applicant yashswi


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Crimina A!!i"a#i$n N$% && O' 201(




Anil & Ors. …..APPEALLANT


Union of India …..RESPONDENT

Written Submissions on bealf of te A!!ellant"

#ounsel for te A!!ellant.

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LIST O$ A%%REIATIONS.....................................................................................................'

INDE( O$ AUT)ORITIES......................................................................................................*


CASES:................................................................................................................................... *

WEBSITES:............................................................................................................................. +

STATE,ENT O$ -URISDI#TION...........................................................................................

STATE,ENT O$ $A#TS......................................................................................................../0

STATE,ENT O$ ISSUES....................................................................................................../1

SU,,AR2 O$ AR3U,ENTS............................................................................................../'

AR3U,ENTS ADAN#ED ................................................................................................./*

PRA2ER.................................................................................................................................. *1

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•  5 6 Para4ra!

• AIR 6 All India Re!orter

• ed. 6 Edition

•  !. 6 Pa4e

•  !!. 6 Pa4es

•  No. 7 Number 

• S# 6 Su!reme #ourt

• S## 6 Su!reme #ourt #ases

• S#R 6 Su!reme #ourt Re!orter

• Su!!. 6 Su!!lement

• ol. 6 olume

• PS 6 Poli8e Station

• IP#7 Indian Penal #ode 9*: of /+;0<

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%oo=s Referred

#ommentar> on te #ode of #riminal Pro8edure A8t" /?' b> Ratanlal & Dira@lal

#ommentar> on te Indian Penal #ode" /+;0 b> Ratanlal & Dira@lal

Te Indian Penal #ode Wit #ommentar> b> W. R. )amilton

#ommentar> on te Indian EBiden8e A8t" /+?1 b> Ratanlal and Dira@lal

#ases Referred

/. State of 3u@arat Bs. Da>abai -asin4 and Anr. 100?#riL-1*" 9100?</3LR+

1. Per E>re L.#.% in R. . Wood8o8="9/?+< / Lea8 :00.

'. Publi8 !rose8utor" A.P. B. A!!allaneni aribabu" 9/?:< / And WR '0* at !4. '0

4.  Cusalrao B. State of %omba> AIR /:+ S# 11.

5. Ra8a!uti Na4esara Rao Na4ara@u Bs. State of A.P. 100:91<ALT9#ri<;0"


;. Surinder =umar mali B. State of ).P. "/+: #r.L- /*'; 9)P<

7. In Cisan lal B. State of Ra@astan /0 AIR 11;

8. Camla B. State of Pun@ab" AIR /' S# '?*

9. State B. C Sridar 1000 #r L- '1+ 9Cant<.

Website Referred





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Te a!!li8ant as a!!roa8ed te )onFble Su!reme #ourt of India under Arti8le /'* of te

#onstitution of India i8 reads as underG

Arti8le /'*G 7 A!!-a#- ./rii"#i$n $' S/!r-m- C$/r# in r-ar #$ "rimina ma##-r%3

9/< An a!!eal sall lie to te Su!reme #ourt from an> @ud4ment" final order or senten8e in a

8riminal !ro8eedin4 of a )i4 #ourt in te territor> of India if te )i4 #ourt7as on a!!eal

reBersed an order of a8Huittal of an a88used !erson and senten8ed im to deat or as itdran

for trial before itself an> 8ase from an> 8ourt subordinate to its autorit> and as in su8 trial

8onBi8ted te a88used !erson and senten8ed im to deat or 8ertifies under Arti8le /'*A tat te

8ase is a fit one for a!!eal to te Su!reme #ourtG

Pr$4i- tat an a!!eal under sub78lause sall lie sub@e8t to su8 !roBisions as ma> be made in

tat bealf under 8lause 9/< of Arti8le /*: and to su8 8onditions as te )i4 #ourt ma>

establis or reHuire.

91< Parliament ma> b> la 8onfer on te Su!reme #ourt an> furter !oers to entertain and ear 

a!!eals from an> @ud4ment" final order or senten8e in a 8riminal !ro8eedin4 of a )i4 #ourt in

te territor> of India sub@e8t to su8 8onditions and limitations as ma> be s!e8ified in su8 la.

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• Anil and Ri>a ere in a relationsi! for : >ears before 4ettin4 married on /:.0.10//. Te ros>

 !i8ture tat Ri>a ad about er marria4e soon ased aa>. Ri>a as a Ber> ell Hualified

oman it a de4ree in %.A and LL.%. In order to finan8iall> el! Anil" se as 4iBin4 tuitions

to 8ildren and students stud>in4 la in teir nel> rented ome in ,u=er@ee Na4ar.

• On /:.0?.10/' Ri>a as admitted in te 4oBernment os!ital at 1G00 P.,. it ** burns. )er 

statement as re8orded b> te ead 8onstable of !oli8e 6i"6 i ann-7- #$ #6- !r$8-m a

Ann-7/r- 1" erein se stated tat se a88identall> 4ot te burns due to burnin4 8andle. On te

 basis of te same $IR as re4istered.

• On te same da>" a statement as also re8orded b> te eJe8utiBe ma4istrate" 6i"6 i ann-7-

#$ #6- !r$8-m a Ann-7/r- 2" after 4ettin4 te 8ertifi8ate of fitness from te do8tor" erein a

statement similar to er first statement as re8orded. Se remained in te os!ital due to er 

fatal burns.

• On 1'.0?.10/'" a d>in4 de8laration as re8orded b> te EJe8utiBe ,a4istrate 6i"6 i ann-7-

#$ #6- !r$8-m a Ann-7/r- *,  in !resen8e of Ri>aFs !arents and broter" erein se as

alle4ed tat er usband Anil ad set er on fire due to i8 se re8eiBed fatal burns.

• Ri>a eJ!ired on /*.0+.10/' in te os!ital and on 4ettin4 te information te !oli8e altered te

$IR into offen8e under Se8tions '01" *+A IP#. Te do8tor 8onfirmed on 8ondu8tin4 te !ost7mortem tat te 8ause of deat as se!ti8aemia so8= due to ante7mortem burns. After ne8essar>

inBesti4ations !oli8e filed a 8ar4e seet on './1.10/' a4ainst Anil" is fater S>am Lal" is

moter Rade ,aa and is foster sister Saina.

• Te trial 8ourt a8Huitted all te a88used in its de8ision on 0+.0:.10/*" obserBin4 tat te

 !rose8ution 8ould not !roBe an> 8ase a4ainst eiter of tem as tere as no eBiden8e in8ul!atin4

all four of tem be>ond reasonable doubt

• A44rieBed" te State !referred #riminal A!!eal No. 00:;K/* before te )i4 #ourt of Deli at

 Ne Deli. Te )# in its im!u4ned @ud4ement dated /?./0.10/* 8onBi8ted te a!!ellant moter"

fater and sister under Se8tion *+A IP# and Se8tion * of te Dor> Proibition A8t /:; and

aarded a senten8e to under4o ri4orous im!risonment for 1 >ears and a 8olle8tiBe fine of Rs.

:0"000 and in default to under4o a RI of additional ; monts. Te a!!ellant usband Anil as

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8onBi8ted under Se8tion '01 and *+A IP# and Se8tion * of te Dor> Proibition A8t /:; and

as aarded im!risonment for life. Te de8ision as on te basis of te eBiden8e !rodu8ed i.e.

te letter ritten b> Ri>a to er moter -amini" te de!osition of te nei4bour Srinu o

8orroborated te !resen8e of Anil durin4 te in8ident" de!osition of Ri>aFs moter -amini tat te

relation beteen Ri>a and Anil ere strained and te d>in4 de8laration made b> Ri>a.

• A44rieBed b> tis order of )#" a!!ellants Anil and is famil> !referred an A!!eal in te S# on

Barious 4rounds in8ludin4 material differen8es in te d>in4 de8larations ma=in4 te d>in4

de8laration self78ontradi8tor> and unreliable" os!ital re8ords tat soed te date of admission

to te os!ital to be /:.0?.10/' b> Saum>a and te autenti8it> of te letter ritten b> Ri>a to


R--4an# !$r#i$n $' #6- Ann-7/r-3

ANNE(URE / 7 Statement 4iBen to )ead #onstable /:K0?K10/'

I married Anil * >ears ba8= durin4 m> final >ear of 8olle4e. We liBe in ,u=er@ee Na4ar. ,> in

las liBe se!aratel>. I 4iBe tuitions to 8ildren. 2esterda> on /*.0?.10/' ni4t around + !.m.

tere as a !oer 8ut. I ent to 8e8= te 8ir8uit boJ. In te dar=ness m> !ol>ester saree 8au4t

fire from te burnin4 8andle and m> entire bod>" 8est" ands" fa8e" le4s" foot and some !arts of stoma8 ere burnt. I !oned m> friend Saum>a o brou4t an ointment and a!!lied it. Not

8ured. Toda> i.e. /:.0?.10/' mornin4 at /0 a.m. I 8ame to 3oBernment )os!ital it te el! of 

m> friend Saum>a. Nobod> as aare due to rain and ind last ni4t tat I as burnin4.

ANNE(URE 1 6 Statement 4iBen to EJe8utiBe ,a4istrate as on /:.0?.10/'

2esterda> ni4t at around + en I ent to 8e8= te 8ir8uit boJ u4e inds ere 8omin4. In te

meanile m> saree 8au4t fire from te burnin4 8andle and te flames 8ame out. Li=eise m>

 bod> 4ot burnt. I liBe it m> usband in ,u=er@ee Na4ar. I alone !resent en tis a!!ened.

Tere are no dis!utes beteen m>self and m> usband. ,> usband did not 8ome to ouse en

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I as burnt. )e as in offi8e. ,> friend Saum>a brou4t me to os!ital. Tis a!!ened

uneJ!e8tedl>. Nobod> did tis. It as an a88ident.

ANNE(URE ' 6 Statement made to EJe8utiBe ,a4istrate as on 1'.0?.10/'

I 4ot married to Anil on /:.0.10//. Tere as a !oer 8ut. Tere as Huarrel beteen me and

m> usband. )e as una!!> it me. )e said e doesnFt ant me an>more and I aBe be8ome

a eada8e for im. Wile abusin4 e brou4t is burnin4 li4ter to m> !ol>ester saree and set

me on fire. I 4ot burn in@uries. ,> in7las donFt liBe it us. ,> usband too= ater from te

 batroom and !oured ater on me. Srinu" neJt door nei4bor 8ame tere and el!ed !uttin4 te

flames off. No nei4bour 8ame eJ8e!t Srinu. ,> usband reHuested Srinu not to reBeal an>tin4

about te in8ident to an>one as it ould brin4 bad name to our famil>. )e arran4ed some

medi8ines and in@e8tions. ,> in7las 8ame from 3ur4aon. On /:.0?.10/' te> too= me to a

 !riBate os!ital in mornin4. Around /1 noon on /;.0?.10/' te> brou4t me on 8ot to

4oBernment os!ital but tereafter none of tem 8ould be found. Earlier" I made a statement

 before te !oli8e tat m> usband and in7las narrated to me. I donFt remember o all ere

tere durin4 m> first statement. PreBiousl>" te !oli8e and ma4istrate did not ta=e te statement

for8ibl> from me.

ANNE(URE *7 Letter ritten b> Ri>a to er ,oter on /?./1.10/1

I tired alot ...Anil as also 8an4ed a lot after marria4e. )e ardl> as time for me. We donFt 4o

on outin4s an>more and e is ala>s bus> in is offi8e. I tou4t e ould su!!ort me at least

 but instead e sa>s I married >ou be8ause >ou be8ause >ou are from a bi4 famil> and if >our 

fater 8ould not do @ust tis mu8 ten at is te use of marr>in4 >ou.


 No" be8ause of AnilFs @ob e aBe rented a ne flat in ,u=er@ee Na4ar as is offi8e as far 

off earlier. I am a!!> ere as te life ere is !ea8eful. No more taunts and abuses of AnilFs

Parents and sister. Te> do not sta> it us but on8e in a mont te> =ee! Bisitin4. I o!e

eBer>tin4 4ets fine soon. I am tr>in4 m> best.....

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/. Weter te i4 8ourt b> its im!u4ned order stands 8orre8ted in 8on8ludin4 te

8onBi8tion of te a!!ellant on te basis of d>in4 de8laration and oter releBant eBiden8es


1. Weter te i4 8ourt b> its im!u4ned order stands 8orre8ted in re4ards to te

8onBi8tion of moter" fater and sister of ,r. Anil

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/. Weter te i4 8ourt b> its im!u4ned order stands 8orre8ted in 8on8ludin4 te

8onBi8tion of te a!!ellant on te basis of d>in4 de8laration and oter releBant eBiden8es


Tat te i4 8ourt b> its im!u4ned order stands erred in la b> 8onBi8tin4 ,r. Anil

under se8tion '01 and *+ A of te IP#" due to te folloin4 reasonsG7

• Im!u4ned order of te )i4 #ourt as on te basis of material eBiden8e !rodu8ed

on re8ord i.e. d>in4 de8laration of te de8eased" letter ritten b> te de8eased to

er moter" de!osition of te nei4bor Srinu" de!osition of ri>aFs moter i8

stands to be not suffi8ient to !roBe te 8ase be>ond reasonable doubt.

• Tat te )onFble )i4 8ourt in its order solel> !la8ed relian8e on te d>in4

de8laration itout !a>in4 eed to te statements 4iBen b> te de8eased to te

ead 8onstable and eJe8utiBe ma4istrate.

• Tat te )onFble )i4 8ourt in its order didnFt !la8e relian8e on te ambiBalent

statements of te de8eased and te 8ontradi8tion leadin4 tereto.

1. Weter te i4 8ourt b> its im!u4ned order stands 8orre8ted in re4ards to te

8onBi8tion of moter" fater and sister of ,r. Anil

To Huote te releBant !arts of te se8tion itselfG7

Se8tion *+ A 6 

  M(a) any willful conduct which is of such a nature as is liely to dri!e the wo"en to

co""it suicide or to cause #ra!e in$ury or dan#er to life% li"&% or health of the


It is !ertinent to note tat te se8tion itself demands te 8ruelt> to be in re4ards so as to

 brin4 an> !>si8al or mental dama4e to te oman" i8 in te resent 8ase is !rima

fa8ie missin4. It is also noteort> a88ordin4 to te fa8ts tat te relationsi! of te

a!!ellant and te de8eased ere strenuous and tat una!!iness ouldnFt amount to


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1% W6-#6-r #6- 6i6 "$/r# 8@ i# im!/n- $r-r #an "$rr-"#- in "$n"/in #6-

"$n4i"#i$n $' #6- a!!-an# $n #6- 8ai $' @in -"ara#i$n an $#6-r r--4an#

-4i-n"- !r$/"-

Tat te i4 8ourt b> its im!u4ned order stands erred in la b> 8onBi8tin4 ,r. Anil

under se8tion '01 and *+ A of te IP#" due to te folloin4 reasonsG7

• Im!u4ned order of te )i4 #ourt as on te basis of material eBiden8e !rodu8ed

on re8ord i.e. d>in4 de8laration of te de8eased" letter ritten b> te de8eased to

er moter" de!osition of te nei4bor Srinu" de!osition of ri>aFs moter i8

stands to be not suffi8ient to !roBe te 8ase be>ond reasonable doubt.

It is i4l> ironi8al tat tere is no oter eBiden8e aBailable i8 as been !la8ed

relian8e on b> te )i4 #ourt 8omin4 to te 8on8lusion of 8onBi8tin4 te a!!ellants as

tere is no re8ord of an> 8ommuni8ation beteen te de8eased and er moter after 

/?K/1K10/1 till date" tere ma> be 8an4e in 8ir8umstan8es" ma> be tin4s aBe 4ot better 

 b> te la!se of time" tis non7aBailabilit> of te transa8tion beteen te de8eased and er 

moter" leads to 8reate a reasonable doubt so as to te 8lear !osition of te 8ase and

8reates ambi4uit>. )i4 #ourt stands erred in te 8onsideration of tis fa8t of 4reat


It is noteort> tat tere are material dis8re!an8ies in te statements as en te

de8eased in er statement to te eJe8utiBe ma4istrate on 1'K0?K10/'9erein after alle4ed

d>in4 de8laration< stated tatG 7 While a&usin# he &rou#ht his &urnin# li#hter to "y

 olyester saree and set "e on fire. I #ot &urn in$uries. *y in+laws don,t li!e with us. *y

hus&and too water fro" the &athroo" and oured water on "e. Srinu% ne-t door 

nei#h&our ca"e there and heled uttin# the fla"es off.' It is !ertinent to note tat en

te usband alread> !oured ater on te de8eased ten at as Srinu sain4 er from

Tis 8ertainl> raises sus!i8ion in te minds as to te unambi4uit> of te statement. Tus"

d>in4 de8laration re8orded b> Do8tor 8reated doubt and sus!i8ion and it as diffi8ult to

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a88e!t said d>in4 de8laration 7 ,oreoBer" it as eJtremel> im!robable tat

a88usedKDa>abai ent to is ouse" brou4t =erosene tin and entered a4ain in ouse of 

de8eased and !oured =erosene on er 7 It as also diffi8ult to belieBe tat bot of 

A88used a4ain entered in ouse of de8eased and !oured ater on er 7 If a88used reall>

intended to set de8eased on fire" tere as no reason for tem to 8ome a4ain and !our 

ater on er 7 )en8e" !rose8ution did not satisfa8toril> !roBe 8ase a4ainst

Res!ondentsKA88used and Trial -ud4e ad 8ome to !ro!er 8on8lusion in a8Huittin4


• Tat te )onFble )i4 8ourt in its order solel> !la8ed relian8e on te d>in4

de8laration itout !a>in4 eed to te statements 4iBen b> te de8eased to te

ead 8onstable and eJe8utiBe ma4istrate.

Te 4eneral !rin8i!le on i8 te s!e8ies of eBiden8e is admitted is tat te> are

de8larations made in eJtremit>" en te !art> is at te !oint of deat and en eBer>

o!e of tis orld is 4one" en eBer> motiBe to falseood is silen8ed and te mind is

indu8ed b> te most !oerful 8onsideration to s!ea= trut a situation so solemn and so

aful is 8onsidered to b> la as 8reatin4 an obli4ation eHual to at is im!osed b> a

 !ositiBe oat administered in a 8ourt of @usti8e.1

 )ere in tis 8ase tis is not te situationas tere is no sense of im!endin4 deat eadin4 toards te de8eased at tat !oint of time

i8 8reates a san8tion eHuiBalent to an oat. Te statements of a de8eased !erson

relatin4 to te 8ause of is deat or te 8ir8umstan8es or te transa8tions i8 lead to

te deat of te a88used are onl> admissible. ' Also it is !ertinent to note tat te deat of

te de8eased as due to se!ti8emia so8= leadin4 after ante7mortem burns" and not tat

of burn in@uries. Se!ti8emia so8= is a disease ere tere is seBere infe8tion i8 leads

to deat eBentuall>. Tis 4iBes a 8lear indi8ation tat tere as no im!endin4 fear of

deat and te statement 4iBen to te eJe8utiBe ma4istrate as true and itout 8oer8ion.

Te se8ond statement 4iBen b> te de8eased is a 8on8o8ted stor> framed b> te famil>

1 State of 3u@arat Bs. Da>abai -asin4 and Anr. 100?#riL-1*" 9100?</3LR+2 Per E>re L.#.% in R. . Wood8o8=" 9/?+< / Lea8 :00.3 Publi8 !rose8utor" A.P. B. A!!allaneni aribabu" 9/?:< / And WR '0* at !4. '0

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members of te de8eased so as to ta=e reBen4e and frame te a!!ellant under te seBere

8ar4es so tat te> 8an fa8e !rose8ution.

• Tat te )onFble )i4 8ourt in its order didnFt !la8e relian8e on te ambiBalent

statements of te de8eased and te 8ontradi8tion leadin4 tereto.

One of te im!ortant !rin8i!als enumerated in Cusalrao B. State of %omba>* if tat

ould aBe been te 8ase" tere are to d>in4 de8larations i8 are not in 8onsonan8e

it ea8 oter " If eBiden8e relied is reasonabl> 8a!able of to inferen8es" ten one in

faBor of a88used must be a88e!ted.: Were te Bersions 8ontained in te d>in4

de8laration is found to be in8onsistent it te a8tual fa8ts !rodu8ed" less im!ortan8e

sall be !la8ed to it.


 In Cisan lal B. State of Ra@astan


 it as eld b> tis )onFble 8ourttat ere te d>in4 de8laration as been dela>ed and made later" it as not at te time

en tere as imminent deat eJ!e8ted b> te de8eased" tere as in8onsisten8> in te

to d>in4 de8larations inter se and it as eld tat i4 8ourt erred in la. Were tere

are more tan one d>in4 de8laration and bot are in8onsistent it ea8 oter" itFs not

 !ossible to !i8= out one su8 statement and base te relian8e on it for te 8onBi8tion of

a88used on te basis of it.+ 

2% W6-#6-r #6- 6i6 "$/r# 8@ i# im!/n- $r-r #an "$rr-"#- in r-ar #$ #6-"$n4i"#i$n $' m$#6-r, 'a#6-r an i#-r $' Mr% Ani

To Huote te releBant !arts of te se8tion itselfG7

Se8tion *+ A 6 

  M(a) any willful conduct which is of such a nature as is liely to dri!e the wo"en to

co""it suicide or to cause #ra!e in$ury or dan#er to life% li"&% or health of the


It is !ertinent to note tat te se8tion itself demands te 8ruelt> to be in re4ards so as to

 brin4 an> !>si8al or mental dama4e to te oman" i8 in te resent 8ase is !rima

4 AIR 1958 SC 22.5 Ra8a!uti Na4esara Rao Na4ara@u Bs. State of A.P. 100:91<ALT9#ri<;0" I9100;<D,#*/06 Surinder kumar malhi v. State of .!. "1985 Cr.#$ 1436 %!&7 /0 AIR 11;8 'amla v. Sate of !un(a)" AIR 1993 SC 374

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fa8ie missin4. It is also noteort> a88ordin4 to te fa8ts tat te relationsi! of te

a!!ellant and te de8eased ere strenuous and tat una!!iness ouldnFt amount to

8ruelt>. Te material on re8ord !rodu8ed doesnFt su44est more tan tat" letter of te

de8eased to er moter tal=s about te same. In State B. C Sridar " ere te !rose8ution

relied onl> on te in8ident of una!!iness of te de8eased it er usband and te

alle4ations as onl> in form of su44estions" it doesnFt establis 8riminal 8ar4es and

en8e 8onBi8tion UKS *+A is im!ro!er.

To Huote te releBant !ortions of te letter of te de8eased to er moterG 7 M e hardly has ti"e

 for "e. We don,t #o on outin#s any"ore and he is always &usy in his office. I thou#ht he would 

 suort "e at least &ut instead he says I "arried you &ecause you &ecause you are fro" a &i# 

 fa"ily and if your father could not do $ust this "uch then what is the use of "arryin# you.' Tis

statement is 8lear indi8atiBe of te fa8t tat tere as onl> una!!iness beteen te de8eased

and er usband" and one more !oint i8 is ort noti8in4 is tat te in7las if te de8eased

didnFt liBe it tem" if tere as some alle4ed mental 8ruelt>" it ad also 8ome to an end and

onl> te una!!iness in te relationsi! eJists i8 is eBident b> te !art of te letter of te

de8eased to er moterG7

/ow% &ecause of Anil,s $o& we ha!e rented a new flat in *uher$ee /a#ar as his office was far 

off earlier. I a" hay here as the life here is eaceful. /o "ore taunts and a&uses of Anil,s

 0arents and sister. They do not stay with us &ut once in a "onth they ee !isitin#. I hoe

e!erythin# #ets fine soon. I a" tryin# "y &est.'

9 2*** Cr #$ 328 %'ant&.

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Page 15: Applicant Yashswi

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 In the li#ht of the issues raised% ar#u"ents ad!anced and authorities cited% the counsels for the

 Alicant hu"&ly and fore!er ray &efore this on,&le Court to indly:

a< Set aside te im!u4ned order of te )i4 8ourt

 b< A8Huit te a!!ellant from all te 8ar4es and set tem free.




And for tis te A!!li8ant as in dut> bound sall foreBer umbl> !ra>.

(Counsel on &ehalf of the Alicant)

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