andre & evy script

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  • 8/8/2019 Andre & Evy Script



    title: Andre & Evy

    settings (in order of appearance): high school, including security room, and principals office;

    Evys car; park; farm house and farm; Pastor Conformitys office; Preacher Tryings homecharacters: ANDRE, EVY, CONFORMITY, TRYING, CARNEL, SKULLY

    ANDRE the security guard patrolled by himself the strange, odd school. Hetwirled his little flashlight, held onto it by a black little string...all the studentswere in class. He heard a noise, and hastily went to see... EVY, dancing in thehalls. ANDRE knew that was against the rules, but he watched her, and hissoul delighted in EVY.

    He looked up suddenly, after a moment of divine rapture, and he sawthe video camera watching him, and knew that Principal CARNEL must havebeen watching from his security room.

    In fact, CARNEL stared at his monitor, watching what ANDRE was goingto do about EVY because she was disobeying the rules.

    CARNELAndre, lets see what youll do...

    ANDRE swallowed, then strode before EVY.


    Evy! How could you! Dont you know its against the rules to dance! In fact, youshouldnt even be out here! Go! Go you to class!

    After EVY ran away, ANDRE glanced up at the camera.

    CARNEL(smiling) Andre, Andre, Andre. As if I dont know? I shall put you to the test...


    Later that day, ANDRE was called to the principals office. ANDRE came intoCARNELs office, and prepared to sit down in a chair.

    CARNELAndre! (as ANDRE sits) Youre a good egg, arent you?

    ANDREI hope so, sir, or else I wouldnt be working at the glorious school.


    No, I dont hint sarcasm, do I?


    If you do, put me to death. My loyalty is to the school, nothing else.

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    Excellent. In that case, let me inform you of a certain problem plaguing the see, there is a certain girl, who dances in the halls when she thinks that

    no one is looking.

    ANDRE became tense.


    But sir, she should know that thats against the rules...


    Exactly! Now, lets make a riddle of it, shall we? A girl dances and dances against therules, and against the established laws of the land, so tell me, brave knight, where is the

    place where her final performance shall land?

    ANDRESir...Im not a poet or anything, or a riddle person, whatever theyre called...

    CARNELShe goes with grace to the grave. The curtain will cover her there. Do you see?



    Then you are blind. It had has come into my possession, the means of disposing such a

    rebel: I have vaccines, many of them, you see. I want her to be the test child, the first oneto try out the formula in them, and what they can do to people. Especially nosy children.


    Shes not a child!



    ANDRE sorry. You see, uh, I...dont know what you want from me.


    Its simple: Vaccinate her. Well watch her death. It should take two weeks, at the most.


    ...Two weeks.

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    Two weeks.


    When do you...plan on doing...this...thing?



    CARNEL calls on his intercom.

    CARNELLittle Ms. Evy to the main office, please!

    ANDRE ran out of the office, and went into the hall. CARNEL followed him.



    You have to deny it.

    ANDRE turned to CARNEL furiously.

    ANDREDeny it! Deny what!

    CARNELYou like that silly little girl. Oh, there she us is.

    EVY walked by.

    CARNEL(shouting) Stop, Evy!

    EVY stopped.

    EVYWhat is it, Principal Carnel?

    CARNEL(smiling) Its Andre, he wanted to tell you something.

    EVY turned to ANDRE.

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    What is it, Andre?

    ANDRE said nothing.

    CARNEL(calling into the halls) Dr. Skully!

    A woman came into the hall. She was dressed like a doctor.


    What is it?


    This here (points to EVY), needs to be vaccinated. If she isnt, Im afraid shell infectus all.


    It just so happens (takes a syringe from her pocket), that I have a vaccine handy.


    Good. Give it to Andre.

    SKULLY gave ANDRE the vaccine.

    SKULLYHere you are. Do you know how to inject the syringe into the flesh? You must first wipe

    the spot with a cloth (takes ANDREs arm, rolls his sleeve up and pats aspot with a piece of cloth), like so. That way, there is no contamination.

    ANDRE rolled his sleeve down.

    ANDREThat will do, doctor. I dont need you to tell me how to do it.

    SKULLYPlease, then, do it, boy.

    ANDRE swallowed, taking the syringe. He looked at EVY despairingly, thenhis face became firm as he prepared to inject her.

    ANDRE(shouting) Evy! give me your arm!

    EVY was hesitant, afraid.

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    Come, then, we dont have all day, son. Lets see what you can do. Then Dr. Skully and I

    can leave you alone. You do want to be alone, dont you?

    ANDRE looked up. Hesitantly he came forward toward EVY with the syringe.


    Evy, just try...not scream...too loudly.

    ANDRE lunged to inject her, purposely missed her trying to inject CARNELinstead, but CARNEL blocked the maneuver and kicked ANDRE forward, sothat SKULLY had a chance to inject him with a fresh syringe that she pulledout of her pocket.

    ANDRE shrieked as he tossed the syringe out of his hand, and felt thespot on his flesh that got injected.

    ANDRE(shouting, staggering around in agony) The system! The system!

    EVY went to help ANDRE, but he pointed at her.

    ANDRELeave me alone. Let me die alone!

    ANDRE wandered out of the school doors, and started to stagger away fromthe school.

    CARNEL smiled at EVY.

    CARNELDo you want to join him? Go ahead. You have two weeks, at the most.

    Evy hurried after ANDRE. ANDRE turned back.


    Get away from me! Cant you see that I am a dead man? No use mourning for a deadman!

    EVY came beside him.

    EVYYoure not dead yet.

    ANDRE looked at her.


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    Evy, youll regret helping me out. Youre better off going to school. Just blend in as if

    you dont exist.

    ANDRE went forward, and fell down. He was there for a little while, then EVYshowed up with her car.

    EVYHop in, if you have the strength.


    I dont.

    EVY was going to come out to help him, but he waived her off.


    Dont! I can do it!

    ANDRE went into her car, staring ahead absentmindedly.She drove him, for what seemed like years, and finally...





    I want to get out!


    EVY stopped beside a park, and he wandered out of the car and startedwalking in the park.


    Yes (looking up), this is a good place to die. With childhood memories, happy times,happy places.

    ANDRE plopped on a bench despairingly.


    I couldn't find any place better.

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    EVY came and sat beside him.


    Face it, you need to live.

    ANDREYeah. Yeah right. Ill live...for a few days. How bout that? You nosy...nosy...

    ANDRE fell asleep on the bench.


    When ANDRE awoke, he was on a bed. He looked about himself curiously. Hewas in an unfinished home.

    EVY was looking out of the window.


    What happened?


    The police were after you, and me too, so I put you in my car, and I dragged you here.


    Which is?


    An abandoned farmhouse.

    ANDREAbandoned? Someone will always be back.

    EVY(calmly, still looking out of the window) No. Theyre gone for good.


    But how can you be so sure!

    ANDRE got up quickly, and staggered.EVY was close, looking into his eyes intently.


    Because, I buried them out back.


    What? Did you...?

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    No, of course not. This place was raided. Inhabitants killed.


    So we wont be killed, either?


    Lucky you (turns away). Because youre already dead, remember?

    ANDRE exhaled loudly.


    Youre dangerous! Or, if not, youre getting yourself into danger! Just go away to safety. I

    can thank you now, and just go on. Go on and live your future.

    EVY(coldly) My future? Do you know what that looks like? Because I sure dont. I cant geta job, I cant pay attention in class, because there is only one thing to look at: the world as

    we know it is changing. We have change. falling.

    ANDRE(speaks quickly) As long as youre okay! (is embarrassed)


    Later ANDRE walked by himself on the farm, looking at the goats, and otheranimals. He came into the barn to look at things, and EVY was there givingthe goats water.


    Look at you! Youre a farm girl!


    Living things need water and food to survive, it doesnt take a genius.

    ANDRE(thinks, with a cheerful demeanor) No, but perhaps it takes a fool like me not to

    know it. I swear though, human kind needs more than water and food in order to survive.

    There must be something else.


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    Now ANDRE sat in the tall grass by himself. EVY walked toward him. Hestared off intently.


    When I was a child, I used to think I wouldnt have to do things like pay taxes, getinsurance, and drivers licenses...I thought I could be free. Beholden to nobody but



    It would be a lonely life.


    Lonely. I can handle lonely pretty well. You ever visit me at my home, and youll see

    how my dog and I dont mind being the only two creatures scurrying around in theapartment building, getting water and food. Surviving like these big fat goats...and ram,

    little cats, and what else is out in this nasty land.


    You dont like this place? It looks like you have peace.

    ANDREPeace! How I...dont know the word. When I was young, I grew up or got kicked down.

    Thats just how it was. No different from many other peoples lives. What about you? A

    bunch of roses is your life, I bet!


    Sure, Andre, say what you want.

    EVY wandered away.


    At night, ANDRE sat before a fire.

    ANDRE(looking into the flames) Fire. Thats what we need to survive. That way, when

    things go wrong, everything can still be burned!

    EVY sat farther away, reading a book by the light.


    What are you reading?

    EVY didnt respond.

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    Painfully, ANDRE got to his feet, and looked at the book she wasreading.


    The Bible. How wonderful. Im being taken a care of by an innocent, sinless saint. Just as

    I thought.

    ANDRE sat back on the chair before the fire.

    ANDREI wonder how many of us are like logs. Ready for the fire. Whats the alternative?

    EVY read the Bible intently. In her mind, she read this:

    EVY (voice over)And man wasnt supposed to be alone, so God gave him a helper, out of His mercy.

    At night, EVY slept in another building. The moon was bright, and she walkedover to the window, and watched the moon...

    ANDRE was in his own living place, and he held a flashlight over theBible. He read intently, and when he heard something he hid the Bible, as ifhe didnt want to be caught reading it. He continued reading the Bible whenhe knew no one was there.


    In the morning, ANDRE walked out to the barn. EVY was in there feeding theanimals.


    So, saint, you must know the Bible pretty well, huh?


    Actually, it was the first time Ive read it.


    Why did you start?


    Well...I dont know. Im looking for purpose, I suppose.

    ANDRE watched her.


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    Purpose. I like that. Sounds better than a log in the fire crackling. It has a ring to it that I

    like. you know what your purpose is?


    Not yet.

    She went passed ANDRE with a bucket, but ANDRE grabbed the bucket.


    Here, let me carry the bucket. Im dying but Im not dead.

    EVY let him have the bucket, then she walked away.He walked over to the water spicket, and started filling the bucket. He

    walked to the barn, and was in pain. He went to put the water in the barn,but staggered and dropped the bucket. He fell down, and leaned against thebarn, exhaling, with tears of pain welling beside his eyes.


    (quietly) Two ww... weeks. Two weeks.

    ANDRE closed his eyes. Finally he got to his feet, and began to walk down tohis dwelling place. The fire was going inside.


    What do we have to eat, huh!

    ANDRE was in front of the dwelling place, but he didnt know where EVY was.He went inside. EVY came beside him into the doors quickly, into his dwellingplace, and she held a skillet in her hand. She placed the skillet on the stove,and he watched her do it. She then left the house, and came back with abowl filled with batter. She began to spoon the batter onto the skillet on thestove. ANDRE could see: pancakes. He chuckled to himself.


    Saint and cook, what areny arent you, Evy?

    She served him a pancake on a plate, and put butter and raw honey besidehim.


    What? I dont get any whipping cream on my pancake? Dont you think that would be

    soothing for a last meal? something sweet?

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    She left the batter on the table, along with the skillet, and left the dwellingplace.


    EVY was alone, sitting on a hill, while a breeze passed her, she stared off anddidnt even look at ANDRE as he limped over to her.


    My grandma said that if a boy is mean to you, that means he likes you.

    ANDRE(speaks quickly) Anyone that is mean to you doesnt deserve to live.

    ANDRE blushed when he said that, embarrassed by his outburst.

    Slowly Evy looked out at the landscape and turned her head towardANDRE, and smiled.


    Do you think youre going to die?

    ANDRE sat down heavily, and stared off.


    Well, I dont expect to live forever. Should I?


    I read in the Bible about eternal life.


    Gee! I hope you would be able to choose who you hang out with forever, because those

    could be some bad times in eternity! Hah ha!

    ANDRE paused, looking at her.


    What else did the Bible say?


    At night, ANDRE was pouring over the Bible. He read:


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    And Jesus healed the sick...

    ANDRE stopped, and looked up. EVY came into his dwelling place.


    Evy, you dont have to worry about me. Im not out to get you. Im not a player as theword goes. I just want to get along. Thats all. I dont mind trouble with people as long

    as we still like each other. That just about sums me up.

    She watched ANDRE.


    And what about you? What sums you up? Are you a darling child who was found in abasket in front of the monastery, or are you one of those crafty girls out to get the nieve

    little boy like myself? Honestly, I dont care who you are, I just appreciate you. What

    youre doing for me in my last days.

    EVY(screams) Youre not going to die!

    EVY ran out of the door, ANDRE left the Bible and chased after her. The moonwas out, and he limped along looking for EVY in the long grass.


    Evy! Evy! Come on, youll get cold! A stinkin wolf might even eat you! Cmon, lets get

    back into the shelter!

    ANDRE tripped over something, and when he looked at what it was, it wasEVY, who had laid in the grass trying to hide from him.


    Smooth, girl, smooth! Get out of the way next time! I dont want to hurt you!

    EVY nursed her side that he tripped on.

    EVYOh, sure you dont! Weve known each other for a long time, you dangle me on a string:

    do you like me, do you hate me? I dont know! It drives me mad!

    ANDRELooks whos talking! Ive spent it seems eternity waiting to marry you!

    ANDRE stopped himself, and turned away quickly, embarrassed.


    I...Im sorry, I didnt mean...

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    ANDRE turned back to her.

    ANDREI mean, I did, but it doesnt sound good, I know. I have nothing.

    EVY watched him quietly.


    What do you mean?

    ANDREEquity. I share a place near my father, I have a lousy job--as you can see, Im not exactly

    husband material. I think too much. I think husbands shouldnt think too much, right?

    The wives would get annoyed, probably. Do you think they would?

    EVYI wouldnt. I like how you talk.


    Youre just being nice to me because...


    Dont say it.

    ANDRE stood up, looking down.

    ANDRETheres no denying it. Principal Carnel himself said it would only be two weeks. Its

    been one week already, I think...So I know what youre doing, and I just want you to

    know that Im grateful for it.

    ANDRE walked away from her, and she stood up quickly, watching him leave.

    EVY(shouting) Jesus can heal you!

    ANDRE stopped.

    ANDREI dont know Jesus.

    EVYHe knows you. Hes just waiting for you to ask Him for help.

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    How do you know?


    I feel it. I know it. Dont asked me how.

    ANDRE came over to her.


    How does he heal?

    EVYI have to pray for you.

    ANDREDo it.

    Cautiously, EVY put a hand on ANDREs shoulder.

    EVYLord Jesus, we are ignorant dummies, but we know that You are the way. We are

    searching, and I pray Lord Jesus, in your might and mercy, may You cure Andre of his

    illness. In Jesus holy name I pray, amen.

    EVY opened her eyes, and saw ANDRE had his eyes tightly closed.


    (quietly, as he lay in the grass with his eyes still tightly closed) an angel.


    EVY had a calendar in her hand. Cautiously, she marked off the end of twoweeks on it. Swallowing, she slowly, ever so slowly tiptoed over to ANDREsdwelling place. She knocked on his door, closing her eyes.


    Andre? Andre? (under her breath, in a whisper) Holy Father who is in heaven,may it not be so. May your blood heal him, Lord Jesus, as Ive been praying and fasting for...

    EVY heard a thump inside the dwelling, ran in, find the doginside, sniffing around.

    EVY(exclaiming) Jefe! wheres Andre!

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    A finger poked EVY on the shoulder, and she whipped around to see ANDREsmiling at her, and he showed her flowers that he had hidden behind hisback.

    ANDRE(smiling) Flowers, if you dont like them, you can always put them on my grave.


    You dont have to joke anymore.

    ANDREListen, I know...

    EVYThe two weeks are over.


    ANDRE put his hand in his pocket, took out a piece of paper and wascounting the roman numerals on it quietly.

    ANDRE(exclaims) Fourteen! I should be dead!

    Smiling with joy, ANDRE leaped into the air and ... suddenly stopped, fell on

    the bed.

    EVY(stooping beside ANDRE, shaking him) Andre! Andre!

    ANDRE blinked slowly.


    Oh, sorry, I was just going to take my victory nap.

    The way he smiled, like a new born person, EVY had to smile too.


    Youre mean to me.

    ANDRE chuckled.


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    Ill always be mean to you because I love you. Well get married right on this farm. Well

    scare up a pastor somehow, youll see!


    Pastor CONFORMITY stood up in front of his desk, rearranging his tie uneasilywhile he was in his office. ANDRE and EVY sat in front of the desk.

    CONFORMITYListen, kids, its no easy business getting married these days. The natural result is proven

    to be divorce. More, why cant you just do what everybody else does and go from one

    person to the next? Surely, that doesnt sound so bad.

    ANDREBut Pastor Conformity, we dont want that life. Weve kept our purity for this very

    purpose: to get married.

    CONFORMITY(looks up quickly) Purity? You jest! Look at you two! You could be bloody models

    for crying out loud, you could have anyone you wanted, you could even have me, Evy, if you

    wanted (winks at EVY, she turns away disgusted).

    ANDRE gets out of his seat quickly and slams a hand on CONFORMITYs desk.

    ANDREListen, pastor! whether you like it or not, God said Go forth and multiply. He saidman wasnt supposed to be alone, he said many things like that! I dont think he was talking

    about fornication, either!

    CONFORMITY stared at ANDRE indifferently.

    CONFORMITY(coldly) If I marry you two, youll just have to fill out a little paperwork first.

    CONFORMITY slams a pile of papers in front ofANDRE.

    CONFORMITY smiled coldly.


    Its against the established laws not sign your marriage over to us, the government. Its

    before the government you will be a married, after all.

    ANDRE(shouting) Its before God! And I will not sign anything you put before me!

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    CONFORMITY grabbed ANDRE, and tossed him on the floor. He strode over toANDRE.


    You little brat. Both of you. Get out of here. Face it, youre just playing games.

    As ANDRE and EVY were leaving, ANDRE got in the way betweenCONFORMITY and EVY, and CONFORMITY shouted after them while they left...

    CONFORMITYThe world doesnt need marriage anymore, you hear! Its outdated! Outdated!


    EVY drove ANDRE in the car, away from CONFORMITYs office.


    I can drive if you want, Evy. I dont care if I dont have my license. I dont care if I donteven have a license to marry you, Ill do it.

    EVYDrive or marry me?

    ANDRE stared ahead.


    ANDRE thought for a moment.


    I knew a guy in the old days. He had a home ministry. I knew his son. Poor kid got into

    drugs though, so I lost contact with him. Well, I dont have a phone, so that might havecontributed. I dont get into the mood for radiation in my skull, you see.

    EVYAndre, what are you talking about?


    Lets visit this guy with the home ministry. He must have been a preacher or something,because I have some memories of him doing exorcisms and stuff.


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    I thought you didnt know anything about Christianity?

    ANDREFog put there by the devil, I rebuke it now in the name of Jesus! Alright Evy, lets get to

    that home minister, even if we have to crawl there--I will marry you!


    They drove for a while, finally there was a house that ANDRE pointed to.

    ANDREWeve driven for hours and hours, but I think it will be worth it. I feel that it will be. And

    its one of those spiritual feelings, like that one you had about me not dying and all.

    They parked. ANDRE looked at EVY.


    I say Ill marry you all the time, but I never stopped to ask whether you would marry metoo. So...will you? You know Im a lout, but God knows Im trying to be a good one. A

    Godly one, so that I wont even be a lout anymore.

    ANDRE stared at her steadily.


    What do you think?

    EVY was quiet.

    EVY(finally) Andre...lets talk to this preacher first, huh? see what he thinks.


    Im asking you Evy, will you marry me?

    EVYTime, Andre, I need time!

    ANDRE leaned back on the chair of the car, relaxed.


    When I thought I was going to die, I thought of all these things that I felt I had to do...that

    were truly important to me. The main one was marrying you. I shouldnt have mentionedit if I was going to die, but sometimes dead men rattle on to no degree.

    ANDRE exhaled.

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    Well see the preacher. You can have time Evy. Have the world, if you want. Im more atpeace now than I was.

    They got out of the car, and headed to the house. Then ANDRE knocked onthe door, andPreacher TRYING opened it up to them.


    Andre! I havent seen you for years! And whos this? Your fiance, wife?

    ANDRE chuckled.


    You always knew things ahead of time, as if you knew the future. I remembered that also

    although I barely knew you.

    TRYINGI have dreams from God. Visions of the future. Now, come inside quickly!

    ANDRE and EVY went inside. They sat in an area directed to them by TRYING.

    TRYING(from the kitchen) Can I offer you anything?


    (seriously) Just Godly counsel. Evy and I are in a rut, Preacher Trying. Ill explain it toyou when you come over.

    TRYING(with a mug of coffee in his hand) Im so sorry. I get so drowsy in the evenings. I

    stay up most of the night writing down my visions. Now go on (sits down), tell meabout how the government has taken control of the churches and is luring newlyweds to disaster.

    ANDRE was speechless.


    Sir, uh, now that you...know, um, what should we do? How can we just getmarried?

    ANDRE turned to EVY, and smiled gently.

    ANDRE(cheerfully) I mean, with some time.

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    EVY turned and looked at ANDRE.TRYING looked at EVY, then Andre, and EVY again.


    Andre, I would like to talk to Evy alone, please.


    Her alone?

    ANDRE went quiet, then he got to his feet. He nodded to TRYING and EVY.


    Ill...wait in the car.


    Thank you, Andre.

    When TRYING and EVY were alone, TRYING stared steadily at her.


    You dont love him, do you? He loves you, but you dont love him. You love him enoughas a person, as a friend if you will, but nothing more than that. Isnt that so?

    EVY was quiet, then put her face in her hands, and cried.


    Yes, its true. Hes in my mind but not my heart, in my fantasy but not my future. How doI break it to him?

    TRYING stared steadily forward.


    Evy, it goes without saying that Andre will die for you. Easily. Youre the only one hesever loved like he has. He cant help it. God put you in his heart. He is attracted to no

    other girl. You are still a girl, we can say, while Andre, although with his obvious quirks,

    is understanding something deeper than he can imagine: sacrifice. Evy...I will

    love him one day.

    Outside in the car, ANDRE had his feet on the dashboard. He watched thenight street. His eyelids were dropping. He had a dream:

    Trying was leading him in the street.


    This long road is time. Time, Andre, thats what will happen.

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    TRYING was leading on the road, and then they passed EVY, who wasmotionless. ANDRE looked back at EVY.

    TRYINGDont worry about her, she is on the same road as you. You must wait. Time. Time.

    There was a gunshot, and TRYING fell to his knees, holding his chest.


    Its alright. Lord Jesus, forgive me for my offenses to others, as I forgive those whohave offended me!

    TRYING fell down dead.ANDRE looked from the body to EVY standing over it also. She had a

    worried look.


    Andre. He wants to see you.


    Who wants to see me?

    In real life, EVY said...


    Preacher Trying.

    Slowly ANDRE awoke. ANDRE suddenly snapped awake.


    Evy! (pulling her into the car) Stay in here and lie low!

    ANDRE ran into TRYINGs home, and Pastor CONFORMITY was already inthere, talking to TRYING.


    Trying, Trying, Trying. Always getting in the way. You cant block Corporate Christianityfrom these people. Everything breathes as a cooperation. You were a very good one toknow that, in the old days that is.

    CONFORMITY looked up to see ANDRE.


    I should have guessed. Youre even hiding and orconformingwith rebels!

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    TRYING looked up sharply.

    TRYINGIts better than conforming with devils!

    CONFORMITY went into a rage and took out a knife and went to stab TRYING,but TRYING held CONFORMITYs hand.


    You can send me to the heavenly world, but that just condemns you further. Repent,Barry, repent! Christ has already died for you, after all!

    There was a gunshot, and TRYING fell down to his knees.

    CONFORMITY a good little Christian, you can also die!

    CONFORMITY put his knife in his pocket, and aimed the pistol at ANDRE.

    CONFORMITY(beginning to smile) And that girl you plan on divorcing?

    From behind, CONFORMITY was hit over the head by EVY, who had snuck infrom the back door. She hit him with a large crucifix. She looked down atCONFORMITY on the floor.

    EVYHes getting up, Andre.

    ANDRE looked at EVY, and grabbed her hand.


    And were getting out!

    EVY saw TRYING on the floor and she screamed.


    Preacher Trying!

    ANDRE nodded, holding his emotions back.

    ANDREHes better off than we are now!

    They ran out of the door, and onto the street. They went into the car.

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    Ill drive, if you cant.

    EVY wiped her tears, and held the steering wheel.

    EVYI can. Im strong.

    ANDREI know that.

    They began to drive, and drive. ANDRE closed his eyes.

    ANDREHeaven. Preacher Trying is a passing through white clouds, looking at crystal waters.

    He admires the angels flying, and the air is so nice that he could breath that foreternity and be satisfied. Suddenly he hears his named being called, and it is from a voicethundering and scary, but at the same time peaceful, and joyous. After Tryings shock his

    over, he realizes its Gods voice telling him to go to his son, Jesus, who is waiting by

    golden doors, smiling like an older brother, like a king. Like the king of kings...

    ANDRE watched the road ahead, and held up a shaking hand to his face, andtried his best not to cry.


    My goodness Evy! How the world is different from heaven!

    They drove, and drove, and drove.24