tps ppt+instnotes-s

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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tps ppt


  • Sistema de Produccin Toyota - Fundamentos -

  • TPSSistema de Produccin ToyotaSistema de Produccin Ajustada (M.I.T.)TPS (Sistema de Produccin Toyota)

    TPS es parte de nuestra filosofa empresarialconocida como La Manera Toyota

    El Sistema de Produccin Toyota no es lo mismo que el mtodo Toyota de produccin de vehculos

  • La esencia del TPSDespus de WWII:- El nivel de productividad industrial de Japn era 1/9 de EE.UU.- No se poda anticipar una rpida expansinEn 1950, Toyota produjo 11,000 vehculos (1/400 de GM)Para producir vehculos que pudieran competir con los precios de GM y Ford, se nos ocurrieron ideas empresariales y un sistema de produccin original del Japn.El Jidoka y Justo-a-Tiempo concebidos por Sakichi y Kiichiro Toyoda encarnados por Taiichi Ohno (Ex-VP), respaldados por el apoyo de Eiji Toyoda & Shoichi Saito (Expresidente del Consejo de Administracin).

  • 1894 Nacimiento de Kiichiro Toyoda1902Sakichi Toyoda invent un telar que se detena automticamente1918Se establece Toyota Spinning & Weaving Co. Se establece Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Kiichiro se convierte en Director1925Nacimiento de Shoichiro, hijo mayor de Kiichiro Kiichiro se convierte en Director de Toyota Spinning & Weaving Co.1933Se establece la Divisin Automotriz dentro de Toyoda Automatic Loom Works1937Se establece Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Kiichiro se convierte en Vice-Presidente1941Kiichiro se convierte en PresidenteEmpieza la Guerra del Pacfico Termina la Guerra del Pacfico1947Se arreglaron las mquinas en una lnea paralela

    Antecedentes HistricosLa Historia del TPS

  • 1949 Lnea Dodge (Poltica de Apretarse fuertemente el cinturn)1950 Condiciones Empresariales PeligrosasSe establece Toyota Motor SalesDisputa laboral2000 empleados despedidos, el Presidente Kiichiro renunciaEmpieza la Guerra de Corea1951 Auge de los negocios debido a la demanda especial creada por la guerra1952Decisin informal de reincorporar al Presidente Kiichiro en la reunin de accionistas en JulioKiichiro muere de una hemorragia cerebral en Marzo a los 57 aos de edad

    Kiichiro intent desesperadamente reunir dinero de varias fuentes pero sufri de fras respuestas por parte del Banco "S" y de "K" Steel Co.Antecedentes HistricosLa Historia del TPS

  • Inicio del Sistema de Produccin Toyota"Cuando Toyota se recupera, nunca vuelve a depender del apoyo de los bancos otra vez (negocio sin prstamos)". La ltima voluntad de Kiichiro se transform en la filosofa empresarial de Toyota y fue llevada a cabo por Taizo Ishida y Eiji Toyoda.Taiichi Ohno y otros incorporaron esta filosofa en el control de la produccin y en la manufactura genbaLa Historia del TPS

  • El inicio del TPSNo hacer o dejar pasar productos defectuososNo comprar o transportar cosas (materiales) que no se necesiten ahora

    No comprar o transportar cosas que no se pueden vender ahora

    Intercambiar los productos manufacturados por dinero lo ms pronto posible

  • Precio de ventaCostoGananciasCostoGananciasReduccin de costos mediante la completa eliminacin de MudaPreciodeventaCostoGananciasCostoGananciasBases del Sistema de Produccin ToyotaPoltica de Costos(Precio de venta fijado por costo y margen de ganancia)Reduccin de Costos(Precio de venta fijado por el mercado)Mejoras en produccin y transportacin y mejoras en el control

  • CostoCapacidad actual de Trabajo = Trabajo + MudaSobreproduccinEsperaTransportacinSobre-Procesamiento/CalidadInventario (fondos no recuperados)MovimientoDefectos de ProduccinCul es el peor tipo de Muda?Qu es reduccin de costos?7 Tipos de MudaMuda es malo...Pero el mayor problema es que a menudo no nos damos cuenta de que existe el Muda!

  • Productividad de la Mano de obraNo es la clase de mejoras de productividad en donde a la gente se le dice "Hzlo rpidamente!" o "Hzlo corriendo!" TPS Las actividades de kaizen se tratan acerca de:

    Cambiar los movimientos desperdiciados en trabajo que agregue valor

  • Justo-a-Tiempo Jidoka (Control de Irregularidades)Los Dos Pilares del TPS

  • Qu es necesario para el cliente...? Qu es necesario para el trabajo? Artculos Necesarios Tiempo Necesario Cantidad Necesaria (No mantener inventario innecesario o hacer inventario innecesario)Los Dos Pilares del TPSJusto-a-Tiempo

  • Igualar a la velocidad de las ventasRitmo de produccin (Tiempo Takt)Hacer uno a la vez, sin acumulacinProcesamiento de Flujo ContinuoProducir y transportar nicamente los elementos necesarios en el tiempo necesario y en la cantidad necesariaVender uno y entonces hacer otroSistema por demanda (pull)Principios Bsicos de Justo-a-Tiempo(Heijunka como prerrequisito de Justo-a-Tiempo)

  • Igualar a la velocidad de las ventasRitmo de produccin (Tiempo Takt)Hacer uno a la vez, sin acumulacinProcesamiento de Flujo ContinuoVender uno y entonces hacer otroSistema por demanda (pull)Principios Bsicos de Justo-a-Tiempo(Heijunka como prerrequisito de Justo-a-Tiempo)Producir y transportar nicamente los elementos necesarios en el tiempo necesario y en la cantidad necesaria

  • Secuencia de manufactura cuando existen muchos tipos- Una situacin en la que el tipo y la cantidad se emparejan con el transcurso del tiempoSignificado de HeijunkaTiempo extra ayer, Hoy tiempo muerto dentro del horario normal de trabajoQu sucede en el proceso anterior y en el siguiente?Aumento del tiempo de entrega y fluctuaciones de inventario y espacio

    Tiempo de entrega reducido, menores requisitos de espacio, permite una produccin eficiente12

  • - Cuando se aplica a Servicios del Concesionario...Unidades/Carga de trabajo Min.Periodo/Tiempo Max.Min.Unidades/Carga de trabajo Periodo/TiempoSignificado de HeijunkaCantidad (Unidades Servidas)Tipos (Mantenimiento Peridico)UnidadesMes o DaGRPM L, MPM H

    Mes o DaUnidadesGRPM L, M

    PM H

  • 1.Vender mientras se aplica Heijunka2. Acortar el tiempo de entrega por debajo del nivel del mercado, recopilar informacin y empezar produccin mientras se aplica Heijunka(Recopilar cosas y empezar produccin mientras se aplica Heijunka)3. Hacer esperar a los clientes y empezarproduccin mientras se aplica HeijunkaLado de ventas kaizenLado de Produccin kaizenPueden los Concesionarios ofrecer un excelente servicio y hacer esperar que los clientes lo esperen?Mtodo Heijunka

  • Igualar a la velocidad de las ventasRitmo de produccin (Tiempo Takt)Hacer uno a la vez, sin acumulacinProcesamiento de Flujo ContinuoVender uno y entonces hacer otroSistema por demanda (pull)Principios Bsicos de Justo-a-Tiempo(Heijunka como prerrequisito de Justo-a-Tiempo)Producir y transportar nicamente los elementos necesarios en el tiempo necesario y en la cantidad necesaria

  • Ritmo de produccin (Tiempo Takt)Qu es el ritmo de produccin o Tiempo Takt?Tiempo estndar para produccin (Velocidad necesaria de la produccin)Cantidad de produccin necesaria por 1 daTiempo de Operacin por 1 da (minutos)Ritmo de produccin (Tiempo Takt)Cuando las horas hbiles en un da son 8 (480 minutos) y es necesario producir 96 productosRitmo de produccin = (Tiempo Takt)96 productos480 minutos= 5 minutosEjemplo

  • Igualar a la velocidad de las ventasRitmo de produccin (Tiempo Takt)Hacer uno a la vez, sin acumulacinProcesamiento de Flujo ContinuoVender uno y entonces hacer otroSistema por demanda (pull)Principios Bsicos de Justo-a-Tiempo(Heijunka como prerrequisito de Justo-a-Tiempo)Producir y transportar nicamente los elementos necesarios en el tiempo necesario y en la cantidad necesaria

  • - Tiempo de entrega estable y ms cortoTT (Tiempo Takt)TTTTTTTTTTTTTTLT = TT x 8Propsito del Procesamiento de Flujo ContinuoInstalaciones: Disposicin de la secuencia de procesoPersonal; Con Mltiples habilidadesActivos: Produccin uno por unoPara la disposicin, se necesitan L/T ms corto y una mejor productividadNo se detiene la lnea: Preparada para continuar kaizen

  • Igualar a la velocidad de las ventasRitmo de produccin (Tiempo Takt)Hacer uno a la vez, sin acumulacinProcesamiento de Flujo ContinuoVender uno y entonces hacer otroSistema por demanda (pull)Principios Bsicos de Justo-a-Tiempo(Heijunka como prerrequisito de Justo-a-Tiempo)Producir y transportar nicamente los elementos necesarios en el tiempo necesario y en la cantidad necesaria

  • Sistema por demanda (pull)El siguiente proceso toma (pull) del proceso anterior slo la cantidad necesaria de los artculos necesarios en el momento necesario.

    Evitar la acumulacin entre procesos y garantizar flujo de una piezaProducir y transportar nicamente lo que se vendeSistema Kanban

  • Sistema Kanban = Sistema de Control (No TPS)Kanban

    Kanban son herramientas kaizen y de control para lograr JIT(1) Informacin para instrucciones y mtodos relacionados con la produccin y el transporte(2) Herramientas de control visual1. Para evitar sobre-produccin2. Para mostrar el estado del progreso (atraso / adelanto)(3) Herramientas Kaizen de procesos -Roles de Kanban

  • Arreglar estos factores es responsabilidad de la gerencia y los supervisores, no del personal Genba- Tres Factores en la Instruccin relacionada a la Produccin: Completar estos 3 requisitos para empezar el trabajoQu se har, cundo y cmo se transportar?Secuencia de Produccin y TransportacinArreglar los materiales necesarios para produccinTres Factores para Instruccin de la ProduccinKanban(Informacin)SecuenciaMateriales

  • 1. La Calidad se fabrica dentro de los productos en cada proceso2. Manpower-savingNo producir o dejar pasar productos defectuosos Do not assign staff to watch over machines Los Dos Pilares del TPS

    En el peor caso, detectar y detener el flujo de productos defectuosos (Control de Calidad Jikotei-kanketsu)(1) No hacer productos defectuososNo se envan productos defectuosos al siguiente procesoJidoka ("Control de Irregularidades")

    (2) Si se detectan productos defectuosos en el proceso, no deben salir de dicho proceso

  • 1. Quality is built into the products at each processDo not produce or pass on defective products Los Dos Pilares del TPS2. Ahorro de mano de obraNo asignar personal para vigilar las mquinasJidoka ("Control de Irregularidades")En la medida que sea necesario, este sistema y concepto permite que contine la produccin sin prdidas, sin importar la cantidad de personalSeparacin de los trabajos por personal y mquinas

  • Control de IrregularidadesControl de IrregularidadesMonitorear nicamente las irregularidades(Mejorar la eficiencia de la administracin)Hacer claramente visible a la irregularidadEl proceso se detiene cuando existe una irregularidad

    1. La Calidad se fabrica dentro de los productos en cada proceso2. Ahorro de mano de obraNo producir o dejar pasar productos defectuososNo asignar personal para vigilar las mquinas

  • La calidad de la inspeccin tiende a caerDetectar un producto defectuoso durante la inspeccinLas irregularidades slo se pueden encontrar mediante la inspeccinAumentar el nmero de inspecciones a 2 a 3 para las reas que pasaron desapercibidasEj.) Slo inspeccin final NG Realizar 2 inspecciones finales NG 3 inspecciones finales Control de IrregularidadesMtodo TradicionalResultadoAlto costo de mano de obra (inspeccin y correccin)Largo tiempo de entrega(aumento de costos)Cada en CSDesplazar el tiempo y costo al cliente

  • "No cumple con los criterios o estndares para "completarse"Cules son los criterios y estndares?

    Los criterios de calidad que juzgan que un producto es de calidad superior sin defectos ni anormalidades

    Los procedimientos estndar de operacin que se enfocan en el movimiento de personas para producir productos de alta calidad de manera segura y eficienteEn Genba de Servicio...Citas sin detalles del trabajo ni fecha de entrega.

    Una orden de reparacin con pedidos del cliente que an no se ha confirmado.Revisiones peridicas que no cumplen con los estndares de mantenimiento.Qu es una irregularidad?Control de IrregularidadesEn Toyota

  • Have not met the criteria or standards for completionWhat are the criteria and standards?

    The quality criteria that judge a product to be of superior quality without any defects or abnormalities

    The standard operation procedures that focuses on the movement of people to produce high quality products in a safe and efficient mannerAt the Service GenbaAppointments with no job details or delivery dateA repair order with customer requests that have not yet been confirmedPeriodic checks with that dont meet maintenance standardsWhat is an irregularity?Control de IrregularidadesAt ToyotaEl Control de Irregularidades de Toyota esControl Visual = (Visualizacin de Irregularidades)(1) Aclarar el estndar/criterio de calidad para cada proceso y para el producto terminado(2) Crear y cumplir los procedimientos estndar de operacin(3) Implementacin de un mecanismo a prueba de fallas para controlar y visualizar deficiencias de calidad (Incorporar en los procedimientos estndar de operacin)

  • Control de IrregularidadesMonitorear nicamente las irregularidades(Mejorar la eficiencia de la administracin)Instalaciones Kanban Existencias estndar de inventario Tabla de Control de Proceso Cantidad Estndar de ExistenciasPersonalCosas Andon Procedimiento Estndar de OperacinControl de IrregularidadesEl proceso se detiene cuando existe una irregularidad Tabla de Procedimientos Sistema de paro de posicin fija MarcapasosControl de IrregularidadesHacer claramente visible a la irregularidad

  • Control de IrregularidadesControl de IrregularidadesCuando ocurre una irregularidad, analizar las causas raz y crear inmediatamente una contramedida

    Evitar la recurrencia es de lo que se trata el "Control de Irregularidades"Administracin Genba es control de irregularidades La no administracin es buena administracin Sin necesidad de administrar en circunstancias normalesContinuar preguntando "Por qu?, Por qu?"Control de IrregularidadesMonitorear nicamente las irregularidades(Mejorar la eficiencia de la administracin)El proceso se detiene cuando existe una irregularidadHacer claramente visible a la irregularidad

  • Requisitos bsicos para kaizen1. Proceder con kaizen en base a las necesidades 2. Procurar el estado ideal: No slo haga lo que pueda, haga lo que debe3. Cultivar una manera de pensar Genchi Genbutsu4. Encontrar las causas raz utilizando el mtodo de los 5-Por qus? (5-W)5. Las ideas se crearn al tomar acciones6. Es mejor apresurar pequeas mejoras que deliberar hasta encontrar grandes mejoras7. Efectuar kaizen del proceso antes que el kaizen del equipo8. Asegurar la calidad y seguridad del trabajo como prerrequisitos de kaizen

  • "A pesar de que saber los resultados si lo hago de esta forma, estoy obligado a hacerlo de otro modo."Espritu Kaizenpor Taiichi Ohno

  • Gracias

    *Good morning everyone.I would like to explain the basic concepts of TPS.Explain the sequence of the PPTIntroduction (pg. 1-2)History(pg. 3-8)Basis(pg. 9-11)TPS Pillars and structure (pg. 12-36)JITJidokaKaizen(pg. 37-38)*The Toyota Production System is called by various name;Toyota Production System, Lean Production System or simply TPS.Actually, TPS is part of our business philosophy known as the Toyota Way.

    Position of the TPS*TPS is part of our business philosophy known as Toyota Way

    M.I.T.= Massachusetts Institute of Technology*Generally, it is said that the Toyota Production System arose due to the background shown on this slide.

    Industrial productivity of Japan after the World War was one-ninth that of the US. Taking into consideration the market size of Japan at that time, rapid production expansion could not be anticipated.

    In fact, the number of production vehicles in Toyota in 1950 was 11,000 units. This was one-four hundredth of GM.

    Under this situation, TMC had to create an original Japanese production system to produce vehicles cost-competitive against GM and Ford at a low cost by means of small-scale production. Finally, we realized the benefits of Jidoka and Just-In-Time.Explain the beginning of TPS How to compete with a small scale of production against large scale?

    Toyoda Kiichiro aim was: Catch up with America in three years*Now, I would like to explain the historical background behind TPS.In 1902 Mr. Sakichi Toyoda invented a loom that would stop automatically if any of the threads snapped.The founding president of Toyota Motor Corporation, Mr. Kiichiro Toyoda, undertook automotive manufacturing in 1933.The Pacific War broke out in 1941.

    Explain the historical background of TPS *1902 Sakichi Toyoda invented a loom that would stop automatically. Concept of Jidoka*1947 Arranged machines in parallel line Separate Job of machine and man

    Jidoka concept: Separate the job of the machine and manIn 1947, Mr. Taiichi Ohno arranged machines in parallel lines and tried having one worker operate three or four machines along the processing route.*In 1949, a super belt-tightening policy called Dodges Line was implemented to reconstruct public finance after the War.Toyota, having resumed production in 1950, was directly affected by the Dodges Line and ran into financial difficulties. Furthermore, Toyota could not receive any support from the bank and the steel company, and it was forced to split off the sales area into a separate company. After a heated labor dispute, 2000 workers were laid off.The experience at that time became the background to establish the Toyota Production System.In 1952, Mr. Kiichiro Toyoda, who resigned to take the responsibility for financial crisis, was informally reinstated as the president, after the business was recovered by special procurements from the Korean War. However, he passed away at the age of 57.

    Historical Background of TPSKiichiro tried to rise money from various sources, but suffered cold-hearted responsesDodge Line was a financial and monetary contraction policy drafted by Joseph Dodge for Japan to gain economic independence after World War II. It was announced on March 7, 1949. *Mr. Kiichiro Toyodas philosophy was When Toyota gets back on its feet, let's build up a management culture that never relies on the support of banks. This strong philosophy was taken over by Mr. Taizo Ishida, Mr. Eiji Toyoda and Mr. Taiichi Ono.It was the beginning of the Toyota Production System.

    For instructor's reference: Important events related TPS in the following years* For the American's supermarket Mr. Taiichi Ohno got the idea of viewing the earlier process in a production line as a kind of store. The later process (customer) goes to the earlier process (supermarket) to acquire the required parts (commodities) at the time and in the quantity needed. The early process immediately produces the quantity just taken (restocking the shelves).* In 1962 Kanban was adopted company-wide. It took 10 years to establish Kanban at the Toyota Motor Company. * The oil crisis in the fall of 1973 followed by the recession affected government, business and society all over the world. By 1974, Japan's economy had collapsed but Toyota's earnings were sustained in 1975, 1976 and 1977 at a level greater than other companies. It made people wonder what was happening at Toyota.

    The History of TPS

    TPS comes from the necessity to be efficient in the use of the resources.

    -Historical event: The availability of money for companies manufacturing was limited for this reason they had to be efficient in the use of its resources.-Until mid-1950s American style supermarket appeared in Japan.*Concepts to achieve

    Business without Loans means: Do not buy or transport things unneeded now. Do not produce or transport things that cannot be sold now. Exchange produced goods for money as soon as possible.(Just in Time concept)And do not make or pass on defective goods(Jidoka Concept)

    These are the beginnings of TPS, known as Just-in-Time and Jidoka.

    Explain well about Toyota business style: Do not depend on support of banks

    Is important understand and know the history of the TPS and the successful of it. Believe in the system is the first step to desire apply it. Then we can see how we can apply it in our work.*The basic concept of the Toyota Production System is the reduction of cost by thorough by eliminating Muda in other words waste.In the traditional cost policy, the selling price is set by adding profit to the cost.In the Toyota Production System, it is thought that sale price should be decided by market and cost reduction, which leads to increased in profit.This cost reduction policy able Toyota set competitive prices for high quality products.*Make a clear explanation of the difference between Cost Policy and Cost Reduction*Cost reduction means elimination of Muda. Current work capacity consists of work plus Mudas.There are 7 types of Muda as shown here.Overproduction (e.g.,: Receiving orders beyond the capacity of the maintenance process, such as during morning rush hour)Waiting (e.g.,: Job waiting by technician and car-wash staff)Transportation (e.g.,: Transport of vehicles and parts)Over Processing / Quality (e.g.,: When time is taken to ensure that a parking brake lever is pulled up exactly three notches, even though any setting in the standard range of 3-7 notches is acceptable.)Stock (e.g.,.: Stock of spare parts / Vehicles serviced and not delivered to the customer.)Movement (e.g.,: Unnecessary motions or body movement by technicians that do not add value to the process)Production defects (e.g.,: Repeat repair)

    If you are aware of Muda, you can improve it. The biggest problem is that we are often unaware of Muda.

    Well, what is the worst Muda in the seven Mudas?

    Answer: Overproduction. Muda leads to other Mudas. Stock=Storage space and supervisor. Transportation=Remove and sorting. Movement=Search. Defects=Corrosion, scratch, etc.

    Do you give any example of Muda in your live of work? 7 Types of Muda*Explain what is Muda using some example*Muda = Waste = CostEverybody understand why is important to recognize the Muda?

    *There are two methods to improve labor productivity.The first one is working harder. In other words, Do it quickly!. Run!.This kind of method isn't used in the Toyota Production System.In the Toyota Production System, we try to reduce the amount of Muda and increase the amount of productive work.

    Everybody can understand the basis of the TPS?

    Explanation of kaizen by utilizing TPS

    *There are 2 pillars in the Toyota Production System.They are Just-In-Time and Jidoka.Now I'll explain the structure in detail.

    Two pillars of TPS - Just-in-Time - Jidoka

    *Just-In-Time means Supply only the necessary items at the necessary time in the necessary quantity from the previous process.In other words, do not engage or cause others to engage in tasks that are irrelevant to the process. Consequently, work capacity can be clarified.In JIT, the next process is the customer, and the role of the previous process is sales and production.JIT meaning (Just-in-Time)

    *To realize Just-In-Time Production, we have to accomplish with Heijunka at a precondition and then try to set three basic principles to the operation: Takt-Time, Continuous Flow Processing and Pull System.

    Three(3) Basic Principles*Now I am going to explain the precondition (a requirement) of Just-In-Time, Heijunka.

    Heijunka means leveling of production. Heijunka as precondition of Just-in-Time*This is how to level the workload by introducing the Heijunka concept.

    In the slide are three types of workloads: Heavy (circle), Medium (triangle) and Light (square). If too many Heavy and Medium workloads coincide, it becomes difficult to complete products according to takt-time.Therefore, as shown in this figure, equal combination of loads makes workload Heijunka possible.

    Regarding the production line of: circles, triangles and squares, what happen in the previous and next process, in the line 1 and in the line 2? (see the presentation)

    In the line 1, the supply of part for triangles have to wait, because the first stage is only producing squares, so the supplier of triangles needs spaces and inventories control, in the same way if some customer (the next process) want to buy triangles, they have to wait.It is very different with the situation in the 2nd line, where you can reduce previous inventory and the production is very similar with the requirement of the market.

    Meaning of Heijunka

    Explain Heijunka using a simple example*Its possible to apply Heijunka in: Quantity.- Obtain or assign homogeneous quantity of activities (customers) during the work day. Example: When the Dealers didnt accept more appointments.Types.- Balance (mix) the types or kind of activities in order to distribute the load. Example: During the appointment we can program an adequate quantity of maintenances and repairs.

    Meaning of Heijunka*Use example from Service Area to make Heijunka easy to understandFor example, TSM control board has ASB. This is to visualize all available stall and technicians. As a results Dealer staff can know the quantity and types of daily jobs.*There is the Heijunka Method,Sell While applying Heijunka.- Give the adequate number of appointments according the workshop capacity. Shorten lead-time below market level.- The production have been organized in order to balance the work load. Dont have technician having overtime and technician with idle time, It is double waste because: In one case, the overtime is more expensiveIn the second case, have to pay the idle timeOffering an excellent product or service and make customers want it, in some case they have to wait in long lines. This situation reduce the fluctuation (good for the production) but wait in long lines is not good from the point of view of customers.Heijunka Method*When you explain case #3, make clear why is it not good to make waiting line by other countries case

    In service operations, we apply Heijunka to level out appointments for reception.However, we must have flexibility to handle walk-in customers. Being flexible and able to accept customer requests at short notice is also applying Heijunka. *The first principle of Just In Time is Takt Time

    Three(3) basic principles

    *Takt time is the time that is required to produce a single component or vehicle.In general, takt time is a value derived from dividing daily regular work time by daily requirements.If there are fluctuations in a day, it is necessary to consider requirements by hours, minutes and seconds.Please note that we do not use takt-lize, takt flow or takt line for takt time.

    Takt Time

    Example for instructor's reference:For clean one vehicle we have 3 task: Wash, dry and interior clean. If we need to clean 96 vehicles in 8 hours (480 minutes). Takt Time = 480/96 = 5 minutesIf the Cycle time is:Cycle Time (Wash) = 10 minutes Cycle Time (Dry) = 15 minutes Cycle Time (Interior) = 5 minutesLEAD TIME Takt Time x Number of work stationsTAKT TIMECYCLE TIME The actual amount of time required for a worker to complete 1 cycle of their entire job processL/T = 5 x 3 (5 minutes and 3 work stations) = 15 minutes2. Calculate the Lead Time?1. Calculate the Takt Time? Man power (wash) = Cycle Time/Takt time = 10/5 = 2 man powerMan power (dry) = Cycle Time/Takt time = 15/5 = 3 man power Man power (interior clean) = Cycle Time/Takt time = 05/5 = 1 man power 3. Calculate the Man power?MAN POWER = Cycle Time / Takt TimeNote: For avoid stagnation between process we need 2 man power in wash, 3 man power in dry and 1 cleaning the interior so every process can be finish in 5 minutes, the speed of production or Takt Time (to achieve the target of 96 vehicles in 480 minutes)*The second principle is Continuous Flow ProcessingThree(3) Basic Principles *In continuous flow processing, production is carried out one piece at a time with no stagnation of goods between processes.Compared with lot production, one-piece production can drastically reduce stagnation time.The ability to handle multiple processes and skills is necessary to realize a vertical flow as shown in this slide.Also arrangement of process order and orderly flow are means for stagnation prevention.(Play video of one-piece at a time production.)

    Purpose of Continuous Flow Processing

    *The last principle is the Pull System

    Three (3) Basic Principles*Pull System means that the next process takes only necessary quantity of the necessary items at the necessary time from the previous process.As a general rule, Avoid stagnation between processes and guarantee one piece flow. To smoothly conduct pull system, the Kanban System is used.Relation between Pull System and Kanban*Kanban are control tools to realize Just-In-Time.The roles of Kanban are:Information: -Pick up or transportation information -Production information(2) Visual Control Tools: -Prevents overproduction and excessive transport -Serves as a work order sequence attached to goods (3) Process Kaizen Tools: -Prevents defective products by identifying the process making the defectives -Reveal existing problems and maintains inventory controlDo you have any questions?

    (Please pay attention to the animation slide)KanbanGive example of Kanban in the Dealer shop?Example: R.O.*The three factors for production related instruction are Kanban, Sequence and Materials.Unless all three factors are prepared, production cannot be launched. Even if production is launched, the processing immediately stops.Arrangement of these three factors is the responsibility of a manager or supervisor, not the worksite.

    Three Factors for Production Instruction

    *This slide if for reference to understand the factor for production.

    *Do not produce or pass on defective products means:Do not make defective productsIf defective products are detected in the process, they should not flow out from that process. As a result, we prevent the occurrence of Muda.

    Quality is built into the products at each process*Important point is Non-defective products are sent on to the next process

    Detect and stop the flowing out of defective products

    Jikoutei Kanketsu = Quality must be built-in within each process

    Original example:The loom stopped instantly if a problem occurs so:-Do not produce or pass defective products-Do not assign staff to watch over machines (save man power and reduce cost)

    *Do not assign staff to watch over machines means:Separating of jobs by staff and machine. Due machines can stop, a worker can handle multiple machines, in consequence man power saving occurs.Manpower-saving*Separating of jobs by staff and machine*Not necessary to watch over machine * Increase productivity and think about resources*In order to achieve this points, irregularity control is required.Irregularity control is:Stop the process when there is an irregularityMake the irregularity clearly visibleOnly monitor (check for) for irregularities

    Irregularity Control*Do not produce or pass on defective products (Quality is built into the products of each process)

    *Stop the process if you find any irregularity(Do not produce or pass on defective products)

    Manpower-savingFinally, we do not make any defective products(Jikoutei Kanketsu = Quality must be built-in within each process)

    *The general method to detect an irregularity is detect a defective product during inspection; in this case, the labor cost and the lead time increased, which results in a drop in customer satisfaction.Difference between TMC Irregularity Control and General Irregularity Control

    *Detect a defective product during inspection-> More inspections-> More manpower

    *The Toyota ideal is does not meet the criteria or standards for completionTo do so, it is necessary to set standards (rules) for determining what is irregular or regular.It is required to perform troubleshooting and take measures for recurrence prevention when an irregularity occurs.To control irregularities proficiently, it is necessary to have the conviction that we never overlook rule infractions .If the rule is not followed or ignored when irregularity occurs, then a new rule will be established which will cause decline in quality.

    Difference between TMC Irregularity Control and General Irregularity Control

    *Have not met the criteria or standards for completion->Standardization is required

    *In others words Toyota's Visual Control is:Clarify the quality standard for each processCreate and comply with standard operation proceduresImplement of fail-safe mechanism to control and visualize quality deficiencies

    Visual control = Irregularity visualizationSteps of Irregularity control

    Standardization is required

    *The following are visual control tools. In any case, the point is to recognize irregularity.(Reference)Andon: Electric bulletin board that makes irregular location recognize at a glance to encourage involved persons to take actionStandardized operation procedure: The procedure that everyone must follow. TPS organizes all jobs around human motion and creates an efficient production sequence without any Muda. It is made up of three elements: Takt time, working sequence and standard on hand stock. In Toyota, Standard Operation Procedure changes according to the process kaizen activity. Therefore, this is one of kaizen tools. Fixed position stop system: System in which the line does not stop immediately after the switch for stopping line is pressed, and stops when it reaches the fixed position in conveyor production system.Pacemaker: Display equipment that shows target work speed based on standard time of work.Kanban: Control tool to realize JIT production. The role of Kanban is to visually control of production and delivery related instruction. Also it is the tool for improving process and operation.Standard on-hand stock: Minimum needed to proceed with operations in repeated sequence and movement in process, when working according to work procedureProcess Control Board: Visual control tool to manage irregularity. Displays job progress, appointment, job planning and results, irregularity details, etc. in case of irregularity occurs the staff makes countermeasures according to the standard operation procedure. Standard Stock Quantity: The maximum inventory position to identify overstock.Examples of Visual Control Tools:*Visual ControlUsing by Facilities (Andon) to visualize Irregularity. Using Kanban to visualize irregularity

    Give some examples in the Dealer shop?

    Regarding Kodawari, the available space in the R.O. is a irregularity control.When some information is missing means that something is wrong (do not follow the standard operation procedure.) For example if the telephone number is missing: is difficult to make follow up or contact the customer if any approval is necessary, then a problem could happen. *Now I will explain the irregularity control in the work site.No management is good management. This is very difficult to understand. Does anyone understand the meaning?It means that we have to control only irregularities and leave regularity as it is. So, it probably means that there is no need to control if it is always in regular condition.What irregularity means?Irregularity can be defined as something out of standards.Only after clarifying what is irregularity, it is possible to control visually.

    Management only irregularities*Genba management is irregularity control only.-> No need to manage under normal conditions*When an irregularity occurs analyze, immediately take action.Find the root cause and create a countermeasure.This is TMC Irregularity Control.

    *In order to understand and apply the TPS we need know the basic requirements for kaizen,

    The basic attitudes to proceed with TPS are --- (Read in the column)Any questions?

    Basic requirements for kaizen*For summarize the meaning of the kaizen spirit I want to share with you a thought of Taiichi Ohno:DESPITE KNOWING THE OUTCOME IF I DO IT THIS WAY, I AM COMPELLED TO DO OTHERWISEKaizen Sprit (Mr. Taiichi Ohno)*Use similar example to explain his message*THANK YOU!

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