wissenscha)liches schreiben mit l tex und - ethz.ch · hand controller for use in space...

Post on 08-Oct-2019






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ETH Zurich, D-MAVT, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 Rehabilitation Engineering LabR LAB

Wissenscha)liches SchreibenmitLATEXundVektorgraphikenProf.Dr.RogerGassert,roger.gassert@hest.ethz.ch



ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �2


AnhandkonkreterBeispieleeinenEinblickindasVerfassenwissenscha7licherArbeiten(z.B.BachelorArbeit,SemesterArbeit,MasterArbeit)mitLaTeXundVektorgraphikenerhalten unddiewichEgstenBefehlezumSetzenkomplexerFormeln,TabellenundGraphikenanwenden.

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ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �5

Ziele:LayoutundFormaCerungMy First LATEX Report

Structure, Formatting, Useful Packages andCommands

My Name

15. September 2015


• use \\ or \newline to insert a line break. If you receive a compilationerror, try \vspace{1cm}.

4 LATEX and German

If you are interested in the German document of A not so short introduction

to LATEX, you can find a version updated for LATEX2" by Jörg Knappen atCTAN://info/lshort/german.

Wenn Sie ein Dokument auf Deutsch verfassen empfiehlt es sich, diefolgenden Packages im Vorspann aufzurufen:




Umlaute können dann ganz normal eingegeben werden (z. Bsp. ö anstatt\’’o). Die Variable encoding ist je nach Systemumgebung verschieden (an-

sinew für Windows, applemac für Mac OS, und latin1 oder utf8x1 je nach

Unix Distribution.Sie werden bemerken, dass dieses Package auch dazu führt, dass sich der

Table of Contents nun Inhaltsverzeichnis nennt. Mit dem Befehl

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{my table of contents title}

können Sie diesen beliebig verändern. Dasselbe geht auch für die List of

Figures, mit dem Befehl

\renewcommand\listfigurename{my list of figures title}

sowie für die Bibliographie mit

\renewcommand\bibname{my bibliography}

in der book oder report Umgebung, bzw.

\renewcommand\refname{my bibliography}

in der article Umgebung.

1Benötigt das ucs package.


ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �6

Rehabilitation Engineering LabR LAB


Professor: Supervisor:Prof. Roger Gassert Supervisor A

LATEX -Template forBachelor-, Semester- and

Master Theses

Andreas Muster

(July-December 2010)

Chapter 2

Some Important Hints toWork with LATEX

This section describes some sample codes for often used elements in LATEX.

2.1 Structure

A text can be structured with the commands \chapter{.}, \section{.}, \subsection{.}and \subsubsection{.}.

2.2 References and Citations

Literature references are created with the command \cite{.}. An example: [1].The command \footnote{.} can be used to create a footnote. An footnote exam-ple1.To make cross references the command \label{.} is used to pin the reference andthe command \ref{.} to refer to the reference. An example reference to the secondchapter: chapter 2.

2.3 Itemization

The following itemization example without enumeration,

• point 1

• point 2

was constructed with:

\begin{itemize}\item point 1\item point 2


The following itemization example with enumeration,

1. point 1

2. point 2

1This is the text in my footnote.



ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �7





DPVOUSZú �� ��� ��� ���� �� ��� ��� ���Ƒ �� ��� ��� ���� KPIO!EPF�PSH
















Curriculum Vitae

Philipp Maier


Steenhouwerskade 123459718 DL G-TownThe NetherlandsPhone: +31-50-313.7020Fax: +31-50-363.7337Email: pmaier@yahoo.comHomepage: www.philipp-maier.de

Personal Details

Gender: MaleDate of birth: 36th of November, 1971Place of birth: R-Town, GermanyPresent Citizenship: German


10/1992–09/1994 Undergraduate Studies in General Economics at the Univer-sity of S-City, Germany

10/1994–04/1997 M.A. in General Economics at the University of G-Town,Germany

Specialization: Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Pub-lic Finance and Econometrics

Thesis: Adverse selection and signaling; Supervisor: Prof.Dr. V. Smart.

Since 07/1997 Ph.D. student at the University of G-Town, The Nether-lands.

Project title: The position of the Bundesbank in interna-tional perspective; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P.Fessor

I intend to complete the Ph.D. in March, 2001.

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Tools>TransformTools>FlipOriginal Tools>TransformTools>Rotate


Colors>Auto>Equalize Tools>Text

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• Umfang:12Std.(3x13h00–17h00)• Inhalt:

• AufaueinerwissenschaglichenArbeitkennenlernen

• SchreibenmitLaTeX(Strukturaufau,FormaCerung,Formeln,Tabellen,Grafiken,Literaturverweise,Inhaltsverzeichnis,Hyperlinks,Packages)basierendaufeinemTemplatefürBachelor/Semester/MasterArbeiten

• GrafischeGestaltungundDarstellungmitMATLABundOpenSourceProgrammen

• EinbindenvonPDFDateien(Aufgabenstellung,Datenblä=er)undanderehilfreicheTipps

• VerwaltenvonLiteraturdatenbanken

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• Youtube,howtowriteascienCficresearchpaper h=p://il.youtube.com/watch?v=0oAFVHb21HM

• HelpfulinputfromJamesSulzer

• h=p://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/scienCfic-papers-13815490

• TheNotSoShortIntroducContoLATEX2ε,byTobiasOeCker,HubertPartl,IreneHynaandElisabethSchlegl,Version4.26,September25,2008.

• Wikipedia

• Google

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• Ifyoudon‘twriteitup/publishit,youhaven‘tdoneit

• Creditgoestowhopublishesfirst(publishorperish)



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ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �15




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• Youwillbejudgedbytheequalityofyourreports/papers/presentaCons=yourprofessionalcommunicaConinterfacewiththeworld

• WriCngthingsdownhelpsyourememberthembe=er,andmakesthingseasiertofollowforothers

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �17


• Obtaintemplatesfromyoursupervisororfromwhereyouplantosubmit(IEEE,non-LaTeXjournals,etc.)

• Askfor/lookupdeadlinesearly —>mapoutCmeplan

• FocusoninstrucConsandforma{nggivenbyyoursupervisororindicatedonjournalwebsites

• Checkwithsupervisoronexpectedstructure

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �18


• Anoutlineshouldalreadyreflectthestoryyou’retelling

• Onebulletpointperplannedtextparagraph,i.e.onemainmessageperbulletpoint&laterparagraph

• Sketchoutfigures,orwritesubstanceoffiguresintext

• Oneshouldbeabletounderstandthepaperthroughthesebullets(logicalflowandcontents)

• Sendoutlinetoadvisoranddiscussbeforeprogressing!



ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �19


• SorCngthoughtsiskeyforconstrucCngagoodoutline…consideryouropConsandusewhatworksforyou

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• PrinCngoutfirstpageofjournalpapers

• Mainmessagesonpapersnips—>sortsequenceonfloor,testdifferentsequences

• etc.


ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019

HowtoReadaScienCficPaper?• Collect:searchwell

• Sig:Determineifit’suseful!!!

• Title,authors,journal

• Skimthepaper

• keywords,abstract

• headings,figures&capCons

• intro,conclusionsandresults

• SClluseful?Readit

• Highlight&comment

• Storeitinapaper/referencemanagementprogram


Proceedings of the IEEE 1994 International Conference on Robotics & Automation,pp. 3205-10, San Diego, CA, May 1994.

Factors Affecting the Z-Width of a Haptic Display

J. Edward ColgateJ. Michael Brown

Department of Mechanical EngineeringNorthwestern University

2145 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, Illinois 60208


This paper addresses the performance of force-reflectinginterfaces (“haptic displays”). We suggest that animportant measure of performance is the dynamic range ofachievable impedances — “Z-Width” — and that animpedance is achievable if it satisfies a robustnessproperty such as passivity. Several factors affecting Z-Width — sample-and-hold, inherent interface dynamics,displacement sensor quantization, and velocity filtering —are discussed. A set of experiments designed to evaluatethese factors is described, and experimental results arepresented. A striking result is that inherent interfacedamping exerts an overwhelming influence on Z-Width.

1. Introduction

In recent years haptic interfaces (also know asmanipulanda and hand controllers) have been developed foran impressive array of applications. For instance, Mussa-Ivaldi et al. [10] describe a two degree-of-freedommanipulandum for studies of multijoint human limbmovement, and Adelstein and Rosen [1] a two degree-of-freedom manipulandum for studies of involuntary tremor.Bejczy and Salisbury [2] introduce a six degree-of-freedomhand controller for use in space telerobotics, whileJacobsen, et al. [8] have developed a 22 dof force-reflectingexoskeleton for use in underwater telerobotics. Virtualreality has also provided significant impetus for hapticinterface development, as the molecular docking work ofBrooks, et al. [3] and the virtual sandpaper systemdeveloped by Minsky [9] attest.

A haptic interface may be thought of as a device whichgenerates mechanical impedances. "Impedance," here,should be understood to represent a dynamic (history-dependent) relationship between velocity and force. Forinstance, if the haptic interface is intended to representmanipulation of a point mass, it must exert on the user'shand a force proportional to acceleration; whereas if it isto represent squeezing of a spring, it must generate a force

proportional to displacement.In the physical world, impedances vary widely. For

instance, while holding a pencil, the perceived impedanceis that of a low mass rigid body, but when pressing apencil against a writing surface, the perceived impedanceis that of a stiff viscoelastic body. In one case, the pencilprovides almost no resistance to motion, in the other casealmost complete resistance to motion (at least in thedirection normal to the surface). The challenge ofdesigning a haptic interface is to build a singleprogrammable device which can exhibit a comparablybroad dynamic range of impedances (or at least a “Z-Width” which is perceived to be comparably broad).

Our group has for some time been studying theproblem of virtual wall implementation as a representativetask featuring both very high impedance (when in contactwith the wall) and very low impedance (when out ofcontact). A wall, moreover, is an example of a unilateralconstraint — a ubiquitous form of kinematic constraint inthe physical world. Because of this, we feel thatunderstanding how to implement a virtual wall which“feels good” and is robust is a problem of fundamentalimportance in the area of haptic display.

This paper will not address the psychophysics of whatmakes a virtual wall “feel good” except to say that oneimportant factor seems to be dynamic range. An excellentarticle on this topic has recently been written byRosenberg and Adelstein [11]. We will present insteadsome of our findings, both theoretical and experimental,concerning achievable dynamic range. In short, we willaddress the question of how to build a haptic interfacecapable of exhibiting a wide range of mechanicalimpedances while preserving a robust stability property.We begin by discussing the issue of robustness.

2. Robustness

Both physical and virtual systems of significantcomplexity are characterized by interaction. Indeed, theexcitement surrounding virtual reality is due in large partto the promise of interactive capabilities approaching

A number of haptic interfaces have been

developed. Examples.


Content/structure of the paper.

Challenge: render large Z-width with

one device

Prior/related work.

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019


• ReadscienCficreports/papersandidenCfywhatyoulike/dislikeandwhythatis

• IdenCfyyouraudience

• Getthreemainmessagesacross:• thereisabigprobleminthestateoftheart

• youhaveagreatsoluConforthisproblem

• youdidalotofwork


ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �22



• Abstract:whatyoudid,whatyoufoundandit‘simportance(about200words)

• IntroducFon-threeparagraphstrategy:• setstageoncurrentstateoftheart=broadcontext

• problemstatement/researchquesConandhypothesis

• whatyoudid,whatyoufound,summaryofpaperandit‘sorganizaCon

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �23

ScienCficWriCng–Structure• Methods:

alldetailsnecessarytorecreateyourexperiment–beconciseand“dry”/ma=eroffactly• ethicalapproval

• subjectdata

• usedequipment

• experimentaldesign/protocol(testparameters)

• staCsCcalanalysis


ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �24

ScienCficWriCng–Structure• Results:whatyoufound

• keepit“dry”,justthefacts,minimalanalysis

• statestaCsCcalinformaCon,likenameoftestused,testvalues,p-value,andconfidenceintervals

• Discussion:howyouinterprettheresults• simplifyandpickoutcharacterisCcfeaturesfromresultsthat


• defendresultsagainstargumentsthatgoagainstyourstory(stayprofessional)

• putincontext,referbacktointroducCon(stateoftheart),andpointoutyourcontribuCons

• conclusionandfuturework–don‘tstateanythingthatyoumightnotdo!

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �25


• Acknowledgements:whohelped?• Relevantliterature

• updatebackgroundconCnuously

• storeandcommentfilesindatabase(e.g.EndNote,BibDesk,Papers)

• Fillinparagraphs:• settopicwithfirstsentence(introsentence)

• supportwithfollowingsentences

• concludewithatransiConsentencetonextparagraphwheneverpossible(wrapup)

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �26



6DOFforce/torquesensorChapter 3. Experiments 20

Figure 3.6: Task 1, stroke patient 1 Figure 3.7: Task 1, stroke patient2

Figures 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 show the plotted data from the force sensors for the firsttask. Figure 3.5 shows a healthy subject performing the task successfully twice.It can be seen that even for a healthy subject it can be di�cult to keep the forcein the required range shown by the two horizontal lines, but after approximately20 seconds the task succeeds. The two tries of the healthy subject di↵er in the waythe ReCube is held, where the first try is performed with a grasp that uses severalfingers and activates at least three di↵erent walls, whereas in the second try onlytwo walls are activated which corresponds to a pinch grasp with two fingers.Figur 3.6 shows a try from a stroke patient (see also figure 3.8) to fulfill the firsttask. Even though the patient could apply a force great enough she had problemsto keep the pressure constant. This can be seen by the quick peaks. Between 10and 15 seconds in the graph a promising attempt can be seen, but the force is justnot great enough to stay in the required range. The following attempts where againto quick. With some training however both the therapist and the patient wereconfident that she would succeed the task eventually. The patient also mentionedthat she would be motivated to play with the cube daily to try to succeed the task.

Figure 3.8: Stroke patient 1 performing the tasks

Figure 3.7 shows another patient’s attempt at the first task. This patient su↵eredfrom spasticity and could hardly even open her fingers to accommodate the ReCube.She also just barely managed to apply enough pressure to overcome the lower thresh-old of the range required and therefore a significant test was not possible. It can beseen however that several walls were activated throughout the exercise, probablydue to the spasticity of the hand.The recordings for the third task can be seen in figures 3.9 and 3.10. Again acomparison between a healthy subject and the first stroke patient can be made.The second patient was not able to perform this task due to her impairments;

−50 0 50−10





Velocity [mm/s]




e [N


−200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150−0.4





Position [°]




ue [N



Fig. 5. Top: Static and dynamic friction forces measured for the transla-tional DOF. Bottom: Static friction of the rotational DOF as a function ofthe position angle and the two different rotation directions.

types of grips, e.g. power grasp, cylindrical grasp, precisiongrip, and provide a rehabilitation robot suited for patientssuffering from various levels of impairment, e.g. with highmuscle tone.

The velocity resolution was calculated by dividing thesmallest detectable movement at the end-effector by thesampling interval of 0.001s (sampling at 1kHz). The peakvelocity and peak acceleration were estimated using offlinefiltered position measurements of the potentiometers whengiving a maximum current step (for velocity estimation)respectively a maximum current impulse (10ms long, foracceleration estimate) to the motors.

Static friction forces in both DOF are presented in Figure5. Static friction has been measured by increasing motorcurrent by small steps until movement of the end-effector wasdetected. From the bottom plot of Figure 5 it can be observedthat the static friction in the rotational DOF is not constantover the workspace, as it is influenced by gravity forcesacting on the finger supports. The dependency on the rotationdirection can also be seen in the asymmetric friction curves,i.e. the static friction at any given position is not the same forboth rotation directions. The dynamic friction in the linearDOF was determined by moving the end-effector at constantspeeds and recording the required current (torque). Staticfriction of 6 N on the linear DOF is reduced compared tothe HapticKnob robot, and can further be compensated in thecontrol algorithm by providing feedforward compensationbased on measured grasping force.

Closed-loop position bandwidth has been identified byfollowing with the end-effector a PID controlled sinusoidalposition input trajectory, with an amplitude of 2.5 mm for thelinear DOF and 5� for the rotational DOF. The Bode plotsfor the two DOF are presented separately in Figures 6 and7. For the translational DOF a resonant peak at 3.5 Hz and abandwidth of 6.6 Hz have been observed. The rotational DOFshows a resonant peak at 6 Hz and a bandwidth of 7.6 Hz.

10−1 100 101−40



Frequency [Hz]



de [d


10−1 100 101−200



Frequency [Hz]


e [d


Fig. 6. Bode plot of the translational DOF to determine the PID controlledposition bandwidth of 6.6 Hz.

10−1 100 101




Frequency [Hz]



de [d


10−1 100 101





Frequency [Hz]


e [d


Fig. 7. Bode plot of the rotational DOF to determine the PID controlledposition bandwidth of 7.6 Hz.

Both DOF have a typical phase shift which differs fromthat of a second order system mainly at high frequencies.The large phase shift at high frequencies stems from thedynamics of the mechanical parts (reduction gears and belttransmissions) and non-linearities in the system (play in thegears, static friction and quantized position measures formthe encoders).

B. Preliminary Measures with the ReHapticKnobMotivated by our previous studies [16], a first task fo-

cusing on opening/closing hand movements has been im-plemented and tested with healthy subjects to evaluate in-teraction with the ReHapticKnob. The task consisted oftwo phases: (i) the hand was opened with a PID positioncontroller following a position ramp to reach a 30 mmopening of the robot, and (ii) after a short waiting period,the subject was asked to close the hand by following adesired trajectory. A resistive force field was applied againstthe closing movement to increase the difficulty of the task.The desired trajectory was implemented as a minimum


ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �27

ScienCficWriCng–Figures• Usemeaningfullegendsandaxislabels,


• Uselargefonts(>14pts),colorsonlyifabsolutelynecessaryforcomprehension

• Don‘tputtoomuchinonefigure(caricaturize,simplify,abstract,tofocusonyourmessage)

• Don‘tincludedetailsoffigureintext,placeincapCon(figuresshouldbeself-contained)

• Don‘tmakeafigureifyoucanborrowitfromsomeoneelse(butgetpermissionandacknowledgesource)

achieved haptic rendering quality of the ReHapticKnob is discussedand perspectives for novel therapeutic avenues are proposed.


2.1 RequirementsTo obtain a high-fidelity haptic device for a dynamic interaction be-tween an impaired human operator and a rehabilitation robot, vari-ous requirements have to be fulfilled. A broad range of impedances,e.g., a large Z-width for frequencies up to about 8Hz is required,as typical hand movements like handwriting, typing and tappingoperate in the range of 4-8Hz [14]. Transparent behavior of therobotic device is necessary to provide therapy to patients with mus-cle weakness to allow active participation, or to allow high inter-action dynamics. On the other hand, to conduct exercises basedon a neurocognitive concept, the robot should be able to simulateobjects of different stiffness (or impedance). To improve the stabil-ity of rendering high impedances, a fast control loop, high physicaldamping, a high resolution encoder and a velocity filter are neces-sary [6]. Physical systems provide some physical damping due toinherent friction from gears, transmissions, etc. Whereas this fric-tion improves the stability for rendering high impedances, frictionneeds to be compensated to render low impedances. A friction feed-forward (model-based) or a force feedback of the interaction forcemeasured at the end-effector can be used to compensate the inher-ent friction. Both of these concepts were investigated but the forcefeedback resulted in better performance (due to the difficulty of de-termining an accurate friction model) such that only this approachis described in this paper.

2.2 Robot Design and Hardware SetupThe ReHapticKnob [9] is an improved version of the HapticKnob[15] with two actuated DOF to train grasping and forearm prona-tion/supination movements (figure 2). Two motor-gear combina-tions (translation: Re40, 150W and GP 42 C, rotation: Re35, 90Wand GP 32 HP, Maxon Motor, Switzerland) actuate the two fingersupports mounted at the end-effector via a belt and pulley trans-mission. A brake is attached to each motor and can lock the motorshafts to decouple the two DOF and to maintain the end-effector’s

q1 q2




Force sensor




Force sensor

Finger supportFinger support

Figure 2: Front view of the ReHapticKnob: the left motor-gear com-bination actuates the translational DOF (q1) and the right motor-gearcombination actuates the rotational DOF (q2). The position of theend-effector (q1,q2) is measured with the encoders in joint space(q1,q2) and can be locked in any configuration using the brakes. Two6DOF force/torque sensors located directly behind the finger mod-ules measure the forces applied by the user.

Table 1: Performance measures of the ReHapticKnob

Performance measure translation rotationRange of motion 30-200 mm ±159�

Pos. resolution (encoder) 0.0024 mmcount 0.009 deg

countVel. res. (encoder) @1kHz 2.45 mm

s 9 degcount

Maximum velocity 520 mms 4.8 rot

sMaximum acceleration 13.25 m

s2 124 rots2

Static friction 6 N <0.4 NmMax. actuation force 1181 N 12.18 NmCont. actuation force 88 N 0.98 NmF/T meas. in x,y direction 80 N 4 NmF/T meas. in z direction 240 N 4 NmClosed-loop pos. bandwidth 6.6 Hz 7.6 HzControl frequency 1kHz 1kHz

position for isometric tasks. Two encoders (HEDL 5540, 2000counts per turn, Avago, USA) are mounted behind the brakes tomeasure the position of the end-effector in joint space. The trans-formation from joint space to task space is described by two linearequations. The derivatives of these equations can be written in ma-trix form and result in the following forward kinematics:





0 1r35


| {z }Jacobian J




where r40 and r35 are two constants determined by the gear ratiosand the pulley diameters [9].

Three potentiometers are integrated into the ReHapticKnob asredundant position measurements for safety reasons. Behind bothfinger supports a 6DOF force sensor (mini40, ATI Industrial Au-tomation, USA) is mounted to measure the forces and torques ap-plied by the user. Encoder, potentiometer and force sensor signalsare acquired with two data acquisition cards (NI PCIe 6321 andNI PCI 6254) on a real-time desktop computer (Intel Core 2 Quad2.83GHz, 2.0GB RAM) with LabVIEW Real-Time 10.0 (NationalInstruments) running on it. On this real-time system the controlloop runs at 1kHz and the motor commands are sent to two 4-Q-DCservoamplifiers (ADS 50/10, current mode, Maxon Motor) to drivethe motors.

The performance characteristics of the ReHapticKnob are sum-marized in Table 1. The peak velocity and peak acceleration wereestimated (as suggested in [16]) using offline filtered position mea-surements when applying a maximum current step (for velocityestimation) or a maximum current impulse (10ms long, for accel-eration estimate), respectively, to the motors. The position mea-surements were taken from the potentiometers as they measurethe end-effector movement and were filtered offline to estimatepeak velocity and peak acceleration. The device can generate peakforces to open or close the hand of up to 1180N, and peak prona-tion/supination torques of up to 12Nm. The PID controlled positionbandwidth was determined experimentally via sinusoidal positiontrajectories at different frequencies [9].

2.3 Impedance ControllerAs a human user can be seen as an admittance (force input results inmotion output) the appropriate choice for a robot interaction controlstrategy is an impedance controller [10]. Simple impedance con-trol as described by Hogan and Buerger [10] is a control scheme

Figure 3: Basic impedance control scheme of the ReHapticKnob.

which relates motion as input to force as output. A desired outputimpedance of the robotic device can be modulated by adjusting thevirtual impedance values in the controller. Fig. 3 shows a blockdiagram of the ReHapticKnob controlled by a simple impedancecontroller. jZRHK represents the device dynamics of the ReHaptic-Knob in joint space and J the Jacobian matrix mapping the jointspace to task space coordinates. The desired output impedance Zdcan be modeled as a virtual spring-damper component:

Zd =1s

K +B (2)

From the block diagram the following relations can be derived:

q̇ = J · j Z�1RHK ·

hJT ·Fd � JT ·FUser


Fd = Zd · [q̇des � q̇] (4)

By inserting eq. (4) and the ReHapticKnob impedance relationshipbetween task and joint space ZRHK = J�T · j ZRHK ·J�1 into (3), weobtain:

q̇ = Z�1RHK · [Zd [q̇des � q̇]�FUser] (5)

Without loss of generality we can set the desired input motion toq̇des = 0 and combine the terms in q to:

[ZRHK +Zd ] · q̇ =�FUser (6)

Therefore, the closed-loop impedance (ZRHK cl = ZRHK + Zd)felt by the user is the desired impedance Zd overlaid with theimpedance of the device (e.g. friction, inertia).

With the implementation of an impedance controller with forcefeedback (described below) the felt impedance of the device ZRHKcan be reduced such that mainly the desired impedance Zd is felt atthe end-effector [11]. Fig. 4 shows the impedance controller withforce feedback where the user applied force is measured and fedback to the controller. The difference between the desired force Fdand the measured force FUser is multiplied by a proportional controlgain KF to compensate for the device dynamics. The followingequations for the impedance controller with force feedback can beobtained from the block diagram in figure 4:

q̇ = J · j Z�1RHK ·

htc � JT ·FUser


tc = JT · [Fd +KF · [Fd �FUser]] (8)Fd = Zd · [q̇des � q̇] (9)

By combining equations (7-9), replacing the device’s joint spaceimpedance with the task space impedance and setting without lossof generality q̇des = 0 we obtain:

h[I +KF ]

�1 ·ZRHK +Zd

i· q̇ =�FUser (10)

such that the closed-loop impedance of the system results in:

ZRHK cl = [I +KF ]�1 ·ZRHK +Zd (11)



j Z J


-7JdZ-T� q�desq� W'cW



real-time system



Figure 4: Impedance control with force feedback scheme.

As the control gain KF is increased, the effect of the deviceimpedance is reduced and the impedance felt by the user is the de-sired one. Therefore, the desired impedance can also be set to zero(K = 0,B = 0) to make the device transparent.

2.4 Implementation of a Virtual WallVirtual objects can be implemented as a combination of virtualwalls which can be modeled as an extremely stiff spring-dampercomponent (desired impedance from equation (2) with large K andB values) which is active only on one side of the virtual wall [6].On the other side of the virtual wall (free space) the parameters ofthe desired impedance are set to zero (K = 0, B = 0), i.e. the de-vice renders low impedance (transparent behavior). To improve thestability of a virtual wall, Colgate and Brown [6] proposed to usea velocity filter to enlarge the Z-width of a haptic device. There-fore a discrete-time adaptive velocity estimator [12] has been im-plemented to improve the interaction stability of the haptic devicewith virtual objects. This velocity estimator has been proven tominimize the velocity error variance while maximizing the accu-racy of the estimates. Of the methods proposed in [12] to calculatethe velocity estimate, the best-fit-FOAW (first order adaptive win-dow) was selected for the implementation of a velocity estimatoron the ReHapicKnob. This method calculates a fitting line (wherethe slope of the line corresponds to the velocity) through the lastn position measurements, where n is the window length which isadapted according to the magnitude of the velocity signal.


3.1 Virtual WallFig. 5 presents the position/force relationship for the virtual wallimplemented on the ReHapticKnob, compared to a virtual wall ren-dered with a commercially available Phantom Premium 1.5 [13].The Phantom Premium is a haptic device commonly used in hapticsand rehabilitation, e.g. for the assessment of upper limb function inpatients with neurological diseases [17, 18].

The parameters of the virtual wall (K,B) were chosen to be asstiff as possible while guaranteeing stability (no oscillations can beperceived when touching the virtual wall). The design concept ofthe Phantom Premium is a lightweight structure with very low in-herent friction (< 0.04N) and low inertia (< 75g apparent mass atend-effector) [13]. Although the ReHapticKnob has more inherentfriction (6N, belt transmissions, gears) and inertia (motor inertia ismultiplied with the gear ratio squared) compared to the PhantomPremium, the ReHapticKnob can be made almost equally transpar-ent due to the impedance controller with force feedback (measuredforce |FUser| < 1.5N in free space, i.e. for position 20mm in thevirtual wall shown in Fig. 5). Above 20mm, the impedance of thevirtual wall is much higher than the impedance that can be renderedwith the Phantom Premium. The steep increase of the resistive force– as felt by the user touching the virtual wall – is reflecting the re-alistic perception of touching a virtual object.

The magnified region in figure 5 shows the position-force trajec-tory at the interface of the virtual wall. After the first impact, theuser is pushed out of the wall by less than 0.2mm in the case of the

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �28


• Useonlywordsthatyouknow

• UseonlinetoolsfortranslaCon(dict.leo.org,switchlanguageonwikipedia.org)

• Don‘tstartparagraphwithfigurereference

• EquaConsarepartoftextandmustbereferenced

• DelineatebetweentheoreCcalandexperimentaldata

• Backupyourfilesandkeepoldversions

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �29

ScienCficWriCng–HelpfulHints• Justwritethingsdownandgetbacktoitlater,noma=erhowbad


• UseXXXasplaceholderstogetbackto

• Writewhenyou‘refreshandalert,notCred

• BlockoutdistracCons

• Gobacktoyouroutlineifyougetstuck(paragraphbullets)

• Youwillhavemanyrevisions–expectthem!

• Don‘ttakeharshcriCcismpersonally,butstoptheloopwhentherearecontradictorychanges

• Renameandrenumberdocuments(versionsanddates)

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �30

ScienCficWriCng–BeforeSubmission• Haveothersreadover,especiallyifyouarenotanaCve


• Report:• handinapreliminaryversionwellinadvancetogetfeedback


• PublicaCon:• checkwordlimit

• acknowledgefunding

• coverle=ertoeditor,reasonforsubmissiontothisjournal,whyitshouldbepublished,andpotenCalreviewers

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �31


• EinSogwarepaket,dasdieBenutzungdesTextsatzprogrammsTeXmitHilfevonMakrosvereinfacht.

• LiegtderzeitinderVersion2εvor.

• WurdevonDonaldE.Knuth,ProfessoranderStanford-University,zwischen1977und1986entwickelt.

• LeslieLamportentwickelteAnfangder1980erJahredaraufaufauendLaTeX,einesehrmächCgeSammlungvonTeX-Makros.

• DerNamebedeutetsovielwieLamportTeX.

ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019 �32


• TextsatzprogrammwelchesFormaCerungenundLayouttrennt

• UnabhängigvomBetriebssystem• Stabil,lieferthervorragendeErgebnisse• WirdvorallemimwissenschaglichenBereichbei


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• texstudio(h=p://www.texstudio.org/)

• TexWorks(includedinMikTeX)

• WinEdt(www.winedt.com)

• TeXnicCenter(h=p://www.texniccenter.org)

• JabRefforBibliographies(h=p://jabref.sourceforge.net/)


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1.4 Input File Structure 7

1.4 Input File StructureWhen LATEX 2� processes an input file, it expects it to follow a certain struc-ture. Thus every input file must start with the command


This specifies what sort of document you intend to write. After that, youcan include commands that influence the style of the whole document, oryou can load packages that add new features to the LATEX system. To loadsuch a package you use the command


When all the setup work is done,5 you start the body of the text withthe command


Now you enter the text mixed with some useful LATEX commands. Atthe end of the document you add the


command, which tells LATEX to call it a day. Anything that follows thiscommand will be ignored by LATEX.

Figure 1.1 shows the contents of a minimal LATEX 2� file. A slightly morecomplicated input file is given in Figure 1.2.

1.5 A Typical Command Line SessionI bet you must be dying to try out the neat small LATEX input file shownon page 7. Here is some help: LATEX itself comes without a GUI or fancybuttons to press. It is just a program that crunches away at your inputfile. Some LATEX installations feature a graphical front-end where you canclick LATEX into compiling your input file. On other systems there might

5The area between \documentclass and \begin{document} is called the preamble.

\documentclass{article}\begin{document}Small is beautiful.\end{document}

Figure 1.1: A Minimal LATEX File.


The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2εhttp://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf

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8 Things You Need to Know

be some typing involved, so here is how to coax LATEX into compiling yourinput file on a text based system. Please note: this description assumes thata working LATEX installation already sits on your computer.6

1. Edit/Create your LATEX input file. This file must be plain ASCII text.On Unix all the editors will create just that. On Windows you mightwant to make sure that you save the file in ASCII or Plain Text format.When picking a name for your file, make sure it bears the extension.tex.

2. Run LATEX on your input file. If successful you will end up with a .dvifile. It may be necessary to run LATEX several times to get the tableof contents and all internal references right. When your input file hasa bug LATEX will tell you about it and stop processing your input file.Type ctrl-D to get back to the command line.

latex foo.tex

3. Now you may view the DVI file. There are several ways to do that.

6This is the case with most well groomed Unix Systems, and . . . Real Men use Unix,so . . . ;-)

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article}% define the title\author{H.~Partl}\title{Minimalism}\begin{document}% generates the title\maketitle% insert the table of contents\tableofcontents\section{Some Interesting Words}Well, and here begins my lovely article.\section{Good Bye World}\ldots{} and here it ends.\end{document}

Figure 1.2: Example of a Realistic Journal Article. Note that all the com-mands you see in this example will be explained later in the introduction.TheNotSoShortIntroducContoLATEX2ε


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1.6 The Layout of the Document 11

Table 1.2: Document Class Options.

10pt, 11pt, 12pt Sets the size of the main font in the document. If nooption is specified, 10pt is assumed.

a4paper, letterpaper, . . . Defines the paper size. The default size isletterpaper. Besides that, a5paper, b5paper, executivepaper,and legalpaper can be specified.

fleqn Typesets displayed formulae left-aligned instead of centred.

leqno Places the numbering of formulae on the left hand side instead ofthe right.

titlepage, notitlepage Specifies whether a new page should bestarted after the document title or not. The article class does notstart a new page by default, while report and book do.

onecolumn, twocolumn Instructs LATEX to typeset the document in onecolumn or two columns.

twoside, oneside Specifies whether double or single sided outputshould be generated. The classes article and report are singlesided and the book class is double sided by default. Note that thisoption concerns the style of the document only. The option twosidedoes not tell the printer you use that it should actually make atwo-sided printout.

landscape Changes the layout of the document to print in landscapemode.

openright, openany Makes chapters begin either only on right handpages or on the next page available. This does not work with thearticle class, as it does not know about chapters. The report classby default starts chapters on the next page available and the bookclass starts them on right hand pages.

1.6 The Layout of the Document 9

You can show the file on screen with

xdvi foo.dvi &

This only works on Unix with X11. If you are on Windows you mightwant to try yap (yet another previewer).

You can also convert the dvi file to PostScript for printing or viewingwith Ghostscript.

dvips -Pcmz foo.dvi -o foo.ps

If you are lucky your LATEX system even comes with the dvipdf tool,which allows you to convert your .dvi files straight into pdf.

dvipdf foo.dvi

1.6 The Layout of the Document

1.6.1 Document Classes

The first information LATEX needs to know when processing an input file isthe type of document the author wants to create. This is specified with the\documentclass command.


Here class specifies the type of document to be created. Table 1.1 lists thedocument classes explained in this introduction. The LATEX 2� distributionprovides additional classes for other documents, including letters and slides.The options parameter customises the behaviour of the document class. Theoptions have to be separated by commas. The most common options for thestandard document classes are listed in Table 1.2.

Example: An input file for a LATEX document could start with the line


which instructs LATEX to typeset the document as an article with a basefont size of eleven points, and to produce a layout suitable for double sidedprinting on A4 paper.

1.6 The Layout of the Document 9

You can show the file on screen with

xdvi foo.dvi &

This only works on Unix with X11. If you are on Windows you mightwant to try yap (yet another previewer).

You can also convert the dvi file to PostScript for printing or viewingwith Ghostscript.

dvips -Pcmz foo.dvi -o foo.ps

If you are lucky your LATEX system even comes with the dvipdf tool,which allows you to convert your .dvi files straight into pdf.

dvipdf foo.dvi

1.6 The Layout of the Document

1.6.1 Document Classes

The first information LATEX needs to know when processing an input file isthe type of document the author wants to create. This is specified with the\documentclass command.


Here class specifies the type of document to be created. Table 1.1 lists thedocument classes explained in this introduction. The LATEX 2� distributionprovides additional classes for other documents, including letters and slides.The options parameter customises the behaviour of the document class. Theoptions have to be separated by commas. The most common options for thestandard document classes are listed in Table 1.2.

Example: An input file for a LATEX document could start with the line


which instructs LATEX to typeset the document as an article with a basefont size of eleven points, and to produce a layout suitable for double sidedprinting on A4 paper.

10 Things You Need to Know

1.6.2 Packages

While writing your document, you will probably find that there are someareas where basic LATEX cannot solve your problem. If you want to includegraphics, coloured text or source code from a file into your document, youneed to enhance the capabilities of LATEX. Such enhancements are calledpackages. Packages are activated with the


command, where package is the name of the package and options is a list ofkeywords that trigger special features in the package. Some packages comewith the LATEX 2� base distribution (See Table 1.3). Others are providedseparately. You may find more information on the packages installed atyour site in your Local Guide [5]. The prime source for information aboutLATEX packages is The LATEX Companion [3]. It contains descriptions onhundreds of packages, along with information of how to write your ownextensions to LATEX 2�.

Modern TEX distributions come with a large number of packages prein-stalled. If you are working on a Unix system, use the command texdoc foraccessing package documentation.

Table 1.1: Document Classes.

article for articles in scientific journals, presentations, short reports, pro-gram documentation, invitations, . . .

proc a class for proceedings based on the article class.

minimal is as small as it can get. It only sets a page size and a base font.It is mainly used for debugging purposes.

report for longer reports containing several chapters, small books, PhDtheses, . . .

book for real books

slides for slides. The class uses big sans serif letters. You might want toconsider using the Beamer class instead.


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1.7 Files You Might Encounter 13

1.6.3 Page StylesLATEX supports three predefined header/footer combinations—so-called pagestyles. The style parameter of the


command defines which one to use. Table 1.4 lists the predefined page styles.

Table 1.4: The Predefined Page Styles of LATEX.

plain prints the page numbers on the bottom of the page, in the middle ofthe footer. This is the default page style.

headings prints the current chapter heading and the page number in theheader on each page, while the footer remains empty. (This is the styleused in this document)

empty sets both the header and the footer to be empty.

It is possible to change the page style of the current page with the com-mand


A description how to create your own headers and footers can be foundin The LATEX Companion [3] and in section 4.4 on page 76.

1.7 Files You Might EncounterWhen you work with LATEX you will soon find yourself in a maze of fileswith various extensions and probably no clue. The following list explainsthe various file types you might encounter when working with TEX. Pleasenote that this table does not claim to be a complete list of extensions, butif you find one missing that you think is important, please drop me a line.

.tex LATEX or TEX input file. Can be compiled with latex.

.sty LATEX Macro package. This is a file you can load into your LATEXdocument using the \usepackage command.

.dtx Documented TEX. This is the main distribution format for LATEX stylefiles. If you process a .dtx file you get documented macro code of theLATEX package contained in the .dtx file.

1.7 Files You Might Encounter 13

1.6.3 Page StylesLATEX supports three predefined header/footer combinations—so-called pagestyles. The style parameter of the


command defines which one to use. Table 1.4 lists the predefined page styles.

Table 1.4: The Predefined Page Styles of LATEX.

plain prints the page numbers on the bottom of the page, in the middle ofthe footer. This is the default page style.

headings prints the current chapter heading and the page number in theheader on each page, while the footer remains empty. (This is the styleused in this document)

empty sets both the header and the footer to be empty.

It is possible to change the page style of the current page with the com-mand


A description how to create your own headers and footers can be foundin The LATEX Companion [3] and in section 4.4 on page 76.

1.7 Files You Might EncounterWhen you work with LATEX you will soon find yourself in a maze of fileswith various extensions and probably no clue. The following list explainsthe various file types you might encounter when working with TEX. Pleasenote that this table does not claim to be a complete list of extensions, butif you find one missing that you think is important, please drop me a line.

.tex LATEX or TEX input file. Can be compiled with latex.

.sty LATEX Macro package. This is a file you can load into your LATEXdocument using the \usepackage command.

.dtx Documented TEX. This is the main distribution format for LATEX stylefiles. If you process a .dtx file you get documented macro code of theLATEX package contained in the .dtx file.


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2.11 Environments 39

2.11.1 Itemize, Enumerate, and Description

The itemize environment is suitable for simple lists, the enumerate en-vironment for enumerated lists, and the description environment for de-scriptions.

\flushleft\begin{enumerate}\item You can mix the listenvironments to your taste:\begin{itemize}\item But it might start tolook silly.\item[-] With a dash.\end{itemize}\item Therefore remember:\begin{description}\item[Stupid] things will notbecome smart because they arein a list.\item[Smart] things, though,can be presented beautifullyin a list.\end{description}\end{enumerate}

1. You can mix the list environmentsto your taste:

• But it might start to looksilly.

- With a dash.

2. Therefore remember:

Stupid things will not becomesmart because they are in alist.

Smart things, though, can bepresented beautifully in a list.

2.11.2 Flushleft, Flushright, and Center

The environments flushleft and flushright generate paragraphs thatare either left- or right-aligned. The center environment generates centredtext. If you do not issue \\ to specify line breaks, LATEX will automaticallydetermine line breaks.

\begin{flushleft}This text is\\ left-aligned.\LaTeX{} is not trying to makeeach line the same length.\end{flushleft}

This text isleft-aligned. LATEX is not trying to makeeach line the same length.

\begin{flushright}This text is right-\\aligned.\LaTeX{} is not trying to makeeach line the same length.\end{flushright}

This text is right-aligned. LATEX is not trying to make each

line the same length.


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1 Introduction

This is your very first LATEX report. While you will typically be starting froma template provided by your advisor or a journal, this document will allowyou to familiarize with basic LATEX syntax and formatting, and introdu-ce some very helpful packages and commands. Start o by readingthrough this document and exploring its features. Everything youneed to know to reproduce this document is explained over thenext pages. You will find links to install packages and documentation onour website: http://www.relab.ethz.ch/education/engineeringtools.

2 Document Structure

LATEXdocuments are built up as follows:

• document header: this is where you define the document type (report,thesis, book) and page layout (A4, single column, etc.) and includepackages to add functionality. This document was created using theheader \documentclass[11pt, twoside, a4paper]{article}.

• document body: this is where you put the introduction, methods, re-sults, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements, etc.

• bibliography and appendices: you’ll learn more about this later in thetutorial, but let’s already cite a great reference for LATEX users, the Notso short introduction to LATEX2� [1].

The document body is structured into sections (\section{Section Title})and subsections (\subsection{Subsection Title}), which will be listed inthe table of contents. Start o by adding all the sections and subsections tothe document, then fill in the contents.

To generate a table of contents, simply include the \tableofcontentscommand after the title page in the document body. When you typeset yourmain document, a file with the extension .toc will be created (you can havea look at it with a text editor). You will need to compile a second time tomake the table of contents appear in your document. You will notice thatthe Bibliography is not listed in the table of contents. To add it, or any otherentry you wish, use the command

\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{my bibliography}

You will often refer to parts of your report or thesis. To allow for refe-rences, you will need to place labels. This works for sections, subsections,equations, figures, tables etc., and is done using the \label{labelname}command directly after the corresponding title. We suggest you use easyto distinguis labels, such as f:figurelabel for figures, t:tabellabel for tables,





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5 Useful Packages and Commands1

Packages can be included to extend the functionality of your LATEX environment. Here a list of some extremely helpful ones,2

which can be included with the command \usepackage{packagename}.3

babel a multilingual package. Makes your life easier when writing in German or French. Refer to section ?? for use.4

hyperref adds functionality for hypertext links to references, table of contents, URLs, bibliography citations, etc.5

lineno displays line numbers. This is especially helpful when you get feedback from your advisors and colleagues. Place6

\pagewiselinenumbers at the point in the document body from where you want to display line numbers.7

lscape allows you to switch to landscape layout anywhere in the text. Switch back and forth using the commands \begin{landscape}8

and \end{landscape}.9

pdftex color text with the \usepackage[pdftex]{color} package and the \textcolor{color}{text} command.10

showkeys display section, figure and table labels.11

url use this when referring to URLs. Use as \url{http://www.mywebsite.com}.12

There are also many useful commands, which are invoked using \command.13

onecolumn, twocolumn switch between one column and two column layout anywhere in the text.14

footnote Footnotes are called with the command. Use as \footnote{A footnote}2.15

marginpar allows you to add a comment in the margin. Use as \marginpar{This note will appear in the margin.}This note will appearin the margin.


2A footnote


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3 Formatting Text

Here a list of the most commonly used commands for text formatting andspecial characters:

• use \verb+command+ (most characters will do, except for letters, * orspace) or \begin{verbatim} command \end{verbatim} to print com-mands

• use \textit{italic text} for italic text.

• use \textbf{bold text} for bold text.

• use $value~unit$ to write, e.g. 20 Hz. The tilde will adjust the spacingand keep the value and unit together.

• write scalars s in italic, column vectors v in bold, their transpose linevectors as vT ($\mathbf{v}^T$), and matrices M capital bold. Notethat there are many di�erent conventions, so check with your supervi-sor or the journal in which you plan to publish your work.

• use $20^\circ$ for 20�, $\sim$ for �, \ldots for . . . , $\alpha$ for�, and refer to the Not so short introduction to LATEX [1] or searchGoogle for an endless number of further symbols and commands. Tocite the report of T. Oetiker, use \cite{Oet08}, where Oet08 is thecitation key we defined for this reference in the bibliography.

• use \newpage to continue on a new page

• use \\ or \newline to insert a line break. If you receive a compilationerror, try \vspace{1cm}.

4 LATEX and German

If you are interested in the German document of A not so short introductionto LATEX, you can find a version updated for LATEX2⇥ by Jörg Knappen atCTAN://info/lshort/german.

Wenn Sie ein Dokument auf Deutsch verfassen empfiehlt es sich, diefolgenden Packages im Vorspann aufzurufen:



Umlaute können dann ganz normal eingegeben werden (z. Bsp. ö anstatt\’’o). Die Variable encoding ist je nach Systemumgebung verschieden (an-sinew für Windows, applemac für Mac OS, und latin1 oder utf8x 1 je nachUnix Distribution.

Sie werden bemerken, dass dieses Package auch dazu führt, dass sich derTable of Contents nun Inhaltsverzeichnis nennt. Mit dem Befehl

\renewcommand{\contentsname}{my table of contents title}

können Sie diesen beliebig verändern. Dasselbe geht auch für die List ofFigures, mit dem Befehl

\renewcommand\listfigurename{my list of figures title}

sowie für die Bibliographie mit

\renewcommand\bibname{my bibliography}

in der book oder report Umgebung, bzw.

\renewcommand\refname{my bibliography}

in der article Umgebung.

1Benötigt das ucs package.




ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019



3 Formatting Text

Here a list of the most commonly used commands for text formatting andspecial characters:

• use \verb+command+ (most characters will do, except for letters, * orspace) or \begin{verbatim} command \end{verbatim} to print com-mands

• use \textit{italic text} for italic text.

• use \textbf{bold text} for bold text.

• use $value~unit$ to write, e.g. 20 Hz. The tilde will adjust the spacingand keep the value and unit together.

• write scalars s in italic, column vectors v in bold, their transpose linevectors as vT ($\mathbf{v}^T$), and matrices M capital bold. Notethat there are many di�erent conventions, so check with your supervi-sor or the journal in which you plan to publish your work.

• use $20^\circ$ for 20�, $\sim$ for �, \ldots for . . . , $\alpha$ for�, and refer to the Not so short introduction to LATEX [1] or searchGoogle for an endless number of further symbols and commands. Tocite the report of T. Oetiker, use \cite{Oet08}, where Oet08 is thecitation key we defined for this reference in the bibliography.

• use \newpage to continue on a new page

• use \\ or \newline to insert a line break. If you receive a compilationerror, try \vspace{1cm}.

4 LATEX and German

If you are interested in the German document of A not so short introductionto LATEX, you can find a version updated for LATEX2⇥ by Jörg Knappen atCTAN://info/lshort/german.

Wenn Sie ein Dokument auf Deutsch verfassen empfiehlt es sich, diefolgenden Packages im Vorspann aufzurufen:



• newline:noeffect

• twonewlines:newlineinrunningparagraph

• threenewlines:newparagraphandindent(dependingonformat)

• \\toforcelinebreak

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1 Introduction 3

2 Document Structure 32.1 A short title for the table of contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3 Formatting Text 4

4 LATEX and German 4

5 Useful Packages and Commands 6

6 Conclusions 7



1 Introduction

This is your very first LATEX document. While you will typically be star-ting from a template provided by your advisor or a journal, this documentwill allow you to familiarize with basic LATEX syntax and formatting, andintroduce some very helpful packages and commands.

2 Document Structure

LATEXdocuments are built up as follows:

• document header: this is where you define the document type (report,thesis, book) and page layout (A4, single column, etc.) and includepackages to add functionality

• document body: this is where you put the introduction, methods, re-sults, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements, etc.

• bibliography and appendices: you’ll learn more about this later in thetutorial, but let’s already cite a great reference for LATEXusers: [1].

The document body is structured into sections (\section{Section Title})and subsections (\subsection{Subsection Title}), which will be listed inthe table of contents. To generate a table of contents, simply include the\tableofcontents command. When you compile, a file with the extension.toc will be created (you can have a look at it with a text editor). You willneed to compile a second time to make the table of contents appear in yourdocument.

You will often refer to parts of your report or thesis. To allow for refe-rences, you will need to place labels. This works for sections, subsections,equations, figures, tables etc., and is done using the \label{labelname}command. We suggest you use easy to understand labels, such as f:bodeplotfor figures, t:devicecharacteristics for tables, and s:introduction or ss:subsectiontitlefor sections and subsections. So now we can include a reference to the sectionon Document Structure, by using \ref{s:structure}, and refer the readerto Section 2. Note that you will need to compile twice as the .aux file needsto be updated first.

2.1 A long and especially boring title, shown in the text, butway too long to be listed in the table of contents

If the title of your section, figure, table etc. is very long, you may want toinclude a shorter title for the table of contents. This is achieved using thecommand:

\section[short title for TOC]{long title}\label{s:sectionlabel}


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How:• setalabelwith\label{mylabelname}directlyagerthesecConCtle,equaCon,etc.• refertoalabelwith\ref{mylabelname}• usemeaningfullables,e.g.s:secConCtle;ss:subsecConCtle,f:figureCtle...


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6 Conclusions

It’s not all that di�cult, is it?! And it will be even easier if you start witha template, e.g. our lab template for Bachelor/Master theses which you willreceive and use tomorrow, or, e.g., the IEEE conference/journal template [2]which you will surely use someday should you pursue an academic career.


[1] Oetiker, T., Partl, H., Hyna, I., and Schlegl, E., “The Not So ShortIntroduction to LATEX2�,” Version 4.26, September 25, 2008.

[2] http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/authors/authors_journals.html, IEEE, visited Sept. 20, 2010.



ETH Zurich, D-HEST, Rehabilitation Engineering Lab19.02.2019


• readthedocumentfirst–itintroducesallthecommandsyouwillneed

• weareheretosupportyou

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