words for production 16. resident [ `rez1d1nt ] n. [c] a person living in a place 居民 most of the...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

16. resident [] n. [C]a person living in a place 居民

Most of the residents on Lan Yu Island make their living by fishing. 詞類變化 * make / earn one’s living by… 藉…謀生

reside [] vi. 住,居住

Mr. Wang came back to Taichung and has resided there ever since.

* ever since : 自從

residence [] n. [C][U] 住所;居住

The American president’s official residence is the White House.

After Mr. and Mrs. Lin retired, they took up their residence in a small country town.

residential [] adj. 居住的,住家的

There should not be any factories in residential areas.

* residential areas 住宅區

Words for Production

17. overwhelming [] adj.very large in size or amount 龐大的,佔壓倒性優勢的The advertisement for this new type of soft drink has received an overwhelming response from the general public. 詞類變化

* soft drink 不含酒精的飲料* the general public 一般大眾

overwhelm [] vt.( 情感上 ) 使不由自主,使身不由己,使折服

The prince, as well as all the guests at the ball, was completely overwhelmed by the beauty of Cinderella.

* A as well as B = not only B but also A

Words for Production

18. district [] n. [C]an area of a city or country 地區

For the safety of children, all cars passing through the school district should slow down.

* slow down 減速

Words for Production

19. spot [] n. [C]a particular place or area 地點

Do you see the big tree over there? That was the very spot where my parents first met twenty years ago. 詞類變化

* the very + N 正是 ; 就是

spot [] vt.看見,發現

Sharon is quite tall, so you can easily spot her in a crowd.

Words for Production

20. prominent [] adj.important; distinguished 重要的,著名的

Albert Einstein is widely recognized as the most prominent scientist of the twentieth century.

* prominent = distinguished

Words for Production

21. erection [] n. [U]the act of building something 建造,設立In 1989, the Berlin Wall separating West and East Germany was opened to free travel for the first time since its erection in 1961. 詞類變化

* for the 序數 time 第…次

erect [] vt.設立;樹立

This statue was erected by a loving husband in memory of his wife who died young at the age of 25.

* at the age of 在…歲時

Words for Production

22. bald [] adj.without a normal covering 光禿禿的;禿頭的

We all think that John, like his father, will get bald before he is forty.

Words for Production

23. condemn [] vt.to express strong disagreement of (someone or some action) 譴責,指責

The plastic factory was condemned for dumping chemical wastes into the river.

Words for Production

24. crime [] n. [C]a serious mistake; an illegal action or activity for which a person can be punished by law 過錯;罪行It’s a crime that so much time and money have been wasted.

Murder is a crime against humanity that can and must be prevented. 詞類變化

criminal [] n. [C]罪犯

Two criminals successfully broke

into a bank and got away with a large amount of cash.* break into 闖入

* get away with 逃脫

Words for Production

25. salvation [] n. [U]something that helps to avoid loss or disaster 救星,救助者

After so much dry weather, this rain has been the farmers’ salvation.

Words for Production

26. bulletin [] n. [C]a brief news report on the radio or television 新聞快報

Our next news bulletin will be at six o’clock. Stay tuned.

* Stay tuned. 不要轉台 .

Words for Production

27. broadcast [] vt.to send out a program by radio waves, so that it can be heard on the radio or seen on television 播放

The outdoor concert of Yo-Yo Ma will be broadcast live on TV tonight.

Words for Production

28. measure [] vt.to find out the size, length, or amount of something 測量

The love of parents for their children is something that cannot be measured. 詞類變化

measure [] n. [C] 措施,方法

Measures should be taken to prevent the crime rate from soaring.

* prevent…from… = keep …from… 預防

measurement [] n. [U] 測量

The invention of timepieces makes the measurement of time quicker and easier.

Words for Production

29. atmospheric [] adj.of or relating to the mixture of gases that surrounds any heavenly body, especially the earth 大氣的Having worked in atmospheric research for years, the scientist came up with a new theory about the greenhouse effect. 詞類變化

* heavenly body 天體 * come up with 提出* the greenhouse effect 溫室效應

atmosphere [] n. [C]大氣層;氣氛

Yesterday morning, when re-entering the atmosphere, the unmanned space shuttle started to burn and then broke into pieces.

The atmosphere changed suddenly when the teacher walked

into the classroom.

Words for Production

30. occupier [] n. [C]a member of a group of people who take possession of a place, especially by force 占領者Some homeless people occupied the empty house. With the help of the police, the owner of the house could possibly drive away those illegal occupiers. 詞類變化

occupy [] vt.占據

Some homeless people occupied the empty house. With the help of the police, the owner of the house could possibly drive away those illegal occupiers.

Words for Production

31. decode [] vt.to discover the meaning of a secret or complicated message 破解 (密碼 )

This new computer can decode complex instructions, store and analyze a great deal of information, and control another machine. 詞類變化 * a great deal of + 不可數名詞

code [] n. [C]密碼

To the rescue team’s surprise, the Morse code turned out to be the salvation of the miners trapped underground.

* to one’s 情緒名詞 令…感到…

Words for Production

32. minimum [] adj.the lowest, smallest or least 最少的;最低極限的

Come to our store this week and get the best quality furniture at minimum cost. 詞類變化

* at … cost 以…代價

minimum [] n. [C] 最少量,最低限度

This job is not an easy one. It will take a minimum of ten days.

minimize [] vt. 使減到最低

We can minimize the dangers of driving if everybody obeys all the rules of the road.

* obey / follow / abide by / observe the rules 遵守規則

Words for Production

33. pilot [] n. [C]a person who flies an airplane 飛行員

According to the report, the terrible air crash was caused by pilot error.* fly an airplane 駕飛機

* according to + N 根據* air crash 墜機

Words for Production

34. license [] n. [C]an official paper that shows permission to do something 執照Drunken driving may lead to the loss of one’s driver’s license.

* drunken driving 酒後駕車 drink 之三態如下 , 有兩個過去分詞 .

drink drankdrunk 用於動詞詞組drunken 用於限定形容詞前位修飾

* lead to = result in = bring about* driver’s license = driving license 駕駛執照

Words for Production

35. inauguration [] n. [U]public opening of a new building; special ceremony held to introduce someone important into a new place or job 落成典禮;就職典禮


Words for Production

35. inaugurationSince its inauguration in 1886, the Statue of Liberty in New York City has become the world’s best known symbol of freedom and democracy.George W. Bush became the 43rd President of the United States at his inauguration ceremony on January 20, 2001.

7. Maupassant [] n. the name of a famous French author in the 19th century (1850-1893) 莫泊桑

Words for Recognition

4. together withalong with …連同

He sent his girlfriend some red roses, together with a nice letter.

Idioms and Phrases

* together with = along with = with

5. protest againstto express strong disagreement against 抗議

Last month, hundreds of workers marched through the city to protest against pay cuts.

Idioms and Phrases

6. as a token ofas a sign or symbol of …作為 的表示

He gave his sweetheart a beautiful golden ring as a token of his love.

Idioms and Phrases

7. needless to sayas everyone already knows or would expect 不用說

When we hurried to the airport, Tom found that he had left our passports behind at home. Needless to say, our trip was over before it started.

Idioms and Phrases

8. as a consequenceas a result 結果

After that terrible accident, Jennifer became a selfish person who cared about nobody but herself. As a consequence, she lost all her friends.

Idioms and Phrases

* as a consequence = as a result = consequently

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