words for production 1. mouth-watering [ `ma5t&wot2i9 ] adj. that makes one want to eat;...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

1. mouth-watering [] adj.that makes one want to eat; extremely delicious 令人垂涎欲滴的,極好吃的

The mouth-watering smell of freshly baked bread made me feel so hungry.

Words for Production

2. roasted [] adj.cooked by dry heat in an oven or in front of an open fire 烤的,烘的

The delicious smell of the roasted meat filled the whole room.

Words for Production

3. edible [] n. [C] (usu. pl.)foods fit to be eaten 可食用的食物

Although these wild berries look strange, they are edibles.

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edible [] adj. 可食用的

If you cannot tell the difference between edible and poisonous mushrooms, don’t eat them.

Words for Production

4. desirable [] adj.worth having or doing 合意的,吸引人的

It is desirable that you should have some familiarity with computers.

Words for Production

5. motivate [] vt.to cause to do (something) 引起…動機,促使,激發

Everything he does is motivated only by a desire for money.

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motive [] n. [C] 動機

Denny’s parents worried a lot because they could find no motive

for his disappearance.

Words for Production

6. complex [] adj.made up of many closely connected parts; difficult to understand or explain 由許多部分組合成的,綜合的;複雜的If you know the complex subway network in this city, getting around will be much more convenient.The question is too complex for me to answer. It requires a long explanation.

Words for Production

7. blend [] n. [C]a product of mixing different things together 混合物

A blend of East and West, old and new, traditional and modern, Cloud Gate Dance Theater is truly one of Taiwan’s national treasures.

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blend [] vt. 混合

In this novel, the writer has successfully blended modern writing skills with traditional ideas.

Words for Production

8. expose [] vt.to give experience of (something) or to introduce to (something); to leave uncovered or unprotected 使接觸到;使暴露Both my parents were musicians, so I was exposed to music very early.Don’t expose the plant to direct sunlight, or it will soon die.

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exposure [] n. [U][C] 暴露

The color has faded from long exposure to the sun.

Words for Production

9. geography [] n. [U]the way that features such as rivers, mountains, towns, or streets are arranged within a place ( 某地區的 ) 地理,地勢,地形Thanks to the rescue team’s familiarity with the local geography, the victims of the plane crash were saved and sent to hospital in time.

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geographical [] adj. 地理的

After the tremendous earthquake, the government made a geographical survey to see the changes the quake brought to the country.

Words for Production

10. association [] n. [C]something that is connected in your mind with a particular memory, idea, or feeling 被聯想的事物

Black is considered sad because of its association with death.

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associate [] vt. 聯想

We associate summer with ice cream, beaches, and bikinis.

Words for Production

11. nutrition [] n. [U]the action of taking food into the body and absorbing something in the food that causes one to stay alive or grow 營養的攝取、供給

Nutrition and exercise are very important to health.

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nutritious [] adj.比較

To keep in good health, we should

eat nutritious food every day.

Words for Production

12. pleasure [] n. [U]enjoyment 享受

The film is great and has brought pleasure to millions of viewers.

Words for Production

13. consume [] vt.to eat or drink; to use up 吃、喝;消耗

Mice have consumed all the food in the barn.

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consumer [] n. [C] 消費者

The government claims that the tobacco companies failed to warn consumers about the dangers of smoking.

consumption [] n. [U] 消耗 ( 量 )

Because of the serious air pollution in the country, the laws were passed to reduce fuel consumption.

Words for Production

14. trace [] vt.to follow the history, development, course or line 追溯;追蹤

Her fear of water can be traced back to her childhood accident.

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trace [] n. [U][C]蹤跡,痕跡

After following the robber into the woods, the police lost all trace of him.

Words for Production

15. infant [] n. [C]a very young child 嬰兒

Infants need close physical contact and interaction with caring parents.

Words for Production

16. contact [] n. [U]the condition of touching, meeting, or receiving information from 接觸;聯繫

This disease is spread by contact between people.

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contact [] vt. 接觸,聯繫

When you arrive at the airport, you

can contact the Tourist Information Center for further details.

Words for Production

17. stress [] n. [U]force or pressure caused by difficulties in life 壓力

Students in Taiwan experience stress during examinations.

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stress [] vt. 著重,強調

Our teacher always stresses that we should make the right decision

when planning for the future.

Words for Production

18. cultivate [] vt.to plant, grow, and raise (a crop) by preparing the soil, providing with water, etc.; to develop (an attitude or skill) and make it better or stronger 栽培;培養,陶冶

PS. The example sentences are on the next page.

Words for Production

18. cultivateGrandma cultivates her own organic vegetables because she thinks chemicals have been used on those sold in markets.

To cultivate his mind, his mother has been encouraging him to read the best authors.

Words for Production

19. plentiful [] adj.existing in large quantities or numbers 很多的,充分的

After the destructive typhoon, the supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables were not plentiful so the prices were much higher than usual.

Words for Production

20. spoil [] vi.; vt.to lose goodness; to make useless 腐壞;弄糟

The meat spoils soon, so you had better keep it in the refrigerator.

He spoiled the soup by putting too much salt in it.

Words for Production

21. folklore [] n. [U]all the knowledge, beliefs, traditions, customs, etc. of a racial or national group, still preserved by memory, or in use from earlier and simpler times 民間風俗、傳說

In Chinese folklore, the pineapple is associated with good luck.

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folk [] adj. 民間的,民俗的

Because the hospital was unable to cure his cancer, the man began to try some folk remedies.

Words for Production

22. whoever [] pron. anyone who 無論誰,不管什麼人

Whoever wants the book may have it.

Words for Production

23. serving [] n. [C]an amount of food that is given to one person at a meal ( 食物等的 ) 一份

Would you please give me a hand? I have to prepare 50 servings of soup and I don’t think I can do it all by myself.

Words for Production

24. throughout [] prep.from beginning to end 貫穿…的整個期間

The crowd shouted throughout the game to support their favorite team.

Words for Production

25. resemble [] vt.to look or be like 相像,相似

She resembles her twin sister in appearance but not in character.

Words for Production

26. bent [] adj.not able to stand up straight, usually because of old age or disease 彎曲The patient was bent double with pain.

bend [] vi. 彎曲 I bent over to pick up the pen.

1. Valentine’s Day[] n. a special day observed on February 14th, on which people send cards to their lovers 情人節

Words for Recognition

2. seaweed[] n. [U] a common plant that grows in the sea 海草

Words for Recognition

3. Millet[] n. [U] the small seeds of a plant similar to grass, used as food 小米

Words for Recognition

4. refrigeration[] n. [U] making (food or liquid) cool, as a way of preserving 冷藏,冷凍

Words for Recognition

5. black-eyed pea[] n. [C] a plant extensively cultivated in the southern U.S. for soil improvement 豇豆

Words for Recognition

6. lobster[] n. [U] the meat of a large shellfish with eight legs 龍蝦肉

Words for Recognition

7. octopus[] n. [U] the meat of a sea animal with a soft body and eight long arms 章魚肉

Words for Recognition

8. taco[] n. [C] a thin, flat pancake made of flour, filled with meat, vegetables, etc. 塔可餅

Words for Recognition

9. mole[] n. [U] any of various spicy sauces of Mexican origin, usually having a base of onions, chilies, nuts, or seeds and served with meat 墨西哥辣椒醬

Words for Recognition

1. dig into start eating (something) eagerly 開始吃

After working hard all the day, I was starving so I just pulled up a chair and dug in without saying anything.

Idioms and Phrases

2. have less to do withto have less connection with 與…較無關係

Their failure has less to do with ability than with time. If they had had enough time, they would have been able to complete the project.

Idioms and Phrases

3. reach forto stretch one’s hand so as to take or hold (something) 伸手拿、握

Mrs. Smith smiled at her son and reached for his hand.

Idioms and Phrases

4. play an important role into have an important position or function 在…扮演重要的角色

Genetic engineering may play an important role in curing serious diseases in the future.

Idioms and Phrases

5. before longsoon 不久

Wait for me! I will come back again before long.

Idioms and Phrases

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