the project is created by the students of the 1 st group

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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The project is created by

The students of the 1st group


In the hot, dry Southwest of the U.S., the Native American villages are called “pueblos”. The pueblos were built in high places , on rocky cliffs. The people did not want their enemies to come near. Old pueblo houses did not have doors in the walls. People climbed up ladders to the roof. The “door” was a hole in the roof. Enemies could not easily come in that way.Native Americans made pueblo houses from stone, wood, and “adobe”-dry mud bricks. Adobehouses are strong and clean. They are warm in winter and cool in summer.

Three hundred years ago, when the Europeans came to northeastern America, they lived in simple huts. But later, they built houses in the styles of their home countries. The Dutch built tall, narrow houses along the Hudson River. The French on the St. Lawrence River put windows in the roofs of their houses, and made fine, wooden shutters. The English built houses with warm, red-colored brick, or white painted wood.


In the “deep South” of the U.S. the weather is warm and the land is green. The Europeans came there in the seventeenth century. They found deep forests and wide rivers. They found hundreds of beautiful flowering trees and flowers. But they brought one very important plant with them: cotton. They cut down the forests and planted cotton—miles and miles of cotton.

The cotton planters soon grew rich. They built big, beautiful houses. These “plantation” houses had large rooms with high ceilings. They had tall pillars in front, and big trees grew near the houses. They were cool in the hot summer months. The planters bought beautiful paintings and furniture for their homes. They lived very comfortably.


The first farmers in America were poor. But they worked hard, and slowly some of them grew richer. They built bigger and better farmhouses. They bought comfortable furniture. They built houses in interesting styles


Mobile homes are big, but they can travel. Trucks take them from the factory to the trailer park. In the trailer park, the mobile home stands on concrete


There are thousands of trailer parks in the U.S. You will ‘ find two or three near most towns.

The first Russian houses (the peasant’s house was called “izba”; the houses for rich people were called “terem” or “polaty”) were built of wood. The Russians used only pine-trees and larch-trees for building their houses. They didn’t use nails for building the houses. The most important article of each Russian house was a stove.

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