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HKIA serves up a thrilling treat of Michael Jackson dance performances this summer to provide a unique welcome to travellers from around the globe.




Day with eco-reporters小記者採訪日

Student reporters from Ming Pao report on HKIA’s award-winning green measures. 明報》學生記者團了解機場各項得獎的環保措施。

ISSUE 075 第75期 August 八月 2014

P09 P10 P04

Turn to Page 3

Heartwarming customer service用心服務

Airport teams warm passengers’ hearts with their outstanding customer service.機場團隊以超卓的顧客服務款待旅客,溫暖人心。

Colourful stories 繽紛故事

HKIA’s history and future developments are showcased to the public in a roving exhibition.香港國際機場舉辦巡迴展覽,與公眾回顧其歷史和


Service from our hearts服務由心出發


Air traffic at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) continued its upward trend in July as flight movements increased 3.5% year-on-year to 33,285, surpassing the twin records set in August and December last year. Passenger volume and cargo throughput also grew by 3.6% and 8.3%, respectively, to complete another month of across-the-board growth.

Traffic demand has been on the rise since the start of 2014 and is expected to continue. According to a recent market forecast by Boeing, global air traffic will expand at a rate of 5% over the next 20 years. In view of

the strong demand, airports all over the world, from Shanghai and Singapore to Doha and Istanbul, are expanding to capture a larger slice of the booming market. HKIA cannot afford to lag behind and must forge ahead. Expanding HKIA into a three-runway system is the only viable long-term solution to cope with the robust growth.

This year is the 100th anniversary of the first scheduled commercial flight which flew from St. Petersburg to Tampa, Florida, marking the dawn of regular passenger air travel. Since then, the global aviation industry has undergone a phenomenal revolution. Long gone are the days when an airport was simply a place to transport people from one destination to another; it is now but a part of the overall travel experience.

HKIA, likewise, has experienced a dramatic transformation. Vivid images shared by the public in our recent photo collection campaign brought back memories of the Kai Tak days - iconic scenes of aircraft flying over Kowloon City, a Departures Hall packed with travellers, and the unforgettable Kai Tak Nullah near the airport. These may seem so distant now, but it has only been 16 years. Less than two decades on, HKIA has established itself as the epitome of today’s modern airport and earned the world’s best airport honour for over 55 times.

As the aviation industry continues to evolve, HKIA and the airport community will get ready to take on future challenges and offer passengers an even more gratifying travel experience in the years to come.

香港國際機場的航空交通量在7月份繼續保持升勢,飛機起降量同比增長3.5%至33 285架次,打破去年8月及12月創下的紀錄。同月的客運量及貨運量亦分別上升3.6%及







署理行政總裁吳自淇C K Ng Acting Chief Executive Officer



From Page 1


Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) served up a thrilling treat of Michael Jackson dance performances this summer to provide a unique welcome to travellers from around the globe.

From 11 to 24 August, performers adorned in the Moonwalker’s iconic outfits danced to creative remixes of the King of Pop’s timeless songs at the Meeters and Greeters Hall of Terminal 1, creating an upbeat and energetic atmosphere at HKIA. The dancing was followed by a chorus performance of a classic Michael Jackson song, bringing the show to a riveting climax. The spectacle drew a sizeable crowd who showed their appreciation with a jubilant round of applause upon its conclusion.

For their curtain call, the dancers greeted the crowd up close and had their photos taken with passengers. Spreading the lively atmosphere even further, dancers in full gear roamed around the terminal to surprise passengers and hand out souvenirs.

The talented dancers comprised students from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and its educational arm, Extension and Continuing Education for Life. Providing them full support was HKAPA Director Professor Adrian Walter. The summer showcase marked the school’s third collaboration with the Airport Authority following successful performances during the previous Christmas and Easter holiday seasons.

Providing a touch of authenticity to the shows was the behind-the-scenes supervision from musician Howard McCrary, who has collaborated with international artistes including Quincy Jones, Chaka Khan and Michael Jackson himself. His advice on musical arrangement and on-stage showmanship were invaluable to the glowing success of the summer performances.





這項精湛動人的表演,有賴幕後功臣音樂家Howard McCrary的指導。他曾與國際知名藝術家,包括Quincy Jones、Chaka Khan及米高積遜本人等合作。他對演出的編曲及舞台表演技巧給予寶貴建議,造就今次圓滿的夏季表演。

�International musician Howard McCrary (back row, middle) and HKAPA Director Professor Adrian Walter (back row, third from right) lend their expertise in producing the spectacle. 國際音樂家Howard McCrary(後排中)與 香港演藝學院校長華道賢教授(後排右三) 為精湛的表演提供專業意見。




Hong Kong International Airport’s (HKIA) colourful history and future prospects were showcased to the public in the “HKIA – History and Prospects” roving exhibition held from June to August. Previously on display in Taikoo Shing’s Cityplaza and the Olympian City in West Kowloon, the exhibition came to its conclusion on 3 August at Tuen Mun Town Plaza, attracting over 45,000 visitors in total.

The displays presented different facets of the airport throughout the years, from the early days of HKIA and its current operations, to its future developments such as the three-runway system (3RS) project. The exhibition in Tuen Mun also featured the green aspect of the airport with exhibits such as LED airfield ground lights and bio-diesel.


As part of its efforts to make the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process as transparent as possible, the Airport Authority (AA) organised three briefings for members of the Hong Kong Fishermen Consortium and Hong Kong Fishery Alliance to share pertinent updates on the 3RS project.

AA senior management and an EIA consultant were on hand to identify key findings of the EIA and elaborate on the 3RS project’s potential impact on fisheries and its corresponding mitigation measures. A Q&A session allowed fishermen to share their views and have their queries addressed by the panel.

As the EIA report is under review by the Advisory Council on the Environment (ACE), a series of meetings between the AA and ACE EIA Subcommittee have been underway to facilitate in-depth discussions on the report throughout August.




機場管理局於6月至8月期間,舉行以「香港國際機場-回顧與展望 為題的巡迴展覽,讓公眾回顧機場的豐富歷史,同時介紹其未來發展。展覽先後在太古城中心、西九龍的奧海城及屯門市廣場展出,並於8月3日結束,整個巡迴展覽合共吸引超過45 000人次參觀。


NEWS & EVENTS | 每月要聞



The recent one-month photo collection campaign organised by the AA received an overwhelming response from the public keen on sharing their unforgettable memories at the airport. Over 1,400 photos were submitted, featuring the remarkable evolution of the airport from the early Kai Tak days to the present HKIA. Some photos even have a history of more than 50 years. Three entries stood out as the Grand Prize winners. The three photos, along with other selected submissions, will be included in a set of two airport history books published in September.

機管局舉辦的相片公開徵集活動,公眾反應踴躍,積極分享他們在機場的難忘回憶。活動為期一個月,機管局共收到超過1 400張相片,記載機場從早期啟德年代至今日香港國際機場的重大演變,部分相片更有超過50年歷史。其中三張相片在一眾相片中脫穎而出,贏得大獎。這三張得獎相片,將連同其他獲選相片刊於機場歷史回顧書籍內,有關書籍共分兩冊,並將於今年9月 出版。

Let’s walk down memory lane with the Grand Prize winners讓我們走進時光隧道,欣賞這些大獎得獎相片

Winner 得獎者

Mathew Tsang曾炳輝

Aircraft descending amidst residential buildings perfectly encapsulate the unique challenge of landing in Kai Tak Airport at the heart of the populous Kowloon City. 一架飛機飛越人口稠密的九龍城區上空,克服掠過眾多住宅大廈的挑戰,緩緩在啟德機場降落,完美地完成任務。

Taken in 1955, family members see a well-dressed man (middle) off in front of a Japan Airlines propeller-driven aircraft a few feet away from the apron. 相片攝於1955年,當時多位親友在停機坪不遠處送別相中西裝筆挺的男士(中)。背後是一架日本航空螺旋槳飛機。

Winner 得獎者

Alan Leung梁妹榮

Well-wishers flock to Kowloon City to get a glimpse of the last flights landing at their beloved Kai Tak Airport a few days before its closure in July 1998. 在1998年7月啟德機場關閉前數天,市民蜂擁至九龍城,一睹飛機降落這個受港人喜愛機場的最後情景。

Winner 得獎者

Lau Shu-hing劉瑞卿


Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) continues to enhance its culture of service excellence with the recent launch of a series of customer service workshops for airport staff. The workshops are designed to help airport staff get a better grasp of the daily customer service challenges and pick up practical tips to excel in their profession.

With different groups of airport staff encountering their own unique set of challenges, the workshops are tailor-made to assist them in addressing specific situations. Prior to the workshops, separate focus group meetings were held with business partners to understand their work processes. The workshops also elaborate on particular topics such as emotion control when handling complaints and maintaining good quality customer service when implementing regulations.





Delegations from the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (AmCham) and the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA) paid separate visits to HKIA on 15 July and 8 August, respectively. Both groups listened to an overview of the airport’s operations and future developments. They also took a peek at the bustling airfield and the different environmental technologies at the airport.



Delegates from CMA experience the real-time operations at the Integrated Airport Centre. 香港中華廠商聯合會的代表團在機場中央控制中心了解實時運作。

AmCham representatives observe the innovative eco-friendly measures incorporated at the wastewater treatment plant. 香港美國商會的代表參觀廢水處理廠採納的創新環保措施。

A series of tailor-made customer service workshop runs from July 2014 to March 2015 to help airport staff cope with daily challenges.為協助機場員工應付日常挑戰,機管局於2014年7月至2015年3月舉辦一系列精心設計的客戶服務工作坊。

NEWS & EVENTS | 每月要聞


ACCREDITATION OF ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMThe Airport Authority (AA) and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department have jointly obtained the PAS 55-1:2008 certification of asset management system from the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency for their maintenance services of HKIA’s Airfield Ground Lighting System.

The PAS 55-1:2008 designation is a globally recognised standard for the optimised management of physical assets. The accreditation measures a number of specific areas of asset management, from lifecycle strategy to everyday maintenance, enabling organisations to develop best practices for a sustainable use of its assets. The benchmark ensures that the assets deliver their optimum level of performance at an optimal cost and is widely adopted by public utilities and transport organisations in Hong Kong. The maintenance services of HKIA’s Airfield Ground Lighting System is the AA’s pilot system to follow this PAS 55-1 standard in asset management and the AA is currently considering extending the standard to its other assets.


機管局及機電工程署共同為香港國際機場飛行區地面燈號系統提供的維修保養服務,獲得香港品質保證局頒發PAS 55-1:2008資產管理系統認證。

PAS 55-1:2008認證是全球公認的優化實體資產管理標準。認證涵蓋資產管理多個特定範疇,從生命周期管理策略以至日常的維修保養,讓機構制定最佳實踐方法,使資產可持續使用。這項認證基準使資產以合理成本發揮最高效能,獲香港公用事業及運輸機構廣泛採用。機場飛行區地面燈號系統是機管局首項遵照PAS 55-1資產管理標準保養的系統,機管局正考慮將這套標準應用到其他資產的管理。


There is more than meets the eye at HKIA’s airfield. Two extensive tunnels actually run below the

airfield, stretching across the South Runway for approximately 1,600 metres. The eastern tunnel

links the cargo apron with the passenger apron and the Air Traffic Control Complex and Tower, while the western tunnel connects the expanding west

apron to the cargo area. Together, the tunnels enable hundreds of service vehicles operating at the airfield to travel efficiently to facilities such as the air catering

kitchens, cargo terminals and airmail centre.

香港國際機場飛行區隱藏很多奧妙之處。在飛行區下其實設有兩條長長的隧道,貫穿南跑道,長約1 600米。東隧道連接貨運停機坪與客運停機坪、航空交通管制大樓及指揮塔,西隧道則將擴建中的西停機坪與貨運區連接起來。兩條隧道讓停機坪數以百計的服務車輛,在航膳


1,600metres 米




School’s out and more junior travellers are showing up at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport ready for a holiday trip during their summer break. To make their journey more enjoyable, the airport amused children by providing a selection of nostalgic

games, quizzes on animation and hi-tech games in August.The airport also promoted a green lifestyle with the launch of

an “Empty Your Dish” campaign in July that encouraged travellers to minimise food waste. Posters and stickers were placed at restaurants,

while ambassadors roamed around the terminal every Friday to reinforce the message to travellers. Diners who did not leave any food on their plate

when eating at certain restaurants were awarded with certificates and gifts for their efforts.


NEWS & EVENTS | 每月要聞


The Airport Authority (AA) recently completed an experimental run on a self-service baggage drop system, aiming to offer passengers more self-service options and minimise their waiting time, as well as improve the efficiency in resources management. HKIA is the first international airport in Asia to introduce the facility.

Working with airlines, four stations were installed in the Departures Hall of Terminal 1 during the six-month trial to facilitate group check-in on selected flights. Following check-in online or at the self-service kiosks, passengers could simply print out a tag from the baggage drop machines, affix it to their bags, and send them on their way via the conveyor belt. Traditionally, passengers have to go through baggage drop counters to drop off their baggage.

The self-service baggage drop system trial revealed a significant reduction in processing time, from two to three minutes down to an average of 69 seconds. In addition, about three quarters of surveyed participants indicated a preference for the new method. In light of the positive feedback, the AA is pursuing the full implementation of the system at the airport.






On 12 June, around 20 architects, surveyors, landscape architects, urban planning and financial professionals from Hong Kong embarked on a trip to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. Following greetings with Shanghai Hong Kong Airport Management Co., Ltd Deputy General Manager Michael Yuen upon their arrival, the group proceeded to tour Terminal 2 and the East Transportation Centre of Hongqiao Airport.

The occasion also allowed for discussions on the design, planning and management of the world-class Hongqiao Integrated Transport Hub. The mega infrastructure project integrates the airport, a high-speed railway and local transport network all in one vicinity.



There is now even more reason for a leisurely stroll around Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) with new exhibitions currently on display at Terminal 1.

The “Science x Art” exhibition at the Departures Hall catches your eyes with art pieces created by junior secondary students with inspiration from scientific principles, such as paintings, mosaics and paper model. The project was initiated by the University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Science and aims to promote science literacy among the community.

If you are interested in history and culture, take a tour of the TIMELESS archiCULTURE roving photo exhibition at the Arrivals Hall, which features photos of 14 conservation projects in Hong Kong that have won the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The exhibition includes historical and architectural anecdotes about the sites, providing visitors with a glimpse of the efforts that have gone into restoring these monuments to their former glory.


在離境大堂舉行的「科學與藝術的融合」展覽, 展出初中學生受科學原理啟發而創作的藝術品,例如繪畫、馬賽克及紙製模型,令人注目。這個由香港大學理學院創立的項目,旨在提高大眾對科學的認識。






INJURY RATE 受傷比率(per million passengers每百萬旅客)

CARGO TRAFFIC貨運量(‘000 tonnes 千公噸)

PASSENGER TRAFFIC客運量(‘000 passengers 千人次)

6月 Jun5月 May

Emissions from road vehicles have been a prominent source

of air pollution in Hong Kong. To raise awareness on this concern,

the AA organised a green driving and living seminar on 18 July. On the day,

Friends of the Earth (HK) Head of Advocacy and Education Edwin Lau spoke to around 40 AA staff in attendance about the impact of increasing energy consumption and the associated emissions on the environment and people. In particular, Lau identified inefficient vehicles and poor driving practices as key contributors to air pollution.

Rounding up the event, Lau shared with the participants green driving and low carbon living tips covering areas such as clothing, eating, travel and lifestyle.




The AA’s energy conservation efforts recently earned itself the sixth “Class of Excellence” Energywi$e Label under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence. With a total of 1,181,590 kilowatt hours reduced, the AA was one of the top three energy savers under the 2013 Energywi$e Label recognition scheme.

The scheme was established to encourage Hong Kong companies and organisations to adopt energy saving measures. The AA was among the first to join the scheme when it started in 2008 and has actively pursued ways to reduce power usage, such as replacing traditional lighting with 100,000 LED lights, installing motion sensors at the car parks to control lighting, installing green roof and solar panels at the Limousine Lounge, and upgrading the air-conditioning system of the terminals. The outstanding performance of the AA has made it a role model for the other participants and it was invited to share its experience at the scheme’s certificate presentation ceremony.

機管局最近獲得「香港環保卓越計劃」的卓越級別「節能標誌」,表揚其在節能方面的努力,這次是機管局第六次獲得這個節能標誌。在2013年,機管局合共減少1 181 590度電力,成為「節能標









4.57 4.65

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400




Following the attainment of a Sectoral Award under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence, the AA welcomed a delegation of student reporters from Ming Pao for a visit to HKIA on 14 July to learn about the airport’s award-winning environmental initiatives.

The aspiring reporters toured the green facilities at the airport, such as the landside waste station, green rooftop and solar panels at the Limousine Lounge, and Electric Vehicles (EVs) and EV charging stations, followed by an interview with the AA environmental team on the planning and implementation of green policies by the AA.

Thanks to the various eco-friendly measures adopted by the AA and its business partners, the airport-wide carbon intensity has been reduced by approximately 18% in 2013 compared to 2008 levels, putting HKIA on the right track to the reduction target of 25% by 2015.








AA Senior Manager, Electrical and Mechanical Kelvin Wong (left) accepts the certificate on behalf of the AA. 機管局高級經理-工程及維修黃家和 (左)代表機管局領取證書。




Hong Kong Tourism Board Visitor Centre


Mary Luk 陸可韻 Officer, Visitor Services


Mavis Lin 林曉毅 Officer, Visitor Services



Exceptional service at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) never sleeps as epitomised by the following trophy-winning teams of the Customer Service Excellence Programme’s Corporate Excellence Awards. This year, the programme introduced a new Cross-Company Excellence Award to recognise outstanding collaboration between airport organisations.

香港國際機場致力時刻為旅客提供卓越服務, 以下「優質顧客服務計劃」的「企業團隊卓越獎」 獎座的得獎團隊,充分展現這種服務精神。 今年計劃更增設「合作團隊卓越獎」, 以表揚齊心合力提供超卓 服務的機場機構。

A flight approaching HKIA encountered severe turbulence some 20 minutes prior to landing. The unexpected incident caused injuries to passengers and crew members on board, including Lois and Nicro who were on duty, and the passengers were in fear. Despite sustaining injuries, Lois and Nicro remained determined to ensure the safety and well-being of the passengers until the aircraft landed.

Upon landing, the two, together with Stefani and other flight attendants, comforted the passengers and asked them to stay calm in their seats so that paramedics could tend to the injured immediately. While the other flight attendants offered assistance and translation to the medical team, Lois continued to brave the pain and oversaw the disembarkation of passengers. Not until all the passengers were taken care of did the injured crew members seek medical attention themselves. Throughout the entire time, Lois provided updates to her supervisor and helped co-ordinate the situation with different parties.

By handling such a critical situation in a calm and professional manner, the in-flight service team ensured the maximum safety of everyone on board.

一班飛往香港國際機場的客機,在降落前約20分鐘遇上強烈湍流。突如其來的意外,令機上乘客驚惶失措,更造成乘客及機組人員受傷,包括正在值勤的張惠雅及蕭沛筠。儘管受了傷 , 二人仍堅守崗位,照顧乘客的安全及需要,直至航機着陸。

飛機降落後, 二人與曾偉珊及其他機艙服務員安撫乘客,勸喻各人冷靜留在座位,以便救護人員即時救援傷者。各機艙服務員為救護隊提供協助、幫忙翻譯,而張惠雅則繼續忍着身體傷痛,安排乘客逐一離開機艙。妥善照顧所有乘客後,受傷的機組人員才接受治理。事故期間,張惠雅不時向上司匯報最新情況,並聯繫不同單位協調事件。


Corporate Excellence Award企業團隊卓越獎

Cross-company Excellence Award合作團隊卓越獎

The Christmas spirit was truly felt at HKIA when the Customer Services Department of the Airport Authority (AA) spearheaded the unique idea of tying candy cane surprises to checked-in baggage of selected arrival flights during the festive season. It sounds easy and simple but bringing the idea to life required unprecedented teamwork from an army of Santa’s helpers comprising different airport community members. Throughout the process, the team closely co-ordinated with each other to ensure smooth execution of logistics so as to minimise any delay in baggage delivery.

The heartwarming action lit up smiles at the Baggage Reclaim Hall as the passengers were greeted by the wonderful surprises on their baggage. By going the extra mile to spread the Christmas cheer, the participants were lauded for their collaborative efforts in making the travellers’ trip one to remember.


旅客認領行李時發現這份驚喜禮物,無不喜出望外、笑逐顏開, 行李認領大堂洋溢一片溫馨歡欣的氣氛。「香港機場奇妙聖誕」的團隊,彼此通力合作,在服務上多加一點心思,為旅客送上聖誕祝福,帶來難忘的旅程,贏得一致讚賞。

Hong Kong Airlines 香港航空

Lois Cheung 張惠雅 Senior Purser 高級乘務長

Nicro Siu 蕭沛筠 Flight Purser 乘務長

Stefani Tsang 曾偉珊 Flight Attendant 乘務員


Following a flight delay, a German couple, who were travelling on their wedding anniversary, became distraught when they were unable to meet up with their tour guide nor fully recall their hotel reservation details upon arrival at HKIA. Out of desperation, they approached the Hong Kong Tourism Board Visitor Centre to seek assistance.

Upon learning of their predicament, Mary and Mavis consoled the couple and exhausted all means to locate their tour guide and hotel. They searched for the tour guide at the Meeters and Greeters Hall, contacted the couple’s travel agent in Germany and helped the couple access their emails to check their itinerary, but all these attempts failed. Learning from the couple that the hotel is in Kowloon, Mary and Mavis did not hesitate to make countless phone calls to almost every hotel across the area. Through their tireless efforts and dedication, Mary and Mavis eventually located the correct hotel. The couple was relieved and had a photo taken with their heroes as a memento of this unique experience.


客諮詢中心求助。 陸可韻及林曉毅了解這對夫婦的困難後,一方面安慰

他們,另一方面用盡辦法幫助他們找尋該導遊及酒店。 二人嘗試在客運大樓接機大堂尋找導遊、聯絡夫婦在德國的旅行社,亦協助他們從電郵翻查行程資料,可惜都無功而返。二人從夫婦口中得知他們預訂的酒店位於九龍區後,馬上致電區內各間酒店,逐間查詢。幾經努力,打了無數電話後,陸可韻及林曉毅最終找到正確的酒店。這對夫婦終於鬆一口氣,更與二人拍照留念,感謝她們的幫忙, 並紀念今次難忘的經驗。

The Customs and Excise Department Airport Passenger Team operates round the clock to provide smooth and efficient clearance services for passengers. Staying true to their exceptional service principles, the frontline officers place high importance to passengers’ privacy by shielding the baggage examination process from public sight. They also offer prompt assistance to travelling-related enquiries which are beyond their scope of customs responsibilities. They even take extra steps in striving to provide efficient, courteous and professional services by constantly optimising their workflow, attending service enhancement courses and updating the team members’ knowledge. The team’s efficiency and professionalism have significantly contributed to the passengers’ pleasant travel experience at HKIA.


Customs and Excise Department


Airport Passenger Team 機場乘客小組

Miracle Christmas at HKIA


Airport Authority 機場管理局

Cathay Pacific Airways 國泰航空

Customs and Excise Department 香港海關

Dragonair 港龍航空

Hong Kong Airport Services Limited 香港機場地勤服務有限公司

ISS Facility Services Limited 怡邦客務資源管理有限公司

JSL Limited Worldwide Flight Services Holdings S.A.


Project PRE-EMPT先知先覺保安計劃

Airport Authority 機場管理局


Hong Kong Police Force - Airport District


HKIA’s skies become even safer thanks to Project PRE-EMPT, which has fostered a “Security is Everybody’s Business” culture throughout the 65,000-strong airport community since 2009. Implemented by the Hong Kong Police Force - Airport District with support from airport community members such as the AA, DFS and other retail shops, the ongoing project has raised awareness on aviation security and crime prevention throughout the community. Through Project PRE-EMPT’s initiatives, comprising a solid airport security network, a Task Force Hotline, a series of security workshops and community engagement activities, co-operation between different airport organisations has been enhanced. As a result, they have become HKIA’s eyes and ears in alerting the police whenever they come across any suspicious people, objects or activities.

The measures have paid off as a number of arrests have successfully been made through the Task Force Hotline. Such a proactive approach has helped make HKIA one of the safest airports in the world, leaving travellers to enjoy peace of mind throughout their journey.

先知先覺保安計劃」自2009年推行以來,向機場65 000名員工推廣機場保安,你我有責」的文化,進




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HKIA News is published by Airport AuthorityHong Kong. All rights reserved. This publicationmay not be sold. No part of this publication may beotherwise reproduced, adapted, performed in publicor transmitted in any form by any process without theprior authorisation of Airport Authority Hong Kong.© Airport Authority Hong Kong 2014

HKIA Tower, 1 Sky Plaza Road,Hong Kong International AirportLantau, HONG KONG香港大嶼山香港國際機場


《 翔天地》由香港機場管理局印






Share your most thrilling adventures throughout the world and stand a chance to win exciting prizes. Simply send us your photos with your bilingual name and caption on or before 12 September 2014 at Winners will receive an HKIA cash coupon worth HK$100, with the winning photos published in the next issue of HKIA News.

將旅途中拍攝到的精采照片與讀者分享,有機會獲取豐富獎品!請於2014年9月 12日或之前,將照片連同中英文姓名及圖片說明發送至。得獎者可獲得價值10 0港元的香港國際機場現金 券,而得 獎作品更會於下期《 翔天地》刊登。

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Winner: Joe Sam 得獎者:Joe Sam Caption: Bridged taxiway (London, UK) 圖片說明:滑行道上的架橋(英國倫敦)

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THAT’S A STRIKE! 一擊即中!Airport Authority (AA) colleagues put their diverse talents on display during the thrilling “Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) Cup: Bowling Tournament 2014” on 6 July. Co-organised by the Staffs and Workers Union of Hong Kong Civil Airlines and Roam Young Association, and sponsored by the AA, more than 30 teams from different airport organisations competed neck and neck at the bowling alley. In the end, the Airport Express team bowled over the competition and emerged as champion to take home the HKIA Cup. 機場管理局員工於7月6日舉行的2014香港國際機場超霸盃保齡球錦標賽上,盡顯身手。這項保齡球錦標賽由香港民用航空事業職工總會及翱翔青年協會合辦,並由機管局贊助。來自不同機場




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