unit 6. the passivecontents.cufs.ac.kr/contents/eng/eg0121/qrcode/eg0121... · 2019-02-11 · 4....

Post on 31-May-2020






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• Human Needs

• All you need is love

1. Active and passive(능동태와 수동태)

2. Passive verb forms(수동태 동사 형태)

3. Special passive structure (수동태 특수 구문)

본격적인 학습에 앞서 Pre-Check를 해보세요. 강의노트와 영상을 보면서

빈 칸( ____ )의 정답을 먼저 생각해 보세요.

It can be very challenging. For example, just look at this place! The rent has ______________. And the production of coffee will be affected by political and environmental issues this year.

Impressive! Look through that window! The beans are _____________!

Dialogue를 들으면서 빈 칸( ____ )의 정답을 확인해보세요.

인물 영어 한국어

Mark Did you know more coffee shops are opened in Seoul than in any other city in the world?

전 세계 도시 중 서울에 커피숍이 제일 많이 생기는 거 알고 있었어?

Valerie Is that true? 정말?

Mark Well it sure feels that way! And this is one of my favorite cafés. All the coffee here is roasted and brewed by the owner.

응, 그렇게 느껴져. 그리고 여긴 내가 좋아하는 카페 중 하나야. 여기 커피는 주인이 직접 커피원두를 볶아서 내려.

Valerie Impressive! Look through that window! The beans are being roasted! 굉장하다! 저 창문 넘어 좀 봐! 커피원두가 볶아지고 있네!

Mark Yes. The owner works very hard to keep this place going. He told me it gives him great happiness to see people enjoying coffee here.

응, 카페 주인이 운영을 열심히 하더라. 사람들이 자기가 만든 커피를 즐기는 모습을 보는 게 가장 큰 기쁨이라고 말했어.

Valerie Wow! I wish I were the owner of a coffee shop. 우와! 나도 카페 주인이면 좋겠다.

Mark It can be very challenging. For example, just look at this place! The rent has been increasing. And the production of coffee will be affected by political and environmental issues this year.

정말 힘들 거야. 그냥 여기만 봐도 알 수 있잖아! 임대료는 계속 오르고 있고, 올해는 커피 생산이 정치적, 환경적 이슈에 의해서 영향을 많이 받을 거래.

Valerie I suppose it can be unstable, but still… It must be nice to be your own boss.

불안정할거라는 건 짐작이 가. 그래도… 네가 주인이 되는 건 멋진 일인 것 같아.

Mark I think so too! The job where I work is being micromanaged now. 맞아! 내가 일하는 곳도 지금 주인이 세세한 부분까지 관리하는 체제가 되고 있어.

Valerie That’s happening at my office too. I guess in this way, happiness could be tied to independence.

우리 사무실도 점점 그렇게 되고 있어. 내 생각엔, 행복이 독립과 연관되어 있는 것 같아.

Mark Yes and a lot of new jobs are created by entrepreneurs. They always seem so happy to have taken the chance to do what they love.

맞아, 그리고 요즘에 새로 생겨나는 일은 개인사업가들에 의한 것이 많잖아. 그런 사람들은 자신이 좋아하는 일을 하는 거라 정말 행복해 보여.



Focus 1 : Active and passive (능동태와 수동태)

1. 능동태와 수동태 비교

Our families give us many things we need.

Many things we need are given to us by our families

1) 능동태(active)

2) 수동태(passive) : 주어(subject)가 행위를 당함

cf) have, possess, reach (상태나 소유): 수동태 (X)

2. 문장 형식

1) 능동태

주어 동사 목적어

2. 문장 형식

2) 수동태

주어 be 동사의 과거분사 (p.p.)


수동태 문장의 주어 능동태 문장의 목적어

Parents provide love to children.

Love is provided to children by parents.

2. 문장 형식




by parents



2. 문장 형식

1) Active

Mom takes care of us.

Your son cheered me up.

They offer counseling.

2) Passive

We are taken care of by Mom.

I was cheered up by your son.

Counseling is offered.

3. 행위자(agent) 생략

행위자 보다 사건 자체에 관심이 있을 때

Shelter was given to the homeless last week.

The bathrooms are cleaned every morning.

The trip was canceled because we didn’t have enough money.


다음 주어진 동사를 이용하여 빈 칸을 채우세요.

Education _______________ to everyone here. (provide) is provided

4. 수동태를 주로 쓰는 경우

1) 보고서, 뉴스 (문어체)

Rice is exported to countries in need.

A shipment of medicine has been sent to the refugees.

4. 수동태를 주로 쓰는 경우

2) 앞에 언급한 것을 연결

This soup kitchen feeds the homeless. It was built in 1986.

We need some fresh milk. This carton was left out of the fridge for a long time.

Exercise makes you healthy. It is needed by people of all ages.

It This soup kitchen

some fresh milk This carton

Exercise It

지금까지 학습한 내용을 바탕으로 문제를 풀어보세요.

괄호 안에 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성해 보세요.

Three swimming pools __________ (build) last year.

were built

괄호 안에 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성해 보세요.

The movie will ____________ (show) on TV soon.

be shown

괄호 안에 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성해 보세요.

His mother ________ (die) when he was 16 years old.


괄호 안에 단어를 사용하여 문장을 완성해 보세요.

Guernica ____________ (paint) by Picasso in 1937.

was painted



Focus 2 : Passive Verb Forms (수동태 동사 형태)

1. Simple present(단순 현재)

am/is/are + 동사의 과거분사(p.p.)

More financial assistance is needed in the flooded neighborhoods.

is needed

People are housed temporarily at the community center.

are housed

Volunteers are requested to donate canned food.

are requested

2. Simple past(단순 과거)

was/were + p.p.

These supplies were found in the emergency shelter.

were found

A big mistake was made in planning the budget.

was made

A lot of care and attention was given by her parents.

was given

3. Future passive(미래)

will/be going to + be + p.p.

More food and water will be needed in the next few days.

will be needed

The supplies are going to be delivered this afternoon.

are going to be delivered

The lives of local residents will be greatly affected by the flood.

will be affected

4. The passive with modal verbs(조동사가 있는 수동태)

can/may/must/should etc. + be + p.p.

Special assistance may be provided to those with special needs.

may be provided

The emotional needs of one’s family should be carefully considered. should be

All human beings must be loved in order to survive.

must be loved


다음 문장에서 잘못된 부분을 찾아서 고쳐보세요.

She’ll be finished the job before this weekend.


She’ll finish the job before this weekend. finish

be finished

5. Progressive(진행형)

am/is/are/was/were + being + p.p.

The needs of the people are being neglected.

are being

The homeless shelter is being constructed now.

is being

When I arrived at the soup kitchen, bread was being passed out. was being passed out



6. Perfect(완료형)

have/has/had + been + p.p.

The children have been found without any food or water.

have been found

The emergency aid program has been canceled by the mayor.

has been

A lot of new schools have been built by volunteer workers.

have been built


지금까지 학습한 내용을 바탕으로 문제를 풀어보세요.

다음 밑 줄에 올바른 수동태 동사 형태를 작성해 보세요.

They didn’t invite me to the party. → I _______________ to the party. was not invited

다음 밑 줄에 올바른 수동태 동사 형태를 작성해 보세요.

The teacher is not properly explaining the directions. → The directions ________________________

__________ by the teacher.

are not being properly explained

다음 밑 줄에 올바른 수동태 동사 형태를 작성해 보세요.

The man has just done the task. → The task __________________ by the man. has just been done

다음 밑 줄에 올바른 수동태 동사 형태를 작성해 보세요.

We will make many changes to improve our image. → Many changes _____________ to improve our

image. will be made

Grammar Clinic : 원어민 교수님 강의를 통해 틀리기 쉬운 문법에 대해 살펴보세요.

2 • Their worries were disappeared.

• Their worries have disappeared.

1 • The heart refreshes by love.

• The heart is refreshed by love. The heart is refreshed by love.

Their worries have disappeared.





3 • There was a fire last night, but nobody got hurt.

• Danny gets liked by everybody.

There was a fire last night, but nobody got hurt.



Tea Time


교수님의 강의는 잘 들어 보셨나요? 지금부터 교수님이 추천하는 이야기를

미국 발음과 영국 발음으로 비교하여 감상해 보세요.

먼저 미국 발음으로 들어 보세요.

One Thing Leads to Another

Entrepreneur John McCormack tells the story of how his friend, Nick, got his first job in America. Nick was an immigrant. He had no money and spoke no

English, and he applied for a dishwashing job in an Italian restaurant. Before his interview with the boss, Nick went into the restaurant’s bathroom

and scrubbed it clean. He then took a toothbrush and cleaned between every tile until the bathroom was completely spotless.

One Thing Leads to Another

By the time Nick had his interview, the boss was trying to figure out: “What’s happened to the toilets?”

It was Nick’s way of saying: “I’m serious about washing dishes.” Nick got the job. A week later, the salad maker quit and Nick was on his way to becoming a chef. I think of Nick and his toothbrush when people tell me:

“There are no jobs out there!”

From Follow Your Heart

이번에는 영국 발음으로 들어 보세요.

One Thing Leads to Another

Entrepreneur John McCormack tells the story of how his friend, Nick, got his first job in America. Nick was an immigrant. He had no money and spoke no

English, and he applied for a dishwashing job in an Italian restaurant. Before his interview with the boss, Nick went into the restaurant’s bathroom

and scrubbed it clean. He then took a toothbrush and cleaned between every tile until the bathroom was completely spotless.

One Thing Leads to Another

By the time Nick had his interview, the boss was trying to figure out: “What’s happened to the toilets?”

It was Nick’s way of saying: “I’m serious about washing dishes.” Nick got the job. A week later, the salad maker quit and Nick was on his way to becoming a chef. I think of Nick and his toothbrush when people tell me:

“There are no jobs out there!”

From Follow Your Heart

지금까지 배운 내용을 재미있는 동영상을 통해 중간 정리해 보세요.

Practice the Passive Voice with scenes from TV series 2

Passive voice



Focus 3 : Special Passive Structure (수동태 특수 구문)

1. I was given ...

give, teach, ask, offer, pay, tell, show 등의 동사: 두 개의 수동태 문장 가능

1. I was given ...

My husband gave me the love and attention I needed.

→ I was given the love and attention I needed by him.

→ The love and attention I needed was

given to me by him.

1. I was given ...

The sergeant will teach the privates survival skills.

→ The privates will be taught survival skills by the sergeant.

→ Survival skills will be taught to the

privates by the sergeant.

2. It is said that ...

People say that~ it + is/was+ p.p. + that~

say, think, expect, hope, suppose, believe, explain, report, suggest 등

2. It is said that ...

It is said that everyone needs somebody to love. It is said that

= People say that everyone needs somebody to love.

2. It is said that ...

It was expected that Jennifer’s parents would pay her tuition. It was expected that

It was reported that the Prime Minister had ignored the people’s wishes. It was reported that


다음 문장을 수동태로 고칠 때 빈 칸에 알맞은 말을 채워보세요.

She gave me the information.

The information __________________ by her. was given to me

3. Get

get + p.p.

상태가 아닌 동작 돌발 상황

broken / hurt / drunk / stolen / paid / fired / lost / dressed / caught / engaged / married / divorced .....


3. Get

The victims of the fire got treated by the emergency room doctors.

got treated

The man got fired and has no way to provide for his family.

got fired

Nobody got seriously hurt, but they still need to be examined.

got hurt

3. Get

get + 상태 동사 (x)

cf) Nothing is known about the emotional needs of dolphins.

Nothing gets known about the emotional needs of dolphins. (X)

지금까지 학습한 내용을 바탕으로 문제를 풀어보세요.

다음 제시된 문장을 가지고 수동태 문장으로 완성해 보세요.

People say that the quiz champion has lost his memory. → It ________ that the quiz champion has lost

his memory.

is said

다음 제시된 문장을 가지고 수동태 문장으로 완성해 보세요.

They did not give us enough time. → We ______________ enough time. were not given

다음 괄호 안에 제시된 단어와 ‘get/got’을 사용하여 문장을 완성시켜 보세요.

I used to have a motorcycle, but it ____________. (steal) got stolen

다음 괄호 안에 제시된 단어와 ‘get/got’을 사용하여 문장을 완성시켜 보세요.

How much did you __________ (pay) last week?

get paid

Cheerio! > Sing Along


Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.

There's nothing you can do that can't be done.

Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.

Nothing you can say, but you can learn

How to play the game -

It's easy.

All you need is love


Nothing you can make that can't be made.

No one you can save that can't be saved.

Nothing you can do, but you can learn

How to be you in time -

It's easy.

All you need is love


Cheerio! > Wrap up


1. 능동태와 수동태 - Parents provide love to children. - Love is provided to children by parents. Parents provide love

by parents. Love is provided

2. 수동태 문장에서 동사 형태 - More food and water will be needed in the next few days.

- All human beings must be loved in order to survive.

- The homeless shelter is being constructed now.

will be needed

must be loved

is being constructed

3. 수동태 특수 구문 - It is said that everyone needs somebody to

love. - The victims of the fire got treated by the

emergency room doctors.

It is said

got treated

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