types of diet in hospital

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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The diets in Hospita;




1. Normal Diet

Carb – 50-55% Pro – 15-20% Fat – 25 - 35%

2. Vegetarian Diet Vegan – plant source only Lacto vegetarian – plant source, milk, milk product Lacto-ovo vegetarian - plant source, milk, milk product, eggs Types of food with amino acid sources :

o Cereals, tubers

o milk, milk product

o nuts – kuaci, bijian

o nuts – soya, green bean, peas, tempe, fucuk, peanut

Pediatric diet: 1-3 yrs – 1000 kcal

4-6 yrs – 1400 kcal

7-9 yrs – 1800 kcal

3. Clear Liquid Diet

Liquid at r.t that has easy to digest nutrients, easy to absorp, minimal residul in GI post-op, digestion prob eg: glucose, polycose, honey, soup, meat extract, barley, filtered fruit juice oral or tube

4. Nourishing Liquid Diet enteral formula (long term)

- can’t get enough nutrients from oral diet, malnutrition, in ICU, or pt who can only take liquid diet- 4 types : polymeric, elemental, modular, specific condition

pt who can’t chew, swallow, eat solid food eg for short term : choc drink powder, malt drinks, yogurt, ice cream oral or tube

5. Blenderised Diet

eg: mixed porridge – porridge + vege + fish/chicken + a bit oil can drink or use straw , but not tube for pt who got no teeth, cant chew, cant swallow cause of probs in mouth, esophagus,

laring; radiation at mouth part, kids or geriatric (old ppl)

6. Mixed Porridge Diet 6-12 mth baby but still need milk geriatric chew, swallow prob, soft food

7. Minced Diet soft food

8. Soft Diet same prob

also for pt who has diarrhea, vomit, sick, GI prob avoid chilli, vinegar, spices


9. Bland Diet

avoid food additives, spices, high fat food, chilli, vinegar, lime, sourish for pt with GI irritation, gastritis, peptic ulcer, etc less milk – milk induce acid release limit coffee, tea avoid citrus fruits

10. Diabetic Diet

control sugar, weight no sugary food vege for lunch and dinner advisable: high fiber food, no simple sugar, no saturated fats divide the carbs throughout the day

11. Protein Modified Diet

low pro – to decrease urea high pro (>90g/day) – malnutrition pt for sepsis, post-op, burnt, trauma injury, cancer, pulmonary, hepatic (liver), kidney high quality pro – from animal

12. Fat Modified Diet

hepatic, bile, pancreas, absorption prob use grill, steam, soup, stew chicken fat and skin throw skim milk instead of coconut milk & full cream milk

13. Low Cholesterol Diet – Low Fat Diet

<300 mg cho hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia avoid egg yolk (2/week), internal organ use the cooking method same as 12. chicken skin & fats throw margarine instead of butter

14. Low Salt / Sodium Diet

<1000mg avoid processed food, cencaluk, belacan, sauces

15. Low/High Potassium Diet

hyper/hypokalemia low K - kidney prob

- vege & fruits – 2 servings/day

- cut vege > soak in water for 30-60 mins > change water

High K – take more fruits, vege

16. Low Purine Diet

for gout

High purine food:o Pro: liver, heart, meat, anchovy, sardine, crab, meat extract

o Beans : legumes, bean, lentils,peas

o Grains : bread, cereals, wholemeat, oat

o Vege : cabbage, spinach, mushroom, avocado, asparagus

avoid alcohol, less fat

17. Low Phosphate Diet

for hyperphosphataemia, kidney probs limit fish, prawn, meat vein carbs take complex carbs

18. Low Oxalate Diet

has stones (calcium oxalate) avoid beans, sweet potato, celery, choc, coffee, tea, blackberry, beer

19. Low Vit K Diet

interaction with Warfarin vit K usually in vege

Limit high vit K food : kalian, spinach, parsley, broccoli, cabbage, salad, green sawi, white sawi, soya, tauhu, canola oil, mayonnaise, green tea

20. VMA Diet (vanilluylmandelic)

for phaeochromocytoma = neuroblastoma = vascular tumour of adrenal medulla (above kidney) > irregular epi & norepinephrine > ↑bp, palpitation, headache

a 3 day test in urine avoid: vanilla, biscuit, cake, tea, coffee, choc, coke, citrus fruit, banana, custard, ice

cream, sugar, nuts, tomato, asparagus, eggplant

21. Fecal Fat Test

100g/day (high fat) – usual is 70g/day this test is for steahorrhea

22. Low Fiber & Residue Diet

easy to digest food for ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s, diverticulitis, esophageal stenosis, & to decrease shitting avoid nuts, legumes vege < 2 serving/day milk < 1 serving/day

23. High Fiber

20-35g/day for GI, CVD, colon cancer, diverticulitis, constipation, IBS, Crohn’s, obese, hypercho take oat, tubers, ubi, nuts

24. Gliadin/Gluten Free Diet

for nontropical sprue, celiac sprue, dermatitis herpetiformis avoid rye, oat, barley,grains can eat rice, corn

25. Lactose Free Diet

less milk so take Ca supplement, vit A,D, riboflavin

26. Tonsilectomy Diet

soft food eat ice cream, milk, barley, the, milo cold de – on operation day a day after op – soup, egg, fish, chicken, vege – but soft one not advisable hot food

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