young aussie

Post on 07-Jan-2016






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Prepared for: Prepared by: October 2006. YOUNG AUSSIE. The issue of Australian culture identity is ever-present in the media: who are we? what does it really mean to be an Aussie?. We wanted to uncover what young Australians (18-24 years old) thought: how do they see themselves? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Prepared for:

Prepared by:

October 2006

2Understand their context to better develop communications.


The issue of Australian culture identity is ever-present in the media:

– who are we?

– what does it really mean to be an Aussie?

We wanted to uncover what young Australians (18-24 years old) thought:

– how do they see themselves?

– what are the defining traits of their generation?

– what does it mean to be a ‘Young Australian’ today?

– how do they want to be seen?

Ultimately with a view to understanding the marketing implications:

– how do we talk to them?

3A simmering issue that demands addressing.

The Current Climate Makes The Identity Issue A Hot One

Race Riots“Police and ambulance officers were pelted with bottles as they tried to protect beach

goers of Middle Eastern or Lebanese appearance from the fury of the mob”

(, 12/2/05)


“If you’re going to be an Australian or live in Australia, act like one, speak like one”

(Unidentified, 20/2/06)

Political Comments

“Before entering a mosque, visitors are asked to take off their shoes. This is a sign of respect. If

you have a strong objection to walking in your socks, don’t

enter. Before becoming Australian, you’ll be asked to

subscribe to certain values. If you have strong objections to those

values, don’t enter”(Peter Costello, 23/2/06)

Media Discussion

“It should say surfin’.Surfin’ and racism” (Jay & The

Doctor, triple J, when discussing what it means to be an Aussie)

‘So Where The Bloody Hell Are You?’

“The ads… preparing for fallout at home amid accusations that the campaign is a throwback to

ockerism and will invoke widespread cultural cringe”

(SMH, 24/2/06)


“Almost 2/3 of Australians believe there is underlying racism in the

country, and 4 in 10 believe it can be described as a racist nation”

(, 6/3/06)

4We wanted to get their real views, not those doctored in the media.

We Saw An Exciting And Important Area

We wanted to get beneath media rhetoric and political stirring and understand what the future of this country, the young Aussies, were thinking.

We conducted 9 group discussions and 6 in-depth interviews with 18-24 year olds:

– to ensure a representative mix of ethnic minorities we conducted the research in Sydney CBD, North Sydney and Parramatta

A big Jigsaw team was involved.


Defining Their Generation

6Hating your parents really isn’t cool any more.

Generation Traits

Family Are The New Friends

Mutual understanding and appreciation

– traditional roles have blurred

– parental approach/attitudes have changed:

• kids know their parents have ‘been there, done that’

– they are happy to stay at home longer

• no longer the need to fly the nest for independence

– equal and adult relationships:

• sharing social experiences

“My mum’s my role model. I know what she’s been through”


Discussing the ‘big’ issues

– breakdown of traditional family/ societal structures

Friends Are The New Family

– enforced reliance on close friends for life support

7A blurring of work and play.

Generation Traits (Cont’d)

Love my life

– realise it’s not just about the mighty $

– experiences (eg travel/ relationship) are currency

Work To Live And… Live To Work

Love my job

– career = passion and interest

– believe they can succeed in the fields they love

8Breaking societal definitions of success.

Generation Traits (Cont’d)

“No one wants to do something they don’t enjoy. I decided I was going to forego $ for what I love and I made that decision a long time ago”

Success = personal happiness

– defined by your own goals

– an acceptance that ‘old’ success stereotypes (doctor/lawyer) no longer apply

– more ‘working class’ careers are looked upon with respect

Success Is Personal

9They must remain confident and ‘in the game’ to survive.

Generation Traits (Cont’d)

Have The EarlyStress Lines

It’s all happening

– the world is a fast/full on place

– accelerated culture:

• trends come and go

• fame comes and goes

• instant gratification generation

– getting older younger:

• access to everything

• nothing is out of reach

Get amongst it

– they get on with things in a positive way:

• they’ve had to. Most were 14-20 when Sept. 11/Bali happened

• a changing world

• enjoy everyday

– they often know what they want and are confident they can get it

– working class/ethnic minority groups, whilst still positive about the future, have more realistic goals

Fun LovingAnd Positive Outlook


10Pressure to find happiness.

Generation Traits (Cont’d)

Happiness is within reach

– nothing feels too out of reach:

• ‘working class’ still believe they can have personal success but within more realistic parameters

– they have never seen economic hardship:

• never been through a recession

The World’s Their Oyster But… Overwhelmed With Choices

Trying to find their way through the mire

– pressure to find the ‘perfect’ job, the ‘right’ partner etc

– they are bombarded with choice everyday:

• and have learnt to filter the irrelevant messages

11Moving away from the isolated and insular generations gone by.

Generation Traits (Cont’d)

In touch

– connect:

• through travel, internet, chat rooms, online gaming etc

– used to interacting with people from all over the world:

• not the isolated country of old

Global Citizens And… Embracing

New society

– embracing other cultures - vs ‘acceptance/tolerance’ (so negatively phased):

• positive about other cultures

• want to know more

12Responding to the past.

Generation Traits (Cont’d)

Doing her thing

– she does what she wants

– not constrained by convention or expectation

Paris Hilton’s Ok But… They’re The New


Responding to previous generations

– more traditional attitudes to relationships, sex, family:

• looking for ‘the one’ not one night stands

• aspire to marriage and kids (before 45)

• value sex and don’t treat it lightly


Towards An Australian Identity

14The Aussie stereotypes are borne out of these values.

Being An Aussie Young Australians perceive being an Aussie as:

Take The Piss


Level Playing Field- Tall Poppy Syndrome

Isolated- Behind The Times


Laid Back

She’ll Be Right





15Perpetuated by foreigners and the tourism board.

The Traditional Aussie Stereotype

Young Aussies are aware of traditional stereotypes - generally perceiving them, whilst amusing, as outdated and irrelevant:

– big drinker:

• stubbies, thongs, singlet

The Aussie Larikin


Attitude: – takes the piss

– crocodile hunter:

• hat with corks, jeans, singlet

The Outback Aussie

– no worries

– surfer:

• blonde hair, blue eyes

• board shorts, tan

The Bronzed Aussie

– she’ll be right

16Toward a move relevant depiction.

For Young Australians, Being A Young Aussie…

Means encapsulating key generational traits and beliefs.

Building on the Aussie values not encapsulated in the ‘traditional’ stereotypes:

– freedom/opportunity

– acceptance/tolerance

And combating some other ‘negative’ associations:

– isolated - behind the times

– racist

17Differ strongly to Aussie stereotypes.

Young Aussie Typologies

– follow your dreams/ idealistic:

• get amongst it– embracing all experiences:

• global• proud and welcoming


– have a go:• work hard but still can

be dissatisfied• make best of what you

have– politically incorrect

– give it everything/best shot:• want to make their

mark• not worried about

failures/changing careers

– work to live AND live to work

– self focused:• high expectations


– experience is key:• travel especially

– helping others:• passing on

opportunities– finding your path

– mateship– realities:

• financial• relationships

– hard work

– success and happiness– relationships– staying connected


Make your mark Get amongst it More ‘traditional’


Aussie Worker

– more working class/ ethnic minorities

Aussie Entrepreneur

– career/life focusedWho:

Aussie Idealist

– fun loving/experience focused

18A long way from ockerism, mullets and thongs.

Communicating With Young Australians

Young Aussie engage with brands that, whilst not holding a mirror to their lives, provide an interesting ‘take’ on values important in their lives, and repeat those brands that show:

Genuineness, realness, honesty





CoreCreativity Inclusiveness


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