andrew pullin

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Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Andrew S. Pullin

    Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation

    University of Wales Bangor, UK

    Introduction to thework of the CEBC

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    The Goal: making environmental

    management more effective

    Focus on decision-makers in

    policy and practice

    What works and what doesnt inthe context of interventions

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Mortality a barrier tosearching scientific literature

    Pullin & Knight 2001. ConservationBiology

    Pullin et al. 2004. BiologicalConservation

    Sutherland et al. 2004. TREE

    Pullin & Knight 2005. ConservationBiology

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin




    COLLABORATIONThe reliable source of evidence in healthcare

    We are an international not-for-profitorganisation, providing up-to-dateinformation about the effects of health

    care. learn moreWe produce the Cochrane Databaseof Systematic Reviews, part of TheCochrane Library, the definitiveresource for evidence-based healthcare.

    The Cochrane Librarycontains regularly updated evidence-based healthcare databases.Browse free summariesTop ten reviewsPress releasesAccess full Library

    Top resources:

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    Newsroom & Our growthNewcomers' Guide Evidence Aid- Resources for healthcareemergenciesCochrane Reviews on ISI!Cochrane Colloquium!

    Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 Oct. 2006

    About usCochrane reviews

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  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Cochrane Review Groups

    Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group

    Cochrane Airways GroupCochrane Anaesthesia GroupCochrane Back GroupCochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma GroupCochrane Breast Cancer GroupCochrane Colorectal Cancer GroupCochrane Consumers and Communication GroupCochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders GroupCochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement GroupCochrane Depression, Anxiety and Neurosis Group

    Cochrane Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems GroupCochrane Drugs and Alcohol GroupCochrane Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders GroupCochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group

    Cochrane Epilepsy GroupCochrane Eyes and Vision GroupCochrane Fertility Regulation GroupCochrane Gynaecological Cancer GroupCochrane HIV/AIDS Group

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Growth of the Cochrane Library

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Review &

    Dissemination Decision-makers








  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Features of anEvidence-Based Framework

    demands explicit user-generatedquestion (including subject, intervention and

    desired outcome)

    systematic review and evaluation ofevidence (methodology ensuring standards of

    rigour, incl. peer review)

    push delivery of information to pointof need (active dissemination tailored to enduser)

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    The Challenge

    Can we construct somethingsimilar for environmentalmanagement?

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Centre for Evidence-Based

    ConservationThe Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation was established in 2003

    with the goal of supporting decision making in conservation and

    environmental management through the production and dissemination

    of systematic reviews on the effectiveness of management and policy

    interventions. With support from a wide range of organisations in the

    environmental and academic sectors the CEBC now acts as both a

    source of evidence and co-ordinator of a fast-growing collaborative

    network undertaking systematic reviews. This website acts as the

    primary gateway to reliable information on effectiveness based on the

    best available scientific evidence.

    About CEBC

    Background To CEBC

    Introduction to Systematic Review

    Getting involved in

    Evidence-Based Conservation

    CEBC News and Events

    CEBC Job Opportunities

    CEBC Library


    Systematic Reviews

    External Publications

    Conference Presentations

    Systematic Review Terminology

    Consortium Partners

    Contact Us

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Methodological development:Stages of a systematic review

    Formulating a question (stakeholderengagement)

    Generating a protocol (peer reviewed)

    Systematic searching

    Data selection

    Data quality assessment (critical appraisal)

    Data extraction Synthesis of data (meta-analysis)


    Guidelines now published as Pullin & Stewart 2006. Conserv. Biol.

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Does the use of in-stream structures and

    woody debris increase the abundance of


  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    In-stream devices

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Is evidence-based approach cost effective?

    Using future discounting about 1 in 10,000 reviews

    have to be this effective for it to be worthwhile

    Annual spend about $40million in England & Wales.

    At least 10x this figure worldwide

    Assume 10% uptake of knowledge

    Each review cost c $100,000

    Thus about 1 in 400 reviews need to

    have this outcome for the process to be

    cost effective

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Next Steps

    Development of independent organisation topromote systematic review methodology andco-ordinate Cochrane-style collaboration

    Collaboration for Environmental Evidence

    Development of web-based library of reviews

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    Realising the potential of data

    Significant benefits in synthesisingdata on issues of concern to

    environmental practice and policy the concept of leverage

    Funding bodies should encourageReview Groups to form and undertakesystematic reviews

  • 8/14/2019 Andrew Pullin


    CEE website goes live May 2007!30th Draft protocol added to the site - in-stream wood placement and salmonidsDraft systematic review 13 available for consultation - salmonid stocking in lakes

    Library of Systematic Reviews Finalised Protocols Drafts for comment

    Latest news...Library

    Introduction to systematic review Information for users Information for authors

    Resources - Get involved

    About CEE News and events Contact us

    RECENTLY ADDED...DRAFTProtocol30In-stream wood placement

    DRAFTReview13Salmonid stocking in lakes

    CEE Home

    Welcome to the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence

    Collaboration for Environmental Evidencesystematic reviews for conservation & environmental manageme

    This page is maintained by the CEBC 2007