writing a scientific paper for publication

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Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication. Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication. Rungsinee Sothornvit Department of Food Engineering Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen. June 27, 2014. Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication. เนื้อหาที่นำเสนอ. 1. ฐานข้อมูลในการสืบค้นบทความวิจัย - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Rungsinee Sothornvit

Department of Food Engineering

Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen

June 27, 2014

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

1. ฐานข้�อมูลในการสื�บค้�นบทค้วามูว�จั�ย

2. การเข้�ยนผลงานเพื่��อการตี�พื่�มูพื่�

เน� อหาท��น"าเสืนอ

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Research Toolฐานข้�อมู�ลสากลตามูที่��ส�าน�กงานคณะกรรมูการการอ�ดมูศึ�กษาแนะน�าให้�น�บเฉพาะ

ส#วนที่��เป็&นบที่ความูว'จั�ยได�แก# "research article", "letter" และ"review" มู�ด�งน�+1. ISI = http://apps.webofknowledge.com/UA_GeneralSearch_input.do?product=UA&SID=V1Vugjxlh7ceHYW4UfM&search_mode=GeneralSearch 2. MathSciNet = http://www.ams.org/mathscinet 3. ScienceDirect = http://www.sciencedirect.com/ 4. Agricola = http://agricola.nal.usda.gov/ 5. Biosis = http://www.biosis.org/ 6. Scopus = http://www.info.scopus.com/ 7. Pubmed = http://www.pubmed.gov/ 8. Academic Search Premier = http://www.ebsco.com/home/

9. Infotrieve = http://www.infotrieve.com 10. Ingenta Connect = http://www.ingentaconnect.com 11. Wilson = http://www.nova.edu/library/dils/lessons/wilsonweb/Etc.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication



Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication ฐานข้�อมูล ISI

พื่�มูพื่� URL: http://apps.webofknowledge.com/UA_GeneralSearch_input.do?product=UA&SID=V1Vugjxlh7ceHYW4UfM&search_mode=GeneralSearch

จัะปรากฏหน�าจัอดั�งน� Basic Search สืามูารถพื่�มูพื่�ค้"าค้�นหาผลงานว�จั�ยโดัยใช�ช��อ

เร��อง (topic) ช��อเร��อง (title) ช��อผ�

แตี.ง (author) รห�สืผ�แตี.ง (author identifier)* บรรณาธิ�การ (editor) กล1.มูผ�แตี.ง(group author) ช��อสื��ง พื่�มูพื่�(publication name) (DOI) ป2ท��ตี�พื่�มูพื่� (year published) หร�อท��


Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

*รห�สืผ�แตี.ง (author identifier) Many authors have similar names . The Scopus Author Identifier distinguishes between these names by assigning each author in

Scopus a unique number and grouping together all of the documents written by

that author. Additionally, author names in Scopus can be formatted differently . For

example, the same author could appear in one document as Lewis, M; in another as L

ewis, M.J; and in another as Lewis, Michael . Scopus Author Identifier matc

hes the documents of this author and g roups these name variants together so

that authors, even if cited differently, a re identified with their specific papers.

This helps you find and recognize an author, despite variations in name spelling.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ในที่��น�+ข้อยกต�วอย#างการค�นห้าตามูชื่/�อผู้��แต#ง โดยใชื่�นามูสก�ลข้องผู้��แต#งเป็&นห้ล�ก โดยพ'มูพ2 Sothornvit ในชื่#อง AUTHOR แล�วกด Search

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication



ช��อตี�น ช��อผ�แตี.งท� งหมูดั


ช��อวารสืาร ฉบ�บท�� เล.มูท��


เดั�อน ป2ท��ตี�พื่�มูพื่�

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

เมู/�อ click ไป็ที่��ชื่/�อบที่ความูว'จั�ย จัะแสดงข้�อมู�ลบที่ค�ดย#อ ด�งแสดง

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ย�งสามูารถูน�าไป็ส�# Journal Citation Reports

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ฐานข้�อมูล Science Directฐานข้�อมู�ล Science Direct และฐาน

ข้�อมู�ลอ/�นๆ จัะเป็&นฐานข้�อมู�ลเฉพาะที่��เก��ยวข้�องก�บส�าน�กพ'มูพ2น�+นๆ ซึ่��งอาจัไมู#ได�ข้�อมู�ลตรวจัสอบครบถู�วนเห้มู/อนฐานข้�อมู�ล ISI และอาจัไมู#มู�รายละเอ�ยดเก��ยวก�บจั�านวนคร�+งที่��ผู้ลงานต�พ'มูพ2ได�ร�บการอ�างอ'ง

การตรวจัสอบผู้ลงานว'จั�ยว#ามู�การต�พ'มูพ2ในฐานข้�อมู�ล Science Direct

1. พ'มูพ2 URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/ จัะป็รากฏห้น�าจัอด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publicationสามูารถูค�นห้าโดยการพ'มูพ2สาข้า (search all fields) ชื่/�อผู้��แต#ง (author name) ห้ร/อชื่/�อวารสารห้ร/อห้น�งส/อ (journal or book title) ที่��ต�องการค�นห้า ต�วอย#างเชื่#นค�นห้าด�วยชื่/�อผู้��แต#ง พ'มูพ2ค�าว#า Sothornvit ในชื่#อง author name แล�วกด ด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

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Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

search all fields ด�วยค�าว#า edible films and coatings จัะป็รากฏห้น�าจัอด�งน�+

ไมู#สามูารถู download ได�

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ฐานข้�อมูล Scopusฐานข้�อมู�ล Scopus จัะรวบรวมูข้�อมู�ลจัาก

ที่�กแห้ล#งไมู#เฉพาะแต#ส�าน�กพ'มูพ2ใด ส�าน�กพ'มูพ2ห้น��ง จั�งกว�างกว#า และข้อกล#าวโดยย#อด�งน�+

1. พ'มูพ2 URL: http://www.scopus.com จัะป็รากฏห้น�าจัอด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication



Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ตีรวจัสือบการอ�างอ�งไดั�ในแตี.ละป2 ข้องบทค้วามูท��ไดั�ตี�พื่�มูพื่�แล�ว


Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ฐานข้�อมูลในเวปไซตี� SJRพ'มูพ2 URL: http://www.scimagojr.com/จัะป็รากฏห้น�าจัอด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ฐานข้�อมูลในเวปไซตี� ห�องสืมู1ดั มูหาว�ทยาล�ยเกษตีรศาสืตีร�พ'มูพ2 URL: http://www.lib.ku.ac.th/web/index.php/th จัะป็รากฏห้น�าจัอด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ฐานข้�อมูลในเวปไซตี� ห�องสืมู1ดั มูหาว�ทยาล�ยเกษตีรศาสืตีร�พ'มูพ2 URL: http://kasetsartunivlibrary.worldcat.org/ จัะป็รากฏห้น�าจัอด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ฐานข้�อมูลตี.างๆ ในหน�าเวปไซตี� ประก�นค้1ณภาพื่ มูก.พ'มูพ2 URL: http://qa.ku.ac.th/webqaku/index1.html จัะป็รากฏห้น�าจัอด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

ฐานข้�อมูล PubMedฐานข้�อมู�ล PubMed อาจัไมู#อย�#ในกล�#มู

ว'ศึวกรรมูศึาสตร2ยกเว�นในบางสาข้าว'ชื่าที่��เก��ยวข้�องก�บที่างเกษตร อาห้ารห้ร/อที่างเคมู�เชื่'งล�ก แต#ค'ดว#าน#าจัะเป็&นป็ระโยชื่น2 จั�งข้อกล#าวโดยย#อด�งน�+

1. พ'มูพ2 URL: http://www.pubmed.gov/ จัะป็รากฏห้น�าจัอด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

พ'มูพ2ชื่/�อผู้��แต#งห้ร/อชื่/�อบที่ความู / ค�าส�าค�ญในส#วนข้อง Search ต�วอย#างเชื่#นค�นห้าด�วยชื่/�อผู้��แต#ง พ'มูพ2ค�าว#า Sothornvit แล�วกด Search ด�งน�+

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Knowledge exists only if it is communicated.

Creating and disseminating knowledge is the fundamental goal of the academy.

Writing is the fundamental means of dissemination.

2. การเข้�ยนผลงานเพื่��อการตี�พื่�มูพื่�

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Selecting a JournalDetermine an appropriate journal

• Most journals have specific, targeted readers. • Each journal has its own specific style.• Instructions to authors often included in every issue.• Strictly follow the submission guidelines provided by the journal.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Planning your articleDescribe research

• Explain problem or issue studied• Discuss research method• Describe data collected• Describe research findings• Explain implications

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Inform readers of research results precisely, concisely, and specifically

They shouldn’t have to read whole report to get essential points.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Before writing, consider:• Why you are writing

• What you hope to achieve• Who you are writing for

These considerations will determine your

report’s content, organization, textual

and visual design

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Editor/Reviewer’s ViewPeer Review: What does editor look for when he/she reviews a manuscript?

• Is it NEW?



• Are previous works (known ideas/important references) properly REFERENCED?

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Scientific article generally include these sections in this order:– Abstract– Introduction/Literature Review– Methodology (Materials and Methods)– Results and Discussion– Conclusion– Acknowledgements– References

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

TITLE: Make your title informative and specific

The title should be appropriate for the intended audience.

The title usually describes the subject matter of the article. Effect of Smoking on Academic Performance

Sometimes a title that summarizes the results is more effective. Students Who Smoke Get Lower Grades

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


The person who did the work and wrote the paper is generally listed as the first author of a research paper.

For published articles, other people who made substantial contributions to the work are also listed as co-author.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Abstract: informative and brief

• Briefly state the problem or purpose of the research

• Indicate the theoretical or experimental plan used

• Summarize the major findings

• And point out major conclusions

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Introduction: NO recipe

• What question did you ask in your experiment?

• Why is it interesting?

• The introduction summarizes the relevant literature so that the reader will understand why you were interested in the question you asked. One to four paragraphs should be enough.

• End with a sentence explaining the specific question you asked in this experiment.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


• How is your research significantly different from those described in other papers in the same subjects?

• The contribution of your paper to the advancement of knowledge in your field in particular and in science and technology in general.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


• What are major objectives of your paper?

• Draw and convince referee’s attention to your introduction on the importance of your research work.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Methodology: Materials and Methods

• Use specific, informative language to allow another scientist to repeat your experiment

• A complicated protocol, include a diagram, table or flowchart to explain the methods you used

• Omit unwanted information

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


• If you modified the method, say exactly what would be the difference you did, even a minor thing.

• Mention relevant ethical considerations

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Results and Discussion: Results: Visually and textually represents research findings

• Visual representation of results:– Graphs, tables, diagrams, charts

• Explanatory text:– Text points out the most significant portions of research

findings – Indicates key trends or relationships– Highlights expected and/or unexpected findings

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Discussion:– Assesses and comments on research

results– Includes:

• Explanation for Results– Comments on unexpected results, offering hypothesis

for them

• Comparison to literature– Does your research confirm previous studies? Deviate

from them?

• Explanation for how info can be applied in broader context

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication



• Using figures instead of tables (One picture is indeed better than a thousand words.)

• Recognize the importance of negative results. (Don’t automatically conclude that the experiment is a failure or that you’ve made a mistake.)

Breaking a new ground

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


• What was learned through research?• What remains to be learned?• Weaknesses and shortcomings of study!• Strengths of study!• Possible applications of study (how it can be

used)• Recommendations

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Conclusion: 3 R

Restate: more clearly or convincingly

Recap: give a summary of the main points of a discussion

Recommend & benefit

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


This section is optional. You can thank those who either helped with the experiments, or made other important contributions, such as discussing the protocol, commenting on the manuscript, or buying you food.

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

References (Literature Cited)

• Use APA or other specified format for documentation

• Check online for style guides– http://www.apastyle.org/

• Check journals for format info

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

• Citing:– Shows your credibility as a researcher– Gives proper credit to authors and

researchers– Protects you from accusations of plagiarism

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Language and Vocabulary

Be straightforward and concise

Use simple terms, not jargon and technical terms

Keep sentences short and simple (20 words max)

Be specific and not general• Use concrete numbers and metaphors

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication


1. Writing well: Short is always better than long.

2. Verb tense: Past and present tenses

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

Verb tense: NO recipe

Introduction & Discussion: Present tense

Abstract, Materials and Methods, Results:

Past tense

Writing a Scientific Paper for Publication

• Writing is a process.

• Writing a publishable article take time, patience, and planning.

• Let your article cool for several days.

• Reread, revise and ask a colleague in your field to read your article.

Rungsinee Sothornvit

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