unit mu 1.2

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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1. Learning outcome Know the principles and values that underpin work in health and social care, early years and childcare. 2. Objectives All students will be able to:- Identify principles and values relating to health, social care and early years Describe how these support work in health, social care and childcare Illustrate their understanding of beliefs and cultures Many students will be able to: Discuss what is meant by principles and values Some students will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of principles and values 3. Time to think Unscramble the letters :- tlutiniicpalom dndartas lueav nirlaget ereegd cetferl 4. Answers Multiplication Standard Value Triangle Degree Reflect 5. Discussion What is meant by principles and Values. Case highlighting application of principles and values https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14ETQn9ZPwk&sns=fb&app=desktop 6. Graffiti Board Give examples of principles and values Move sheets after 1 minutes http://www.online-stopwatch.com/html5/stopwatch-fullscreen.php 7. Principles and Values Empathy Safeguarded Confidentiality person-centred practice treated equally Choices privacy Respect Right to life Dignity 8. Have you met any lesson objectives yet? 9. Paired/Small Group Activity Research the following beliefs and cultures. Rastafarian Muslim Humanists Ramadan Jewish Vegetarian 10. Feedback to the group 11. Lets get creative Produce a flower with each petal representing examples of values and principles that support work in health and social care and childcare. Write a sentence to accompany each. Take a picture to upload onto Oracle (1.1) 12. Reflect Think, Pair ,Share What principles and values do we have in the classroom? 13. Have you met any lesson objectives yet? 14. Directed Study Time Research task On Oracle Research the various standards/Acts. Pick two to present to the group at the next lesson. Equality Act EYFS Health and Social Care Act Human Rights Act UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Nursing and Midwifery Council- code of conduct. 15. Objectives- Day 2 All students will be able to:- Identify guidance and standards that support principles and values Consider the value of guidance and standards in a work place setting Many students will be able to: Illustrate their understanding of guidance and standards Some students will be able to: Evaluate the importance of guidance and standards that underpin the principles and values 16. Time to Think How many words from the letters in respecting 17. Recap Write down on your white board an example of a value or principle that support work in health and social care and childcare 18. Feedback- lets share information From directed study task what did you learn about guidance and standards that support principles and values. 19. Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act brings together many different laws linked to equality. The Act ensures that everyone is treated fairly and is protected from discrimination and includes:- Race Sexual orientation Disability Religion and beliefs Marriage or civil partnership 20. EYFS The Early Years Foundation Stage In order to meet high standards in childcare the EYFS must be followed. It must be followed by settings such as child minders, day nurseries and nursery schools that provide care for children aged 0-5 years. 21. Health and Social Care Act 2012 This Act is about improving the choice and standards of care available for service users. The Act supports professionals to work in a way that best meets the needs of individuals using a health and social care service. 22. Human Rights Act 1998 States the basic human rights and people can take their complaints to court regarding how they have been treated. Human rights are rights and freedoms that all people living in the UK have regardless of their nationality or citizenship. 23. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child These rights describe what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential. They apply equally to every child, regardless of who they are or where they come from 24. Nursing and Midwifery Council Code This covers standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. Includes instructions regarding:- Make sure that the care of people is the first concern Treat people as individuals and respect their dignity Treat people kindly and considerately. 25. Active Learning Make a game with questions on guidance and standards. 26. Time to play Play each others games and answer the questions on guidance and standards 27. Catch the ball and answer a question Have you met your aims and objectives? Reflect and Review 28. Objectives- Day 3 All students will be able to:- Identify guidance and standards relating to Heath, care and childcare Outline the rights of the child Many students will be able to: Discuss the rights of the child relating to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Some students will be able to: Critically evaluate the importance of guidance and standards 29. Starter of the day Maths- Look carefully http://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/starter_Septemb er14.asp 30. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child http://www.unicef.org.uk/Documents/Publications/C hild_friendly_CRC_summary_final.pdf Discussion regarding Articles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_2nA49p3yw 31. Active Learning Plan, do ,review You will need to decide how to lay out your poster that could be displayed in a staff room describing the guidance and standards that underpin the principles and values. 32. Have you met any lesson objectives yet? 33. Review Post-it note

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