apin^nlfw wom-ll j^ll d. sÄ»*114€¦ · george opdyke formayor, greene c. bkonson...

THE NEW -YORK TRIBUNE 9V*m NtTWattrtH U*M ¥ TRIIfllR «» PtrBLisHPi) fvfrv iiornino and evenlno, IHntiii Ftrer-raa) ttj HORACE HEEE!EY « c».( ATrat ratst-.* miwn**. com»» op »»..»r i«g traces I m»**T». »r»o»iTa THt oirt nauu, ' Bad tVBeejed to ttty Snbtt-ribor* at 114 r»n«. par wettk. Mall Mit mil tai, »tjaaraaa«»Usdvaaeo< »3 1st »U moielht. TUB ARW.IORK WkKHLV TKCBt'SB, « VF.RV LAR"V PAPER fOR THE COUNTRY, , U pat***** »»»»7 »v»Tr»r>AT Momino, at la* low prlee M 41 » aar .nauu.. in advance Thro* Cepio, for ».'.. Fi»e Coptee jot ..l Tew Coatee for *12, Twenty Copies. U ono toriewtdd aay atrgvr »*mber at the rote of # 1 par aaonm). $24; Twraty Aepawi io add i set of earn iiihaprlher (and any larger uoml>er al two rate of tf I 20 eachi, 4)24 Aar poraen ettadiaf im a einh of taeoaty ee Brere will be entitled to _> eitra copy, Subscription* tatty eoam-otvee at any tine. . iygLAt*ftSig ,n T"« WattiT Taiaria ooat one dol- LAB per line for each faeertlea. THK .RtII.WKEMI.V TatlBITlVB 5 aaVrtahed every Trructv tad Painty Moaanvo. Price $3 Bat mtxoom. Two Copt** for B*i Piro Copiee for «11 »3. TBK n ff.lüHH TBIBI -VF, ^ fOR EUROPEAN CIRCULATION, a* aakHibe.1 on I he departnr* of each AI al Steamer for Li eernoc,! at *4 per aaaom. po.ieg* laelndod. Single O,pio*, Mir («»taT* THF XI W VtlHK TRIBCKB, ft CA.' IKORNJA, 0RE00N AND THE 8ANDWICU ISLANDS, to aahttefied on the departure of eavh Mail Steamer for Aapin wall at 4 > I it' per aaaam. Single Copies, Sit Coat*. Political Noticee. Republican Central Coin mi itre. -1 be Executive Comn.ittce of the above Committee will hold a meeting TH IS t*rwriaj) EVftKlKO at o'cieck. at No. 613 Broadway Pano- teewl «.t.rudauce requested. C. A PEABODY, Chairman- B. T. Ct tvBLaan, j aata9tatmta1t. Qmmx »rtB«ow, '»wwetarvea._ Opdyltr, JIall. bum! Plakacy. Come oae, eome all A tread Mara Ratlfiretion Meeting -rf the Oerman RejrobLeant wBl he held THIft (Friday) EVENINO. at the Volktgerten, No. Bowery. KAM E. TZttl HIRNt.lt, W KOPF, r B. DlTtC H L K, and other, w Ul »peak EDWARD HOKINBON, Ja.,1 C F. X. LITE DEE, I A. RO'DIOER. >CotnmUte*. W. LET7.EI8EB, I A. FEILEN, _ J A Mane .Meeting, of the f 11 ' . NS n ii TaY-PaV- Bat_>ab.>OCIAlioN OF THE VIITH COUNCILMANIC Dlnl RICT will he held at ibe large room over the Opera Su¬ hlet, je-d-et near lth-av.. Dec 2, at Tj o'clock p in.JtMf.s . W. OEBARD, eaq., the Hon. CIIARIEB STARK NEWELL, the lion JOHN MctvKON, and other eiumeut apeakera are ex- BkBOtrd to addieaa the meeting._ ? The Flfteeotb Ward Repablican Aaaeclatlon Brill tnret at No bl« Broadway, on rRl DAY EVENINO, Dec. X, at 8 o'clock. A griMrai atteudance ia requeated. T. BaitBi, Be^retary. M. B. BLAKE, Pretideot BjxIIt. Kally. Rally!.THE BBPPBLK ANS OF THE AVIth WARD ^ A ad all othera opt»oaed to the corrupt administration of the City tUevrrnaieBt. are Invited to meet at KNK KEUliOChER HALL, Bth aedSdd-et, on FRIDAY EVENINO. December 2. at iVrloek to ,-rtpond to the Domination of tb* Hon. OEOKOE Ok DYKE, KOL. L. HULL, WM. T. PINENEY, and ether Be pi bl Iran Humiliation*. Tbr lollewing grutlrmen will addreaa th* meeting: DAMt) DL'llLEY FIELD, ISAAC DAYTON W M l I'RTIS NOYE8, HORACE OkKELEY, JAIIKb A. BBIOOB, JAMES W. NYE,_ WM. M. EVART8. E. DEI.AFIELD SMITH, I.I'IHER R. NAkSH, CHAL'NCEY 8HAKFEK, IbAIAH T. WILLIAMS, W. H. FRY, and ethora. JOhEPH UOXJE, Committee of Arrantementt. DAVID B. JAQl EU, JAMEö (. L'THELL, BLOH OAKDNEB, OEO. MAN (HOT, B, A. ADAMS. ROBT L. DAHftAiiH, WM. ORTON, ALEX. McLEOD. Rally, Repabllcana. Rally ! A grand Patlhcatiou Meeting of toe RriKiblioana of the XMh Ward, will be held at Llve-Oak HaU, No. Wldth-at., ou FRI DAY EVENINO, fire. I, at .J o'clock. _ « I The Hon. 'too. Opdyke, SoL L. Hall, oaq., Oen. J W Nyr, the Hon. D. N. Merrill of New Jereey. Ja«. Fail man. eeq Joa. itoxie, eeq., and Aug. f. Dow, eeq , will eddrese the meeting, r.t. or fUoi DOYLE, ) ARCH. PHILLIPS, I CnmmiUMI. C DONALDSON, I ( "n""1"^ A. RET BERT, J W». E. BoeiXT, Sec EDWIN J'l'EWABT/,Chairman. isevetitrrnth Ward Republican Aaeoclation.-The Xxeeai:i*e Comailnee of thu Aaaocialion will meet THIS E\ EMNO, at No. 2t8 Allen-«*., at 7j o'clock, ruactualattend- aace la reqnoated. By order. SAMUEL B. SMITH, Preaideat pro tern WixLiaa J. Woona, Secrotaij. ** (.rand Kally of the Blcbteetitb Ward Repnbli« . a lutibiation Meeting will be held at the Deceit in« ¦"" tY EVENINO OYES, DA\ ID and other etui1 . poaitra, will addreea Ibe me«.ting J. AUSTIN STEVENS, jr., 1 K. DELAKIELP SMITH, EDMUND BTEPHENSO.N. ^Committee. ISRAEL JAR\ Is. WM ATRINSON, ) raBra.- a natim ation meeiing win do oeia ai in raatvy, aotaci af 2d-ae. and 23d at , ou rRIDAY at, 2. at .a o ch» k. Meaar» WM. CURTIS NOY DUDLEY FIELD, E. DELAF1ELD SMITH, ta Rally, Rttlly, Nlnelrculb Ward ! A Orand RAI IFICATION MKKTI..O will be held at Head «Marl»m, Diuxl«dein'« Hotel, cor. 8d-e*. and a«Xh «l.. on THIS (Viidaj) EV E.> iM» at H o'ciook, to ratify tbe (kjenty tVa-d. Tut I < tool haoulaotiona. t.n.liietat epoakata ha»«. u..u tavi-a ¦a d e ill adi're«. kWa u.i-etlng *ll thoae In favor of the elect io i 5(1 Uifc to. Major, HULL for t ounael. PINKNEY for aWktoaotTOwvrtnor, i.RKOORY for Aldernaoo. and Mt- t-Ah'lY for touucilman, are iuvlted to attend. By order tyAitii ror»o u N L uauNDAOE, Pitaidrnt. Bob ai.i L. BltA, 1 Kpcrvtartea. Jons Cuerta. jr., i "Twestieth Ward Repahllc^aW.-Tb*JUpitbttcauw o the AXlb V\ aid will lucrt at u*iuait:ne Hall, *Jlb-at. and tlb av.. aaVttvll'AY EVENINO, Dec- i. It raiilytbo nounuatiou. of Ov.lvke, UnU. and I luckney. and tat W ard nomliialloi». JO- *F1 H I'ltiMf, S B lirH HI.ll Ibe Hob. ABRaM[WAKE- a»«S MIU HIT I. WOODEOIU». e..i and other., will 5*r-*Tl meeting. WM R. STEWART, P.e_deut. jLV. l.hisLBt. U^rtarita Jx>«. UtrraAS, J_ Aroaee: Areuae ! A raune ! 1 WENTY-SECOND WARD IN A BLAZE The Republican, of in* Twenty eeoond Ward are requeeted to STOESSPI.-S Hi'TEL, Ma 6M ttb av , oa FRIDAY EVENINO, Doc t, to ratiry the aoiBii.atiou.. _ For Mayor. OEORl.E OPDYKE; For Corporation CocnaeJ. ULL; ino Hoaao, orpora SOLOMON L. BULL; For Oovenior of the Aim" Houi WILLIAM T. PINKNEY; For Conncilmaa. IKA a ALLEN; Sad the other Ward officer* The folte» mg gvi.tlea.eB w ill ad.lreaa tba a^tbag: C.EOBOE 7rA)\ EE, *«w CHAS. S. sl'k NCER, b»o., boLOMON L HULL, tay,., AUO. F. I»oW a»«». 5m JAB. W. NYE. A. J. DlTTENliOEFER, Ban, jos Fl H It OX IE, HQ , JAS. FA1RMAN, aag., E L. W'OODEORD, a»v ood other*. R. CAMPBELL. Pre.ideul. O. 8. CHAPIN, Vice-Prnid t. W. IPBaTO!», u^.f-iaxiea. 8. b. Siaoato», I »*CT9**n**- Mum* Mreiln« nl Ute t.ertana Repablicasa. n the aa.il «Heu el the t.eii.lueea of the Republican pally, the Hon. SEOROE orDYKFa. Mtaoi. SOLOMON L Hi LLaaCor- iMiiaiion toim». I and WM. ft. IMNENF.Y u Aim. Honae Oov Worn, in Ibe \«Wk.-Oanoa, No *J l<owe;y. THUS (fiidayl EVENINO, Dec. 2, I8iy, #. o'clock. The following reutleiurn will .ddiea« the O eding. SAM. E. T/SCti RKF.R, W KOPP. Lit FviER^CH, B. B. DL i CilER, and other.. Committee of Arraug. mem..Edward Roblaaoe, jr.. C. F. E. Luoder, Auguv- gaa Uteri W Seueitei, and Adam KoUiger. W bla < onveotlon. Tentb Alderatanle Olttrict.- Tae Delegate* to h a ( onventlon met on Thuntday rvening, at the corner of Buwery and Bond tt Mr. A. H DUDLEY in the t heir, aad Joaara K. iui vn, Srcreiary. Upoa mutioa of Mr. Waa. H. Falcouer of th* SeTentoenth Ward. Mr ANDREW J ODELL war nounuated by aocJatua- ttee aa tUrir ratidldala for Alderman Thr Cotitrulion then ad ,. . A. H. DUDLEY, l hai: .. J. B. Yerwa, tiiBBttro._ Peaale an Head. A Meeting of the People t Party, and all persona favorable to the election of OEO. OPDYKE for Mayer, and Taoaia* H. Bea-itett tot A'.d. ruian, «tili bo hei at feoplv'e Hall, No. ITS Bowet» Satt KDAY EVENINO. Dec 3d. at I o'clock. Itaoara. ( auwe, Tucker, Ceuiuerford, Di. HUllard. and other* Will »dorrt* the meeting_ FRANCIS JOHN TUCKER. Chairman. A JlefUaa of those clllarna favorable to tue Election of OFt Ror. OPDYKE for Mtvor, will le held at »Je IT» üowery, ea KH1DAY MUHT Ku'.lueot tpeoAar* wtil add.rt. the aueetlng. FRANCIS JOH.> TUCKEB. i :.» » " Btsaakar Brpabllraa aad CltlrrBs' Nomination*.- «Ith . oaaKUmatn. Dutnct. Utk XTth, \\ Im tad XV llllh aA'ajdt- 1 * \. .a«» HKNKY f. PARK K, Republieaa aad Cittarns' Nomination. SlXTEENTh ward Tea ItrrBwaiTT or oca Ceaaoa SraooLg. ForA'au'inietiocoi of Common Scboela, B O B K 1< T A . ADAMS. THOMAS CHRISTY, Cbainatiu Btajrev A Y'twatur*. tterretary Matai Ward Repahltraa NoaalaattaB*. For at hlK)L nrru fcKS. Far Cowimtaaloaet uf Cotnatou Sv.Lool*. < Has. f. OILDEbVBLEEVf.. For iBBptntttT of CotaiBoa Schools, W M. J. JOHNSON, M D Far Tni»te*« *l Commin Schoola, WILLIAM H. OEDNtY, I EMIY P BEE. JACOB C. BOiitRT. For Coattable«, IIA C PIEJt>(>N, CONRAD REUP. **».». i.,c. . m Hard Krpubllran Naattitsittaaio. i**e AhWetatsa. Xtb IHstrtrt-AN ORE W J ODELL. r«rC«Mie.iiii »a, \ ih I>ts4riu4. WILLIAM T VSlltl VN. For i oldc.lutes, Vtb Itaatrtct.BERNARD SCHWARTZ. Foi Bt I.e... Cot»>uut*iac.* . J V .MES l l SHI.NO, Ja. Bor »cLool Ineiwcto'. v\ 11 I AM HIIJf'AKD gFot Scho< 1 Trataatoa.*A 11 1,1 AM H VANDEBilOOF, JOMN LLOYD, aft* 4 oi."tai;*»- RIDoi PH 111 I MESBERO, OKtvBi'E A BOBBINS. JLUHirU C. PINCkJaEY, Fatsavleat yt7m A (hiills .Peraa *.«.¦¦*. [ r-giraat artralh t onncUmanie Otstrli I, T»g>i » s*i o»a W »na. TAX-PAYERS* CANaiDATE. tar Osooeifana i EDWAhh TIMPBON. Mrpablicasa, \»** »tst fei root jthrn* H mm.*T PlSh'tA\rrUmi, jaset EVERY F.VEMMJ at JJaMteWiaa lleu.r, rornet of Jtroadwfy tad ttoawton ti. XIX.N°- 5,807. Heventa Ward. KOfU'H UNION NOMINATIONS. For School f.'ooiinUaionrr. daniel cooek Por Senool lu.petor«. ALFRED T ( ONklin, NATHANIEL M. TERRT, (To &U rax-ancy. For School Troiite»*. mahlon t. HEW IT, edward m. bkidmobe. To All varanev JOSEPH r. SKID IfORE. The above ticket r* ceived . njMi.lmou* end for die! adoption, id . Urge end influential meeting of the voter, of the Word, witn- out dutlinttiol of party, hold Monde. evening, Nov. 2*. I«5i zophar mills, ( uairiuen. I.aa»i.D. Walie*. J^-"«*»** BiathieeaiB Ward Mepabllraa -vamiuatlen. For Aldermen. WM. LA IM BEER, JB-, Builder. No. 11 East 25th et L'uuunroat It tu. henry a HtRLBUT, Chairman AluVrmenic Convention. Teot- 0 OumimLii, Sec'j _ -rteiub Ward-To I areaioterrd Votrrw.-.Vffl derit., Irrr of charge, taken EVERY EVENINO, until election by EDWARD M. 8K DMORK, Notary Public No 23a Madison a*. Regrular Republic-no VitulunOou. H)B M A Yi ill. OEOROE OPDYKE. People'* Candidate Ker Aideimen of the IVth Aldenuanic. District JAM KS V. W'ATKIN i. I'i opte'n Headquarter*, No. 17S r.owery. All per.es i favorable to the Election of GEORGE OPDYKE For Mayor, GREENE C. BKONSON For (orporation Counsel, WM. T. PlhKNEY For Governor of tbe Alina-Hotte, Are reqastted to meet at tbe above place. Regular Republican and American Nomination*. Vilth Couiiriliueolc Dlatrirt. Xlltb, XlXth, XXth. XXIrt. and XXIId Ward*. For Councilman, JONATHAN T. TROTTER, CHARi-EB N. DECKER Menu lar Republican Nomination. FOR MAY Oil, THE HON OKOROE OPDYKE BEADUUARTERS at THORP'S HOTEL, l.oraer of tthat. and ft road way, fA here the Meada of good City Oovernment are invited to raeot aa-ty._ PrerlamatioB !. in pursuance of a reeolutioti of the Com- mou Council of in. City of New-Y'ork, 1 do hereby offer a REWARD ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the detection of any person VOTINO or attempting to vote ILLEGALLY. or of any perron who »ball procure, and asaiat. counsel, or advise another to rive or oiler bit . Ol E ILLEGALLY, or to go Into any YYAKDor ELEC'llON DISTRICT for last purpose, at tha eusuuig i.loclicu, to be held in Ibia city on TUESDAY, tbe 6th day of DECEMBER next To be pan upon the conviction oi tbe ofleuder, and tha oertll- cate of the Recorder, District Attorney, or tbe Judge of the taourt where convicted that auch couvietiou waa bad upou tbe Sevtiuinny of tbe peraon or person, claiming auch reward. bat all claims lor euch reward, not presented to tbe uudersigned in writing wilbin twenty day. after Ibe conviction of auch öden¬ der, aball be disregarded. (liven under my band, at Ibe Mayor'. Office. DANIEL F. T1EMANN, Mayor. New-York. Nov. 29, 1859. flradqaartera for Political ('riming At ISAAC J. OLIVER'»;, No. IS BEEKMANST. SHORT NOTICE. CHEAP for CASH Political PriatiBC by Hteam!- Every datorlption of POSTERS, plain or to colon, CIRCULARS, TICKETS, Ac, Ac, executed in the beat manner, at tbe »horten notice, and at tha LOWEST CASH PRJCES, by BAKER A OODWIN, t rlbune Building*. PeHtlrale-Tbe.mall RUBBER RINOS for FASTE.»HNO BALLOTS ran be had of the saht manufacturer, (under tbe Goodyear paleata), C. A. BUNNEK. tt No. M John at, oppo- .ile Dutch, aad of C. W. BROWER, oorner of 19th-*t and ttb-av. ÖpecittJ Noliceo. The December Election. he undersigned will print POSTERN, I IKCl'LAKS. Tit KETH. etc., wttb dispatch, and t prVee* -1 ' I wl» lend to rednee tbe eipenes* of Candid.tea. Til OALA0 It OILMAN. Stea. P.O.... Corner of Centre aad White-eta. lecture by Rayard Tin lor. THE GILLETTE YOUNO MEN'S ASSOCIATION have gre.it pleasure in announcing tbe great LECTURE on the LIFE and ( HARACTER of ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, By BAYARD TAYLOR, Esq., At tbe Cooper Institute, FRIDAY EVENING, December A Ticket* 25 cent*. For tale at Chase'. Banklng-Hooae, No. 18 Cooper Inttilute and at the door. To rcmuieuce at 8 o'clock. Lecture..Mr. B. VAN VLIET, tbe " Little Giant," will deli.er hi. great Lecture on '' Cnnaervalieni," at tint Odeon. la W illiamaburgb, ou I Kl DAY E\ EN I NO, Dec. 2, 18». Ad miaaion 24 cents. Alexander ton Humboldt. BAY AkD TAYLOR ajll deiner hi. brilliant Lecture cu the Life and Character of ALEX¬ ANDER YON HUMBOLDT, 1II IS EVENINO, Der 2 at '.be Cooper In.titule. Ticket* 25 ceiita. Yale stpleBtlrlo School. AGRICULTURE AND HORlU l l.TURE. A Courts* of Instruction ou tbe abo.e subject*, by eminent practical Agricurturieta, iu connection with Profeeeor* in Yale College, v»ill commence Feb. I, lit*), end continue on* month. Among others, Maraball P. YVildet, C. M. Clay, H F French. J Staiitou Ooahl, Levi Bartlett. 1*. Barry, C. W. Giant, and Profa. Mllimau, Porter, and Johu.cu will take part iu the Course of Instruction. Three Lecturea, fullowed by diacuaaiona, arUI bo given each dev Tbe geueral diathbutlcn of subject, will be a* follow. First Week-SCIE.M. F., Ser e, I Weex-IIOKTI- ( UL'I t HE ; Third Week AORIi U .. I'RE PROPER, Fourth Week.DOMESTIC ANIMAL*. Fee, fur any »inglr *ttl.BS mm the whole Cosree of Eighty l.ectnrea. 10 For further partictiUra aa* Agricultural Vewapapora, or addraa* Prof JOHN A. PORTEB. Yale College, New Haven. Conn. ExecntJaa oi John Brawa.-UNTON aN ri-1LÄV- FRY PRAY EB-MEETiN 1 '1 her* will be a I'nion A all- Slavery Meeting held at the Shiloh Church, comer Prince and Marion alt., on FRIDAY, 2d lost., at M o'clock a m. Several »hurt eddreeee* will be delivered, and a collection takes up for the beurfat of the families of tbe martyr*. Bayard Taylar deiivar. kda brUlianl Loetare ou the Life and l ».»i*ctei of ALEXANDER YON IICMlloLDl, fHld EY EN I NO, at the Cooper Institute. Ticket, ouly ti renta Tbr Kiv. II. W. Bellawa, I». lt.. will Church ol the Restoration, conirr of Monroe-place aad Cliuk- »t.. hrooklvu. on FR1I AY EVENINO, Dec 1 Subject: " Ob- ataclee to the ! raining of Y'outb tu our Nalioual Cirruiüstaiices." 1 i.keta il cents, to be had at the door. Leotare at ".'j. n (in e by the REV. DR CHAPIN. Subject: "Woman and her Work." At 16th »t Bapti«! Church (near 8th-ev.). on MONDAY". Dec S, at I o'clock DooiaeprnsiT Ticket«. 25 cou may be had at ibe Look «eilera, and U tbe door. Prot Elder will pre aide at ibe oigan. Bayard Tayltr will delivei hi« brt'Mani Le>-turr life and Character of ALEXANDER, Y ON ill AISi'LH 1'. 1 HIS EVENING, Dec. 2, at the I o^per Institute. Tickets 25 cent.. The Rev. Thomas .11. Clark, D. II., Bi.hop of Rhode Island, will deliver a Sermon befo:e the New-York Young Men's «bil.tiau Association, on SCNHAY EY <iSl'. I.r.rt- i I 71 o'cVk. comtr en -e it The t'empliBtetitarT Tr«tininnlal ro Praf. Jaa. W. How*, by his Inend, and Pnp'la. will take pla-e ou TtilJRj- DaY EVKNlhG, Dec. «. 18*» at Dodworth'« Room* Kr«ed- wev. 1 irkria AI each, may he obtained uf tbe onderaigucd, and of Prof Hnw». No 3 Cottage niece MRS. ANN S. STEPHENS. 1 . - r _ MRS. ANNA CORA KITCIIIF.v »«»a«1«"»- .l.ihn Braxri n'a Martyrdom.-Tl.r Church v. t l*ns'. co'uer i.'h.t aid Cnior. »qnare will observe ibia day as a arasun of epocta! bitmiiiatiaa and praver Meetiug* wü! be held fToiu 10 to It * dock a u. tbe buur uf execution, aad at lg in lb* evening. AH are invited. A Card. Tbe Meneirr. of tbe HOME OF THE FRIENDLESS No. Ea.t!»oihand No.lt Ea.tftXb it.. would BETCRN THEIR THANKS to Measra YVbiiebeo.1. Datli'iga Co.. of Ibe Fifth Avtn e Hotel: Jona L. Moure. V.adi~n-oomr>> Hotel Mr. fUtf Eve^tt House ; and Me..rs. Treadw.n A Co.. St. Nkho- U. iivd.tortbeir hbetal dcaatlon. of Provieiou for tbe Chü- »Irei.'s rtiuir: ou 1 banksgiving dxy. Al.o to Tkoma* Gilmartin, es<) Front «t. Hedder k Seat, aud Alderriaa -UrT. Jeder on Market Park A Tilferd, Vtb-av . Mr. Dqsa. Broadway, and oth¬ ers, to* their hbejral «upp.'y of Vpplea, i ate*. GrocerteV Poultry, Beef, Ac, to the Home. Atheaaraa* At a meeting of the ATHEN.tEUM. held on Y\ > r»Nt >DA V F.VKSINO. N, v 10 ItMs. the following Ree« lull us were adopted ursaaiatotuly: KceWred. 1 beg ta* nssmht r. of the Atbeawnn of Now York sho e in the arofoned .airvw wkich it everywhere felt at th* dea'b ot YY abWii Irving K.ii U. 1 hot wLtlerootoenplaliiig tat« event, which deprive* tbe wci.d of letter* of its atost ILe»>rlvu» aruanseat. we dwell wfh .epr-ial pud* aad atociioa oa ibe memory of one who. by a long M* of ronrtaat devotion to Aaeerlcaa Uterataee. Barajaotiy earned ta* aaans ot iu meat havered pot-tart h asj repre- hre .i. J That the immortai srgacy which he ha. 'eft la hi* ..it». k*mt to the aadariaa g'aiitud* of lbs American J that tbe A'benaum hereby oiler* its ..operation la t roper, and mat us .oum.iuu ueteuj o?era lie -ope...-or. ta seit odyjpg the Mufua^nt of publio appte, latiuu ta tiielu-tn of aoako septapt late arastnnrial Aaee/iad, That a copy of these Resolutions, signed bp the rr.leWat and Socretary of the Aasctation, bo forwarded to t1- mlly of Lbs deceased, aad that tity be published in the nor aadt-vening paper* i f ice city. GEORGE FOLSOM, a^i.va Moax, iSecreta.'y Prvoadest. _ *n t*.« ft NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, ?.IberUne Oil De«dor1?ed. THE BEST COAL, OIL. IN UbE. for hale at the lowest price, By bole ao em S, a. IMITBElf a Co., mo. 44 beaver-st.. _bew-Y01X. A Urse A.ortir.rrw at gold Vt atchep, diamond". SILVER WATCHFB, fine GOLD JEWEIaRT, .Vrlmg Silver Were Tec Set* C»k*-P.Mke«e, he. Dtroble PWrd Ware. Very tow and warranted We import . Wetrb. price BISO, and we know it to be the beat Ixekeeper is the City. _ftQPIBJa. LANDER. We. f) FuRew-at. The (.reelle»I I u veaitea ef (Ava Agre S.Tb- tke«Ml cad bert ( OAL GAB LM.HT in the worU. made witft tier Gaa »eneratmg CoiTjpany'e Work a (HENDRh K- A BRO.'tf ooa- axploeive Patente), ir.ahee the beat Gas Licht at BI pat 1,000 feet- Call at the office of the Company, No. S12 Broadway, New Fork, arid exaunae thie elegant Habt, end tiinpte, clean, portable "real Gae Work.. .Cnx) Pnbliratinne. npH£ ELEVENTH VOLUME JL or tbb wobbj op JAMES FKNIMORE COOPER, ILLUSTRATED BT F. O. C. DA RLE i. Ready THIS MORNING. U LION KL LINCOLN; Or, THE LEAOL'ER OF BOSTON. One vol. erowa oeteeo, two viguettee on eteel, and twrlre eActcbet on wood from original deairne by Darley. Pi ice- 61 JO. The Hon. Gaoaea Babckott, ia an addreae *o the New York Historical Society, at a meeting Unoirditt* ly after Mr. Cvoper'e death, eaid: " Great ae be (Cooper) wee In the department of ratnantie bctk n, he wae not leee deserving of preie» in that of history. In LioflgL LiSiolB be baa deacribed the battle of Bunker BXU better than it ia described in any other work." The preceding volumte of this elegant edition are: I. THE PIONEERS. II THE RED ROVER. Ill LAST OF THE MOHICANS IV. THE 8PT. V. WYANDOTTE. VI. THE BRAVO. VII. THE PILOT. VIII THE WEPT OF WISH TON WISH. IX. THE HEADSMAN. X. THE PRAIRIE. Uniform veromee m rise, binding and price (4)1 SO each.) They will be »rnt by mail, post-paid, lo any addreae, on receipt of $1 SO per volume. DARLEY'S COOPER VIGNETTES. At the euggeetlon of nuinerou. Article and Amatearc the Publiebere here taken a limited number of " Abtut Paoora he- fore letter,¦ of saeh of the beautiful Steel Vignette., engraved from DtBLET'r Dettgne far the New Illustrated Edition of Coop. bb't Wotke. These they propose to leeoe In folio*, each ooot-.io- lcg eight proof., end raeh proof accompanied with a page of let¬ ter preee deaenptive of the ptrtnre. The proofe are being printed with the oliuoet rare, on India, and backed on the fiBeet French Plate 1'aper. Each folio will ftv ui a cot er tt highly ornamental dselgn. panted in tint. F'uLloe Ilm and Two are now ready for Subscribers and the remaining SU will follow at interral« of two or three month.. PRICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.THREE DOLLARS PER FOLIO. Ae the proofs are limited to a email number (only 500 km pre* eione from each plate), after which the plates are lettered, eo that no more can be taken, no euhecription will be received except fur lbs full eeC W. A. TOWNBRND At Co.. PuOUanare, No. St Walkar-at Naw Tork. Now Ready nALIrBBT Of V EM ALE POKT8. VR (100 STEEL ILLUSTRATIONS.) A GA1.I.FIIY t)F IHsriNGl lSIIKli fs.w.isii IN» AMI KU AN FEMALE ror.ts. with an lutrodoctn ii hy Henry ( apase, A M.. Profseaor of Engtiah Llteratere in the University of Penneylvante Richly illuetrated with loo Steel Eugravinge (printei! upon the tame page with the letter preee), mo.tly from original de.une by eminent erriet. 1 Tot Imperial (To. Bound In 'I urkey morocco gilt, and gilt edge., antique etylo. Trice, BIS. Aleo, a New Edition of A OAI.I.ERY OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN POETS. A GALLERi oFFAMobs EMOLlStJ AND aVMERICAM POETS, with an Introduction by llauiy Copper. A. M Prüfe*- .or of Engli.h l-itrreiure ia the L'niver.ny of Pcaaaylva-iie. Richly illuetrated will 100 Steel Eugravinti (printed ap ,n tue eame page with the let er preee). moetly from original deeigae by eminent artieta I toL Im penal t>*o. bound in Turkey mo rocco gilt end gilt edgee, antique atyle. Price, a> IS. HOWS' LADIES' READER. THE LAHES' HEADER: Deeigaed for tbe uae of Ladie*. School., and Family Reading Cirrlea, compriaiug Choice Selec¬ tion* finm Standard Authora, in Troer aud Poetry, with the F> .ential Rulee of Elocution aiuipllfird and arranged for etrictly prectical uas. By John W. s. Howe, Profeaaor of Elocution. Author of "The Practical Khn utwni.t," "The Shake.pereau Header." etc. 1 vol. ltuio. 425 pagee. Price. 41 12». FLANDERS ON THE CONSeTTirriOBT. AN EXIOSI IION OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE I N Ii t D STATES, deigned a* a Msxcal ot laetrucrtion lly Henry F landen, author of the i.irea and Time* of the Chief Jueticee," etc. 1 vol. Ittno. 112 page.. Price, 14 cent* 1 EN NY'S OKOI.OOY. GEOLOGY FOR TEACHERS, CLASSF.S, AND PRIVATE SM Pi. MS by .sanboru irnuy Lecturer on Pbyeicei Geo¬ graphy and N'etuial Hiatory in the Maaee.-liu.rUa Traarhere' Iuaiitutra. 1 voluuis. 12mo. Elegantly illustrate 1 with two handled 1'iigraviuge. Price fit». MITCHELL SK1KST LESSONS IN (;KOGUAPHY. FlRKT LFSSON«. IN GEOGRAPHY FOR Yi'C.VO« HIL- DKEN. deaigned ae an introdurtion to the Autbor'e Primary Geography Hv S Aagtietua Mitchell author of a *enes of Geographical Works. 1.1 ialrated with Mape vud numerout Engraving.. 1 volume, lhmo. Square. Price 2S orate. »t rasas: M1TIHVI1S NMV INTF.RMK.DIATF GFOORAPIIT I volume. Quarto With 24 new Mepa on *teel engraved ripr< >alv inr tl.i, work, aa i nuueroua Kng.a.ing, ill x.-.ra;n.« the «ubj> rt. In emwer to the nomeroaa inquiiie that hare been made for thfcwoik the publiaaere are now smtbied to pretaaat It oa the let of Januar) Bait Th«t believe tl.at it will be mo-e than equal to the higt. eapectatioue that have been formed of It. .M111 H !.!.!. S NEW A.NCILNT (il Oi.lUPHY. 1 hie work, wbtch ia entirely new, ig ia euch a elate of forward- neae that we a:e enabled to aiaiounre it for publication ou the let of January. Aleo. et Pieea, and will be Ready In December: BTQCKHAiiDT'8 UHEMI8 I KY. Till rRiNciPl.ES OF CHEMISTHl I LLl'STat At ED RY SIMPLE EXPERIMENTS, bv I)r. Juiiua Adolph stock barJt, Profeaaor in the Roya. Academy at Tharand, and the Rcrrel lnepeetoT of Medicine in r-exony. Traaelated by C. ii. P. arre. M D.. nf Cambridge, and an Introduction by T. S. Hart¬ ford Rare ford Profe**ot in the Unirertity at CatabfidgB. CUHKl.h CHEMICAL PROBLEMS. CHEMICAL PROBLEMS AND REACTIONS. To AC¬ COMPANY STOCK HARDT'S ELEMENTS OF LUEMli- TR v. By Jetith P. Cook*, ir. WArKFR'S RKID'S IN IT.I.LECTT'AL PHTLOSOPHr. t--AI S ON THE INTELLECTUAL POWERS 'K M IN. Py Tbon.aa Raid D. D.. F. K., S. E. A jridged, with Note*and I unetrat mna froga Sir Wuttaai Hamilton actl otaWra, by lean Walter, D D breeideat of Harvard College, and ftotWor ef Ittrlle-tTre! acd Moral Philosophy in the tame. WALKl.US STL.VAKTS PHILOSOPHY. THF PH ILOSOPHT OF THE ACTIVE AND »ORAL I'mU t RS Off MAN. By leagald S-^wart. F R S .4 Loa den aud Fg.ntjrgh. Ranruel. with addition* and orotation a, Fry Jenesa Walket. D Tt Pretidvnt of Harvard t olleaa. asd Pie- taeeev of loteliectiial aud Meral I'biiowphy iu lbs hum. Order* eelicited. F. H. Bl'TLER * Co.. HO. ir SOITH F'Ol'RTH-ST PHILADELPHIA. IOIIS BLAlIC hkM »ntt«-ti flfvcn \olumea on J oee French Rev elation, while ia one volume DE LA HODDF'S HISTOBi OF SECRET S'K'IETIES sxaaare the mar binary of all French Revolaiiona. Pabllabad bv LiPt'IN- COIT, OAMbO A Co.. Philadelphia TBE HÄLLAD OF JOHN HUOVYN, for the Baaeatt af Joha Krewa'a Family, eold at the priactpal Mu- aic-toiea. I'nr* X9 ceeau. Order, ky letter addre** to CH F. HFRINO. t't-ivrr»ity Building Waanusglon-a^uar*. Naw-York, BOYS'and GIRL.*!' OWN MAGAZINE.1'ub- bahed ooaibly. The Thro* Mldahi gaa. u by the aacher of Peter the Waater, Ac. neaameataa the Janaary camber vt it. L JONES, Fubtiaher No. IMBth sr. OEXTER A COMPANY. Waolaaala Agent*. TREAT FOR THE VOFNG7 A ji fall ef moral. Interesting and Inetra-live Morie* and an abun¬ dance ef Pastiea, F-algiaa* aad Charade*, with ever vm ana weed rat HI netratten*; nearly ana page* beand ta maalia, dat ba t a:.i tld* Prtos W osct*. Seat free sn receipt af that Wat L. JONES. Na ISlftb-a* N Y JLM PI KLISHLD..ON SINGLE AND MAR¬ RIED LIFE; or. THE INSTITUTES OF MARRIAGE; it* latent, ofc'ifariaae. eadpwyetceiaad leaal diaaaaliitiiriBB By the hate B. I Oarerrwtl!. ea*. Frio* 26 eeaU. fres of so-t-ge Far sal* by H DEXTER h Ca, Na 111 Naeaaa at-. H. Y and a.. Devi rei>re. DECEMBER 2, 1850. J^LL THE YEAR ROIND. (be trat assail, iy r«rt at* the «st-w-W vorarae «rf toi* bilTiU*. «nJ popuia; pobricat^tea, coadocted by l'HARLE--* DICKENS, tajueg fr»., adraAo* plate* matte in Lindau, m ready THIS KORNiNG. WSTtJrn OF TH1« NUMBER. Feri* an RoBta. Small Bkot Cook* at Collar*- CwrDoarL raina. Through, rutaerrttran rwittwuuati. l'ytlrria ia Devotion. .*oieer..(ba|e|«j- Ft**. Tbo 1 oetawsater't Deegbter. eaaataary Arrest tar Debt. Cur Et* TA itrteta at Olotaanrtr-. fceekwarld. Fogaah Matkm. Tainted Word*. .Weira) Pilie-Figbt. Oood Samaritan*. 8inc« Una Old C»p tu New. Tore« PL*»**. A " Revival" under laafek tbo Fifteenth ^ia,' tat -Tbo baW-aoT. Dairy Mow*. CoruVy Coarlp. A TALE OF TWO CITIES. By Charte« Dicken». Mr. I it. a*ii»'« Story, now nearly completed, I* to bo followed in the next number by a new lory, written especially for ALL THE VEAR KOl'ND, by Wllklo Collitu. walle Mr. Dickeu. will be more cum«reu« is other department of tbe work. J. M. EMERSON if Co., PuMwher*. No 17 Park row, New-York. TALE OF TWO CITIEo. BY CHARXFB DICKENS <B02». With Oaioiatt iLLCrrxtno.vt bt Jon* McLxsxv. TWENTY-FIVE DIFFERENT EDITIONS. T. B. PETERSON k BROTHERS, No. 306 Cheatnot-at., Philadelphia, ft*nog made arrangemenu witb Harper k Brother*, New-York, whereby Cbarle* Dicken* ha* been paid Ft** TAou- tosd DoUaee for lAc udeoure lAeeft of " A TALE OF TWO I'll Es." uk wm written, they htre j-m pabiutud the whole, complete and nnabrideed, one month prior to It* publication in f n.iand. in the following Twenty-are style*, so a* to match all tbe tationt and different edition* of the former popular work* by Cbaiie* Dicken», published by ua. ILLUSTRATED DinnvciMO EDITIONS, rrrtas. A TALE OF TWO CIT La, l ou.plete la two large du¬ odecimo volume*, witb original Il¬ lustration« by John Mcueaait, bouad In cloth.*1 50 tt .. la full Low Library ityla. a H at "la scarlet, fall gilt, (idea, edge*, er. 3 30 .. Half calf, gilt. 5 00 .. Half calf, antique. 5 i*3 PEOPLE'S DUODECIMO EDITIONS, nra mm. A TALE OF TWO CITlr S Complete In ens Urge duo- ttsrlmo volume, witb two Dluttet- tloa* bound in black cloth. Price.. AT 50 bound in Ml Law Library tlylr. ITS t. H*lf call, or hah turkey. s "0 Half .air. antique.. S 50 Half calf, full gilt bock«. sso ILLUSTRATED OCTAVO EDITIONS, air (ttlk* A TALE OF TWO CITlEd, ( omplnr In one largo vol¬ ants, with original Illustration* uy McLenati, printed on tbe Hunt pa per, and neatly bound In black cloth, to make tbe Fourteenth volume of our present Octavo Illustrated Edi tiou. Price.BISO Bouad in full Law Library ttyle.... Half calf, or half totkey. J *5 Half calf, mal bio edge*, Etearb. S SO Ha.fc.uT. anti'iue. i Htlt calf gilt . » uO LIBRARY RDITIONB. lavta rrvms. A TALE OF TWO (111 ES. Complete la one laree vol- acue, make the Seventh volume of lion" bound In bitch cloth""foL "gut bark or plain back. Price.AI JO Bound In Scarlet cloth, f ill gilt bark. 173 " .. Full Law Library ttyle. 2 00 Half turkey, or half calf. 2 25 . . .. " Half calf, tuaruied edge*, French.. 2 50 .. .. Half calf, antique. 3 no Half calf, gilt. I oo PAPER-COV EH r I'll IONS A TALE OF TVs O I ITDES. Complete lu one volume, octavo. Price.50 rente .. " lllnatrated One volume octavo, paper rover.75 cents PB*" Copies of any one or all of tbo above edition* of" A TALE OF TWO CITIES," will be sent at once, per mail, fret a/ p.t- ape, to any perron, to any part of the Culled Sie et or Canada*, on receipt of u e price of the edition I bey may witb. Booktoilert, Netra Jgenf, and all other*, »SI ploan tend on their Orderi at ontt, for vhat they irant of the different Edition, ail of mdtuh viU be tappiitd at our ntuai Ia>u Rat**. Addreo* all order* to tbe Publisher*, T It. PETERSON A BROTHERS, No. »06 Chestnut.... above 3d. Philadelphia. For aale by all Look »oller« an I Newt Aftnt* everywhere. rivflE .MRREI'REsMI.I.K CONFLICT * in X Vavgawkj baiut Old Jehn Brown to-d y. " HIE IRRE- IHESS'BI.E CONFLHT" in New-York U for Frevtjo n. Sixth MvawkvaTeat TO BAT, Oov rveward . Rochester Speech, hr. Pnce 3 tent* per ropy. D. L. F D Ell. No. 50 White «t- FARM-HOI'SES and COTTAOES. All perton« Iniereeled. in the erection of Country Dwelling* ur Farm Luildingt, will hud much valuable aid in tu« follow ing ALLEN'S RURAL ARCHITECTURE Peicg a ronplrte deat ription of Fann-Houaea, Cottage«, and Oul EnilCingt. reaps i* big wood houses, workshop*. teol-bouene, rairtage ttid wagou-ho-nt, nable», .moke and aab Louse*, los- Lousea, splaiW. or bee Loutct, podtry-boueea rabbitry. doro- rotr, piggery, bam* and abeda for cattle, Ac together with lawns pUature grouudt and parkt: tbe Sower, fruit and vegetable garden a Wo, tbe beat method of conducting water into eatlie yardt aiid botisra. Beantifi.lly illustrated. Price AI 2$. AMERICAS ARCHITECT, Compriting t'ririnal Drslmi of cheap Country and V(K».e Re.iJ. urea with detail*, spet ite-atioua, plan* and directioti«. and an rttimtte of tbe coat of each design. By John W. Ritca. Ar¬ chitect. First »nd Second ~erie». tto., bouad in I t j1. Price Atf. Book* aeat by mail on receipt of prior. Catalogue* fkrul..., d ou »pplitaiiom All kinds of Agricultural and Horticultural tooks tui i/.ied by C. M. SAXTON, BARKER k Co., Agricuitaral BookseUen and Publlaher* of THE HORTICULTURIST, _ No. 15 Park-row, New York. r£UE WEEKLY TlilBl'NE FOR DEC. 3. The Nkw-Yorr Weekly Tki.ii xf. for this week contain* the following: ]..LEADING ARTICLES: Honor-Buildingi The Brown Plot, Where It the P.laaae ! Popular SViverolguty John Brown I'r»J Agricultural Inatm.tion, Edi¬ tor uti Paiagrapba. |1..ltEVievv uF TUM WEEK: i«vu.g la a »eodeased end coaspicaoua form the latest and asset iiap-irtam rTstiU that have transpirrd it. 'h- :ty and Saburbt ike I ailed btaU*. Mexico, and Europe. III. DEATH OF WASHINGTON IR\ IN0. IV JOHN BROWN'S INVASION: Correspondence of Tbo N. Y. Tribune. V..COOK'S CONFESSION M..BYATT ON COOK. VII...OHN BROWN. IN PRISON. TO IffS OLD st HOOI.MAJtER. VIII..THE VIRGINIA FRJOHT. ii..-atest NEWS RECEIVED BT TELEGRAPH: Orgaulnatasa » f too lleoae From Wesiuagton: Dr. Ponrey anff tie Hoard er" Frreign MitiCoj. Shut Carolina LesrUlaturr. X.-rtW PI BLH ATlONS: Partoe'i Life of Andrew Jack «ee. XI. lOETR V A New Poem by Walter tat-tge Landor; Jonathan to Lowe | The Coeaaas* Flower. XII. .11 LH S OF THE FRANKLIN FtPEDITION: London Lorrr*pcndenc« of The N. Y. Trioejte. XIM..VEF.RLT REVIEW OF PATENTS. XIV..VISIT TO WHEATLAND BY TUE HON. TA St M. < ORRY. XV. t PRACTICAL STUTRM OF COOXERV Pro pered for The N. Y. Tribune by an American I , :*»¦ B lie. XVI .IERSONAL. Xvil.'OLITICAL RVMI..AGRICULTURAL ITEMS. XIX..'HE NEW -YORK TRIBITCE. XX. .II3CELLANEOUS. XXI..lARRI AOEs AND DEATHS. XXH..(ALIFORNU MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. XXIII COMMERCIAL MATTERS: -Fait Repon* of Iho Stork Meaev. Cotaaa.Gosla.aad Cattle Mo--ks(<, *Re> -ij Reported .V TL« N. Y. Tribuua. XXIV .-pp TniBL*NE ALMANAC FOR 1860. Trsas.AS par aaavam Three, Ccsiet for ffA T*n (sr fflt. Twenty Ctpteo. tt oar e^dreea. »S» aad an *xtr. Copy to the persea w L< forts* the Clak *l221*f.i 0ri** ?*» »» <-» Pibticotioa Ott« THIS UQRhlSo. Price|c. I'RICE TWO CENTS. D. APPLETON & Co.. Nea t*tf ud til BboUDWxT, PrBiien Tai« r»»» (hy eubecrfpf.oni A NEW HISTORY or THE UNITED STATES, «7 J. II. Patt«», A. M. la aac larr* toA, tZt page*., kr«., bat/ Moroc o. Pne* A* 10. IJuet.-aied «itb fine Stool Engraving*. In aaaaaaaaaa Ihr readiag aobllc thi* voliroe, lb* B-iV iehera hep* to »i>r * *«ul loa« Mt.that of a Hletory of tbe I'mted etetee oecupyiag e pier* bs-twten tb* documentary bittunc*. exuadiu* tu .ix or n-,rr toluai, *ad the a*f« ooaipaada ie»«d In .chicle. 1 la former of the** ere beyond the- r.¦». h af greet numbs it of intrllUn t general reader*, while tbe latter do not meet thru wtme. in this History they will find dearly triced tboer in.lu that .-. e bad a ,. »r: in moldiag tar a hareceer ef Iber tad lit n.tti utloue, morrl tod political, and alto of thote redes* and rrrtt* .. tdiarer.eristic af tae titnaa and tb* people. 1 la* i* in accordance ariib taa truth that history it ua*fjl only w> fai tttt delineate a tbe people, an.i trice* the cauaaaof the .irfiuicces that bate produced import tot suite.be they beacon* o a are ef danger, or ri ample» worth* ol imltation- Tl.it Kietory of tie I'uiUd State*." by it* price, la «ritain tbe reach of t very read« r; and la yet no leet pertret at a H. story thui three eft v«ry it. i. h more .'oat.yki.d- It lake*, a* ha* been aaid, tb« n..dme (round between tbe school compeade and tbe rlahore'r work*. In It will be found a record sutncieuriy fall, of **>ry etenl that i* properly a part 01 our uiatory.a description of ta aala*a I ana weta notable, or had any pane-alar or tea,.-». »IT«ct. and au aycocnt of the men who wore tbe actor*. Tbe r . n air r»ru ludividualixrd. Sketche* of lue character* of all * ho ate piomiaent In onr national biatory. are given.which biingthaaa bclore u in an especially inteieetiog manner, and adniu* in a uiraeaie. e key to their mot iv e*. sna to tbe better under.tanking «I ti.eir acta Tbe work therefore notomaght within lit lit, It a try any ooiiteton of proper parte of the History, but only by ruudeneatioB, by perfect freedom from all verbosity and rambling argument. It le the plain, full, ttraigbuorward atoiy of oui pe*t. Mi ch labor hat been eepecially bettowed to tripple e more that: ordinary debrirncy in the hiatorie* of the War of l*lr, and the War a lib Mexico. The caueea that 1*1 to the former are tiered, and a view glvru of the political part lea and the Clashing ot opinion* »hieb In tboae day* agitated the country, a* drawn ft em the uewepapeteof the lime and the debates in Congres*. A* ta the Mexican War, it* history can be an I la* now impar¬ tially wiittta; aad tbe ceases which led to it.the annexation of 1 rxa*. the intrigue*, tbe conflicts, and the remits, are graphical¬ ly given. From Tbe New-York Obeerrer. An acquaintance with the author and with the work iteeif (having teed portions ol it at it wee parsing through the prate, and having examined it since ite pubm-atiobI. enable na to twin- n mi it heaitily at a valuable addition to our historical treasure*. It is the result of careful, deliberate, and extended research; it exhibit* impartial and sound judgment. ud la written ia an eaey tod tttiactive style, making il a book to be read aa wall at to be prrtetv» d for constant reference, ibe biatory of our country i hue portrayed lee n.or* of tb* intereet of a drama thaa of a bar* ntrtaiion oi facia." . gmte wanted in t hie city and in all parte of tbe United States. Liberal terms and exclusive territory given. HIW-YOBI I B I li U NE. TU L TRIBUNE.now more than eighteen Teere old, and having OTer a qaaiier ef a million of enbeeribera, or coasUnt purcbaaara, diflueed through every 8>ete aad Territory of our Uuiob.will contiooe it essence what il ha* been.tbe earnest chaoupioa of Liberty, Progreea, and of whatever will conduce to our national growth in \ irtue, lodnatry, Knowledge, and Prosperity. It will continue to urge the emancipation not enly of the Black laberet from cbatteliem and legal Impotence, bat of the White likewise from Laud Monopoly, Intemperance, Ignorance, and that depend¬ ence ou iemote Markets which paralyse* exertloa by denying to Toil any adequate and morally certain reward. Believing thai the chief evil of our lime 1* the inordinate oniltlplication and dis¬ proportion of Non-Producers, it will continue to war against what¬ ever tend* to degrade Manual Labor, or deprive it ef ilajast aad full recompense. It will inflexibly eammend the policy of win¬ ning hither frou> Europe he I'eehil Art*, and, wherever they may be needed, the Artisan* aa well, for wooes products our e-mntry 1* now running reekleeeiy into debt, while our laborer* roam in fruitieea que*t of employment, leaving their children in want of breed, though the fe.-u.er |g too often compelled te eel) hie crops at moat Inadequate price*. Ia abort, while battling against FUlibua- teriam and every other manifestation of that evil tpirit which trek a through the spoliation of other co-mlries that aggrandiaemanl which ia to be truly attained enly through the doe develop*meeit and cultivation >t our internal reeoarcee, .t will urgently advocate a more eitrctively eiscriminatire land, th* Freedom of the Pub¬ lic Lande, tbe construction of a Railroad from ths navigable wa¬ tete of the Mississippi to those of th* Pacific, and every other tore which asetna to ae calculated to enhance the dignity or the recompense of Labor, and promote the wall-being of Mankind. The '. irrepretaihle conflict" between Darkness and Light, nertia end Progreea, Slavery aad Freedom, move* eteettUy on¬ ward. Isolated acta of folly and uiadueae way for the moment give a aeomiug ailvantage to Wrong j but Uod still reigns, and the Agea are true to Humanity and Right. Tbe year lBbO muet witneia a meuiorahle conflict batweam these irrecoucilable antagonist*. The .... iitaui u.._» sueerv b* s,rsk«w dttfuaed by taa power and uuder ÜM hag of the Federal Union '" It now to re¬ ceive a momentous If not a coueiueive antrwsr. " Laad for the Lendlee*, varan* Nsgroee far the Negrole**," le the battle-cry of th* embodied Million* who, havingJuet ewept Pennsylvania, Ohio and the North-Weet. appear la the new Congreae, bached by nearly every Free State, to demand a recognition of every man's right to cultivate and improve a modicum of ths earth't eurface wbereves he has not been anticipated by the State'* oration to another Free Home*, and the consecration of ths virgin eoti ef the Trnitonee to Free Labor.two requirement*, but one policy. must largely absorb Ibe attention of Courier* through tbe ensuing .eaaion, aa of the People ui the toeceediag Treatdential canvas*; and, whatever the immediate issue, we cannot diuut that the ulti¬ mate verdict will be iu accord at once with the dictate* of impar¬ tial Pbilanturopj and the Inalienable Rights of Man. Having made arrangeniente for fuller and more graphic reports of the dcingt of Coagreee, and of whatever else trauepiring at th* Federal Metropolit elaall seem worthy of public regard, and hav¬ ing extruded both oar Foreign and Donretlu: Correspondence and atr. ng'..ened our Kdltorlal etatf, we believe Thb Titlnnaa may aafely challenge a compariaoa with any rival, whether a* aa tmpo- nent ol principles or as a reliable mirror of the r*world. We pcrj oae not to bo eurpaeeud nor ajiticipated in the collection or prearataliou of intelligence, though we eschew that reputation for enterprise which le acquired by bribing taeeaengere and clerk* in pnbl.e other* to connive at the premature publication ofUeatiea or other official document*. We prise accuracy of statement qak* a* highly ae promptitude, hat endeavor not to sacrifice th* latter while securing the former. Eaaentiaily, Taa Tamrta will be what it ha* rises, while we shall eonetautly etudy to Improver ite every fee lore, and " make each day a critic on th* last." Ths general verdict of the Press and the Public ha* affirmed the eao- cee* of oar past Ubore, aad tboee of the future ehall be character- Bed by equal eamestne** and aatiduity. We aak those who be¬ lieve the general influence of oar journal to be salutary to aid a* in extending that influence through au incioevto of our tu uteri p- tiooe. THE NEW-YORK DAILY TRIUCNE ia printed uli a large imperial eheet, and publiehed every morning and evening (Bundaya etesptsd). It contain* Editorials on Iba topic* of the time*, employing . large corp* of the beet newspaper writers of the Say; Doiueetie and Foraign CorTrapondence Pro- ces-dmga of Cougraas: Report* of Lecture*; City News; Cauls, Horte, end Produce Markets; Reviewa of Books. Literary Iui* Hgence; Pefera on Mechanic* and the Art*, Ac, Ac at.ir» to make THE TRIBUNE a aeitepaptr to cnect the want* of Um public.Ug Telegraphic newt alone coetiag OTer ejij/wu per annum. TERMS: THE DAILT TRIBUNE ia mailed to tubacriberg at «0 per annum, in advance; BI for six Biiaafht THE NEW-YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE la pabuahed erery TraanaT aad FaraaT, aad eowteiae all the Editortal» of ta* Pally, with tbe Cattle. Horse, mmd Ueaenl Mar kat*, reliably reported expretaly for THE TRIBUNE; Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, and daring the aeatiena of Cougrea* It contain* a aummary of Cocgreattrmtl doing*, with the raote im¬ portant epeerhea Wa ahaiJ, aa baratofor*. make THE SEMI- WEEKLY TB1BUNE a Literary, as well aa a PaMateal saw.pa¬ per, and we are determined that R ehall remain la th* fruit rank af family paper*. One Copy, one year.$3 Five Cople*. one year. .611 'A3 Two t opus*, one year... 5 Ten a* axe*mtL'.rtm VtO f>0 Tea ( optes. or ever, (. oaWrtt* */ set* sai/teriW, A'A 99 teach. Any person aeuding ue a club of twenty, ar over, art! ha eatattled t* aa extra sopy. Fat a alah of fifty, w* wiü **aad Tbe Daily Trib¬ une one year. IU >r MI WEEKLY TRIBUNE is eeot ta Oe^gymen at B1 per anniim. JUK lt. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE, a large eight-gavee paper for the country, Is published every Seta** day, aad conlaean Editoriai* an the important topee* of Met Una**, the Lewe af th* weak, aatexeeuag eorroapondetac* from all Bearu ei the world, tbe New-York Cattle, Horse, and Produce Market*, interesting and raiiabU PotlUcal, Machaaical, aad AgriguiUral Mac lea, Ae. \li shall, daring tide year, ae heretofore, inestate!Vy labor to Improve the qoaiity at the metrnctlvss tuatartahaatsat aforA-d by THE WEEKLY TBJBCNK, whieh, w* hrteaai, ehall conanae to l- 'he hast Family Weekly Newspaper published la the World. \\ e ronasder the Cattle Market Roporta aloe* richly wert« ta cattl* raisare a year a tohecnpt;-iu price. TERMS: One Copy. east year.99 Threat optea. one year.... ft 1 wrote- Copiee. lo ear adkhgat. and any larger Bom Bat. 01 each. Tweety < upae*. a* odaVr** o/ tjcA tjstenWr.94 and any larger naniber, a Bl JQ each. Any peraea eenttog at a elab of Twenty, ar store, wffl bo *r,rt- Lad ta aa extra copy. For a rhb of forty, we will gaead Tu* lead-Weakly Tribune; aad for a eksa af ana liaaile I Th* Daily Tnbam* will be sea* grade. Wa raaatinaa to tetad Taa Wgaui Taiarax to < Wgyasaa far BL Babarriptajoas aaay esaMaaaee at any time. Terras always aaab in sdvtDca. AJ ietlara aaaast he tdar» ist I ta HORACE ÜREELEY R Ca., Tribaaa BaflJfa^ Five Coptaa, on* year.fl Tan Copte*. oas ywar.. &9 B A YARD TAYLOR-- NEW SERIES «/ ricrrvKts or California-ten year* later. >«. i. IS vow READY THE NEW-YORK MERCURY. PUNCH' l^KE^JSok for I860, Witt. A Co¬ lored rk»«, .> John Lstth. aad iumioti Weed Engrav- tnf*, »7 Job« LaetA tad John TetiBieL ruci or* Ikluil w'llm ER A ROGER*. Career Hw,: m*i Ubtrty-ete, N. T. Ana *D BaoaaaUan tad New. Ageeta. THE K.t. Dr. CH APIN^NlFw WOM-ll 1 i. nailed "SELECT «EAMONB» ataaaaad In Um Broad¬ way Church, tad maUia» I* awty Putter*** aat oikti ¦ w* SÄ»*114 ^^^^ r ?»bii*h*r. No. r Hawaiarit »THE EDINBLRU STEREOSCOPIC COM- A PAN 1 -It, agtaey tf Uta» Ctetp.* will cieet aat) teeta >t«oA of VIEW'S ti very lew artoa*. Aptdy one* at No. IST BROADWAY. A area ,-htaot fee Areier* to oapply thtasnlvt* fcv two Haft- .»».- »V AB BATH SCHOOL TEACHERS WISHING O to make bteatiful patten** to their pupil* eta too aaTaaata o- toe Sabbatk School Ball, atoot ***g*atiy bouad ta ekotk aad Turkey morocco ealinil attt, tiki odfwd Ac Pries* ate., >f tOc., Tea., tec.. Jar. «od At. Mailed fret. a Ubortvl all I net ».11 k. a»Jf by tbo »asatrtttopt** PabUaaod by HOB At E WATERS, Afoat No. Ml Broadway. Printing. AT WM. EVERDEtXtVSONS,104^ V\ sddiu*. V it-tit*. *nd Hs.Ui.tt ( tit Raaravtr* Job Printer», Liikigtephar.. and LtJaW M* ENGRAVING and PRINTING (ttgdf pnao).. j Wrddtng, AI Heaae Net**, P. pert. A a ; Bad«»*» Card*. bill Htad. Portrait., Ac et KELLAS, No. H FnRea-tt,, N 1 bill yiSITING CARDS KOK I HE HOLIDAYS.-- No. 104 Fnlton-et., n. Y. Eatabaaaed 1»1« v\ M EYERDELL a M)NB, Fcgra.tM sad Prietei* rfl. Starten ftp and fnnew v»ooa<». BARD BROTHERS ft Co., Mant*f«v<dJ«rt*To of GOLD PENH, PEN and PENCIL < Adle, He. tl Motto lane. New York. Manotaetory, Brooklyn, Coaa. Oetd Pan* to- paired or exchanged._'_ Si.ote Sc janes, STATIONERS. PR INTERS, aad blank-boor man¬ UFACTURERS, No. M EaHoo-tt. Ordart rtipoottnlly atilctu-d. ^LOTHLNG. CLOSING OUT SAJLJt OP a WHOLRSAUt STOCK OP MEN AND lOYkr OVERCOATS, BUSINESS SUITS. AND l> LACK CLOTH PROCKS, with a gioat ranety of other WINTER GOODS at a treat r*> aV-Ucu of prico for oa*b> _M. A. KNAPP, No, MCwartknalat a)'"Mi. WE have comuveiurvj our utuai »J^Q dQ I %J CLEARING OUT SALE *aV 6 %7 OP DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, AND 281 *«««.«»«»* 281 OREAT BARGAINS. (IMMING, SIMPSON tk. AltMSTKONG, 2KI BROADWAY. 283 AT Mrs. GAYNOR* COR8ET and SKIRT Stor*. Ladt** ran teieet fron» tbo large** ttoek and tattety ?f tlylr.. Strict attoutl*» paid to a grerofol at. PriaaaaotA reasonable Tbo fatbioaokl* ParU abapa sRIRTmrtaw|artlt No. tU Broadway, two door* fro** Oalaa ataar I. N. R-Lattta*' Ul-tbapad SairU aktarad tad aaado ooor._ GREAT HAV1N0 to BUYERS 01* CAR- A PETS, OIL-CLOTHS. Re. CARPETS. T. HAJE. CONKL1NO. inipurfr* and Wbowaal* peelrr, la CARPETS; OIL-t LOTHS, RUGS, SHADES, tva, No. to CooTtioatR-at., a*a» b roadway, W DJ, *ft*r tbu date aad until lat of Jaaoary noat (tbeir wholeeale trade beln* motUy otor for tbt> PtttlK Ofrr their ENTIRE STOl K at RETAIL Aat CASH, at WHOLESALE PRICES. Oat profit eta ko aaved aad tthatlrn mad* from the Largest «Heek Erer ottered at Retail In tbo City. Erery grade of Occd* Csnbebed. Eiperirneed spboltteren have brs-o eagtgnd, aad ftjodo wilt k- drbtered fr*. ^^«-^^1.^0*^ No. U CoorUatwtt-tt., botwar a Broadway aad GtwaawteA-et A T RF'TAIL, EOR WHOLESALE PRICES. SOLOMON dt I t All J , Ns. MO Broadway, Are aow elotiua out _ . *- THEIR PALL IMPORTATIONS OP CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS. FRENCH AND AMERICAN PAPRR HANOINOS, And tbeir bug* atoek of OOLö an11 PAIMEÜ window SHADES, OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE. SOLOMON A HART attt the largoet aad beet ttstotcd **> im.ai if tin itm trtdt Is ko Iii saw ta tea* etty, aad tow *«er them TO THE RETAIL TRAUE AT WHOLESALE PRICES. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, THE LARGEST AND BEST-SELECTED STOCK ku tat» laerket, Beducod to SI 75, tU A3 50. AI, to At per paw. SOLOMON A HART, Ab» Hro^.ay. INDLaTiCBBER GLOVES BntTMITTS Are now eonaidrred tnditpentabie to all who rajasja ttA. amooth, white band. Tbrv protect too band» ta atl kratit tt ark ear* * h*pp«d Hand*, Salt Rheum, Ava., and hand* toft, miootb, aad snowy white. Impertiona to water, hot or cold. GOODY EAR'S India-Rnbber Glore Manufaeturiag Co., No. W John at., Mtnulaoturera and Dealer* in aU kind* of RUBBER GOODS, Wholesale aad Retfatl Ijatent tHREAD-CÜTTIVO THIMBLE8 tan now be obtained at nay taaey retail atere Ikreoght tat Statt*, A* a tltrta and kahor aster It it utaluahle. Bribe use of tbii thimble, the operator U eaabled to ditponst with the use of the tcittort, and the tto frequent and lajirion* praottta ta bitin/t off the thread*. No w tanat ahonld be without tt. W batatas* depot, HARDING a 8TEIRLT, No. Wall at., Now York. W. BTRON WHARTON, Agnat. AVE A DOLLAR.'! .T Bayoaooftht, beat quality 8n« MOLESKIN SILK HATS tt «33 and rot will tar* t>l. Taeao aaata Hat* are (eld *kta> obere for A4. Please call and eiaaalae. CONKLIN SMITH, No b»j Brttdw.y, CJiuas** Batkttng. ENGLISH HOSIERY and CNDEOGAR- MENTS .Best Preach Kid Olotee, ate. \ LasMsa' and k it.et' (.aunllett, I bildren'a Kid Gloret; alao. a karge **oeA of Wmated and Cloth Oaitera, Armlet*, ho; Knittinsv Worsted and Saxony Yarn*; Altiandrs'* Oltrre*. No. *«» Sroadwiy, east aide, above IHth-M..THE RED SI'OX KINO. _ kJOJIKTHINO' ENTIRELY NBW.-IvVt O Patent Skovt Button* aad Shirt fttoda alao Cuff aad Collar Piua for LatUe*. and Armlet* for Children They renoirt so mtton hole, do aot unfactea. aombtne Weal beauty and atiktty. Pot sale, wboletaleand retail, atths7>»|d aad Slit«r WattdV Cast Manufactory of JOHN H. Ol PUN, N*. tV7 VeeoyoL, k, t. fare, Robte, tot. A&, C. GLANZ, e in port ert and M»nuf* lorer* *f FANCY FURS, ef EVERY DESCRIPTION, At WkakiarJaattd Retail, No. Ill Broadway, up stair*. Tbo attention tf the trade aad Ike aoMIe ta fetteral is lovrtod to our exlecaive and taabieaable «toek ef tat etwee, at VERY LOW PRICES. ml Ht'KTER A SlltDK. Wo. at Mat i at lie a. r rich aad aitgaat sseortateat ef LAD! e*v FI/RR, FUK8.KlfRH.FIIRÄ. HUNTER A sik; Otftr tkwir rich aad iligaavli sistMig of HUDSON'S BAY KABLE, ROYAL ERMINE. MINK. STOefK marten, FITCH MARTEN, At ta.. Made up ta Uta latest try it, whisk taoy etttr at th» etwest prtete FASHIONABLE FANCY FURS. ELRICH A RL'CKNER (lioporttr* aad Hiaakltwairr», wiO be pluatad to tab.bit their *a)nabI* ttooft to retail pua thaaert. coutltting of SABLE. MINK, STONE MARTEN ERMINE. As. wnick thoy wul selJ at tht stwett prioo*. He. 4T Mailt** aval LADIES' FURS. WARNOCKROo^ No. »19 Broadway, at. Nteaoia* Hot*), lti.it* attention I* tbetr seUrA a*vJ beaatital tSapWy ef LADIES' KASHION AHI.J-. FURS, eoospritliif story 4a*fjabtl apoett*. aad aaviultrtared la the meat perfect aad taaty maanor. _ I AD1ES' FANCY FL'Rh I.LADIES' KANCT I * f KS '.The *ab*rrI1>or bos opened oi* toeik ef LADIES* FUBS.Aon.prUing CLOAKS, CAPES, MAuvTILLAS, Ac, of Sable, Mink, and other choice fVirt, la tbo sttett tArjet, very low 'or rash, In no case exceeding wholesaljb fRICK v »t retail. S. GOOE. Praetteal Farrtsr, No. at Irtadnay, rpstaArt. Pan, Trim sings, Ac, auto* to order in every style. .Hi LADIES' CHOICE FURS' *Hi .Jk/Conritilng tf Hiedsoa'* Bay Sabie, Mlak, mmmptMj ktax'oa Fkvch, Entlne, Siberian Soulrr*!, Ac At LEOPOLD LANG'S, tt*. t* .s. r Uxttiaxb Habit: 1>HKLAN 9 IMPROVED BILLIARD TABLE! I AND COMBINAI iON CUSHIONS, for aar* by the .,1-.too aad staaofacturtra. Tiliisallll¦ tAt hlatja aJ« .y» ta taod. O'CONNOR A uOLLENDER rir* tt, « #1 atd aOCrtobv %c. Nsw tswk. I( -t -FOUR COUPONS «f the STATE c*f j( i.I.IEORNIA due Jan. I MSS. two oT Bat, twe of BITS«. Part Its art rawttoaod araimrt aogotisAitai. the aayaaant of wi.Kbkwibtsattatot^od. A liberal reward will no pw* tt) the fintier upon retatniar the sarae to BRI GIERE A DU v IV!FR, No » Wkatakail at,

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Page 1: APIN^NlFw WOM-ll J^LL D. SÄ»*114€¦ · GEORGE OPDYKE ForMayor, GREENE C. BKONSON For(orporationCounsel, WM. T. PlhKNEY ForGovernorof tbe Alina-Hotte, Arereqasttedto meet at tbeabove


«» PtrBLisHPi) fvfrv iiornino and evenlno,IHntiii Ftrer-raa)

ttj HORACE HEEE!EY « c».(ATrat ratst-.* miwn**. com»» op »»..»r i«g traces

I m»**T». »r»o»iTa THt oirt nauu,' Bad tVBeejed to ttty Snbtt-ribor* at 114 r»n«. par wettk. Mall

Mit mil tai, »tjaaraaa«»Usdvaaeo< »3 1st »U moielht.


, U pat***** »»»»7 »v»Tr»r>AT Momino, at la* low prlee M 41» aar .nauu.. in advance Thro* Cepio, for ».'.. Fi»e Coptee jot

..l Tew Coatee for *12, Twenty Copies. U ono toriewtddaay atrgvr »*mber at the rote of # 1 par aaonm). $24; TwratyAepawi io add iset of earn iiihaprlher (and any larger uoml>er altwo rate of tf I 20 eachi, 4)24 Aar poraen ettadiaf im a einh oftaeoaty ee Brere will be entitled to _> eitra copy, Subscription*tatty eoam-otvee at any tine.. iygLAt*ftSig ,n T"« WattiT Taiaria ooat one dol-LAB per line for each faeertlea.

THK .RtII.WKEMI.V TatlBITlVB5 aaVrtahed every Trructv tad Painty Moaanvo. Price $3Bat mtxoom. Two Copt** for B*i Piro Copiee for «11 »3.

TBK n ff.lüHH TBIBI -VF,^

fOR EUROPEAN CIRCULATION,a* aakHibe.1 on I he departnr* of each AI al Steamer for Li eernoc,!at *4 per aaaom. po.ieg* laelndod. Single O,pio*, Mir («»taT*


ISLANDS,to aahttefied on the departure of eavh Mail Steamer for Aapinwall at 4> I it' per aaaam. Single Copies, Sit Coat*.

Political Noticee.Republican Central Coinmi itre. -1 be ExecutiveComn.ittce of the above Committee will hold a meeting TH IS

t*rwriaj) EVftKlKO at 1» o'cieck. at No. 613 Broadway Pano-teewl «.t.rudauce requested.

C. A PEABODY, Chairman-B. T. Ct tvBLaan, j aata9tatmta1t.Qmmx »rtB«ow, '»wwetarvea._

Opdyltr, JIall. bum! Plakacy.Come oae, eome all

A tread Mara Ratlfiretion Meeting -rf the Oerman RejrobLeantwBl he held THIft (Friday) EVENINO. at the Volktgerten, No.4» Bowery. KAM E. TZttl HIRNt.lt, W KOPF, r B.DlTtC H L K, and other, w Ul »peakEDWARD HOKINBON, Ja.,1


JA Mane .Meeting, of the f 11 ' . NS .« n ii TaY-PaV-

Bat_>ab.>OCIAlioN OF THE VIITH COUNCILMANICDlnl RICT will he held at ibe large room over the Opera Su¬hlet, je-d-et near lth-av.. Dec 2, at Tj o'clock p in.JtMf.s

. W. OEBARD, eaq., the Hon. CIIARIEB STARK NEWELL,the lion JOHN MctvKON, and other eiumeut apeakera are ex-

BkBOtrd to addieaa the meeting._? The Flfteeotb Ward Repablican Aaaeclatlon

Brill tnret at No bl« Broadway, on rRl DAY EVENINO, Dec.X, at 8 o'clock. A griMrai atteudance ia requeated.T. BaitBi, Be^retary. M. B. BLAKE, Pretideot


^ Aad all othera opt»oaed to the corrupt administration of the CitytUevrrnaieBt. are Invited to meet at

KNK KEUliOChER HALL,Bth a» aedSdd-et, on FRIDAY EVENINO. December 2. atiVrloek to ,-rtpond to the Domination of tb* Hon. OEOKOEOk DYKE, KOL. L. HULL, WM. T. PINENEY, and etherBe pi bl Iran Humiliation*.Tbr lollewing grutlrmen will addreaa th* meeting:



Rally, Repabllcana. Rally !A grand Patlhcatiou Meeting of toe RriKiblioana of the XMh

Ward, will be held at Llve-Oak HaU, No. Wldth-at., ou FRI DAYEVENINO, fire. I, at .J o'clock.


« IThe Hon. 'too. Opdyke, SoL L. Hall, oaq., Oen. J W Nyr,

the Hon. D. N. Merrill of New Jereey. Ja«. Fail man. eeq Joa.itoxie, eeq., and Aug. f. Dow, eeq , will eddrese the meeting,r.t. or fUoi DOYLE, )


W». E. BoeiXT, Sec EDWIN J'l'EWABT/,Chairman.isevetitrrnth Ward Republican Aaeoclation.-The

Xxeeai:i*e Comailnee of thu Aaaocialion will meet THISE\ EMNO, at No. 2t8 Allen-«*., at 7j o'clock, ruactualattend-aace la reqnoated. By order.

SAMUEL B. SMITH, Preaideat pro ternWixLiaa J. Woona, Secrotaij.

** (.rand Kally of the Blcbteetitb Ward Repnbli«. a lutibiation Meeting will be held at the Deceit in«

¦"" tY EVENINOOYES, DA\ IDand other etui1

. poaitra, will addreea Ibe me«.tingJ. AUSTIN STEVENS, jr., 1K. DELAKIELP SMITH,EDMUND BTEPHENSO.N. ^Committee.ISRAEL JAR\ Is.WM ATRINSON, )

raBra.- a natim ation meeiing win do oeia ai in

raatvy, aotaci af 2d-ae. and 23d at , ou rRIDAYat, 2. at .a o ch» k. Meaar» WM. CURTIS NOY


Rally, Rttlly, Nlnelrculb Ward !A Orand RAI IFICATION MKKTI..O will be held at Head

«Marl»m, Diuxl«dein'« Hotel, cor. 8d-e*. and a«Xh «l.. on THIS(Viidaj) EV E.> iM» at H o'ciook, to ratify tbe (kjenty tVa-d.Tut I < tool haoulaotiona. t.n.liietat epoakata ha»«. u..u tavi-a¦a d e ill adi're«. kWa u.i-etlng *ll thoae In favor of the elect io i

5(1 Uifc to. Major, HULL for t ounael. PINKNEY foraWktoaotTOwvrtnor, i.RKOORY for Aldernaoo. and Mt-t-Ah'lY for touucilman, are iuvlted to attend. By ordertyAitii ror»o u

N L uauNDAOE, Pitaidrnt.Bob ai.i L. BltA, 1 Kpcrvtartea.Jons Cuerta. jr., i

"Twestieth Ward Repahllc^aW.-Tb*JUpitbttcauw o

the AXlb V\ aid will lucrt at u*iuait:ne Hall, *Jlb-at. and tlb av..

aaVttvll'AY EVENINO, Dec- i. It raiilytbo nounuatiou. ofOv.lvke, UnU. and I luckney. and tat W ard nomliialloi». JO-*F1 H I'ltiMf, S B lirH HI.ll Ibe Hob. ABRaM[WAKE-a»«S MIU HIT I. WOODEOIU». e..i and other., will

5*r-*Tl meeting. WM R. STEWART, P.e_deut.jLV. l.hisLBt. U^rtaritaJx>«. UtrraAS, J_

Aroaee: Areuae ! A raune !1WENTY-SECOND WARD IN A BLAZE

The Republican, of in* Twenty eeoond Ward are requeeted to

STOESSPI.-S Hi'TEL,Ma 6M ttb av , oa FRIDAY EVENINO, Doc t, to ratiry theaoiBii.atiou.. _ For Mayor.

OEORl.E OPDYKE;For Corporation CocnaeJ.

ULL;ino Hoaao,


For Oovenior of the Aim" HouiWILLIAM T. PINKNEY;

For Conncilmaa.IKA a ALLEN;

Sad the other Ward officer*The folte» mg gvi.tlea.eB w ill ad.lreaa tba a^tbag:C.EOBOE 7rA)\ EE, *«w CHAS. S. sl'k NCER, b»o.,boLOMON L HULL, tay,., AUO. F. I»oW a»«».5m JAB. W. NYE. A. J. DlTTENliOEFER, Ban,jos Fl H ItOX IE, HQ , JAS. FA1RMAN, aag.,E L. W'OODEORD, a»v oodother*.

R. CAMPBELL. Pre.ideul.O. 8. CHAPIN, Vice-Prnid t.

W. IPBaTO!», u^.f-iaxiea.8. b. Siaoato», I »*CT9**n**-

Mum* Mreiln« nl Ute t.ertana Repablicasa. n theaa.il «Heu el the t.eii.lueea of the Republican pally, the Hon.SEOROE orDYKFa. Mtaoi. SOLOMON L Hi LLaaCor-iMiiaiion toim». I and WM. ft. IMNENF.Y u Aim. Honae OovWorn, in Ibe \«Wk.-Oanoa, No *J l<owe;y. THUS (fiidaylEVENINO, Dec. 2, I8iy, #. o'clock. The following reutleiurnwill .ddiea« the O eding. SAM. E. T/SCti RKF.R, W KOPP.Lit FviER^CH, B. B. DL i CilER, and other.. Committee ofArraug. mem..Edward Roblaaoe, jr.. C. F. E. Luoder, Auguv-gaa Uteri W Seueitei, and Adam KoUiger.W bla < onveotlon. Tentb Alderatanle Olttrict.-

Tae Delegate* to h a ( onventlon met on Thuntday rvening, atthe corner of Buwery and Bond tt Mr. A. H DUDLEY in thet heir, aad Joaara K. iui vn, Srcreiary.Upoa mutioa of Mr. Waa. H. Falcouer of th* SeTentoenth

Ward. Mr ANDREW J ODELL war nounuated by aocJatua-ttee aa tUrir ratidldala for Alderman Thr Cotitrulion then ad

,. .A. H. DUDLEY, l hai: ..

J. B. Yerwa, tiiBBttro._Peaale an Head.

A Meeting of the People t Party, and all persona favorable tothe election of OEO. OPDYKE for Mayer, and Taoaia* H.Bea-itett tot A'.d. ruian, «tili bo hei at feoplv'e Hall, No. ITSBowet» Satt KDAY EVENINO. Dec 3d. at I o'clock.

Itaoara. ( auwe, Tucker, Ceuiuerford, Di. HUllard. and other*Will »dorrt* the meeting_


A JlefUaa of those clllarna favorable to tue Election ofOFt Ror. OPDYKE for Mtvor, will le held at »Je IT» üowery,ea KH1DAY MUHT Ku'.lueot tpeoAar* wtil add.rt. theaueetlng. FRANCIS JOH.> TUCKEB. i :.» »


Btsaakar Brpabllraa aad CltlrrBs' Nomination*.-«Ith . oaaKUmatn. Dutnct. Utk XTth, \\ Im tad XV llllhaA'ajdt- 1 * o¦ \. .a«»

HKNKY f. PARK K,Republieaa aad Cittarns' Nomination.

SlXTEENTh wardTea ItrrBwaiTT or oca Ceaaoa SraooLg.

ForA'au'inietiocoi of Common Scboela,B O B K 1< T A . ADAMS.

THOMAS CHRISTY, CbainatiuBtajrev A Y'twatur*. tterretary

Matai Ward Repahltraa NoaalaattaB*.For at hlK)L nrru fcKS.

Far Cowimtaaloaet uf Cotnatou Sv.Lool*.< Has. f. OILDEbVBLEEVf..For iBBptntttT of CotaiBoa Schools,W M. J. JOHNSON, M D

Far Tni»te*« *l Commin Schoola,WILLIAM H. OEDNtY,I EMIY P BEE.JACOB C. BOiitRT.

For Coattable«,IIA C PIEJt>(>N, CONRAD REUP.

**».». i.,c. . m Hard Krpubllran Naattitsittaaio.i**e AhWetatsa. Xtb IHstrtrt-AN OREW J ODELL.r«rC«Mie.iiii »a, \ ih I>ts4riu4.WILLIAM T VSlltl VN.For i oldc.lutes, Vtb Itaatrtct.BERNARD SCHWARTZ.Foi Bt I.e... Cot»>uut*iac.* . J V .MES l l SHI.NO, Ja.Bor »cLool Ineiwcto'. v\ 11 I AM HIIJf'AKDgFot Scho< 1 Trataatoa.*A 11 1,1AM H VANDEBilOOF,

JOMN LLOYD,aft* 4 oi."tai;*»- RIDoi PH 111 I MESBERO,


yt7m A (hiills.Peraa *.«.¦¦*. [ r-giraat

artralh t onncUmanie Otstrli I,T»g>i » s*i o»a W »na.TAX-PAYERS* CANaiDATE.

tar Osooeifana iEDWAhh TIMPBON.

Mrpablicasa, \»** »tst fei root jthrn* Hmm.*T PlSh'tA\rrUmi, jaset EVERY F.VEMMJ atJJaMteWiaa lleu.r, rornet of Jtroadwfy tad ttoawton ti.

XIX.N°- 5,807.Heventa Ward.


For School f.'ooiinUaionrr.daniel cooek

Por Senool lu.petor«.ALFRED T ( ONklin, NATHANIEL M. TERRT,

(To &U rax-ancy.For School Troiite»*.

mahlon t. HEW IT, edward m. bkidmobe.To All varanev

JOSEPH r. SKID IfORE.The above ticket r* ceived . njMi.lmou* end for die! adoption,

id . Urge end influential meeting of the voter, of the Word, witn-out dutlinttiol of party, hold Monde. evening, Nov. 2*. I«5i

zophar mills, ( uairiuen.

I.aa»i.D. Walie*. J^-"«*»**BiathieeaiB Ward Mepabllraa -vamiuatlen.

For Aldermen.WM. LA IMBEER, JB-, Builder. No. 11 East 25th et

L'uuunroat It tu.henry a HtRLBUT,

Chairman AluVrmenic Convention.Teot- 0 OumimLii, Sec'j


-rteiub Ward-To I areaioterrd Votrrw.-.Vfflderit., Irrr of charge, taken EVERY EVENINO, until election

byEDWARD M. 8K DMORK, Notary PublicNo 23a Madison a*.

Regrular Republic-no VitulunOou.H)B M A Yi ill.


People'* CandidateKer Aideimen of the

IVth Aldenuanic. DistrictJAM KS V. W'ATKIN i.

I'i opte'n Headquarter*,No. 17S r.owery.

All per.es i favorable to the Election ofGEORGE OPDYKE


For (orporation Counsel,WM. T. PlhKNEY

For Governor of tbe Alina-Hotte,Are reqastted to meet at tbe above place.Regular Republican and American Nomination*.

Vilth Couiiriliueolc Dlatrirt. Xlltb, XlXth, XXth.XXIrt. and XXIId Ward*.


Menu lar Republican Nomination.FOR MAY Oil,


l.oraer of tthat. and ft roadway,fA here the Meada of good City Oovernment are invited to raeot

aa-ty._PrerlamatioB !. in pursuance of a reeolutioti of the Com-

mou Council of in. City of New-Y'ork, 1 do hereby offer aREWARD

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARSfor the detection of any person

VOTINOor attempting to vote

ILLEGALLY.or of any perron who »ball procure, and asaiat. counsel, or adviseanother to rive or oiler bit . Ol E ILLEGALLY, or to go Intoany YYAKDor ELEC'llON DISTRICT for last purpose, at tha

eusuuig i.loclicu, to be held in Ibia city onTUESDAY, tbe 6th day of DECEMBER next

To be pan upon the conviction oi tbe ofleuder, and tha oertll-cate of the Recorder, District Attorney, or tbe Judge of thetaourt where convicted that auch couvietiou waa bad upou tbeSevtiuinny of tbe peraon or person, claiming auch reward.bat all claims lor euch reward, not presented to tbe uudersigned

in writing wilbin twenty day. after Ibe conviction of auch öden¬der, aball be disregarded.

(liven under my band, at Ibe Mayor'. Office.DANIEL F. T1EMANN, Mayor.

New-York. Nov. 29, 1859.

flradqaartera for Political ('rimingAt ISAAC J. OLIVER'»;, No. IS BEEKMANST.

SHORT NOTICE. CHEAP for CASHPolitical PriatiBC by Hteam!- Every datorlption of

POSTERS, plain or to colon, CIRCULARS, TICKETS, Ac,Ac, executed in the beat manner, at tbe »horten notice, and at

tha LOWEST CASH PRJCES, by BAKER A OODWIN,t rlbune Building*.PeHtlrale-Tbe.mall RUBBER RINOS for FASTE.»HNO

BALLOTS ran be had of the saht manufacturer, (under tbeGoodyear paleata), C. A. BUNNEK. tt No. M John at, oppo-.ile Dutch, aad of C. W. BROWER, oorner of 19th-*t andttb-av.

ÖpecittJ Noliceo.The December Election. he undersigned will print

POSTERN, I IKCl'LAKS. Tit KETH. etc., wttb dispatch, and

t prVee* -1 ' I wl» lend to rednee tbe eipenes* of Candid.tea.TilOALA0 It OILMAN. Stea. P.O....

Corner of Centre aad White-eta.

lecture by Rayard Tin lor.THE GILLETTE YOUNO MEN'S ASSOCIATION have

gre.it pleasure in announcing tbe great LECTURE on the LIFEand ( HARACTER of


At tbe Cooper Institute,FRIDAY EVENING, December A

Ticket* 25 cent*. For tale at Chase'. Banklng-Hooae, No. 18

Cooper Inttilute and at the door. To rcmuieuce at 8 o'clock.

Lecture..Mr. B. VAN VLIET, tbe " Little Giant," willdeli.er hi. great Lecture on '' Cnnaervalieni," at tint Odeon.la W illiamaburgb, ou I Kl DAY E\ EN INO, Dec. 2, 18». Admiaaion 24 cents.

Alexander ton Humboldt. BAY AkD TAYLOR ajlldeiner hi. brilliant Lecture cu the Life and Character of ALEX¬ANDER YON HUMBOLDT, 1II IS EVENINO, Der 2 at '.beCooper In.titule. Ticket* 25 ceiita.

Yale stpleBtlrlo School.AGRICULTURE AND HORlU l l.TURE.

A Courts* of Instruction ou tbe abo.e subject*, by eminent

practical Agricurturieta, iu connection with Profeeeor* in YaleCollege, v»ill commence Feb. I, lit*), end continue on* month.Among others, Maraball P. YVildet, C. M. Clay, H F French.J Staiitou Ooahl, Levi Bartlett. 1*. Barry, C. W. Giant, andProfa. Mllimau, Porter, and Johu.cu will take part iu the Courseof Instruction. Three Lecturea, fullowed by diacuaaiona, arUIbo given each dev Tbe geueral diathbutlcn of subject, will bea* follow. First Week-SCIE.M. F., Ser e, I Weex-IIOKTI-( UL'I t HE ; Third Week AORIi U .. I'RE PROPER,Fourth Week.DOMESTIC ANIMAL*.

Fee, fur any »inglr *ttl.BSmm the whole Cosree of Eighty l.ectnrea. 10

For further partictiUra aa* Agricultural Vewapapora, or addraa*Prof JOHN A. PORTEB. Yale College, New Haven. Conn.

ExecntJaa oi John Brawa.-UNTON aN ri-1LÄV-FRY PRAY EB-MEETiN 1 '1 her* will be a I'nion A all-Slavery Meeting held at the Shiloh Church, comer Prince andMarion alt., on FRIDAY, 2d lost., at M o'clock a m. Several»hurt eddreeee* will be delivered, and a collection takes up forthe beurfat of the families of tbe martyr*.Bayard Taylar deiivar. kda brUlianl Loetare ou the Life

and l ».»i*ctei of ALEXANDER YON IICMlloLDl, fHldEY EN I NO, at the Cooper Institute. Ticket, ouly ti renta

Tbr Kiv. II. W. Bellawa, I». lt.. willChurch ol the Restoration, conirr of Monroe-place aad Cliuk-»t.. hrooklvu. on FR1I AY EVENINO, Dec 1 Subject: " Ob-ataclee to the ! raining of Y'outb tu our Nalioual Cirruiüstaiices."1 i.keta il cents, to be had at the door. Leotare at ".'j.

n (in e by theREV. DR CHAPIN.

Subject: "Woman and her Work."At 16th »t Bapti«! Church (near 8th-ev.). on MONDAY". Dec

S, at I o'clock DooiaeprnsiT Ticket«. 25 cou may be hadat ibe Look «eilera, and U tbe door. Prot Elder will preaide atibe oigan.

Bayard Tayltr will delivei hi« brt'Mani Le>-turrlife and Character of ALEXANDER, Y ON ill AISi'LH 1'.1 HIS EVENING, Dec. 2, at the I o^per Institute. Tickets 25cent..

The Rev. Thomas .11. Clark, D. II., Bi.hop ofRhode Island, will deliver a Sermon befo:e the New-YorkYoung Men's «bil.tiau Association, on SCNHAY EY <iSl'.

I.r.rt- i I

71 o'cVk.comtr en -e it

The t'empliBtetitarT Tr«tininnlal ro Praf. Jaa. W.How*, by his Inend, and Pnp'la. will take pla-e ou TtilJRj-DaY EVKNlhG, Dec. «. 18*» at Dodworth'« Room* Kr«ed-wev. 1 irkria AI each, may he obtained uf tbe onderaigucd,and of Prof Hnw». No 3 Cottage niece




.l.ihn Braxri n'a Martyrdom.-Tl.r Church v. tl*ns'. co'uer i.'h.t aid Cnior. »qnare will observe ibia dayas a arasun of epocta! bitmiiiatiaa and praver Meetiug* wü!be held fToiu 10 to It * dock a u. tbe buur uf execution, aad atlg in lb* evening. AH are invited.

A Card.Tbe Meneirr. of tbe HOME OF THE FRIENDLESS No.

Ea.t!»oihand No.lt Ea.tftXb it.. would BETCRN THEIRTHANKS to Measra YVbiiebeo.1. Datli'iga Co.. of Ibe FifthAvtn e Hotel: Jona L. Moure. V.adi~n-oomr>> Hotel Mr.fUtf Eve^tt House ; and Me..rs. Treadw.n A Co.. St. Nkho-U. iivd.tortbeir hbetal dcaatlon. of Provieiou for tbe Chü-»Irei.'s rtiuir: ou 1 banksgiving dxy. Al.o to Tkoma* Gilmartin,es<) Front «t. Hedder k Seat, aud Alderriaa -UrT. Jeder on

Market Park A Tilferd, Vtb-av . Mr. Dqsa. Broadway, and oth¬ers, to* their hbejral «upp.'y of Vpplea, i ate*. GrocerteV Poultry,Beef, Ac, to the Home.

Atheaaraa* At a meeting of the ATHEN.tEUM. held onY\ > r»Nt >DA V F.VKSINO. N, v 10 ItMs. the following Ree«lull us were adopted ursaaiatotuly:

KceWred. 1 beg ta* nssmht r. of the Atbeawnn of Now Yorksho e in the arofoned .airvw wkich it everywhere felt at th*dea'b ot YY abWii IrvingK.ii U. 1 hot wLtlerootoenplaliiig tat« event, which deprive*

tbe wci.d of letter* of its atost ILe»>rlvu» aruanseat. we dwellwfh .epr-ial pud* aad atociioa oa ibe memory of one who. bya long M* ofronrtaat devotion to Aaeerlcaa Uterataee. Barajaotiyearned ta* aaans ot iu meat havered pot-tart h asj repre-

hre .i. J That the immortai srgacy which he ha. 'eft la hi*..it». k*mt to the aadariaa g'aiitud* of lbs American

J that tbe A'benaum hereby oiler* its ..operation lat roper, and mat us .oum.iuu ueteuj o?era lie -ope...-or. taseit odyjpg the Mufua^nt of publio appte, latiuu ta tiielu-tn ofaoako septapt late arastnnrial

Aaee/iad, That a copy of these Resolutions, signed bp therr.leWat and Socretary of the Aasctation, bo forwarded to t1-mlly of Lbs deceased, aad that tity be published in the nor

aadt-vening paper* i f ice city. GEORGE FOLSOM,a^i.va Moax, iSecreta.'y Prvoadest.

_*n t*.« ft

NEW-YORK, FRIDAY,?.IberUne Oil De«dor1?ed.


at the lowest price,By 0» bole aoem S,

a. IMITBElf a Co.,mo. 44 beaver-st..

_bew-Y01X.A Urse A.ortir.rrw at

gold Vt atchep, diamond".SILVER WATCHFB, fine GOLD JEWEIaRT,

.Vrlmg Silver Were Tec Set* C»k*-P.Mke«e, he.Dtroble PWrd Ware. Very tow and warrantedWe import . Wetrb. price BISO, and we know it to be the beat

Ixekeeper is the City._ftQPIBJa. LANDER. We. f) FuRew-at.

The (.reelle»I I u veaitea ef (Ava Agre S.Tb- tke«Mlcad bert ( OAL GAB LM.HT in the worU. made witft tier Gaa»eneratmg CoiTjpany'e Work a (HENDRh K- A BRO.'tf ooa-

axploeive Patente), ir.ahee the beat Gas Licht at BI pat 1,000feet- Call at the office of the Company, No. S12 Broadway, NewFork, arid exaunae thie elegant Habt, end tiinpte, clean, portable"real Gae Work..

.Cnx) Pnbliratinne.npH£ ELEVENTH VOLUME




THE LEAOL'ER OF BOSTON.One vol. erowa oeteeo, two viguettee on eteel, and twrlre

eActcbet on wood from original deairne by Darley. Pi ice- 61 JO.

The Hon. Gaoaea Babckott, ia an addreae *o the New YorkHistorical Society, at a meeting Unoirditt* ly after Mr. Cvoper'edeath, eaid:" Great ae be (Cooper) wee In the department of ratnantie

bctk n, he wae not leee deserving of preie» in that of history. InLioflgL LiSiolB be baa deacribed the battle of Bunker BXUbetter than it ia described in any other work."The preceding volumte of this elegant edition are:











Uniform veromee m rise, binding and price (4)1 SO each.)They will be »rnt by mail, post-paid, lo any addreae, on receiptof $1 SO per volume.

DARLEY'S COOPER VIGNETTES.At the euggeetlon of nuinerou. Article and Amatearc the

Publiebere here taken a limited number of " Abtut Paoora he-fore letter,¦ of saeh of the beautiful Steel Vignette., engravedfrom DtBLET'r Dettgne far the New Illustrated Edition of Coop.bb't Wotke. These they propose to leeoe In folio*, each ooot-.io-

lcg eight proof., end raeh proof accompanied with a page of let¬ter preee deaenptive of the ptrtnre. The proofe are being printedwith the oliuoet rare, on India, and backed on the fiBeet FrenchPlate 1'aper. Each folio will ftv ui a cot er tt highly ornamentaldselgn. panted in tint.

F'uLloe Ilm and Two are now ready for Subscribers and theremaining SU will follow at interral« of two or three month..PRICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.THREE DOLLARS PER

FOLIO.Ae the proofs are limited to a email number (only 500 kmpre*

eione from each plate), after which the plates are lettered, eo thatno more can be taken, no euhecription will be received except furlbs full eeC W. A. TOWNBRND At Co.. PuOUanare,

No. St Walkar-at Naw Tork.


AMI KU AN FEMALE ror.ts. with an lutrodoctn ii hyHenry ( apase, A M.. Profseaor of Engtiah Llteratere in theUniversity of Penneylvante Richly illuetrated with loo SteelEugravinge (printei! upon the tame page with the letter preee),mo.tly from original de.une by eminent erriet. 1 Tot Imperial(To. Bound In 'I urkey morocco gilt, and gilt edge., antiqueetylo. Trice, BIS.


POETS, with an Introduction by llauiy Copper. A. M Prüfe*-.or of Engli.h l-itrreiure ia the L'niver.ny of Pcaaaylva-iie.Richly illuetrated will 100 Steel Eugravinti (printed ap ,n tueeame page with the let er preee). moetly from original deeigae byeminent artieta I toL Impenal t>*o. bound in Turkey mo

rocco gilt end gilt edgee, antique atyle. Price, a> IS.

HOWS' LADIES' READER.THE LAHES' HEADER: Deeigaed for tbe uae of Ladie*.

School., and Family Reading Cirrlea, compriaiug Choice Selec¬tion* finm Standard Authora, in Troer aud Poetry, with the F>.ential Rulee of Elocution aiuipllfird and arranged for etrictlyprectical uas. By John W. s. Howe, Profeaaor of Elocution.Author of "The Practical Khn utwni.t," "The Shake.pereauHeader." etc. 1 vol. ltuio. 425 pagee. Price. 41 12».


I N Ii t D STATES, deigned a* a Msxcal ot laetrucrtion llyHenry F landen, author of the i.irea and Time* of the ChiefJueticee," etc. 1 vol. Ittno. 112 page.. Price, 14 cent*


SM Pi. MS by .sanboru irnuy Lecturer on Pbyeicei Geo¬graphy and N'etuial Hiatory in the Maaee.-liu.rUa Traarhere'Iuaiitutra. 1 voluuis. 12mo. Elegantly illustrate 1 with twohandled 1'iigraviuge. Price fit».MITCHELL SK1KST LESSONS IN (;KOGUAPHY.FlRKT LFSSON«. IN GEOGRAPHY FOR Yi'C.VO« HIL-

DKEN. deaigned ae an introdurtion to the Autbor'e PrimaryGeography Hv S Aagtietua Mitchell author of a *enes ofGeographical Works. 1.1 ialrated with Mape vud numerout

Engraving.. 1 volume, lhmo. Square. Price 2S orate.


I volume. Quarto With 24 new Mepa on *teel engravedripr< >alv inr tl.i, work, aa i nuueroua Kng.a.ing, ill x.-.ra;n.«the «ubj> rt.

In emwer to the nomeroaa inquiiie that hare been made forthfcwoik the publiaaere are now smtbied to pretaaat It oa thelet of Januar) Bait Th«t believe tl.at it will be mo-e thanequal to the higt. eapectatioue that have been formed of It..M111 H !.!.!. S NEW A.NCILNT (il Oi.lUPHY.1 hie work, wbtch ia entirely new, ig ia euch a elate of forward-

neae that we a:e enabled to aiaiounre it for publication ou thelet of January.

Aleo. et Pieea, and will be Ready In December:BTQCKHAiiDT'8 UHEMI8 I KY.

Till rRiNciPl.ES OF CHEMISTHl I LLl'STat At EDRY SIMPLE EXPERIMENTS, bv I)r. Juiiua Adolph stockbarJt, Profeaaor in the Roya. Academy at Tharand, and theRcrrel lnepeetoT of Medicine in r-exony. Traaelated by C. ii.P. arre. M D.. nf Cambridge, and an Introduction by T. S. Hart¬ford Rareford Profe**ot in the Unirertity at CatabfidgB.CUHKl.h CHEMICAL PROBLEMS.CHEMICAL PROBLEMS AND REACTIONS. To AC¬


Py Tbon.aa Raid D. D.. F. K., S. E. A jridged, with Note*andI unetrat mna froga Sir Wuttaai Hamilton actl otaWra, by leanWalter, D D breeideat of Harvard College, and ftotWor efIttrlle-tTre! acd Moral Philosophy in the tame.


I'mU t RS Off MAN. By leagald S-^wart. F R S .4 Loaden aud Fg.ntjrgh. Ranruel. with addition* and orotation a, FryJenesa Walket. D Tt Pretidvnt of Harvard t olleaa. asd Pie-taeeev of loteliectiial aud Meral I'biiowphy iu lbs hum.Order* eelicited.


IOIIS BLAlIC hkM »ntt«-ti flfvcn \olumea onJ oee French Rev elation, while ia one volume DE LA

HODDF'S HISTOBi OF SECRET S'K'IETIES sxaaare themar binary of all French Revolaiiona. Pabllabad bv LiPt'IN-COIT, OAMbO A Co.. Philadelphia

TBE HÄLLAD OF JOHN HUOVYN, for theBaaeatt af Joha Krewa'a Family, eold at the priactpal Mu-

aic-toiea. I'nr* X9 ceeau. Order, ky letter addre** to CH F.HFRINO. t't-ivrr»ity Building Waanusglon-a^uar*. Naw-York,

BOYS'and GIRL.*!' OWN MAGAZINE.1'ub-bahed ooaibly. The Thro* Mldahigaa. u by the aacher of

Peter the Waater, Ac. neaameataa the Janaary cambervt it. L JONES, Fubtiaher No. IMBth sr.


A jifall ef moral. Interesting and Inetra-live Morie* and an abun¬dance ef Pastiea, F-algiaa* aad Charade*, with ever vm anaweed rat HInetratten*; nearly ana page* beand ta maalia, datba t a:.i tld* Prtos W osct*. Seat free sn receipt af that

Wat L. JONES. Na ISlftb-a* N Y


it* latent, ofc'ifariaae. eadpwyetceiaad leaal diaaaaliitiiriBB Bythe hate B. I Oarerrwtl!. ea*. Frio* 26 eeaU. fres of so-t-geFar sal* by H DEXTER h Ca, Na 111 Naeaaa at-. H. Y anda.. Devi rei>re.

DECEMBER 2, 1850.

J^LL THE YEAR ROIND.(be trat assail, iy r«rt at* the «st-w-W vorarae «rf toi*

bilTiU*. «nJ popuia; pobricat^tea, coadocted by l'HARLE--*DICKENS, tajueg fr»., adraAo* plate* matte in Lindau, m readyTHIS KORNiNG.

WSTtJrn OF TH1« NUMBER.Feri* an RoBta.Small Bkot Cook* at Collar*-CwrDoarLraina. Through,rutaerrttran rwittwuuati.l'ytlrria ia Devotion..*oieer..(ba|e|«j- Ft**.Tbo 1 oetawsater't Deegbter.eaaataary Arrest tar Debt.Cur Et* TA itrteta at Olotaanrtr-.fceekwarld.Fogaah Matkm.Tainted Word*..Weira) Pilie-Figbt.Oood Samaritan*.8inc« Una Old C»p tu New.Tore« PL*»**.A " Revival" under laafek tbo Fifteenth ^ia,' tat

-Tbo baW-aoT. Dairy Mow*.

CoruVy Coarlp.A TALE OF TWO CITIES. By Charte« Dicken».

Mr. I it. a*ii»'« Story, now nearly completed, I* to bo followed

in the next number by a new lory, written especially for ALL

THE VEAR KOl'ND, by Wllklo Collitu. walle Mr. Dickeu.

will be more cum«reu« is other department of tbe work.

J. M. EMERSON if Co., PuMwher*.No 17 Park row, New-York.



With Oaioiatt iLLCrrxtno.vt bt Jon* McLxsxv.


T. B. PETERSON k BROTHERS, No. 306 Cheatnot-at.,Philadelphia, ft*nog made arrangemenu witb Harper k Brother*,New-York, whereby Cbarle* Dicken* ha* been paid Ft** TAou-tosd DoUaee for lAc udeoure lAeeft of " A TALE OF TWO

I'll Es." uk wm written, they htre j-m pabiutud the whole,

complete and nnabrideed, one month prior to It* publication inf n.iand. in the following Twenty-are style*, so a* to match alltbe tationt and different edition* of the former popular work* byCbaiie* Dicken», published by ua.


A TALE OF TWO CIT La, l ou.plete la two large du¬odecimo volume*, witb original Il¬lustration« by John Mcueaait,bouad In cloth.*1 50tt .. la full Low Library ityla. a 0»

Hat "la scarlet, fall gilt, (idea,edge*, er. 3 30

.. Half calf, gilt. 5 00

.. Half calf, antique. 5 i*3PEOPLE'S DUODECIMO EDITIONS,

nra mm.A TALE OF TWO CITlr S Complete In ens Urge duo-

ttsrlmo volume, witb two Dluttet-tloa* bound in black cloth. Price.. AT 50bound in Ml Law Library tlylr. ITS

t. H*lf call, or hah turkey. s "0Half .air. antique.. S 50Half calf, full gilt bock«. sso


A TALE OF TWO CITlEd, ( omplnr In one largo vol¬ants, with original Illustration* uyMcLenati, printed on tbe Hunt paper, and neatly bound In black cloth,to make tbe Fourteenth volume ofour present Octavo Illustrated Editiou. Price.BISOBouad in full Law Library ttyle.... I«

Half calf, or half totkey. J *5Half calf, mal bio edge*,Etearb. S SO

Ha.fc.uT. anti'iue. i "»Htlt calf gilt . » uO


A TALE OF TWO (111 ES. Complete la one laree vol-acue, I« make the Seventh volume of

lion" bound In bitch cloth""foL "gutbark or plain back. Price.AI JOBound In Scarlet cloth, f ill gilt bark. 173

" .. Full Law Library ttyle. 2 00Half turkey, or half calf. 2 25

. . .. " Half calf, tuaruied edge*,French.. 2 50

.. .. Half calf, antique. 3 noHalf calf, gilt. I oo

PAPER-COV EH r I'll IONSA TALE OF TVs O I ITDES. Complete lu one volume,

octavo. Price.50 rente.." lllnatrated One volume octavo,

paperrover.75 cents

PB*" Copies of any one or all of tbo above edition* of" A TALEOF TWO CITIES," will be sent at once, per mail, fret a/ p.t-ape, to any perron, to any part of the Culled Sie et or Canada*,on receipt of u e price of the edition Ibey may witb.

Booktoilert, Netra Jgenf, and all other*, »SI ploan tend on

their Orderi at ontt, for vhat they irant of the different Edition,ail of mdtuh viU be tappiitd at our ntuai Ia>u Rat**.Addreo* all order* to tbe Publisher*,

T It. PETERSON A BROTHERS,No. »06 Chestnut.... above 3d. Philadelphia.

For aale by all Look »oller« an I Newt Aftnt* everywhere.

rivflE .MRREI'REsMI.I.K CONFLICT * inX Vavgawkj baiut Old Jehn Brown to-d y. " HIE IRRE-IHESS'BI.E CONFLHT" in New-York U for Frevtjo n.

Sixth MvawkvaTeatTOBAT, Oov rveward . Rochester Speech,hr. Pnce 3 tent* per ropy. D. L. F D Ell. No. 50 White «t-

FARM-HOI'SES and COTTAOES.All perton« Iniereeled. in the erection of Country Dwelling*

ur Farm Luildingt, will hud much valuable aid in tu« follow ing

ALLEN'S RURAL ARCHITECTUREPeicg a ronplrte deat ription of Fann-Houaea, Cottage«, and

Oul EnilCingt. reaps i* big wood houses, workshop*. teol-bouene,rairtage ttid wagou-ho-nt, nable», .moke and aab Louse*, los-Lousea, splaiW. or bee Loutct, podtry-boueea rabbitry. doro-rotr, piggery, bam* and abeda for cattle, Ac together withlawns pUature grouudt and parkt: tbe Sower, fruit and vegetablegarden aWo, tbe beat method of conducting water into eatlieyardt aiid botisra. Beantifi.lly illustrated. Price AI 2$.

AMERICAS ARCHITECT,Compriting t'ririnal Drslmi of cheap Country and V(K».e

Re.iJ. urea with detail*, spet ite-atioua, plan* and directioti«. andan rttimtte of tbe coat of each design. By John W. Ritca. Ar¬chitect. First »nd Second ~erie». tto., bouad in I t j1. Price Atf.Book* aeat by mail on receipt of prior. Catalogue* fkrul..., d

ou »pplitaiiom All kinds of Agricultural and Horticulturaltooks tui i/.ied by

C. M. SAXTON, BARKER k Co.,Agricuitaral BookseUen and Publlaher* of


No. 15 Park-row, New York.


The Nkw-Yorr Weekly Tki.ii xf. for thisweek contain* the following:

]..LEADING ARTICLES: Honor-Buildingi The BrownPlot, Where It the P.laaae ! Popular SViverolgutyJohn Brown I'r»J Agricultural Inatm.tion, Edi¬tor uti Paiagrapba.

|1..ltEVievv uF TUM WEEK: i«vu.g la a »eodeasedend coaspicaoua form the latest and asset iiap-irtamrTstiU that have transpirrd it. 'h- :ty and Saburbtike I ailed btaU*. Mexico, and Europe.




Orgaulnatasa » f too lleoae From Wesiuagton: Dr.Ponrey anff tie Hoard er" Frreign MitiCoj. ShutCarolina LesrUlaturr.

X.-rtW PI BLH ATlONS: Partoe'i Life of AndrewJack «ee.

XI. lOETR V A New Poem by Walter tat-tge Landor;Jonathan to Lowe | The Coeaaas* Flower.

XII. .11 LH S OF THE FRANKLIN FtPEDITION:London Lorrr*pcndenc« of The N. Y. Trioejte.



pered for The N. Y. Tribune by an American I , :*»¦B lie.


Stork Meaev. Cotaaa.Gosla.aad Cattle Mo--ks(<,*Re> -ij Reported .V TL« N. Y. Tribuua.

XXIV .-pp TniBL*NE ALMANAC FOR 1860.Trsas.AS par aaavam Three, Ccsiet for ffA T*n (sr fflt.

Twenty Ctpteo. tt oar e^dreea. »S» aad an *xtr. Copy to thepersea w L< forts* the Clak*l221*f.i 0ri** ?*» »» <-» Pibticotioa Ott« THIS

UQRhlSo. Price|c.


D. APPLETON & Co..Nea t*tf ud til BboUDWxT,

PrBiien Tai« r»»»(hy eubecrfpf.oni



J. II. Patt«», A. M.la aac larr* toA, tZt page*., kr«., bat/ Moroc o.

Pne* A* 10.IJuet.-aied «itb fine Stool Engraving*.

In aaaaaaaaaa Ihr readiag aobllc thi* voliroe, lb* B-iV ieherahep* to »i>r * *«ul loa« Mt.that of a Hletory of tbe I'mtedetetee oecupyiag e pier* bs-twten tb* documentary bittunc*.exuadiu* tu .ix or n-,rr toluai, *ad the a*f« ooaipaada ie»«dIn .chicle. 1 la former of the** ere beyond the- r.¦». h af greetnumbs it of intrllUn t general reader*, while tbe latter do notmeet thru wtme.

in this History they will find dearly triced tboer in.luthat .-. e bad a ,. »r: in moldiag tar a hareceer ef Ibertad lit n.tti utloue, morrl tod political, and alto of thote redes*and rrrtt* .. tdiarer.eristic af tae titnaa and tb* people.

1 la* i* in accordance ariib taa truth that history it ua*fjl onlyw> fai tttt delineate a tbe people, an.i trice* the cauaaaof the.irfiuicces that bate produced importtot r» suite.be they beacon*o a are ef danger, or ri ample» worth* ol imltation-Tl.it Kietory of tie I'uiUd State*." by it* price, la «ritain tbe

reach of t very read« r; and la yet no leet pertret at a H.story thuithree eft v«ry it. i. h more .'oat.yki.d- It lake*, a* ha* beenaaid, tb« n..dme (round between tbe school compeade and tberlahore'r work*. In It will be found a record sutncieuriy fall, of**>ry etenl that i* properly a part 01 our uiatory.a descriptionof ta aala*a I ana weta notable, or had any pane-alar or tea,.-».»IT«ct. and au aycocnt of the men who wore tbe actor*. Tber . n air r»ru ludividualixrd. Sketche* of lue character* of all* ho ate piomiaent In onr national biatory. are given.whichbiingthaaa bclore u in an especially inteieetiog manner, andadniu* in a uiraeaie. e key to their mot iv e*. sna to tbe betterunder.tanking «I ti.eir acta Tbe work 1« therefore notomaghtwithin lit lit, It a try any ooiiteton of proper parte of the History,but only by ruudeneatioB, by perfect freedom from all verbosityand rambling argument. It le the plain, full, ttraigbuorwardatoiy of oui pe*t.Mi ch labor hat been eepecially bettowed to tripple e more

that: ordinary debrirncy in the hiatorie* of the War of l*lr, andthe War a lib Mexico. The caueea that 1*1 to the former aretiered, and a view glvru of the political part lea and the Clashingot opinion* »hieb In tboae day* agitated the country, a* drawnftem the uewepapeteof the lime and the debates in Congres*.

A* ta the Mexican War, it* history can be an I la* now impar¬tially wiittta; aad tbe ceases which led to it.the annexation of1 rxa*. the intrigue*, tbe conflicts, and the remits, are graphical¬ly given.

From Tbe New-York Obeerrer.An acquaintance with the author and with the work iteeif

(having teed portions ol it at it wee parsing through the prate,and having examined it since ite pubm-atiobI. enable na to twin-n mi it heaitily at a valuable addition to our historical treasure*.It is the result of careful, deliberate, and extended research; itexhibit* impartial and sound judgment. ud la written ia an eaeytod tttiactive style, making il a book to be read aa wall at to beprrtetv» d for constant reference, ibe biatory of our countryi hue portrayed lee n.or* of tb* intereet of a drama thaa of a bar*ntrtaiion oi facia."

. gmte wanted in t hie city and in all parte of tbe United States.Liberal terms and exclusive territory given.

HIW-YOBI I B I li U NE.TU L TRIBUNE.now more than eighteen Teere old, and having

OTer a qaaiier ef a million of enbeeribera, or coasUnt purcbaaara,diflueed through every 8>ete aad Territory of our Uuiob.willcontiooe it essence what il ha* been.tbe earnest chaoupioa of

Liberty, Progreea, and of whatever will conduce to our national

growth in \ irtue, lodnatry, Knowledge, and Prosperity. It willcontinue to urge the emancipation not enly of the Black laberetfrom cbatteliem and legal Impotence, bat of the White likewisefrom Laud Monopoly, Intemperance, Ignorance, and that depend¬ence ou iemote Markets which paralyse* exertloa by denying to

Toil any adequate and morally certain reward. Believing thaithe chief evil of our lime 1* the inordinate oniltlplication and dis¬

proportion of Non-Producers, it will continue to war against what¬ever tend* to degrade Manual Labor, or deprive it ef ilajast aadfull recompense. It will inflexibly eammend the policy of win¬

ning hither frou> Europe he I'eehil Art*, and, wherever they maybe needed, the Artisan* aa well, for wooes products our e-mntry1* now running reekleeeiy into debt, while our laborer* roam in

fruitieea que*t of employment, leaving their children in want of

breed, though the fe.-u.er |g too often compelled te eel) hie crops atmoat Inadequate price*. Ia abort, while battling against FUlibua-teriam and every other manifestation of that evil tpirit whichtrek a through the spoliation of other co-mlries that aggrandiaemanlwhich ia to be truly attained enly through the doe develop*meeitand cultivation >t our internal reeoarcee, .t will urgently advocatea more eitrctively eiscriminatire land, th* Freedom of the Pub¬lic Lande, tbe construction of a Railroad from ths navigable wa¬

tete of the Mississippi to those of th* Pacific, and every othertore which asetna to ae calculated to enhance the dignity or

the recompense of Labor, and promote the wall-being of Mankind.The '. irrepretaihle conflict" between Darkness and Light,nertia end Progreea, Slavery aad Freedom, move* eteettUy on¬

ward. Isolated acta of folly and uiadueae way for the moment givea aeomiug ailvantage to Wrong j but Uod still reigns, and the Ageaare true to Humanity and Right. Tbe year lBbO muet witneia a

meuiorahle conflict batweam these irrecoucilable antagonist*. The.... iitaui u.._» sueerv b* s,rsk«w dttfuaed by taa

power and uuder ÜM hag of the Federal Union '" It now to re¬

ceive a momentous If not a coueiueive antrwsr. " Laad for theLendlee*, varan* Nsgroee far the Negrole**," le the battle-cry ofth* embodied Million* who, havingJuet ewept Pennsylvania, Ohioand the North-Weet. appear la the new Congreae, bached bynearly every Free State, to demand a recognition of every man'sright to cultivate and improve a modicum of ths earth't eurfacewbereves he has not been anticipated by the State'* oration toanother Free Home*, and the consecration of ths virgin eoti efthe Trnitonee to Free Labor.two requirement*, but one policy.must largely absorb Ibe attention of Courier* through tbe ensuing.eaaion, aa of the People ui the toeceediag Treatdential canvas*;and, whatever the immediate issue, we cannot diuut that the ulti¬mate verdict will be iu accord at once with the dictate* of impar¬tial Pbilanturopj and the Inalienable Rights of Man.Having made arrangeniente for fuller and more graphic reports

of the dcingt of Coagreee, and of whatever else trauepiring at th*Federal Metropolit elaall seem worthy of public regard, and hav¬ing extruded both oar Foreign and Donretlu: Correspondence andatr. ng'..ened our Kdltorlal etatf, we believe Thb Titlnnaa mayaafely challenge a compariaoa with any rival, whether a* aa tmpo-nent ol principles or as a reliable mirror of the r*world.We pcrj oae not to bo eurpaeeud nor ajiticipated in the collectionor prearataliou of intelligence, though we eschew that reputationfor enterprise which le acquired by bribing taeeaengere and clerk*in pnbl.e other* to connive at the premature publication ofUeatieaor other official document*. We prise accuracy of statement

qak* a* highly ae promptitude, hat endeavor not to sacrifice th*latter while securing the former. Eaaentiaily, Taa Tamrta willbe what it ha* rises, while we shall eonetautly etudy to Improverite every fee lore, and " make each day a critic on th* last." Thsgeneral verdict of the Press and the Public ha* affirmed the eao-

cee* of oar past Ubore, aad tboee of the future ehall be character-Bed by equal eamestne** and aatiduity. We aak those who be¬lieve the general influence of oar journal to be salutary to aid a*

in extending that influence through au incioevto of our tu uterip-tiooe.THE NEW-YORK DAILY TRIUCNE

ia printed uli a large imperial eheet, and publiehed every morningand evening (Bundaya etesptsd). It contain* Editorials on Iba

topic* of the time*, employing . large corp* of the beet newspaperwriters of the Say; Doiueetie and Foraign CorTrapondence Pro-ces-dmga of Cougraas: Report* of Lecture*; City News; Cauls,Horte, end Produce Markets; Reviewa of Books. Literary Iui*

Hgence; Pefera on Mechanic* and the Art*, Ac, Ac W» at.ir»to make THE TRIBUNE a aeitepaptr to cnect the want* of Umpublic.Ug Telegraphic newt alone coetiag OTer ejij/wu perannum.

TERMS:THE DAILT TRIBUNE ia mailed to tubacriberg at «0 per

annum, in advance; BI for six BiiaafhtTHE NEW-YORK SEMI-WEEKLY

TRIBUNEla pabuahed erery TraanaT aad FaraaT, aad eowteiae all theEditortal» of ta* Pally, with tbe Cattle. Horse, mmd Ueaenl Markat*, reliably reported expretaly for THE TRIBUNE; Foreignand Domestic Correspondence, and daring the aeatiena of Cougrea*It contain* a aummary of Cocgreattrmtl doing*, with the raote im¬

portant epeerhea Wa ahaiJ, aa baratofor*. make THE SEMI-WEEKLY TB1BUNE a Literary, as well aa a PaMateal saw.pa¬per, and we are determined that R ehall remain la th* fruit rankaf family paper*.One Copy, one year.$3 Five Cople*. one year. .611 'A3Two t opus*, one year... 5 Ten a* axe*mtL'.rtm VtO f>0Tea ( optes. or ever, (. oaWrtt* */ set* sai/teriW, A'A 99 teach.Any person aeuding ue a club of twenty, ar over, art! ha eatattled

t* aa extra sopy. Fat a alah of fifty, w* wiü **aad Tbe Daily Trib¬une one year.IU >r MI WEEKLY TRIBUNE is eeot ta Oe^gymen at

B1 per anniim.

JUK lt. Y. WEEKLY TRIBUNE,a large eight-gavee paper for the country, Is published every Seta**day, aad conlaean Editoriai* an the important topee* of Met Una**,the Lewe af th* weak, aatexeeuag eorroapondetac* from all Bearu eithe world, tbe New-York Cattle, Horse, and Produce Market*,interesting and raiiabU PotlUcal, Machaaical, aad AgriguiUralMac lea, Ae.\li shall, daring tide year, ae heretofore, inestate!Vy labor to

Improve the qoaiity at the metrnctlvss tuatartahaatsat aforA-d byTHE WEEKLY TBJBCNK, whieh, w* hrteaai, ehall conanaeto l- 'he hast Family Weekly Newspaper published la the World.\\ e ronasder the Cattle Market Roporta aloe* richly wert« tacattl* raisare a year a tohecnpt;-iu price.

TERMS:One Copy. eastyear.99Threat optea. one year.... ft1 wrote- Copiee. lo ear adkhgat.and any larger Bom Bat. 01 each.Tweety < upae*. a* odaVr** o/ tjcA tjstenWr.94and any larger naniber, a Bl JQ each.Any peraea eenttog at a elab of Twenty, ar store, wffl bo *r,rt-

Lad ta aa extra copy. For a rhb of forty, we will gaead Tu*lead-Weakly Tribune; aad for a eksa af ana liaaile I Th* DailyTnbam* will be sea* grade. Wa raaatinaa to tetad Taa WgauiTaiarax to < Wgyasaa far BL

Babarriptajoas aaay esaMaaaee at any time. Terras always aaabin sdvtDca. AJ ietlara aaaast he tdar» ist I ta

HORACE ÜREELEY R Ca., Tribaaa BaflJfa^

Five Coptaa, on* year.flTan Copte*. oas ywar.. &9


ricrrvKts or California-ten year* later.>«. i.


PUNCH' l^KE^JSok for I860, Witt. A Co¬lored rk»«, .> John Lstth. aad iumioti Weed Engrav-

tnf*, »7 Job« LaetA tad John TetiBieLruci or* Ikluil

w'llm ER A ROGER*.Career Hw,: m*i Ubtrty-ete, N. T.

Ana *D BaoaaaUan tad New. Ageeta.

THE K.t. Dr. CHAPIN^NlFw WOM-ll1 i. nailed "SELECT «EAMONB» ataaaaad In Um Broad¬way Church, tad maUia» I* awty Putter*** aat oikti ¦ w*

SÄ»*114 ^^^^r ?»bii*h*r. No. r Hawaiarit»THE EDINBLRU STEREOSCOPIC COM-A PAN 1 -It, agtaey tf Uta» Ctetp.* will cieet aat) teeta>t«oA of VIEW'S ti verylew artoa*. Aptdy .» one* at

No. IST BROADWAY.A area ,-htaot fee Areier* to oapply thtasnlvt* fcv two Haft-


»VABBATH SCHOOL TEACHERS WISHINGO to make bteatiful patten** to their pupil* eta too aaTaaatao- toe Sabbatk School Ball, atoot ***g*atiy bouad ta ekotk aadTurkey morocco ealinil attt, tiki odfwd Ac Pries* ate.,>f tOc., Tea., tec.. Jar. «od At. Mailed fret. a Ubortvl all I net».11 k. a»Jf by tbo »asatrtttopt** PabUaaod by HOBAt E WATERS, Afoat No. Ml Broadway.

Printing.AT WM. EVERDEtXtVSONS,104^

V\ sddiu*. V it-tit*. *nd Hs.Ui.tt ( tit Raaravtr*Job Printer», Liikigtephar.. and LtJaW M*

ENGRAVING and PRINTING (ttgdf pnao)..j Wrddtng, AI Heaae Net**, P. pert. Aa ; Bad«»*» Card*.

bill Htad. Portrait., Ac et KELLAS, No. H FnRea-tt,, N 1bill

yiSITING CARDS KOK I HE HOLIDAYS.--No. 104 Fnlton-et., n. Y. Eatabaaaed 1»1«

v\ M EYERDELL a M)NB, Fcgra.tM sad Prietei*rfl.

Startenftp and fnnew v»ooa<».

BARD BROTHERS ft Co., Mant*f«v<dJ«rt*To ofGOLD PENH, PEN and PENCIL < Adle, He. tl Motto

lane. New York. Manotaetory, Brooklyn, Coaa. Oetd Pan* to-

paired or exchanged._'_Si.ote Sc janes,

STATIONERS. PR INTERS, aad blank-boor man¬UFACTURERS, No. M EaHoo-tt. Ordart rtipoottnlly atilctu-d.




with a gioat ranety of other WINTER GOODS at a treat r*>aV-Ucu of prico for oa*b>

_M. A. KNAPP, No, MCwartknalat

a)'"Mi. WE have comuveiurvj our utuai »J^QdQ I %J CLEARING OUT SALE *aV 6 %7OP


281 *«««.«»«»* 281OREAT BARGAINS.


Stor*. Ladt** ran teieet fron» tbo large** ttoek and tattety?f tlylr.. Strict attoutl*» paid to a grerofol at. PriaaaaotAreasonable Tbo fatbioaokl* ParU abapa sRIRTmrtaw|artlt

No. tU Broadway, two door* fro** Oalaa ataar I.

N. R-Lattta*' Ul-tbapad SairU aktarad tad aaado ooor._GREAT HAV1N0 to BUYERS 01* CAR-A PETS, OIL-CLOTHS. Re.


inipurfr* and Wbowaal* peelrr,la CARPETS; OIL-t LOTHS, RUGS, SHADES, tva,

No. to CooTtioatR-at., a*a» b roadway,W DJ, *ft*r tbu date aad until lat of Jaaoary noat

(tbeir wholeeale trade beln* motUy otor for tbt> PtttlKOfrr their ENTIRE STOl K at RETAIL Aat

CASH, at WHOLESALE PRICES.Oat profit eta ko aaved aad

tthatlrn mad* from the Largest «HeekErer ottered at Retail In tbo City.

Erery grade of Occd*Csnbebed.

Eiperirneed spboltteren have brs-o eagtgnd, aad ftjodo wiltk- drbtered fr*. ^^«-^^1.^0*^No. U CoorUatwtt-tt., botwara Broadway aad GtwaawteA-et


Ns. MO Broadway,Are aow elotiua out




And tbeir bug* atoek ofOOLö an11 PAIMEÜ window SHADES,


SOLOMON A HART attt the largoet aad beet ttstotcd **>im.ai if tin itm trtdt Is ko Iii saw ta tea* etty, aad tow*«er them TO THE RETAIL TRAUE



ku tat» laerket,Beducod to SI 75, tU A3 50. AI, to At per paw.SOLOMON A HART, N« Ab» Hro^.ay.

INDLaTiCBBER GLOVES BntTMITTSAre now eonaidrred tnditpentabie to all who rajasja ttA.

amooth, white band. Tbrv protect too band» ta atl kratit ttark ear* * h*pp«d Hand*, Salt Rheum, Ava., and

hand* toft, miootb, aad snowy white.Impertiona to water, hot or cold.GOODY EAR'S India-Rnbber Glore Manufaeturiag Co.,

No. W John at.,Mtnulaoturera and Dealer* in aU kind* of

RUBBER GOODS, Wholesale aad Retfatl

Ijatent tHREAD-CÜTTIVO THIMBLE8tan now be obtained at nay taaey retail atere Ikreoght

tat Statt*, A* a tltrta and kahor aster It it utaluahle. Bribeuse of tbii thimble, the operator U eaabled to ditponst with theuse of the tcittort, and the tto frequent and lajirion* praottta tabitin/t off the thread*. No w tanat ahonld be without tt.W batatas* depot, HARDING a 8TEIRLT,

No. I« Wall at., Now York.W. BTRON WHARTON, Agnat.AVE A DOLLAR.'!

.T Bayoaooftht, beat quality 8n« MOLESKIN SILK HATStt «33 and rot will tar* t>l. Taeao aaata Hat* are (eld *kta>obere for A4. Please call and eiaaalae.

CONKLIN SMITH, No b»j Brttdw.y, CJiuas** Batkttng.

ENGLISH HOSIERY and CNDEOGAR-MENTS .Best Preach Kid Olotee, ate. \ LasMsa' and

k it.et' (.aunllett, I bildren'a Kid Gloret; alao. a karge **oeA ofWmated and Cloth Oaitera, Armlet*, ho; Knittinsv Worstedand Saxony Yarn*; Altiandrs'* Oltrre*. No. *«» Sroadwiy,east aide, above IHth-M..THE RED SI'OX KINO.


kJOJIKTHINO' ENTIRELY NBW.-IvVtO Patent Skovt Button* aad Shirt fttoda alao Cuff aad CollarPiua for LatUe*. and Armlet* for Children They renoirt somtton hole, do aot unfactea. aombtne Weal beauty and atiktty.Pot sale, wboletaleand retail, atths7>»|d aad Slit«r WattdVCast Manufactory ofJOHN H. Ol PUN, N*. tV7 VeeoyoL, k, t.

fare, Robte, tot.

A&, C. GLANZ,e inportert and M»nuf* lorer* *fFANCY FURS, ef EVERY DESCRIPTION,

At WkakiarJaattd Retail,No. Ill Broadway, up stair*.

Tbo attention tf the trade aad Ike aoMIe ta fetteral is lovrtodto our exlecaive and taabieaable «toek ef tat etwee, at


ml Ht'KTER A SlltDK. Wo. at Mat i at lie a.r rich aad aitgaat sseortateat ef LAD! e*v FI/RR,

FUK8.KlfRH.FIIRÄ.HUNTER A sik;Otftr tkwir rich aad iligaavli



Made up ta Uta latest try it, whisk taoy etttr at th» etwest prtete

FASHIONABLE FANCY FURS.ELRICH A RL'CKNER (lioporttr* aad Hiaakltwairr»,

wiO be pluatad to tab.bit their *a)nabI* ttooft to retail puathaaert. coutltting of

SABLE. MINK, STONE MARTEN ERMINE. As.wnick thoy wul selJ at tht stwett prioo*. He. 4T Mailt** aval


No. »19 Broadway, at. Nteaoia* Hot*),lti.it* attention I* tbetr seUrA a*vJ beaatital tSapWy efLADIES' KASHION AHI.J-. FURS,

eoospritliif story 4a*fjabtl apoett*. aad aaviultrtared la themeat perfect aad taaty maanor.


I AD1ES' FANCY FL'Rh I.LADIES' KANCTI * f KS '.The *ab*rrI1>or bos opened oi* toeik ef LADIES*FUBS.Aon.prUing CLOAKS, CAPES, MAuvTILLAS, Ac, ofSable, Mink, and other choice fVirt, la tbo sttett tArjet, very low'or rash, In no case exceeding wholesaljbfRICK v »t retail.

S. GOOE. Praetteal Farrtsr, No. at Irtadnay, rpstaArt.Pan, Trimsings, Ac, auto* to order in every style.


.Jk/Conritilng tf Hiedsoa'* Bay Sabie, Mlak, mmmptMjktax'oa Fkvch, Entlne, Siberian Soulrr*!, Ac

At LEOPOLD LANG'S,tt*. t*.s. r

Uxttiaxb Habit:1>HKLAN 9 IMPROVED BILLIARD TABLE!I AND COMBINAI iON CUSHIONS,for aar* by the .,1-.too aad staaofacturtra. Tiliisallll¦ tAthlatja aJ« .y» ta taod. O'CONNOR A uOLLENDER

rir* tt, « #1 atd aOCrtobv %c. Nsw tswk.

I( -t -FOUR COUPONS «f the STATE c*fj( i.I.IEORNIA due Jan. I MSS. two oT Bat, twe of

BITS«. Part Its art rawttoaod araimrt aogotisAitai. the aayaaantof wi.Kbkwibtsattatot^od. A liberal reward will no pw* tt)the fintier upon retatniar the sarae to

BRI GIERE A DU v IV!FR, No » Wkatakail at,