amsa imgd code

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  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code




  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code



  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    With the mandatoryadoption of the 2008

    edition of the IMDGCode on the 1st of

    January 2010 training

    will be mandatory forshore based personnel

    engaged in the transport

    of dangerous goods bysea.

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    The training requirements are containedchapter 1.3 of the IMDG code.

    Training for sea going personnel is alreadymandatory by virtue of the requirements of theSTCW Convention, so these requirements do

    not relate to this segment of the industry.

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Section of the code outlines themandatory requirement:

    Shore based personnel engaged in thetransport of dangerous goods intended to betransported by sea shall receive training in

    the contents of the dangerous goodsprovisions commensurate with theirresponsibilities..

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    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Not all of Chapter 1.3 is Mandatory withsections to remaining


    however, they do provide guidance as tothe nature of training that should be provided..

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    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Chapter 1.3 has three main training elements:

    1. General awareness training (mandatory)2. Role specific training (mandatory)

    3. Safety Training (recommendatory)

    It is reasonable to accept that safety training

    will addressed both as part of normal OH&S

    training provided and by general awarenesstraining so AMSA will not add any additionalregulatory requirements for this element.

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    Mandatory Training Requirements

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    The two mandatory training requirements applya range of shore based personnel involved in

    the shipment of Dangerous goods by sea,namely those that:

    classify dangerous goods and identify

    Proper Shipping Names of dangerousgoods;

    pack dangerous goods;

    mark, label or placard dangerousgoods;

    load/unload CTUs;

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    prepare transport documents

    for dangerous goods;

    offer dangerous goods for transport;

    accept dangerous goods for transport;

    handle dangerous goods in transport; prepare dangerous goods

    loading/stowage plans;

    load/unload dangerous goodsinto/from ships;

    carry dangerous goods in transport;

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    enforce or survey or inspect for

    compliance with applicable rules and

    regulations; or

    are otherwise involved in the transport

    of dangerous goods as determined by

    the competent authority

    It is an eye watering list . but the scope of

    training can be tailored to the individual rolesas indicated in section of the IMDGCode.

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    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    To comply with the mandatory elements of

    Chapter 1.3 the training systems need to

    achieve a number of outcomes:

    All Supervisors must have general

    awareness training and be appropriately

    trained in relation to their role;

    Staff (as identified above) must have

    general awareness training and beappropriately trained in relation to their


  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Where staff are not trained they must be

    under the supervision of someone who is

    trained pending completion of training.

    Staff and their employers are to keep

    records of training undertaken and theseare to be available upon request.

    Refresher training will be required for role

    specific training (AMSA is currentlyconsidering a five year cycle for this)

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    What is General Awareness Training?

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    General awareness training is intended to be

    an overview of the requirement that relate to

    the carriage of dangerous goods.

    It should be noted that the general awareness

    training requirements of chapter 1.3 of theIMDG Code would be the same as those

    provide under regulation 1.3 of the Model

    Regulations adopted with ADG7.. soWhere training has been provided in

    accordance with this it

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    .. where training has been provided in

    accordance with regulation 1.3 (or relevant

    state legislation adopting regulation 1.3) thiswill be accepted as being the same as general

    awareness training provided employers and

    employees have a record of this training.


  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Similarly where staff have received OH&S work

    place training which provides the overview

    required this will is also acceptable as generalawareness training but ..

    .employers must ensure all the elementsdescribed in the IMDG code are covered and

    employers and employees have a record of this

    training.AMSA does not envisage requiring additional

    training in both these scenarios.

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    So what does General Awareness Traininginclude:

    A description of the classes ofdangerous goods;

    An overview of labelling, marking andplacarding requirements: and

    An overview of packing, stowage,segregation and compatibility

    provisions. A description of the purpose and

    content of dangerous goods transport


  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    And finally a description of available

    emergency response documents

    A first glance it may seem daunting list but it

    must be remembered this is simply an overview

    and greater detail need only be provided whereit is considered necessary by the individuals


    That detail will be provided by function specific


  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    Role Specific Training

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Under section of the IMDG code it will

    be the employer who decides what training will

    be provided but.

    .. AMSA may undertake audits to determine

    the effectiveness of such training.

    This begs the question as to how the employer

    can determine what training is required for a

    given role.

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    For role specific training guidance is provided

    in the recommendatory sections and of the IMDG Code.

    These two tables match training needs with

    particular functions to assist employers (andtraining providers, where relevant) in ensuring

    training is commensurate with responsibilities.

    If we look at table we can see how thisinformation is provided.

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    IMDG Code Training Requirements

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    This does not mean that AMSA will leave the

    process of selecting appropriate training

    entirely in the hands of the employer

    It is envisaged that for a number of specific

    functions the training course employed willneed to be approved by AMSA.

    On this note it is time to look at AMSAs role.

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    How will AMSA apply this?

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    The requirements for training will be adopted

    through changes to Marine Orders Part 41. It is

    envisaged these changes will:

    Require mandatory training for shore basedpersonal as identified by the IMDG Code and

    set a period for refresher training for functionspecific training;

    Make provision for AMSA to audit the

    provision of training; Allow the Manager, Ship Inspections to

    accept other training as equivalent to theserequirements; but .

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Will also mandate acceptance by AMSA oftraining courses to be undertaken by

    individuals who will responsible for specifictasks/functions.

    This requirement will be applicable to

    persons who will be responsible for:

    packing dangerous goods;

    marking, labelling or placarding dangerous


    preparing transport documentation and

    signing declarations (shippers and container

    packing declarations)

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Where acceptance by AMSA is required this

    will be granted by the Manager Ship


    While this arrangement is not dissimilar to

    training requirements established by CASA it isaccepted that some time will be required to

    have course accepted.

    It is also noted that many in the industry have,or are in the process of receiving training with

    course that cannot be approved until the

    regulations are in place.

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    To resolve this issue AMSA is considering

    implementing training requirements in a

    staged approach, for example:

    1. By the 1st of January 2010 the trainingrequirements as detailed in chapter 1.3 of the

    IMDG code will need to be implemented , butwithout AMSA acceptance of courses.

    2. By the 1st of January 2011 individuals undertakingthose function that require accepted training musthave received training accepted by AMSA.

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    Where to from here?

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    As you may have gathered from the

    presentation we are still finalising the detail of

    what will be required.

    In this regard input is most welcome, however if

    you want to make comment you will need to beprompt.

    Comments and suggestions may be to

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    IMDG Code Training Requirements

    Comments to:

    [email protected]

  • 8/3/2019 Amsa Imgd Code


    Any Questions Please