ant forklift 18

By: Oscar SANDBERG & Amrit SINGH Tutor: 04/04/12 Krzysztof Markowski Project: The pallet stapling forklifter ANT-perspective + = Falure!!!

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By: Oscar SANDBERG & Amrit SINGH Tutor: 04/04/12 Krzysztof Markowski

Project: The pallet stapling forklifter ANT-perspective



Falure!! ! !

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!"#$%&!"'%&!"(&#)*&+',-&The project described below was conducted in the fall of 2009, as a school project. The objective of the course was for the class to, in the form of small teams, look at the operations of an enterprise, and together with them find a way to innovate the internal processes. The team that this paper describes, consisted of 4 students that all studied the same bachelor program in Lund, Sweden, called Logistics Service Management. The project started with the team visiting the Company to get an introduction about how they worked and what was important for their business. Thereafter the Contact person 1, who was the link between the Company and the University, showed the team around the warehouse and other operating facilities.

During the tour, the project team and Contact person 1 talked about the problem they were having with empty pallets that were scattered around the floor of the warehouse making it difficult for the operating staff to work. The problem was that when a pallet becomes empty, there was not anybody that would take the time to remove it and put it in the right place. The Operating staff had a performance-based salary and prioritised to reach his/her daily percentage instead of taking time to removing the empty pallets.

The 4 students wanted to do something about this and decided to look at ways to make this process easier for the Operating staff and make the working environment safer. There was also a demand for a more ergonomically correct working process for the employees, because the work was stressful and very physically demanding.

After contacting both physiotherapists and forklift developers, the project team came up with a prototype of a forklift that was able to gather a number of empty pallets without having to go back and forth between the empty pallets and the docking point.


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Name of The Actor

Role in Project

Interest which they Pursues

Degree of buy in or Hostility into the Project

Added value or Nuisance

The project team

In favor, find solution to pallet-problem

Enhance working environment

High degree of Buy in

High degree of added value


In favor, Guide and support the project team

Further connections with the company

High degree of Buy in

Low degree of added value

Contact Person No-1

In favor, inform about routines and discuss with project team

Seek a faster and better working environment

Medium degree of Buy in

Low degree of Nuisance

Contact Person No-2

Against, discuss about technical possibilities

A fast and smooth process

Low degree of Hostility

High degree of Nuisance

The Company

Against, decide if to invest

A fast and smooth process

High degree of Hostility


The Forklift Developer

In favor, discuss development of new forklift

Possible customer in the company

Medium degree of Buy in

High degree of added value

Employees (users)

Against, the user of the forklift

A fast process High degree of hostility

High degree of Nuisance


In favor, discuss about working environment regulations

Help project team/enhance working environment

Medium degree of buy in

Low degree of Nuisance

& &

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Name of The Actor

Role in Project

Interest which they Pursues

Degree of buy in or Hostility into the Project

Degree of Added Nuisance Value and Tendency to Evolve


In favor, the model of the fork lifter

A better working environment

High degree of Buy in

High degree of added value


In favor, cause of the problem

To be handled easier and faster

Medium degree of Buy in

Medium degree of Nuisance


In favor, the working environment was not legal

A better working environment

Medium degree of Buy in

High degree of value added


In favor, right time to initiate the project

Make the process faster

Medium degree of hostility

High degree of value added

Performance-related pay

Against, stating the working condition

A very fast process

High degree of hostility

High degree of nuisance


Against, Project was getting costlier.

Low cost project

High degree of hostility

High degree of nuisance

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“We saw that there was a problem with empty pallets ”

“Deeper analysis gave both followers and sceptics”

“In the end, even the tutor switch sides. The project was dead!”

“First prototype and cost prediction”

“Anti-side grows as efficiency is doubted”

“Both contact people are sceptic to the project”

Human Actor

Non-Human Actor

Prototype 1 Prototype 2

Fact Fiction



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Time Transitioning Comments Actors Involved Oct-2009

There was a problem with pallets in the warehouse, and the concerned person in the company wants to deal with it. The team was assigned and started to work. Time was considered a major threat for the project.

Pallets, The team, Concerned person, Regulation, Time


As we were working we realised that the employees was resistant to change. The performance-based salary was not favourable for the project as it was caused the employees to focus on quantity instead of quality. By this time we (company) became sceptical.

The Team, Employees, Company, Cost, Performance based pay.


It was clear that the prototype was too costly and the tutor and contact person changed their position. We began to realize that the pallets weren’t a problem any more.

Tutor, The Team, Pallets, Prototype, Company

Dec-End In the end, no one was interested to carry on with the project. The Team





Fact Fiction

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Conclusion The prototype was delivered to the Company but they decided not to invest in this kind of machine. The main reasons why they did not want to invest was because the machine would be expensive, the management did not see the potential and it was not interesting to the operating staff, which cherished speed before comfort. Below one can see a more detailed description of the actors involved in the project and what position they took on the project.

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Oscar Sandberg Amrit Singh

The project had potential; it would have

succeeded with little more


The project wasn’t realistic

from the beginning that’s

why it failed.

I like hockey I hate

hockey, love


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