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Post on 06-Jan-2017






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Characteristics of Serviceswe’ll see the 5 charactersitics of service

Nature ofTourism Services


Jl IKPN Bintaro No 1, Pesanggrahan, Tanah Kusir, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12330, Indonesia

Topic 2 Characteristic of Service


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Let’s discuss the 5 characteristics above one by one. The first characteristic is intangibilityTourism services are primarily intangible. This means that tourism services do not have a physical dimension. They cannot be touched, seen, tasted, felt, heard, or smelled in the same way as goods before they are purchased.

Next, let’s discuss the second characteristic of service, i.e Inconsistency/ variabillity/ heterogeinity.Since employee performance fluctuates from day to day, it is difficult to achieve standardized tourism services. Consistency of service performance and uniformity in service quality depend on the consumers’ and providers’ demographic, socioeconomic, and psychological makeup and, in particular, the providers’ skills and willingness to do a good job.

Then, let’s look at the third characteristic of service, namely Inseparability/ simultaneityProduction and consumption of tourism services are inseparable. Tourism services cannot be produced in one place, transported for sale in another, and sold and consumed again in another.

A. Five Caracteristics of Service


Topic 2 Characteristic of Service

The fourth characteristic is Inventory (less) = perishability.Tourism services are perishable. They cannot be kept in stock or stored. For example, it is not possible to save the spare seat on a flight that is leaving today and move it to tomorrow’s flight is overbooked. The unsold airline ticket cannot be stored and used at a later date. Similarly, the unsold hotel room cannot be stored and used one night later.

The last characteristic is involvement/ participation of customer.The presence of the customer as a participant in the service process is an experience occuring in the front office of the service facility, and the quality of service is enhanced if the service facility is designed from the customer’s perspective.


Topic 2 Characteristic of Service

The Characteristics of Services

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