visoka škola strukovnih studija za informacione i ... · u headeru koji je vidljiv na svakoj...

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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Visoka škola strukovnih studija za informacione i komunikacione tehnologije


Smer: Internet tehnologije

Modul: Web programiranje

Predmet: Web programiranje 1

Vladimir Mijajlović 353/17


1. Uvod

1.1. Korišdeni programski jezici

1.2. Funkcionalnosti

1.3. Template

2. Organizacija

2.1. Organizaciona sajta

2.2. Mapa sajta

2.3. Organizacija po divovima


3.1. HTML

3.2. CSS

3.3. JavaScript & jQuery


1.1. Korišdeni programski jezici

HTML, CSS, JavaScript(Native i jQuery).

1.2. Funkcionalnosti

Koriscena je biblioteke za validaciju forme koje se nalaze na Log in i Sign up strain.

Plugin vanilabox postoji u galiriji radi, klikom na neku od slika se aktivira.

U headeru koji je vidljiv na svakoj strani sajta je uradjen slideshow, koji naizmenično vrti nekoliko slika u odredjenom intervalu.

Na index strani klikom na neki od ponudjenih “buttona” se aktivira

toggle efekat jQueria koji pokazuje dodatni sadržaj na odredjenom


Galery stranica pored galerije slika ima i mini slajder, koji reaguje klikom

na njega. Efekat pomeranje kontenta tog diva za odredjenu kolicinu. Mini

animacija rotiranja slike u galeriji je odradjena preko CSS-a

Contact strana ima uradjenu validaciju preko regularnih izraza i klikom na dugme prolazi se kroz formu i izbacuju se greske u koliko ih ima.

Log in i Sign up strana imaju uradjenu validaciju forme preko

“validate” biblioteke. Klikom na dugme se realizuje validacija i

automatski tokom editovanja tekstualnih polja se menja error poruka

u zavisnosti sta smo uneli u polje.

Od dinamičkog ispisivanja je odrađen navigacioni meni u headeru i footeru, kao i dropdown lista u kontakt formi.

Početkom skrolanja kroz sajt, pojavljuje se div u donjem desnom uglu, koji služi za povratak na vrh sajta. Ceo satj je responsive, tako da ako smanjimo širinu browsera ili promenimo uredjaj ispod 600px, pored ostalih responsiv modifikacija, umesto glavnog navigacionog menia će se pojaviti fa fa ikonica u gornjem desnom uglu stranice. Klikom na ikonicu, preko jqueri-a se animirano otvara navigacioni meni. Svakim sledećim klikom na ikonicu će se otvarati ili zatvarati nav. meni. Ikonica je uvek vidljiva na stranici, bez obzira koliko smo skrolali niz stranicu, tako da je navigacija uvek dostupna.

Ceo dizajn sajta je moj, nisu korišćeni nikakvi templejti.

1.3. Template

Ovo je index.html strana. 1. Statički side bar koji je prisutan uvek ako smo iznad 1000px širine prozora. 2. Ovo je kontent sajta koji se menja u zavisnosti na kojoj se stranici nalazimo. Trenutno vidimo kontent index.html strane. Kod template-a: <!DOCTYPE html>



<title>World of Warcraft:Home</title>

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<meta name="keywords" content="World of Warcraft, Game, MMO, Warrior, Mage, Caster, Fight, Play"


<meta name="description" content="What is WoW? This is MMO Multiplayer game, which plays over 10

bilion ppl in world. New Expansion Legion is awailable for purchase at the moment!" />



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<a href="files/DokumentacijaWord.pdf">PDF Documentation</a>



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<div class="sidebar_info">

<a href="files/DokumentacijaWord.pdf"><h2>PDF Documentation</h2></a>

<embed src="files/DokumentacijaWord.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="100%" height=

"350px" />


<div class="sidebar_info">

<h2>New Player's Guide</h2>

<p>Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Adventure is all around you. Will you become

one of Azeroth's legends? Everything you need to take that first step is right here.</p>


<div class="sidebar_info">

<h2>If u need help ingame</h2>

<p>You can google MMO Champion. It's the site where you can clear most of the stuff

that are not clear to you at the moment.</p>


<div class="sidebar_info">

<h2>Welcome to Azeroth</h2>

<p>Welcome to Azeroth

This tutorial will ensure that the beginning of your journey will be a smooth one. It provides infor

mation that will help you find your way when you get lost, as well as tips that will offer guidance

and advice as you march on towards greatness. It is not an exhaustive guide, however; it neither can

nor wants to unveil every secret of Azeroth to you. That glorious task is left up to you as you exp

lore the world yourself. Think of this guide as a touchstone for your early adventures: enough to ge

t started, but too little to spoil any of the awesome surprises that await you in Azeroth.

And with that, let’s begin.</p>



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<div id="main_info">


<p class="main_infoP">Sinister forces bear down on Medivh's ancient tower. Only you

can stop the powerful secrets within from being unleashed!</p>

<div id="learn_moreBtn">

<p class="button_cont_more_info">Learn more</p>



<div id="main_info_showonclick">

<p><span>Karazhan is a Level 110 dungeon</span> located in Deadwind Pass. It is only

available in Mythic difficulty; there is no Mythic+ Keystone version of the dungeon. In order to ac

cess the Return to Karazhan dungeon, players must complete an attunement quest that takes place in s

everal Mythic dungeons.</p>

<p>When accessing the dungeon version of Karazhan, players must enter through the si

de entrance, not the conventional raid entrance. The dungeon entrance is located partway up the towe

r, where the bridge extends out to the wooden guard building. Flying mounts allow players to avoid f

ighting their way through the enemies in the guard building.</p>

<p>Return to Karazhan has two sections: the Lower Karazhan area, which contains <spa

n>Attumen the Huntsman</span>, <span>Moroes</span>, the <span>Opera Hall</span>, <span>Maiden of Vir

tue</span>, and <span>The Curator</span>; and the Upper Karazhan Tower, which holds the <span>Shade

of Medivh</span>, <span>Mana Devourer</span>, and <span>Viz'aduum the Watcher</span> bosses.</p>

<p>Because players do not enter Karazhan from the front entrance, the order of bosse

s in Lower Karazhan is slightly different from the original raid. The shortcuts that allow players t

o traverse different levels of the tower are not active, and the only boss players can initially att

empt is the Opera Hall. </p>

<p>Two mounts drop in Return to Karazhan: <span>Midnight's Eternal Reins</span> and

<span>Smoldering Ember Wyrm</span>.</p>



<div id="latestNews_holder">

<p class="latest_news">LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES</p>

<div id="news_updates">

<div id="news_holder">

<div class="news_updates_info">

<div class="news_img">

<img src="pictures/news_bounty.png" alt="Pilgrim’s Bounty Has Begun!" wi

dth="320px" height="200px" />


<div class="news_under_img">

<p class="news_date">November 21st, 2019</p>

<p class="news_par">Pilgrim’s Bounty Has Begun</p>



<div class="news_updates_info">

<div class="news_img">

<img src="pictures/cata_weekly_timewalking.png" alt="Pilgrim’s Bounty Ha

s Begun!" width="320px" height="200px" />


<div class="news_under_img">

<p class="news_date">November 30th, 2019</p>

<p class="news_par">Weekly Bonus Event: Timewalking</p>



<div class="news_updates_info">

<div class="news_img">

<img src="pictures/legion_pvp.png" alt="Pilgrim’s Bounty Has Begun!" wid

th="320px" height="200px" />


<div class="news_under_img">

<p class="news_date">November 29th, 2019</p>

<p class="news_par">Legion PvP Season Rollover on December 14</p>



<div class="news_updates_info">

<div class="news_img">

<img id="test" src="pictures/mischief.png" alt="Pilgrim’s Bounty Has Beg

un!" width="320px" height="200px" />


<div class="news_under_img">

<p class="news_date">December 2nd, 2019</p>

<p class="news_par">Adopt Mischief Today and Support Make-A-Wish</p>







<div id="survival_guide">

<h2>Return to Karazhan Sirvival Guide</h2>

<p class="survival_guideP">learn more about the new adventures comming in Patch 7.1

: <br/> Return to Karazhan.</p>

<p class="button_cont_more_info" id="survival_guideBtn">Watch video</p>


<div id="survival_guide_showonclick">

<iframe width="800" height="450" src=""

frameborder="1" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-




<div id="legion_app_holder">


<div id="legion_app">

<h2>Legion App</h2>

<p class="legion_appP">WoW: Legion Companion is a FREE mobile app that allows yo

u to experience World of Warcraft: Legion on the go in exciting ways.</p>

<p class="button_cont_more_info" id="legion_appBtn">Download today!</p>



<div id="legion_app_showonclick">

<a href="https://wow-legion-"><p>Download from here</p></a>



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&copy;Vladimir Mijajlović, INC.Allrights Reserved


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<a href="sitemap.xml"><p>Sitemap</p></a>




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2.1Organizaciona šema:

2.2. Mapa sajta

<urlset xmlns="

0.9" xmlns:xsi=" instance" xsi:schemaLocation="

























2.3. Organizacija po divovima


Header se sastoji iz 2 diva. Jedan je absolute drugi je relative. Uvek je vidjiv na sajtu.

U slajderu iznad menia se povremeno, na odredjeni vremenski

period smenjuju slike jedna za drugom. Uradjeno preko JavaScripta.

Navigacija je ubačena dinamički preko JavaScripta.


Footer je uvek vidljiv na sajtu. Isto kao i u headeru, navigacija je ubačena dinamički preko JavaScripta.


Search/Login je uvek vidljiv na sajtu.


Ovo je index.html strana. Sa leve strane je statički sidebar koji je uvek vidljiv na sajtu na svakoj strani, sve dok je rezolucija tj. širina ekrana/browsera veća od 1000px.

Za sadrzaj različitih strana se menja samo desna strana.

Klikom na “Learn more”, “Watch video” i “Download today” se polako

pojavljuju divovi sa odredjenim kontentom koji su sakriveni kroz

jQuery a zatim ponovo prikazani na klik.


Klikom na neku od slika iz prve galerije, aktivira se jQuery plugin vanilabox, koji otvara sliku u full formatu preko celog ekrana, i

omogućava menjanje slika.

Donji mini slider se skroluje levo/desno svakim klikom na njega.

Uradjeno JavaScriptom.


Ova stranica je statička i nema nikakvu funkcionalnost.


Kontakt forma vrsi validaciju unetih podataka u formu klikom na dugme

“Send”. Kroz regularne izraze proverava da li je format teksta u redu. U

koliko nije, uklanja se klasa divu koji je inicijalno bio sakriven pomoću te

klase. Drop down lista je ubačena dinamički kroz JavaScript. I u koliko

nije nista izabrano tj. ako je value od selecta na nuli, izbacuje error text

na isti način kao i za ostala polja.


Autor strana nema funkcionalnost.

Log in

Log in validacija forme se vrsi pomocu jQuery biblioteke “Validate”.

Klikom na submit dugme vrši se provera unešenih podataka.

Prvim pokušajem unosa podataka, neće biti nikakvih iritantnih

errora. Nakon što kliknemo na dugme, u koliko postoji neki error, isti

će se prikazati pored forme, i tokom naseg editovanja tekstualnog

polja, error će se automatski ažurirati u skladu sa unešenim tekstom.

Sign up

Sign up validacija radi na identičnom principu kao i log in forma zbog toga sto su uradjene na isti nacin, pomoći jQuery validate() funkcije.

Scroll to top button

Ovo dugme/div se pojavljuje nakon sto krenemo skrolovati kroz sajt.

Klikom na njega realizuje se povratak na vrh trenutne stranice na

kojoj se nalazimo.


3.1. HTML

Index.html – ovde je content index stranice(sadrzaj koji se uvek

menja). <div id="container" class="index-container">

<div id="main_info">


<p class="main_infoP">Sinister forces bear down on Medivh's ancient tower. Only you

can stop the powerful secrets within from being unleashed!</p>

<div id="learn_moreBtn">

<p class="button_cont_more_info">Learn more</p>



<div id="main_info_showonclick">

<p><span>Karazhan is a Level 110 dungeon</span> located in Deadwind Pass. It is only

available in Mythic difficulty; there is no Mythic+ Keystone version of the dungeon. In order to ac

cess the Return to Karazhan dungeon, players must complete an attunement quest that takes place in s

everal Mythic dungeons.</p>

<p>When accessing the dungeon version of Karazhan, players must enter through the si

de entrance, not the conventional raid entrance. The dungeon entrance is located partway up the towe

r, where the bridge extends out to the wooden guard building. Flying mounts allow players to avoid f

ighting their way through the enemies in the guard building.</p>

<p>Return to Karazhan has two sections: the Lower Karazhan area, which contains <spa

n>Attumen the Huntsman</span>, <span>Moroes</span>, the <span>Opera Hall</span>, <span>Maiden of Vir

tue</span>, and <span>The Curator</span>; and the Upper Karazhan Tower, which holds the <span>Shade

of Medivh</span>, <span>Mana Devourer</span>, and <span>Viz'aduum the Watcher</span> bosses.</p>

<p>Because players do not enter Karazhan from the front entrance, the order of bosse

s in Lower Karazhan is slightly different from the original raid. The shortcuts that allow players t

o traverse different levels of the tower are not active, and the only boss players can initially att

empt is the Opera Hall. </p>

<p>Two mounts drop in Return to Karazhan: <span>Midnight's Eternal Reins</span> and

<span>Smoldering Ember Wyrm</span>.</p>



<div id="latestNews_holder">

<p class="latest_news">LATEST NEWS AND UPDATES</p>

<div id="news_updates">

<div id="news_holder">

<div class="news_updates_info">

<div class="news_img">

<img src="pictures/news_bounty.png" alt="Pilgrim’s Bounty Has Begun!" wi

dth="320px" height="200px" />


<div class="news_under_img">

<p class="news_date">November 21st, 2019</p>

<p class="news_par">Pilgrim’s Bounty Has Begun</p>



<div class="news_updates_info">

<div class="news_img">

<img src="pictures/cata_weekly_timewalking.png" alt="Pilgrim’s Bounty Ha

s Begun!" width="320px" height="200px" />


<div class="news_under_img">

<p class="news_date">November 30th, 2019</p>

<p class="news_par">Weekly Bonus Event: Timewalking</p>



<div class="news_updates_info">

<div class="news_img">

<img src="pictures/legion_pvp.png" alt="Pilgrim’s Bounty Has Begun!" wid

th="320px" height="200px" />


<div class="news_under_img">

<p class="news_date">November 29th, 2019</p>

<p class="news_par">Legion PvP Season Rollover on December 14</p>



<div class="news_updates_info">

<div class="news_img">

<img id="test" src="pictures/mischief.png" alt="Pilgrim’s Bounty Has Beg

un!" width="320px" height="200px" />


<div class="news_under_img">

<p class="news_date">December 2nd, 2019</p>

<p class="news_par">Adopt Mischief Today and Support Make-A-Wish</p>







<div id="survival_guide">

<h2>Return to Karazhan Sirvival Guide</h2>

<p class="survival_guideP">learn more about the new adventures comming in Patch 7.1

: <br/> Return to Karazhan.</p>

<p class="button_cont_more_info" id="survival_guideBtn">Watch video</p>


<div id="survival_guide_showonclick">

<iframe width="800" height="450" src=""

frameborder="1" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-




<div id="legion_app_holder">


<div id="legion_app">

<h2>Legion App</h2>

<p class="legion_appP">WoW: Legion Companion is a FREE mobile app that allows yo

u to experience World of Warcraft: Legion on the go in exciting ways.</p>

<p class="button_cont_more_info" id="legion_appBtn">Download today!</p>



<div id="legion_app_showonclick">

<a href="https://wow-legion-"><p>Download from here</p></a>



Galery <div id="container">

<div class="galery">

<div class="galery_header">

<header>World of Warcraft, world galery!</header>


<div class="galery_content">


<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_garosh_galery_pic1.

png" title="Garosh Hellscream" alt="full pic 1">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_garosh_thumbnail1.png" width="200px" hei

ght="120px" alt="thumb pic 1"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_warlock_galery_pic2

.png" title="Warlock" alt="full pic 2">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_warlock_thumbnail2.png" width="200px" he

ight="120px" alt="thumb pic 2"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/

g" title="World of Warcraft Land" alt="full pic 3">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_land_thumbnail3.png" width="200px" heigh

t="120px" alt="thumb pic 3"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_deadwing_galery_pic

4.png" title="Dead Wing" alt="full pic 4">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_deadwing_thumbnail4.png" width="200px" h

eight="120px" alt="thumb pic 4"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_deadwing_galery_pic

5.png" title="Dead Wing" alt="full pic 5">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_deadwing_thumbnail5.png" width="200px" h

eight="120px" alt="thumb pic 5"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_paladin_galery_pic6

.png" title="Strong Paladin" alt="full pic 6">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_paladin_thumbnail6.png" width="200px" he

ight="120px" alt="thumb pic 6"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_pandaren_galery_pic

7.png" title="Pandaren" alt="full pic 7">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_pandaren_thumbnail7.png" width="200px" h

eight="120px" alt="thumb pic 7"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_garosh_galery_pic8.

png" title="Garosh Hellscream" alt="full pic 8">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_garosh_thumbnail8.png" width="200px" hei

ght="120px" alt="thumb pic 8"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_aliance_galery_pic9

.png" title="Aliance King" alt="full pic 9">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_aliance_thumbnail9.png" width="200px" he

ight="120px" alt="thumb pic 9"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_garosh_galery_pic10

.png" title="Garosh Hellscream, FOR THE HORDE!" alt="full pic 10">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_garosh_thumbnail10.png" width="200px" he

ight="120px" alt="thumb pic 10"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_horde_galery_pic11.

png" title="Horde on Vocation" alt="full pic 11">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_horde_thumbnail11.png" width="200px" hei

ght="120px" alt="thumb pic 11"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_nightelf_galery_pic

12.png" title="Night Elf" alt="full pic 12">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_nightelf_thumbnail12.png" width="200px"

height="120px" alt="thumb pic 12"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/

g" title="Pit Lord" alt="full pic 13">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_orc_thumbnail13.png" width="200px" heigh

t="120px" alt="thumb pic 13"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/

g" title="Orc Warrior" alt="full pic 14">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_orc_thumbnail14.png" width="200px" heigh

t="120px" alt="thumb pic 14"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_ilidan_galery_pic15

.png" title="Ilidan, Legion" alt="full pic 15">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_ilidan_thumbnail15.png" width="200px" he

ight="120px" alt="thumb pic 15"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_king_galery_pic16.p

ng" title="The Black King" alt="full pic 16">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_king_thumbnail16.png" width="200px" heig

ht="120px" alt="thumb pic 16"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_paladin_galery_pic1

7.png" title="Paladin riding mount" alt="full pic 17">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_paladin_thumbnail17.png" width="200px" h

eight="120px" alt="thumb pic 17"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_warrior_galery_pic1

8.png" title="Human Warrior" alt="full pic 18">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_warrior_thumbnail18.png" width="200px" h

eight="120px" alt="thumb pic 18"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_arthas_galery_pic19

.png" title="Arthas!" alt="full pic 19">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_arthas_thumbnail19.png" width="200px" he

ight="120px" alt="thumb pic 19"/></a></li>

<li><a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="images/wow_pandaria_galery_pic

20.png" title="Pandaria Land" alt="full pic 20">

<img src="images/thumbs/wow_pandaria_thumbnail20.png" width="200px"

height="120px" alt="thumb pic 20"/></a></li>



<div class="clear_galery"></div>


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<header><span style="color: white;">Scrolling</span> thumbnails that may hold your s



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About <div id="container">

<div id="about_wow"> <!--ABOUT PROZOR JE OVDE-->

<h3>A little bit about World of Warcraft.</h3>

<header class="header_about_wow">Warcraft: Orcs & Humans</header>

<p class="par_about_wow">For ages, the fallen titan Sargeras plotted to scour all li

fe from Azeroth. To this end, Sargeras possessed the human sorcerer Medivh and compelled him to cont

act Gul'dan, an orc warlock on the world of Draenor. There, Sargeras' demonic servants among the Bur

ning Legion worked to corrupt the once -

peaceful orcs and forge them into a bloodthirsty army known as the Horde. This cursed force invaded

Azeroth through the Dark Portal, a dimensional gateway created by Medivh and Gul'dan, and clashed w

ith the human nation of Stormwind. Aided by the half-

orc Garona, human champions like Anduin Lothar fought valiantly to protect their kingdom. Yet, in th

e end, the mighty Horde shattered Stormwind's defenses. Amid the city's tragic fall, Garona betrayed

her allies and assassinated King Llane Wrynn, sealing the nation's defeat.</p>


<header class="header_about_wow">Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness</header>

<p class="par_about_wow">The human nation of Stormwind had fallen before the Horde.

Knight Champion Anduin Lothar gathered the scattered remnants of the human army and led the refugees

north across the Great Sea to the kingdom of Lordaeron. By enlisting the aid of other nations -

humans, gnomes, elves, and dwarves -

Lothar helped form a great Alliance to stand against the orcs and their ruthless new leader, Orgrim

Doomhammer. The seemingly unstoppable Horde continued its rampage, reinforcing its growing army wit

h savage trolls and brutish ogres. But, on the eve of victory, Gul'dan and his followers selfishly a

bandoned their allies to seek out powerful artifacts, forcing the weakened Horde to retreat. Doomham

mer momentarily rallied the orcs when he slew Lothar in a harrowing battle, but the hero's death did

not break the Alliance's resolve. Turalyon, Lothar's loyal lieutenant, quickly took up leadership o

f Azeroth's defenders and finally defeated the Horde.</p>


<header class="header_about_wow">Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal</header>

<p class="par_about_wow">Following the destruction of Azeroth's Dark Portal by the v

ictorious Alliance, the orc shaman Ner'zhul took command of the remaining Horde on Draenor. There, h

e plotted to create portals to other unspoiled worlds and invade each in turn. To enable the rituals

for his dimensional conquest, Ner'zhul sent orcish forces through his world's intact Dark Portal in

search of powerful relics on Azeroth. Wary of the Horde's plans, the heroes of the Alliance invaded

Draenor to end the orcish threat forever. Facing certain defeat at the hands of his enemies, Ner'zh

ul succeeded in opening numerous portals to new worlds. The resulting magical stress shattered Draen

or, trapping many of Azeroth's greatest heroes on Outland, the damaged remains of the planet.</p>


<header class="header_about_wow">Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos</header>

<p class="par_about_wow">After years of languishing in captivity, the remaining orcs

on Azeroth were liberated by a former slave named Thrall. This young shaman and his reformed Horde

fled to the continent of Kalimdor to escape the invasion of the Burning Legion, a demonic army that

sought to ravage all of Azeroth. To weaken the world's defenses, the Legion unleashed a horrifying n

ew weapon: the undead Scourge. Prince Arthas Menethil of Lordaeron fought bravely to protect his lan

ds from this dreaded enemy, but his fear and desperation led him to join forces with the Scourge's m

ysterious leader, the Lich King. On Kalimdor, Thrall's Horde set aside old hatreds and united with o

ther races to thwart a massive Legion assault helmed by the demon lord Archimonde. At great cost, th

e unlikely union of humans, night elves and orcs defeated their enemies atop sacred Mount Hyjal.</p>


<header class="header_about_wow">Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne</header>

<p class="par_about_wow">While the armies of humans, orcs, and their allies recovere

d from their battle against the Burning Legion, Arthas Menethil - now a Death Knight -

slaughtered the living denizens of Azeroth's Eastern Kingdoms in the name of the Scourge. But new f

orces emerged that threatened to destroy Arthas and his minions: the banshee Sylvanas Windrunner reb

elled, creating a splinter faction of undead known as the Forsaken, and the demon-

tainted night elf Illidan Stormrage sent his armies to the icy continent of Northrend to strike at t

he Lich King. Arthas rushed to his master's defense and defeated Illidan, who fled to Outland in sha

me. At last close to the seat of the Scourge's power, Arthas did the unthinkable, and willingly merg

ed his own spirit with that of the Lich King.</p>


<header class="header_about_wow">World of Warcraft</header>

<p class="par_about_wow">Intent on settling the arid region of Durotar, Thrall's new

Horde expanded its ranks, inviting the undead Forsaken to join orcs, tauren, and trolls. Meanwhile,

dwarves, gnomes and the ancient night elves pledged their loyalties to a reinvigorated Alliance, gu

ided by the human kingdom of Stormwind. After Stormwind's king, Varian Wrynn, mysteriously disappear

ed, Highlord Bolvar Fordragon served as Regent but his service was marred by the manipulations and m

ind control of the black dragon Onyxia, who ruled in disguise as a human noblewoman. As heroes inves

tigated Onyxia's manipulations, ancient foes surfaced in lands throughout the world to menace Horde

and Alliance alike.</p>


<header class="header_about_wow">Assault on Blackwing Lair</header>

<p class="par_about_wow">Deep within the fiery heart of Blackrock Mountain, the blac

k dragon Nefarian conducted twisted experiments with the blood of other dragonflights. Intent on sei

zing the entire region for his own, he marshaled the remaining Dark Horde, a rogue army that embrace

d the demonic bloodlust of the old Horde. These corrupt orcs, trolls and other races battled against

the Firelord Ragnaros and the shadowy Dark Iron dwarves for control of the smoldering mountain. Bef

ore he was vanquished by fearless heroes, Nefarian created the twisted chromatic dragons and a legio

n of other aberrations in his bid to form an army powerful enough to control Azeroth and continue th

e legacy of his infamous father, Deathwing the Destroyer.</p>






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//Index strana, toggle content
















//About expanding






// Dinamicki nav meni

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//meni dinamicki

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var getButton = document.getElementById('btnSend');


getButton.addEventListener('click', provera);


//contact forma -dinamicko ispisivanje gradova u dropdown listu

var getGradList = document.querySelector("#grad");

getGradList.innerHTML = `<option value='0'>Chose...</option>`;

gradovi.forEach(function (grad) {

getGradList.innerHTML += "<option value='" + grad + "'>" + grad + "</option>";



//niz za gradove

var gradovi = [






//funkcija za validaciju contact forme - on click

function provera(){

//Name provera

var validate = /^[A-Z][a-zA-Z][^#&<>\"~;$^%{}?]{1,20}$/;

var get = document.querySelector('#cName');

var getParrent = get.parentElement.parentElement;

var getGreska = getParrent.nextElementSibling;



document.getElementById('resultName').style.color = "red";




//E-mail provera

var validateEmail = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-


var getEmail = document.querySelector('#cEmail');

var getParrentEmail = getEmail.parentElement.parentElement;

var getGreskaEmail = getParrentEmail.nextElementSibling;



document.getElementById('resultEmail').style.color = "red";




//Gradovi provera

var ddlGradElement = document.getElementById('grad');

var trTagRoditeljGrad = ddlGradElement.parentElement.parentElement;

var trTagGreskaGrad = trTagRoditeljGrad.nextElementSibling;

if (ddlGradElement.value === "0") {


document.getElementById('resultGrad').style.color = "red";

} else {



//Comment provera

var validateComment = /^([A-z][0-9])+$/;

var getComment = document.querySelector('#cComment');

var getParrentComment = getComment.parentElement.parentElement;

var getGreskaComment = getParrentComment.nextElementSibling;



document.getElementById('resultComment').style.color = "red";





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