an inquiry into students perceptions of the impact of the pyp profile on their lives

An Inquiry Into Students Perceptions of the impact of the PYP Profile on their lives By Casey McCullough

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An Inquiry Into Students Perceptions of the impact of the PYP Profile on their lives. By Casey McCullough. Literature Review. What is a PYP School? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: An Inquiry Into Students Perceptions of the impact of the PYP Profile on their lives

An Inquiry IntoStudents Perceptions of the impact of the PYP

Profile on their livesBy Casey McCullough

Page 2: An Inquiry Into Students Perceptions of the impact of the PYP Profile on their lives

Literature Review

• What is a PYP School?• Singh (2002) stated that, “[o]f the more than 1,000

International Baccalaureate schools in 112 countries, about 80 are authorized to offer the relatively new Primary Years Programme, and another 150 are in the process of implementation” (56).

• IBO’s (2005) definition of PYP Program: “…transdisciplinary programme of international education designed to foster the development of the whole child. [It] is designed for students aged 3 to 12. It focuses on the total growth of the developing child, touching hearts as well as minds and encompassing social, physical, emotional and cultural needs in addition to academic development” (1).

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Literature Review (…continued)IBO (2005) Curriculum Framework

The IBO (2005) says that, “the curriculum framework consists of five essential elements: concepts, knowledge, skills, attitude, action. The knowledge component is developed through inquiries into six transdisciplinary themes of global significance, supported and balanced by six subject areas”(2).

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Literature Review (…continued…)

What is an International Person?

The Primary Years Programme defines the characteristics of students who are aware of and sensitive to others. The profile helps teachers and students establish goals,

plan units of inquiry, and assess performance.

– Inquirers—They have natural curiosity. They have acquired the necessary skills to conduct purposeful, constructive research. They actively enjoy learning.

– Thinkers—They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to solve complex problems. – Risk Takers—They approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety and have confidence and independence of spirit.– Knowledgeable—They have explored globally relevant and important themes.– Principled—They have a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning. They have

integrity, honesty, and a sense of fairness, and justice.– Caring—They show sensitivity toward the needs and feelings of others. They have a

sense of personal commitment to action and service. – Open-minded—They respect the views, values, and traditions of others.– Well-balanced—They understand the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well-being.– Reflective—They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and analyze their personal strengths and weaknesses in a constructive manner.

Singh (2002)

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• To what extent do students perceive they are impacted by the characteristics on the PYP profile (to become Inquirers, Thinkers, Risk Takers, Knowledgeable, Principled, Caring, Open-minded, Well-balanced, and Reflective)?

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Methods• 22 students • Sample of 21 students, one student didn’t fill his/hers out• Used definitions of characteristics in PYP profile and framed

into questions• 23 question survey• Students were told to code “Y” for Yes and “N” for No.• If all (100%) of the answers to the questions in one

characteristic were yes, the student was categorized as feeling greatly impacted for that particular characteristic.

• If all (100%) of the answers to the questions in one characteristic were no, the student was categorized as feeling not impacted for that particular characteristic.

• If some of the answers to the questions in one characteristic were yes and some were no, the student was categorized as feeling somewhat impacted for that particular characteristic.

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Do you have a natural curiousity to learn new things?

Have you acquired skills to do purposeful, constructive research? Yes No

Do you actively enjoy learning (take part in conversations in class, bring in newspaper articles, take notes, etc.)?

Do you exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically?

Do you exercise initiative in applying thinking skills creatively?

Are you able to solve complex problems?

Do you receive ideas and information in more than one language, including the language of mathematical symbols?

Do you express ideas and information in more than one language, including the language of mathematical symbols?

Do you approach unfamiliar situations without anxiety?

Are you confident (about yourself and the decisions you make)?

Are you independent (can do things on your own without asking for help)?

Have you explored globally relevant and important themes in school?

Do you have integrity?

Do you have honesty?

Do you have a sense of fairness and justice?

Do you show sensitivity toward the needs and feelings of others?

Do you have a sense of personal commitment to action and service (volunteering, standing up to one of your peers and telling them not to make fun of somebody, etc.)?

Do you respect the views of others (even when they are different from your own)?

Do you respect the values of others (even when they are different from your own)?

Do you respect the traditions of others (even when they are different from your own)?

Do you think that it is important to have a balance between your physical and mental well-being (exercise, brush your teeth, wash your hands AND study and learn new ideas)?

Do you think about your own learning (what have I learned, what is the best way for me to learn and study, what do I still want to learn)?

Do you analyze your strengths and weaknesses in a constructive manner (What am I good at? What do I need to work on and how can I get better at it?)?

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Characteristics from PYP Profile

% of Students Greatly Impacted

% of Students Somewhat Impacted

% of Students Not Impacted

N=21, Number of Students for each characteristic is in parenthesis  

Inquirers 57.1 (12) 42.9 (9) 0 (0)

Thinkers 42.8 (9) 42.8 (9) 14.3 (3)

Communicators 66.7 (14) 23.8 (5) 9.5 (2)

Risk Takers 19 (4) 76.2 (16) 4.8 (1)

Knowledgeable 100 (21) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Principled 76.2 (16) 23.8 (5) 0 (0)

Caring 85.7 (18) 4.8 (1) 9.5 (2)

Open-minded 85.7 (18) 14.3 (3) 0 (0)

Well-balanced 90.5 (19)) 0 (0) 9.5 (2)

Reflective 57.1 (12) 23.8 (5) 19 (4)

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Results (…continued)

Extent To Which Students Feel They Have Been Impacted by the Primary

Years Programme



7% Students GreatlyImpacted


Students NotImpacted

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Conclusions and Implications

• Only 4 students (19%) were impacted to be risk takers. This may indicate that this particular PYP school is not as successful in developing the characteristic of risk-taking in their students, as it is in developing other characteristics on the PYP profile in its students. It may also indicate that the characteristic of being a Risk Taker may not be making as great of an impact on students as it could.

• It can also be mentioned that students were more greatly impacted to be Knowledgeable (21 students, 100% of students) than to be greatly impacted by any other characteristic in the PYP profile. This may show that teachers might be focusing more on this particular characteristic than any other characteristic on the PYP profile. Or it may show that students perceive that this particular characteristic has been fostered in them by teachers and administrators.

• A significant chunk of the class (68 %) feel that they have been greatly impacted by this program and that 93% of the students in the class felt that they were either greatly impacted or somewhat impacted by the characteristics on the PYP profile. It seems as though students in this class do feel impacted by the PYP program.

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Limitations on Research

• Small sample size

• Students from same classroom in same school

• Only one grade level (4th)

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Future Studies

• Larger sample size• Several classrooms• Different grade levels• Different PYP schools• Could look into how other aspects of PYP

program (i.e. collaboration among teachers, internationalism, etc.) impact students

• More quantitative research