tong hop ham excel

Post on 29-Oct-2014






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Name Type DescriptionABS Maths Returns the absolute value of a number

ACCRINT Financial

ACCRINTM Financial

ACOS Maths Returns in radians the arccosine of a number


ADDRESS Lookup & Ref


AMORLINC Financial

AND Logical Returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE

AREAS Lookup & Ref Returns the number of areas in a reference

ASC Text

ASIN Maths Returns in radians the arcsine of a number


ATAN Maths Returns in radians the arctangent of a number

ATAN2 Maths


AVEDEV Statistical

AVERAGE Statistical

AVERAGEA Statistical


BESSELI Engineering

Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest

Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity

Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number

Creates a cell address as text based on given row and column rumbers

Returns the depreciation for each accounting period using the French accounting system

Returns the depreciation for each accounting period using the French accounting system

Changes full-width (double-byte) English letters or katakana within a character string to half-width (single-byte) characters

Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number

Returns in radians the arctangent from x and y coordinates

Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number

Returns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean

Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of up to 30 numeric arguments

Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of its arguments and includes evaluation of text and logical arguments

Converts a number to Thai text and adds a suffix of "Baht"

Returns the Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments

BESSELJ Engineering

BESSELK Engineering

BESSELY Engineering

BETADIST Statistical

BETAINV Statistical

BIN2DEC Engineering Converts binary number to decimal

BIN2HEX Engineering Converts binary number to hexadecimal

BIN2OCT Engineering Converts binary number to octal

BINOMDIST Statistical

CALL External


CELL Information


CHIDIST Statistical

CHIINV Statistical

CHITEST Statistical

CHOOSE Lookup & Ref

CLEAN Text Removes all nonprintable characters from text


COLUMN Lookup & Ref

COLUMNS Lookup & Ref


Returns the Bessel function represented by Jn(x)

Returns the modified Bessel function represented by Kn(x)

Returns the Bessel / Weber / Neumann function Yn(x)

Returns the cumulative beta probability density function

Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function

Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability

Calls a procedure in a dynamic link library or code resource

Rounds a number (away from zero) to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance

Returns information about the formatting , location or contents of the cell or upper left cell of the reference

Returns the ANSI character set (Microsoft) or Macintosh character set (Macintosh) specified by the code number

Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution

Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution

Returns the value from the chi-squared (γ2) distribution for the statistic and the appropriate degrees of freedom

Uses a specified index number to select one from up to 29 specified values

Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string

Returns the column number of the cell or a specified reference

Returns the number of columns in an array or reference

Returns the number of combinations for a given number of objects

COMPLEX Engineering

CONCATENATE Text Joins several text items into one text item

CONFIDENCE Statistical

CONVERT Engineering

CORREL Statistical

COS Maths

COSH Maths Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number

COUNT Statistical

COUNTA Statistical

COUNTBLANK Information



COUPDAYS Financial


COUPNCD Financial

COUPNUM Financial

COUPPCD Financial

COVAR Statistical

CRITBINOM Statistical

Converts real and imaginary coefficients into complex numbers of the form x + yi or x + yj depending upon suffix

Returns the confidence interval for a population mean

Converts a number from one measurement system to another

Returns the correlation coefficient between two arrays of data

Returns the cosine of a given angle given in radians

Counts the number of cells that contain numbers and also numbers within the list of arguments

counts how many values are in the list of arguments

Counts the number of non-empty cells and the values within the list of arguments

Counts the number of cells that meet the criteria specified in the argument

Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlent date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns covariance; the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair

Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value

CUMIPMT Financial

CUMPRINC Financial

DATE Date & Time

DATEDIF Date & Time



DAY Date & Time

DAYS360 Date & Time

DB Financial

DCOUNT Database

DCOUNTA Database

DDB Financial

DEC2BIN Engineering Converts a decimal number to binary

DEC2HEX Engineering Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal

DEC2OCT Engineering Converts a decimal number to octal

DEGREES Maths Converts radians to degrees

DELTA Engineering Test whether two values are equal

DEVSQ Statistical

DGET Database

DISC Financial

DMAX Database

DMIN Database

Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods

Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between two periods

Returns the sequential Excel date / time serial number that represents a particular date

Calculates differences between two dates in terms of specified units and assumptions

Converts a date text form to an Excel date / time serial number

Returns the average of selected list or database entries based on specified criteria

Converts an Excel date / time serial number to the day of a month

Calculates the number of days between two dates using a specified 30 day month 360 day year method

Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period, using the fixed declining balance method

Counts the cells containing numbers from a specified database that match specified criteria

Counts non blank cells from a specified database that match specified criteria criteria

Returns the deoreciation of an asset for a specified period, using the double-declining balance method of some other method that is specified

Returns the sum of the squares of the deviations from the sample mean

Extracts from a specified database a single value that matches specified criteria

Returns the discount rate for a security using the specified or default day counting basis

Extracts maximum number in a column of a list or database that matches specified conditions

Extracts minimum number in a column of a list or database that matches specified conditions


DOLLARDE Financial

DOLLARFR Financial


DSTDEV Database

DSTDEVP Database

DSUM Database

DURATION Financial

DVAR Database

DVARP DataBase

EDATE Date & Time

EFFECT Financial

EOMONTH Date & Time

ERF Engineering

ERFC Engineering

ERROR.TYPE Information

Converts a number to text, using currency format

Converts a dollar price (expressed as a fraction) into a dollar price expressed as a decimal number

Converts a dollar price (expressed as a decimal number) into a dollar price expressed as a fraction

Multiplies the values in a particular field of records that match the specified criteria in a database

Estimates standard deviation of a population based on a sample using numbers in a column of a list or database that match specified conditions

Calculates the standard deviation based on the entire population using numbers in a column of a list or database that match specified conditions

Adds the numbers in the field column of records in the database that match the specified criteria

Returns the Macauley duration of a security with periodic interest payments using the specified or default day counting basis

Estimates the variance of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a column of a list or database that match specified criteria

Calculates the variance of a population based on the entire population by using the numbers in a column of a list or database that match specified criteria

Returns the Excel date / time serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the specified number of months from the start_date

Returns the effective annual interest rate of a given nominal rate with its compounding frequency

Returns the Excel date / time serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months from start_date

Returns the error function integrated between lower_limit and upper_limit

Returns the complementary ERF function integrated between x and infinity

Returns a number corresponding to an Excel error type


EVEN Maths


EXP Maths

EXPONDIST Statistical Returns the exponential distribution

FACT Maths Returns the factorial of a number

FACTDOUBLE Maths Returns the double factorial of a number

FALSE Logical Returns the logical value FALSE

FDIST Statistical Returns the F probability distribution



FINV Statistical

FISHER Statistical Returns the Fisher transformation at x

FISHERINV Statistical



FORECAST Statistical

FREQUENCY Statistical

FTEST Statistical

FV Financial Returns the future value of an investment

Converts a number to or from Euros to or from a member currency or converts between one euro member currency to another using the Euro as an intermediary (triangulation)

Rounds a number away from zero to the nearest even integer

Checks to see whether two text values are identical

Returns e (=2.71828182845904) raised to the power of a given number

Finds one text value within another (case sensitive)

Finds one text value within another (case sensitive) based on the number of bytes each character uses.

Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution

Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation

Formats a number as text with a fixed number of decimals

Rounds a number down towards 0 to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance

Calculates a predicted value of y for a given x value based on known values for x and y

Counts how often values occur within given ranges of values and returns those counts as a vertical array of numbers

Returns the result of an F-test; the one-tailed probability that the variances in array1 and array2 are not significantly different


GAMMADIST Statistical Returns the gamma distribution

GAMMAINV Statistical Returns the inverse of the gamma distribution

GAMMALN Statistical

GCD Maths

GEOMEAN Statistical

GESTEP Engineering

GETPIVOTDATA External Returns data stored in a pivot table

GROWTH Statistical

HARMEAN Statistical

HEX2BIN Engineering Converts a hexadecimal to a binary

HEX2DEC Engineering Converts a hexadecimal to a decimal

HEX2OCT Engineering Converts a hexadecimal to an octal

HLOOKUP Lookup & Ref

HOUR Date & Time

HYPERLINK Lookup & Ref


IF Logical

IMABS Engineering

IMAGINARY Engineering

Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates

Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function Γ(x).

Returns the greatest common divisor of 2 - 29 integers

Returns the geometric mean of an array or range of positive data

Tests whether a number is greater than a threshold value

Calculates predicted exponential growth and returns the y-values for a series of specified new x-values by using known x-values and y-values

Returns the harmonic mean of a data set by calculating the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of reciprocals

Looks in the top row of a table or array and returns the value of the indicated cell

Converts an Excel date / time serial number to an hour

Creates a shortcut that opens a document on your hard drive, a server or the internet

Returns the hypergeometric distribution by calculating the probability of a given number of sample successes, given the sample size, population successes, and population size

Returns one value specified condition evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE

Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

IMARGUMENT Engineering


IMCOS Engineering

IMDIV Engineering

IMEXP Engineering

IMLN Engineering

IMLOG10 Engineering

IMLOG2 Engineering

IMPOWER Engineering

IMPRODUCT Engineering

IMREAL Engineering

IMSIN Engineering

IMSQRT Engineering

IMSUB Engineering

IMSUM Engineering

INDEX Lookup & Ref

INDIRECT Lookup & Ref

INFO Information

Returns the argument theta - an angle expressed in radians

Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the cosine of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the quotient of two complex numbers provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the exponential of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj" raised to an integer number

Returns the product of 2 - 29 complex numbers provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the real coefficient of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the sine of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the square root of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the difference of two complex numbers provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the sum of 2 - 29 complex numbers provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Alternative forms. Array form returns a value or array of values. Reference form returns a reference.

Returns a reference indicated by a value provided as text

returns information about the current operating environment

INT Maths

INTERCEPT Statistical

INTRATE Financial

IPMT Financial

IRR Financial

ISBLANK Information Returns TRUE if the value is blank

ISERR Information

ISERROR Information Returns TRUE if the value is any error value

ISEVEN Information Returns TRUE if the number is even

ISLOGICAL Information Returns TRUE if the value is a logical value

ISNA Information

ISNONTEXT Information Returns TRUE if the value is not text

ISNUMBER Information Returns TRUE if the value is a number

ISODD Information Returns TRUE if the number is odd

ISPMT Financial

ISREF Information Returns TRUE if the value is a reference

ISTEXT Information Returns TRUE if the value is text

JIS Text

KURT Statistical

LARGE Statistical

LCM Maths


Rounds a number away from 0 to the nearest integer

Calculates from given x and y values the point at which a line will intersect the y-axis

Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the amount of the interest element in a payment for an investment for a given period

Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows

Returns TRUE if the value is any error value except #N/A

Returns TRUE if the value is the #N/A error value

Returns the interest associated with a specific loan payment

Changes half-width (single-byte) English letters or katakana within a character string to full-width (double-byte) characters.

Returns the kurtosis of a data set; a measure that compares the relative peakedness or flatness of a distribution compared with the normal distribution

Returns the kth largest value in a data set

Returns the least common multiple of 1 - 29 integers

Returns the left most characters from a text value


LEN Text


LINEST Statistical

LN Maths

LOG Maths

LOG10 Maths Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number

LOGEST Statistical

LOGINV Statistical


LOOKUP Lookup & Ref

LOWER Text Converts text to lowercase

MATCH Lookup & Ref

MAX Statistical

MAXA Statistical

MDETERM Maths Returns the matrix determinant of an array


Returns the first character or characters in a text string, based on the number of bytes you specify.

Returns the number of characters in a text string

Returns the number of bytes used to represent the characters in a text string

Entered as an array formula, LINEST returns an array that describes a line of best fit by using the least squares method

Returns the natural logarithm (base e = 2.71828182845904) of a number

Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified base

Entered as an array formula, LOGEST calculates an exponential curve that fits known data and returns an array of values that describes that curve

Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with given probability, mean, and standard deviation

Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with known mean and standard deviation

Alternative forms. Vector form looks up values in a one row or column range and returns a value in a second one row or column range. Array form looks in the first row or column of an array for the specified value and returns a value from the same position in the last row or column of the array

Returns the relative position of an item in an array that matches a specified value in a specified order

Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments ignoring logical values and text

Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments including logical values and text

Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100 using the specified or default day counting basis

MEDIAN Statistical Returns the median of the given numbers

MID Text


MIN Statistical

MINA Statistical

MINUTE Date & Time

MINVERSE Maths Returns the matrix inverse of an array

MIRR Financial

MMULT Maths Returns the matrix product of two arrays

MOD** Maths

MODE Statistical Returns the most common value in a data set

MONTH Date & Time



N Information Returns a value converted to a number

NA Information Returns the error value #N/A



NOMINAL Financial

Returns a specific number of characters from a string starting at a specified position

Returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify, based on the number of bytes specified

Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments ignoring logical values and text

Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments including logical values and text

Converts an Excel date / time serial number to a minute

Returns the modified internal rate of return based on different finance and reinvestment rates for negative and positive cash flows

Returns the remainder from division with the result having the same sign as the divisor

Converts an Excel date / time serial number to a month number

Returns a number rounded to the desired multiple. Midway points are rounded away from 0

Returns the ratio of the factorial of a sum of values to the product of factorials

Returns the negative binomial distribution; the probability that there will be number_f failures before the number_s-th success, when the constant probability of a success is probability_s

Returns the number of whole working days between two dates excluding specified holidays

Returns the nominal rate equivalent to a given annual effective with a given compounding frequency for the nominal rate

NORMDIST Statistical

NORMINV Statistical

NORMSDIST Statistical

NORMSINV Statistical

NOT Logical Reverses the logic of its argument

NOW Date & Time

NPER Financial

NPV Financial

OCT2BIN Engineering Converts an octal number to binary

OCT2DEC Engineering Converts an octal number to decimal

OCT2HEX Engineering Converts an octal number to hexadecimal

ODD Maths





OFFSET Lookup & Ref

OR Logical ReturnsTRUE if any argument is TRUE

PEARSON Statistical

PERCENTILE Statistical

Returns the cumulative distribution function or probability mass function for the value x with specified mean and standard deviation

Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for the specified probability, mean, and standard deviation

Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1

Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution

Returns the Excel date / time serial number of the current date and time

Returns the number of periods for an investment

Returns the net present value of an investment based upon a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate where the first cash flow is received at the end of the first period

Rounds a number away from 0 to the nearest odd integer

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns a reference to a range that is a specified number of rows and columns from a cell or range of cells

Returns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient

Returns the kth percentile of values in a range


PERMUT Statistical


PI Maths

PMT Financial Returns the periodic payment for an annuity

POISSON Statistical Returns the Poisson distribution


PPMT Financial

PRICE Financial


PRICEMAT Financial

PROB Statistical

PRODUCT Maths Multiplies together 1 - 30 numbers


PV Financial Returns the present value of an investment

QUARTILE Statistical Returns the quartile of a data set

QUOTIENT Maths Returns the integer portion of a division

RADIANS Maths Converts degrees to radians

RAND Maths


Returns the percentage rank of a value in a data set

Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects that can be selected from a number of objects without replacement

Extracts the phonetic (furigana) characters from a text string

Returns the number 3.14159265358979, the mathematical constant pi, accurate to 15 digits

Returns the result of a number raised to a power

Returns the amount of principal element in a payment for an investment for a given period

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns either the probability that values in a range are between two limits or if upper_limit is not specified, the probability that values in x_range are equal to lower_limit

Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value

Returns an evenly distributed random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1

Returns a random number between (and inclusive of) two specified numbers

RANK Statistical

RATE Financial

RECEIVED Financial


REPLACE Text Replaces characters within text


REPT Text Repeats text a given number of times



ROMAN Maths Converts an arabic number to Roman, as text




ROW Lookup & Ref Returns the row number of a reference

ROWS Lookup & Ref Returns the number of rows in a reference

RSQ Statistical

RTD Lookup & Ref


Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers

Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity

Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the register ID of the specified dynamic link library (DLL) or code resource that has been previously registered

Replaces part of a text string, based on the number of bytes you specify, with a different text string.

Returns the rightmost characters from a text value

Returns the last character or characters in a text string, based on the number of bytes you specify

Rounds a number to a specified number of digits to the left (-) or right (+) of the decimal point. The midway digit 5 is rounded away from 0.

Rounds a number down towards 0 to a specified number of digits to the left (-) or right (+) of the decimal point

Round a number up away from 0 to a specified number of digits to the left (-) or right (+) of the decimal point

Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known_y's and known_x's

Retrieves real-time data from a program that supports COM automation

Finds one text value within another (not case sensitive) and returns the number of the starting position


SECOND Date & Time

SERIESSUM Maths Returns the sum of a power series expansion

SIGN Maths

SIN Maths

SINH Maths Returns the hyperbolic sine of a given angle

SKEW Statistical Returns the skewness of a distribution

SLN Financial

SLOPE Statistical

SMALL Statistical


SQRT Maths Returns a positive square root



STDEV Statistical

STDEVA Statistical

STDEVP Statistical

STDEVPA Statistical

STEYX Statistical

Finds one text string (find_text) within another text string (within_text), and returns the number of the starting position of find_text. The result is based on the number of bytes each character uses, beginning with start_num

Converts an Excel date / time serial number to a second

Returns 1 for positve numbers, 0 if the number is 0 and, -1 if the number is negative

Returns the sine of a given angle given in radians

Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period.

Returns the slope (vertical distance / horizontal distance) of the linear regression line through data points in known_y's and known_x's

Returns the kth smallest value in a data set

Connects with an external data source, and runs a query from a worksheet. SQL.REQUEST then returns the result as an array

Returns the square root of a number multiplied by pi

Returns a normalized value from a distribution with known mean and standard_dev

Estimates standard distribution based on a sample ignoring text and logical values

Estimates standard deviation based on a sample including text and logical values

Calculates standard distribution based on the entire population ignoring text and logical values

Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population including text and logical values

Returns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression

SUBSTITUTE Text Substitutes new text for old text in a text string

SUBTOTAL Maths Returns the sutotal in a list or database

SUM Maths Adds its arguments

SUMIF Maths Add the cells specified by a given criteria



SUMX2MY2 Maths

SUMX2PY2 Maths


SYD Financial

T Text Converts its arguments to text

TAN Maths

TANH Maths Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number

TBILLEQ Financial


TBILLYIELD Financial Returns the yield for a treasury bill

TDIST Statistical

TEXT Text Formats a number and converts it to text

TIME Date & Time


TINV Statistical

Returns the sum of the products of corresponding array components

Returns the sum of the squares of 1 - 30 numbers

Returns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays

Returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays

Returns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two array

Returns the sum of years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period

Returns the tangent of a given angle given in radians

Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill

Returns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill

Returns the probability for the Student t-distribution where a numeric value (x) is a calculated value of t for which the probability is to be computed

Returns the decimal portion of an Excel date / time serial number for a particular time

Converts the time in an acceptable form of text enclosed in quotation marks to the decimal portion of an Excel date / time serial number

Returns the t-value of the Student's t-distribution based on given probability and degrees of freedom

TODAY Date & Time

TRANSPOSE Lookup & Ref Returns the transpose of an array

TREND Statistical


TRIMMEAN Statistical

TRUE Logical Returns the logical value TRUE


TTEST Statistical

TYPE Information

UPPER Text Converts text to uppercase

VALUE Text Converts a text argument to a number

VAR Statistical

VARA Statistical

VARP Statistical

VARPA Statistical

VDB Financial

VLOOKUP Lookup & Ref

WEEKDAY Date & Time

WEEKNUM Date & Time

Returns the Excel date / time serial number of today's date

Entered as an array formula, TREND fits a straight line using the least squares method to arrays of known_y's and known_x's and returns the y-values along that line for the array of specified new_x's

Removes all spaces from text except single spaces between words

Calculates the mean by excluding a specified percentage of data points from the top and bottom tails of a data set

Truncates a number to an integer or to specified precision by removing the fractional part of the number. (Serves to round down towards 0)

Returns the probability associated with a student's t-test

Returns the type of value (1 for value is a number; 2 for value is text; 4 for value is logical value; 16 for value is error value; 64 for value is array)

Estimates variance based on a sample ignoring logical values and text

Estimates variance based on a sample including text and logical values

Calculates variance based on the entire population ignoring text and logical values

Calculates variance based on the entire population including text and logical values

Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified or partial period using a variable declining balance method

Locates a specified value in the leftmost column of a specified table, and returns the value in the same row from a specified column in the table

Converts an Excel date / time serial number to the number of the day of the week based upon counting system of return_type

Returns the weeknumber in the year based upon return_type counting basis

WEIBULL Statistical Returns the Weibull distribution

WORKDAY Date & Time

XIRR Financial

XNPV Financial

YEAR Date & Time

YEARFRAC Date & Time

YEN Text

YIELD Financial


YIELDMAT Financial

ZTEST Statistical Returns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test

Notes: ** The Excel MOD function uses a different definition of MOD to that used by VBA Mod function insofar as negative numbers are concerned.

Returns the Excel date / time serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays excluding holidays

Returns the annual effective interest rate for a schedule of cash flows received at specified dates

Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows received at specified dates

Converts an Excel date / time serial number to a year

Returns the difference between start_date and end_date expressed as a number of years including decimal fraction of a year.

Converts a number to text, using the ¥ (yen) currency format, with the number rounded to a specified place

Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the annual yield for a discounted security using the specified or default day counting basis.

Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity using the specified or default day counting basis





=ACCRINT(Issue,First_Interest,Settlement,Rate, Par,Frequency,Basis)




=ADDRESS(Row_num,Column_num,Abs_num, A1,Sheet_text)

=AMORDEGRC(Cost,Date_purchased,First_period, Salvage,Period,Rate,Basis)

=AMORLINC(Cost,Date_purchased,First_period, Salvage,Period,Rate,Basis)






















=BINOMDIST(number_s,trials,probability_s, cumulative)

=CALL(register_id,argument1,...) With,procedure,type_text, argument1,...) Excel for Windows=CALL(file_text,resource,type_text, argument1,...) Excel for Macintosh













=CONCATENATE (text1,text2,...)






=COUNT(value1,value2, ...)

=COUNTA(value1,value2, ...)



=COUPDAYBS(settlement,maturity, frequency,basis)

=COUPDAYS(settlement,maturity, frequency,basis)

=COUPDAYSNC(settlement,maturity, frequency,basis)






=CUMIPMT(rate,nper,pv,start_period,end_period, type)

=CUMPRINC(rate,nper,pv,start_period,end_period, type)




























=DURATION(settlement,maturity,coupon,yld, frequency,basis)











=EUROCONVERT(number,source,target, full_precision,triangulation_precision)







=FDIST(x,degrees_freedom1, degrees_freedom2)


=FINV(probability,degrees_freedom1, degrees_freedom2)













=GCD(number1,number2, ...)

=GEOMEAN(number1,number2, ...)




=HARMEAN(number1,number2, ...)




=HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array, row_index_num,range_lookup)



=HYPGEOMDIST(sample_s,number_sample, population_s,number_population)



















=INDEX(array,row_num,column_num)=INDEX(reference,row_num,column_num, area_num)





=INTRATE(settlement,maturity,investment, redemption,basis)
















=KURT(number1,number2, ...)


=LCM(number1,number2, ...)












=LOOKUP(lookup_value,lookup_vector, result_vector)=LOOKUP(lookup_value,array)


=MATCH(lookup_value,lookup_array, match_type)




=MDURATION(settlement,maturity,coupon,yld, frequency,basis)


=MEDIAN(number1,number2, ...)













=MULTINOMIAL(number1,number2, ...)


=NEGBINOMDIST(number_f,number_s, probability_s)









=NPER(rate, pmt, pv, fv, type)

=NPV(rate,value1,value2, ...)





=ODDFPRICE(settlement,maturity,issue, first_coupon,rate,yld,redemption, frequency,basis)

=ODDFYIELD(settlement,maturity,issue, first_coupon,rate,pr,redemption, frequency,basis)

=ODDLPRICE(settlement,maturity,last_interest, rate,yld,redemption,frequency,basis)

=ODDLYIELD(settlement,maturity,last_interest, rate,pr,redemption,frequency,basis)














=PRICE(settlement,maturity,rate,yld,redemption, frequency,basis)

=PRICEDISC(settlement,maturity,discount, redemption,basis)

=PRICEMAT(settlement,maturity,issue,rate, yld,basis)

=PROB(x_range,prob_range,lower_limit, upper_limit)

=PRODUCT(number1,number2, ...)









=RECEIVED(settlement,maturity,investment, discount,basis)


=REPLACE(old_text,start_num,num_chars, new_text)

=REPLACEB(old_text,start_num,num_bytes, new_text)























=SQL.REQUEST(connection_string,output_ref, driver_prompt,query_text,col_names_logical)









=SUBSTITUTE(text,old_text,new_text, instance_num)


=SUM(number1,number2, ...)


=SUMPRODUCT(array1,array2,array3, ...)

=SUMSQ(number1,number2, ...)































=VDB(cost,salvage,life,start_period,end_period, factor,no_switch)

=VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array, col_index_num,range_lookup)



** The Excel MOD function uses a different definition of MOD to that used by VBA Mod function insofar as negative numbers are concerned.








=YIELD(settlement,maturity,rate,pr,redemption, frequency,basis)

=YIELDDISC(settlement,maturity,pr,redemption, basis)

=YIELDMAT(settlement,maturity,issue,rate,pr, basis)


Name DescriptionDATE



DAY Trả về thứ tự của ngày từ chuỗi ngày tháng.












Trả về một chuỗi hoặc một số thể hiện một ngày tháng đầy đủ. Nếu định dạng ô là General trước khi nhập hàm thì kết quả trả về là chuỗi ngày tháng.

Calculates differences between two dates in terms of specified units and assumptions

Trả về một chuỗi số thập phân biểu thị ngày tháng được đại diện bởi chuỗi văn bản date_text.

Trả về số ngày giữa 2 giá trị ngày tháng dựa trên cơ sở một năm có 360 ngày (12 tháng, mỗi tháng 30 ngày). Hàm này dùng trong một số trường hợp tính toán ước lượng trên cơ sở một năm có 360 ngày.

Trả về một chuỗi số đại diện cho ngày tháng xảy ra trước hay sau mốc thời gian được chỉ định. Dùng hàm EDATE để tính ngày đáo hạn hay hết hạn trong kinh doanh.

Trả về một chuỗi số đại diện cho ngày cuối cùng của tháng xảy ra trước hay sau mốc thời gian được chỉ định. Dùng hàm EOMONTH để tính ngày đáo hạn hay hết hạn trong kinh doanh.

Trả về giờ của một giá trị thời gian. Giờ trả về ở dạng số nguyên từ 0 (12:00 PM) đến 23 (11:00 PM).

Trả về số phút của một giá trị thời gian. Giờ trả về ở dạng số nguyên từ 0 đến 59.

Trả về thứ tự của tháng từ giá trị kiểu ngày tháng.

Trả về số ngày làm việc bắt đầu từ ngày start_date đến end_date và trừ đi những ngày nghĩ và ngày lễ. Dùng hàm NETWORKDAYS để tính số ngày làm việc cho người lao động trong khoảng thời gian xác định.

Trả về ngày giờ hiện tại trong hệ thống của bạn. Nếu định dạng ô là General trước khi hàm nhập công thức, kết quả trả về ở định dạng ngày tháng.

Trả về số giây của một giá trị thời gian. Giờ trả về ở dạng số nguyên từ 0 đến 59.

Trả về một chuỗi hoặc một số thể hiện một thời gian đầy đủ. Nếu định dạng ô là General trước khi nhập hàm thì kết quả trả về là một thời gian.









Date and Time Function Arguments

Argument Description




End_date đại diện cho ngày tháng kết thúc.



Method FALSE or omitted = US (NASD) 30/360 method; TRUE = European 30/360 method

Trả về một chuỗi số biểu thị thời gian được đại diện bởi chuỗi văn bản time_text. Số thập phân là một dãy số từ 0 đến 0.999999999 đại diện cho thời gian từ 0:0:0 (12:00:00 AM) đến 23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM).

Trả về ngày hiện tại trong hệ thống của bạn. Nếu định dạng ô là General trước khi hàm nhập công thức, kết quả trả về ở định dạng ngày tháng. Trả về thứ tự của ngày trong tuần của định dạng ngày tháng chỉ ra.

Trả về thứ tự của tuần trong năm dựa vào ngày tháng bạn đưa ra.

Trả về ngày làm việc xảy ra trước hoặc sau ngày bạn chỉ định và trừ đi những ngày nghĩ, và ngày lễ được liệt kê. Dùng WORKDAY để tính ngày kết thúc công việc rất hữu ích.

Trả về năm của một giá trị hoặc chuỗi đại diện cho ngày tháng.

Trả về tỷ lệ của một khoảng thời gian so với năm.

* See Appendix 2. DATEDIF really does exist! It is an Excel built in function. It doesn't appear in the listings in the function wizard and the only documentation reference is in the Help files for Excel 2000.

Basis(For Securities Functions)

The type of day count basis to use: 0 or omitted = US(NASD) 30/3601 = Actual / Actual 2 = Actual / 3603 = Actual / 365 4 = European 30/360

A date enclosed in quotation marks that is in a date text form acceptable to Excel. Note that acceptable date forms vary with system and Excel settings.

A number representing the day of the month. If day is greater than the number of days in the month specified, day aggregates the month and year arguments appropriately and day represents the balance after this aggregation

The number of nonweekend and nonholiday days before or after start_date. A positive value for days yields a future date; a negative value yields a past date

An optional range of one or more dates to exclude from the working calendar. The list can be either a range of cells that contains the dates or an array constant of the serial numbers that represent the dates

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the hour. Any value greater than 23 will be divided by 24 and the remainder will be treated as the hour value


Months The number of months before or after start_date




Start_date đại diện cho ngày tháng bắt đầu

Time_text A text string enclosed in quotation marks that represents a time in any one of the Excel time formats


Year The year number as one to four digits

StartDate EndDate Days Between1-Jan-98 5-Jan-98 41-Jan-98 1-Feb-98 301-Jan-98 31-Mar-98 891-Jan-98 31-Dec-98 359

Day Month Year1 12 20061 12 2006

33 12 2006

Date Date Value25-dec-99 36519 =DATEVALUE(A69)25/12/99 Err:502 =DATEVALUE(A70)

25-dec-99 36519 =DATEVALUE(A71)25/12/99 Err:502 =DATEVALUE(A72)

Full Date The Day25-Dec-98 25 =DAY(A75)7-Apr-23 Sat 6 =DAY(A76)7-Apr-23 7 =DAY(A77)

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the minute. Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours and minutes

Month(For DATE function)

A number representing the month of the year. If month is greater than 12, month adds that number of months to the first month in the year specified

Return_type(WEEKDAY only)

A number that determines the type of return value: 1 (or omitted) 1 = Sunday; 2 = 1 = Monday; 3 = 0 = Monday

Return_type(WEEKNUM only)

A number that determines on which day the week begins; 1 (or omitted) = starts Sunday nums 1 to 7; 2 = starts Monday nums 1 to 7

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the second. Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours, minutes, and seconds

A date / time serial number. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions

An Excel date / time serial number. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. The Excel date serial number varies according to setting of 1900 or 1904 date system in Tools > Options > Calculation.

"y" = years; "m" = months; "d" = days; "md" = days không chấp nhận tháng và năm; "ym" = years and months; "yd" = năm và ngày

Number Hour21:15 21 =HOUR(A81)0.25 6 =HOUR(A82)

Number Minute4/7/2023 23:20 20 =MINUTE(A85)9:15:00 PM 15 =MINUTE(A86)

0.02 28 =MINUTE(A87)0.52 28 =MINUTE(A88)1.52 28 =MINUTE(A89)

ClockHour ||||||||||||||||||||||| 23

Minute |||||||||||||||||||| 20Second ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 55

=REPT("|",HOUR(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(HOUR(NOW()),"00") =REPT("|",MINUTE(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(MINUTE(NOW()),"00") =REPT("|",SECOND(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(SECOND(NOW()),"00")

Enter a time in hh:mm format :

The same time converted to a decimal :

To extract the hours as a decimal :

To extract the minutes as a decimal :

Enter a time in decimal format :

The same time converted to hh:mm format is :

To extract the hours in hh:mm format :

To extract the minutes in hh:mm format :

Original Date Month1-Jan-98 11-Jan-98 December

The current Date and Time4/7/2023 23:20



07/Apr/23 23:20:5412:00:00 PM


Cost Per Second :

Billed DurationDuration Minutes Seconds0:01:08 1 100:02:03 2 50:01:47 1 50

Hour Minute Second14 30 5914 30 5914 30 59

Text Time14:30:59 0.60484953714:30:59 14:30:5914:30:59 2:30:59 PM

Today Is7-Apr-23 =TODAY()

Date Days Since1-Jan-97 9592

10-Aug-97 9371

Date Days Since1-Jan-97 9593

10-Aug-97 9372

Year 2000 Days Until01-Jan-2000 -8497

DateThu 01-Jan-98Thu 01-Jan-98Thu 01-Jan-98Thu 01-Jan-98

Thu 01-Jan-98

Booking Date7-Jan-98

Booking RatesDay Of Week


Date Year25-Dec-06 2006 =YEAR(A201)

Start Date Plus Months End Date1-Jan-98 3 1-Apr-982-Jan-98 3 2-Apr-982-Jan-98 -3 2-Oct-97

Start Duration EndTue 06-Jan-98 3 Mon 06-Apr-98Mon 12-Jan-98 3 Sun 12-Apr-98Fri 09-Jan-98 4 Sat 09-May-98Fri 09-Jan-98 3 Thu 09-Apr-98

Mon 19-Jan-98 3 Sun 19-Apr-98Mon 26-Jan-98 3 Sun 26-Apr-98Mon 12-Jan-98 3 Sun 12-Apr-98

StartDate Plus Months End Of Month5-Jan-98 2 358855-Jan-98 2 31-Mar-985-Jan-98 -2 30-Nov-97


Số CN Số ng/công cần thực hiện5/10/2006 120 30000

Ngày khởi công

Các ngày nghỉ quy địnhQuốc khánh 9/2/2006Tết DLịch 1/1/2007

Tết Nguyên Đán 2/18/20072/19/20072/20/2007


Ngày Ngày thứ.. Trong tuần9/2/2005 49/2/2006 5


DƯ ÁN KIÊN CỐ HÓA ĐÊ BIỂNNgày khởi công 3/10/2005

Dự kiến kết thúc 10/20/2005

Các ngày nghĩ bắt buộcGP Miền Nam 4/30/2005Quốc khánh 9/2/2005


Ngày kết thúc dự án

Số ngày làm việc


















Date and Time Function Arguments

đại diện cho ngày tháng kết thúc.

FALSE or omitted = US (NASD) 30/360 method; TRUE = European 30/360 method







* See Appendix 2. DATEDIF really does exist! It is an Excel built in function. It doesn't appear in the listings in the function wizard and the only documentation reference is in the Help files for Excel 2000.

The type of day count basis to use: 0 or omitted = US(NASD) 30/3601 = Actual / Actual 2 = Actual / 3603 = Actual / 365 4 = European 30/360

A date enclosed in quotation marks that is in a date text form acceptable to Excel. Note that acceptable date forms vary with system and Excel settings.

A number representing the day of the month. If day is greater than the number of days in the month specified, day aggregates the month and year arguments appropriately and day represents the balance after this

The number of nonweekend and nonholiday days before or after start_date. A positive value for days yields a future date; a negative value yields a past date

An optional range of one or more dates to exclude from the working calendar. The list can be either a range of cells that contains the dates or an array constant of the serial numbers that represent the dates

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the hour. Any value greater than 23 will be divided by 24 and the remainder will be treated as the hour value

The number of months before or after start_date

đại diện cho ngày tháng bắt đầu

A text string enclosed in quotation marks that represents a time in any one of the Excel time formats

The year number as one to four digits

* See the Note below. =DAYS360(A57,B57,TRUE) =DAYS360(A58,B58,TRUE) =DAYS360(A59,B59,TRUE) =DAYS360(A60,B60,TRUE)

Date12/1/2006 =DATE(C63,B63,A63)1-Dec-06 =DATE(C64,B64,A64)

January 2, 2007 =DATE(C64,B64,A64)

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the minute. Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours and

A number representing the month of the year. If month is greater than 12, month adds that number of months to the first month in the year specified

A number that determines the type of return value: 1 (or omitted) 1 = Sunday; 2 = 1 = Monday; 3 = 0 =

A number that determines on which day the week begins; 1 (or omitted) = starts Sunday nums 1 to 7; 2 =

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the second. Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours,

A date / time serial number. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other

An Excel date / time serial number. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. The Excel date serial number varies according to setting of 1900 or 1904 date system in Tools > Options > Calculation.

"y" = years; "m" = months; "d" = days; "md" = days không chấp nhận tháng và năm; "ym" = years and

=REPT("|",HOUR(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(HOUR(NOW()),"00") =REPT("|",MINUTE(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(MINUTE(NOW()),"00") =REPT("|",SECOND(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(SECOND(NOW()),"00")













Cost£0.00 £0.00 £0.00


2:30:59 PM0.60485



Actual Day Booking CostWednesday £ 30.00

Booking RatesCost£50 £25 £25 £30 £40 £50


Tuần thứErr:504Err:504






10/2/2006 SONY 15 3000 10.00%10/3/2006 JVC 25 2500 15.00%10/5/2006 SANYO 12 2700 13.50%10/6/2006 PHILIPS 22 4500 9.00%10/7/2006 SAMSUNG 30 2200 14.00%10/8/2006 THOMPSON 27 2000 8.00%10/9/2006 SHARP 40 2400 11.00%

10/10/2006 AWA 10 2500 14.00%10/11/2006 KENWOOD 20 3200 7.00%










BSG2 19DTA1 14BN3 19MI2 28

BSG3 17DTA2 25MI1 20ST3 12




BSG BIA SÀI GÒN 135000 0.15ST SỮA ÔNG THỌ 165000 0.1BN BỘT NGỌT 140000 0.15

DTA DẦU TƯỜNG AN 135000 0.2


MÃ CHUYẾN MÃ XE NƠI XUẤT PHÁT NƠI ĐẾN NGÀY XUẤT PHÁT SỐ NGÀYSG-NT 01-LVL 8/2/2006 5SG-DL 02-TVT 8/20/2006 4SG-HN 01-LVV 8/22/2006 10NT-SG 03-TVT 8/15/2006 4HN-SG 04-NVL 8/21/2006 12HN-HL 03-LVN 8/17/2006 3SG-VT 05-TVV 8/16/2006 3










STT MÃ HĐ MẶT HÀNG NGÀY ĐƠN VỊ SỐ LƯỢNG1 SD1M2 12/7/2005 52 HDM64 12/12/2005 23 CDM74 12/8/2005 124 SD1M4 12/9/2005 75 HDM64 12/11/2005 36 CDM74 12/7/2005 57 SD1M2 12/10/2005 68 CDM74 12/14/2005 49 SD1M4 12/12/2005 10

10 SD1M2 12/14/2005 20TỔNG CỘNG:





2295000 300000 25950003025000 400000 34250001680000 250000 1930000520000 0 520000675000 0 675000

1435000 200000 1635000550000 0 550000

2142000 300000 2442000621000 0 621000

13727000 1450000 15177000


LÃI VAY : 3% 3%NGÀY NHẬP: 4/7/2023






2 31.50% 1%





Logical Functions

Name Description SyntaxAND

FALSE Trả về giá trị FALSE. =FALSE()


NOT Trả về phủ định của một biểu thức Logic.


TRUE Trả về giá trị TRUE =TRUE()

Logical Function Arguments

Argument Description

Logical logical là một biểu thức, điều kiện kiểu logic


Logical1 là các đều kiện cần kiểm tra.

Logical2,… là các đều kiện cần kiểm tra.

Value_if_false giá trị trả về nếu điều kiện logical_test là FALSE.

Value_if_true giá trị trả về nếu điều kiện logical_test là TRUE.

Trả về kết quả TRUE nếu tất cả điều kiện đều TRUE, Trả về FALSE nếu một trong các điều kiện FALSE.


Trả về một giá trị nếu điều kiện là đúng, Trả về một giá trị khác nếu điều kiện là sai.



Trả về TRUE nếu một trong các điều kiện là TRUE. Trả về FALSE nếu tất cả các điều kiện là FALSE.


điều kiện để xét, logical có thể là kết quả của một hàm luận lý như AND, OR,…

Items To Test

500 800

500 25

25 500


Name Sales Target Result

Alan 1000 5000 Not Achieved

Bob 6000 5000 Achieved

Carol 2000 4000 Not Achieved

Cells To Test Result

10 20 1

10 20 1

10 20 0

1-Jan-98 1-Feb-98 1

Hello Goodbye 1

Hello Hello 0

Taken Loan Returned Status

1-Jan-98 14 5-Jan-98 OK

1-Jan-98 14 15-Jan-98 OK

1-Jan-98 14 20-Jan-98 Overdue

Order No. Cost Payment Type

AB001 1000 Cash £ -

AB002 1000 Visa £ 5

AB003 2000 Cheque £ -

AB004 5000 Delta £ 5

Order No. Cost Payment Type

AB001 1000 Cash £ -

AB002 1000 Visa £ 5

AB003 2000 Cheque £ -

AB004 5000 Delta £ 5


STT Họ Tên Ngày sinh

1 Nguyễn Văn Ánh 1/1/1990

2 Lê Văn Bình 5/10/1991

3 Nguyễn Hữu Chánh 5/6/1990

4 Phạm Hùng Dũng 7/2/1990

5 Huỳnh Tấn Dương 4/6/1991

6 Võ Thị Thu Hương 8/3/1990

7 Trần Thị Kim Kiều 12/8/1990

8 Võ Thị Thu Loan 11/6/1991

9 Phan Thanh Quang 12/12/1990

10 Đỗ Văn Thanh 12/11/1990

Handling Charge

Handling Charge








ĐTB Xếp loại Lên Lớp











Nguyen Tien Toan : =IF(E66>=9,"GIỎI",IF(E66>=8,"KHÁ",IF(E66>=6.5,"KHÁ",IF(E66>=5,"TRUNG BÌNH",IF(E66>=3.5,"YẾU","KÉM")))))

Engineering Functions

Name DescriptionBESSELI




BIN2DEC Converts binary number to decimal

BIN2HEX Converts binary number to hexadecimal

BIN2OCT Converts binary number to octal



DEC2BIN Converts a decimal number to binary

DEC2HEX Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal

DEC2OCT Converts a decimal number to octal

DELTA Test whether two values are equal




HEX2BIN Converts a hexadecimal to a binary

HEX2DEC Converts a hexadecimal to a decimal

HEX2OCT Converts a hexadecimal to an octal





Returns the Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments

Returns the Bessel function represented by Jn(x)

Returns the modified Bessel function represented by Kn(x)

Returns the Bessel / Weber / Neumann function Yn(x)

Converts real and imaginary coefficients into complex numbers of the form x + yi or x + yj depending upon suffix

Converts a number from one measurement system to another

Returns the error function integrated between lower_limit and upper_limit

Returns the complementary ERF function integrated between x and infinity

Tests whether a number is greater than a threshold value

Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the argument theta - an angle expressed in radians

Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"














OCT2BIN Converts an octal number to binary

OCT2DEC Converts an octal number to decimal

OCT2HEX Converts an octal number to hexadecimal

Engineering Function Arguments

Argument DescriptionFrom_unit(1) A unit of measurement

Returns the cosine of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the quotient of two complex numbers provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the exponential of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj" raised to an integer number

Returns the product of 2 - 29 complex numbers provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the real coefficient of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the sine of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the square root of a complex number provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the difference of two complex numbers provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"

Returns the sum of 2 - 29 complex numbers provided in the text format "x + yi" or "x + yj"



I_num Imaginary coeffient of the complex number

Inumber A complex number

Inumber1 First complex number

Inumber2 Second complex number

Inumber2,… The second of 1-29 complex numbers

Lower_limit The lower bound for integrating ERF

N The order of the function

Number A number or expression that evaluates to a number

Number1 The first number

Number2 The second number



Real_num The real coefficient of the complex number

Step The threshold value. If you omit a value for step, GESTEP uses zero

Suffix The suffix for the imaginary component of the complex number. If omitted, suffix is assumed to be "i"

To_unit(1) A unit of measurement

Weight & Mass: "g" = gram; "sg" = slug; "lbm" = pound (avoirdupois); "u" = Atomic mass; "ozm" = ounces (avoirdupois)Distance: "m" = meter; "mi" = Statute Mile; "Nmi" = Nautical mile; "in" = inch; "ft" = foot; "yd" = yard;"ang" = Angstrom; "pica" = pica (1/72in)Time: "yr" = year; "day" = day; "hr" = hour; "mn" = minute; "sec" = secondPressure: "pa" = Pascal; "atm" = atmosphere; "mmHg" = mm of mercuryForce: "N" = Newton; "dyn" = dyne; "lbf" = pound forceEnergy: "J" = Joule; "e" = erg; "c" Thermodynamic calorie; "cal" = IT calorie; "eV" = electron volt;"HPh" = horsepower-hour; "Wh" = Watt-hour; "flb" = foot-pound; "BTU" = BTUPower: "HP" = horsepower; "W" = WattMagnetism: "T" = Tesler; "ga" = GaussTemperature: "C" = degrees Celsius; "F" = degrees Fahrenheit; "K" = KelvinLiquid Measure: "tsp" = teaspoon; "tbs" = tablespoon; "oz" = fluid ounce; "cup" = cup;"pt" = US Pint; "UK_pt" = UK pint; "qt" = quart; "gal" = gallon; "l" = liter

Prefix Abbreviations for metric: "E" = 1E+18 = exa; "P" = 1E+15 = peta; "T" 1E+12 = tera; "G" = 1E+09 = giga; "M" = 1E+06 = mega; "k" = 1E+03 = kilo; "h" = 1E+02 = hecto; "e" = 1E+01 = dekao; "d" = 1E-01 = deci; "c"=1E-02 = centi; "m" = 1E-03 = milli; "u" = 1E-06 = micro; "n" = 1E-09 = nano; "p" = 1E-12 = pico; "f" = 1E-15 = femto; "a" = 1E-18 = atto

Second of up to 30 numbers. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments separated by commas

The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, Excel uses the minimum number of characters necessary



Upper_limit The upper bound for integrating ERF. If omitted, ERF integrates between zero and lower_limit

X The value at which to evaluate the function

Weight & Mass: "g" = gram; "sg" = slug; "lbm" = pound (avoirdupois); "u" = Atomic mass; "ozm" = ounces (avoirdupois)Distance: "m" = meter; "mi" = Statute Mile; "Nmi" = Nautical mile; "in" = inch; "ft" = foot; "yd" = yard;"ang" = Angstrom; "pica" = pica (1/72in)Time: "yr" = year; "day" = day; "hr" = hour; "mn" = minute; "sec" = secondPressure: "pa" = Pascal; "atm" = atmosphere; "mmHg" = mm of mercuryForce: "N" = Newton; "dyn" = dyne; "lbf" = pound forceEnergy: "J" = Joule; "e" = erg; "c" Thermodynamic calorie; "cal" = IT calorie; "eV" = electron volt;"HPh" = horsepower-hour; "Wh" = Watt-hour; "flb" = foot-pound; "BTU" = BTUPower: "HP" = horsepower; "W" = WattMagnetism: "T" = Tesler; "ga" = GaussTemperature: "C" = degrees Celsius; "F" = degrees Fahrenheit; "K" = KelvinLiquid Measure: "tsp" = teaspoon; "tbs" = tablespoon; "oz" = fluid ounce; "cup" = cup;"pt" = US Pint; "UK_pt" = UK pint; "qt" = quart; "gal" = gallon; "l" = liter

Prefix Abbreviations for metric: "E" = 1E+18 = exa; "P" = 1E+15 = peta; "T" 1E+12 = tera; "G" = 1E+09 = giga; "M" = 1E+06 = mega; "k" = 1E+03 = kilo; "h" = 1E+02 = hecto; "e" = 1E+01 = dekao; "d" = 1E-01 = deci; "c"=1E-02 = centi; "m" = 1E-03 = milli; "u" = 1E-06 = micro; "n" = 1E-09 = nano; "p" = 1E-12 = pico; "f" = 1E-15 = femto; "a" = 1E-18 = atto

Engineering Functions
























Engineering Function Arguments

DescriptionA unit of measurement

















Imaginary coeffient of the complex number

A complex number

First complex number

Second complex number

The second of 1-29 complex numbers

The lower bound for integrating ERF

The order of the function

A number or expression that evaluates to a number

The first number

The second number

The real coefficient of the complex number

The threshold value. If you omit a value for step, GESTEP uses zero

The suffix for the imaginary component of the complex number. If omitted, suffix is assumed to be "i"

A unit of measurement

: "g" = gram; "sg" = slug; "lbm" = pound (avoirdupois); "u" = Atomic mass; "ozm" = ounces

: "m" = meter; "mi" = Statute Mile; "Nmi" = Nautical mile; "in" = inch; "ft" = foot; "yd" = yard;"ang" = Angstrom; "pica" = pica (1/72in)

: "yr" = year; "day" = day; "hr" = hour; "mn" = minute; "sec" = second: "pa" = Pascal; "atm" = atmosphere; "mmHg" = mm of mercury

: "N" = Newton; "dyn" = dyne; "lbf" = pound force: "J" = Joule; "e" = erg; "c" Thermodynamic calorie; "cal" = IT calorie; "eV" = electron volt;

"HPh" = horsepower-hour; "Wh" = Watt-hour; "flb" = foot-pound; "BTU" = BTU: "HP" = horsepower; "W" = Watt

: "T" = Tesler; "ga" = Gauss: "C" = degrees Celsius; "F" = degrees Fahrenheit; "K" = Kelvin

: "tsp" = teaspoon; "tbs" = tablespoon; "oz" = fluid ounce; "cup" = cup;"pt" = US Pint; "UK_pt" = UK pint; "qt" = quart; "gal" = gallon; "l" = liter

Prefix Abbreviations for metric: "E" = 1E+18 = exa; "P" = 1E+15 = peta; "T" 1E+12 = tera; "G" = 1E+09 = giga; "M" = 1E+06 = mega; "k" = 1E+03 = kilo; "h" = 1E+02 = hecto; "e" = 1E+01 = dekao; "d" = 1E-01 = deci; "c"=1E-02 = centi; "m" = 1E-03 = milli; "u" = 1E-06 = micro; "n" = 1E-09 = nano; "p" = 1E-12 = pico; "f" = 1E-

Second of up to 30 numbers. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments

The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, Excel uses the minimum number of characters

The upper bound for integrating ERF. If omitted, ERF integrates between zero and lower_limit

The value at which to evaluate the function

: "g" = gram; "sg" = slug; "lbm" = pound (avoirdupois); "u" = Atomic mass; "ozm" = ounces

: "m" = meter; "mi" = Statute Mile; "Nmi" = Nautical mile; "in" = inch; "ft" = foot; "yd" = yard;"ang" = Angstrom; "pica" = pica (1/72in)

: "yr" = year; "day" = day; "hr" = hour; "mn" = minute; "sec" = second: "pa" = Pascal; "atm" = atmosphere; "mmHg" = mm of mercury

: "N" = Newton; "dyn" = dyne; "lbf" = pound force: "J" = Joule; "e" = erg; "c" Thermodynamic calorie; "cal" = IT calorie; "eV" = electron volt;

"HPh" = horsepower-hour; "Wh" = Watt-hour; "flb" = foot-pound; "BTU" = BTU: "HP" = horsepower; "W" = Watt

: "T" = Tesler; "ga" = Gauss: "C" = degrees Celsius; "F" = degrees Fahrenheit; "K" = Kelvin

: "tsp" = teaspoon; "tbs" = tablespoon; "oz" = fluid ounce; "cup" = cup;"pt" = US Pint; "UK_pt" = UK pint; "qt" = quart; "gal" = gallon; "l" = liter

Prefix Abbreviations for metric: "E" = 1E+18 = exa; "P" = 1E+15 = peta; "T" 1E+12 = tera; "G" = 1E+09 = giga; "M" = 1E+06 = mega; "k" = 1E+03 = kilo; "h" = 1E+02 = hecto; "e" = 1E+01 = dekao; "d" = 1E-01 = deci; "c"=1E-02 = centi; "m" = 1E-03 = milli; "u" = 1E-06 = micro; "n" = 1E-09 = nano; "p" = 1E-12 = pico; "f" = 1E-

Financial Functions

Name DescriptionACCRINT















Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest

Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity

Returns the depreciation for each accounting period using the French accounting system

Returns the depreciation for each accounting period using the French accounting system

Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlent date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods

Returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between two periods

Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period, using the fixed declining balance method

Returns the deoreciation of an asset for a specified period, using the double-declining balance method of some other method that is specified

Returns the discount rate for a security using the specified or default day counting basis





FV Returns the future value of an investment












Converts a dollar price (expressed as a fraction) into a dollar price expressed as a decimal number

Converts a dollar price (expressed as a decimal number) into a dollar price expressed as a fraction

Returns the Macauley duration of a security with periodic interest payments using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the effective annual interest rate of a given nominal rate with its compounding frequency

Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates

Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the amount of the interest element in a payment for an investment for a given period

Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows

Returns the interest associated with a specific loan payment

Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par value of $100 using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the modified internal rate of return based on different finance and reinvestment rates for negative and positive cash flows

Returns the nominal rate equivalent to a given annual effective with a given compounding frequency for the nominal rate

Returns the number of periods for an investment

Returns the net present value of an investment based upon a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate where the first cash flow is received at the end of the first period

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period using the specified or default day counting basis




PMT Returns the periodic payment for an annuity





PV Returns the present value of an investment







TBILLYIELD Returns the yield for a treasury bill




Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the amount of principal element in a payment for an investment for a given period

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity

Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period.

Returns the sum of years' digits depreciation of an asset for a specified period

Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill

Returns the price per $100 face value for a Treasury bill

Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified or partial period using a variable declining balance method

Returns the annual effective interest rate for a schedule of cash flows received at specified dates

Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows received at specified dates




Financial Function Arguments

Argument DescriptionYear basis to be used: 0 or omitted 360 (NASD); 1 = Actual; 2 = 365; 3 = 360 (European)

Cost Cost of the asset

Coupon The security's annual coupon rate



Decimal_dollar A decimal number

Discount The security's discount rate

Effect_rate The effective interest rate

End_period Last period number


Finance_rate The interest rate you pay on the money used in the cash flows

First_coupon The security's first coupon date



Fraction The integer to use in the denominator of the fraction

Fractional_dollar A number expressed as a fraction

Frequency The number of coupon payments per year for a security.

FV Future Value

Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest using the specified or default day counting basis

Returns the annual yield for a discounted security using the specified or default day counting basis.

Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity using the specified or default day counting basis

Basis(For Securities Functions)

Date of purchase of the asset. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

A schedule of payment dates that corresponds to the cash flow payments. The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments. All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in any order

The rate at which the balance declines. If factor is omitted, it is assumed to be 2 (the double-declining balance method)

A security's first interest date entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

Date of the end of the first period. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

Guess A number that you guess is close to the result of IRR

Investment The amount invested in the security


Last_interest The security's last coupon date


Maturity The security's maturity date

Month (For DB function) The number of months in the first year. If month is omitted, it is assumed to be 12


Nominal_rate The nominal interest rate

Nper The number of periods

Npery The number of compounding periods per year

Par A security's par value. (Default = $1,000)

Period The number of the accounting period

Pmt The payment made each period

Pr The security's price per $100 face value

Principal The present value

PV The Present Value

The interest rate per period

The rate of depreciation

The discount rate

A security's annual coupon rate

Redemption The security's redemption value per $100 face value

Reinvest_rate The interest rate you receive on the cash flows as you reinvest them

Salvage Salvage value at the end of the life of the asset

A security's issue date entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

The number of periods over which the asset is being depreciated (sometimes called the useful life of the asset)

A logical value specifying whether to switch to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation.If TRUE, Excel does not switch to straight-line depreciation even when the depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation. FALSE or omitted, Excel switches to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation

Rate(For amortization functions)

Rate(For Depreciation Functions)

Rate(For NPV and XNPV)

Rate(For Securities Functions)

Schedule An array of interest rates to apply


Start_period First period number

Type (Amortization functions) 0 = Payment in arrears; 1 = payment in advance

Value1 A numeric value

Value2,… Second of 1 to n possible values (n=30 for AVERAGEA; n=29 for CHOOSE, NPV)

Values (IRR and MIRR)

Values (XIRR and XNPV)

Yld The security's annual yield

A security's settlement date, which is the date after the issue date when the security is traded to the buyer. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for which you want to calculate the internal rate of return. Values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value to calculate the internal rate of return. If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are ignored.

A series of cash flows that corresponds to a schedule of payments in dates. The first payment is optional and corresponds to a cost or payment that occurs at the beginning of the investment. If the first value is a cost or payment, it must be a negative value. All succeeding payments are discounted based on a 365-day year. The series of values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value

Financial Functions

Syntax=ACCRINT(Issue,First_Interest,Settlement,Rate, Par,Frequency,Basis)


=AMORDEGRC(Cost,Date_purchased,First_period, Salvage,Period,Rate,Basis)

=AMORLINC(Cost,Date_purchased,First_period, Salvage,Period,Rate,Basis)

=COUPDAYBS(settlement,maturity, frequency,basis)

=COUPDAYS(settlement,maturity, frequency,basis)

=COUPDAYSNC(settlement,maturity, frequency,basis)




=CUMIPMT(rate,nper,pv,start_period,end_period, type)

=CUMPRINC(rate,nper,pv,start_period,end_period, type)






=DURATION(settlement,maturity,coupon,yld, frequency,basis)




=INTRATE(settlement,maturity,investment, redemption,basis)




=MDURATION(settlement,maturity,coupon,yld, frequency,basis)



=NPER(rate, pmt, pv, fv, type)

=NPV(rate,value1,value2, ...)

=ODDFPRICE(settlement,maturity,issue, first_coupon,rate,yld,redemption, frequency,basis)

=ODDFYIELD(settlement,maturity,issue, first_coupon,rate,pr,redemption, frequency,basis)

=ODDLPRICE(settlement,maturity,last_interest, rate,yld,redemption,frequency,basis)

=ODDLYIELD(settlement,maturity,last_interest, rate,pr,redemption,frequency,basis)



=PRICE(settlement,maturity,rate,yld,redemption, frequency,basis)

=PRICEDISC(settlement,maturity,discount, redemption,basis)

=PRICEMAT(settlement,maturity,issue,rate, yld,basis)



=RECEIVED(settlement,maturity,investment, discount,basis)






=VDB(cost,salvage,life,start_period,end_period, factor,no_switch)



Financial Function Arguments

DescriptionYear basis to be used: 0 or omitted 360 (NASD); 1 = Actual; 2 = 365; 3 = 360 (European)

Cost of the asset

The security's annual coupon rate

A decimal number

The security's discount rate

The effective interest rate

Last period number

The interest rate you pay on the money used in the cash flows

The security's first coupon date

The integer to use in the denominator of the fraction

A number expressed as a fraction

The number of coupon payments per year for a security.

Future Value

=YIELD(settlement,maturity,rate,pr,redemption, frequency,basis)

=YIELDDISC(settlement,maturity,pr,redemption, basis)

=YIELDMAT(settlement,maturity,issue,rate,pr, basis)

Date of purchase of the asset. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

A schedule of payment dates that corresponds to the cash flow payments. The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments. All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in

The rate at which the balance declines. If factor is omitted, it is assumed to be 2 (the double-declining

A security's first interest date entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

Date of the end of the first period. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

A number that you guess is close to the result of IRR

The amount invested in the security

The security's last coupon date

The security's maturity date

The number of months in the first year. If month is omitted, it is assumed to be 12

The nominal interest rate

The number of periods

The number of compounding periods per year

A security's par value. (Default = $1,000)

The number of the accounting period

The payment made each period

The security's price per $100 face value

The present value

The Present Value

The interest rate per period

The rate of depreciation

The discount rate

A security's annual coupon rate

The security's redemption value per $100 face value

The interest rate you receive on the cash flows as you reinvest them

Salvage value at the end of the life of the asset

A security's issue date entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function

The number of periods over which the asset is being depreciated (sometimes called the useful life of the

A logical value specifying whether to switch to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation.If TRUE, Excel does not switch to straight-line depreciation even when the depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation. FALSE or omitted, Excel switches to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation

An array of interest rates to apply

First period number

0 = Payment in arrears; 1 = payment in advance

A numeric value

Second of 1 to n possible values (n=30 for AVERAGEA; n=29 for CHOOSE, NPV)

The security's annual yield

A security's settlement date, which is the date after the issue date when the security is traded to the buyer. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial

An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for which you want to calculate the internal rate of return. Values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value to calculate the internal rate of return. If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are

A series of cash flows that corresponds to a schedule of payments in dates. The first payment is optional and corresponds to a cost or payment that occurs at the beginning of the investment. If the first value is a cost or payment, it must be a negative value. All succeeding payments are discounted based on a 365-day year. The series of values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value

Lookup & Reference Functions

Name Description

ADDRESS Tạo địa chỉ ở dạng chuỗi văn bản.












ROW Returns the row number of a reference




Trả về số vùng tham chiếu trong một tham chiếu. Mỗi vùng tham chiếu là một ô rời rạc hoặc là một dãy ô liên tục trong bảng tính.Trả về một giá trị tại vị trí được chỉ định trong dãy giá trị.

Returns the column number of the cell or a specified reference

Returns the number of columns in an array or reference

Looks in the top row of a table or array and returns the value of the indicated cell

Creates a shortcut that opens a document on your hard drive, a server or the internetAlternative forms. Array form returns a value or array of values. Reference form returns a reference.

Returns a reference indicated by a value provided as text

Alternative forms. Vector form looks up values in a one row or column range and returns a value in a second one row or column range. Array form looks in the first row or column of an array for the specified value and returns a value from the same position in the last row or column of the array

Returns the relative position of an item in an array that matches a specified value in a specified order

Trả về tham chiếu đến một vùng nào đó được tính bằng một ô hoặc dãy ô bắt đầu và khoảng cách với số dòng, cột được chỉ định. Bạn có thể chỉ định số dòng, cột của vùng tham chiếu trả về.

Returns the number of rows in a reference

Retrieves real-time data from a program that supports COM automation

Transposes vertical or horizontal arrays. Entered as an array formula in same number of cells as array.


Lookup & Reference Function Arguments

Argument DescriptionA1 A logical value that specifies the A1 (TRUE) or R1C1 (FALSE) reference style


Area_num Selects a range in reference from which to return the intersection of row_num and column_num

Array An array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells

Col_index_num The column number in table_array from which the matching value must be returned


Column_num Column number

Friendly_name The jump text or numeric value that is displayed in the cell



Link_location The path and file name to the document to be opened as text


Lookup_value The value to be found





Ref_text Refers to another workbook (an external reference),


Locates a specified value in the leftmost column of a specified table, and returns the value in the same row from a specified column in the table

The type of reference to return:1 = Absolute; 2 = Abs Row / Rel Col; 3 = Rel Row / Abs Col; 4 = Relative

The number of columns, to the left (-) or right (+), that you want the upper-left cell of the result to refer to

The height, in number of rows, that you want the returned reference to be. Height must be a positive number

là vị trí của giá trị cần trả về. Nếu index_num là 1 thì hàm trả về giá trị thứ nhất, index_num là 2 thì hàm trả về giá trị thứ 2,…

A contiguous range of cells containing possible lookup values. Lookup_array must be an array or an array reference

A range that contains only one row or one column. The values in lookup_vector can be text, numbers, or logical values

The number -1, 0, or 1. Match_type specifies how Microsoft Excel matches lookup_value with values in lookup_array:1 = (default) largest value less than or equal to look_up value; 0 = first value to exactly equal lookup value-1 = smallest value greater than or equal to look_value

The name of the ProgID of a registered COM automation add-in that has been installed on the local computer. Enclose the name in quotation marks

A logical value that specifies whether you want to find an exact match or an approximate match. If TRUE = approximate match is returned FALSE = Exact

là một hoặc nhiều vùng tham chiếu mà bạn cần đếm. Nếu muốn tạo đưa nhiều vùng rời rạc nhau vào công thức thì bạn phân cách chúng bằng dấu phẩy. Cần phải đặt tất cả các vùng địa chỉ này vào trong dấu ngoặc đơn ngoài dấu ngoặc đơn của hàm số.

Result_vector A range that contains only one row or column. It must be the same size as lookup_vector

Row_index_num The row number in table_array from which the matching value will be returned

Row_num Row number

Rows The number of rows, up (-) or down (+), that you want the upper-left cell to refer to



Table_array A table of information in which data is looked up

Topic1 First of up to 28 parameters that together represent a unique piece of real-time data

Topic2,… Second of up to 28 parameters that together represent a unique piece of real-time data

Value1 A numeric value

Value2,… Second of 1 to n possible values (n=30 for AVERAGEA; n=29 for CHOOSE, NPV)


Pink Name AgeAlan 18Bob 17

Carol 20

Green Name AgeDavid 20Eric 16Fred 19


Name of the server where the add-in should be run. If there is no server, and the program is run locally, leave the argument blank. Otherwise, enter quotation marks ("") around the server name

tên trang bảng tính đặt trong dấu nháy kép. Nếu bỏ qua địa chỉ trả về không có tên trang bảng tính đi kèm.

The width, in number of columns, that you want the returned reference to be. Width must be a positive number


JanBob 10Eric 20Alan 30Carol 40David 50

Holiday booking price list.

PeopleWeeks 1 2

1 £500 £300 2 £600 £400 3 £700 £500

Table 1Name Jan FebAlan 10 80Bob 20 90

Carol 30 100David 40 110Eric 50 120

Francis 60 130Gail 70 140

Name : Eric

Value : 77

Table 2Name Jan FebDavid 40 110Eric 50 120Alan 10 80Bob 20 90

Carol 30 100Francis 60 130

Gail 70 140

Name : Eric

Value : 77




RangeToLookIn RangeToPickFrom

Alan 5Bob




Type a name to look for : Alan

The position of Alan is : 2


Type a value : 1000

Value position : 3

Ascending Descending10 4020 3030 2040 10

20 202 3

Ascending Descending10 4020 3030 2040 10

20 202 #N/A

Ascending Descending10 4020 3030 2040 10

20 20#N/A 3

Bus SizeBus 1 54Bus 2 50Bus 3 22Bus 4 15Bus 5 6

Exam Score Grade0 Fail50 Pass90 Merit95 Distinction

col 1 col 2Jan 10Feb 80Mar 97


Maker Spare

Vauxhall IgnitionVW GearBoxFord EngineVW SteeringFord Ignition

Ford CYHeadVauxhall GearBox

Ford Engine


Unit Cost TableBrick £2 Wood £1 Glass £3

Orders TableItem UnitsBrick 100Wood 200Glass 150Brick 225Wood 50Glass 500


1 HDD 0.052 CPU 0.083 CDR 0.074 HDD 0.055 CPU 0.086 USB 0.1



1 HDD Ổ đĩa cứng2 CPU Chíp

Nguyen Tien Toan : =VLOOKUP(B330,$C$338:$D$342,2,0)

3 CDW Ổ ghi CD-Rom4 HDD Ổ đĩa cứng5 CPU Chíp6 USB Ổ đĩa cứng USB



$J$5R[5]C[10]'[Cham cong]Bang luong '.$J$5


LỊCH THEO DÕI DỊCH CÚM TYPE A H5N1Thứ Bác sĩ trực Số bệnh nhân

2 Bình 153 Nhân 124 Toán 105 Hùng 56 Dũng 47 Hoàng 6

CN Trí 8



Lookup & Reference Functions



=ADDRESS(Row_num,Column_num,Abs_num, A1,Sheet_text)




=HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array, row_index_num,range_lookup)


=INDEX(array,row_num,column_num)=INDEX(reference,row_num,column_num, area_num)


=LOOKUP(lookup_value,lookup_vector, result_vector)=LOOKUP(lookup_value,array)

=MATCH(lookup_value,lookup_array, match_type)






Lookup & Reference Function Arguments

DescriptionA logical value that specifies the A1 (TRUE) or R1C1 (FALSE) reference style

Selects a range in reference from which to return the intersection of row_num and column_num

An array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells

The column number in table_array from which the matching value must be returned

Column number

The jump text or numeric value that is displayed in the cell

The path and file name to the document to be opened as text

The value to be found

Refers to another workbook (an external reference),

=VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array, col_index_num,range_lookup)

The type of reference to return:1 = Absolute; 2 = Abs Row / Rel Col; 3 = Rel Row / Abs Col; 4 = Relative

The number of columns, to the left (-) or right (+), that you want the upper-left cell of the result

The height, in number of rows, that you want the returned reference to be. Height must be a

là vị trí của giá trị cần trả về. Nếu index_num là 1 thì hàm trả về giá trị thứ nhất, index_num là 2 thì hàm trả về giá trị thứ 2,…

A contiguous range of cells containing possible lookup values. Lookup_array must be an array

A range that contains only one row or one column. The values in lookup_vector can be text,

The number -1, 0, or 1. Match_type specifies how Microsoft Excel matches lookup_value with

1 = (default) largest value less than or equal to look_up value; 0 = first value to exactly equal

-1 = smallest value greater than or equal to look_value

The name of the ProgID of a registered COM automation add-in that has been installed on the local computer. Enclose the name in quotation marks

A logical value that specifies whether you want to find an exact match or an approximate match. If TRUE = approximate match is returned FALSE = Exact

là một hoặc nhiều vùng tham chiếu mà bạn cần đếm. Nếu muốn tạo đưa nhiều vùng rời rạc nhau vào công thức thì bạn phân cách chúng bằng dấu phẩy. Cần phải đặt tất cả các vùng địa chỉ này vào trong dấu ngoặc đơn ngoài dấu ngoặc đơn của hàm số.

A range that contains only one row or column. It must be the same size as lookup_vector

The row number in table_array from which the matching value will be returned

Row number

The number of rows, up (-) or down (+), that you want the upper-left cell to refer to

A table of information in which data is looked up

First of up to 28 parameters that together represent a unique piece of real-time data

Second of up to 28 parameters that together represent a unique piece of real-time data

A numeric value

Second of 1 to n possible values (n=30 for AVERAGEA; n=29 for CHOOSE, NPV)


Feb Mar row 1 The row numbers are not needed.80 97 row 2 they are part of the illustration.90 69 row 3100 45 row 4

Name of the server where the add-in should be run. If there is no server, and the program is run locally, leave the argument blank. Otherwise, enter quotation marks ("") around the server name

tên trang bảng tính đặt trong dấu nháy kép. Nếu bỏ qua địa chỉ trả về không có tên trang bảng

The width, in number of columns, that you want the returned reference to be. Width must be a

110 51 row 5120 77 row 6

Type a month to look for : FebWhich row needs to be picked out : 4

The result is : 100

Feb Mar80 9790 69100 45110 51120 77

Type a month to look for : febType a name to look for : alan

The result is : 100

Holiday booking price list.

People3 4

£250 £200 £300 £250 £350 £300

How many weeks required : 2How many people in the party : 4

Cost per person is : 250



Jan Feb Mar10 80 9720 90 6930 100 4540 110 5150 120 7760 130 2870 140 73

Type a Name in this cell : Eric



10 15 20 25 30

Type a name : CarolValue : 15

The Feb value for this person is :

Wrong Value10203040


Wrong Value10203040


Wrong Value40302010


Passengers on the tour : 23Bus size needed : 50

Pupil Score GradeAlan 60 PassBob 6 Fail

Carol 97 DistinctionDavid 89 Pass

col 3 col 4 col 5 col 620 30 40 5090 100 110 12069 45 51 77

Type a month to look for : FebWhich column needs to be picked out : 4

The result is : 100

Jan Feb Mar10 80 9720 90 6930 100 4540 110 5150 120 77

Type a name to look for : ericType a month to look for : mar

The result is : 69

Cost Lookup Table

£50 Vauxhall Ford VW£600 GearBox 500 450 600

£1,200 Engine 1000 1200 800£275 Steering 250 350 275

£70 Ignition 50 70 45

£290 CYHead 300 290 310£500


Discount Table

Brick Wood Glass1 0% 0% 0%

100 6% 3% 12%300 8% 5% 15%

Orders TableUnit Cost Discount Total

£2 6% £188 £1 3% £194 £3 12% £396 £2 6% £423 £1 0% £50 £3 15% £1,275


12/1/2006 2012/3/2006 5012/5/2006 7012/7/2006 10012/8/2006 20012/7/2006 500


7% 10%


12/1/2006 2012/3/2006 50

12/5/2006 7012/7/2006 10012/8/2006 20012/7/2006 500


Ổ CD - RomỔ ghi CD-RomỔ đĩa cứngỔ đĩa cứng USBChíp

LỊCH THEO DÕI DỊCH CÚM TYPE A H5N1Dương tính Tử vong Ghi chú

1 00 02 13 02 10 01 0

tổng số người tử vong.



M 1000

Đô la Mỹ 16200Kết quả 16200000Kết luận Vậy 1000 Đô la Mỹ bằng 16200000 Đồng Việt Nam





Đồng Việt Nam1


Mã Quốc Gia Tên đơn vị Trị giá

M Mỹ Đô la 16200

VN Việt Nam Đồng 1

A Anh Bảng 28000


Maths Functions

Name DescriptionABS Lấy trị tuyệt đối của một số.









COS Tính cosin của một góc.

COSH Tính cosin hyperbol của một số.


DEGREES Chuyển radians sang độ.

EVEN Làm tròn một số đến số nguyên chẵn gấn nhất.


FACT Tính giai thừa của một số n! = 1*2*3*...*n

FACTDOUBLE Tính giai thừa cấp 2 của một số.



INT Làm tròn một số xuống số nguyên gần nhất.

Tính arccosine hay nghịch đảo cosin của một số. Góc trả về tính bằng radians có giá trị từ 0 đến Pi.Tính nghịch đảo cosin hyperbol của một số. Số này phải lớn hơn hoặc bằng 1.

Tính arcsin hay nghịch đảo sin của một số. Arcsin là góc mà sin của nó là một số. Góc đuợc trả về đo bằng radian có giá trị từ -pi/2 đến pi/2.

Tính nghịch đảo sin hyperbol của một số. Số này phải lớn hơn hoặc bằng 1.

Tính arctang hay nghịch đảo tang của một số. Góc đuợc trả về đo bằng radian có giá trị từ -pi/2 đến pi/2.Tính arctang hay nghịch đảo tang được chỉ định bởi tọa độ (x,y). Arctang là góc từ trục x đến đường thẳng có gốc tọa độ (0,0) và đi qua điểm (x,y). Kết quả hàm trả về đo bằng radians có giá trị từ -pi/2 đến pi/2.

Tính nghịch đảo tang hyperbol của một số. Số này phải nằm trong khoảng -1 đến 1 (ngoại trừ -1, 1).Làm tròn một số đến bội số gần nhất của một số được chỉ định significance.

COMBIN++ Tính tổ hợp được chọn từ số phần tử trong mỗi nhóm.

Counts the number of cells that meet the criteria specified in the argument

Tính lũy thừa của cơ số e = 2.71828182845904.

Làm tròn một số theo hướng xuống, tiến đến zero đến bội số gần nhất của significance.

Tìm ước số chung lớn nhất của một hoặc nhiều số nguyên. Ước số chung lớn nhất là số mà tất cả các số đều chia hết cho nó.




LOG10 Tính logarit cơ số 10 của một số.

MDETERM Tính định thức của một ma trận vuông


MMULT Tìm ma trận tích của 2 ma trận, hai mảng




ODD Làm tròn một số đến số nguyên lẽ gấn nhất.


POWER Tính lũy thừa của một số.

PRODUCT Tính tích số của các số.

QUOTIENT Lấy phần nguyên của phép chia

RADIANS Chuyển độ sang radians.





ROUNDDOWN Làm tròn một số hướng xuống đến zero.

ROUNDUP Làm tròn một số hướng lên, hướng ra xa zero.


Tìm bội số chung nhỏ nhất của một hoặc nhiều số nguyên. Bội số chung nhỏ nhất là số nhỏ nhất mà nó chia hết cho tất cả các số.Tính logarit tự nhiên của một số (cơ số là e = 2.71828182845904).

Tính logarit của một số với cơ số do bạn chỉ định.

Tìm ma trận nghịch đảo của một ma trận vuông.

Lấy phần dư sau khi chia một số cho số chia. Kết quả trả về cùng dấu với số chia.

Làm tròn một số đến bội số của một số khác do bạn chỉ định.

Tính tỉ lệ giửa giai thừa tổng và tích giai thừa các số.

Trả về số pi chính xác đến 15 số : 3.141592653589790

Trả về một số ngẫu nhiên lớn hơn hoặc bằng 0 và nhỏ hơn 1. Trả về một số mới khi trang bảng tính được tính toán lại.

Trả về một số ngẫu nhiên nguyên nằm trong khoảng giá trị do bạn chỉ định

Chuyển một số dạng Ả rập sang số La Mã, dạng text.

Làm tròn một số đến phần ký số do bạn đưa ra..

Tính tổng lũy thừa của một chuỗi số được xác định


SIN Tính sin của một góc.

SINH Tính sin hyperbol của một số.

SQRT Tính căn bậc 2 của một số

SQRTPI Tính căn bậc 2 của một số nhân với pi



SUMIF Tổng có điều kiện






TAN Tính tang của một góc.

TANH Tính tang hyperbol của một số.



Maths Function Arguments

Argument DescriptionAngle The angle in radians

Array An array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells

Trả về dấu của một số. Trả về 1 nếu số dương, 0 nếu số là 0, - nếu số âm

Tính tổng phụ trong một danh sách trong danh sách hoặc CSDL. Người ta thường dùng menu Data - Subtotals để tạo một danh sách có tổng phụ.

Tính tổng tất cả các số trong dãy số.

Nhân các phần tử tương ứng trong các mảng với nhau và trả về tổng của chúng.

Tính tổng của bình phương các số

Tính tổng của hiệu bình phương các phần tử tương ứng trong 2 mảng giá trị

Tính tổng của tổng bình phương các phần tử tương ứng trong 2 mảng giá trị

Tính tổng của bình phương hiệu các phần tử tương ứng trong 2 mảng giá trị

Cắt phần thập phân của một số để thành số nguyên hoặc số thập phân mà không làm tròn

* See also COUNT, COUNTA and FREQUENCY (Statistical) and COUNTBLANK (Information) and DCOUNT and DCOUNTA (Database)

** The Excel MOD function uses a different definition of MOD to that used by VBA Mod function insofar as negative numbers are concerned.

++ See also PERMUT function (Statistical)

Array_x The first array or range of values

Array_y The second array or range of values

Array1 (SUMPRODUCT) A cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

Array2 (SUMPRODUCT) A second cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

Array3,… A third cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

Base The base of the logarithm. If base is omitted, it is assumed to be 10

Bottom The smallest integer to be returned


Criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify

Denominator The divisor

Divisor The number by which you want to divide number



M The step by which to increase n for each term in the series

Multiple The multiple to which you want to round number

N The order of the function


Number A number or expression that evaluates to a number

Number_chosen The number of items

Number1 The first number


Numerator The dividend

Power The exponent to which the base number is raised

Range A range

Ref1 First of up to 29 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal

Ref2,… Second of up to 29 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal

A set of coefficients by which each successive power of x is multiplied. The number of values in coefficients determines the number of terms in the power series

A number specifying the type of roman numeral you want; 0 (Default) = Classic; 1-4 Progressively simplified; TRUE = Classic; FALSE = Most Simplified

The number 1 to 11 that specifies which function to use in calculating subtotals within a list: 1 = AVERAGE; 2 = COUNT; 3 = COUNTA; 4 = MAX; 5 = MIN; 6 = PRODUCT; 7 = STDEV; 8 = STDEVP; 9 = SUM; 10 = VAR; 11 = VARP

Specifies the number of digits to which you want to round number: 0 = Integer; -numbers = to left of decimal; +numbers = to right of decimal

Second of up to 30 numbers. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments separated by commas

Significance The multiple to which you want to round

Sum_range The actual cells to sum

Top The largest integer to be returned

X The value at which to evaluate the function

X_num The x-coordinate of the point

Y_num The y-coordinate of the point


Number Absolute Value10 10-10 101.25 1.25-1.25 1.25

Number Raised Up2.1 31.5 21.9 220 3025 3040 60

Original ValueEvenly Rounded1 2

1.2 22.3 425 26

Number Factorial3 6

3.5 6 5 120

10 3,628,800 11 39,916,800

Number Rounded Down1.5 12.3 22.9 2123 100145 100175 150

Number Integer1.5 12.3 2

10.75 10-1.47589 -2

Number Divisor Remainder12 5 220 7 618 3 09 2 1

24 7 3

Number2 3

2.4 32.9 33 3

3.4 53.9 5


Radius Area5 78.54

25 1963.50

Number Power Result3 2 9

Rounded ToNext Odd

3 4 815 2 255 4 625

Radius Area5 78.54

25 1963.50

Numbers Product2 3 65 10 503 7 210


Random greater than or equal to 0 but less than 1.

Random greater than or equal to 0 but less than 10

Random between 5 and 10.

Number Roman1 I2 II3 III5 V


Number1.47589 0 11.47589 1 1.51.47589 2 1.48

13643.47589 -1 1364013643.47589 -2 1360013643.47589 -3 14000

Number1.47589 0 1

Places ToRound


Places ToRound


1.47589 1 1.41.47589 2 1.47

13643.47589 -1 1364013643.47589 -2 1360013643.47589 -3 13000

Number1.47589 0 21.47589 1 1.51.47589 2 1.48

13643.47589 -1 1365013643.47589 -2 1370013643.47589 -3 14000

Value10 120 10 0

-10 -1-20 -1

Name Jan FebAlan 10 10Bob 10 10Carol 10 10

Item DateBrakes 1-Jan-98Tyres 10-May-98

Brakes 1-Feb-98Service 1-Mar-98Service 5-Jan-98Window 1-Jun-98Tyres 1-Apr-98Tyres 1-Mar-98Clutch 1-May-98

Total cost of all Brakes bought.Total cost of all Tyres bought.Total of items costing £100 or above.

Total of item typed in following cell.

Item Sold priceTyres 5 100Filters 2 10

Places ToRound


Positive orNegative

Bulbs 3 2

Total Sales Value : 526

Product Case PriceRed Wine 10 £120

White Wine 8 £130 Champagne 5 £200

Beer 50 £24 Lager 100 £30

Total Value Of Stock : Total Selling Price Of Stock :

Profit :

Number1.47589 0 11.47589 1 1.41.47589 2 1.47

-1.47589 1 -1.4-1.47589 2 -1.47

13643.47589 -1 1364013643.47589 -2 1360013643.47589 -3 13000


90 ĐỘ0.88137359








Cases In Stock

Precision ForTruncation








Ma trận A1 2 54 5 63 4 2

#VALUE! =MDETERM(A373:C376)11 =MDETERM(A373:C375)

Ma trận B2 3 23 4 43 4 3

120 (Bội số gần nhất của 5 là 20)



1024700758 Trả về số ngẫu nhiên từ 500 đến 1000



Tổng của bình phương hiệu các phần tửx y

5 1010 520 15

Kết quả 75

Tổng của các tổng bình phương

Trả về 5!! = 5*3*1 = 15Trả về 4!! = 4*2 = 8Trả về 9. Vì bội số gần nhất của 1.5 là 9

Nguyen Tien Toan : =SUMXMY2(A404:A406,B404:B406)

x y5 10

10 520 15

Kết quả 875

Tổng của các hiệu bình phươngx y

5 1010 520 15

Kết quả 175


Bảng kê bán hàngTên hàng Số lượng Đơn giá

3 12000000

4 250000

2 3500000Tổng cộng 44000000

Doanh thu tháng 12Tên hàng Số tiền Ghi chúMonitor 15000000CPU 20000000CD-ROM 4000000Tổng cộng 39000000

Máy lạnh TosibaBàn là PhilipsTủ lạnh Sanyo

Nguyen Tien Toan : =SUMX2PY2(A411:A413,B411:B413)
Nguyen Tien Toan : =SUMX2MY2(A418:A420,B418:B420)
Nguyen Tien Toan : =SUMPRODUCT(B427:B429,C427:C429)
Nguyen Tien Toan : =SUM(B434:B436)

Maths Functions




















=GCD(number1,number2, ...)




=LCM(number1,number2, ...)









=MULTINOMIAL(number1,number2, ...)



=PRODUCT(number1,number2, ...)









Maths Function Arguments

DescriptionThe angle in radians

An array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells







=SUM(number1,number2, ...)


=SUMPRODUCT(array1,array2,array3, ...)

=SUMSQ(number1,number2, ...)







* See also COUNT, COUNTA and FREQUENCY (Statistical) and COUNTBLANK (Information) and DCOUNT and DCOUNTA

** The Excel MOD function uses a different definition of MOD to that used by VBA Mod function insofar as negative numbers are

The first array or range of values

The second array or range of values

A cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

A second cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

A third cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

The base of the logarithm. If base is omitted, it is assumed to be 10

The smallest integer to be returned

The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify

The divisor

The number by which you want to divide number

The step by which to increase n for each term in the series

The multiple to which you want to round number

The order of the function

A number or expression that evaluates to a number

The number of items

The first number

The dividend

The exponent to which the base number is raised

A range

First of up to 29 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal

Second of up to 29 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal

A set of coefficients by which each successive power of x is multiplied. The number of values in coefficients determines the number of terms in the power series

A number specifying the type of roman numeral you want; 0 (Default) = Classic; 1-4 Progressively simplified; TRUE = Classic; FALSE = Most Simplified

The number 1 to 11 that specifies which function to use in calculating subtotals within a list: 1 = AVERAGE; 2 = COUNT; 3 = COUNTA; 4 = MAX; 5 = MIN; 6 = PRODUCT; 7 = STDEV; 8 = STDEVP; 9 = SUM; 10 = VAR;

Specifies the number of digits to which you want to round number: 0 = Integer; -numbers = to left of decimal;

Second of up to 30 numbers. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments

The multiple to which you want to round

The actual cells to sum

The largest integer to be returned

The value at which to evaluate the function

The x-coordinate of the point

The y-coordinate of the point




Mar Qtr1 Apr May Jun Qtr210 30 20 20 20 6010 30 20 20 20 6010 30 20 20 20 60






service 450

Markup10 £12.00 25% £15.00 10 £13.00 25% £16.25 6 £33.33 80% £60.00

12 £2.00 20% £2.40 12 £2.50 25% £3.13

£7,440 £9,790


BottlesIn Case

Bottle Cost

Bottle Selling Price

Jul Aug Sep Qtr3 Oct Nov Dec Qtr4 Total30 30 30 90 40 40 40 120 30030 30 30 90 40 40 40 120 30030 30 30 90 40 40 40 120 300

Statistical Functions

Name DescriptionAVEDEV

AVERAGE Tính trung bình cộng của các đối số.















EXPONDIST Returns the exponential distribution

FDIST Returns the F probability distribution


FISHER Returns the Fisher transformation at x


Tính bình quân độ phân cực tuyệt đối từ giá trị trung bình của chúng. AVEDEV dùng để đo độ biến thiên của dãy số liệu.

Tính trung bình cộng của các đối số và chấp nhận cả giá trị logic TRUE, FALSE trong dãy số.

Returns the cumulative beta probability density function

Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function

Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability

Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution

Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution

Returns the value from the chi-squared (γ2) distribution for the statistic and the appropriate degrees of freedom

Returns the confidence interval for a population mean

Returns the correlation coefficient between two arrays of data

Đếm số ô dữ liệu kiểu số trong vùng tham chiếu.

Đếm số ô có dữ liệu (không phải là ô rỗng) trong vùng tham chiếu.

Returns covariance; the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair

Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is less than or equal to a criterion value

Returns the sum of the squares of the deviations from the sample mean

Returns the inverse of the F probability distribution

Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation




GAMMADIST Returns the gamma distribution

GAMMAINV Returns the inverse of the gamma distribution













Calculates a predicted value of y for a given x value based on known values for x and y

Counts how often values occur within given ranges of values and returns those counts as a vertical array of numbers

Returns the result of an F-test; the one-tailed probability that the variances in array1 and array2 are not significantly different

Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function Γ(x).

Returns the geometric mean of an array or range of positive data

Calculates predicted exponential growth and returns the y-values for a series of specified new x-values by using known x-values and y-values

Returns the harmonic mean of a data set by calculating the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of reciprocals

Returns the hypergeometric distribution by calculating the probability of a given number of sample successes, given the sample size, population successes, and population size

Calculates from given x and y values the point at which a line will intersect the y-axis

Returns the kurtosis of a data set; a measure that compares the relative peakedness or flatness of a distribution compared with the normal distribution

Returns the kth largest value in a data set

Entered as an array formula, LINEST returns an array that describes a line of best fit by using the least squares method

Entered as an array formula, LOGEST calculates an exponential curve that fits known data and returns an array of values that describes that curve

Returns the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution function of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with given probability, mean, and standard deviation

Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed with known mean and standard deviation

MAX Trả về giá trị lớn nhất của dãy số.


MEDIAN Returns the median of the given numbers

MIN Trả về giá trị nhỏ nhất của dãy số.


MODE Returns the most common value in a data set










POISSON Returns the Poisson distribution


QUARTILE Returns the quartile of a data set

RANK Tìm vị thứ của một số trong dãy số.


SKEW Returns the skewness of a distribution

Trả về giá trị lớn nhất của các giá trị kể cả kiểu số, chữ, logic.

Trả về giá trị nhỏ nhất của các giá trị kể cả kiểu số, chữ, logic.

Returns the negative binomial distribution; the probability that there will be number_f failures before the number_s-th success, when the constant probability of a success is probability_s

Returns the cumulative distribution function or probability mass function for the value x with specified mean and standard deviation

Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for the specified probability, mean, and standard deviation

Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The distribution has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1

Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution

Returns the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient

Returns the kth percentile of values in a range

Returns the percentage rank of a value in a data set

Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects that can be selected from a number of objects without replacement

Returns either the probability that values in a range are between two limits or if upper_limit is not specified, the probability that values in x_range are equal to lower_limit

Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known_y's and known_x's


















WEIBULL Returns the Weibull distribution

ZTEST Returns the two-tailed P-value of a z-test

Notes: * See also COUNTIF (Maths) and COUNTBLANK (Information) and DCOUNT and DCOUNTA (Database)

** See also COMBIN function (Maths)

Returns the slope (vertical distance / horizontal distance) of the linear regression line through data points in known_y's and known_x's

Returns the kth smallest value in a data set

Returns a normalized value from a distribution with known mean and standard_dev

Estimates standard distribution based on a sample ignoring text and logical values

Estimates standard deviation based on a sample including text and logical values

Calculates standard distribution based on the entire population ignoring text and logical valuesCalculates standard deviation based on the entire population including text and logical valuesReturns the standard error of the predicted y-value for each x in the regression

Returns the probability for the Student t-distribution where a numeric value (x) is a calculated value of t for which the probability is to be computed

Returns the t-value of the Student's t-distribution based on given probability and degrees of freedom

Entered as an array formula, TREND fits a straight line using the least squares method to arrays of known_y's and known_x's and returns the y-values along that line for the array of specified new_x's

Calculates the mean by excluding a specified percentage of data points from the top and bottom tails of a data set

Returns the probability associated with a student's t-test

Estimates variance based on a sample ignoring logical values and text

Estimates variance based on a sample including text and logical values

Calculates variance based on the entire population ignoring text and logical values

Calculates variance based on the entire population including text and logical values

Statistical Function Arguments

Argument DescriptionA An optional lower bound to the interval of x

Actual_range The range of data that contains observations to test against expected values

Alpha A parameter of a distribution

Array An array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells

Array1 (PEARSON function) A set of independent values

Array2 (PEARSON function) A set of dependent values

B An optional lower bound to the interval of y

Beta A parameter of a distribution

Bins_array An array of or reference to intervals into which you want to group the values


Criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify

Cumulative A logical value that determines the form of the function

Data_array An array of or reference to a set of values

Degrees_freedom The number of degrees of freedom

Degrees_freedom1 The numerator degrees of freedom

Degrees_freedom2 The denominator degrees of freedom

Expected_range The range of data that contains the ratio of the product of row totals and column totals to the grand total

K Is the position in the array or cell range of data to return

Known_x's The independent array or range of data

Known_y's The dependent array or range of data

Lambda The parameter value

Lower_limit The lower bound for integrating ERF

Mean The arithmetic mean

The mean of ln(x).

A logical value specifying whether to force the constant b to equal 1:TRUE or omitted, b is calculated normally; FALSE, b is set equal to 1 and the m-values are adjusted so that y = m^x


New_x's new x-values for which you want GROWTH to return corresponding y-values

Number_chosen The number of items

Number_population The population size

Number_s The number of successes in trials

Number_sample The size of the sample

Number1 The first number


Order A number specifying how to rank number; 0 or omitted = descending; non-zero = ascending

Percent The fractional number of data points to exclude from the calculation

Population_s The number of successes in the population

Prob_range A set of probabilities associated with values in x_range

Probability A probability associated with the distribution

Probability_s The probability of success on each trial


Range A range

Ref An array of, or a reference to, a list of numbers

Sample_s The number of successes in the sample

Sigma The population (known) standard deviation. If omitted, the sample standard deviation is used

Significance The multiple to which you want to round

Size The sample size

Standard_dev The population standard deviation for the data range

The standard deviation of ln(x).

Stats A logical value specifying whether to return additional regression statistics TRUE returns additional statistics


Trials The number of independent trials

Type (TTEST function)

Upper_limit The upper bound for integrating ERF. If omitted, ERF integrates between zero and lower_limit

Second of up to 30 numbers. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments separated by commas

Indicates which value to return: 0 = minimum value; 1 = 1st Quartile (25th Percentile); 2 = 2nd Quartile; 3 = 3rd Quartile; 4 = Maximum value

Standard_dev (LOGNORMDIST and LOGINV)

Specifies the number of distribution tails to return. If tails = 1, TDIST returns the one-tailed distribution. If tails = 2, TDIST returns the two-tailed distribution

The kind of t-Test to perform; 1 = Paired; 2 = Two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic); 3 = Two-sample unequal variance (heteroscedastic)

Value1 A numeric value

Value2,… Second of 1 to n possible values (n=30 for AVERAGEA; n=29 for CHOOSE, NPV)

X The value at which to evaluate the function

X_range The range of numeric values of x with which there are associated probabilities

Z The value for which you want the distribution

Mon TueTemp 30Rain 0

Mon TueTemp 30 NoRain 0 Reading

Entries To Be Counted10 20 3010 0 3010 -20 3010 1-Jan-88 3010 21:30 3010 0.616475549 3010 3010 Hello 3010 #DIV/0! 30

Entries To Be Counted10 20 3010 0 3010 -20 3010 1-Jan-88 3010 21:30 3010 0.606156943 3010 3010 Hello 3010 #DIV/0! 30

Values120 800 100

Dates1-Jan-98 25-Dec-98 31-Mar-98

Sales Jan FebNorth £5,000 £6,000 South £5,800 £7,000 East £3,500 £2,000 West £12,000 £4,000

Month Max £12,000 £7,000

Overall Max £12,000

Value1 Value2 Value320 50 10

2000 1000 10

10 20 40

Value1 Value2 Value320 40 30

20 20 40

Values120 800 100

Dates1-Jan-98 25-Dec-98 31-Mar-98

Sales Jan FebNorth £5,000 £6,000 South £5,800 £7,000 East £3,500 £2,000 West £12,000 £4,000

Month MIN £3,500 £2,000

Overall MIN £2,000


1 Nguyễn Văn Ánh2 Lê Văn Bình

3 Nguyễn Hữu Chánh4 Phạm Hùng Dũng5 Huỳnh Tấn Dương6 Võ Thị Thu Hương

7 Trần Thị Kim Kiều8 Võ Thị Thu Loan9 Đỗ Văn Minh

10 Phan Thanh Quang

Statistical Functions






=BINOMDIST(number_s,trials,probability_s, cumulative)






=COUNT(value1,value2, ...)

=COUNTA(value1,value2, ...)





=FDIST(x,degrees_freedom1, degrees_freedom2)

=FINV(probability,degrees_freedom1, degrees_freedom2)









=GEOMEAN(number1,number2, ...)


=HARMEAN(number1,number2, ...)

=HYPGEOMDIST(sample_s,number_sample, population_s,number_population)


=KURT(number1,number2, ...)








=MEDIAN(number1,number2, ...)




=NEGBINOMDIST(number_f,number_s, probability_s)










=PROB(x_range,prob_range,lower_limit, upper_limit)





* See also COUNTIF (Maths) and COUNTBLANK (Information) and DCOUNT and DCOUNTA (Database)

** See also COMBIN function (Maths)




















Statistical Function Arguments

DescriptionAn optional lower bound to the interval of x

The range of data that contains observations to test against expected values

A parameter of a distribution

An array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells

A set of independent values

A set of dependent values

An optional lower bound to the interval of y

A parameter of a distribution

An array of or reference to intervals into which you want to group the values

The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify

A logical value that determines the form of the function

An array of or reference to a set of values

The number of degrees of freedom

The numerator degrees of freedom

The denominator degrees of freedom

The range of data that contains the ratio of the product of row totals and column totals to the grand total

Is the position in the array or cell range of data to return

The independent array or range of data

The dependent array or range of data

The parameter value

The lower bound for integrating ERF

The arithmetic mean

A logical value specifying whether to force the constant b to equal 1:TRUE or omitted, b is calculated normally; FALSE, b is set equal to 1 and the m-values are adjusted so that y

new x-values for which you want GROWTH to return corresponding y-values

The number of items

The population size

The number of successes in trials

The size of the sample

The first number

A number specifying how to rank number; 0 or omitted = descending; non-zero = ascending

The fractional number of data points to exclude from the calculation

The number of successes in the population

A set of probabilities associated with values in x_range

A probability associated with the distribution

The probability of success on each trial

A range

An array of, or a reference to, a list of numbers

The number of successes in the sample

The population (known) standard deviation. If omitted, the sample standard deviation is used

The multiple to which you want to round

The sample size

The population standard deviation for the data range

A logical value specifying whether to return additional regression statistics TRUE returns additional statistics

The number of independent trials

The upper bound for integrating ERF. If omitted, ERF integrates between zero and lower_limit

Second of up to 30 numbers. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments

Indicates which value to return: 0 = minimum value; 1 = 1st Quartile (25th Percentile); 2 = 2nd Quartile; 3 = 3rd Quartile; 4 = Maximum value

Specifies the number of distribution tails to return. If tails = 1, TDIST returns the one-tailed distribution. If tails = 2, TDIST returns the two-tailed distribution

The kind of t-Test to perform; 1 = Paired; 2 = Two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic); 3 = Two-sample unequal variance (heteroscedastic)

A numeric value

Second of 1 to n possible values (n=30 for AVERAGEA; n=29 for CHOOSE, NPV)

The value at which to evaluate the function

The range of numeric values of x with which there are associated probabilities

The value for which you want the distribution

Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average32 29 26 28 27 28.666670 4 6 3 1 2.333333

Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Average32 29 26 28 27 28.666670 4 6 3 1 2.333333



Maximum120 250 800

Maximum27-Dec-98 4-Jul-98 ###

Mar Region Max£4,500 £6,000 £3,000 £7,000

£10,000 £10,000 £6,000 £12,000


Value4 Value5 Median30 40 30

20 8000 1000

40 40 40

Value4 Median10 25

20 20

Minimum120 250 100

Maximum27-Dec-98 4-Jul-98 1-Jan-98

Mar Region Min£4,500 £4,500 £3,000 £3,000

£10,000 £2,000 £6,000 £4,000



1/1/1990 6.7 35/10/1991 5.6 7

5/6/1990 4.5 97/2/1990 7.5 24/6/1991 8 18/3/1990 6.5 4

12/8/1990 6.5 411/6/1991 6.2 6

12/12/1990 5.6 712/11/1990 4.5 9

Text FunctionsName DescriptionASC














LEN Tính độ dài (số ký tự) của mỗi chuỗi.




Changes full-width (double-byte) English letters or katakana within a character string to half-width (single-byte) characters

Converts a number to Thai text and adds a suffix of "Baht"

Chuyển đổi một mã số trong bộ mã ANSI có miền giá trị từ 1 - 255 sang ký tự tương ứng

Xóa những ký tự không hiển thị và in được trong Worksheet được đưa từ các ứng dụng khác.

Trả về mã số của ký tự đầu tiên trong chuỗi ký tự

Dùng để kết nối các chuỗi văn bản thành một chuổi

Converts a number to text, using currency format

Checks to see whether two text values are identical

Tìm chuỗi find_text bên trong chuỗi within_text, và trả về vị trí bắt đầu của within_text trong find_text.

Finds one text value within another (case sensitive) based on the number of bytes each character uses.

Chuyển đổi một số sang dạng văn bản (text) đồng thời làm tròn nó với số số thập phân được chỉ định.

Changes half-width (single-byte) English letters or katakana within a character string to full-width (double-byte) characters.

Trích bên trái một chuỗi một hoặc nhiều ký tự dựa vào số ký tự mà bạn chỉ định.

Returns the first character or characters in a text string, based on the number of bytes you specify.

Returns the number of bytes used to represent the characters in a text string

Đổi tất cả các ký tự trong chuỗi sang chữ thường Trích một chuỗi con từ một chuỗi text, bắt đầu từ vị trí start_num với số ký tự được chỉ định num_chars


















Text Function Arguments

Argument Description

Returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify, based on the number of bytes specified

Extracts the phonetic (furigana) characters from a text string

Capitalizes the first letter in each word of a text value

Thay thế một phần của chuỗi text bằng một chuỗi khác dựa vào số ký tự bạn chỉ định.

Replaces part of a text string, based on the number of bytes you specify, with a different text string.

Lặp lại một chuỗi với số lần do bạn đưa ra.

Trích bên phải một chuỗi văn bản một hoặc nhiều ký tự dựa vào số ký tự mà bạn chỉ định.

Returns the last character or characters in a text string, based on the number of bytes you specify

Trả về vị trí đầu tiên của ký tự cần tìm bên trong chuỗi.

Finds one text string (find_text) within another text string (within_text), and returns the number of the starting position of find_text. The result is based on the number of bytes each character uses, beginning with start_num

Thay thế một chuỗi cụ thể bên trong chuỗi bằng chuỗi khác. Dùng SUBSTITUTE khi muốn thay thế một chuỗi cụ thể.

Trả về chuỗi nếu giá trị được tham chiếu là một chuỗi.

Chuyển một giá trị số sang văn bản với kiểu định dạng số được chỉ định.

Xóa tất cả các ký tự trắng của chuỗi trừ những khỏang đơn dùng để làm khỏang cách bên trong chuỗi.

Chuyển tất cả các ký tự trong chuỗi thành ký tự hoa.

Đổi chuỗi text đại diện cho một số thành dữ liệu kiểu số

Converts a number to text, using the ¥ (yen) currency format, with the number rounded to a specified place


Find_text The text you want to find

Format_text A number format in text form from in the Category box on the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box


New_text The text that will replace characters in old_text

No_commas A logical value that, if TRUE, prevents FIXED from including commas in the returned text

Num_bytes The number of bytes you want to extract

Num_chars The number of characters you want to extract

Number A number or expression that evaluates to a number

Number_times A positive number specifying the number of times to repeat text

Old_text Text in which you want to replace some characters


Start_num The character at which to start the search

Text Text or a reference to a cell that contains the text you want to change

Text1 First item of text

Text2 Second item of text

Text2,… Second of up to 30 items of text

Value A value or an expression that evaluates to a value

Within_text The text containing the text you want to find

10 $10.0010 $1010 $10.010 $10.00

10.25 $10.2510.25 $10

The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If decimals is negative, number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. If you omit decimals, it is assumed to be 2

Specifies which occurrence of old_text you want to replace with new_text. If you specify instance_num, only that instance of old_text is replaced. Otherwise, every occurrence of old_text in text is changed to new_text

Reference to a cell or range of cells and can refer to multiple areas. If you want to specify several references as a single argument, then you must include extra sets of parentheses so that Microsoft Excel will not interpret the comma as a field separator

Original Number

Converted To Text

10.25 $10.310.25 $10.25

65 A66 B

169 ©

Dirty Text Clean TextHello HelloHello HelloHello Hello

Letter ANSI CodeA 65B 66C 67a 97b 98c 99

Alan 65Bob 66

Carol 67

Name 1 Name 2 Concatenated TextAlan Jones AlanJonesBob Williams BobWilliams

Carol Davies CarolDaviesAlan Jones Alan JonesBob Williams Williams, Bob

Carol Davies Davies, Carol

Name 1 Name 2 Concatenated TextAlan Jones AlanJonesBob Williams BobWilliams

Carol Davies CarolDaviesAlan Jones Alan JonesBob Williams Williams, Bob

Carol Davies Davies, Carol

Text1 Text2 ResultHello Hello 1Hello hello 0Hello Goodbye 0

Text Letter To Find Position Of LetterHello e 2Hello H 1Hello o 5

Alan Williams a 3Alan Williams a 11Alan Williams T #VALUE!

10 10.0010 1010 10.010 10.00

10.25 10.2510.25 1010.25 10.310.25 10.251000 1,000.00

1000.23 1,0001000.23 1000

Text Left StringAlan Jones 1 AAlan Jones 2 AlAlan Jones 3 Ala

Cardiff 6 CardifABC123 4 ABC1

Full Name First NameAlan Jones AlanBob Smith Bob

Carol Williams Carol

Text LengthAlan Jones 10Bob Smith 9

Carol Williams 14Cardiff 7

ABC123 6

Original Number

Converted To Text

Number OfCharacters Required

Original TextCarol Williams 6

Carol Williams 8

Upper Case Text Lower CaseALAN JONES alan jonesBOB SMITH bob smith

CAROL WILLIAMScarol williamsCARDIFF cardiffABC123 abc123

Original Text Properalan jones Alan Jonesbob smith Bob Smith

caRol wILLIAMSCarol Williamscardiff Cardiff

ABC123 Abc123


A 3 AAAAB 3 ABABAB- 10 ----------| 10 ||||||||||

Month SalesJan £1,000


CharactersTo Replace

Text ToRepeat

Number OfRepeats


Feb £5,000 Mar £3,000 Apr £2,000

ClockHour ||||||||||||||||||||||| 23

Minute |||||||||||||||||||| 20Second ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 55

=REPT("|",HOUR(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(HOUR(NOW()),"00") =REPT("|",MINUTE(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(MINUTE(NOW()),"00") =REPT("|",SECOND(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(SECOND(NOW()),"00")

Alan Jones 1 sAlan Jones 2 esAlan Jones 3 nes

Cardiff 6 ardiffABC123 4 C123

Full Name Second NameAlan Jones JonesBob Smith Smith

Carol Williams Williams

Original TextABCDEF CD hello

ABCDABCD CD helloNorthern Region Region Area

Sand and Cement and &

Original TextABCABCABC ABC hello

Sand and Cement and &

Original TextNorthern Region Region Area

Region Area


Number OfCharacters Required


Old TextTo Remove

New TextTo Insert

Old TextTo Remove

New TextTo Insert

Old TextTo Remove

New TextTo Insert

Northern region

Northern Region region AreaNorthern Region Region areaNorthern Region region area

Original TextNorthern Region Region

RegionNorthern Region regionNorthern Region RegionNorthern Region region

Cell To Test ResultHello Hello


10 10.0010 £10.0010 1010 £10

10.25 10.310.25 £10.3

Original Text Trimmed Text ABCD ABCD A B C D A B C D Alan Jo Alan JonesABCD ABCD

Original Text Upper Casealan jones ALAN JONESbob smith BOB SMITH


abc123 ABC123

ValueAnnual turnov Err:502

Old TextTo Remove

Northern region

Original Number

Converted To Text

Text Containing A


There was a 2% 0.02There was a 50 0.5A 100% increa 1Only a 2% incre 2%Approx 50% inc 50%There was a 10 100%

The winning time was 1:30 seconds.The winning time was 1:30 seconds.The winning time was 10:30 seconds.The winning time was 0:30 seconds.

Hàm CONCATENATEKết Nguyễn Văn Kết NốiNối An Nguyễn Văn An

Mã ANSI Kí Tự100 d200 È

Công thức Giải thích



Doanh thu tháng 12Tên hàng Số tiền Ghi chú

Monitor 15000000CPU 20000000CD-ROM 4000000Tổng cộng 39000000

Công thức Giải thích39000000 $

Trả về 69, Mã số của ký tự E

Trả về 71, Mã số của ký tự G.

Trả về 39000000 $

Text FunctionsSyntax






=CONCATENATE (text1,text2,...)













Text Function Arguments





=REPLACE(old_text,start_num,num_chars, new_text)

=REPLACEB(old_text,start_num,num_bytes, new_text)






=SUBSTITUTE(text,old_text,new_text, instance_num)







The text you want to find

A number format in text form from in the Category box on the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box

The text that will replace characters in old_text

A logical value that, if TRUE, prevents FIXED from including commas in the returned text

The number of bytes you want to extract

The number of characters you want to extract

A number or expression that evaluates to a number

A positive number specifying the number of times to repeat text

Text in which you want to replace some characters

The character at which to start the search

Text or a reference to a cell that contains the text you want to change

First item of text

Second item of text

Second of up to 30 items of text

A value or an expression that evaluates to a value

The text containing the text you want to find

The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If decimals is negative, number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. If you omit decimals, it is assumed to be 2

Specifies which occurrence of old_text you want to replace with new_text. If you specify instance_num, only that instance of old_text is replaced. Otherwise, every occurrence of old_text in text is changed to new_text

Reference to a cell or range of cells and can refer to multiple areas. If you want to specify several references as a single argument, then you must include extra sets of parentheses so that Microsoft Excel will not interpret the comma as a field separator


hello AhelloCDEFGHhello AhelloGH



=REPT("|",HOUR(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(HOUR(NOW()),"00") =REPT("|",MINUTE(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(MINUTE(NOW()),"00") =REPT("|",SECOND(NOW()))&" "&TEXT(SECOND(NOW()),"00")

Updated TextABhelloEF

ABhelloABhelloNorthern AreaS& & Cement

Updated Text3 ABCABChello2 Sand & Cement

Updated TextNorthern Area

Northern region

Instance ToBe Replaced

Northern RegionNorthern area

Northern Region

Updated TextArea Northern AreaArea Northern AreaArea Northern Areaarea Northern Areaarea Northern Area

New TextTo Insert




Argument DescriptionA An optional lower bound to the interval of x

A1 A logical value that specifies the A1 (TRUE) or R1C1 (FALSE) reference style


Actual_range The range of data that contains observations to test against expected values

Alpha A parameter of a distribution

Angle The angle in radians

Area_num Selects a range in reference from which to return the intersection of row_num and column_num

Argument1,… The arguments to be passed to the procedure

Array An array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells

Array_x The first array or range of values

Array_y The second array or range of values

Array1 (PEARSON function) A set of independent values

Array1 (SUMPRODUCT) A cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

Array2 (PEARSON function) A set of dependent values

Array2 (SUMPRODUCT) A second cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

Array3,… A third cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

B An optional lower bound to the interval of y

Base The base of the logarithm. If base is omitted, it is assumed to be 10

Basis(For Depreciation Functions)

Beta A parameter of a distribution

Bins_array An array of or reference to intervals into which you want to group the values

Bottom The smallest integer to be returned

The type of reference to return:1 = Absolute; 2 = Abs Row / Rel Col; 3 = Rel Row / Abs Col; 4 = Relative

Basis(For Securities Functions)

The type of day count basis to use: 0 or omitted = US(NASD) 30/3601 = Actual / Actual; 2 = Actual / 360; 3 = Actual / 365; 4 = European 30/360


The type of day count basis to use: 0 or omitted = US(NASD) 30/360; 1 = Actual / Actual; 2 = Actual / 360;3 = Actual / 365; 4 = European 30/360

Year basis to be used:0 or omitted 360 (NASD); 1 = Actual; 2 = 365; 3 = 360 (European)


Col_index_num The column number in table_array from which the matching value must be returned


Cols The number of columns, to the left (-) or right (+), that you want the upper-left cell of the result to refer to

Column_num Column number



Cost Cost of the asset

Coupon The security's annual coupon rate

Criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify

Cumulative A logical value that determines the form of the function

Data_array An array of or reference to a set of values

Data_field The name, enclosed in quotation marks, for the data field that contains the data

Database The range of cells that makes up the list or database






Decimal_Dollar A decimal number


Degrees_freedom The number of degrees of freedom

Degrees_freedom1 The numerator degrees of freedom

Degrees_freedom2 The denominator degrees of freedom

Denominator The divisor

A set of coefficients by which each successive power of x is multiplied. The number of values in coefficients determines the number of terms in the power series

Indicates whether column names are returned as the first row of the results. TRUE if the column names to be returned as the first row of the results. FALSE if column names not wanted. If column_names_logical is omitted, SQL.REQUEST does not return column names

Supplies information, such as the data source name, user ID, and passwords, required by the driver being used to connect to a data source and must follow the driver's format

A logical value specifying whether to force the constant b to equal 1:TRUE or omitted, b is calculated normallyFALSE, b is set equal to 1 and the m-values are adjusted so that y = m^x

Date of purchase of the asset. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

A date enclosed in quotation marks that is in a date text form acceptable to Excel. Note that acceptable date forms vary with system and Excel settings.

A schedule of payment dates that corresponds to the cash flow payments. The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments. All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in any order

A number representing the day of the month. If day is greater than the number of days in the month specified, day aggregates the month and year arguments appropriately and day represents the balance after this aggregation

The number of nonweekend and nonholiday days before or after start_date. A positive value for days yields a future date; a negative value yields a past date

The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If decimals is negative, number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. If you omit decimals, it is assumed to be 2

Discount The security's discount rate

Divisor The number by which you want to divide number

Driver_prompt Specifies when the driver dialog box is displayed and which options are available

Effect_rate The effective interest rate

End_Date The last date as an acceptable date in inverted commas or as a serial number

End_Period Last period number


Expected_range The range of data that contains the ratio of the product of row totals and column totals to the grand total


Field Indicates which column is used in the function as text in inverted commas or as number of field

Field1, Item1 One of up to 14 pairs of field names and item names that describe the data

Field2, Item2,… Second of up to 14 pairs of field names and item names that describe the data

File_text The name of the file that contains the code resource in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh

Finance_rate The interest rate you pay on the money used in the cash flows

Find_Text The text you want to find

First_coupon The security's first coupon date




Format_text A number format in text form from in the Category box on the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box

Fraction The integer to use in the denominator of the fraction

Fractional_Dollar A number expressed as a fraction

Frequency The number of coupon payments per year for a security.

Friendly_name The jump text or numeric value that is displayed in the cell

From_unit(1) A unit of measurement:

The error value whose identifying number you want:1 = #Null!; 2 = #Div/0!; 3 = #Value!; 4 = #Ref!; 5 = #Name?; 6 = #N/A

The rate at which the balance declines. If factor is omitted, it is assumed to be 2 (the double-declining balance method)

A security's first interest date entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

Date of the end of the first period. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

A number specifying the type of roman numeral you want; 0 (Default) = Classic; 1-4 Progressively simplified; TRUE = Classic; FALSE = Most Simplified



Full_precision A logical value; FALSE = currency specific rounding rules, TRUE = full precision


FV Future Value

Guess A number that you guess is close to the result of IRR

Height The height, in number of rows, that you want the returned reference to be. Height must be a positive number



I_num Imaginary coefficient of the complex number

I_number A complex number




Weight & Mass: "g" = gram; "sg" = slug; "lbm" = pound (avoirdupois); "u" = Atomic mass; "ozm" = ounces (avoirdupois)Distance: "m" = meter; "mi" = Statute Mile; "Nmi" = Nautical mile; "in" = inch; "ft" = foot; "yd" = yard;"ang" = Angstrom; "pica" = pica (1/72in)Time: "yr" = year; "day" = day; "hr" = hour; "mn" = minute; "sec" = secondPressure: "pa" = Pascal; "atm" = atmosphere; "mmHg" = mm of mercuryForce: "N" = Newton; "dyn" = dyne; "lbf" = pound forceEnergy: "J" = Joule; "e" = erg; "c" Thermodynamic calorie; "cal" = IT calorie; "eV" = electron volt;"HPh" = horsepower-hour; "Wh" = Watt-hour; "flb" = foot-pound; "BTU" = BTUPower: "HP" = horsepower; "W" = WattMagnetism: "T" = Tesler; "ga" = GaussTemperature: "C" = degrees Celsius; "F" = degrees Fahrenheit; "K" = KelvinLiquid Measure: "tsp" = teaspoon; "tbs" = tablespoon; "oz" = fluid ounce; "cup" = cup;"pt" = US Pint; "UK_pt" = UK pint; "qt" = quart; "gal" = gallon; "l" = liter

Prefix Abbreviations for metric: "E" = 1E+18 = exa; "P" = 1E+15 = peta; "T" 1E+12 = tera; "G" = 1E+09 = giga; "M" = 1E+06 = mega; "k" = 1E+03 = kilo; "h" = 1E+02 = hecto; "e" = 1E+01 = dekao; "d" = 1E-01 = deci; "c"=1E-02 = centi; "m" = 1E-03 = milli; "u" = 1E-06 = micro; "n" = 1E-09 = nano; "p" = 1E-12 = pico; "f" = 1E-15 = femto; "a" = 1E-18 = atto

The number 1 to 11 that specifies which function to use in calculating subtotals within a list:1 = AVERAGE; 2 = COUNT; 3 = COUNTA; 4 = MAX; 5 = MIN; 6 = PRODUCT; 7 = STDEV; 8 = STDEVP; 9 = SUM; 10 = VAR; 11 = VARP

An optional range of one or more dates to exclude from the working calendar. The list can be either a range of cells that contains the dates or an array constant of the serial numbers that represent the dates

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the hour. Any value greater than 23 will be divided by 24 and the remainder will be treated as the hour value

Specifies which value argument is selected. Index_num must be a number between 1 and 29, or a formula or reference to a cell containing a number between 1 and 29

A text value that specifies what type of cell information you want:"Address" = first cell in reference"Col" = First column number in reference"Color" Returns 1 for negative colored, 0 otherwise"Contents" = Value of upper left cell in reference"Format" = Text value corresponding to number format"Prentheses" = Returns 1 for parenthese for positive or all values, 0 otherwise"Prefix" = Text value corresponding to label prefix"Protect" = returns 0 if unlucked, 1 if locked"Row" = First row number in reference"Type" = Text value for type of data; b for blank, l for label, v for value"Width" = Column width rounded to nearest integer

Specifies which occurrence of old_text you want to replace with new_text. If you specify instance_num, only that instance of old_text is replaced. Otherwise, every occurrence of old_text in text is changed to new_text

Inumber A complex number

INumber1 First Complex number

INumber2 Second Complex

INumber2… The second of 1-29 complex numbers

Investment The amount invested in the security


Item1 One of up to 14 pairs of field names and item names that describe the data

Item2,… Second of up to 14 pairs of field names and item names that describe the data

K Is the position in the array or cell range of data to return

Known_x's The independent array or range of data

Known_y's The dependent array or range of data

Lambda The parameter value

Last_interest The security's last coupon date


Link_location The path and file name to the document to be opened as text

Logical A value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE

Logical_test Any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE


Logical2,… Second of up to 30 conditions you want to test that can be either TRUE or FALSE


Lookup_value The value to be found


Lower_limit The lower bound for integrating ERF

M The step by which to increase n for each term in the series


Maturity The security's maturity date

Mean The arithmetic mean

A security's issue date entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

The number of periods over which the asset is being depreciated (sometimes called the useful life of the asset)

Condition to be tested. Argument must evaluate to a logical value or be arrays or references that contain logical values

A contiguous range of cells containing possible lookup values. Lookup_array must be an array or an array reference

A range that contains only one row or one column. The values in lookup_vector can be text, numbers, or logical values

The number -1, 0, or 1. Match_type specifies how Microsoft Excel matches lookup_value with values in lookup_array:1 = (default) largest value less than or equal to look_up value

The mean of ln(x).

Method FALSE or omitted = US (NASD) 30/360 method; TRUE = European 30/360 method



Month (For DB function) The number of months in the first year. If month is omitted, it is assumed to be 12

Month (For DATE function)

Month (For DB function) The number of months in the first year. If month is omitted, it is assumed to be 12

Months The number of months before or after start_date

Multiple The multiple to which you want to round number

N The order of the function

New_text The text that will replace characters in old_text

New_x's new x-values for which you want GROWTH to return corresponding y-values

No_commas A logical value that, if TRUE, prevents FIXED from including commas in the returned text


Nominal_rate The nominal interest rate

Nper The number of periods

Npery The number of compounding periods per year

Num_bytes The number of bytes you want to extract

Num_chars The number of characters you want to extract


Number A number or expression that evaluates to a number

Number_chosen The number of items

Number_f The number of failures

Number_population The population size

Number_s The number of successes in trials


A number from 0 to 32767 representing the minute. Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours and minutes

Quoted text specifying the name of the dynamic link library (DLL) that contains the procedure in Microsoft Excel for Windows

A number representing the month of the year. If month is greater than 12, month adds that number of months to the first month in the year specified

A logical value specifying whether to switch to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation.If TRUE, Excel does not switch to straight-line depreciation even when the depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation. FALSE or omitted, Excel switches to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation

Specifies the number of digits to which you want to round number: 0 = Integer; -numbers = to left of decimal; +numbers = to right of decimal

Number_sample The size of the sample

Number_times A positive number specifying the number of times to repeat text

Number1 The first number

Number2 The second number


Numerator The dividend

Old_text Text in which you want to replace some characters

Order A number specifying how to rank number; 0 or omitted = descending; non-zero = ascending

Output_ref A cell reference where you want the completed connection string placed

Par A security's par value. (Default = $1,000)

Per The period for which you want to find the interest

Percent The fractional number of data points to exclude from the calculation

Period The number of the accounting period

Pivot_table A reference to any cell, range of cells, or named range of cells in a PivotTable report


Pmt The payment made each period

Population_s The number of successes in the population

Power The exponent to which the base number is raised

Pr The security's price per $100 face value

Principal The present value

Prob_range A set of probabilities associated with values in x_range

Probability A probability associated with the distribution

Probability_s The probability of success on each trial



PV The Present Value


Second of up to 30 numbers. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments separated by commas

The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, Excel uses the minimum number of characters necessary

Text specifying the name of the function in the DLL. You can also use the ordinal value of the function from the EXPORTS statement in the module-definition file (.DEF).

The name of the ProgID of a registered COM automation add-in that has been installed on the local computer. Enclose the name in quotation marks

Indicates which value to return: 0 = minimum value; 1 = 1st Quartile (25th Percentile); 2 = 2nd Quartile; 3 = 3rd Quartile; 4 = Maximum value

Query_text The SQL statement that you want to execute on the data source

Range A range


The interest rate per period

The rate of depreciation

The discount rate

A security's annual coupon rate

Real_num The real coefficient of the complex number

Redemption The security's redemption value per $100 face value

Ref An array of, or a reference to, a list of numbers

Ref_text Refers to another workbook (an external reference),

Ref1 First of up to 29 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal

Ref2,… Second of up to 29 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal


Register_id The value returned by a previously executed REGISTER or REGISTER.ID function

Reinjvest_rate The interest rate you receive on the cash flows as you reinvest them


Result_vector A range that contains only one row or column. It must be the same size as lookup_vector

Row_index_num The row number in table_array from which the matching value will be returned

Row_num Row number

Rows The number of rows, up (-) or down (+), that you want the upper-left cell to refer to

Salvage Salvage value at the end of the life of the asset

Sample_s The number of successes in the sample

Schedule An array of interest rates to apply

A logical value that specifies whether you want to find an exact match or an approximate match. If TRUE = approximate match is returned FALSE = Exact

Rate(For amortization functions)

Rate(For Depreciation Functions)

Rate(For NPV and XNPV)

Rate(For Securities Functions)

Reference to a cell or range of cells and can refer to multiple areas. If you want to specify several references as a single argument, then you must include extra sets of parentheses so that Microsoft Excel will not interpret the comma as a field separator

The name of the code resource in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh. You can also use the resource ID number. The resource ID number must not be in the form of text

Return_type(WEEKDAY only)

A number that determines the type of return value: 1 (or omitted) 1 = Sunday; 2 = 1 = Monday; 3 = 0 = Monday

Return_type(WEEKNUM only)

A number that determines on which day the week begins; 1 (or omitted) = starts Sunday nums 1 to 7; 2 = starts Monday nums 1 to 7







Sigma The population (known) standard deviation. If omitted, the sample standard deviation is used

Significance The multiple to which you want to round

Size The sample size


Standard_dev The population standard deviation for the data range

The standard deviation of ln(x).

Start_date The first date as an acceptable date in inverted commas or as a serial number

Start_num The character at which to start the search

Start_Period First period number

Stats A logical value specifying whether to return additional regression statistics TRUE returns additional statistics

Step The threshold value. If you omit a value for step, GESTEP uses zero

Suffix The suffix for the imaginary component of the complex number. If omitted, suffix is assumed to be "i"

Sum_range The actual cells to sum

Table_array A table of information in which data is looked up


A number from 0 to 32767 representing the second. Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours, minutes, and seconds

An Excel date / time serial number. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. The Excel date serial number varies according to setting of 1900 or 1904 date system in Tools > Options > Calculation.

A date / time serial number. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions

Name of the server where the add-in should be run. If there is no server, and the program is run locally, leave the argument blank. Otherwise, enter quotation marks ("") around the server name

A security's settlement date, which is the date after the issue date when the security is traded to the buyer. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

Text specifying the name of the worksheet to be used as the external reference. If sheet_text is omitted, no sheet name is used

A three-letter string, or reference to a cell containing the string, corresponding to the ISO code for the source currencyBelgium - franc - BEF Luxembourg - franc - LUF Germany - deutche mark - DEMSpain - peseta - ESP France - franc - FRF Ireland - pound - IEP Italy - lira - ITLNetherlands - guilder - NLG Austria - schilling - ATS Portugal - escudo - PTEFinland - markka -FIM Euro member states - euro - EUROthers may be added later:Denmark - krone - DKK Greece - drachma - GRD Sweden - krona - SEKUK - pound sterling - GBP

Standard_dev (LOGNORMDIST and LOGINV)

Specifies the number of distribution tails to return. If tails = 1, TDIST returns the one-tailed distribution. If tails = 2, TDIST returns the two-tailed distribution


Text Text or a reference to a cell that contains the text you want to change

Text1 First item of text

Text2 Second item of text

Text2,… Second of up to 30 items of text

Time_text A text string enclosed in quotation marks that represents a time in any one of the Excel time formats

To_unit(1) A unit of measurement



Top The largest integer to be returned

Topic1 First of up to 28 parameters that together represent a unique piece of real-time data

Topic2,… Second of up to 28 parameters that together represent a unique piece of real-time data

Trials The number of independent trials


Type (Amortization functions) 0 = Payment in arrears; 1 = payment in advance

Type (TTEST function)

Type_text (CALL function)

A three-letter string, or reference to a cell containing the string, corresponding to the ISO code for the source currencyBelgium - franc - BEF Luxembourg - franc - LUF Germany - deutche mark - DEMSpain - peseta - ESP France - franc - FRF Ireland - pound - IEP Italy - lira - ITLNetherlands - guilder - NLG Austria - schilling - ATS Portugal - escudo - PTEFinland - markka -FIM Euro member states - euro - EUROthers may be added later:Denmark - krone - DKK Greece - drachma - GRD Sweden - krona - SEKUK - pound sterling - GBP

Weight & Mass: "g" = gram; "sg" = slug; "lbm" = pound (avoirdupois); "u" = Atomic mass; "ozm" = ounces (avoirdupois)Distance: "m" = meter; "mi" = Statute Mile; "Nmi" = Nautical mile; "in" = inch; "ft" = foot; "yd" = yard;"ang" = Angstrom; "pica" = pica (1/72in)Time: "yr" = year; "day" = day; "hr" = hour; "mn" = minute; "sec" = secondPressure: "pa" = Pascal; "atm" = atmosphere; "mmHg" = mm of mercuryForce: "N" = Newton; "dyn" = dyne; "lbf" = pound forceEnergy: "J" = Joule; "e" = erg; "c" Thermodynamic calorie; "cal" = IT calorie; "eV" = electron volt;"HPh" = horsepower-hour; "Wh" = Watt-hour; "flb" = foot-pound; "BTU" = BTUPower: "HP" = horsepower; "W" = WattMagnetism: "T" = Tesler; "ga" = GaussTemperature: "C" = degrees Celsius; "F" = degrees Fahrenheit; "K" = KelvinLiquid Measure: "tsp" = teaspoon; "tbs" = tablespoon; "oz" = fluid ounce; "cup" = cup;"pt" = US Pint; "UK_pt" = UK pint; "qt" = quart; "gal" = gallon; "l" = liter

Prefix Abbreviations for metric: "E" = 1E+18 = exa; "P" = 1E+15 = peta; "T" 1E+12 = tera; "G" = 1E+09 = giga; "M" = 1E+06 = mega; "k" = 1E+03 = kilo; "h" = 1E+02 = hecto; "e" = 1E+01 = dekao; "d" = 1E-01 = deci; "c"=1E-02 = centi; "m" = 1E-03 = milli; "u" = 1E-06 = micro; "n" = 1E-09 = nano; "p" = 1E-12 = pico; "f" = 1E-15 = femto; "a" = 1E-18 = atto

An integer equal to or greater than 3 that specifies the number of significant digits to be used for the intermediate euro value when converting between two euro member currencies

The kind of t-Test to perform; 1 = Paired; 2 = Two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic); 3 = Two-sample unequal variance (heteroscedastic)

Text specifying the data type of the return value and the data types of all arguments to the DLL or code resource

Type_text (INFO function)


Upper_limit The upper bound for integrating ERF. If omitted, ERF integrates between zero and lower_limit

Value A value or an expression that evaluates to a value

Value_If_False The value that is returned if logical_test is FALSE

Value_If_True The value that is returned if logical_test is TRUE

Value1 A numeric value

Value2,… Second of 1 to n possible values (n=30 for AVERAGEA; n=29 for CHOOSE, NPV)

Values An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers

Values (IRR and MIRR)

Values (XIRR and XNPV)


Within_Text The text containing the text you want to find

X The value at which to evaluate the function

x_Num The x-coordinate of the point

X_range The range of numeric values of x with which there are associated probabilities

y_Num The y-coordinate of the point

Year The year number as one to four digits

Yld The security's annual yield

Z The value for which you want the distribution

Text that specifies what type of information you want returned:"directory" = Path of current directory of folder;"memavail" = Amount of currently available memory in bytes;"memused" = Amount of memory being used for data;"numfile" = number of active worksheets in open workbooks;"origin" = cell reference of top leftmost cell visible in window, based on current scrolling position;"osversion" = current operating system version, as text;"recalc" = current recalculation mode;"release" = version of Excel;"system" = name of the operating environment (Mac or pcdos);"totmem" = total memory available

"y" = years; "m" = months; "d" = days; "md" = days ignoring months and years; "ym" = years and months; "yd" = years and days

An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for which you want to calculate the internal rate of return. Values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value to calculate the internal rate of return. If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are ignored.

A series of cash flows that corresponds to a schedule of payments in dates. The first payment is optional and corresponds to a cost or payment that occurs at the beginning of the investment. If the first value is a cost or payment, it must be a negative value. All succeeding payments are discounted based on a 365-day year. The series of values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value

The width, in number of columns, that you want the returned reference to be. Width must be a positive number


DescriptionAn optional lower bound to the interval of x

A logical value that specifies the A1 (TRUE) or R1C1 (FALSE) reference style

The range of data that contains observations to test against expected values

A parameter of a distribution

The angle in radians

Selects a range in reference from which to return the intersection of row_num and column_num

The arguments to be passed to the procedure

An array or array formula, or a reference to a range of cells

The first array or range of values

The second array or range of values

A set of independent values

A cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

A set of dependent values

A second cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

A third cell range of values (up to 30 with SUMPRODUCT)

An optional lower bound to the interval of y

The base of the logarithm. If base is omitted, it is assumed to be 10

A parameter of a distribution

An array of or reference to intervals into which you want to group the values

The smallest integer to be returned

1 = Absolute; 2 = Abs Row / Rel Col; 3 = Rel Row / Abs Col; 4 = Relative

The type of day count basis to use: 0 or omitted = US(NASD) 30/3601 = Actual / Actual; 2 = Actual / 360; 3 = Actual / 365; 4 = European 30/360

The type of day count basis to use: 0 or omitted = US(NASD) 30/360; 1 = Actual / Actual; 2 = Actual / 360;3 = Actual / 365; 4 = European 30/360

0 or omitted 360 (NASD); 1 = Actual; 2 = 365; 3 = 360 (European)

The column number in table_array from which the matching value must be returned

The number of columns, to the left (-) or right (+), that you want the upper-left cell of the result to refer to

Column number

Cost of the asset

The security's annual coupon rate

The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify

A logical value that determines the form of the function

An array of or reference to a set of values

The name, enclosed in quotation marks, for the data field that contains the data

The range of cells that makes up the list or database

A decimal number

The number of degrees of freedom

The numerator degrees of freedom

The denominator degrees of freedom

The divisor

A set of coefficients by which each successive power of x is multiplied. The number of values in coefficients determines the number of terms in the power series

Indicates whether column names are returned as the first row of the results. TRUE if the column names to be returned as the first row of the results. FALSE if column names not wanted. If column_names_logical is omitted, SQL.REQUEST does not return column names

Supplies information, such as the data source name, user ID, and passwords, required by the driver being used to connect to a data source and must follow the driver's format

A logical value specifying whether to force the constant b to equal 1:TRUE or omitted, b is calculated normallyFALSE, b is set equal to 1 and the m-values are adjusted so that y = m^x

Date of purchase of the asset. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

A date enclosed in quotation marks that is in a date text form acceptable to Excel. Note that acceptable date forms vary with system and Excel settings.

A schedule of payment dates that corresponds to the cash flow payments. The first payment date indicates the beginning of the schedule of payments. All other dates must be later than this date, but they may occur in

A number representing the day of the month. If day is greater than the number of days in the month specified, day aggregates the month and year arguments appropriately and day represents the balance after this

The number of nonweekend and nonholiday days before or after start_date. A positive value for days yields a future date; a negative value yields a past date

The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If decimals is negative, number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. If you omit decimals, it is assumed to be 2

The security's discount rate

The number by which you want to divide number

Specifies when the driver dialog box is displayed and which options are available

The effective interest rate

The last date as an acceptable date in inverted commas or as a serial number

Last period number

The range of data that contains the ratio of the product of row totals and column totals to the grand total

Indicates which column is used in the function as text in inverted commas or as number of field

One of up to 14 pairs of field names and item names that describe the data

Second of up to 14 pairs of field names and item names that describe the data

The name of the file that contains the code resource in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh

The interest rate you pay on the money used in the cash flows

The text you want to find

The security's first coupon date

A number format in text form from in the Category box on the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box

The integer to use in the denominator of the fraction

A number expressed as a fraction

The number of coupon payments per year for a security.

The jump text or numeric value that is displayed in the cell

A unit of measurement:

The error value whose identifying number you want:1 = #Null!; 2 = #Div/0!; 3 = #Value!; 4 = #Ref!; 5 = #Name?; 6 = #N/A

The rate at which the balance declines. If factor is omitted, it is assumed to be 2 (the double-declining

A security's first interest date entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

Date of the end of the first period. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial number

A number specifying the type of roman numeral you want; 0 (Default) = Classic; 1-4 Progressively simplified; TRUE = Classic; FALSE = Most Simplified

A logical value; FALSE = currency specific rounding rules, TRUE = full precision

Future Value

A number that you guess is close to the result of IRR

The height, in number of rows, that you want the returned reference to be. Height must be a positive number

Imaginary coefficient of the complex number

A complex number

: "g" = gram; "sg" = slug; "lbm" = pound (avoirdupois); "u" = Atomic mass; "ozm" = ounces

: "m" = meter; "mi" = Statute Mile; "Nmi" = Nautical mile; "in" = inch; "ft" = foot; "yd" = yard;"ang" = Angstrom; "pica" = pica (1/72in)

: "yr" = year; "day" = day; "hr" = hour; "mn" = minute; "sec" = second: "pa" = Pascal; "atm" = atmosphere; "mmHg" = mm of mercury

: "N" = Newton; "dyn" = dyne; "lbf" = pound force: "J" = Joule; "e" = erg; "c" Thermodynamic calorie; "cal" = IT calorie; "eV" = electron volt;

"HPh" = horsepower-hour; "Wh" = Watt-hour; "flb" = foot-pound; "BTU" = BTU: "HP" = horsepower; "W" = Watt

: "T" = Tesler; "ga" = Gauss: "C" = degrees Celsius; "F" = degrees Fahrenheit; "K" = Kelvin

: "tsp" = teaspoon; "tbs" = tablespoon; "oz" = fluid ounce; "cup" = cup;"pt" = US Pint; "UK_pt" = UK pint; "qt" = quart; "gal" = gallon; "l" = liter

Prefix Abbreviations for metric: "E" = 1E+18 = exa; "P" = 1E+15 = peta; "T" 1E+12 = tera; "G" = 1E+09 = giga; "M" = 1E+06 = mega; "k" = 1E+03 = kilo; "h" = 1E+02 = hecto; "e" = 1E+01 = dekao; "d" = 1E-01 = deci; "c"=1E-02 = centi; "m" = 1E-03 = milli; "u" = 1E-06 = micro; "n" = 1E-09 = nano; "p" = 1E-12 = pico; "f" = 1E-

The number 1 to 11 that specifies which function to use in calculating subtotals within a list:1 = AVERAGE; 2 = COUNT; 3 = COUNTA; 4 = MAX; 5 = MIN; 6 = PRODUCT; 7 = STDEV; 8 = STDEVP; 9

An optional range of one or more dates to exclude from the working calendar. The list can be either a range of cells that contains the dates or an array constant of the serial numbers that represent the dates

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the hour. Any value greater than 23 will be divided by 24 and the remainder will be treated as the hour value

Specifies which value argument is selected. Index_num must be a number between 1 and 29, or a formula or reference to a cell containing a number between 1 and 29

A text value that specifies what type of cell information you want:"Address" = first cell in reference"Col" = First column number in reference"Color" Returns 1 for negative colored, 0 otherwise"Contents" = Value of upper left cell in reference"Format" = Text value corresponding to number format"Prentheses" = Returns 1 for parenthese for positive or all values, 0 otherwise"Prefix" = Text value corresponding to label prefix"Protect" = returns 0 if unlucked, 1 if locked"Row" = First row number in reference"Type" = Text value for type of data; b for blank, l for label, v for value"Width" = Column width rounded to nearest integer

Specifies which occurrence of old_text you want to replace with new_text. If you specify instance_num, only that instance of old_text is replaced. Otherwise, every occurrence of old_text in text is changed to new_text

A complex number

First Complex number

Second Complex

The second of 1-29 complex numbers

The amount invested in the security

One of up to 14 pairs of field names and item names that describe the data

Second of up to 14 pairs of field names and item names that describe the data

Is the position in the array or cell range of data to return

The independent array or range of data

The dependent array or range of data

The parameter value

The security's last coupon date

The path and file name to the document to be opened as text

A value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE

Any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE

Second of up to 30 conditions you want to test that can be either TRUE or FALSE

The value to be found

The lower bound for integrating ERF

The step by which to increase n for each term in the series

The security's maturity date

The arithmetic mean

A security's issue date entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function

The number of periods over which the asset is being depreciated (sometimes called the useful life of the

Condition to be tested. Argument must evaluate to a logical value or be arrays or references that contain

A contiguous range of cells containing possible lookup values. Lookup_array must be an array or an array

A range that contains only one row or one column. The values in lookup_vector can be text, numbers, or

The number -1, 0, or 1. Match_type specifies how Microsoft Excel matches lookup_value with values in

1 = (default) largest value less than or equal to look_up value

The mean of ln(x).

FALSE or omitted = US (NASD) 30/360 method; TRUE = European 30/360 method

The number of months in the first year. If month is omitted, it is assumed to be 12

The number of months in the first year. If month is omitted, it is assumed to be 12

The number of months before or after start_date

The multiple to which you want to round number

The order of the function

The text that will replace characters in old_text

new x-values for which you want GROWTH to return corresponding y-values

A logical value that, if TRUE, prevents FIXED from including commas in the returned text

The nominal interest rate

The number of periods

The number of compounding periods per year

The number of bytes you want to extract

The number of characters you want to extract

A number or expression that evaluates to a number

The number of items

The number of failures

The population size

The number of successes in trials

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the minute. Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours and

Quoted text specifying the name of the dynamic link library (DLL) that contains the procedure in Microsoft

A number representing the month of the year. If month is greater than 12, month adds that number of months to the first month in the year specified

A logical value specifying whether to switch to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation.If TRUE, Excel does not switch to straight-line depreciation even when the depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation. FALSE or omitted, Excel switches to straight-line depreciation when depreciation is greater than the declining balance calculation

Specifies the number of digits to which you want to round number: 0 = Integer; -numbers = to left of decimal;

The size of the sample

A positive number specifying the number of times to repeat text

The first number

The second number

The dividend

Text in which you want to replace some characters

A number specifying how to rank number; 0 or omitted = descending; non-zero = ascending

A cell reference where you want the completed connection string placed

A security's par value. (Default = $1,000)

The period for which you want to find the interest

The fractional number of data points to exclude from the calculation

The number of the accounting period

A reference to any cell, range of cells, or named range of cells in a PivotTable report

The payment made each period

The number of successes in the population

The exponent to which the base number is raised

The security's price per $100 face value

The present value

A set of probabilities associated with values in x_range

A probability associated with the distribution

The probability of success on each trial

The Present Value

Second of up to 30 numbers. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments

The number of characters to use. If places is omitted, Excel uses the minimum number of characters

Text specifying the name of the function in the DLL. You can also use the ordinal value of the function from the EXPORTS statement in the module-definition file (.DEF).

The name of the ProgID of a registered COM automation add-in that has been installed on the local computer. Enclose the name in quotation marks

Indicates which value to return: 0 = minimum value; 1 = 1st Quartile (25th Percentile); 2 = 2nd Quartile; 3 = 3rd Quartile; 4 = Maximum value

The SQL statement that you want to execute on the data source

A range

The interest rate per period

The rate of depreciation

The discount rate

A security's annual coupon rate

The real coefficient of the complex number

The security's redemption value per $100 face value

An array of, or a reference to, a list of numbers

Refers to another workbook (an external reference),

First of up to 29 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal

Second of up to 29 ranges or references for which you want the subtotal

The value returned by a previously executed REGISTER or REGISTER.ID function

The interest rate you receive on the cash flows as you reinvest them

A range that contains only one row or column. It must be the same size as lookup_vector

The row number in table_array from which the matching value will be returned

Row number

The number of rows, up (-) or down (+), that you want the upper-left cell to refer to

Salvage value at the end of the life of the asset

The number of successes in the sample

An array of interest rates to apply

A logical value that specifies whether you want to find an exact match or an approximate match. If TRUE = approximate match is returned FALSE = Exact

Reference to a cell or range of cells and can refer to multiple areas. If you want to specify several references as a single argument, then you must include extra sets of parentheses so that Microsoft Excel will not interpret the comma as a field separator

The name of the code resource in Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh. You can also use the resource ID number. The resource ID number must not be in the form of text

A number that determines the type of return value: 1 (or omitted) 1 = Sunday; 2 = 1 = Monday; 3 = 0 =

A number that determines on which day the week begins; 1 (or omitted) = starts Sunday nums 1 to 7; 2 =

The population (known) standard deviation. If omitted, the sample standard deviation is used

The multiple to which you want to round

The sample size

The population standard deviation for the data range

The standard deviation of ln(x).

The first date as an acceptable date in inverted commas or as a serial number

The character at which to start the search

First period number

A logical value specifying whether to return additional regression statistics TRUE returns additional statistics

The threshold value. If you omit a value for step, GESTEP uses zero

The suffix for the imaginary component of the complex number. If omitted, suffix is assumed to be "i"

The actual cells to sum

A table of information in which data is looked up

A number from 0 to 32767 representing the second. Any value greater than 59 will be converted to hours,

An Excel date / time serial number. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other formulas or functions. The Excel date serial number varies according to setting of 1900 or 1904 date system in Tools > Options > Calculation.

A date / time serial number. Dates should be entered by using the DATE function, or as results of other

Name of the server where the add-in should be run. If there is no server, and the program is run locally, leave the argument blank. Otherwise, enter quotation marks ("") around the server name

A security's settlement date, which is the date after the issue date when the security is traded to the buyer. Entered as an acceptable date in quotation marks or as a serial number or function returning a date serial

Text specifying the name of the worksheet to be used as the external reference. If sheet_text is omitted, no

A three-letter string, or reference to a cell containing the string, corresponding to the ISO code for the source

Belgium - franc - BEF Luxembourg - franc - LUF Germany - deutche mark - DEMSpain - peseta - ESP France - franc - FRF Ireland - pound - IEP Italy - lira - ITLNetherlands - guilder - NLG Austria - schilling - ATS Portugal - escudo - PTEFinland - markka -FIM Euro member states - euro - EUR

Denmark - krone - DKK Greece - drachma - GRD Sweden - krona - SEK

Specifies the number of distribution tails to return. If tails = 1, TDIST returns the one-tailed distribution. If tails = 2, TDIST returns the two-tailed distribution

Text or a reference to a cell that contains the text you want to change

First item of text

Second item of text

Second of up to 30 items of text

A text string enclosed in quotation marks that represents a time in any one of the Excel time formats

A unit of measurement

The largest integer to be returned

First of up to 28 parameters that together represent a unique piece of real-time data

Second of up to 28 parameters that together represent a unique piece of real-time data

The number of independent trials

0 = Payment in arrears; 1 = payment in advance

A three-letter string, or reference to a cell containing the string, corresponding to the ISO code for the source

Belgium - franc - BEF Luxembourg - franc - LUF Germany - deutche mark - DEMSpain - peseta - ESP France - franc - FRF Ireland - pound - IEP Italy - lira - ITLNetherlands - guilder - NLG Austria - schilling - ATS Portugal - escudo - PTEFinland - markka -FIM Euro member states - euro - EUR

Denmark - krone - DKK Greece - drachma - GRD Sweden - krona - SEK

: "g" = gram; "sg" = slug; "lbm" = pound (avoirdupois); "u" = Atomic mass; "ozm" = ounces

: "m" = meter; "mi" = Statute Mile; "Nmi" = Nautical mile; "in" = inch; "ft" = foot; "yd" = yard;"ang" = Angstrom; "pica" = pica (1/72in)

: "yr" = year; "day" = day; "hr" = hour; "mn" = minute; "sec" = second: "pa" = Pascal; "atm" = atmosphere; "mmHg" = mm of mercury

: "N" = Newton; "dyn" = dyne; "lbf" = pound force: "J" = Joule; "e" = erg; "c" Thermodynamic calorie; "cal" = IT calorie; "eV" = electron volt;

"HPh" = horsepower-hour; "Wh" = Watt-hour; "flb" = foot-pound; "BTU" = BTU: "HP" = horsepower; "W" = Watt

: "T" = Tesler; "ga" = Gauss: "C" = degrees Celsius; "F" = degrees Fahrenheit; "K" = Kelvin

: "tsp" = teaspoon; "tbs" = tablespoon; "oz" = fluid ounce; "cup" = cup;"pt" = US Pint; "UK_pt" = UK pint; "qt" = quart; "gal" = gallon; "l" = liter

Prefix Abbreviations for metric: "E" = 1E+18 = exa; "P" = 1E+15 = peta; "T" 1E+12 = tera; "G" = 1E+09 = giga; "M" = 1E+06 = mega; "k" = 1E+03 = kilo; "h" = 1E+02 = hecto; "e" = 1E+01 = dekao; "d" = 1E-01 = deci; "c"=1E-02 = centi; "m" = 1E-03 = milli; "u" = 1E-06 = micro; "n" = 1E-09 = nano; "p" = 1E-12 = pico; "f" = 1E-

An integer equal to or greater than 3 that specifies the number of significant digits to be used for the intermediate euro value when converting between two euro member currencies

The kind of t-Test to perform; 1 = Paired; 2 = Two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic); 3 = Two-sample unequal variance (heteroscedastic)

Text specifying the data type of the return value and the data types of all arguments to the DLL or code

The upper bound for integrating ERF. If omitted, ERF integrates between zero and lower_limit

A value or an expression that evaluates to a value

The value that is returned if logical_test is FALSE

The value that is returned if logical_test is TRUE

A numeric value

Second of 1 to n possible values (n=30 for AVERAGEA; n=29 for CHOOSE, NPV)

An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers

The text containing the text you want to find

The value at which to evaluate the function

The x-coordinate of the point

The range of numeric values of x with which there are associated probabilities

The y-coordinate of the point

The year number as one to four digits

The security's annual yield

The value for which you want the distribution

Text that specifies what type of information you want returned:"directory" = Path of current directory of folder;"memavail" = Amount of currently available memory in bytes;"memused" = Amount of memory being used for data;"numfile" = number of active worksheets in open workbooks;"origin" = cell reference of top leftmost cell visible in window, based on current scrolling position;"osversion" = current operating system version, as text;"recalc" = current recalculation mode;

"system" = name of the operating environment (Mac or pcdos);"totmem" = total memory available

"y" = years; "m" = months; "d" = days; "md" = days ignoring months and years; "ym" = years and months; "yd"

An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for which you want to calculate the internal rate of return. Values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value to calculate the internal rate of return. If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are

A series of cash flows that corresponds to a schedule of payments in dates. The first payment is optional and corresponds to a cost or payment that occurs at the beginning of the investment. If the first value is a cost or payment, it must be a negative value. All succeeding payments are discounted based on a 365-day year. The series of values must contain at least one positive value and one negative value

The width, in number of columns, that you want the returned reference to be. Width must be a positive

Database Functions

Name Description SyntaxDAVERAGE











Returns the average of selected list or database entries based on specified criteria


Counts the cells containing numbers from a specified database that match specified criteria


Counts non blank cells from a specified database that match specified criteria criteria


Extracts from a specified database a single value that matches specified criteria


Extracts maximum number in a column of a list or database that matches specified conditions


Extracts minimum number in a column of a list or database that matches specified conditions


Multiplies the values in a particular field of records that match the specified criteria in a database


Estimates standard deviation of a population based on a sample using numbers in a column of a list or database that match specified conditions


Calculates the standard deviation based on the entire population using numbers in a column of a list or database that match specified criteria


Adds the numbers in the field column of records in the database that match the specified criteria


Estimates the variance of a population based on a sample by using the numbers in a column of a list or database that match specified criteria




Database Function Arguments

Argument DescriptionDatabase The range of cells that makes up the list or database

Field Indicates which column is used in the function as text in inverted commas or as number of field

Criteria The range of cells that contains the conditions you specify

Calculates the variance of a population based on the entire population by using the numbers in a column of a list or database that match specified criteria


* See also COUNT, COUNTA and FREQUENCY (Statistical) and COUNTIF (Maths) and COUNTBLANK (Information)

§Ò 1

TT Chñ hé ChØ sè sau

1 V©n S¶n xuÊt 0 500 ? ? ?? B×nh Kinh doanh 0 200 ? ? ?? Kh¸nh Tiªu dïng 0 150 ? ? ?? Doanh S¶n xuÊt 0 600 ? ? ?? Lan Tiªu dïng 0 101 ? ? ?? Thu Tiªu dïng 0 50 ? ? ?? Qu¶ng Kinh doanh 0 300 ? ? ?

Chó ý: Lo¹i Sè héHé S¶n xuÊt : 20000 ®/th¸ng S¶n xuÊ ?Hé Kinh doanh : 10000 ®/th¸ng Kinh do ?Hé Tiªu dïng : 5000 ®/th¸ng Tiªu dïn ?

2/ Gi¸ ®iÖn : Hé S¶n xuÊt : 2000 ®/sèHé Kinh doanh : 800 ®/sèHé Tiªu dïng : 500 ®/sè

3/ Tæng sè tiÒn = TiÒn ®iÖn+TiÒn c«ng t¬

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

§Ò 2

TT Tªn Ngµy sinh Tuæi GT To¸n Tin

1 Hïng 1/30/1978 Nam 4 7 ?? B×nh 8/21/1974 N÷ 6 8 ?? V©n ### N÷ 8 9 ?? B×nh 8/16/1977 Nam 9 10 ?? Doanh 12/5/1976 Nam 5 8 ?? Loan 9/18/1977 N÷ 5 4 ?? Anh 4/23/1968 Nam 9 6 ?

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

H×nh thøc sö dông

ChØ sè tr íc §iÖn tiªu thô

TiÒn ®iÖn

TiÒn c«ng t¬

1/ TiÒn c«ng t¬ tÝnh nh sau :

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

Trung b×nh

? Thu 5/1/1973 N÷ 3 5 ?Kh¸nh 2/26/1971 Nam 6 7 ?Ng©n 5/12/1975 N÷ 10 8 ?

Chó ý : 1/ Tuæi tÝnh ®Õn ngµy H«m nay (®ñ 365 ngµy míi tÝnh lµ 1 tuæi)

3/ XÕp lo¹i vµ Häc bæng theo thang ®iÓm sau :

§Ò 3

TT Lo¹i H§ Sè tiÒn Tû gi¸

1 Chi USD 100 ? ?? Thu DM 1500 ? ?? Thu FR 3000 ? ?? Chi DM 1000 ? ?? Chi FR 4000 ? ?? Thu USD 500 ? ?? Chi DM 500 ? ?

Chó ý : 1/ Tû gi¸ : 1 USD = 14000 ®, 1 DM = 10000 ®, 1 FR = 6000 ®2/ Dïng c«ng thøc, ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo b¶ng sau :

Sè tiÒn

USD Thu ? ?Chi ? ?

FR Thu ? ?Chi ? ?

DM Thu ? ?Chi ? ?

§Ò 4

2/ §iÓm trung b×nh tÝnh nh sau : To¸n hÖ sè 2, Tin hÖ sè 3

4/ S¾p xÕp l¹i danh s¸ch theo xÕp thø : xÕp thø 1 ®øng tr íc råi ®Õn xÕp thø 2

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

Lo¹i Ngo¹i tÖ

Quy ra VN§

Lo¹i Ngo¹i tÖ

Lo¹i ho¸ ®¬n

Quy ra VN§

XÕp lo¹i KÐm 5 TB 6,5 Kh¸ 8 Giái 9,5 XuÊt s¾c

Häc bæng -100 0 50 100 200

TT M· Tªn hµng Ngµy nhËp Ngµy b¸n §¬n gi¸

1 B2 GiÊy 5/12/1998 5/15/1998 ? 100 5? A1 V¶i b«ng 1/7/1998 4/17/1998 ? 200 10? D1 Xi m¨ng 7/30/1998 9/28/1998 ? 300 20? C2 G¹ch 2/1/1998 12/1/1998 ? 120 15? A2 V¶i hoa 7/30/1998 9/28/1998 ? 400 15? B1 B×a 5/12/1998 5/15/1998 ? 50 10

Céng ? ?

Chó ý :

B¶ng hÖ sè thuÕM· ®Çu M· thø 2

1 2A 1.50% 1%B 6% 5%C 10% 8%D 15% 12%

3/ Gi¸ thµnh b»ng Thµnh tiÒn + ThuÕ

§Ò 5

Ngµy Nh©n viCöa hµng S¶n phÈm TiÒn8/20/1998 Sè 1 KÑo 20 ?

9/3/1998 Nga Sè 2 KÑo 20 ?

8/29/1998 Lan Sè 1 B¸nh 10 ?

9/4/1998 V©n Sè 2 B¸nh 35 ?

8/30/1998 Chi Sè 1 B¸nh 40 ?

8/30/1998 Nga Sè 2 Møt 15 ?

8/30/1998 V©n Sè 2 KÑo 25 ?

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

NhËn xÐt

Sè L îng

1/ NÕu thêi gian l u kho <=30 ghi nhËn xÐt : B¸n ch¹y - NÕu 30 <thêi gian l u kho <=90 ghi nhËn xÐt : B¸n ® îc - NÕu thêi gian l u kho >90 ghi nhËn xÐt : B¸n chËm2/ ThuÕ = HÖ sè thuÕ x Thµnh tiÒn. HÖ sè thuÕ cho ë b¶ng sau :

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®ÑpTh ëng

H ¬ng

9/3/1998 Chi Sè 1 B¸nh 30 ?

9/3/1998 Lan Sè 1 KÑo 45 ?

9/4/1998 Chi Sè 1 Møt 10 ?

Cöa hµngSè 1 10 % cña TiÒnSè 2 5 % cña TiÒn

Dùa vµo b¶ng trªn, dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn c¸c gi¸ trÞ vµo b¶ng sau :

Nh©n viSè lÇn b¸n TiÒnChi ? ?Nga ? ?V©n ? ?Lan ? ?

Cöa hµnSè lÇn b¸n TiÒnSè 1 ? ?Sè 2 ? ?

§Ò 6

TT Tªn GT To¸n Tin

1 Hïng Nam 4 7 ? ? ?? B×nh N÷ 6 8 ? ? ?? V©n N÷ 8 9 ? ? ?? B×nh Nam 9 10 ? ? ?? Doanh Nam 5 8 ? ? ?? Loan N÷ 5 4 ? ? ?? Anh Nam 9 6 ? ? ?? Thu N÷ 4 10 ? ? ?? Kh¸nh Nam 6 7 ? ? ?? Ng©n N÷ 10 8 ? ? ?

Chó ý : 1/ TÝnh ®iÓm trung b×nh (hÖ sè To¸n lµ 2, Tin lµ 3)2/ C¨n cø vµo ®iÓm trung b×nh vµ thang chia ®iÓm sau ®Ó xÕp lo¹i :

Tõ 5 ®Õn 6.9 : Trung b×nh

TiÒn th ëng tÝnh theo quy ®Þnh sau : Th ëng

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®ÑpTrung b×nh

XÕp lo¹i

Häc bæng

D íi 5 : KÐm

Tõ 7 ®Õn 8.4 : Kh¸Tõ 8.5 ®Õn 9.4 : GiáiTõ 9.5 trë lªn : XuÊt s¾c

4/ §iÒn c¸c th«ng sè vµo b¶ng sau :

XÕp lo¹iKÐm ?Trung b ?Kh¸ ?Giái ?XuÊt s¾ ?

§Ò 7

Ngµy Nh©n viCöa hµng S¶n phÈm TiÒn8/20/1998 Sè 1 KÑo 200 ?9/3/1998 Nga Sè 2 KÑo 200 ?

8/29/1998 Lan Sè 1 B¸nh 100 ?9/4/1998 V©n Sè 2 B¸nh 350 ?

8/30/1998 Chi Sè 1 B¸nh 400 ?8/30/1998 Nga Sè 2 Møt 150 ?8/30/1998 V©n Sè 2 KÑo 250 ?9/3/1998 Chi sè 1 B¸nh 300 ?9/3/1998 Lan Sè 1 KÑo 450 ?9/4/1998 Chi Sè 1 Møt 150 ?

TiÒnTõ 100 trë Kh«ngTõ 100 ®Õ1 % cña TiÒnTõ 200 ®Õ2 % cña TiÒnTõ 300 trë l5 % cña TiÒn

Dùa vµo b¶ng trªn, dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn c¸c gi¸ trÞ vµo b¶ng sau :

Cöa hµnSè 1

3/ Häc bæng 100 nÕu ®iÓm TB tõ 7 trë lªn vµ kh«ng cã m«n nµo d íi 5

Sè l îng

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

Th ëngH ¬ng

TiÒn th ëng tÝnh theo quy ®Þnh sau : Th ëng

Th ëng th¸ng 8Th ëng th¸ng 9

Sè 2

Lo¹i hµnTiÒn th¸ng TiÒn th¸ng 9B¸nhMøtKÑo

§Ò 9

B¶ng tÝnh tiÒn ®iÖn th¸ng 12-1998

TT Chñ hé ChØ sè sau

1 V©n S¶n xuÊt 0 500 ? ?? B×nh Kinh doanh 0 200 ? ?? Kh¸nh Tiªu dïng 0 150 ? ?? Doanh S¶n xuÊt 0 600 ? ?? Lan Tiªu dïng 0 101 ? ?? Thu Tiªu dïng 0 50 ? ?? Qu¶ng Kinh doanh 0 300 ? ?

Sè hé TiÒn ®iÖn

S¶n xuÊt ? ?Kinh doanh ? ?Tiªu dïng ? ?

Chó ý: 1/ Gi¸ ®iÖn : Hé S¶n xuÊt : 2000 ®/sèHé Kinh doanh : 800 ®/sèHé Tiªu dïng : 500 ®/sè

2/ TiÒn ®iÖn = Gi¸ ®iÖn * §iÖn tiªu thô

§Ò 10

TT Tªn GT To¸n Tin

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

H×nh thøc SD

ChØ sè tr íc §iÖn tiªu thô

TiÒn ®iÖn

H×nh thøc SD

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®ÑpAnh v¨n

§iÓm TB

XÕp thø

1 Hïng Nam 4 7 5 ? ?? B×nh N÷ 6 8 6 ? ?? V©n N÷ 10 8 9 ? ?? B×nh Nam 9 10 7 ? ?? Doanh Nam 5 9 8 ? ?? Loan N÷ 5 4 6 ? ?? Anh Nam 9 6 7 ? ?? Thu N÷ 6 5 7 ? ?? Kh¸nh Nam 5 9 5 ? ?? Ng©n N÷ 10 8 9 ? ?

Chó ý : hÖ sè To¸n lµ 2, hÖ sè Tin lµ 3, hÖ sè Anh v¨n lµ 1

2/ XÕp thø theo §iÓm TB

- tõ thø 1 ®Õn thø 3 lµ 100 - tõ thø 4 ®Õn thø 6 lµ 50

5/ S¾p xÕp l¹i danh s¸ch trªn theo XÕp thø gi¶m dÇn

§Ò 11

TT Lo¹i H§ VN§

1 Chi 1400000 USD ?? Thu 15000000 DM ?? Thu 18000000 FR ?? Chi 10000000 DM ?? Chi 24000000 FR ?? Thu 7000000 USD ?? Chi 5000000 DM ?

Chó ý : 1/ Tû gi¸ : 14000 VN§ = 1 USD, 10000 VN§ = 1 DM, 6000 VN§ = 1 FR

1/ §iÓm TB lÊy 1 sè thËp ph©n vµ tÝnh nh sau :

3/ XÕp lo¹i c¨n cø vµo §iÓm TB nh sau :- d íi 5 lµ KÐm- tõ 5 ®Õn 6.4 lµ TB- tõ 6.5 ®Õn 7.9 lµ Kh¸- tõ 8 trë lªn lµ Giái

4/ Häc bæng c¨n cø vµo xÕp thø (kh«ng ® îc tù gâ vµo)

- c¸c häc sinh cßn l¹i kh«ng ® îc häc bæng

Nh÷ng ng êi cïng thø bËc xÕp ng êi cã ®iÓm Tin cao h¬n lªn tr íc

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®ÑpLo¹i tiÒn cÇn ®æi ra

Sè tiÒn ®æi ra ® îc

2/ Dïng c«ng thøc, ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo b¶ng sau :

Lo¹i Ngo¹i Lo¹i ho¸ ®¬USD Thu ? ?

Chi ? ?FR Thu ? ?

Chi ? ?DM Thu ? ?

Chi ? ?

§Ò 12

TT M· Tªn hµng Ngµy nhËp Ngµy b¸n §¬n gi¸ Thµnh t1 B2 GiÊy 5/12/1998 5/15/1998 100 5 ?? A1 V¶i 1/7/1998 4/17/1998 200 10 ?? D3 Xi m¨ng 7/30/1998 9/28/1998 300 20 ?? C2 G¹ch 2/1/1998 12/1/1998 120 15 ?

Céng ?

Chó ý :

§Ò 13

Ngµy Nh©n viCöa hµng MÆt hµng TiÒn nhËp Phô phÝTiÒn b¸n8/20/1998 Sè 1 KÑo 200 ? ?9/3/1998 Nga Sè 2 KÑo 100 ? ?

8/29/1998 Lan Sè 1 B¸nh 400 ? ?9/4/1998 V©n Sè 2 B¸nh 500 ? ?

Sè l îng ho¸ ®¬n

Sè tiÒn ®æi ra ® îc

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

Sè L îng

1/ ThuÕ : m· A lµ 1%, B lµ 5 %, C lµ 7 %, D lµ 10 % Thµnh tiÒn2/ Th ëng cho nh©n viªn b¸n hµng theo thêi gian l u kho nh sau : - d íi 30 ngµy th ëng 2% Thµnh tiÒn - tõ 30 ngµy ®Õn 89 ngµy th ëng 1% Thµnh tiÒn - c¸c tr êng hîp kh¸c kh«ng ® îc th ëng3/ Gi¸ thµnh b»ng Thµnh tiÒn + ThuÕ + Th ëng

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

H ¬ng

8/30/1998 Chi Sè 1 B¸nh 100 ? ?8/30/1998 Nga Sè 2 Møt 200 ? ?8/30/1998 V©n Sè 2 KÑo 500 ? ?8/10/1998 Chi sè 1 B¸nh 300 ? ?9/3/1998 Lan Sè 1 KÑo 600 ? ?9/4/1998 Chi Sè 1 Møt 100 ? ?

Th¸ng Nh©n viªn Sè lÇn b¸n TiÒn b¸n8 Chi ? ?9 Nga ? ?

Chó ý :- B¸nh : 2% TiÒn nhËp- Møt : 1% TiÒn nhËp- KÑo : 3% TiÒn nhËp2/ TiÒn b¸n = TiÒn nhËp + Phô phÝ

§Ò 14

B¶ng kª tiÒn thuª phßng th¸ng 11-12/1998

Sè TT Ngµy ®Õn Ngµy ®i

1 Long C 12/7/1998 12/25/1998 ? ? ?? Chi B 12/1/1998 12/29/1998 ? ? ?? TuÊn A 11/2/1998 11/29/1998 ? ? ?? Hµ B 7/30/1998 8/30/1998 ? ? ?

C©u 1: TÝnh sè tuÇn vµ sè ngµy lÎ ë cña mçi kh¸chC©u 2: §iÒn vµo c¸c cét TiÒn tÝnh theo tuÇn vµ theo sè ngµy lÎ theo c¸ch sau :

- TiÒn tÝnh theo tuÇn = Sè tuÇn * §¬n gi¸ tuÇn- TiÒn tÝnh theo ngµy lÎ = Sè ngµy lÎ * §¬n gi¸ ngµy lÎ NÕu TiÒn tÝnh theo ngµy lÎ lín h¬n §¬n gi¸ tuÇn th× thay b»ng §¬n gi¸ tuÇn

Phßng §¬n gi¸ tuÇn §¬n gi¸ ngµy lÎLo¹i A: 110 20Lo¹i B: 80 15Lo¹i C: 50 10

C©u 3: Thµnh tiÒn = TiÒn tÝnh theo tuÇn + TiÒn tÝnh theo ngµy lÎ

1/ Phô phÝ cña c¸c mÆt hµng nh sau :

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

Tªn kh¸ch

Lo¹i phßng

Sè tuÇn ë

TiÒn tÝnh theo tuÇn

Sè ngµy lÎ ë

§Ò 16

KÕt qu¶ thi cuèi kú líp Tin häcTT Tªn GT To¸n Tin §¹o ®øc Tæng ®XÕp lo¹i

1 Hïng Nam 4 7 D ?2 B×nh N÷ 6 8 A 14 ?3 V©n N÷ 8 9 B 17 ?4 B×nh Nam 9 10 A 19 ?5 Doanh Nam 5 8 D 13 ?6 Loan N÷ 5 4 C 9 ?7 Anh Nam 9 6 A 15 ?8 Thu N÷ 4 10 B 14 ?9 Kh¸nh Nam 6 7 C 13 ?10 Ng©n N÷ 10 8 B 18 ?

Chó ý :Tæng ®iÓm = To¸n + TinCéng thªm 1 ®iÓm vµo Tæng ®iÓm cho häc sinh ®¹t §¹o ®øc ACéng thªm 0.5 ®iÓm vµo Tæng ®iÓm cho häc sinh ®¹t §¹o ®øc BTrõ Tæng ®iÓm ®i 1 cho häc sinh ®¹t §¹o ®øc DC¸c lo¹i §¹o ®øc kh¸c gi÷ nguyªn Tæng ®iÓm

Tõ 10 ®Õn 13.9 : Trung b×nhTõ 14 ®Õn 16.9 : Kh¸Tõ 17 ®Õn 18.9 : GiáiTõ 19 trë lªn : XuÊt s¾c

§Ò 17

B¶ng tÝnh tiÒn ®iÖn th¸ng 12-1998

TT Chñ hé M· SD §Møc Sè cò Sè míi

1 V©n SX 150 0 500 500 ###? B×nh KD 150 0 600 600 ?? Kh¸nh TD 100 0 150 150 ?? Doanh SX 200 0 600 600 ?

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

1/ TÝnh Tæng ®iÓm nh sau :

2/ C¨n cø vµo Tæng ®iÓm ®Ó xÕp lo¹i häc sinh nh sau :D íi 10 : KÐm

3/ Häc bæng 100 nÕu ®iÓm TB tõ 14 trë lªn vµ kh«ng cã m«n nµo d íi 5

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

§iÖn tiªu thô

TiÒn trong §Møc

? Lan TD 100 0 80 80 ?? Thu TD 100 0 300 300 ?? Qu¶ng KD 150 0 120 120 ?

TD 500M· SD

SX 2000 SXKD 800 KD


Chó ý: 1.a/ Gi¸ ®iÖn trong ®Þnh møc : M· SX : 2000 ®/sèM· KD : 800 ®/sèM· TD : 500 ®/sè

b/ TiÒn trong §Møc = §Møc x Gi¸ trong §Møc

§Ò 18

TT Tªn GT To¸n Tin

1 Hïng Nam 4 7 5 ? ?? B×nh N÷ 6 8 6 ? ?? V©n N÷ 10 8 9 ? ?? B×nh Nam 9 10 7 ? ?? Doanh Nam 5 9 8 ? ?? Loan N÷ 5 4 6 ? ?? Anh Nam 9 6 7 ? ?? Thu N÷ 6 5 7 ? ?? Kh¸nh Nam 5 9 5 ? ?? Ng©n N÷ 10 8 9 ? ?

2. a/ Gi¸ ®iÖn v ît ®Þnh møc : B»ng gi¸ trong §Møc * (1+ Sè lÇn v ît)

trong ®ã Sè lÇn v ît = (§iÖn tiªu thô - §Møc)/§Møc b/ TiÒn v ît §Møc = Sè v ît §Møc x Gi¸ v ît §Møc

3/ TiÒn ph¶i tr¶ = TiÒn trong §Møc + TiÒn v ît §Møc

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®ÑpAnh v¨n

§iÓm TB

XÕp thø

Chó ý : hÖ sè To¸n lµ 2, hÖ sè Tin lµ 3, hÖ sè Anh v¨n lµ 1

2/ XÕp thø theo §iÓm TB

- tõ thø 1 ®Õn thø 3 lµ 100 - tõ thø 4 ®Õn thø 6 lµ 50

5/ S¾p xÕp l¹i danh s¸ch trªn theo XÕp thø gi¶m dÇn

§Ò 19

TT Lo¹i H§ VN§

1 Chi 1400000 USD ?? Thu 1500000 DM ?? Thu 1800000 FR ?? Chi 1000000 DM ?? Chi 2400000 FR ?? Thu 7000000 USD ?? Chi 5000000 DM ?

Chó ý :2/ Dïng c«ng thøc, ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo b¶ng sau :

Lo¹i Ngo¹i Lo¹i ho¸ ®¬USD Thu ? ?

Chi ? ?FR Thu ? ?

Chi ? ?DM Thu ? ?

Chi ? ?2/ S¾p xÕp l¹i C¬ së d÷ liÖu trªn theo tõng lo¹i tiÒn cÇn ®æi ra,

1/ §iÓm TB lÊy 1 sè thËp ph©n vµ tÝnh nh sau :

3/ XÕp lo¹i c¨n cø vµo §iÓm TB nh sau :- d íi 5 lµ KÐm- tõ 5 ®Õn 6.4 lµ TB- tõ 6.5 ®Õn 7.9 lµ Kh¸- tõ 8 trë lªn lµ Giái

4/ Häc bæng c¨n cø vµo xÕp thø (kh«ng ® îc tù gâ vµo)

- c¸c häc sinh cßn l¹i kh«ng ® îc häc bæng

Nh÷ng ng êi cïng thø bËc xÕp ng êi cã ®iÓm Tin cao h¬n lªn tr íc

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®ÑpLo¹i tiÒn cÇn ®æi ra

Sè tiÒn ®æi ra ® îc

1/ Tû gi¸ : 14000 VN§ = 1 USD, 10000 VN§ = 1 DM, 6000 VN§ = 1 FR

Sè l îng ho¸ ®¬n

Sè tiÒn ®æi ra ® îc

§Ò 20

TT M· Tªn hµng Ngµy nhËp Ngµy b¸n NhËn xÐThµnh t ThuÕ1 B2 GiÊy 5/12/1998 5/15/1998 ? 500 ?? A1 V¶i 1/7/1998 4/17/1998 ? 2000 ?? D3 Xi m¨ng 7/30/1998 9/28/1998 ? 6000 ?? C2 G¹ch 2/1/1998 12/1/1998 ? 1800 ?

Céng ? ?

Chó ý :

- cßn lai : B¸n chËm

§Ò 21

Ngµy Nh©n viCöa hµng MÆt hµng TiÒn nhËp Phô phÝTiÒn b¸n8/20/1998 Sè 1 KÑo 200 ? ?9/3/1998 Nga Sè 2 KÑo 100 ? ?

8/29/1998 Lan Sè 1 B¸nh 400 ? ?9/4/1998 V©n Sè 2 B¸nh 500 ? ?

8/30/1998 Chi Sè 1 B¸nh 100 ? ?8/30/1998 Nga Sè 2 Møt 200 ? ?8/30/1998 V©n Sè 2 KÑo 500 ? ?8/10/1998 Chi sè 1 B¸nh 300 ? ?9/3/1998 Lan Sè 1 KÑo 600 ? ?9/4/1998 Chi Sè 1 Møt 100 ? ?

trong cïng lo¹i tiÒn xÕp Ho¸ ®¬n Thu tr íc, Chi sau

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

1/ ThuÕ : m· A lµ 1%, B lµ 5 %, C lµ 7 %, D lµ 10 % Thµnh tiÒn2/ NhËn xÐt : c¨n cø vµo thêi gian l u kho nh sau : - d íi 30 ngµy : B¸n ch¹y - tõ 30 ngµy ®Õn 89 ngµy : B¸n ® îc

3/ Th ëng cho nh©n viªn b¸n hµng c¨n cø vµo nhËn xÐt nh sau : - B¸n ch¹y : th ëng 2% Thµnh tiÒn - B¸n ® îc th ëng 1% Thµnh tiÒn - C¸c tr êng hîp kh¸c kh«ng ® îc th ëng4/ Gi¸ thµnh b»ng Thµnh tiÒn + ThuÕ + Th ëng

Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp

H ¬ng

Th¸ng Nh©n viªn Sè lÇn b¸n TiÒn b¸n8 Chi ? ?9 Nga ? ?

Chó ý :- B¸nh : 2% TiÒn nhËp- Møt : 1% TiÒn nhËp- KÑo : 3% TiÒn nhËp

cïng Cöa hµng xÕp TiÒn b¸n gi¶m dÇn

1/ Phô phÝ cña c¸c mÆt hµng nh sau :

2/ TiÒn b¸n = TiÒn nhËp + Phô phÝ3/ S¾p xÕp l¹i CSDL trªn theo Cöa hµng,



Dïng c«ng thøc ®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

Tæng sè tiÒn

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

XÕp thø

XÕp lo¹i

Häc bæng

? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?

1/ Tuæi tÝnh ®Õn ngµy H«m nay (®ñ 365 ngµy míi tÝnh lµ 1 tuæi) Lo¹i §iÓm TBKÐm ? ?TB ? ?Kh¸ ? ?Giái ? ?XuÊt s¾ ? ?

1/ Tû gi¸ : 1 USD = 14000 ®, 1 DM = 10000 ®, 1 FR = 6000 ®

Sè l îng

4/ S¾p xÕp l¹i danh s¸ch theo xÕp thø : xÕp thø 1 ®øng tr íc råi ®Õn xÕp thø 2

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

XÕp lo¹i KÐm 5 TB 6,5 Kh¸ 8 Giái 9,5 XuÊt s¾c

Häc bæng -100 0 50 100 200


? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

Thµnh tiÒn

Gi¸ thµnh

. HÖ sè thuÕ cho ë b¶ng sau :

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

2/ C¨n cø vµo ®iÓm trung b×nh vµ thang chia ®iÓm sau ®Ó xÕp lo¹i :

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

Häc bæng?????

3/ Häc bæng 100 nÕu ®iÓm TB tõ 7 trë lªn vµ kh«ng cã m«n nµo d íi 5

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):XÕp lo¹i

Häc bæng

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?

hÖ sè To¸n lµ 2, hÖ sè Tin lµ 3, hÖ sè Anh v¨n lµ 1

1/ Tû gi¸ : 14000 VN§ = 1 USD, 10000 VN§ = 1 DM, 6000 VN§ = 1 FR

Nh÷ng ng êi cïng thø bËc xÕp ng êi cã ®iÓm Tin cao h¬n lªn tr íc

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

ThuÕ Gi¸ thµnh? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

Th ëng

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

? ?? ?? ?? ?

§iÒn vµo c¸c cét TiÒn tÝnh theo tuÇn vµ theo sè ngµy lÎ theo c¸ch sau :

NÕu TiÒn tÝnh theo ngµy lÎ lín h¬n §¬n gi¸ tuÇn th× thay b»ng §¬n gi¸ tuÇn

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

TiÒn tÝnh theo ngµy lÎ

Thµnh tiÒn

Häc bæng??????????

Céng thªm 1 ®iÓm vµo Tæng ®iÓm cho häc sinh ®¹t §¹o ®øc ACéng thªm 0.5 ®iÓm vµo Tæng ®iÓm cho häc sinh ®¹t §¹o ®øc BTrõ Tæng ®iÓm ®i 1 cho häc sinh ®¹t §¹o ®øc D

? ?? ?? ?? ?

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

3/ Häc bæng 100 nÕu ®iÓm TB tõ 14 trë lªn vµ kh«ng cã m«n nµo d íi 5

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

TiÒn v ît §Møc

TiÒn ph¶i tr¶

? ?? ?? ?

Sè hé

? ?? ?? ?

? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?

Sè HSGiái ?

TiÒn ph¶i tr¶

trong ®ã Sè lÇn v ît = (§iÖn tiªu thô - §Møc)/§Møc

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):XÕp lo¹i

Häc bæng

XÕp lo¹i

KÐm ?

hÖ sè To¸n lµ 2, hÖ sè Tin lµ 3, hÖ sè Anh v¨n lµ 1

2/ S¾p xÕp l¹i C¬ së d÷ liÖu trªn theo tõng lo¹i tiÒn cÇn ®æi ra,

Nh÷ng ng êi cïng thø bËc xÕp ng êi cã ®iÓm Tin cao h¬n lªn tr íc

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

: 14000 VN§ = 1 USD, 10000 VN§ = 1 DM, 6000 VN§ = 1 FR

Gi¸ thµnh? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):

Th ëng

®iÒn gi¸ trÞ vµo c¸c « cã dÊu ? trong c¸c b¶ng sau (chó ý tr×nh bµy ®Ñp):


Tên Hàm Công dụng Cú phápCELL

COUNTBLANK* Trả về số ô không có dữ liệu trong dãy ô.



ISBLANK Trả vềTRUE nếu giá trị rỗng

ISERR Kiểm tra có phải là một lỗi ngọai trừ #N/A

ISERROR Kiểm tra có phải là một lỗi kể cả #N/A

ISEVEN Returns TRUE if the number is even

ISLOGICAL Trả về TRUEnếu giá trị là biểu thức logical


ISNONTEXT Trả về TRUE nếu biểu thức không phải là text

ISNUMBER Trả về TRUE nếu biểu thức là number


ISREF Returns TRUE if the value is a reference

ISTEXT Trả về TRUE nếu biểu thức là chuỗi text

Trả về thông tin định dạng, vị trí hay nội dung của một ô hoặc của ô ở phía trên bên trái của một vùng ô.



Trả về số tương ứng với một lỗi trong Excel hoặc trả về lỗi #N/A! nếu không có lỗi.


Trả về thông tin của môi trường họat động hiện thời.







Returns TRUE if the value is the #N/A error value




Kiểm tra một số có phải là số lẽ hay không?. Trả về TRUE nếu là số lẽ, FALSE nếu là số chẵn





NA =NA()


Notes: * See also COUNT, COUNTA and FREQUENCY (Statistical) and COUNTIF (Maths) and DCOUNT and DCOUNTA (Database)

Information Function Arguments

Argument DescriptionError_val


Number A number or expression that evaluates to a number

Chuyển đổi một giá trị thành số. =N(Value)

Tạo lỗi #N/A! để đánh dấu các ô rỗng tránh những vấn đề không định trước khi dùng một số hàm của Excel. Khi hàm tham chiếu tới các ô được đánh dấu sẽ trả về lỗi #N/A!.Trả về dạng giá trị (trả về 1 nếu giá trị là Number; 2 nếu là text; 4 là biểu thức luận lí; 16 nếu giá trị lỗi; 64 cho giá trị mảng)


là giá trị lỗi mà bạn cần kiểm tra. error_val thường tham chiếu đến một công thức mà bạn cần kiểm tra.1 = #Null!; 2 = #Div/0!; 3 = #Value!; 4 = #Ref!; 5 = #Name?;6 = #N/AKiểu dữ liệu trả về"address" Địa chỉ tuyệt đối của ô đầu tiên trong vùng tham chiếu. "col" số thứ tự cột "color" 1 nếu định dạng màu là giá trị âm, còn lại trả về 0 "contenst" giá trị (nội dung) của ô đầu tiên "filename" đường dẫn đầy đủ của file nó chứa tham chiếu. Trả về chuỗi rỗng nếu file chứa tham chiếu chưa được lưu lại, "format" giá trị kiểu chuỗi tương ứng với định dạng của ô. Xem chi tiết trong bảng bên dưới. "parentheses" 1 nếu ô được định dạng với dấu ngoặc đơn, ngược lại trả về 0 "prefix" trả về kiểu canh lề của ô (nháy đơn ': canh trái, nháy kép " canh phải, mũ ^: canh giữa, chéo ngược \: canh đều, chuỗi rỗng "": còn lại) "row" số thứ tự dòng "type" trả về loại dữ liệu trong ô ("b": nếu ô rỗng, "l": nếu ô chứa văn bản, "v": tất cả các kiểu dữ liệu còn lại). "width" Độ rộng của cột được làm tròn thành số nguyên. Mỗi đơn vị độ được đo bằng độ rộng của một ký tự trong kích thước font mặc định.


Type_text (INFO function)

Value giá trị cần kiểm tra.

Range To Test Blanks1 2 =COUNTBLANK(C4:C11)




Data The Error Error Type10 0 #DIV/0! 2 =ERROR.TYPE(E4)

là địa chỉ ô hoặc vùng ô cần lấy thông tin. Nếu bỏ qua, CELL sẽ lấy ô cuối cùng được thay đổi trong bảng tính.

"directory" Đường dẫn thư mục hiện thời "memavail" Dung lượng bộ nhớ sẵn sàng, tính bằng byte. "memused" Dung lượng bộ nhớ đang sử dụng. "numfile" Số trang bảng tính (worksheet) trong bảng tính (workbooK) đang mở. "origin" Trả về địa chỉ tuyệt đối của ô ở góc trên bên trái có thể nhìn thấy trong Windows. Địa chỉ này được gắn thêm tiền tố $A: "osversion" Phiên bản của hệ đều hành hiện tại. "recalc" Dạng tính toán hiên tại: Automatic hoặc Manual "release" Phiên bản của Microsoft Excel "system" Môi trường hoạt động hiện tại Macintosh trả về "mac" Windows trả về "pcdos" "totmem" Tổng dung lượng bộ nhớ có sẵn, bao gồm cả bộ nhớ đang dùng.

10 3 #NAME? 5 =ERROR.TYPE(E5)10 3 #VALUE! 3 =ERROR.TYPE(E6)

10:00 13:00 21:00 #N/A =ERROR.TYPE(E7)

System Informationrrent directory #N/A =INFO("directory")

ytes of memory #N/A =INFO("memavail")Memory in use #N/A =INFO("memused")

ytes of memory #N/A =INFO("totmem")ive worksheets 1 =INFO("numfile")

ft of the window #N/A =INFO("origin")rating system Linux 5.4 =INFO("osversion")

culation mode Automatic =INFO("recalc")Excel version c85eb4d0c3a2 =INFO("release"). (PC or Mac) LINUX =INFO("system")

Cell to test Result3 0 =ISERR(D4)#DIV/0! 1 =ISERR(D5)


#N/A 0 =ISERR(D10)

Cell to test Result3 0 =ISERROR(D4)#DIV/0! 1 =ISERROR(D5)



Number Is it Even1 0 =ISEVEN(C4)2 1 =ISEVEN(C5)

2.5 1 =ISEVEN(C6)2.6 1 =ISEVEN(C7)3.5 0 =ISEVEN(C8)3.6 0 =ISEVEN(C9)

Hello #VALUE! =ISEVEN(C10)1-Feb-98 0 =ISEVEN(C11)1-Feb-96 1 =ISEVEN(C12)

Cell To Test Result0 0 =ISLOGICAL(D4)1 0 =ISLOGICAL(D5)


1-Jan-98 0 =ISLOGICAL(D8)Hello 0 =ISLOGICAL(D9)


Number Result1 0 =ISNA(C4)

Hello 0 =ISNA(C5)0 =ISNA(C6)

1-Jan-98 0 =ISNA(C7)#REF! 0 =ISNA(C8)

Item To Test Is It A Number?10 1 =ISNONTEXT(C4)



Cell Entry Result1 1 =ISNUMBER(D4)

1-Jan-98 1 =ISNUMBER(D5)0 =ISNUMBER(D6)

#DIV/0! 0 =ISNUMBER(D7)Hello 0 =ISNUMBER(D8)

ID No. Name Salary1 Alan £10,000 2 Eric £12,000 3 Carol £8,000 4 Bob £15,000 5 David £12,000

Type Employee Name or ID : ericThe Salary is : £ 12,000


Number Is it Odd1 1 =ISODD(C4)2 0 =ISODD(C5)

2.5 0 =ISODD(C6)2.6 0 =ISODD(C7)3.5 1 =ISODD(C8)

3.6 1 =ISODD(C9)Hello #VALUE! =ISODD(C10)

1-Feb-98 1 =ISODD(C11)1-Feb-96 0 =ISODD(C12)

1 =ISREF(A163)0 =ISREF(B99)0 =ISREF(Hello)0 =ISREF(10)0 =ISREF(NOW())0 =ISREF("A1")0 =ISREF(XX99)

Cell To Test ResultHello 1 =ISTEXT(D4)

1 0 =ISTEXT(D5)25-Dec-98 0 =ISTEXT(D6)


ID No. Name Salary1 Alan £10,000 2 Eric £12,000 3 Carol £8,000 4 Bob £15,000 5 David £12,000

Type Employee Name or ID : 3The Salary is : £ 8,000


Original Converted1 1 =N(C4)

3 1/2 3.5 =N(C5)3.5 3.5 =N(C6)

3.50% 0.035 =N(C7)25-Dec-98 36154 =N(C8)

1 1 =N(C9)0 0 =N(C10)

Hello 0 =N(C11)0 =N(C12)

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