yehezkel lipinsky portfolio

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    The Portfolio of Yehezkel Lipinsky

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    On almost every page I write on, the Hebrew letters,Bet & Hey appear in the right hand cornerit is an abbreviation for, with the help of G-d. It reminds me that there isa higher force helping to facilitate what I do. Almost every sketch done forthe work inside this portfolio started with those letters at the top. Its good toknow that no page, at the start of a project can ever truly start blank.

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Lets change how Canadians

    save for retirementRetirement is a daunting idea to think about. Soon after starting to work, one needs to think about 30-40 years down the roadwhen they will be eligible to retire. Not only that, they need to envision what their life will be like then and plan accordingly.Money is already a scary concept for people. How do we enable Canadians to be conscious of their future nances and be able

    to take charge of their future?

    RBC Bright is a web interface that lets Canadians visualize their future, make decisions and discover the full spectrum of ser-

    vices that the Royal Bank of Canada offers in the personalized context of their own nances. 34% of participants in aBMO study hope to win the lottery to pay for their retirement. Let us enable Canadians to learn abouttheir nancial future, rather than rely on chance.

    ONE GLANCESee all

    f inancialinformation, fromtransactions that

    just occured, tosavings that aregrowing for the

    future, on onescreen

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    THE BANK SHOULD HAVE ALL THEANSWERSThere are many financially focused websites.But why should RBC cus tomers go there?Righ t ins ide o f Br igh t wi l l be a fu l l su i t e o f

    content marketing: art icles about saving andinvesting, writ ten by RBCs clients. Peoplewi th in RBCs o rgan iza t ion , who , a t one t ime ,most cl ients might have never done businesswi th , ins tead , wi l l become t rus ted , re l i ab lefigures in clients eyes. As well , customerscan simply search (in the Search Navigation),Podcast, and a po dcast wil l begin playing.This podcast will be hosted by RBCExecutives, where they explain differentwords and questions that customers cansearch to get new views of their f inancialdata and their retirement future.


    At appropr ia te po in t s , Br igh t has a ca l lto ac t ion , appea l ing to c l i en t s to u t i l i zethe full spectrum of services that RBC

    has to offer. In this case, the buttonca l led Change tha t number wi l l g ive

    them the possibli ty of meeting with a

    representative to go over their options.At that meeting, on the representatives

    computer, will be an innovative back-end system. Whatever changes they

    have made together, whether inputing apens ion or d i sab i l i ty payments , wi l l bein tegra ted in to Br igh t , al lowing future

    ques t ions the c l i en t types in to be g ivenan up-to-date answer.Its a l iving appli-


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Why cant grocery shopping be

    easy for people with digestivedisorders?When individuals have diabetes, celiac disease, anaphylaxis, or other disorders, they

    need to constantly look at nutritional facts and ingredient lists. Scanning through

    dense ingredient lists can add a lot of time and confusion to their shopping, and

    nutrition facts are not always relevent. Edibilit y is an app which utilizes augmented

    reality technology to give users real time information of what they can and cant

    eat. Users simply scan ingredient lists and nutrition facts using the app, through the

    camera, which then highlights what they can eat. It also redesigns and personalizes

    nutrition facts for easy understanding and proper choices.

    edibilityJohn Basser

    Birthday 07/02/1976

    1.8 metres 140 pounds

    Eating Prole



    Crohns Disease




    m f

    W I N N E R

    1s t P l a c e, I n t e r a c t i

    v e D es i g n

    C O N N E C T

    E N A B L I N G C H A N

    G E

    PO S T- S ECO N DA R Y

    D E S IG N CO M P E

    T I T IO N 20 12-20 1


    F r o m D e s i g n E x c h

    a n g e,

    C a n a d a s D es i g n M

    us e u m

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    e d i b i l i t y

    I n t e r f a c e S c a

    l e

    T e x t S i z e

    M e a s u r e m e n t U n i t s

    M e t r i c I m p e r i a l

    L a n g u a g e E

    n g l i s h

    P r o l e sFully AccessibleUsers have the option of language, type-size and prefered measurement system,ensuring that the largest number ofusers can utilize Edibilit y

    e d i b i l i t y

    S e t t i n g s

    C r e a t e N e w

    J o h n

    S u s i e

    B o b Shop for Multiple FamilyMembers, at once

    If different family members have different digestivedisorders, the family member in charge of groceryshopping, can shop for all of them, with ease, at the

    same time, thus saving time and money\

    e d i b i l i t y

    N a m e

    B i r t h d a y

    d d / m m / y y y y

    H e i g h t W e i g h t

    E a t i n g P r o l e

    D i a b e t e s

    A n a p h y l a x i s

    L a c t o s e I n t o l e

    r a n c e

    C e l i a c D i s e a s


    C r o h n s D i s e a s


    m f

    Enter InfoUsers put in their relevant information.Pull-down menus under different diges-tive disorders enable users to pick theirspecic conditions

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    3.93%of daily calorie intake

    Nutrition Facts 40 g







    Scan.Using augmented reality, the app scans theingredients listed and highlights the prob-

    lematic ingredients. Different colours showup if one is shopping for multiple people,with the colours identifying what person

    each ingredient affects.

    Nutrition.With Edibilit y , Nutrition Facts become a rich source

    of information. Edibilit y overlays a new nutrition factslist: gathering the data and overlaying a redesigned

    fact list (using augmented reality). All a user has to dois slide the slider over to the Nutrition Facts slide, placethe phone above the fact list and the augmented reali-

    ty, better designed version appears.

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    8.36%of daily calorie intake

    Nutrition Facts 40 g





    N/A potasium


    8.36%of daily calorie intake

    Nutrition Facts 40 g





    N/A potasium


    carbohydratesCarbohydrates are one form of nutrients from food. Itcan be broken down between sugars and starches.They are important for people with diabetes to keeptrack of because of blood sugar levels. One shouldaquire carbohydrates from healthier sources such asfruits or grains.

    Health.Not only is this a redesigned Nutrition Facts list, but

    a personalized one. The facts on it are personalized tothe users height, age and weight. This is where the

    augmented reality really comes to the fore. Its the in-teraction with the physical information and the apps

    knowledge of the user that makes Edibilit y compelling.Nutrition Facts dont become about the average per-

    son, they are about individual.

    Clarity.Nutritional Facts can be a confusing. Edibilit y enables

    usesr to tap on a fact they dont understand and adescription, tailored to their digestive disorder will

    appear, explaining why its important.

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Market Tilapia, in a new way.The entire class received a brief instructing us to rebrand Tilapia. The brief harkened

    back to what was once known as the Chinese Gooseberry, which was rebranded as

    the Kiwi fruit. The brief called for a name that made it more appetizing and popular.

    To answer the brief, the name was changed to Feroz, Spanish for erce. Tilapia is a

    bland sh that takes on the avour of whatever it is prepared with. That was used

    to an advantage. The new brand urged customers to get erce with their avour. It

    encouraged them to experiment. Feroz is like a blank canvas. Their adverturous cook-

    ing can turn it into an exciting dish. A logo and tagline was created. The copy in the

    advertisement pronounces this new direction for Tilapia.

    LOGO DESIGNThe Feroz logo showcasesthe fact that i ts for a f ish

    with the fin attached at theend. The typeface evokes att i-

    tude and an ethnic feel .

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    BEFIERCEWITHYOURFLAVOURFeroz doesnt come with that shy taste. It comes with what you bring to it.Feeling like thai tonight? Jazz it up and Feroz ts right in. Italian? Add somedifferent spices and vegetables and you have your Italian sh dinner. Experiment,create fushions, push the boundaries. Used to be known as Tilapia, Feroz is a shthat can blend with any avour. Anyway you use Feroz, it will taste like what youwant it to. Go on, pull out that spice rack and and create a few unexpectedpairings. Its the accidents that create the precendents.

    Pick it up at the closest supermarket.


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    We all know what happened to

    the animals on Noahs Ark, butwhat happened to the fsh?Everyone knows the story of Noahs Ark. Animals piled into the ark just as the world

    was ooded. Everything outside the ark would die and only once a dove was sent out

    and brought back an olive branch would Noah know that the ood had subsided and

    that he, his family and all the animals could exit the ark and begin life, anew. In this

    whole story, we never nd out what happened to the sh. Did they perish, or did they

    swim in the waters? In Jewish Biblical study, Rabbis created the Midrash , a series of

    stories that ll in the gaps in the Bibles telling and most importantly, teach a lesson.

    I decided to create my own Midrash about what happened to the sh. I decided that

    the sh helped the Ark to safety.

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Starfish help patch holes in the ark so waterdoesnt l eak in

    Ha mm er he ad Sh ar ks he lp pu ll No ah s Ar kalong in the water

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Glowfish l ight a path so the dove, bearing theolive branch, can find the Ark in the midst of aworld nearly covered in water

    Close encounters: As a giraffe dunks i ts headin the water, i t is suprised by a Sea Horse

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Typography.FORMCreated for a class,this piece uti l izesjust one let ter in onetypeface to create acompos i t ion

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    thereslove, life& type

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio



    QUESTIONINGa conversation with typographic experimentalist

    INTERVIEW BOOKFront cover of an

    or ig ina l in te rv iew wi thdesigner and art ist ,

    Oded Ezer

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio



  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    These sh i r t s were c rea ted fo r a s tuden t p ro j -ect to premiere Canadian Doritos. Thesesh i r t s , on the i r f ron t a re sub t le ly b randedwith the campaign logo, True Patriot Lovebut are created for a shirt people would wantto wear in the ir everyday l ife. They make funof Canadian s te reo types in a lovab le , f r i end lyway

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    How do we help Torontoniansuse the PATH effectively?

    The PATH in downtown Toronto is an extraordinary achievement. Its the

    worlds longest underground shopping complex, currently at 30 km (19 miles).

    It features a plethora of stores and connects Torontos nancial sector together.

    However, its difcult to navigate. The signage is poor and inconsistent.By creating an app to navigate and explore the PATH, it can become an

    extremely useful asset to pedestrians in this triving ci ty.

    Using Apples iBeacon technology, users can search stores and and review them,

    without the internet.

    The Homescreen. All users must do is tap on thebutton they want, then pinch and zoom out to

    select another item. This type of browser makesusing the app quick and seamless. In the PATH,people are rushing about. This app helps themkeep up their efciently. Interaction with the

    app should be a uid experience with life.

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Clicking Where I Am? shows the users exact-ly where they are, in which direction they arewalking and what building they are in. In thecurrent signage, knowing what building you

    are in, underground is difcult. Where Am I?solves the problem.

    Directions is created for the user to just typein what they need, the app gures out the rest.

    The user can type in an address, building orintersection in the To or the From. One inputbar for different categories. The app uses a sin-

    gle input bar to nd what the user needs.

    Directions, right to where you need to go.

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Sometimes people in the PATH are looking for aspecic store. Look no futher.

    Users can select results near them, allowingthem to make the most of where they are.

    Reviews creates community within the PATH.Many PATH users buy lunch in the PATH

    everyday. Now, they can review the places theyeat so others have recommended.

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Theres a ve point rating scale. Users simplytap the small circles to input their reviews of

    the PATHs establishments. The circles becomelarger when they are part of the score.

    While walking throughout the PATH, users willreceive coupons that are location specic. Thiswill allow more business to be facilitated andallow the PATH to make money from putting

    coupons on the app. In this menu, users can seeall the coupons that have come in as they

    journey throughout the PATH.

    Through iBeacon technology,

    the app empowers all users,whether they are nding astore, dont know where theyare going or wanting to knowwhere is good to eat. The appalso facilitates business through geographically based coupons giving PATH pedestriansdiscounts, allowing them to

    discover new places they havenever been. As well, throughits seamless pinch-and-zoominteraction, the app moves asquickly as the people in the PATH, keeping in pace with thedaily hustle.

    f l k

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    A CD of eclectic tracksHow do you give it order?

    In a Graphic Design class at OCAD University, the teacher gave us a CD with an eclectic mix of music.

    We had to create an album design that would somehow unify the tracks into a cohesive whole. I de-

    cided to call the album Dishevelled, spelt, Disheveled on the cover itself and use the visual metaphor

    of mismatched potato heads to create a unifying theme. Potato Heads run throughout the album andliner notes that dont look totally put together. Something is always out of place. The album was given

    an off-the-wall vibe. Little extras were created to make this something consumers would want to buy,

    a special keepsake album in the age of digital downloads.

    COVER OF ALBUMCover of the album, band was named

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    s t a c c a t o b u z z

    d i s h e l e v e d

    StaccatoBuzz. Dishevelled Potato Head onthe cover

    BACK OF ALBUMAll Potato Heads have a drawer in their

    back , on the i r beh ind . I dec ided to use i t toencase the USB key (containing the music)and o ther paraphena l ia ins ide i t

    OPEN SESAMEThe famous Potato Head backflap is the en-

    c losure fo r the i t ems in the a lbum

    FRONT OF LINER NOTESTo keep with the off-the-wall theme, the

    l iner no tes bears a Pota to Head i th a d nce

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    l ine r no tes bears a Po ta to Head wi th a duncecap on a s too l

    KANYE HEADFunny Potato Heads bring humour to the l iner

    notes and give the entire album an off-the-wal l tone

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio




  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    How do we bring new families

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    How do we bring new familiesinto a synagogue in an engagingway?

    FORTUNE TELLERThis fortune teller was designed for kids

    to use . Ins ide i t a sks them t r iv ia ques t ionsabout the Jewish holidays

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    ON THE BACKOn the back of the fortune teller is an ad

    for the parents about the youth programs atShaarei Shomayim Congregation

    crea ted wi th Hanane l Romer Sega l

    How does one afford a

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    How does one afford a$12 Million stuffed shark?

    In the riveting book, The $12 Million Dollar Stuffed Shark , by Don Thompson, he explains how billion

    Steve Cohen can afford The Physical Impossiblity of Death in the Mind of Someone Living by Damien

    Hirst. In two succinct sentences Thompson describes how Cohen makes roughly $90 000 an hour (in

    reality, he doesnt get paid that way, but its a good visualization). I decided it would make an intriguing


  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Illustrated Work

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    Illustrated Work.

    Be the light that gives life.

    Sign up for ahalachically approved

    donor card.

    HUMAN ANSWERSOrthodox Jews believe that

    organ donation is in conflictwith the Torah, the Jewish

    Bible. To counteact that , thisposter was made lett ing them

    know about the o rgan iza-

    tion that has done hours ofresearch to facil i tate betterunders tand ing . Th is pos te r

    tells Orthodox Jews that theycan, in fact , donate organs.

    The imagery b lends the t rad i -t ional candles on the Sabbath

    Eve with kidneys to create apo ignan t message

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio



    ABOUT METhis poster showcas-es how I think. I am anoptimistic person. I thinkoptimism creates greatth ings . I th ink , u l t imate -ly, design is about beingopt imis t i c in what can be

  • 8/11/2019 Yehezkel Lipinsky Portfolio


    CAMPUS BUTTONSTo help create awaren essfor Hillel , the JewishStudents Associationat Ryerson, I designedthese buttons. I createdthem as someth ing peo-ple would want to put onthe i r bag . They re humou-rous so their memorableand something a studentwould want to show tothe i r f r i ends .

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