words for production 1.image [ `imidz ] n. [c] the general opinion that most people have of somebody...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

1. image [] n. [C] the general opinion that most people have of somebody or something; a picture that one has in his/her mind, especially about what somebody or something is like 影像,印象;形象

Words for Production

We always have a false image of singers. We feel they have things that many people want, such as fame and money, but often they pay a price in health or privacy.

When Marian listened to the song, she had an image of a beautiful garden.

Words for Production

2. certain [] adj. of a particular but not clearly stated thing or person 某…,某種的There are certain reasons why the news can’t be made public.

Words for Production

3. characteristic [] n. [C] a special and easily recognized quality of someone or something 特徵,特色,特性One of the main characteristics of the giraffe is its long neck. No other animals have necks as long as giraffes’.


characterize [] vt. 描述…的特色

Tim often tells lies, so I would characterize him as the biggest liar in town.

tell a lie 說謊

Words for Production

4. sly [] adj. clever in deceiving 狡猾的,狡詐的Don’t trust him. He is a sly old fox.

Words for Production

5. similar [] adj. like or alike; of the same kind 相似的,類似的The twins look alike. They are similar to each other in appearance.

*alike 僅能當述部形容詞用 , 即只能當補語用 . The policy must apply to men and women alike. like 當介系詞用 .• The boy looks like his father. *be similar to 類似• The earth is similar to an orange in shape.


similarly [] adv. 相似地;同樣地

Plants need water and sunshine. Similarly, men need reading and thinking for their inner growth.

Words for Production

6. newborn [] adj. (of a baby) recently born 剛生下來的,新生的The parents are busy choosing a name for their newborn baby.


+ V-ing

Words for Production

7. consider [] vt.to think of in a stated way; to think about 把…看作;考慮 I consider Dan (to be) one of my best friends.I considered changing my job, but then decided not to.


consideration [] n. [C][U]要考慮的事情;考慮

After careful consideration, we decided not to go to America this summer.

Words for Production

8. shy [] adj. not brave; nervous in the presence of others 害羞的The boy is too shy to talk to a stranger. Everyone asks, “Has the cat got his tongue?”

too adjadv

to V 太…而不…

Words for Production

9. courage [] n. [U]bravery; the quality of mind that makes a person able to control fear in the face of danger, pain, etc. 勇氣,膽量I think that William has the courage to tell the truth.


in the face of : 面對

courageous [] adj.勇敢的,無畏的

It was courageous of that young man to save the boy from drowning.

*It is adj of N to V. 表 adj 是 N 的屬性 .

*save…from… 解救…免於…

Words for Production

10.coward [] n. [C] a person unable to face danger, pain, etc.; those who lack courage 膽小鬼Don’t be a coward. You have to face the music.


face the music 面對現實

cowardice [] n. [U]膽小,怯懦

The general is a man of courage. He never shows cowardice in the face of danger.

a man of 抽象名詞 = a 形容詞 mana man of courage = a courageous man

Words for Production

11.expression [] n. [C] a word or a group of words; the manner or form in which one shows a feeling, opinion, or fact 措詞;表達方式“ Elephants never forget” is a common expression meaning “good memory.”


express [] vt.表達,表示

I cannot express how thankful I am for your kindness.be thankful for 感激

Words for Production

12.memory [] n. [C][U] (an) ability to remember things and experience 湧出;倒,灌In addition to elephants, camels are also considered to have a good memory. They remember people who are kind or cruel to them.


in addition to = besides

memorize [] vt.記住,記憶

Our teacher asked us to learn this poem by heart, but I could hardly memorize one line.

learn…by heart = memorize

Words for Production

13.useless [] adj. of no use 無用的It is useless trying to talk him into changing his mind. He is as stubborn as a mule.

* It is useless V-ingto V

= It is no use V-ing= It is of no use to V= There is no use V-ing

* talk sb. into V-ing = persuade sb. to V = persuade sb. into V-ing

* A simili ( 明喻 )

Words for Production

14.circus [] n. [C] a traveling show with performing animals, acrobats, and clowns; a group of clowns, acrobats, animals and so on, which perform traveling shows 馬戲表演;馬戲團After his father took him to the circus, the little boy wanted to join a circus when he grew up.

and so on = and so forth = etc. 等等

Words for Production

15.nowadays [] adv. at the present time 當今,現今Nowadays, more and more people surf the Internet. Some are even on the Internet all day long.

*nowadays = at the present time

*surf the Internet 上網

Words for Production

16.proverb [] n. [C] a short well-known saying which states a general truth 諺語,格言The straight A student lives by the proverb: “No pain, no gain.”

*a proverb = a saying*No pain, no gain. 一分耕耘 , 一分收穫 .

Words for Production

17.fearfulness [] n. [U]the feeling of being afraid or frightened 恐懼,畏懼A chicken as well as a mouse often has an image of fearfulness or cowardice.


A as well as B = not only B but also A

fearful [] adj.害怕的,恐懼的

Father was so angry that I was fearful of speaking to him.

fear [] n. [U][C] 害怕,恐懼

The child wouldn’t enter the yard for fear of the large dog.

Words for Production

18.unfairly [] adv. not right 不公平地,不公正地She unfairly blamed Frank for the failure. It’s not all his fault.


unfair [] adj.不公平的,不公正的 It’s unfair to the other classmates if you fail to do your own job.

fair [] adj. 公平的,公正的 We should be fair with one another

when playing a game.*fail to : 未能… *each other 兩者互相 one another 三者互相

Words for Production

19.insect [] n. [C]a small creature with no bones and a hard outer covering, six legs, and a body divided into three parts, such as an ant or a fly 昆蟲Some insects such as mosquitoes and flies carry disease.

such as = like

Words for Production

20.describe [] vt.to say what somebody or something is like; to give a picture (of someone or something) in words 描述,描寫The policeman asked Alice to describe the man she saw yesterday.


description [] n. [U][C]描述,描寫

I recognized the man from the description in the newspaper.

Words for Recognition

1. crane [] n. [C] a tall waterbird with a long neck and long legs 鶴

Words for Recognition

2. tortoise [] n. [C] a slow-moving land animal with a hard shell 陸龜

Words for Recognition

3. stork [] n. [C] a large, usually white, waterbird with a long beak, neck, and legs, which walks in water looking for food 鸛

Words for Recognition

4. jumbo [] adj. larger than others of the same kind 巨大的  

Words for Recognition

5. African [] adj.of, from, or about Africa 非洲的

Words for Recognition

6. jet [] n. [C] an aircraft with engines which push out a stream of hot air and gases behind it, and which make it fly 噴射機

Words for Recognition

7. simile [] n. [C] an expression comparing two things, usually using the words “like” or “as” 明喻

Words for Recognition

8. peacock [] n. [C] a large male bird famous for its long beautiful tail feathers ( 雄 ) 孔雀

Words for Recognition

9. shark [] n. [C] a large, dangerous fish with sharp teeth; a person clever at getting money from others in dishonest ways 鯊魚;擅於騙取錢財者

Idioms and Phrases

1. be supposed toto be considered to 被認為

I haven’t seen the movie myself, but it is supposed to be very good.

Idioms and Phrases

2. in additionadditionally; besides; moreover; furthermore 除…

Hong Kong has some of the largest buses in the world. In addition, the city has underground trains and a rapid surface railway.*in addition =additionally = besides = moreover = furthermore 除…

Idioms and Phrases

3. a herd ofa group of (animals of one kind which live and feed together) 一群 ( 動物 )Elephants usually stay together in big families. That’s why we often see a herd of elephants walking slowly together.a herd of = a group of

Idioms and Phrases

4. a number ofseveral 一些After hearing my report, the teacher raised a number of questions for me to consider.

a number of = some =several

Idioms and Phrases

5. refer toto mention; to speak of 提到,談及,指When I said someone was as blind as a bat, I wasn’t referring to you.

refer to = mention = speak of

Idioms and Phrases

6. and so onand so forth 等等The images of pigs include sweating a lot, eating a lot, being lazy, and so on.

Idioms and Phrases

7. deal withto do business, especially trade, with; to take action about 與…往來;處理When she worked in Hong Kong, she dealt with British people all the time.If you were me, how would you deal with this problem?

*If +S + 過去式動詞 (were)

…, S +


+ 原形動詞

與現在事實相反的假設 .

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