the reasons behind bodyweight training - adult training in newyork | athletes training...

Post on 31-Aug-2018






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The Reasons Behind Bodyweight Training

The  benefits  of  bodyweight  training  are  wide  and  varied.  Here  are  just  a  few:

o  Can  be  performed  anywhere,  and  at  anytime   o  No  equipment  required   o  Better  balance  and  coordination   o  More  comprehensive  strength  profile,  i.e.,  better  relative  

strength   o  Improves  your  strength  or  dynamic  mobility,  improves  your  

ability  to  move  ���through  greater  ranges  of  motion  with  more  control  

o  Tons  of  varieties  of  exercises   o  Complexity  of  movement  can  increase  as  you  get  better   o  Teaches  fundamental  movement  patterns   o  Teaches  quality  of  movement   o  Lays  the  foundation  for  heavier  strength  training  

movements   ���I  could  go  on  about  moving  better,  having  better  balance,  or  even  how  you  don’t  need  any  equipment;  but  what  about  teaching  you  how  to  be  a  kid  again.  Remember  just  going  out  and  running  around,  without  a  care  in  the  world?  I  had  forgotten  about  how  much  I  loved  push-­‐ups,  pull-­‐ups  and  crawling  around,  until  I  absolutely  had  to  in  order  to  still  train.



Keys to Progress With Bodyweight Training

• The  key  to  achieving  your  goals  in  the  gym  is  to  train  intensely.  I’m  not  talking  about  working  out,  I’m  talking  about  training.  This  means  giving  it  everything  you’ve  got  every  time  you  step  into  the  gym.  It  is  about  making  every  rep  count  and  pushing  yourself  beyond  whatever  you  did  during  the  last  workout.  This  is  the  foundation  of  the  Principle of Progressive Overload.

• Increasing  the  intensity  with  each  progressive  workout  could  mean:

• § You  hit  more  volume  § You  lift  heavier  weights  § You  progressively  vary  the  volume,  i.e.,  undulating  periodization  § You  lift  the  weight  faster  (tempo)  § You  lift  with  a  more  controlled  or  slower  eccentric  (lowering)  phase  § You  incorporate  different  exercises  § You  increase  the  frequency  of  your  workouts,  i.e.,  more  sessions  per  week  

• Bottom  line,  if  you’re  not  pushing  the  pace,  then  you’re  falling  behind.  Achieving  anything  worthwhile  in  life  only  comes  with  hard  work.  Don’t  think  about  just  getting  through  the  workout,  think  about  crushing  it.  If  it  feels  too  easy,  throw  on  a  band  or  some  chains  and  keep  fighting.  







Tools:  Suspension  Trainer  

 Resistance  Bands  





Jump  Rope  


Power  Wheel  



Submax:  I  want  you  to  hit  as  many  reps  as  possible  with  solid  technique,  leave  a  rep  or  two  in  the  tank.  DO  NOT  FAIL  ON  THE  EXERCISE.  

Mixed  Grip:  Typically  one  hand  face  one  way  and  another  facing  the  opposite.  Can  also  be  used  set  to  set.  So  one  set  you  use  a  certain  grip,  next  set  you  change  to  another.  

AFAP:  As  fast  as  possible  AMRAP:  As  many  rounds  as  possible  


Upper  Body  

Plyo  Pushups  

Single  Arm  Pushups  

Ring  Fly's  

Inverted  Row  Underhand  Grip  

Feet  Elevated  Pushups  

Planche Pushups

Hindu Pushups

Staggered Pushups

Pullup w/ L sit

L Sit Rope Climb

Lower Body

Body Weight Squat


Slider Leg Curls

Skater Squats

Box jumps

Broad Jumps

Seated Box Jumps

Split Jumps

Squat Jumps

Core/Abs Fallouts


Flutter Kicks

Knee Raises

Leg Raises

Suspended Pikes

Running Man

Full Body

Lizard Crawl

Gorilla Crawl

Wall Walk to Pushup

Burpbee to Pullup

Crab Walk

Bear Crawl


Phase 1

1A) Push Ups@ 5 x submax reps �

1B) Pull Ups (Any Grip) 5 x submax reps (90 sec. rest)

2A) Squat Jumps 5 x 10 reps �

2B) Squats 5 x 10 reps (60 sec. rest)

3) Hanging leg raise variations 3 x 10 reps (30 sec. rest) 4) Hard Run x 1/2 Mile AF

Week 1 / Day 2

1A) Banded Pushup 5 x total: 4 x submax reps, 1 x max reps �

1B) Recline Rows 5 x total: 4 x submax reps, 1 x max reps (90 sec. rest)

2A) Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 10 ea. leg

(** One foot elevated on a bench**)

TSA BODYWEIGHT REVOLUTION  2B) Dip Bar Leg Raise 3 x 10 (60 sec. rest)

3) Jump Rope Intervals 4 minutes non stop: 15 sec. fast / 15 sec. control

Week 1 / Day 3

1A)  Pike  Pushups@ 4 x submax reps �

1B) Mixed Grip Pull Ups 4 x submax reps (90 sec. rest)

2A) Squat Jumps 4 x 10 reps

2B) Jump Rope 4 x 100 reps (90 sec. rest)

3A) Ab Wheel Roll Outs 2 x submax reps

3B) Burpees 2 x 10 reps

Week 1 / Day 4

1A) Feet Elevated Push Ups 2 x submax reps + 2 x max reps

1B) Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 12 ea. leg (60 sec. rest)

2A) Recline Rows 2 x submax reps + 2 x max reps

2B) Walking Lunges 4 x 12 ea. leg (60 sec. rest)

3) Jump Rope x 6 minutes: 30 sec. fast / 30 sec. rest

4) Hanging Leg Raises x 25 reps total

Week 2 / Day 1

1A) Banded Ext. Range of Motion (neutral grip) Pushup @ 3 x 8-10/ 1 set @ max reps

�1B) Mixed Grip Pull Ups 2 x submax + 2 x max reps

2A) Squat Jumps x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 �

TSA BODYWEIGHT REVOLUTION  2B) Squats x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (60 sec. rest)

3A) Dip Bar Leg Raise 2 x 10

3B) Ab Wheel roll outs 2 x 10

Week 2 / Day 2

1A) Bulgarian Split Squats 2 x 20 ea. leg �

1B) Mixed Grip Push Ups 2 x max reps (Rest 90 sec.)

2) Run 1/4 Mile AFAP (Rest 2 minutes)

3A) Recline Rows 3 x max reps

3B) Reverse Lunges 3 x 15 ea. leg

4) Run 1/4 Mile AFAP

Week 2 / Day 3

1A) Pike Pushups 5 x 10/8/6/4/2

1B) Mixed Grip Pull Ups 5 x submax reps

2) Squat Jumps Ladder 3 x 6, 8, 10 reps (Rest 30 seconds after each rep, 60 seconds after each ladder set)

3) Sprints 5 x 40 yards �

4) Ab Wheel Roll Outs x 25 reps total

Week 2 / Day 4

1A) Push Ups ( Shoulder Taps) 2 x 5 �ea

1B) Pull Ups 2 x 5 (Rest 60 sec.)

2A) Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 10 ea. leg �

TSA BODYWEIGHT REVOLUTION  2B) Lunge Jumps 3 x 5 ea. leg (Rest 60 sec.)

3A) Weighted Push Ups 2 x 10 �

3B) Recline Rows 2 x max reps (NO Rest)

4A) Sprint Forwards 5 x 100’ �

4B) Plank Hold x 30 sec

Week 3 / Day 1

5 Rounds AFAP ( As Fast As Possible)

1A) Squat Jumps x 10 �

1B) Off Set Push Ups x 5 + regular push ups x 5

1C) Lunge Jumps x 5 ea. leg �

1D) Pull Ups x submax reps �

1E) Hanging Leg Raise x 5

Week 3 / Day 2

5 Rounds of Each Superset AFAP

1A) Goblet Squats (hold a DB, In front of your face) x 10 reps �

1B) Hard Angle Recline Rows x submax reps

2A) DB Incline Press x submax reps

2B) Walking Lunges x 6 reps ea. leg


6 Rounds AFAP

1A) Mixed Bodyweight Pulling (ANY Pull Ups / Recline Pulls) x submax reps

1B) Ring Push Ups x submax reps �

1C) Ab Wheel Roll Outs x submax reps

Week 3 / Day 4

4 Rounds AFAP

1A) Squats x 25 reps �

1B) Lunge Jumps x 10 ea. leg

1C) Run 1/4 Mile AFAP

Week 4 / Day 1

1) Shoulder Press (Drop Set) x Submax 2A) Mixed Push Ups 4 x 20 reps 2B) Mixed Pull Ups 4 x 10 reps � 3) Run 1/2 Mile AFAP

Week 4 / Day 2

1A) Weighted Push Ups 3 x max reps (10-15 range) �

1B) Weighted Recline Rows 3 x max reps (10-15 range) (60 sec. rest)

2) Squat Jumps x 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 (Rest 60 seconds between sets)

TSA BODYWEIGHT REVOLUTION  3) Jump Rope x 5 minutes / moderate intensity �

4) Various Leg Raises x 30 reps total

Week 4 / Day 3

Perform AFAP

1A) Squats Jumps x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 �

1B) Pull Ups x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 �1

C) Close Grip Push Ups x 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 �1

D) Lunge Jumps x 6/6, 5/5, 4/4, 3/3, 2/2, 1/1 (reps each leg)

2) Run 3 x 1/4 Mile (Rest 2 minutes between each 1/4mile)

Week 4 / Day 4

Perform Prescribed Reps for EACH Exercise Before Moving to Next Exercise

1) Squats x 100 Total Reps �

2) Push Ups x 75 Total Reps �

3) Pull Ups x 25 Total Reps �

4) Recline Rows x 25 Total Reps

�5) Mixed Leg Raises x 15 Total Reps



Day 1: Strength & Speed

1) Planche Pushups 5 x submax reps (60 sec. rest)

2A) Handstand Pushup @ 5 x 5 �

2B) Pull Ups (Add weight if 5 reps is too easy) 5 x 5 (60 sec. rest)

3A) Squats + Weight (Hold a 20-40lb Db) 5 x 10

3B) Squats Jumps (NO Vest) 5 x 10 (90 sec. rest)

4A) Leg Raise 3 x 6 reps �

4B) Ab Wheel Roll Outs 3 x 6 reps (rest 30 seconds)

Day 2: Conditioning

1A) Burpees x 20 reps

1B) Run 400 meters

Day 3: Muscle Building

1) Bulgarian Split Squats 5 x 10 ea. leg (NO rest between sets) � ** 1 leg on Bench, bring back knee towards ground**

TSA BODYWEIGHT REVOLUTION  2) Mixed Grip Pull Ups 2 x submax reps + 2 x max reps (60 sec. rest)

3) Recline Rows 2 x max reps (60 sec. rest) �

4) Push Ups 2 x submax reps + 2 x max reps (60 sec. rest)

�5) Triceps Head Bangers x 30 Reps Total AFAP �

6) Hanging Leg Raises x 30 Reps Total AFAP

#3 & #4 2 sets you stop when you start to struggle, 2 sets go all out

Day 4: Hybrid

1A) Full Squat-> Jump 3 x 15 �

1B) Slow Motion Push Ups 3 x Max Reps (NO Rest)

2A) Lunge Jumps 4 x 5 / 5 ea. leg �

2B) Recline Rows (Add Weight) 4 x Max Reps 10-20 rep range

3) 100 Push Ups AFAP

Day 5: Strength & Speed

1) Bear Crawl 5 x submax distance (60 sec. rest)

Ladders: Rest 15-30 seconds between each ladder rung, rest 90 seconds between ea. set �

2A) Pushup Ladders 4 x 2, 3, 4 �, 5

2B) Pull Up Ladders @4 x 2, 3, 4, 5

3A) Squats + Weight (Hold 20-40lb DB) 5 x 10 �

3B) Squats Jumps (NO Vest) 5 x 10 (90 sec. rest)

TSA BODYWEIGHT REVOLUTION  4A) Leg Raise 3 x 6 reps �

4B) Ab Wheel Roll Outs 3 x 6 reps (rest 30 second

Day 6: Conditioning

1) Run 1/2 Mile AFAP (Rest 3 minutes)

4 Rounds of Circuit AFAP

2A) Squats x 10

�2B) Lateral Jumps Over 12” Object x 5 ea. direction

2C) Lunge Jumps x 5 / 5 ea. leg �

2D) Recline Rows x 10 �

2E) Mixed Push Ups x 10

�2F) Ab Wheel Roll Outs x 10

Rest 3 Minutes

3) Run 1/4 Mile AFAP

Ladders: Rest 15-30 seconds between each ladder rung, rest 90 seconds between ea. set �

1A) Alt DB overhead Press 3 x 8,10, 12,14

1B) DB Lateral Lunge @ 3x 8,10,12,14 (total reps)

2A) Walking Lunges + Weight 4 x 15 / 15 ea. leg �

2B) DB bench Press @2 x submax + 2 x max reps (30 sec. rest) �

3) Recline Rows x 20, 15, 10, 5 reps (Rest 60 sec.)

4) Triceps Head Bangers x 20, 15, 10, 5 (Rest 60 sec.)Day 8:


Hybrid � Workout: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps of each

1A) Dips � (hands on bench feet on floor)

1B) Dip Bar Leg Raise �1 (Roman chair)

C) Feet Elevated Push Ups

1D) Squat Jumps �

1E) Lunge Jumps

** Rest 3 Minutes

2) Treadmill Sprint Workout

Set an incline your good with. (2)- 20 sec runs, (2)- 15 sec runs, (2)-10 sec runs, back to (2)15 sec run, (2) 20 sec runs

* Rest 2x long as running, so run 20 sec rest 40 sec*

Day 9: Strength & Speed

1) Jump Rope 5 x 50 speed reps (30 sec. rest)

2A) Lateral Jumps Over 12-18” Object 5 x 6 reps 2B) Lunge Jumps 5 x 5 / 5 ea. leg (Rest 60 sec.)

. 3) Push Ups x 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

. 4) Pull Ups x 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

. 5) Shuttle Sprints Forwards / Backwards 10 x 50’ forwards / 50’ backwards (Rest 30 sec. between ea. set)


1) Run 1 Mile AFAP (4 minute rest)

2) Squat-> Press x 25 Total AFAP

3) Lunges x 25 per leg AFAP

4) Recline Rows w/ Feet Elevated x 50 Total AFAP

Day 11: Muscle Building

Ladders: Rest 15-30 seconds between each ladder rung, rest 90 seconds between ea. set �

1A) Dips 5 x 2, 4, 6 rep ladders �

1B) Mixed Pull Ups 5 x 2, 4, 6 rep ladders

2) Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 15 / 15 ea. leg (NO Rest)

3) Jump Squats x 50 AFAP

4) Squats x 50 AFAP

Day 12: Hybrid

1) Lateral Jumps x 50 Total Reps AFAP

2) Lunge Jumps x 25 / 25 ea. leg AFAP

3A) Weighted Dips 4 x 8 - 12 reps �

3B) TRX Face Pulls / Scare Crows 4 x 10 reps

4) Mixed Bodyweight Pulling (vertical + recline): Max Work in 5 Minutes (ANY rep scheme, ANY pulling exercises, ANY rest needed)

5) Mixed Bodyweight Pushing (vertical + recline): Max Work in 5 Minutes (ANY rep scheme, ANY pulling exercises, ANY rest needed)



Day 1: Strength & Speed

1A) JG XT Atomic Push Ups@ 5 x 12 �

1B) JG XT Sprinters @ 5 x 12 / 12 ea. leg (60 sec. rest)

2A) Squat Jump + Weight Vest 5 x 10 �2B) Reverse Lunges + Weight Vest 5 x 5 / 5 ea. leg

3) Jump Rope Double Unders x 100 Total AFAP


4) Jump Rope Sprint 4 minutes Total: 30 sec. work/30 sec. rest

Day 2: Conditioning

5 Rounds AFAP:

A) 20 Burpees

�B) 20 Recline Rows

�C) 10 / 10 Lunge Jumps �

D) 20 Dips

�E) Sprint Forwards / Backwards 100’ Each Direction

Day 3: Muscle Building

10 Rounds of submax Reps / Rest as Needed Between Sets

. 1) Ring / JG XT Flys

. 2) Bulgarian Split Squats (equal reps each leg)

. 3) Mixed Bodyweight Pulling (Vertical & Recline) - Hold Top Portion of ea. rep for 3 �second squeeze

. 4) Power Wheel Roll Outs

Day 4: Hybrid

1A) Ring Flys 5 x 5 �

1B) Ring Push Ups 5 x 5 �

1C) Ring Skull Crush 5 x 5 (Rest 60-90 sec.)

2) Mixed Pull Ups 5 x submax reps (every other rep, hold

TSA BODYWEIGHT REVOLUTION  top squeeze x 5 seconds)

3A) Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps 5 x 5 / 5 ea. leg

3B) Lunge Jumps 5 x 5 / 5 ea. leg �3C) ANY Leg Raise Variations 5 x 10 (Rest 60-90 sec.)

Day 5: Strength & Speed

. 1) PullUps 2 x max reps, hold top of every other rep x 5 seconds (90 sec. rest)

. 2) PullUp Ladders Mixed Grips 5 x 1, 2, 3, 4 (90 sec. rest after each ladder)

. 3) Mixed Push Up Ladders (Weighted ) 5 x 2, 4, 6, 8 (90 sec. rest after each �ladder)

4A) Burpees 5 x 5 reps �

4B) Sprints 5 x 50’ forwards / 50’ backwards

Day 6: Conditioning

Prison Workout: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6.....1 rep AFAP as a Circuit

1) Box Jump (18 - 24” object - you can jump on park benches, picnic tables, stairs, etc)

2)Hindu Push Ups

3) Bear Crawl forwards / 10 backwards, then 9 each way, etc) �

Walking Lunges (prescribed reps are for EACH leg) �

Recline Rows w/feet elevated �

Ab wheel (Power Wheel)


1A) Handstand Push Ups 5 x submax reps �

1B) Weighted Pull Ups 5 x 3 - 6 reps (Last 2 sets max out with weight, then drop weight and max out again with bodyweight = drop set) (Rest 60 seconds)

2) Weighted Dips 4 x 6 - 8 reps (Last 2 sets perform drop sets)

** Use weight vest or weighted back pack

3) Squats + Weight x 100 Reps AFAP �

4) Bulgarian Split Squat + Weight 3 x 20, 15, 12 ea. leg (NO rest between sets)

5) Power Wheel Roll Outs 4 x 30 sec. work / 30 sec. rest

Day 8: Hybrid

1A) Squats Jumps 4 x 25 reps 1B) Run 4 x 200 meters AFAP

. 2) Power Wheel Crawl - Practice 5 x (Focus on technique, rest as needed after each set, keep entire body tight)

. 3) Power Wheel Push Ups + Pike Ups 3 x submax reps

. 4) Mixed Pull Ups 3 x submax reps

Day 9: Strength & Speed

. 1) Power Wheel Plyo Push Ups Traveling x 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (60 sec. rest)

2) Sprints Forwards / Backwards x 100 forwards / 100’ backwards, 80’ / 80’, 60’ / 60’, �40’ / 40’, 20’ / 20’ (Rest 30 seconds)

3) Mixed Grip Pull Ups CTB (Chest To Bar) 5 x 5 (Rest


60 seconds)

4) Lunge Jumps 5 x 5 ea. leg (Rest 30 seconds)

Day 10: Conditioning

1) Jump Rope x 5 minutes (40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest)

2) Run AFAP x 5 minutes (40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest)

3) Burpees x 5 minutes (40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest) �

4) Run AFAP x 5 minutes (40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest)

Day 11: Muscle Building

**Perform ALL reps slow-mo (3 seconds up / 3 seconds down)

1A) Squats 5 x 15 reps �

1B) Feet Elevated Push Ups 5 x Max Reps (NO Rest)

2A) Mixed Grip Pull Ups 3 x submax reps, 2 x max reps (5 x total)

2B) Bulgarian Split Squats 5 x 6 / 6 ea. leg

3) Hanging Leg Raise 2 x 10 reps


Day 12: Hybrid

1) Power Wheel Crawl x Max Distance in 5 Minutes

#2: MAX Rounds in 6 Minutes

2A) Mixed Pull Ups x 5 reps

�2B) Squat Jumps x 10 �

2C) Lunge Jumps x 5 / 5 ea. leg

# 3: MAX Rounds in 6 Minutes

3A) Power Wheel Leg Curls x 10

3B) Power Wheel Push Ups + Pike Ups x 10


Recommended Resources


Renegade  Diet

TSA Strength Program- 12 weeks to A Stronger, Dominate You

TSA  Beast  Strength  Program  


Increase  that  Vertical  

The  Jump  Manual


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