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  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje



    at the University of Ljubljana


    University of Ljubljana Career Centres


  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje


    O HE FIRS CYCLE S UDY PROGRAMMESat the University of Ljubljana


    University of Ljubljana Career Centres


  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje



    Dear students, where to go after completing secondary school? Higher Education Following the Restructuring after 11 June 2004 16Study and Career Counselling at the University of Ljubljana 17

    Which Study Programme to Choose? 18Examining Your Interests, Personal Characteristics and Capabilities 19Planning the Career Path During Your Studies 19Career Counsellor Contact Information 20

    Academy of Music (UL AG) 22 About the Academy 22First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 23Music Education 23Music Arts 24

    Academy of Teatre, Radio, Film and elevision (UL AGRF ) 2 About the Academy 25First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 26Dramaturgy and Performing Arts 26Stage Acting 27Film and elevision 27Teatre Directing 28

    Academy of Fine Arts and Design (UL ALUO) About the Academy 29First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 30Industrial Design and Applied Arts 30Sculpture 30Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art 31Visual Communication Design 31Painting 32

    Biotechnical Faculty (UL BF) 33 About the Faculty 33First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 34Biology 34Biotechnology 35Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources 35

    Agriculture - Agronomy 36 Agriculture Animal Production 36Landscape Architecture 37

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    Wood echnology 37Microbiology 38Food Science and Nutrition 38First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 39Forestry 39

    Agriculture Agronomy and Horticulture 39 Agriculture Animal Husbandry 40echnologies of Wood and Fibre Composites 40

    Faculty of Economics (UL EF) 41 About the Faculty 41First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 42University Study Programme in Economics and Business 42First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 43Professional Study Programme in Business 43

    Faculty of Architecture (UL FA) 44 About the Faculty 44Single Cycle Masters Study Programme 45

    Architecture 45First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 45Urbanism 45

    Faculty of Social Sciences (UL FDV) 46 About the Faculty 46First Cyle Academic Study Programmes 47

    Analytical Sociology 47Social Informatics 48European Studies 48Media and Communication Studies 49Marketing Communications and Public Relations MCPR 49Cultural Studies 50International Relations 50

    Journalism 51Political Science - Policy Analysis and Public Administration 51Political Science Politics and the State 52Sociology Human Resources Management 52First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 53Social Informatics 53

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering (UL FE) 54 About the Faculty 54First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 55Electrical Engineering 55Multimedia (UL FE + UL FRI) 56First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 56

    Applicative Electrical Engineering 56Multimedia Communication 56

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    Faculty of Pharmacy (UL FFA) 57 About the Faculty 57Single Masters Study Programme 58

    Pharmacy 58First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 59Cosmetology 59Laboratory Biomedicine 59

    Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (UL FGG) About the Faculty 60First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 61Geodesy and Geoinformatics 61Civil Engineering 62Buildings 62

    Water Management and Environmental Engineering 63First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 63Construction Management 63echnical Real Estate Management 64

    Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical echnology (UL FKK ) 6 About the Faculty 65First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 66Biochemistry 66Chemistry 67Chemical Engineering 67echnical Safety 68

    First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 68Chemical echnology 68

    Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (UL FMF) 6 About the Faculty 69Single Cycle Masters Study Programme 70Mathematics Education 70First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 70Financial Mathematics 70Physics 71Mathematics 71Meteorology and Geophysics 71First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 72Practical Mathematics 72Physical Measurements echniques 72

    Faculty of Maritime Studies and ransport (UL FPP) 7 About the Faculty 73First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 74raffic echnology 74First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 75Marine Engineering 75

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    Nautical Studies 75raffic echnology and ransport Logistics 76

    Faculty of Computer and Information Science (UL FRI) 77 About the Faculty 77First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 78Computer and Information Science 78Computer Science and Mathematics (UL FRI + UL FMF) 79First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 80Computer and Information Science 80

    Faculty of Social Work (UL FSD) 81 About the Faculty 81First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 82Social Work 82

    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (UL FS) 83 About the Faculty 83First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 84Design Engineering (UL FS + UL ALUO) 84Mechanical Engineering - Research and Development Programme 84First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 85Mechanical Engineering - Research and Development Programme 85

    Faculty of Sport (UL F) 86 About the Faculty 86

    First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 87Kinesiology 87Sport Recreation 88

    Athletic raining 88Physical Education 89

    Faculty of Administration (UL FU) 90 About the Faculty 90First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 91

    Administration 91 Administrative Information Systems (UL FU + UL FRI) 92First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 92

    Administration 92

    Faculty of Arts (UL FF) 93 About the Faculty 93First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 94English Studies 94English Studies (Combined Degree Programme) 95Classical and Humanistic Studies (Combined Degree Programme) 95

    Archaeology 96Librarianship and Information Science 96

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    Faculty of Natural Sciences and echnology (UL N F) 121 About the Faculty 121First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 122

    Geology 122Geotechnology and Mining Engineering 123Industrial Geoengineering (UL N F + UL EF) 123Graphic and Interactive Communication 124Materials Engineering 124Planning extiles and Clothing 125extile and Fashion Design 125First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 126Geotechnology and Mining Engineering 126Graphic and Media echnology 126Metallurgical echnologies 127extile and Clothing Production 127

    Faculty of Education (UL PeF) 128 About the Faculty 128First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 129Te two-subject teacher 129Visual Art Education 130Speech and Language Terapist 130Primary eacher Education 131Social Pedagogy 131Special Educational Needs 132Special Education for Visually Impaired and Learning Disabilities 132

    First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 133Preschool Education 133

    Faculty of Law (UL PF) 134 About the Faculty 134First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 135Law 135

    Faculty of Teology (UL EOF) 136 About the Faculty 136Single Masters Study Programme 137Teology 137First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 138Teological and Religious Studies 138Teological Studies (Combined Degree Programme) 138Teological Studies (UL EOF + UM) 138(Double Honours Programme Joint Degree (with the University of Maribor)) 139

    Veterinary Faculty (UL VF) 140 About the Faculty 140Single Cycle Masters Study Programme 141Veterinary Medicine 141

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    Faculty of Health Sciences (UL ZF) 142 About the Faculty 142First Cycle Academic Study Programmes 143

    Sanitary Engineering 143First Cycle Professional Study Programmes 143Midwifery 143Occupational Terapy 144Physiotherapy 144Laboratory Dental Prosthetics 145Orthotics and Prosthetics 145Radiologic echnology 146Nursing 146

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    Dear students, where to go after

    completing secondary school? Prof. dr. Julijana Kristl

    Te University of Ljubljana is the leading Slo-venian university with the largest research, ed-ucation and artistic potential and internationalreputation. It encompasses 23 faculties and 3academies, and almost 60% of all yearly popula-tion of students from Slovenia enrol at this uni-versity. A tradition of good practice in researchand education activities ranks it among the 500best universities in the world, since it maintainshigh academic criteria, guards the institution-al autonomy and the freedom of research andteaching. Special attention is paid to the intel-lectual development of students, their capabili-ties for gaining knowledge and the developmentof innovative ideas, independent thinking andpreparation for employment. Te UL providesrst, second and third cycle study programmesformed in accordance with the goals of thecommon area of European higher education.Upon the Bologna reform, the UL implementednovelties in three areas: content (new learningcontent), implementation (new forms of educa-

    tion) and connection (interdisciplinary and in-ternational). It is essential to provide the highestpossible quality of study programmes, regardlessof whether they are distinguished vertically bylevels or horizontally by disciplines.

    What has to be taken into account when choos-ing your study programme?

    A good starting point to think over can be ob-tained by examining the content in this Guide

    in detail and bringing it in line with your wish-es and capabilities. In the Guide, you will nda description of individual faculties and acad-emies and the presentation of their rst cyclestudy programmes and single-cycle master'sstudy programmes in which you can enrol aftercompleting the relevant secondary school. Forthis purpose, the UL provides more than 160accredited internationally comparable studyprogrammes with diverse content (31 profes-sional study programmes and 125 university)and 7 single-cycle master's programmes forregulated professions in accordance with Euro-pean directives. Besides these, a few of the pro-grammes are still in their development stage,and some are already being updated. Below you

    will nd new information on the higher educa-tion system which will help you when choosinga programme, during your studies and whenpreparing for employment. Tis includes de-scriptions of the types of programmes, learningoutcomes and the engagement of students and

    the diploma supplement.First cycle study programmes are either profes-sional study programmes of higher education oruniversity study programmes. Professional studyprogrammes of higher education are oriented to-

    wards acquiring a professionally applied knowl-edge, skills and capabilities. Te university studyprogrammes enable students to gain knowledge

    with an in-depth study of theoretical and meth-odological concepts. Each study programme con-

    Selecting a study is probably one of the most important decisions you will have to make in your life.By selecting a study programme, as well as a university, everyone inescapably denes not just the nextfew years of their life, but also their own long-term educational, professional and personal develop-ment. Te decision about your study programme should not be made lightly. I will be honoured if youchoose a study programme at the University of Ljubljana (UL).

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    tains a curriculum with the names of subjects andthe arrangement by individual years, the numberof hours of lectures, exercises, seminars, practical

    training and other activities at the faculty or acad-emy, as well as the environment where you willbe able to gain employment after graduating. Allthis data can be found at the website indicated atthe end of the description of each individual pro-gramme. Te advantage of studying at our uni-versity is education based on research done in wellequipped laboratories, where you will learn aboutdiscoveries in the selected educational area and alsodevelop your own through project tasks. Besidesthe programmes, the UL also provides studentsduring their studies a diverse series of internationalexchanges, extracurricular activities, career con-sulting, tutor assistance, digital library and more.

    Te professional study programmes of highereducation and university study programmes en-compass 180 or 240 credit points (CP) and lastthree or four years. In one academic year, stu-dents can obtain 60 credits where 1 CP means25 to 30 hours of student work or 1500 to 1800hours per year. Tis includes all activities at thefaculty, independent simultaneous learning andpreparation for assessment of knowledge. Testudent's veriable gained knowledge representslearning outcomes that are determined by thegrade and the number of credits.Learning out-comes represent a set of knowledge, skills andcapabilities for life and work or for continuingthe education which the individual developsduring the educational process.

    Qualication consists of the predened stand-ards of knowledge, skills and capabilities, and

    learning outcomes. Te European and nationalqualication frameworks (being prepared in theRepublic of Slovenia) are based on the agreedupon descriptions of levels, with dened learn-ing outcomes and the relevant range of creditsfor an individual level in terms of difficulty andcomplexity of their content(http://www.nok.si).

    With the desire to provide transparent qualica-tions that the elementary, secondary or tertiary

    school students obtain during education rang-ing from the elementary school to the doctoraldegree, a national classication of educational

    degrees called KLASIUS has been prepared inthe Republic of Slovenia. According to KLASI-US, the rst cycle study programmes are classi-ed at the 6/2 level. Te general description ofthe learning outcomes that the rst cycle grad-uates are supposed to master includes: Knowledge: in-depth professional and theoret-

    ical knowledge in a certain eld supported by abroader theoretical and methodological basis;

    Skills: demonstrating and using professional,

    technical, creative and conceptual skills relat-ed to the eld of education and training. Op-erating based on forming suitable professionalopinions in planning, technical, productionand supervision functions in relation to prod-ucts, services, operations and processes. Hav-ing skills for mastering difficult, complex workprocesses, and capability to independently useknowledge in new, atypical work situations.

    Capabilities: capability for working in variousenvironments and in various functions thatrequire discovering and creative solving ofproblems. Accepting responsibility for deter-mining and achieving own results of work orteamwork results. aking supervisory respon-sibility for the work of others in dened elds.Te qualication for informed discussion andsolving of issues in the discipline. Te capa-bility of taking initiative for own learning,the qualication for recognising own needsfor learning and for interactive learning ingroups.

    After successfully completing the study pro-gramme, students obtain the diploma and thediploma supplement with which they provetheir professional qualication. Te diplo-ma supplement contains detailed data on thestudy programme and the student's learningoutcomes in an internationally comparablemanner. With this, the graduates demonstratethe qualities and the value of gained knowl-

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    edge, mainly to employers or to higher edu-cation institutions for future education andqualication.

    I hope that the Guide is informative enoughso that you can nd the information you needto make an informed decision on a study pro-gramme. It is the desire of the professors andassociates at the UL that all the enrolled stu-dents nd their bearings at the start of theirstudies and that they complete their educationalactivities successfully and in a timely manner sothat having obtained our diploma they cantackle their professional careers, continue theireducation, or both. Furthermore, to be a studentat the UL is not only stimulating and academ-ically competitive, but also pleasant and full ofstudent experiences.

    Prof. dr. Julijana KristlVice Rector of the University of Ljubljana for edu-cational activities

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    Student Centred Learning

    Te modern teaching and learning sys-tem is steering the educational institu-tions towards forming and implementingstudy programmes so as to change thetraditional teaching with lectures wherethe student is a passive recipient. Studentcentred learning is diametrically op-posed to traditional learning, because itenables the students to responsibly formtheir own learning path and to activelyparticipate in realizing their education-

    al goal. Te focus of the student centredlearning is content and implementationof programmes in a manner that providesthe students more choice in content (ob-ligatory and elective subjects), manner(standard, online), tempo and place oflearning. With this approach, the educa-tional institutions take over a primarilydirecting and encouraging role (teachers,tutors and Career Centres) and help thestudent to form their own learning pathand to develop own learning styles andacquire experience.

    Student Engagement and LearningOutcomes

    Te engagement of a student is the timerequired on average for them to completethe study requirements (lectures, seminars,projects, practical training, independentlearning and examinations) to achievelearning outcomes. Learning outcomesrepresent the expected knowledge, skillsand capabilities that the student developsduring the studies. After successfully com-pleting the examination and assessment

    that are used to determine if they achievedthe prescribed learning outcomes of theindividual programme or their work, thestudents obtain credits in accordance withthe accredited study programme. Tegoal of the credit system is to facilitate theplanning and implementation of studyprogrammes, to enable national and inter-national student mobility as well as recog-nition and evaluation of qualications. Forthis purpose, the credit system is relatedto the descriptions of the levels in nation-al and European qualication framework(http://www.nok.si ).

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    Higher education in Slovenia following the

    Bologna reform after 11 June 2004. Age


    3rd cycle doctoral study programmes (180 CP)

    (Doktor znanosti)




    2nd cycle masters study programmes(60 120 CP)

    (Magister ...)





    1st cycle professionalstudy programmes:

    (180 240 CP)(Diplomirani ... (VS))

    1st cycle academicstudy programmes:

    (180 240 CP)(Diplomirani ... (UN))





  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje


    Te University of Ljubljana has set up career cen-tres at all faculties and academies, where career

    counsellors provide comprehensive support for is-sues related to studies and career orientation.Teoperation is partially nanced by the EuropeanUnion, namely the European Social Fund. Teoperation is being performed within the frame-work of the Operational Programme for HumanResources Development for the 2007-2013 pe-riod, priority axis 3: Development of HumanResources and of Lifelong Learning priorityorientation 3.3: Quality, Competitiveness andResponsiveness of Higher Education .1

    Te central role of the career centres is to providesupport in making decisions regarding studies,raising awareness about the importance of acquir-ing employment skills, additional knowledge andcompetencies during the time of studies, support intimely planning of careers and assistance to gradu-ates during the transition to rst employment.

    o achieve the above goals, the career centresorganise and implement the following activitiesfree of charge: Providing information about study programmes

    and the employment possibilities of graduatesafter completing their studies.

    Study and Career Counselling at the

    University of Ljubljana

    Individual and group career counselling. Organising workshops and other trainings for

    obtaining additional competences and knowl-edge for effective entry onto the labour market.

    Providing information about current calls forapplications for students and young graduates.

    Presentation of employers and employment pos-sibilities in their organisations.

    Student visits to organisations where the stu-dents get to know the work environment, workrequirements and the transfer of theoreticalprofessional knowledge into practice.

    Following the career paths of graduates (a sur-vey on employability of graduates, cooperation

    with ALUMNI clubs). Organisation of professional consultations re-

    garding a lifelong career orientation.

    Do you want to become a lawyer, a sanitary engineer, a teacher, a psychologist, an architect, biologist, an actor, a sculptor, a fashion designer, a diplomat, a doctor or a pharmacist... but youwhere to enrol? Maybe you have several different interests, and you do not know which studencompasses all of them?

    1 In a public tender for co-nancing the development and implementation of the activities of career centres in higher education, which was carried out by theformer Ministry of Higher Education, Science and echnology (now the Ministry of Education, Science, echnology and Sport), the University of Ljubljanaobtained resources from the European Social Fund for performing the programme in accordance with the Operational Programme for Human ResourcesDevelopment for the 2007-2013 period, within the framework of the 3rd priority axis: Development of Human Resources and of Lifelong Learning; priorityorientation 3.3: Quality, Competitiveness and Responsiveness of Higher Education. For the implementation of the project, the Ministry shall pay up to1,187,201.72, of which 85 percent will be contributed by the European Union from the European Social Fund and 15 percent by the Republic of Slovenia.Te project is being implemented from 2 July 2010 to 30 June 2013. Te project coordinator for the University of Ljubljana is Maja Dizdarevi and therepresentative of the Ministry of Education, Science, echnology and Sport is Janez Danijel.

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    Choosing the study programme is a decision thathas an important effect on the individuals ca-reer, vocational and life path. Some people haveknown since they were very young which studyprogramme and profession they will choose, oth-ers choose a study programme at the recommenda-tion of friends, parents and acquaintances and oth-ers chose it based on the proximity of a faculty or

    academy, accessibility, reputation, equipment, em-ployment possibilities, the professors, grades fromprevious schooling, etc. Regardless of the abovefactors for making a choice, the key importanceis above all to be well informed about the con-tent, curriculum and particularities of study pro-grammes. Tus, through that information one cannarrow the gaps between expectations, interests,the individual capabilities and the requirements ofthe study programme and decrease the number ofincorrect decisions. Te career centres advise youto do the following before making a choice:

    Read the introductory collection of documentsregarding study programmes that are publishedon the faculties and academies web pages.Tere, you will nd detailed descriptions ofsubjects, with content and the number of creditpoints, competences that you will acquire whensuccessfully completing the study programme,the conditions to complete the studies, themethod of evaluation and, of course, the condi-tions for registration.

    Attend a presentation of study programmes atinformation days and the Informativa fair.

    Which Study Programme to Choose?

    Consult a career counsellor from the faculty oracademy, a teacher and an education counsellorat a high school.

    Inform yourself about employment possibili-ties after completing the studies and about thecurrent situation and projections on the labourmarket.

    Attend a lecture at a faculty or academy andobtain insight into part of a study programmeand the dynamics of the study process.

    Contact the nearest Vocational Informationand Counselling Centre (CIPS), where you willget information about professions and studyprogrammes and, if needed, perform a psycho-logical testing of your interests, characteristicsand competencies.

    In the event that entrance examinations are re-

    quired at selected study programmes, attend thepreparations for the exams. Get information about a study programme from

    friends, acquaintances, students and graduatesof the eld of study.

    o get additional information, you can also useonline forums and presentations of professionson the internet, the V and radio.

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    Examining Your Interests, Personal Characteristics and Capabilities

    whether a rst cycle, second cycle or third cycleprogramme has to be completed to achieve yourgoal.

    What do you excel in? What can you do and what are you capable of? What are your short-comings that might impede you on the way toyour described goal and which you will have toovercome? What potential difficulties in the en-vironment might hinder you on your study andcareer path? Are there any health-related limi-tations that prevent you to complete the studiesand to practice your profession?

    Make a shortlist of programmes based on the an-swers and the information about the study pro-grammes and compare them with one another.In the event of difficulties in indentifying studyand career interests, contact the career counsellorat your faculty or academy. Based on a discussi-on, you will both determine the areas at issue foryour career development and prepare a careerplan. If needed, psychological testing can also becarried out as part of the counselling process andis free of charge for the students of the Universityof Ljubljana.

    Te selection of the study programme is also in-uenced by your interests, personal characteris-tics, experience and capabilities; therefore, it isimportant to know yourself. Mainly, it is nec-essary to answer the following questions aboutyourself:

    What do you want to achieve in private life andin professional life? What are your ambitions,goals, motives? What profession do you want topractice? What are the most important values foryour work career? Is independence and self-reli-ance more important to you than teamwork? Doyou desire to perform creative, exciting work? Doyou want creative expression? Are social status,high salary, promotions, safety, management ofothers, etc. important to you? Answering theabove questions will give you a scale of the mostimportant personal and career values.

    What brings you joy? What do you like to do? What motivates you? Combine your interests with a suitable eld of study. Write down a listof activities that you like to do and underlinethose that you like to do most and then writedown vocations next to them. Also review

    Planning the Career Path During Your Studies What is a career path? A career path comprisesthe comprehensive personal, educational and vo-cational development of an individual. It is a long-term, systematic, dynamic and active developmentthat among other things includes planned increas-es of competency, knowledge and employmentpossibilities during the studies.

    For timely and successful planning of career path,the career centres recommend carrying out the fol-lowing activities during the studies: Actively participate in the study process through

    research, discussions and completion of seminar

    papers, exercises, project work and diploma the-ses. While doing so, link up with professors andassistants as well as potential employers whensolving concrete cases. By actively engaging in astudy process, you will make contacts with ped-agogic workers at the faculty and potential em-ployers, you will nd out about the employmentpossibilities of the study programme and in prac-tical projects you will be able to use the obtainedtheoretical knowledge in practice.

    Under the mentorship of a professor, you canadapt a quality and thoughtful seminar paper ora diploma thesis into a contribution to a scientif-

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    ic journal, a panel discussion or an expert con-ference. Tis way, you will start building yourreputation in scientic circles, and at panel dis-

    cussions and conferences, you will get to knowand make contact with experts from your eldof expertise.

    Participate in a student exchange programmeor practical training abroad. You will improveyour knowledge of a foreign language and ob-tain international and intercultural experience.Te above will also serve as a reference that you

    will include in your curriculum vitae. Tis willbe important information for potential employ-ers about your active knowledge of the foreign

    language from the environment where you wereduring the student exchange or practical trainingand about your independence and capability toadapt to new situations and to take on a globalperspective.

    Obtain practical experience by carrying out a stu-dent practical training, student work or volunteer

    work. o carry out the student practical training,student work or volunteer work, select an em-ployer suitable for your area and at the end of thetraining ask them for a written recommendation.

    Te development of an individuals career meansobtaining various knowledge, skills and expe-rience. Make sure to constantly professionallydevelop by taking part in formal and informaleducation courses and trainings. Attend work-shops and other events by the Career Centres ofthe University of Ljubljana, youth organisations,student societies and similar.

    We recommend that you follow the new devel-opments in the area of your expertise, read pro-fessional literature and participate in round ta-bles, panel discussions and conferences. Insofar

    as possible, obtain certicates about your activecooperation or participations that you will in-clude as an attachment to your curriculum vitae.

    Active career management means acquiring pro-fessionally related acquaintances. Use personaland online networking with professors, employ-ers and representatives of professional societies(on Facebook, LinkedIn, witter, etc.). Followthe news at faculties and student websites. Tere,you will nd information on professional andsocial events and other news, and you can readthe opinions of others and exchange experiencevia forums.

    Participate in extra-curricular activities, i.e. stu-dent mentorships, stand as a candidate for thestudent council, student organisation, participateactively in professional societies. You will gainknew acquaintances, condence and responsibil-ity, and by participating in various projects, you

    will also gain new knowledge and skills, and you will use the obtained knowledge in practice.

    Make use of the possibility of free career coun-selling at the career counsellor of your facultyor academy. Te career counsellor will provide

    support in making career decisions and guide-lines for forming a career plan. With advice, they

    will help you prepare a motivational letter and aCV. You can contact them whenever you do notknow how or what to do on your career path.

    During your studies, attend the visits or presenta-tions of employers, which are organised by facul-ties and academies as well as the career centres.

    And do not forget to bring your CV or a CVcalling card with you. Tis way, you will make agood impression on the potential employer, whomight provide you with the opportunity to per-form practical training, student work and lateremployment.

    Career Counsellor Contact Information You can arrange an individual meeting with a career counsellor via e-mail kc@uni-lj.si and web pagewww.kc.uni-lj.si

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    Sources and literature:

    Breko, D. (2006): Nartovanje kariere. Planet GV.

    Cvetko, R. (2002): Razvijanje delovne kariere. Znanstveno raziskovalno sredie Republike Slovenije, Koper, inFakulteta za drubene vede, Ljubljana.

    Javrh, P. (2011): Mo poklicne poti. Andragoki center Slovenije.

    Javrh, P. (2011): Splone in andragoke zakonitosti razvoja kariere. Andragoki center Slovenije.

    Sharf, R. S. (1992): Applying career development thaory to counseling. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

    Werner, J. M., DeSimone, R. L. (2009): Human Resource Development. Sout-Western CENGAGE Learning.

    Institute for Community Inclusion. Available at:http://www.communityinclusion.org/doc.php?doc_id=10&id=11&type=project (4 July 2012)

    Keppie careers. Available at: http://www.keppiecareers.com/2009/06/29/job-search-planning-steps-tips-and-tricks/ (20 July 2012)

    David G. Jensen , 2010. ooling Up: A Job-Search Plan for the Person Without One. Science careers, 20 August 2010. Available at: http://sciencecareers.sciencemag.org/career_magazine/previous_issues/articles/2010dit.a1000081(3 July 2012)

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  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje



    Music Education

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te basic programme goal is to provide studentsand graduates with professional knowledge ob-tained by studying the disciplines of musicalreproduction, production, musicology and mu-sical pedagogy , in order to encourage and ena-ble synthetic, analytic and creative thinking andsolving of problems and exible use of knowledge

    in practice. Te initiative/ambition encompassesthe values of continuous personal advancementand professional improvement, whereby sensitiv-ity (awareness) to the natural and social environ-ment, national culture, heritage, identity, multi-culturalism and non-discrimination is the basisfor future education and training. Other generalgoals of this programme include: the ability tomanage time, independent planning, self-control

    when implementing plans and capability of usinginformation and communication technology in

    upbringing and education, knowledge and un-derstanding of social systems, especially processesin upbringing and education, the ability to co-operate/teamwork and sensibility for people andsocial situations, knowledge and understandingof developmental laws, differences and needs ofthe individual, understanding of individual val-ues and value systems, managing professionaland ethical issues.

    Study programme information package available:www.ag.uni-lj.si/index.php?page_id=1837 .


    Te artistic activity of the Academy of Music isrich and of top quality. Te best students intro-duce themselves in three concert cycles: during

    the concert subscription series with representa-tive larger musical groups such as the symphonicorchestra, wind instrument orchestra, chamberstring orchestra of the Academy of Music, cham-ber choir, mixed choir, Gregorian choir, duringthe chamber cycle, where the best chamber for-mations from all departments present themselvesand during the cycle of solo concerts, where thebest solo artists from the majority of study pro-grammes present themselves. Te research activ-ity of UL AG is being carried out mainly at thedepartments for composition and musical theory,at the department of musical education and atthe annual international musicology symposium.

    An important part of the Academy of Music isits connection to various Slovenian and interna-tional institutions. Primarily in the artistic eld,its quality is internationally recognised, becauselarger formations and individual students success-fully represent themselves at numerous centres,such as Berlin, Vienna, Graz, Amsterdam, Salz-burg, rieste, Zagreb, Hamburg, Belgrade, etc.


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    knowledge required for transferring their knowl-edge for educational activities in the elds thatare dened by the subjects of this programme.

    By successfully completing the subjects of theprogramme, graduates are prepared for continu-ing their studies in the same subjects of study ofa second cycle Music Arts master's programme

    with which they obtain the knowledge and com-petencies of musical artists from the eld of theirsubjects, and through their elected pedagogicmodule, they obtain the knowledge and com-petencies of a pedagogue for the elds of theirsubjects in elementary and secondary musicalschools.

    Study programme information package available:www.ag.uni-lj.si/index.php?page_id=1837 .


    Music ArtsSubjects: Composition and Musical Teory Orchestral Conducting Choral Conducting Voice Piano Organ Accordion Harpsichord Guitar Harp Violin Viola Violoncello Double Bass Flute Oboe Clarinet Bassoon Saxophone rumpet Horn rombone uba Percussions Recorder Sacral Music

    Programme Duration3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te goal of the rst cycle Music Arts programmeis to educate talented musicians who have highschool level knowledge about the eld of thesubject of this programme to perform the artis-tic professions that are dened by the subjects ofthis programme. Besides the elective pedagogicmodule, undergraduates also obtain some of the

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    Academy of Teatre, Radio, Film and elev(UL AGRF )


    Te basic programme goal is to provide studentsand graduates with professional knowledge ob-tained by studying the disciplines of musicalreproduction, production, musicology and mu-sical pedagogy , in order to encourage and ena-ble synthetic, analytic and creative thinking andsolving of problems and exible use of knowledgein practice. Te initiative/ambition encompassesthe values of continuous personal advancementand professional improvement, whereby sensitiv-ity (awareness) to the natural and social environ-ment, national culture, heritage, identity, multi-culturalism and non-discrimination is the basis

    Address: Nazorjeva ul. 3, 1000 Ljubljana

    Website: www.agrft.uni-lj.si

    E-mail: dekanat@agrft.uni-lj.si

    elephone: +386 1 251 04 12Fax: +386 1 251 04 50

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    Dramaturgy andPerforming Arts

    Programme Duration: 3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals: At the rst cycle of the study programme, thestudents of dramaturgy and the performing artsobtain all the necessary theatrical knowledge thatprepares them for performing practical drama-turgic tasks in theatres and related institutions,

    on the radio, in lm and in television, do theoret-ical research and archive work in theatres and re-lated institutions and obtain the basic knowledgenecessary for writing various dramaturgic texts,from artistic texts (various drama genres) to oth-er critical and publicistic articles for the expertpublic and mass media. Teir theatre knowledgeis internationally comparable and complies withEuropean standards for the above mentionedeld. Graduates will obtain knowledge that willenable them to grow and develop personally, to

    use information and communications technol-ogy when searching, processing, presenting andforwarding information, to acquire, conceiveand manage projects and to develop interculturalcommunication in formal and informal circum-stances.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.agrft.uni-lj.si/studij/dodiplomski_studij/ .

    for future education and training. Other generalgoals of this programme include: the ability tomanage time, independent planning, self-control

    when implementing plans and capability of usinginformation and communication technology inupbringing and education, knowledge and un-derstanding of social systems, especially processesin upbringing and education, the ability to co-operate/teamwork and sensibility for people andsocial situations, knowledge and understandingof developmental laws, differences and needs ofthe individual, understanding of individual val-ues and value systems, managing professionaland ethical issues.


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    Stage Acting Programme Duration:4 years

    Number of credits (EC S):240

    Te basic programme goals: After completing their studies, graduates under-stand and master the basic principles of perfor-mance: from simulation through improvisationto interpretation and artistic performance. Testudy opens up the possibilities for individualand group examination of acting potentials andthus establish eld for laying out an artistic vi-sion and connection with its realisation. Teprogramme prepares graduates for analysing cir-cumstances and changes in their psycho-physicalstructure when transitioning from the real worldinto the ctitious space of the play, stage and per-formance. During their studies, students formthe rst outlines of their performing personality,

    namely a special personal structure that the ac-tors use in their artistic creation. Te programmeoffers a wider and in-depth insight into the Slo-venian theatrical eld, namely it encompasses itscritical evaluation and simultaneously makes aprofessional comparison with current theatricalcreative processes and achievements abroad. Terequired programme that graduates acquire is ex-pressed and given meaning in the public space inSlovenia and abroad.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.agrft.uni-lj.si/studij/dodiplomski_studij/ .


    Film and elevision

    Subjects: Film and elevision Directing Cinematography for Film and elevision Film and elevision Editing

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals: Te basic goal of the programme is to preparegraduates in accordance with the selected eldof study (directing, shooting, editing) for inde-pendent creative and professional work whenmaking documentaries, feature lms, V dra-mas, V shows of various types and other formsof audiovisual work. During the study process,students get to know theoretical basics, estheticaland content- related starting points, technolog-ical procedures and practical tools that relate tothe preparation, production and postproductionof audiovisual work. At the same time, they alsoform their own expression by creatively execut-ing increasingly complex projects with estheticaland technical conceptualisation and realisation.Te programme contains basic knowledge, sothat after completing the studies, graduates cansuccessfully work in the audiovisual eld, and atthe same time the chosen led within the pro-gramme (directing, shooting, and editing) pro-

    vides enough specialised knowledge and experi-ence for complete and independent performanceof tasks in the selected eld.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.agrft.uni-lj.si/studij/dodiplomski_studi.

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    Teatre Directing Programme Duration:4 years

    Number of credits (EC S):240

    Te basic programme goals:During their studies, graduates in theatre direct-ing primarily develop knowledge and capabili-ties in regard to their own relation to the actor,the theatre event, sound, space, scripts and the

    wider social, artistic and other dimensions of thetheatre event. While doing so, their creativity inconnecting the above mentioned elements into acoherent and convincing structure of experiencethat is based on theoretical and practical knowl-edge of human psychology, psychological types,group psychology and dynamics and managingactive and effective direction through verbs, pic-tures and ideas that are inspirational and feasibleis key. Graduates become equipped with appro-

    priate skills for management and communicationand economy in the dramaturgic use of theatreresources.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.agrft.uni-lj.si/studij/dodiplomski_studij/ .

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    Industrial Design and Applied Arts

    Subjects: Industrial Design Applied Arts

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te programme provides a wide professional edu-

    cation to future designers that will enable them toanalytically dene and creatively solve design prob-lems in the most diverse areas of human residentialneeds. Design, planning and art seminars are ac-companied by general theoretical subjects from es-thetical, humanistic, technical and social economicsciences. Te purpose of these subjects is not to ob-tain a broad knowledge, but to encourage interestsfor individual disciplines and their importance inthe design process. Formally, the graduates of thisprogramme are designers, but the practice showsthat the possibilities of later employment are com-pletely open. Some graphic design graduates spe-cialise in illustration, others in photography, othersin marketing and others in general graphical design.On the other hand some graduates of industrial de-sign take creative jobs in the industry and othersengage in small-scale or one-off designer products.It seems that these open possibilities are the greatestquality of the design studies at our school.

    Study programme information package available:www.aluo.uni-lj.si .


    SculptureProgramme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te study programme follows the criteria that

    was formed within the sculpture department inrecent years and is the result of the synthesis, onthe one hand, of the classical values of art culturethat the UL ALUO has cultivated since its es-tablishment onwards and on the other hand themodern perception of reality that through themedium of sculpture provides a statement aboutthe complex subjects in an individual's living en-vironment in this technicism period of globali-sation as well as simple concepts from everydaylife that in the past existed outside the sculpturalstructure but through which today sculpting artexpresses sensitive and active content of what is

    "real". Because the eld of sculpture is constantlyexpanding and changing, the educational work ofthe professors also follows this dynamic, and theprofessors introduce students to various sculptingpractices that can even be exclusionary amongone another. Te diversity of principles that ndlegitimacy within the same artistic institution isthe warrant for its conceptual breadth that is re-quired to form anyone entering the medium ofsculpture.

    Study programme information package available:www.aluo.uni-lj.si .


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    Conservation andRestoration of Worksof Art

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Restoration is a specic activity that deals withpreserving, studying, care and maintenance, inshort, with the conservation and restoration ofcultural and natural heritage. Art heritage andor artworks are an indispensable part of everycultural heritage. Artwork represents a large partof cultural heritage sculptures and paintings invarious techniques, qualities and various sizes.Professionally, they are categorised as paintingson canvas, panel paintings, paintings on other

    supports, wall paintings, mosaics, wood (poly-chromed) plastic arts, stone (polychromed) plas-tic arts and more complex decorative artwork.

    All these pieces of art, these artworks that are anindispensible part of cultural richness and are thematerial foundation of national independence, re-quire constant care. Only in this way can we pre-serve them for our descendants suitably kept andpreserved. Te study programme is composed ofprofessional restoration work, research work andartistic painting and sculpture creation. Te syl-labus is designed so that students obtain profes-sional knowledge gradually. In the rst years, themain focus is on arts and scientic subjects; inlater years, there are expert subjects that roundoff the complete programme of restoration.

    Study programme information package available:www.aluo.uni-lj.si .


    Visual CommunicationDesign

    Subjects: Photography Graphic Design Illustration Interactive Design

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Reproductive authorial graphic art is not a re-production of an image or a statue and is neversubject to techniques or made due to the tech-nique. Managing the material and technical re-quirements is understandably necessary. In to-

    day's time and the experience, the graphic art hasmoved away from high technicism and decora-tion. Visual communication design is the creativeresearch of new media. Students obtain specicskills of electronic digital technology with whichthey build a structural eld of video images, videosculptures, video space, video art internet instal-lations and 3D computer animation. Te lecturesalso encompass chapters on aesthetics and thehistory of media art. At the postgraduate studies,the video is interdisciplinarily connected with the

    scientic research eld, primarily the Faculty ofComputer and Information Science.

    Study programme information package available:www.aluo.uni-lj.si .


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    Painting Subjects: Painting Printmaking Video and New Media

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:In the conception process, the drawing is the rstnote that the artist creates out of their feelingsand emotions. It is the rst conception. Whenthey put it on paper or any other surface, theyenable a formal consolidation of the inner imagethat is enveloped in the conception. However,because the drawing is exible and at the sametime a reection of looking (description) andthe result of inspection (recording), it is a visi-

    ble accomplishment of perception and thoughtpatterns. Tis means that it can supplement orchange the regular structure of perception, rec-ognition, thinking and creation. Tus, its mate-rialised (drawn) form is a point of alteration be-tween the appearing and the conceived, betweenthe already seen and the unseen, with one wordit is a movable tool. What about the painting?

    At rst, the painting is the condition of space.If it is used as a structural skeleton that enablesthe adaptation to the real world, it is a windowinto the world. If it is chosen with the intent torepresent a closed optical space, it establishes anindependent image language in a universal space

    with hidden tensions. If the painting is compared with the body, it was chosen with the intent toestablish through historical references an opticalinspection and psychical organisation where thechaos endangers the perception of the body and

    wipes the art experience from the space.

    Study programme information package available:www.aluo.uni-lj.si .

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    Te fundamental mission of the BiotechnicalFaculty of the University of Ljubljana is to per-form university, higher education, professional

    and postgraduate education, scientic-researchand expert and consulting work in the eld ofscience about living nature (biology, microbiol-ogy) as well as agriculture, forestry and shery(forestry, animal science, agronomy) and therelated production technologies (wood science,food science, biotechnology). Te common basisof all study and scientic disciplines at the Bio-technical Faculty is natural resources (soil, space,ora, fauna, water). Owing to its focus on study-

    Biotechnical Faculty(UL BF)

    Address: Jamnikarjeva ul. 101,

    1000 Ljubljana

    Website: www.bf.uni-lj.si

    E-mail: info@bf.uni-lj.sielephone: +386 1 320 30 00

    Fax: +386 1 256 57 82

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    ing natural resources and their sustainable man-agement, the Faculty is one of the national insti-tutions that every nation wanting to shape and

    preserve its identity should have. Research andeducation in science about life and nature placesgreat responsibility on the Biotechnical Faculty,namely to create expert and scientic foundationsas well as strengthen the social climate to estab-lish harmony between man and nature.



    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:In the rst year, the programme covers the ba-sic natural science content necessary for under-standing all elds of biology. Later, students getto know the basics of biological elds biochem-istry, genetics, microbiology, systematic, develop-ment biology, physiology, ecology, neuroetholo-gy and evolution. Besides traditional pedagogic

    approaches, the programme includes several ad-ditional forms of study that will direct studentstowards simultaneous study, call attention to theimportance of lifelong learning and introducethem to interdisciplinary and practical issues-ori-ented work, project work and teamwork. Dueto the broad concept of the rst cycle of biologystudies, graduates will be able to obtain employ-ment in various elds in research laboratories,in administrative institutions (ministries, inspec-tion services, various institutes, municipal ad-

    ministrations), in national and landscape parks,in botanical and zoological gardens, in museumsand in national and international non-govern-mental organisations.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/biologija/ .


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    Biotechnology Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:In a broader sense, biotechnology is dened asthe integrated use of molecular biological andengineering knowledge for the commercial useof organisms and their parts and products. It ischaracteristic for biotechnology that it is closelyconnected to science, experienced rapid develop-ment, is multidisciplinary and has the possibilityto be developed even in a small business environ-ment. Te basic goal of the study programme isto provide basic natural science knowledge that isexpanded with specic biotechnological contentthat corresponds to the needs of the latest tech-nologies and knowledge from various disciplinesand also to prepare students for second cycle

    master's study programmes. Graduates becomequalied for critically judging the relevant bio-technological subjects and have the knowledgeand skills required for independent managementof traditional and modern biotechnological pro-cedures in agriculture, food technology, phar-macy, health care and environmental protection.Graduates become qualied for work in scienceresearch and educational institutions and gov-ernment services, for work in development pro-grammes in agriculture and livestock farming,in the chemical and food industry and in thepharmaceutical industry, for work with tech-nologies for preserving, protecting and rehabili-tating the environment and for work in medicalprogrammes, in the production of products forgeneral use and in all companies where modernbiotechnological procedures are needed.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/ biotehnologija/ .


    Forestry and RenewableForest Resources

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:

    Te study programme qualies students for thecomprehensive eco-system management of for-ests that is in accordance with modern principlesof nature friendliness, multiple application andsustainability. Tis requires knowledge of forestecosystems, of the social aspects of forest manage-ment and of various techniques and technologiesthat can be used when managing forests as well asunderstanding of modern methodological tools.Te advantage of the study programme is theemphasis on individual and seminar work that ispartly carried out in the forests. Graduates canobtain employment in the public forestry service,in organisations for managing wild fauna or pro-tection of nature, in companies and in schools.

    An increasing number of possibilities are open-ing up in the area of private entrepreneurships(primary wood processing, forest constructions,trade with wood, arboriculture, decorative treenurseries, ecotourism, private offices for forestryconsulting, biological engineering, environmen-tal planning, management of high mountain are-as, rehabilitation of ecological centres). Increased

    possibilities of employment are also in (non-)for-estry high schools and in the area of extracurric-ular activities. Waste management and municipalactivities are also a promising eld.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-program1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/ gozdarstvo-in-obnovljivi-gozdni-viri/ .


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    Agriculture - Agronomy Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te goal of the Agriculture-Agronomy studyprogramme is to educate and tutor experts whounderstand the interdisciplinary nature of thisdiscipline, who have a mastery over the basic re-search methods from natural sciences, technolo-gy, economy and social science and know howto use those methods in managing and realisingthe sustainable development of agriculture withan emphasis on plant growing. Te obtainedknowledge and skills enable students to contin-ue their studies at the postgraduate level as wellas gain employment, because the graduates arequalied for basic planning, organisation, man-agement and implementation of technological

    processes and support services in plant growing.Graduates can obtain employment in growing ofcrops (manager of a part of production, organiz-er, controller), in the area of market and serviceactivities (market of fresh fruitsand vegetables, decorative plants and other cropsand production materials), in the public sector(chamber of agriculture, control and certicationorganisations, administration, etc.) or as inde-pendent producers or advisors.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/ kmetijstvo-agronomija/ .


    Agriculture AnimalProduction

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te goal of the programme is to train agricul-tural experts with a broad prole, with a specialemphasis on knowledge from the eld of animalsciences. Based on natural science, technological,environmental and general sociological content,graduates will obtain a comprehensive under-standing of sustainable agriculture with an ex-plicit emphasis on issues related to breeding vari-ous types of domestic animals. Graduates obtaincompetences for independent interdisciplinaryand practical issues-oriented work and for projectand teamwork approaches. With the help of the

    latest forms of studying in a pleasant environ-ment with intensive work on practical cases and with plenty of individual work, students will getto know the biological principles, requirementsand rules of handling animals for the environ-mentally friendly and effective management ofspace and animals. Te obtained knowledge andskills enable graduates to continue their studiesat the Animal Science master's study programmeand other agriculture and applied life scienceprogrammes in Slovenia and abroad. It also ena-

    bles employment in the eld of agricultural pro-duction, animal production and production andprocessing of food of animal origin, in trade andservice activities, in the public sector and in theelds of developing the countryside, the protec-tion of animals and environmental protection.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/ kmetijstvo-zootehnika/ .

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    Landscape Architecture

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te study of landscape architecture provides fu-ture landscape architects with an education that

    will enable them to analytically specify and tocreatively solve planning issues as well as issuesof environmental protection on all levels of spa-tial planning and landscape forming. Te studyis interdisciplinary, which means that the knowl-edge on which its activities are based comes fromvarious elds. Terefore, every landscape archi-tect is suitably educated in disciplines that pro-vide knowledge important for land use planning,nature protection and landscape forming suchas natural science and ecology, social economy,humanistic and culturological disciplines, tech-nical, design and planning disciplines and skillssuch as drawing and three dimensional design.Students must acquire competencies for prepar-ing planting plans, plans for landscape construc-tion work, plans for preparing a schedule of workand pro forma invoices and plans for managingadministrative procedures for less complex devel-opments and similar tasks. Work organisationsthat employ graduates of landscape architectureare architectural or planning work organisations,municipal services, tree nurseries and other con-tracting companies and construction companies.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/ krajinska-arhitektura/ .


    Wood echnology Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te basic goal of the wood science and technol-ogy programme is to educate experts who arecapable of interdisciplinarily connecting naturalscience, technical, economic and sociologicalcontent with the goal of sustainable developmentof the discipline wood science. Students ob-tain knowledge regarding wood, technologies of

    working and processing wood and wood compos-ites and organisational, economic, constructionand design knowledge. In accordance with mod-ern challenges, graduates are capable of valuing

    wood as a sustainable source and nding waysfor its optimum use, they have gained masteryover managing and planning wood and wood

    composites working and processing technologies,the construction of wood products and the or-ganisation and management of a company andthey are qualied for cooperating on interdisci-plinary management and research and develop-ment teams, for management of wood and woodproducts and for cooperating in the developmentof wood and wood composite products. Te ob-tained knowledge enables graduates to continuetheir studies at the master's study programme orto obtain employment in companies that engage

    in the working and processing of wood and woodcomposites, in trade with wood and wood prod-ucts, in the eld of service activities that include

    wood and wood products, in the public sectorand in education.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-program1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/lesarst.


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    Microbiology Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Microbiology is a basic natural science and ap-plicative science that has been experiencing veryrapid development over the last 20 years. Testudy of microbiology enables us to understandthe living world, microbial processes and organ-isms that are invisible to the human eye and arekey to life on our planet. Te programme pro-vides basic knowledge of natural sciences (math-ematics, chemistry, statistics, biochemistry, mo-lecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics) andspecic knowledge about microbial physiology,genetics, taxonomy, biotechnology, ecology, vi-rology, immunology and the importance of mi-crobes in medicine. Te primary goals of the

    study programme are to ensure a comprehensiveundergraduate education in the area of microbi-ology that will enable graduates to independentlyuse traditional and modern tools in microbiolo-gy carry out and autonomous decision makingabout microbiologically relevant subjects and

    will prepare them for successful cooperation andcommunication with other proles from the nat-ural sciences.

    Study programme information package available:

    http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/ mikrobiologija/ .


    Food Science andNutrition

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:In Slovenia, food science is an economicallyimportant and rapidly developing eld with astrong interdisciplinary emphasis and a verticalconnection between the producers of quality andsafe raw materials and the food processing plants

    which based on modern knowledge, principlesand technologies, are producing and ensuringpeople the supply with quality food. Nutrition is an applied science regardingfood and its effects on the human body, the body'snormal development and functions and the oc-currence of diseases and the metabolism disor-

    ders. Nutrition experts are important interme-diaries in transferring scientic food knowledgeto the general and target population in order tomaintain and improve its health. Te basic goalsof food science and technology is to train experts

    who will be capable of a broad understanding ofthe elds of food science and technology with anemphasis on knowledge and skills related to foodscience. Graduatesobtain the possibility for employment at variousplants and institutions and health facilities where

    they care for food safety and quality and in activ-ities related to nutritional regimes for maintain-ing health or ensuring healthy supply of food.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-univerzitetni-studiji/ zivilstvo-in-prehrana/ .

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    Forestry Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S): 180

    Te basic programme goals:Te professional study programme in forestryhas a long tradition and connects the naturalscience, socialogical and technical content re-quired for the nature-friendly, sustainable andmulti-purpose management of forests. Te basicprogramme goal is to train students for compre-hensive management of forests or forest land.Te emphasis on practical implementation of thepedagogical process has as its aim to train grad-uates to manage forests and forest land. Besidesemployment possibilities in the Public ForestryService (primarily district foresters), there arepossibilities in organisations for managing wildfauna and organisations for the protection of na-

    ture and in companies, employment possibilitiesare also opening in the eld of private entrepre-neurships (primary wood processing, forest con-structions, wood trade, arboriculture and decora-tive tree nurseries, energy supply from renewablesources). Increased needs for forest experts areexpected in administrative bodies for the pro-tection of nature, forestry companies and privateentrepreneurships.

    Study programme information package available:

    http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-visokosolski-strokovni-studiji/ gozdarstvo/ .


    Agriculture Agronomyand Horticulture

    Subjects: Agronomy Horticulture

    Programme Duration: 3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te basic programme goal is to educate, trainand bring up experts who in market economyconditions will be capable of connecting ba-sic natural science as well as technological andeconomic knowledge and use them in the sus-tainability-oriented production of quality andhealthy food while simultaneously preservingthe cultural landscape. Graduates can assume a

    professional role in producing eld crops, grass-lands, in tree nurseries, in producing vegetables,fruit, grapes, wine, medicinal herbs, decorativeplants, etc. Tey can perform public services inmunicipal services, botanical gardens, landscapeparks and commercial organisations (agriculturalproduction, processing, trading with agriculturalintermediate goods and products), in their owncompanies as private entrepreneurs or as special-ised farmers who can trade their own productsand try to adapt to the globalisation process.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-program1-bolonjska-stopnja-visokosolski-strokovni-stukmetijstvo-agronomija-in-hortikultura/ .


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    Agriculture AnimalHusbandry

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te programme goal is to train agricultural ex-perts with a lot of practical knowledge fromvarious elds of animal breeding. For the eco-nomically effective and sustainable regulationand management of agricultural companies andrelated elds in practice, not just in terms of foodproduction but also in terms of their environ-mental, natural science and sociological aspects,graduates require not just plenty of broad theo-retical knowledge but mainly useful practicalknowledge and skills. Emphasis primarily lieson knowledge and skills from the elds of the

    technology of breeding, the production of feed-ingstuffs, food and the control, selection and eco-nomics required for independent managementof livestock production on farms, in agriculturalcompanies and in companies that engage in thebreeding of domestic animals. Graduates also ob-tain knowledge to take expert production, tech-nology and marketing related measures based oneconomical calculations, analyses and compari-sons of various alternatives in a given and/or an-ticipated changed circumstances. Te obtained

    expert and practical knowledge enables graduatesto obtain employment in agriculture, primarilyin livestock-oriented farms and companies. It alsoenables employment in a broad area of activitiesrelated to agricultural production and increase oflivestock, processing and sales.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-visokosolski-strokovni-studiji/ kmetijstvo-zivinoreja/ .


    echnologies of Woodand Fibre Composites

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Tis study programme is a technical and naturalscience related and explicitly application orient-ed study programme. Students gain knowledgeof wood, expand this knowledge with applica-tion-oriented knowledge of technologies for pro-cessing and working wood and bre compositesand obtain the basics of construction knowledgeand organisational and economic knowledgethat is important for application in practice. Teknowledge of undergraduates is based on under-standing the structure and properties of wood as arenewable engineering material, development and

    use of technologies and technological processesin wood economy, development of products andthe principles of the operation of companies andthe marketing of products. Graduates know howto evaluate wood as a sustainable source, nd

    ways for its optimum use, manage and plan thetechnologies for processing and working woodand wood composites, construct wood products,organise and manage a smaller company andmanage wood and wood products. Te obtainedknowledge enables graduates to obtain employ-

    ment in companies that engage in the workingand processing of wood and wood composites, intrade with wood and wood products, in the eldof service activities that include wood and woodproducts and in the public sector (various cham-bers, control and certication organisations).

    Study programme information package available:http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/dekanat/studijski-programi/ 1-bolonjska-stopnja-visokosolski-strokovni-studiji/ tehnologije-lesa-in-vlaknatih-kompozitov/ .

  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje



    Te Faculty of Economics of the University ofLjubljana creates and shares knowledge, which isthe best tool for students on their journey into

    the world and the most lucrative investment forthe economy. Te UL EF is a signicant memberof the group of highest quality European businessand economy schools and with a clearly recognis-able importance for the Slovenian economy andthe economy of the Central and South-EasternEurope and with the highest international teach-ing and research standards, due to which both itand its students and graduates are appealing forthe Slovenian and international economy.

    Faculty of Economics

    (UL EF)

    Address: Kardeljeva pload 17,

    1000 Ljubljana

    Website: www.ef.uni-lj.si

    E-mail: info@ef.uni-lj.sielephone: +386 1 589 24 00

    Fax: +386 1 589 26 98

  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje



    University StudyProgramme inEconomics and BusinessSubjects: Bank and Financial Management Money and Finance Business Economics Management International Economics International Business Entrepreneurship

    Business Informatics Business Logistics Accounting and Auditing Marketing ourism

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Based on the content concept and implementa-tion of the university study programme, gradu-

    ates obtain general competencies for performingeconomic and business analyses, syntheses andpredicting of solutions and consequences in allareas or subsystems of the operations of protand non-prot organisations (implementationsubsystem in terms of human resources, procure-ment, research and development, sales and nan-cial functions; managerial subsystem in terms ofplanning, organising, managing and monitoring,and the information subsystem). Te basic theo-retical knowledge of the discussed disciplines ispresented in a manner that enables direct use inpractice as much as possible. Students get to knowthe development logic of economic and businesssciences, their incorporation into a wider contextof scientic disciplines and the practical divisionof work in the business world. Te basic and ad-vanced knowledge from the eld of business andeconomic sciences as well as the skills, values andpositions of students shall be developed in unison

    with individual subjects and shall provide stu-dents with independent vocational and personaldevelopment even after the completion of theirstudies.

    Study programme information package available:www.ef.uni-lj.si .


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    Professional StudyProgramme in Business

    Subjects: Bank and Financial Management Public Sector Management International Business Entrepreneurship

    Business Informatics Accounting Marketing ourism

    Programme Duration:3 years

    Number of credits (EC S):180

    Te basic programme goals:Te professional study programme of the Facultyof Economics includes several skill-related con-

    tents that enable graduates more rapid, direct tak-ing on of work tasks in practice. Graduates of theBusiness School study programme obtain generalqualications for performing economic and busi-ness analysis, synthesis and prediction of solu-tions and consequences in all phases of the workand business processes of companies and otherorganisations. Besides analytical capabilities,the Business School study programme explicitlydevelops the student's capacity for negotiations,decision making and realisation of the decisionsmade on all professional levels. Te content ofthe subjects requires the lecturers to call atten-tion to the business ethics and professional andbroader social responsibility of their future pro-fession. Te programme requires organised andindirect contact with business and practical useof the obtained skills and knowledge. Students

    will deal with concrete practical examples in in-dividual subjects during the pedagogical processat the faculty as well as directly in the businessenvironment that will also allow insight to usersand potential employers into the content and thequality of obtained skills and knowledge fromthe perspective of their applicability in practice.

    Study programme information package available:www.ef.uni-lj.si .


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  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje




    Programme Duration:5 years

    Number of credits (EC S): 300Te basic programme goals:Te basic programme goal is to train an expert/architect to carry out designated tasks in archi-tectural design and project engineering and spa-tial management. Te architect's responsibilitycomes from the importance of architectural de-sign, building quality, building alignment withthe environment and respect for nature and theurban landscape, which is in public interest. Teprole of an architect is very complex becausethey must be capable of thinking about peopleand spatial issues using the most diverse criteria:from regional and planning criteria to architec-tural details and vice versa. Tey must build onmodern theoretical and technological knowledge,expand them and strive towards balance betweenthe functional/technical and artistic componentsof architectural planning. Te educational proleof an architect combines technical, sociologicaland humanistic knowledge into the capacity toarrange and design spaces and buildings. Teresults of the architects planning can be sociallyrecognisable also as works of art.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.fa.uni-lj.si/ .



    Programme Duration:3 leta

    Number of credits (EC S): 180

    Te basic programme goals:Tis programme trains architects urban plan-ners. Te basic programme goal is to train an ex-pert in less complex tasks of urban planning anddesign and spatial management. Te architect-urban planner's responsibility comes from theimportance of urban design, the quality of urbanarrangements and the arrangement's alignment

    with the environment in terms of respecting na-ture and the urban landscape, which is in publicinterest. Te prole of the architect - urban plan-ner is very complex, because they must be capableof thinking about people and spatial issues usingthe most diverse criteria: from regional and plan-ning criteria to architectural details and vice ver-sa. Tey must build on modern theoretical andtechnological knowledge, expand them and strivetowards balance between the functional/techni-cal and artistic components of urban planning.

    Te educational prole of an architect urbanplanner combines technical, sociological and hu-manistic knowledge with the capacity to arrangeand design space or construct urban structures.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.fa.uni-lj.si/ .




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    Faculty of Social Sciences

    (UL FDV)


    Te Faculty of Social Sciences of the Universityof Ljubljana is the largest national interdiscipli-nary public education and research institution.

    With its ample human resources and its ownresearch institute, central humanistic libraryand publishing label, it develops a range of so-cial science disciplines, the intersection of whichrepresents the optimal synergy of modern socialsciences. It is specic for its range of diversiedBologna study programmes that are open to-

    wards one another and based on the intersectionof knowledge and skills from all of the main so-cial science disciplines. Tis intersection has been

    Address: Kardeljeva pload 5,

    1000 Ljubljana

    Website: www.fdv.uni-lj.si

    E-mail: tajnistvo@fdv.uni-lj.sidekanat@fdv.uni-lj.si

    elephone: +386 1 580 51 00

    Fax: +386 1 580 51 02

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  • 8/10/2019 Vodnik Prvoostopenjski Ang Za Printanje



    Social InformaticsProgramme Duration:4 years

    Number of credits (EC S):240

    Te basic programme goals:Te study programme is interdisciplinary, becauseit is intended for social scientists interested in com-puter technologies, the internet and new informa-tion technologies as well as for computer scientistsinterested in the social sciences. It is designed sothat students obtain knowledge from social sciencedisciplines, in large part according to their ownchoice, and at the same time enter the world ofstatistics, methodology and data analysis, inform-atics and computer science. In the modern world,the role of sociological information scientists in-creased unexpectedly, because we are experiencingand incredible development of technologies andproduction of a large amount of data that needs

    to be analysed not only from the technical but alsofrom the sociological standpoint. Based on analy-ses, the students learns how to critically evaluatesocial situations and is specically prepared forunderstanding the role of modern technologies inthe information society and other social aspects ofinformatics. Students can make their way acrossthe course of the social informatics study througha professional study programme which is morepractice-oriented or through an academic study

    with more in-depth content. Te study is practice-and research-oriented, the majority of professorsand assistants are also researchers at the Centre forMethodology and Informatics which is one of thebest rated research groups in recent years in Slo-venia. Te possibilities of employment are wide;the knowledge from the area of social informaticsis always needed in various companies, organisa-tions and institutions, state administration, thepublic and private sector etc.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/Studijski_programi .


    European StudiesProgramme Duration:4 years

    Number of credits (EC S):240

    Te basic programme goals:Te study programme is intended for students

    who want to be one of the rst generation at FDV who will tackle Europe, its role in the world andthe place of Slovenia in it. Study contents arecultural diversity, social processes and relations,studying European institutions, economy, legis-lation and politics. Te motto of the study pro-gramme is to recognise issues and nd solutions.Te study programme teaches argumentative andnegotiation skills in foreign languages, how toform standpoints, to participate in discussions,to criticise, make decisions, to convince and to

    win. Europe and the European Union, get ready- hard negotiators, reliable partners and excellent

    leaders are coming. Graduates can continue thepractical, advisory, analytical and research workin EU institutions and other international or-ganisations, in ministries and other state bodies,in companies and other non-governmental or-ganisations.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/Studijski_programi .

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    Media andCommunication Studies

    Programme Duration:4 years

    Number of credits (EC S): 240

    Te basic programme goals:Media and Communication Studies are an inter-disciplinary study area which in its analysis of therole of media and communications in modernsociety is based in other sociological and human-istic disciplines. In the framework of various ob-ligatory and elective courses, the students studycultural, economic, political, historical or socio-logical aspects of the modern media society andthe position of media and popular culture in thissociety. Te study programme is composed of atheoretical and a practical part. Te theoreticalanalysis of media culture and communications is

    prevalent, but at the same time in the 2nd and 4thyear a series of skill-based modules are providedto students within the subject Media Practicum(photography, creative writing, design in adver-tising, M V production etc.) where they get toknow media and cultural production in practice.Tis way, they learn how to use theoretical know-ledge in creative or research professions related tomedia and communications. Te programme isacademically exacting and intended for studentsinterested in theoretical analytical approach to

    social phenomena and to those with a critical re-search and creative nature.

    Study programme information package available:http://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/Studijski_programi .


    MarketingCommunications andPublic Relations MCPR

    Programme Duration:4 years

    Number of credits (EC S):240

    Te basic programme goals:Marketing Communications and Public Rela-tions is a study programme at FDV that is basedon studying marketing and public relations. Tecontent of the studies is internationally compar-able, dynamic, multi-branched and makes stu-dents broadly sociologically knowledgeable mar-keting and communications experts. What doesintegrated market communication mean, how aremarketing relations conducted and what are thelittle secrets of the great masters of marketing and

    public relations?

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