words for production 1.page [ pedz ] n. [c] one side of one of the pieces of paper in a book,...

Post on 16-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

1. page [] n. [C]one side of one of the pieces of paper in a book, newspaper or magazine (報紙等的 ) 版;頁When Jim buys a newspaper, he always turns to the sports pages first.

Words for Production

2. advice [] n. [U]what someone thinks you should do 忠告,建議I think I’ll take your advice and stop taking the medicine. 詞類變化

advise [] vt. 建議 Mark advised me which to buy in

the store.

疑問詞 +to V =N

Words for Production

3. share [] vt.to have, use, or do something with another person or other people 一起使用,分享We don’t have enough books for everyone some of you will have to share one with another.

Words for Production

4. untidy [] adj.not neat (人 ) 不整潔的; (場所等 ) 雜亂的The living room is untidier than usual when newspapers are everywhere.詞類變化

tidy [] adj. 整潔的 If you are a tidy person, you can find your things easily.

tidy [] vt. 使整齊 Mary looked in the mirror and tidied her hair.

Words for Production

5. mess [] n. [U]a state of untidiness 雜亂My sister’s room is always in a mess. I can’t even find a place to sit on.詞類變化

messy [] adj. 雜亂的 The place became very messy after the party.

Words for Production

6. private [] adj.for the use of one person or group of people only 私人的The singer never talked about his private life on TV.


privacy [] n. [U] 隱私 I need some privacy so I can change my clothes.

Words for Production

7. allow [] vt.to let someone do something 允許No one is allowed to smoke in a public place.

Our parents do not


+ N + to V所有格 +Ving


allow us to smoke.permit our smoking.

詞類變化 allowance n. [C] 津貼;零用錢 He received a weekly allowance from his father.

Words for Production

8. awake [] adj.not sleeping 醒著的Drinking coffee helps me stay awake.

Words for Production

9. thin [] adj.not fat 瘦的She looks so thin. She needs to eat more.

Words for Production

10.muscle [] n. [C] that part of the body which produces movement 肌肉 Walking exercises the leg muscles.

Words for Production

11.pressure [] n. [U]a force or action used to make people do something 壓力My brother put pressure on me not to tell Mom about his accident.

不定詞 to V 的 否定型態 : notnever

+ to V

Words for Production

12.explain [] vt.to make clear 解釋If there is anything you don’t understand, I will be glad to explain it to you.


explanation [] n. [C] [U] 解釋;說明 She gave me a clear explanation of how to find her house.

Words for Production

13.common [] adj.not special 平常的,普通的It is very common for us to have much rain in Keelung.

Words for Production

14.respect [] vt.to have a good opinion of someone 尊敬Students should respect their teachers.


respect [] n. [U] 尊敬 Everyone has to treat the elders

with respect.

Words for Production

15.compromise [] n. [C]a settlement in which each side gives up some demands 妥協He wanted $10; I was only willing to pay $5. We reached a compromise, and I paid $7.5.


compromise [] vi. 妥協,讓步 “ Ten,” I said. “Twenty,” said he. We compromised on fifteen.

Words for Production

16.off [] adv. away from one’s work or usual activity 休假地Next week we’re going to have Wednesday afternoon off.

Words for Production

17.disturb [] vt. to interrupt what someone is doing 打擾I hate to be disturbed when I am studying.

Words for Recognition

1. drawer [] n. [C]a box-shaped part of furniture which can be pulled out and then pushed back into place 抽屜

一件傢俱 : a piece of furniture

Words for Recognition

2. cupboard [] n. [C]a storage closet or cabinet 櫥櫃

Words for Recognition

3. late developer [] n. [C] one who grows up more slowly than usual 晚發育的人

Words for Recognition

4. headphones [] n. pl.a pair of padded speakers worn over the ears in order to listen to music without disturbing others 耳機

Idioms and Phrases

1. clean upto put in order; to tidy up …把 打掃乾淨,

…把 整理乾淨Would you clean up your room before our visitors arrive?

Idioms and Phrases

2. as well asbesides 以及Women, as well as men, need to develop their interests.

A as well B = not only B but also AWomen, as well as men, need to develop their interests.= Not only men but also women need to develop their interests.

Idioms and Phrases

3. leave aloneto allow to remain untouched or unchanged 不觸碰;不改變Leave that alone; it’s mine.

Idioms and Phrases

4. be good atto be able to do something well 擅長She is good at languages. She can speak English, Spanish and German well.

Idioms and Phrases

5. put awayto remove something to a place where it is usually stored …把 收起來;放好Put the books away on the shelves.

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