what is the difference? - pearland high school · what is the difference? •united kingdom...

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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What is the difference?

• United Kingdom (officially the United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

– One country consisting of G Britain and N Ireland

• Great Britain

– name of the island northwest of France and east of

Ireland that consists of three somewhat autonomous

regions: England, Wales and Scotland

• England is a region of Great Britain, not a country

• Therefore, England is part of Great Britain, which

is part of the United Kingdom.

How has the Geography (location,

climate & physical features)

benefited Great Britain throughout

the years?

•It is an island, which makes

it invincible to land invasion

•Scotland has highlands,

which makes it difficult

to invade from the north

•Climate is affected by the

North Atlantic Drift – generally

mild and temperate

England Notes

Write the following words in your passport and after the PowerPoint, neatly draw a

picture associated with that word.

1066 Battle of Hastings

William the Conquer


Magna Carta


Henry VIII

Queen Elizabeth

British Empire

Winston Churchill

1066 The Battle of Hastings

• Last time England was successfully

invaded by a foreign power.


• Political System in

which powerful lords

owned most of the


Generic plan of a

mediaeval manor;

open-field strip

farming, some

enclosures, triennial

crop rotation,

demesne and manse,

common woodland,

pasturage and


Magna Carta

• Historic document

that limited the power

of the English King

signed in 1215.

An English charter originally issued in

1215. Magna Carta was the most

significant early influence on the

extensive historical process that led to

the rule of constitutional law today.

Henry VIII (8th)

Henry VIII is famous for having

been married six times. He wielded

perhaps the most formidable power

of any English monarch and brought

about the English Reformation.

Many significant pieces of

legislation were enacted during

Henry VIII's reign. They included the

several Acts which severed the

Church of England from the Roman

Catholic Church and established the

king as the supreme head of the

Church in England.

Queen Elizabeth

Portrait of Elizabeth to

commemorate the defeat of

the Spanish Armada (1588),

depicted in the background.

Elizabeth's hand rests on the

globe, symbolising her

international power.

Daughter of Henry

VIII (from his 2nd wife

Anne Boleyn who he

had executed), ruled

England for 45 years

through a glorious &

golden age. England

became a major

power under her rule.


• England's representative lawmaking body

whose members are elected or appointed

(in some cases, they inherit the position)

British Empire • “the sun never sets on the British Empire”

• Thanks to the Royal navy, England ruled & controlled ¼ of the worlds population. This colonial rule spread English culture & laws to the rest of the world.

Winston Churchill • Prime minister of England during WWII,

responsible for preserving and defending

democracy & freedom in Europe.



Write the following words in your passport and after

the PowerPoint, neatly draw a picture associated with

that word.

• Scottish Clans

• William Wallace

• Battle of Culloden 1746

• Industrial Revolution

Scottish ClansScottish clans (from Scottish Gaelic clann, "children"),

give a sense of identity and shared descent to people in

Scotland. Each clan has its own tartan patterns and

members wear kilts to represent them.

William Wallace

• Sir William Wallace - Was a knight and Scottish patriot who led a resistance against the English occupation of Scotland during the Wars of Scottish Independence

Battle of Culloden 1746• Last land battle fought in the United

Kingdom. It was the English versus the

Highlanders. After the battle the

English made wearing kilts & playing

the bagpipes against the law in


Industrial RevolutionThe Industrial Revolution which began

in Scotland & Britain marked a major

turning point in human social history.

Manual labor based economies began

to be replaced by ones dominated by

industry and the manufacture of


Ireland notes

• Peat

• Saint Patrick

• Potato Famine

• North Atlantic Drift

• Northern Ireland conflict

Peat• Because Ireland lacks energy sources, the

Irish burn peat as a source of fuel. Peat is

partially decayed plant matter found in bogs.

Potato Famine • The Great Hunger reduced the population of

Ireland by 25 percent between 1845 and 1852. It

resulted in a mass migration of Irish people to the

United States.

North Atlantic Drift• A current of warm water from the tropics that

makes Western Europe have a mild rainy


Northern Ireland conflict

Half of Northern Ireland’s

population is Protestant

but 99% of the Republic

of Ireland’s population is

Catholic. Catholics in

Northern Ireland want to

be one country with the

rest of Ireland, but the UK

doesn’t want to give up.


France notes

• Bubonic plague

• Joan of Arch

• French Revolution

Bubonic plague

The Black Death was one of

the most deadly pandemics in

human history. It probably

began in Central Asia and

spread to Europe by the late

1340s.The Black Death is

estimated to have killed ¼ to

1/3 of Europe's population.

Map of

Spread of



Joan of Arc Joan of Arc 15th century

saint and national heroine of

France. She was the only

known person in history to

command the entire army of

a whole nation at the young

age of 17 and was executed

by the English for witchcraft

when she was only 19. She

was canonized as a saint in


French Revolution The French Revolution (1789–

1799) was a period of political and

social upheaval in the political

history of France, during which the

French governmental structure,

(previously an absolute monarchy)

underwent radical changes.

King Louis XVI & his wife,

Queen Marie Antoinette were

beheaded via the guillotine.

Guillotine: between 18,000

and 40,000 people were

executed during the French


Spain notes

Spanish Inquisition

Spanish Armada

Spanish Inquisition

Two priests ask a heretic to repent

as torture is administered.

A movement in Spain

to convert Jews &

other non Christians to

the Catholic faith.

Spanish Armada

The Spanish

Armada also known

as the "Invincible

Navy” was the

Spanish fleet that

was destroyed by

England in an

attempted invasion.

Italy Renaissance



The Renaissance, meaning "rebirth" was a period

of great cultural change and achievement in

Europe that spanned the period from the end of

the 13th century to about 1600, marking the

transition between Medieval and Early Modern


An aqueduct is an artificial channel that is

constructed to convey water from one location to



• Martin Luther

• Reformation

• Holocaust

• Nationalism

• Berlin Wall

Martin Luther

• Translated bible into German to make it

more accessible to common people

• Started the reformation and the protestant



• A period when many

Christians broke away

from the Catholic

Church and started

Protestant to fight

religious wars that

tore Europe apart


• The belief that people

should be loyal to

their nation, the

people with whom

they share land,

culture, and history


• A program of mass

murder of European

Jews and other


Berlin Wall

• Wall dividing eastern

and western Berlin

• The east was allied

with the communist in

Russia the west was

allied with



Cultural Crossroads

• A place where various

cultures cross paths


• The process of a

region breaking up

into small, mutually

hostile units

Satellite nations

• Nations dominated by

another country

Ethnic Cleansing

• The policy of trying to

eliminate an ethnic

group through


Low Countries

• Benelux

• Polder

• Zuider Zee

• Anne Frank

Zuider Zee

• An arm of the North

Sea that is now a

fresh water lake.

Anne Frank

• A German born

Jewish girl who wrote

a diary while hiding

from the Germans

with her family and

friends in Amsterdam.


• Fjords

• Nordic Countries

• European Environment/ Agency

• Smog & Ozone


• steep u-shaped valleys that connect to the

sea and that filled with seawater after the

glaciers melted

Nordic Countries

• Countries including Denmark, Finland,

Iceland, Norway and Sweden

European Environment Agency

• Provides the EU with reliable information

about the environment.


• A brown haze that occurs when the gases

released by burning fossil fuels reacts with

sunlight to create hundreds of harmful



• A form of oxygen that causes health


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