tltl ~jc - fdr presidential library & museum · pureuiag e. policy or reelproenl ooneeuione ,...

Post on 20-Sep-2018






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&00-<Util:l OJ' Tltl f!II3 1 DDI'I' 4T nt1 P&N .U(ZUCA.'fUlllON Otr; 'n!l OCC&SlOlC Ol' Tttl! Clt£8!U:'IOU OF PAN ~JC.fJI D.t.Y, URIL Jol, 1131.

011 tba s UuaUon today •• aoo=pare4 wUII tllat ln liZZ.

toOI'IOIIla 4apranloD. Jn 0\\r lntern.Uoul r a leUona • •

otbtr e \etu 011 ~- Ytrll ot 9&1". •• nr• llY1q 111


1111)1010DIID4har ,

It h, tlltlretore , •ltlla tedtncotproto\1.11.4

tU1ehoUoD tbat , . -.y tod.aJ' oooteaplatt the ~~""'

p1nt to OW' naUonal uot~oaltt, u .... u .. 111 the

lt~teruUoul relaUou lltltntll tba uuon• ot tbe

.... r hea C:oaUnelltl 4urlq tll.11 tour~J'H1" period.,

'fl:le war wb1ob •• r11 1111 U1 bappUJ' b"n

ter• t11atK; tb• oont rOYertJ' wllloh al.Oit lo4 to wu·

1:1.1• d iD tort~~netely b" n eol••4. '!'1:11 naUou of'

J.alrloa&ut\ll.llJ' reoogntu tbur 1DUr4epeD4eaoe.

Tl:loy tAo• todi J' tbat Ul• •lt•r• &A4 pro• perlty o r

. .. 11 t• lars•~ 4epe:lll•llt up0o tbe -lt•n &A4

pro• pert t:r ot aU. By p~~nuliiJ • poUcy or r•olproctl

tollo .. lloo•, tn ablcb tbe Oonrllllllllt ot tile UnltM.

Stet••l•b•PPJ' tohaTiha4 1 ,_rt, thonut ontot

.t.a1rto• ha•t a a4t tm,.ortant oontrtbuUon• to the

IIHltbJ' tlo• ot trade 1114 1aproTe4 aooooato oon4H1on•.

Tile progeu ot t llot t .. t f'DIIr 1••r• oulalnate4

111 th• tat•r~ ... rteu cont•r•noe tor ttl• X.laten•no• o r

opeii1111Jo .. olon•nd to .. u .. ZQ'or t!lol11o:l.lnor

Mlrlolll tbo~btond oe\lon. Tbo doopeot lapn11l0.11

wllhb 1 ot.nlll!. •IIJIU tM JIOUII'IIJOr \IIIUIIoltJOt

tbo .U.ulou 111 dnoloplll,l doaoorouo 1aotu ... uou Ill

tbo Now 'lo1'ld ond by ousplo Ill bolptnc \bo oo1111 or


011oor ta ollttttaunsl .. oonoor tho

Co11rtro110o .. , tho cloor porcopUon on t ho port o r

tho dolopUioor tho elooorolouonoxhUqbotooon


4-orot1c1ut1tut1ono. ~rooroea .. not\hrhota

on otaooopbuo or lntorno.ttoa.llllDOOOVUJ. Suob

lllooourltJ b1'Hdo&Ul\or1-, 1'111 .. ntUlOIIond tbo

donlll or tl'oodom or opooob , or poooo t"'ll uooablo&•

on.dotrol1110n.. Suoh ln.ooourl\roholhnco• \Ill


bJ tbo pooplo thllLI•l,. ... .lnd oo o loctool do•olo~ll\

•• or tblo '-rllu bollo,.. t blt Ulo oolltllluod-lattlllnco

1apor tu te;1141nnteeot t nternatio11alpaaoa •

• UraaConran~a •a ll llndar~tooi thatpaaoatl

.,..thtq aora atga.itte-.nt thu the aan abaeDOa

or aollt'Uot. J. durable paau, oua tt.t •Ul reaht

1a-tb1~t« fna01'1po.tt1 .. 111410Dit1'110tlYI,

4-4aapollo7 ba .. donpoatt1Yelt~terlllt10IIIl

ooopara tlon, on~>utualcontt4anoa , an4onunltel1

ettortlntbeaoluU oDotproblaaa o t o-noonoar D.

In tba IOIIYIIltlO:II 11111 1'1 10lUUODI prOIIOtlD&

11:1\alleotllll oooparetlon a:u1114•anal.oc -tual

ao:aprahallalontbeCollferaaaap.Ya t o thaworl41D

azppla Gla b ll411t111ad. tO bl'l'l fll' •1'110b10C

Olntl111en or tha Gon r n1111 BOa1'41

Our hll! tba patt t o ur raara aabl'l'e t rualled

t ar , t arthar ,l balll'l'a tQn•IIJ'Ot lla tourr .. raaao

thCN&htpoutbla , I asaartatnl t aterpratoorrao tlJ'

)'OI.ll'pt10pl11 1 Wh1D l lf.)' tbU11tU41\t1"lllD14 to

In:pnu torou onbtbeltot tbt&O'I'ttll:l.tnt

&l••a w Ur.s• dl Un eo•11ol:r. at heart, -

\bt .. 1D\IDID<IIOtptiiOIOD011.'C'OOliUIItll\, 111 thh

btav.Utlllbv.U41n&, dt dloUtd t o tbtou .. ot po .. oe,

0\11' tdtb 111 thtblghd .. Ut!J'Ot' \biAat>tlo .. ,

_.-k_,; ... J/?~ -- ~~~~ >t ... ;"--~ •--41~)

v ADtRIS9 c. 'lXI PR!:5IDIN'f

delt'l'er.d at a apec~l ee .. tot~. or~ the Go't'erutq; Board ot tbe PaD Amtr1eaza Onl 011.

oc the oeeuto11 ot tbeo oelebr&tiou ot Pan k:erioan ~ ftD._rlCil.D. Untoa

April U., 193'7, 11.00 A..ll.

We of the A:llart c&l bne OO.UII for reJo1e1~ today.

All of the nat.lona of the Weateru He.iephere are enJoying tbe booa

upon wtlleb !!.!!. the bl.pplMH I.D.d aecurtty of nat1ona, no 11 .. tbu

or 1u4h1duall (depend). lour ,..are ago 1t -• m:;r prhllege to

I bring to you and throush you to the go1'ftrl'll'l'lllnta 11.11d of your

or the United Ste.tea .

ue.t1on to4ey aa cce~pared with tblot In 1933. At. th8t tiM we"" Ia

relatione we were coah'Ont..S by the untortunau I!JjecU.cle ot two of

deet:n~cthe tore•• of au1plolon o.n4 fMr.

It t e , thereto.-., with • h'eli ng ot profound aetlttectlon

catae, ea well aa In the 111ternet1oDal relatione betnen tbtl D&tlODI

of tblt S..ertcan CODtlnenta 4ur1Da thh four-yaar period.

The waz ltllcb waa n&la& hal happll.y been tlrsia&tec!.; thti

frtrl''llln t. J'!J(I-t"'fOl\ Lt"m-ar-7

o:•u t.e • tr-c.r tpl Mda bf the 'lb tt• Moo•• etenoAr;:.pber !·.,• h'.• eho:--tt-111\d 110\N take-n e. t the t ·•o t he epe.C•t . .. ~- ~rl;:.;rg \cate e • ol'd.e aJUQC78:\eo!lllJ .a~ t.o \he p rrrtOI.Yl..J p1'1pf'e4 read n; " t e • • Wot-4• 1n paJ"enl.ha•• • a r e .-o1 t bftt 1ure cnaUtat • h• n the eruoh " • ~-.e!-~4·, tboucli U:ltJ&PPa&l' Sn the provtuua't pr epared NMln& con tnt.

pureuiag e. pOlicy or reelproenl ooneeuione , in llhieh the Cot"er11-

mentor the Uaitecl Ste.tet te happy to hnn he.d e. part, the cattone

or brice have ll:ll"-11 iJiportant contribution• to the healthy now or

trade and iJJ;pi'O'I'ed eoo~ie eozu11t1one .

TbB progreee or the lett tour yee.r a eulm1ne.tet 111 the Intu-

Wb.ieh tl&Ditioent and te.r-reecbtna concludone •ere :reeobtcl. Aa )'011

eion t~Dd to meet !!!any or the leodere or J.rlerican thOII8bt end ection.

The deepeat tmpreellion whi ch I carried ewe.y wue the poteno:; or tbe

unity or the ~ric111 ir• developicc decocretic tnaUtutiG:II i n thl

New World l!Jld by e~le tn belpinr the ceueo or world pee.oe .

Oue or tbe outete.ndiq leeeone or the Conference •• the

clMT perception on the p&rt or tbl delegatll or tbe clOIMI r elet1on

. rim, reg1Jnentat10I1 and the den1t~l or treedcm or speech, or peecetul end or rellsion. Suob iDIICW'ity cbellengee t he 1deale

or bated on the tree choice or gOTertll08nt by the people

t hiDeel'l'u . And 11 (a) !1!!, lOCiC&l dll't'elopr.ent we or the .Adric11

beUen tbl.t the conttnutld -.uu~ce en4 ilqtrOTe:.ent or der.ocree~y

ooneUtute the .oat ill:pOrt&!lt cuu-ntee or t .nternattone.l pee.ce .

••11 Ullderltooc!. that peace h .a.thln& more atpltlceDt tte.D the

•n ebaence or conn tot. A 4unble fi".Ce, one thet wtll r.aht tbe

oneleugb.t ot ~mtcnoe.rd or t h:lporery c1ro\Cl8tence, 1a a CIDithln& ter

tiT• international coope reUoD, on ~CJtual cont1deDce, and oo uD1ted

ettort ln the eoluUon or probleu or c~n concern. In the con••~:~­

UoDa and re110lut1on.e pror.Ottnc intellectual cooperat10D ud ed.,.nc-

1q autUBJ. ccapreheDeiOD the COnference gave to tbe .orld ea e.-.ple

wb.tch 1s destined to ha,.e tar-reachlq 111flueDce,


Durtna the peat rou.r yeare •• ba,.e traveled tar, -- farther,

I bel1ne, than I!BfiY ot ue tour yeere ago t hought poaaible . I 11111 oer-

t.a1n I interpret ecrreotly your aent,..enu e Dd thol!lll ot your Co,.erD-

1118nt e &Dd your peoplea, when I •r tbllt we are determined to mo,e

roMOard to.rd Ute eoa.l elreo.dy in light. On thill 4ay, dl41oate6 to

the tW'IIIIty-<~ne rep~.~bllce eonat1tut1q the J>en ~rlcan lJDion , let 1111

pled&• ourselns to shine; praot1cel effect to the conclus1ona r .. ched

at B•ll~ Aires , and let ua dedicate ouraelvee ann to the atnncthe~:~-

1na or the honda that unite ue 111 tt.e great :.U:ertcan ot natlona.

I u:prne to )'(lu,on or tl:.e Gontl'N!II!IIIt and!!!!, people

ot the l.TD1t.ld Statea , a deep .. n•• ot obl1pt 1on and e:ntttude tor the

unewer,.ina de,.otloD which your reepecthe eo ... e:ronmeDtl &Dd peoplla bA,.e

sl,eD to t ta oauae which we ell bA,e so ~cb at heart, -- the u1DU­

D&Dce or peace on Qur continent, Ill thta beeutit'Ul bu1ld1J:11 , dec11ceted

to the oeuae or p-c•, it h 110et tttt1QS t~t we eeafl:lble tod"'7 to

(The Pr .. ident at tbll point we11t orr the au- , tbe broe.d·

caatere malr.tna: their CDIIcludliiC Ha&rlr.l . The Preddent then •ld,

tllfo~lly and extempore.oeouely:)

!.:lly I add one word? At they ny, this 1a otr the record.

I bne been tb1nk1116 tbet it ••• juet tour yee.ra ago that I D4N beok

hel"' to the Pen Azo!rlrlcen lirlton . Tbt" •ara a trot of you people her.

wtto wan t);.ere a t that u ... At tbl.t t1M I 11111da 101!18 ruerke 'llblcb,

perblpe, led to bopu. Thoae ~rk• wer. followed up later 011 b)'

act1oa . Ul.lly a"tat-Dtl ud -~ epeeehee had been .-de .,.fol'l 'that

b7 ~rlc.n atate-a that were not tollowe4 up by act1011.. Alld, If

you will r emember, I think U wae 1n Aucust, li33, that we bad tbe

flrat opportuaay to put into pr111.ct1oe what wa have preached. At thAt 'tMre Mil the untcrtunau trouble 111 Cube. and I did e<cethtnc

that waa perhaps the torerunHr, • prophecy, of what ca:ne 011 at

Buanoa Aires . I aaPd Altba.aaadora end tbfl J.!inhtere ot ell tbe

Amtrtce.n a.publtea to caM to lilY ottlca u4 011 t.bat oeuetoa, atutq

arou;acS lilY duk, I t.old the Jiaba.IM4ora atld lollaletere that tM Untte4

Stat al wae aot gotnc to t.o.tarYeftl ta Cuba, tbat •• all wan"ted to help

Cube. ud that tber.tore any action that wae takea 1n belpl nc Cube.

O\l&bt to bl the action of 'the Azlllrleaa .

On that particul!U' "Y· tn ~ otttea, &QIIe of the Alllba••·

dore and JilDiattra were ••1 becauH it wae the middle ot tl.lllmltr , but

--.. ot tha Chargat d'Affatraa "" bare. 011 tbat day •e put tato

practice, tor the tlrat tt.e, 'llbat wa ha1'1 been praaehLDa. Out ot

tba.t tirat ... uq ha'N CQIIII tbt 1'81'1' ~Dble, the r.eulte

_,_ tbU eulaUI.te4 l.aet au.t\aZII 1D Jtue..oe I.J.He and tbn 1e wb)' , to all

ot JOu. p«rao-lly, you old trleDISe or llliMI wbo haYe been hue ror

--- tiu and J'OU IWW tr111ldl ot aue wbo ha1'e c~e 1110re r ecntly,

I to e xtend -cue word ot pereoaal jp'eeUJ18. I am ewt\l.l.lJ slid

we know other end be.Ye the k:lnd or cont1dence 1D each other

that h s:o1r~ to lead to a continuance or tbue past d ttqe , (.\JiplauM)

STA TEMENlS Fl LE Short 1Hl~·d l)y(\Jnn~!!

T'll•..s.t ...... cru .. Pr-ot<t.t,toM .. ll.,....,. .. too-idMM1<10l01'tbe0o ... nol<o~ .... rf01'tbo ,._...,.rteoaUaiQII<alliooooo_.toaottM ... .. 01'1'•"'*>'1~11.7. !.El'...!!.......~~ZJ.Ir:t~

""""""'-~looM.._ 4.!1 .. ,.,., •oJ:POOt-14 ~boll\ ll100 lo. 1:.,

.,>dlll'II TII'I0,!!!...!!......!..'l

~ ~\1) ..t:.u,so: ru.xro:lX RIUA&l.

Cil"I&;'U.'\1.1' ..nllt Jlt S.cNt "r7 to U>t PN~id.ot

o.u-ortl .. eo.o,.,t~~£ao.r4 •

";a. ...r U• ..,..,.,.,,.. ..._.,, ,.....,. tor HjOiocl~ ~u. "fe

_, "' MlO:."t<o 1',.. ..ct::"IOM D.:!' "~'~""r U.. b'\;I'Piut ot ••ptcu. J..ll ct tM .. t:o .... ot tl>t ,,.. .. ,.,. -•,.:>tN L ... -~"" U>t -ot J'oMO•, .-_-,.ttl> a, U» or4oo"l:J' F"''' $ ~-.. -.-. • .- oct"""" """' .mte~ t"llt"bqpi'I-J'Wid OMW"ttr .. r uu-, ~• 1..- U•• ot 1o41Y1....._..t, .....-. 7<>=)'0oNa(OH ~'tn:l'pl':rllef'ti.O-t "ltll )'Oil h t Q Mltt:o~tlor; ot P., -">'lrlctl' .)o,.v ""~ """• u lllo;ll, 1 brlllf: to 1011 oro! thn>~J> J'OII to tile &O'f.,._,U - P"lPlU ef J'OII:' "opeoUn eollfltrlo.o t:. ""' l'rtottmtl ~UIIC• or U» -,>loorU .. IIliiU<ISah•.

:It~ ... ..,,.,.~ r.t.:.Oll t o oo~utultU ouuolvu 011 t~ tUuettontodo,yuo~•tthtlla\ 1nl033. Attllo.tUitle,. .,. ... htllllth:'ouoflld"•o.outl~tooa...Uo4"'1'NI .. loa. Inou:o lnU,.,~rtlo,.l Nh\!ou - ••tw oonfNat ..t b)' IIIII ~~ntort ..... o\1 .,.ot.dc of h~ of our ellttr 11et1.,.. tii'III'N Jl> l>tttor •U'for.; ""' , _ o~JM.:o ttGtn 011 tho "'"·" or ...... . 'It""" lhl"" IQ t ;41'1011 OOI:UII~t- by t:» 4Nt~tl ... (OI'CN or -p~ciOII .. r ......

Jt b , ·,.., vttll • roeu .. ef :orot-' •tlldac:tt""' , .. ,..,.-~-~-1-el:O.,_.t,.bllllleiii'Mtlo::oe.l

~·•· •• -a .. b.'-"' bt-....t~~~ r.llltlou .,.,_ tM t•tloaa Of IN .,..rl~ CucUIIKU 4Vl"'l "'" l'Oilr•J'to;l" !>"110<1 .

TM ...,. wli!.Cll - l't(;hC t.11 lloAU7 ~ torsillllt .. ; tilt _,,.....,..,. Wlltcb 4la>A lM w vv -tho ro" ... ttlr btoc •1wt41. Tbo uti.,....>'( .Qr!U -tuall7 r- "'" u•tr lah~ pt~~ll-.••· 'rloe7~to<lu111.o.ttllll"tlt_....,.pro•porltrcf•~b

lll&rttlro~~":>C"'tbt.,.lfar.•pl"'>>lp*rllrofell. 117 F\&r.,l-eopoU.,.ot.-.elrMetleoeoeodou, hwllleiiU•Gonn­MIIt Of t~'JIIIted-Statu b bol!pp7 \OII& ... IItOtt*rt, t bt,..tioJ>a otWrlcobtuo::..d•l:oporu:ot eontrlbo.ltlou\0 t W M-attb7 tlOW ot t N4• .... o lap<"CI'Ioo<l ...,IHJia!c ooouuon • •

Tbt p>'Of!rtu or t lW ltU f0\11' )'IN'~ Olll.tuttd 111 t ile lllhr-loooertcanConterOI'ICIIfort-..)lalatlll.,"o• .UrH, U!Olll<il•lf:lllflcutUidf.,. • ....,ohl~~&-clu•lou•r• r.u-. M ,.ou ar. -.r11, II -•Ill 1""1'110 .. 1 prl•ll~• to •t­, .., tbt o'"IIIC ooul 011 ...t to •Ill _, ot I IIII IeMen of ; .. t~llt ... OIIc\1011. T-..doopN\ IIfiP"'Mioo""lt!r.lCV· riM _,. -. , ... pot""'J ef t ll.o .. n, ot tIll .l.::ltrtcM h t ... olop--1111 MtloCNtiC httlhtlOU 111 U.t 11 ... 'lorU ... l>7 u-111 le Mlpltc~~tliooUIIIIIOf.,..IOpeMt.

0... or tt.. ouutoollllta,c lo•ec·o et tlloo c:c.r.-... co -t"at elMT ,.. • .,u.,.. 011 U.. piU't Gf tM 4tlt~etoo or tl>t don H111Uoa Ulltli!E; t.of.- IIIUn.lltloa.l - rlty ... IIIII aor.l


l i

...,_l~Dt Dt ._ratlc IH~Ih\10111· :>o-ane)' e-M Urlq It • ,,,.,..,_ ... or IDu...,.uou.l 1,.......-u,. . ....~ t .... c..rnr b.,.....• lll.Utal'l•, rocl*ntPloa .ru1 ' "111•1&1 or~ or .,...b, r, ... -l~a;odoruJIIioa. lllclt.t. .. c'llrl\7

:!!!!:::: :-,~ .. ~~~! =~!.~ .... ~" ..,.~:O!::.~!,-... , .. or """ _,., .. bell"" "''' tlll oonUaoad •h,..,,,.~ u4h,.,1'01'-ntot11-rccroo,..t11utaU..•tt l...,M.Uitlucr­.,., .. .,, hterouUonc.l 1>.,.CI .

I:.C....,..~r tloo411-cootu t otbooluetootA.l,..tCOIIf"""'"" ... n Wlhn~ t it."' Jloi..C. It oo•t llllll m" t lplrtc ... t tnu t boo ..... •beoi>O• ot CC>IIfliet . I. cura~h pew•, or:• tNt v!ll r .. t et tiM oatl-'CIIt of ....,,_,. e r t -rUT eii'ON:IoltiOflet , t1 eo•~IIID& tv ...r• ,.,_,u ... ...s ...... t l'\14Uu. h ..,_.-..~, • pollar ... ..a ,.,.,,...lco.,...•lloa , oa.,h•lcontt&e""'•""':l ,. .... utod etfof't In t!>t ool~U""' ot probl- ;~t oo- ,_.,. ... 11 tboo oon.,Hooa.....:. .._..,lutl,..a p..-tt"' lrhllvt..-1 00<>1"1'01•

Uoa- -'"•cl .. _....u, c_.bto:do11 tilt ~r•- """ to t M world .., •~..,1• ..uclt. h 111 .. 11- to 111.1'1'1 t..r-....atiC ,,._ n .......

1 ... u .... ~.!~~.,r: ~= ::: :.,~~~::!-:!!~br~·-'f!!"'t U f't1l11 1 lnttr;ll"ot c.rr lCilJ" 'JOJ,f ...S '~"" ot yoa: 0<>1'e..,loll\t l UICI 7,.;r )MO~lU,,..,., 1 ,._, \11011 ... •N 4<ihMI11H to WIUtorv...O tOI<V'd tllolhQ&l&l.:o.a~htlcllt. Oll tlllo ~,dedl­ute4 t o tllol , .....,,,..Ol>o}"opubl.loeoonnttutl,.. t MI'1111Anlrloan U!llon, let"' ple4(te Oo.Lr sd•oo to 1,hll\ll pr.otlcll1 .rr ,ot to ~be eoaeluoion• ,...ellol4 •~ Bu.\~• IU,..a, ... ~ l" " ' 4eolloe\t our .. l1'n ""'" \0 t llol atror!f;tbt::oi,_. o~ t ... IXtn~• lbo.t 10.,a, "' In tile'"'"'

-rio"" r~::,:~r·:':· ... Mllal.f er ~- ~Y·-~~ _ .;:,plt

or tllol U.Utod .>Utll, • ~ .. , •- et obU .. Uoa-' [t11thude ror tllol u-nl=& 4e1't>Uoa L'lliell J'CIW' r~tpHtl••.tCI'Ie..,._,u IUid

,.o,he "" &1~• ~o t lw e-• "-IC~- &11 Ilia•• ... _,ch ott M.rt , • tlt.f • lu-• ot p....ce 010 O<>r tOJ>t\.Jr.<;lll . I" t'>U -tltul tou114· 1 .. , .... l ... tool \0 tilt e_..e..-~ ">t , h h- tiUI"'' t»t .. U •

::::i:.!~~ \0 .... att\n:; >I' to.IU Itt» htdi -t\U of U•


I ~ .

. I -

( Arter r1n1lh1DiJ mlm. drop down a few •pe.ees eml add: )

(The Pre1ldent at tbla point went orr the etr, t~e broad-

c•stere PklD& their concludtq r.arke. ~ Prel14ent t ben • td,

intonell:y and eltUIIIpOrBDIIOUil)':)

L!ay I add oM word.? AI th.,. .. ,., thi s ts ott the recorc11

I hnn been th1nk1118 that it -~~ juat tour ytt1r11 ago tl:at I ceu back

here t o the Pan /.:Mrlcen Ullton. There were a t ew of' you ptopl'· Mre

who were there at that t1JrA. At that tiM I ~:~~~de some re91rka whi ch,

perhapl , led to hopea. 'l'bolle r«r~Brke were followed up late r on by

""' anton. J.'an.J at.att~~~~<&ou and ~».11¥ epeeebu lu:u bMn !lade before t!il&t

bJ klertee.n statetD:to u .. t were oot followed up by action. tM, 1t

JOU w111 ..-cber, I tbtok it waa in Allf';lllt, 1933, the\ we hid the

tille tber-e -• t he untortuJWte trouble ln Cuba aM I dld IIOII!IItt.tnc that

wall perhapa tbe for erunner, 1 prophecy, or Olhat c~ latar on at Buenoe

_,_ Pan A-r.

1.1re1 . I aeked the •• "'!ball!lllllldOrl 11M!. theJ,:tntatera or all the ~rlc&n

f•flpubllea to eo~ to m::J ott'loe and on ~hut oc:eaalon , alt.Urlfl a rount!

Ill)' de1k , I told t he .-.mbt~IN4oU lind lo:Jnletere tlwt the United Sttttll

1181 not &O!Ill" to 1nterveM II!. Cubla, th.lot we tall 1119.Dted to help Cubtt

to be tlla action or the • .-r iCO&I.

en thet pertleu.l.6r 4.,., Ia IQ' ott1ca, - or t~.e .'.&!:Ia lA·

dora an~ L:inlt<ter• were ••Y ~~UM It wa1< the 110lddle or 1\IIII:'Ar, but

Hlm8 ot the Chllrtea dt~ fthJ I'll WN he!'e . On that day we pUt Into

praettce, for the rtrat tlu, .~ .. t '110 bl<YI been_prtmehin~ . Cut or

UAit cul.ll.lnt~t.ed ltun. autt:.IM In !rueno1 A.ll"fll 1111~ thet h why, to •11 or

you J*r.,Nllly , you old rrtenda or •liMO •ho havu beton here for ..-..

••~~ otber and bo&Ye the Jclnd or ccafldlnca I n e ach other that is ,o1nc


APRIL 14TH, a t 11 0 'CL0(X.

Gentle•en of the GoYernins Boar4:

Four yeara ago 1 enJoyed the prldlege of 11eet1ng

with you in the celebra tion of Pan American Da:r and now,

aa tben, I bring to you and th.rougb you to the Govern­

t~~ente and peoples of your r espective countries , the cor­

dial and fraternal gren1Dga of the people ot the Uni t e4

statu. I lite to thint of tbie day as a daJ set adde

to enable ue to bring home to eYery !llall, and child

ln the 1Je1tern Hellliephere the e~aentlal unity of the

m1asion an4 4eatlny of the perioas . We have every rea­

son to congratula te ourselves on the situation tod.ay ae

co<Dpared wi tb that in 1933, ~bat time we were in the

tbroee of a aeYere ec<:m0111ic deprenion.C Our trade with

one another and with other etatea bad declined t o almost

the vanlahins point; vast nWIIbere of our people were un­

employed; the phyeical and epiri t ual well-being of our

people bad reached a •ery low ebb,

~our international r e l at i one we were confronted

by the unfortunate spectacle of two of our slater nations

engaged in cruel and bitter warfare, and two otber et a tee

on tbe verge of war. We were living in a period do111inated

by tbe destructive forces of suspi cion and fea.r; a period


which eadl.y l acked. tb.oae ele11ente of confidence, truet

and mutual respect on wb.lcb. alone naUonal, ae well a•

international, progreu and atab111ty can be achieved,

_!,!is with a feeling of profound sat1sfaot1on that

we may cont emplate the improvement that baa taken place

in our respective national econo•1ea, aa well as in the

i nternational. rela tione between the nations of the ,

1oan Continent during thh tour-year period. !epeola.lly

bearhnlng h the fact that t b.h progress haa been

aohleTed by t he reoognl Uon and application of thoae

bae1o prlnclplea which are the nry founda tion of the

Pan .llllerlcan movement, namely, mutual belpfulneaa,

eympathetlo underatandlng, and spir itual aolid.ulty.

~ough the application of these prlnclplea the

wu which waa raging baa happily been ter111na ted; the

contro•ersr which a lmost led to war has also fortuna tely

been eol ved~ SeTaral other territorial 1esuu baTe been

or are in proceu of 1at11faotory aettlea.ent. In fact,

we ~~~ay now con!idently look forward to tbe clay, a clay

not !a:r distant, when all territorial question• on the

.A.Merioan continent will Mve been disposed of, thul

eliminating one of th.e 1101t fruit ful oausea of interna­

tional mieunderetanding. lla.ny of t hese questions ha•• been eettled by direct negotiation, otllere through tbe

good officee or aediaUon of other .A.aerioan s t ates; but


in e•ery inst ance 1 t waa 8Y1dent tbat t he quutl ona in­

vel v1ng any of our ahter n& tiona were the concern of

eTery one of ua; and there wae apparent not only a oon­

atant w1111ngneaa but alae an earnes t desire to aid in

every possible way in their eettlement. That 1a the

wplrU of Pan Amerioa.nhm, tbe aplri't of mutual bel pfu.l­

neu and. cooper a tion 1D the aolutlon of our o011:110n prob­

lema, alwaya within a rigid reapect for tbe 80Yereign

rights of each of our atatea.

In fulfillment of the enlightened. pr 1nc1plea of

economic policy i ncor porated in the r eaoluUona adopt ed

at llontevldeo in 1933, there baa been a gratifying r e ­

vival in the 1nter ns.t1onal trade of the .t.mer1oan Repub­

lica. The nations of J,meri ca JW'tually recognize t heir

interdependence, and are fully awue t hat the welfare

and. proaperi ty of each 1e largely dependent "l))n the

welfare and prosperity of all . By pursuing a pol1cJ of

r ecipr ocal conceaaiona , in which 'IllY Oo't'ernment 1e bappJ

to b&'t'e bad a part , u well aa bJ indi 't'idua.l action,

tbe na tlone of J,Jilerica ha.'t'e important contributione

to t he beal tby flow of t rade and improved economi c con-


\ '!'be progreu of the laet four years culminat ed i n

the Inter-American Conference fer the K&intenanoe of

Peace , a t which dgntficut and far- reaching conoluei o ne

were reached.. A& you are aware, i t waa ray privilege

t o a ttend. the opening u .. ion and to eatabl h b per1onal

contact with 10ae of the leader• of A.merican tbougb't

and aoti on. ! be d.eeput i apre 111on wb1ch I carried.

away •o.• hOw far-reaching i a the infl uence of the un1 ty

of the Amerioaa on the development of d.emocrat1c inl t1-

tut1ona in the New World and. bow important t he part

which tbh unity 1s destined. to play in the lll&intenance

of world peace.

One of the outetand.1ng leeaon a of t he Conference,

a leaaon d.eaUned to be of greater s igni ficance and

moment with each auoceed.1ng year, waa t he cl ear percep­

tion on the part of the d.elegat ea of the ol o.a r el aUon

existing between international aecurity a nd the noraal

developaent of democr a.t io 1nat1 tutiona. I! there 1•

any cna leaaon which bh tory ahould t each Ul it 18 that

d.eMoor aoy cannot thrive in a.n a t mospher e of international

inaeour1 ty. Such 1neecur1 t y inevitabl y carriea with it

tdl1tarie.m, regimentation , t he undermining of f r eedom

of speech, freedom of the pr e .. , and ultimately of

rel1g1oua freedom, - 1n a word. , the deatruoUon of the

essential ba•e• of d.elDOoracy.

";::/"; further leeaon •hich I believe 1mpreaaed f

on all the delegations na the d.ef1n1te r ecognition of

the fact that the maint enance and further d.evelop•ant



of democracy coneUtute the 1110et important guarantee

to the maintenance of i nter national pe~t we

muet s trive for throughout the J.mericae ie an inoreae­

ing eenaitiveneaa of nati onal and international pollo:r

to the at;a.ndarda of public opinion . Only in t hh wa:r

can we 41Yorce international policy froa the play of

personal &AbiUone and individual aggrandizement.

H 18 appr opriate, in tbia connecti on, tbat I

abould r efer to another leuon to be learned from the

Buenoa Ai res Conference wbtcb I r egard aa of the Tery

greatest rDOment to the future of international relati one

on the Amer i can Continent. The delegates to t he Confer­

ence realized, and in their deliberations gave effect

to the principl e , that phoe 1B eometbing ta:r .ar e sig­

nificant than the mere abaence of conflict. .a. really

durable peace, one that will reaiat the onalaught of

untoward clrc:UZIIatancea, 1e eo111.etblng far 1110re poe1t1• e

and conetruct1Te, It demand• a pol1cy baaed on pod­

the international cooper a tion, on mut ual confldenca,

and on united effort ln tbe solution of problema of OOID­

mon concern, In the conTentio ns and reeolutlona pro­

moting lntdlect ual cooper atio n and adTanclng mutual

comprehension through interchange of students and pro­

tenore , the Conterenoe ga•e to the world an e:u..ple

~hich 1o deatined to ha•• tar-reaching 1ntluonce.

-6- os.r41nal principle which rece ived recogni­

t i on at the Buenos J.iree conference and which h of

IOUt:b aoment to the peace of tbll Oontineo.t ie the gra d­

ual el1•1nat1on of those obe taolee to inter- AJaarican

trade which in the lut few ye&ra hue clogged the oha.n­

nele of ooaeroe and baTe been a oonatant menace to in­

ternational good feeling. It the spirit which prna1led

at Buenos .Urea can be 111ade effective in our trade rela­

tione , we need have no 111egivinge aa to the future.

Important ae were the pod the achieveaente of tbe

Buenoe A.i ree Confer ence, I am convinced tha t the int&n-

gible r eaulta quite u Yaluable, Actuated by a unity

of purpose almost unique in the b1etory of international

asse~:~bliee, tbe Con:terenoe concentr ated ita a ttention

on a u uring the peace of tbis Continent. No aeltiab

purpose either obscured. or delayed the aingleneel of

purpose which the delega t e. bad in view. In thi1 con­

nection, let me point out that the unity thue achieved

by AJDerioa does not i nvolYe the slightest a.ntagoniam

or threat to any other secti on of the world, On the

contrary, A.llerica, because of her unitr , because of

her high objecthea, and becaun of her unnervina- de­

votion to the oauae of peace, baa become a great • t abil­

izing influence in 'WOrld affaire.

Gentlemen of the Governi ng Board:

During the past four years we have tra·nlle4 f ar ,

- 7-

IF.-- v,w " farther , I belieTe , than aany of ua,..~thought

poedble. I am certain I 1at erpret correctly your

eentiment e and thoae of your aovernmenta and your

peoplee, when I u y that we are determined to move for­

ward toward the goal al r eady in dgbt. On tble Day,

dedicated to the twenty-one Republica conet1tut1ng the

Pan Pttican Union, let ue pledge oureel•ea to g1Y1ng

pr actical effect to the conoludone reached at Bueno•

Urea , and l e t u a cled.icate oureelvea to the atrengtb­

ening of the bonds that unite ue i.n the great Allier lean

family or natlona.

In closing, I wiah to expr eaa to you on behalf of

the government and people of the United States , a deep

aenee of oblig&tion and gratl.tude for the unswer ving

de-.otion which your reepeotl•e go•ernmente and peoplea

ba?e ghen to the cauae which we a11 b.a•e eo BUCh a t

bea:tt , - tbe maintenance of peace on our continent,

I n th1a beautiful building, dedica ted to t be cau.e of

peace, i t 1a moat fitting tha t we abould baTe aeaembled

today to reaffirm our fa1 tb in the b1gb des tiny of the


1'1 ot thl h.r1e&e haft oau .. to::- N joi..Cin& todq, Ire

ot t.':l• trn1 W state.. on th• YVP ot nr. r. .. ,... llYinc 1c a pvtod ~W4

eond1Uon• .

'!he ;n'Og't'8811 ot t.h• U.•t tour ~·N.Ta eu.ll:l Mtltd i n th•

' u11t1na: lat•et~o intamat.lon.ool • OC\1-rlt.r a.~ tb• no~l d.,.eloj)MDt.

abeence ot contllct. A d~bl• 1leace , one th .. t will reeiet the onelauJI:ht

eoo,.ratlon, oa !!llltual eoafidence, •M on united effort in the 110lutlon

ot U'la tlnl\.ed kt.t.ea, • ~Seep ~M:Wa ot obll.pUon and ~t.U.ude tor U.a

our faith t n t.h• h1th a .. t.l tV" o! tba Perle ...

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