ClassiI Mid┘eek Ruミ – Thuヴsda┞ ヱヰth SepteマHeヴ

    The SepteマHeヴ ClassiI Mid┘eek Ruミ ┘ill IoママeミIe fヴoマ the Old Naヴヴogiミ Iミミe iミ Aヴマadale, gatheヴiミg at ヱヰ:ヰヰaマ foヴ a 1ヰ:ンヰaマ staヴt. Joiミ the usual IolleIioミ of assoヴted MGs, Ausiミ Heale┞s, Jaguaヴs, Tヴiuマphs, Astoミ Maヴiミs aミd otheヴ IlassiI Iaヴs foヴ a pleasaミt dヴi┗e aミd luミIh at a Iouミtヴ┞ puH. CoミtaIt is RiIhaヴd Gusteヴsoミ ふeマail ヴiIhgus@Higpoミd.Ioマ oヴ マoHile ヰヴヰΓ 1ヰヵ ΓヵΑぶ.

    Yoヴk Motoヴ Sho┘ – Suミda┞ ヱンth SepteマHeヴ

    The Yoヴk BヴaミIh of the Veteヴaミ Caヴ CluH of WA is holdiミg the Yoヴk Motoヴ Sho┘ oミ Suミda┞ 1ンth SepteマHeヴ. Theヴe aヴe a ┗aヴiet┞ of aIi┗iies aミd ┗aヴious ┗ehiIle aミd CluH displa┞s duヴiミg the da┞ iミIludiミg foヴ ouヴ MGs. A CluH ヴuミ to histoヴiI Yoヴk ┘ill lea┗e at Γ:ヰヰaマ fヴoマ the Stoミe┗ille Rd eミd of the Muミdaヴiミg Village Shoppiミg Ceミtヴe. The Laz┞ Coヴミeヴ Café, upstaiヴs iミ the shoppiミg Ieミtヴe, is opeミ foヴ Hヴeakfast aミd/oヴ Iofee aミd Iake foヴ the eaヴl┞ ヴiseヴs ┘hile theヴe is also a Hakeヴ┞ foヴ those paヴial to paisseヴies. Please ad┗ise Toミ┞ Foヴd ふマoHile ヰヴヰヰ ヲヰヲ ヴΑヴ oヴ eマail toミ┞foヴd@┘estミet.Ioマ.auぶ if ┞ou aヴe iミteミdiミg to paヴiIipate, so that the VCC Iaミ He ad┗ised of ouヴ CluH ミuマHeヴs foヴ the displa┞.

    Southeヴミ Chapteヴ: PeマHeヴtoミ O┗eヴミight - Satuヴda┞ ヱΓth & Suミda┞ ヲヰth SepteマHeヴ

    The Southeヴミ Chapteヴ is hosiミg a ヴuミ fヴoマ BuミHuヴ┞ to PeマHeヴtoミ, sta┞iミg o┗eヴミight. The ヴuミ of aヴouミd 1Βヰkマ ┘ill staヴt fヴoマ the BaIkHeaIh Cafe ふOIeaミ Dヴi┗e, BuミHuヴ┞ぶ ┘ith a マoヴミiミg stop iミ Baliミgup, luミIh iミ Naミミup theミ oミ to the Best Westeヴミ PeマHeヴtoミ Hotel foヴ the e┗eミiミg. Suミda┞ is aミ opioミal sIeミiI ヴuミ hoマe oヴgaミised H┞ Teヴヴ┞ aミd Sue Old. Please ad┗ise Ted aミd RoH┞ミ Mulliミs ふヰヴ1Γ Γヲヵ ヶンヲ oヴ ヴoH┞ミtedヰ1@hotマail.Ioマぶ foヴ aIIoママodaioミ Hookiミgs.

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    MGA Registeヴ Ruミ – Suミda┞ ヲヰth SepteマHeヴ

    The MGA Registeヴ ┘ill He hosiミg aミotheヴ supeヴH dヴi┗eヴsげ ヴuミ oミ Suミda┞ ヲヰth SepteマHeヴ, as Heiiミg the MGA spiヴit, Io┗eヴiミg Γヰkマ of sIeミiI ┘iミdiミg ヴoads to a ヴestoヴed histoヴiI 1ΒΒΒ Iouミtヴ┞ puH foヴ luミIh. All CluH マeマHeヴs aヴe iミ┗ited to マeet at the Muミdaヴiミg Shoppiミg Ceミtヴe ふIaヴ paヴk at easteヴミ eミd of Stoミe┗ille Road Hehiミd KFCぶ at ヱヰ:ヰヰaマ foヴ a pヴoマpt 1ヰ:1ヵaマ staヴt. The Laz┞ Coヴミeヴ Café, upstaiヴs iミ the shoppiミg Ieミtヴe, is opeミ foヴ Hヴeakfast aミd/oヴ Iofee aミd Iake foヴ the eaヴl┞ ヴiseヴs ┘hile theヴe is also a Hakeヴ┞ foヴ those paヴial to paisseヴies. Alteヴミai┗el┞, theヴe is a Doマe o┗eヴ the ヴoad!

    Foヴ luミIh ┗eミue Hookiミg puヴposes, please ad┗ise Toミ┞ Foヴd ふマoHile ヰヴヰヰ ヲヰヲ ヴΑヴ oヴ eマail toミ┞foヴd@┘estミet.Ioマ.auぶ if ┞ou aヴe iミteミdiミg to joiミ this Ruミ.

    Quiミdaミミiミg Muヴdeヴ M┞steヴ┞ Diミミeヴ Night – Wedミesda┞ ヲンヴd SepteマHeヴ

    A Muヴdeヴ M┞steヴ┞ Night is Heiミg IoミduIted H┞ the CluH o┗eヴ diミミeヴ at the histoヴiI Quiミdaミミiミg Hotel oミ Wedミesda┞ ヲンヴd SepteマHeヴ! AIIoママodaioミ iミ the Hotel is a┗ailaHle Hut is liマited to 1Α ヴooマs aミd eaヴl┞ Hookiミg is esseミial Hoth to seIuヴe a ヴooマ aミd also to assist iミ the oヴgaミizaioミ of the Muヴdeヴ M┞steヴ┞ e┗eミt. Those ateミdiミg ┘ill He eミIouヴaged to dヴess iミ a マaミミeヴ appヴopヴiate to the theマe aミd aミ┞oミe ┘ith a ヴole to pla┞ ┘ill He IoミtaIted H┞ the oヴgaミiseヴs RiIhaヴd aミd Aミミete Gusteヴsoミ. Details of this e┗eミt aヴe desIヴiHed else┘heヴe iミ this OItagoミ.

    Please IoミtaIt Toミ┞ Foヴd ふマoHile ヰヴヰヰ ヲヰヲ ヴΑヴΑ oヴ eマail toミ┞foヴd@┘estミet.Ioマ.auぶ foヴ ヴooマ Hookiミgs aミd to ヴegisteヴ ┞ouヴ paヴiIipaioミ iミ the e┗eミiミg. Please ミote that the Quiミdaミミiミg Hotel ┘ill ミot aIIept iミdi┗idual Hookiミgs as the CluH has HloIk Hooked all 1Α ヴooマs. The Hotel has ad┗ised that self-suiIieミt Iaマpeヴ┗aミs/Iaヴa┗aミs aヴe ┘elIoマe to paヴk o┗eヴミight at ミo Iost.

    ADVANCE NOTICE Noヴtheヴミeヴs & Southeヴミeヴs LuミIh Ruミ – Suミda┞ ヴth OItoHeヴ Coミiミuiミg a tヴadiioミ staヴted H┞ the けBell Bヴotheヴsげ, Johミ aミd Coliミ, this is a CluH ヴuミ to Hヴiミg the ミoヴtheヴミ aミd southeヴミ d┘elliミg MGCC マeマHeヴs togetheヴ foヴ aミ eミjo┞aHle luミIh. Noヴtheヴミeヴs ┘ill マeet at the CluHヴooマs ふ11ヰ Haヴd┞ Road Ba┞s┘ateヴぶ fヴoマ ヱヰ:ヰヰaマ foヴ a 1ヰ:1ヵaマ staヴt, ┘hile southeヴミeヴs ふfヴoマ the Southeヴミ Chapteヴぶ ┘ill マeet at the Cヴooked Caヴヴot Café ふFoヴヴest H┘┞, M┞alupぶ at ヱヰ:ヰヰaマ foヴ Iofee aミd aミ 11.ヰヰaマ staヴt, foヴ sepaヴate ヴuミs iミishiミg at a luミIh ┗eミue iミ Waミミaミup aヴouミd 1pマ.

    Foヴ the ┗eミueげs Iateヴiミg puヴposes, please ad┗ise ┞ouヴ iミteミioミ to ateミd H┞ ンヰth SepteマHeヴ to Toミ┞ Foヴd ふtoミ┞foヴd@┘estミet.Ioマ.au oヴ マoHile ヰヴヰヰ ヲヰヲ ヴΑヴぶ oヴ Ted Mulliミs ふヴoH┞ミtedヰ1@hotマail.Ioマ oヴ マoHile ヰヴ1Γ Γヲヵ ヶンヲぶ foヴ ミoヴtheヴミeヴs aミd southeヴミeヴs ヴespeIi┗el┞.


  • ヲヲ

    The Deadliミe foヴ iteマs foヴ the OItoHeヴ ediioミ of the OItagoミ ┘ill He Thuヴsda┞ ヲヴth SepteマHeヴ ヲヰヲヰ.

    Please keep aミ eye oミ the dates as they マay Ihaミge Thaミk ┞ou M & G Editors

    MGCC 90th Anniversary Celebration MaGic Run

    Sunday 11th October

    From the Motor Museum in Whiteman Park to York

    Coマe aloミg aミd Joiミ iミ this WA e┗eミt to help IeleHヴate this auspiIious

    e┗eミt iミ the MGCC ┘oヴld Caleミdaヴ.

    AsseマHle at the Motoヴ Museuマ fヴoマ ヰΒ:ヰヰ, IolleIt ┞ouヴ ヴoute sheet, foヴ the ヱヰ:ヰヰ depaヴtuヴe oミ the dヴi┗e to Yoヴk, ┘heヴe ┞ou Iaミ eミjo┞ the hospitalit┞ of this histoヴiI to┘ミ. Take ┞ouヴ o┘ミ piIミiI & Ihaiヴs if ┞ou


    The eミtヴaミIe fee is just $1ヰ.ヰヰ peヴ Iaヴ [pa┞aHle iミ Iash oミ the da┞] aミd iミIudes eミtヴ┞ to the Motoヴ Museuマ

    Hefoヴe 1ヰ:ヰヰ foヴ the dヴi┗eヴ aミd all passeミgeヴs.

    Enquiries to: Doug Bush. 0452561398 e-mail:

  • ヲン


    ヱΓヶΒ MGB ヴoadsteヴ - $ンヵ,ヵヰヰ Full┞ ヴestoヴed, マeIhaミiIall┞ ヴeHuilt Ne┘ toミミeau aミd hood, Huマpeヴs a┗ailaHle

    For further iミfo IoミtaIt: Da┗id FletIheヴ ヰヴヰヴ ΒΓヰ ヲヰヰ da┗id.letIheヴ@u┘

    ヱΓΑヰ MGB Roadsteヴ - $ヱΓ,ヰヰヰ E┝Ielleミt Ioミdiioミ iミside aミd out, ヴestoヴaioミ doミe H┞ MG Spoヴts Gaヴage Saマe o┘ミeヴ ヲΒ ┞eaヴs, CoミtaIt: Paul NaヴduIIi ヰヴ1Β Αヵヲ ヴ1ヰ paulミaヴduIIi@Higpoミd.Ioマ

    Foヴ sale Set of ヵ MG ┘iヴe ┘heels, t┞ヴes aミd tuHes - $ヱヰヵヰ oミo Wiヴe ┘heels paiミted gヴe┞ ヴざ ┝ 1ヵざ spliミes Βヵ% suit TD & TF

    ヵ t┞ヴes - ヴ good 1 a┗eヴage 1ヶヵ SR 1ヵ ヵ tuHes, old Hut ミo leaks oヴ ヴepaiヴs

    CoミtaIt: Waヴヴeミ MIE┗o┞ ヰヴΒΑ ΑΓΓ ヰヰΑ oヴ ┘aマIeΑΒ@gマail.Ioマ

    Waミted - MGB ヴoadsteヴ Hod┞ aミ┞ ┞eaヴ Doesミげt ミeed to He iミ pヴisiミe Ioミdiioミ, マa┞He a half iミished pヴojeIt

    I ha┗e マost of the ヴuミミiミg geaヴ, just ミeed a ヴeasoミaHle Hod┞

    CoミtaIt: Gヴahaマ ヰヴヰ1 ンΑヵ ヶヴヴ oヴ マgII┘a.editoヴs@gマail.Ioマ

    Waミted - WEBER CaヴHuヴetoヴ ヴヵDCOE - 1ン

    Please IoミtaIt: Stepheミ ヰヴヲΒ ΓΒヲ 1ヴΓ

  • ヲヴ

    I ha┗e a to┘ Haヴ to suit aミ MGB. It Iaマe of マ┞ 1ΓヶΑ MGB GT. $ヱヵヰ.

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