yours magazine #66

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Yours magazine Issue 66 brings you news and views on issues that matter to you from the UK's favourite magazine for women in their prime






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toH eart…with Jenny Agutter

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The much-loved British actress tells Yours why she’s relishing her new TV role as a formidable PA who keeps her boss in line

She may be a critically acclaimed actress with a career spanning four decades, but at the age of 56, Jenny Agutter has just had her fi rst taste of working

in an offi ce. Not literally of course. The offi ce Jenny has been turning up at every day had rather a lot of cameras inside… because her latest role in ITV1’s new comedy drama series Monday Monday is as a loyal PA to a supermarket boss. “We fi lmed the series inside a real offi ce building. Our desks were all set out for us and after a while it began to feel like I was actually working there, not just acting,” she laughs. The role wasn’t an obvious choice, but great fun. “My character is a bit like Deborah Meaden on Dragons’ Den; charming on the surface but made of harder stuff underneath.” Some would say deadly!

Monday Monday is set in the head offi ce of a Leeds supermarket chain, which is a far cry from the glamorous Hollywood life Jenny led for many years, (she moved to LA at 21 to launch her fi lm career and stayed until she was 37). Jenny has always enjoyed taking parts people wouldn’t expect her to play, from skinny dipping in Walkabout at 16, to playing the amoral Tessa in Spooks. She has just fi nished working on a major new British fi lm called 1939. The fi lm focuses on events leading to the outbreak of World War Two and will be released later this year. But she’s currently far more concerned about getting her son

By Kate Corr

Jonathan through his ‘A’ Levels. “He works extremely hard and he’s very academic but he worries… and that worries me,” she says. “You want to say ‘oh it doesn’t really matter,’ but of course it does matter – it’s his future.”

Leaving ballet school at 17 without qualifi cations always made Jenny herself feel vulnerable. “I never felt as at ease,” she says. “Everyone else had studied at drama school and I sometimes felt a little foolish, worried I’d be found out.”

She needn’t have worried, of course. Thanks to her natural instinct and talent, her career, which started with a dancing role in a Walt Disney fi lm at the age of 11, has turned out rather well. She’s worked with theatrical legends like Sir John Gielgud and made many memorable fi lms such as American Werewolf in London and Equus. Yet you’ll often fi nd this resolutely down-to-earth household name travelling on the bus. “I hate driving, it’s so stressful and there’s nowhere to park, so you’ll often see me on the bus. I like the train too,” says Jenny, who regularly travels between her homes in Cornwall and London.

It seems rather fi tting that Jenny should like travelling by train, although it‘s hard to believe that 39 years have passed since she fi rst waved her red petticoat to stop a derailment in The Railway Children. The fact that she is still very happy to talk about the role which shot her to fame – when many others in her position would have grown weary of hearing it mentioned – says a lot about the person she is. “The Railway Children is part of my life,” she says simply. So much so, that she even agreed to revisit it more recently in a TV adaptation of the story – only this time playing the mother. “Many people were shocked by that,” she says. “They didn’t want to be reminded

Charming but deadly –Jenny as the PA you wouldn’t want to cross

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Cold, wet and feeling thoroughly miserable, Sue Harvey hauled herself out of her

wheelchair and onto the double bed. Without even the energy to undress, she pulled the duvet over her clothes and lay there sobbing. “I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. I couldn’t face it any more,” recalls 60-year-old Sue, who is severely disabled and was struggling to live alone.

Divorced with a grown-up son, her difficult plight was brought home to her after getting caught in a shower while out shopping for bread.Unable to pull off her sodden raincoat, she cursed her body’s limitations as she was forced to wheel to her front gate and beg help from a passing stranger. “I just kept thinking ‘What has my life become?’ ”

The following morning, Sue woke up feeling listless and unable to face life when she heard her son Ross’s key in the door. “It was around 11am and Ross was surprised to find me fully clothed in bed. As I revealed my despair, he suggested I apply to Dogs for the Disabled for help. I’d never heard of them before and was amazed that they had specially trained dogs who could help me undress and pick things up I’d dropped. Suddenly there was a glimmer of hope.”

After six months of searching for a suitable dog, Inka, a two-year-old golden retriever, bounded into Sue’s life. “We bonded straight away and she just seemed to know instinctively the help I needed. I burst into tears when I took her home – she was wonderful.”

Almost overnight Sue’s world changed beyond belief. “There was nothing Inka

‘ Our dogs brought us together’

Life felt barely worth living for Sue Harvey until a dog came along and led her to a new husband!

One big family Sue and Byron love life with the help of assistance dogs Max and Isis

By Ellie Guttridge

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Every fortnight, our experts – plus Yours readers with plenty of life experience – take a look at your family issues and come up with possible solutions!

solved!Your probleM

Dr Ceri Parsons lectures in psychology at Staffordshire University. For more details visit

Joy Harris (57) has been married for 33 years with two grown-up children. Her role is that of a listening ear.

Christine Northam has been a Relate counsellor for almost ten years. For more details call 0300 100 1234.

Marion Clarke (62) was widowed eight years ago and says being single again is a huge learning curve.

Lynda Field has over 20 years of experience as a counsellor, therapist and life coach. Call 01223 236805.

Philip Weiner (69) has survived heart surgery, become a grandfather and done a degree since retiring.

Meet the Yours panel

Meet the Yours experts


Do you have an emotional problem that needs solving? Ask our experts by writing to – Your Problems Solved at the usual Yours address found on page 49.

How can I say thank you?

My best friend has been a brilliant support to

me throughout my divorce and I want to show her my appreciation, but as soon as I try to say thanks she brushes me off – any ideas?

Joy says: Don’t bombard her with thanks because she sounds like someone

who doesn’t like a fuss. She was there for you because she’s not just a friend for the good times. Cherish her, because friends like these can be hard to fi nd. If you’ve tried to thank her several times, she will have got the message by now. Seeing you picking up the pieces and moving on is reward enough for her. If you insist, have some fl owers delivered.


My daughter-in-law has recently been behaving out of character. I

saw her talking to a man I didn’t know in town the other week and ever since she’s been cagey with me. At the time I thought nothing of it, but now her strange behaviour is making me think she has something to hide. Should I tell my son, or speak to her fi rst?

Christine says: This is a tricky one because you’re picking up on your daughter-in-law’s behaviour without knowing really what’s causing it. You

may be assuming she’s seeing another man without that being the case. Think this

through very carefully before taking any action. There are three possible ways of tackling this. Firstly, you could do nothing. She and your son need to be responsible for their own marriage and probably they won’t appreciate any interference from you. I know it’s hard to stand back, but they do need to sort out any relationship problems themselves. Secondly, you could sincerely and quietly ask her if she’s OK. Explain that you’ve noticed that she’s seemed preoccupied recently, and that you’re concerned that something is troubling her. If she asks for your help, then you would have to decide what to do. Lastly, seeing her talking to another man may mean absolutely nothing so, once again, take no action as in the future she may think you don’t trust her.

Whenever I spend time with one of my friends I come away feeling

miserable. No matter what problems I have, hers are always worse. I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I can’t bear to spend any more time with her - what should I do?

Ceri says: Often unwittingly, individuals within friendships adopt certain ‘roles’.

Your friend may have taken on the position of ‘victim’ in the relationship. Friendships are often viewed like transactions

and if the costs outweigh the benefi ts, you may need to exit the friendship. This is one option, however it seems unforgiving and you do mention that you don’t want to hurt your friend’s feelings. It’s also worth realising that people sometimes don’t recognise the patterns within friendships and confronting your friend about this might be one strategy. You could also do something out of character, such as ignoring any future minor complaints and refocusing the conversation on to other topics. Your friend may resist. On the other hand, your friend might thank you for helping her to view the world in other ways.

Does she have something to hide?


QMy friend is bringing me down

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My goddaughter, Alice, comes out with the funniest things. Full of enthusiasm for a cookery programme she’d seen on TV,

she proudly announced, “I’ve learnt how to do this wonderful soup! You just pile loads of vegetables into a pan, boil them all up, and it makes a vegetable brothel…”

I also heard recently about a little boy of three, who was watching his mother breast-feeding his new baby sister. After a while he asked, “Why have you got two, Mum? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?” Then there’s my friend Steff, who was giving a bath to her two grandsons, aged seven and nine. Suddenly, the youngest tried to divert her eyes away from his older brother, yelling, “Don’t look, Granny Steff! Tom’s got a direction!”

Joking apart, it’s so easy for young people to get the wrong end of the stick, and then to pass on the wrong information. And this can often happen when it comes to sex. I’m sure a lot of us will remember those playground discussions where another

child (usually older) claimed to be an authority on how babies are made. We can hang on to some outlandish ideas picked up this way unless or until someone sets us straight.

When the time is right there’s no substitute for hearing the facts of life from a trusted older person - though sometimes pearls of wisdom do come from the very young. I think my favourite line comes from Rosie, an inspired five-year-old, who asked her grandma how old she was. Her gran replied that she was so old she didn’t remember any more - to which Rosie advised, “Just look in the back of your knickers, Gran. Mine say Five to Six.”

Yours sexpert Julie Peasgood offers some love advice for grown-up women (and men too)

‘Why have you got two, Mum? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?’


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I want to be a good friend but…My friend is going through a divorce and keeps calling all the time. She even calls

when she knows I have plans and I feel I can’t ignore her. It drives my husband mad. I want to be there for her, but her constant calls are becoming an issue – what can I do?

lynda says: It sounds like you’re being torn between being there for your friend when she

wants you and also needing to live your own life.

Sometimes it’s difficult to know whether we are being a good friend or simply being put upon. The fact that she ‘keeps calling all the time’ is an indication that she is overstepping your boundaries and that you are letting her. If she

calls when she knows you have plans, this is a sure sign that she is so preoccupied with her own pain that she has forgotten that you have a life, too. But when you say that ‘I feel I can’t ignore her’ you demonstrate the part you play in this scenario. Look closely at why you need to be on constant call. Do you feel guilty that you are feeling OK and she is not? Do you find it hard to say ‘no’?

If you keep on doing the same thing then the same thing will keep on happening, so it’s time to change your approach. Explain that you can’t keep taking calls at home and if she still keeps calling, tell her you’re about to go out. Use some time management skills to help you draw up your new boundary lines. You could arrange to go out and meet up with her for a coffee for say half an hour. Then leave to do something else. Being a good friend doesn’t mean being a doormat!


Why is she thinking of herself?My father has been diagnosed with cancer, but all my mum can talk about is what will happen to her if he dies. How can I

make her see that this really isn’t about her?

Philip says: This is a time for the family to pull together and support each other. Your mum is frightened and it would help nobody to make her feel guilty as well. The prospect of losing one’s partner must be almost unbearable, and in such

circumstances we often focus on secondary matters rather than deal with the situation as it is. It may well be that your dad is also focused on your mum’s future. Talk to both your mum and dad and find out what practical support you can give. It is not your mum’s fault, nor yours, that he has cancer. Find out what the prognosis is, and ensure all the support services are in place. Then make it clear to both your parents how much you care for them and that you will be there for them whenever they need you.


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Our 5-step rescue plan

Angie says: “I haven’t really got a style, but now that I’ve reached 50 I don’t want to look like an old frump. I have three daughters who are all very critical about what I wear and I think they’d like to see me in something a bit more fashionable. They’re always commenting on my square shoes.

“I usually shop in high street stores such as Matalan and Dorothy Perkins. I have to wear smart clothes for my job at a local college, so at the weekends I tend to go casual – but I do love to dress up and I’d love a gorgeous look for summer that’s

stylish, age appropriate and will meet the approval of my discerning daughters.”

Get the look:Floral print dress 6-22, £45, NextSilk chiffon edges cardigan 8-16, £59, Noli Wedge sandals 3-8, £25, Red Herring at Debenhams Bead earrings £6, Wallis

Stockists: Debenhams 08445616161 Next 0844 844 8939 Noli 020 75801288 Wallis 0870 830 0462

1 There’s no such thing as age appropriate dressing – let your fi gure

dictate the clothes you wear. Aim to make the most of your fi gure. If your outfi t fi ts well and fl atters your fi gure, you’ll instantly look younger. Buying fashionable clothes is a great way to look younger, but only if the style suits you. Bold fl oral prints are in style this summer.

2 Arms can be a big issue post-50. A lightweight cardigan is a great

option for covering up in summer. Avoid thick chunky styles that just add bulk to your fi gure. Angie’s cardigan has sheer chiffon cuffs, which makes it a little bit special. Look out for beaded details, embroidery or contrasting trims if you’d like a cardigan with a little bit more glamour.

3 Shoes can be a big age giveaway. Thick, clumpy, square heels

aren’t fl attering – they make your legs look chunky and don’t help you to feel elegant. Wedges such as the ones Angie is wearing are a great option because they are easy to walk in and won’t sink into the grass at summer parties. Even her daughters should approve. If you can’t wear heels, seek out some feminine ballerina style fl ats.

4 Give your outfi t a style and youth boost with great accessories. Pretty

beaded dangly earrings help to fi nish off Angie’s look. You don’t need to spend a fortune on jewellery – New Look, Wallis, BHS, Primark, Dorothy Perkins and Accessorize all have great ranges to suit any budget. If you have daughters still at home, as Angie does, you could share accessories between you so that you have even more options.

5 Angie should swap her long fl oaty skirts for shorter styles. Unless

you’re tall and willowy, long skirts can really swamp you and make you look shorter

than you are. Very few people have great looking knees – especially at 50+, but you don’t need an ankle-length skirt to hide them. Choose a hemline that sits just below your knees like Angie’s; it shows your legs off at their slimmest part. P






















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3Shoes can be a big


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By Rebecca Speechley

‘ Give me some summer style’

AAngie says: “I haven’t really got a style but now that I’ve reached 50 I

By Rebecca Speechley

‘ Give msumme

50+ Fashion fi xYours

Angie Gedney, 50My fashion dilemma: I’ve just turned 50 and I desperately want to update my look, but I’m not sure where to start.

My wardrobe staples are: Long fl owing skirts. I always end up wearing the same old things.

My favourite fashion memory: In my 20s I was quite fashionable. My favourite outfi t was a cotton cerise pink shift dress with white spots. I used to wear it all the time and still have it. I went through a ‘black’ phase, which made me look really washed out – so now I want colour.

5Angie should swap her long floaty skirts for

The verdict“Thank you for a wonderful day. I would never have picked out this outfi t and I don’t usually like showing my legs, but I feel amazing and I love the whole look”


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We know it can take time to really see the benefi t of some anti-ageing products. So we’ve asked real women to put the beauty companies’ claims to the test for a rigorous eight weeks.

Product: The Body Shop Vitamin E Facial Oil£15/15ml

TESTER: Irene Hart (45) from Hertfordshire

THE BEAUTY CLAIM: New this spring, this Vitamin E facial oil is the perfect pre-moisturiser treat. It moisturises and nourishes while also helping to protect your skin against damaging free radicals. Rose scented oil absorbs quickly to leave your skin feeling silky-smooth.

IRENE SAID: This was easy to apply and glided on smoothly. As it’s an oil I’d expected it to feel heavy and greasy, but it completely surprised me. It felt very light and I could instantly see my skin looked smoother and softer. The feeling stayed for quite some time, so I could really feel the benefi t. After eight weeks, my skin texture did look as though it had improved slightly. I would defi nitely buy it again, but at £15 it’s perhaps a little steep for such a small bottle.

A FRIEND SAID: Two friends agreed my skin looked smoother.

Yours VERDICT: A great oil to use before your normal moisturiser for extra smooth skin.

Fancy being a tester? Write to Michelle O’Neill at Yours magazine, Media House, Peterborough Business Park, Peterborough PE2 6EA.


Do you wanta new look?

If you have a fashionproblem you’d like us to fi x, please write to us, enclosing

a recent picture ofyourself, with your name,

age and daytimecontact details

YOUR066-46-47 Makeover.indd 47 12/6/09 15:41:25



In the carefree days when I was growing up in the Fifties, the drying

green was our playground – although to the adults it was a place to hang the washing. ‘Stay out of the green when there’s washing hanging up!’ we were told.

At least eight families shared our drying green, so it was quite a good size. Luckily, people seemed to have their set days to use it and there were usually gaps without washing ropes where we could play our imaginative games. The billowing sheets

usually represented the wind-filled sails of our pirate ships!

Another constant instruction was to ‘stay out of the wash house’ – but we’d go in there when it was raining or too windy to play outside. We practised our prowess with yo-yos and held meetings there to plan what we’d get up to in the school holidays. The wash house became our ‘gang hut’.

It wasn’t used much in the afternoons, so we’d push the big, round wooden tubs back to give us more room. Sometimes it still felt warm from the fires our mothers had

lit in the morning to warm the tub water for the laundry.

It was nearly all girls who lived in the houses surrounding the green, including my two friends, Gladys and Marjory.

Actually, there were two distinct greens, separated by a fence. The other green had neat little gardens surrounding it and it definitely looked more cared-for than ours. However, this pristine appearance came at a price – children were only allowed on it if they sat quietly on the grass, or pushed a little doll’s pram daintily around.

As you’ve probably guessed, this was of no use to Gladys and me. Our hero was a comic cartoon character called Wild Young Dirky. He used to roam

the moors rescuing wounded animals and fighting baddies, which he did by being an absolute wizard at throwing dirks, or short knives.

continued over the page PIc

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Reader Joyce Stark, 63, from Angus, looks back on the green that was her playground, and the friends she made along the way

‘I remember…’

Joyce as a youngster– or is that Wild Young Dirky?

EvEryonE usEd thE grEEn Some days it was for drying the washing, then play was forbidden

reader memories ✽

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Yours pull-out



Fresh air and sunshine are good for the grandchildren

(and us) so this summer why not tear them away from

the TV and computer games? We’ve put together

loads of great-value ideas to have fun outside…

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Plus more than

£1000 worth of prizes to give away!

Compiled by Sharon Reid

YOUR066-67 pullout cover.indd 67 12/6/09 09:43:53

l-out // Summer fun with the Grandchildren // The Yours pull-out // Summer r fu

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GreaT OUTDOOrSYou don’t have to travel to have fun in the sun. We’ve a host of activities you can do in the garden or a nearby park

Keep a nature diaryAsk your grandkids to keep a record of all the wildlife that visits your garden. Even if they don’t see the animals themselves, help them to look for signs of little visitors such as footprints or feathers.

Science project Here’s your chance to help scientists learn more about the way the world is changing. Evolution MegaLab, a study organised by the Open University, invites us all to record the number and types of banded snails in our gardens or local parks and submit the results online. For more information visit

Make a bird feederBirds are the easiest creatures to attract to your garden – just supply some food and they’ll turn up. Here’s a neat little feeder the grandkids can make from things lying around the house.

Bug and bee hotel

Attract more mini beasts to your garden by getting the grandkids to make a bug

and bee hotel. All you need to do is bundle together bamboo canes cut into 15cm (6in)

lengths. Tie them around the middle and hang from a tree, or wedge them into a clay fl owerpot and place on its side in

a quiet area of the garden. Then sit back and wait for the

residents to move in.

2 Cut some leaf-shapes from old plastic bags

and stick them to the carton with glue.

3 Poke several small drainage holes in the bottom of the carton. Staple or

glue the top opening closed. Pierce hole in the top and thread through wire or string to hang the feeder from.

4 Poke a twig through the carton just below the doorway, to act as a perch.

Add some birdseed and hang the feeder where you can see the birds visiting.

1 Cut a hole in one side of an empty, washed juice

carton, about 5cm (2in) from the bottom – this will be the doorway of the feeder.

This extract is from the RHS Wildlife Garden, Dorling Kindersley £9.99. Yours readers can buy it for

the special price of £7.99 including free p&p. To order, call

the DK Bookshop on 08700 707 717 and quote ref ‘Wildlife/Yours’ and ISBN number 1405334358. The offer is subject to availability. Allow up to 14 days for delivery. Open to UK residents only.

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mer r fun with the Grandchildren // The Yours pull-out // Summer fun with the

Let’s go on an insect safariYou’ve probably heard of pond dipping for little water creatures – but how about bush tickling for bugs? The method is simple – just place a tray on the ground under a large shrub then, using a bamboo cane, gently stroke the bush from top to bottom. All sorts of insects will fall into the tray and children will love inspecting them, especially if you have a magnifying glass. Ask them to make a chart to record the types of mini-beasts they fi nd.

Doodle your day awayIf the weather lets you down, bring the outdoors inside with this Doodle Bugs activity book. It is different from a colouring book because the children use their imagination to complete these creepy-crawly themed doodles. Doodle Bugs is available form Buster Books, priced £5. Call 01903 828800 or visit where you can also download and print a free doodle.

We have fi ve copies of Doodle Bugs and fi ve copies of Holiday Doodle Book 2 to give away. Send your name and address to: Doodle Giveaway

issue 66, Yours Magazine, Media House, Peterborough Business Park,

Peterborough PE2 6EA, stating if you’d prefer Doodle Bugs or the holiday book. The fi rst ten entries drawn after July 17 will be the winners. If you do not wish to be contacted in the future by Yours Magazine please write ‘No Further Contact’ on the postcard.

Wham bam – make a wigwam!Children love playing in dens. To make a wigwam den, all you need is eight tall bamboo canes, old sheets, string and some pegs. Push one end of each cane into the ground about 1ft apart, going round in a circle. Pull the tops of the canes together and tie with string. Peg the sheets to the canes, remembering to leave an opening for your little Indians to get inside. It’s a great place to serve a picnic (see pages 70 and 71).

Foot artHow about this creative idea from Cathy Olmedillas, the editor of Anorak magazine.Roll out a whole length of wallpaper in the garden. At one end, place some trays fi lled with poster paint, and at the other a bucket of water and a towel. Ask the children to put both feet in the paint tray and walk across the paper. There’s no mess because they simply wash their feet when they get to the other end. For more ideas like this one or information about Anorak magazine visit

Super seedsChildren love to watch things grow from seed. Now there’s a great new range of child-friendly kits called Fun to Grow priced from just 99p each. Containing everything you need and easy-to-follow instructions these kits will give a bumper crop in no time. Call 0844 922 0606 or visit

We have 40 packets of Connor Carrot and Polly Pansy seeds to give

away. Send your name and address to: Fun To Grow Giveaway, issue 66, Yours

Magazine, Media House, Peterborough Business

Park, Peterborough PE2 6EA, stating carrot or pansy. The fi rst 80

entries drawn after July 17 will be the winners. If you do not wish to be contacted in the future by Yours Magazine please write ‘No Further Contact’ clearly on the postcard.

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YOUR066-68-74 pullout .indd 69 12/6/09 12:13:45

Gammon in Cumberland Sauce – Gammon in a rich port, redcurrant and orange Cumberland sauce with diced potatoes, baby carrots and green beans.

Mixed Grill – A mix of sausage, gammon, black pudding, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, chips and peas. You’ll certainly need to be hungry for this one!





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To request a FREE 70-page menu simply call 0800 773 773 or visit to see the full range of meals available.

// What to eat now! Essential foods for 50+ women – is the new guide produced in association with Wiltshire Farm Foods. For your free copy call 0800 773 773 or write to: Wiltshire Farm Foods, FREEPOST Admail 3619, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BA14 8ZY.


FROME VALLEY HENNEY’S APPLE-SWEET CIDER, 500ml/5.7% vol/£1.66Eye-catching minimalist packaging and not too pricey. Had the strange smell of over-ripe apples. A cider that would prove too sweet for most. 2/5

LIDL’S CHURCHWARDS ORIGINAL CIDER, 568ml/4.5% vol/99pConsidering the price, this matched up to the leading brands. I was surprised at the quality. Not overly sweet; perfect sipped ice-cold on a hot summer’s day. 4/5

SAINSBURY’S TASTE THE DIFFERENCE WEST COUNTRY MEDIUM SWEET CIDER, 660ml/5.5% vol/£2.13Liked the old-style packaging; I was surprised it was Sainsbury’s own brand. It had a pleasing light, fruity taste. I thought it was pricey and would only buy as a present. 3/5

Tested by: June Forrester (48) from

Haywards Heath


Gammon comes from the hind leg of a pig and is traditionally Wiltshire cured, which involves a brine rather than dry salt. Gammon makes an appearance on many a quintessential pub menu and is a fi rm British favourite dinner choice. It normally comes served with either a fried egg or pineapple on top – or, if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, why not try both? And of course, this fi lling and substantial meal wouldn’t be complete without a side order of chips!


Gammon with Pineapple

Banana energy barsMakes nine

• 100g (4oz) unsalted butter• 3 level tbsp golden syrup• 250g (10oz) bananas (around two)• 150g (6oz) porridge oats• 100g (4oz) ready-to-eat dried apricots,

roughly chopped• 25g (1oz) pumpkin seeds• 25g (1oz) sunfl ower seeds• 25g (1oz) sesame seeds

1 Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Lightly grease a 20cm x 20cm (8in x 8in) baking tin and line the bottom with non-stick baking parchment.2 Using a heavy-based saucepan, gently warm the butter and syrup for 5 minutes, or until melted. Peel the bananas and cut into 1cm (1⁄2in) cubes. 3 Remove the butter mixture from the heat

These easy-to-make energy bars are so tasty, the kids won't realise they're full of really healthy seeds and fruit!

Cooking for

the grandkids Bursting



and add the bananas and all the remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly.4 Spoon into the prepared tin and gently pat the surface to level. Bake for 20-30 minutes, or until golden brown. The mixture should still be quite soft in the centre. Leave to cool completely.5 Once cold, use a sharp knife to cut 9 equal squares. Eat immediately or keep in an airtight container for up to a week.

TOP TIP Resist the urge to remove the bars from the tin while they are still warm because they will break.

// Recipe: © Danny Boome for Learndirect, 0800 101 901,

A simple snack just got simplerIn the hot weather, few things beat a healthy and tasty tuna salad for lunch. However, draining tinned tuna can be a messy endeavour and more often than not, you end up with fi sh-smelling hands – not very appealing! Problem solved with John West, which has brought out its No Drain, Less Mess Tuna, which goes straight from can to plate, without the excess liquid, or pongy fi ngers! // John West No Drain, Less Mess Tuna costs £1.49 a can or £3.99 for a three-pack and is available from all good supermarkets or visit

Buy it

YOUR066-76-77 Cookery.indd 77 11/6/09 15:18:34

Combine a vacation at sea with exploring on foot with a Ramblers Cruise & Walk Holiday. These also

prove ideal for couples with different interests. Run in association with Fred.Olsen Cruise Lines, the programme of international destinations includes a selection of fi ve, nine and ten-night breaks, all departing from British ports.

For example, sail from Dover in September on the nine-night Roaming Around Britain cruise, taking in the maritime beauty of our own islands. Stop off at Invergordon, the Orkneys and Isle of Mull, before heading for Dublin, Falmouth and St Peter Port in Guernsey.

Guided walks give active cruisers a

privileged insight into each area,

including the highlands of Invergordon and a section of the South West Coast Path near Falmouth, followed by a visit to the glorious Glendurgan Gardens.

// ‘Roaming Around Britain’ costs £1,129 for nine nights departing Sept 5 (inc all meals, entertainment, staff tips and guided walks).// For the full Cruise & Walk programme, call 01707 386767 or visit


travel ✽

All these locations offer their own unique charm and beauty, so don’t forget to pack your camera

to homeHolidays closer

G ided wctive crprivileinto e

All thdon’t





If a fear of fl ying is limiting your horizons, there are plenty of alternatives. Yours takes a look at trips by train, boat and coachBy Gillian Thornton

Sail and amble around Britain

The picturesque

charm of


St Peter Port

A blue sky, blue sea

– a tranquil harbour,

why fl y for hours when

there are such scenes

much nearer home?

YOUR066-81-82 travel.indd 81 10/6/09 14:53:10

// Tobeinwithachancetowin, just answer this simple question:

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a) One b) Three c) Seven


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Termsandconditions: Prize open to all UK and ROI residents over 18, excluding employees of Procter & Gamble UK. Prize is non-refundable, non-transferred, sold or exchanged. There is no cash alternative. Name and county of winners will be available by sending SAE to: Jo Walsh, Hill and Knowlton, 20 Soho Square, London W1A 1PR. Please allow 28 days for delivery. The promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize of equal or greater value in the event of unavailability due to circumstances beyond the promoter’s control.

Celebrate in style with FairyWin

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To mark the arrival of new Fairy Non Bio Gel, Fairy is encouraging all generations to celebrate with their

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The prize includes food, drink and a personalised cake, decorations, party prizes, presents and so much more. So whatever the occasion our winners will have a great party for up to 20 people ready made.

The saying goes that ‘all good things come in small packages’! Fairy Non Bio Gel has the huggable softness of Fairy squeezed into a compact and convenient gel. One capful is enough for a whole load and ensures minimum waste and mess.

Dermatologically tested, it’s delicate next to sensitive skin. Eight out of ten UK mums say they would recommend it to other mums*. Fairy Non Bio Gel has been awarded The British Allergy Foundation Seal of Approval by Allergy UK.

Throw the party of their dreams for your little angels


YOUR066-88-89 Comps.indd 88 12/6/09 09:07:23


Goodiesto win

Bravely dip your toe into the world of technology with these two new books, specifi cally written for older people. Get snap-happy with Digital

Photography For Seniors For Dummies® and computer-savvy with Macs For Seniors For Dummies® They’ll explain the basics without the jargon. // Not a winner? The ‘For Dummies...’

series is available from all good book retailers.

We have two new SIM-free PhoneEasy 410gsm from Doro to

give away, plus a set of Doro WT87 walkie-talkies, which

have a radius of 10 km and no licence or subscriber fees to pay. // Not a winner? Call 01244 687687 or visit

Get rid of that stuffed up feeling with SinuRinse – a patented saline mixture that’s easy to apply from a squeezable bottle. It provides natural relief from allergies by cleaning the nasal passages and sinuses of pollen, allergens and pathogens. Regular use could minimise sinus, cold and fl u symptoms.// Not a winner? SinuRinse is available from selected pharmacies, most Boots stores, or visit

For fans of Stephen Fry - and Norfolk, where it is fi lmed - Acorn Media has just released Kingdom: Series 2 on DVD. This entertaining drama has a huge following

and if you missed any of the Sunday night TV episodes, now’s your chance to catch up. // Not a winner? Kingdom: Series 2 is available from all

good DVD retailers.

Giveaways are governed by the same rules as Yours competitions (see page 92)

2 Lustrous Keishi pearl


HOW TO ENTER: Either enter by post:

(fi ll in the coupon on page 92)Website: to enter for free, go to Yours magazine section to give your details

Closing date: July 17, 2009

11 Dummies technology book sets

2 phones and 1 walkie-talkie set

18 Kingdom: Series two DVDs

starring Stephen Fry

45 SinuRinse starter kits

Serial walker and fan of the ‘father of walking’ Alfred Wainwright, Julia Bradbury dons her boots and rucksack to tackle the famous 192-mile Coast to Coast walk he devised from St Bee’s in Cumbria to Yorkshire’s Robin Hood’s Bay. Even if you can’t take the trip yourself, this Acorn Media DVD will let you share some of the country’s most glorious spots.// Not a winner? Coast to Coast is available from all good DVD retailers.

20 Wainwright Walks:

Coast to Coast DVDs

For fawherreleaente






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give away, plusWT87 walkie-

have a raand no lisubscrib// Not aCall

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We’ve got six fabulous prizes up for grabs – so take your pick!


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£150 EACH

Pearls are timeless but here’s a new twist. Lustrous Jewellery’s Keishi Pearl Long Necklaces with Multiple Gems combine a dazzling array of shimmering ivory Keishi pearls with colourful gems including citrine, pink jade and smoky quartz chips. Who needs an excuse for dressing up?// Not a winner? Call 0845 257 7158 or visit


£32 EACH

*See your GP before taking any supplements or herbal remedies particularly if you take prescribed medicines. Speak to your GP before stopping any medication.

YOUR066-91 goodies to win.indd 91 12/6/09 09:08:18

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That’s right – by taking out a subscription to Yours you can enjoy every issue for £1 instead of just this one. Yours is an escape to a better world. A world where people share your values – and enjoy sharing precious memories. Where the advice is useful for your life today, where you can see people just like you making a difference, and where you can share laughter and make friends. So why not continue your slice of Yours sunshine every fortnight,

Valery McConnell, Editor

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YOUR066-93 subs_v1_regular version.indd 93 18/6/09 10:54:56


Q Can you still buy men’s Tabac grooming products (my husband

always loved the smell)? Yours says: Tabac Original is a classic fragrance that has been a favourite with many men for 50 years. The refi ned scent of aldehyde notes mixed with peppery and spicy accents and exotic wood makes it unique. Some of the range, including aftershave lotion (£8.45/50ml or £12.75/100ml), a deodorant stick (£4.95/75g), a deodorant body spray (£4.45/150ml) and an anti-perspirant spray (£7.45/200ml) is available from Boots. Go on – treat him.// To fi nd your nearest stockist call 0845 0708 090 or order online at

Q What does the custom of ‘Something old, something

new, something borrowed, something blue and a sixpence in her shoe’ mean? Yours says: This custom is said to bring the bride good luck on her wedding day and links her past, present and future. Something old is often an item of jewellery or another token passed down from relatives on her side of the family. Something new, usually the bride’s wedding dress, symbolises optimism for the new

life ahead of the couple. Something borrowed is usually given by a happily married friend or relative to pass their good luck to the couple. The colour blue is traditionally associated with purity and modesty and is often worn as a blue garter. A sixpence for her shoe represents prosperity for the wedded pair.

Got a question? We’ll fi nd you the answer!

Ask us anything

Q I’m disabled and I fi nd car seatbelts

diffi cult to put on; where can I fi nd an extension similar to those found on aeroplanes? Yours says: A good place to look for advice is However, we found this Adjustable Car Seatbelt Extension (£13.99) online. Supplied by Best Auto Bits, it has a total length of 70cm. Its adjustable length should make things easier for you. It is fully compliant with European regulations and CE certifi ed. This

extension is designed to fi t most cars, but do check that it’s suitable for your car before purchasing. // For more details visit

// We’d love to help to answer your questions. Write to

us at: Ask Us Anything, Yours magazine, Media House,

Peterborough Business Park, Peterborough PE2 6EA.

Or email your query to us at

with ‘Ask us anything’ in the subject line.

Q I saw someone with a lovely colourful shopping trolley

the other day; where can I fi nd a similar one?Yours says: Lakeland has some lovely new trolley designs that are practical and look great. The Typhoon shopping trolleys are lightweight and fold up so they can be stored away easily. Nice and roomy, each design has lots of pockets and compartments. They have an insulated lining to keep your shopping cool in summer. The bag measurements are 36 x 30 x 52cm in height and they have a 40-litre capacity or 18kg weight.

Priced at £34.98 plus p&p. // To fi nd your nearest stockist call 01539 488100 or visit

Q I’ve had a teddy bear for almost 70 years and he needs repairing. Is there

still such a thing as a dolls’ hospital?Yours says: There certainly is – the Bristol Dolls’ Hospital has been bringing dolls and teddies back to life for 25 years. It specialises in restoration and repair work so you can be assured that Ted is in good hands. The staff have lots of experience of restoring Sixties, Seventies and Victorian toys and offer a reproduction service. They will even give him a good wash and brush up, too. The hospital also carries out all sorts of doll repairs including replacing limbs and removing pen marks from plastic and porcelain dolls. // To fi nd out more call 0117 907 3641 or visit


S: G





S; M





// This fortnight’s questions came from: Sandy Wright, Cornwall; Mary Thompson, Inverness; Marlene Dorgan, Amersham; Eddy Ward, by email; Mrs M Mosley, Birmingham


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YOUR066-108 Ask us anything.indd 108 11/6/09 09:56:26

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