unit 3 colour spectrum

Post on 26-Oct-2014






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Task 1Listen to and sing the song along.



Edelweiss, edelweiss

Every morning you greet me

Small and white

Clean and bright

You look happy to meet me


Tujuan Pembelajaran:

Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu:

1. melafalkan warna (colours).

2. mengidentifikasi makna kata yang terkait dengan warna


3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks.

4. menggunakan noun phrases untuk mendeskripsikan


5. mengungkapkan pola kalimat dengan menggunakan

noun phrases

6. menggunakan pola noun phrase untuk menyusun kata

acak menjadi kalimat yang runtut.

6. menentukan adjectives yang tepat dalam kalimat


Blossom as snow

May you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweiss

Bless my homeland forever

Discuss these questions with your teacher.

1. What is the flower in the song?

2. What is the colour of the flower in the song?

3. What is the song about?

Task 2Listen and repeat.

red adjective

blue adjective

yellow adjective

orange adjective

green adjective

purple adjective

indigo adjective

violet adjective


Task 3


Read the following text.Primary Colours

Life is full of colours. The colours of living and non-living things are so

diverse. Animals, flowers, trees, sky, rainbow, sea, and so on are in amazing

colours. Though there are so many colours in life, there are only three

primary colours. Can you name those colours? Yes, you are right. Red, blue,

and yellow are primary colours. You cannot get primary colours from any

other colours. Every other colour is a mixture of these three colours.

Task 4Work with your friend. Name the colour for the following things. Check (√) the right colour.

No. Things





1 Lemon

2 Sky

3 Strawberry

4 Sea

5 Apple

Task 5Read another text carefully.

The Colours of Rainbow


What is a curved shape of different colours seen in the sky when rain is

falling and the sun is shining? Yes, it is a rainbow. A rainbow is one of the

natural phenomena. It usually appears after rain. The sun light is dispersed

by the water droplets. This produces a rainbow. There are seven colours of

the rainbow. They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Red, blue, and yellow are primary colours. While, the colours that you get by

mixing primary colours are called secondary colours. You will get orange

when you mix red and yellow. You will have green if you mix blue and yellow.

Task 6Are the following statements True or False?

1. Circle is the shape of a rainbow. (T/ F)

2. A rainbow is a natural phenomenon. (T/ F)

3. We see a rainbow before rain. (T/ F)


4. There are six colours in a rainbow. (T/ F)

5. White is one colour in a rainbow. (T/ F)

6. A rainbow consists of three primary colours and four secondary ones.

(T/ F)

7. Green is a mixture of brown and yellow. (T/ F)

8. You will get orange when mixing red and yellow. (T/ F)


Task 5Let’s study how to make a noun phrase. Notice the following examples.

Number Adjective Thing


One yellow lemon

Two yellow pears

Seven different colors

Twelve red strawberries

Task 6Work in groups of four. Choose one of the following pictures. Describe the picture as the example below.

Picture 1


If there is only one thing, you write:

There is one colourful butterfly in the park.

If more than one, you write:

There are three yellow flowers in the park.

Picture 2 At the Zoo

Taken from New English Parade 3 (Herrera and Zanatta, 2000)



Task 7Now let’s play a game. Work with a friend. Choose your riddle cards and ask and answer a question like this:


Pick your riddle cards here.


Task 8Match the description on the left column with the pictures on the right one.


I am green. I live in a pond. I eat mosquitoes. I jump high. I have four legs. Who am I?

You are a frog.

I am an animal. I am black and white.

I am fat. I live in the North Pole.

I am an animal.

I am the king of the jungle.


I am an animal. I am black and white.

I look like a stripy horse.

I am an animal. I eat mice.

I look like a small tiger.


I am a bird. I am a carnivore.

I am the symbol of the United States of America.

I am a carnivore. I live on land and in water.

I look like a big lizard.

No. Description Things Surrounding You



Youth like to visit this place. They

watch their favorite movies.

They are yellow and long. You usually

eat them as popcorn.



3. They are red and green. They are hot

and your mouth will produce the sound

of huh..hah…huh.. when you eat them.


4. They are white. Vampires hate them

very much.




They are like a cylinder and green. You

usually slice them and put them in

your sandwich.


6. Their outer skin is brown, but the

inside one is white. They make your

eyes cry when you peel them.


7. They are orange. Rabbits like eating



8. This place is the home of many

interesting and nice books. Students

like to spend their time to read their

favorite books in this place.


9. This place is holy and sacred for

Moslems. They go to this place to pray.



10. Fresh vegetables and fruits, delicious

foods, fresh drinks, hot and tasty

spices, baked white and brown bread,

and other daily needs are sold in this

place. People like to go shopping in

this place with their family or friends.


Task 9Arrange the following jumbled words into good sentences. The first number has been done for you.

1. amazing – has – A – colours – rainbow – seven.

A rainbow has seven amazing colours.

2. and – are – Elephants – grey – one – have – trunk – white.

3. green – sells – vegetables – and – A – many – market – fresh –


4. flowers – are – Orchids – interesting – roses – and.

5. things – Rocks – non – are – living.

6. in – dancing – the – elephant – zoo – A – is.

7. a – tiger – is – swimming – A – cat – also.


Do you ever see a weather wheel? Let’s do a simple project to make a weather wheel.


You need:

Taken from New English Parade 3 (Herrera and Zanatta, 2000)

What you have to do:

1. Cut out four circles.

2. Draw some pictures of hot and rainy seasons.

3. Stick them on the white circles.

4. Cut out a piece of the coloured circle.

5. Put the circles together.

6. Push the paper fastener through all the circles.

7. Move the different circles and make sentences.



Task 10Complete the missing gaps with the adjectives in the box.

My name is Trudy. I’m a black 1) … tiger. I live in a tropical 2) … forest or a

jungle. There are many 3) … trees and bushes in the jungle. There are many

4) … and unique birds, 5) … insects, and monkeys. It’s 6) … and 7) … in the

jungle. I’m an animal, so I don’t wear clothes. What do you think people wear

in the jungle?

Task 11Complete the following story with the adjectives in the box.

One day a young farmer goes to cut down a big and 1) … tree on his

farm. The tree says, “Oh, farmer, please don’t cut me down. Even though I

am not young anymore, my root is still 2) … to keep water for your farm.”

The birds that live on the tree also beg the young farmer, “Please, don’t cut

the tree down, a 3) … and young farmer. We’ll have no home if you cut it

down.” The farmer stops.

The tree says, “Thank you! I am giving you and your family three

wishes. You can have any three things you would like. I believe you can use

the three wishes wisely.”

The farmer runs into his house. His mother is putting breakfast on the

table. There are 4) … eggs mixed with 5) … vegetables, some slices of fresh


big striped rain beautiful rainy dangerous hot

kind healthy strong green old red spicy fresh

hot instant fried

6) … tomatoes, fried rice and orange juice. His mother always prepares 7) …

foods and drinks for his family. The farmer says, “We’ve got three wishes

from a tree! What wishes should we say?”

His mother doesn’t listen. “Sit down and enjoy your breakfast,” says

his mother.

The farmer sits down and says, “Oh, I’d like 8) … sausages with my

breakfast.” Poof! And there are sausages on his plate. The mother is angry.

“You wish for sausages?” she asks. “Why don’t you wish fresh fish instead of

9) … sausages. They are not good for our health. I’d like to see those

sausages on your nose!” says his mother angrily. Poof! And the sausages are

on the farmer’s nose.

Then the farmer and his mother hear the father at the door. “Use wish

number three!” the mother says. “I’d like the sausages to disappear,” the

farmer says. Poof! The sausages disappear, together with the three wishes.

The father comes in. “Good morning,” he says. “It smells like 10) …

and 11) … sausages! Can I have some?”

Adapted from ‘The Three Wishes’ retold by Judy Veramendi (Herrera

and Zanatta, 2000)

H.REFLECTION How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

Very well OK A little1. I can pronounce colours.

2. I can identify the meanings of colours.

3. I can identify specific information on text.

4. I can use the pattern of noun phrase to arrange jumbled words into good sentences.

5. I can identify appropriate adjectives to complete the


missing gaps in a paragraph.

Part of this unit that I like most is ____________________________________.I. WORD LIST

beautiful adjective cantik

blue adjective biru

dangerous adjective berbahaya

fresh adjective segar

fried adjective goreng

green adjective hijau

healthy adjective sehat

hot adjective panas

indigo adjective indigo

instant adjective cepat saji

kind adjective baik

old adjective tua

orange adjective oranye

purple adjective ungu

rain noun hujan

rainy adjective bersifat hujan

red adjective merah

spicy adjective gurih (penuh rasa rempah)

striped adjective bergaris

strong adjective kuat

yellow adjective kuning

violet adjective violet∕ungu



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