“who am i to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? actually, who are you not to be? you...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Something to think about“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,

talented and fabulous? Actually, Who are you not to be? You are a child of God. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. God wants us to be all that we can be. “

From Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly

The Chosen PeopleChapter 7

Deuteronomy 7:6

“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth.”

Many Years Passed

People forgot God Worshiped false gods Forgot God’s promise of a


Adam to Abraham

Prepare the World

Keep knowledge of God And love of God Chosen group Special love and attention

God told Abraham

Leave hometown Ur for land of Canaan

Descendents more than the stars

A son from his elderly wife Isaac born

Sacrifice of IsaacIsaac grew into a strong and healthy

boy, and Abraham loved his son with all of his heart—and then some!

One day, God called out, "Abraham!""Here I am," said Abraham."Abraham, I want you to take your only

son Isaac—the one you love so dearly—up to the mountains, and there offer him to Me," said God. "I will show you where to go." Abraham felt sad. He had waited so long for a son, and he didn't want to give him away. But Abraham obeyed.

Early the next morning, he rose and took his only son—the one he loved so dearly—up into the mountains.

Abraham and Isaac After three days, Abraham finally reached the

place God had told him about. "Father," said Isaac, "we have fire and wood, but where is the lamb for our offering?" "God will provide," said Abraham, with tears in his eyes. And he began to carefully arrange the firewood on the altar. At last he bound Isaac and laid him on top. "Stop!" cried a voice from heaven. "Do not harm the boy. Now I know that you trust Me completely."

Then Abraham saw a ram caught in a thicket. He and Isaac offered the ram to God. And Abraham named the mountain "God will provide."

God’s Promise Gen 22:16-18

“By myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this, and have not withheld your son, your only-begotten son, I will indeed bless you and I will multiply your descendants to the stars of heaven and the sand which is on the seashore. And your descendents shall possess the gate of their enemies, and by your descendants shall all the nations of the earth bless themselves, because you have obeyed my voice.

Jacob and Esau

Isaac grew up and married Rebecca Twins Jacob and Esau Esau, firstborn, Isaac’s favorite Jacob, Rebecca’s favorite Rebecca received prophecy from God

› “The elder shall serve the younger” Gen 25:23

The Stolen Blessing

Customarily given to oldest son Esau promises rights of inheritance to

Jacob. Jacob tricks Isaac into giving him the

blessing meant for Esau. Rebecca tells Jacob to move away so

Esau cannot kill him.

Jacob marries

Jacob is blessed with 12 sons God changes Jacob’s name to Israel Sons become the 12 tribes of Israel Known as the Israelites Joseph the youngest sold into slavery

by his jealous brothers. God brought good out of brothers sin.

Joseph a savior

Saves his family from famine Interpreted Egyptian Pharos's dream 7 prosperous years, 7 years famine Famine came to Jacob’s family Brothers travel to Egypt and find long

lost brother. Brothers settle in Egypt raise families

God’s promise to Abraham

More numerous than the stars Carried out in Isaac, Jacob and Jacob’s

12 sons The chosen people would prepare the

world for salvation Abraham the father of God’s holy

people. Our father in faith

Sacrificethe offering up of something to God

By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was ready to offer up his only-begotten son, of whom it was said, “Through Isaac shall your descendants be named.” He considered that God was able to raise men even from the dead; hence he did receive him back. –Hebrews11:17-19

Questions Page 37Q Why is Abraham called our father in


Q Was God’s blessing to remain only with Abraham and his descendants?

Q Does God care for all people?

Family Tree

God’s Promises to Abraham Fulfilled in Jesus

Promise Fulfilled in Old Testament

Fulfilled in Jesus

Descendants a countless as the stars

The twelve tribes of Israel

God’s family in the Church

Receive the Promised Land

Joshua leads them to the Promised Land

We have the true promised land of heaven

Blessing from God Wealth, land, and triumph for David’s kingdom

Eternal life won by Christ


the offering up of something to God

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